Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 19, 1882, Image 3

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THURSDAY , JAN. 19, 1882
it mil ,z , loir you the month and year up to
w hi c h yilqr Fubseription is paid. If your sub
enrietion i 4 won to expire, please send CM
02r.dollar for a renewal at once, that we may
send y o u the paper right along. Send in
ren ewct 1,,1010nt delay.
A. W‘hnster is our general agent, calm
ltor, anti coector, for the southern and west
ern portiun tl
of the County, •
The undersigned, publishers and proprie
tors of the Bradford Reporter. Towanda
JOurnal, BRADFORD Itzernucast and Brad
fc.r.l Argus, published in Towanda, Pa., hav
ing suffered severe loss in the publication of
their respective papers from - the heretofore
ettremely low price per annum. hereby neutu
guy agree to make the subscription price of
e tch of our papers respectively, on and after
Or First of January, 1882 - , One Dollar and
Fifty cents per annum. And we hereby
a gree and pledge ourselves to each other.
w oe our our honor as business men, that we
si p etrietlc add invariably adhere .to the
terms of this understanding. To make this
wa naement legally bending. we have entered
In t. bands, with penalty and forfeiture 'for
ation, of the terms of this agreeme.nt,
ill .t.ubsc-eptions paid prior to January Ise
~s t . will he taken at the former rate. Rues
&advertising - in all cases to be independent
of s ubscription.
GOODRI6I/ tk llrreucocx, Reporter.
• E. Asuattrs PLE180.203, Argus.
ulds arrive and depart at the Talmud* Post
ot:e se follows:
Fiil., S. L. and Eastern !States ... 1.00
patine. Laporte. &a.. .... . 0.3 u
L. V. way mail from the lath . 10.U0
steithequin &0.........11:00
Ser Era, etc.. Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday.... 2 •• • • n•OLI
plum. &C., Monday, Wednesda ' y mud
• Friday
Troy, Burlington. ko IAO P. 11.
Leßaysville, Rome. &e I'oo ,
Cuied pouch from Erie and NCIt Re 2:30
L. V. way Mail from the South 4:35 •
futon, kc . ... 5:00
Betelay 5;30
ci ci ed pouch from Elmira and E B B 10:40
canton, ‘lonroeton, /co 9:00 A. X.
Lehigh Valley way mail South 9:15
I,J9ed pouch Elmira, Erie and North'.
ern Central Railroads 10:00..
Troy. Burlington, &o .. 10:00 .
Sti,itlequin. &0... 12:00 as.
EarclAY 1:00 Y. 3t,
Ni.o Era, Tuesdia,y Thursday and Sat.. .
urday 1:00 .
Asylum. Monday, Waduerlay and)
Friday? '
Ler.sysville. Rome , ku 1:1/0
Pail:lore. 4:c--..... 2:45
Lehigh Valley way mail North ' 3:45
%it w-thrk Phila. and Eastern States,; • 7:45_ .
• , :lic., open tram 7:00 A. m. to 7:45 p.; m... Money
orl , r , gice open from 8:00 a. m. to 7:00 P. IL
utee open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00 a. 14.'
< • . P. PowEt.x., P. M.
-Choice hams at C. M.' Myer's market.
Dri3ge.Street. • May 19,4 f.
—Go - ,to C. SI. Myeei market, Bridge street,
,r flit best cuts of fresh moat. :May 19-tf
—Fr,.sll lake fish and salt water Bahhitt
C. M. )leer's market, Bridge street.
May 19—t
;,- ;
-No charge , for delivering, and done
•laptiv from C. M.. Myer's market, Bridge
14. av ID-tf
t•rs.,t .
Me 'greatest variety of fashiOrtable Mil
at.d Ladies' 'Fancy Goode. is to be
: at the Milliners Store of Mrs E. J.
3103 btreet opposite the Park.
-L. B. lingfra has a large stock . of Sash
ts end fltiuda , Also Moldings, 'and is
A.; cheaper than any other establiatuneni
'ogNrlvania. •
—G. L. 'Voss can sell .Grocertes vary cheap
:•-:.,asa his eipenses are vely light,: His
:•:nrkiers shall have the benefit by" buyingat
c First Ward Store.
A:I the_ latest styles in Ladies Hats, and
•LLT fancy goods for the ladies at sirs.•E. J.
fashionable Millinery store, Main
lert f opposite the Park.
J. H. Sliming. the boot awl shoe man in
block, has just enlarged his shop.
• has pnt his workmen op on the third
Sia still keeps his own bench in the
oil the second Boor, where he will wait
Li, patrons and take in work. iMr.Sim
sis an A No. I boot and shoe maker and
man. Ho is an expert himself, em
.-31 the best workmen, and will do you the
.ry finest kind ofd job. • Call on him and
:Irn his prices. 12jan-2w
The Holidays are Overt I .
let we usher in the New Year with -joy and
Ile, and in order to make every one feel bap
at least for the present, M. L.. Schneeberg
, prietor of the Great Boston Clothing House,
t opened in Means' Block, Main stre..t, To.
Is, Ps., has decided to offer the entire stock
lotting, boots and shoes, gents' Burnishing
all at alaughtering prices, to clear out the
re, and to make room for their heavy stock of
leg and summer clothing, which is illoody
manufactured for the Towanda branch.
!Ili° wish to call your kind attention that on
let of April, 1882, we are going fo change
errors to No. 2, Patton's Block, second store
tba corner 'Bridge and Main streets, and
7g to this removal wernant to close out our
tter stock, in order to go in our new location
. pia. goods, new styles, new patterns, and,
viro will not trade now shall never have an
t..-r such opportunity- Remember the goods
:it and shall be closed out at' any price with
: delay at the Boston *Clothirig House, just
...el in Means' Block. Main street , Towanda.
Disvion & Rocks/Pen,
7oard thank them tumorous patroui for
favors and respectfully solicit a cantina
.;t of the same. They are prepared to take
'•t l:n.l of picture from a tin-type vignette
to a, life oize portrait in oil painting. Their
::ne: and pap.l photographs 'have been
ecially - admired and demonstrated the
t that they can do artistio as -well as cpn
,ttlo'us work.
in the first symptoms of this disease when
;are.ncinttg and, having - painful sensations
:he limb& upon rising trom bed Uri the
'LIYg . , 3 stiffness in the joints accompae
.1 eV 1011 , 3 s by'smelting and redoes., all
re .. .a:amend the application of an
ninil remedy, something penetrating' and
timag;'an article that will act as a cnra- the parts affected. Dr. Bolan-
Rheumatic Cure gives' instant relief np-
Se first application. f i lame back, pains
mina it is an ihvaluat .3 household rhino-
A.t tour druggist for it.. Price.7s cents.
hectored by The Bosanko Medicine
?any, Piqua, 0. For sale by Clark B.
.ter ; S. End Ward Rouse Bbck.
;M.. 2-IYr.
A Card
' great pleasure in calling the at
tsar our friends and customers to Dr.
I, aka's Cough and Lung Syrup which is
tifly harmless, pleasant to the taste. will .
Lltpeate, and gives relief almost instant-
It matters not how severe your Cough
!he, how many cough medicines you have
or how many ph)ricians you have con
!,l, the tonic, soothing and healing pro
%ill of this medicine will loosen it and as
the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend.
astter, leaving 'them in a healthy con
.s, free from irritation. and the Wipes
.* clear; besides invigorating and
- lgthetting the general system. Price 50
'• For the positive cure of Coosump
. Cunghs, Colds, Asthma, - Bronehitis. Dry
, 'LIR Cough, Los; of Voice, Irritation of
Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in
Lange, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ
4Whooping Cough and Lung Fever, we
% 1 3ntettil this medicine above all others.
Yours truly, CLARK B. Pouters,
2-Iy. S. End Ward House Block.
14 tirrirequentl preced b aof
;Lt in the back, loins and ed t o er e
part of
thdornen, causi n g the patient to suppose
L L :4 some affection of the kidneys or
l 'bertsg organs. At times symptom, of
zettnM`are present s, ffatulency. uneasi
ot the stomach,: etc. A moisture like
vatien, producing a very disagreeable
Ig, particularly at ,nisfht after detther,,..
'to e d. i s a war common Aanuausi
1 41, External and Itching Inkee yield a.
the application of Dr. Boianko's Pile
', Which acts directly
.npllin the parts__
absorbing the. Tumors, allaying '4l's
! Itching, and affecting a permanent
there all other remedies have failed.
't delay z.ntil the drain on the system
aces permanent disability, but try it
'e cured. Price, 50 cents. _ Ask your
l*t for it, and *hen you cannot obtain
H o , we will send it, prepaid, on recipt
Address The Dr. Bounko Medicine
I. Ohio.• Sold by Clark B. Porter,
4 1' Ward House Block. -
Canton has a C. L. S. C.
"How's your arm" is like popular query.
Meeting every evening - thin week at the
B.ipti . et church..
Bun►or Bays that Troy is to bare a' now
cornet band.
D. B. Boles is the new poalmsster it
ney, thkeannty._
Mr. Jesse Stuart will erect a tine residenoo
in Troy in a short time.
There is talk otextea tiug the Waverly water
mains to,ktbens: -
Mr.-Frank Tapper did tbeoilleial reporting
at Tankhannook Court Jul week. *
A littlo more snow fell hereabouts on Mon
day night, bat not enough to mike eleigbing.
-The printers of Elmira istre a ball on
Franklin's birthday, Tuesday, last, Jan.
17th. -
The Sullivan County Teat:hared Institute
way held during the week ending Dee. 31st,
The Presbvterians of Clanton are bolding
revival meetings. Rev. Condo of Tankanhook
) -
On Thureday lasi. Mr . Broey, the turner in
Heck's Furniture Manufacture, had hie foot
hurt by the f o il of a price.of heavy timber.
The State Line So:livan Itai'rosd hard or
ganized an express department, and hereafter
the Central will ship no goods over that lino.
Read our Smithfield Go-sin, Evergreen
and South Litchfield letters. They aro all
interesting Mid newsy.
The entertainment byrlhe 'Towanda Min
strel a for the beoedt of . Mantna Hook h Lad
der Co., promisee to bar strand aimless;
A daughter of Judge Mason; has been ap
pointed as P. M. for Laporte, Sullivan county,
"Whit is the moon gold for?" asked Prof.
Albert; "what are its principal rises?" And
tho smart bad boy looked up from the foot of
(lantana said, "to rest the gas company."
Horton Dean will rernaintn town and settle
the antinished bosineris of his. father. ex-
Sheriff Dian. He will have his office with
Ackley .A Dean. hay dealers.
The regular annual meeting of the Penn
sylvania. Editorial Association will be held
at the Lochiel Hotel, Harrisburg, Frido,
Jan. 27, 1882, at 2 p. m.
Church of the Megalith Rev. Win. 'Taylor.
Pastor, at 10:30 a. in.; 2d lecture of the
upon the first two einquera of the 014 Testa
ment.' At 7, p. in.. "Except ye repent ye
shall all likewise periA."
On Thursday, . afternoon, Mr. John 8.
Turner hat one of his hands cnt on a circu
lar saw The injury may di-able, him for a
fi . w days; but probably-will not havi) any ser
ious effect.
"All communications headed." The snow,
the know, tho beautiful "snow,", should be .
written on botli sides of the paper, so they
can be consigned to themastel basket without
the 'trouble oereading..
The Burgess of li-thena.has Given orders to
the barber); to close their shops on Windily..
Towanda barbers had respect enough to keep
closed without being ordered by_ the borough .
A number ot am . atenra gave a dramatic anti
mosical entertainmektat the residence of P.
11. Bostwick on V4alusing Creek, Thnriiday
evening, Bee. 29. It-was a rierfrct success.
The best Variety Conioany on the road will
appear in' the very amusing sketch entitled
"Muldoon's Picnic," Friday evening. Go and
see what a really first class troupe is. • Tun
Rill never regret it.
The Tnokbariock Republican:!has ceutlY
been enlarged to a nine eMunto paper. We
are very glad t 6 see this et/den - co of business
prosperity with onr wide•awake contemporary
and hope they will keep booniing.
The term of the present Troy postmaster
expires on Jan 23. p. There are several parties
to whom the office wontd he very acceptable.
but it is ssi t that Mr. Compton, of the firm of
Compton k Liltey , hss ihe inside track. -
Mr. Sconteni the gentleman who was acci
dentally shot , while deer hunting hi Sullivan
county sonic, time ago, wise removed to his
home near Mountain Lace, on Wednesday of
last week. He is improving rapidly and his
prospects are favorable to entirely recovery.
The mother of litra. Capt. A. J. Wilt,
Wm. Wellman, died at polo, Illy reeentlY.
Mrs. Wellman was a revident of Towanda for
many Sears, but removed %seat on the death
of her husband; a number of years ago.
The Trustees of the Methodist church, halt
directed the Treasurer to present the edit
gregation with a financial statement every
month. The church now has an indebted-.
n:113 of :300.
In another coltunn appears a statement of
the'condition of the small-poz in Toianda.
by Chief-of-Police O. A. Burns, certified to by
Dr. D. 8. Pratt. We can also certify to the
truth of the etatemout and know tt to be the
real condition of the diseawl in town.
We want our county correspondents to
write often. `Send us every news item you
can get, and they will always be published.
13nt - do not based any town slander; as we can
bear all of that we want to. and it will not
appear in these columns.
On Sunday morning last, a drinken man
who just been ejected from the Ward House,
assaulted Mr. Jordan as he was standing on
the sidewalk in front of the housedind
a severe blow on the side of the head. The
assailantewas taken in charge by officer Burns
before he 'could tufli#t farther injury.
Whenever you enter a house and see the
motto "Welcome" worked on perforated card
bosrd in yellow and 'green letters posted up
in a conspicuous plaice; you 'need not be ISM
prised at a picked-4-3i neer and a hint that
they don't keep boarding house those hard
The pnpilkand fr4nds, of the late 'Freder
ick W. Gniin, of Washington, Connecticut,
formtirly.Principal of Towanda Academy, are
regnesied to meet at the Grand Jury. Room,
Friday evening 20th, instant, at half past
seven o'clock, for the purpose of taking suit
able action in response to circulars received
from pupils and friends elsewhere.
His. Elizabeth Hunter, of Barclay, mother
of Jas.-Hunter, who was accidentally killed by
falling from a window in the third floor of tho
Henry House, Towanda, some time ago, was
paid on Thursday last, Jan. 12th, the sum of
$2,000 by W. H. Murry, John Ford and John
Hartington, Trustees of Summit Lodge, No.
1152,Rnights of Honor, it being, the amount
for Which he held an insurance Certificate in
Widow'l awl Orphans' Bunefit Fund of that
We are pleased to announce that Florence
iticbmond and the. lipidison Square Theatre
Company will appeaxl here again on Monday
evening, on which occasion they will present
the charming comedy "Dr. Clyde," a great
Philadelphia nieces'. This company give
excellent satisfaction when they_ appeared
here a short time ago and their appearance
here again will be greeted by a tall house.
The company has recently been strengthen
ed by Mr. Harry Watkins, said to be an exeeil
lent actor, who takes the place (intr. Vernon,
who was discharged!at Toiranda for drunken
ness.-2tinkhatmoc.k Republican.
E. V. Ingham Esq., of
,Laporo, Sullivan
county—ehlest son Bun. T. &Ingham
has paichased the hotel at Eaglesmere, and
will have it refitted and. refaroisited for the
accommodation of visitors. nest summer.
Eaglesinere is becoming quite a taiorite
sort for those afflicted with asthma, "hay
fever"and iii•dred, ills; for tile pure. dry air;
of that high locality is an. th e
panacea fordiseases of the threat- and lungs.
Quite a nainber of Philadelphians and several
Towandians, took refuge in - ibet 'charming
spot, last year. Mr. Inghani's enterprise and
energy are so well known, that no one doubts
that he will make his hotel attractive' as a
summer residence ter both pleasure tourist s
and health-Seekers.
Mr. A. Wulimy, of New Albany, ' egad
seventy-throe seare, wee toned dead his
bed on the morning of the 24 inst.
Wait for the Towanda fdigstrels. They jeW
give a good entertainment ~for a reasonable
price; on Friday evening, Jao.a7.; •
Wyainsing had a Dramitie Herald owTnes
day, evening last, by Miss Helen Hatchet
Gratin, a!sisted by Mr. Alfred Swarts of El
J.The friende and members of the Presby
terian ocingrenstion in Wyablsing will make
their pastor, Rev. David Craft, their annual
donation visit at the pan:maim, on Thursday
evening. Jan. 20.18841.
On Friday morning air. Ezra Decker' will
leave on a combined pleasure and business
trip in the west and southwest.. He will be
gone about two' and among , . other
places expects to visit Aurora and Chicago,
Cincinnati, 0., and 'St. Louis, Ho.
At the annual election of the troy Farmers'
Club on Saturday last. the following named
gentlemen were elected officers for the en
suing year:
President—A. IL Thomas. •. . •
Vice President-0. NI Pierce.
Secretary—O. IL Card. •
We the undersigned hereby agte;e close
bur places of business at Invert (7) o'clock p. .
m., Saturday nigtits eicepted, commencing
Monday, Jan. 10, and continuing until April*
Ist, MG: G. M. Clark. 8. Woodford; J. F. ger
ser,.Btures & Smith, J: O. Blum
The clothing desists also have signed an
agreement to close at the same hour.,
• Robert A.. Packer, Harry E. Packer, Dish&
P. Wilbur, Robert Lookhat t, Howard Elmer
and Richard A. Elmer have formed a com
piny and have obtained a charter for a air
poration for the purpose of supplying Sayre
and Athens with water. The company will
commence laying the mains early in she com
ing spring.
Although a rather late day, we cannot re
frail from noticing 'tiro beautiful Holiday
number of the Mercury, published by 'Hiram
T. Herm, TriSranda. It contained four
splendid Christmas stories and Much other
appropriate interesting Chatter for the season;
and was enclosed in a handsomely printed
cover. The Mercury his taken the lead of
all the amateur paperi and is now the best.
published. ' •
"3lra. Caroßue Melange Bernard, once a
fatuous pnaia donna, died at Richmond, Va.'
on Ostarday, of small-pox." 1
• Mrs. Beruard was , well known In this see,
lion and was very popular, especially iu tied
"Old Siam COneert." 'She lag a •lov i .ly sin
ger, and.always won the hearts as well as-the
applause of an audience.
The following is vile Board of Directors of
the Canton First National Bank for the
present year: Adam Lulls. B. &Darn. A.D.
Fors, L. B. Glessm, Gco. E. Bullock, Daniel
tunes, Belem) Packard. The board organ
ized by re-electing Adam tunes President,
B. B. Darts, Vice President. and Geo. A.
Guernsey, Cashier.
A Wilkes-Btrre bride stole $125 tho even
ing previous to her marriage, and presented
the money to her intended husband. In at
tempting to pass . some.of. tie money on the
welding day it was identified, and the hus
ha,d and wife were arrested and sent to the
county jail .to • spend their honey-mooth,-
Revel°. •
The real estate of the late Geo. D. Mon
tanye was sold by the executor on Thursday.
W. A. Ch arnberlin was the ptirchaser.- ;The
brick building north-west corner of Alain and.
Pine litre eta ,, brought $1,380; two lots bear
the public school building, $200; interdst in
lots on Hain street, near the cemetery,/$450;
lot just south of the Ekidleman block on Main
street, $483.
It is now over two years since; the water
works were started m TowaridN ; au] to4la,
we are no better *Pared fora !lige fire
than wo were then, and there is •no telling
how long it is going to remain Had
there been plenti of water the fire on Hon
day night could have been stopped in its in
fancy. Somebedy,sio blame. and we think
it hrhigh time that the matter of haring '4l
sufficient supply of water for all fire purposei,
at least, was looked after. Our manufactur
lug interests would no doubt receive a great
impetus could a full supply of water he ob
tained at relit:it:table rates. ' t •
- Tuesday, Jan.-17, at the residence of tho
bride's parents OEL Third Bt.,lliss Kate Phind
ney was married to Mr ; Wilber IC. lainsey of
Woodbury, Chun., . Rev. EA. Enos, Rector
of Christ champ, mdformed the ceremony.
The wedding was a quiet oue, only the im
mediate friends acid relatives being present.
The newly married pair trioli train No. 9, - for
New York; where they will spend some tune
And then proceed to their home in Wood
bury. The bride was a favorite in Towanda
society and has many friends who wilt wish'
her long years of wedded happiness.,
r-• • _ '
The election*of oflleers for the Pennsylva
nia an New York Canal and Railroad Com
pany held on Monday last restated as fellows:
President=llobert A. Packer; Dieectors--
lioberi D. Sayre. Charles' Hartshorn.; Victor
E. Pioilet, Garret B. Linderinup,. Harry F.
Packer; Robert Lookhart._ %aim H. Sayre,
Elisha - P. Wilbur, Jainei I. bake/dee, Howard
Elmer, Blithe; A. Hancock and Frederic
Mercer. . el '
Towanda 'Bootee's on. Friday evening, Jail
27th. at Ifereor Hill, for benefit Mantua H
4t L. Co. i'l.
, McPherson, Kan. Freeman: , s Squire Nichols'
Chas beenserving as justice naw for about a
year, anti in that time hat :demonstrated that.
he is well fitted for the office.: Thu office- of
justice ipt`thopeace iu Mceherwin is an im-,
wirtant one, as there - Aranuch'litigation that
never goes beyond • that cond. ' We believe
that Mr. Nichols bas acted impartiality
. in his.cases, and with firmness in his rolings,i
a ; d.gi4en general satisfaction to those-hav- .
ing l business with him.,
A minister of the Waverly- Presbyterian
Church, Rev. Hurlburt. has got into trouble
and all about a board bill. It appears that hi
boarded for a time at the house of a Mr . :,
Thatcher, and when he offertld to pay his bill
he wanted to set his own figures. He pus
'what he considered a fair price on the table
and lett the house. but was afterward sued
and the balance (118 75) recovered by Mr.
Thatcher. - It seemed to exasperate the Rev
erend to be beaten, and on Sunday, the Bth
instant, at - the close of his sermon he twitched
'Pis clerical necktie into a becoming position,
struck a tragic) attitude; assumed an air of in.
jured innocence, and proceeded to - lay before
the assembled audience his own private
,grievances and grossly thine a family who had
only insisted upori their just and legal rights.
In the course of his remarks he - said that he
didn't consider the board worth any more.
found fault with the family generally and
wound up his harangue! With fanning' and
slanderous allusions to the members of the
same. To say that his remarks caused a Be
'sided sensation *o3dd be putting it very mild.
The deacons biolepd daggers at the angry
divine; his ettemiei denounced the act as
decent and unchristian, and even his old
friends and admirers were at a Joss how to
apologise for hie rash act. A tweet meeting
of The pillars of the church was held at Dea
con Waldo's store on Monday night, at which
it is understood it was decided that Mr. Hurl
but, most go. Mr. Thatcher returning home
from Buffalo on She same day, and bearing of
the slanderous littack Made upon, his family
during his absiince took prompt legal steps
to prosecute the slanderer and has placed his
case' in the hands of Rockwell Collin, of
Elmira, .to take the necessary legal steps to
bring the reverend gentleman to a Jost retri .
button. Bo saitta the Rimini Sunday 2blegrant
We copy the following well-merited com -
pliment to Judge Ingham, who has many
friends here, from the Laporte correspond
ence of the TankhannOck Republican.
'The most enterprising man in town' so
tar is building and getting things in shape
it concerned, is flon.,Thomas J. Ingham.
Indeed the Judge is a leader in every public
improvement made; sparing neither
talent or money in exhibiting his public
spirit. And still he finds time to keep up
with the progress of JudiCial wiener for
thole) who know, speak of him as well-ve i ned
in the beat thoughts of legal minds. Twenty
four years of study and experience as s law
yer and Judge have certainly made him sue
caudal in both legal and judicial . practice.'
T his is sot fulsome praise bat simple just
—lion. and Mn. George Ludo! or Herrick
were in town onlionday. _ •
—Miss Mollie Tidd, is visithig friends iri
—Sherilf Horton bas been confined to the
house for two or tbroe 4 . 476; by a hod
—CI; toaufoor ofJohosonio patent
dating iroci,:loft for litiohigats. lneedy:
• —Arthoigrove, of Wyslosing. spent New
Year's and last week in New York with rela
tives and friends. ' 1
-0. L. Tracy and wife left on Tuesday
night New lto& They mill Return.; be
early of nest week.
—Theodore Arnot, fortnerij with Maims a.
Long, bit now studying at East Satithaelii,
was to toirn on 'Saturday last.
D. L Sleet aid Miss Bitter's°, of
Monrcieton, are visiting Washington. While
at the Capitol they are . the picots of Mr. and
Mrs B. Traoy. • - -
—Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, (nee Mary Daven
port) will spend a portion of their honeymoon
at the elegant residence of the • bride's..
sister. Mrs. Fanny Davenport Price, at Can
ton, Pa. . . •
--Judson' Raiford.. a "formee employee of
We Httponmeas. - ..ofacei but - now . - living :it,
ausgsebanna Co.. *ma in towzi
on Monday and Tuesday, and made a pleas
ant call at this office. Ho is engaged ac
-H. O. Porter,and wife 'and tou. and
Mr. _O. F. Oros& and wife.= left ,on Sunday
night for Phila - whore they - will visit. Mn.e
Di. is. 0. Porter and atterward go on a abort
tilt) to New York.
le the person whostooli the valise from train
81 Tuesday aftermion, between Elmira and
Towanda, will return the to any station
on the. P. & N. Y. It. It north of Standing
Stone, he or ejie will be handsomely rewarded
and no queklaons asked; or the contents may
be rot without the valise. -
F. E. Amyx, Gen'l Agent—Free Preis,
Elmira 'N. Y
- A stroll in and around the Capitol on Thurs
day last ws,. a • reminder of the days a decade
gone by. _ Many of the old, familiar faces
which have been absent for the past sift or
seven years again greeted the old habitue,
Especially was this on the House aide. In
.the ; Senate wing but little change is no
ticeable of the past two years; but there may
be,,ere long. But "over at the House," the
onto are coming in and the ins are going out
Aud the change will be beneficial. Tue sani
tary condition of-the Capitol will be much im
proved. The halls and corridorwill be swept,
scrubbed, and thoroughly clevuisel: Cleaph
nese is not a Democratic virtue; and in,ide'
the Capitol as well as the approaches to it,
with their dirt s.nd filtb. caw be found speci
moos of Democratic management. Thu
House restaurants ' has also changed hands.
Billy Sanderson, the &sot ite •esterer of 'for
mer days has been reinstate , ' in Lis old posi
tion, and good fare at moderate prices will
henceforth be- the rule. ftThe clerical' mis
takes—some of them serious ,under the late
regime, will no longer occur.: In fact there
will be au entire change in the conduct of-af
fairs nereafter. When the Senate officials
aro thoroughly rebrgauieed, step by step_the
empire, ees of the two Houses within their vari
ous spheres, advance and -progresa forward
with more energy ' and to much 'greater em
cleucy.-IVashinqton Ggzege. '
The Mr. Sanderson above referred to is
the nroprietor. of the Lafayette Howie, on
Second street, North West,. a few doors west
of Pennsylvania Avenue. This house iii a
small, well furnished and well kept hotel,
adapted to the accommodation of transient
;sojourners and visitors in Washington. - AB
'the rates are comparison with Willard?,
the Ebbeti, the Biggs. Arlington . and other
high-toned houses, only about one-half, psi*
sient visitors who wish to practice ecotionty
can be accommudwed at the Lafayette House
at a large savingin expense and be made en
tirely - comfortaufe. •
Supreme Lodge, Patrons of . Temperance.
held • theii annual meeting in Csi.tou, on
Tuesday and Wednesday. Jan. 10th and 11th,
.1882. They elected the fuilowing officers fur
the edining yew
b. W. B.—Rev. Daniel - Savage.
V. Patriarch—T.D. El iott.
W. Matron—Mrs. Margaret Lewis.
Chaplain —Rev. A D. Finch.
Treasnret--Caskins Tumkine.
Secretary- r H H. McNett. .
Matshal 7 -Rev. John H. Acornley.
Appointive Assistant Marshal J. 2.
Lady Assistant Marshall 'Mr& Emma
McNett. - . .
GuardiaWLMiss Sadie Waddell.
Inside a—J. D. Palmer.
Outside - O.—IL W. Chesney.
Our best liome, talent will take pa rt in the
Towanda Minstrel's entertainment, Friday
evening. Jan. 27.
We have received a new Supply of typo for
.our adverftising columns. and are now prepar
ed to pie* our patrons in regard display,
simmetry and style of their advertiaements.
The °atilt of the office ii equal
in all respects to the very blit in the county,
if notsuperior. We are prepared to do all
classes'of Joh work with neatness and 'dim- .
pateli, as we make .a specialty of this class of
work, and solicit 'the consideration of those
who bsive.this class of work to be done.
John Falvey, who was injured in We mines
at,Berolsy. nearly a year ago; died from the
effeats ;if his his injuries on Tuesday morn
ing, and the remsios were taken to Towanda,
mid interred io the OathoLi° burying ground.
The young man -Was about 20 years of ago.
Lfitinday Telfgram.„
TOWANDA. Jsn. 18th'; 1882.
Among the rumors in circulation in the
county in regard 10ms:ring-polio Towanda,
is one to the :effect s that the flusqUehanni
dollegiate Instittite hug been clossd ,in con
sequence of the prevalence of this disease.
As . 'published, in our annual , catalogue
there was a v acation from Dec. 15, until Jan.
.2. This is Mel - annual holiday vacation. Jan.
'2, the school cemmenced and has continued
every schoold I since and will continue-, tin
less greater ason shall exist, than now
' close it. The two houses to which
Abe disease is I confined ate at least half a
mile from the Institute', back from thallium
street. and lin 'a locality from which or by
Which I think no one of our students come.
Monday, Jan. 22, the second,winter term be
gins, at which time we shall be glad to meet
all who have left school on account of fear of
the-small -pox and all new students who had
intended to tinter at goat time. Unless there
@Wild be new cases, in our: judgment, ttley
can do so with safety. . .
R E. Qum's. Principal.
Near Minefield on Thursday evening. a
terrible &content occurred, resulting in the
,death of an estimable lady of Charlestown
township. lir. and 'Mrs. Sampson went out
to Thomas Kelley's, one of their neighbors to
spend the evening, leaving Ethel at hemp
with their four yeunger children in her
charge. is the evening dawned the other
aildren became sleepyand she put them to
bed, and dewing a-tcouple:of chairs up In
front of the stove, placing pillows upon them
to await the return nt tier parents. In this
position sho soon fell asleep. *bile sleeping,
unconscious of danger, her clothing became
ignited. either from a spark of fire or by com
ing in confect with the stove, and when she
awoke, not only her clothes but the chairs
were inflames. - She lingered in great pain
nutils o'clock Friday morning, when' death
.ended her sufferings. She was every bright
and promising gam•—Canton Sentinel.
Literary Assecistioss.
The nest meeting of She •'Literary Aeeo•
iiition of the Church of the Messiah's will be
held at Dr. Wm. Taylor's, Ward House. Jan.
24 at 730 p. m. Emays on English Liters.-
cure and Natant History will -be read.
fall attendance of members is requested.
trir. O. -11; Jennings of Tunkbannock. who
!tarried - bliss Moreau Mott of that place.
has gone to Bernice. Sullivan county to en
gsgeln thelimbering truslneu. Mrs. Jen
nings will spend the winter with her lather.
Mr. A. B. Mott, and thin join hettlausbend at
Amine, in the spring. "
The Quartesirldeeting of the Methodists
is held in Milan next Sabbath.
Mrs. EU Mosher spinal the Sabbath in To•
winds with friends.
The Union Sabbatb School is very pringei
one—good aSendsace and very ban:nab=
eslaticas between teachers sad sob:dirs.
Till Arir,i.,Firs!'l,l:.,
- Snowing that there are inuty Ildsto and ict
&aerated repute ,00neentIng the aoal4pos;
cironlated in the anricanding country thaie
thought it adirbotble ' to state : the truth So 111.
illicitly that there should ben* Adttierals.
take. There have 'boutelevon mew sh-7
ono of them was a cue of yaritoltdd„ from
`whlfalbulmtle has usdrulYfalovUrtel!— add
She de ath. Irons isnall-pu. - There are four
cues at, present, and all ate expected So
cover". ---These,iltas, are 0014114 t 4) bro hro.
Ltsd honiel, tho hill bUlt of " 1 / 1 0 :tewn,
ands full half toib.lrma Main Street; where
ell the principal places of businessarelcuted.
:These houses are strictly&luiddrdaYandnlght
so that there has Welt no fusible chance - fey
the spreadof the • lofeotioa since the hist Su
patients were takedwith the disease. Those
who were • exposed. to smallpox by visiting
any of these bonne, have . been ander:strict
quarantine until all danger is passed.: Wild
and frightful stories, Ululated to grestl
'Ewe the business of the place, have been "cir
culated by_mterested hal been
said that the truth -his been conceakd from
the public ty the Sanitary Committee; but I
wish to say that I believe there is no more
danger in visiting Towanda now, es far as
small-pox is
. concerned, than there hag beeri
at any time Within ten _years.
The above fade as stated by Mr. Borns are
substantially ("erred. D. 8. Paurr, It. D. ,
A Died ling Rowse tneoteaustle - Surliest.
Ou Monday evauiug, a Ait half *put eight.
a small frame house on the bank of the ravine
between second and Third estreit. near-the
Susquehanna Collegiate 114tere, was dis
covered te be on Are, and was entirely des
troyed. It bad been occupied by a man
named Ounagie and his fatally, and they
had been absent from the premises for about
two weeks. The Are burned .slow, and if
quick and active measures had been taken
the house could have been saved; bat water
was scarce; and for once:tour firemen did not
display remarkable activity. 'An' incendiary
undoubtedly started the fire. - All the house
hoot goods were saved2 l The -°weer of the
house war Mx. Thomas Ditehburn of Barclay,
and be had an insur a nce of' upon it. the
building was estimated ,be worth about
$600. - it having cost gil t' ' to. -put it up
some siii yeartago.' • . --i
Gnnarille Tosenukfo. .• •
A dwelling !on the farm of, Adam Rama,
Eaq.',.oee9pied by Mr. Dayton 13aiton. was
consumed bylflre on. Saturday afternoOn last.
The fire is suppoaed to have originated from
a dere , tire
. flue. Most of !he hotuebold
goodswere saved. There 'waif an humane
on the banding.
' Tte fifth general meeting of the , "Mutual
Musical Alliance" will commence in the Con
gregational Church at LSI laysville, Pa.. Tues
day morning, close on Fri
day evening. February 84, with a Grand Con
cert by all the members. Prof. L. O. Emer
son, 'of Li t ostori, who hails wide reputation as
a ron4earconductor, will have charge of the
anteting hf.tbit Allianch.l There will be three
erspious each day, at 9 n F9O s. w., 2 and 7 P. 11.
• The officers are u follows:
•J. 'P. Bosworth, President; C. B. Pickett,
Vice-President; George L Buck, Secretary;
CH, Brown,Treasurer;Executiee Committee,
J. F. Blocher, D. T. Suring• and H. B. Butts.
The "Herald of Praise" will be used as a text
book. -
The next zrneeting of jhotl. L. 8 C. will be
hold at thelcesidence of Sire. L. Bprns,
Friday evening Jan. 2b, ,at . 7 o'clock, the
work of the evening will 'be a review of the
text bOok on "Ancient ..iieratnre" from page
131 to 178. Alga the "Questions and answers
on Ancient Literature't to, oe found on 222
page of Jan. No. of Chnutatiquan. Prof.klbert
will act r 'leader at next elusion of the Circle.
Beene will be prepared by several members,
on imbjecte pertaining to "Ancienadieia
bire.". A full attendance, of members lifcor
dially Invited• I
eetattysetios Litseascs aisd Ike Peatle
Particular attention le throated to the fol.
lowing rule of the school school. Board. 'Prin
cipal Albet : totonne no this, the role will be
rigidly en Owed:
"Applicaniefor admission to the schools
and pupils already befong the schools at
fluted witi4or expoied to. any disease that
may endanger the other pupils, shall be ex
elwled or dismissed; in cue of doubt the
fsqbher may require a certificate from a phy
lumen that tht•popil's adnlission ii,prudent;
sod the pupil may be excluded,. until snob a
urtificate shall be presented." • •
• ;'. Drowied is the ffusqlsehaissli. -=I
A `young zdan namediGho wits 4asdrowhed
near Scottsville', Wyoming
~ ounty, one day
last week., . It seems that i be and *bother
'young man, named Oavis l appro p riated a
skiff at isceyville and started down the river.
They zit into tome kind . a quarrel aid
notti fell in the river. I Davis was rescued,.
but Goodwin sank and is body had not . been
recovered at last sec° its.' It is reported
that both were drunkand . that Davii,kid a
revolver in his hand Then taken Atm the
80 It/TII-
Here lay as good farms ilud live as thrifty
farmers as may be found, anywhere in the
State. --Of course we May except some rive{
farms, but-canoot except the people.
Oar town officers are just what they should
be. . •
The new school house that ins bud last
summer and burned down a'short time since
has been =replaced by another. The same
teacher will commence sehool again next
Blontiay. The cae built list summer,: cost
between Maraud - Ivo yundred, by contract.
Tliey are building this one by the day and
believe it done for much leis. • For
the benefit of school directors we will give' a
full report of the•colt of ; both houses as soon
as we get the figures.
A number of nersoni are troubled with
lime arms, email-pox scare is the Canto.%
HoCkwells two little children are very
ill with dii)htheyia. He is also down with the
fever. . -
Bliss Stella Cooper, one - of Bradford's most
estituabln young ladles,is very in with inns
mation of the langs. She is 'attended by
Mrs. Dr.' Warner, who has successfully
brought her througheo far and strong hoPel
of her recovery are entertained. but she ii
not yet oat - of danger.'
Miss Eliza VanDoier starts Thursday next
for Ithaca and other towns in New York State'
on a visit to her many. Mends and relatives.
She will be . accompanied by her, brother
Alva. —
As lumberman are, about through cutting
and skidding logs, they long for sleighing to
get them in, and if it does not come soon,
lumber will be' sane around here.
Jan. 12,1882.. • ; .
Dr. Taylor's lecture on Wednesday even
ing, was histzuctive. Thp design manifest
in the human body 'was scientific:alit revealed
onto as. The erotic) alai purpose of tho lec
ture, was to prove from this standpoint the
existence of fled.' The force of the argument
as presented by' him was immense. Let
others hear it. It disarms Ws of skepticism.
Bev. M. B. Hard,,H. A., of Emil's.. N. T.,
will lecture on Wedieidaievening, Jan. is,
subject—"A Trip toCislifornia." Those' who
havard Mr. Hard on the platform or in
the- pipit, can genre all that be will give
eminent 'eston. He will take us With
ldm; enlext i us all the Wity and give us
safe return. loan Brest. .;
Spam lhavnuccus:--Bev. IJOnlell, has
been holding meetings for the last two weeks
in 'the 'tattooed= church, to all appear
ance lam told, with but little success.
31;6 Mumer, an esteemed lady, has been
removed, item oar midst by death. .
- A couple of ladies irom New York Mtn has
recently came among us to live..:; They talk
of taking the lizimaugatt.
Oue . young lady arrived here, last Friday
from Soothed; she was two weeks upon the
sea. Her eyes plsinly- ;: told tite see hid bee
NA- *mirk Bch**, are getting np
history or P.insylvagi.
Jaa. 1882.
G. A. Bann. Cada Police.
c. i. 8. c.
/ I, ,LuTOBJ!TiaIz"
-thatLiamost 7 l;). thin." the sleigh.
ing we mean. • .• '
The latest Wedding 01,10 sew . * took place
al the residence 000 r. Lewis Gerould;-, last
Wecinesdai,evening; - Jart 11th. The friends bout° p., tn.., and at the apt
Pointed liotur.lite bride anti groom. Mr. Joel
Harris and Was Cliara Cferoidd canto forward
and,were marded,by Bev. Mr. Buell. . ,
Supper was the next in order, and this was
discrused only aii Aunt Marrs suppers slims
are. Time and spice prevent. us .from ono
niertiting ell the pleaant-oectnitnees of the:
evening. Inflect to; say, all enjoyed them.
selves, and none -better than the channel;
little bride. or the bashful groom.
• Protracted meetings are still'conilnued at
the Methodist and Christian churehet '
And it came to Om that on Use 15th ditY
of the Ist month that a certain , woman con
ceived, in bar mind des a certain other lady,
had been ()nosed to that loatbesomeAlsetnie,
the• 1110311130 x, and that she was in danger,
of having the disease. sometime or gime
where. Now it luippened, that this matter
hioame known throngh the rainier channel',
through *Sick sack mitten &rezoned) , wade
known. threat' was the, consternatkon; and
mighty was the excitement : '- in our wait vil
lage. Parties were debarred . from the bottle.
of God. children were prohibtted from , the
institutions of learning. around from all the
neighboring streets. Tho. excited people
ran, and well, it was Madly known that it all
came about bye few careless words spoken
by an anxious, cautious and Christian mother. .
Behold how great a matter a little the kind.
lath. ' Jo.
. 1 1. Ten. 16, 1882. : - .
zrznalizzar. -
Wien Ilimusmmts:—Perluips it may be of
interest to looms of. your many readers to
learn what is going on in this and our little
sister village New Albany.
,I am not *CCU.
tamed to writing letters for publication, but,
not basing seen any communiaalions of late
from Folly, Bain Foot and oiliee 6 equally illnr
trions writers I came to the conclusion- that
thO 'small-pox scare had
.driven them into
their dens and that this would -have: a ten
dewy to draw them oat. I will begin by
saying that our esteemed friend, .8. Y.
Northrup, who came to this place about a
yeai and a half ago and who made himso so
popular as a - merchant, has sold his entire
stock of goods to a Ural. M. White, and has
gone to. Michigan for the purpose of 'engag
ing in the: wagon-ttade business with his
former partner Mr. George Hakes. Mr. 8.
AI. White, our present yard stick. Man, inis a
Wonderful faculty of 008148 goodi and mak
ing friends, especially amoug the young
Nett in order would naturally be our Maid,
the undertaker, who undertakes to sell five
cents wor th of eider' from a three cent glass
and succeeds to a Charm, yet it has a ten
derroyisa bulge the glass.
Our our old and esteemed friend Di. A.
Ladd whoa has been sojoirruiog at Albany for :
some two - yea:B past is again a Citizen of
It is reported that several : new 60dt:tinge
will be erected in this daring tho com p
ing spring, among the. numaer will be th 4
First Nation Blacksmith slioo, where all wori
will be done neatly and on abort notice by
Stephen Albro, one of the - teat anvil players
of the county. A ' - • . •
yaccination is 'the order of the day and
when• you meet a *lan whose eyes indicate
that -he - Was concOned in a railroad smash
up he will reply to your questions that ho has
only been vaccinated.
3. W.. Wilcox of New Albany, one 'of the
Most populir landhitda we have ever had the
good forted° to • meet with, has purchased
the large steam sawl mill owned by James G.
Bax and wilt take possession on or. about the
first of February next. Mr. Wilcox has been
extensively eimaged in the lumber business
for some year's past, havhig a large tract of
timberlands'adjacent %hetet°, will be able on
short hotice to fill all orders promptly.
We Understand that the G. A. .lt.'s of this
place are going to have au oyster supper at
the Kellogg hotel some line next mouth, it
so, come'everybody. you will not be disap
pointedfor the boys always have a good time.
It is understood that G. P. Alien hu struck
fie, but to what extent is uncertain.
P. P. Corcoran oar boss merchant is salting
more goods than ever. the reason why, he is
always a gentleman.
Mr. Lantz, the honest - 132111er will soon' be
prepared to grind your grist, water or no
water, for he no derstands the secret of eon
-vetting wind into steam. All right Lew, - go
ahead. - • Mae. 'rums.
Jan. 16,1882. .
Fos Ts' Iliamatio.o.
" In the IlExtraracsx of week befoie last, the
editor and Hon. B. Laporte very properly
Invite the attention of the people to this sub
ject. I scanned somewhat closely the official
statement pnbliihed last February au&
could not tell from it whether oar Commis
sioners had botight too much or too little, or
whether they had boob too liberal in paying
assessor and jurymen. or, for the support of
prisoners or services of employees. • gab
thing I know the whole' Wing footed up a big
sum for the tax-payers to pay. •
I did not get muoklight on the subject
from the discussion i ' the newspapers Jast
Dropping in the C linty Oonunissionere
office one day I mend lied to those present
that I had examined th6ir statement; and had
taken three-fourths of the expenses fur the
criminal courts, theinipport of t prisoners in
jail and penitentiary; ite., oleo of the Poor
Rouse and farm. and footing them up found
thei sum in round numbers to reach Forty
Thousand Dotkiii. ; Thin I charged over . to
the liquor traffic. I was informed that the
estimate of thee4ourthi . was'fielow the real
Utah in the matter . Here, then, was soma
thing tangible add useful to every tax-payer
in theconnty.; who desired to reduce expert;
ses,imprine the moralskitia, people. or
tact their perilous and property. •
What benefits do the tax payers get for ill
this expdadittire? Nut one -eeaT of the
fice:,se tees, strfar at X know co .,,, mes into the
county Tresourilor the nee of thi iounty.
The latest Auditor General's Roporqi (1878)
at - hand, shows the amount of •thaiserfees to
be $1,985.50. paid into: the State teasnry
from this county. , How 'mach is paid into
WO United States Treasury under the Inter
nal Revenue Laws by liquor dealers iu this
county I have not theaneans at hand of as
certaining. , . • . • -
- Whatever the of revenue may be,
it seems to me that it would be better econo
my for on ass people to pay it 'directly into
the Treasury than to collect it through the
agency' of liquor dealers, at an experise of
ten to twenty dollars for each one so collect
ed and paid over.
It looks to me as though•. friend Laporte
and Mamie too numerous to location. were
straininc at the ghat, while the camel was be
ing siranowed with a relish.
He and some fifteen handusi others in
this county took the libeky.lasflail, of using
their votes to teach party bosses,hettei.than
to disregard their wishcia_ in ttge choice'of
candidates for omce., ley did: this-at the
thew risks of defeating thtaity. They? would
risk party success fortt purpose, but de-.
dine to do so to teach ose ,poilticians(tcS
regard theirwishes as to this , licenee ghee
lion. How do they kompare in importance ?
This question invokes the balit'of our taxa
tion, as walls happiness. Let us
not as s people' be so particular l as 'to the
"Mint and Anise" as to exclude,thOossider
stion of the weightier matters UM lind.
;43 . .4. C.
I •
Tho following extract fromAhe . Battey
(England) 2V,C#s allows that vaccination is
enforced more; . rigidly in England than it is
in this country, but not more so than it
ought to be here. , ' _
Taocinatiien Sumnimues. -At• the Batley
Police Court, Friday. Joseph Pars e and
Anthony Child were summoned by .Mar.
rlott, vaccination °Meer, for _not having %Tom.
Plied with notices served upon them to have
their children vaccinated and to shear cause
Why they should not have the operation per
formed.-41r. Marriott proved that a notice
'had been served in each case but he had not
received the ref:Witte certiticates.'.-An order
was made for the children to be vaccinated
within 28 dap. - _
Between Burlington and Towanda, about
two weeks ago. a blanket shawl. Owner can
have the ti calling at my house s . prov
ing property mug los this notice.
- IL
a_ Pound.
By O. Excasort. -- Price 75 cents.--pub.
Salted by Cirszn Daman & Co.
Are there such - things u singing schools?
We hive heard of such things in this dim past;
of tho vestry, poorly lighted by limps fed with
the best sperm. oil; of = the wood stove, ruddy
in the, corner; of the Jingling sleigh bells, es
load after kiwi of buxom Lade And lassies from
the neighboring farms alighted at the door.
Then the tinkle of the new piano, 'or the pre
liminary tieing of the teacher's fiddle. Then
tho well remembered "rudiments,'' always the
same limited coarse, yeai by , year. -Theblack
board exercises, dimly seen, bat vigoronaly
practiced. The full ring o the farmhands
vowel, rough but sonorous and musical. The
finerry eyes and laughing voices at recess
Mime: The jolly ride home. The promotion
to the choir, and'all that. These were pleris
'ant memories, and In those days there ie no
doubt that a.mnitttude of good Testa readers
and good singers were raised up. Are there
sueb_things tor ?• Perhaps not, exactly. The
ways of teaching are somewhat improved, and
the "elementary" class hal given place to an
advanced one. rhen, in Many, places, there
'haiiiprung up the babied-of having a Con
ditions singing school, meeting ten or twelve
tinier on successive evenings, and taking on
the name Musical Convention. Singing
*hull are by no' means dead, and there
seems, -to be no lay-so efficient of putting life
into the singing of a community or a congre
As Mr. Emerson is perhaps Abe hest knOwn
of all singing hOok makers, it is snMeient to
say that in the inzar. he has made good pro
vision for the new ord6r of things, and thtt it
does not seem to be in the least inferior to
similar books of his editing. It is, doubtless,
by this time, on hand at the book and music
For salo by Holmes AC Passage. Music Deal
ersi-Towabda, Penna.
Professor. Eldridge Oli title. Peters's ist
r+- ' Rome." •
A :good•eizod audience, gathered at .thc
chapel of the college last Friday evening, lis
tened with much pleasure to s lecture pre-
Pared by Prof. E. 0. Eldridge. who has charge
of the art 'llepartment of the institution, on
"fit. Peter's 'at Rome." It was a character
istic prodiction and gave an ide.. of the
ittrnoture so vivid that it was almost as ,good
its Boeing it. The leetui•er was bitthlY com
plimented for his effort. A continuation of
this subject is promised; and wo are sure it
'will be looked forward to' with many - pleasant
anticipations.—Eonira Free Press.
. .
Why cannot To - wanda secure Prof. Eldridge
to give one or two lectures oil art ? Surely s
dOscriptzon of the grandest church in the
world, by one-who has examined it thorough
ly, could not fail to`prove hOth iateresting
and instructive to.many people 4
Vinnie Beam, the celebrated sculptor, has
recently finishela bust_ of the lamented Gen.
Custer. for his widow, who resides- in Now
Ydrk. ;Those who who knew that gallant of
nronounce it an admirable likeness; thus
adding ono more laurel to the fame of the
sifted artist.; It is a 'noticeable fact that those
who knew the most intimately the subjects
Vinnie lleam's portrait statues, are most im
pressed by their perfect likeness to, the origi
nals. -
4 '
This steam 'power mounted' on wheels is
portable and 'maybe, easily hauled with a
team to any desired point. It is adapted to
the propulsion of TIMESKING BIAOLIINES,
wood sawing, feed cutters, portable saw
mills, or any other light machinery. It ig of
simple construction.. durable and •easily
managed. Manufactured by Charleslrrigo
& Co., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y ;:;
• C. W: HOLC0311),
General !lieut.
Ulster, Pa., July 21-w
LEWIS:—HENDALL.--In Burlington, Pa.,
Dec. 25, 1881, at the home , of the bride's
parents, be Rev. * C. E. Ferguson. Mr. Wil
liam A . Lewis. of_Hlster. Pa, and Miss
Emma M." Kenyon, of Burlington, Pa.
FASSETT—THOMAS.—At the house of the
Bride's father, W. A. Thomas, by Elder J.
L. Phomit, Jan. ,5, 1882, Mr. T. Milton
Fassett, of Canton and Miss H. Eva
-Thomas. of Alba.
; •
BEARDSLEY—TEARS —ln Troy. Pa., , Jap.
11, at the residence of the bride's parents,
by the Bev. J.. Barton French, Mr. George
Beardsley and Miss Alice' Tears, eldest
• daughter o f L. H. Tears, both of Trov..
Estate of James Lee, deceased, late elf the town-
ship of Albany, Bradard county, Patna.
In pursuance of anorder issued out of the Or
phans Court of Bradford County, I *ill expose
at public sale on thepremises of the i /ecedent in
the township of Albany aforesaid o Saturday,
January Alat,'lBB2, at 1 o'clock. p. in.; the follow
tug described reel estate, to wit: All - that tract
or pircel of land situate, lying and being in the
township of Albany, in the county of Bradford
and State of Pennsylvania. and bounded and de
scribed** follows, via: • Boginning at the north
east corner of other lands of Almira Lee, thence,
north forty-one rods and three-tenths to Bich.'
ard.Lee's land. thence west twenty-four perches
to the south-west corner of said Lee's land,
north fourteen perches to a corner, thence east
twenty-four perches, thence • north twelve and
nine-tenths of a perchi tct a Matlock stump,
thence west thirty-Ave and four-tenths , porches
to the porth-esst corner of the Joseph Lee lot,
thence south twenty-four perenes to a `corner,
Ilene° west twenty and six-tenths perches to C.
K. White'S lot, thence south two and three
tenths perches to said . White's south-welt Cor
ner, thence west twenty-one perches to s corner
in celiac of road leading from Evergreen to
North 'Street, thence south along said road
twelve perches to a corner in centre of the public
read, thence easterly eighty perches to the place
of beginning. Containing twentyacres and sixty
four perches,• more or less, all improved, no
buildings, with an apple orchard thereon.
Tiara or Sins.—One hundred dollars on the
property being struck down; one-trdrd of hal ,
sacs on final confirmation, and the balance in
one and two sears, in annual payments with in
terest from date of confirmation. to be secured
by judgment or mot tags.
New Albany, Deo: 29.1881.-4 w
- •
On the matter of the final account of Edward 8.
Horton, Executor of the last will end tests
• meat of Caroline F. Wright, late of Ouiton,
deceased. - I
Is the Orphan's Mint of Bro4ford Co., Pa.
The undersigned, an Auditor 'appointed by
said Court to dfistribute the funds in the hands
of said Executor, as shown by said account. will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office tulle borough of Towanda, on friday.Jan.
27th, isB2, at JP o'clock A. U. when and where
all persons 'having C 111.1213 'en !said fund must
present them, or be inievefdeWrr from com
ing in upon the same. 7,
• 0. WIiTEINET, Auditor.
Towanda, Jan., 5,
C. W.:1; U. W. iiiiddleton, Co
the Court of
vs Common Pleas of
Johnson ffianufactnring Co Briklford, No. 793
BePs. Term, 1881.
Thitunderitigned, an auditor affpointed by the
Court to distribute the money in the Sheriff's
hands raised from the sale of the defendants
personal property, hereby give 'notice that he
will attend to the duties of his appointment at
the office of MoPbenon and Yung, in Towanda
Borough, on Saturday the 11th day of January,
MN, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all per
sons having claims upon said fund i mukt tpresent ‘
tbi sane for allowance, or be. foreler barred:
from coming in upon the same.
W. J. YOUNG, Auditor.
Towanda, Dec. 10, 1881.-4 w
Betide of John Sullivan. deceased, late of Wells
township, Bradford Co., Ps.
Letters testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above named decedent having
been issued out the Orphan ' s Court of Bradford
county to the undersighed upon the estate
above named, notice is therefore hereby. given
that persons indebted to said estate. must
make immediate payment, and ell persons hay.
ing claims egainst - the same, must present them
duly silthentlaited for settlement to us.
• Executors.
1. . J, ROY,
Weis O; pa., Jas. 6. 1882.4v0
EXEqIITOR'S-; , 10'110E.
Zatetw of Noble Leavenworth. siectiised. late of
Rerrieliairadford county, Pnolvania.
Letters testamentary under the lut will and
testament of the above named decedent, having
been hunted out of the Orphan's Court of Brad.
ihrd county to the undersigned upon the &Rm.
laid estate, notice fa therefore hereby given that
all persons indebted • thereto must make , ammo.
Igripa ym n am em d mutt
e pe em o t ns
m ha dunga ums
settlement to me.
P. B. SQUIRES, Executor.
Ifsritcb. PL. Dee. - 19. 1881,6 w
P. O. address. Ibunmailaid Cush, Pa.
;lITSDEZDS OP PERSONA from all parts of
the world have been cured of this much iireaded
disease au tars now -living witnesses that they
bantam rescued from a terrible and untimely
Moth. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated
Tree. Write for a Cdrenlar wing bill particulars.
Addison. R. Y. 801.30.17r.GPItaco.
oim CLUDDLYG imam FOR 11182.
We will tarnish. the BEPITIILICAN with any of
the following named publications, from and
after January 1,.1882, at the fates named be
low, Which includeathe REPUBLICAIi with the
paper namr.,d :
Noll York Weekly . Ticries, ...... .12 43
Semi-Weekly Mines, 3 80
Weekly 1 00
Semi-Weekly is' " "4.00
New York Daily Tribune, 10 75
Philadelphia Weekly Press, : . . ... 2CO
Philadelphia Weekly Times, 2 SO
Hamer's Magazine,...... 4 GO
Harper's Weekly, • 4 75
Harper's Bazar, ... - 475
The Century agaiine (Scribner). 475
St. Nicholas, 4 00
Popular Science Monthly, 5 50 ,
North American Review. 550
American Agriculturist, 2 CO _
Atlantic Monthly, 4 75
Cotintry Gentlemen, . 3 35
Rural New Yorker, . 385
Toledo BLIdo, ' 2 75
Wido Awake, 1 - 3 60
Pansey 200
Babiland, 190 '
Little Folks' Reader . 210
Llemorest Monthly - - 2 10
Godey's ',Lady's Book 1 65
Peterson's Magazine,.... --
3 10
Scientific American,.... , 4 25.
Burlington Hawkeye, 2 85
The Nursery,
_2 . 60 -
The-Farm and Garden • 00
Youth's Companion 2 75
Corrected every Wednesday.
Corner of Main Ind Rine Streets.
Flour per barrel.- , $7 000900
Flour per sack . 1 8001 20
Buckwheat Flour. 0 100.. ,03 00
Corn Meal - 165
Chop Feed 175
Wheat, V bushel .
• 4 1800` ,
Bye, . " ' ' ' 75t47 .
Corn, • II .
. 750 .- .
Buckwheat, " k 750 ,
, " - 1 2 500 -
Potates, 'd , 100 0
Apples Green, '0 bushel.. 750 80
Apples Dried. V lb 5 i
Peaches " ,". ... 12015 , , ,
Raspberries Dried 181 r,.. .. 020
Blackberries "" 10
. ...
Pork, '0 barrel ' • • 20 00021 00
Rams, '0 Ili ' 0 14
...., - 15
Butter, in Tubs a Firkins. 25030
Butter, in Rolls ' 25028 - .
- •
E 270
Clover Seed V bushel . -- 60006 50
Timothy seed'o bushel.. ' 3 250 .
Beeswax; V lb
Syracuse Salt 14 barrel. :. - 1 CO
Michigan Salt ". . ... • •1 GO
Ashlar' Salt " .. ,-• 21503 00
Onions, V bushel. • 9001 00
No. 40 South Third St. Philadelphia.
Stock bought & sold either for Cash or OU Margin
PUMA., TcrEarair, Dec. 19; 1881.
U. S. 6'5,1881, Ext.. ....... ........ '100'; 101
" • L'unency, 6's 125 • 12/1
" s's, 1881, new. Est - 102% `102%
4%, new ' 114% ' 114%
I . 4.1. 117% 117%
Pennsylvania R. It • 61 . '61%
Philadelphia and Beading R. R.... 33%
Lehigh Valley R. R - 62 63%
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.... 43% 43%
United NJRR and Coal 184 185
-Northern Central R 11 Co .........s ); 48%
Restonvilla Pus R B Co 18 19
Ruff, Pittsburgh, k West RIICo .. 20% • 21
Central Transportation C 0......... 33 35
Northern Pacific. Cora 36% ' 3 6 %
" Prerd - 75% 7 3 %
Northern Pennsylvania R B 09% GO
Philadelphia & Erie 11 R 20 . 20%
Sliver. (Trades) 99% 99%
Yee ' " HOUSeI .
darner BeCond and B , streets Northwest,
near Penntylvania Avenue.
Transient visitors in Washington famished
with good zoom and board at $1.50 to $2.00
per day.
l itTaLLl3l-13ANDEliSON,
=• Proprietor.
Jan 11-tf
And hag One of His
ftanew. -
That by the Rules of the. Patent 4ce
toprocure .
Models are not fleecing unless specially called
Send drawing and specification, upon receipt
of which we will make examination at the Patent
°Mee, and advise as to patentability.
Send for Pinuarufr of Inmaerzows. free to any
address. HALSTEAD A CO..
Washington;, D. C.
PubluArei of the Cogresziont Reporter.
January, 5. 1882.—tf • -•
WAIT'IME) for thi, max
fine large Steel Por_tralt of .
Engraved in Line and Stipple from's photOgraph
approved by Mrs. Gs:fields@ • correct likeness.
A nmurnytm MOM ON MT. No competition
Sr= 1841. bend forcircidara and extra tones.
The Beery Bill Publishing to,
Norwich. Conn.
Jan. 5, N 3131.- 8. w
tiro fatioual faub,
This Bank offers unusual facilities for
the transaction of a general
banking business. -
- Cashier. - •President
5 tab. 1.'78.
Has Wed op the old SIONTANItiV STORE with
a fail sad complete stook of FRESH j
Galt hem for
,your Groceries . After yon get
prices at floes' it will be of no use to try else
where for his prices are down to rock bottom.
Farmers amget the tiptop of the market a:
Geo. L. Ross'. AU kinds of Produce taken in az
Osage for goods or for ceeb.
, •
-14 II IC7 1 , " p i tiA
Hood Poisonings, Scrofulous Ulcers and
Itching Humors, Abscesses sand
Glandular Mrellings• '
Mr. Albortilingsbury. Keene, N. M. trembled
with bad inunor on bands and neck, posed by
lead poisoning. Oleo a painter.) At times t it
would break out. crack open, and the skin Ups.
rate from the Bash in large pieces. suderlngegrat
continual itching and Waging. Purobased your
remedies; need Curious grsorvnrr internally,
and Crimes& and Correonsiloar externally. and
in leas than three months effected& completion'''.
and has not been troubled since. Corroborated
by Ballard k Foster. Druggists. Keens, it. K.
J. W. Adams, Newark. Ohio. 6171: ITCCICCIA
aItIUDIZS are the greatiket medicines on earth.
Had the worst case of Ibltitheum in thts county.
My mother had It twenty years, and in fact died
from Ili I believe Cuncraa would have mid
her life. My arms, bruit and head; were cos,
eted for three years, which nothing relieved or
cored until I used the Cerdsccou Rzsoixxxr in
ternally, and Concuss and Concuss Boar ex-
H. E, Carpenter, Eaq., lienderson,li% Y., aired
of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand
ing, by the CCTICIIIIA itiIiOLVENT intarnally. and.
Cirricuza and anima lieu externally. Ths
moat wonderful cue on record , Cure certified -
to before a justice of the peace and prominent
citizens. Allafdicted with itching and only dis. --
eases should Pbnd to us for. this testimonial In
Those who have esperienced the torments of
salt Rheum can appreciate the agony I endured
for years, until cured by the Cuswans Itsaor.v.
MIT internally and C 171101714 , and CUTICtriLk Soar
Mrs. WM WELLINGTON, Sharon, Wla.• -
and Curzcima Soar externally and Cvncria
lizsoz.viorr internally, will positively cure every
species of Humor, from a Common Pimple to
Scrofula. Price of Cirricoaa, small boxes. 50c.;
large boxes, al. Cozicvaa Itzsoxvzrr. 11 per
bottle. Crrrscrtah, SOAP 25 cents. Curictrna
Rim Soap. 15 cents. Sold by all druggists.•
Depot, WEEKS k POTTER. Boston. Kass.
Sanford's Radical Cure,
For 81,P00.
an and Intmovaro lanszare, with swine •
• tions, may now be had of all druggists
.• essay wrapped in one mange, for mandolin.
Ask for Basuroares Ittnican
This 'economical and never•failing tree
out instantly cleanses the nasal passage* o •
putrid mucous, subdues inflammation when
-:tending to the eye, ear and direst. restore
the senses of smell, taste and hearing wh
Elected, leaves the head deoderisod, clear and
van, the breath sweet, the breathing easy.
nd every sense Ina gratbful and soothed con
Rion. Internally administered it cies • •
the entire mucous system through the blood,
which it purities of the acid poison slimy •
• resent in. Catarrh. Recommended by all
e -nen' agents, WEEKS k POTTER, Boston.
?pP,SONs• and Roacheßeds, W and ate ßlack
r Bugs
N est
Sra'S venoENTusEß
- MINATOR and die.
No fear of bad smells.
Barns, granaries and
households often cleared ins single night. Best
and chesbest vermin kllkr In the world. No fail
ure in thirty years: livery box warranted.. Sold
by all grocers an 2 druggists. Ask ;for PAR
SONS'. Malicia for 25c. by WEEKS k POTTER,
Boston, Uassachtui et ts. •
R.M.' WEL L E S,
These Farm and Lumber Wagons are, without
doubt. the very best wagons-now in the market.
The manufacturers of - the Auburn Wagons are
making every effort to Make the very best wagon
possible; and with such success, that they can
and do make a better Farm and Lumber Wagon
than anymegon-maker can make who has not the
unequalled facilities possessed by the E. D. Clapp .
Wagon Co. No wagon-maker in Northern Penn
,sylvania can make as good a wagon In all re-
spects. I refer particularly to the wheels and
Nothing but flrit clams Umber, thoroughly
seasoned, is used, and the woods of the entire
running gears are soaked in boiled linseed oU
and thoroughly dried before being painted. No
malleable irons ars used. The Wagon Company
has its own rolling mill and makes its own re. -
tined iron, and that of the very best quality.
Mr. Clapp, the President of the Wagon Com
pany. and an old wagon-maker of very big=
utation:a few days ago said to me: "Att we
exert ourselves to at utmost to stake a better - wagon,
we could not do" it."
I invite All farmers and others needing new
wagons to examine the Auburn Wagon before
buy lag any other. Try the wagon sad you will
be convinced that I do not claim too much for it.
Come and see the wagons or send for circulars
and prices.
mg. '11.•
'I A . 1 %/0/ V.; .;
Ii am prepared to supply as very low prices the
be and most finely equipped eutter.sleighs
in the market—all well trimmed and furnished.
and-with either steel or cut shoes, u may be
Cutters delivered crated at any Railroad sta•
tion at same prices as sold at by me at my ',ware
hens°. Special iuducemenia to buyers early in
the season. Cutters supplied trimmed and fur.
Mailed to order. .
• Ross Cummings Hay. Straw, and Stalk Cutters
of any desired • size. These are the very best
Feed Cutters and have acquired..a . blab reputa
tion for the past .twenty-Ave years. For sale
alive Gale's Lever Cutters, Lion Cutters, and
Baldwin Safety Fly Wheel Feed Cutter".
Fanners should cut al/ bay, straw and stalks.
AU both:Rueter Stock should be cut.
. ,
For sale, the Celebrated Cornell filiellers.
ing Valle:. Clinton, Barran, and other excellent
Sheller,, at low prices. -
i f
Platform Wagons, Bag 5, it:e.
Wagons in variety of beat and liattle makes.
All wagons warranted to be Is represented.
•lt, !MLLES.
Towanda, Dec. Ist, 1881.—tf .
NEW 6001131
Ed. oOuille:seaix,
(F4trmerly with ilendelman,)
aes OP=D A
Jewelry Store
With Swarts & Gorden's Store,
Main Street, Towanda, Pa.,
Mere hi keepss PULL ASSOBE,KIENT or •
Gold & Silver Watches
Mir His Stock is all NEW and of tho PIN=
QUALITY. Call and see for ronnelf.
decio. DIGRAV . ENCI SP r