Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 26, 1882, Image 2

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JuDs aoLooms. t nornisrow .
- - - -
"Reasonable taxes, honest expenditures. com
petent officers, and no stealing." •=- Harpers
- -
are Entered In the Post Oak* at Towanda u
THURSDAY, JAN. 26. 1882.
President Arthur, it is generally
acknowledged is acting prudently,
cautiously, and thus far, wisely in his
administrative policy. In selecting
-men for responsible position in the
federal service, he has followed the
policy of his lamented predecessor,
and shows a determination to recog
nize all elements of the Republican
party. He is proceeding with ex
treme caution. When men are sug
gested for prominent and responsible
positions, as in the case of Ex-Senator ,
Sergeant, of California, for Secretary
of the Interior, he waits after their
candidacy' is announced for the re
turning response of public sentiment.
If favorable, he acts in response to it,
if unfavorable the applicant is reject
ed, The public responses to the sug
gestion of Mr. Sergeant's arpoint
ment were extremely unfavorable, and
it is now conceded that he will not
be appointed. He does not stop to
inquire whether the applicant is
classed with this, that or the other
faction of the party, but is be a Re
publican, is he capable, honest 'and
acceptable to the people? This is a
safe and wise rule, and if followed'
will keep his administration from
public scandal and the bad odor that
grows out of bad appointments.
There is • some dissatisfaction ex
by public men who thought
they would be able to dictate the
policy ofs- his administration in the
matter of appointments, and by this
means bring • the party again under .
their control. They are disappointed,
while the Republican party is becom
ing more united and etrenger through
'their disappointment, No Republi
can has a right to complain, while the
party is treated as a material unit,
and no ostracism is exercised against
any portion of its membership be-
cause: of disagreements in matters
pertaining to party policy only. Men
may honestly disagree upon details
and methods 'of organization, while
they fully agree and are in perfect
accord upon the fundamental , doc
trines of the party. In such case,
one is as good a -Republican, so far
as the question of his politics go, as
the other, and so President Arthur
has shown a disposition to regard it.
If he pursues this course his adminis
tration will grow stronger and strong
er in the popular estimation of the
Plifißlateu Ti llg ar 13n haVX.dis
/Llll3 1.4 1:11
one-sided and proscriptive policy
'toward a large element of the party.
• The Republicans of Allegheny
county have set the ball rolling for
popular -representation in our ap
proaching State Convention. When
,the Standing_Committee of the county
met last week to provide for choosing
delegates to the State Convention, it
was confront e d with a petition signed
by several hundred of the most influ
ential and wealthy business Republi
cans of the county, asking,that the
delegates to Harrisburg be chosen by
Legislative and -I Senatorialdistrict
delegate conventions representing
the Republican sentiment of their
districts, and protesting against the
continuance of the practice which had
prevailed of the County Committee
selecting a side-pocket delegation to
go to Harrisburg and misrepresent
their constituents in the interest of
personal rule. The Copmittee;wisely
acceded to the demandSW the peti
tioners and called separate district
: delegate conventions to choose dele-
. to Harrisburg. This is the
first fruit of qhe movement inaugn
- i rated by the Continental Hotel Inde
pendent Conference for reform with-
in the party. Allegheny is a very
proper place for the first impetus.
It is u principle for which, as our
readers will bear witness, we, have
long contended. _ We hope to see the
precedent followed by the Repub
licans of every county in the common
- wealth. We hope to see the Repub
licans of Bradford pursue the same
course. It will be in time to call-a
delegate County Convention the first
week of May , court to choose dele
gates to Harrisburg. Let such a
delegate convention be called, and
delegates sent to Harrisburg who will
correctly represent the Republicans .
of Bradford in the interest of party
harmony and party success. Repub
h l
er Bradford is an importantt actor
in our State politics, and we' hope to
see such a policy pursued as will
effectually silence tho Wolfe disaffec
tion so far as our county is concerned.
Place the party in position to claim
the support of,-every honest element
of Republicanism, and then we can
appeal with confidence for their sup
port of our party nominees. -
Hun the able, letter of Hon. Ed
ward McPherson to the Philadelphia
Priss, in which he argues strongly in
favor of, calling State conventions at
a later date in the Beason. He does
not, of course, seek to change- the
action of the Committee in calling
the Convention for the 10th of May
this year, as that is a fixed fact, but
he aims at the adoption of a fixed rule
to be operative in the future, to call
our State nominating conventions as
late as the first of August. -
Francis Murphy. the temperance
leetarer,is at ,work in Scotland.
Edgorged Cornap.Mdawee•
When we closed our letter of last
week it was generally supposed that the
arguments in the Gulteau murder .trial
would slow and the charge of the Court
would be,given - to the jury before the
end of the week, but such was not the
case and the trial is yet prolonged. Mr.
Scoville, for the defence occupied 'five
days in making his' plea, closing on
Fridity aftentoolt. There is a general
expression of disappointment in regard
to the manner in which Mr'. Scoville
treated the case. Heihowed irritability
and altimes was extremely discourteous ;
to the opposing counsel. He traveled'
out :of 'the record to make the mostl
bitter personal attack upon President
Arthur, Grant and Conkling. The at
tack far transcended the legitimate
futOions of a counsel defending a crim
inaLon trial, even for his life, and in
=Aping it he evidently injured his case.,
His associate counsel, Mr. Reed, took
occasion to dissent from Mr. Scoville's
1 line of argument. and to disclaim all
sympathy with such a view of the case
as attempted to hold those men person
ally responsible for: the murderous ad
of Guiteau. At the close of. Mr. Sod
villa's argument on Friday afternoon,.
Judge Cox announced that upon mature
deliberation he bad concluded to give
the prisoner an opportunity to speak in
his own behalf. The. District Attofney
also withdrew: his a objection, and the
prisoner said he would occupy two
hours in addressing the jury on Satur
day morning. •
atirrurr smuts.
On the opening of the Court on Sat
urday morning, 'the prisoner was given
a seat in the witness box. His shack
heing removed, he unrolled a large
bundle of papers, and made same pre
liminary remarks, the_ substance of
which we extract from the Star's report
as follows:
' "If the court please, gentlemen of the
jury. The prosecution pretend ram a
wicked man. Mr., Scoville and Mr.,
Reed say lam a lunatic. I certainly
wai a lunatic on July 2dmhen I fired
on the President, and the American
people generally think I was and I 'pre
sume you think I was. Can you imag
hie anything more insane than my going
to that depot and shooting the Presi—
dent of the I United States? You are
here to say I whether I was sane or in
sane at the moment I fired that shot.
You 'have nothing to do with my condi
tion before or since that shot was fired.
If you have any doubt of my sanity at
that moment you must give me the
benefit of the .doubt and, acquit, i. e.,
if you have any doubt whether I fired
that shot on my own account or as the
agent of the Deity. If I fired it on my
own account I_ was sane. 'lf I fired it
supposing myself the agent of the Deity,
I was insane,:_ and you must acquit.
This it the' law as given in the recent
decision of the New York court of ap
peals. It revolutionizes the old . rule,
and is a grand step-forward in the law
of insanity. It is worthy of this age of
railroads, electricity_ and telephones, and
it well comes from the progressive State
of New York. I liave no hesitation in
saying that it is a special Providence in
WfictilaTer 4/t. - ---- "
Some of the people of America think
me the greatest man of the age, and
this feeling is growing. They believe
in my inspiration and that Providence
and I have really. Saved the 'nation
another war. My speech setting forth
in detail my defence was telegraphed
Sunday to all the leading papers in
America and publiihed Monday morn
ing. And now I am permitted by his
honor to deliver it to you Only one
mistake occurred in it, and that was my
fault. I sent out a Christmas greet
ing, and the first paragraph of my
speech was taken from a printed slip ,
and I omitted -to erase the words
"Christmas, 1881'," which appear a few
lines from the top of the speech. The
sentence improperly reads: "To-day,
Christmas, 1881, I suffer in bonds as a
patriot." The wordi "Christmas, 1881,"
should have been erased. And here I
desire to expresi my indebtedness to
for the able and careful way they have
reported this case. The American press
is a vast engine. They generally .bring
their man down when they open on him.
They opened on me with all their bat
teries last July because they did not
know my motive and inspiration when
I shot the President. Now; that : this
trial has developed my motive and• in
spiration, this bitterness is gone. Some
editors are double-headed. They curse
you to-day and / bless you to=mor
row, as they imagine public opinion is
for or against yon; which shois a very
low grade of character."
After expressing his thanks to the
officers of the Court, the - police and
military, his counsel, brother and sister,
and saying he intended to - rewarit his
counsel with ample fee, he said: "I
return thanks to the: - honorable Court,
and to this bright jiley for their long,
patient attention to this case. I amnot
here as a wicked man, or -as a lunatic.
I am here as a patriot."
The prisoner - then read his speech
from a newspaper. The day-being dark,
a lamp was placed on the railing for his
benefit. AS he read he frequt ntly em
phasized a sentence by repeating it, and
he made occasional 'explanatory inter
jections. Once he stopptd and turning
to his torn coat sleeve, said: "There is
the' mark made by Jones's bullet when
he shot at me in the van as I was going
home to jail one day."
• At one point after reading a passage
from his speech expressing faith In the
Deity, whether he liyed or died ; he be
gan to cry like le school boy. He put
his handkerchief , to his face for a
moment, and then recovering his equa
nimity went on with his recital.
He had to pause frequently owing to
his inability to decipher the fine 'prin t
of the newspaper. He held the paper
in his left hand, and followed the print
with the forefinger of his right hand,
though he occasionally used his right
hand for gestures.
The jury, who have not had the oP.
portunity of reading , the speech, seemed
to enjoy. it. At one or two passers
several of the jurymen were convulsed
with laughter.; Thie was t,he casoespe-,
(Rielly - when the priemier , rea4l, extracts
from leis mail. When he came to recite
the Hues from the song of - •
"Jam miowea ewe
inserted in his speech he started to sing
it, but broke down in a laugh at the end
of the first line, and read the remaining
fines in his othinaxy tone of voice.
When he came to the part of his
spePxh complimenting JUdge Cox be
turned around 'so as to face the Court.
Then ho resumed his former position,
facing the jury.
• BOW To TRH way.
He finished the reading at 12:15, just
two hours after he began. When he
had lead the last sentence he made a
pidite bow to the jury.
Judge Cox asked if jadge Porter
would be ablelo go on to-day..
Mr. Corkhill said he iwould not, as
his physician had advised: him to wait
until Monday. .
The Court then adjourned till Mon
day morning.
Judge Porter, for the prosecution,
will commence the closing'argument in
this great murder trial; this, Monday
morning. His speech will pribably
occupy two days, and the charge of
Tudge Cox to the jury maybe delivered
on Wednesday next.
On Friday 'last as the prisoner was
being taken out of the court room at
recess he stopped to speak to Mr. &o
vihe, when Bailiff Tall attempted to
move him along. Guiteau turned 'An
grily and said to Tall: "Behave your-,
"Come, come," said Tall, impatiently,
trying to push' the p r isoner.
"Let me alone," shouted Guiteau.
Mind your own business." !-
Tall hiving applied 'some force to
Guiteau tile latter with his manacled
bands, struck the officer in the breast,
when he was at once seized by the
officers and hurried out of the court
There is not much of material interest
yet to note in the way of legislation.
A large mass of bine have been intro-
duced and referred to the appropriate
committtees, but few . have yet. been
reported . back. In the Senate the bills
introduced__ umber W2S and in' the
douse 3,2QQ, making . over 4 00Q bills
already before Congress. Mere than
twolbird,s of this entire number are in
the naturi of private claims for reiief
and for pensions.
Iri either-body of: Congress there is
not since the departure of Blaine, ,Conk
ling and ,Garfield, any Senator or mem
ber of — the House who stands out as a
recognized leader of the body of which
he is a.member. , In the House, Hon.
V m. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania., Ex-
Secrettiry Robeson,_of New Jersey, Mr:
Hiscock, of I,New York, on the Repub
lican side, aUd EX-Speaker Randall and
S.S. Cox, on the Democratic side stand
well in the front, but neither yet
developed the capacity to lead the
Tlr im py It.I6C V IVI MS orb Itlmul et sr
tried h is hand, a it in an effort to pass
the resolution reported from his Com
mittee on Rules, j proposing to increase
the number of memberi of several of
the most important 'Standing Commit-
tees of the House, and made a 'signal
failure. The ptirpose of the sup Porters
of the resolutiori was to appease some
diisatisfied members, by placing them
on more important committees case
of its passage. The House defeate& it,
by a yery iecidecl majority.
In the Senate Mr. Sherman and Mr.
Edmonds, may perhaps be called lead
em, but neither have demonstrated their
capacity' to an extent that entitles either
of them fo be called the leader of: the
Senate. ,
In my next I write more espe
cially.relating to pending 'measures of
legisfation. .- -
A national convention for the pro
motion of the
has be t en in session during the past
week in Lincoln Will, this city. Mitny
of the ' ablest women, advocates of
female sullr;ige, the right to sit on
juries, etc., engaged in advocating their
cause, have been present. Tlry have
attracted more •notice and more re
spectful attention than ever before.
A number of. promineat men who
have espoused their cause were present .
and toot part in • their. deliberations.
Senators and members of Congress
were frequently seen in the audience.
The President of their. convention
invited persons in the audience to•sub.
mit any . proper questions that might
suggest themselves to their mind for
their consideration, and stated tbSt
they would receive attention during
the discussion. , They were asked to
write them out and send them to the
chair of the President. ,
The question, "Suppoiel a woman
with a young aby was drawn on a
jury, what wold she' do ?" was sub-
Mitted. This was answered by Mrs.
Lockwood as follows : She said, "Why,
just the same a r S the old man if he had
a young baby. , [Laughter.] When
men are drawn on the jury and cannot
serve they are \excused. It 'should be
remembered that there were, perhaps,
100,000 women in this country
i 1
and never will have one,
,find jurors
could be Obtained from And it
should6beTemembered that r here'weie
many women whose children are out of
the way 7" '
This-is but a sample of i the many
puzzlini questions submitted, for dis
cussioni and they were generally very
sharply answered in keeping with the
spirit ink Which they were asked.
On the whole, , there is no doubt that
the cause of woman' rights is making
Progress and gaining substantial
Joel Cbandle.r
,Harris, the clever
chronicler ofillacle Remas' seings,, has
sketched out a. serial story, + . •.The Re
mance of Rockville." He is writ
ing a gory of old slave life in the South.
1. Young, Etat.has - been' tip.
poinbid Chairman of the Republican
County' Committee ifor the 'ensuing
year byJ.:Roleatab, Chaihnin of the
last County Convention. The, names
of the County ComMittee will appear
in our nest issue. -
THEM appears to be a chronie
position on the part of certain Was&
ington correspondents, notably of the
. New York Tribune, to 'belittle and
lind fault with Congress:: It wall be
time, when legulation is matured and
the Republican majority in the lower
House has made its -record upon im
portant public meiumres, for the .
Tribune to censure, if censure , is de
served, but until , then it would bo far
better for the credit: of the 'Tribune,
to strengthen and buildup, -rather
than to sow seeds of dissension, cal
culated only to create prejudice and
weaken' the power of Congress to
achieve good results.
To the Editor of The Press:-.
SLR: An allusion, in the West-Ches
ter Republican, reprinted in The Press,
to the perdtion I took in the late meet
ing of the hbpublican State Committee,
touching the date- at vrhieh our Repub
lican State Convntion should be beld,
prompts me to indicate the reasons
why preferred a much later date than
that selected. A discussion of this
question, now that it has been relieved
tof all personal interests, may be of ser-
I -
vice in he'ping to reach right .coneln
sions. .
1 -
First I favored the cultivation of a
sentiment in favor of substantial um
lormity of date for our State Conven
•tions, so as to'avoid these annual con-
troversies and the _ suspicions , which
naturally grow out of them to put up
on abundant notice all candidates and
the friends, and to escape the irrita
tions which have repeatedly come from
the 'fitful changing of the season for the
_Meeting ()Mho Convention. Such act
ion would have an immediate quieting
effect upon the whole party.
-Seeond—The date fixed should be so
late as always to be after_ the adjourn
ment of the Legislature, and of Con
gress, forthe manifest reason that until
those bodies adjourn, no one can fore
tell the form which the issues of , the
Campaign may assume. Our party
has, antimes, been placed' in 'a grotes
que po)ition as to public questions by
the premature meeting of -conventions.
.Third—The date should be' lite
enough to permit the election of dele
gatesito the Convention at the regular
- county conventions called Jta select
Co 'nig rickets. A' few of the county
conventions are held in June; most of
them in August; none of them so-early
as April, or even May. • A conv ention
calico pia : N a l .' tn - Inuy meting, ..,zuere
fore, the election of delegates by count)
committees, or, as the only alternative
to an. extra county convention, the
election of the delegates by the county
conventions in the preceding year. An
election l _of delegates a year ahead is
objectionable, because delegates cannot
then bechosen*ith direct reference to
the'eanditatis fdr the nomination, and
iiiretable to be "set up" by managers
for a puipase not - suspected by the
conventions themselves; while, an elect
ion by county committees, it is appar
ent, does not give the best expression
of the poiS t ular choice. A convention
at a late date in June would harmon
ize the practice of a few of the counties,.
but one held late in Augsut would per
mit all to send delegates fresh from the
people.. 'For this, no earlier date is
adequate. • -,
Fourth—A late Convention would
insure a short,
„sharp,' and vigorous
campaign, giving no time , for decay of
interest;,and in the persent season it
would have had the added adiantage
of giving - the threatening_ coalitionists
less than three months,
_instead of six,
to perfect their j)lans of assault upon
the Republican lines.
Fifth- r - The only argument made
against on August Convention is the
necessity ( r f making a registration of
voters sixty days in adiance• of the
election, and this, it is claimed, requires
a CotlYention so early as to permit the
gathering of money for the sending out
of poll-books and the payment of tax
es. The registration must be made by
the first Monday in September. But
there is not much; orce in this, because
each County Committee is in' general
charge of its county; the City Ciln
mittee of Philadelphia takes. care of
itself; and the-chief respoinia:bility of a
State Committee iS in giving direction
to these ' 'organisations.. Three
weeks of time between the State Con
vention and the eomptetion of aegis.
tration - would give nipple time for' this
branch of the-State Committee's work.
As to funds it is well known that no
committee has ever been able to collect
from private sources any considerable
amt unt until after -the close of the
watering place season, and that con
tributions from officials are never gath
-tred till within two monthsof the elect
ion. Besides, payment of these - taxes
can be wade at any time prior to one
month before the election Surely then,
there is not in this objection enough to
outweigh the manifest • advantages of
having a Convention at such time as to
enable all the counties to take separate
and intelligent action respecting it; and
thereby to cut up by tare roots the
foundation on which rests the , super
structure of com Plaints that the Con
ventions managed respect
ing date as to throttle the people. This
is a dangerousimpression 'to get abroad;
and it is worth a serious effort to cure
it, even if it cannot be proved to, be
wholly 'without cause. '
Sixth—An incidental advantage in
thii date would be that the State Can.
d. H.
ventien would*beld in sight of the
election, andlindeithe influence ef.the
ideas, ilitefi'Oeititnixdp iniolves. It
if; a wholly :: ' t: thing 1n hold it it
six menthe when nobody is
thinking of '4i : election except .the ex
clusive poll*, Cies& . The rank and
file of ttm,4oenr are, entitled to have
thetijUdgmonii;leli - as to laminations
which are ,alidese, unless :approved by
them, and - Abin:-eannot bad when,
item: the ,P . rjkiMPiitiOnsi of , baldness,
helilitten# o l4 l trot x r *l uPoN
cannot be beldiiiPottuia.iiovements.
Seventh- 7 1f there could- be made in
our party_a common law gut its State
onventions —excapt, co a rse ,-. in OA
Presidential lear—be held not-nailer
than a , late week. in August, I feel sure
that an important step would be taken
in the way of removing existing and
preventing future discontent. I admit
that partizans of candidates would
thereby, be compelled to endure some
additional months of anxiety, but this
is better than the " hurrying up" of
conventions in order " to have the thing
settled." I did not expect the State
Committee at its late Meeting to adopt
these views,hecause the members bad
generally :committed themselves 4 . to
April,. May -or June, knit I venutre to
throw out these ideas in the - hope that
on,further thought some good to. the
Republican party would grow out of
diem, audit is possible that discussion
may prove that they are sound. .
Very respectfully, -
Famenn- kloPtansort.
Washington, Jan:l6, 1882.
Enoch Pratt, one of the solid busi
ness men of Philadelphia, and President
of the National Farmers' and Planters'
Bank, has prmaliy proposed to - the
Mayor and City Couricil, to establish
and endowia " free circulating library
for the benefit-of I the whole city "at a
cost of over $1,000,000, pro)rided" the
city will grant and create an arrity of
$50,000 per annum, forever, for the
support anll maintenance of the library
and its branches. Mr. Prate in his
letter to the Mayor says that he has al
ready, in 'pursuance of his plan, con
traCted for the erection - of a fire-proof
building 'on his Mulberry street prop
erty, capable ofaholding 200,000 vol
umes, which` Will be completed in the
a rmmer of 1883, at a cost of $225,000.
This he will deed to the city, and-he
will donate in money the additional
slim of $833,000 on the condition
mentioned. He propose& that a board
of nine trustees be incorporated for the
management of the " Pratt Free:
I Library." No trustees or officers to be
removed on religious or politkal
grOunds. '
The library will ve four branches
in the different sects?ns of the city, and
will be established ‘iyith ,the Peabody,
Library, which 'is said to Contain the
finest collection' of classical works in
the country. Baltimore will, wish the
Pratt Library,' possess ample educa
tional facilities for the public, free of
charge. 'I _
In the case of Graves, for the mur
der of Soden, on trial at Newarli, N.
3., Judge - Depue recently instructed
the jury that moral insanity is simply
a (F-Prnvity. The test of insanity zs
the ability of the accusHl to dist nguish
between right and ‘yrpng; The bur
den of proof is on thel prisoner. ,
The meeting of the Pastors' Union,
composed , of Presbyterian, Baptist and
Methodist 'pastors of Rochester and
vicinity, on Saturday discussed ' the
subject of Mormonism, and .resolved to
iiold a Public meeting soon in that city
I ' •
m opposition to the system, with a
view of awakening public intert-st
against it. A committee of \,arrange•
ments was appointed:
There, is evidently a screw loose
somewheretin,Ae working Of the par
don-mill in lieu' , York. It is - a pity
that the same' screw is not. loose in
some of the other milis, and that some
other governors are not as pressure
proof as Governor Cornell.,
George William Clason; who_ is a
journeyman printer, set the type and
read the proof for the first bo•ik of
poems , published by William Cullen
Bryant, died at his home in. Milwaukee
last Sunday morning, aged 90 years.
If a man prefi rs-deatb by smallpox .
to being:vacillated, there wouldn't be a
particle of ground for Complaint if by
his choke he were. ntsi endangering
other' and more , valutible.--Boston
Thurlow Weed, in his reminiscences
sent to the Chicago Press Club, de
scribes ROchester in .1842 ,as a, village
of 900 inhabitants, indifferently paved,
and uktrse lighted, with;' stumps of
trees standing in the streets.
Guiteau has had all the dues of an
American citizen during this trial, and
the verdict -ought, and probably will,
give him all his due as the miirdererof
an American citizen:
Win. Wm. 'A. Evails,'Cart Schurz,
Dornian B. Eaton and others , will, it is
said,:form an anti-Machine Association
in New York• City
A gentleman residing in e_ vicinity
of Rome, Oa., tells of a scene which he
recently witneeted. He was standing
in his yard and °hearted a -bawl flash
a covey of quailejtist above his house.
The birds flew apfilly toWird a cane
brake lying a abort distance below his
residence, four : of them deing so fright.
- ened that they dashed themselves against
the house each such violence that `they"
dropped to the ground dead. The gen
tleman pinked up the dead birds, and
saw the liveones bind safely under. cov
er, the hawk Idling to put his claws on'
a single bird. - _
The proaeantiog officers in WAshing-'
ton are now only awaiting the temin-
Won of the Gingen trial to briog the
Star Rode oases before the grand jury.
.. , J.Guirsevis resat.:
. -
lad 7 iirveks Wine, oar editorial
cOiresPonderoxi ceintsiOi a graphic so.
eormt of lids greet etate trial. up to
Monday, uhen dodge Porter Began the
closing argumeet fnr the pitsereutiou.
jodgePorter was ill tiie tatter patt of
igst week end iviisinti weakened condi
tion on Monday. Wo give *nob parts
of his speech :as are most interesting
sid our space will allow.
After Stetclud the einnimshmces lead
ing up to the crime, and pointing with
hembiagsuige to tbi damning
*ea of its tireciation.: Judge-- : Potter
fnined hts attention . to the prisoner.
and' proceeded to depict his charaCter
as a betgpr, hypocrite, robber, - anu,
swindler—a lawyer who never , won a
cafe. No court or jury failed to see in
him a dishonest rogue, and such men
cannot win eases,. He has left tLe trail
of infauly in a hundred directions.
Judge Porter said the prisoner was a
man who, as a lawyer, has each notion's
of morality, that when , he bad taken
debts to collect be collected them by
Jagging the_debtor, but be held them
against bie client; a man who is ospahle
of blasting the name of a woman with
whom he bad slept for years and -still
iecoguized ge hia wife; a man who
when he was tired of ibis woman, pre
tending to ba a Cbristii n and believer
of the Bible, looked in the book and
read, 'Thou 'shalt not Commit adultery,'
and then delibeiately 'committed adult
ery with a street- walker; a man who
Pushed himself into the fellowship of
Christian associations as a killower o
the Savior, after years of font fornica
tion in the Oneida OorocannitY.
Reviewing the, principle eveute of the'
prisoner's life, Jiidge Porter showed cip
le infamous bent of his nature.--Allud
ing to the assassin's imputes his
brother in Boston; where he stniek thci
latter in the face, be said this *wan the ;
first and. last time this coward ever
struck a blow in the face: This' coward
had always struck froi behind: - After
showing wbo and, what the murderer
was, Judge Porter described his victim,
awl paid a glowing tridute to the ser
vices of the lamented President. — Tne
claims of : the prisoner . to be a praying
man• were considered and the . hollow
mockery of the claim was shown.
"The prisoner Bays be prayet. for
weeks. Why, if be had made up his
mind, unalterably, to kill the President
on the first of June, did he still contin
ue to pray up to the very
,act dt the
murder?" .
'What was he praying for?' continued 1
Judge Poi ter. 'A man who cl oliped' to
have received Divine . inspiratio 4 , huh
self, prepares his defence in a vanes,
for the act, to, do which be was ivin.
ly inspired! A believer in tempi ation,
i t
he would himself alter the i spired
book and substitute for it fi boo . of hilt
own. 'That be did not shoot Ufa' presi
dent on the first ordinationlwas due to
his coward heart. Had he done' it on
that vecasion he would have beau torn
to pieces and he knew it. Oa that oc
casion the President was surrounded, by
his Cabinet end friends. His son, not
yet strong, bat who would - have beep
'aged at ; Such a time . with Jlod-given
strength . to defend his father, was also
by his side. The assassin's craven heart
faded him, and he s•dd, "Not yet; at
some other time." Judge - Porter graph
ically rela ed the dogging of the Presi.
•a.,1 e F sareu..
and the incidents or accidents on each
Oheasiou that balked the assaiErtin. Premi;
dent Garfield's visit to Secretary Blaine's
house, dogged by the IMMISiitl, was also
vividly portrayed. 'lt was at night,' said
the speaker—'dark as that night when the
devil first whispered this crime in the
assassin's ear, that he lay in hiding in
pan alley—why, with ,an inspired (sem
mend, of God resting upon him to kill
'the President, and with pressure • that
ould have made him 'do it if he died
the next minute, at any time after June
Ist—why did he not kill him then? Be--
cause, he says, it was too hoe and he
thought he ;would do it some other
time. *cause this politician thought
be could-become the idol of the Stal
warts and of the Republican party; be:
cause he had so carefully laid the found
' ation of his defence against the crime.
and for his protection from the mob
siolenee, that he might safely commit
the act in the light of day. This care
ful inan—careful of hisown safety—
made every provision, ' ,
ereu his own
conveyance to jail, and after he bad
peen his victim tall, turned and ran—
ran wher4 ' Where could he run?.
Judge Porter eulogized President
Garfield, as the
_soldier, lawyer, and
statesman, and said, so high was his
reputation, that he had li2en elected in
the Presidency bye vote so clear and
strong that all the people said
That was the man • against whose life
the prisoner had been plotting for six
weeks—plotting "without malice.'; he'
said—plotting with no lcontisel cxcept
the fiend of darkness, : who prompted
the crime.
Judge Porter adverted to the constant:
interruptions. of the Prisotk his false
claimsof sympathy, and that the press
was with him, and said - : 'I have yet
to see a. single American newspaper
that has a word to say in his defence."
Large Fire at Atlanta, Ga
Ana Iva., Ga., Jan. 21.-4 fire broke
out about 1 o'clock this 'Morning in the
five-story candy and cracker factor,f of
Frank E. Block. Owing to lack:of
water the flames gained'rapid headway,
andsoon spread to all the adjoining
buildings. Seven buildings were de
etrnyed, and the losses on stocks and
buildings will aggregate $5O" 0.000. The
,fire was not subdued for three bouts,
(luring which time it had - full Sweep at
all - the buildings in the locality;-•
-Jail. Wickham. a drover of Virginia,
stopping at the • hotel, perished in
the &meg this morning.
Dinnie Dunlap was a three.eard-thon
te man attached to a circus. A green.
horn whom he had swindled out of
$2OO. at Assumption. La., complained
to a justice. who noVonly issued a war
rant, but went*, the tent to 'serve it.
Munk , was operating on.another victim,
and he quietly, offered - the justice $2O
not to inteirnit him ten minutes.
The propositiOn was, deolioed. . Then
the - gambler;- apgrily drew a revolver.
bat the justice fired quickest, killing
him instantly; anti cooly recovering the
$2OO from his picket. Thc gambling
privilege of that circus is for'sate.
'Twice Jere S. Busch is now visiting
Chicago Joe the first time. , V is truly
a trip ter recreation an 4 'pleasure. He
isemphatici in hia l atsteinent that he is
ont of
That Tea - tionaroti•ponlPeilto
Emilia going to Etirope next sear on
a plea im tour. •
.A dinner . was Given in honor of Elan
lan. the oarsman, at the London Aquae
inns, on Siturday last. -
P. T. Baratta) is *aidd• to be- worth
$3.000,000-4wWeh rosy be the greatest
adiertisiug eliert of his lite.
The papalation of Chicago, sem:IMO
,t 0 the lattat statistics, is about 630,000
tin therease of 125,000** the coulee
01 $BO was adieu.
Large quittitithw of turnips;': carrots,
onions and eefery. are eapected to strive
at New Xork from, foreign countries
during" the next few days.
'About $40,000 a year aro now paid
out is soholsrobips, loins and other pe
cuniary aids to poor students at Har
vard. ' About 'one-eighth is paid to stu
dents of the-0108'Y.-
Tho ,Senate Coto Maine on Pensions
has unanimously agreed!
_to rdport a bill
granting Mrs. Litmln $15,050 in cash
immediately, and also increasing her
pension to $5,000.
ltaj9r Arthur, the President's broth
er. who has been on hard duty out 311
Montana, it to be stationed at Clover ! ,
nor's Island, New York, and enjoy a
taste of
A graceless - scamp named Elwood
•ffainestole a valuable gOld watch from
Mks; Watson, of Erie, Ind., while .they
were both among the penitent sinners
around the alter in the Methddist
Church last Sunday. -
"stonewall" Jackson's sole daugh
ter, Julia, is to be married to a Mr.
Frank Baker, of Baltiinore,
father is worth his million dollars.
Miss Jnliais.half North Carolinian by
her-mother's •
Honford M. Burr, a-' freshman - at
Amherst College, is afflicted with •tail
loid. • A number of his plasernatcs have
been exposed to the disease, and there
is considerable excitement. One
, of the
ProieSsors' houses, in which Mr.' Burr
roomed, has been quarantined.
A clever" young man of New York
ordereil - $3O worth of coal sent to
loved .tia.tor's residence, gave a cheek
for*O.and got the change. The coal
'-was &eta,' the belove.l 'pastor was "stir-,
thr check wufi forged; /tend the
greate&of thee iy charity."
Lnke Francis, a prominent farmer
near. Laporte, Ind., fell last spring and
broke his arm) - Later lightning struck
his barn aid consumed it and over
$2.090 worth of property. Then rhea
nudism laid him up for a time, and
Thursday morning he fel! on his door
step and broke both arms and one leg.
The report of the Census Bareatf
shows that the oyster business of the
entire country is undergoing a' serious
diminution, unless something is done
to protect the beds, great commercial
loss is predicted as well as scarcity in
this article of- food.
--A. young • man living in Leadville
shipped--to this - "Milo brother in St.
Louis as a Christmas prceent a
donkey of the diminutive species known
as the It.lxicart burro. Tim agent; in
•;•.• 41. a•vtlit:lll.lrat
"burro". nafiut "bureau" and reported
accordingly, to his superior, "one bu
reau and one iftedaSS over."
A Kentaky sheriff is in a queer fix.
He bas a murderer to execute next Fri
day, but the man hasjust,had the small.
pox and is now down with hemorrhage
of the lungs. The Governor refuSed a
reprieve on accronut of 7 the small-pox,
and 'the sherifi fears that .if he contin
ues in the - same mind, the murilerer will
have to be carried to the gallows.
Quincy,. 111., is'excited over a decis
ioriof the State. Supreme Court that the
Board of Education has 'no right to
maintain a separate school f'fOr colored
children, as has been done there since
the war.- A majority of
.the board are
Republican% but they "had all voted
against mixel school . % and some people
think the decision ,imperils the public
school system of the city.
Dennis O,Donovan, a priest - of
Brow i nsbarg, Ind., was excomunioated
by Bishop, Chataril because of contu
macy, he refusing to take pp a collet..
tion of $3OO to relieve • the church of
debt, the claim being that the congre
gation had once • paid the money to
Father Logan; a former priest. . O,Dono
'van has instituted suit against the
Bishop for $50,000 damages on the
ground that he tuts hcen deprived of all
bis - facultiei, ri shis and power of earn
jug and Otliniug a liv , ilihtiod as a priest
of the C.ttliolic- Church, for which be
hal spent many years In prep tring
Intitgent . :Soldiciv and Settlora.
Jan., 21.—The. House
Cominittce on Military Affairs bas re-1,
ported favorably on the bill to establish
a borne for indigent soldiers and sailors
at Erie, Pa. This is a propositidn of
the State of Pa nneylnania to donate to
the United States 102 sores of land 'in
Erie, known as Garrison Hill, upon
which is a large and commodious build
ing erected by.the State for the marine
•hospital upon condition that the United
States convert the *time into a National
Soldiers' Home, and maintain the same
for the benefit of indigent soldiers and
sailors, empecially •those wbo aro exclud
ed from other like inetitutions. There
are of this class of soldiers now in, the
State of Pennsylvania about 700, and
in eat% of the other large States probe
bly as many, thus making the number
that would be entitled to the .benefice
lof this home — , if estabi isbed , ' several_
thousands. , •
, • -
1 Ex-Secretary Blaine will now de
vote most of his time to his coal rail
road in West Virginia. Ex-Senator
Chaffee said to have $200,000 in the
same road; Senator Davis, of West
Virginia, $500,060;. Elkins the same;
Bayard a little; Windom considerable;
and -Mr. Blaine probably $200,000. It
runs from the Baltiniore and Ohio to
the source of the Iktomae, find thence
south, leading 46. - a country rich in
timber and coal..'
Women will:still be appointed post
mistresses, rumors to the contrary
notwithstanding. ' These is no reason
why a capable and efficient woman is
not entitled to take charge of Uncle
Sam's mails. -
Legal Adveithemeats.
By virtnOof sundry writs tatted out of the
Court of-Common Pleas of Bradford County,
and to trke,directed, I will ezpose to pubtic
sate, SI the Court 110080 in Towanda Borough,
at 1 o'clock, P. at., the fol;earing described
tr4orty, to, wit : . -
No. 1. One lot, piece, or parcel of laud. situ
ate in Wysot township, (lots Nos. 5 and ,8 of
Black No. 8 of Mercer. Morgan . rt Bloody's
itb-division of East Towanda,) bounded north
by lots. 4 and oof Block No.. 8, east by
PcottaYli?anis atratud, south by lots Nos. 0 and
10f Bbek - kand west by Bradford ateeet; - allj
I Improved; no - buildings..,.Bobred and taken
into execution at the suit of Morgan - kliloody's
I adtuinisttatent'va. John 8. Enunedy and Mar,
gark Kel.nnedy.
No. 2. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate
lu Leßoy township, bounded north by lands.
of Hobert Mason. east by lands of Mary Kel
logg, south by Towsuda Oreekouid west by
lands of Clarence Minard; contains 75 acres,
more or less, * CS improved, with 1 framed
barn and 1 orchard of froit trees thereon.
Seized and taken tutolezecution at the suit of
John Whettly vs. Thouiss A. McCraney.,
No. 3. ALSO-One "other lot of land, situ
ate in Pise and Herrick townshins, bounded
north. by lauds of Joseph Lee, Horace Porter.
and Archibald Coleman; east by land of - said ,
Archibald Coleman. Hollett Titus and others;
Oath by lands of•Hollett Titus, Ourdou Stan
ton and Thomas Peet; swest-by lauds of sat l
Morass Peet, Eliza Thomas, Asher Bolles and
Joseph Lee; contains 58 acres, more or less,
about 25 improved, with a framed dwelling.
house, framed barn, a saw mill with machine
ry and fixtures, water privilege and - right of
way thereto belonging to the same. Seized
and taken into exe.pu• ion at the suit of ZophAr
Platt vs. Jamon Padgett.
No. 4.—AL' O—Doe other lot of land, situ
at& in Canton township, bounded north be
Lands of Horace Webster, east by land of 8.
H. Lindley,
tiodtb by Towanda creek, and west
by lands of the estate of Boswell Rogers, de
ceased. and Warren Cook; contains 100 acres,
more or less, all improved, with 1 framed
bongo, 2 framed batne, 1 tobacco bowie trod
orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into_ execution at the suit of Pomeroy
Brothers vs. David Lindley. and Solomon
No. b. ALSO—Ono other lot of land. situate
in Towanda Borough, bounded north lir lands
of Mr. Cooper's estate, east by. William street,
south by lands of James McCabe. and west by
Main street, with 1' framed house and other
outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken i Ito
execution at the suit of L. L Bloady'a admin
istrator and William H. Morgan'a adminis
trator vs..l. 111.
No. 6;- ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in South- Waverly Borough, bounded as fol
lows: Bbing tot No. 112 according to plot and
survey made for D. L F: Snyder by Huston
Stilith; contains . 13 4-10 perches, and being 66
feet on a street on the north side, 179 feet on
the west side, 179 7-10 feet on. the east side;
and 60 feet on the south side; all improved.
Seized and taken into - execution at, the suit of
The Bradford Loan and Building Asiociation
of Athens township vs. C. W. Farley.
N 0.7. ALSO—One other lot , of land, situate
in Wy sox township. being lots Nos. 4 and 5 -of
'Block No. 14 of Meteor,. Horgan a Moody's
sub-division of East Towanda, bounded north
by Coleman's Block and lots Nos. 1,2, and p
of Block No 14, east by Bradtord street. south
by Lemuel street, and west by Towanda aver
..''nue and lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Block No.-14;
f all:improved. no buildings. Seized and taken
into execution at the snit of Morgan & Moe•
dv's administrator vs. J. P. Cummnkey.
No. 8. ALSO -One other lot of laud, situate
in Wells township, bounded north by lands of
D. Rockwell, east by lands of Harriet Spencer,
south and west by lauds of Hubert Johnson;
contains 1 acre all improved; with an orchard
or fruit trees thereon.
INo. 9. ALSO—One other lot of land, situ
-1 ate in Wells township, bounded north by lands
1 of William Cattfield, Wade BPardslee, J. Ert
-1 dyke and H. Johnson; east by lands of 11.
Johnson; south by lands of D. Rockwell, H.
I Johnson, Michael Bennettand the public high
-1 way, and west by Lerida of G. A. Goff; contains
148 acres, more or less, about 123 improved,
alit 1 framed house, 1 framed horse barn and
an orchard of fruit frees thereon. Seized and
taken into. execution at ,the suit of Deloi
Rockwell, guardian, era., vs. Michael Smith.
No. 10. ALSO—One o her lot of land, situ
ate in Towanda Borough, bounded as follows:
Beginning at the east side of Main-Street at
a corner 25 feet south of the steam planing
mill lot; thence - southerly along M-in street
150 feet; thence south 84 deg 45 min east
about 134 feet to Barclay CoalCocapaily's laud ;
thence north 2 deg 36 min east 150 f. et , o the
southeast corner of G.F. Masons's lot; thence
along south lino Mason lot ab nit ;128 feet to
the Wade of beginning, with 1 double framed
house, 1 framed barn, 1 coal office and coal
sheds, treeseling and railroad tra's thereon.
-No. 11. ALSO—Oce other lot of land, situ
ate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by
lauds of 0. D. Bartlett., east by Charles street,
south .an alley, and west by the Henry
Westoti lot; being 46 'feet front on. Charles•
-- oreet and.oB fret deep, with 1 framed house
a......0er unutupgi thereon.
No. 12. ALSO—One other lot of land,sitnato
in-Towanda, Born., bounded north by Bridge
street, east by Third litro...t, south by lands of
*Perrin Pennypacker'and Orrin Wickham. and
west by Charles Scott; about 89 feet front on
Third street ant about 250 deoo,aith 1 trams+,
house and other outbuildings thereon. Seizsd
nod taken into exesntion at the suit of The
Citizens National Bank of Towanda vs. Jatio
El. Pillories. • .
No. 13.. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Ridgbury township. bounded north and west by
lands of D. H. Burnham. east by public highway,
and south by lands of Thomas, Duct; contents 3/
an acre, more-or less. all improved, with-1 fram
ed house, 1 framed shop. and 1 framed shingle
mill thereon. Seized and taken into execution
at the suit of Sylvania Vanbuskirk's administra
tors vs:Milton E Cooper.-
No. 14. ALSO--One other lot of land, situate in
New Albany borough, bounded nc.rth by lands
known as the Mary_3leAlister lot, east by Sulli
van k State Lino Railroad, south by lot this day
(April 20, 1577.) conveyed by E. Overton, Jr.. to
James Saxe, and west by a 16.feetalley; being
lot No. Bof Block No:7 on E. Overton, Jr., plot
of the village of New Albany, with a partly
flnfahed framed dwellinghonse thereon. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit of E. Over
ton, Jr., vs. S. W. Chapman.
No. 15. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a lot of
land situate in Athens borough, bounded north
by lands of R. A. Smith and Thomas Grantham,
east ey Main street, south by lands of W. G.
Stephens, and west by the Susquehanna river,
with a two-story framed dwelling house, mit
houses, and a few fruit trees thereon.
' No. 16. ALSO—Defendant's interest in ono
other lot of land, situate in Athens borough.
being the undivided 3/ part of that certain lot
bounded north by lands of AnnaFearon, east by
lands'of C. W. Clapp, south by lands of- John M.
Pike, and west by Main street; no improve
N 0.17. A LSO—AII of defendant's interest in
the lots numbered 94, 122, ,52. 162, 152, 222. 262,
273, 280, 290. 301, 311, 321. 331, 361, 371, 361, 391,
401 and .404 in the plot of lands situate in the
northern part of Athens borough, made for the
late Judge ;Edward Herrick by Orson Rickey;
no improvements. Seized and taken into.execu
tion at the suit of Eduard . P. Herrick, trustee
-vs. Edward Herrick.
- No. IS. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Standing Stone township, bounded north by
lands of Luke Dolan, east by the public highway,,
south by lands of Rldhsrd Jennings, and west by
lands of William Grace; contains about 60 acres,
about GO improved, with a • framed liouse, a
-framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees there
on. Seized and taken into execution at the suit
of S.C. Elsbree andlE. T. Fox, administrators
or L. L. Moody, deceased, vs. S. T. Bishop and
Sarah E. Bishop. -
No. 19. ALSO—One other lot of laud, situate
in North Towanda township, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast
corner of a lot now or lately in possessicin of
Frederick Leavenworth; thence along tine , of
same southeasterly 21 6-10 perches to a corner
on line of lands now 'Or late of J. F. Means;
theuce along line of same anortheasterly direc
; tion 7-10" perches to "s corner; thence a north
westerly direction 21 6-10 perches to a corner;
'thence south 61 deg' west 3 7-10 perches to the
place.of beginning; reser ring to a Aimee
.15 feet in width from the north end of said lot
for public use as a street; contains 3/ an acre,
moro or less, all Improved, with framed house,
outbiaildings, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of
John J. Webb vs. Bichsel Dermody.
No. 20. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Leßoy township, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning ate post the southwest corner
of lot No tt,lormerly owned by Patrick Greene;
running thence east along south line of said Nb.
11 120 8;10 rods to apostthe northwest corner of
lot No. 9, now owner by Adam Innen; thence
south along the west -line of lot tie. 9 and tot
No. 4 13tl 9-10 rods to a post; thence west 110
e.-10 rods to a poet on east line of -lot No.' 6 ;
thence north along east line of lot Nos. 6 and-7
1.38 9-10 rods to place of beginning contains 109
acres and 69 *relies. More or less. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of Isaac N. Mis
singer le. Seward Folk. • -
No, lit. ALSO—One other lot. of land, situate
in Towanda borough, botinded north by Poplar
street, east by lot of Mrs, Mary E. Stedge, south
by lands of J. F. Means, and west by lands of
Jae. Griswold with 1 two•story dwelling house,
outhouse and fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of E. W. Hale vs
D. V. Sledge
No. 22. aLSO—One other lot of land, situate in
- Albany borough, bounded and described as fol
lows; Beginniug at the northeast corner of
Main and May streets; thence north 4 degs 30
min test 60 teat to a corner; thence south
85 degs 30 tin east ate ut 160 feet to the switch
on Sullivan and State-Line Railroad; thence
along said railroad switch 50 feet to a corner on
May street; thence along said Main street west
about 170 feet to the place of beginnini;_being
lot No. 7 of Block No 7on E. Overton, Jr.,nap
of the -village of New Albany. Seized -- and iken
into execution at the suit of E. Overton, Jr., vs.
P. W. McDonnell. '
No. 29. - ALSO—Oise other lot of land. situate fn
'earth Towanda; township, bounded and decribed
as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner
of Austin Lanard's lot; thence along line of
same south 243/ degs east 21 640 perches to the
north line of a lot lately owned by Wm. H. Mor
gan ; thence along line , of same south 61 degs
.west 61.1 u perches; thence northwesterly /1 6:
10 perches to a corner; thence . north 61 degs
east 6 5-10 perches to the place of beginning;
contaihs 135 perches, more or less: TS feet along
front of said lot reserved for p public road by a
former owner, as now open upon the ground; all
improved, with a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the, suit of
John J. Webb vs. Patrick Ryan.
No. 24. ALSO—The defendant's iatereet. in a
lot of and situate in Wilmot township, bounded
and descritini, as follows; Beginning at a small
white oak of Mrs. Ellen' J. Welles (Terry lot);
thence south 11 X degs east 95 ' 1-10 perches to a
stake end stones of lot No. 1 t ; thence south 76 %
degs west 36 perches to a stake and stones;
thence north 66 dims west 40 perches to a stone
corner; thence north 66 degs west et perches to
an ironwood corner; thence north 7113/ deg east
143 perches to *space of beginning; contains
Legal A.dvertlsmenta.
87 eaves; more or leek about 33 improved o c th
framed house. 1 old bowie, I framed barn, az4
few brill troy thereon. Seized and Wen Mir,
exeCuttou at.the snit of Edward ProToat A 31p .
. 1 . "
No. 25. ALSO—Ono. other lot of lacd.
in Athens township, bounded north by lar.d.i:t
Bowman and Splint. east by lands of IL win 3.
ton's estate and Abram litinsicker„ south
lands of Smith add flrliStb and the rafty of e", e
dm; part, and west by lands of James licArdle•
contains 250 screw. 'more or less, about 400 in:
proved, with I framed house. barns and ahed e
agrecned e 1 hog house, I milk house, sod sr. !
fruit trees thereon. seized and taken into eze.
cation at the suit of Wm. Oarlock vs.
sicker. • .
No. 21. ALSO Ono other lot of hind, a lititt e b e
Wpm% towcsblp, bounded north by land hi
Knykendall, east by the public highway
from J. ILPiolletli to Pond Hill, south by I .e l
of Charles . Wartensburg and E. G. Owen; ec h .
Isms 22 Met, Moire or Iris, abont 20 Impr3vod,
with I large framed house, 1 framed pant with
3 framed sheds attsdhed. 1 framed cider nil
building . with the 'Natures, 1 framed Mary
building, other out buildings, and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
No. 27. .11,80—One other lot of land, ston e
in Wysos townshlp, bounded north and east by .
Land now or late of V. E. and J. E. Monet, south
by land now or late of Francis J. Allen and V.E.
and J.Z. Piollet. and west by land of Francis J.
Allen and the public highway leading from J. E.
Piollet's to Pond Hill; contains 30 scree, m ore
or t rim $ ll improved, with t framed bare, I pee r
orchard, I grape orchard, 1 apple orchard, 1
orchard, and other fruit trees etiteon.
C l l% l l and taken into execution at the snit
K. Lent vs, J. J. Webb, administrator of B,
Owen (deceased) and F..ll.owen.
N0.25. - ALSO-One other lot of land, aituite
in Towanda borough, bounded and demenbed is
follows: Beginnin g at a post corner of centre
street, and Packer avenue; thence by Cent re
- street north 20 digs west 150 feet to a stake;
thence by lot deeded ,to Mrs. 11, Moody north le
degg east 50 feet to a stake; thence by lot eon.
treated to 'Patrick Costello south 10 degi out
150 feet to a stake on Packer Avenue; thence by
Packer Avenue south 70 deg. west-50 fe e t to m e
place of beginning; contains 7,500 square fe e t.
sod - being lot No. 1 of Block No 4 of Sayre k
Coinpany's addition to Towanda, with I framed
house, other out buildings, and few fruit trots
triereon. Seised and taken into execution *teas
snit of Overton & Eiabree vs. C. C. Wood.
WILLIA it T. HOIt.TON. Sheriff
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Jan. 18,1882.
siluan's' SALES.
By virtue of, sundry writs issued out of the
Court of Common Plizas of Bradford county and
to and directed. I will expose to public salt, at
the Court House in Towanda boronah, on
at I o'clock, p. m., the following described prop
arty, to-wit:
No; I. One lot, piece or parcel of land, situate
in Towanda borough, bounded and described at
follows: Beginning at a corner 50 feet east o
Fourth street; thence along Bridge street sts4l
250 eet to third street; thence s-Attherly along
3cl st. b 9 feet to corner of lot formerly of John
Means, now A. Pennypacker: thence westerly
along said Pennypacker's lot to lot of Outs
Wickham; thence north along said Wickham's
lot 1.4 feet; thence west along same to a point Jl
feet east of-Fourth street; thence north aloe;
Pat Fogarty's lot (now C.IE. Scott) 75 feet to the
place of beginiug; being :Or on whi , h the defend.
ants now 'reside, with I large two-story fninei
dwel ling,house, outbuildings. and fruit and or
eamental trees thereon, Seized and taken into
executP?:4 at the suit of Job. P. Eirby Ts. J. U.
Phil:um* and C. M. Phil:amp.'
No. 2. ALSO—Ono other lot of latpl, salute in
Smithfield township, bounded nor b-by hinds_o:
Orrin Scott, cut by -lands of Orrin and Wallace:
Scott, socith , by lands of Christopher Childs, and
west by tho public highway; contains 112 sore&
more or less, with 1 framed house, 1 framed
barn, 1 horse-bard and a (partite of frill. trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the
suit of Jessk Sumner vs. John Bird.
No. 3. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Athens township, b.miuded north by lards of
Geo. Ercaribeck, east by lands of Albert Camp.
bell, south by.lands of N. C. Harris. and west by
'LIDOS of LiOrSC3 Williston's estate ;_ cootains ft",
acres, more or less, shoat 00 imoroved, with two
framed houses, 2 framed barns, 1 - hog house; 1
corn house, other outbuildings and orchard of
fruit tress thereon.
, No. 4. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate :a
-Athens township, bounded north by landi .
Horace Williston's estate. east by lauds cf
White, south by lands of Jas. Griffith and
highway, and west by lands of Selim Kirb ;
talus 53 acres, more or less; no imprk.vStuents.
Selzer' d taken into execution at the suit of
C. Elsbree and J. 51. Pike. vs. Abram fiunsicker.
N 0.5. ALSO—One other-lot of laud. situate t:
Springfield township. bounded and described u
follows: Commencing in centre of road running
from Springfield to Ridgbary, in a northwest
corner of Mrs. H. E. Leonard's land: thence
south 61 deg east 15 ti• 9 rods to a post; thenc , :
north 45; deg.east 5 0-10 r -ds to a poet; thence
north - 59% deg west 14 'l-10 rods to' centre if
road; thence south /03:1' deg west 11 rod. to plus
of beginning; contains 121-2-.100 rods of land.
more or less,with 1 framed hmise, i framed ban
and a few fruit tress thereon.
.No 6, ALSO--One . other lot , of land. situ:. it
Springfield township. bounded and described u
lollowa: Commencing It, the highway mot.;
irdm Big Youd to Bardwell school house so
ed, at the east end of Wm. J. Wigsten's
thence north 73% deg east 62. rods to a post.
thence south deg west 15 4-10:`rods cora post:
thence south. 541: west 99 6.10 rods to,a post;
thende south 53 deg east 11 6-10 rods to a post, 3
being the northeast corner of litram l'PotUrs
/sod: thence along the line of Hiram Patter's
_land south 42% deg west 120 7-10 rods to a post:
thence north 22 deg west 4, 4-10 rods to a post:
thence north 75. deg east 13 rods to a post; the:ce
north 55 degs east lts rods to a post; tetras
north 171; degs east 20 rods to a p.m t; thence
north 19 degs west 15 rods; thence north
degs east 15 rods; therice north 61.4 degs eat
97 9-10 r.ds to: tho place of beginnitig; contaits
63 5-10 acres, more or less. Seized mid taken itt•
to execution at the snit of Joseph Clark's use so.
Wm. A: Bullock and James H. Webb, administer_
tor of J. F. Bullock.. •
No. 7. ALSO—Defendant - a interest in &iota
land situate in the borough and township cf
Troy, bounded and de•criir•d as follows
ning at a white zpine stump, corner of Parson
and A. Long's land; thence south to dep east
140 rods to a black oak; thence north 2 deg eut
rods' to a white oak: thence' Booth ti i degs rut
130 rods to a black oak; thence north 2 drg wt:
83 ryds for a corner; thence south es dec.esst
perches to a white pine stump; thence north t
deg east 75 perches to a hazel stake; thence
south eel degs ti t s{ 12 rods tos black oak; thence
north 23 rods To a --hickory tree; thence north
eel dogs east 137 rods to a corner: thence north
degs east 17 7-10 rods; thence south si deg east
22 3.10 rode; thence south 20 degs east 2141)
rods; thence south 40 deg• 27 rods; thence
north 2 deg east 91 rods to the place Of begin.
ning ; contains 273 acres and 6t perches ; f
more or less. about 200 improved, with I framed
house. 3 framed barns and 2 orchards of trait
trees thereon. Excepting and keserving there
from V acres along the south side by the creel
or Long's mill pond up to the brow of the moun
tain, so as to-make it of equal width at each end
and to contain 23 acres, under which it is him
and called the " stone quarry:" the same tobe
owned and enjoyed by the parties to the deed
aforesaid in common the same as before the exe
cution of said deed; the said farm above ft
scribed being the farm and land of Alonzo long
deceased; said deed is made subject to the chin
and title of Mary r. Long, widow, .ke., el the
said A. Long, and mother to the parties to the
deed aforesaid.
No. N. ALS.l—One other lot of land. situate in
Troy borough, bounded_ north by Migh street,
south by, lot and land of B. A. Long, west IX:-
Exchange street. and east by CenTre street;_
contains: 34, of an acre; more AT - less. with I
framed house and a few fruit trees thereat.
Being the same lot as described in deed from ad
ministrators of A. LOng's estate, recorded in
Deed-Book No. 83.. page 421, Ac.
No . 9. ALSti—One other lot of lard: situate in
Troy township. - botinded , aad described as
lows; Beginning at a post below the milt on the
bank of the creek; thence north 27 degree east
16 3-10 perches to a post; thence north ;A deg'
west 16 perches to the centre of the erect:
thence soul' 41 degs west 32 perches al. , r t z
tit. °ugh, the mill pond to where a bukb sth - d
near the south edge of- the esti pond; theme -,
'South GO degs cut 25 perches to a post on the
eaktend•of ths. pond ; thence north 41 degs east
down the creek mill race 2il 4-10 perches to rte
place of beginning; containing' , acres and
perches of land, more or lest; all 'impro%ed. wuL
I framed house. 1 framed barn, water power, !II
mill and cid'r mill thereon, Being s ub)-et
all the conditions and stipulations set forth ins
deed - from Case and wi.c to Alonzo
recorded in Bradford countrDeed Book No.: ,
page 123. The above described piece cf land
subject to the claim of Mary T Long, the wid
of A. Long, deceased, as the widow and herper
tlon turchased from Martin J. Long. being °De '
half of one-third. Seized and taken into e'en
lion at the suit of -Mary fX.. Long vs Fred
. .
WILLIAM T. iparrros. Sharier.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. 11 Isrv2.-
Notimis hereby given, that the following 3f
plicattons for licenses fonhotels: eating
and merchant dealers haverbeenitieu in this m t •
flee, and t hat the same — rill be presented tqt.l.e
Court of Quarter 4essions of Bradford Caanty.
on MONDAY. FEBRUABY Gut, for the c....c
-sideration of said Cowl:
• . 110TEL4„
3lichael F. Sullivan, Tiiwanda Bora. Ist a::.
Samuel -Walbridge, -: , " " •
Ira II: smith, Alba "
Chas • 11.11c0onegal, Troy ‘•
11. P. Pitts. Sylsania 'i .
Joseph Causer. - Springfield Tn.. ..
11. S. Farnsworth, Smithfield . "-- .
David C. Keeney. . Piko
George W. Wanck. 111onror Bern.
F. U. Peck. - - Canton " •
M. A. Forrest, Ulster , TwP• -,
John A. Briggs, Sayre " of Atba..s
Orrin `l.. Jordan. Athens Boro. lst sand
Leonard Morris. ' Burlington 13oro. •
C.s. Bartlett. %lac: Tvii• ,
B. B. Tidd,
James F.iFox, _ Towanda Bore. 2.1 irsr.a.
Jacies Nestor Jr, -Towanda Born. 2d va . rd . .
Gottlob Zsenwine, .. .. Ist
Thos. 31. Kennedy,
Wm. Bolan,
J. F. Carman.
A. J—Beers.
Geo. O'Donnell,
C. D. Holcomb.
S. B. / idd,
LeLoy T wr.•
Towanda Boro. ire:
C. W. ileardslee, Canton Pori).
John Sullivan, Towanda " ` 24 Ira
Prothonotary's Onkel - Clerk. OEO. W. BLACS3LiI i .
Jan. 10, 188'1
Estate of George Gordon, deceased, late of trot
township of Asylum, Bradford county, l'enva•
Letters testamentary under the last will ' I
testament of the abovernanteri decedent have'
been !slued but the Ohan's Court of Bradfad
comity to the undersig ned upon tho estate abed
named, notice is therefore hereby given t hat'll
persons indedted to said estate, must make il 2 ;
mediate payment , and 6 , 1 persons having
against tbe same, must present them dilly ' 2°6l.
ticated for settlement to , me.
B. LAPORTE, Elecgt °r •
Asylunl, Pt. Dec. 6,188L—.6w-