Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 19, 1882, Image 2

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JUDSON 110LCOUB,, l raornirross
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JUDSON H0LC:031.4, Editor..;
''ReasonaDle taxes,laonest over/Of/tires; corn
petent officers, and no stealing." Harper-
5 -
or Enter r 4 In the Pod 014ee at To ands
THURSDAY, . _ JAN i 19, 1882
We stated .last week that the Re
publican State Convention would not
probably b 3 held this year befor e
June. The State Co - mmittee had not
met when the article was written, and
the general belief was as we then
stated. But contrary to expectation
the Committee in session in Phila
delphia, on Wednesday of last week,
only 6t members present, decided by
a majority of one to hold the State
Convention at Harrisburg on the 10th
of May. While a: later date, by a
month or more would have been
preferable, the date fixed gives nearly
four months time for preparing the
minds of the Republicans of the State
for the contests over nominations in
the approaching Convention. We
hear but little said recently upon the
subject of candidates. Gen, Beaver's
name, two months ago,, was the one
most talked of in connection with
the nomination for Governor, but of
late it seems to have surprisingly
cooled-off for some reason.
The Wolfe conference which met
in Philadelphia on Thursday last,
decided also to call a convention in
Philadelphia on the 24th of May.
This may as well be taken as notice
to the regular Republicans of the
State, that unless their convention
nominates a ticket acceptable to the
Wolfe Independents on the 10th,they
will nominate a ticket"on the 24th of
May, and thereby endanger the suc
cess of the regular ticket. It may be
that their implied threat may result
in putting our convention on its good
behaviour, and good rather than evil
may come out. of it. A ticket of good
men nominated as the unquestioned
choice - of t the pitrty without unit&
dictation from any quarter would
leave the Wolfe Republicans no
ground to stand upon, and their party
would fall to pieces.
We observ9 by references: to the
Congressional• Record that the follow
ing bills have ! been presented in the
House of Representatives by _ Hon.
C. C. Jadwin, member from this Dis
trict, and refeind to the. proper
On Dec. 16. A Bill_anthorizing the.
President of the United States to rein
state Charles W. Tracy on the active
list of the Navy:,
A bill for theireliet of iirs. -Helena
A bill granting 'a I.pension to George
bill grunting peueiuu iv Albert
A bill to restore Charles N. Warn to
his former rank and position in the
United States Army.
A bill granting a pension to James B
A bill granting an increase of pension
to Cephas E. Andrus,
A bill• granting a pension to Andrew
On January 9th. A bill4for the - relief
of Noble N. Betts, Eleazor'T. Fox and
Charles M. Manville, sureties of S.
Alvord, late' postmaster at Towanda:,
A bill for the relief of W. B. Robin-,
A bill for . the relief of Lewis Holmes.
A bill for the relief of Norton L.
IA bill granting a vensiott to Henry
N. Gam
By request, A bill changing the law
granting pensions to dependent mothers.
Also the followina petitions:
Dec. 16th. PetitiOn of Henry McKin
ney and others, for un appropriation of
$50,000,000, for a ptrmanont schoo
fund in the late slave States.
petition or same for ipprovement of
the Mississippi river.
Petition of same relating to the Army
and Navy.
Petition of same, relating to affairs in
the District of Columbia, and praying
that no more interest be paid on the i
national debt until the objects above
named are accomplished, -
Petition of Syniond Elsworth and
others of Bradford county, Pa., for
equality of priviltiges in railroad trans
Pt tition of citizens of Susquehanna
county, Pa., of same import as above.
Petition of T. A. Miller and Stephen
0. Corivin for the passage of lions:: Bill
3981 of the Forty-Sixth Congress, relat
ing to postmasters.,
Petition of;Buckingham Stewart for
a pension.
January 9th. Petition of 13. E. James
and 300 others of Pennsylvania relativo ,
interstate commerce.
AJnoa . interesting and coinprehen-
sive account of the trial up to Mon
, day appears in outditorial correspon
dence from Washington.
Judge . Cox has refused tcrallow-
Guiteau to address the jury.
Guiteau stated that he would have
his speech published and on Monday it
appeared in the large city dailies. It is
long, rambling rehash of much that
Guiteau has already said in Court and
to newspaper reporters that have inter-
viewd 'ln it he still clings to the
inspiration theory, and claims that he
is a patriotof equal merit with Wash
ington and Grant, that he saved the
country from a civil war, and, says he
thinks that the jury should acquit him
on those grounds.
On Monday morning, Scoville began
his address to the jury for the defense.
He occupied the whole day Monday
and Tuesday and -was expected to
finish on Wednesday.
Editorial "orrespoisdebace.
The respective attorneys, pro and
coi►, in the case of , J. C. Guiteau on
trial for the murder of President
Garfield, closed their arguments before.
Judge Cox on their prayers, asking the
Court to instruct the jury on certain
points bearing upon the question of
insanity, and as to the prisoners Te
sponsibility,on Wednesday last.
Judge Cox ruled as follows:
"In commenting upon the prayer or
the defence asking the court to instruct
the jury that they must acquit if they.
have a reasonable doubt of the sanity ;
of the accused Judge Cox said: Still
another view is that the sanity of the
accused _is just, as - much a part of the
case of the prosecution as the homicide
itself, and just as much an element in
the crime of murder, the only difference
being that, as the law presumes every
one t 6 be sane, it is not necessary for
the government to produce affimative
evidence of the sanity, but that if the
jury have a reasonable doubt of the
sanity they are just as much bound`to ac
quit as if they entertained a reasonable
doubt of the commission of, the homi
cide by the accused. After a careful
examination of the authorities --some of
which are mere dicta, and, others not
well considered or even consistent state
ments of opinions—l am-satisfied that
the best reasons and most weighty of
them , sustain the views which ,I now
proceed to state. I have, examined all
the authorities with great care over and
Overngain. The cases that , are referred
to in support of the second rule are
somewhat more nUmerous than the
others. Some of them, however, turn
on the statutory definition' of the crime
of murder. A great many of the cases
are mere dicta, and some of them in
volve utter contradictions. Not one of
them contains the least shim Of argu
ment. With us there is no statutory
definition of murder. We have the
common law definition of murder as oc
curring when a homicide is committed
by a person of sound memory, discre
tion, etc. The opinions which support
the last view are decidedly entitled to=
mmt confidence. , Tiley reasoned
out from first principles, and their rea
sonings have been unanswered, and in
my judgment,. unanswerable. .In the
case of Stone, tried in this court, a few
years ago, the instructions were as fol
lows: -'ln a capital case the defence of
insanity is required to be made out by
most clear and convincing proof, in this
case the jury must judge of
. the evi
dence- offered to sustain the defence;
and if, on consideration of alt the evi
dence in connection with the presump
tion that what a man does is sanely
done, the jury entertains a reasonable
doubt as to whether the prisoner, corn- 1
mitted the homicide, as charged, or as
to whether at the time of its commis
sion he was in a sane state of mind,
they must acquit I shall, how
ever, adopt the suggestion which is
found in some ofAhe later authorities
that is, not to instruct the jury to ac
quit if they feel a reasonable doubt
about any one - fact in the issue; but I
shall instruct them as to the nature .of
the crime and as to all,the elements
. composing it, including that of respon
sibility. I shall instruct them as to
the presumption of innocence and sanity,
and shall tell them, finally, that on the
whole evidence and on the considera
tion of-both presumptions, if they have
a reasonable doubt of the gat of the
prisoner, the prisoner is entitled to an
arquittal. /
Judge Cox, in delivering his 'instruc
tions yesterday, modified the first pray
er of the prosecution regarding the test
of 'responsibility, so read as iol
lows: The legal test of responsibility
when insanity is set up as a defence for
alleged crime, is whether the accused
at the time of committing the act
charged, knew the difference between
right and wrong in respect of such act.
Hence, in the present case, if the jury
fiend that the accused committed the
act charged in the indictment, '
the time of the commission of his crime
knew what he was doing, and that : what
he was doing was contrary to the law
of the land, he is responsible, unless in
consequence of insane mental delusion
or other form of mental disorder, he
was laboring under such defect of reason
as to be incapable of understanding
the obligation of the law of the land,
Ana the duty and necessity of obedience
to it, and if understanding that his act
was wrong because it was in violation
of the law,"
Members of the bar generally regard
the,decisi'on of Judge Cox, as a very
fair one
The opening argument before the
jury on -the part of.the prosecution was
begun by Mr. Davidge on Thurtiday
morning last.
For the first time we were present
in . the Court room at the opening of
Court and.
,The crowd that daily. flock to the
court room is far beyond the capacity
of the room to accommodate. - The floors
are closed at 10 o'clock a. m. at which
time the court is called to order by the
Deputy Marshal. .By this time every
seat and every inch of standing room
permitted to be occupied by spectators
is packed as "close as figs in a box."
We were on hand at 9 o'clock,- and
through the courtesy of Capt. Tall,
Went in with the earlier portion of the
crowd. OUr position was near the
railing of the dock, just the position
desired to obtain a good view of the
prisoper and to observe his looks and
actions. The court was called to order
at 10 o'clock a. m. and at l 0 o'clock 5
Minutes the jury filed_ in and took
their seats in the - jury , hox. They
were immediately -folloWed by Capt.
Tall and two policemen with the prison':
er, his wrists being manacled. •
He was conducted to the dock within
ten feet of-where we stood and after
being seated the irons were removed
from his wrists. Judge (x took his
place on the Bench, 'and the crieeform
allY opened the Court. -
Immediately the prisoner, in an audi
ble tone, distinctly heard throughinit
the court roam, and without apparent
emotion or excitement, Said: "May 'it
please the Court, 1, wish to say that I
was mistaken iii—the charges I made
yesterday against Mr. Davidge. I
received a letter:making the statements,
which I supposed were true. I found
I was imposed upon and wish to correct,
my mistake. I take it back as- to
Davidge, he is a Christian lawyer and
gentleman, but I don't as to _Corkbill.
Igo light on Davidge but strong on
Mr. Davidge then rose and began
t his argument. He is a tsll dignified
gentleman, above medium weight,
past sixty years of age, his , hair has
passed from grey and would be called
white.- He has an intelligent; pleasant
face, and hid manner and personal bear
ing is Impressive. He spoke in a de.
liberate and forcible manner, making a
moat convincing• argument, deduced
from the evidence and applying the
law as administered in numerous
cases *hick he cited. Commenting
upon Guitean's own testimony and
his claiiitof
Mr. Davidge asked, "What is ii?"
He said:
It consisted in simply writing the
word God where the word devil . ought
to be written. - Use the word devil,
Afr?Davidge and, it became elefiv4.
The prisoner's struggle was ' the*
struggle that every wicked man had.:
He read here the 13th 14th and 15th
verses of the Ist chapter of James as .
follows: "Let no man say
_when he is
tempted, I am tempted of God; for
God cannot be tempted neither tempt
eth he any man; bUt every man is
tempted when he is drawn away of his
own lust, and , enticed. Then when
lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth
sin; and sin, when it is finished bringeth
forth death." •
That, Mr. Dhvidge said,, was his
Commentary. - -- Remarkiiig, upon the
ludge's instructions, again, Mr. Davidge
said, that in order to be absoltred from
responsiblity, it mustbe shown that
the prisoner was suffering with dise: z•
We remained in the Court .roorn
about two hours, and in the mean 'tulle
had an opportunity to oliserve , •
Jilimediately After his morniUg vale
dictory, before 'referred to, he unfolded
a large roll of manuscript, and turning
toward the broad railing of the dock,
with his face away from the court and
jury, he spread his_napers out and com•
menced writing upon the argument he
is. preparing for delivery before the
jury in his own defence. He announ
ces that his speech will occupy !him
four hours in its delivery, that it will
demolish every theory of the prosecu
tion, and will surpass the elbquence of
Cicero, a Demosthenes' or a Newton.
The Court how4r, has ruled that he
cannot be perm4ed to deliver it, un
less by consent his counsel. He has
given the Court iiiotice that he will
have it printea', and ask the court to
read it before charging the jury. t The
prisoner is a man below medium size, :
not 'weighing at the present time'more
than 130 pounds. His hairis cropped
quite short and his face is close shaven,
except a short bristly looking mustache.
His countenance bears marks of great
mental strain, his. face is somewhat
haggard and his eyes, which appear to
be a greyish blue, .. are sunken. Just
such a face as one would naturally
look for in a man hardened: by crime..
Yet it is :not of that "
repulsive character
that makes the prisoner especially no
"beable were he not charged with a
heinous crime. He was 'dressed in a
suit of well-worn black ; but looked
clean and tidy. His appearance deno
ted a dogged persistency to hold him
.self above civil law, and to paliate the
commission of crime by him upon the
devilish plea of "divine pressure." If
he does not feel a hempen pressure about
his neck that will choke the worthless
life out of him after the trial is ended,
justice will be robbed of its mission.
Mr. Reed, of Chicago, made the
opening argument for the defense on
Saturdny. He will - he follovVed to-day
by,Mr. Scoville, the brother-in-,law of
the prisoner. Judge Porter of New
York, who is regarded as mueh the
ablest' attorney in the case, will folloiv
Mr, Scovilleimd close the argument in
the case on hehalf tif the prosecution.
Mr. Recci:for the defense made a
strong argument from his premises.
His strong effprt was directed to show
ing -the prisoner's insanity and weakness
of mind. He said "acquit him of mur
der and send him to an asylum and he
will be a driveling idiot in twenty-four
hours." Whether the jury; will con
sider this good' logic and some argu
ment in contemplating the very sharp
sense exhibited by the prisoner iduring
the trial remains to be seen. It is
hardly probable that a verdict an be
anticipated before Mondqy next,A
Wei have said so much of the Guiteau
case, we have not space to say much
else, we -will however note a few items
that may be of interest..
has been in Eesnon at the main hall of
the Agricultural Department building
for several days. Dr. Loring, Com
missioner of Agrieulturqpresided over
the deliVeratiOns of the assemblage.
There are delegates iii atten dance
representing the interests of agriculture
from all parts of the Union, and able
discussions by eminent agriculturists are
listened to. The gathering is a fittink
supplemen to the Cotton Exposition just
closed at AtlantP, Gepigia, and will
tend still further to fraternize the differ.'
ent sections and promote the material
interests of the whole.
- 7
Petitions, are pouring in upon Con
gress from all sections of
.the country, the
most numerous perhaps from the West
ern States asking for legislation to regu
late Inter-State Commerce by the re
striction of 'rates of transportation.
A number of bills have' already been
referred to the Committee on Com
merce relating to this subject. The
demd has become so pressing that
Congress must, - ere long, pay 'attention
to prayers of their corporatiod-riddvn
constituents, or be left out' in the cold
when the time comes for re-election.
aspect of Washington appears to be
lest gay this winter than usual. The
sad events of the past summer do not
seen to hive worn °lithe minds of the
people, And there is a graver complex
ton characterizing everything about the
Capital city of the Nation. The Grui
teau trial and numberless other things,
at every_ turn is reminding one, con - -
stantly of the wicked murder ant and
death of - one of the noblest Presidents
the Nation has ever had. -
Tha. State Committee, by a bare
majority' of one. Vas - called the &pub
lican State Convention to meet at HUN;
risburg on the 10th of May. The thirty
one members—practically half the Com•
atittee—who, voted against this prepo
sition favored a later data They felt
that the geneiral sentiment of Repub
licans was opposed to a Convention at so
early a period and believed it wise policy
to bow to this judgment. And they,
were emphatically right. The fiistweek
June would have been early ennugti.
and the tiral fixed is a mistake.
This is no mere matter of sentiment
without .a substantial foundation. There
, is, a practical reason why the Convention
should not have been called before
June.' Take the effect in Lancaster as
an illustration. Under the, existing
isles of the party in that country the
primaries in' Lancaster are held on the
last Saturday of May. That is three
Weeks after the day fixed for the State
Convention. The result is tbit the third'
Republican county in the St!kte is either
disfranchised l or compelled to hold a
special primary for the election of dele
gates. If such a special primary could
be secured, there would be less gentled
for complaint; but as a matter of feet,.
under precisely similar circumstances
in formertyears. the tonnty Commit
tee has usurped the power to ear the
delegates,' and there is every reason to
suppose ihat_apon the same pretext it
will again undertake to perpetrate the
same wrong. This is theeffect, if it was
net, the design, of calling the Convention
in May instead of June, and it clearly
shows why. that action . is open to just
The wisdom of bowing to the strong
and emphatic expression fer i a later Con-.
vention was so plain that it itdifficult to
understand -why prudent men should
have disregarded it. If there was some
sinister scheme of shutting offs free and
fair expression, such as we have indi
cated in Lancaster, then the movement
can be comprehendek, even if it cannot
be approved. But ii there is no such pur
pose, it is hard to see why there should
not have .been a willingness to defer
the Convention iu accordance with the
;general judgment. It is the ono question
upon whiotthere has been a strong el
pressionTand such a- concession would
have done very much to appease the
spirit of discontent. •
But the call is made and the time is
,fixed. There remain four months for
discussion and' preparation. The time
is ample, provided there shalt nbt be
an attempt on the part of County ipom
mittees to deny full opportunity
for a free expression., Let the people
demand 'and insist upon the right of a
popular • election of delegates; and let
them choose strong, representative men
who will reflect the popular will.—Phila.
Press. - f
Governor Cameron's inaugural mes
sage to the; legislature of Virginia is
rather an able state paper, dealing con
cisely and frankly with the questions
of most importance to Virginia. The
'state-debt question is naturally the one
which first receiyes the_ governor's at
tention. After refering to the confu
sion created in the public mind with
regard to the debt. he says: "As. I
understand, the views and will of" the
people of this state, they do not intend
to repudiate any just obligation, but to
assume and tq pay that proportion of
the principle Which is Properly, charge
able to the prek - ent state of Virginia,
and to restore all classes of the credit
ors to a plane of equality." He urges
a speedy, equitable and final settlemeht
of all controversy concerning the state
debt, and reccornends the Riddleberger
bill as "the basfs" for such settlement.
Gov. Cameron does not give any esti
mate in - figures of the total - amount
of the debt, but starting with the
proposition that there is_no difficulty in
ascertaining the proportion of the ante
bellum debt that the State - , should as
some, he asserts that - the proper dinount
can be mathematically determined by
the following rules:
First. By computing full interest to
'the date of the settlement from the
period when Virginia lost _control of
and, ceased fa draw revenue frOm the
territory embraced in West Virginia.
Second.. - By crediting against the
sum total of principle arid; interest so
obtained the acknowledged payments
on both accounts made by Virginia
since the partition';of her territory.
He opposes any increase in the rate
of taxation, and regards 3 per cent.
per -annum as the
.maximum interest
that should be allowed upon , the debt
under the proposed settlement. He
thinks considerable imprciiethent may
be made in the public schools; insists
that the portion of the revenues dedi
cated by they constitution to the public
schools shall be so applie , i,. and - that
the school 'fund shall be preserved
from future invasion. :With-the proper
application of the school moneys he
believes that not only 'tan the number
of schools be increased . and the terms
lengthened, but that provision may be'
made for the: higher education of all
classes. He favors liberal education
of the colored people, but opposes
mixed s-hools, sayinp "No class of
citizens desire them." He recommends
the establishment of a State institution
for the :"broader training" of such
colored pipils as acquire nrofieieney in
the common schools, and expiis6es the
hope 'that at no distant day the national
government will extend a helping hand
to the public schools. On the question
of sufferage, the governor recotnends
first, the repeal 'of the capitation tax
law. He also recommends a . careful
revision of the registrStion and elec
tion laws, in the interest of a free vote
and fair count, and' advises' that the
Judges of election be choien from op
posing- political parties.
He recommends the passage of laws
to regulate railway administration and
prevent unjust discrimination, and
thinks those that have been in force in
California and Georgia' haye stood the
test of experiment ; and the examination
of the courts. In conclusion, he con
gratulates the State upon! its peacefnli
and happy relations with ; the federal
government.—Washington Star.
Porenaamparr., N Y.; Jan. 13.—A
Tarrytown passenger, train ran into the
special New tork . exprebs, which left
Albany at 2:40 P. rs, in Ito& Cut,. on
the Spuyten Dnyvi & Port Murris road
at seven o'clock this evening. Two cars
were set-on fire by an overturned heater
end dratroyed.
J. H.
Pa* V4klititW, aged 21. his wile, 19,
of beuniagtoul Verraiiut, and a lady
suelposeil to lie from Philtuielpitiw were
*killed. Fo i tir bodies were burned to a
crisp, are at Kingsdridge station.
Olivet B. IlelleYt aged 36 , of Spring
Valley, Pa., is fatally bjured.
Mary Dark mein, residence t 3berwood
ilotise, Fifth Avenue; is badly injured,
bat will recover. .•
It is stated that D. L. Ransom, of
the HollMan House, Poughkeepsie is
among the killed. '
It is reported that Valentine and wife,
who were killed, we're married on Wed•
nesdiy.--, Mr. Valentine is a nephew
of Trenor W. Park, and wits in business
with his father, one of the wealthiest
citizens in southern Vermont. His wife
was Miss Qaylord, of North Adams,
Mass They werej en•route to Florida
on their - bridal tour.
It is also reported that Senator Wagner
Was killed and. forty or more injured.
There wore at least five rhnndred pas
sengers on the train. and the horrors. of
the ocoasionisveri3 increased by the two
rear cam taking fire, some of the °cou
pons being roasted to death in sight of
hundreds. '
The occupants of the houses in the
vicinity of Spuyten Duyvil at once
came to the assistance of the wouneed
and tried to quench the flames iu vain
with 'water. Two women were seen
clasping in each other's arms and jam
med between tee frame work of the
and colliding engines, and .th'e
flames 4nickly lapped• theni in tbeit
fiery embrace.
are as followm: The Westeiu express
from Chicago to New York reached
Albany twent7•threc Minutes late.
Owing to, the great crowd of legislators
and others ivho desired to leave the
Capitol, fifteen additional cars were put
on, - eight of them being palace coaches.
Two extra engines were also attached,
and the.. train got tinder way. It was
filled with men of note and prominence,
of both the Republican and, Demo
cratic iiiirties.
Supt„Leatlin, in charge of the brakes
on the Hudson River and Central Rail
road, throws the blame of the .disaster
on brakeman Mains.
b i
, The Tekgrmn says that one of t e
bodies is supposed to be Father Marsha .
S. J.. who , has been attaeh4l to Et i
Joseph's Chtireh._at Troy.
Supt. Toncey, after a personal itives
tigation, consideredilielins responsbile
_accident; After an exanaination
by the c3roner last night, Melina wad
lockeil up. A charge of , manslaughter
haa been made against him, .
The obsequies of. Senate; Wagner,
on - Tuesday lait, at Palatinate Bridge,.
N. Y. itere attended by the Legislature
in a body, the Lieutenant Governor .
, and many other. State, 'officials, and
men of prominence.
Six hundred railroad embloyes were
discharged at St. Louis the past week.
Mrs. Caroline Carey, the oldest woman
Buffalo, died on Friday, aged 104.
The special House committee on the
expenses'ef. President Garfield's: death,
on Saturdaf instructed the cbaii i man to
give notice that all claims in connection
with the same shall be preloutei to the
committee before the 10th of February.
There being now no condemned
bronze cannon at the' disposal of the
War Department, which could be used
in the erection of a monument Gen
airfield by the Army of the Camber
ana. the &oats Committee. on Military
Affairs has decided to recommend . the
iippropriati l d32 of $7,500 out of the pro
ceeds of the saleOf condemned ordnance
or stores, to ' that object. .
Rochester claims to have . the chat'
pion criminal id the person of Ellen
McCandless, who is fifty years old, and
between 1857 & 1872' she was convicted
105 times._ Inthe latter year sue was sen
tenced for five years for felonious afssult.
She was convicted 22 tittles in one year.
Her husband is well off and generally_
pays her fines. She is held to
await the action of the grand jury for
attempting to stab an officer.
It is apparent that the - bill for the rp
lief or vindication of Geo. its John Por
ter Will not get through Congress without'
sharp oppositiou, notw4hstanding its
endorsment by Gens. Gr o ut and Terry.
Gen. Logan and °theirs who fought the
measure in the ' past d4ra that they
will "go for it" again on the same line.
It is also said that a„ speech prepared
by Gen.' Garfield for dOivery . in - the
Rouse; should tin occasion require,
vindicating . the notion of the court
martial in Porter's case, 'of which he
(GartlPl6) wvs a mernitei, is px-
Lstanee, and May bP brought out in the
cours 3 of the comiug debate upon 'the
quest; on. De'pite, however, the vigorous
war that may be made upon the measure
it Will doubtless be' passed, sooner or
The bill-for the readjustment of the
State debt of Virginia, upon which
Senator Malienc has been bnsi for.
-evend weeks, is based upon the princi
ple that in public debts, the indebted.
nem; folloifs the territory, and that.
therefore, West Verginia, set /41' from .
Virginia and made au hid epeneent
State, should bear its proportion of the ,
State debt contracted before the sep- '
aration. West Virginia onaroie d one.
third of the,orignal State of Virginia
and it is held_ by Senator fission that,
as thesepariition took away a large part
of its rich mineral , and 44her wealth, it
is but fair that the new State' should
assume one-third of the' total dept, in
chiding the interest account. The debt.
therefore, of Virginia in July, .1882, is
stated at i $21,035,377, of which sum
$16,848,060 is principal and $4.102,006
interest past due. The bill makes pro
v ision' for the regular intere4 payment
on- this debt. There is not , shadow of
reptidiation in the whole mat t er, and it
is really the most honest and ,direct pro
position yet presented: '- • 1
Legal Advertisements.
SHERIFF'S SALES. -.- -:' - 11.
137 virtue of -sundry writa tuned 'Gut of the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
and to me directed. will engage to public
sale. at the Court !louse in Towanda Borough,
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 • 1882 9
at: 1 o'clock, w.; the following desoribedl
PirPart's to v 4l : -
No. L One lot, Ogee or parcel of land, situ
ate in Wysoz township (lots Nos. 5 and Bof
Block No. 8 of Mertmr, Morgan & Moody's
aub-division of East Towanda,) bounded north
by lots Nos. 4 and 9of Block No. 8, east by
Pennsylvania avenue, sonthity lots Nos. 6 and
7 of Block 8, and west by . Bradford street; all
improved, no • buildings. Seized and taken
into execution at the suit of Morgan Moody's
administrators vs. Juba& Kennedy and Mar
garet Kennedy. -
No. 2. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Leßoy township, bounded north by lands
of Robert Mason. east by lands of Mary Kel!
logg, south by Towanda creek, and ;west by
lands of Clarence !Kinard; contains 75
more or less, 65 improved, with 1 framed
ham and 1 orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken intolexecution' at the mat of
John Wheatly vs. Thomas A. McCrafiey.
No. 8. ALSO—One other lot of laud, situ
ate in Pico and; Herrick townshiris, bounded
north by lands of .7oseiiti Lie, Horwe Porter
anti Archibald Coleman; nest by laud of said
Archibald Coleman. Holiett Tittts nod others;
south by' lands of Hollett Titus; Gordon Stan
ton and Thomas Peet; west by land* of sal!
Phomas Peet, Ellis Thomas. Miler 'Bolles and
Joseph Lee; contains 58 acres, more or less,
about 25 improved, with I framed dwelling
house, framed•barp, a saw mill with machine
ry and fixtures, water privilogo and right of
I way-thereto belonging to the ',same. Setz-d...
1 and taken into execution at the suit of ZophLr
Platt vs. Jason Fassett. •
No. 4.—ALiO—Ono other lot of land c situ.
Ste in Canton township, bounded north be
lands of Horace Webster, east by-land of S,
H. Lindley, south by Towanda creek, and we
by lands of the estate of Boswell- Rogers, .
ceased. and. Warren Cook; contains 100 acres,
more or less, all improved, 1, framed
house, 2 framed barns, 1 tobacco house end
orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and
takes into execution at the suit of Potne-oy
Brothers vs. David Lindley and Solomon
Lindley. -
No. 5. ALBO--One other. lot of land, situate
in Toianda Borough, bounded north by lands
of Mr. Cooper's estate, east by Wiliam street,
south by lands of James McCabe, and west by
Main street, with 1 framed house 'and other
outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken ht.°
execution of the suit of L. L.,Motitly's admin
istrator and William H. Morgan's adminia.
trator vs. J. M. Mitchell. k
No. 6. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in South Waverly Borough, - bounded as fol
lows: Being lot No. 112 according to plot arid
survey made for D. L F. Snyder by . Ruston
Smith; contains 43 4-10 perches, and being '66
feet on a street on the north side , 179 feet on e
the west side, 1797-10 feet on the east side,'
and 66 feet on the south side; all" improved.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of
The Bradford Loan and Building Association
of Athens township vs. C. W. Farley.
N 0.7. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate.
in Wysox township. being lots Noe. 4 and 5 of
Block No. 14l'of Mercer. Morgan a fdoody'a
sub-division of East Towanda, bounded north
by Coleman's Block and lots Nos. 1,2, and 3
of Block No 14, east by Bradford street. south
by Lemuel street, and west by Towanda ave.
nue and lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Block ,No. 14;
all improved. no buildings. Seized and taken
into execution at .the suit of Morgan k Moo
dy's administrator vs. J. P. Cumanakey. '
No. 8. ALSO—One other lot of laud, situate
in Wells township, bounded north by lands of
D. Rockwell, east by lands of Harriet Spence ,
south and west by lauds of Hubert Johnson;
contains) acre all improve], with an orchard
of fruit trees thercOn.
Nd. 9. ALQo—One other lot of hind, situ
ate in Wells township, bounded north by lands
of William Canfield, Wade Beardslee, J. Up
dya and H. Johnson; east by lands of
Johnson; south by lands of D. Rockwell, 11.
Johnson, Michael Bennettand the public high
way, and west by lands of O. A. G. 41; contains
148 acres, more or lees, about 123 improved,
with 1 framed house, 1 framed horse-barn and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of _Delo*
Rockwell, guardian, ect., vs. Michael
No. 10. ALSO—One o her lot of land, situ-
ate in Towanda Borough, bounded. as follows:
Beginning at the east side of Main Street at
vorner.2s feet south of the ate sal planing
mill lot;, thence southerly along Main street
150 feet; thence south Si deg 45 min east
about 134 feet to Barclay Coal Company's land ;
thence north 2 deg 3G min east 150 feel to the
southeast corner of 0. F. Masons's lot; thence
along south line Meson lot ab mt ;128 feet to
the place of beginning, with 1 double framed
house, _1 framed barn, 1 - cdal office and enal
abeds, treeseling and railroad track thereon.
No. 11. ALSO—One etht; lot of land, situ
ate_ in Towanda Borough; hounded north by
lands of 0. D. Bartlett, east:by Charles street,
Mouth by an alley, and west by the Henry
Weston lot; being 46 feet' front on Charles
street and 9S_ feet deep, with 1 framed house
and other outbuildings thereon.
No. 12; ALSO—One other lot of land,situate
in Towanda Boro., bounded north -by Bridge
street, east by Third street, south by hinds of
Perrin Pennypacker and Orrin Wickham. and
west by Charlei Scott; about 89 feet front on
Third street and about 250 deen,with.l framed
house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit ' of The
Citizens National Bank.of Towan is vs. Janus
H Pninney:
No. 13. ALSO—One °thee lot of laud, situate. in
Ridgbury township, bounded north and west by
lands of D. H. Burnham. east by public highway, ,
and south by lands of Thomas Buck; contains 3i,
an acre, more or less,nll improved, with 1 fram
ed house, I framed shop, and 1 framed• shingle
mill thereon. Seized and taken into execution
at the snit of Sylvania§ Vanbustirk's administre.
tors vs. Milton R. Cooper.
No. IC ALSO—One other lot of land; situito in
New Albany - borough, bounded • north by lands
known as the Mary McAlister lot, east by Sulli
van State Line Bailroad, south by lot this day
(April 20, 1877,) conveyed by E. Overton, Jr., to
James Saxe, and west by . a 16. feet alley; being
lot No. Bof Block No. 7 on E. Overton, Jr., plot
of the village of New Albany, vvith' a partly
flubbed framed dwelling house thereon. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit of E. Over
ton, Jr., vs. S. W. Chapman.
No. 15. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a lot of
land situate in Athens borough,, bounded north
by lands of R. A. Smith and Themes Grantham,
east by Main street, south by hinds of W, G.
Stephens, and west by the Susquehanna river.
with a two.story framed dwelling house, out,
bonzes, and a few Luit trees thereon.
- No. 16. ALSO—Defendant's interest in one
other lot of land. situate in Ahem, borough.
being the undivided . % part of that , certain lot
bounded north by lands of Anna Fesron, east by
lands-of C. W. Clapp, south by lands of John M.
Pike, and west by Main atreet; no. improve
N 0.17. ALSO—AII' of defendant's interest in
the lota numbered 04, 122, 152, 162, 182, 222, 262;
273, 260, 290, 301. 311. 321, 331, 361, 371, 381, 391,
40'1 and 404 in the plot of lands sin:tate in the
northern part of Athens borough; Made for the
late Judge Edward Herrick by Orson Rickey;
no improvements. Seized and taken into execu
-lion at the suit of Edward P. lierrick, trustee
vs. Edward Herrick.
No. 18. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Standing Stone township , bounded north by
lands of Luke Dolan, east by the public - highway,
south by lands of Richard Jennings, and west by
lands of William Grace; contains about 60 vases,
about 50. - improved, with a framed house, a
framed barn, and an orchard or fruit trees there.
on. Seized and taken into execution at the suit
of N.13.-Elsbree and E. T. Fox, administrators
of L. L. Moody, deceased, vs. S. T. Bishop and
Sarah.E. Bishop. -
No. 19. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in North Towanda township, - bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast
corner of a lot now or lately in:possession of
Frederick Leavenworth; thence along line of
same southeasterly 21 6.10 perches. to a corner
on line of lands now or late of J. F.' Means;
thence along line of same a northeasterly direc-
tion 3 7.10 perches toe corner; thence a north
westerly direction 21 6.10 perches to a corner;
thence south 61 dogs west 3 7.10 perches to the
plies of beginning; reserving to a former
15 feet in width Mein the north end of said lot
for publics use as a street; contains
.14 an acre,
more or less, all impioved„ with I framed house,
outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of
John J. Webb vs. Michael DermedT;
No. 20. ALBO--Ozieother lot of land, situate in
Leßoy township, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a poet the southwest corner
of lot No 11, formerly owned by Patrick Greene;
running thence east along south' line of said No.
11'120 8-10 rods to &pest the northwest corner of
lot No. 9, now owned ; by Adam runes; thence
south along the west line of lot No. 9 and lot
No. 4. 138 9-10 rods to a post; thence west 110
8.10 rods to a post on east line of lot, No. 6;
thence north along, east .line of lot Nos. 6 and 7
1389-10 rods to place of beginning; contains 109.
acres and 69 perches, more or less. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of Isaac N. His
singer vs. Edward Folk.
No; 21. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Towanda borough, bounded north by Poplar
street, east by lot of Mrs. Mary E. Stedge, south
by lands of J. F. Means. and west by lands of
Jas. Griswold, with 1 two-story dwelling house ;
outhouse and fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the snit of E. W. Halo ve
D. V. Sledge
No. 22. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Albany borough, bounded and described as fol
lows; Beginning at the northeast corner' of
Math and May streets; thence north' A degs 30
min east 60 feat to a corner; thence south
85 degs 30 min east MY. tit 160 feet to the switch
on Sullivan and State Line Railroad; thence
along said railroad switch 50 feet to a corner on
abouttree ; thence along said Main street west
170 feet to the ,place of beginning; being
lot' No. 7 of Block No 7 on E. Overton, Jr., map
of the village of New Albany. Seized and taken
into execution at the suit of E. Overton, Jr vs.
P. W. - McDonnell.
No. 23. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate to
worth Towanda township. bounded and decribed
as follows: Beginning at the northwest cornet'
of Austin Lenard's lot; thence along line of
same south 24% degs east 21 640 perches to the
north line ors lot latidy'owned by Wm. H. Mor
gan; thence along line of same south 61 degs west. 61.10 perches; thence northwesterly 11 6-
10 perches to it corner; thence north 61' degs
east 6 6.10 perches to the place of beginning;
contains 135 perches, more or less; 15 feet along
front of said lot reserved for a public road by a
farmer owner, as now open upon the ground; all
improved. with .a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at tho suit of
John 2. Webb vs. Patrick Ryan.'
No. 24: ALSO—The defendant's interest In a
-lot of and situate in Wilmot township, bounded
sad described , as follows: Beginning at a small
white oak of Mrs. Ellen 2. Wellew , (Terry lot);
thence south Iltg - degs east 951-10 perches to a
stake and a tones of lot No. 1 t ; thence south 75%
degs west 36 perches to a stake and atones;
thence north 65 dogs west 40 perches to a stone
corner ; thence north 54 deg' nort h ? Perches t i nt
ironwoed corner ; thence % deg east
1 43 POYaell to ihoPloos of bOgioolog; contains
Legal Athre,rt,laments.
b 7 wee. more or less, about 35 Improved. with 1
framed house,l Old house, lframed barn. and a
few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into
mention at the suit of Edward Provost
Prtitohey.-- • , -
No. 25, ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Athens township. bounded :north by lands s of
Bowman and ElPlan, east by lands of U. Willis.
ton's estate and Abram Hunsicker. south by
lands of Smith and Griffith and the= party'of the
first part, and west by lands of AMU MoArdle;
tiontains 230 acres,_ more or less, about 200 un•
proved, with 1 framed house, 2 barns and sheds
attached. 1 hog house, I milk Mule. and a few
fruit trees thereon. liaised and taken into exe
cution at the suit of
,Wm. Oarlock vs. O. Hun.
" • •
110. 25, ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Wyeox township, bounded north by land of
Enytendall, east by the public highway leading
from-r. C. Plollet's to Pond Hill, south by land
()rebuttal Wurtemblarg and E. 0. Owen; con.
Ulna 2211014111. more or less, about 20 improved,
with 1 large Mimed house, I fumed barn with
3 framed. sheds attached. 1 buried cider mill
building with the Enures, 1 framed granary.
building.. other out buildings , and an orchard of
fruit trees theism,
No. 27.41,110.--One other lot of land, situate
in Wynn, township. bounded north . an d east by
land now or late of V. E. and J. E. Plollet, south
by Land now or late of Francis J. - Allen and V.E.
and J.. E. • Piollet. and west by lin d of Francis .1.
Allen and the public highway leading Dorn
Planers to Pond Hill; contains 30 scree, more
or less. all improved, with I,truned barn, 2 pear
orchard, 1 grape orchard, 1 apple orchard. 1
peach orchard, and other fruit trees *hereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of A
K Lorit vs, J. .1. Webb, administrator of M. B.
Owen (deceased) and F. IL Owen.
No• 28. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Towanda borough, bounded and described as
follows: Beginnin ; at a poet corner of Centre
street and Packer avenue; thence;;by Centre
street north 20 degs west 150 feet to a stake;
thence by lot deeded to Mrs. 11, Moody north 70
degs east CO feet to a - stake; thence by lot con
tracted to Patrick Costello south 20 degs east
150 feet to a stake on Packer Avenue; thence by
Packer Avenue south 70 degs west 50 feet to the
place of beginning; contains 7,500 square feet,
and-betng lot No. 1 of - Block No 4 of Sayre k
company's addition to Towanda, with 1 framed
house, other out buildings, and a few fruit trees
tuereon. Seized and taken into execution at the
Ault of Overton & Elabree vs. 0. C. Wood.
Sheriff's oillee; Towanda, Jail; 18,1882.
- Brvirtue of sundry writs issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county and
'to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at
-the Court House in Towanda borough, on
at 1 o'clock. p. in, the following described prop-.
erty. to-wit: • •
N0..1. One lot, piece or parcel of land, situate
in-Towanda borough, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a corner 50 feet' east of
Fourth street; thence'along Bridge street about
Wie feet to third' street; thence a utheirly along
3d at. 80 feet to corner of lot formerly of John F.
Means, now A. Pennipacker: thence westerly
along said Pennypacker's lot to lot of Orrin
Wickham; thence north along said Wickham's
lot 14 feet: thence west along same to a point 50
feet east of Fourth street; thence north along
Pat Fogarty's. lot (nowt. E. Scott) 75 feet to the
place of begintng; being lot on whirb the defend
ants now 'reside, with 1 large two-story frame.'
dwelling house, outbuildings, and finit and or
osmental trees thereon. Seized and taken into
execution at the suit of Job. P. Kirby vs. J. H.
Phinney and C. M. Phinney.
N'o. 2. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Smithfield township, bounded north by lands of
Orrin Scott, east by lands Of Orrin and Wallace
Scott, south by lands of Christopher Childs, and
west by the public highway; contains 112 acres,
more or less, with 1- framed bowie, 1 framed
barn. I horse-barn and a quar.tite of fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the
suit of Jeisse Sumner vs. John Bird.
No. 3. ALSO—One other lot of , land, situate in
Athens. township, bounded north by lards of
Geo. Ercanbeck, east by lands of Albert Camp-
bell, south by lands of N. C. Harris. and west by
lends of Horace Williston's estate: contains-125
acres, more or less, about 90 improved, with two
framed. houses 2 framed barns, 1 hog house, 1
corn house, Other outbuildings and orchard of
fruit tress thereon.
No. A. ALSo—One other lot-of land, situate in
Athens township, bounded north by lands of
- Horace Williston's estate; east by lauus of Jas.-
White, south by lands of Jai4Oriftith and public
highway, and west by lands of Selim Kirb ; con
tains 55 acres, more or less; no improvements.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N.
C. Elabree and J. M. Pike vs. Abram Hunsicker,
N 0.5. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Springfield township, bounded and described as
follows: Commencing in centre of road running
ifrom Springfield to llidgbury, in a northwest
icorner of Mrs. H. E. Leonard's land; thence
;south 81 deg east 15 8.9 rods-to a post; thence
north 43; deg cast
,5 6.10 r-ds to a post; thence
north f.93j deg west 14 1.10 rods to centre of
road; thence south vO3; deg west 11 rods,to place
of beginning; contains 124 3400 rods of land,
more or less,with I framed house, 1 named barn
and a few fruit tress thereon.
No 6. ALSO—One other lot of land. sitnato In
Springfield township. bounded and described as
follows: Commencing in the highway running
from Big Pond to Bardwell school house so call
ed, at the east end of Wm. J. Wigetetn's land;
thence north 733; deg east 62 rods to a post;
thence south 29 deg west 15 440 rods to a post;
thence south 54% west 99 840 rods to a post;
thence south 53 deg east 116-10 rods to a post , it
being the northeast corner of ID tam Potter's
laud; thence along the line of Hiram Potter's
land south 423; deg west 120 740 rods toe-post;
thence north 21 deg west 4a 4.10 rods to a.poet ;
thence north 75 deg east 13 rode to a post; thence
north 55 degs east le rods to a post; teence
north 17%41egs east 20 reclean) a post; thence
north 19 degs west 15 rods; thence north- 173;
degs east 15 reds; -thence north 613; degs east
97,9-10 rods to the place of beginning: contains
63 5-10 acres, more or less. Seized and taken in
to execution at the suit of Joseph Clark's use vs.
Wm. A. Bullock and James H. Webb, administra
tor of J. F. Bullock.
No. 7. ALSO—Defendants interest in • lot of
land situate in the; borough and township of
Troy; bounded and described as follows Begin
ning at a white pine stump, corner of Parsons
and A. Lcing's laud: , thence south 88 degs east
140 rods to a black oak; thence north 2 deg east - 7
rods to a;white oak: thence south 85 degs east
130 rode to a black oak; thence north 2 deg east
83 ryds for a corner; thence Rotall 88 deg east 51
perches toa white pine stump; thence north ‘2
deg east - 75 perches to a hazel stake; thence
south 85 degs east. 12 rods toa black oak; thence
north 23 rods to a hickory tree; thence north
S 8 degs east 137 rods to a corner: thence north
2.4 degs east 17 7-10 rods; thence south'BB deg east
22 3-10 rode; thence south 28 deg. east 22 4-10
rods; thence south_ 40 deg. 27 rode; • thence
north 2 deg cast 91 rods to the place of begin
ning; contains 273 acres- and 61 perches of land,
mote or less, about 200 improved, with 1 framed
house, 3 framed barns and 2 orchards of fruit
trees thereon. Excepting and reserving there-.
from ',nacres along -the south side by the creek
or Long's mill pond up to the brow of the mono
tain,Se &e s te make it of equal width at each end
and to contain 23 sores, under which it is known
and called the .• stone quarry:" the same to be
owned and enjoyed by- the parties to the deed
aforesaid in common the same as before the ems
cation of said deed; .the said farm above de
scribed being the farm and land of Alonzo Long
, deceased ; said deed le made subject to the claim
and title' of Mary Long, widow, 4:c., of the
said A. Long, and mother to the parties to the
deed aforesaid.,
No. 8. ALS 1--:43n0 other lot of land. situate ip
Troy borough, bounded north by high street,,
south by lot and land of B. A. Long, west by' .
Exchadge street. and east by Centre street;
contains ji of an acre, more or less, with I
framed house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Being the same lot as described in deed from ad.
ministrators of A. ' Long's estate, recorded in
Deed Book No. 83, page 422.. k c.
No 9. ALSo—One other lot of lard. situate in
Troy township. bounded arid described as fol
lows: Beall:ming at a post below the Milt on the
bank of the creek; thence north 27 degree east
16 3.10 perches to a post; - thence north 78 degs:
west 16 perches to the centre of the creek;
thence south 4-1 degs west 32 perches along
th , ough the Mill pond to whore a bush stdod
near the south edge of the said pond; thence
south 69 degs east 25 perches to a post on the
east end of ths pond ; thence north 47 dogs east
down the creek mill race 23 4-10 perches to the
place of beginning; containing 4 acres and ill
perches Of land, more or less, all improved, with
I framed house. 1 framed barn, water power, saw
mill and cider mill thereon. Being subject to
all the conditions and stipulations set forth' in a
deed from E. B: Case and who to Alonzo Long,
recorded In Bradford County Deed Book No. 54.
page 123. The above described pleCe cf laud
subject to the claim of Mary T Long, the wid w
of A. Long, deceased, as the widow and her por
.tion purchased from Martin .1: Long, being one:
half of one-third. Seized and taken into execu
tion at the suit of 'Mary T. Long vs Fred A.
WILLLL - 11 T. DORTON, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. 11,1882.
Notice is hereby given that the 'following ap
plications for licenses for hotels, cat ng•hons•s
and merchant dealers have been flea in this of
fice. and t hat the same will be presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Bradford County,
on MONDAY, PEBRUABY fivu, 1882, for the con
sideration of said Court: '
:Michael F. Sullivan, I Towanda Boro. let ward
• Samuel Walbridge, • •• ••
lre H. Smith. Alta
Chas• H. MoGouegsl, Troy ••
I , 11. F. Pitts.• • Sylvania ••
Joseph Causer, Springfield Twp.
H. S. Farnsworth, Smithfield ••
David C. Keeney. , Pike
George W. Wanck. Monror Bore. -
F. H: Peck, - Canton ••
M. A. Foriest,
John A. Briggs,
Orrin L. Jordan,
Leonard ?Joni...
O. E. Bartlett.
8. B. Tidd,
James F. Fos,
Ulster Twp.
&yeti' " of Athens
Athens Boro. lst ward,
Burlington Boro.
Wpm: Twp.
Towanda Boro. 24 ward
Canton "
James Nestor Jr, Towanda Boio. 24 ward ,
Gottlob Esenwine. " Ist "
Th§s. M. Kennedy,
' WM. Bolan, •
J. P. Carman.
A. X. Beers, . Canton "
Geo. O'Donnell, • • •
CD. Holcomb, ' LeLoy Twp.
8. 8.. lidd, Towanda Boro. 24 ward,
C. W.; Boardsleo. Canton Bon.
Jobn Sullivan, Towanda st - 24 ward
Prollionatarra Office) OEO. W. BLACEMAN,
Jan. 10 , 1882 . Clerk
Estate of George Gordon_l deceased, late of the
township of Asyiam, Bra d ford county Pere. Letters testamentary under the last win and
testament of the above named decedent having
been issued out the Orphan's Cmirt of Bradford
county to the . undersigned upon the estate above
notice is thereiore hereby given that all
persons indedted to said estate, must mate int.
mediate nt, and all persons having claims
spins same, must present them dulyauthan.
Rested for settlement to me. -
B. LAPORTE, Executor.
Asyllllll, P. Deo. 6,11381.-4 W ►
Te E. W. Burdick. Rhoda Burdick, Isaac Burdick,
Jonathan Burdick, Mine Burdick Pool:Olive
Crandall Eleanor Hydorn. Wesley Burdick, Jas.
Burdick, Joel, Edward,. William and Wallace
Burdick. L. 8. Burdick, D. W. Burdick, J. N.
Burdick. L. N. Hurdles. Ebsimor West, Cinde
rillalifattison.Mahaliklves.and Adalaine Daniels.
E. B. Howard, (ignore W. Howard, Maria Tilley.
• Mary I. Snyder, E. A. 'Howard, Eunice Odell,
Israel ft Howard, and Adelbett T. Burdick..
Huth Burdick., Jane Hutson, Clara Scrivinf,
Frank Burdick, and Caroline Burdick. widow
and heirs of: Daniel Burdick, deceased. late of
Albany in said county, and such other heirs as
are not named.
Whereas, at an Grphan's Court heldat Towan
its in and for said County of Bradford, the I,,th
ds7 of December, it t D. ASH, before the Hon'. I',
D. Morrow. President Judge of the said Court.
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Burdick,
deceased. The petition of Elijah W. Burdick,
brother of Daniel Burdick, late of the ToWnship
of Albany in said county was presented, setting
forth that the said Daniel ilurdlck died about the
6th day of November, A. D., leo). intestate,
leaving to survive him a widow, Rhoda Burdick,
tint no children, or issue of any Hod, nor !ether.
nor roother,but three brothers, lasso Burdick.
of Grafton, in the State of Now York; Elijah W.
Burdick, of Albany Township. ceonty of Brad
ford, t'enna., Jonathan Burdick, of Grafton, in
the State of New York, and three sisters,—Anne
Burdick Pool, of - West Pittsfield, in the State of
Maseaahnsetts; Olive Crandall, of Terry Town
ship, county of Bradford, Penna.; Eleanor By.
dorn, of Hebron, in the state of Pennsylvania,
and the and
and heirs of four deceased
brothers and sisters, as follows, to wit: • Wesley
Burdick and 'James Burdick, children of Mat
thew Burdick. deceased, and', brother of said
Daniel Burdick, of Cambridge, in the State of
New York. and Joel Burdick, Billiard Burdick.
William Burdick, and Wallace Burdick, children
and heirs of Aaron Burdick, deceased, and broth
er of said`Daniel Burdick, (31 the c'ty of Troy. in
1 the State of New-York. and L. EL Burdick, D. W.
1 Burdick, J. N. Burdick., L. N. Burdick; Eleanor
I West. Cinderilla Mattison, Matuila Ives', and Ada
' labia Daniels, children and heirs of Leonard
Burdiek; - and that they, your petitioner, is in
formed, live in the city of New cork, and is the
vicinity of said city in the State of New York,
anti Elijah B. Howard, Geo. W. Howard, both in
the State of New York; Maria Tilley, Mary I.
Snyder, E; A. Howard, of Grafton. in the State of
New York, Eunice Odell and Israel S. Howard, of
Petersburg. in the State of New York. children
of Sibyl Howard. deceased, a sister of said Daniel
Burdick and Adelbert T. Burdick, and Rnth Bur
dick, of the city of Troy, in the State ot.New
York; 'Jane Mathison, or Grafton, and Clara
&riving, of the city of New York. in the State of
New York, and Frank Burdick, of Albany Town
ship, in,the State of, Pennsylvania. children and
heirs of J. T. Burdick, late of Albany Township.
deceased, brother of said Daniel Burdick, de
ceased. That there may be other nieces and
nephews of deceased brothers and sisters un
known to your petitioners. That Stephen D.
Steelier° was appointed administrator of the
estate of said decedent. That there aro Four
,Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety'-One Dollars
'and Seventy-five cents of personal property be
longing to said estate. as shown by thoinventory
akd appraisement. That the debtk of said de
ctient will not exceed Two Hundred Dollars.
and are only such as were contracted and arose
from his last sickness anti death. That the said
Daniel - Burdick died seized in his own demesne
as of fee of and in three certain pieces of land
'situate in Albany township,„Bradford dountyand
Kate of Pennsylvania—bounded and delta:Med
as follows: Beginning at Is corner on the line
of William Bahr in the centre of the road mining
from T 'wands to Dushore. Thence along said
road south, seventy-one degrees fifteen minutes,
east twenty-four perches and seven links, to a
corner. Thence south fifty-eight, degrees and
forty-eight minutes,nineteen perches toe corner
in the middle of said road. Thence along line of
Robert Mclntosh 'south thirty-nine degrees and
forty-five minutes, west forty-eight perches to a
corner in the middle of the old turnpike: Thence
along the line of o. B. Sterige -ti north eighty-five
degrees. west fifty-two porches to a corner.
Thence along `the line of ' William Bahr north
thirty-two 'degrees and forty-five minutes, west
sixty-nine perches to the place of beginning.
Containing sixteen acres and one hundred and
fifteen perches. (D. B. 131 p 1913.) Also a certain
piece or parcel of land situated in the same place.
Beginning at the joint corner of Arunah La is,
Asa Larahee and Z. P. Corson, .and running
thence south thirty and th•ee.fonrth degrees'.
west one hundred and fifty perches toe post.
Thence north thirty and three•fourth degrees.
cast sixty-tive perches to a post. Thence south
eightyeightand one-half degrees east forty-two
perches to a post. Thence Inorth'thirty and
three-fourth decrees east, sixty-seven perches
and eighteen links to a post. Thence north
sixty-two 4egrees west one'and one-half perches
to a post.t Thence northerly one and one-half
degrees east three perches and seven links to a
post. Thence south sixty-two degrees, east one
and one-half perches to a post. Thence north
thirty and three-fourths degrees, east eighteen
.perches to a post. Thence south eighty-eight
and one-half degrees, east thirty perches to the
place of beginning. Containing forty-three
acres and one hundred and twenty-nine perches.
(I) B il7 p 1534 Also one other piece or parcel of
land. Beginning at a stake corner in the line of
the land of Herrick Wilcox. Thence along the
line of the land of rdward Estell north thirty
degrees and forty-five mix utes,east one hundred
and thirty-four an- five tenth perches to a cor
aer in the lands of Thomas Larabee. Thence
along the sane south eighty-eight degrees and
forty-five minutes east sixty-one perches to a
corner in the line of lands of Z. P. . Conon.
Thane. along the same south thirty degtees and
forty-five minutes,west one hundred and thirty
four and one-half perches to a corner. Thence
along the line_ of lands of Hannah Wilcox south
eighty-elgat degrees forty-five minutes, west
sixty-one perches to the place, of beginning'.
Containing about forty-seven acres. B 13e p
11) Together with the -appurtenances on the
above described pieces of Lana.
That nnderand by virtue *f the intestate laws
of this the said Rhoda Burdick.
widow aforesaid, it belong., to have a one-half
part of said real estate for and during the time.
of her natural life. That to the aforesaid E. W.'
Burdick. Isaac Burdick. Jonathan Bardics, Anna'
P0)1, Olive Crsnaall, Eleanor Hydorn. each-be
longs one-caw/41th of the whole of said land, and
the share of said Matthew Burdick. deceased,
which is one-eleventh part, belongs to the said'
Wesley Burdick and James Burdick, hie children,
and the share of said Aaron Burdick. which is
one-eleventh. belongs to J. T. Burdick, Edward
Burdick, William Burdick, and Wallace Burdick,
sons and children Of said Aaron Burdick, de
ceased. The share of Leonard Burdick, deceased,
which is one-eleventh part, belongs to L.. S.
Burdick, D. W. Burdick. J. N. Burdick, L. N.
Burdick, Eleancr West, Cinderilla 3Lattison,
Mahala Ives, and . Adelame Daniels, chil
dren and heirs of said t,conard Burdick; de
ceased.- That the share of said Sibyl Howard, de=
ceased, which is one-eleirenth part . belongs to
Elijah B. Howard, Geo. W. Howard, Maria Tilley,
Mary S. Snyder, E. A. Howard,. Eunice Odell, Is.
'reel S. Howard, children and heirs of, the satd
Sibyl ;toward, deceased. That the share of the
raid J. T. Burdica,deceased,late of Albany, which
is the one-eleventh part, belongs-to Caroline E,
Burdick, wife of said J. T. Burdick, except one
fifth of said share which belongs to Jane Mack
eon, of Gra ft on.
.N. Y. The rest andtesidue of l i
said share having been conveyed to said Caro.
line E. Burdick aforesaid, by the children and
heirs of said J. T. Burdick. No partition of said
real estate having been hal, the petitioner prays
the Court to award an inquest to make partition
of the same to and among the aforesaid parties
according to their respective, rights, and where
upon the said Court on due proof and consider
ation'of premises award an inquest for the pur
pose aforesaid, • And the Court do farther order
that service of notice of the time of holding said
inquest to be held by the Sheriff, shall be given
to all parties named in the foregoing petition,
residing out of the 'county of Bradford, and on
air persons not named therein who have an in-'
torest in said estate, if any there be, by publics-
Ben in the Basnrorto Rezentiers, a weekly
newspaper, published at Towanda,in said county
of -Bradford, for three successive issues of said
paper prior to holding
- the same, naming the
time and place of -holding said inquests, and the
Sheriff shall mail to the post-office address of
each ot said persons a copy of each of the said
three issues of 541 paper as they shall issue
prior to'tho holding or said inquests.
We therefore,!command you that taking with
you six good and lawful men of your bailiwick,
you go to and upon the promises aforesaid, and
there in the presence of the parties aforesaid by
you to be wanted, if upon 'being warned they
`will bo present,nd having respect to the true
valuation there land upon tho oaths and alarm
-I,ationsof the sa d six good and lawful men you
make partition to and among the heirs and legal
representatives of the Said intestate in such
manner and in such proportion as by the laws
of this commonwealth is directed, if the same
can be so parted and divided without prelude()
to or spoiling the whole, and if such partition'
can not be made without prejudice to or spoiling
the whole, that then you cause the said inquest
to inquire and asoertain Whether the same will
conveniently accommodate more than one of the
said heirs and legal representativea'of the said
intestate without prejudice to or spoiling the
whole, and if so how many it will as aforesaid Ac
commodate, describing each part by metes and
bounds and returning a just valuation of the
same. But if the said inquest by you to be sum
moned as aforesaid, to make the said partition
or valuation shall be of opinion that the pretn
tees with the appurtenances cannot be so parted
and divided as to accommodate more than one
of the said heirs and legal representatives of tho
said intestate, that, then you cause the inquest
to talus the whole of the said real estate with
the appurtenance!, having respect to the true
valuation thereof agreeably to law, and that the
partition or valuation bo made you distinctly
and openly have before our said Judge at Tolima
de, at an Orphan's Court there to be held en the
regular day of sessions thereof after such in;
quest shall 'be made under your band and seal
and under the hands and seals of those by whose
oaths or affirmations you shall make such parti;
tion or valuation and have you then and there
this writ
Witness. P. D. MORROW,
President of our said cont kat Towanda aforesaid
the 16th day of December, A. D., 1881.
A. C. FRIBBIE, Clerk of the Orphan's Court.
In conformity with. Abe above order I hereby
give notice to the above named heirs and all oth
er persona interested, that an inguest'wlll be
held on . the above estate, on the premises, on
Wednesday, January 2.ltn,A. 0.,11t452, at 10 o'clock
d x _ _ Wld. T. HORTON, Sheriff.
Towandi, Jantary 2, 1Eg32.-3w
Eats of George Williams, deceased. late of the
towns pof Terry, Bradford county, Penna.
re testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above named decedent, having
been granted by the Orphan's Court of Bradford
county, upon tqe estate above nained,to the un
dersigned. notice is therefore hereby given that
all 'persons indebted to said estate must make
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against the same must present them duly
authenticated for settlement to me.
SAMUEL H. WILLIAMS, Eite r ttir.
New Era, Pa.. Deo. 9, 1881.
Retitle of R. S. Berns, deceased, late of Rome
tolniehip, Bradford county, Penna. -
Letters testamentary under the last Mill end
testagent of the decedent above named, having
been granted to the undersigned out of the -Or
phan's Court of Bradford county upon the above
eitate. notice Is therefore hereby given that all
persons indebted - thereto must make immediate
payment, and an persons having daises against
the same must present the same duly authenti•
sated tot settlement to me.'
HAMM Borne. Pa., Dec. 21 atleiB, Faecntris.
, 1881—Gw. •
Legal Advertisements.,
Notice Is hereby given,that there has .I,ree
filed In the office of Us Register for the Probyt e
of Wills and granting Letters of Administration
In and for the County of Bradford, State of Penn
; sylvants. accounts of admlni 4 Etrition upon th e
following estates, viz;
, The first and float account of witilana J, Drsis,
executor of the last will and tea &meat of John
Davis. Isto of the township of Pike, deceased.
Final account of John linsted, executor of the
last will ant testament of • James n Brasted,
late of the township of Wells, deceased.
The first and final account of M. W. Angle, 14.
ministrator cum testament° anima° of e vis , hia
Johnson, late of life township oftitanding Bton e,
The drat and Anal account of Stephen 0. chit,
fee. ezecutouof the last will and testament or
WUltam of the townihip of Warren,
deceased. -
The first and Anal account of Charles C. Lan.
caster, administrator cum restawesto mow of
the catate ( being within tho Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania )of Angelo Sf. Paresce, late of
L o y o la oogege. iwthe County of Baltimore and
estate of Marylapd. deceased .
, .
Tll4 first and - float arcount of James W, Ni c b,
ols, administrator of the ests.e of Cheri otte
Noyes, Lite of the township of Burlington' de.
ceased. •
Final account of K. M. Knapp,' inaroian 01
'Samuel C. Wilcox, mincir child (now cf age) Of
w ymiar mil eoxt bite ef township of Burlington,
Final account of John A. Keen, executor of the -
last will and testament of Mary C. Briery,
of the township of Standing Stone, deceased. ,
Final account of C. G. Oridily. guardian 'of
Phceba'tnna Wise ( now Phmba Anna Still )
Finstaeconnt of Monster catlin. administra
tor of the estate of William EL Locke, bite of t h e
Borough of Canton. dec. aged.
the second and final account' of Hollister Cat,
sin, one of the executors of the last will and
testament of tirlsoix Reynolds, late of the to wn.
ship of Canton, deceased. -
The second.and Anal account of C. G. Gridle7,
aoininistrator of the estate of Jacob Oyer, bite
cif the township of Orwell, deceased.
Final account of Eihubel Bowman, adirdmistrs
ifir of the estate of Alonzo D. Proof, late, - of the
township df Terry, deceased. •
-i Second sad partial account of Edward - Welles,
one of the executors of the last will sud-tosta
roent of Ellen J. Welles, late of the township of
Wyslusing. deceased. ,
Final account of Lydia M. Burritt_guardlan
ofLewia U. Fitch, Minor child of Lewis IL Fitch,
late of the township of Canton, deceased.
Final account of Semantha 8, 131dgway , exam.
for of She last will and testament of Janie' C,
nidgway, late of the - township of Franklin, de.
Final accent of N. 8. Healey, gulrdLan of
Helen Fraley, George Fraley and Aad•ew Fraley,
children and heirs of Andrew,Fraley, late of the
township oflUdigiray, deceased.
First and final account of Edith J. Landon,
Warren Landon and Eld.h Landon, executors of
the estate of Lharles W. Landon, late - of Canton,
And the same will be presented to the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County, at an Orphans' Court
to -be held at Towanda for said County, on
Thursday, the 9th day of Peoruary, A. D. feel,
at 2 o'clock P. If., for confirmation- and allow.
ar.ce. •
JAMES. 11. WEBB, Register
Register's Office, logranda, Jsn. 7, 1852.
_Tat CcmmoNwEil.:ra-
To the HieA Sheriff of the_County of Bradfyrd—
Greeting: .
Whereas, at an Orphans' Court, held 'at To.
wanda, and for the county of Bradford, the sir- -
teenth day of eeember, in the year of our Lord
nne_thousend tght hundred and eighty-one, be
fere the Hon. .D. Morrow, President Judge of
the 'said Court. In the matter of the estate of
Samuel Hulett, deceased. The petition of John
Hulett, a son of Samuel Hulett, late of the town
ship of Athens in the county of Bradford and
State of Pennsylvania, deceased, was presented,
setting forth that the said Samuel Hulett died
on or about the twelfth day of Jelly, 18153, testate,
having first made and executed his last will and
testament, which last will was duly admitted to •
probate by the Register of Wills in and for the
county. of Bradford 'on the fifteenth day of
August. 1863. That the said decedent left stir.
viving him his wife, Hannah Hulett, five sons.
to-srite Nehenitsb Hulett, residing in Athens
township, Joel Hulett, Samuel Hulett. Jr.. and -
Rufus Ring Hulett, also residing in the Town-
ship of Athens, John Hulett, residing in the
town of Barton, Tioga county and Mate of New
York. and Cyrus Hulett, a grandson, son of Peter
Hulett, deceased. That said Cyrus Hulett has.
since died leaeinga widow, Ruth E. Hulett, Jos.
8.-Hulett, a son over 21 years of age, and Con -
M. Hulett, a daughter, a minor, to survivehen.
That said decedent, Samuel Hulett, died seized
'in fee of the following pieces or parcels of land
lying and being in too township of Athens. in
the county of Bradford and State of eennsylve- ..
nia. . The first piece bounded and described as
follows: Being that piece conveyed to sail sem
nel Hulett by, John Shepard and wife by deed
dated Sept. '2, 1826, and iberein described as fol
lows: Beginning at a white oak tree on the bank
of the Susquehanna river, being the southwest
erly coruer of Edward Herrick's lot; tbenee run
ning south 35 degrees west down said river
seven perches; thence south - 32 degrees 15 min.
west fifty-one and four-tenths perched° a cor
ner on the bank of said river; thence east ninety
and tweetenths_perches to a pest on Zephon
Flowers southwesterly line; thence "by said
Flowers and Herrick north 30 degrees west
eighty-five and two e tenths • perches to the place
of beginning, containing twenty acres and nine
teen perches, with allowance of six per cent for
roses, etc. Excepting and 'reserving thelefrom
the following described. piece which said Samuel
Hulett had previously conveyed to the heirs of
Samuel Hulett and Hannah ' Hulett :
Beginning at a .stake at the north
eastermost of the lot; thence south 4t) degrees •
east 75 feet to a stake; thence south 27 degrees
west 37 feet to a stake; thence north-49!' deem
west 75 feet to a stake ; thence north 27 degrees
east 37 feet to the of beginning, containing
one-sixteenth of- an acre, to-be used as a family
burying ground. The second piece adjoining_
the above described lot on the northeast, elf
-what is known sit the Flowers lot, bounded
thui: Beginning at a,black oak tree the south
west corner of S. Herrick's land; thence south
123 degrees 24 minutes east 52 rods; thence along
a private road south 67 degrees west 30 9-10 rods
to a black oak; thence south. 54g- degrees west.
19 3-10 rods to an angle 55.4.00 southwest of a
white oak tree; thence south 35 degrees west 22
rods to a stake in the welt line of the Flowers
,lot, being 1 rod 'south,.3o ; degrees east of Joel.
Hulett's lot ccrner; thenee .on the southwest
line of the Flowers lot to a white oak tree corner;
thence tas the seed calls for) north 69 degrees
east 68% rods to the beginning, containing 22
acres and 73 perches of land. -That said will
of the said Samuel Hula ttadmitted to probate as
' aforesaid, containell inter alhetlfe following:
Second. I give, devise and bequeath to my be
loved wife, Hannah Hulett, the use, improve
ment andincdmel of my dwelling houie and its -
appurtenances with the loteor farm thereunto ,
attacked which is described in a deed from John
and Deborah Shepard, being dated Sept. 2, le2e:
also another lot adjoining on the northeast, off
what is known as the Flowers lot, bounded .
thus: Beginning at a black oak tree the south
east corner of E. Herrick. land; thence south 28
degrees 24 minutes east 52 rods; thence along
a private road south 67 degrees west 30 9.10 rods
toe black oak tree; thence south 54% degrees
west 19 3-10 to an angle 55-190 southwest of a i l
white mik tree; thence south 33 degrees welt ::
rods to a stake in tho west line of the }noire
lot, being 1 rod south 30 degrees east of Joel
Huletts lot corner; thence on the southwest
line of the Flowers lot to *white oak free corner:
thence as the deed calls for, north 60 degrees
east 64% rods to the beginning, containing 'et
acres and 73 perches of laud, tie have and to hold
the said land. and its appurtenances to her for
awe during_her remaining my' widow, and then
and after her iliceneeTil sherensins such during
-her natural life) I will and " bequeath the same
property as above stated to be equally divided
between my sons Nehemiah 'Hulett, Joel Hulett.
Samuel Hulett, Jr.. burns Ring Hulett, John
Hulett and Cyrus Hulett, my grandson, by my
ion. Peter Hulett: the division to be agreed upon
-between my said sons and grandson, or the
Property sold and the proceeds thereof divided
equally as, afOresaidekThat on or about the :erd
Bay of October, 1879, the said "HannahMulett,
widow sod devisee of said decedent, - Samuel
Hulett, died, having occupied and enjoyed and
4. ft said described premises in se:cord/nee with
the provisions of said will as hereinbefore set
fortb,. That no partition or valuation of said .
real estate having been made, your petitioner
requests toe Honorable court to award an in
quest to make partition of the premi_es afore
said to and among tho above named heirs and
devisees in said will mentioned, and their legal
representatives in such 'manner and ie such
proportion as by - the said will and the Isws of
this Commonwealth is directed, if such parte
lion can be made without prejudice to or spoil
ing the whole; but if such partition cannot be
made thereof then to value and .appraise the
same, and to ' make return -of their proceedings law, and whereupon the-said Court
on due proof and coneidera non of the premises
awarded-an inquest for' the purposes aforesaid.
We therefort. command you, that taking with
you six good and lawful men of your bailiwick,
yeu go to and upon the premises aloruaid and
there be the presence of the parties aforesaid by
-you te be warned, if upon being warned the!.
will be present and have respect to the true val e
nation thereof, and upon the oaths and afernia
tiotut of the said six; good and lawful men you
' make partition to and among the heirs and legal
representatives of the said 'estate in inch man
ner and in such proportions as by the laws of
this Commonwealth is directed, if the same can
' be so parted and' divided witeout prejudice to or
spoiling the whole, and if such partition cannot
be made thereof without prejudice to or spoil
ing the whole that then you cause the said in
quest to inquire and ascertain whether the
same will conveniently accommodate more than
one of the said heirs said legal representatives
of the said estate without prejudice to or- spoil
ing the whole, and if so how many it will is
aforesaid accommodate, describing each part by
metes and bounds and returning • lust valuation
of the same. But if the said inquest by you to
be summoned as aforesaid to make the said par
tition sr valuation shall be of opinion that the
premises with the appurtenances cannot be so
parted and 'divided as to accommodate more than,
one of the said heirs and legal representative of
the said testate that then you cause the inquest
to value the whole of said real estate with Inc ap
purtenances having respect to the true valuation
thereof agreeably to law. And that theepertition
or valuation so made you distinctly and openly
have, before said Judge at Towanda St au Or
phanieCourt, there to be held on the regular
day of sessions thereof after such inquest snail
be made under your hand and seal and under
the hands and seals of 'those by whose oaths or
affirmations you shall make such partition or
valuation, and have you then and' there i gis
Witness; P• B. Morrow, President 'of our said
Court at Towanda aforesaid, the 16th day of
December, A.D. nee, )
A. C. Fa
Clerk of the Orphan's Court
In conformity with the above order, I btiebt
give notice to the above named heirs and all
other persona Interested, that an inquest will be
held on the above estate, or the premise,. on Ina
27th day Of January, A.D. ISte, at 9 o'clock, !• E l ' •
Towanda, January i, 1382.
of Fine Job- PriDtin
promptly executed at lowest rut'-', 11
Dont fail to give us a trial. Good type
modern"presses,, and experienced work
men. all work warranted first-class.