THE cm:mil - As CITIZEN. (Coln=Ep TIME shall be ruled. It is pretty well settled that the country will; be ruled by parties. There has no otherj; method yet been devised that has kerne - any good fruits. This has the ad tags of • not having been devised by a y man for the accom plishment of hie own purpose, but grew out of the necessities of the great ez?eriment which was being wrought on American Soil, and was perfected by the free action of the popular mind. Parties haie ruled and'aill role. There is no other. method by which a free people can ' govern, themselves—by which the /rip of a majority can be ascertained and effectuated. A ques tion of prime importance now, is how the party itself shall be ruled. There are several patent nostrums warranted to care party degeneracy. Some of them are' atupit), some ingenious, and some infernal. There is but one tonic within my knowledge that is at all like ly to cure _political pytemia, and that is, for every good man, every bonestman, every Chrititiau to go into the 'party with which he is in sympathy-- and makes it his own. Let our voice be heard and, our influenee be felt• in its councils. Assert by every means your right to a voice in its Control' and man, agement. Look after its coarse as you would after your own - busines. Do not be a silent partner in the firm which you think ought to sway the destinies of the nation. Let every man, great and small,' do his 'duty and insist upon his right. if the walls of your politica ; Jerusalem lave been thrown down, build them up and strengthen the gates. Do / your duty, every man of you, day bt day, as you would any other duty' with fervency and zeal, and when you have done that for a sufficient time to ha'e faithfulness bear its natural fruits, you will have no more trouble about pat,' machinery—for you will yourself be the 'machine.' The work of party organization and management tenet be done. There can never be any government by the majority with out it. The questiOn for you to answer is, simply, whether' you will do it your selves, or leaves it to be done by others —whether you will enlist yourself, or hire a substitute. The question lies alone with y r . As I said before, my friends, there is between you iced - me a, contract, that you should give me and my children, . so far as in you lies, good government, and that contract is reciprcal between us. It is an obligation that has ' rested upon us from our cradles. It is record ed in the archives of eternity, with the seal of heaven's high chancery upon it. It is the sanction of him who said' "Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you," and who announc ed the penalty of its infraction when he declared that "IDi/stanch asye did it not unto'one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me." [Applause.] Tam Sri's CitusT.—Profewen Young' basil:nit forth a ve ry novel theory as re gards the co nstruction of the exterior of the sun. He says there can be but little doubt that Faye, fileechi, and others, who hold that the eau is mainly gasseons, are correct; while, at the same time, the phenomena of eruption which is always . occuring on the surface,. as seen with a telescope, establish the ides that there is acrust of some kind which restrains the imprisoned gases. Professor Young states that this crust may consist of a more or less continn none sheet of descendin3 rain—not of water, of course, but of the materials whose vapoiu are known to exist in the solar atmosphere. As this tremendous rain descends. the velocity of all the fall ing drops would be retarded by the resis tepee of the denser gases underneath, and the drops would eventually coalesce until a continuous sheet would result, and several of these sheets uniting, would form a sort of bottomless ocean resting upon the compressed vapor be low, and pierced by innumerable jets and bubbles. Tax Finamedwr AND TILE WHALE.-- A whalci . was recently stranded on an out-lying point of the island of Walls, Orkney. Men, women and children rushed to the spot with knives, pitch- . forks and more primitive weapons and .ut the monster in a. fearful manner until it was supposed that life was ex tinct. Ropes were afterward procured and fastened to the whale, and boatil were proceeding to tow into the harbor. With the , rising tide the whale floated; but as the boats were being lowed away in triumph with the prize, the whale suddenly took a freshlease of life, and started seaward, in tarn towing the boats. It was only •after being dragged three mike, that the men sue ceeded in cutting the ropes, 'and saving their boats from being swamped. Titoronrrm Taocroars.--He who • diffuses the most happiness and miti gates the most distress within bin own circle is undoubtedly the bed friend to his country'and the world, since noth ing more is necessary th an l fore all men fto imitate hi s conduc t to make the greatest part of the m iry of the world cease in a moment. t That fish sleep has been well deter.' mined by obrervations conducted by Dr. Hermes and others in the Berlin Aquarium. A map has been discovered at Lyons, France, by an English antiquarian, bearing the date 1514, with the name America printed on it. This iis prob ably the earliest map that giyei that name to the newly-discovered conti nent. The Iron Age for October 20 ,reports thaton October 1 there were 435 4 fano ces in blast in the United State.% and 293 out of blot. These figures differ but little from those for duly 1 when there were 437 1 1 h:1=10es in blast. On April 1 there were 453 furnaces in blast; and on January 1 there were 473 in blast:- On Octaber 1, 1881, there were only 424 furnaces in blast. • Professor Hutchinson has, in one of his lectures, mentioned a very interest ing fact ascertained in Berlin. Aniong Boman Catholics who prohibit marri ages betireen persona who are near blood relations the proportion of deaf mutes is 1 in: every 3,000, among Prot estants who look on such inarrhiges as permissible, the proportion is .1 to 2,- 000, while among Jews, who encourage intermarriage with blood relations, the deaf mutes are as 1 in 400. AnSelma Tucker, paten, says yen nay fist° than lam grid fa niedicitne and treatment In no years x.lOO vitbent receiving parasnent begat. ItitinlY eared at his Memo omit sienna) by Cuticula Ileasedies ,Dec 11.1 m. Fos Tan Intevemcse. Among all of the United States SenatorS, who have graced the; Senate Chamber, Fre= , linghaysen was one of: the best. Wathing ton's undertow neve caught him; be was like the experienced Mariner. he bid a cow pass Mut chart to help him, and .a - purposeto tlx his attention. He did not daily with' breakers ) or shining crested waves, but he bore bravely on to his bane port. He had the famous old chart that our grandfather% sailed under. and he often read where It says "The way of the transgressor is hard." and "the wages of sin is death' and be found plain 'sailing though the sea wan rough and stormy at times. With Christ foihis pilot he went not astray, with all the pressing en gagements of public life, 'he found time to establislL and frequent a prayer , meeting.. • Through the troubled canvass ofi,a political election, he could visit the sick, comfort the sorrowing, and kept his heart- warm in the service of a Heavenly Blaster. "He deliver ed the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that bad none to help him." "He carried his religion with him. why ? Because he was pre-eminently a man of prayer, and could say with the Psalmist, "evening. morning and at noon willl pray." It Ives his habit after dinner to take lasitible andspend halt so hour or more in searching the sacred pages, not to solve theological problems or give point to an argument, but to - promote piety, in bikown soul, and more and .more to be what the. Christan profession demands of a man. A man who lives thus will-never for sake his religion. - If we had more Presidents ind Senators and Congressmen, like Frelinghuysen they would be apt to give us a government and religion. with pie Trinity, iu it. Let this Nation or Empire once give up the doctrine of three persons. and its tacklings are all gone; its mast, which ought to be a support to its vessel, will be a rickety one, and it will shake. A government anal religion without a Trinity! it is a pyramid built upon its apex, a government and a religion without the Trinity! It is a, rope of sand that cannot hold together, government and religion without the Trinity ! s i then indeed, .Satan can overturn it, but, give us a government and religion with the Trinity, and the might of hell-cannot prevail against it; no man can anymore overthrow it than a bubble could split a rock, or a feather break in halves a mountain. Get the thought of the three , persons, and you have the marrow of' all 1 divinity. Only know the Father, and know the Bon, and know the Holy Ghost to be one, an all things will appear clear. This is th golden key to the secrets of nature; this is the silken clue of the labyrinths of mystery, and they who understand this, wilt soon understand as much as mortals e'er can know to rule this government. Dec. 5,1881. Bono OBSERVES. 'Valuable Premium—Hendon's Horse CM This valuable „Treaties on the Hone will he given u a premium to every pre-paying gib scriber to to the Ibirmucat from and er January 1, 1889. Wietad be is Weersi Moine Every one of cur readers, whether living in village or country, will find it greatly to his interest to secure for-1862. the 41st volume of ' the 'American Agriculturig, which supplies ;A a very small cost, ' a wonderful amount of most valuable and important information of a thoroughly practical and reliable character. with about a thousand instructive and pleas ing original engravings. While most valuable to every cultivator of the s oil, to stock raisers, fruit graven, etc., it is not merely a farm and garden journal by any meant, but is very use ful to every housekeeper and instructive and entertaining to children and youth. Its con, stint, persistent exposure of humbugs, and swindling schemes will save almost any one many times its cost. Now is the time to ertk , scribe for -Volume 41. Terins: $1.50 ayear; four copies $5 (English or German edition); single number 15 cts. (One specimen copy 10 ets.) Address Orange Judd Co., 751 Broadway, New York. et Card We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and customers to Dr. Bamako's Cough and Lung Syrup Which is perfectly harnilese,pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost Sistant ly. It matters not how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or bow many physicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will looldn it and WO Met the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation, and the air pas sages• clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. -For the positive - cure of Containp:, tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation df the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains. in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Influ enza, Whogung Omagh, and Lung Fever; We recommend this medicine above all others. Yours truly, CLAIM B. Forma, June 2-Iy. 8. End Ward House Block. Why suffer such unspeakable tortures, -Rheumatism has been conquered, :E.endall's S • avin Cure is the victor. Read the adv't. Rheumatism. In the first symptoms of this disease when you are aching and having painful sensations in the limbs upon rising from bed in, the morning, a stiffness in the joints accompa, Died at times by swelling and reclines, all physicians recommend the applicationlot an external retredy, something penetrating and soothing; an article that will act as areura tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. BosanT ko's Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief up on the first application. T-t lame back, pains or dieing it is an invalnalls household reme.; dy.. Ask your druggist for it. Price7s cents. Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine Company. Piqua, 0. For. sale by Clark B. Porter, 8. End Ward House Block. June 2-Iyr. Piles are frequently preceded by ii - sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patiefit to supp4se he has some affection of the kidneys ior neighboring organs. At times iymptoma, of indigestion are present as flatulency, uneasi ness of the stomach, etc.' A moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching, particularly at night after getting warm in bed, is a very- common attendantt Internal, External and Itching Piles yield a. once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the puts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and affecting a permanent cure where all other remedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain. on the system produces permanent disability, but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for it, and when you cannot obtain it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt of price. Address The; Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua, Ohio - . Bold by Clark' B. POrter, B. End of Ward House Block. June 2-Ivr• . ' THE VERY LATEST -STYLES IN--, t i , li a l ia BOYS' AND CHILDItENS' RATS. CAPS, , OVERCOATS, HATS, CAPS, OVERCOATS, FURNISHING GOODS, etc., FURNISHING GOODS, etc., Are arriving daily in • immense quanti ties at, • H. JACOB'S RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE (Established 1865) where the largest, finest and "toniest" line of Suits and Overcoats can be found at lower figures than any Cloth inm House in town. Remember Ido not sell you Shoddy and Cotton for all Wool. No. 2, Patton's Block. TOWANDA, • - H. JACOBI: Pet,. 36 , 100 ; I c,„F_ 4:jOB PRINTING.LAII kind ri - 4 Fine Job ' Printin prompt! y executed at lowest rates, a Bkiniow RIMY/MAN 0111oe Dont fad to give us a trial. Good type modern presses, and experienced work men. All work minuted flretrclass. Has filled up the old MONTANYE STORE with a full and complete stock of FRESH - - °ROC, RIBS AND PROVISIONS. FRI AS LOW AS•THE LOWIZT: Call he / e for 'your Groceries. After you get prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else. where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers ma get the tip-top - of the market a' Goo. L. Ross'. All 'Mods of lorodime taken in az- Osage for goods or for Oath. Towanda srct. Store pwoir4A • • ..' ' : - ' ::::r.::" , . - .. -, . . ~',... ' . ',..,,f.r,..".'1'., • , •-',...'''-: ... .. , . ... , . .....'......:: •-.t- 1 ,,,,, . .. . . . . - ••'' . - -• A. TRUE TONIC , . -.-- •- . .. •. . . - • . .. . . • . A PERFECT-STRENOTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON 'BITTERS are highly reartunended for all diseases re. quiring acenain and efficient tonic ; especudl— y hu ll iation, Dyspepsia, leer-, wittent Fern* Wane of Appetite., Lon of Strong— tk, Lock of Energy, de. Enriches. the blood, strengthens the mnseleff i and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, reun st 7i4 t igdme*". symenni, such fr, Tasting the Footling, Heat is the H.=l de. The only Iron Preparation that will not blac en the teeth or give headache. Sold by all *nests, Write - for she AB C Book; 82 pp. of useful and amusing reading—sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore; Md. - , - Y 1 POPULAR CORNilt GEO. L.ROSS, T EI.IE % MAIN STREET, _ - (NEST DOOR TO FFI.CH & CO. Is preparod to offer a complete assort ment of „ , DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHI4A. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGEB;[ SATCHW, , &C. For the coming Spring tra4, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a`sloW one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will, compare favorable with the prices of any other house. 'll6/rWe azalea* to sell the best article for the least-pOtsible'money. LOEWUS FREIMUTH. tayeptf As it 13 for all diseases of the KIDNEVI, . LIVER AND BOWELS. 1'..1 C . -eat:etc the system of the acrid 'poison thct csucts the drandfel suffering which mely the victims of Rheumatism esti retinae. THOUSANDS'OF'CASES of tht worst'forms WS terrible 'dismiss have been quickly relievecl, in a short timo 1 f drctla of ewasit has cured whereall else bad " f .ilf.d. Itii rani, but efficient, CERTAIN' • IN ITS AtTION, but linraalt:3 Snail mien. 0 1 ri - It. cleanses, Strengthens sad gives New 1 4, 1 Life to sit the tm,ertaut mann of the body. The =Aar . ' netien ef the kidneys Is restored. . _ _ ... .. •Ididta "1 used in every hocu3chold as a SPRINC MEDICINE. Always r-zrcs 3317.107.73:13133, (.. ONSTIEIIp i . - ovicirare t °: :: T A iy u lli c r3 i .-c ien : : :: : ; : L. : o : : : 4 7 ll . : th i l ! : ::: : : : 7‘ . nrec 7 ( ll 66 l lr , ih t l : i lt e :? .. ; R lCe ri ,4: .: o : tel e tiv :il e o ll . h yr Nic o ) : T G i c e rt ? .Bl, :niees : C lA22.ll : a rt io : i o ni t n :re ei mitildedi cs, n p. licalle : Tot adi ecil heri tin ros el p : eang : e. ne. pee: l7 : o : ll . : , .t KIDNEY-WORT' Wago a ns th l ! c i r t r th i e ages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT • would call the atten tion of FARMERS and others to hie brie end complete assortment of Open& Top Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS all of his - own MANUFACTURE and war \ ranted iu every paT• ticnlar Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platform Wagons. The limiest and bestlinuse. NOW IS YOUR TIME T 9 BUYI Look it these figures: . # , Two nested Carnage, 'from .. 55150 to $175 PhatOnt, one seatsd k 125 to no Top Buggies '... c 125 to 150 OP= Buggiel h to 190 Democrat Wagons • . i 90 to 110 Remember thitthe above are 111 folly warrant. ed, ftrat-chisi Or no pay. • r. - belo VAPlistilit yea Pr: IIO PD/ otttanded to atlas per cent w last rs mhos. Sams Ofileeand 'Wary car. s and Elisabeth SU. J.llB.- barertr. 1 0801177 A KLINE'S MARKET. CA.FL11.43.1, BLOCH. Nab) Street, First JOHN W. KLINE, MEAT &VEGETABLE. M .A.R.KET o • more convenient location, end established himself In the Carroll Block, opposite Seely's Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with TIEICCHOICENT OF ][EATS. TWIT. OYSTERS IN THEM SEASON. !BEGS VEGIITABLEN. DOMENITIO Ao.. o den eir delivered.liOLOOKA SAUSAGE $ specialty. AU or- prolepilp ABEttEtt FALL AND WINTER 1881. :ATTENTION DI INVITED to our first-class - Heating Stoves They are too well known to require any commendation— New Neck, - Westminster, Crown Jewel. Vire also. have a line of CHEAP BASE BURNERS, the beat of their aloes in the market, and. well adapted for sup- plying a' demand for an e cient bat in, expensive beating stove. ' SEe'WOOD HEATING STOVES in great variety. „A. • - • a HAPPY -THOUGHT RANGES Sold In Towanda and. Tleknit; by A. D. DYE &CO; A LARGE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAGEMAR'ERS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, AND A. GENERAL STCCK OP HARDWARE; MAIN ST., TOWANDL Towanda, Oct. 31st, 1881 V i You that have beauty, ,1 Come and let ua take It, ^t• And you that have none, I f Come and ,let as make It. ,p Dayton & Rockwell PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially invite the Dnblic to give them a dill at the. Rooms formerly occupied by G. H. Wo od, TOWANDA, PENNA. Recent improvements in the skylight have fur nished facilities for taking perfect pictutes quickly and in all kinds of weather. ::PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS and' DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In dia Ink, Water Colors.Cra7ms, .ir Pastelles, any size. FINEST WORK OF ARTIVIC EXGEL 7 , LENCE GUARANTEED. , A STOCK air FRAMES-ON • RAND AT ALL TIMES. C. S. DAYTON. ' Towanda. Oct 41.1680. MRS. D. V. EITEDGE; 'Manufacturer (if and Dealer in HUMAN HAIR UCH AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, the Popilv Chatelaine Braid, EVERYTHING BELONGING. To ens Hall TRADE airePecial At telition gi eatoCOMBINGS Roots all tornadoes way. SWITCHES from $1 upwards. * Mao Agent for Hunter's Invisible Fade l Pouder, • Madam Clark's Corsets, and ' Shoulderi Brace. Elastics. snrparneatar attenttasiadd to dreaming &idles bleat their home or Wing place Of builnmai . ow r Scans & lillaratbl *tore. I'.o D. X WEDGE. - - . A. N. IrELEION C 0- ' - Dzinin Is . • .- 74 - ' . Ott • : :.79C r CLOCKS, i MI, GOLD AND MATED . ‘ 16, • Of 'nay eseistnaad flpeobeles. sr fislitouliur siblikUom Pad UP Seguirthi. obey 411 •Thecker A Voushrs Grocery Eltors,jliain Strfet, Towanda, Pens. ... wt. OD inartll74l PICTURE -CALLEIII G. IL WOOO & CO. will open HAI , New,. Gallery In on the First Monday of April. Having- *tied up entirely new. with the beet of instrument,;' we are prepared to snake 71 Tintypes, 4at one slttlag t all for. ets. in neat envelo:es, 10 for sl.oo. Copling of all hinds of Photographe,and latereoscoplo and large view work done at this gallery. • ' Give tug a cell and we will try ant satisfy you in price and quality. ma: Y.S A. BEVERLY ISMITH • BOOK BINDER • AND, Dealer In Scull Sim Goads. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine Mali; Books sty marirmair. Ank lames 1l lies. This department of. My business is my torn pieta. and being s gauges' sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WOODS. SAW BLADES. CLOCK 1110,10D2M3. aitt:lntekt3Y on hand. $l2ll ',Otis of designs for $l. Band foe prieelists. • "REPORTER" BINDERY. Park street. P. 0. b cm 1512. Towanda. Pa B. R. ROOZWZILL. 17 GOODS. mous - TOWMIDAL ratton's Blocky WE. KEEP IN STOCK EVERY QUALITY OF CARDS, ENVELOPES. NOTUMDS, LETTERHEADS, AND WILL DO ALL KIND HOPI JOB PRINTING !..A7 * SIMS .7.147077 CE; WE HAVE IN STOCK A SPLENDID LINE OF Ini AMBER TINT Utterheads, Mieads, Statements, &c WHICH WILL PRINTED IN THE B 4:7 1 REASONABLE RAC& FURNITURE STORE URN:IMRE I= : We: are constantly reeetvitig. the newest and latest pattern is • . : PARLOR SUITS, . :BED: BOOM SETS, TABLES, ErrePythingr ha the 'Fur! niture • Line. Undertaking. ' We make a specialty of this branch and shall give it our personal attention. We have a full line of COFFINS, and will not be undersold. Give - us a call before_ purchosing elsewhere. B.—J. S. Allyn has no connec tion with our business. TOWANDA. JAB. 26th. 1881. Stevens -3 Long Gnoczruzsy El COWRY PRODUCE :4 ~►•1! 9 ~,~ 1 ~:1~ 4~~ COR MAIN AND PINE STS &c., &c., ME BRIDGE STREET WARDROBES, . CA-I3ICJE9rS, FtO . ll3ES t &C. E. B. PIERCE. Successor to N. P. flick General Dealers in PROVISIONS, MU HAVE REMOVED To thetr new store.; The old stand of Fos, Staten et Ifereni.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stook o Choice Ne Goias, which they have alwayo on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION j GIVEN To the -PRODUCE TRAM Mid Caab Paid for Desirable Kinda, M. J. LoNO. DR. JONES' . CREAM CAMPHOR, IS THE NAME of the popular Liniment that cures. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites. Tabs in the Face. Head or Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains; Minis, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect. Poison ;Fines. 'etc., for Man or Beast Always 'reliable, and almost instantan. eons in I* relief. Having an .Agreeable odor it is pleasant to aptily. Sold by all . druggists. Price 25 Ots. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal at the State Fair. 1879. ABA JONES, Prop's. 319 N, 3d St., phus., Jan. 13. 6-tu DR. JONES'OREAMOAMPHOR IS THE NA= OF.tise popular Liniment that cures Itheumatiam. Neuralgia Swollen or Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites. pain in the Face, Bead or Spine. Chapped hands.-Brnises.Sprains, Burns. btosquioto Bite.. Wag .or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc.. for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Basing an agreeable odor. it is pleasant to sypiy. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. B. B. Thu Liniment received a Prize Medal a the State Fair.ll49. May 9017. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. TO - KEILL A HOUSEHOLD 'ARTICLE. the rich, the old au well b. as well as 'the husband,' 'well all the young man; the -I. May just its well earn a honest employment. as to sit - nd wait for others to cam It Ire you employment, all the spare hours only; travel ieighborhood, among your lances. If you do not care can impart valuable Infos f cost. It will cost you only card to write for our Pros .% the suing of making you opportunity. Yon dO not sum Cif money and run a it. You will readily see that stter to make from SIG. to etablisha lucrative, and hide r, bonorstde,' ethalithttorward Attend to this-mistier MN, for ,f IN IT total' 140 anima wi th us. IWe will surprise you and you .wW wonder wlty . you newer wrote .to as Warr. We sr= PULL PASSICIIIAIIi raps. Addams& BM= wro co., ohms this paper.! Mum", Ouzo M. 22, 'Bl4mos. • STOP AT BM T. MU R & CO.'S OR0( 1 ETII §, I J PROVISIONS. The Naar A* are away b `owing; oaeep Is at Omar tale and Fri * Wlla Iltsts. TOweNDat s They reaps trolly announeir to the , pnbile Oat therytave • Islip iuxk of FLOUR, rEED. MEAL, ?MAIN, SALT, • FIEM POSE, •nd PEOFISiONS genOrsUy. We here also killed to oar stock a variety or WOODEN WARE. such as iturmi TOBB. Just received a large s4ck Of 'Sugars, 'Teas, Coffees, Spices, 110II1,110ffil8 fitififf. BOAZ- the best in the rearket, and o4lier realms 'of soap ityrup and - Molasses,- they offer at low prices for Cub. 4 oct 26 2t. MARBLE WORK; Wy:saaking, Pa. GEO.. OTT - a BR4YrHE!t, • 44 tbei t t e Marble Works locate 4 near the jiffy: sinking pot.. in Wysox, are prepared to fur nish as good quality of marble wmicas can be produced r in the county. TOMBBTONES and MONUMENTS made and sold ,ten per 4ent. Cheaper .tban you an buy them at any other marble worlul in Bradford county. i I, • '; • . run satisfaction, guarnteed and all jobs prit up properly. Samuel Ott, whei'lLas recently beagine a part nerla the bushiest fs a first class workman. We do our own work, Ind are therefore enabled to sell very much cheaper than any ogler manufac turer; Those wishing work in ourline siseaspectfully invited' o caU and see for themselves, We also do all kinds of Broar Wong. to outline. GEORGE OTT, - SAMUEL OTT. Wyssuking,-Nov. 1881.-6 m (jsn2l.t PATENTS. ; _ (U.S. AND FOREIGN.' • Frank A. Fonts, Attorney-st-Lasr, Loa Box, 356 Washington, Di — C. Sir Ten years' experience. I make cum= for my services unless a patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the patent Office as to the patentability of an in vention FAZE. Send sketch or model of the de vice ands report will be made as to the probs• bility of obtaining s , patent. - Special attention- given to rejected:. applica tions in the hands of others. U. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davie and Gen. John A. Logan, of Atlnoie ; Hon. Benj. H. Hilt of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar. of Hiss; Hon. S. Cullom. Gov, of Illinois ; the. Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro ! prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instructions. 3novtl HOWARD A. SWOW, PATENTS. Gll F STREET N. W.. 4VABRINGTCS, D. C., (Successor to Gilmore, Smith A• Co., and Chipman, Rosales & Co.) Patents procured upon the same lan which was originated and successfully p r acticed by the above-named - firm.. . Pamphlet of slaty pages sent upon receipt o stamp. inovsl ' ME AND LIFE INSURANCE: - WAIN! AND ' - Go LI Li Ec i fioN AGENCy • BRINK Sc . BUCK, Leßaysville, Pa.. Will write Follcios for risks in Fire and Life In surance. Collect Claims with care and • promptness. They represent none but rIIiST—CLASS COMPANIES They solicit theconfidence and patronage of tho se having business In their line, and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address ius3 tf BRINK& BUCK. Leßaysville .Fa. titot National rlark, CAPITAL PAID pl $125,000 SU RPLUS . FUND _ 80.000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for the transaction of a general banking business. -7' t - N. N. BETTS,, JOS. r aivELL. Cashi'R:.. President rob. 1. 'WI. j#i, 1 iPP . 1 . d 111110 1 It ii r il - % ill .. .4., . li', l ' . 'GEO. STEVENS. The BALSAM of TOLD has always been one of the most Important weapons wielded by the Mad. Ica! Faculty against the encroachments of the above Dl.. eases, butit has nev. er been so advents. geously compound. ed as in Lamaism Ilawrra's TOL% ROVE and RYE. Its soothing BALIIMIttIY properties affords a diffusive stimulant, appetizer and tonic. to build up the Sp: tsm after the cough has been relieved. GREEN H. BAUM - Coniishisioser Internal Revenue Nl?ashin_gton. D. C., Jan. 16th, says: ' "TO L D. ROC and RYE is an agreeable Remedy in Pectoral complaints and is Classed as a bledicinal preparation under the 11. 8. Revised Statute,, and when so stamped. may be sold by DRUGGISTS. GROCERS, and *Maur persons. without Special tax." orlicense. CAUTION! wit tin otry bede l f a ll m ved oir bi t tZet , d at ir d Rye for LIMRENC6 & MARTIN'S TOLU. ROCK and RYE—which it the only MEDICATED tide made—the genuine has their name on the Proprietary Stamp on each bottle.. Pre at up in_ Size Bottles. Price $l.OO. Tour, SOCK &STE CO:, Pi.p'r % CHICAGO. ILL. . I Sold by DRUCCISTS and GENERAL DEALERS Everywhere. P.i:F:iiiki ,ili: AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS OP PERSONS from aU parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they have been rescued from a terrible and nntimuly death. Doctors. Minister, and the Poor treated Prow Write fora Circular giving full particulars. Address Drs. GEO. MAHE • RUSH BROWN. Addison. N. Y.- Sept.Eklyr.OPßaco. teOR ME I- A t - - AND I ; . ; cavasB..l7ll EIIREItik )UM=iCES iliN itaTißLlk RED IN 1865.] Solicitor of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TOWANZA f. THE GREAT APPETIZER COUGH CURE Pox COUGHS; ./ COLDS, CONSUMPTION, N BRON AND - All Diseases 11 , 01 [; ;ul ia~l~f P ' MLIEND•g,iIIAIN JEWELLER, . Is still to be found at the OLD STAND MALY STREET, Next doorp Dr.ll. C. Por4e,'s Dr 4 Sore WITH A POLL TANI. OF/ 4- FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY' STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, - SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, CLOCKS, FROM THE CHEAPESTTOTHE BENT Er ALL OF WHICH WILL EE SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, Clocka:Watches Ind jewelry promptly repaired by en experienced and Competent workman. M. RENpELmAN. • NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. McKean,) DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE I) 0 FOOT or PDIE STREET, NEAR CQURT HOUSE. TOWANDA, PA. ge LOWEST -PRICES FOR CASH. lie She patronage of my old friends and the public generally is solicited. Silo: 80 • RAILWAY .-• Mirft -v , • e i Vft hilikk SCONSIri, T:PAUL : Vriteirtt zr i% C ▪ (44 • 1 . • ip, * 4 • • .Lv ipTalp;,„ VT•cd ' Vtlk We, • N t te• _ 4 ou. tea; I L 'e-c t , Weldon .zlds cpttc , - - "-•' • (4. •. P( -;r.. - Chicago & liorth7Western Is the OLDEST ! BEST °OBSTRUCTED ! BEST _EQUIPPED ! end hence the LEADING RAILWAY ' OP THE West and Northw est !, It is the short and best route bet Ween Chicago and all points in " NORTHERN ILLINOIS. lOWA, DAISOTA. WY MING. Nebraska. Callifoinia, Oregon. Arizona, Vtah, Colorado. Idatiokioxitana, Newts., and for Council illullOntalia„ljenver, LEADVIL E, SALT LASE. San Francisco:Deadwood,Sioxixeity, Cedar Rapid", Des Moines, Coltbus, and all Points in the Territories, and th West. Also ,for Milwaukee; Green Bay. Oshkosh, Shebolgan, Marquette, Fond du Lac. Watertown. Houghton. Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron. Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Wlllollll,LaCrogse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesols; Dakata. Wisconsin and the Northwest. ; At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North l Western and she 11. P.. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close Connections are made with the Lake . Shore, Michigan Central; Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk Wye, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. I sr Close connections made at dnnction Points It is the ONLY LINE manning Pullman Hotel Dining. Cars DrZWillar Chicago and Council Bluffs Pullman Sleepers on'all Night Trains. Insist open Ticket Agent/1i selling you Tickets 'via this road. Examine year Tickets. and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago North-Western Hallway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodi- Rona you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line.. ape' HUGHITT, V.P. Gen.Mang'r, ape' *Bl-17. Chicago. LIVERY STABLING, ' - • ' gCuriage-Ilaking Gad E.A.Irt.IN Seneca• Arnold Haying leased h farm 'in Warren, hem located in the above branches of bdsi nese, on FRONT ST., BELOW BRIDGE, - TowAnda, Pa. HE H&8 STABLING FOR 10 HORSES. For use of stalls, 5 cents each. Also, Horse? and Carriages for hire. Illacksmithing, in all its branches? promptly done, Horse Shoeing a specialty. Carriages Mann.achlred and Repaired. If you want anything in the above line call on SENECA ARNOLD. April 2241 f11:1 'O7 TIM MRS. A. B. WHITNEY, ER, DRESS-FITTER 84; DRESSMAKER \ALSO AGENT FOll IHE Demesiie Perfeet-Pitting Patterns No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Stook entirely new and freah from the city; no old goodkin stock. .floods and work unsurpassed either in styles or make up. ect2S•ly HUMPHREY BROS. &.: TRY. MEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHIiDWS Boots, Shoes, Rubbers; AND LOYAL SOCK ~~ RAILWAY FASHIONABLE Manufacturers and WhOlesale Dealers in all kino of 1 CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, roWAND.A., PA. SPECIAL ANNOUN JAMES MTAiIE =MOVED MS GILOCERY.Ersixtea BouTu-EAST CORNER Or laja AND BRIDGE STUFZII, THERE HE a& •EffrtllLisnEl, Head Quirt FOR RI/FIRYTHING IN THE LIN lIIIFIIES, PRIYIS kc., &c. CASH, PAID for Desirable duce. 'Fine -MUTER an d a specialty. Agents Wanted t e :77„ ~.17i tl Chromo-Lithogrsph Picture ,f unr President JADES A. GARFIELD, This beautiful work of-art is pru.t=xl zs onloys,-011 heavy 'paper, "sad mourattd rekii wig on the wall. It La pot only s, cr.croct trait but aiso contains the blatoncal !v.! his 11fe,alumirlbeikine et , I• 112 4 ,. 4,52 R, and the Dada Bed Scene., It is a Manorial Picture. Circulars and vtraks Adelson. U. W. KELLEY k 711 Boum:gin Street, I , llll2 , leigas, Sept. V, maitett. Sen HORSE c d urtn c c t r a • f i rJ a l. nazi, o f , A E Treatise on tte.H, i his Diseases." It gives the best treats all' diseases, has 60 flue exigrarinits .BOOKpositions horses better thin taught in any other way, a table snow: , of all the principal medicines useo for t as well as their effects and antidctes 25 cts3 Poison, a large co'lecti vatuanz.v. RECEIPP , ,, telling the age of a hone. with on en; showing teeth of each year and a large , of other valuable hone information. RI of horsenien have pronounced it than books costing $ and $lO. The het 2(..0.000 sold in about one year before it Tilled shows bow popular the book is. vised edition Is tracts moss wreak...nth FOR A otacmsa. AUENTI3 WANTED. Dr. Kendall is Co., Snosburgb Falls, Vermont liar 11-Iyr. J. H. 51.31 NI ENS. PEE FASHIONAI:LE BOOT, SHOE AND GAITEI MANI7FACTURER Is now prepared to do all kinds of if his line in the latest styles, and of ttr material. ALL,WOB.K sad 3ULTERIAL WAR Repairing done neatly and p) on 'abort notice. In PAL, BLOCK Over Jacob's Clothing SI 25' Yon need..not Die to Win IN THE .1.• MUTUAL ENDOW ACCI:ZNT A 33 w www•r Of Bath, N. I' Ton receive one-half of your :mu cording to the American Lite Table, thirds-of your life expectancy Is di illustration, a man or woman ;oinien elation at 36 years of age taking a ceru $2,500, receives $1,275 wizen * little over, of age, exactly the period in life when financial help ill generallymore needed any other time. BLADES General Agent/ ft june2tf B LANK BOOK MANUFACTI BOOK. BINDER, PAPER RULER, ax. Alfred T. Purv: No. 131 Genessee street, lITIdA, Y MI work in his line done well and prcz , -; lowest price. Parties having Volumes incomplete niched with any missing numbers at on MI orders given to J. J. Scanlan, ! Bradford County. wil.l be promptly cording to difections. KENDALL'' SFA I INC URI prq tHE ]TORT BIICCESSYCL REMEDY covered, as it is certain in its effects not blister. Also excellent tor hnrru BEAD PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L T. F Youngstown, Ohio, May It Dn. B. J. Earawsza. k Co:—I liad ait ble Hambletonian colt which I prized re ly, be bads large bane spaviu ou-one s small one on the idler which Louie II lame; I had him under the charge of ti 3 nary surgeons which failed to core Sin• one day reading the advertisement of Sparin Cure in the Chicago Exprels,l. l e ed at once to try it, and got our argil to send for it, they ordered three battle them all and thought I - would give it trial, I used it according to directions fourth day the colt ceased to be Lune, lumps have disappeared. I used but et and the colts limbs are as free frors as smooth a• any horse in the stair. tardy cured. The cure was so rrnurla"• I let two of my neiglgroes h are the r two bottles, who are now, using it. Very Respectfully. L. T Kendall' s Spavin ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's Mills. Wash'ton co., N.l Fo. l ' D. B. J. KENDALL, Dear Sir:—The case on ishich I used your Kendal l's Sp was • malignant ankle sprain of instsa standing. I had tried many things,hd Your Spavin Cure put the foot to tag -again, and for the first time cue to natural position. For ,a fazully cels anything we ever used. Yours truly, REV, al. P: isELL Tutor of If. E. Church, l'aiteca3W Nib° U. per bottle, or ,1% bat tlei for P Druggists hate it or can get it fir )O~• be sent to any address on receipt of price proprietors, DR. B. J. KENI) k 1.1. burgh MIL Vt. Sold at Dr. H. C. Porter's DIU MU AND AND NM