iioi,Co3lß & TUC; Publishers. VOL. VII. is *7IIE-•---... Brachid Republican rithikbed Every Thursday, AT TOWANDA, PA., BY Ef.OLCOMB & TRACY. $ . 1.50 Per .4nnuns.; in ..larasire _idrertis jug hates—Si cents a line for first infection, au t five cents per line for all sub.e ,vvnt insertilna. Iteadinir notice advertitin:g cent* per line. Eight lines constitute a s.iaare, anst twelve lines an inch. .Audtier's 11,,ISes 12.50. Administrator's and I;xecu:nr's Yearly - advertising . stro,ora per THE IlErc ui-tesi; in published La the I.ac9, klo're and Nobles Bleck, at the corner of Ilaut 10.,d Pine streets, over J.' P. Corner's Boot and rlioe store. Its circulation ,is over !all. As an advertising medium it is one:welled in its in mediate debt. :warvda Basians ATTORA ETS-A.T.LAW t2ltrfli Hunts.Attorueyd-it-Law; Offic. 17_1 ,over Po‘yoll k. Co, d. N., Office in Wood's Block, south CFirst Sational Bank, up Stairs. Juno SiVA_CN C ELibree and L Elsbree.) U Offica? in 3lercur Block. Park St. ruayl4.7B P . ECii .7z.OVERTON (Benj M Peck anti D A Derr total. •Oface over I.llll'e Market 49=79 rvVERTON A: SANDERSON (E Overton and JrAn Sa /I de ram.) °Mesta Adsms Block. julys7B MAXWELL, WAS. Office over Dayton's Stor , ! • &pill ltl'a WILT, ,T. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Black apr14,16 AN - lE5+% CARNOCHAN & HALL. or T Davies. DII (•arno:han. Lif Ifatl.) Office' in rear ~f Ward (louse. Entranca on Poplar. St. i1e12.75 Tin'ERCCR. RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid to buaineas in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. (Wire in Moutanyo's Block . 4949 lkir PFIEUSON A: YOUNG. (I, McPherson and 1 3,1 . W. 1. Young.) ()Ace south nide ofMercar's IMME ADILL & KINNEY. Mice corner Slain and IVi pine st. Noble's blocli. secoud floor front. C..llections promptly attended to. feb 1 78 ILLIANIS, ANGLES BUFFINGTON. (ii N )ovWilliams, E J Angle anti E D Buffington): office west side of Main street. two doors north Argng oftice.• 411 tnetikesa. gen trusted to their care will rec• ice tirompLattentiou.. - oct 25,77 TAMEi 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING. Attor neys and Counsellors-at-Law. Office in the rcur Mock, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. July 3, 'SO tf. TTLEN EY. J. P. Attorne)-at-Laic. Office in Mout.inye's Block, Main Street. s,;st!. TiltiM110::, W. 11. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law, Towanda. Pa. (Mice in Mercur Block. o‘er, T. Kirli.l."B Drug Store, entrance on Main etr, et. first stairway north of Post.otlice. •All be...iuees promptly attended to. Special. atten tion given to claims against tho United States t.r Bounties, Patents, etc., and to ...ilectiors and settlement of deitedent's estates. April 'M. ly VII YSIVANS AND SURGEONS TOHNSON. T. 8.. M.D. Of over Dr. IL C . Porters's Drug StFiro. • fe512,78 EWTON, Drs. D. kF. G. (Mice at Dwelling on Diver Street, coiner Weston St. fob 12,77 r _ADD, C. K. lI.D. Otte, Ist dour above old A—l baulk building, en Slain, street... Special at tvntion given to diseases ef the throat ani lenge., ju1y19.7/1 .. jvVooDist 7 sS, M.. Office and rest dense. Main street. north ot Medival 'Examiner for Pension Dr ,, i.rtment. tab 2.2.7 S YNE. E. D.. M.D. (Mee over Mmatanye's P Stare. Office hoary (mai 10 to 12 A. It. and from 2 to 4 r. M. Special attention, given to Diseases of the Eye, and . -Diseasea of the Ear. oct 20 77 ToWNER, li. L.. 31. D.. ilomitorarutc PHYSICIAN' .l• SUMMON. ReFidence and office just north of Dr. Cornon's Main street. Athens. Pa. HOTELS - 11g1:SRT lIQUSE- Main at.. next corner south ot Bridge street. Sew. house and new furniture throughout. The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in malting his iwiel first-class and respectfully solicits a share of vublic patronage. Meals at all hours. •Terins reasonable.. Largo Stable attscaed. mar 8 7",' • WM. unuor. SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, NO. 6s. G. A. it. lldeta every Saturday evetdug. GEO. V. 'MYER, Conimandk. J I:. StrrutuGE. Adjutant. feb 7, 79 ci:YSTAL LODGE, O. N. Meets at X; of P Hail every Monday evening at 7:30.- In duranofs2,ooo. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver age annual cost, 5 years experience. $ll. .1. R. ILITPRIDGE, Reporter. TE.,EW Anou.r., Ja.. Dictator. feb 22.11 B _ RADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 9. 0: F. Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Monday evening : o'clock. t IRMIBEN Mu., Noble Grand. ;ono 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING .DUST, F. E. No. 32 Second street• All orders . 1 - - will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL :'II2S.QUEIIA.NNA,.. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The Second Viuter Term beg,in Monday, •:+uuary, 2s, 18A2. For catalogue or other infor• inatioo, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN; A. M. Towanda, Pa. .1 ly I ),I'm . . PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and (ias Fitter. Flace of business in Mer cur Block next door to Journal pffice opposite 4 . 1 -..riAbilc Square. Plumbing, alb Fitting, Repair lig i'umpa of all kinds, and all kinds of Dearing pr. ,riptly attended to. All wanting work Sn'his ne l+bould give him a call. . july 27,77 I.VSUIZANCE RI'SSELL. - f. S, timaersd Insurance Agcncy, Towanda, Pa. Office in' Whitcomb's Book July. 12,74 MEI BESTbusiness noW oefore thopubli , . You can make nmey faster at work for ns than at anything else_ Capitol not Leaded. We will start you. $ 2 a day and up wards, !nada at home by the industrious. Alen. ~ rumen; boys and girls wanted everywhere to. well. for as. Now is the time. Yon can work in spare time only or give your whole tirue.to:the husiesss, Yon can live at botiieand do the work other business will . psy you nearly as-well So ono -ran fail to mate enormous t..W by en eaviug at ore°. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Moeey made fast, easily and honorably. Address, Trince: Co.. Augusta. Maine. bee is—rjr GREAT STATE TRIAL! A complete and authentic record of the evi d. uco speeches, addresses, and studied insane sayings of Gunstiti ASSASSIN crune—lts Causes and Consequences—Stal ,srtism as explained on the Witness Stand by lion : James 0. Blaine -Graphic Exciting Scenes n Court—Attempts upon the 'Assassins Life— sketzhes of the Principal Characters engaged n this world-famous Criminal Trial-30.000,0 0 0 await in anxiety the Evidence in this be most Remarkable Trial inAmerican History. A( 4 - 14;N'TS VcrAlcriar• in every town. 111E10.: ARE MILLIONS IN IT. Sena .S 0 cents for outfit: and secure territcry at onee. ' A. 14 ress. - UNION PUBLISHING CO.. Phila. - Ike. •22—Iw ' XkIiDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ie sure in its e ff ects, mild in its action's' it does I nid • Water, yet is penetrating and powerful to rae&F,every deep seated pain or to remove may neiry--growth or other enlargements, such as spivius, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and soy lameness and all enlargements of the pints ',or limbs. or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for tiTan or beast. It is now known to be the test Uniment for man ever need, acting mild and Set Main in its effects. vend address for Illustrated .431scular which We think gives positive proof of its virtues.. No rtrat-dy has ever met with such unqualified %w -rest to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles tor $5. All lirogeiNts have it or can get it for yon, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. B. -J. Nerroait. 4k. Co.. Enos 'burgh Fain. vs. Sold by all Dragglats. : :EWER HEADS, .BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS. &C. pr i nted in the beat etyle 4?f the art at the REPLIIISCAN OffiCO. L L . . . • -- . . . . .-•-- -:.: .- -, --• i . - - - , .. , f - * - .. , - , - ' - • '. i - - - .- - . . . - ,• . __, • • • - :. -,', ,• . , • . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . • . . . ', .• ' • - ~.. . . . 1 . . . • - . . • . , , ~ . •. , . . . ... . . . . • . . . • -.. '.. •• , .' -, .--- .:-. - - '''.+-,t44 ,- - .. .: - .." ---._ . , . . , , - . - . , • 1 -': . . ... . . • . ....11111,10. • • - 1 - . , . -. . . • ..•• - - , , .:. -,. -._ . NL - .;._.- •-.. --,._ , - 0 , - ,,.*-7 -•. 1 • , , • .. • . , .: , - -, --- . 1 --- .' I, . • . ', . . - , . ...- - . . , _ . • • , O r: --1-:i.'4;: ... - ...___ • )1k -' ii ir,{llM 4 rAlr- , .111 i ''- '•-• -- : , . • - 4 . ._ i. • . . . . • , ! • j....,..;! -- '' '" - ' , l i lt . , I A - , ... t• . ~ • . : ....., . . . ...., . . ... .. . ~,.....,,,,,..„0_,.....„...__,,.....,.,,,,..„...,„„...,....irij-" ..k - • -wicat-,.lit,— , ~ . ..,r..--,- = -1-3..e.-Ar - -,)= - , - -T1 --;..... ...‘• t:-.: ~-:.v. •• . • i - . - . • . • I-. • . . , .f . ... _....,.., I • EHIGH VALLEY &PENNA,AND A- 4 NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANCiEUENT OF PASiENGEIL, TRAINS TO TARE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 130.... EASTWARD. . _ . , . • ~.. RTATIO*B. . • ,-•- - , I 1115 1 9 'i 1 3 ,_,.....r_..._. ...L... •' P.31. 1 A.31.' ., A.lll. PAL Magara Falls 1 2.051 7.20; • • 1.15 Buffalo • • 2.50 N. 251 , 9.20 Rochester Lyons • , L 1 0 51 11, 0 1.21 Genfnik 1 ..... r , ..... 0.55111.30! . . 1 1thaca.,.8.33, 1.00 ....... • , linbtirn Owego ~ 8:501 1.35!......),..., • 1 , Elmira 4 . 1 Waverly 0 51 2 1. . 4 1 5 0i 0 9. . V ' Sayre 1.0.10' 2.301000', Xthen a :10.151 2.34 . 10.0:r. 11ilau . "; • • I 110-.15;. Mater ;. 1 • 10.251,; . rowanda 110 /GI 3.00:1043; • q 0.54! Wysauking - ...., ... ... , , f - 1 '.111. 0 3t. itanding Stone • .. " ' ..g.• • i ii .ju nu Mmerlleld • . :,..... 1 ....111.10;. Frenchtown • ; 9.90: it AT IV win . : .... :..•••' " • • • I ii...ii 3.570.50 Laceyvillo •• ' 1 11.53, -41;inuer's Eddy • ' blesbnppen ........ ........ . .1 4 . :r 2 3/ 2 1 6 1 Ilehoopany , rtinkhannock .... ...... ?...11.2.23 i 41 1.10 1.1/0 Falls 'LaGrange . I I 1.24 . , _ _. a. B Junctton %Sutton Chunk ... Allentown Bothlehora Easton ' , km York dew York Easton Bethlehem .... Allentown Mauch Chunk.. Wilkes-Barre. '. L t U Junction FAN . LaGrange runktuinuock Siehoopany iteslioppen Skinner's Eddy.. Lacey - vino Wyalnslng , ; Frenelitown Bummerfleld Standing Stone... Wysanking • Towanda Ulster Milan tthens Waverly Elmira Owego auburn ...... Ithaca Geneva Lyons Rochester... Buffalo Sjagara Falls 3.2 loaves Wyalusing at 6:00, A. M., French. own 6.11. Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone WysaUking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster: 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira sittit.. A. M. . N 0.31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. i., Waverly 6:00, Sayiet:ls. Athens 6:20. Milan e:3O. Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauking 7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Rummerceld 7:22 ' Frenclit-own-7:32, arriv ing at Wyalnsing at 7:45., P. M. Trains e and 15 rim daily. Sleeping cars on craters and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and Now 'York with out Changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 , and .:3 be weep Niagara Falls and idilladelphia out' change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. ' WM. STEVENSON, Supt. - SATRE, PA.. Jan. 2; 131;2. Da. & N. Y. !t. B. FM Mall.toad-,Tinie4Oles. ::i / .1,1 ...I 3 A 5; 5.10; 1.41 5.30! 2.20 7.35 i 4.50 ,44 8.29 5.53 .00 8.45! 6.051 .30 9.001 6.40, 1.0.40; 8.401 .1 8.05' WESTWARD. STATIONS ..:1 6.30, ....I 7.40 j 3.40 9.001 4.15 9.2 C -.40.151 5.50 6.15 10.54 6.34 .111.05'.11.55 7.25 .t 1.08; 7.30;' 2.03 9.45 - 4 1,35 .8.01; 2;25 ( 10.10 , 8.27 i 10.32 8.45 2.15' 8.55 3.01110.52 ' 0,20 , ..,.111;22 9.17 3.27, 1 11.29 9.43' ....111.45 3.02' 9.50, 3.46'11. 5 0 ••..!10.14: 4.03 1 12.07 '10,27 119.17 -10.37, i 12.21 110.44' 12,30 16.54 .12..37 • 5.591105! 443 ' 12.46' - 1 11.17' 11.26' 1 1.06 4,30'11.3 ' 1.15 1 4.4041.41 '5.201 1.23 4.45 11.50 . 5.30' 1.30 5.25'12.40' 6.15 2.15 5.39 .... 8.30 ' .... 1 6,10 6.40" .... 7.41 , .... 8.11, ..•. 8.40 .... 8.50: ;... i 9.50 (3.10 9.40 i 1.40 8.10 12.05: 8.00 1.03 9.25 1.0t21 9.40 P.M. P.M. A .M. A .3t ' i i.. +. . ; Misceliaranut Advertisements. WANTED. A good; s'ecor.d-barid, ENOrkiE and BOILER. Address, stating condition and pricz,,:q. B. M.. P. O. Box: X. Liberty, Tioga Co., En. Oct. 27-2m*-tf. • ,The Pulishers of the IbErnr.t.telN have 2arranged so that they are able to offer • the popular family-paper —The STAR Srmk - oz.r.n Belortz=for one year to every new subscriber to the REPUBLICAN who pays $1.31. The BANNER is a splendid home paps r. Specimens may be seen at this office, or will be sent by ad. dressing. BANNER, Hinsdale, N. It. BRADFORD COUNTY ROAD. LAWS. Just Published—A Revised Edititha of Carno chaffs 4. Road •Laws and Laws rotating to Town shit) Officers in Bradford. County, by SAMUEL W. Ruca. • , For Sale at ;Treasurer's Office, or at either Whitcomb's or Cross's Bookstore, Towanda. Pa. FARM :FOR SALE. Situated in Terry Township, 1% -miles from river, where are stores, post office, church, grist- Mill, etc. Three mites from station on L. V. It. It.; on a well traveled road; contains 62.!,4weres - well improved; goon fences, good orchard; grapes, etc.; and an excellent Spring of water, and comfortable buildings. Also for sale house and lot in New Albany burr ough. Wishing to go west, will sell the above named property cheap for-cash, if sold 801311. Apply on the farm to .IYRON BABCOCK. Dec 22d-3t . Terrytown. Pa. American Hotel —4 . property'jUTEL FOP fo — r l sal o e ff at e a r great the bargain. The Hotel may I:ie .- seen on the corner orßridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough. it is one of the best sud most central locations to the place.. There is a good, barn -connected with the property. The tree 'bridge and new depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the business. A govt active man with a small captal can pay for the property -in a short time from the profits. It was papered and painted new last spring and is now , in excellent condition. . JOSEPH O. PATTON', Towanda. Pa.. Sept.:. !OK-U. Gc:cl anti Cheap Xansas Paper. We are in recipt of the WEEKLY CAPITAL, an eight-page, 4A-column" weekly paper, published at Topeka; Kansas, the Capital of the State, at One Donor per year. to any address. ^lt is brim-. full of State news, correspondence, crop notes. markets, etc.. and is, in every respect, a Journal worth the money asked for it. Those wh' want to learn about Kansas shonld.send fur the ear- ITAL. Address, Topeka Pally Capital Publishing Company, tw . peka Kansas. GOLD Great chance to make Money.— rose who always take advantage lot the good chances for making money that are offered.gene rally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re main in Revery We want many men, women,. boys and girls to work for us right in their own localitfea. Any. one e:n .to the work properly from the start. The business will pay more than ten timed ordinary wages. Expensive outfit for; nished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the wore, or .ouly your spare memento. Full information and all that is ne•-ded sent free. Address, STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. Dec 1,5—1 yr Hoßs zy. Send 25 cts. in stamps or currency for thear. Turn untriox of ""A - Treatise on the Horse and. his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has 60 iltie engravings showing BOOKpositions assumed by sick horses better' than tun be taught in any other way, a table showing doses of sU the principal medicines tisetrfor the horse .as well as their effects and antiactes when a 25 ct poison, large, collection of VALVAME lITCSIPTV. rules for telling the ago of a horse; with en engra.ing showing teeth of each year Ind a large amount of otbervalnable horse information. Iluedreas of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200,000 sold in about one •ye tr. before it was re vised shows bow popular the book is. The re• wised edition is wren mons taranarrisu. RIAD rot; • craccLui. ACIENTB WANTED. Dr. J. R. Kendall it. Co., Knosburgh 'Falls, Vermont. afar 11-Iyr. • 207E1 Y 3AR. LhveoWtliganat l ioanit (11 1 4 1 pa ll! per.. The Sills SPASOISD BANDIOI4 begins its 20th yolir. January. 1882. Established 1863. Thellas :cm is the oldest - and moat popular paper of its class. Every number, contains 8 large pages, 40 long columns, with mapy Comi.o. Humorous and Attractive Engravings, - It is' crowded full of the , best Stories. Poetry, Wtt, Humor. Fun.—making a paper to amuse and instruct old and young. It exposes Frauds. Swindlers and Cheats and every lizie is amusing. instractve or entertaluice,. Ev erybody needs it; 50.000 now read it, and at only GU cents a year. it is, by fir the best, cheapest, moat popular paper printed. For :5 cents six Ana silver teaspoons are sent with the lixammt cue rest. Fifty cthervsuperb premiums. Send ten cents for 3 months trial trip, with full pros pectus, or 60 cents for-Bums a whole year. - Specimens FREE. • Send Pow. Address, BANNER PUBLISHING CO.. Hinsdale. N. H. 108 PRINTING OF ALL KINDS U done at short flatlet) sa i d reasonable rites at the Ramaisnot oMee. CURES BUMS% LIM CONPUIITS, 1 ART BIM 3.45 416 4.30 4.34 Di~apepeici~ re. Cu R D eases 1! ever c- E flue, 0 ,14 a, Dropsy, cart Disease, toasness, - Nervous debility, etc. The Best BE !NOW to Man! 114100,000 Bottles SOS 5.113 1323 ! - SOLD. SINCE 10370: 'l7tiB Syrtip possesses Varied. Properties. It Stimulates the Ptyalin° in the Saliva, whielif convert the Starch and Sugar - of the food into glucose. A den. eieney in Ptyallnio causes INind and Souring of the food in the stomach. 11 the medicine is taken immediately after eating the fermentation of thud is pre vented. Zt acts upon' the Liver. It acts upon the Kidneys. • • - llt Regulates the Dowels. ,Alt Purifies the Mood, It Quiets the Nervous Sudo, It Promotes Digestion. It Nourishes. Strengthen* acid lite4orates. It carries off the Old Blood and makes wet It opens the pores of the skin and induce' Healthy Perspiration. It neutralizes the hereditary taint, orpoisor In the blood, which generates Scrofula, Ery. sipelakand all manner of skin diseases and Internal humors. There are no spirits employed in its =um. facture, and it tan be taken by the most deli. cate babe, or by the aged and feeble, commit' being required in attention to directions. 8130; Laboratory, 77 West 3d St% Ashland, Sebnykill co., Pa. ' Dear Sir:—Thta is to certify!that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP bas benefited' me more, after a short trial, than all the modichMl have used for 15 yeais Dear Sir:—l have used. your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for. Disease of the Stomach; and it has proved to bo a valuable medicine. Mite. J. Acatas. . - Nervous Debility. i . ~. • Turtle Point, Macau co., Pa. Dear Sir:--I was troubled with 'Nervous -Do bilityAnd partial Paralysis. fur a number of years, and obtained no relief until I used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial Of which restored me to health 1' • . Dear little girl was' 'cured of. Inflam mation of the Face and Eyes, by the use of your reliable INDIAN •III. 001) SYRUP. A physician had previously failed to afford' relief and it was thought that the child could not live. Its neck and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulotis Sores, which ti.e now entirely gone. • WAILUEN SMITLI. ' Turtle Point, lilcKean ed., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved me a' Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, after the doc tors failed, Remedy fur the Rhepmatism. • i . Turtle Polnt-McKean co., Pil.- ' Dear Sir t--4 have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver