THE REPUBLICAN. JUDSON HOLCOMB, psoruncrons. 011,0. L. TRACY, JIIDSOX HOLCOMB. Bator. - - - - '"Reasonable taxes, honest &Tenth:* urn% coin petent o ffi cers, 'pod stealing. — Harper- Weekly. Elr Entered f the Post °Mee at Tomiada as t►EI'AND CLASS IATTER. THURSDAY,' lAN: 5, 1882. OVB cztrßaiwo Two POE 1892. We will furnish the Rzaimiseas with any:of the following named publications, from snd after January 1,1882, at The rates named be low, which includes the REPIIBLICAIN with the paper named: - New York Weekly Times, 12 45 Semi-Weekly Times, - 380 Weekly - II 1.00 Semi-Weekly ' " - 400 - New York Daily Tribune, • 10 75 • Pniladelphis Weekly Pre55,......,' ,. 250 Philadelphia Weekly Times ) , .. 280 Harper's Magazine, 4 60 Harper's Weekly, 4 75 Harper's Bazar, -' - 475 The Century Magazine (Scribner).. 4 75 St. Nicholas, 4 00 Popular Science Monthly, 5.50 - North American Review, - 550 American kgriculteriat, 9_60 . Atlantic Monthly, 4 75 Country Gentlemen,3 35 Rural New Yorker,- . ' - 885 Toledo Blade, . 275 Wide Awake, - B'6o Pansey - ' 200 Babyland, - . 1 90 Little Folks' Reader - . 210 Dembrest Monthly • ' 210 Godey's Lady's Book - 1 65, Peterson's Magazine,....... 1.. . ... 3 10 Scientific American,. Darlington Hawkeye,. . The Nursery, - The Farm and Garden... l .. .‘ Y Inth's Companion NEW BOOKS OPENED: -,3 At the close of the old year the old books were posted, closed,: and balances carried forward to the books opened for the new year. New re solves, and new ambition to achieve More in all the elonents of usefut ness in the year just entered upon than has been accomplished in the one just closed. Open: new books morally, and socially, as well as in a business capacity. While s , more business success is achieved, aim to do good in all other obligatians of life. -Do well ! Do your .bestl COUNTY FINANCES. We direct attention - to the com munication. of. Hon. B. Laporte, found in our columns this week, on • the subject the publication in 'detail of the annual receipb3 and expendi tures of the county. Mr. Laporte is . one of the largest tax payers in the county, and the suggestion he makes is timely, and if adopted by the county Aiiditors in submitting their annual report, will meet the approval of every tax pap! He quotes the law in relation t4:s\ tins subject, show ing clearly that the practice of pub lishing only the aggregates of ex penditures is not in compliance with the terms and spirit of the act of as sembly. We submit for the consid eration of the Commissioners and Auditors whether it is not their duty to :adopt the suggestions made by Mr. Laporte in making up and pub -C fishing their next and future annual reports of the financial condition of the county. Secretary. Blame, Judge Jere Black, Walt Whitman, Jefferson David ; Robert Tombs, General Joe Johnston and other public men equally famous, were among the contributors to The Philadelphia Weekly Prt as, - during the last year. The Press engages the pens of many of the ablest writers in the country: It .is sent to any address for one , year, with a splendid Map of Pennsylvania, for $1.50. • The Freeport Journal, Armstrong county, foists 'the name of Senator John M. Greer of that district for the nomination for Secretary of Internal Affairs. The Butler Eagle _ seconds the suggestion. Complimentary to Hon. ' - The Washington correspondent of the'New York Times says Mr. Elmer, who was appointed Second Assistant Postmaster 7 General_ by President - Garfield last spring, to succeed corrnp tionist Brady, has been a model officer. He has from the beginning, it says, been a most faithful assistant of Mr. James, and has carried out his policy, which has been 'simply the policy of honesty,' with rare'business. ability and experience. The departure of Mr. James will leave Mr. Elmer the only prominent officei of the department who hits taken a responsible and author itative part in the great work of prose enting_the Star route thieves, and re arranging and cutting down star mutes. The rumor that Elmer was about to I:* superseded by Filley, of St. Louis, thy: correspondent regarded as most alarming. But that is not to be, ,at least at present. It is not likely that those who are applauding Mr. Howe's appointment so loudly will be content to have Mr. Elmer remain, but he will probably be allowed to await the de velopment of the new Post-tam policy which Mr. Howe will put in force.- B uralo Express. There is not the least evidence 'or indication, so far as beet known, that the above rumors from the Tire cor respondent, have any foandatiou. On the contrary, Mr. Elmer, only recently, took his family to Washington for a peemauent residenee and there be intends to stay. —.ll2vaira Advertiser. And there President iLrthai intends to have him stay until this Star mute tonsiziess is thoroughly clamed 'lip, . alter which there will certainly be no occasion .tor his retirement.— Waverly .Advocate. The current news of theweek, sketches of prominent PennsylVanians, an. agricultural page, a puzzle corner, a review of the fashions, selected matter of interest are some of the features of The Philadelphia Weekly Press. $1.25 a yeir.. Send for a specimen copy, or join the club at your postoffiee mid get it for $1 a year. A WAY WITH .FACTION.i The Repnblicani who seek reforui— within the .paity are if:opened- .by a profound conviction that the Princi ples they advOcate are Vital to continu ed 'Republican anendancy.,. Thry firmly believe that in pursuing the coursethey have marked out they are are rendering the best possible service to the common cause. Nemen can be more impressed with the intportance of achieving *publican_ Success in this tate at the next election. Upon such a 'rest& may hinge the .control of the next - House of Representatives. Still imore important, it may decide the next Presidency and determine -whether the iqovernment shall remain in Republi can hands or pass under the dominion of the Democracy. The election of 1882 will to shape the contest of 1884; 1. ' With this understanding of its vital bearings, it would be assuming a very heavy responsibility to jeopardize Re publican success.. Any course, whether on the part of the Republican 'eiders or the Republican protestant calculat- ed to imperil the triurnph of the party would'be little short of criminal. The very object. the Reform Republicans aim at is to remove the conditions which involve a risk of disaster. They bave seen the irresiibleatepublican majorities of ten years ago dwindling -and fading away. 'They have seen the repeated outbreak of personal dictation. They have seen-forty thousand Repub licans, in spite of their own -appeal to fight the battle within the party, sul lenly refuse to follow:, the party flag, and vote an independent ticket as 'a protest against the , wrongs of manage ment. And seeing the breakers upon which these things ',are_ plunging the party, they, are making a brave, honest, earnest effort to save l it. There is, nothing of the spirit of faction in their course of their policy. On the contrary, they faithfully labor to unite and harmoni4e the party upon the one broad principle where all fnct- - 425 285 i• •.."r 2 6° t 2 (XI "2 15 ions and elements can sand together on. a faii and honorable platform. In stead of waging a proscriptive warfare against any indiyiduals or any class, they proclaim the plain doctrine of popular rule which places all Republi cans on an equal footing.. They only ask that an honest effort shall be, made to ascertain the real will of the Repub lican masses, and that, when it is as certained, all sides shall frankly accept and abide by it. It is tho . simple principle of the rule of the majority. They cannot disguise Man themselves or from the people , that there have been grave evils whichl'have excited public dissatisfaction and Which endanger the ' hold of the party upon thousands of good citizens who have no interest in politics beyond securing good govern- ment. But they tell the people that it is entirely practicable to : correct these wrongs within the party, and that it is as unnecessary as it would be unfortu nate to strike down the Republican flag to secure redress. The remetiy. is in their own hands. They have the power to accomplish a reform. Let them come out and exercise their right , in , the Republican primary assemblies, and their movement will be irresistable. The Reform Republicans earnestly seek to unite and harmonize the party on the basis of the equal rights of; all. Their effort is to save and not to. ;des trey, to build up and net to tear dOwn. If the - controlling manager of the party -will meet these purpoSes - in a . similar spirit, the future will be 4ecure. The Republicans who have recently issued an address to the people Want nothing but the establishment of `the people's rights. They demand that the Con- . vePtion shall fairly reflect public senti i • ment, and that its action shall repre sent the will of the Majority, antrwith such a result they will be content. Let the managers be equally free from .a narrow, factious, proscriptiVe spirit, and the pathway of success will he clear.—Phila. Press.. MM ni n n WrWrnrWIMWM . M WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.—T0 correct some misstatements regarding Secre tary Blaine's withdrawal - from the.: Cabinet, the following is furnished - fort publication: On the 22d of September, immedi-, ately after President Arthur had taken, the oath of office, a full meeting of 'the Cabinet was held in the Vice-President's rOOO4 when every member of the Cabi net tendered his resignation in writing. The Piesident said that - it would be agreeable to him to have the Cabinet remain in position until after the regu lar meeting of Congress. Three weeks afterwards Secretary Blaine addressed the following to the reoaia•nt! My dear Mr. President: When I put my resignation in your hands on the 22nd of September. you intimated I your — stishthat all the members of , the Cabinet should retain their places until the meeting of Congress in Decem ber, 'As Secretary Windom's expected return to the Senate may precipitate a vacancy in the Treasury Department in a few days, I have thought it alight also render an earlier reconstruction of our Cabinet desirable to yon. In that event I trust you will not be embarrass- Sad. at least as far as I am concerned by your previous assignment of data for withdrawaL It 'will be entirely agreeable to me to turn over the De- . partment to my successor -on any uay that will prove most desirable and con venient for yourself. I intended to say this to you yesterday, but from the pressure of things forgot it. , Very respectfully. JaxesO. Bps. Secretary Blaine. MENT FROM Tag .CABINET. In a personal interview following this letter, the President repeated the request that Secretiry. Blaine' remain until December. There was never at any tiiiia'the slightest misunderstanding between the President and Secretary Blaine about the latter's retirement, and their personal relations continue, as they always have been, entirely friendly and • cordial A Washiugton teregrasn of Saturday by the court. lassie persons are not last says: The oommittee au PP Oar- treated in this manner as responsible field Memorial Hospital have remiTiii Wino 09able of understanding the $ 4OO from the Khedive of E gyp t, nature of an oath. Finwelifin. through Consul-0011ml Wolf, who en peels further suhtniipticna to the Snow felt to the depth of ten Indus amount of $l,OOO, at Pittsburg -on Sunday last. WAVIINGTON LETTER. ' 'Dec $1;1881. The President returns to this city ; to=day, and sinl Monday will hold his . usual New Year's reception. It is ex. pected from. the different circumstances sarrounding the present inmate of the White House than those which attend ed the occupant of last year, that the New . Year's festivities will be of un- I usual . brilliancy. :In fact, since the ac cession of "a widower President, Waak ington secieei has a new interest in de vising -ways and mama - tit render it, self attractive, and to bring tto. this city from distant parts the most: beautiful and attractive belles. Washington abounds in' society men, sad olio in society women, but there has always been a dearth of recognized 'belles/here, whose beauty more than wealth entities them to the name.. So now, as qie winter gaities are about_ to commence, the influx of pretty girls into Wash ington from all parts of the country, bn ai visit to their dear forty-seeond cons in, or distantly removed par or a u nt, is at once a joy to our young meteand an- evidence , that the leading society matrons are laying the ijet to capture any one, raging from a President doWn to a first-class clerk. In the matter of dress; it has been 'commented by ex perienced observers, that the ladies never before dressed" so richly or be comingly as this winter. Meal skin sacques, fur-lined circulars, and the other expensive paraphernalia which Signalizes the reign of old Boreas, are , i,ts plentiful i n , the streets as the snow flakes which fell here yesterday, and as a r . consequence our society men are more than usually _ troubled by tailors', and gents' furnishing bills. However, all seem determined to have a good time, and those ivhe stand ofkand watch the sport, are prepared to enjoy rare sport in the crowded parlors, and to watch the parting together next spring of many here who came her apart. • i , There are several' important -ques tions relating to the financial interests of the country which are to come before the present Congress. The House is partly made .up of . new and untried members, whose op nions and views on flna:.ce are " unke wn to the ceuutty j generally, and ti rally this creates a feeling of solicitude among those class es to be most affected by financial leg islation. The question of renewing national bank charters for , another twenty years is one of more than ,usual interest, and about which a. wide diff erence of opinion is known to exist in Congress. It involves other questions of importance, or one mere, at least. The circulation of national banks .' based upon or secured by United States bonds. ' If the , present rate of taxation continues, other conditions remaining as' favorable, the national debt would probably be paid oft before the extended bank charters expired. This would bring the question to the vital point— shall the present rate of taxation be maintained or decreased,. and, if the latter; where shall the 'eduction be made; in the internal or custom re ceipts?., i The free-traders and revenue reformele favor a reduction of tariff i duties, while the protectionists prefer to see - the entire internal system of tax ation abolished rather than reduce ihe Attorney-General Brewster's letter to Col. George Bliss declares that the Star*oute cases 'are to be prosecuted in earnest. He ' wants the cases thor oughl7 and carefully prepared for pre sentation in court, and announces his purpose to take charge of them in per son there. The utmost penny lawlessly received and taken , from the public Treasury must be , recovered, he says. This sort ot-ialk by the 'Attorney- General does not indicate that the Government -has any disposition to " let up" in the pursuit of the Star Route robbers. • .2 Advices received at the Post ( dice Department from different sectio ns .of the conntpr—Washington Territory, Minnesota, Texas, lowa, New York, 'Kansas Indiana and the Northwestern States generally--reportian alarming spread of. smallpox. ,In'one in which the disease had made its appear ance in the famiiy of a poStmaster at Walla-Walla, Washington Territory, the postal authorities have directed the sureties to remove the office and effects. Before, this .could be done the sureties took smallppx and died. In many cases 'the mail from post offices of towns suffering from the diease will be quSrantined, and in some places the disease is so bad that mail matter from those points will ha stopped. The money-orders business of the east Office Department has increased to such proportions that the employees of that division, in order to keep , up with their work, have. been 'compelled to put in all their' holiday time at their desks. The money-order' syitem has been largely extended abroad by new connections with foreign governmenis, but aside from this, it is rapidly grow;: ing in the United States. , It is a some what surprising fact that money orders are used to a considerable 'extent for the transmission of money even between cities where banking facilities, ' are plenty. • Congress Will probably be asked for lan increase of .the clerical force of the - division to meet the grow in# demands of the system. It having been urged by some, before Judge Cox consented to place p.niteau in Abe dock, that to have punished him at any time for contempt of court would have been to decide in advance the question of his insanity, the point is made that by allowing the prisoner to appear as his own counsel, as well as by putting him on the stand and ad ministering to hint the oath as a wit ness, he was practically declared sane 0171TEAU 0 S , TRIAL. GIIITHAV IN THZ PINION= II VOCZ. t- For lack of space - Aie omitted last week, the - proceedings in the-Guitei)u trial. We give this week ,the most important incidents of the trial from Wednesday of last week, On_ that day Judge Niter for the prosecution, addressing the • Court said that the time bad come when in the name Of the American people, and on behalf of the government, in a Federal Court, he felt it his duty to demand that the pris- one; be remanded to the dock. Guiteau, (spitefully)- 4 0h! you do! You big-Mouthed Porter! The court officials-sitting behind the prisoner attempted to quiet him. He whirled around and snarled at ; one o htm: "Well, you mind your , busi ness, or I'll slap you in the mouth, you fool, you!" Judge Porter continued his remarks, and Guiteau shouted: 'Well, you bad better mind your business' Judge Porter--i That is my, business here, and your Honer, I must now insist upon my motion - of Satur day, that the prisoner be retrieved to the dock.' Mr. Paxidge believed that the time had come when every one. preserit was satisfied that the prisoner was perfectly sane and amenable to theeame rules as other prisoneri. In the case of General Sickles, tried in this court for murder, the Judge reus ed to deviate from the rule, although 'he was a distinguished laWyer arid a member of Congress; and he sat in the prisoner's dock during the trial. Mr. Scoville. said that he would as sent to any proposition deemed neces sary. No person suffered more, than he from the prisoner's behavior. Guiteau—'Well, it is because you are a jackass.r If I had decent counsel I'd not have any occasion for remarks. You are doing well enough on your theory, but your theory is altogether too narrow. You lavn't got brains enough for this case: COI-Reed denied that the prisonei's sanity had been established. He thought an admonition to the - prisoner from the Court would suffice. - 1 .r _ District Attorney Corkhill insisted upon the removal of the prisoner to the dock, and the removal from around hiin•of the policemen, who are attaches of the court, find that he be kept there with no other special protection than accorded to any other piisoner. ,\ Guitiou, trembling with finger or apprehension, shouted: 'You want •to shoot me, do you, Corkhill? You Can't convict me, so you want to g t me shot. Ydu might as well haOg me up [ ['outside and tell the mob to shoot at me. I tell , you that God Alo4ghty would curse you, sir, if I were Iput in that dock and shot, you miierable wretch!" • i Mr. Scoville, with much feeling, pro• tested against the proposition of the District Attorney, which could not be understood by any one as other than an invitation to all who heard it to• shoot the prisoner, if an Opportunity wa, of fered. After an impressive argument by Judge Porter, in which he repelled the reflection of the defence upon the Dis trict Attorney, Judge Cox stated that 110 certain measure to silence the pris oner could have been taken without abridging his constitutional rights; wher - cas, it has been deemed, and . he thought rightly, that "the prisoner's behavior and ..utterances would prove the 'best - means of determining his men tal condition. Judge. Cox then order ed the prisoner removed to the dock, • 4h . ch was done. I The prisoner, in the most insinup ring manner, pronilsed , to keep quiet, if allowed to remain with his counsel. Judge Cox replied: 'You, will g,o to the dock, because no reliance can be put nixm your pro mises.' Guiteau shouted. 'Then, I move, your Honor, that the our be cleared' * THE PRISONER IN THE DOCK. A passage was made through the crol t vd, and the ; prismier was finally seated:in the dook. 'I ain't affaid,' he shouted, 'to walk ;through the streets of Washington. God will protect me, as he has 1 done. Oh, I rather like this, your Honor. It give me a much better opportunity to see.' On Tuesday last the pr Boner was VIRTUALLY Kuzma, Fon ONCE. The prisoner undertook to read a let ter' as he claimed, from in old Mend of Presideni_Garfield : l in Ohio, showing that public opinion was making in his favor. Judge Cox ordered him to be silent. Guiteau- 1 4shows the state of pub ic opinion ontbide of the coot room.' Judge'Cox—'Be quiet. Public opin on has nothing to do with the case.' CluiteauL—'When I speak I speak to fifty millions of people. not to ,this little court.' Marshal Henry, (moving towards , the dook)—'Keep quiet, sir!' Ciuitean—'l've got through, sir,', The marshal whispered to a bailiff. The prisoner soon started another bar rangue. The bailiff put his band upin his shoulder and attempted, to quiet him. - Onitean- 2 13het away from me, of ru slap ynn in the month.' With this outburst hesubsided. The District-Attorney announced the conclusion of evidence nn the part of the government. soovues masts& When Mr. Cortbill announclod the elope of the testimony for the ' govern meiit to-day, Mr. Scoville stated that thO defence was somewhat taken by surprise by the government not calling as . sritneiusea persons in the employ . Of the government, who were in position to know more than any persons as to the mental state of the :prisoner at the time of the occurance. As they had not been produced, he desired an -op portunity to subpoina them. Mr. Burchard way one of the witnesses he; wished to examine. The defence will - file an efildiont ,in the morning stating the facts they ex:-, pect to prove. The prosecution will not object to the presentation of new facts, but will deadly oppose a' rehash of old , mottei ,- .•"*the conrk...4ontned Ouitcan declaraildsiril li naneas to let , • thecase golothe inl7--Iteen; - It iv pioblitdT, thug the mute ,will go to the; *idnrieg neXt, rift. =bum PINION CT= Tanz; NEW =Youg;4l4. I,:=The Tuition's London says': There is' increasing sever , ityn English criticism on : the aniteita trial.'„ =Englishmen for point.:to -Ins !ice Cox's m* u _not interfering with GuiMsuis: constitutional rights; that they do - not' , cover - what they think are autontlbe - most scan aloe incidentS of ihtittlal, stich-ww eft R Guilean to have newspapers, write and receive letters and issue-addresses. The secret of the success of The Philadelphia -Weekly Press lies in many things, '\ Vut notably in its com plete fulfillment of the needs of every member of the family circle. Ijt is not a newspaper only; it is a repository of current literature, and always *Sifting : something to , interest ladies and' child ren,"as well as the men of the bouse. Fos THE RII7I7IIIICAN. The Expenses of ,Pradford County. , As the tiro i for a yearly settlement i of our county affairs is near; . rind there has been a reat deal Of discussion I= recently in riference to the actual-con dition of the county finances, 'I would call attention to the law in reference to the publication of. an annual statement of the receipts and expenditures as follows " It sh4ll:be the duty of the commis sioners of each comity to publish annually, a week for four sucees• sive. Weeks in the inonth of February, a full and accurate statement of all receipts. and expenditures of the pre. ceeding year in one or ',more of the newspapers printed in the county. * *. * Such statement shall enumerate the respective sums paid"by each ward and township within the city and county, and also designate all sums- expended for the support of prisoners, the pay of each commissioner and of their clerk, the repair of old and the erection of new bridges, • * * together with T such other items as may have a tendency! to convey general information el the transactions of the preceeding year." During the term of the present ICom tuissionera the county has entered upon an era of extraordinary _expenditures, involving, debt and heavy taxation, and the taxpayers naturally evince more than-ordinary concern in reference to the management of county affairs. The people have the right to a full and clear annual statement in accordance with the spirit of the above quoted enactment, which will show clearly for What objects or purposes their money has been paid. For instance, what has the I.lwsuit with the Bridge Company cost ? How much was paid to attor neys in, that , case ? How much to witnetses, etc., etc ? . In reference to the Poor House, how much has been' paid during the year for construction ? How much for furnish ing? How much for farm labor? How much for supplies, etc? I simply put these 'few questions as a sample of what I think' an "annual i report should meet and reply to, in some detail, rather than in lump or aggregate statements that convey very little " information of the tiangfctions of the . preceding year." If former annual reports have not been as full - 9f particalars as would hayie- been desir able, and have tended to excite distrust rather than confidence in the minds of some people, why shall there not be a full and frank statement in the next annual report that shall not only disarm suspicions, but form a precedent forithe stinual reports of our county affairh' in the faiure. Thc history of county affairs in this 4nd adjoining States indicate that large expenditures, • like 'ours, leads to the formation of speculative rings for controlling such expenditure for private benefit, rather than the public' good. Such rings can only be successful where there is darkness and concealment.' They,cannot live in " the sunlight of publicity." Let U 3 know :where the money goes to,, and we Will try to pay i l our taxes cheerfully. _ ' - Tho War I Reminisc , -nces in . Th Philadelphia Weekly Press are full oT interest, not only to the young men wholiiiire grown to men's estate since the wai,but to old soldiers, on either side. To the latter, •reading these thrilling stories is like "shouldering their crutch and fighting their battles o'er." NEw Yonw, Jan.. 1. -,-The Times Washington special says: When ex- SecreStary Blaine atten led the Garfield obsequies here, he defined to Gov; Foster 'his position concerning the Re publican Pr esideutial nomination in 1884. He had no intention of making a einvaie for the position, but if the Convention should conclude+ that his name was the beet to fill ell the require; meets of the situation,. be should not refuse but would accept. He bad no intention of going into such a fight as he made in 1876 or 1880. 'The rumor of an understanding between ex-Senator Maine and Gov. Foster, touching a pos• Bible Presidential' ticket- composed of their names. bat no lona& talon. A distinggisbal gentleman, Mr. Charles E: Hodson, M. R. R. G. B. ? has Atlent a year in Te=as, and it will• gratifying to Americana to know that he' Hods that State one of the healthisi places in the !and, and regards life anti property 11p secnrithere as in England. Hr. Hodson lie' 'Written the London Times to coned statements detrimental to't mut. He declares that few States or Eountries present so many attractions to emigrants, and tells of a number of his own conntrymen who have grown rich'out of its abundant harvests. The New.:.. Yen Graphic's Wash ington special says: "J. Wilson Gait tests thinks that his brother will be hanged beforethe drat of February. He believes that thejnry have alreauy made up their minas. Re still belinivs brother insane." • B. LAPORTE. Ex-Secretary Blaine:_ - "taut tirmatrious of Won Nnzu Matt =Tires Retie, the min who : was Wait twist theyorman idinft and Jost both artna'und hisey alight, is still blown uPaighttf fq langinatieni 4e yester day told _Dr.. Webber thaV he feW he was getting is good deal better. Said be: "Mow I only am obliged to die once per night, whereas a few days :TOT had to be killed twice or three times night." What he meant was - that nightly it ap peared to him that the explosihn again occurred,and that he.was knocked tense ' leas : by: din flying fragments of rock. The doctor saps this is a thing that girei a-yniat, deal of trofible to all Pit dents - who have been • hurt by eaves or explosions. It often prevents them from sleepipg. No sooner do they be gin to doze . than the cave comes or the•explosion oectus, and they awake with a start and cry ont.—Virginia. Nev., Enterprise. Tbe increase of the circulation of the national banks during the past year was 18;264,000. -1 - Detective Miller, claims the Phila delphia Tinies, was reviarded $1,750 for convicting , the "jury fixers."' Minister Morton at Paris. tho Amer ican Epihange at Loutlon,aud the Amer ican Consul at Amsterdam, arc also receiviogliibscriptions. Tiirre were coined at the Philadel phia Mint during the past year, 5017,000, pieces of the .value of $6, 976,000. Mother Shipton prophesied that the world would come i to an end in 1881. However,_ .it did't; bat if it had, the. Tribune would have found consolation in tlie thought that the catastrophe would have put a stop to kl uiteau's everlasting talk'. • The cleting, exercises of the 'Caton Exposition took place on Saturday IBA and were largely attended. .Ad.lresses were . made by Director-Geueral Eimbaily 11. S. Senator Brown, Ggy. Colquitt and others; and a poem by Frank Norton of Newlrork. There was E,feat enthu niasm. The compensation of most of the postmasters in Utah is derived from com - missious oust lea of stomps. Where the postmasters are anti-Morm on; the peoph! i'Dolcott" o , em and go a-con sidembleidistanceto buy stamps of Mor mon postmasters. The Post Office De parment has found exidence of a great ,concerted actidn 'of this sort between the inhabitants on ono side and Mormon postinasters on the other. The latter. therefore, have been rotnJve3 anti-M..rmons pubstituted. -• 1,1 dt i a 0 Lucura. Blood Poisonings, Scrofulous Ulcers and Itching humors, Abscesses and Glandular Swellings. LEAD POISONING. Mr. Albert Kingsbury. Keene, N. H.. troubled with bad humor on hands. and neck, caused by lead poisoning. (He's a painter.) At times it world break out, crack open, and the skin seps rate from the flesh In large pieces, suffering great Continual itching and stinging, Furoluised your remedies; used Ctrracusa RESOLVENT internally, and Ctrraccaa and Caymans boar externally. and in less than three months effected a complete cure. and has not been Troubled since. Corroborated by Ballard & Foster'. Druggists. Keene, N. H. GREATEST ON EARTH. J. W. Adams. Newark, Ohio, says: "Creicuna. ,EZMIDIZA are the greatest medicines on earth Had the worst case of Salt abet= fa this county. My mother had It twenty years, and in fact died from ft; I believe Camelia would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head, were cov ered for three years, which nothing relieved or cored until I used the Curley - RA Ittsomser in ternally, and Ctrricuua and Cirricona Soap ex , lethally. PSORIASIS. . • IL E, Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. L. cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand ing, by the CIITICI7RA RIAOLTENT internally, and Cunctine -and Comma& Boer externally. The Imost Wonderful case" on record. Cure certined *to before a justice of thepeace and prominent citizens. All afflicted withrttching and scaly die mules should send to us for tbbytestizoonial in full. .1 • SALT RBEUM. • • Those who hare experienced the torments of Salt Rheum can appreciate the agon:, I endured for years. until cared by she Ctracusta RreoLV• larrinternally and Ccrrunrsa and curial:ma Soar externally. Mrs. Wlt PEIXINGTON. Sharon. Wis. CUTICURA • and Cuvremix Boar externally and Cirricriu, lizsor.vmat internally, will positively cure eery scles of Humor, from • Common Pimple to Scrofula. Price of antenna.. small bosom, 50c.; large bole', $l. Ormuz& Rzsovriarr, $1 per bottle., Curicmui Boar 25 cents. Cirriorma Baas = scup, 15 cents. Sold by all druggists Depot, WEEKS Aa POTTER, Boston, Mw. • CATARRH. Sanford'sßadical Curd, COMPLETE TREATMENT For $l.OO. SANFORD'S 'RADICAL CURS, CATARRHAL SOL Irr and Mr:tom) Isastsn, with specific di rections, may now be had of all druggists, eater wrapped in one package, for one dollar. .sk for SANFORD'S RADICAL CURL This economical and never-failing treat ment Instantly cleanses the nasal passages o putrid muontes, subdues infianamation when ::tending to the eye; ear and throat, restore the senses of smell, taste and hearing when ffocted, leaves the bead deoderized, clear and - open, the breath sweet, the breathing easy, nd every sense in a grateful and soothed con itlon. Internally administered it cleanses the entire mUcons system through the blood, which it purifies of the acid poison 'bray resent in Cabrrh. Recommended' by all Druggists. e eneral Agents, WEEKS & rorrFIL Boil on • R p,SOAr- EXTERMINATOR •• Barns. granaries and households o ft en ciesred - in a singlenight. Best and cheapest amain kilter In the world. No ail ure in thirty years. Every box warranted. Sold by W grocers and druggists. Ask for PAlt- PONS% Mailed for 2sc. by WEEKS & POTTF_II, Boston, Massachusetts. NATIONAL BUREAU Of INTENTIONS.: EVERY INVENTOR SHOULT, ENO* That ky the Rules of the Patent Office to procure PATENTS,' • Modals are not necessery =legit rpecdally called for.' Send drawing and specification, upon receipt of which we will make examination At the Patent Office; and advise as to patentability. TEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. Send foi Psurnzaw of burrancnoss. free to any address. HALSTEA hingDton A CO D. Was, D. C. Pablukers of De Congreuional Reporter. . January, A. 1882.—tf .AGFITZTTIS" WANTED for the . fine large Steel Portrait of GARFIELD. fa Line and Stipple &inn i PheiollrePh elproved by ides. Garfield se *correct likeness. assomitrz. was es Arr. No eorspetiuon Sus 1801. Send for circulars and extra term. Tbe Dairy Sill Pabilskieg Norwich. Conn. Jan.-5, 11:42.--41w CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S. CANCER MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. 4 WONOREDS OP PERSONS from sU parts of the world bare been Cured of this much dreaded disease and are sow lilting witnesses that they hats been rescued from a terrible and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Pree. Write tbilirO. ra CI V l :Eng fall psiticullui. Adfilreu Des. Bliagrx, Addison. N: T. I.3o,lyr.OPßaco. Leial Advertisements. NOTIOE OP PARTITION. , etwrs PiannvAita—Com: o 1 ftettrow. To • . To E. W. Burdick. node Burdick, Imo Burdick, Jonathan 'Burdick. Anne' Burdick Pool, Olive Crandall Eleanor Hydorn, Wesley Burdick, Jas. Buroick, Jost, E4ward, William and Wallace - Burdick. L. S. Burdick. D. W. Burdick; J. N. Burdick, L. N. Burflict. Eleanor West, Cinde. rUlaMattl.on,Zllahala Drea,and Adalaine Daniels. E. B. Howard, George W. Howard, MariaTilley, Nary 1: Snyder, E. A. Howard, Eunice Odell, 'lanai S. Howard, and Adelbeit T. Burdick. Huth Burdick. 'Jana Black/ton; Clara Scrivins. - Prank Burdick, andlbiarollue Burdick; widow and heirs. of Daniel ft,.,e'dick, dooma d. late of Albany in aald counft and such other heirs as are not named. • • 1 Whereas. at an rlrphateit Court held at Tome dein and for said , County of Bradford, the 1• th day of December. A. D. ma. before the Hon. P, D. Morrow. President - 413dgC _Of the said Goat. In the ,matter of - • the Mate of Daniel Burdick, deceased.- The petition of: ZIP& •W. Burdick, brotherof Daniel Burdick, late of the Township Of Albany in mid gaiety was priaented, setting forth'that the aid Daniel SUMO Mediate 01 the day of November. A. D.. 1880, . intestate. Ileaving to Survive him a widow. Rhoda Burdick, but no children, or lane of any kind, nor father. nor mother.lant three brothers, Issas Burdick. of Mallon, in the : State of New- York; =Jab W. Burdick. of Albany Township. County of Brad ford ' Penns .. Jonathan'. Burdick. of Grafton, la the State_ of, New York, and three sisters. —Anna Busdick Pool, of West Pittsfield, in the State of, Itassaahusetts;Olite Crandall, of Terry Town. ship. county of Bradford. Penna.; Eleanor Hy dote, of admen, in the [data of • Pennsylvania. and the children and heirs Of four deceased brothers and sisters, as follows, to wit: Wesley Burdick and James Burdick. children of Wet-' thew Burdick. deceased. and brother' of said ''Daniel Burdick, of Cambridge, in the State of New York. and Joel Burdick. Edward Burdick. William Burdick, and Wallace Burdick, children, land heirs of Aaron Burdick, deceased, and broth er of said Daniel Burdick, of the c'ty of Troy. in the State of New York, and L. 9. Burdick, D. W, Burdick',J. N. Burdick,- ,L. N. Burdick, 'Manor West, Cinderilla Mattison; Metals Ivesoatul,Ads !eine Daniels, children and heirs 'of Leonard Bturdielt; and that they, your petitioner. is in formed; live in the city of New eorit i and in the' vicinity of said city in -the State o New York, and Eitieh B. Howard, dleo. W. Howard, both in the State of New York; Maria Tilley. Vail I. Snyder, E. A. Howard, of Graften, in the State of New York, Eunice Odell end Israel S. HowardAof Petersburg, in the State 'of New York. elands* , of Sibyl Howard. deceased, Resister of said Baia Burdick and Adelbert T. B • '14.110k. and atilt Due dick, Of the city of Troy, in the State of New York; ,Jsue Macksow. or Grafton; and'Chars Scrhint, of the city of New York, in the State'of New York; and Frank Burdick, of Litany Town ship. in the State of Pennsylvania, children; and heirs of J. T. Burdick, late of Albany Towable. deceased, brother of said Daniel Burdicki de ceased. That there may be , other nieces and nephews of deceased brothers and sisters , un known to your petitioners. That Stephert D, Sterigere was appointed administrator of the estate of said decedent. That there are Four Thousand - Four Hundred and Ninety-One Dollars and Seventy-five cents of personal to property be longing said estate, as shown by the inven ry hnd appraisement. That the debt. of said ide , 'Ceilent• *lll net exceed Two Hundred Dollars, and'are Only such as were contracted end alas from his last sickness-aim death. That theist:l I)aniel Burdick died seized in his own deraire as 'or 'fee of and in three certain pieces of and situate In Albany township, Bradford counteand titan of Pennsylvania—bounded and dese:lbed as Tollotis: Beginning at a corner on the line of William Bahr in the centre of the road running from ,Towanda to Onshore. Thence along said road south, seventy-one degrees fifteen minutes. east twenty-four perches and seven links to a corner. Thence south fifty-eight degrees and tarty-eight minutes,nineteen perches to a corner in the middle of said road.' Thence_ along line of Robert Mclntosh south thirty-ninedegrees and I forty-five met utes, west forty-e•ght perches to a.' corner in the middle of the old turnpike. Thence along the line of a. B. Stevie° -e north eighty-five degrees. west fifty-two perches to a corder. , Thence along the line of William Bahr north l l thirty-two degrees and forty-five minutes, west sixty-nine perches to the place of beginning. Containing sixteen acres and one hundred ,and fifteen perches. (D. B. 131 p. 199.) Also a certain piece or parcel of land situated in the same ;lace. Beginning at the Joint corner of Arunab La is,- Asa Larabee and. Z. P. Corson. and running thence south thirty and thee-fourth degrees, west one hundred and fifty perchei to "a post. Thence north thirty and three•fourth degrees, east sixty-five perches 1) a post. Thence senth eighty-eight and one-half - degrees east Forty-two perches to,a post. Thence north thirty and .I.hree-fourth degrees east, sixty-aeven perches and etghteen links to a post. Thence north sixty-two degrees west one and one-hall perches to a post.. Thence northerly one and ono-half degrees Put thretiperches and seven links to a post. Thence south sixty-two degrees, east one and one-half perches to a' post. Thence north thirty and three-fourths degrees, cast eighteen perches to a 'post. Thence south eighty-eight• and oue-half degrees, east thirty perches to the place of beginning. Coutaining •forty-three acre" arid one hundred arid - twenty-nine perches. (O 897 p 155.) Also, one other piece or parcel of land. Beginning eta stake corner in the lino of the land of Herrick Wilcox; Thence along' Vie line of the laud of F.dward Esteli north tbitti• degrees and forty-Ave mieutes,east one hundred and thirty-four an, five tenth perches to a cor ser in the lands of Thomas Larabee. Thence along the same south eighty-eight degreelt and forty-five minutes east sixty-one pen lies to a corner in the line of Lands of Z. P. Corson. Thane- along the same south thirty degrees and forty-live minutes,west one hundred and thirty four and one-half perches to a' corner. Thence along the line of lands of Hannah' Wilcox iouth eighty-eigat, degrees forty-five minutes, west misty-otie perches to the place of begiening. Containing about forty-seven scree. (I) l 5 13' p 1.) Together with the appurtenances on the above described pieces of lan That adenoid by virtue if the intestate- laws of thiecommonwealth,to the taldßhoda Burdick. widow aforesaid; It belong. to have a one-half part of said real estate for and during the time of her natural life. , That to the aforesaid E. W. Burdick. Isaac Burdick, Jonathan Batlike, Anna Pod, Olive Crandall, Eleanor Hydorn, each be longs. one-eleventh of the whole of said land, and the share of said Matthew Burdick. deceased,' which is onreeleventh part, belongs to the said Wesley Burdick and James Burdick, his children, and the share of said Aaron Burdick, which is one-eleventh. belongs to J. T. Burdick, Edward Burdick, William Burdick, and Wallies Burdick; sons and children of said Aaron Burdick,. de ceased. The share of Leonara Burdick, deceased, .which is ono-eleventh part,,belongs to L. 8. Burdick. D. W. Burdick, J. N. Burdick. L. N. Burdick, Eleancr West. Clnderilla Mattison, Mabala Ives, and Adel/tine Daniels, chil dren ad heirs of said Leonard Burdick. de ceased., That the share of said Sibyl Howard, do ceased, which is one-eleventh part, belongs to Elijah B. Howard, Oeo. W. Howard. Maria Tilley. Mary 8. Snyder, E. A. Howard, Eunice Odell, Is rael B. Howard, children and heirs of the said Sibyl Howard, deceased. That the share of the said J. T. Burdick,deceased.late of Albany, which is the one-eleventh part, belongs to Caroline E, Burdick, wile of said J. T. Burdick, except one. fifth of said share which belongs to Jane Mack son, of Grafton. N. Y. The rest and residue of said share having been conveyed to said Caro line IC Burdick aforesaid, by the children and heirs of said J. T. Bur dick. , No partition of said real estate having been had, the petitioner prays the Court to award an inquest to male partition of thri same to and among the aforesaid parties according to their respective rights, and where upon the said Court on 'duo proof and consider stfon of premises award an inquest for the pur posenforessid, And the Court do• farther order that service of notice of the time of holding laid inquest to be held by, the Sheriff, obeli be given to all parties named in the foregoing petition. residing out of tho county of 'Bradford, and on all' persons not named therein who have an in terest in said "estate, if. any there be, by publica tion in the tinarerotai fterrueraces, a weekly newspaper. pubtlebed at said county of Bradford. for three successi.e issues of said paper,' prior to holding 'the 'same, naming the titne and place of holding said inquests, and the Sheriff shall mail to the post-office address of each of said persons a copy of each of the said three issues of said paper as they shall issue prior to the holding or said inquests. . We therefore command .you that taking with you six good and lawful men of ,your bailiwick you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there In the presence of the parlies afuresald by you to be warned, if upon being warned they will be present, and having respect to the true valuation thereof and upon the oaths and affirm ations of the eaid• six good and lawful men you make partition to and among the heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate in ranch manner and in such proportion as by the laws of this . commonwealth le directed, if the same' can be so parted and divided without prejucice to or spoiling the whole, and if such partition can-not be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. that then you cause the said inquest to inquire and ascertain whether the same will conveniently accommodate more ,than one of the said heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate without or spoiling the whole, and if so how malty it will as aforesaid ac commodate, describing each part by metes and bounds an d returning a j sat valuation of the same. But if the said inquest by you to be sum m feeds.- aforesaid, to make the said partition or valuation shall be of opinion that the. prem ises with the appurtenance* cannot be so parted and divided as to accommodate more than one of the said heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate, that thou you cause the inquest to value the whole of the said real estate. with the appurtenances. having respect to the true valuation thereof agreeably to law, and that the partition or valuation so made you disti n ctly and openly have before our said Judge at Towan da, at an Orphan's Court there to be held on the regular day of sessions thereof after such in quest shall be made under your hand and seal and under the bands and seals of those by whose oaths or affirmations you shall make such parti tion ot valuation and lave you then and there this writ Witness. • P. D. MORROW, President of our said court,at Towanda aforesaid, the 16th day et December, A. D„ 1881. A( C. FBIBIIIE, Clerk of the Orphan's Court. • RATS, NICE, Roaches, Water Btuta and Red and Black Ants eat ravenonaly PARSONS'S EXTER MINATOR and die; No fear of bad amrlla. In conformity with the above order 'I hereby give notice to the above named heirs and all oth. er persons interested, that an inquest will be held on ':the above estate, on the premises, on Wednesday, January 26th,A. D. 41532, at 10 o'clock • st. • _ ' WM. T. HORTON. Sheriff. Towanda, January 2 1882.--3 w Estate of Oeorge,WUliams, deceased. late of the township of Terry, Bradford county, Penna. ' Letters testamentary-under the hat will and testament of the above named . decedent, having been granted by * the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, von tip estate above named,to the un dersigned. notice Is therefore hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment, and must p r es e n t having claims against the same must present them duly authenticated for settlement to me 13k1WEL H. DILLIA3IButor. New Era, PS.. Deo, 9,1881. Estate of R. S. Barns, deceased, late of Rome township,-Bradford county, Penna. Letters testamentary under the last will and testament of the decedent above named having been granted to the undersigned out . of the Or. phan's Court of Bradford county upon the above eases, notice is therefore hereby airS that all , persons' indebted thereto Elul mate immediate payment, spd all parlous haring claims against ge 1 4 1111 1Prollent the tante duly authenti ted Mr settlement to me. , NAILIttEP PARSE, Executrix. HOMO. Pa., Dee. 21, 18817-431, 1 : Ditillati):4l4lllo(44 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Legal Adverthtethfrit:. - NOTICE OF PARTITION BRADFORD COUNTY, 114.' TAs Coineoptgifftle 05' A SEA. re She Jlipii alteriff of fits :County Ara4fordr,- Greding: • Wheresi, at an Orphans'. Court, held at To wands, and far the - county of Bradf, the six teenth. day ot December, is the year of our Lord one thousand-eight hundred and eighty.oneebe f"re the, Hon. P. D. Morrow, President Judge of S he sai l-H Court. In the matter ot he estate of emueulett, deceased. The peti t tion of John Hulett, a son of Samuel Hulett, late of the down ehip;of Athens in the county of Bradford and [Matelot Pennsylvania, deceased, was presented. setting forth that the said Samuel Hulett died on or about the twelfth day el July, 1863, testate, having firstiiiade and executed his last will and j testament, which last will was duly admitted to Probst° off Register of - In Sad for the comity dford on the fifteenth day of August, 1863. net the said decedent left cur. viving him his wife. Hannah Hulett, five sons, 'Nehemiah Hulett, residing in Athens Itownship, Joel Hulett, Samuel Hulett. 'Jr., and Batas Ring Hulett. also residing in the Towne ship of Athens, John Hulett,- residing the town of Barton, Tiop county and State of New York, and-Cyrus Hulett,' grandson, son of Peter Hulett, deceased. That said Cyrus Hulett has ; since died , ieseing a 'widow, Huth E. Hulett, Jos. B. Hulett, a son over 21 years of age, and Cos a M. Hulett, a daughter. a minor, to survive him. That said decedent. Samuel - Hulett, died seize d in fee of the following pieces or parcels of land lying and being In tue township of Athens, in the county of Bradford and State of Pennsylve rna. The first piece bounded and described as follows: Belne th piece conveyed to said Sam uel Hale tt by John at Shepard and wife by deed dated Sept. 2, 1826, and therein described as fol. lows: Beginning at a white oak tree - on the bank of the Susquehanna river, being the southwest- - ee; corner of Edward Herrick's lot; nlng. south 35 degrees west down, said river seven perches; thence south 32 degrees 15 min. west fifty-one and four-tenths perches to a cot. nes on the bank of said river; thence east ninety and two tenths perches to a post on Zeption Ilowers iimthwesterly line; thence by Said Flowers and Herrick north 30 deeps west eighty-five and 'two-tenths perches to the plate ofibeginning. containing twenty scree and nine- , teen perches, with allowance of six per cent for roads, etc. Excepting and reserving therefrom the following described piece which said Samuel Hulett tad previously conveyed to the heirs of Simnel Hulett and Hannah Hulett ; Beginning at • stake Jat the north 4iestermost of the lot: thence south 493 degrees east 75 feet to a stake;' 'hone south 27 degrees west 37 - fest to a stake; thence' north 49M legs. -west 76 feet toe stake ; thence north 27 degrees east 37 feet to the place of beginning, containing one-si x teenth of an acre, to be used as a family burying ground. The second piece adjoining the above described lot on the northeast, off what is known as the Flowers lot, bounded thus: Beginning at a black oak tree the south west corner ot E. Herrick's laud; thence south 28 degrees 24 minutes east 52 rods; thence Meng a private road south 67 degrees west 30 940 rods to a black oak; thence south 64 Si degrees west . 19 340 rods to an angle 63,00 southwest of a white oak tree; .thence south 35 degrees west 12 rods to a stake in the west line of the Flowers lot, being 1 rod south, 30' degrees east of Joel Hulett's lot corner; thence _on the southwest line of the Flowers lot to a white oak tree corner; thence (as the (teed calls for). north 60 degrees east 633 i rods to the beginning, containing 22 acres and 73 perches of land. .That said will of the said katattel Hulett admitted to probate's aforesaid, contained inter alit. the following: Second. I give, devise and bequeath to my be loved wife, Hannah Hulett, the use, improve ment and income of my dwelling house and its appurtenances with the lot or farm thereunto attached which is described in a deed from John - and Deborah Shepard, being dated .Sept. 2, 1526; also another lot adjoining on the northeast. off what is known as 'the Flowers lot, bounded thus: Beginning at a black oak tree the south east corner of E. Herrick' land; thence south 28 degrees 24 minutes east 52 rods; thence along a private reed son .h 67 degrees west 30 9-10 rods toe black oak tree; thence south 61:4 degrees west 19 3-10 to an angle 55-100 southwest of an white cak tree; thence south 35 degrees *wit 22 rods to a stake in the west line of the Flowen lot, being I rod south 30 degrees east of Joel Hulett@ lot, corner; thence on the southwest line of the Flowers lot to • white oak tree coiner; thence as the deed calls for, north GO degrees east 6y, rods to the beginning, containing 22 acres and 73 perches of land, to have and to hold the said land and its appurtenances to her for and during her remaining my widhw, and then and after her decease (I she remsone inch during her natural life) I will and bequeath the same property as above stated to be equally divided between my eons Nehemiah Hulett, .lash Hulett, eamnel Hulett, Jr., Burns King Hulett, John Hulett and Cyrus Hulett, in; grandson, by my son Peter Hulett; the division to be agreed upon between my said sons and grandson, or the property sold and the- proceeds thereof divided equally as aforesaid." That on or about ttie 23rd day of October, 1879, the said Hannah Hulett, widow and devisee of said 'decedent, Samuel Hulett, died, having occupied and enjoyed and 1 ft said described, premises, in accordance with the provisions of pid will as, hereinbefire set forth. That no partition or valuation of said real estate having been made, your petitioner eequeste the Honorable Court to-award an in. - quest to make partition of the prenti , es afer— satito and among the above named heirs and advisees in said will mentioned; and their leksl representatives in such4manner and in such proportion as by the said will and. -the laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if such parti tion can be made without prejudice to or spoil-. inn the whole; but if ouch partition cannot be made thereof' then to value and appraise the same, and to make return of their proceedings according to law, and whereupon the said Court on due proof and coneiders tion of tblipremisee awarded an inquest for the purposes aforesaid, We therefor., command you, that taking with' you air. good and lawful men of your bailiwick, y"u go to and upon 'the promisee aforesaid and , there in the presence of the parties aforeatild by you te be warned, if upon being warned they will be present and have respect to the true val.,' nation thereof, and upon the oaths and alllrtha. l tions-of the said six good and lawful men you make partition to and among the heirs and legal 1 representatives of the said estate In ouch men• ner and in such proportions as by the laws of ' this Commonwealth is directed, if the same can be so partedand divided wit:Lout prejudice to or spoiling the whole, and if such partition cannot bo made thereof without prejudice to or sp ing3he whole that then you cause the said in quest to inquire and ascertain whether the same will conveniently accommodate more than one of the said neirs and legal representatives of the said estate without prejudice to or spoil ing the whole, and if so how many ie will as aforesaid accommodate, describing each part by metes-and bounds and returning a lust valuation of the same. But if the said inquest by you to be summoned as aforesaid, to make the said par tition sr valuation shall be of opinion that the premises with the appurtenances cannot be so parted and divided as to iteconasnodate more than one of the said heirs and legal represenbitivel of the said testate that then you cause the.inquest to value the whole of said real estate with the ap purtenances having respect to the true valuation thereof agreeably to law. And that the partition or valuation so made you distinctly and openly have before said Judge at Towanda at an Or phans Court, there to be held 'On the regular day of sessions thereof after such inquest shall be made under your 'hand . and seal and under the hands and seals of those by whose oaths or affirmations you shall make such partition or valuation, and have you then and • there this writ. Witness, P. D. Morrow. Prealdent of our said Court. et Towanda aforesaid, the 16th day of December, A. D. 1881. A. C. FaD3BIE. Clerk of tho Orphan's Court. In conformity with. the above order. I hereby give notice to the above named helm and all other persons interested, that an inquest will be held on the above estate, or the premises, on t 27th day of Jarman', A. D. 102, at 9 oxlaca, a. at:. 1Y114.431 T. HORTON, 11heriff, Towapds, January 2, 109. I DISSOLUTION NOTICE. . Towanda, Pa., Dec. 27th, 1881. The firm of Patch S Tracy is this day dissolved by mutual conaent-r-U. Pauli retiring.. All book accounts to be settled by W. 0. I racy. H PATcH. _‘7". W. G. TAACY. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Phebo La rrabee, dive:ailed, late of the township of Albany, Bradford county, Ps. Letters testamentary under the last will and testament of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate above named, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the same, arca°. titled to present them duly authenticated for settlement to me. JAMES TERRY,. Executor. i , New Albany, 'Nov. 28, 1£01..--8w EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George 'Gordon, deceased, late of the township of Asylum, Bradford county. Penna. Letters testamentary under the last will and testament of the above named decedent having been issued out the Orphan's Court of Bradford county to the undersigned upon _the estate above named, notice is theretore hereby , given that all persons indedtod to said estate, must make bit• mediate payment, and all persons having claims against the same, unlit present them duly anthem. Mated for settlement to me. B. LAPORTE, Executor Asylum, Pa., Dec. 6,3861.-6 w, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. I . C. W. et B. W. Middleton, In the Court of Ili ' - Common Pleas of Johnson Manufaetu singe° Bradford. No. 733 Sept. Term,lBBl,. The undersigned, an auditor appointed - b7 the Court to distribute the money in the Sheriff's hands raised from' the sale of the defendants personal property, hereby give* notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment et the once of McPherson and Young, in Towanda Borough, on Saturday the 14th day of January, 1882, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all per sons having claims upon said fund, must tpresent the same for allowance, or be forever barred from coming in upon the same. - W.J. !own), Auditor, Towanda. Dec. 10, 1881.--iir • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE., Estate, of Noble Leivenworth, deceased, late of Herrick, Bradford county, Pennsylvania. _ • Letters testamentary under the last trill and testament of the above named decedent, having been issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad. ford county td the undersigned upon the sforr. said estate,, notice is therefore hereby given that all persons indebted thereto must make imme. Mate payment, and all persons having claims against the same mast present them duly authen: limited for settlement to me. P. 8. ERIIIRES, Executor, Berllsk, Psi, Dec. 19, 1881.--ew P. O. address, Itummertield Creek, Pa, STOOKIIOLDERE MEETING.. Th• annual meeting of the fitockholders of the PIM National Rank, of Towanda, Pa., for the election of Direetors. and . Tor the transaction of any other baldness that may be brought before it, will be held at the °glee of the Bank in the oorough of Towanda, :on TUIRDAY. JANUARY 10th, 1882, between the:hours of 1 and 9; p. N. N. airrra, Cashier. Doc. 6,1681. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, EstaM qiunasytts, &reseed, late otthe JD of . Albartl,lltadtord counti, Penns. - In pursuance of an order issued out of the mien Court of Brsdford County. I will erpee,, at public sale on the premises of the decedent l a the tolerably of Albany aforesaid on liat.rder . • - January 21st, 111 1 12, st 1 o'clock, p. m., the folios ; fug described reel estate. to wit:. AU that ta t , or peered of land situate. lying and being in the townshi l p u rf Albany. in the county of Bradtem an d State of Penitsylvatils, and bounded and de- - scribed follows, vis; Beginning ee tb„ ort ,,r east corner of 'other lands of Aludra Lee, th ee ; — nortls , foit7-one rods and three-tenths to gl o b. • aM Le" latidJ thence west twenty-foor perch es to the south -wait corner of said Lee's a nd, north fourteen perches toe corner, thence te at twenty-four perches. thence north twelve end nine-tenths of a perch to a hemlock ein nn thence weetthirty-lire and four-tenths per to the northeast corner of the Joseph U. l thence south twenty-four perches to a com er. tAence west twenty and al2-tenths perch!. t. tenthsts lot, thence south two and thr ee . perches to Sale White& - aoutb.West CON net, thence west twenty-one perches to a corner in centre of road leading from Evergreen t o . North :Street; thence south along said road twelve perthas to a corner in centre of the public patio thenos w i singty perches to the pine a of beginning. C twentyacres and sixty. four panties. Mart or lees, aU improved, ge , buildings, with an apple orchard thereon; Texas or SALC-02.11 hundred dollars on the -property being struck down; one-third of bet. ince on final colifirmation, and the balance in one and two jests, in annual payment. *la in. tercet from date of confirmation, to be Btetlie by judgment or inottagit. BETSEY ALWIRA LEE, AdministratriL Flew Albany; Des-43:188L-4w AGItIOULTURAL - INEAOMAY R.D1.8 ELLES, TOWANDA, PA, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER, 1= AUBURN FARM WAGONS. Thew Farm sad Lumber Wagons are, without doubt, the very best wagons now in the market. The manufacturers of the Auburn Wagons are making every effort to make the very best wagon possible; and with such sureness. that' they en and do make $ better Farm and Lumber- Wien than any wagon-maker can Make who ha& not ths• unequalled facilities possessed by thee, D. Clan Wagon CO. No wagon-maker in Northern Yen sylvanla can make as good a wagon in all re, 'poets. I refer particularly to the wheels and axles. Nothing but first aisle timber, thoroughly seasoned, is used, and the woods of the entire running gears are soaked in boiled linseed ell And thoroughly dried before being painted. No: malleable irons are used. The Wagon Company has its own - rolling mill arid makes its own re. fined iron, and that of the very blest quality. Mr. Clapp, the President of the Wagon c o r e . pang, and an old wagon-maker of very high rep utation, a feW days ago said to me: ••IJ,oe would• exert ourselves to Lle utmost to stake a better swages, we could sot do . I invite all farmers and others needing in wagons to 01&121Ile Atte Auburn Wagon Delon buy lag any other. Try the wagon sad pot& •til be convinced that I do not claim too ranch for it. Come and see the wagons or send for clrcal►s and prices. FINE SWELLED BODY CUTTERS, • -, • - • 1 41 0.,% 1 : ,nry_. iI w g A I r4ll !Wei / am prepared to supply as very low Pricei best and most finely equipped cutter•sleighs in the market—all well trimmed and famished, and with either - steel ,or east shoes, as may b. prefereell: Cutters delivered crated at any Railroad ste. tion at same prices as sold at by me at my wars touse. Special inducements to buyers early in the season. Cutters supplied trimmed and tar nished to order. FODDER CUTTERS. Ross Cummings hey. Strew, and Stalk Cutts n of any desired size. These are the very but Feed Cutters and lave acquired a high repots. .tion for the past twenty-five years. For isle also ,1 Gale's Lever Cutters, Lion Cutters, and Baldwin Safety Fly Wheel Feed Cutters. . . Pars:sere should cut all bay, straw and sta lks All bedding for stock should be cut. CORN BRELLERS. For isle, the Celebrated Cornell Shellere, Hock ing Valley, Clinton, BornlJ;and other excellent Sheller', at low. prices. _ Platform Wagons, Boggles, &c. Wagons in variety of best and reliable *starve Aliwagons warranted to be as representrAl, - . E. W4 1 44,D. Towanda, Dec. lit , 1881.—tf NEW FIRM I NEW. STORE _1! NEW GOODS t Ed. Mouillesseaux, IFormerl? iriAh Elendelican,) HAS" OPENED A Jewelry Stora OP 11113 OWN. IN PATTON'S BLOCK With Swats 43.; Gorden's Store, Main Striet, Towanda, Pa., Where he keeps a FULL AS:3OIk,,IIENT OT Gold& Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, JEWELRY,: SPECTACLES, ETC air Hla Stook is all NEW and of the 1 , 13121 QUALITY. Call and see for yourself.. ' REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY: derl6- A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOK -BINDER Dealer - to Scroll Saw ac:ds. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Books. MY SPECIALTY. . Amateur's Supplies.. This department of my business'is Taff corn plata. and Was a practical sawyer myielf 1 Wm Um wants of my potions. WOODS. SAW BLADES. • CLOCK MOVESIMiTd. *C. colmitanSY on hand. J $1.25 worth of &NOP+ for SI. Bend•fot pries lists. " REPOATKR" BOWERY. Park street. Towsnds. P. O. box 1512 THE - POPULAR CORNER GEO. L. ROSS, list filled uP the old 110NTANYE STORE vitb , s toll sad complete stock Of FRa4ll GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PIIIOES AS LOW AS TUE LOWEST. ,r MU here for your Groceries. After you go : prices at Roes' it will be of no use to tr 7 where for his 'prices are down to rock bottool• Varnierii eau get the tiop of the market Gm. L. Ross'. All kinds o d e Produce taken ev change ro - r goods or for cash. • $6 es week to your own town. Is O ,L n . tree. I t risk. Rvei7thisg lull! _..,.. ' hal riot required, - We will now youevsrythiug. Miley sil uollint gertun". ladles make as tancil, man, sad Up and girls make great Pal.. aw e; U yor Want a blatassa_ at watch you ain maw great pay all the thus you wo write for Wan to H. 114zurer ik Co., to rt hcd, ii , """ DOC 15-Iyr • AND