Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, January 05, 1882, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JAN. 5. 1932.
foOUR sUßsCßtgpßs t
it iv iu F fow yon the ntaiath and vtitir ap'te
subscription ix paid. If yOnroilb
icruit 3 , 3 n
- 1 4 soon to expire, tilesXelisend us
~ . .3. 1 33r f3r a renewal al once, that we may
plil paper right along. 'end in
33.33h0ut delay.
1. A. Woo,ter is our general agent, solic
itor, In.t c,)11333.3t0r, fai• the southern at it west
ern portion of the County...__
jo ri NCI: IN PRICE ap SUB _
. •
Tie under,igned, publishers and :prciprie
to:4 or the Bradford Reporter, Towanda
Bum - worm REPUBLICAN at4l Brad
(..,; -1 Argus, published in Towanda, FA., hay.
lug revere toad in the pnbOatioti'of
az3pc(3tive papers froll the hehtrifore
etireruttly 104iiiicil.per annum. berebyuititu
,ue saruc a
to rtife the subscription ii rice or
r ich 3.! 3333 r papers respectively, on and after
Fina. OcJallllEl.rY, 1882, :Quo and
nfty Lent. per annum.. *nd we hereby
at3 , l pletipt ourselvea to each other,
upon our oar tiontr as bnsinitsa men ,1 that we
so u strictlr and Invariably' adherel to the
terms of this understanding.' To mike this
arrangement legally binding 4 we have entered
Into bolds, - with penalty add fcrefsilnre for
v333133ti0n of the terms of this ikreement.
All subscriptions paid prior to January Ist
u , at, will be taken at thu former rate r 4 i, Rues
of at ieertkin4 irr,all cases to be independent
Grxmatat & Tlrrcricocs, Reporter.
D. 11.-TunirEn, Journal. ,
E. - Asuiruttr,PAnsoNs, Argus. •
Halle arrive and depart at the T,lrapds Post
°See as follows: j
Mil., N. Y., and k:astern tStatea
pashore, - Laporte. &C..: -- ....
1.. V. way mail from the North
sbeshequin &c
New Era. /cc.. Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, __
Agyhun. &c., ifonday. Wedneadey and '.,
Friday 11',
Troy. Irurlington. kc• ' i
L.haYaville. Rome, kc 1
Cloned pouch from Erie and NCR Rs 2
L. V. way mail from the 50uth....... , 4
Csuson, isc 5
13..rclay e,
Closed pouch from Elmira and R R It 10
Canton, Stimroeton, tc
Le:ugh Valley way mail South.
Cosed pouch Elmira. Erie and North
ern Central ltailroada....., -10:00
Troy. Burlingtonl, kc 10:00
10.0..u.equin,kc 12:00 as
Barclay 1100 P. 31
Nor Era, Turada,y Thursday and Sat..:!
liondas, •Weducl3ay And
Leilaysvllle, Rome, 4to
pushare..te • • —.... 9:48
Leingh Vallertray mall North 3:45
New V , rk Phila. and Eastern States. 7:45
!,:tic. open trom 7:00 A. at. to 7:15 P. M. Money
tkr.ler open from 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. .
Ziwu on Swam' from 9:00 to 10:00 A. Y.
P. PoWELL. P. M.
Zeboke hams at C. M. Mycr's market
BriAg, Street. May 10-If.
—Go to C. M. Myee.stnarket, Bridge street,
the Lent cuts of fresh meat. May 19-tf
Freml, lake ii.h and salt water Ash a
Ms r'. market, Bridge street.
;:fa1..:.;-I)ie tor the REPUBLICAN and get a
.py Kenciall's Valuable Treaties en the
li v• a preruium.
-N•i cii.trge for delivering, and done
-rnuiloty trnm C. M. Myer's market, Bridge
• - • MAI: 19-tt
- variety of faallionable .Mil
! auJ Ladies' Fancy Griot's. is to be
ud ht the Millinery Store of Hire F.. J.
M.. 111 Street opposite tile Park.
-L. IL Rogers has a large stock of Sash
'ind Blinds, also Moldings, and is
elwsper than any other establishment
In Pennsylvania.
L Rosa caniell Groceries very cheap
ts,ssuse 100 expensea are very light. MA
,fl.totiterA shall have_ the benefit by buying at
the First Ward Store.
All the latest .styles in Ladies Bata, and
ttht.i• goods 'tor the ladies at Mrs..t. J.
Ma!: , e; Lishititiable store, Main
struut, opposite the Park.
The Holidays are Overt
Lot we "niftier in the New Year with joy and
pride, and to order to•naske every one feel bap,
.py,at'least for' the present, M. L. Schieeberg
proprietor of the Great Boston Clothing Hititige,
. Just opened in • Means' Block, Main street; To
wanda. I'a., Etas decided to offer the entire stock
of iloiLing, boots _and:ihoes, gents' furnishing
goods at slaughtering prime, to clear out the
et re. and to makg_room for their heavy stock of
spiinc and summer clothing, which is already
being manufactured for the Towanda branch.
We also wish to call your kind attention that on
the let of April, 18,42, we are going to change.
Tamers to No. 2,, Patton's- Block, second store .
fru= the corner Bridge and Main streets. and
nalag to this removal we waist to close • Out our
Winter stock, in order to go in our new loCation
with new goods, new styles, new patterns, and
be who will not trade now. dual newer have
such opportunity. Remember the goods
mast and'shall be closed out at any, price with
out delay at the Boston Clothing House, just
Teaed In Means' Block, Main street„Towands,
This etcairt power mounted on wheels is
portable and may be easily hauled with a
team to any desired point. It is adapted to
the propulsion of • THRSBUrNO MACHISMO,
wood sawing, feed cutters, portable saw
or any other light niachinery. It ii of
stmplu construction, durable. and easily
amolg.A. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
Cu., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y.
Clzter, P.t., July 21—cy
Rh et 4 nsatiins.
In the first syniptomi of this disease when
Y,a arc Ik s e'ling and having painful sensations
the. limbi upon rising trom bed in the
ta ,, rning, a stiffness in the joints accompa-
Jot.' at Xitnes by swelling aid redness, all
recoparnend the application of an
remedy, somethititt penetrating and
~,, ming; an article that will act as a uora
:loe scent to the parts affected. Dr. Bonn
lo's I:new:vatic Cure gives instant relief up
:a the first applicition. I - I lame back, pains
or eteatnA it is an invaluat :a household reme
-IY. A+l; your druggist for it. Price 75 cette.
Mkunlactured by. The Bosanko Medicine
e-dip.inv, Piqua, 0. For sale by Clark B.
1'• , 11,r, S. End Ward Rouse Block.
June 2-Iyr.
W, , take great pleasure in calling the at
teetuon of our friends and customers to Dr.
lk..aoko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is
Perf,ctly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will
not nnueste, and gives relief almost instant
_ T. It matters not' bow severe your Cough
nay be, how many cough medicines you have'
or how many pl*sicians you have con
, :a.te.l, the tonic; soothing and . healing pro
pel ti(,A of this medicine !mitten it and as
sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend
mg matter, leaving them in a. healthy oon
dam, tree from irritation, and the air pas
sages clear, besides invigorating and
etr!_ngthening the general system. Price 50
c , tite. For the positive cure of Consump
tion. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry
Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of
the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in
the Lunge, Spitting of 'Blood, Croup, India
flax, Whooping Ceugh, and Lung Fever, we
ree ,, nunend this medicine aboie all others.
Tours truly, MULE B. PORTER.
Aura' 2 ly. S. End Ward.liodse Block.
wzsr GRANvrcLs.
Christmas was remembered and obsery ea - In
this vicinity by having beautiful evergreen lad
the • Baptist church, from which the
vanu - .1 . • and handsome presents were borne to the
w aintiglie?ple. after a short time spent in lis
tening to songs and recitations from the mesa.
hen of the Sunday School.
Or.e of tI:o pleasant surprises of the Occasion
ins the tendering of some cOallYtila bolt a t ftli
presents by the North Woods school to 'their
f etcher. They were all the more acceptable, be.
cause co unexpected, and to the grateful heart of
the teacher they will ever be a reminder of the
pleasant and profitable hours _spent with those
pups during the-last three years.
The ',tools have all been closed this week, as
the ttathers lie attending ;the County Institute.
MOB COri. Riggs, a very estimable yohng buly
f aurprised at her home on the eve of her
birthday, by the entrance of her young friends
)4/d schoolmates twill the house was. Ireartf
/lie-d, where a happy evening was spent in ash
other's society. Before the company stipulated
“' he
nit matte the recipient of s besuUltil neck
la a nest little speech by one of bat
The ad' eat of the New Year was appropriated/
irelcome3 and observed at the M. L Church h 7 a
by a luadsomn evergreen arch, from irhicbalat27
AnstlY, preoeuts Tikes sad distributed
ri ling the woklyysopisinf the,col,
r. L. lid
. 10.00
. 11:00
00 P. m
9:00 A. U
May 19-U
4 ' General Agent
A Card.
Sheriff Horton bas.appointott Mr. Lester
Codding:`ot Leilalssille as IC.;•deputy. A
capital &election. -
Joseph Abbott, a convict. in the Reforma
tory, who murdered s keeper, George Used,
in Apritlaat;will be exeente ..FJmirc . on
Friday, (to-morrow ).
B. F. Ackley bag opened a tfiuging school at
Wyalnsing, whick *ill be continued for abort
i b Tee months. The class is quite largo and
its prospects very promising.
Mr. Edward Hinitb of Waaluaiun has been
appointed by Sheriff Horton as turnkey at the
county Jail.
We publish this week the proceedings of
the Bradford County Teachers' Institute hold
last week in the Graded School building To
wanda. reported expressly for the Itz,
by Mr. J. W. Gould. 1
Wm. Park, of Monroeton, died on Saturday
morning last, at the age of 59 years, after a
lingering illness of long duration. Betas a
good citizen, of more. than ordinary --intel
ligence. and w bile in health a- man of enter
prise and energy.
'ra.lo be C tient i s , re lief of the late Wm
Connelly, one of the earliest residents of To
wanda, died on Wednesday, December %) , at
the age of Si. Recessed was the' mother of
Mrs. Saltine' Wallbrldge of thii place and
hire. Tames Yerkes of Springfield. •
Mr& Burgan's mother, who had been an in
valid for many months, died on Son lay
last, at her home in Pottsville. The sad
affliction was felt by Mrs. Bargan:all the more
severely as her health would not permit her
making the journey to atteni the obsequies .
of her beloved parent.
The REPVELICAN henceforth willinvarbt:bly
be 11.50 per year.' Bubseriptiona due and
unpaid will be charged at the rate or $l.OO up
to January 1, 1882, and-from that time at the
rate of $1.50 per tinunm. There will be no:
vet ittion in the price. (Jr which :.all will
take notice.
The County Officers chosen at the:Noire:U.
ber election, entered upon duties one ionday
last, as follows:
.Bheriff, Wm. T. Horton; Pr.,-
thonotary, George W. Blackman, (re-locted;;
Register and Recorder, James' IL Webb,
Treasurer, Eben Lilies; Commi.esionerst,
iel Bradford, (re-elected,) M. F., Jrp
elected,) Myron Kingsley;. Auditors, W. W.
Moody, C. P. Welles, (re-elected,) Joseph T:
Heated. •
In visiting the Graded school last week, we
were greatly pleased to note the bright and
cheerful appearance of moat of the school
room.. Many of then ha•t nourishing plants
in the windows and the walls were 'prettily
and tastefully decorated with pietures, Jap
anese fans, scrolls, tiny umbrellas, mottoes
&e. The teacher•who strives to cultivate . a
love of order and neittiess in his or her pu
pil., deserves .0 vote of thanks from every
Mr. Alfred J.. McKnight visited the Insti
tute on Thursday of last week and kindly con
sented to give , a r e citation. reu.lored
"The Schoolmaster's Guests" by Will Carla
toe in an inimitable manner, and-ititurati ,
speaking "brought down the house." , Ip
spews. 'to an entbusiaitio shorn* hij .4avo
"The Ildrnance of a Sleeping Cat" by the Bur-
lingion Hatekeye's fanny msn. Mr: natal ghi
expressed big surprizo dnding so apacion4 .
and handsome a school building in a town of
the size of Towanda.
There are people who enjoy tine singing,
even when the selections are front Italian,
opera, and again there are people who do net"
uuderstand or appreciate it." Now if the lat
ter class would refrain from audible com
ments until the singer is done, it would be
far more agreable to the former class of Rer
sons. This remark deca not - apply to To
wanda, where everybody is supposed to an
-predate high art in music, as' in everything
el.e; but is applicable to almost any 1091 a
thousand miles from here.
•Varents who have childroi atteneing'the
Graded school, ought to visit there once in a
while. It encourages -the faithful teachers
and is a Stimulus to the pupils. Onr Graded
School is 'Fomotliing to be proud of, and, an
occasional visit will convince any one that in
Prof. Albert we have a wide-awake, earnest
who dill spare no effort to make
our school rank among the best-in the State.
'His genial manners have won the confidence
of his pnpili and his ability and thorough
ness as an educator have inspired respect.
James Jeder, an honest, hard working
colored man, was taken to the County House
Asylum for the insane on Monday last. Jim
has been acting rather queer fir some weeks
past, but no one thought bird really insa.le
uptil on Friday of the last week. Ho then
became violent and made threats against his
wife and family, l trirm whom he "had "always
cherished a tender regard. Oa Saturday
he,bcrame so violent that it was not thonght
prudent to allow him on the street any lon
ger; so at the solicitation of his friends. Of
ficer Baits put him in the station house,.
where he was kindly cared - for over Sunday.
We sincerely hope Jim may speedily ree over,
for he has a trusty, faithful and industrious
man. He had
: taken care of about a dozen
offices, this winter, and carried the keys him
self, as all who knew him bad the utmost con
fidence in his honesty. ''.
.4 Drunken Actor.
The Florence) Richmond Company, who ap
peared in Mercur Hall on Monday evening, in
"Led Astray" gave the humotoiis drama of
"Dr. Clyde" on Tuesday evening. Again
Miss Richmond won high praise for her grace
,beanty and superb acting; but, we are sorry
to ray that Mr. Vernon who took the very
unimportant cart of the aesthetic young man,
"longing for an affinity," in "Led astray" was
ao drunk the second evening that he not only
made a fool of himself, but spoiled the whole
play for those who could really act well their
respective \ parts. The manager came out and
stated the truth idainly; after the first scene.
He. said that Vernon had seen a puff for him
self in a daily paper; and, as he had never
had a notice before, it completely upset him-
The manager's frankness saved the pirce.
We understand that. Vernon received his dis
missal the same night and left for par*, un
known on the next train.
Mias Tonts iu Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia T'r'anscript, thus pleasant
ly refers to a young lady , well known in this
part or the country, in the following very flat-,
tering manner: •
The field of readers and elocutionists is
never known to be fall. We hear from time
to time of now candidates for public fayor.
The latest is Miss E. Ray Yontz, of EltUira,
N. Y. This young lady, a graduate of Vassar,
is said to possess rare beduty, grace and
ability, and has created considgrable semi
lion in the northern part of the State, where
she has not only been welcorded by overflow
ing houses, but by substantial tributes to-her
merits. She seems to bo especially happy
. in
the rendition of dialect poems, which her
education, graceful presence and modetity
adorn and embellish. We shall take great
pleasure in announcing her early presence in
this city. '
'Wiry Party,
Misses Ellen and Florence Welles, the little
five-year-old daughters of Mr. C. B. Welles, en
tortatned f large number of their little yields
on Thursday last.
' Although the inclemency of the weather forced
many to send in.their regret', there were about
fifty of thi little folks assembled. and they bad
licharmingilme. Among the many devices, for
amusement was a Dutch doll, the funniest
.thing ever heardef. It would answer questions
and donee like a fairy. whenever requested to do
so. Then thereint a menagerie where all could
tee any animal asked for. Nearly. all "anted to
in "little monkeys." on lifting a Curtin the ,
children saw their own faces reflected from a
large mirror. Most of them could see the point
of the yoke at once, while others would glance
all , around In search of the " monkeys:* and
would get heartily laughed at by their quicker ,
witted companions, . 7
Lest but not least came the little folks most
welcome fr.end ...Sante Clatut,". all cuing ace
samtded in the bash parlor to await his coming:
Presently the tinkle of belles announced that he
was near, and soon to the actasentent iliClu
'beanie loaded down with three large baskets
of goodies. which he proceeded too distribute.
The curtains having been lowered and tigers
lighted gave the scene a very Christmas•like itp.
Penance. Although he did not just look like the
"dolly Old Elf " that we read of, his gray based
and sootebegrimed &pp:oral:ice - proved him , to
be the veritable- old " St. Nick " that his ',de.
lighted the hearts of the little *ilea tor-so f ain
The hour for dlspereing hiving arrived, all
with many regrets :that tho time , had come ma
soon, went to their several homes delighted,
sad wishing all meaner of good things for their
kind little hostesses. X.
. I
—Mr. A. W. Young awl daughter, of Rome.
were 'visiting in town last Week.
—Rev. tied . C. Jones paid a brief visit to
Towaivia last week, • ,
—Fs-Sheriff, Peter J. Dean, removed to his
farm in Smith Creek on Monday last. .' .
Goodrich, who his been spending
several 'Weeks in Philadelphia, has returned
to her home at thp Ward 11" mm.
—Mr. and Mra. E. T. Foi. and 'daughter,
spent New Year visiting Mrs. Dr. H. 0. Por
ter in Philadelphia.
—Mrs. Meilniston ieturned to• Pitt burg on
Friday hist. Her daughter, Dennio
tange, raisin tin 'aclaot -here until
—J..lfolcomb. editor-of title paper s started
for Washangton . on Tuesday night.- Re will
begin ilk duties we Indent Clerk of the Howse
of Itepreientativcs !o=otry.
--We , are sorry tl learn that
,Mrs, A. J.
EsstabrOoks is still an invalid. She has been
for several . week. , Her many friends
wish for her a speedy r ecovery of,health.
—Mr. Charles S. Taylor of Catil Atoo N. Y
aceompartied by his little son, basiheen visit
ing his airier Mrs. Lyman Blaehmho and his
brother Mr. Gordon N. Taylor. ,
—Mrs. E. H. Bowman and daughter of But,
bile, have 'speni the last
. two rcreelis very
pleasantly with her hnsband's friends in:
Waverly and Ulster.
—Mr. and Mrs. Clark Willson have returned:
to their labcrs to New - York. They expect to
sail Or Europe about the 15th of this month,
to engage in Evangelic work. I .
• -Miss Kate Percy Douglas and Miss Dicker
son. of New York. who. assisted Mr.. Height
in the entertainment on Friday evening last,
were the gue*ti tonfrs. E.W. Patrick daring
their;elay in Towanda. Miss Diekeison has
a tineluezztetororano'voko. • .
-31 r. J. B Castello, lb° genttominly rop
reFentative of the Elmira Advertiser was in
town on Monday last., He improved the y
Holiday by calling on •a few his many
friends beret The Advertiser ha j; allow!' its
usnal business acumen by securing in cour
teous and enterptising a representative as
slr. Castello, who has bast severalre,va ex
perience in newspaper work and is. a first
eldsA bliort-hand reporterl
C. L. 8. C.
T 4 atteriti-in of the members of 0. L. S. 0.
is called to the !article on. POriental end Greek
.13euipture,' in the January Nu. of the Century
Scribner Magazine.
The neat tonetiog of the Chwitroiqna Lite
ritry.and Scieutille . Cirele will be held the
residence of 31r. C. P. ; Welles on Fri-Ley even
ing, Jan. 6. at 7'o'clock. Thu work of the
willeveningbe a general review of Geology,
as contained in the *Chatdauquan and the
questions on "Outlines of History". from Noe.
51 to 100 inclusive, in the December No. of
Chatitauquan. • A hill attendance of memtiers
is desired.
Otter Captured
Mr. A. J. Goff, of Anyhim, 'shot an Otter in
the Susquehanna, -near Hornet'l Mill, on
Thursday last, weighing 18% pounds and
measuring 3 feet 9 ineh'es froth tip of nose to
end of tail'. These animals are rarely seen in
this seption. and their fur is very valuable.
Mr. Guff also shot two muskrat dri same day.
• Ironderfand. •
Or Wednesday evening of last week, Mr.
Wm. I. Marshall lectured in Mercur gill on,
"Wouderlind," being a vivid ind eloquent
scriiitiou of the "Yellowstone,,or New Nation:
al Park." The lecture Was clearly and beati
tifull3 illustrated by maps and dissolving
views, thrown on canvass by the aid of a . cal
cium light.
Is it Murder F
The Vander'pools have a profound regard
for holidays. They wished to pay their res
pects to New Yeats' Day, so a large - number
of the tribe a menand' women—gathered at
the habitation of one John Vanderpool—bet
ter known as "rebeiJohn"—oh Sunday even
ing last. Their carousals..were) varied by -an
occasional skirmish' until the festivities end
ed in a genets! fight. In the -melee, John
shot George Vanderpool, with st shot gun,
inflicting dangerous if not - fatal wounds in
the band and the body. A wart ant was issued
on Monday evening and placed in the hands
of officer Durusaud Dimmick. ' They went in
put - suit On Tuisday; but the tided parties for
whom' "the warrant Was issued, i atQilked in
the woods and faathess of .the mountain, and
no to rdisdiiy night had not been found.
L To the Public'. '
For thewouey collected trent the people of
his place for the benefit of Carter D. Lee.
deccased,. he retarded hearty thanks before
his death to hid friends who so willingly con
tributed. in his need. Amount collected
The parents , of the deceased also return
their thanks to 'the kind hearted people of
this place, wishing them the blessing Of the
ty God. •
Death of Mrs. Dcsoidnahns::)
At 4a. in. on Monday, 'Jan. 2, 1882, Mrs.
David Ratan died, after a long and painful ill
ness. Mis..Rahm, ,whose maiden name was.
Hannah Pugh Davis, was born near Norris
town, Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 1816. In
1838 she was married to Mr. Ratan. Fonr
children survive their mother—one -haying
gone before—John, Ross, Sarah and Susie.
That she was it faithful wife•and
,a devoted
mother is evidenced by the affectionate:6olmi
tude manifested by her family tothe
declining years of her life the pleasantes and
happiest. That she was a sincere Christian
was shown by the patient endurance of suffer
ing during her long and painful Mt s.
May the grief of the bereaved ones be sola ed
by the thought the beloved, wife and mother
bets entered upon her heav enly rest, and that
her sufferings were alleviated by the tender;
est mipisir'ations of loving hearts and willing
hands. , '
The ,Inneral was held from the family tee
denCe on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Ernest Mason awl Fred liolciitnb; who are
enployed at Babb's Creek, Tioga Co.. spent
the holidayefatAorne.
The Odd Fellint's Lodge of Leftee. gave an
order supper on !Thursday ev'ening,,beo. 22d,
at thfiir arbich was largelyattended and
a perfect success.
• '
'Open.liand Grange of Leßoy eta° gave an,
oyster supper supper on Tueslay evening.
Dec. 27th, at their hall. ' Their man* friends'
who attended pronounced the sapper' "delic•. ,
. •
Ploy Post, G. A. 8., of. Letter ou Friday
evening, Dee. 30th, 1881, feasted on baked
heaps, hard-tack and other "delicacies," in
memory of the time when they could not get
anything else, unless it was a stray chicken
or a piece of a wandering Southern porlier.
Some of the young foist! of Leßoy had an
oyster supper and a very pleasant time in
general onFriday evening, Deo. 30, 1881, at
Alfred Stone's residence.
The house of Samuel liceraney was bur
glarized on Friday night Last. The thief or
thieies succeeded in 'getting about live dol
lars in•money, bat failed to discover about a
hundred dollars they overlooked in the very
spot where they found the smaller amount;
, • -
' E 1 wee Ifirtreracart:—The i friends and reit,.
tive of 4r. and Mrs. Adam Snyder met at their
hom in Stevensville on Saturday." the 31st of
December. to "celebrate 'the -Twentieth Anal
verasry ;of their wedding day. pt was a grand
reunion. as the fourth generation wail present—
'bent sisty in al—to partake'of the roast turkey
aid chicken pie and other good things which
Mn. 7 Snyder knows so well how , to prepare.
They were the recipients of many rare and vain.
able. as well as useful presents—such as 'lamps,
a Ana aSver Castor, and iota 'of glass and chins
ware, from their numerous friends—who went
alniv well satisfied with the . . plautant day they
hat enjoyed. and wishing them s long life of
prosperity. . ' Has. G. E. V.
The lecture delivered hers last Wednesday eve.
!dig by Rai. G. C. Jonas, of Rochester. was es;
tremely wide 1a its - scope, irovealing a thorough
investigationpf thi sublect. It we. truly rich,
interesting sad : instructive.. Tha house wail
nearly full, manifesting that the effort of getting
up this course of lectures is apprecisied by tae
people. • , •
Dr. Win. Taylor. of Towanda. will deliver- his
lehture.on - . Religion of Anatomy," on Wednes
day evening, Jan. 71. 1882. This is to be UM.
tested. The "wonders ' of theholly, will ke re
vealed by tine who has wide the subject a iigetild
study. -JOAX Lain.
_ -a.
Weisivideined so chroolie Ow midi
Oiegiof :one of Leßoy's promising loung bust.
nen Wen, to ono of Barebirs Adrestarul arid ,
estimable young ladles: Mr. LIP, - Tear'. of the
firm Of llt ears Bon. Leßoy. Pa. r ims wedded on
Bd. to Miss Aginis'llirbilds.'
danghtsi :ed Jam „ Harkness, of the
residecce.'of 'the bride's parenti. 'hare _were
many valuable oinamental'and useful prilenta
given by fri end s of the contracting pathos. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Pelt* of the
Barclay Presbyterian Church. The newly wed.
ded pair wont on a short wedding trip, after
which they will take up thei.residence 14 I•eßoy,-
We wish theme long and bippylifo.l; Kay their
troubles be little ones._ .
Christmas Trees have flourished, borne
fruit futtbnadance, and are now, a thing of
tbd ;must.
The M. E. S. S., had b Christmas Tree and
Concert on Saturday evening hot. The ex
ercises ceneisted of songs, recitations, dia
logues, etc. The first' on' programme was
chanting of the Lord's prayer, by the Choir.
after which, its recitation by the ehool,in eon- .
cert; tbeu caller& very appropriate auniver l
vary anthem by. the . .elieir._ . The little one",
acquitted themselves in a- creditable manner:_
The'recital of "Anniels and 'Willie's Prityir,";
by Mlii Addle Fairbanks is especially worthy;
of praise; also the song, "The little Bevi l
Prayer," by Vernie Taylor. At the close of
:this order of exercise, 8r0..1. L. Wooden,
;made Some timely, remarks un the Homiest' of
our school which were listened to with-good
attention. The closing exercise of all; was
the distribution of the gifts, widoh made the
eyes of the little ones. sparkle with delight.
'Alt the members of the school, were rememl
bered by sane token of love or ft iendship.
The Baptist school 10.53 had Christmas
exercises. ;
, -
The Rev, E. E. Borougho, ; formerly of tali ]
place, preached at the ' Baptist Chore k
Thursday eve l airig, Dec.,29.
The direlling bone of Abe Williams of
this township was destroyed by, flue 'on Fri:
day evening., The fire was 6te'overed 'about
6 o'clock; and is supposed to have originated
in a defective flue. Most of the goods bolo*
were saved. Forty bushels of potatoes and
other things in the cellar'wera lost; it is a
great loss to Hr. Williams. We understand
there was no insurance.
Diphtheria. has made its ap marlines in this
viciuity again. Mr. Ind Mrs. - B. Boyce have
lost, a little daughter, - and another child
is sick with the fearful disease
Eec., 31, 1881.
The Leßoy Sunday School enjoyed a nice
treat on Saturday livening Deo. Slat.
It was thought best by the older memberk
of the school to have a novel Now Year's
entertainment. So it was arranged that prci
gra6me should be made out containing redi
tations by the schola.ra and militia by the
choir. At the time appointed, uotwithstaud r
big the steno the church was well filled snit
the little folks did 'credit to themselves—in
'short apprmlate recitations. Some, of the
elder members of the r schOol also added to
.the entertainment by ie.,deriug select read-
tugs,. and songs appropriate to . the occasion.
The - last act in the programme, probably
enjoyed most of all, was by the hungry ones.
After the exercises at'theChnrckwere finish
ed the Whole school headed by the infant
.class-marched down to Grange Hall—a few
steps off where a rich feast awaited them all
having-beeu kindly prepared by the teacho re
and friends of the school.
Altogether the, exercises ware enjoyed by
present, And we think tha t . no one
will regret chat they (were permitted to at
tend. Sluch credit is due to the indefati
gable labors of thelaithful teachers ia tnalt.;,
tag everything im pletistnt for the children.
Jan. 4,•1882. Cant. •
"EDITOR. REPURILICA.i: —Now that the year
1881 `with all its trials and sorrow's, pleasures
and joys, are among the Wings Of the: past, I
have concluded to send you a ft 4 items from
this locality, thinking they might interest
some of your many readers.
There has been interred in our Cemetery
in the veer 1891, three of oar aged citizens--
Sylvester Taylor, Harry Bailey, and Polly Tay
lor; an three in middle-I' nk Bunyan,
Erue e . Gilbert, and Bel nda Boss, and - how
many children we cindot siy.
Mt. I t Bunyan, w:ho _was stlicken down
with Paralysis last JUrie is stall an invalid, and
thouith ;nut suffering _much bodily rain at
present is very weak both in mind, and body,
and not able to cenverf;e l but little.
Bon. L. D: Taylor's health has been poor
for borne time and be is not at present able to
attend to business.:
... . . .
Mn.s' Adam bites and Mrs. C. J. E., Martin
have een in feeble health fur a long time
and the winter are not as well as usual.
The. e are;living within two miles of Gran
. villa Centre three men and five women who
are over eighty years of age
.and many more
who Wave passed their three reere and ten,
years and all enjoying reasonalihr godd
tisitiANlEL Yopxco.
Mr Adam Inner is now running his tan
nery an fuU time ,giving employ/liana to quite
a number of men and turning out some of the
best leather manufactured in America, which
is attested by his premiums.'
Taylor has started'.his mill again,
since the heavy rains. It has been idle all the
.'summer and fall.. •
0. N. tl•ayl es and L. P. Bash are busy in
making and repairing wagons, and He nry
Arnold is working early and I ate in ironing
them and iihoeing borseg, etc.
H. H. Heald is running a first class harness
shop. Proof—first premium at Troy fair 1881:
He also keeps robes, blankets and whips for
sale, all of which he Will sell as cheap as the
- Taylor and Manley are dealing. In general
merchandise faking all kinds of farin produce
in exchange for goods; also boy and sell, cat
tle, sheep and swine.
11. H. Taylor is doing a good business in his
steam mill grinding% chop, sawing shingles
end all lumber needed by our farmers and
On the dtteenth of last month, our good
people made a donation for their pastor J. L.
Phoenix ,whose labors for the clutrah of Christ
in this place for the fourth year aro fast
drawing to a close, but we are gild to learn
that the church has; without a dissenting •
voice, agreed to try and secure his services'
for another year, which speaks well for both.,
Pastor and Church. •
On.Christinas eve two be antiful trees were
placed in our bon se of worship; moldy for
the benefit of the 8. 8.. yet free for all: and
we must say that the enterprise was a grand
success iansmuch as ihe widows and orphans
were not forgotten hi the bestowal of pres
ents. .
Theexereists previous to the distribution
of presentis consisted of singing by the choir.
prayer; and a few appropriate remarks by our
pastor, singing and recitations by the Sunday
school scholars, which was all very nice and
interesting, especially a dialogue by little
Emma klontayne. only five years old, and
John Bianyan, slew years older, entitled "hi
Drowned Dolly;' and a recitation by little
Emma alone, about "The first time I went to
I 44 TB/310/M.Lp.
Friday next,, January, Gth, is fixed npon-as
the day for making si.visit and donation to the
Widow Greenlaw, who now lives in Troy, and
whose husband was once pastor of, the Church
of Christ in this plice. All , '
Jan. 9,1882. ' SELDOM.
. Family Gathering'.
There Was a pleasant family at the reel-
&mho of L. Churchill, Leßoy, on Saturday
last. His children and their families were all
present, and enjoyed Wdinner of game, with
the usual aide dishes; and during the after
noon they had a chat anent times gone-hi.
They . remained , together 'until Now Years' .
- day, when all again enjoyed a splendid din
ner. 'after which they separated to depart for
their different homes. .
On the first day of the gathering, Satnr-•
day. the lien had a shooting match, part of
the time johootthg a mark and then at chicktme.
r it was i very piesiant, enjoyable
affair, a dail Look forward to the time, When
they shal again meet at a family gathering'
ftsgm*r*/ M.rUisg.
The second quarterly meeting will be held
in the Methodist Zoiscopal Church neat 8410
day. Love feast at 5:45 P. w. Preaching by
Dr. Wilbor ,at 7P. it. Communion after ser
mon. ' Cass. H. Ws/Tarr, Pastor.
2 1 114'.:7A 1 X4. DIVAID TEAM*
Zair refiltrirl7l l lr;
• , Convened in Its twant7-11ftb armed ses
don, in the - Graded Soleed littatb3gl in To.
winds, on Itiondity; Dec; 28,-1881, and was
Called to`order by : Supt. Ryan, at , 0:304. nt.;;
the devotional exercise - being cond4atell' by
Rev. Mr.,BaUard. • -
The necessary prelinsinary arrangements
tories/minus wo rk: occupied iiioxid share of
the forenoon of tbo first day. and but 'few
exercises were , bad, aside 'from
I a an explana
tion of the twee of ;the globe in the' school
room by Mr. BoVingdon and Rept. Ryan, and
a recitation and drill in the , section rooms on
the subject oraritlimetic. '
The %eget/firs 'present were classed oft` in
divisions or sections - and each section' bad
a competent teacher assigned] take charge
of it during class room drill. ere were ttn
of these classes or divisions... •
Institute tomato order at 1:30 p. m., and
foimally opened with music, and staging of
"All Together Again.",
Benj. tack. Esq., a , -member of the . Tot.
wands - School Bard was ‘l:ittieni and wel
comed the teachers to the nee of the build
ing they were occupying in If seat and com
plimentary speech filled with many good
hints and suggestions. Ml. McCollom. Mr.
Burritt and Mr. Harding briefly responded to
'this speech of welcoming in
. behalf of the
various sections of the county which they re
presented. .
• A committee on methods was appointed.
To this committee names were added from
time to time. • .
; Miss Morrison explained her methods of
teaching language to primary - pupils. •
Miss Luz 8. Smith, Lang:tag° lessons for
pupils in second and third-readers.
Miss Smith would teach the use of pauses,
meaning of words; diacritical marks, punctu
ation, etc.
C. F..Heverly, language lessons for pupils
in fourth reader. , ldr.• Beverly would teach
analysis and synthesis, phrases. clauses. son.
tamer as to kind, etc. •
Disc - neaten of miscellaneous grammar.
Language lessons by Mr. Patterson Praoti
caltrammer,by Mr. Quinlan.
Formation of santenees—Geo.
Section drill on the snujects of pronouns.
Miss Meßain gave a method of teaching be
ginners to read and spell.
Mr. Plummer gave his method on teaching
tho same stibjeet to !secOed reading clue.
Miss Jennings. third . :reader. Volunteer
methods by Messrs. Burritt, Wood, Andrus,
Muaiiti, Garrison and Duggan. Mr. Brew.*
uses the Einiirappy Adiertiser instead of
Min reader forenoon exercise. I
Mr. Harding took up the subject of object
reading, Mr. Bovingdon commented on same.
institute adjourned at 3ao p. in.
Came to order at 9 o'cloc
I k, opened 6y sing
ing liking°. ' - . -,
Query box, queries anewred by 'Kowa.
Ityaut . Marshall, •Garrisoo, ugene Thomp-'
bi ou , Iturrotti, Harding, :Itsb rue, Mann and
Ingham. - , .
for a moments red andieneo rose and sing
"Homo of the Soul."
,Hon. E. L. Hillis was then introduced as
the speaker or the evening.. His topic' was
"ficiv Our LawicAre Made." The speakeei
experiencc•at Harrisburg rendered tlie theme
au appropriate one to him. It was ably han
dled and attentively listened to by - those - 11re.
sent. '
After tendering • a vote .of thanks to the
einaiker, the Institute adjoarnerl. •
Singing, "The Ohl Folks at Home." De
vet ibual—Alr Albert.
• At this point a vote .was taken to decide
whether. the' farther' work of the -Institute
should consist mostly of theories or other
wise. Decided in favor of theory.
Supt. Cask, of Tioga county, being pres
ent, was introduced Supt. Cask Spoke briefly,
but made a number of. happy hits, and • was
heartily apOatided.
Miss Bedford, Miss 'Bush and Mr. E. Z.
Wood gave methods Qf teaching different
subjects in al ithemetie. Men fPllowed
some miscellaneous work, and disonssion,
methods previotnily given, Messrs. Garrison,
Plummer, Osborne and others. A now
method of teishing interest, was given by kr.
Volight. ,
Class drill In arithiimetic..
Method ,of teaching local geograohy by
Miss Flerence DeLand. • Description geo
graphy by Mrs spviogdon. Qaeries and an
swell, by Harding, Hardt!, MCCollom .aud
others. Adjourned.
Opened with sngiug t . "Scatter Seeds of
The usual programme being varied from
lion. E. L. Hillis gave some excellent hints
ea reading; accent, emphasis, etc. A few
suggestions on the same topic were offered
by Supt. Ryan.
A lesson in primary grammar was given by .
Miss Cheney. A class of teachers was called'
up and to help the lady illustrate her
method. A number 'of
,questions in: regard
to teaching grammar were asked and answer
ed. - . ,
Singing exercise, "Conid Cheerful Com
Alias McLain 'drilled a class of small pupils
in reading, addition, multiplication 'arid
division. The lady's. work was commended
by Supt. Ryan.
• ;
Met, in main hall. Mr. Adam drilled a
class in forth reader. Oral spelling by Mr.
Gillett. Miseellaneons questions and dis
The following committee on Necrology
wag appointed: Miss Hillis Misis Spalding
and Mr. W.T. Horton.
The following committee reported: Com
mittee onliterary work, committee on meth•
ode. Committee on resolutions appointed.
Sept. Ryan assigued applications in square
and cube root for drill work in arithmetic on
We4nesaap; also Casa in grammar.
Institute adfonFned.
Main hall, 7 d'olock opening hymn,
of a Thousand Years."
'Discussion of resolutions reported by com
mittee on resolutions, by Messrs. Plummer
Brown, L'ynch, Wood, Duggan, Hillis, As
borne, Hiss Wallace and Mr. Pitcher.
.The Institute then listened to a recitation
by Miss Coney.
Qncry-boz •questions read, their discussion
creating considerable amusement.
Song by Mr. Daup, "%ors O'Milligan."
The lecture of We' evening, L. M. Hall,
Esq., was introdtioed. kr. Hall's subject was
Language, its origin,, growth, etc., and to
'say that it was handed in an
. able and
scholarly manner is no exaggeration. Though
young he is an eloquent and talented speaker
who understands the necessity of thorough
prenarition in whatever ho undertakes. I We
will not attempt to give a synopsis of . the
At the close of Mr. Hall's address he was
tendered a vote of thanks and the address
solicited for publication.
. Institute adjgurned "alter jibing in singing
"Home, Sweet Home."
All Joined in singing "America!' Prayer by
Rev. Dr. Taylor. ~..
. ,
Arithmatie, long discussion explained by
Miss Fuller.. The same 4ionssed by Messrs.
Plummer,glyan and Albert. • -
Method of teaching last common multiple
and greatest_ common divisor given by, Miss
Wallace, Suggestions by Mr. Dorgan, clue
scorn drill. , , - •
Main hall.' Method of teaching oral geo
grapby given by Miss Adami t Mathematical
geography continued, by Bovingdon.
Mr.•Munn gave a talk un the physical geo;
eraphy of the ocean, explaining the subject
of ocean currents at length. He was asked
several questions on this topic by a visitor,
Mr. Jesting), a member of thalami' fraternity,
but bore - np well under this cross examina
The solution of s couple of mental`problems
trig' asked for: Solutions givoit • Messrs.
Eugene Thompson, Ingham and iraoinken.
As to the soltdionth the !beton did not agree.
' "Battle Hymn of the Berth LangMige
lesson/I by . Mr. J. H. Harding.
grammar lesson. _Composition exercises by
Ificßurritt. Passing drill conducted by Mr.
Quinlan. No class room
, •
After recess Mr:McCollum gave an inter•
eating talk on familiar entieets in science,
limestone formations,. - the relations of car
bonio acid-to kaunan ezittbrice,eict
Mae Lewis broughtone of her classes be
fore•the Institute and them in read
ing. spelling; diacritical makings; also In
F4it- class amid applause.
This showee how well Mies Levies work was
appreciated by those present.
Aw, - able and interesting paper was then
read by es-County Supt. Chubbuck, the many
ularlThriOlis Points of winch:mi n uet have im
pressed Themselves upon_the teachers pre
Query bin questions referred to and an
swered by Messrs, Quinian a nyan,Wilt,Eugo tie
Thompson, Wickham, Chubbuck, and Mlu
Tickets of admission to Prof. Marshall's
I ectuie at Mercar Hill wore thin distributed,
to the teachers. after which theinstitute ad
journed at 6 p. m., to Meet in the Mali at 8
Prof. Marshall began Ids lecture at a . few
minutes past eight o'clock, and the andence
was permitted to enj.l a fine entertainnient.
The lecture, "An Evening in Wonderland,"
consisted of some fifty views in National Park,
Wyoming Ter., illustrated by means of can-
Vaal and calcium light, many curious facts
and incidents being mentioned by the .
turer. The views consisted of a map' of the
western half of the U. 8. with • other mapii,
geysers, lakes, canyons, stones, petrified
grasshoppers, petrified wood, etc., all of these
curious sights having been witnessed by Mr.
Marshall while travelling -in the Park. All
were highly pleased with the evening's en
tertainment and spoke of it in the highest
terms. t
Openiiit hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee."
Devotional enrolees conducted by Rev. Dr.
Stewart. Mr. Marshall. explai ued the subject
of common fractional Mr. Harding followed
with a clam drill in decimal notation.
Hon. E. L. Hillis took the platform for the
purpose of giving some instructions in read
ing ind win greeted. with applause. As
might have been expected the instructions
were timely and good. Mr. Wilt is also an
swered a Wernher of gnestionsibropounded by
the teachers on the subject of reading. - _
Query box again. Questions. answered by
Mr. Albert, Miss Lung and others. •
Drill in section rooms.-
cAudience room again. Some &temente,
and queries in reward to the -School Journal.
Questions from Query box. read by lir.
Albert, and answers given by Messrs. Thomp
son; Harding, McGuire, Heverly, Chubbuck,
Pitcher, Bunett,lan, Ryan. Miss Grohs
and Bliss Inez Smith.
Mr. Heverly treated,the subject of politifiro
Queries—answered by Messrs. Ryan, Pat•
terson;Bovingdon,Horton,MeCollom and Miss
Belle Leon.
Prof. Ryan calls attention to Mi. Marshall's
collections of carioSities on exhibition in
another part of the building. They consist
ed of stones. petrified wood and petrified
grasshoppers. j
Mr. Burgan stated.that from 67 'to 72 deg.
flirsn. was the proper tempertnre for 'the
schoolroom. Adjourned.
_ Institute opened with music and - singing
of"i'be Old Folks at Home."
Problems in arithmetic more assigned to
theflowing persons for solution: Eugene
Thompson, Lynch, Heverly, Burritt, Badger,
'Gillett,.Woodruff, Br6n, Patterson, - Lung,
Marshall, 'Ransom, Duman. Most of the
questions, sortie of them quite difficult, were
readily disposed of by the persons . selected
for the task.
The "School Master's Chiest," by R'i ill
Carleton, was recited by Alfred .T. Knight,
The artist's natural delineations of the
character, represented in that 'hutuorons
lection Were very good and succeeded in
amusing everybody. The "Romance of a
Sleeping Car" was the response to a' hearty
encore. The character of the latter selection
may' bejudged of fvom the fact that
_it first
appeared in that irrepressibly fanny news
paper, the Burlington Haeckeye. This being
known it is unnecessary to make any further
remarks upon the subject. A vote of thanks
was extended to -Mr. Knight.A
Hon. E. L. Hillis made some -statements in
regard to the salaries of our State officers.
Class room drill.
Class drill of small pupils 'in reading by
Miss Bogart. The whole of the exercise con-.
ducted by Miss Bogart was very good, it
including work in - arithmetic and geograpby.
Some work in grammar done by Messrs.
Burritt.Brown, McCollom, Miss Warner, Miss ,
Stevens, Miss Grohs and, Miss ARcourt.
An cumin in parsing was conducted by
Mr. Quinlan. It was lively and instructive.
Resolutions reported by committee. r Ad
r.Vmso szasioN,
Evening session opened by singing ;Scat=
er !deeds of Kindneaa."
Query box questions answered by Messrs.
Lynoh, Hillis, Albert, Butritt, Ingham, Ryan,
Duggan, Chubbnck, Miss 'Coney and Miss
Petrie. •
Declamation by gr. Bovingden, "Green
Mountain Mystery.", Well recited. -
A Male quartette: . I
Discussion over the next County Institute
indulged in by' Albert, -Burritt. Thompson,
Plummer, Hillis, Wilt, Hall. Bovingdon.
Chubbuck, Vaughan, Young, Brown, Ryan,
Dann, Harding. A vote was taken and
majority of the teachers favored the first
week in January, 1883, as the time r for ' hold•
lag the next Institute.
Quartette by Hr. Dann, 'Mr. Hillis, Miss
Hillis and Hiss Lewis, "Tench ne 'Gently,
Declamation, "Storming of Mission Ridge;
by Br. Pritnain.
Queries answered by Wood, Barrett,
Albert, Miss Wheat, Beverly, Ingham and
Declamation. the "Spire of St. Michael's."
by Miss Brink.
A short talk over the subject of educational
department at County Fair. Adjourned.
, Opening "A - -Thousand Years." Devotional .
exercises conducted by Mr. Burritt.
Work in decimals continued by O. M.Mard.
Percentage by Mr. Quinlan.
Mr. Byars appointed the following com
mittee on resolutions: Mr. Plummer, Miss
Petrie and Miss Bush.
Voice iiulture, by Hon. E. L. Hillis..
Trade winds explained by Eugene Thomp
History by Mr. Barrett. Topic, finance of
the United dt.►tea from its earliest period
up to 1810.
Bev. Doctor Copelhnd, principal of the
Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., was
troduced by the Supt. He paid , a high com
pliment to Bradford county teachers, and
spoke earnestly of the teachers' work. His
words seemed like apples of gold in pictures
of silver. Class room drill.
Met in the audience room and listened to a
short but earnest =address by Ron. P. D.
Morrow. A rising vote of thanks was ten
dered the speaker.
Case in grammar explained by Mr. Me Col
om. Questions • asked and answered. Ad
!Joy:trued. • .
Opened with 'singing.
Queries answered -by Messrs. Marshall
Ryan, Burgan, Albert and Miss Spaniaing.
Tae vote •of last night in regard' to the,
time of holding the next County Institute
was re-cousidered. the voice this time being
in favor of leaving the matter entirely to the
discretion of the County Supt. Ata vote show
ed the teachers to bo in -favor conducting
the next Institute on a plan similar to this
one.. • •
The aubject of transitive verbs taken up
and explained by Mr. Albert.
Cotistrpcticn of hemispherical map by Mr.
-Marshall. - •
A talk on methods by Mr: Burgan was at
tentively listeneo to.
Methods of spelling were given by , Mr.
.Doggnn. Remarks by ex-Supt. J. Andraw
wilt. .
Tellers appointed for an election of com
mittee on permanent Certificates. Vote
taken, the names of :those eligible to serve
on the committee being written on the black-
Queries were then answered by Messrs.
Byan, Wilt, Bovingdon, Horton; 14. 0 41h11,
Marshatand Mann."
On account of in entertainutent to be
given at,Meretir Hall by Hr. Knight, it was
deoldedP, to hold no evening smion. Ad.
journednntil Saturday tnerning.
UST DAVB 5E:12102.f.
Saturday's morning session opened with
,"lionie of the Soul." Mr. Bnrgio
conducting the devotional exercises.
Institutionwin loiter writing were given by
Mr. Albert. ' •
A resolution to the effect that the institute
fund of another year be used for paying the
incidental exponies of the' next annual see-
Mon ' and for providing an instnietor fro m
abroad,abad, and for leettires. was discussed' and
passed. •
Report ar committee on election o 1 perma
nent cortiScates showed the following per
sena to he elected: A. D. Albert, Miss Hillis,
bliss Spalding, Eugene Thompson and Miss
hes S. Smith.
folhe report of Committee on. Necrology, as
lows waslidopted by a silent rising vote:
• WIMMUS, It has pleased the Divine Master
in His'wisdom to remove from our midst
during the past year, our esteemed friends
and fellow workers Emerson W. Vought.t
Edith Thompson. Marion E. Tears, Rath
Davis and Ida McNeal. Therefore,
Resolved, That their death, we have lost
five of our most efficient and successful
teachers, and their pupils earnest and faith
ful instructors.
Reiolved, That wo tender to the, bereaved
families our heartfelt condolence - the
severe affliction through which they aro com
pelled to pass.
Resolved, That the highest eulogy we can
bestow upon the deceased, is a determination
to emulate their virtues.
licz Mum,
A few words of parting advice wore then
given by Supt. Ryan; who Was briefly followed
by Judge" Morrow, cx-Sept.Ch'ubbrick and
Mr. Pitcher.
, The subject of school room orniinentation
was given hearing by Me. Albert.
Committee on resolutions report as follow/
Wzrugas. We, the :teachers' of Bradford
county; having again had the pleasure of;
meetidg in convention for instruction, it Is'
meet Gist we express our sentime4s by for
mal resolutions. Therefore,
Resolved, That we remember with gratitude
the blessings, health and prosperity, vouch
safed tif us daring the past year by a kind
omnipotent Giver.
Resolved, That we extend to the school
bosrd , of Towanda our hearty appreciation of
their kindness in 'freely placing at our dis
posal such a pleasant building for our ses
arel to the People of Towanda our
thanks for their kind entertainment.
Resolved, That weAtcognize our indebted
ness, to our instructors, and heartily thank
them for their kind efforts in our behalf• and
further, that we extend- to ex• Supt. Chub
buck:and those who entertained us with reci
tations, or songs our best. wishes, in recogni
tion of-their services.
Besolced, That - we ' tender to our officers
and all others Who have contributed to our
enjoyment, our acknowledgements.
Resolved, That as a merited tribute of res
pect we extend to County Superintendent
M. Ryan our thanks in appreciation of his
faithful efforts to elevate the ;standard of
education, and emphatically endorse his
course in giving effect to the spirit- of the
law regarding Institutes by holding them
while the schools are in session.'
ENKA LIME% - Coro.
Adopted as read.
Institute .adjourned by singing of long
metre doxology, at 11 o'clock p. m.
Married by the Bev: John M. King, at the
residence of the bride's parents, on Dec. 2.361,.
1881, Mr. Myril D. Andrews to Miss Matti() M.
Catxtp,.both of Canton, Pa.
The latest sensation at Grover is a new
Wank road loading from Wheelerville - to
Grover. The object of which is to - open up a
good thoroughfare for the lumber back on
the hills.
In the Evangelical church there was a
"Children's Meeting" on;Friday evening,
Dec. 20th, at cLich the Sunday school
scholars were 8 ealed in a . fitst-class manner.
The last Qnarterl meeting for canton
Circuit for the Year ending'Mich Ist, -- 1884
was- held in the. Evangelical church at Grover
on Dec. Ist, 1881 'and Jan. Ist, 1882.
Jan. 2d, 188!?7
Valuable Premium. -Kendall's Horse
This valuable Treaties on the Horse will be
given as a premium to every pre-paying Sub
,'scriber to to the ItzromacAll from And after
Tanuary 1. 1882.
TURNER—ENNLS—In Rome at Union Hotel, Nov.
3. 1831, by Rev. George W. Stone, Mr. C. E.
Turner, of Wyse:, to Mies.G. Ennis,' of
Standing Stone. •
BIBBINS-20ARDMAN—In Orwell at the home
of the bride, Deo. 1, 1881 ' by Rev. G. W. Stone
' Mr. banana Bibbina of Rome, to Miss Jennie
0., adopted daughter of Mr. and lire. D. 8.
. ,
BATES—ALDER—In Rome at the home of the
bride,Jan. 1,1882,0 y Rev. G. W. Stone,Nr. Adel
bert Bates, of Sugar Run, Pa., to Mill Lucy
Jane Alger.
, .
ROBINSON--SITELP—At residence of • bride's
father Doc. 29, 1881. by Rev. Cluirleill.Wright,
Mr. William B. Robinson, and Miss Alice A.
Shelp, both of Towanda, Pa. • 1 .
BULIBLACKMAN—At the home of the bride,
Dec. 29:1881, by R0v.'..1. Lloyd Jones, Mr, Wal
ter Bull, to Miss vie J. Blackman, all of Mon
toBton, Bradford county, Pa. _...
PARKS—VANCISE—At home, Jan. Ist. D 3132, by
Rev. S. B. Keeney. Mr. Edward L. l'arks, of
Rome, Pa.. to Miss Caddie VanCise, of Sheshe.
„ quirt, Bradford county, Pa.
MORSE--HOLCONH— It the *.lfolcomb House,"
Leßoy, on Thursday evening Dec. VA, by Elder
C. P. Wells, pastor°, the Church of Christ—
Disciples.llr. 111. 13, Morse and Miss Fannie G.
Holcomb, daughter of C. D. Holcomb,lboth of
PARK—At his residence in Monroe township, on
.Saturday morning, Dec. 91,1881, Mr. William
Park, aged 59 years. - . .
Corrected every Wetneediy
General Dealers in - GROCM=I AND PRODUCE,
Corner,of Main and Pine Street*.
Flour per barrel....
Flour per sack -
Buckwheat Flour, it 100.. ®3 80
. 1
Corti Meal
Chop Feed
Wheat, 11 bushel 1 350
g am . ; .. 8O
Corn. • " ' 750
Buckwheat, . 800 83
Oats. 1.. 43® 48
Beans, . 1 50®2 50
Potatoes, " •.4 1 00 0
Apples Green„ibushel.. 75® 80
Apple. Dried, lit lb 5
Peaches . . 12(415
Raspberries Dried V M.. _ ®2O
Blackberries .. .._
Pork. it •barrel
Rains, '74 lb— ..... ..
Lard, .......
Butter, in Tubs & Firkins.' 25@30
Butter, in Bons:— • 25®27
Eggs 'ZS@
Clover Seed bushel
Timothy seed bushel
Beeswax, .0 lb
Syracuse Salt VI barrel.
Michigan Salt
Ashton Salt
Onions. bushel.....
P.1;10)441)SO , ;#D-1:T:
Powella Co
to the purchase of our stock
days Trade,
us and every department of our business
now be found
As usual also at this season Of the year We.
have taken advantage of the Large Closing-Out
Sales and GREAT ,BARGAINS will be offered in
eVfry department
Ladie,s Dress Flannels
I )
Table, .Linens, 'Napkins,
PAIL• 10. B.ll=llol.
$7 000100
A large, stock of LADLES' and CHILDRENS'_ CLOAKINGS,
in all colors and different qualities,
in all colors and different.qnalities,
1 75
2100®24 00
® 15
• 15
5 0006 BO
3 15®3 40
2 75€03 00
oogi , oo
$[ y
We have given much time and attention
and are now receiving a MucH
BLACK CASHMERES 'at every price.
BLACK CASHMERES at every price.
COLORED CASHMERES in all colors and qualities.
COLORED CASHMERES in all colors and qualities.
Every Shade of Color in
Great Bargains Offered in
Towels and Toweling.
Towanda, Nov. 30,1881.
full and complete.
- -0-
and Domestic Stock
for the Holi-
is usual with