Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 26, 1882, Image 1

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. TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 1882. . '
J, Published Every Thursday, .., EASTWARD.
, .
r • -. i'TATIONS. rl5l 9 i
HOLCONIB & TRACY. - --;-_- - -
.• - -, , A
_- . . 1
, - Niagara Fella - 2.(r.i
$1.50 Per :Annum, In Advance. Buffalo ...-... ... ............ 2.60
Rochester 5.1'
• - Lyons -- ,5,
_l(lrertising Rates-S'i cents a lino for first 10170v74_ i 1
ict.ortioe, ant five cents per line' for all sub.e.
Auburn - .
.iiii-oc ius..rtians„ Reading notice adverthug 3 w0g0..
.... 1. ~ ,
:.ii cents tier line. Eight lines constitun a Elmira
~i.:are, and twelve lines an inch. - Audilor's 4r avfolT
..„.ices $.2.50. Administrator's and Exee-uior's tthens ..
e , •:....i s $2.08. Yearly advertising $150.00 per %lan
i...1-unin. rriattir
Ter nEPULLICAN is 'published in the Macy, 4 r i r euu l a a n 'a ng
!.i.. ore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main Itanding Stone,
inl Flue streets, over J. F. Corner's Boot and flummeraeld ..
..7--11 , 0 store. Its circulation is over 2000, .As an Fre nchtown.,
2,lvertising medium it is unexcelled in' tm im- ( 2 0 . '“ 0 us I I: •
`l,l.rdiate flel.l. - • . -Rattner's
-- lleshoppv
wo Mettoopr
7:l.vand.a -Dusiness Direc 4 ory. runkh,
- .. ATTORI%EYS-Ar-LAw Falls . i.&
L _ - iin 111 R GILLIS, Attorneys-at-Law; Offic V ~
1. aver Powell k'Co.
- _
Ctht FF..I. 1., Office in Wood's Block, south
First N:atitinal Bank, up stain, June 12,58
-- ---
OLvBREE 4: SON IX C Eisbree and L Elsbree)
.J Office in Slereur Block. Park St. may 14,78 _
-- ,
DECK x OVERTON_ (Benj .V Peck and D 4 oo , r- I mo .:- WESTWARD.'.
L tonl. Office over Hill's Market , 49-'79
0 1. 8 30 9 , , 9 i
GI , /.1
F Sanderson.) Office in Adams Block. .1 ulys 78 4 . 1
...______ _,--
..-.,- ..---,--.
ff 'YELL, WM. Office over Dayton's Stop. . iP.3.1. ! A.M. A. 1 1 3.51
7 0.1.L 1X ' ' apri114,76 Sew York. - ! 1 6.30 .... 7.401 9.40
; -- - Philadelphia .. 8.00, .... 9.00 4.15
WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block. Easton . 9.90' .... 10.151 5.50
vv apr 14.76 Bethlehem .;.:.... - .......:7 - ...i: - . I 9.50 , .....10.45 0.15
- Allentown - ' 10.651 ....110.51 0.24.
D.t.NIES, CARNOCIIAN A HALL, (W' . 7"Daetes Ilatich Chunk...
1 11.05 1 . 111.55 7,25
Wll C.arnoz.lian. L .11 Ilar11.) Office to rear Wilkes• Barre.. ' . 1 1.061 .icil :Loa 9.43
i f \Vard Douse. Entrance on Poipar St. 11e12,75 E. & B Junction 1,35; 8.01 , 2.25 10.10
-- Falls ....1 8.21 1 .... 10.32
ATM:CUR, RODNEY A. 'Solicitor of Patents. LaGrange '- - 1 8.45: .... 10.40
IVI Particular att.ntion paid to business in runkhannock .... ... -‘ . .1.... 2.15 1 8,55: 3.01 10.52
Orphans' Court sud to the settlement of estates. lieboopany - 9.20' .... 11.22
inlice in Montanye's Block- 49-79 ‘toshoppen I 9.27! 3.27 11.2 J
ikinner's Eddy . , .... 9.431 "... 11.45
'Tut' c P:IEP.S , & YOUNG, (1. McPherson a n d taceyville • I 3.02 9.501 3.45 11.50
kv. l . W.l. I oung.) Office south side of Mercur a Wyalusing • 1 .... la.t4! 4.1131t2.4.17
mock. ~ . f0b1.7 8 Frenchtown ' ' 10.271 -;...112.17
- •
corner Rummerfield - ..'. .... 10.31 )....r2.24
At rADILL & KINNEY, Office, Main and Standing Stone . .... 10.41 . 1 ... 12.30
.IN-1. Pine st. Noble's block. second floor front. ,
Wysau.ting I ..„,, 10.54 1 ' 12.37
o,:lections promptly attended to. feb 1 78
- remands !3,59111031 4 43112.16
TVILLIAIiS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON'. (Li N titia n . 1 (11:,ii! 4,5512.57
V v Watiouis, E J Angle 'and E D BuAngton).. ••• • •• .............. • •
Athena 1 4.30'1..3 I, 3.10 1.15
office west side of Main street, two doors north
i 4.40,11.41 J 5.20 1.23
lArgus office. All t.usiness entrusted to their, - ,r,T iv r e e riy , . 4.45111.50! 5.301 1.30
fire will ree ive prompt attention. oct 26,77 '' .
. Elmira 1 6.15 , 2.15
Owego , 5.:391 '.... 1 1 0.251 ....
TAMES 11. AND JOIIN . W, CODDING, Atter- Anbtarn 1 ~-
8.-30 .... I 9.35
• i i sec. and eounsellors- Law. -Law. Office in the [ m acs • 1 0.10 1 ....i 0.401 .:', r
M.-r,-ur Block, over C. T. liirby's Drug Store. Geneva 17.411 ...,! 8.14 1 ..:.
july 3, 'BO tf. L yons __ _ 1 8:40. - ....i 8.501 ....
VEENEV; J. P. Attorney-at -Law. Office In Rochester ', --- 1 9.501 0.10! 9.40 1 ..-
1-1- Melatenye'S Block, Main Street. • .. ButIalo:111.40, 8.10 12.0518.00
i'..;)t. .:".. '±l-tf. , Niagara Falls' - ' 1.03 j 9.25. 1.081 9.10
P.M. P.M.'A.M. A. 31
rrbioSlP-iON, \V. 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at
Law. Towanda, P.t. Office in Mercur
c.,••r C. T. Kirby's Drug More, entrance on Alain
:irst stairway north of Post-oilice. All
prolaptly attende4 to. Special :then,
ti claims against the United States
Pensi,b.., Bounties, Patents, etc., and to
ilt.,•th•us and settlement of decedent's estates.
April ly
TOHNSON. fr. 8., M.D. Oftlre over Dr. H. 0's Drug Store. feb 12,78
NEwTON. Drs .D. N. F. G. Mice at Dwelling
o n R.iver Street, corner Wts ton St. teb 12.77
;DD. C. K.. 11. D. Office lst -door above old
bout• building, on Main street. Special at
ttation given to diseases of thn throat and
VcrOoDiti:RN. S. Mff
.. M.D. Oice and real
dence. Main street, north oi MAl.Churzb
Ileac-al Examiner for Pension Df "sr tro en t
AYNE. E. D.. M.D. °Moo! over !,1 mtanye's
St re. Office hours from 10 to laA. M. and
re:u 2 to 4 r. at, Special attention given to
:::,ast,s of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear.
oct 20 77
TOW:CI:It, 11. 1.., M :D..
iii)IItY.OPATUIC PHYSICIAN 4 1 . k Susor.ox.
:'•s.idence and office just north of Dr. Corbon's
slain strnet. Athens. Pa. -
TTE 110 USE Main et., next corner south
t Eridgo street. New house and new through Out. The proprietor has
Al ' ar,,l neither pains or expense in making his
1:0;e1 first-class and respectfully solicits a share
° JI DUblit: patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attached.
h 77 . WM. HOMY.
WATKINS POST. NO. 68. G. A. R. Meets
(Very Saturday evening. at Military Hall.
GEO. V. NLYER, Cominander.
J. I:. EirrinDGE. Actjutant. fob 7, 79
CitYsTAL LODGE, NO. 57: Meets at R. of P
Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In
turauce $2,000. 'Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver
W. annual craft 6 years experience. $ll.
J. R. KtTPRIDGE, RePerfer.
WAUDELL, JR, Dictator. feb 22 78
tRADFORD LODGE N 0.167. I. 0. 0. F. Meet
In Odd Fellow • Hal, eVery Monday evening
at o'clock. Wsrartt lirtr,, Noble Grand.
jute )2,75
POST. F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders
v. - 111 receive prompt attention. June 12.75
- The second Winter Term will begin Monday.
21, 1+,2. For catalogue or other, infor.
taboo. addrimis or call on the Principal. t
Towanda. Pa.
I 1 7 11,7.;
WiLLIAIIS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Pater. Place of business in liler
rer 1:1 , ):1: next door to Journal office 'opposite
public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair
-11:.: Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing
I.r.w.ritly attended to.. All wanting work In his
to should give him a call. .July 27,77
R1:551.11., 0. 8, General Insurance Agency.
Towanda, la. ()Mee In Whitcomb's Bouk
July 12:76
B ES leubusinesa now 13efore the publi Yon
cranmaattexy-tvnt,retrea.t sv Ca o p r l c t rn n o s t
are ted. We will start you. $ 2 a day and up-
Trani% infda, at home by the industrious. Men,
~n ?en. boys and girls wanted everywhere to
workfr.r us. Now is the time. Yon can work In
si‘aVe tune only or give your whole time to the
'you can live at home and do the work.
N..k.tti,r business will pry you nearly as well
N 'ono can fail to make enormous Fay by en.
at ores. Costly Outfit and terms free,—
thada fast, easily and honorably.
, I•ip•!•s, Tuna Co.. Augusta, Maine.
11-13 r
A (Thu)lete and authentic record of the evi
• 11 , 70 ppeorties, addresses, atid studied iasane
I Fay r,:n4
T l :6 Crane—lts Cannes and ConsequencesaStal
wartimi 211 explained on the Witness Stand by
11-n James U. Blaine—Graphic Exciting Scenes
I::—Attempts upon the Assassins Life—
:-.k,tches of the Principal Characters engaged
1:1 this world-famous Criminal Trial—Ao,ooB,olo
; , .-I , le await in anxiety the Evidence in this
mast Remarkable Trial inAmerican History.
11 G - P - LN'rB WANTED in everY,town
. liEitE ARE lIILLIoNSIN IT. Sond 50 cents
flrontflt, and secure territory at Once.
11, e .
I.?nre to its effects, mild id its action as it does
net bapter. yet is penetrating and powerful to
reach every deep seated' pain or to remove any
bony growth or other enlargements, inch as
npf,mg.. spliuts curbs, callous, spilling, swell
ifge and. RUN ismeness and all enlargements of
tLe loints or limbs'. or for-rheumatism in man
and f" , . any purpose for which if liniment is used
,r roan or beast. It is now known to be the
bfift hottoene for man ever used,acting mild and
yet eertain.inita effects.
-rod address for 11J4trated
We think gives positive pboof of its virtues. No
tras ever met with such unqualified -no
'. cePS to our knowledge. for beast as well a man.
Prire 51 per bottle. or six bottles for $5, All
Drtsifista have it or can get it for you, or it will
he sent to , any address on reneipt of price by the
Pr''Priet , rs. Va. 13: J. Exwosht. & CO Enos
burylf Faits, VC"
Sods: by all Druggists.
NOTE HEADS, Ate. pitatetin the best stile
or the art at the REPIIIIIILICAN °Me.
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CT„ Publishers;
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4 rATIO6II3.
_l . 15 19, 1 3
Btagara Palle 7.16
-- 2.1 7.26 1 A.
sturaio: - . .... • ..,.... 2.50 8.251 9.20
Rochester 5.15 10.03 1 '
Lyons = .6.x011.051
lellOVll,_ , 6.5311.301
Ithaca - 8.33 1.00 1 ,...... ...
inbarn ' - ' I 5.15 11.05 1 .....
Gwego.. ..... ..... .... 1....1 8.50 1.35 1
Elmira ' 1 9.50 1.45 1 9.00 3.43
draverly • I 9.45 2.10 ( 9.40, 415
iayre .. ...... ....;10.10 2.30 . 1000' 4.30
tthens '10.15 2.34110.031 4.34
ililan I 10.15
Muter ' 40.25, 1
fairseda 10 SS. 3.00 1043 1 50S
Xyeanking .... 10.64 1 5.13
'alluding Stonell.o3 l
fitimmerdeld .; 11.101 5.26
Prenchtownll.l9 ...
Plyalusing . 3 . .:3ii 11.30 5.43
Laceyville 11.42 3.57111.50 6.03
Admin .'s Eddy 11.53 '0.07
. - 4.12,13.10, 6.23
Mettoopany - ' 112.16 6.28
Tnnkhanuock 12.23'4,35 1 1.041 7.10
LaGrange '
.1 1.10 7.20
Falls : 1.24 7.35
I. & B Junction .. . . 1.051 6.10 - IAS 8.05
51 - s:k 4.8arre.... ....... .. .. 1.351 5.30 2.20 8.35
Hance C
Ranhunk .... ....... ... 3.451 7.35 4.50 11.00
tllentown `',,,, 4.44' 8.29 i 5.33 12.00
Bethlehem - ' 5.00. 8.451 6.05 1 12.15
Easton 5.30 9.00 1 5.40 1 12.55
Philadelphia. - 6.55 10.40 8.401 2.20
Vow Tork 8.05 9.15 3.35
6-61. - .P.31. P.M. P.M.
No 32 leaves Wyalusing st6:oo, A. M.. French.
town 6.14, Rtonmerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31
‘vvsauking 5.40. Towanda 6.53. Ulster 7.06,
Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25. Sayre. 7:40.. Waver
ly 7:55. arriving at Elmira 8:50 A. M.
No, 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. Al.. Waverly 6:00,
iayre 6:15, Athens ol:20, , Ulster 6:40,
Towanda 6:55, Wysauking 7:65." Standing Stone
7.14, Rummertleld 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv
ing stWyalnsing:st 7:45., P. M.
Trains rt and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on
(rains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and ;Phila.
lelphia and between Lyons and New York with
out changes. Parlor cars on Traine 2 and 9
between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with
out change, and through coach to and from
Rochester via Lyons. ' .
•Wit. STEVENSON, Supt.
Egan, PA., Jan. 2, 11.582. & N. Y.ll. It;
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
I good, seco , .d-band, ENGINE and BOILER.
Address. stating condition and price, M. B. M.,
P. 0. Box.-X. Liberty, Tina Co., Pa.
Oct. 27-2nL"-tf. •
:41 The Pallshers'of the RErnimicmc have
A 2
arranged so that they are able to offer
6 the popular family paper —The &ran
SrAwaLED Hums—for one year to every new
subscriber to the RF.PIIIILICAN who pays St.3l.
The BA?aPEIt. 18 a splendid home pap* r. Specimens
may be seen at this office, or will be sent by ad-
dressing, !BANNER, Hinsdale, N. H.
Just Published—A Revised Edition of Catho
oban's Road Laws and Laws relating to Town
shin Officers in Bradford County, by SAMUEL
W. Bucg.
For Salo at Treasurer's Office, or at either
Whitcomb's or Cross's Bookstore, Towanda, Pa.
Rituated in Terry Township, 1% miles from
river, where are stores, post office, chnich, grist
mlii, etc. Three miles from station on L. V. IL
R., on a wall traveled road; contains 62% acres—
ss improved; good fences, good orchard,
grape., etc.; and an excellent spring of water,
and comfortable buildings.
Also for sale house and lot in New Albany bar
otigh. Wishing to go west, will sell the above
named property cheap for cash, if sold moon.
Apply on the farm to MYBON BABCOCK,
Dec 22d--3t • Terrytown, Pa.
HOTEL FOR SALE.—I offer the
American Hotel property for sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may bo seen on' the corner
of Bridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and Most central locations
in the place. There is a good barn cslineeted
with the- property. The free bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in the business. A
good active man with a small captal can pay for
the property in a short time ;from the profits.
It was papered and painted new last spring and
is now in excellent condition.
Towanda. Pa., Sept. 22. tSsl-tf.
A Cootand Cheap Kansas - Paper.
We are in recipt , of the WEEKLY CAPITAL, an
eight-page, 1111-column weekly paper, pi.blished
at Topeka, Benzes,: the Capital of the State, at
One Dollor peryear. to any address. It is brim-
Sall of State news, correspondnice, crop notes.
markets, etc.. and is. in every respeet o s Journal
worth the money caked for it. Those wh'i want
to learn about Kansas should tend for the CAP
ITAL. Address.'
„,,Topeka Daily Capital Publishing Company,
- T peka Kansas.
GOLDGreat chance to make money._
IT.;,stehewhgoo_ alw
od ays take fo a r chr a g g e
money that are offered,gentrally become Wealthy,
while those who do not improve such chances re-
Main in poverty We want:many men. women.
boys and girls to volt for us right in thetr own
localitfes. Any. one can ao'the work properly
from the start. The business will pay mere than
ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fur
nished free. No one-who engages fails to make
money rapidly. You can devate your whole time
to the wore, or 'only your spare moaenta. Full
information and all that is needed sent free.
Address, &meow k Do.,_Piftland,
Dec 15-Iyr
HORSEBend 155 eta. In stamps
or curiency for these
ruin, Lannon of "A Treatise 'eft- the Norio and
his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for
all diseases, has 60 tine engravings showing
BOOK posi horse ti sonbettes &seamr
th e and by sic
can e
taught In any other way, a table showing - doses
of all the principal medicines used far the horse
as well as their effects and antidotes when . a
25 ow f Am Poison , a large collection of
ere sbem vALuArts, nrczters, rules for
telling the age of a horse, with an - engraving
showing teeth of each year and a large amount
of other valuable horse Information. Iluudreds
of horsemen have pronounced It worth more
than books costing $5 and $lO. The &et that
260.000 sold in about oneyear before it was re.
wised shows bow popular the book is. The re.
Hied edition is stcon nom 'ratansansa Stan
von a mamas. A4ENTB WANTED. Dr. J. B.
Kendall & Co., Peosbnrgh Palls, Vermont.
afar 11-Iyr.
20711 Y3A R Tho original and only, the
favorite national family
per. Tho SUS STUMM= 114181113; itis 20th
yesr, Januar', 1882. Established 1863. The•BAW
XXX is the oldest and moat popular paper of its
class. Every number contains 8 large pages, 40
long columns, with many Comic. Humorous and •
Attractive Engravings. It is crowded full of the
beet Stories, Poetry. Wit; Humor. Fun.—making
a paper to amuse and Instruct old and young. It
exposes Frauds. Swindlers and Cheats and every
line is amusing, instruct's or entertanicg. Er- .
erybody needs it; 30,000 now read it, and at only
roll p
op l year, it is by far the beat, cheapest,
most popular paper printed. Stir 73 cents six
flue silver teaspoons are sent with the DAMPER
one 3 ear. • Fifty ether superb premiums. Sera
ten cents for 3 months trial trip, with full pros
pectus', or 30 cents for Hamm a whole year,—
Specimens FREE Send sow. Address,:
BANNS= PlTheatingo CO-, Hinsdale, :g.
done Mshort settee and reasonable rates
at the Itanstroalt Mee.
Rivipepaig, Liver
• =e ms ligt v :t
trt Asease, BB.
tousness, _ debility, etc.
rho But UM= KNOWN to Man!
11,000,000 Bottles
This Syrup Possesses Varied Noperites.
It Stimulates the Ptyalin. In the
Saliva, which converts the Starch and
Sugar of the !hod into glucose. A de&
clency is Ptyalin°. causes Wind- and
Souring of the food in the stomach.
thetmedielneistalsen immediately after
eating the fermentation of Shod is pre.
It , acts upon the Liter.
It, acts upon the Ifidtuvs. - •
It. Regulates Use Bowels. : `
It Petrifies the Blood. •
It Quiets the Nervous Spiess.
"emota I Digestion.
Nourishes. St ,tentuthens and Znelgous . fel
II carries off the oid mood and makes nett
It opens the pores of the skin and induces
Healthy Perspiration.
It neutralizes the berelitarg
E ttil i gt or poised
In the bitted, which generated Ida. Err
aiming, and all manner of skin diseases and
internal humors. -
There are no spirits employed in its mans
facture, and it can be taken by the most deli.
sate babe, or by the agedand feeble, caroms:,
being mut -rin attention to directions. ..
Laboratory, 7 1 7 West 38 St,
Never falls to Cure.
r Ashland, Bchnykill co., Pa.
Dear Slr:—Thlb is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has benefited me, more, after a
abort trial Aluin aU the medicine I have used
for 16 years.
Disease of the Stomach.
Ashland. Nelmyltill co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN
BLO)D SYRUP for Disease of the Atomach, ana
it hat proved to be'avaluable medicine. •
'Alas: J. Anatas.
Nervous Debility
Turtle Point; Mckean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous De
bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of
years, and obtained .no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial of which
restored me to health.
Fdr Scrofula.
Turtio Poiut, McKean co., Ps
Dear Sir!—My little girl was cured of:lnflam
mation oi the Fsce and Eyes, by the use"of your
reliable' INDIAN' BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
had previously faili.d =to afford relief and it was
,thought that the child could not live. lts neck
and breast wee entirely covered with Scrofulous
Sores, welch are now entirely gone.
Sure Cure for Liver Complaint
Tuftle Point, McKean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your LNDIAN
'BLOWY - SIRUP has effectually relieved me of
Live Complaint and Dyspepsia. after the doe
tors tiled. • .-..1
netumay Na atte aarteunraOram.
Turtle Point, 'McKean co., Pa.
Dear have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Rbeamatism and Liver Com
plaint, and have del ived great relict therefrom.
• Marrs Srursox.
An Agent's Testimony. . • •
Turtle Point, Mei:eau Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was a life-long spfferer from Liver
Complaint until I used your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP. from whieb ' soon :obtained
permanent relief. I 41so And the Syrup to. bd a
valuable Bowel Regulator. '
A Valuable Medicine.
Dear Sir:—This is to .certify that your. reliable
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Is the best medicine
ever used in my family. Hoping the public will
be benefited by this great remedy. I take great
pleasure iii giViug my testimony of its value.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
• Berlin, Somerset Co.; Pa.
• Dear take pleasure in recommending
your INDIAN BLOOD.SYRUP as the best medi
cine made. People wbo are Dyspeptic shoUld
not tail to give it a trial. For the' Stomach .it
has no equal. I Have used it and know it to be
a valuable medicine.
Liver Complaint.
Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Liver Com
plaint for a long time, and by the persuasion of
your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent
INDIAN BLOOD BYEllP,which has greatly bene
fited me. 1 have never found any medicine to
eonal it. and can Confidently say it is a safe and
highly valuable remedy.
Pain in the Breast:
Berlin, Sdmerset Co., Pa._. m
Sir:—l was acted with a Pain in My
Breast and Side. and wheal would lie down, I
could scar.-ely breathe for Pain, I was also Very
weak in my Breast and Langs. I used some of
your INDIAN :BLOOD STRVP.and am now near.
ly well. My Lungs are stiong. once more and I
am very grateful to you for" such a valuable
remedy. • i
i D. M. BALL.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
-Philadelphia, Pa.
Derr Slr.:—This is to certify tnat lour valua
ble lISBIA.N BLOOD SUMP . baa cured me of
uyspepra and Indigestion. which I had been,
afflicted with for years. •
For Kidney
Philadelphia, Ps.
Dear Sir w►s subject to severe Pains in my
Hicintys, Wea►ness and Palatal ,Bick Headache,
for years, and -failed to obtain relief, until I was
iuduced•to iry your ratable INDIA‘v BLOOD
SYRUP. a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health.
\o• 1525 BartramiL
For Costiveness.
• Philadelphia. Ds.
Dear was troubled with Costivenes and
Headache. and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD
SYItUP proved most beneficial to me. Ills the
beat medicine I ever used
No 817 Federal St
For Billionsness.
. ,
Philadelphia. Pa.
Dear Sir: —i was afflicted with Dyspepsia and
MlDoneness foricars, and failed to procure re-
Net until I began using your INDIAN .BLOOD
SYRUP, which Poon effectually_ relieved me. I
take great pleaigrein recommending its use to
the afflicted. ! -1
No. IC3S Locust St.
Disease of the Btontaeh and Livet.
- I 11nelitill, Pike Co., Ps.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that I have need
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP or Disease of the
Stomach sod Liver, and • have been much bene
fited thereby.
• ,
Best Family
Bus Medicine.
hkin, Pike Co., Ps.
Dear Sir;—l consider your reliable INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP the best medicine I ever used in
my family. 'lt is Alit as recommended,
Ilsmum Cumin.
Remedy for Worms.
Dear Bir:—T have! used your greet INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP in tuy ftmily for Worni and
summer Complaint. end It has proved effectual
in all cases.
Never Falls to Core.
Bash,Jll. Pike Co.. P.
Dear daughter was in Poor Health
and a abort trial allow INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP
entirely cared her.
AGENTS &BMW for the solo
Or amp Is ovory town or "Mg% Is which 1 bus
so agent. Portteolors gins onaollosttos.
R.B. Bnax.ex
D. C. SilicsTur
• Wenakur_Sacrre
HEzunr C. Elnirsox.
B. flirt, Somerset Co., Ps
Harris Mussagaza.
EDwAnt) Zoss.
Gicoaas M. ELLior
JAS. A. Baum;
Fa►aa T. 130P4CULT,
Taoicas Corrinite
MIPAY VAsaniasx.
My thOughti go back to the rely prime.
And memory paints anew the scenes .
Afar in the bleak New England clime.
Though ball a century intervenes.
On a highway corner the school•house stands;
Under an elm tree broad and tall,
And rollicking children in laughing bands
Come at the master's warning call.
They pile together their sleds and taster,
Hang hats and hood. in the entryway,
And gathering pencils. books and slates, ' .
Diligent study suiceeds to play.
A mountain stream turns a gray stone mill.
That runs witha a low and slumberous sound,
And there in fancy I wander still,
Teaching school and boarding around. .
Near by is ikfarm-bOuse large and srinare.
With doors'and casementsof faded red.
A stoop that shades from the summer glare,.
And wood well piled iu the sheltering shed.
There's an ancient barn with swallim holes
High in the gable, three in a line;
The lithe bay colt in the deep snow rolls;
— From racks of hay feed the docile kine.
421oliely are huddled tale timorous sheep.
thellaiii resound from the thresuingiloar, ,
The:pilfering poultry stealthily creep
And silently watch at the open door
For each stray kernel of shelling grain.
Full of content war the lot I found
Among the farm folk, honest and plain,
Teaching school and boarding around.
The farmer's table has lavish supplies; _
Chicken, and•alusage of flavor rare,
Crullers and cookies, and puddings and plea,
Are itemis rich in the bill of fare.
The teacher sleeps in a wide soft bed -
-Kept clean for guests in the great spare
• roem, • • ••
. .
With gay chintz curtains over hie head .
And blankets wove iu the hand-loom.
The thrifty wife ere the break of day •
Springs from her rest though the morn le
cool, .
And breakfast ended, we haste sway,
o'e: the Wain crust to the district school.
Here morals are pore, and manners sincere.
And men in the church and state renowned
Have made the first step in grand career,
Teaching school and boarding around.,
In the moonlight evening long and still
The youth assemble from many . s farm;
Though the air withoutlikerisp and ebill; -
There's a bright wood fire and a welcome
warm. •
Nuts and apples are passed around
The bands of the clock get a backward turn,
Innoeeit frolic and mirth abound .
Tilt low in their-sockets the candles burn.
Young men' and maidens of artless ways
Are drawn together in groups like this:
Their hands are joined in the rural plays,
And sweet lips meet in the guileless kiss;
Twin hearts are linked with a golden chain,
And love with marriage is early crowned. ,
Ho* oft I dreain I am .there again;
Teaching school and boarding around I
—Harper's Bazaar.
'Oily just once more, Miss Helen.
Don't :you hear tee violin adding its
sweeeentreaty to mine?'
The- speaker was a tall, handsome
young man, wearing the uniform of a
resee of cavalry.
aTui te r . atredr°1111)%1 1 ) ;
dressed, r ithoush though very , ladylike,
girl in a Charleston ball-room- during
the last year of the -gate unpleasant
'l've already , dance .with you three
times this evening,' she said, hesitat
'Then you ought to do it a fourth
time, for three is an unfneky nrunber,'
he per:hinted. 'There, how famously
the band are performing. It is °lli own
egiineLtal turn-out this evening: For-
give me.'
_with the air of one who felt
that he was no unwelcome partner, he
placed his_ arm around his .companion's
waist s took her hand captive in has, and
they danced off together.
'Mr. Reardon, for shame I' she said,
laughingly; but the gentle voice that
uttered the rebuke did not seem to dis
dimiounige hist sancinem
'➢sass kit len,' he said, presently, in a
graver tone, 'will you allow me the
pleasure of seeing you home this even
ing ? I have something to say—you
can guess it, I imagine. These are not
times for delay, when at • any moinent a
mau' may be ordered to the front. I
may escort you bogie - , may I not ?'
'Cousin Richard Manning brought
me, and he expeCts to take me flame, I
suppose,' she said; but her heart' began
to glow with an unspeakable tender joy
as she felt herself approaching the
great crisis in a woman's life.
'We will say pothing to him about it,'
I whispered - Reardon, t-. 43 low that his
mustache touched her cheek; and' the
gentle frictiA4 I suppose, provoked .a
warm blush, which invested her with a_
ertain beauty—at last in his eyes.
Just then the music ceased, and Rear
don led his companion to a sofa in a
little ante-room adjoining the parlor.
'They have something beside cold
water (tar cold water parties were very
mach in vogue at the South during the
war) to=night,' he said,
,fand_if you will
remain , here I will bring some refresh
ments that we can sit and: enjoy to
gether, while the rest of tlip people are
boring each litter en masse. . .
After, he was gone, two young ladies
approached the door , of the ante-room
and seated themselves where every
word of their conversation was audible
to Helen, although she was not visible
to them. - -
'Well, my dear,' said one of them,
presently, 'certainly indications point
pretty strongly to an approaching event
in'your family.'
'Pray explain yourself, Minnie, I
don't understand what y allude to,'
said the other, sharply.
'Why, Carrie. haven!t you remarked,
with every one {eh° this evening, how
devoted your brother is in a certain
'lf you are speaking cd Helen Wil
mot, Minnie, said Caroline Reardon,
haughtily, 'I IMAM you your suspicions
are groundless. i Charlie is very particu
lar to notice her, because they were very
much thrown together by cireamstan
cei in Columbia, last summer. You
know what a thorough gentleinan he is;
arid then he pities her, I suppose, be
cause she is so palpably and desperately
in love with him. But even if an ex
aggerated sense of honor were induce
him to make hers proposal, papa would
never'conseni to snob a sacrifice.'
'Why saerdlce V demanded her com
orhe Vrthnote are a good
famtly; , ,ondl,bili besot that elen is'
intelligent opd cultivated
for a girl of eighteen.'
'lf eh& weraiten times as Much so she I
Would be no At matchlo'r one Charlie,'
said Caroline, Sourtifully." 'Marry her,
indeed, whoa be maid get the most
stylish girl in Charleston to-morrow:if
he wished. What does she look like to
night in that shabby old merino ? To
be sere most of us are patched up En
odds and ends, but She is so decidedly
doWdy. Not an atoin of style of any
sort .bout her. Whit ie the use of be
log well born,' I•Woridor. if one doesn't
bear the stampld
'Posidbly Helm wore better dressed,
Helen Wilmot Wight be a very different
looking girl,' said Minnie Toomee,
sweet-temperedly. fot my part I
4lnitik she deserves to be respected for
wearing her old clothes while she is en.,
tirely dependent on her uncle.'"
'I think he mist bedisperidelymean.
to' snow her to=gie:abrait4ookiligesithis
dries,' said Caohne..
It seemed as though a cold hand had]
suddenly clutched Helen. Wilmot's
warm, palpitatiug heart and wrung it
fiercely. She waited " to hear no more,
but stealing &Ad, from the froom..i . she
sought her cousin and asked him to
take bet borne. When she arrived there
she went at once to her own &pertinent,
and, looking herself in, threw off, her
wrappings and surveyed her told eniem-,
Me attentively in the mirror. - 1
'lt is true,' she said, presently, tam
ing away, while a great fiery lump
seemed to be rising in her throat, "I
am no fit match for him, and ho shop,
sacrifice himself to no 'exaggerated
sense of honor.' But eh, poor , wreten
that I amt How miserably apparent-I
Must have made my love; tor I do love
him—God forgive me l--and I have
loved him for five months better any
else in the world.' -
At'this all her self control gave way,
and covering her face with her hands,
the lobbed sten story anguish - of hit
miliatiou and hopeless pain.
Suddenly an idea seemed to strike
WIN and vrfugini Up,atie 'bathed her
poor, disfigured face; then taking up ' a
little worn tapioca& writiug-case, sue
sat and wrote atsadily for about fifteen
minutes. Milt au hoar later .she tap.
lied at he: aunt's dressing-room door.
The occupant had nut yet retired, and
bade her niece enter. ,
•Auni, Wilmot.' said Heleu,_ calialy.
haveldecided to; . a c cept that gover
ness place in Alabama,' and have just
written a letter to that effect.'
shall be sorry to part with you,
dear,' eaul Airs: Wilwuc , drawirg the
pale kiti toward her, and . tende►ly kiss.
big her eheek; l'but I HAW' you , are
tatting a right course, and I feel eertaiu
that you will
_fill the poeit►ou •ocouseien
* ; x - ,~
A btilliant reception was being held
in a New York drawing-room in the
good year 1874. All the 'celebrities of
Gotham were present, and beauty, wit
and - rich costumes - lent their United aid
formto a perfect whole.
• 'Who is the lady in garnet] silk with
the splendid rubies, and the finwinating
smile?' queried ajnew eomer i l who was
• 1 ,
also a stranger in the etty:
'On, don't yon know'?' said; his emu
paoion; 'tont in the tuitions Miss Nil
'What, the author of`Perrte Filius I' '
'Y!-s, and the most charming woman
in Nt.w York society. Her career is
quite a remarkable one, too, according
to report. She is, I believe, ' a South
erner. She came to New York about
six or eight , yeara ago, and, used to do
litiraiy drudgery for the daily . papers.
But her extraordinary talent sown as
sented itself,. and she is now .one,Of the
WO popular writers of the day.'
Why has -she not married before
do not know. She has,; they say,
had scores of eligible offers; 'but I sap
pose she prefers her independence. Oc
perhaps her , ambition is waiting for
something still" higher. Dr. Bay, the
gentleman upon whose arm she is now
leaning, is ore of the most eminent
physicians iil this community, and he
hag, I am certain, addressed her several
times.' ! •
'D is a peculiar sad case,' Dr. Itsy
was, saying just then to Miss Wilmot.
'The poor fellow is evidently a gentle
man, aud i t& story, as I have gathared
it, is this: Just after the war he went
to California and engaged in sheen rais
ing. He does not appear to have been
very successful.. however, and three
months since he came to New Yolk and
obtained i clerkship in the Bitweri. He
has been in the hospital now six weeks,
and I fear he will never leave it alive.
By the by, he is a townsman of yours.'
'From Charleston I' she said, quickly,
'What is his name, Dr. Ray ' ?'
'Really, I have forgot,' he replied;
'but if you woni t d like to see bim, I can
take you to, the hospital to-morrow.'
would rather go at onee,' Attie said.
He gazed at heir admiringly.
'Since you desire . it, then,' -he said.
'my carriage. is in waiting, and I will do
myself the honorof escorting you.'
An hour Alter they . entered ; the hos
pital together, the distinguished Orli-
Mati and elegantly attired woman' of
*Reardon is very restless to-night.
doctor, and - talks wildly,' said the stew
ard, a, he led the - .way to - tha desired
At the Round of that nettle Miss Wil
mot started - violently, and grew as pale
as ibeiritient beside whose bedside be
was presently standing, '
'Long, long ago,'lnutteral the sick
man, turning his bead restlessly from
side to side on the pillow. 'she went,
away to Alabama, and died there, they
told me. 'I could not follow her. but I
shah meet tier where Ism going. Ob,
my darling. mj , best 'beloved be
continued, in a stronger tone, while a
look of sudden happiness irradiated his
worn features; it after all these dreary
years of separation : we shall clasp hands
again on the shores 01. - eternity,__then
welcome death f Love shell triumph
over, pain. Death is swallowed up in
. .
. , •
_ .
1 .. ?CM - Tall - PEOPTAS.'' - . $1.60
• • ^ I
11111k eo k D ,
"17 , 1
- 11 011, doetbr,' moan frfelen Wilmot;
falling on her knees by the bedside, •be
is:my fleet and only love; He - most not
die now. • Ph. do not letidat die.
him for me.' 1 - • • -
Dr. Raw had some emotions of his
own to struggle against; jest then, but
he answered, oalmly,—:
'I wilt do all 1 an, and we must hope
for the best.'
'Whose voice is that ft said Reardon,
Springing up and gti~ling „wildly. at
them. It.eandot be ode of &knows.
I base not heard ..that , moice for dine
Tema. But nog! he added;sinkhig back
on the pillow, audlesuaiing' his listless
mutterings, 'it is not her; she died and
went to heaven. Yes, my . Helen died,
but this woman has stolen her votes.'
'Tell him at is some 'one from home
come to nurse him,' said Helen to the
physiesu; and the patient grew calmer
as he listened to - the spaatioes.
-**' - * *
Three -weeks lair , Wen Milmoi.
by the bedside of her convalescent
charge. • who lay hack lon the pillow
with her hand clasped in bi4.l and his
eyes resting on ,ber sweet,. pale face with
a, fond smile.
'And - you are willing to take me now;
Helen, -poi:or, worthies:a fellow that . I
am?' he asked, tightening his hold on
her hand.
,'Hush, dearest; you are not wort b
less,' she said, placing her othe r hand
npou his lips. 'And if you we l e, I
have enough for both.' _ ).
Six weeks later they were'Ma vied,
and that day twelvemonth auw,iiin the
• I .
junior partner of a flourishing Imisineve
.1 , -
Opening their Chriatmax.Stack
- big&
'lt looks as though wohld be hung
up instead of my stocking:-0u • 14
'Somebody has cut off the , foot fmy
stockingand thrown away the
.7. Tad". • r ;
'Since: I have come back to the farm
I do not wear any:'—.4 l . B. Hayes. I „
'Whoever put this baby in my stock
ing is a" liar.'—Benjamin Hill. •
'I can lick the shin-sided lunatic who
spilled tharbottle of 'Anti-fat' on , my .
candy.'—David Davis;
'That is nut my stocking with the rub
ber rattle in:it. That belongs to Clara
Louis&. Mine is hanging on the other
sifie of the cliiinney.'--Annfe Louise
do not know what this bottle with
a rubber top is for, but this is Annie
Csry'socking. The stripes on
run up and down.'--Clara Louise Kel•
•Ah, whoa , - selps are these in my
stookings.'--John A. Logan. _
'Merry Christmas, eh? Ah yes, I see:
three bricks and a pair of speotaeles,
MUIS. - - , -tZtithe .13M/wain iJuster.
'Hell; aiko'her railroad 1 .- --Poor Wil
iam Vanderbilt. ' • -
•What!' more telegraph wirer —Jay .
Gould, the Almhoime Boy:
'Now„ bear in mind, it was not kind
because I did not ask it: some sSIICY
pup hub just choked up my sock with a
rosewood easket.'-G. W. Childs, iA .Af.
'lDSlite; Guilt- _MeasurelePs eheek
Here's ny searletroekings plumb full
of - brimstone. Well, this is—ha, dreci*-
IUI. I -4'ev. Robert G,lngersoll.
'Whet goes there? By Mars his
gauntlet! ' Here's the w hole United
States army and 'three - Indians in My
stoekine—Secretary Lincoln.
yes: it is the House of Itepresen 7
ta l tives. Well, I have some use for them,
and they always do as I wish.'-:!Marmon
'Dear me, nothing but Hi pho
togiaph._ I was in hopes it might have
been my bones.'—Riqi /tr. A. T. Slew.
. 'Ah me, how Pleasant: Two Nebras z
ka editors in one stocking, and a hat
full of black -eyes. in the other. I will
just mix them all together.'—Peaceable
John Al. Pinch. (And wbat,!in more% -he
did mi x them up, most dreadfully.)
'Hollow, a spoonful of 'brains! Just
what Inoeded.'—Greenback Orator.
. .
1 4 , j 1.11, how nice this is! cane made
from the timbers of the lola war ship
'Constitution.' the. 'Old Ironsides,' you
know." —9,000.000,000,000.000,000,000
happy and credulous American Citizens.
—When the preacher coma in and nests
down in the pulpitilool out the stop
pers. That's wat the stoppels is for.
When a him is giv out to 'be sung,
play over the wheel toon before singin'
but be sure to play it so that they eon's
tell whether it is that teen or some
apes &eon. It will amoose the-people
to watts's. - When - yen play the inter
loods,enm times pullout all the stoppers
and sometimes pull them , all io. Play
the interleeds - about twice as long as
the totl. The interloods is the best
part of the mewsio, and should be the
longest: Play iron. the interloods into
the toon, without lettin' them kno wen
the teen begins. This will teach them
to mind their bizness. Always play the
interioods faster or slower thin the
tam. This will keep it from beiO' the
same time as the Loon. If the preacher
gives out five Tercets play four. Tew
many verceiis tejus. Doorin' the ser
mon go oat of the church and sum
back in time for the next toop. This
will show you don't mean to be, hard on
the preacher, by Navin' taw mw lis
ten to him at wend.
A kind-hearted abe elephant, while walk
ing through : the jangle where the spicy
breezes blow soft o'er Claylon's Isle heed -
leisly set foot upon a partridge,' which
she crushed to death within a few inches
of the nest containing its calrow brood.
"Poor little things!" slid the generous
mammoth, "I have been a mother
myself. and my affection shall 'atone for.
the fatal consequences of mj neglect.'
So saying. she sat down upon the or=
planed birds.
Moral—The above teaches us what
home - is - without a mother; also, that it
is not iron person who should be mil
trusted with the care of - au orphan
whim-4+m Bret. Hartes Fables.
i-':.•-=',,:::=::.--J-,;-- . :';-:• , :.
..J . .U4:
mrs LAsi xxixiar.
`What's the .matter'with that baby 2.
- growled Spoopendyle; se he sat up in'
bed and,rubbed his eyes. 'Can't you
stop this fuss ? 4
r Cooed Mrs. Spoop:
endykei dangling the infant. 'Don't
e k,y. Dada 'ants to 'Veep. Baby s' all
bo dood.' .
Mr. Spoopendyke eyed the proceed
ing cynically tor a wkoment, and then
the baby burst out spin.
'Dry up l' shouted Mr. Spoovendyke.
'There's nothing the matter with you.
Why-don't you go to sleep like a Chris
tian ?'
'There, there, there crooned Km used to it. -Texas Siftings'
spoopen4yke. 'She's des too - tweet for ; Tee,' Said the Denver editor, -
anysing. Poor 'ittle dirl l Now, go to think I must have got out a very read
sleep 'ike a 'ittle dear l' able paper this morning., I've been
- Whereat the baby, bawled dismally. licked by three prominent citizens to
'Can't_ you give it something ?' day, ancither chased me with dogs and
mended Mr.J3pOopendyke. 71:0 a gun, and, the police had hard work to
doselber B'poiie 'm going to lay keep's nob from wrecking my office
awake all night for the fun of appreciat- —Boston Post,
ing that I am the'bead of the family
Here, 'let me take her, her,' and
? The ten plagues of a newspaper office
are boree, poets, cranks, rats, cock-
Mr. Slxiopendyke grabbed Ins off- roaches, typographies' errors, exchange
spring and began to pace the floor with fie n ds,
boot canvassers, delinquent
her. •
careful ; '. f her, and I'll beat some
water and try -a little pep c •ermint and
sugar,' said Mrs. Spoopeudyke, is she
promptly raked out a battered tinnup,
fell , blackened around the bottom and
-sides, which ',•slie promptly converted
unto ' a boiler.'
'A baby never cries unless there's a
pin sticking in her,' argued Mi. Spoop
endyke, as he held the infant across his
arm and began' to undo her night-dress.
'What's this thing y9u've got 'wrapped
around her ?' • '
a bind, den% touch it,'
squeaked 2ifra2 Spoopendyke, waving
the cap a foot from the gas-jet in her
trepidation. . ,
'01:1 ! I see,' . retorted Mr- Spoppen
dyke, fishing ont the pine. 'What's
that other: thing hers ? !folk on,
Cleoptitra he continned,es the bawling
young one made , a sering, ' 'don't make
the mistake of trying to foul Spoopen
dyke.' - and the fond hither groped,
around for the cause of the disturbance.
'Sim; you've got theitest lof the' har
ness on, p'raps you'd better drive the
baby with martingales. , And I'll tell
you one thing, Mrs. Spoogendyke, this
baby's clothes ain't more'n half aired.
*o wonder -she howls. Ctitchee, -
sutchee, dutchee; dod gust the thing !
Say.• what do you call - this rifle-barrel
business ? What's this breastpin idoing
here under her chest ?'
'Good gracious, that's a
. eafety pin I
Let it alone !' said Mts. Spoopendyke.
I 'What's the -,-combination of this
racket, anyhow ?' demanded Mr . .
Spoopendyke, tugging at the pin.
i W r'ituft t t i iircaliantllkt e .fi
and he jerked it loose with results be
had.scarcely contemplated, . for it left
the baby stitchless. , The startled youn
gone shivered, and was silent for a mo
ment. 'I told you so,' said Mr.lipoop
enciyke, with an air of triumph. It
only needs a little common sense to
take care of a baby.'
But at that instant the infant turned
'again with redoubled vigor.
'Let. me take her,' 'pleaded Mrs.
Spoopendyke, 'she'll freeze to death.'
'Let het freeze,' roared Mr. Spoop
endyke. 'lf this measly baby is going
to have her way about howling, she's
going to have it about freezing. ,Cut
puce, catches, cub:thee I Dry up, will
ion ?' and- Mr. Spoopendyke set his
teeth and pranced around, all of which
e'xixacted the most frightful row from.
his infant. _ '
- 'She wants medicine, and I've - got it
ready !Or her,' said Mrs. Spoopendyke.
'Come to Mallll3ll and be comforted,'
and as she took the child the cries died
away into sobs, and
,were buried in
sniffs. • -
'I knew I could quiet her,' said Mr.
Spoopendyke, as he snatched the baby.
'Yon don't know anything about chil
dren, or •you never would have pat that
tin anchor in, her clothes. That WilB
what ailed her.' •
'lt wasul either.' snapped Mrs.
Spoopendyke. 'She's got the colic,
little dear, and you almost killed her.'
'Anyway, she stopped her howling,
retorted Mr.. Spoopendyke, 'and ebe
howled because you wanted her to
stand in the shafts all night. Another
time you'll know enough to unhitch the
yonugone hefore..ybu put her in the .
stall.' Mrs. , Spoopendyke made no
response, bat ladled in peppermint,
qualified with a little warm water and
sugar. Then she carefully dressed the
baby and turned in.
'Going torput out the gas?' dentand
ea Mr. Spoopendyke from under the
Clothes, which be had pulled up to his
'No,' replied -Mrs. Spoopendyke
'Then it can burn 1' howled her hus
band. It you think I'm going "to roust
out you're mistaken.'
But ten minutes Lifer he thought 'of
the bill; and thinking his wife fast
he got up and gave the screw a
vindictive wrench and tumbled back to
bed. unconscious of the hysterical gig
gle that followed his last exolOit.
, MOR&E, Gnms.-11 you woull no
have affliction visit you twice, listen a
once to what it teaches.
A rash man is liable to break out any
moment: no matter how he may feet
abr nt it:
Our eourtesies ate licit only gifts,
but Purchases which . bny men oat' of
their own liberty.
It *always safeito learn, even iron
our enersiesseldem safe to instrtet
*.veti - our friends.
It takes but a moment' to cloud - a
lovely morning, and a sligb bntedeed to
mar the happiness of a life. l ,
Wildness is a thing which' girls - can
not afford; delicacy a thing which they
cannot lose or find.
There is only one objection to well
meaning people—that is, they have not
time for 'well•doiag.'
Adversity has the effect of eliciting
talents' which, in
. prosperous circum
*noes, would have hid dormant.
vrPOGE.lpzucAr,- CHAIM
kis getting so - tLuit a newspaper man
can't ride from here to St Paul on his
cheekwitbout having it puochat by the
coliductOr.--Stillwaler Lumberman:
'Very odd,' said the composit9r, as
be stood mournfully gazing on' a' mass
of pi; 'very odd, indeel Stewed triPe
for breakfast and strewed typo for dm
ner.'—=Philade/phio Butklin.
John V. L., orombech, 'Why do
editors lie so badly?' John, you think
it smart to ask that cruel qaostion, but
ire will answer it, although such ques
tions do not deserve an answer. Edi
tors Peso badly because they are not
subscribers and the . man who always
knows how to run the paper better than
the editor does himrelf.-:.New York
During a dearth of news in a western
newspaper office, the office cat was jaill'=
mid in the job press. and the editor
immediately set up the following heSd
lines; "Dreadful accident! Nine lives
lost."—Boston Bulletin.
It occasionally happens that the edi 7
torial ftaternity is in good luck. . Now,
for instance, when bloated bondholderi
are trembling for the safety of their
we dth in national btinks, the average
editor sleeps the sleep of the innocent
and unconcerned, for he has nothing on
his mind or in the ,bank.—Ronie Senti
This is a Diamond Pin. The Editor
won it at a Church Fair. There were
Ten Chances at Ten Cents a Chance.
The Editor Mortgaged his Paper and
Took one Chance. The Pin is worth
sevent hundred Dollars:. Editors like
Diamonds. Sometimes they Wear'them
in their Shirts, but generally in their
Minds.—Denver Tribune.
Has the, Printer tobacco? He has,
But be will not Tell you So. He car
ries it in the Leg , of his and when
he wants a Chew he Sneaks down the
Back Alley where Nobody can See
When be Spits tobacco it Sounds like a '
Duck diving in the Water. The printer
is a gneer man. He is a Fickle person.
Sometimes he Han ten thousand Ems on
the String, but they are always his
Dupes. If you are a Printer Do not be
a Blacksmith or .yon will get Fired.—
' A VE; i s nt i i i ii - ferociotis-kioxing man:
He is foreman in a Printing office. He
gets Paid for Throwing Men down
Stairs when they Come to Lick the
Editor, and Putting Wrong Dates at the
Head of the Paper. He- can Pi more
type in fifteen Minutes than Seven Prin
ters can set up in Two"weeks. He
loves to ask the Editor for copy. If it
Were not for Him
. the paper would, look
pretty well every Morning. Every
thing. would be fat and none of tha Live
Ads would be left out ; —Denver 71.ibune.
An editor is not, always a "bigger
to an" than any of his , neighbors. He
has his vexations, annoyances, grievan
ces and troubles just like all other ani
mated clay. A very common vexation
is for him either to make or allow to
slip into his, paper some expression, irk.
nocent in itself, yet with a possible
meaninglOter the writer never dream
ed oCand then have people who have
nothing better to do than to distort and
parade thatmeaning, and even make a
special application of it in a manner un
warranted and absolutely unjust. Oh,
no; an editor's life is not necessarily an
elysium.—Springjield (0.) News.
Deacon Grover, aged sixty, was seated
mending her son's stockings in his
house, in the town of Horseheads, New
York, last week, when a tram entered
and asked for something to eat. The
old lady went to. the cellar and when she
came back her gold-rimmed spectacles
were gone. She said to the tramp:—
"You've got my specs." - He denied it,
andi quietly , laying down the plate, she
went to a bureau, took a revolver there
from, pointed it at the tramp, and. told
him if he didn't lay thoie specs on the
tab:e, she would shoot him where ho
stood: The 'tramp took the spectacle
from his pocliet and mildly laid them
down. "Now," said she "eat what I
• ,
have brought you and get out." He ate
and departed. When her son Augustus
appeared the old lady, again taking the
revolver from the bureau, said to him:
"Augustus, hbw do you cock this
weapon ?"
A Us:um Extrx.—When you wish to
know whit the weather is to be, go oat
sad select the *tidiest cloud you see.
Keep your., eyes upon it, and if it de
creases and disappears it shows a state
of the air which will be slue to be foL
lowed by fine weather; bitif it increases
in size take your great coat with you, if
you are going from home, for falling
weather is not far off. The reason is
this: When the air is becoming charged
with electricity you will see every crond
attracting all leaser ones towards it, until
it gathers into a shower; and, on the
contrary, whenthe fluid' is passing off,
or diffusing itself, then a large cloud
Will be seen breaking into pieces and
When lawyers MI to take a fee,
When juries never disagree;
When politicians are content,
And landlords don't collect their rent;
When pirlies smash all all the =abbot,
And Boston folks give up their beans;
When naughty children all die young,
And girls are born without; tongue;
When ladies don't take time to shop, -
And office-holdeni never flop;
When preachers Cut their sermons short.
And all folks to the church resort;
When back subscribers all hive paid,
Awl editors hairs fortunes made;
BuchiMppenings portend,
This world must soon come to an end.
it Tear,. In 4dv:saiee.
Virginia.sdrisickit Zarin& ~
Within a mains of - twenty Mikig of
Norfolk is the real garden of-the South.
Here is tide water, and here isa stretch
of country on winch one could Await
say that the sun never ceased to chine.
The farms vary in size from 80 to 800
acre:, with 100 acres to the average.
It is a grand sight to ride from Norfolk
among these big garden,. While the
land is saffiniontly elevated for drainage,
there are stretches seven or eight lapel
oog almost as level as a Soot. The
soil is wonderfully rich, and though it
luta been worked for a hundred years
past, it is only here snd there , that, a
spot-needs compost to renew its vigor.
The best farms or those briaging the
highest prices, are those having a; river
front. While they are no richer - Akan
those miles away.froin water, the owner
tine the river for a highway to market
and return.
;.,,There is no uneertainty ,
,about this
truck farming. -Eirery !wrier &air'
rare of a fair rsturn, no =Ate hob
bad the, season. A farmer wh - con•
fines himself to two or three cro may
be hard bit, buf, - here, what h one
wilthelp another, and if straw rries , -
are a failure something else oan :be
counted on to make up the defiCiency.
The trackmen do not depend c
li o a t local
markets, as farmers are ob ' to,
bat know that Philadelph;a
_an4 New
York, with cheap water rates tol either _
city, will purchaser everything they can
raise. In a lair season,, taking the'
average variety of truck, a farm i of 120
acres will pay a profit of from $7O to $9O
per acre. They have paid even $l2O
per acre, and these lands readily bring
$l5O per acre when for any reaann, they
are for gale. • - -
The first lettuce, onions and ',scum
bers, come from North Carolina, but
Norfolk is only twelve or fourteen days
behind. All the early stuff is raised
under glass, and the high price it brings
in New York, offset the farmer for his
extra _trouble and expense. Long
enough before the snow is melted from
the hills of the North, Noriolk is ready
to supply our tables with what our own
soil would not yield until three menths
A man who sees 175 acres of straw
berry plants hi one - unbroken field looks
upon a sight to be remembered. This
is the largest field in the South, - but
there are scores of fifty, sevehty-five
and one hundred acre fields in Eastern
Virginia. The owner of this big . field
last summer employed as ninny esl,7olfi
pickers at once, being mostly -women,
boys and girls, and a greater part of
them encamped close to the field. The
price paid for picking was two cents
per quart.
The first watermelons that reach New
York come by canal to Norfolk from
meput t s eVowgivtrizecA ir c aria%
folk the market to herself. Every truck
farmer pets aside a certain number of
acres each year for the growinglof this
fruit. Georgia is too far away, i to Bend
us ripe melons, and the distance makes
the price too high. Virginia can pick
melons one day and have theni in -the -
Northern . market the nei', and at suck_
prices as will `give them a ready sale.
The rule with some is seven hundred
hills to the acre, while others crowd iri
eight hundred.; If each bill returns ono -
good melon, the yield per acre is $64;
but each bill returns from one to four .
melons, which sell from seven to nine
cents each, and it easy to see whist profit
the grower mikes. •
Nearly every melon reaching Norfolk
comes by water: Such growers as do
not bring them in their own boats, sailed -
by their own crews, are furnished trans
portation by steamers which run up and
down in the season for the express
A great feature about this truck busi
ness is that every pentium is paid for
in cash as delivered. Every box of ber
rips, crate of cabbage or dozen melons
delivered at Norfolk is paid for on the
nail, and in return all farm bands and
berry-pickera aro certain of the money
the hour it is due. If there is any credit
lystem at all it is between_ the buyers
at Norfolk and the sellers in ',the North
, ern markets.—Detroit Fs ce Press.
A Bzh Fain! Brom—The size of wes
tern farms surprises eastern peopy, and
the newspaper reporters have at last
got hold of the subject. The Brooklyn
Eagle reports a man who said ho owned
a farm in Dakota. This was the, inter-
'We own some big farms up; there.
gentlemen. •A friend of mine owns one
which he had to give a mortgage on,
and I give you my word, the mortgage
was due on one end before they could
get it recorded on the other. You see;
it wee laid off in connties.'
There was a murmur of astonishnient,
and the Dakota man continued:
'The worst of it is, it breaks up
families so. Two years ago I saw a
whole family prostrated with grief;
women yelling, children howling and"
dogs barking. One of my men had his
camp truck packed on semen fonr•mule
teams, and he was bidding everybody
'Where was he going ?' asked a
Gravesend man.
'He was going half-way zer oes the
farm to feed the pigs,' replied the Da
kota man.
'Did he - ever get back to his family ?'
'lt isn't time yet,' replied the Da
kota gentleman. -'Up_there - we send
young married couples to milk the
cows, and their children bring- 'home
the milk. We dein% conat try acres;
we *mut by townships and counties.
My yield was 568,000,000 on wheat
akin% and 1 am- thiuking of- breaking
up eighty to one hundred' more court:
ties this .
_. •
A farmer of experience in wool grow.
ing says that there is more money in
growing wool at even twenty cents - per
pound than in loaning money at 40 per
cent. interest.
Some there are who gaze intently in
to the well of truth. but only. in hope
of seeing their own image reflected