Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 12, 1882, Image 4
War's Night Before , Christmas. It was the night before Christmas 1864. Our brigade had been in camp along the Rapidan for a fortnight, and everybody thought the campaign had closed. Winter/ quarters, had been erected, cold 'weather had come, and those who had fought and marched the long summer through congratulated themselves on a season ,of quiet and CM The picket-lines were about half a mile apart, and the Confederates be yond were settling down in winter (par ter& It was Stonewall Jackson's old brigade in front of us, backed by that of Welker and flanked by other Con- federate troop& For a week there' bad been no firing by the , pickets. War'a cold-blooded murders had been replac ed by a spirit of peace, and the men who bad felt the tiger's thirst for blood now asked nothing 'more than to rest undisturbed. Such was the situation, when, just as the gloom of the night before Christ mas settled dovn over friend and foe, my company was ordered out under arms. It afterwards appeared that in formation bad been 'received to the effect that Gens. Lee and , Johnston were at a farm Lionae just within the Confederate lines, and onr'mission was to capture them. Therefore, in the gloom of the winter evening, with dark banks of clouds racing across the heavens, and snow squalls skurrying down upon us at intervals, we mounted and set off at a trot for a ford seven or eight miles above the camp. The -lower one we knew to be heavily guarded; the upper one we hoped woild be open. And soit waii. The cold, swift river, already covered with floating ice, was guard . enough, the Confederates thought. The water was breast high to the .poor horses, and moat of them shivered like a man with Oie ague as they reached the otipositn Oore. It was only mercy to them to L lndulge in an hour's gallop. we saw the: lights of a farm house—not one light, but evefy window towards us was illuminate} , proving that even in the shadow of the war's ghastly horrors some one was remem bering that Christmas would come with the morrow. That house was our ob jective point. The highway led straight pastthe door, and a Ridden dash must surprise all who had gathered there. I knew what our men were thinking of as they formed in column a quarter of a mile away from the charge. Every father's thoughts went back to wife and children and Santa Clans and little stockings hanging up for presents, and I believe every man truly hoped that we might not fire a gun or shed ( a drop of blood on this night which be longed to peace instead of war. As the word was given 'we swept fbr . ward at a canter, and in three minutes 1 • encircled the house. I was one of the dozen troopers ordered', to diemotint and 'dash to secure the prisoners, and was second inside. This; was the sight we saw as we poured into the big room: A gray-beaded grandfather anegrand - mother, a soldier with his arm in a sling, a wife and mother, a half-grown _ daughter, -- and three or four men and women who must have been neighbors. There was an open Bible on the gratid father's lap, three little stockings hung - beside the chimney, and in the' room beyond was the table et which all were about to sit down as we entered. It seemed a full minute before any one moved. We had surprised them, . and in tarn had been surprised. - Our informtition had been false, and we bad made a ride of a dozen miles to burst in on a scene of peace. We were still standing there, speechless:with surprise, when there came a suddenpopl popl pop! of musketry, -followed by shouts, order and a clash of steel. I bad no sooner mounted my Wage than I saw that we were surrounded• by- infantry. We charged straight at the mass in the road before Mt - , but were driven back. Then, we charged by the road and ran upon a battery of three pieces. As we were forced back the fight. whirled. There were a dozen to one, and though we charged agaiii and again, ten min utes put an end to the fight. Of eigh ty-five men who had left camp ten had broken through, fourteen were -prison ers, and the remainder lay dead on • the trampled snow, along with .a score of Confederates. • The stark corpses of men—the agon ized groans off wounded horses—the snow melting with warm 'streams of blood—that was vat's chances. I looked into the house through a shattered window. The grandfather lay stark and stiff on the floor, his blood stained the Bible as it poured out,. The grandmother was lying at his feet, her white hair matted with blood, and her eyes wet o closed in death es I looked at her. The soldier and his wife were un hurt, but they had better- been dead. The three stockings hone as before, butone byone they had brought out the curly heads ,who bad hung them there. and they three corpses! Bullets meant for enemies had sought out these little innocents as they slept and dream ed of heaven, and men who had gazed upon a thousand detid unmoved, shed tears as the little bodies were laid on the floor just under the stockings Santa Claus was to fill and ibring joy to their hearts. It was midnight now. Christ mas had dawned upon white hairs stain ed with blond—childish „hearts stilled by murder—men groaning in anguish— women with breaking bearts--God's mantle of purity blotched and drabbl4 and crimsoned, until the' winter moon crept behind the darker clouds to Nile the spot with shadows. —.3f; Qaad. GOATS ON 2111 —The most striking feature of the dairy ranch of F. S. Clough, in San Mateo Canon, is the new dairy-house which Mr. Clough re cently completed at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars. It is eighteen by thirty-six in ground dimensions, finished externally in rustic style, and inside is as trim and cleanly as the thrifty house- witeie !beet room.' The butter-room, an _ apartment as by fifteen feet in dimensions, is as inviting ass parlur. The apparatus - for handling the milk and ;inking the butter is complete in every detail. and is designed throkigh out for the saving of labor. The churn holds fifty-two gallows of , cream, and turns out from one. hundred to ~, one hundred and twenty pounds of butter at each churning. It is worked by goat power, the appliances being a treading wheel eighteen feet in diaineter, which connects with and operatesn shaft rim ning into the dairy-house, and this in turn connecting with bog-wheels work ing the dashers. Mr: Clough says that the goats In operating the Wheel indulge their natural propensities for climbing, and they apply themselves 'to the work with great gusto. The herd consists of - some eight or ten animals. ranging from the grandmother and old 'Billy' with, the whiskers, dowti to the youngling not over a foot high... When released !tom their pens they one and 01, great and small, run bleating for the wheel, and the only trouble to contend with thereafter is the excess of power , which they are apt to give it in the course r of their frolicsome gambols. • His IJNrosows .Fmmu).—The Bertha Obserrr says: A good joke is being told just now on an old resident, living not a kindred miles from Sarnia. F--z--came to town and went to one of oar leading hotehi to dinner. A new feature had been introdueed into the lintel since the colonel's last visit, in the shape of a yaiter in fall dress, swal low tail coat, etc. The colonel came in and seated himself at a table,_ and' the waiter came up and said,—: •What will you have, sir ?' The colonel, who is a little deaf,'shook him cordially by the hand, and rising, said,— ,‘Really, you have the advantage of me, sir, er-er, where was it I met you before ? Toronto ?' Then leading him to a window, and turning him so that the light fall ua his face, again remarked that 'the :lounte nance was familiar, but really he could not place him,' etc. The waiter replied, of course, and repeated the remark,— 'What will , c)u have, sir ?' The colonel thanked him. 'Really I never take anything before diuner,', he said, and returning - to his seat he asked the waiter to be seated. The waiter, of course. excused him self, and sent a pretty dining-room girl to wait on the Colonel. The colonel went home and is still wondering who his distinguished friend was.: Onions OF SISTERS OF CRARITE.—In the year 1617, when Vincent was one day gOing up the pulpit , at Chatillon, a lady who had come to hear him preicti detained him for:- a moment, with the request to make mention in his sermon_ a of a poor family living about half league from Chatillon, where there was much sickness and and great need of help. Vincent was asked to recommend this family to the charity of the congret gation. This he did with such effee "that several . of the people set out on leaving the church to visit the - poor fam ily, and took with them bread, meat, and other things for their relief. After vespers; Vincent went also to visit them, and was surprised to meet so many of the people comiag back: His practical eye at once perceived that the matter had been carried ,to excess.- The poor people had received ' far mere than they could use. Many of the provisions would be spoiled before they-could be availed of, and the family for whose benefit these offerings Were intended would be es badly old as before. Vincent began to think that systm and organization were needed. He 'Lamed a parochial association, which he called the confra ternity of Charity; and out of this little streamlet:of good works at Chatillon grew a vast organization for the benefit of the poor. GlMEOn:cos.—Few persons outside of England, where coursing is one 01 the naional sports,' have auy idea of the value of greyhounds. At a recent sale ten dogs brought seven hundred and clever' guineas the highest being sold for four hundred guineas and.the lowest for 10 guineas. This is not, in excels of former sales, Bedlamite and Peasant Boy, two well known hounds, each having brought five hundred guineas, and,forMaster McGrath, probably the most famous dog ever bred in England, his owner, Lord ,Lurgon, was offered the sum four thousand pounds, PILES. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the'patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times symptoms of indigestion are present as flatulency, unessi• ness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like persairation, producing a very' disagreeable itchint, particularly at night after getting warm in bed, is a very common attendantt Internal, External and Itching Piles yield a. once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and affecting a permanent Care where all other_ remedies have failed. Do not delay until the 'drain on the system psoduces permanent disability; but try , it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your I druggiat for it, and when yon cannot obtain It of him, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt of price. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., 'Piqua, Ohio. Sold by Clark B. Porter, S. End of Ward Howe Block. June 2-Ivr- - Should bs in Beery Home. Every one of cur readers, whether living in village or country, will - find it-greatly to his interest to secure for 1862. the 41st volume of the American Aviculturist, which supplies, at a very small cost, a wonderful amount of most valuable and important information of a thoroughly practical and reliable character, with about a thousand instructive and pleas ing original engravings. While most valuable to every cultivator of the soil, to stock raisers, fruit growers, eto,, it is not merely a Win and garden journal by'any means. but is very use ful to every housekeeper and Instructive and entertaining to children and youth. Its con- Brant, persistent exposure of humbugs and swindling schemes will save 'almost any one many times its cost. Now is the time to sub scribe for Volume 41. Terms: $1.50 a year; four copies $5 (English or German edition); single number 15 cts. (One specimen .copy 10 ots.) Address Orange Judd Co., 751 1 1 Broadway, New York. RHEUMATISM de it is for 1111 diseases of Ow iugmitys, LIVAR AND BOWILL It oleosuwe . tho system of tho amid *Bern that casw.s. the 4:4-Niesa nal:Swing which war the vied= of 31h2tustatisot cats goatee. . THOUSANDS OF CASES at tho want farm at this terriblo axon hart been -quickly oullovod. In a alert thus PERFECTLY' CURED. :t_K_IDNEY-WORT banhad tionderntlaueeella s and an inffintalla mole in every part of the Country. In bun- . dredo of ea3eis it has cured where all elan bad , CAW. Ws mild„ but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, tat Uralic,* in all noes. t It elemaaea. Stye:vibes& sad slits New the to all the Important organs of the body. 'Zit, natural action either Kidneys Is Teetered. The Ikcer fa cleansed of all disease, and the EcareLs move freely and healthfully. In this tray the worst dimmoes are mediated from them:War. As it has beita sacrvea by nummaulls that .l i ,Itl,DN-_EY-_WORT la*.c. =rat effectual remedy fOr demean th• system ce all raurbed Secretions, It should Iss used in every household as a SPRIAIC lam cures TI MM USN'M, • t. ONMITIPA. TON„ PITIS and all FT.311.M.21 Meneeekt. Is pat aq inDry Vccetablo Ferny In tln one packe.7e o f c. ?:ch tarlcel G.:mute medicine. also to Liquid Form:very Comestrated tar ghp,e , erctuknee tho:43 who CZWIGt TV11414 Me pare It It acts all* at dictiney in eitterform. an •IT DP TOUR DaDGGIST. !AIM IMOD WELLS, RICHARDSON A 1;)11:. Prop ' s, (WM seed the dry postimid.) KIDNEY-WORT IninLoPEs - OF ALL QUALV X/ tint and sizes special*, et the Rim:m=o Job Printing Mice. ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING s spectalll at the Rwrictacuil Mot M.E. ROSENFIELD. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOOK OF' WINTER CLOTHING to be found in Bradford County is at the 'oldest ' established CLOTHING nousE in Towanda, ' 1 , De[. irtos E rainicripvg, COMPRISING . - , MEN'S, YOUTFI'S BOY'SAND CHILDREN'S. SUITS ' A AND. i as IN, THE VERY LATEST STYLE SAND BEST MATERIALS. ALSO A FULL - LINE OF r Gents' Furnishine Goods, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS, TRAVEWG BAGS, ETC., ETC, Which will be sold at sto 10 per cent, cheaper than any, other deal dare sell hem. Give me a call and judge for yourself. M. E. ROSENFIELD.- • Towanda, Pa., October 20, 1881. - TIE KISG FORTUN.E-MAKER, OZONE , . A New Process f,'o ri,t, Preserving all iPerishable Articles, A n i mal , i ~. and. Vegetable, from - Fermentation.and Putrefaction, , - align; their Odor and Flavor. : . I 6C OZOVE --Petrified air, active. state of oxygen.”--WeesTSR. _ 1 This Priwervative is not ii liquid, pickle, or any of the old and .ezploded processes, but is simply ' and purely OZONE. se produced and applied by an entirely a. new process, Ozone is !bean : imepiie principle of every substance,. and possesses the power to preserve animal and vegetable structures from decay.: There is nothing os the face of the earth habit to decay or spoil which OZONE, the new preservative, wilt not preserve for ail time in a perfect:, fresh ancipatatable condition. The value of OZONE as inatural preserver has been known to our abler Chemists for years, but until now no means of producing it in a practical, inexpensive, and simple manner have been discovered."., • ... 'Microscopic observations prcive that decay is due to septic matter, or minute germs that demob* and feed upon animal sad vegetable structures. OZONE, applied by the. Prentiss method, seises and destroys these germs it once, and thus preserves. At our offices in Cincinnati can be seen almost every article that can be thought of preserved by this process and every visitor Is wel come to comein, taste, smell, take away with lim, and test in every way the merits of OZONE as a preservative. We will also preserve, free of charge, any article that is brought or sent prepaid to us, and return it to the sender, for him to keep and test. . : - • Earle, can be treated at a cost of less than one dollar a thousand dozen', and be kept in in ortil wa nary room six mouths or more, thoroughly preserved, the yolk held in its normal condi tion, and the eggs as fresh and perfect as on the day they were treated, and will 'MP's strictly "choice." The advantage in preserving eggs is readily seen; there are lessens when they can be bought sor 8 or 10 cents a dozen, and by holding them can be sold for an advance of from one bun tired to three hundred per cent. One man with this method can preserve 5,000 dozen a day. • FRUITS may be permitted to ripen in their native climate, and can be transported to sny part of the world. The juice expressed from fruits can be held for an indefinite pe riod without fermentation—heneo the great valise of this process for producing s temperance beverage. Milk and cider can be held perfectly sweet any length of time. -- IT Iias'rABILBS ezn eir be kept oan fo ilfl a a n vo in r dettn atit e gile ro hl ri 'their ginal natural packag escoartidaitston, re mall taining xpense. All grain, floor, meal etc., are held in their normal condition. • FREsli.m/Att midi as beef, mutton, V : asl pork, poultry, game fish, eta., presiived by , ere this method, can be shipped to Europe. Objected to atmospheric changes, and return to this country in a state of perfect preservation,' I t'UT-TZR .fforlll3 2 .aill'Ell'ittlK.ltEle .. . , Dead human bodies, Amsted before decomposition aetain, an be held ins natural condition for weeks. without puncturing the skin or Inuitlilting the body in any way. Bence the great value of Ozone to undertakers. There is no change in the slightest particular in the appearance of any article thus preserved, and no trace of any foreign or unnatural odor or taste. The process La so simple that a child can operate it as well and as successfully as a man. There is no expensive apparatus or machinery required. ' . , - 'A room filled with di ff erent articles, such as eggs, meat, Ash, etc., can be treated at one time, with out addltipnal trouble or expense. ~ Aerie feel, there lat-neiting that Ozone will not preserve. Think of everything you can Utak is liable to sour, decay, Or spoil, and then remember that we guarantee that Ozone will preserve it in exactly the conditia you want it for any length of time. If you will remember this, it will' save asking questionins to whether Ozone will preserve this er that article—lt will preserve any thing and every - this* you can think of.. There is not a townellip in the United States in which a live man cannot make any amou nt of money, from $l,OOO to 110,600 a year. that he pleases. We desire to get ' a Zoe mars interested in each county in the United States, in whose hands we can place tfris Preservative, and through hiss secure the business which every county ought to produce. , , , . . . .. - i . A FORTUNE await any man who ' secures control- of OZONE in any Tovvnshipsor Connty".i • T 1 - • I i' A. C. Bowen, Marion, Ohio, cleireks2,ooo in two months. ' $2 for a test- package was his Brit in vestment. Woods Brothers, Leboon. Warren Oounty, Ohio-. made $6.000 on e g ge purchased in July and sold November lat. $2 for a test package Was their first investment. . I P. K. Raymond, Morristown, Belmont County, Ohio, is clearing $2,11/0 a month in handling and selling Ozone. $2 for a test package was his first investment. T D. F. Webber, Charlotte, Paton County, Michigan, has cleared $ l,OOO it month since August. 42 for _ a test package was his first investment. . 3.02. 'RUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENEWA SURE -REVIVER. IRON BITTERS ore highly reeenuitended for all diseases re. irking a certain and efficient tonic; espoildly indigestion, Dytrpsim, later mittent Fevers, Wald of Appetite, Loss of ,StraesS4, lack or Energy, de. Enriches the blood, sttungtheis!he muscles, and gives newlife to the nerves. They net like a charm on theAggestive organs, renza c al dyispeptie syt t ntoms, such is Tasting the Food, Bdehing, Heat is the .Hearthas,ele.. he only iron Prep aration that will not ft en the tee or give headaohe. Sold by. tin,druggists, Wntelfor the AB C Book, 82 pp. of useful and amusing reading-;-sent free. I BI P.MITANT To Grocers ic Packers, Huck sters, and the fleneral Public . J. B. Gailord7Bo 118 - Mk Eitreet,Chicago,_ is preserving eggs, fruit, ete..• for the commission men of Chicago, charging Vic. per dozenlor eggs.' and other articles in ploportion. Bela preserving 5,000 dozen eggs a day. and on his, business is making $8,000.a month clear. 82 for a test pack age wild his first-investment,. 4-" , - S. 4, .. The Cincinnati Feed Company, 498 West e enth Street. is Making $5.000 a Month in handling brewers' malt, preserving and shipping it as feed to all parts of the country. Malt unpreserved sours in twenq-four hours.; preserved by OZONE it keeps perfectly sweet for months. These are instances which we have asked the privilege of publishing. There are scores of others. Write to any of the above partial and - get the evidence threes. • i . „ I Now, to prove theabsolute truth of every thing we have said in this paper, we impose to place la • year hands the means of proving fbr yourself that we bare not claimed half eaongh. To any Per son who doubts any of these statements, and who Is interested sufficiently to make the.ttip,me will pay all. traveling and hotel_ expenses for a visit to this city, if we tail to prove any statement that We have made. • , t T \ I . 4.46 . . HU.W POJIHT P4 UI4 .I IF4 *1.a.1-I. A. ' OZONE. 1 ' • A test package of Ozone, containing a 'sufficient quantity to preserve one thousand dozen eggs. or other articles in proportion, will be scut to my applicant on receipt of fit ~ This package will enable the applicant to pursue any line of tests and experiments he desires, and thus' satisfy , himself as to the extraordinary merits of Ozone all .1 Preservative. After having thus satisfied himself, and had time to look the field over to determine what he wishes to do' fn the tutors— whether to sell the article to others, or to confine it - to his own use. or - any other line of policy which is best suited to him and to his township or county—we will enter into an arrangement with him that will make a fortune for him and give us good profits. We will give exclusive I town. ship or county privileges to the first responsible applicant who orders a test, package and .desires to control the business in his loCality. THE SAN WHO siECCRES CONTROL Or ',mg FOR ANT SPECIAL -TERRITORY WILL' ENJ osT A NONOPO T WHICH WILL SURELY ENRICH HMI- Don't let a day pass until you have ordered a Test Package, and if you desire to secure an exclus ive privilege, we assure you that delay may deprive you of it, for the applications come in to us by scores every mall—manyty telegraph. "First come first served" is our rule • If you to not care to send money in advance for ths test package, we wid send 11 0.0. D.; but this will put you to the expense of charges for return of moneys Our correspondence is very Urge; we have all we can do to attend to the shipping -of orders and giving attention to ons, working agents. Therefore we cannot give attention to letters which do not order Ozone. If you think of any article that you - are doubtful about Ozone preserving, remember we guarantee that it will preserve - O, no starter what it is. • • • REFEREN CE s. We desire to call your attention to a class of ,referencuces • which • no enterprise or firm eased on any thing but the soundest business success and highestcommercial merit could secure. ' - We refer, by permission, as to our integrity and to the value of the Prentiss Presiervative,lo the following gentlemen: Edward O. Boyce, Member Beard of Public Works; IL 0. Edey, City Comptroller; Amor Smi Jr., Collector Internal Revenue; Voisin A Worthington, Attorneys; Mrtin IL Harrell and Bth,.. F. Hopkins, County Commissioners; W. B. °appellee, tkiunty Auditor; ' allot Cincinnati Hamilton county, Ohio. Theta gentlemen are each fami li ar with the merits of our Preservative, and know from setual observation tbst we bays without question THE MOST _ VALIIA/ILE ARTICLE IN. THE_WO ELI) The $2 you invest In e test package will surely lewd you to secure s townanip or county, and then your way is absolutety aear to make from $2.000 to 1110,000 a-year. Give your full seldreswioevery letter , and send your letter to PRENTLSS HURRYING CO., Limited, • S. E. Corner Race and Math Sts.,tincianati l 0. E DecB —3m - HUMPHREY BROS.& 'TRAM . . Matinfactoreis and Wholesale . Deafens in all kinds of NEWS, BOYS, WOMEN'S, == EB B s ogts'; - , - 5h0 . 04 - .:Flo.bbOta;&q . CORNERI MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, TC.IWAPTEIA., PA =I i MI yvAirwisAll7l7l NM THE VERY LATEST --STYLES IN KEN'S, BOYS' CRILDSENSI SUITS, RATS, OAPs, OVERCOATS, HATS, - CAPS, OVERCOATS, FURNISHING GOODS, etc., FURNISHING GOODS, eta, Are arriving daily'irr immense' quanti ties at': H. JACOB'S HEUMILE CLOTHING HOUSE (6tablished 186:5) where the largiest, finest and "Wiliest" line of Suits and Overcoats can be found at lower figures than any Cloth ing HOUSE, in town. Remember Ido not sell you ShOddy and Cotton for all Wool. e . No. 2, Patton's Block. •• TOWANDA, PA. IL JACOBS. Feb. 28.1880 ONE *ORE PICTURE CELERY IN TO WANDA. G. WOOD CO will open their New Gallery in Patton's Block, on the First Monday of April. lintel/ fitted up entirely new, with(the hest of instruments, we ire PrePired to make Tintypes, 4 at One sitting, all for 50 eta. in nest envelopes. 10 for $1..0u. Copying of all itindi of photographs and Stereoscopic and large view( work done at this gallery: Oils us a all and we will try and titley you in p9ice and quality. mar ird • TOnotla scl. Store MAIN STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO FELON & CO. a prepared to offer a complete a s cot ment of DRY AND FANCY NODS, Cfockery, Glaksware, *RITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and patterns of ILI).JOLICA WARE, ' • ' BIRD CAGES, • SATCHELS, &C. For 'the coming Spring, Trade, we adkere as heretofore to our established principlethat a quick sale with asmall profit is better than a' slow one with a large profit—and therefor,e our prices in any fine of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. We endeavor t to sell the best article for the least possible money. y 6 4f LOEWUS $ FREIMUTH. m 4 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT . JAMES bic,CABE HAS REMOVED MS GROCERY BIISINESS THE SOUTH-EAST coma OF ram • AND BRIDGE STRESDL WHERE HE HAS ESTABLISHED ReadAuarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OP • IMMEMES, MIMI% , - CASH PAID for Desirable Pro duce. Fine BUTTER and EGGS a specialty.. April 29 *y I. II IaNZWILVVIWA CAIVELCIL, 131LOCI{ Meta Street, !M it Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, BEMOVED His MEAT &VEGETABLE Mr MENET o s more convenient locatioW, and established himself in the CarroU Moot, opposite fleeles Hotel. hi prepared to - supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. •, PM. OYSTERS IN THEIR StASON, PBIIBB VEGICTABIXB. - DOMESTIC TRUIT, &0.. SarBOLOGRA SAUSAGE a specialty. All or. doom promptly dellyeted. MRS. D. V, 13 T E Manufacturer of and.Dea/er U . HUMAN HAIR IT= AA WIGS BAN MEAUX; ea popular Chateltilassio IMUITII3IOO sus ILSIRTRADE ISPepacialAtteaUos even fo COMBING. Roots aU earnedose way. MITCH= from $1 upwards. Mao Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Pov.der, Madam Clark•a • Vorsets, and • Shoulder Bnice Elastics. WPartienlar Masa Um* paid to dreashiladiaa bare% Oar bows or et my plan of inudama. of 'Zaps k lifideetb•Watore. orovlAdm lEss. D. V. wrzpoz. . , . - ----- • - , A. N.' NELSON MLitt Di •VATOEIPS CLOCKS; \ 113111 GOLD ADD KAM . Of egarrisda tioi tapatriaaaGepodialsa, Sr Palladia attaattas NU to . • Slop la I=4 VaulikVii Groom, Mon: Vals 111 1 Pima. - - eING4IO MI FURNITURE STORE marchl7-U GOODS. BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE We. are constantly reeerving the newest and latest patterns. it PARLOR SUITS, • BED ROOK SETS, TABLES, • WARDROBES, -AND Everything in the Farr• nitnre Line. Unclertaking. We make a specialty of this branch and shall' give itour personal attention. We have a full line of !COFFINS, • CAOSIKIFIT FLOIEIES I ar,c. and will not be undersold. Give us a call`before parehosing elsewhere. N. S. Allyn has no connec tion with our business. . • E. B. PIERCE. SuOcessor to N. P. flicks TOWANDA. SAN 26th. 1981. Stevens & Long General Dealers in MI GB ocznizs, 'PItOVII3IO4I3, Pa. f COUNTRY PRODUCE 1,:tb4:4 0)3 A I To their new enwea COL NAM AND PINE STS., alie old stead of los. 8 WWII a Weimar.) Timy invite attention to their complete aescirtment and very large stook pi Choice New Goods, which they have alwayr •on hand. ESPECIAL' ATTENTION GIVEN To the PRODUCE TRADErAIa And Coab Paid for Detdrable " Kinds. IL a. LONG. r. JONES' MtnM CAMPHOR, IS TIM NAME of the popular Liniment that cures eumatism, Neuralgia, StroUen or Affirmed Joints. Frost Bites. Pain in the Pace, Used or Spine, Chopped Rands, Braises, Spathe, Stuns, Mosquito Bites. Vag or Mite of an insect. Poison Vines, etc., for Man or Beast Mims tellable. and almost instantan eous in its relief. Haying au agreeable odot le pleasant, to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 eta. . NgESUMUNE;MZI ABA JONES, Prorr, 319 N. 34 Bt. Philo., Ps. , 33. 6-10. DR. JonB'qtRUICA.IIIIIOR IS TM HAMS OP nisi Liniment that curse IthenisMism. Dl Blionen or Stiffened Joints, Prat Bite.. vain in the Teem Heed or Spine. Chemed hands, "lindsesaprains. Barns. Ilosqnloto Bites, Sting. or Bite of an in sect, Poison from COMUIIOII- Poison _Vines, An man or beset. MIMS reliable, and almost instinteneom In its relief. Hatt an syresible odor. it is Ihmant to amity. Sold by eII drag, /Mts. Pefce 26esztte. N. B.—This Lfaimentreesimd a Prigs Nadal a the State ffair.lM9. May 20 ly. EMPLOYKEST POICIALL. _ HOUSEHOLD !ARTICLE. The poor as well as the rick the old se Ind/ as the young. the wife, at well as the husband, the young asides ea wallas the young mu, the VI as weil an the boy, may Just as well tarn a row ' dollars a honest thitholuisst, SO tO sit around the house end wait tor others to earn it for then. We tan giva you eingdoposati'all the time. or during your spate home only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhood, 'among your blends sadaothaiatancee+you do sot care for einploment, we ,can valuable intot. notion to font's* of will that you only *noels. Sirs Postai audio write Ibr oar Pros pethns, sad it say be the means el lathing you aced away dew% not neglect thiwopportithibr. Tea do not here to of large awn ot wee. sad rim a await risk of losing it, Ton will readily see that it will be an whey within to lathe from SW to SUM sw•ek,liad establialia tenrattith; said lade. pendent, bundathe, honorable, wtudghtbrward and profitable, AIWA to Obi astarllolr. ter there to MONET Ili IT for eit mho . sev 1 1 4 11 411 1 1XPrith1 0 40-__Mbeakii why you_er wrote to us amp% sulti iwthwethrotswia now. Adams • ' - 8021121111.111rth Sept.this paper.) /WM; 01104 Set.* 11-4thcri. .T_iMUIR - & - :COr.'S GROCIE,RIES Thai Dies ie age now b .gins .MY As At Omit IMA tat TimaND TOWANDA, PA.,I The nopoOlhey sanonaeo to the goOdo 441 •tkv tine a bolo stock at WWUL lisD,. ItILL. GRAM eat MN 1 , 0214 sad FIOVIOIONS gotooni. Ws ton Mao 'Wed was .Man. natty et WOOD= WAS*, so& ea 10111111 =MI TR • /Id" 011011314 ITO. Jut r• 011••• • 1•11 P stock et Sipes. 4•114. Claws. Spier. Rowan mut scus. tie best is tis asabil„ Is 4 oft" aftn Si sap ilyrop sad Itolsoms. wad& dm War at Uri prices tor Cub. MIST, agons&Carriages Mew than wet aS I OLD zurratauszarimr JAMES BRYANT, thas2T4 others to his large and complete assortment of ()pen Air, Top Bugg fe PLATFORM WAGONS all of his own NANI7FACTIME and war ranted in every par ticular , Bryant's Pleslble Springs na In ell Plano Wantons. The uan slestbest In gin. - NOW IS YOUR-TIBIZ TO WTI 1.001 at these Agues: Two Mated Carnage' trona $llO to $llll Top Pho ieston'. one seated 225 to 150 to 150 Bugg 125 Open 1 30 1111 151 90 to 100 Democrat Wagons 50 to 110 Remember *Milts above are all ray warrant. ad, dnt.clmu or no pay. Relishla singyears prompr ices pUy Unaided to at 55 per omit below t . OnceandSactor: con. 25 3b and 8511.. . ainralirr. 0 gat ?TA I A. BEVERLY MUTH, - BOOK BINDER .AND Dada in Scroll Saw Clods. 1300kBINDIEG OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEAT Y and CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Books xp SPZCIALTT. amateurs Supplies. Tri=erof my tustneesl= nom piatai i r6cti sawyer is snow the worts of my patrols'. WOOLO. 8A7,1, L MADE% - Imes movzionets. ke constantly on land //fr $1.66 worth of designs for $l. bend for ;toilet% Park street. , P.O. hot 1612. ?Gerunds. Ps • - lEtraltunum m 1665.1 ROWARD A. SNOW, Solicitor of MUM CAN AND FORNION• • lou A. V' 3rm zr Er s • 631 7 STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, Di C., (Successor to Gilmore, Smith k Co.. sid Chipman, Homer & Co.) Patents procure/I upon -the same plan Which was originated and; succesiftlly practiced by the above-named arid. Pamphlet of Mit, pages sent upon receipt stamp.)lDevgl IPIRE,'AND LIFE INSURANCE u.& AND • COLLECTION AGENCY BRINK & BUCK, tellayinale, Pa. Will writs Policies for risks in Fire end 'LI% In 11111211121C0.. Collect Mtn with On and promptneu. They represent sunhat . FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES They solicit theconlidenceand patronage of those biniug business in their lins. and will sudsiest to merit it. Apply to or address. tf =Thin OWL Lellarerills c GRA. BTIIVZNIL STOP A.T tiOlt PROVISIONS. •••••IND would -1 Ball the atto&, ton of FARMERS and mum, IL iutnif i internal linavisseg .24 a Jail. MO. MO, says: "TOW. MOCK oat MTN is as = We Remedy In Pectocal complihkeelna as Medicinal . prepseados rides thii S. Rectied Statutes. end 1411111.00 Iltilspeionsy be sold, by DRUGGIST& GROCIRII. and *MI persona. *Mont special W." on Maw. Opp tglisto.'"Valwek's= or mum* & amnia To ws soot and BYX— which la en only NIDIaATIBMI ar. ticla mado—tho gennino luta shalt a1,§1611 Illoprlotary Stamp on out bottle.- Put up In (huirt Pzies MO , ROCK it RIM 00:, Vi O% k ;mum MIN Sold =I and 431101112111 . • GEORGE OTT, 111111 Mid, &Oils La • pm« obsair ' 4 , 4 dies allll-11. Wan. PA Mt N. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Is etW to betted et the OLD STAND IMO N4IJr STREET, NNE floor ko Dr. H.-0. PortertioDnag &on t ; • 117111 a lOU. 11111111 of ' VFINE AMERICAN AND SWISS JEWELRY, 'STERLING SILVER AND . SPECTACLES le EYE GLASSES, it FROIII Tag GERAPINT TO 112 Mfr. Weis op intimsow AT TEI MIXT LOWM FRWII9, Mem. Wiens@ mut Jewebry peountlY !ty an upettenont end competent wortnen f , M. RENDELMAN. ileum: NATHAN TIDD, PITTSTON, WIL•KESBAEBE • AND LOYAL SOCK MT or PI3M MUT, NEAR COURT ROM=. air LOWS,/ ?Mill 702 041111. fl6ll Tbs Wrong* pf ma cad Maisie sad thsisadke dilauslar Is scalene& slog ap Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY Is the OLD= I MST (XXIMTRUCTMD I MST IQUIPPAID t and lanes the LEADING RAILWAY OF TBs Weit and Northwest: It bk the short end best route between Chicago and all pedant in Doirrans mason marik, amon, or. cacao, colitiolais. Utah. oolong°, Idaho. Montana, nevedi a Tl l lis for Council IllutlAjOinaba,Denver, LEADVILLE, BALT LAIR. • San Pranoisca,DeadwoodAionsCiV, Ceder Rapids. Des Moines. 00113sIns, sad all Points In the Territories, and the West. Also for Milwaukee. Green Day. Oshkosh. 111 411 a, levroluette: Pond An Inc, Watertown. ton. Neenah. hiesiesha. Ilt„ Paul, Mhianipills. won. robill. Tinto. Biorath. Winona. DeCrane. Onions, and ail points In Idinuesots, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Camel/ Mull the Poise of the Clileeso Jt horth-Western and she 171, P. It*” depart from. arrive at end use the SUDO Mat Dillon Depot. At Chicano. claw oonneetioas are made with the Lake Shore. Ilflohigin Central, Baltimore Ohio. ft. Wayne and Panisfivania, and Chime Grand Trunk Ills, and the ZenkMum mad Pan Handle Routes. MlPCdoise oonnestions made statuettes Points. It la the OUT LDII rwanaing - Pullman Hotel Dining Can - Chicago and Council Blufs. Peri= Sleepers as AU Plight Trains. i cket ; Insist open Ticket Avails tallat iint T ;via this road. lizamine your Tickets. sad Wpm to bay it they do sot read , over •th: (Ibicego It Northwesters. It you wish the ie Vlt TraMlL L ocoaunodk , tins you will buil your Tickets , th is mato, grill") WILL TALC NO= AU Ticket A _ Ten pal Tickets by this Line. MARVIJ =GMTT. 2d V.P. klkoi.ll= Iliort '1147. You need not Die to Win _ - IN_ THE • MUTUAL .ENDO*11:01% • • AND ACCIDINT ASSOCIATION • Ot Bath, N. Y. - • Ton metre one half of your ineuranee. Sc cording to the American Lite 'Table. whoa tiro thirds of your lite emeetiaey Inialrea—for Maitre tionorman or rroaras Walls the Mao. elation at Itie years of age %Mae a eertilleeta for - $2.600, receives $1.216 whin a GUle over 56 taus of age. exactly the period Is lita when a little Sunda' help le geberally more needs* that at any other time. ELIDES ♦ ROGKIB. Aurae - General hatarlrfor WSW& BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOS BINDER, Alfred J. Purvis, len An wo pri rt to Ids Its* dam wen sail rows* et rsot m _ Patios Met' volume tatetiolote ern/ bitter. ebbed 'Missy adlodoil areabore at soot veto,. name *Ma to I. B.lkaaloa. AVM' Iteetlbse seety. be promptly ted is eteasl so. coletaii to se osollef MOMISM 111 mit. sa l intati - BOWLw m i o m a ay dot stab steno. s a Vgrotia• et MUMS telt! tot blaw Um to ot • Iwo% with ea ossminms obtootag Osoft et mob raw sad e Ism ••••M *loan 'WM, billellb, • W. In*. Z. *atm% NI bow bombe boobs ast I WI $5 WI Us vial t set lam as volt NI to 10•.•° 1111111.lbw ie 1111•01110 Vida. MIMS WIIIIIIIi, a. minsibu, ii. D.I. illieedoureli rink "t• ' - ' - likatie.ll•4 FMJOB PIIINTING.--All kladi • of Mao . Job Psbitin ~ . . • essestel ei knraut tat* a . Baataress airaniamir CM. 1 . , hil to give as a hid.. Nasodadkpoismes, sad szpidesosa M 1 As trodtiamatek 'WATCHES, CLOCKS, tilmoomoor to Kr. 11411.osaj DIALlit 0,0,AL,• TOWAISDA, PAPER i Rum, k No. 181 Chooses !knot; trnoA. N. Y A.11.11116z to. FALL AND WINTER 18836 ATTENTION IN INVITED to oot gbitratioll Heating Stoves They ere too _Mown to requi r . soy eoussendetiou--- New,Heole, Westminster, Cnnsn, 3esreL We limo haven line of CHEAP BABE BURNERS, the best of their claw in the market" and well adapted for sup. plying a demand for an efficient bat in. expeludve lusting stove. birWOOD BEATING STOVES in great variety. su'io (lb la ao --- 1 , HAPPY THOUGHT RAGES Sold la Towanda and Vicinity by A. D. DYE & CO, A LARGE STOOK OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAURMAKEES AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES AND A 6UIMAL STOCK OF HARDWARE, MAIN ST., TOWANDt. Oat. 3 / 4 1 5 UM' r ivbf tiE DALL , tr y - . 2.D5 THS M se It is OST WOOCZMI3I3I. lUMEDY dm tte. arrusel, attain ta its seer NA not Waft. • Woo ariallesi for lams Sri MD PROW MOW. PROI COL. L. T. FOSTER. - Youngstown. Ohio. MT loth. UN. 31. liesnenn Co:—I bed • very War hie listabletemisa spit which I prised yea hil• by. he had a lugs bass wets es obe jousted sansll one ea rho other which made bin es 7 sm; l hs4 Ida saner the them of two "Inn nesT senses. witich to awe Wu. Ins ewe 41ey resUng the advartiessiest of lieshirt /win Cure is the Chicago ibittiss. I attires ed et onto to UT it. and got our &WWII km to send f o r it, Oa todeeog woo besets; lad them an von thaeght I vosbi give it seed it scoording so direetiose cad fh 417 the oolt anion to be haw, eel Or humps have amass.ditspipa I used but ose tails web the spite nabs bus frau Unpin& Y smooth se sag bores is time stem Be it UM; cured. oime our lessen tuseskebbe tut I let two of us issithboss Mae the usithif two Dottie.. who aye sow sting it. VesT itespeethdly, .L. T. TOM Kendsli's Eigavin Cure .:ON HUMAN FLESH. Pasaws Mills, WaldMa so.. XT., Psbiwil. Ds. B. J. Zzazsza.„ Diaz Bit:—Tba PaAjealv_ case cambia I and year liszdstra SP= ‘. 4 " mks a issligaszt odds sputa of 'Wiwi sisal. ',Swifts& I, had triad may Wass. bat is la. Tzar /wiz Case ins Qs toss vine P$ again, sad kos tls list tins sizes bad W. Latent position. los a badly Wawa is s cab waits' so me rid. . . Ton_ VC M. P. BELL, Pastor at Id. R. Omsk Patten' Iliac Sr Price al. per bottle. man bottles for Druggists Pave Is or cosiest It for you. or at' be emit to on Manse osll receipt °t rifles bi t 3 gr°11""c". Zit. KaNDALL' CO.. erip VIOL' Vt. lola at Dr. D. C. IPorierls Dung Siert, Ds IL R. BMW HAIR IMES othimr Renewer yet, discovered does So gnisklyseml sseithictortly as this. It era mad frded bear to its original Manly Isminsdiately provost Ms tlsluag out of It ewes dandruff, Itebtag eruptions, mad see* data ; It will anise the hair to bastldisa ell sad Inputs glom tt adtteaktbe bets abet harsh sad .thely free tram all tzsttellag setter' sag beet reparation sad gins saw flea. De sot frti to tr, IL For sale by /tate. TS its. per bottle. • almossrei Op am lbseitioessiblo me The ale ai an DlllOO l and PATENTS. 07. 1 1. AXD roanox. Mak AL4/PtoolUt imeetwo btallePotaav:Lo og D.O. •Atlr Tim Ivan' merino& lambi' so. mamma tor my Moo' tom CRAW poolOti. Proilsoloott Plant Oen as to Um potioVINPA , natio' Dna oIiMOD ems"' vim sal Milmmet will Do made as to bility of olitolotoi Wool. Iltmoloattostios elms to olioetsd Mose in l b. Ma& ot Mims. II- I. alraidare : aoa. Geo. 1111 . 41143 ANL .1).1011 DWI tom# Gea' ss 7.o , a # °Made Rm. Issal• % WID.S. Itimr. L. Q. O. Lamm ot 111 4: ise Get. se Ma. ors ; the Bo at Sts* Oeeps et taustaare 04 10 /deter at thie 'mar. - WOW lbr drab/ sad instructions. _ .fltettemeemome. 11111111ATIS BPAVIN illt s. . _ Of aro S. fain m ike. Mama all te. mils pelt air opal far aaf of ufia. Ithas fa swam limo. abe nmiim _ mia ' . .. .one. fleoffaita if aff at liniathilleaa alum amid 6f i ' , ' . ' aa11613 Mom PON ' ' ' • • net MO Pity Imiel 4 Ow iisseasimit wiliiiim. IL, O. Paw& r