Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 26, 1882, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JAN. 26,1882
:how pm tn.: month and year ttp to
.. r ..uly•eription is paid. It yortratib . -
, r ipti4at is. so )11 to ezeire. please Rend in
ii - 30 nil• a renewal at - OnCe, that we way
y o u tiie paper right , along. fiend ill
c v , ‘l, 1 v•itl:ont delay.
_L. A. \V e. ter i 4 ant general avot. sotto
jot, tho aoutitera i west
zre portioe or the County.
AD I-ANcE jx PRICE•OP sunscß.ria.
Tile rintlersigned. publishers and proprie
h, of the Bradford Reporter, Towanda
j., linAtirourt IttruuLics.n and Brad.
f rd Argus. published in Towanda, Ps., hav
iievere loss in the publication of
respoctlve wipers le.on the heretofore.
extiom-ic I ilv in ice per annum. hereby mum
to mike the isobreription price of
h oar papers respectively, on and after
th „ Fir-,t of January. 1:482, One Oiliar and
riizs Lents per annum. Arid we hereby
gar. e awt pleage onrnelven to each .•ettier,
neo:i our our honor as business Inen, that we
orictl: nod invariably adhere to the
t ,, h s of thi4 offilerstatniing. To make this
~ . .'::op:etuctit *legally binding, we have ( -more ( '
. loonti, with penalty and forfeiture. for
of of the terms o;• thin azreement,
A;i paid prior to January Ist.
!ic V. "XII bo taken at the former rate. • Itces
or Alvrrti 4 lao,' in all eases to bo, iiitlependeat
of r übscri it! h tn.
! • GooDMCII & HITCHCOCK, Reporter.
D. M. TURNER, Journal.
mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post
ctic'e as follows: re.
Pnil., N.Y... and Eastern States
li,p,liore. Laporte, kc
L. V. way mail from the Nottli
...!wsbequiti i&C ..
Ne,V Era. kei,.. Tuesday. Thursday and
2,93-i am. A:e l Stonclay. Wednesday aud • i
Trey. Burl' gton. kc • 1:00 P. V.
L,l; ivsvillb; Rome. kc 1•00
Clo ,: d pouch from Erie and li Clt as 2:30
L. V was Mail from the 50uth....... 4:35 '
L• !Thy f;;30
cr,,T; t •ti pot 1i from Elmira and ER B 10:40
Cintn.u, ILl;unroe.tou, kc .. 9:00 A. X
1.041:;li Valley way mail South 9:15
Ci- , sed pouch Elmira, Erie and North.
era Central Railroads ' 10:00
Tr. y. Burlington. Sc .. 10:00
&c,. 12:00 M.
I:ar •lay • 1:00 P. X
Nymr-gra, Tuesda,y Thursday and Sat.,'
}•vlun, Monday. Wfid:.ea lay and
•F. I.lay ' 1:00
TA:aysrilk, Rome, kc 1:00
....... ---.... 2:45
Vailey way mail North 3:15
, rk Phila. and Eastern States. 7:15
open trout 7:00 a. M. to 7:45 P. at. Money
nnh•r ,:lice open from 8:00 a. Zl. to 7:oc P. at.
on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:20 a. ar.
P. PowELL, P. M.
Ci,iee II:011S at C. M. Myer'd market.
may p-tf.
to C. Itlye-'s market, Bridge street,
f,.: it, he. , t cuts of fresh meat. 31.3 y 19-tr
-:n.11 lake tirth and silt water flail a.t.:l
C. M. Ay -r': .
tirld4tt streot. . j
- 19-tfl
el:-Irgt.• for delivt-ring, and done
!;4.:“ C. M: Myur's roari(tt, Bridi;e:
Mar 194
Vs . 1 i'et mb's ruay bC fuund
ot .11LE. of Letters" b; Morley.
,! t % :.n• !be tc xt hooks ivied by the "late-
A-- , ;(l3tiolt of the Church of MePOiSil"
. 1 v s ut, " Enpliah Liturature:"..
l'ow.:(.rt• has a large stock of Sash
iamds, also Mo!zlings, and is
.:par than any other establimlinThnt
—G. L. t:an rea Griot:cue:4 yory cheap
expenßes are vvry flis
(.1.1 , 11e.rA shall have the benefit by buying at
lira Ward 81,1 re.
A ; wimksonte UI tillcviou of wite:a 'Wth Bingham the celebrated Boy Orator
American pine, Canada tir, marigold, kor Ph ladelphia will give an entertainment in
k !
the , 11.,E. Church. Towanda. Asturtlav even
;blos-olps, .•t.., fragrant with the 1'1,4
Jan. 28. Tickets 25 cents. Children
. I.ale.aro and of pine. Saellisrl in g•
anger 12 yearti 15 cents. Donrit open at 7
Cure for Catarrh. Coot- .
• t; . (-Ittoletit $l. „ um. j o'clock and entertainment will commence
I at 7:30.
1) to' at 4, mice, roaches ant? amp; Par
>'Extermimltor. Barns, granaries and
e:varel in a dingle night. No
Ltd sni.•ll4. B,dt and cheapest ; vet
. r ;I : e world. Sold evercwlter:•.
4 J261m..
v:::t.c.:ibb's book toka may be fo •nd
(.1:-ar Wiltio',4 poetry sod hie cele
, •• 11..,!tut0 un tho "Eoglish Renaie4aace."
•le'ivered la New. York, a few even-
We cannot have the big wan
in Tpwatula, jut we. cary real his
otter cravinge after the tinuttt Fable:
A.l):ic•talwrs of there. L. S. t., ahottbi rest
"Light Aaia"iirvonnec
u. tLeir ,ftutliea,cin Ar.tiettt
can (,ril;r it at Wllitcornifdliaak Aure.
1.7,11. Den iieis Sufferings.
r. H. Drake, E q., Detroit, Mich., suffered
I au'Lle svriptiou frum a skin disease,
a:.!cu appeared ou his haUds, head and face,
and ipzarly destroyed his, eyes. The most
`careful doctoring tailed to help him, and after
xd had faile , l'he used the Cnticura Roscilvent
'bino-d purifier) internally. Cutictira and Cali
nra ,the great skin cures) externally. and
enreci, and has remained perfectly well
This steam power-mounted on wheels is
rt•,i , :.: and may be easily hauled With a
t•+'u to any de fired point. It is adapted to
t';.•• , :misim of frtnEsurNa ?dscntNEs,
n I wing, feed cutters, portable law
r 11 , 1 . ; „t her light machinery. It is of
c ,, nstruetion. durable and easily
1. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
County, - N. Y.
• •
!ir,O. 41ralitunL4 of this db3esse when
arLitl uul havitig painful .?ettsation4
~ e• noon trorn bed In- the
' a stillness in the joints accompa
-1 a: ital . 's by sxelling and redness; all
;••:•-:..ians re lammend the application of an
rc:rr edy, something penetratinl an.l
• , zl.n.g; an article that will act a 4 a curs
•v. to the parts affected. Dr. Boast!.
Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief tip
-1,. Ikea applicatioti. lame back, pains
r it is an invalnal 3 liongelvAd mow-
your druggist for it. Price 75 cents.
t.—damired by Tile Bosaulo Medicine
.• Piqua, 0. . For sald by Clark B.
r. Eld Ward House Bhck.
:::.• 2-Iyr.
A Card
,ii.• great pleasure in calling the tat
'. of *mu: friends and customers to Dr.
Cough and Lung Syrup which is
Itriniess, pleasant to the taste,. will
Li4 ,- ...tte, and gives relief almost instant
-1 not how severe your Cough
many cough medicines you have
r hotv many ph y sicians you have con
!it% tonic, soothing and healing pro
this medicine will loosen it and is
:l.: :h.. 'Throat and Lunge to.eipel the offend
n*ttcr, (caving them in: a healthy con-
•o, tree from irritation, and the air pie
•"' " clear, besides invigorating and
. :•guivoing the general system._ Price 60.
For the positive cure of Consump-
Colda, Asthma, Bronhhitis. Dry
Loss of Voice, Irritation of
:t.- rt.roat, Sorer.ess of the Chest, Pains in
Spitting of Dined. Croup,
Whooping Cengh. and LtingTever, we
Nn , :ncod this. medicine above all others.
, Yours truly, CLARK B. Poona,
/ Y. 8. End Ward House Block.
Ere frequently preceded by a sense of
irtight in the back, loins and lower part of
-(. 11 ,.11,nnen, causing the patient to suppose
has sumo affection of the kidneys or
/2ight.g)ring organs. At times symptoms of
!4d/,;('Sillirl are present aa ffatulency,!iineilisi
,:,ss-ot the stomach. etc. A moisture like
:::spiratinn, producing a very disagreeable
.. .quiz, particularly at night after getting
sun tv he& is a very common attendantt
" t '-rtiki, External and Itching Piles yield a.
, In the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile
Enledy, which acts directly upon the-parts
"Itet'd, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the
Itching, and affecting a permanent
te where all other remedies have failed.
/)“ nnt dtliy attic the drain on the system .
Permanent disability, but try It
.",`,''• he eared. Price. 50 cents. Ask your
[or it, and when you cannot obtain
of !IP.II, we will send it, prePlid, on reniPt
g,p , oe. Address The Dr. inioko Medicine
""- piq a. Ohio. Bold by Clark B. Porter,
End of Ward Hiatus Block.
'blue 2-ITr.
It is rumored, that an od trellis to be sunk
at Biansfield.
C. F. Baylee has been re-ailpofnted posts
master of Troy. -
Revival meetings are being hold in the M.
E. and Disciple churches at Smithfield.
Lots of run at Towanda Minstrels on Fri•
(lay dveniutt
Revival meeting@ arw being held in the IL
E. Church at Troy.
Pink-eye has made its appearance among
the horses of Leltaysville. -
There will be an exhibition In the M. E.
Church. at Warren Centre. on Friday evening
for the-beneftt of the Warren Garnetßind.
John Bredahaw of Ruh, li4 solo a
farm on Wyaloang creek to E. L. Palmer,
ficently from Grand Island, Nob. • .
The family of Iles: E. A. Enos. Rector of
Chit Choral, rtceived the addition of an
infant daughter on Thursday of hat seek.
The Wyoming County Agricultural Society
declared a dividend 0150 per cent. on capital
stock, at the last meeting of diri3ctora.
While walking down Chestnut Bt. 6111 the
other day, Mrs. D. 0. DeWitt slipped on the
aide wails injuring herself quite seriotialy. •
Hon. John C. WWI% of Susquehanna
county. has been elected President of the
State Agricultural Society.
; On Wednewhty evening. Jan. 25, Rev. C.
H. Wright delivered his lecture on Charles
Sumner before the Orwell Library. Associa
The meetings's', the Baptist. church, con
ducted by Rev, 0. T. Hallowell. are Increas
ing in religions, interest and will be contin
ued throttihbut the week.
.. 4.00 a. m 5
.. 10.00
.. 11:00
A *series of meetings are being held in the
Union church et Liberty Corners. couAuctrd
by - liev. Mr. Foubinder, pastor of the M. E
3. M. Ayres, the enterprising North To-
wanda merchant and market man, is Skim:
his ice lipase with ice fay ten inches thick,
taken from Sugar Creek.
Wednesday 'evening, Feb. 1. Rev. C. H.
Wright will lecture in Orange Hall, North
Towanda, for the benefit of the North; To
wanda Sunday School Library.
Whenever vaccination will "work" the
small-pos will, "take." Moral:—Be vaccinat
ed at once and every time the small -pox
comes aronn I .
. Spalding Huse entertainment will - take
place in Waverly, Thursday evening, Feb. 16.
The "boys" exuect to surpass all their pre
viol; a efforts.
"Josh Billings" will lecture, at The Opera
House, Waverly, Friday evening. Feb. 17.
The lecture Lifer the benefit of the Protec-.
tivo Fire Police of that place. .
-The boys of WareaPtalk otiorganizhiing .
an anti-eatch-on-a-gled sockty. Wacerly
• -
Pass some around this way. • Towanda
boyi need it.
There is a fumor that the Edo r - Pi. I will
remoV , e every man in its employ who la ad
stliete/ to the use of iatotiilating drinks. A
'bettersrcile for a railroad comnany adopt
eould!not be snggested. —Journal.
Allen, of Philadelphia, who hap
frrquently viEated this place as the attest of
Col. Means, died at his 'Tableau° in Bryn
Hawn on Tuesday. Ho was a. leading busk
nese man of Philadelphia. •
Heir. Dr. Taylor. Will 'lecture at a onblie
Meeting of Asylum Lodge, I. 0 0. F., No.
408. at Grarge Hall, Duren, Pa., on Friday,
web. 10, 1881. All who feel interested are in
iited,to be present. The Committee of "Ar
rangement. are B. C. Chilson, D. - L. Fell and
Myron Friable.
Mrs. Charlotte Pcirter, cif.. of L. P.
Porter, lormerly of this place, was, ordained
to the ni t inistity•mf the Uoiversaitst church,
at Snsroolianna on the 19th, i"st. 11.-r eon,
Rev. 0.4. Porter, who was' the first pastor of
the Church of the Messiah of this place,
pr'fached the ordination sermon. Dr. Wm.
Taylor assisted in the ceremonies.
Go see the "Virginna Hnatmy" at Mercnr
Hall on Friday evening.
Rev. Dr. Taylor is abont to' sever his rela
tions with the Church of the Messiah, of
which he has been pastor (3r four years. He
is called to wider fields of usefolness . else
where; {►nd while hie many friend*, in the
.Church and out, Pi neer ely• regret the 'depar
ture of himself and excellent wife, they are
justly proud of the "golden opinions" he has
won by his talents and earnestness se a
woriar for the cause of Uni verealism.
Sunday last was a "rattler." that is, the
wind made the windows rattle. But,. a ft er
the fine weather we have had so far this
season, we must remember that
"Old Tinter is here again alack I . Y. 4•
How icy -and cold is be 1-
He cares not a pin for a shivering back,
He's a saucy old chap to white and black,
He whistles his chills with a wonderful knack,
For ho comes from a cold corintree I"
Last week a party at' Arziot enjoyed . them
selves by having a mock trial of Onitean.
The : prisoner was found guilty and sentenced
to death. The victim Was huspeirlod by the
neck while a war dance:34s held around him.
Ile son became Wadi in the face, and
one man in the crowd was eober enough to
ree the situation and cut him dOwn. It was
a close cal—Canton Sentinel.
"I estimate that there are, on an'average,
54,969% worms to every acre' of garden pro.
perly lertilized." Darwin, his new book.
"This tallies exactly with my count when
I've been pleutirg my garden and did'nt care
a red cent whether I fond a wriggler:or bet;
but when I wanted bait'for fishing the worms
never panned out a bakers' dozen to theacee.
They bad all emigrated to ibe garden of
some some .unappreciative fellow„ who never
caught fish with anything-but five dollar
bill. Towanda Fisherman.
l'eople will be interested in knowing that
after thd payment for the monument to the la
mented P. P. Bliss 'mud wife, at Rome, there
remained of the fund raised by the Sunday
Schools $157, which was in the hand of his
fellow worker, Major D. W. Whittle, at the
close of the year. After consultation, the
committee decidpd to purchase a musical
strument for the 'two boys who are living
with their aunt, Mrs. Ellsworth. The money
was sent to Messrs. John Church & Co.; of
Cincinnati,. Mr. Bilge pubtisbers, and they
generously responded by sending the boys a
beautiful Chickeriog No. 1¢ urpight piano,
which reached them on the anniversary of
their father's death. Mr. Bliss' children are
Paul, ten years, sod George, 8 yeah old, upon
their next birthda i ye. They are, Major Whit
tle says, "finehealthy, bright,_ ton
happy boys, 'both - with a good deal of -their
father's joyfil tetpenment.r
• •
Ed. Sherry has been, appointed weigher of
mails on the Erie road for the coming - two
months.) Mr. Sherry has been in the em
ploy of the Lehigh Valley company for about
eleven Years, and has proved himself au In
dustrious, competent and reliable man. His
appointment pleases; his large number of
friends and acqunintapoes.- 7 Er.
The other day a third ward man bought an
overcoat of a pedlar for only AM and as it
was a perfect At. thought it a great bargain;
His wife has since informed' him that it is
his old overooat dyed and tatouteil. She
traded it off bust summer for a. plaster vase.
—lthaca Journal.
A woman canoed a commotion at Wadena,
Minn., by wildly chasing a big dog and cry
ing "Stop him I ho hasirwailowed a twenty
dollar bill." An -obliging botcher promptly
caught the beast, killed him mid recovered
the money.
10 . degrees below zero Tuesday morning.
The Troy Muglie has it "new dem" of type.
It is improved to appearance.
The neirid. E. Church atiThster wet dedl
: mated Jae. 19. !
Reserve seats for Towanda - Xtlnstreis• for
sale at Kirby's: Price at..
Prot. Danielle gate s hop al Elmira last
Friday evening.' -
DO not !alto' hear Ralph Bingham In the
ht. E. Church on thitintas evening' next.
Church of Qui ; Nawaaa. Wm. Taylpe
Pastor: Bay. 4. A. Wastall of lookpart N.
T. will preach 'at 10410 a. as.. awl Tr. p. m. .
L On Tuella*, erebingd Jam 24, Bev. C. H.
Wright lectured before the Orwell Lodge, K.
subject 'll.'W H. Knighthood."
— The Ploigali haying, Bend: bezel revival
work in Ipr.,llranshalle AIL IL) Church .at
Itinabaniton„last we*
The Lehigh Valley railroa.k.with corainend•
able liberality, will . hereafter carry clergy.
rben, otall deniiminatione„ at half rates.
• The various Christian denoniiost4os of
(button have all uourmatice.l •`series of re
rival intetings.: -
Wi are lorry to lcitrnlse Wilson is
qeit2 serioosly ill at his residence in *Ala
A little son ut-ktr.Ebner, Second .Assistani
Postoruter-Genersi; tell and broke his mu,
last week, but is getting along nicely.—En.
lies. Mr. Wcstal of Lockport. N. Y. will
preach in the Church of the Messiah. on
Sunday next. • . -
Dr. C. H. Scott of Sayre has been *PPoio l.4
ed Coroner's pbYincian by Coroner Volnryi.
The ladies aoolety the Oitorch of Messiah
will hold their nest rooial at the reoidence of
Q. S. Russell; on Third St... *Neiklay. evening
/an. 31st. All are enrdiuuly iuvitod tonttend.
liplirsa White, of the late s t-called."Smith
fluid riot case," has become the permanent
got.4t of Bradford mints; and is now:stopping
at the county inu at Burlington.
You cannot fail to enjoy yourself at the To
wanda Minstrels - oti Friday. evening.. Ad
niission 25.35 and 50 cents.
Fa.SheriffDean and wife are in town, visit
ing their eons John and Horton, who stilt re
main in Towanda. ' •
The N. Y. Lackawinna & Western railroad
Co. has bought the Magee lot in Elmira, ;on
Fifth and State Stn., 200 feet by 800, on which
to build freight demi and othej buildings.
. The friendS of the t rv. J. Loyd Jones will
make him a donation visit on Wednesday
evening, Feb.. Ist, at. the M. E. Parsonage
Monrooton. All are cordially invite.
Mr. Chauncey Lilley Of Bernie° was thrown
down a shaft some twenty feet or more in
depth, striking nn his back and inflicting
some painful but nos dangerous braises.
We publish on the fourth page of this
weeks's issue an interesting letter from G.
W. Kimberly of Duluth. Mimi., on the "Held
of Lake Buperior." It is worthy of a careful
Mies E. Bay Yentz, they talented 3 - onng
actiote, whois quite clown here, ha 4
commenced an - enga'gcment at Wallactee new
theatre in New York.
Mr. Henry C. liher!span, aged 29 years,
brother-in-law of Mn. F, Coverdale of this
pace, died at Norwich To•vn, Conn. t on ine
17th. He left many friends to mourn his
ra,ly death. • . - =
Revival mentiuis are in progress at the F.
W. Baptist Church in Fast Tr e y, n nder the
conduct of Rev. Hiram Payne.- Rev. H. B.
Trinell is also hol•litiq revival meetings at
the Burlington church; .
Mrs: Albro Vincent au aged lady liviWg sr
the upper eudof Bridge street. died on Wed
nesday of last week. Her funeral was • het
on Friday aftertioon. Dr. Taylor and Rev. C.
H. Wright uniting in the services.
; Mrs. Anna Hill, the mother of Mr. Warren
Hiltorthis place, died at the residence of
her grand danghter, Mrs. Geo. 8. Peck, Jr.,
at AthenS, on Prid last, at -the age of 79
A 'ate Titietvi:ln. Ky journal gives a very
fla'tering notice of the surgical skill shown
by Dr. W. Patton Griffith. who went from
Towanda not many months since, and his
already gained a fine- practice in Louisville.
lie has our best wi4ltes for success.
The friends and nit:inherent the Evangeli-,
cal church at Highlands, will have an oyster
supper oblate evening of Jan. 27, 1882, at the
house of Mrs. Vieldy for the benefit of their
Pastor, Elder J. M. Hiner. A general invita
tion is hereby extended. Clointrrrzz.
"New Orleans wharvei are to be lighted by
electricity, for vebiela to unload at '
after the binning sun has gone." We hadn't
thought about the burning sun,but often no
ticed that more schconers were unloaded in
Elmira by gas-light than daring the day
time.—Ebnika Gmeite.
Rev. E. F,Roberts, pastor of the M. E.
Church at Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., died
6 . 4 Saturday bist. Mr. Roberts was a Chap
lain in the Union army and occupied several
pcisitions of trust=ami responsibility in the M.
E. Church.
Drs. AngleA Hollister have jast placed in
their handsome ollice, an elegant dental
chair of the latest and best style, from
White's dental t . dept. Philadelphia. This
makes the second chair of the kind they have
placed in the office and is evidence of the
rush of business that has greeted Dr. Angle
since his return front the western trip he•
took for the benefit of his ilealth..
The following officers were elected fort the
ensuing term by Mystic Lodga(No. 40, IL it
L. of 11: 4
Protector—Mrs. E.A. }Claridge..
Vice Protector—Mrs. D. M. Dayton.
Crplain—Mra. deo. Ridgeway..'
(} ide-I.Mrs. F. E. Post.
Seoretary and Fin. Swig —George Ridge.
way: • -
*astirer—J. R. !Claridge.
Giardian—F. E. Post. •
Seiginel—O. 111; Myer.
Trhatees—GeorgeS ' Eaten. P. E. Post. ltd.
lleciical Examine r t—Dr. B. M. Woodburn.
While in Washington recently. we were the
recipient of unman:ins favors from ex-Sheriff
Wm. Griffis of this county who hold's the post•
tion of Doorkeeper of the Senate at the
Capitol. Hr. Griffis, who; is admirably well
fitted for hie position, is attentive, polite and
comPeterit and. seems to be a favorite. His
frank , courtesy dude a ready 'acceptsiice
from the Senators, Representatives and other
OttiOSIN and he keepi all the details of tined
need in a marvelous way.—lioy Gazette.
Coasting deadest.
It is undoubtedly one of "inalienable
rights" of every American youth, to, "rive
down hill," provided there are bills and ono*,
bat this pastime should be , indulged in *lib
some degree of caution on streets of a pope-1
lone town. It is strange that so few seal
den 4 have incurred in this place, and yet if
all the injuries and deaths of the peat , ten
piste could be recalled the list would be sp•
pilling. Thursday evening while a boy was
bitching tip John E. Ward's spirited house at
the stable on Popular street, a boy on his
sled ran against the animal, Lightening her
so badly that she dashed down the hill to
Heresies coal yard at ligh g speed, break
ing the buggy into frigmbuts. - Freed from
the wagon the mare proceeded up River
.street. D iligent search was made, but no
trace of the animal discurvered until' yester
day about noon, when she was found quietly
feeding in acorn-stubble !Held of- E. Horton,
near the ferry in North - Towanda, apparently,
imirjured. —Friday's Maki&
A douatloo for the_ benefit of Bev. J. L.
Jones, will be held .at the residence of M.
Darwin Stone. in West Franklin. on Friday
afternoon and evening. Fen. 3d. 18$3. Ap
eve invited.
-Burgess Alger is visiting his daughisr.i
Mn. Gladdhm , in ColuMtds t0w 811 44 6 _
—Mims Belle ?At is • sisietng *hinds in
ihichestir, M. Y.
• ' hums hei tki!s.H .
,bl4til's relative, hillithitetiiN.,!.•
• . •
P: toenail, LllPartei was "dB?
inn filial& in town last week. ~
—Ciapt. E. A. Binhling has resigned his po•
sition as cashier of the Second National Sapki
Wilkee!Balre• -t •
—John Base ' an employe of Olt Water
Wee*, who hasbeen fifes Mexico -for the
;nisi year, is back again.
—Dr. It. A:Everitt has -vetunied: to bar !
Heaton to teatime prat** apd wW make that
pleasant, village his future hetes.'
and Mrs. Drains of - Coopers
toirn,- N.Y., are visiting Mr. Win Drape and
Mrs. A. D. Dye on Main Si.'
—Superintendent Bran atkuldo4 a meet.
tag of the Count; SuperinNindenia of Eastern
Pennolvania in Reading s hilt week.
-Mr. E. B. ?tidies. who •is pursuing
coungiof do is at the Owego. N. Y. /Normal
School, i 4 home. on a visit. -
-M. P. Moor - wind hhi soMitolaw IL H. Petah
are in New York, selecting and goods
for Mr. Patch's' new Moro at Sayre.
,-Geo. H. Howe, Orwel4 and W. H. Carey
of South Warren. students of Crwego timed
sctiool, are spending vacation at their homes
Be,. Mr. MoGlaihery and wife, of Philadel
'Ms, are speeding a few _days with the lat.
toes sister, Mrs. &forcer on Franklin street.
--Wilke-Barre Union Leadea.
=Bennie Waters, formerly with Frost'
Sons. and for the past six months employed iu
s Bradford furniture store, is 'visiting his To
eauf!a friends.
—Rupert Gregg, eon of Frauk Gregg, of
rowands to , wnship, who holds ielpensible
position ate railr, Ind engineer in the West,
is viii Unit* is parents.
H. W. 'Natick Emq.,,is able to boon' aaain,
after having been 'confined to the Unit.
several weeitw by 'a severe atmek of rheuma
I ...
. —Prof. Albert improved the vacation by
visiting the public sc. ools in Elmira, Canton
and Athena . Mr. bent is a wide-awake
educator. .. * .
—Mrs. Sartotius, accompanied by her bps
band and children. will spend the winter; in
this country. She is now in Washinz,lon and
will soon go to New York to visit her parents,
Gen. and Mrs. Grant.
L .—Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Camp. formarlyi of
Tunkbannock, have reached Minneapolis,
Minn. Mr. Camp pronounces Minneapolis
oue of the most thrlviug as well as tpidd •
e owe% cities he has ever seen.: ' •
—Miss Sarah Moody has just returned from
a three months' visit to triends in Topeka.
Kausas. Miss It says the winter has been
very pleasant there, without any snow or cold
storms. •
--Mr. A. L. Bunyan; assistantSurberintends
ent or t tbe Ce:ntral express eompiiny was in
town on ,Wednesday. Banyan has his
headquarters as Eashm and is spoken of as
atraffable gentleman as well LB an emcieni
business man.
Dr. T. B. Johnson, wo regret to learn, io
anfferfeg from an attack of goinity, which hat.
kept him in -doors for the. pa 4 week. His
numerous patient. and other friends hope to
see him out again soon and in the enjoyment
of hi. 4 tpttal good health.— Review.
Annual Meeting of the Bradford Count!,
Agricultural Beatify.
• The Innu4l meeting of, the Bradford
County Agricultural Society, for tho electiok
of officers; will be boll, at Towanda, Pa., in-
Heretic Hail, on Monday Peti7pth, 1881
o'clock p. in. • J. 4NDItE7 Wp.r. Seleyv •
quit) our firemen by attending the
To n audit !dinette! 'oi. Fri•iay evening.
Coal Thieves Captured.
Ou Wednesday of last week officer Burnm
arrestid Asa Pool, Eugene Pool, Emerson
Pool and Fred Thompson for stealing coat
Prom tlie Barclay company:: They were
caught in the act, as they were jnatiabmit - 1 , )
make a haul when they were nabbed Thp
all tas l ii guilty before Justice Cod ling and
were committed to jail in *Mat or ball.Jour
A Prodigy Coming.
We Pre inhumed that Blaster Ralph Bing
ham; Who i 4 known, as the - "Elocutionary
Phenomenon" will appear in this city next
Thursday night aid give one of his unique
entertainments . He - recite* selections from
it - arion l s authors in a style and manner , sur
prising in one of mature years oath yet is oil)
nine years of age.. The inspers in the place:
Where' he has given exhibitions see enthns las"
tic over this wonderful genius. —Mutiny:Ado.
Among the many ru mors of newspaper
changes is one to the eif,let that the first of
next, Month the Wirr.riv Review and the .
Binghamton Sunday 21-pune are to be - eon. :
solidated for the purpose -of running a daily
4 tv
and Sunday paper in tho.." Par or City.", ,9
issue of the Wever:y dilly will therefore e
discoatinned.—Advertiser. - , . '
• A correspondent wishes to know the origin
of the expression, "My cake is dough?' : Wo
aro glad to give Shakespeare u authority fOr
what may, at first Melt, appear to be elm*,
and yet is really a'classical expression: "`"-
"My cake is but
I'll in among the rest:
Ont of hope all hit my ebare of the feast."
"Tenting of the Shrew." Aot V. Scene 1.
-2892-18 U.
Manta Mairtage Asysiversary
" On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
11. Davies, of Athens, celebrated the sixtieth
anniversary of their wedding day. Mr.
Davies was born in Wales, February, 1794.
Mrs. Davies was born in Cherry Valley, N. Y.,
in 1863. Thby came to • Athens sixty-two
years ago, and live on the same land pur
chase. 4 Imilthe Davies family. atltliactime. TeP
children werebcirn to them,i eight of whom
are living—_one son and seven daughters.
Twcrsons died-in the prime of manhood.
Not all the rani* were present on Tuesday,
for ono daughter and family live i n Califor.
nia. Another daughter resides in Day City,
Mich. .All who could not bo present sent
gifts and loving remembrances.
The son and daughter, Mr. E. W. Davies
and Miss Minnie M. Davies, reside with and
care for their aged - parents. There were
present their daughter, Mat E. M: Elliott, of
Canton, Pa., Mrs. Charlet; Marsh, of Ithaca,
N. Y., Mrs. Jennie F. Snell, of Milan, Pa., an d
pia grand-children, Miss Elliott, Misses Lottie
and Anna Snell, Mi-s tunnel Marsh, ind Mas
t,er Eugene Davies.
The neighbors who came to present theif
affectionate respects to the venerable couple
were Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Clapp, Mi. Car•
roll, and Miss Mimicker. :
As we gathere.l around the - wedding ,bin
quet; the bridegroom of silty years hid the
place of honor, at the bead of the table; and
we thought bow beautiful is the old age of
this silver-baired simple ; surrounded is it is
with the loving ministrations of relstivei and
, ToUir gifted daughter, who yields a ready
and graceful pen, read a 'poem she had writ
ten iD honor of the occasion.
Long may this noble christian pace dwell iu
the serene content of tho "land of Benlah "
before they cross the river to ante' upon
their heavenly inherttance. /IL 4. 8.,
Poneends Grange.
Bradford and Sullivan Pomona Grange, No.
23, will meet in regularquarterly session in
the Court Rouse, in Towanda, on Thursday,
Feb.'2d„ 1882, st one o'clock p. m. BilstaUs
,lion of °Moors and other important . bndooss,
should attract SNU attendance. Hon. W. A.
Armstrong. editor of the iTusbarulman, wIU
address the meeting in the evening.
Committee of Arrangements—Maj. E. W.
Hale and wife. B. F. Bowman and wife, Hon.
IL L. kkelt and wife, D. 0. Han and trite
Leslie Ml ii, Miss Elms Horton, S. W. Alvord.
Damns Kimirit, Bee'y.
Jan. ik 1882.
014INTILLB zrzma.
• .
The HOO. L. 8. Tavtor.l is still on the doh
list bat we are gir3 to lay be Is slowly Ito.
poling. I
Mr. Adam In* hat two sisters staying
with her this winter. and cue of them has
been quite sick of late, boils now better.
Jan. 18, 1889. B.
rya IM4LZ?P
There his been no new.ciiiist innali-pat
in Towanda ahem our Wit - tient,' and thaw
that were W with the loathsome dhow are
fast convalescing. Oar Health Committee
have every hope of- an earizi...withw_ 'eradiate
tion of the disease. The bolie: beak oa the
hill col:dal:4n every case .1101 r in town
0111. wrioi guaran i)* eitillitions and
everything in the way of tied and other cloth
ing used will be buried upon thS disappear
ance or the digits's. Nobody 'is allowed to
enter, Or-leave'-the premises.' - That email
pox 'as bid its nu .hs Tointeis, it are
looddesii, boa, ‘ 4l O attic! more dan
ger hi - pustule conikg then to stay
at hotel,. "'"
47. - 2.-tv'e:` 7 _ l-- '.' -->c, ::: :,
The nest meeting of the O. L.S CI. will be
held it the residence of lira. Karla Watkins,
Friday evening Jan 27; at. 77 o'clock. The
wurk of the evening will be a review of "An
cient Literature' from page 178 to 221; also
"questions apd answers on aniiient literature"
onlmille 2 2 3 , Jot JanYarY qieeluquals• Pe* :
Albert wilt act as leader at next meeting of
the Circle. ,Essays will bel read on various
subjects. /1 fell attendanie of members is
requested. The Meetings et the Cl. L. S. C.
ire constantly iticreating in interest.
The attention of members is called to au
article on the "Phldian Age of Sculpture" in
Februa number • pf " Th e G l adioli itagatiqe."
scrwoz DISTRICT zaaßanzsg.
• We have not the law at hand to quote
from as we write, bat state froni recollection
of its provisions, that the oommo.t school
law of Pennsylvania provkles for,the estab
lishment of District Librarian, under the
direction and co tarol of the_ board of dire°.
tors of the district respectively. The library
required to be kept in the• most central
school house of the district, sod when entail-.
-sled She threetors,sre reqoired tO . provide
alpihstantial library case iri!elook
,and key
'which the boats are to be kept. They may
loaned to the several sub-district achools
'or sae, but'must be returned again _to the
library. • The establiahment of such libraries
would, be: a 'trainable aid in' stimulating
scholars and teachers to gather-information
upon many profitable subjec's not found in
the class books. For Instance, the annual re-
Ports of:the Commissioner of Agriculture are
published by Congress and frirnished to mem
bers for 'distribution among their constitu
ents. While • there is is note sufficient num
ber to regal "all,. they would be of much
greater pubitc benefit if they were furnished
to the district libraries, and there kept to bo
real by the scholars and patrons , of the
..ohools. They contain valuable information
n - various subjects agriculture,
, orticulture, floriculture, ornithology, bee
culture, the rearing -of sheep, - hogs, horses.
o stile, kn., profitable for all °hares to know.
Tnerepe many other books—the Smithson
,an reports. Ettlogieslo Congress onedepart
-1 eminent men, &a., published by order of
Con.mas fordistribntion. that 'might profit
s ly be kept in these libraries, Ina few
ye 4r. , by a little effort there might be a vain
sb's collection of books gathered far each
di.trict library._ The first duty of they. school
is to provide a case where they i nlay be kept,
and then make application for boors.
.Our member of Congress...M.4 Morin, is
highly interested in the cumin of education,
and if applied to by any of our school boards .
of bie district, would no doubt be glad to
furnb+l3 such hooks as he may have for dio
tribution for the nurpose indicated.
We make these 4 Aggekelone. in the hope
• hat our vehitol pay think them wor
hy of adoption for itarbßeflt of oar echo do.
Beet Louie talent in Tar Inds Minstrels on
Friday evening at Mercur
Natured Wonder.
A very wonderful, ev..nt itfluvu re occurred
27.:11 , 80, in the birth of a living child.
*perfectly and beautifully, formed, weighiug
only one pound and ,four entices with. neces
sariclothing awl blanket. It was the daugh
ter of P. J. and Clara Mane, of New Albany,
Pa. When laid on the hand of its grand
mother, lire. Elisha Bump, with its' head on
her wrist its feet rested on the ends of her
lingers. l i ' mother's ring slipped easily
ever its band and elid - readily to its shoulder.
ISM foot could be entirely hidden by hold
ing thelmother's Anger before it. No shoes
but those of a doll
_Could be found email
enough to fit it. Though bright and intelli
ont,:it had to be fed with a feather endear
rind on a pillow for six months.
Of course she attracted a great `deal of at
tention, and many physicians and others
came long distance, to Imo the great (or
usall) curiosity, as it was believed to be the
smallest living child ever burn, of which
there is any record. The proprietor. of
Wood's Museum, iu Philedoipdta. wide the
little maid a visit, and succeeded in itiducing l _
he parei;its to have it on exhibition at the
liasettur; compensating them well for - tieing
so, and* was the g reatest attraetion of the
season. Siiteen hundred tickets were sold
iu one day. But io a fii,w months the child
had grown so much that the parents returned
with her to their home, where she became
their delight, as she was very &ethic) and intel
ligent, and who • about thirteen months old
began to rod alone, then her cunning little
golden curly head came Jut
„even with - the
seat of a chair, and she weighed about tamltro
pounds. It was very amusing to see her jump
and clap her hands at tlitrreturn of tier
father. -
But Daisy's life was all too short. That
dread scourge of children, cholera infantom,
seized nu, and at the eid of mitt short week,
September 10, 1881, the 'afflicted-parents pre
pared to lay their darling and beautiful Daisy
Idlers the dahlias will , blociii above her for
many a sommer.—S. F. Bnowx, Dinkhannock
[Received Ivo late for last 'week's issue.]
Your correspondents in getthog up the
items of news in ituions parts of the county
seems to have cat efolly avoided this nook of
creation. Now inasmuch' as wo do aome
tim. s change the programme , to break tee
monorony, wo will try ourself to keep you
poited, if perchante anything does happen
worth of your notice.
Our place consists of one store, owned and
presided over by F. E. Welles; one wagon
shop, with blacksmith shop attached, owned
by Lincoln Brothers, who are practiced work
men, and turn out a long amount of first
class work. We have as good a school house
as can be found lc the county, • and - a well
conducted school. - I notice that a number
copies of your paper cornet ip this Ace, and
I think that by a Hubs effort the list could be
largely , increased, for a paper -of its inde
pendent position and clear ringing tone on
the - *sues of the day ought to corn mend it to
every thoughtful reader'.
Thklre are several rumors of matrimony in
the 4ir , which will be noticed as soon as eon
_J.• A. Weller and sire are viPiting.
Mewls in Auburn N. Y..
Mrs:Carrie Beach or thnithrield is visiting
friends here.
Miss Ida A. Weller of East Troy, is spend
ing a few weeks visiting relatives here and at
M. J. Weller hag entered Into a contract
with D. M. & E. U. linlbert, wit °teazle dry
goods merchants, of, Binghamton,• to travel
for them the coming year. •
Dick Monroe, the man of small-pox notor
iety, is Bing very low with fever.
All small-pox cases in this vicinity have
recovered, and the danger of its spreading is
now past. • - °cowman.
- The lecture delivered by Heys C.H. Wright.
of Towanda, on the 18th leg)" was excellent
in its subject. constructs* and delivery.. He
dwelt briefly. but definleAKand
ted on "Charles fitimder'Plia a : reformer,
statesman and rot t ityr.. Mao ePon he moral
character and his place in , ,history. He is
worthy of being held before the world's gaze
as a noble example. We fell bumble in the
presence of such eminence end sublimity.
Mr. Wright receiving inspiration from " his'
=Melt. was equal to the emergency. The
quality or thought was rich. the language
choice, arid the delivery forcible. _
Dr. llcearty. of Elmira. N. 14, mUI lecture
on Wedneiniay evimlug. At: 11. Doors open
at 7 ; lettere to commence at 7 1 /i.' gtubjees ;
" Homes." The Doctor's fame as aTiadrer
is very extensive. Ho_raulni among the fore
most lecturers of Oki' land. We 'should avail
ourselves of this. rare opportunity.
-Grover is a flourishing little .viliage.' lying
on the Northern Central Hailros4, abOut four
miles loath of - CMOs ittol two Milk north
of Clarpenteth: - - ii,i lOU approach , the town
from Cantosi-the'ltelkbtudoers place that
moots yowl's= *ea.& Wright'slarge siore.
This ins very 111111di0M6 building, altheigh
being built of wood, it twin ornament to tho
town. As put - enter the store, you meet the
smiling countenan of. . W. T. Newell, 'the
head clerk w whose . * tls always - on his bust.
nes., except. when ".-11s, on the Anti° &own
house on the bill. AC you app*sob the rear
of the building here the Post Wee looms up
before yon:: There you yon find _l4 proprietor,
Mr. n.-Wright, 06 mfortable . ate), always
attending to his businese. 4 • -, ..
Ai we' pass along through tutu the next
placo'llutt meets our gaze is the dressmakers
shop, conducted by two very estimable young
ladies, one formerly from Atha, and the other
front Burlington. May success follow their
The next plaCe we meet is the wagon shop
of G. W. Vermilyea's, and blaelimith shop of
V. W. Sheffer, both being condueted In the
same building, and they are turning oat
some fine work. -
The next is the armory store. of H. :,D0
• Holcomb: Here
• you alera2 s And 'a happy and
quiet crowd: H. D. leforms as Wit he is:do
ing a nice little bpsiaesafin the grocery traxtei
and also baking a good-male of oysters.. Ho
always keeps Brat class goods.
The_ next is the store of of Verniilya tc Bon.
Although their building is small; they keep
a first chin ;took of all the articles for sale in
a general store. °
The nest is the blacksmith shop of G. W.
Wetherbee. George bas worked at his trade
fora number of years, and, be
. never has done
much . bragging, but he is a No. workman.
The next is the Tannery of Mr. Adam lone..
Tbi4 is a very enterprising 'establishment.
It is a great help to the town. as he keeP
numerous hands in his employ.
The oeg factory also is doing - a thriving
btusineks, puying'iu about 14 hOurs daily, and
turning out abo4 150 tnl7s iniiihels of pegs
a day. It also mi'?enis to be a great place to
manufacture stokes' fin the Wiles room,)
but we will pass that over for this aim* to
be a failing among women.
Grover is very quiet at this time, With tbei
exception of one or two families. What a
pity that the hasbind's , hair could not
have been some other color, besides red.
A 120,00 Bibleaf • Beteartf.l 4
The publishers of tiestledqes konaly in the
prize puzzle department of their Mori/4 for
February offer the following ,easy way' toe
tomeotiO to make $20.00:
To the person Inning as which'is the short
est verse in the Old Testament Scriptures by
January. 10, 1882; we wilt give $20.00 in gold
as a prize. The money will be forwarded to
the irinnerFebrutry 15: 1882. Those - who try
or the prize must send 20 cents in silver (nu
postage stampetaken) for. their answer, for
which they will receive the March number of
the Monthly, in which will be published the
name and address of the winner of the prize,
with the correct, answer thereto. Out tins
out ; it may be worth $20.00 tolyou. Address
ficitiedge Publishing Company. Easton, Pa.
DIED. _ 1
Notices of death, inseriedjree; but when ac
companied by remarks beyond six, lines, either
in prose or poetry, eau! addition will be charg
ed for fit the rate of eigld cents per, low. Eight
words make a line.
N, B Persons sending •obituary not i
ces for
publication will please accompany t he same
with the . pay at theYate of one • cent for each
word in excess offorly-eigld words.
nTSPANB.—In Fink, Adair Co.. lowa,laii.
19, 1882, of Appopiexy i of the Brain, Marry
T. Sc. phone youngpit - son of Henry and
Louisa 8. Stephens:
copeor—ln Monroeton, Gordon T. Copaet,
. of Diphtheria, Jib. 221,1882, aged 7 years,
1 month and 3 r!a; a.
KELLEV---SMITH--In Latin', Jan. 17, 18821
by D. K. Mott. Esq., Mr. Knee le Kelley and
Weltha Ratite, both of Leßoy, Pa.'
SHOEMAKER -- BULLARD— On' the fled
hat.- by the Rev. Win. Taylor, G
ornaker. of Rush. Susquehanna county,
to Mies R. Lodiska Bullard, of Alt uhuppea.
W;oming county, Pa. '
GORDON--DECKER—At the 31, E. Parson
age, Rome, Jan. 19. 1832, by Rev.
Keeney; Mr. G. 31. amon, of Standing
Stone. to Miss itinoieiDacker. of Wysor.:
Wo will furnish the REPIJBLICAN with any of
the foliowing named publications, from. and
after January 10882, as the rates named be
tow, which includes the Ravvistmear with the
paper named:
Now York 'Weekly Times, $2 45 •
Semi-Weekly Times. 3 80
Weekly 100
Semi-Weekly 4 00
New York Daily Tribune, - 10 75
Peiladelphia WeeklY Press, .... 250
Pbiladeliiiiia Weekly Times, 2 80
Harper's Magane,r, 4 ........•4 GO
Harper's Weekly, . 475
Harper's Bazar,' ; ... 4 75
The Century Magazine (S cribner).. 4 75
St. Nicholas, • 4 00,
Popular Science Monthly. 5 50
North American Review.
6 50
AMericau Agriculturist, 260
Atlantic Monthly, 4 75
Country Gentlemen, 995
Rural New Yorker,.... • 395
Toledo Blade, 2 75
Wide Awake, .-3 60
Pansey 200 .
Little Folks' Reader • 2 10
Demorest Monthly
.2 10
Godey's Lady's Book 1 65
Peterson's Magazine,.... 3JIO
Scientific American,.... ......... .4 25
Burlington Hawkeye, 2 85
The Nursery; 2 60
The Farm and Garden 2 00
Y wuth's Companion. • 2 75
at'lslo. '2, Patton's Block,
WILL REMOVE to the large and
commodiru3 store formerly onxtipipd
by M. E. Solomon & Son, (one door
north of Feleh & C 0..) where he will
be- prepared to offer the best bar
gains in •
in Northern Pennsylvd;niti.
To facilitate a removal, wisklo
reduce stock. To reduce stock, .I
Reduce Prices]
To prove this — assestion, call. at the
old stand NO 2 PATTON'S
. _ BLOCK.
Ttiyan4a„ Pa., .UE4 26, 1881.
I- t.
. .. in MALES
" • PI
- •
Of evom usiotf.hod iffoothoSoi. Particular
attention paid to repairing. Shop in Dooms &
aughn. dressy atoro,Main Street;
d; Toosoefo,
Poits‘ mio
.• •• •- • TOWANDA -•-.
Cieneral Dealers in ciaoogaits AND PNODUCIE,
Dopler of Hain and Pine Streets. •
Plant per barrel
Mohrper sack
Buckwheat Flour. 1 1012:.
Corn Meal . -
Chop Weed , . .
.1 bushel ' - 1 8035
2144 ' " ,
7 5i
Corn, " 50
buckwheat, " , .... 2531)
Oats,. I. ......,..... 45,15 4C
Beans, .. - , R '6o
~ Potatoes, 00_w,
Apples-Green, 1 1
bushel.. -15E0' 90,
Apples Dried. Vlb - s _,
Peaches •• .• ....-- .. .12g115
Beapberries Dried 1 M . .. WO
Blackberriew 0 " ...: 10 , -
Pork. 1 barrel ' , '2O 003322 00
Bann. V lb .„
• r'• 14
Lard. '' • 15
Butter, In Tubs a SUMS. T s *
Butter, in Bolls 25 - '
Ot i e l er Seed IA bushel..... -. . • wows 50
Timothy seed 1 bushel.. ' S 25@i
Beeswax, 1 lb 20f522
Syracuse Salt 1 barrel...
Michigan Salt •' • ...-
Ashton - Salt- "•• ...
()Mous. 'si bushel 9064 00
Ito. 40 South Third St. Philadelphia.
Stock bought & sol 4 either for Cash or osi Margin
u.s. we, tat, rat • • 1603 i 'or
" Currency, 6's 125 • 126
.• 6%1881. new, Ext ,1024 101%
• 4%, new t .. . 114% 114%
4 . 6, 1, • 117% .117 %
Pennsylvania R. 11, - 61 614
Philadelphia and Reading 8.8.... 38% 33%
Lehigh Valley R. R • • 62 62Y
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0:... 43% - 43 4
United 11 J It 11 and Coal C 0....... 14 145
Northern Central It RCu ! ." 49 3; ' 48%
Hestonville Pass Rlt Co t " la • 19
Buff. Pittsburgh, a. West R, Et Co .. 20% 21
Central Transportation Co • 33 35
Northern Pacific, Com 3634 sax
4. .4 Prerd 75% 75%
Northern Pennsylvania R It . 59% 60
Philadelphia & Erie U R - 20 20%-
Silver.lTrides) ' 9936 9211
Legal Advertisements.
Notice is hereby given, that there has ,been
filed in the office of the Register for the Probate
of Wilts and granting Letters of Administration
in and for the Connty of Bradford, State of Penn.
sylvania, accounts of adminiatr.tion 'upon the
following estates, Viz:
The first and final account of Will i am J. Davis,
executor of the last will and tes ament of John
Davis. late of the township of Pike, deceased.
Final account of John Brasted, executor of the
last'will and testament of Juan R Brasted,
late of the township of Wells, deceased. -
The fi at and final account of M. W. Angle, ad
rolniat for cunt terfamenfo ammo of Cynetila
Johns° , late of the township of Standing Stone,
deceased. .
The first and final account of Stephen G. Chaf
fee, evccitor of the last will and testament of
William Chaffee, late of tho township of Warren.
The first and final account of Charles C. Lan-
IcastAr, administrator cum testament° annexe of
the - estate ( being within the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvan.a )of 'Angelo M. Paresce, • late ,of
Loyola 'ollege. in the County of Baltimore and
Stato of Maryland. deceased
Tho firsiand 'final account of James W. Nlch•
oil. sdiniallstrator of .the -este a of Charlotte
Noyes, late of the township of Burlington, de
Final account of M. Knapp, guardian o
Samuel C. IV:lcOx., minor child (now of age) o
Wyman Wilcox, late of township of Burlington
Final account of John A. Keen; esecutok of the
,'apt will and testament of Mary O. Emery, late
of the township of Standing Stone r deceased.
Final account of C. G. Gridley, guardtan of
Pt.oba Anna Wise (now Pluebs Anna Sills)
'Final account of Holiste*Xatlin, administra
tor of the estate of Witliam H Locke, late of the
Borough of Canton, dec•ased.
file second and Anal account of Hollister Caf
tan, one of the executors of the last wilt and
testament of Nelson Reynolds, late of the to wn
ship of Canton, deceased.
The second and Arial account of C. G. Gridley.
w'ministrator of the estate of Jacob O.7Cr. late
of the township of Orwell, deceased.
Final account of Shubel Bowman, administra
tor of the estate of Alonzo D. Proof, late of the
township of Terry. deceased.
Second and part , al account of Edward Welles.
one of the executors of the last will and testa
ment of Ellen J. Welles, late of the township of
Wyaiusing. deceased. -
Final account of Lydia 31. liurritt. guardian
of Lewis H. Fitch. minor child of Lewis H. Fitch,
late of the township of Canton. deceased.
Final account of semantha S. Ridgway. execu
tor of the last 'will and testament of 4anirs C.
widgway, late of the township of I-Franklin, de.
Final account of N. 8. lloaley,- of
Helen Fraley, George Fraliij and Andrew Fraley.
children and heirs of Andrew Fraley, late of the
township of uidgway, deceased:
First and fluid account of Edith J. Landon,
Warren Landon and Eldsh Landon, executors of
the estate of i.harles W. Landon. late of Canton,
And the same will be presented to the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County, at an Orphans' Court
to be held at Towanda for said- County, on
Thursday. the 9th day of Feornary, A. D. 1882.
at ;&ii i clock P. w., for confirmation and allow
'7 . JAMES. H. WEBB, Register.
Register's Ogle ' dirands, Jan. 7. 182.
On the matter of the. Anal ic - eount of Edward Et.
• Horton, faecutor of the last win and testa
ment of Caroline F. Wright, late of Canton,
In the Orphaa . 's Court of Bradford Co., Pei: -
The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by
said Court to distribute the tends 1n ...the hands .
of said Esecutur, u shown by said account, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at, his
°glee in the borough of Towanda. on Vriday,den.
27th, lvtki, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where
all persona having maims on said fund must
present them, or be forever debarred from com.
lag in upon the same.
O. D. HOrNWr, Auditor.
t-LTowanda, din.. 6,1893-3 w
Estate of Jotut OaDivan, deceased, isle of Wells
township, Bradford
Letters testamentary under the Wit will and
testament of the above named decedent having
been issued out the Orphan's Court of Bradford
county to the undersighed upon the estate
above named, notice is therefore hereby given
just all persons indebted ta said estate; must
make immediate payment. and all persons hay.
lug claims against the same, must present them
duly authenticated for settlement to us. •
T. SULLIVAN, l Executors .
• W. J. BOY, •
Wells P. 0., Pa:, Jan. 6, 1882 -ew•
Estate of Noble Leavenworth, ;teenaged, late of
Herrick, Bradford county, Pennsylvania. -
:Letters testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above named decedent, having
been issued out of the Orphan's Conn of Brad.
fnrd county to the undersigned upon the shirr.
said estate, notice is therefore hereby given that
all persons indebted • thereto;_xual make Mime.
diate payment, and all persons having claims
against the same must present trim duly authen
ticated for settlement to mw. ;
P. B. ERMEES, Executor
Herrick, Pa., Dec. 19, 1881.—luirc.
P. o:address, Bununerileid Croek, Pa.
Estate of George Williams, deceued.late of the
township of Terry, Bradford county,. Penns.
Letters testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above tamed decedent, baying
been granted by' , he Orphans Court of Bradford
county, upon tqe estate above nsmed,to the un
dersigned. notice is therefore hereby given that
all porton' indebted to said estate must make
bitmediite payment, and all persons having
claims against the Mat must present them duly
authentuated for settlement to me.
84111 MIL H. WILLIAMS, Executor
New Era, AL; Deo. 9.1881.
L . ii_ L illiU[liplo:U
- Estate of R. S. Buns; :deceased, late of Rome
township, Bradford county, Penns.
Letters testamentary under tho last vaill and
testament of the decedent above named having
been granted to the undersigned out of the Or
phan's Court of Bradford county upon the above
eitate, notice Is therefore hereby given that all
persons indebted thereto must make immediate!
payment, and all persons having claims against
the same must present the same duly authenti
cated foe settlement to me.
Rome. Ps.. Dec. 21. 1881-6 w
Corner Second- and B pLeOet,NOrthweet,
near Pennsylvania Avenue.
Rooms and board from q to $3 per diy.
Bedstead rates by the weekOr month.
Jan 1141
.s66ireek is your o'm town.. $5 COWS
free. No risk. Everything new. Cap
ital not required. We - will tarnish
ion everything. Many are making
fortunes. Ladies make is much as
men, and boys and girl*make greatpay. Reader,
if you want * business at which you ma make
greatmall theltime you work, write for partic
ulars to H. Ilia,urrr & Co.; Portland, Mains.
'Deo 16-Iyr ~ L - , • .
THE maassirs.
Corrected weary-Wednesday
$000875 22A
1 1800
0300.• • -
Pltn.i... Turaimi. Deo. 19, 1881.
.-,, . "
.. -, ".: iir ="1"1 .. ":4,7.,...?, _- - '
too'; '.. .'
' . -, fi. . '
. . . „,kii
HZ CUTICUItd. TREATMENT, for the cure of
Skin, Scalp tad blood Dlaeasea. consists in
Internal two of Couccraa Braotvaxr. the
new blood pariflor. and tho external use of CM
tOtrat add Comma Soar, tho great akin cures.
Will McDonald, 2519 Dearborn street. Chicago,
gratefully acknowledges • curs of Halt Rheum on
head, neck, • face, arms and legs for seventeen
years; not able to walk (weeps on hands and
knees for one Isar; not able to help liiniuwM for
eight yam; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors
pronounced his ease hopeless; pcwwlsbenii7 cured
by Cutlet= Reiolvent (bloodyczifier) internally,
and MMus and Cuticnra Soap (the great skin
clues). externally.
1 65(51 75
11. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y.. cured
of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand
ing, by the arrscrum Ilmoi.vrorr (blood prtriSor,)
intensify. and Coricana and CIMCL'IA Seapithe
g rest skin , mires,) externally. Themost wonder
fol cue on record. Cure certified to before
Justice of the peace and .prominent citizens.
All &filleted with itching and - scaly diseases
should send to na for this testimonial in Mil
, v. H. Drake. Esq.: Detroit, lificbiwur, suffered
beyond all description from a skin disease which
appeared on his hands. head and face, sad Dearly
destroyed his ayes. The most metal doctoring
foiled to help him, and after all bed failed he
used the Cnticars Resolvent (blood purifier) in-
Cutictira and Cnticurs Soap She great
skin cures) externally, and ens cured, and ban
'remained perfectly well to this day.
1 GO
2 7503 00
Mrs. S. E. Whipple. Decatur. MI" a, writes
that her face,"head and some parts of berbody
were almost raw. Read covered with Nabs and
acmes.. suffered fearfUlly and tried everything
Permanently cured by Cuticnra Resolvent (blood
ruttier) and Cuticula and Cuticura Soap (the
great skin cures.).
Wanedles are for sale b 7 en druggists • Price
of Li:intim:lra, s Medicinal Jelly, smell boxes. 50c.;
large hoses, sl. Cwrzmas Itzsoz.vorr, the new
*good Pnriller, $1 per ' bottle Ctrintris IHeDIG
nat. Tower Boar. 25 cents; (ltructiss. Manzansz.
SHAVING Sosp„, 15 cents; la-tars for barbers and
lame consumers. 500. Prinelpsl,depot,
- WEEKS & POTTER. Boston, -Mara.
.. .
cAT .krl - ii..: iip.RH
• : .‘p
Sanford's Radical Curd.
Had Colds, Watery Discharges from tho Nose
and Eyes, Ringing Noises in the Hess, Nervous
Headache and Chills and Fever instantly relieved.
Choking, putrid mucus is dislodged, membrane
cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweet
ened, smell taste and hearing rest red, and con
stitutional. ravages checked. - •
Cough. Bronchitis, Droppings into, the Throat,
Pains in the Chest. Dyspepsia, Wasting of
Strengtliand Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc.. cured.
One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal
Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's inhaler; in osa
Package, of all druggists, for El. Ask for Sa.N.
•,..! Is not quicker than COL
! 4 ,
nVrOelLieTviAnlg pain
VOLTAIC P n L a til- d
____... ' i , Weakness of the Kidneys, .....
~ .1-, .
f,/ • - 2,.. Liver and Lungs, Rheum
: ,
.)- 7tplm. ie Nvralgia es , s llystUris :
404/45.rele nod Feverwnd Ague: Price
I b .- 23cUi. Sold everywhere.
(Formerly with Illendelmanj
Jewelry Store
With Swarts Sz Gorden's Store,
gain Street, Towanda, Pa.,
Where he keeps • FULL ASSOR,:, MEET or
. .
Gold. & Silver Watches
ifir His Rook is an NEW sad Of the FM=
'QUALITY. 'Call aud see for yourself.
lied& _ • .
A. BEVERLY SilllTll 2
AN -"D
Dealer in, Scroll .Sialr Sooda
Fine Blank Books
- EfT spEtuvry.
amateur's . Supplies.
• This department, of my bnainess is very coin
plete, and being a practical sawyer myself I know
the wants of my patrons ! ,
constantly on band. la , 21.25 worth of designs
for $l. Send for price lists.
Park street. -
P. O. boa 1512. , Towanda. Ps
fErrAszarurn ni 1865.] '
. HOWARD A: 110 W,
Solicitor of
jLe Ti Pir 7L" S •
our Emu= 21. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C., •
(Successor to Gilmore, Smith & Co., l and .
Gliipmen, Roamer& Co.)
Patents procured upon the same plan which
abovewas originated and successfully practiced by the
d arm
Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon reoelp t
stamp. isov.i 1
Mcustifacturer of and Dealer to
UCH AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, the popular
Chaielaine Braid,
: es
ErSpecialAttention given to commes
Hoots all turned one may.
SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for
Hunter's Invisible Face Po-.der,
Madam tsets, and
Shoulder' Brace Elastics.
Sir Particular attention, paid to drinking ladles
!astrat their homes or st my plies of business.
ore TIM= it Hildretb's store.
OF 1118..0WN
has. I). V. STEDOE.
• -
These Farm and Lumber Wagons are, without
doubt, the very best wagons now in the market.
The manufacturers of the Auburn Wagons us
making every effort to make the very best wagon
possible: smith such success. that they can
and do makes better 'Farm and Lumber Wagon
than any wagon-maims can make who ban not the
unequaled facilities possessed by the E. D. Clapp
Wagon Co. No wagou-maker in northern Penn- 7
sylvania can make as good a wagon in aU re
spects. - I refer particularly to the wheels and
Nothing but first elan 'timber, thoroughly
seasoned, is used, and the woods of the entire
running gears are soaked in boiled linseed oil
and thoroughly. .driixt before being painted, -.No
malleable irons are used. The Wagon Company
has its own rolling mill and make, its own no
fined iron, and that of the very best quality.
lir. Clapp, the President of the Wagon Com
pany, and an old wagon-maker of very higl=
ntation, a few days ago said to me: '• U we
exert ourselves to the utmost to make a lieUer wasps,
toe weld sof& if."
I invite an farmers And others needing nem
wagons to 'examine the Auburn Wagon beton
buy Mg any other. Try the wagon sad you wtu
be convinced th at Ido not claim too much for it.
Come and see the wagons or send for circulars
and prices. .
in the market—all well trimmed and tarnished.
and with either steel or cut shoes. a. may be
preisreed.._ •
Cutters delivered crated it arty' nallioad sta
tion st ume prices as sold st by me at my wars
hntuie. Special inducement to buyers early in
the season. Cutters supplied trimmed and fur
nished to order.
Ross Cummings gay. Straw, and Stalk Cutters
of any desired size. These ate t h e Teri .best
Feed Cutters and have acquired s'Elgt‘Muti.
Goa for the past twentydlTe years. Tor sale
also, Gale's Leper Cutters, Lion Cutters, sad ßaldwin Safety Fly Wheel Feed - Cut ten.
Farmers should cut all hay. straw and stalks.
AU bedding for stock should be cut.
For sale, the Celebrated Hock
ing Valley. Clinton. Burrall; and other excellent
libellers,. at low prices.
Platform Wagons, Buggies, &e.
Wagons in variety'of best and reliable nukes.
All wagons warranted to be as represented.
. Towanda. Dec. Ist, 1881.—tf
And had One of His
P-T-T1)4411104 , :%k024:Tz]
That by the. Rules of the ' Pateat Office
to procure
Models are not necessary unless special!: called
Send drawing and. specification, upon receipt
• f which we will male examination at the Patent ,
Office, and advise as to pateztsibility.
Send for Pearrutrr of berrnrcriass, free to gni
address'. , HALSTEAD* 1:0..-= -
Washington, D. C.
..Pahshers of Me emigres:Coma Reporter.
January, 5,1882.—tf
tine large Steel Portrait of
Engraved in Line and Stipple from a photograph
approved by lire. Gaillead as a correct likeness.
gm 18'24. Send for circulars and extra terms.
. • ?the Henry. BM Pablifthing Co. "
• Norwich. Glam.:.
'Jan. 5, 18S2.—ew
tint fatioual lank
CAPITAL PAID 1N.....'..5125,000
SURPLUS FUND .....1..80,000
This Bank offers unusual facilities for
the transaction .of a general
banking business.
. •
Has filled up the old lIONTANTE STORE with
a full and complete stock of FRESH_
Call here' fcir your Groceries. After you get
prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else
where fog his prices are down to rock bottom.
Farmers can get the tip-top of the market al
- Geo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex
change for goods of for cash.
_LI ties and- MUNI a specialty at the Ilartreiscax,
Job Printing Office.
. 1
Main Street, First Ward.
011 more convenient and established
himself in the Carroll Block, opposite Beely's
Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with
yr BOLOGNA SAUSAGE a specialty. All or
dere promptly delivered.
MTN. DEEDS OP PERSONS from an parts of
the world have been eared of this much dreaded
disease and are now living witnesses that they
hare been lamed from a terrible and natimekr
death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated
Free. Writ. fora Ciroolargiving full
Address Drs. GEO. CRANE k RV= RIORN,
Addison. N. T. Sept.3o,lyr. Gnu*.
for tbo. vs=
fob. 1.911.