iioi,Co3lß & TUC; Publishers. VOL. VII. is *7IIE-•---... Brachid Republican rithikbed Every Thursday, AT TOWANDA, PA., BY Ef.OLCOMB & TRACY. $ . 1.50 Per .4nnuns.; in ..larasire _idrertis jug hates—Si cents a line for first infection, au t five cents per line for all sub.e ,vvnt insertilna. Iteadinir notice advertitin:g cent* per line. Eight lines constitute a s.iaare, anst twelve lines an inch. .Audtier's 11,,ISes 12.50. Administrator's and I;xecu:nr's Yearly - advertising . stro,ora per THE IlErc ui-tesi; in published La the I.ac9, klo're and Nobles Bleck, at the corner of Ilaut 10.,d Pine streets, over J.' P. Corner's Boot and rlioe store. Its circulation ,is over !all. As an advertising medium it is one:welled in its in mediate debt. :warvda Basians ATTORA ETS-A.T.LAW t2ltrfli Hunts.Attorueyd-it-Law; Offic. 17_1 ,over Po‘yoll k. Co, d. N., Office in Wood's Block, south CFirst Sational Bank, up Stairs. Juno SiVA_CN C ELibree and L Elsbree.) U Offica? in 3lercur Block. Park St. ruayl4.7B P . ECii .7z.OVERTON (Benj M Peck anti D A Derr total. •Oface over I.llll'e Market 49=79 rvVERTON A: SANDERSON (E Overton and JrAn Sa /I de ram.) °Mesta Adsms Block. julys7B MAXWELL, WAS. Office over Dayton's Stor , ! • &pill ltl'a WILT, ,T. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Black apr14,16 AN - lE5+% CARNOCHAN & HALL. or T Davies. DII (•arno:han. Lif Ifatl.) Office' in rear ~f Ward (louse. Entranca on Poplar. St. i1e12.75 Tin'ERCCR. RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid to buaineas in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. (Wire in Moutanyo's Block . 4949 lkir PFIEUSON A: YOUNG. (I, McPherson and 1 3,1 . W. 1. Young.) ()Ace south nide ofMercar's IMME ADILL & KINNEY. Mice corner Slain and IVi pine st. Noble's blocli. secoud floor front. C..llections promptly attended to. feb 1 78 ILLIANIS, ANGLES BUFFINGTON. (ii N )ovWilliams, E J Angle anti E D Buffington): office west side of Main street. two doors north Argng oftice.• 411 tnetikesa. gen trusted to their care will rec• ice tirompLattentiou.. - oct 25,77 TAMEi 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING. Attor neys and Counsellors-at-Law. Office in the rcur Mock, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. July 3, 'SO tf. TTLEN EY. J. P. Attorne)-at-Laic. Office in Mout.inye's Block, Main Street. s,;st!. TiltiM110::, W. 11. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law, Towanda. Pa. (Mice in Mercur Block. o‘er, T. Kirli.l."B Drug Store, entrance on Main etr, et. first stairway north of Post.otlice. •All be...iuees promptly attended to. Special. atten tion given to claims against tho United States t.r Bounties, Patents, etc., and to ...ilectiors and settlement of deitedent's estates. April 'M. ly VII YSIVANS AND SURGEONS TOHNSON. T. 8.. M.D. Of over Dr. IL C . Porters's Drug StFiro. • fe512,78 EWTON, Drs. D. kF. G. (Mice at Dwelling on Diver Street, coiner Weston St. fob 12,77 r _ADD, C. K. lI.D. Otte, Ist dour above old A—l baulk building, en Slain, street... Special at tvntion given to diseases ef the throat ani lenge., ju1y19.7/1 .. jvVooDist 7 sS, M.. Office and rest dense. Main street. north ot Medival 'Examiner for Pension Dr ,, i.rtment. tab 2.2.7 S YNE. E. D.. M.D. (Mee over Mmatanye's P Stare. Office hoary (mai 10 to 12 A. It. and from 2 to 4 r. M. Special attention, given to Diseases of the Eye, and . -Diseasea of the Ear. oct 20 77 ToWNER, li. L.. 31. D.. ilomitorarutc PHYSICIAN' .l• SUMMON. ReFidence and office just north of Dr. Cornon's Main street. Athens. Pa. HOTELS - 11g1:SRT lIQUSE- Main at.. next corner south ot Bridge street. Sew. house and new furniture throughout. The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in malting his iwiel first-class and respectfully solicits a share of vublic patronage. Meals at all hours. •Terins reasonable.. Largo Stable attscaed. mar 8 7",' • WM. unuor. SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, NO. 6s. G. A. it. lldeta every Saturday evetdug. GEO. V. 'MYER, Conimandk. J I:. StrrutuGE. Adjutant. feb 7, 79 ci:YSTAL LODGE, O. N. Meets at X; of P Hail every Monday evening at 7:30.- In duranofs2,ooo. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver age annual cost, 5 years experience. $ll. .1. R. ILITPRIDGE, Reporter. TE.,EW Anou.r., Ja.. Dictator. feb 22.11 B _ RADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 9. 0: F. Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Monday evening : o'clock. t IRMIBEN Mu., Noble Grand. ;ono 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING .DUST, F. E. No. 32 Second street• All orders . 1 - - will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL :'II2S.QUEIIA.NNA,.. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The Second Viuter Term beg,in Monday, •:+uuary, 2s, 18A2. For catalogue or other infor• inatioo, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN; A. M. Towanda, Pa. .1 ly I ),I'm . . PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and (ias Fitter. Flace of business in Mer cur Block next door to Journal pffice opposite 4 . 1 -..riAbilc Square. Plumbing, alb Fitting, Repair lig i'umpa of all kinds, and all kinds of Dearing pr. ,riptly attended to. All wanting work Sn'his ne l+bould give him a call. . july 27,77 I.VSUIZANCE RI'SSELL. - f. S, timaersd Insurance Agcncy, Towanda, Pa. Office in' Whitcomb's Book July. 12,74 MEI BESTbusiness noW oefore thopubli , . You can make nmey faster at work for ns than at anything else_ Capitol not Leaded. We will start you. $ 2 a day and up wards, !nada at home by the industrious. Alen. ~ rumen; boys and girls wanted everywhere to. well. for as. Now is the time. Yon can work in spare time only or give your whole tirue.to:the husiesss, Yon can live at botiieand do the work other business will . psy you nearly as-well So ono -ran fail to mate enormous t..W by en eaviug at ore°. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Moeey made fast, easily and honorably. Address, Trince: Co.. Augusta. Maine. bee is—rjr GREAT STATE TRIAL! A complete and authentic record of the evi d. uco speeches, addresses, and studied insane sayings of Gunstiti ASSASSIN crune—lts Causes and Consequences—Stal ,srtism as explained on the Witness Stand by lion : James 0. Blaine -Graphic Exciting Scenes n Court—Attempts upon the 'Assassins Life— sketzhes of the Principal Characters engaged n this world-famous Criminal Trial-30.000,0 0 0 await in anxiety the Evidence in this be most Remarkable Trial inAmerican History. A( 4 - 14;N'TS VcrAlcriar• in every town. 111E10.: ARE MILLIONS IN IT. Sena .S 0 cents for outfit: and secure territcry at onee. ' A. 14 ress. - UNION PUBLISHING CO.. Phila. - Ike. •22—Iw ' XkIiDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ie sure in its e ff ects, mild in its action's' it does I nid • Water, yet is penetrating and powerful to rae&F,every deep seated pain or to remove may neiry--growth or other enlargements, such as spivius, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and soy lameness and all enlargements of the pints ',or limbs. or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for tiTan or beast. It is now known to be the test Uniment for man ever need, acting mild and Set Main in its effects. vend address for Illustrated .431scular which We think gives positive proof of its virtues.. No rtrat-dy has ever met with such unqualified %w -rest to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles tor $5. All lirogeiNts have it or can get it for yon, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. B. -J. Nerroait. 4k. Co.. Enos 'burgh Fain. vs. Sold by all Dragglats. : :EWER HEADS, .BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS. &C. pr i nted in the beat etyle 4?f the art at the REPLIIISCAN OffiCO. L L . . . • -- . . . . .-•-- -:.: .- -, --• i . - - - , .. , f - * - .. , - , - ' - • '. i - - - .- - . . . - ,• . __, • • • - :. -,', ,• . , • . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . • . . . ', .• ' • - ~.. . . . 1 . . . • - . . • . , , ~ . •. , . . . ... . . . . • . . . • -.. '.. •• , .' -, .--- .:-. - - '''.+-,t44 ,- - .. .: - .." ---._ . , . . , , - . - . , • 1 -': . . ... . . • . ....11111,10. • • - 1 - . , . -. . . • ..•• - - , , .:. -,. -._ . NL - .;._.- •-.. --,._ , - 0 , - ,,.*-7 -•. 1 • , , • .. • . , .: , - -, --- . 1 --- .' I, . • . ', . . - , . ...- - . . , _ . • • , O r: --1-:i.'4;: ... - ...___ • )1k -' ii ir,{llM 4 rAlr- , .111 i ''- '•-• -- : , . • - 4 . ._ i. • . . . . • , ! • j....,..;! -- '' '" - ' , l i lt . , I A - , ... t• . ~ • . : ....., . . . ...., . . ... .. . ~,.....,,,,,..„0_,.....„...__,,.....,.,,,,..„...,„„...,....irij-" ..k - • -wicat-,.lit,— , ~ . ..,r..--,- = -1-3..e.-Ar - -,)= - , - -T1 --;..... ...‘• t:-.: ~-:.v. •• . • i - . - . • . • I-. • . . , .f . ... _....,.., I • EHIGH VALLEY &PENNA,AND A- 4 NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANCiEUENT OF PASiENGEIL, TRAINS TO TARE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 130.... EASTWARD. . _ . , . • ~.. RTATIO*B. . • ,-•- - , I 1115 1 9 'i 1 3 ,_,.....r_..._. ...L... •' P.31. 1 A.31.' ., A.lll. PAL Magara Falls 1 2.051 7.20; • • 1.15 Buffalo • • 2.50 N. 251 , 9.20 Rochester Lyons • , L 1 0 51 11, 0 1.21 Genfnik 1 ..... r , ..... 0.55111.30! . . 1 1thaca.,.8.33, 1.00 ....... • , linbtirn Owego ~ 8:501 1.35!......),..., • 1 , Elmira 4 . 1 Waverly 0 51 2 1. . 4 1 5 0i 0 9. . V ' Sayre 1.0.10' 2.301000', Xthen a :10.151 2.34 . 10.0:r. 11ilau . "; • • I 110-.15;. Mater ;. 1 • 10.251,; . rowanda 110 /GI 3.00:1043; • q 0.54! Wysauking - ...., ... ... , , f - 1 '.111. 0 3t. itanding Stone • .. " ' ..g.• • i ii .ju nu Mmerlleld • . :,..... 1 ....111.10;. Frenchtown • ; 9.90: it AT IV win . : .... :..•••' " • • • I ii...ii 3.570.50 Laceyvillo •• ' 1 11.53, -41;inuer's Eddy • ' blesbnppen ........ ........ . .1 4 . :r 2 3/ 2 1 6 1 Ilehoopany , rtinkhannock .... ...... ?...11.2.23 i 41 1.10 1.1/0 Falls 'LaGrange . I I 1.24 . , _ _. a. B Junctton %Sutton Chunk ... Allentown Bothlehora Easton ' , km York dew York Easton Bethlehem .... Allentown Mauch Chunk.. Wilkes-Barre. '. L t U Junction FAN . LaGrange runktuinuock Siehoopany iteslioppen Skinner's Eddy.. Lacey - vino Wyalnslng , ; Frenelitown Bummerfleld Standing Stone... Wysanking • Towanda Ulster Milan tthens Waverly Elmira Owego auburn ...... Ithaca Geneva Lyons Rochester... Buffalo Sjagara Falls 3.2 loaves Wyalusing at 6:00, A. M., French. own 6.11. Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone WysaUking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster: 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira sittit.. A. M. . N 0.31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. i., Waverly 6:00, Sayiet:ls. Athens 6:20. Milan e:3O. Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauking 7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Rummerceld 7:22 ' Frenclit-own-7:32, arriv ing at Wyalnsing at 7:45., P. M. Trains e and 15 rim daily. Sleeping cars on craters and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and Now 'York with out Changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 , and .:3 be weep Niagara Falls and idilladelphia out' change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. ' WM. STEVENSON, Supt. - SATRE, PA.. Jan. 2; 131;2. Da. & N. Y. !t. B. FM Mall.toad-,Tinie4Oles. ::i / .1,1 ...I 3 A 5; 5.10; 1.41 5.30! 2.20 7.35 i 4.50 ,44 8.29 5.53 .00 8.45! 6.051 .30 9.001 6.40, 1.0.40; 8.401 .1 8.05' WESTWARD. STATIONS ..:1 6.30, ....I 7.40 j 3.40 9.001 4.15 9.2 C -.40.151 5.50 6.15 10.54 6.34 .111.05'.11.55 7.25 .t 1.08; 7.30;' 2.03 9.45 - 4 1,35 .8.01; 2;25 ( 10.10 , 8.27 i 10.32 8.45 2.15' 8.55 3.01110.52 ' 0,20 , ..,.111;22 9.17 3.27, 1 11.29 9.43' ....111.45 3.02' 9.50, 3.46'11. 5 0 ••..!10.14: 4.03 1 12.07 '10,27 119.17 -10.37, i 12.21 110.44' 12,30 16.54 .12..37 • 5.591105! 443 ' 12.46' - 1 11.17' 11.26' 1 1.06 4,30'11.3 ' 1.15 1 4.4041.41 '5.201 1.23 4.45 11.50 . 5.30' 1.30 5.25'12.40' 6.15 2.15 5.39 .... 8.30 ' .... 1 6,10 6.40" .... 7.41 , .... 8.11, ..•. 8.40 .... 8.50: ;... i 9.50 (3.10 9.40 i 1.40 8.10 12.05: 8.00 1.03 9.25 1.0t21 9.40 P.M. P.M. A .M. A .3t ' i i.. +. . ; Misceliaranut Advertisements. WANTED. A good; s'ecor.d-barid, ENOrkiE and BOILER. Address, stating condition and pricz,,:q. B. M.. P. O. Box: X. Liberty, Tioga Co., En. Oct. 27-2m*-tf. • ,The Pulishers of the IbErnr.t.telN have 2arranged so that they are able to offer • the popular family-paper —The STAR Srmk - oz.r.n Belortz=for one year to every new subscriber to the REPUBLICAN who pays $1.31. The BANNER is a splendid home paps r. Specimens may be seen at this office, or will be sent by ad. dressing. BANNER, Hinsdale, N. It. BRADFORD COUNTY ROAD. LAWS. Just Published—A Revised Edititha of Carno chaffs 4. Road •Laws and Laws rotating to Town shit) Officers in Bradford. County, by SAMUEL W. Ruca. • , For Sale at ;Treasurer's Office, or at either Whitcomb's or Cross's Bookstore, Towanda. Pa. FARM :FOR SALE. Situated in Terry Township, 1% -miles from river, where are stores, post office, church, grist- Mill, etc. Three mites from station on L. V. It. It.; on a well traveled road; contains 62.!,4weres - well improved; goon fences, good orchard; grapes, etc.; and an excellent Spring of water, and comfortable buildings. Also for sale house and lot in New Albany burr ough. Wishing to go west, will sell the above named property cheap for-cash, if sold 801311. Apply on the farm to .IYRON BABCOCK. Dec 22d-3t . Terrytown. Pa. American Hotel —4 . property'jUTEL FOP fo — r l sal o e ff at e a r great the bargain. The Hotel may I:ie .- seen on the corner orßridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough. it is one of the best sud most central locations to the place.. There is a good, barn -connected with the property. The tree 'bridge and new depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the business. A govt active man with a small captal can pay for the property -in a short time from the profits. It was papered and painted new last spring and is now , in excellent condition. . JOSEPH O. PATTON', Towanda. Pa.. Sept.:. !OK-U. Gc:cl anti Cheap Xansas Paper. We are in recipt of the WEEKLY CAPITAL, an eight-page, 4A-column" weekly paper, published at Topeka; Kansas, the Capital of the State, at One Donor per year. to any address. ^lt is brim-. full of State news, correspondence, crop notes. markets, etc.. and is, in every respect, a Journal worth the money asked for it. Those wh' want to learn about Kansas shonld.send fur the ear- ITAL. Address, Topeka Pally Capital Publishing Company, tw . peka Kansas. GOLD Great chance to make Money.— rose who always take advantage lot the good chances for making money that are offered.gene rally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re main in Revery We want many men, women,. boys and girls to work for us right in their own localitfea. Any. one e:n .to the work properly from the start. The business will pay more than ten timed ordinary wages. Expensive outfit for; nished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the wore, or .ouly your spare memento. Full information and all that is ne•-ded sent free. Address, STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. Dec 1,5—1 yr Hoßs zy. Send 25 cts. in stamps or currency for thear. Turn untriox of ""A - Treatise on the Horse and. his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has 60 iltie engravings showing BOOKpositions assumed by sick horses better' than tun be taught in any other way, a table showing doses of sU the principal medicines tisetrfor the horse .as well as their effects and antiactes when a 25 ct poison, large, collection of VALVAME lITCSIPTV. rules for telling the ago of a horse; with en engra.ing showing teeth of each year Ind a large amount of otbervalnable horse information. Iluedreas of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200,000 sold in about one •ye tr. before it was re vised shows bow popular the book is. The re• wised edition is wren mons taranarrisu. RIAD rot; • craccLui. ACIENTB WANTED. Dr. J. R. Kendall it. Co., Knosburgh 'Falls, Vermont. afar 11-Iyr. • 207E1 Y 3AR. LhveoWtliganat l ioanit (11 1 4 1 pa ll! per.. The Sills SPASOISD BANDIOI4 begins its 20th yolir. January. 1882. Established 1863. Thellas :cm is the oldest - and moat popular paper of its class. Every number, contains 8 large pages, 40 long columns, with mapy Comi.o. Humorous and Attractive Engravings, - It is' crowded full of the , best Stories. Poetry, Wtt, Humor. Fun.—making a paper to amuse and instruct old and young. It exposes Frauds. Swindlers and Cheats and every lizie is amusing. instractve or entertaluice,. Ev erybody needs it; 50.000 now read it, and at only GU cents a year. it is, by fir the best, cheapest, moat popular paper printed. For :5 cents six Ana silver teaspoons are sent with the lixammt cue rest. Fifty cthervsuperb premiums. Send ten cents for 3 months trial trip, with full pros pectus, or 60 cents for-Bums a whole year. - Specimens FREE. • Send Pow. Address, BANNER PUBLISHING CO.. Hinsdale. N. H. 108 PRINTING OF ALL KINDS U done at short flatlet) sa i d reasonable rites at the Ramaisnot oMee. CURES BUMS% LIM CONPUIITS, 1 ART BIM 3.45 416 4.30 4.34 Di~apepeici~ re. Cu R D eases 1! ever c- E flue, 0 ,14 a, Dropsy, cart Disease, toasness, - Nervous debility, etc. The Best BE !NOW to Man! 114100,000 Bottles SOS 5.113 1323 ! - SOLD. SINCE 10370: 'l7tiB Syrtip possesses Varied. Properties. It Stimulates the Ptyalin° in the Saliva, whielif convert the Starch and Sugar - of the food into glucose. A den. eieney in Ptyallnio causes INind and Souring of the food in the stomach. 11 the medicine is taken immediately after eating the fermentation of thud is pre vented. Zt acts upon' the Liver. It acts upon the Kidneys. • • - llt Regulates the Dowels. ,Alt Purifies the Mood, It Quiets the Nervous Sudo, It Promotes Digestion. It Nourishes. Strengthen* acid lite4orates. It carries off the Old Blood and makes wet It opens the pores of the skin and induce' Healthy Perspiration. It neutralizes the hereditary taint, orpoisor In the blood, which generates Scrofula, Ery. sipelakand all manner of skin diseases and Internal humors. There are no spirits employed in its =um. facture, and it tan be taken by the most deli. cate babe, or by the aged and feeble, commit' being required in attention to directions. 8130; Laboratory, 77 West 3d St% Ashland, Sebnykill co., Pa. ' Dear Sir:—Thta is to certify!that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP bas benefited' me more, after a short trial, than all the modichMl have used for 15 yeais Dear Sir:—l have used. your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for. Disease of the Stomach; and it has proved to bo a valuable medicine. Mite. J. Acatas. . - Nervous Debility. i . ~. • Turtle Point, Macau co., Pa. Dear Sir:--I was troubled with 'Nervous -Do bilityAnd partial Paralysis. fur a number of years, and obtained no relief until I used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial Of which restored me to health 1' • . Dear little girl was' 'cured of. Inflam mation of the Face and Eyes, by the use of your reliable INDIAN •III. 001) SYRUP. A physician had previously failed to afford' relief and it was thought that the child could not live. Its neck and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulotis Sores, which ti.e now entirely gone. • WAILUEN SMITLI. ' Turtle Point, lilcKean ed., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved me a' Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, after the doc tors failed, Remedy fur the Rhepmatism. • i . Turtle Polnt-McKean co., Pil.- ' Dear Sir t--4 have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver <Om plain t. and Lave derived great relief theietr9M; . . Delays firmest*. . • 't • An. Age e Cs Testtinony. • -,• i . ' • _., Tu r ‘rtle Point, McKean co.; Ti. Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver CoMplaint until' l' used your great - 1N1) AN BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtai4ed permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be a valuable Bowel Regulator. . , . 11EliIII: C. Butreott. A Valuable Mediclac. B. Ain. Somerset Co ..Pa. Dear Sir:—This-is to certify that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine ever used in my family. Hoping the public will be benefited by this great remedy. I take great' pleasure in giving my testimony of its value. JOSEPH P. BAUDA.BBII. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa. T , Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in recommending your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the bestmedi eine made. People who are 'Dyspeptic should not fail to give it a trial. For tno Stomach it has no equal. I have 'used it and know it to be a valuable medicine, Dear Sir:—l Was troubled with Liver Com plaint for 41 long time. and by the persuasion of your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent INDIAN BLOOD BYRUP.which has greatly bene fited me. 1 have never found• any medicine to eetial it, and can confidently say it is a eafkand highly valuable remedy: - F.l•watto Zotut. Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.. • '•Dear Sie•—l was atflcted with a Pain in my Breadt and Side. and when I would lie down, I could scak,ely breathe for Pain, 1 was also very weak in my Breast -and Lungs. I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now. hear ty vrell. My Lungs are strong once more and I am very grateful to you for such a-valuible remedy TOWANDA. BRADFORD COUNTY, Pit; THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1882. CURES ►LL DISUSES 01 THE STMUCII, KIDNEYS, SKIM, DRUGGISTS SELL IT. IiEW YUIU CITY. !Never fails to Cure. Disc Me of the Stomach. Aslilsnd: SchnykUl co., ra For!Scrafula. Turtle Feint. McKean co., Pa hare„eure for Liver Complaint liArris KIIIRSIDIGHX. Liver Complaint. Berlin, Somerset Co., Ps Pain In the Breast Dyspepsia and IndigestiOn. Dear Slr:—This is to certify that your velum• hie INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of Dyspepra and Indigestion, vhich.l had been addicted itb for years For Kidney I Diseages. . 7 Philadelphia, Pa Dear Sir:—l ws subject to severe Pains in my Kidneys. Weakness and .Painful Sick Headache, for years. and failed to'obtain relief, until Iwas Induced to iry . your rebable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. a short trial of which restored me to perfect health. :No• 1525 Bartrani St. For C,osticedess J'hiladelphLa.• pa. Dear was troubled with Costiveues and Headache. and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP proved most heneficial to me. It is the best medicine I dyer Used. ' So .817 Fedaisj St For -BBBongoes& Philadelphia. Pa. Ewer Sir:—l was afflicted with - Dyspepsia and BilDoneness for years, and tailed to procure re lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD ftillllP..widch soon effectUally relieved ins. I tate great pleasure in recommending its use to thuatilicted. No. 1035 Locust, St • Disease of the Stt►ntach and' Liver, --a" Bushkin, Pike Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that I have need your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach and Liver, and have been much bane. Sted thereby. Best Family Medicine. Piko Co., Ps, - • Dear Bir;—l consider your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP the best medicine I ever used in my family. It ta just as recommended. Mar a= OMAR% Remedy for Worms. Pair Sir:—T hive used your great INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP in my family for Worm and Slumber Complaint, and it has proved effectual in slimes, 'Never Falls to Cure. near &r:—lfy daughter was in Poor Health and a short trial of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP entirely cured her. AGENT' S for WV) BUMP in every town or villa g e, in which I bars no a g ent. Particulars g iven onappliestion. One vines to her in 'kingly garb and guise. . She hears the wary world lita praises sing, And li4ening shyly with a pleased surprise, • She ow& tholiope that, now at last her eyes 1 Behold the Ring. Yet still "a doubt her maiden spirit grieves, ' Loge's perfect trust his presence fails tC ,And each tender tender romance that she weaves Why Is it that she never quite believes - fie is the Ring 7 Another comes . _ unnoticed and alone; About his life no royal glamors cling; The world bas never branded him her own, Yet .to one .heart the certain truth is known That he is King. Now can her soul the'shafti of doubt defy. His voice from truth has caught the royal ring; No substitute can ihino when he is by; Disguises fail and life is grand and high; For be is Sing: BLOOD. The distant oitv's glariag lights Loonied up before hie boyish *lo— from his Village home he went Like golden Wilts of Paradise.. He filledibiss puree with treasured gold, He'gaiord the doubtful praise of men; Then, pantiug from bis toil, he turned Hie eyes upon hia home again. - lie saw what hotad iterlaced; He wept to think of lest delights, 4nd o'er the city's glare he saw The beanty of the villige lights. The.pai son flout the pulpit spoke, , With fervent zeal and earnest stroke; His solemn voice rang through the porch, And filled the glade about the church. The congregation dreamily ' Dozed over the words with which he Drew lessons - of wisOm deep for each, • Who came to hear him duly preach. The heated air, that sultry day, • - ()Ave fell to all the preachetZil say. That fell upon the listening throes Like the low Sound of evening song, Lulling the weary heart to rest, • Filling,with peace the troubled breast, Until within that church not one heard words froni fervid . parson's.tongue, But slept, like virgins at the door, r , Whose light had died : forevermore; And though the preacher's strain went on. Naught save low moans came from that R. B. BaLtsse:.l The preacher paused. O'er!dcli and hill Deepisilence reigned, and all was still. In ac l pents broad, with wakened ire, lie -creamed aloud, "Fire: Fire: Fire ! 1). C. -WlNEwip Fire 1' They to their feet that throng upopraug, The Women shrieked, and every wan Dried, "Domitde, where is the fire?'. . Frew youthful Ones to gray-haired sire, The preacher's eyes tialibednnger keen, • While the people etcol with frightened mien And shrunk' beneath- the parson's e3e, When he with fervor out did cry; "There is a fire of burning coals 'bitten, ye lazy, drowsy 8011141" F. F. BISHO i - - I ktiow a merry maiden, bright and fair, _ A yiineeme lass. With eyes of lightest blue; and , dark-brown hair— . , . But let that pais. "Her age?'lyuu.ask. - 76 no concern, I wage And it may rest. Beanies, a lady's judgment of her ago Is no sumo test., ' . Site has a handsome face, I can attest, : : Of lily white,. 1 • i id uch complexion as you know shows boo By candle-light. u. rm is pretC;,' yes, and lOvely, too; .A.Pd—let me see— i - %I.le - ears a very dainty little shoe— . A number three. e' not a prude, by any mean's; oh; no! Not this :airing missl i I ust“ needs admit the fact,l know She likes a kiss. nd ~ v en if your hand.should stoal about Her pretty; waist, Jul slie should puree her lips and smiling pout, "Delightful girl" you say 3,3ire11, yes; as you Can safely judge..... But 11 this talk of marriage h 4, true, The merest fudge. • • She's a pretty, winsome lass,-you know; just Sweet as honey,' But then she's poet:, you see, and I, must— must ' He who respects himself will respec others. ' Belief is not in our wek, but truth fulness is. IX M. BALI. Philadelphia, Pa' Without the rich heurt, l vituith is an Ugly beggar. GEOEOL M. ELLIOT in keeping it Love is not love which alters when i alteration flails: With Li-0a go ever the seo; withon Him, not over the thresho,d. JAMES RILEY It is in the Power of the meanest to triumph oveti fallen greatness. Botiowiugl money is a bad habit; and borrowing trouble is no better. If every year rooted ont one vice, we should soon become perfect men It ig better to be a tortoise on the right track than a racer on the wrong. - .1 A s. A. Itnuct.ra As tlre - is aiEcovcred by its i, own light, so is virtue by its owu exeellebee. FaaNs T. Gonwurr FIIANIMIN VANANKEEN Tumult .cousitiouT Biuttklll. Pike Co.. Ps Hrahm y NE "OOVEBNMFNT OF 'THE PEOPLE BY liiiikiAREIDPLE . AND FOB THE PEOPLE." THE KING. Grace. S. Welts, 71r0 LIGHTIL A Si'IIATAGEM..t MGM HARRYING MONEY You'd lose no caste Marry money --J. A. Henuessj MORAL GEMS. Better ,break thy word than do worse We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one we love.''} , .1 - All men that are rained,. are ruin don the side ortheir natural propen sities. Covetousness is a eomplei evil; it doth twist a'great, many sins in with it. Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; die for it; anything but live for it. The defects of the understanding. like those of the face,rgrow worse as we grow old. I 1 . Ete d is a wise man who labors for that wealth which comes with a contented mind. . Judge roller, the new Secretary of the Treasury, recently said forty dollars fore cow he killed while shooting snide in New Jersey. It does not seem as though a - man that could not . tell the difference between a cow and a snipe could manage the finances of this glori ous Republic. We should think he could tell the difference by the bill—lor killing the cow. Peck's Sun. ' hbd as yet selected no opeciel favorite .to torment, so• the old Man had full leisure to watch, Ned, visiting his room for sly. remarks', dropping ;tiaras that _ ' - -''. brought up the frank blush sa becom 'Ned! Neil' The cell rang out from ing toa manly lace, or, esieb, at times the house dobr, floating bra 134 an therd" letting his sympathy bringthe roses to tilt it came fault and weary)* the''' barn Susy ' s cheek. - door, utterly unable to itticietrate the - Never did the cense of 'true love burred portal.- ~ ---,.. ' . promise to ran smoother. Sasy's lath 'Ned! Nedr Nearer and ensurer came -. er was a traveling peddler, whose jour the cheery voice, and a setar of . light nays often led him hundrede` of miles feet carried it down the path, - to ring from Allentown, now east, -4364 west, out again clear and strong, as ' - a little north, or south, as hie fancy or pack doubled fist pounded •au•-,iitscompani-• suggested. His earnings were good, meat on, the wooden barrio*. - and Mrs. Willie , rented a pretty cottage • - A frank face, and head c overed with and lived in • co . mfOrtable - style, while crisp curls, new decorated by long Stisy could, boast of two years"schnol straws stuck in with a Oromisorious ing'-at the nocademy of B--,miles carelessner4 suggestive of i paar's.crown. away from her native village. It is was popped out,of the window 'of the true that Jim Willis, the peddler, was hay-loft. , ; r l - ' counted a man, one keen at a bar -i• 'What is it,"Katie? I.'nV giving the ga i n , and eisme-listed- in - : business, bu t , beasts their breakfast.' ';: 'Come down! You mutiOsomb down! and &By, their only Child. Tbere I've got the best of newafor yew.' ' bad been always kindly feeling between 'What is it? Wait! -Il be- down!' the family and the Clarkes froth the ' Why, Retie, what are yoU all dressed time when Ned drew-Suety and Katie to sip for?' • • school on one sled,: or tossed ripples - .'You'll never guess. Su syWllis has froni the boy's beech to the golden come home. She sent me over word haired lassie on the 'girl's side. Mrs. this - morning 'to .be ready.:; . for church 'Willis kiwi/ Ned's Werth; his Mardi ; early, so we could have 'a long walk uprightness, sir frank, .generOus heart,' before -we went into teeetin. She's his bright intelligence end, faithful loves coming over for me.' ~ - `StSsy . home!" That Wait all N . e4 said, 'for her darling than'3 the life of fed but there was n o ; doubting the (ident of Clarke's wife promised to be. So ' the, , content in his veice. . long summer wattle, the cordidential 'Her father has- written . that . he is talks, tbe thousand devices to wir. favor ,coating back tosAllentown next mouth, that the yOnthful swain proffered his and Susy's motheesent for her to leave love, were all smiled upon by; the in • school, and be here to meet him. 0 habitants of farm and cottage, while Ned, ain't you glad? stita's been away Susy's gentle, loyal heart never dream more'n two years.' -. • ' red of coquetry, but let •Master Ned - Glad! If there wee any faith to be road in - everY look and blush the tale of . , placed in beaming ; eyes, smiling lips, his success i n woo i ng. . and trembling fingers, Ned was, to say The summer months sped merrily, and the .least not sorry; but hesaid nothing, it was well understood in llentown - t . only hurried the p_reperations for leav ; that when Jim Willis ' ' returned • there ing the barn, his face the- while epeal - would be a wedding, while not a %CT' ing his pleasure, while Katie, her tongue in the village would have dreamed of doing the work of two, ran on with her daring to court' a smile, or word from gleeful chatter. - Susy. , 'i wonder if she's altered, prettier or • The long evening shadows of August smart Er. .1 wonder if she'll_ let you were falling from the house and trees, bean her now, Ned. ?erhaps she'll when Katie sat dreaming in her little want to keep eceppany With_ some smart- room. • Tea was over. Her father bud Sr fellow, now she's had somuchwhool- gone to, town the day before with ,riaa jug. Hurry, Ned, so . you can go ,with visions, and would not return Jar into us!' And flying up the• path again, the night. Ned, had gone to see Stisy, i Kate entered' tbe neat farm-house, and fit) there was no one to, interrupt the went to her room to add some trifle to musing. She was, thinking whether, her dress. Looking wistful up the-path when Susy Came to the farm-house, , for her -expected companion she tried she might not think of quitting it, and to be patient, but the fingers would the various prod and cons of Bob, Harry, fidget, the feet beat tatoos, the eyes and Will, flitted through her coquettish flash with eagerness, while her fathers' little heart, as she deliberated on ihe:r cot:aisle:its, as he leaned over the gate,' several cases, her heart free to choose , smoking his Sunday pipe, did not' ,31- from all of Metier i minish the fever. _ , .' Suddenly, looking up, she saw Ned 'Ay, Katie, don't dram a hole 'in the coming slowly down the path from the window! Are you dancing ails, Katie? cottage. He reeled frore.side to side, Come down here and talk to Jack!' eatil intoxicated, while his faltering and the magpie's hoarie • voice, , callingt stsps, his bowed head and ,droapinS 'Hate,'iechoed the invitation.- Sudden- figure, terrified his sister greatly. He :y.. both Comment and ; restlessness mast be ill! Very ill indeed he looked ceased - while the two faces, beauties as he passed the gate she had hastened 1 . with loving - mischief, watched the ,path. to Open for him. He made no anseer Coming from the barn. round to the to her piteous inquiries as , ho passed, front of the house, yet in his blouse her to enter the kitchen, where he sank' and round hat. was Ned, the idol of . down upon the Mims resting, his head both the warm hearts - watching him. His on tie clasped hands, and sobbed -the pretty bunch of flowers told one cause bard dry gasps of aitrong man in agony. of his delay, and his lingering step was •'O Ned! dear Ned! what is it? Yen explained by the second figure now ad- frighten me so!. Ned, Ned, 'dear! Is, vermin from ;'the path Katie had Susy sick?' . - watched so eagerly. ' He looked up at the name, his Lica Slowly the . two came toward the ashy pale; his eyes burning - and dry— house—Ned trying to summon up sour- 'Don't speak of Suess Katie! Don't; age to address the : pretty, neatly-dressed itmer 'lls I _ ~ ' maiden, who had grown from a little ' But, Ned—'., ' girl to a young lady in her two years' 't i ll try - to . ; tell you, Katie. abscence: white she, `her: loyal heart newer have, had any secrets.' ---. fluttering at the sight of her old sweet. She had seated herself on 'a low stool, heart, tried to look unco'ncions of his and drawn his head to rest. -upon her presence, breast, and her gentle touch, her face Nearer and nearer to the farm door, of tender love seemed to soothe , him, the distance between them narrowing fori fits hartdt, abetted voice softentl ais every moment, they sauntered on, till he' s pok e t o her. - I at last they stood OppoSitesthe old far- 'Jim Willis-hoe'coma borne, Katie. mer, neither daring to speak the first He's made-a heap of:money speculating, word. The prettyl +viers were in dan- and bought a house in Cincinnati, and ger bf being eaten up, atilliied 'bit ner- is going to ; take Suitt and her mother vously at the stems of - the piuks and there to live; and he says I can't have roses, while Susy's pocket•lhandkerchief Susy—she's acing to be rich, and a city was rapidly becoming transformed into girl—and' I'm only - a poor country a rabbit in her gloved fingers. • clodhopper.' , How long they would have remained'!Ned!' ' . thus can only ba r guessed; but a clear; 'He said so. She's to go to Cinain ringing laugh 'from Kate,„' seconded by nati and make a great match; and I her father's ; hearty bads, - broke the can neverisee her again.' spell, and Ned said, - - 'But Stray—what does Susy herself 'l'm glad ybu're Udine again, Busy!' say?' , 3 - - ' - and managed to present hiar flowers and .'lle wouldn't let me see her. except hold open the gets, before her blushes when be lifted her into the coach ; to go had fadeeaway. • away—all white and, dead-like—where It did not need much urging to turn she fainted.' i the lons Walk into a talk in Kate's room, Alto away?' while the farmer and Ned.assumed 'They're' gone. He came home this 'their %tido-meeting' garb,. and,by morning, in a coach he hired in town, some slight of hand, Katie found her- and he made, thorn pack np and get self transferred'. to. her father, - while readrto go right off—wouldn't let eith- Master Ned escorted the fair 1 Susy' to er _of them cone here—tried. to set church:and not a week ; passed • before away before I came, end drove 'me away all Allentown knew that Ned Clarke asit I had been a loafer. 0 Katie, how and Susy WHIM were still 'keeping can I live?' - ' company.'' i - - The loyal heart was nearly breaking. Ned and Katiir , elarke were ths only Every word came in a gasp, and the [ - children of old Farmer Joshua Clarke, pallid face and quivering lips werelaith. ful Witnesses of the . •torrible agony of whose wife bad -long before died, and this unexpected blow. , From a boy to left him to be both father; and moth- this man, he hadcherished one dreatnof er to her handsome lacy' and girl. They were still little ones when they became future happiness, and' it was a paid motherless, :but Aunt Kate; K at i e ' s that no language can adequately de god,mothm; had filled her sister's place scribe, to see it thus 'ruthlessly dashed at the farm-house, until' Katie was six- from,him. , teen, when, thinking her niece trained Katie was powerless to console, him. ; The shot* was to her ,only second to for a perfeet bouse.keeper, dear Aunt his own, fur Susy ' Sate consented to go brighten another had been to her in home, whose master bad waited for her the place of a sister from their childhood since her sister's 'death. So the three and she loved her brother with a pas; - in the old homestead were left to link sibnate devotion that made every tone , of bin voice, suety quiver of his pale their love still closer in the absenee of the wonted housekeeper, and 'tatie's lips a blow on her tender heart. pride was to let no comfort be missed, Fafis Cincinniti really was from the no deficiency tell of their loss. . quiet New England village, its actual In easy circumstances, d evo t e dly distance was nothing simple imaginingsnothing compared to the fond - of his chldren, finding 'love all vat space ' around him, Farmer. Clarke was the threw between. Busy' was to be carried moat c ho r y, b r i g ht o ld t amer i n An ew . ray, far from her home, far from Wins llnivetsally respected and lie.. them, and if the destination had been loved, his old age brightened by his Egypt or Constantinople, the shock children's hapPiness, i lia was ready to would have gained no ~ force. Ned's enter heartily into, any youthfulecheme heart dwelt on the pale, senieless , face; to give his full 4onpathy to all the as he had seen it carried by him, till young boys and girls wbocame to him his poor brain fairly numbed under the for Advice, and above all to watch, with burden of its grief, and he lay silent'. almost boyish glee. all the village court- only sometimes moaning as the in. Katie, being a universal belle, smite( became more !poignant in KEEPIk . 6 CONrdNY. . I BY 31Mt1 1 8811114,i. -117Ison RE a new light. Night fell, and the long hours-drew out their slow length; and still the two remained mute and motion• less, - trying . to realize an I hear this strange fortune. Day break' steeling in, and the sound of the farmer's heavy wagon in the yard, roused them at last, and poor Ned, unable to meet the cheery voics and face of his father, stole away to his.room, leaving Katie to tell the Deese. It is impossible to describe the far- Mer's wrath. Hot words of burning indignation poured from hia.lips, and, for the first time Katie heard an oath from her father's lips, as he cursed Jim Willis for his miserly. cruel heart. Then mime gentler thoughts. . Stisy, hie "lithe. pet, second only to Ned and Katie in his heart, lest, carried away frou► them, toil' from her home and lover—and hero the thought of Ned% grief conquered every other, and! the old man strode up the narrow staircase to his son's door. It needed just such fatherly tenderness as - he brought to . win Ned from his tearless agony to the relied of tears and speech, and far into the - morning the two sat talking of this har4 turn in fortune. The morning duties 'called - them down, and Katie's heart ached over her brother'suntouched breakfast, it .was 'comforted by seeing how deep was his father's sympathy. Days passed, and weeks, and Ned tried to bear his sorrow like a man. There was' no want of sympathy at home, where the loving eyes watched his pale , cheeks with a tender interest that was almest,painful, and the brave heart that wofild have given Susy its full wealth of love, was generous to the home circle, and for its sake tried to live down the pain of disappointment. I know to be a proper hero Ned shotild have moped and drooped, snubbed Ka tie; leen savage 'to all human nature, and finally left home to work out his spleen in some new life. Bat Ned'e heroism had .a strong element in his pare Claistian faith, which taught bun to do as he would be done by, to honor his!, father, to bear his cross patiently; and - . so, if his merry whistle had ceased, his voice gradually resunied its clear cheer fulness, and his manner grew doubly tendeii toward . Katie, as he marked , her sympathizing love. Not' a word drop ped fr'Om any of them that could give one some of reproach to Susy, and some vague ideas of a rescue occasion ally suggested theinselves to Neti,where his love might win her from her father's tyranny, or melt his obstinate resolve. The idea that Susy could ever be his wife without that couseut,never occurred to him. The winter had set in liefore one word of the fugitives reached Allentown, then Katie had a treasure to show, a letteri from Buil— '‘DEAu, DEAR KATIE' (so it reati), I may b,.! doing very_wrong to writs to you,. rifer all that father has said; but' mother has given me permissioU to write once, so I tun nowtrying to tell you that I •my love yon—for Ned'—(here a great blot told of-a tear) 'and your dear father, is just the same. though we shall never see each other again. I have been very sick; ao sick on the, road. here, that we had to stay nearly two weeks at.a town where• father bad some business, and that is why I did not' write before. 0 Katie ! I must mind fatber, who says r must never think of Ned again; but it is terrible bard not to. Nights I lay awake 1 and think of all the nice days in k Allen-, town where we were keeping company, and illy : heart seems , breaking when I think- we may never meetagain on earth. O Katie! comfort Ned.• Tell him that I will, never, never let- any other boy ,• court 4 me - z-tellohim I never can forget, him, though I must try; tell him I did' love bim with all my heart;- and don't let him quite forget me, even if Le mar ries some other girl. Don't - wite to me —mother says not; but think of me sometimes, and give my love to,Ned and your father. 'Sum' , That was All; brit Ned felt, when Ka tie told'him be might keep the letter, that mines of wealth could not purchase it from him. . We Five years passed, and no word came rom Cincinnati. Katie was a wife now, and mother to a bouncing boy crawling about, the floor, but Ned was true as steel to his old love. No word of court ing had ever passed his lips since Susy left him, and. if 'hie' tall figure had de- veloped to .maaliness, his voice groin rougher, his fiat* face order, 'the boy- ish love still nestled down in the depths, of his hearl, and he resolved to ( live ever" a bachelor for Susy's suke. r i j 1 . t Katie's new cares had somewh t cloud ed her pain at Susy's departure, and the name, that ho once been c):E.Eiweet a household word, was now rarely heard in the farm-house. . . There was , something very ;touching in the manly courage which Ned brought to bear upon the. sorrow of it 'is life. Never, save on the one night when .the suddenness of the blow prostrated him, bad be given way to the passionate grief . _ in his heart, and his, calm p urs uitrt of the weary routine of life evinced more moral courage than isoften given to great deeds that make the world ring. It was, Sunday morning, and every body at the farm-house had gone to church except Ned and the baby. The junior member of the household was fast asleep on a rug before the fireplace, and Ned was i reading, when a shadow fell upon the floor, and a voice, low and week, spoke his name. • 1 ,scarcely, dared breathe aR he look- ed np. So pale and thin as to be almost spirit-like, dressed in the ; heaviest mourning, the large. earnest leyes hol low, the lips white and trembling, sure ly that could not be guy? gOuid pie tired her . - living in wealth—forgetting him, perhips--but never, never this pale grief-stricken woman. 1 oNed don't you know me ?' 1 • Still.doubting, he rose and came to meet her, till with a glad cry, he opened his arms and folded her closely, as if_ never again to let her go. 1 'Sim! my Bisy! Ob, hownan I ever be thankful enough? '.:4) StuiYl' and the hot tears fell on the sweet face, as he marked its white, wasted line'. 'Father took to drink- after he got ricb, Ned, and it is three years since mother died: We were very wretched, Ned; for city folks did not cit.() for us, and we were not used to , their ways; after mother died, father was scarcely ever sober, and I had a hard time taking care of him, till about two months ago he was taken sick. We bad Spent nearly all the money long 'before.; but I did sewing, and sometimes father _earned something, until he was sick. Then we were very poor; but just before be died somebody sent him some money they owed him. He gave it to me, and told me to come here with it, and ask you Eo forgive him for parting us; so, after he died, I Came to see if yOu still cared for me, Ned?' 'Care for you I 0 Salty, I will care for,you ,all my life. if you will stay, Salty!' ' But the white lips gave no answer, the head fell back nerVeleis, [Lukas he had seen her on that heaVy day of part ing be held her now. The weary, over tasked frame bad given way under its load of sorrow and trouble, and it need id all Katie's tender nursing, all Ned's loving care, to win the invalid back to them from her long, long illness. For • days her life hung on thread, ,but at last the color came flitting back to the pale ips and cheeks; and when the year of mourning had passed, there .was not in 'Allentown a prettier or. more winsome wife than Susy Clarke. *it * **** **** WHMI MARKSKEN MISS. , L-This 18 a French .story: It is a well-known fact that the best marksman's aim is often , unsteady when he has an animatod tar gekopposite him. One of these "crack" shots was showing off his skill before a numerous company, and the ground was soon strewn with the remnants of the plaster figures he had successfully" brought down. All present were in rap tures -except one spectator, standing apart from the rest, who after each shot ob4r7ed in a perfectly-audible tone: "He would not do as much if he had a man facing him." . This xemark, several tines repeated, at last so exasperated the performer that he turned toward the speaker and in quired if he would be the man to lace him. "Certainly," was the reply, "and what is more, you 'may have the first shot." As every ono was curious to witness the result of this singular dUel, the wicole party adjourned to the Bois _de Vin cennes, and, the world being gitee, the herb of the shooting-galley fired and missed. His adversary shrugged his shoulders and fired in the air. "What did I tell you?" be said, and walked away as unconcerned as nothing luid happened EM! Tar. Ergo zo Dr-tu. --Am Trish nriest writing hSthe Pilot from Granarg, coun ty Longford, Ireland, tells the following instance of sorrow in Ireland for the death of Preside - at Garfield: "I visited a cottage the other day, and I remarked on the door-posts some morning trappings, and expected to find inside the dead. But no! In answer to 'who is deld?' a chubby lad said 'the King?' I said. 'why,• Garfield,• be ro plied. And then he added, 'Sly father is in - America, and supports me, my . • sisters and brothers are here with annt; ao'Mary and I are sorry - for the, King.' Touching as thin was' it was not fined to one house. Garfield is a house hold world in every eabiirand mansion. 'Bat one scene is deeply felt here, when poor Mollie and her , father had the last sad interview. Mention but ber name hers and sorrow's emblem gushes into every eye. I visited, some time since, a mansion of the gold old style, but was somwhat astonished that one of the young ladies who happened to be in did .not received me 'with• that hearty good will and welcome t) eculiar to her class. Here was a somethihg—an absent-ininbedness— that boded some calamity. All was easily told-admiration aye, love for your . late President; but ohl could she but clasp Mollie Grrfield to her bosom, there would be tear for tear." TirEP THEnt BRIGHT.=Keep your face and your heart and your home brigbt. Don't let the cobwebs gather an the corners of the bretty sitting room, cr dust accumulate on the furniture until you can write your name thereon. No matter what is on Lund, or how much you have to.do, take time at least once a day to tidy your rooms and gather fresh flowers. You will never regret st, even though it the 'close of your life you may'not bossess quite so much of the warld's goods as your , neighbors, It is, the best plan- as far to enjoy life as it comes. and this you eau never do in a sloveny, disorbered Lome. Would you keep your husbands from evil ; as sociations, anb your children from way ward paths? Rememher there is nothing in thin world eo attractive to a man -as a pleasant home and a smiling.. wife 'therein; and as for the little feet, . they will not be apt to Wander far, so long as your face beams with the love laud solicitude thatyous heart bears for them. wife and a mother is a queen, always Not of vast domains, to be sure, and not of society, but of the most sacred spot on earth to every Iminm heait— home. You never thought of it. Per haps, dat i; is true, and it is indeed true also that there is no more pitiable sight than one of these "queens" Who do not, either from want of judgment. or lack of will, govern her sudjects aright. Did yon ever tee a truLC happy family without a loving, watchful and affec tionate mother at its head? The father May pe sour, hard, or cross-graned, but if the mother is all right; there is sure to be happiness in that family. No true wife will take her Christmas set of jewelry to the seller to set what it cost.—Detroit Free Press. No. She will conclude at once that it came from the dollar store, and retaliate, by giving her husband a plated 'napkin ring not half big enough to crowd a napkin through. —Albaiey Ereniny Journal. 10.50 a Year, in AdTanec, TICK AND TIME. To start a clock yea wind it up - And then It goes tip-top; But when you wind pa= business op. Ws always sere to stop. ronAfe - rs .9aterman. And would you keep your bulkiness From going to Old Nick, Pray do not think that, like the clock, You can succeed on tick. —Yatmob Stiausp. Just try it, and your creditors . Will soon upon you frown; They know tho faster you give tick, Your business will run down. - —Elecated-Railicay Journal, SELECTED HUMOR. A natural -coitclasion: There are no pumps where the cocoanut grows, which perhaps, accounts for the milk in it. A Western debating acciety is ;nerv ing itself up to wrestle with the (pies hoe: 'When a woman and a mouse meet, which is the most frightened ?' In view of the way the gallows is so often cheated nowadays, the proverb should be altered to 'Murderer's will ant.' 'Too tuneh absorbed in his business.' was the , comment of, a western news paper on the death of a breWer who was drowned in a tank of his own beer. The best way to discover theNorth..' west Passage would be to pay.a Newark man $B,OOO a year to take- care of it. Everything in it' would be dead certain to melt away inside of three years... - - Too bashful: Mistress'—'Bridget, I. really can't allow you to receive your sweetheart in the kitchen any longer.' Bridget—'Thank you kindly, mum, but he's too bashintfor the parlor.' A celebrated lawyer said that ! the t it three most troublesome' clie he. ever had were a young lady w wanted to be married, a married woman who want.; ed a divorce, and an old - maid who didn't know what she wanted. Ahard case: Mr. Maloony—'Now, look here, Bridget, I can eujoore this no longer, I've wore that little Snip's shirts patiently for months and months and now ye've got td get the washing for a longer-armed man or get a shorter armed husband.' ~ - An aged negro was one day showing the scars of the wounds inflicted by the lash when he was a slave..• 'What a picture !' exclaimed a Sympathetic looker-on; 'Yes,' responded the color ed brother, 'dat's de work oh one ob de old masters.'—Nero York Post. Wanted—A modern young !may's forehead. The editor ;of this column, hot having . seen one for several years, is willing to pay a fair price for a glimpse at the genuine old article. No banged o? otherwise mutilated speci I mehs wanted.—Clreland Sod/4y Suit. • A good story is told of 'General But ler's sarcastic report upon a Massacnn setts judge, whom be was teasing for a ruling favorable to a cause lie was de fending in court. The judge got obi, of patience at last, and somewhat to tilt' exclaimed: 'Mr. Butler, what do you ' think I sit hero for 1' The General' quietly shrugged his shoulder, and re plied: 'The Court has got me now.' Who is this. Creature with Long Hair and a Wild' Eye ? He -is a Poet. Ha writes Poems On Spring and Women's Eyes and Strange, unreal Things of that Kind. Ho is-always Wishing he was Dead, but he wouldn't Let" anybody Kill' him if he could Get away. A mighty good Sautage-Stnffer was Spoit .ed when the Man became. a Poet. He would Look well Standing under a Des cending Piledrive. Denver - Tribune -Printer. • Daring the last fair held in August, . it will be remembered, a Gorse _-fell in the race, killing both itself and jockey. The dap after- the accident Gilboa'', talking to aystranger from Dallis, hap pened to speak of the accident. The other party turned his head aside and brushed away a tear. 'lt was a very ead affair,' said Gdhooly, thinking _the un fortunate jockey was a friend of the emotional: stranger. - 'Sad ?: sobbed the stranger, 'well, I should smile. I. had ten dollars bet on the horse.r- , - Te.vas Siftings.- - A IIErMAWED SMALL Bor.—A_ fearful_ exam pie of criminal precocity is afford ed by a case which recently came be fore the assize court of St. Pater, in irtinique. A boy named Emilien Dema,'aged eleven, was accused of de liberately murdering Paul 'Banton, a child - of three and a half yeas The following extracts from Denies exami nation will show the horrifying cold bloodness with which he admitted the commission of the crime. On being, asked how he despatched his victim he answered,— 'I killed bids intentionally: I got bins to, come and play with me. He fol lowed me and we played together at first, and then I led biro near the edge. of a cliff, and pushed him over. I next jumped down after him, beat and kick ed him, bit him in the neck and finished him off with a stone.' - Wishing, as he said, to assure him self of having really 'finished or Bar pou, this young monster stated that be then dragged the body into a pool of water and effectually prevented any re turn; of life by placing a heavy e'oneon the bead. The president of the court .1. inquired of Dema why he; had Wen the child's life, to which he replied.— 'Because I 'hated him for having mi• punished by my mother." On a question being put sato whether he felt no regret or pity on seeing the" murdered boy struggling in the agonies of death, the prisoner, who appeared greatly surprised at such a query, an swered decidedly, added, on being further Ibterrogated, that not even the fear Of 'the. police would have deterred him, as his desire was to 'kill Paul.' The Child criminal, who had given his evidenCe throughoutmost impassively, displayed no feeling of any kind on being sentenced to the -maximum punishment of twenty years' i mprisonment in a house of correctio NO. 34 MEI k !MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers