THE BRONZE DOORS OF UNITED STATES CAPITOL. In a previous article, we gave you a brief description of our magnificent Capitol building at Washington for ours it is, with all its splendor of polished marble, glowing canvas and almost ori ental richness of ornamentation. Imagine yourself standing on the eastern boundary of the broad esplanade in front of the Capitol. The velvety turf of the wide lawn is shaded by a few stately trees; and one is pointed out to you as “ffamner's tree," for whose life the great statesman plead so eloquently and effectually. The smooth, orange red walks, winding through the mala chite green sward, are bordered by flowering shrubs and plants; that, from the blossoming crocuses of early April to the splendor of May roses and the pale chrysanthemums of late December, light up' the wide park with bands and masses of brilliant color. The longer you gaze at the eastern facadeiif the noble building, the greater your ailmiration for the pare simplicity of its outlines and the combination of grace and majesty in its proportinns. Let uti7escend to the entrance of the north, - * Senate, wing of the Capitol by a broad flight of polished marble steps. We cross the pillared portico, with its 24 Corizthian columns, 38 feet in height, and a pair of magnificent bronze doors swing noiselesslyliside for our entrnce. We are sure to express our delight at finding the portals to this great building in perfect keeping with the imposing grandeur of the exterior; as well as - in harmony with the ornate beauty a the interior. These doors were designed by Thomas Crawford and modeled" by William H. Bhinehardt. They were cast and finished in 1865, by Ames & Co. of Chicopee, Massachusetts. The eight panels, - four bn a side, repre sent scenes from the life of Washing --ton, almost exclusiveiy. Beginning with the upper right band panel, we ' T ow the "Battle of Banker Hill" in 1775. The central figure is that of the beloved physician, brave officer and noble pa . triot, (len. Warren, just ap he receives the fatal wound in his heroic breast. The second panel is at "Monmouth" in 1778; and the artist has depicted that moment when (len. Washington deli-1 vers a stern rebuke to Gen. Lee, as he meets the latter flying from the-advanc ing foe in disgracefuLretreat. The third panel is "Yorktown" 1781. The principal figures are those of Wash ington and General Alexander Hamil ton, as the Commander-in-Chief sends the gallant officer to lead an attack— with the brave taFayetto—on the die t ant redoubts of Cornwallis. - The fourth panel, next the lower left hand corner, contains "Washington's oration at Trenton" in 1789. The tri umphal arch is seen, bearing the in scription, Ins DEMMER OF THE MOTHER'S WILL BE THE PROTECTOR OF THS pAUGHTEBEI." "Virgins fair and matrons grave" with white-robed chil dren, are strewing the HERO'S way with flowers. The fifth panel represents Washing ton taking the oath of office as first President of the United States, April 30, 1789: Tho oath was administered by Chancellor Livingston, upon the balcony of the old Federal Hall, which stood on the site of the present Castom ' House in Wall St. New York. The sixth and upper left hand panel, depicts "the Laying of the Corner Stone of _the United States Capitol at Waab- ington." The two lower panels represent idle gorical scenes—that on: the right qall "War" and on the left h is "Peace.' ; '. The casings of the door are of bronzw and are quite plainly finished. A superb set of bronze doors op 0: into the Rotunda from the eastern pot -I taco of the central building of the Capitol. This magnificent portal is said to Gni pasa-anything of the kind in existence. It even ontrivals the famous bronze gates to the Baptistery at Florence,. exe cuted by Gluberti in the nuddliof the fifteenth century or the bronze door to the Sacristy of _Bt. Mark in Venice, de signed by Bansovino , about the same period. - The doors to the Rotunda were de signed by Randolph Rogers, an Ameri can sculptor residing , at Rome, in 1858. They were cast at the royal foundry at Munich, Germany, by F. von Muller and completed in 1861. These doors are entirely composed of bronze, back and front, and are remarkable as being the only doors in the wcrld, thus con structed. They are seventeen feet high, nine feet wide and weigh the eubr mous amount of ten tons. They Cast 830,000 and are among the noblest or naments of our beautiful Capitol. "The casing is semicircular at the top and projects about a foot in front of leaves of the door. Around the outer edge of the coning extends an elaborate border, emblematic of con quest and navigation. The Key..of the arch of the casing is ornamented with a fine head of Columbus. beneath which is the American Eagle with outspread wings. Four figures, represen#ng AsikAfrica Europe and America, stand at the four corners of the casing, -be ginning with Asia at the upper left hand corner. There are eight square panels in the two valves of the door. !besides the semi circular transom panel. Between these panels are ten heads, five on each door, representing historians who have writ ten on Columbus' voyages, from I his own time down to the present day, elid ing With Irvine and Prescott. ' On the right and left of the panels are sixteen statuettes, set in niches, rep representing the most eminent 'of the friends and contemporaries of the great Discoverer. In describing them we shall begin with the lower left-hand figure, opposite the first part of the story told by the door. The figure is that of Juan Perez, Prior of the Convent of Laßabids, and a former confessor of Queen Isabella. He was a staunch - friend of Columbu s and it was through his intercessions that the' adventurous navigator gained an audienee with the Queen. , _ The next is Cortez, the Conqueror of Mexico. The third is Don Alonzo de Ojeda, a distinguished but unfaithful - follower of Columbus. The top figure is Amerigo Vespucci, after whom the . Continent was named. - At the top of the double row, between the two leaves of the door, are Pedro Gonzales de Meidoza, Archbishop , of Toledo and Grand Cardinal of Spain, sometimes caUed on account of his Wi nans° influence, "the third Hing of Spain," on s the right, and Pope Alex' under VI on the left The figures below are Ferdbiandion the right and Isabella on the left. Be low them are Oberles VIII, Bing of France, and Donna Beatriz de Bobs dills, Marchioness of ?Soya, who was a favorite lady-in-waiting of the Queen of Spain. The artist could not find any likeness of the noble lady and gave her the features; of Mrs. Rogers, UP wife. Henry VII of England and John II of Portugal, form the lowest centre pair, - the English monarch being on the right. . ' ___ Francisco Pizarro, -the cruel Con (purer of Peru, fills the topmost niche on the right. Below him is Vasco Monezde Balboa, who, crossing the Isthmur of Darien, With his followers, discovered the Pacific Ocean on the 29th of September, 1510. Next comes Bartholomew Columbus, brother of the discover, and by him ap pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Indies. He wears the face of Mr. Bog ers, the artist. ' Martin Alonzo Pinzon stands at the bottom of the last, row. He was the captain of the "Pinta," one of the little aquradron of Columbus, and the first to see the land of the Western World.— Eventually he betrayed his friend and Commander and died of grief and mor tification. We now come to the exquisite pictures in the panels of the door. The work is' in alto relievo, the figures standing out boldly from , the surface. An oil paint ing, or steel engraving could scarcely tell the story more perfectly. The lowest left hand panel begins the history, the transom containing the central scene. Panel L Columbus is expounding his theory of finding the Indies by sailing due west, to the Council of Salamanca. Panel EL Weary and discoutaged, Columbus has sought the Convent of La Rabida, near lidos. He unfolds his plans to Juan Perez, who mentions them to Donna Bobadilla. 'The two es poused his cause so zealously wits the Queen,—that she sent for Columbus to Appear at Court and plead his cause in person. It was at La Rabida that he first , • met Alonzo Pinion, who accompanied him in his subsequent voyages. Panel 111 Represents Columbus lay ing his plans before the King and Queen of Spain. Isabella leans forward with eager interest, but Ferdinand holds back coldly and distrustfully. Panel IV. This is the_ 'departure from Palos. The Admiral, with unquestion ing faith in his own success, irr confiding his son Diego to the care of the faithful prior, Juan Perez. The transom panel extends across the whole door, is semi-circular in form, and represents the Admiral and his compan ions landing at San Salvador. Theban ner of Spain is piondly held aloft by Columbus. A group of natives crouch at tne foot of a tree and gaze at the strange "pale-faces'! with 'wonder and TEI Panel V. This brat the top of the right leaf of the door, and 'represents the first intercouse between the Indians and the discoverers. A sailor approaches with an Indian girl, whom he has cap tared and bound, and is carrying her on his shoulders. The Admiral reprimands him for his cruelty and commands the instant release of the frightened girl. Panel VI. Represents the "Triumphal Entry into Barcelona," where Columbus is seen on horseback, and is greeted by the plaudits of the crowd. Panel VII. Represents the "Wrongs of Columbus." Bobadilla, having been seat to . the New World to investigate the charges against the Admiral, sills against him and sent him back to Spain in chains. The officers of the ship are filled with indignant pity and wish to set him free. Columbus is rep resented at the moment when be refuses their generous offer; and, holding up his manacled hands, exclaims: "No, I will wear them as a memento of the gratitude of princes!" Panel VIII. This represents the last scene in an adventurous lite, the "Death of Coluinbus," May 20th, 1506, at about seventy years of age. The picture por trays the chamber in which he aied.— The priestly comforter, who enters alike the palaces oflwealth or the huts of pov erty, stands by his bedside and adminis ters the sacred rites of religion. The dying eyes which have gazed on the wonders of a New World, were turned toward the Cross, the precious symbol of redemption. The weak lips tremu lously murmur: "Into thy hands, 0 Lord, I commend my spirit," and the grand, heroic soul passes into the per fect peace and rest of a blessed eternity. He was wealthy but penurious, and this is what he said to the suitor for his daughter's hand: 'Yes, you can have her. ?But you must elope with her. I can't afford the expense of a swell wedding, and the romance of the elope mentiwill make Up for the lack of show, and we'll save $5OO on expenses. Go it!'. , THE VERY LATEST -STYLES IN MEN'S, BOYS' AND CMLDitENEI' SUITS, HATS, CAPS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, etc., FURNISHING GOODS, etc., Are arriving daily in immense quanti ties at H. JACOB'S RELIABLE CLOTHING NOUSE (Established 1865) where the largest, finest and "tiniest" line of Suits and Overcoats ean be found at lower figures than any Cloth ing House in town. Remember Ido not Bell you Shoddy and Cotton for all Wool. • No. 2, Patiozes Block. TOWANDA, PA. I H.' JACOBS. Feb. 26, 181i0 promptlFlNE JOB PRINTING.—AII kind of Fine Job Printin y executed at lowest sates, a i hm promp tly REPUBLIOANi 1 Moe Dont fail to give us a trial. Good type modern presses, and experienced work men. All work warranted Brat-class. - • e' A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER! IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re. quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fences, Want of Appetite, Lou of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens th e - bantam, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digegive organs, re=l:l dyspeptii symptoms, such t t Dieting the Food, Belching, Heat its the Hmthu rn, ete. _The onli , Iron Preparation 'that will not blac k en the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists: Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading—sent free, BROWN. CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. MITT THE POPULAR CORNER ! GEO. L. ROSS; Bu tilled up;the Old lIONTANTE STORE with full and complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRIORS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Call here for your Groceries. After you get prices at Boss' it will be of no use to try else• where for,his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can get the tip-top of the market a Geo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods or for cash. Towanda 5 ct. Store MAIN srrnmorr, (NEXT DOOR TO i'ELCR & CO. s prepared - to offer a completed issort meat of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and patterns of , MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade,`We adhere as heretofore to our established .principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our price's in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. larWe endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible,money. LOEWUS &. FREIMUTIL my64f i'KIDNEY-WOR THE GREAT CURE As it is for ell diseases of tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND - BOWIELS. olesasss the system of the acrid Pols= that caus:s the dri.seiful suffering which only tho victims cf P...hvamatLint can realise. THOUSANDS -OF CASES of tls3 worst farms of thle terrible disease have been quicliy relieved, in a abort tiro° drcds of ca3l:s . it hns cured whore - ell else had I filled. It is mild , but °facie-at, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all dom. - rrit cleanses - . Strengthens and gives New life to a:1.V.:0 itaportaat organs of the body. I 'Ma natural action of the Kidneys is restmed. E • The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the rowels move freely and healthfully. In this nay the .scortst diseases aro eradicated from used in every household ca a . SPRING MEDICINE. • Always cures ICELIOLTNIMS. COMMA. T10N,11:41G3 and all FT•"ISI ' l l Meson, Is put up 1n Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cant, One rack - str! of which inalics G quarts medicine. Also In Liquid Form. very Ceiteestlsteolor the con v eni,n r , f thrwe who cannot windily pre pare it. It acts .r,foa sisal e !Privity in either/elm: GET IT OF YOUR; DRUGGIST. PRICE, 111.00 Woos &Carroges Cheaper than ever at the' OLD zsrAamsnigENT. JAMES BRYANT, others to his large and complete assortment of Open ac_Prop Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS all of his own DIANUFACTVILE and war ' ranted in every par ticular OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS, Bsysatt's Flexible %stings need In all Platform Wagons. The cutest and best In use. SNOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look at these figures: Two Stated Carriages irom .... . $l5O to ;176 Photons. one seated 125 th 150 Top Buggies 125 to 150 Open Buggies 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 00 to 410 Bemetaber that the above are all fully warrant ad, drst-class or no pay. Repairing promptly attt ended to at 25 per cent below bat years prices. •,L Ofdes and Factory cor. Kiln and Zlisaboth Sts. 0 got! 77.4 CA.11.11431_, 131,0 CK. Nan Street, First Ward. JOHN I.W. KLINE, BEAT &VEGETABLE AILFULICT" o a more conveniens location, and established blinsalt in the Carroll Block. opposite Beely's Hotel. Is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF YEATS. FIRM OTSTIBS IN VEGET ABLES THEM SEASON. FBI= . • DOINEXTIO MITT, Ac.. o daas Sr prompUy deIivBOLOONA . SAUSAGE a apecialtr., AU or. ered I.Q.lsal RHEUMATISM 'would call the atten tion of FARMERS. and JAB.-BRYANT. KLINE'S MARKET. ULVING ILEMOVKD 11113 IIKE&CO FALL AND WINTER 1881. ATTENTION IS INVITED to our first;olaso Heating Stoves They are ' too well known to require any commfnilation--- t. New Hecla, Westminster, Crown Jewel. We also have aline of CHEAP BASE BURNERS, the beat of their class in the market, and well adapted for anp- plying ade and for an e ffi cient but in expensive hating stove. SEiI`WOOD HEATING \-- 13TOVES in great variety. , r moo HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES' Sold in Towanda and Vicinity by A.D.DYE & CO. A LARGE . STOOK .OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAGEMAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS" SUPPLIES, AND A GENERAL STCCIC OF HARDWARE MAIN ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oot. 31st, 1881. You that have beauty, Come and let us take ft. And you that have none, Come and let us make it. Dayton & Rockwell PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially inirlte the public to give Chem s call st the Rooms formerly occupied by 13. H. Wood, TOWANDA, PENNA. Recent improvetnents In the skylight have fur. Walled facilities for taking perfect pictures quicklyead in all kinds of weather. PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS and DE CEASED PERSONS s specialty. Finished in In dia Ink, Water Colors. Crayons, or Psetelles, any size. FINEST WORK OF ARTIL4IO EXCEL- J.ENCE GUARANTEED. A STOCK or FRAMES ON RAND. AT ALL TIMES . . : , C. S. DAYTON.. --- R. R. • est' " Towanda, Oct 6, 1880. 17 MRS. D. V. STEDGE, Manufacturer qf and Dealer tn, HUMAN - HAIR UCH AS ma., BANDEAUX, VA PcsPular Chutelain° Braid," EVERYTHING BELONGING so ma HAIBTRADE ggrapecialAttenticrn OM to COMBINGS Roots all Sarpedon. way. - SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face PoTwder, • Madam Clark's Corsets., and - Shoulder Brace Elastics. lii-Particular attention mild to dressing tales hair at their homes or at my place of business. over Evans lc .1111dretb's store. novlS4m . Vas. D. V. STEWS. L N. NELSON EALDBD Li •A 1. A ., WA L CHE CKa 13, 11201 1, GOLD ADD PLATED JSWstss 11" V Of every isitety.and Speenicleo. fir Per lad as attention peek to renallzinit. Shop In Deakin k Voloiltra emery atom Min ab 11.99* ed, Stnrsa4S Penna. G. H. WOOD & CO. will open their New Gallery in on the Pint Monday of April. Harley fitted up entirely new. with - the best of instruments, vs are prepared to mate Tintypes, 4 at me sittlag, a 1 for 50 ets. in nest envidoces, 10 for $l.OO. Copying of lIL kinds oinotcgzsphs.and Stereoscopic and large view work dons at this gallery. Give us a call and we will .try and sates You in price and quality. mar 103 A: A. BEVERLY 141111T11, • BOOK. BINDER AND - Dealer In Scroll Saw ?•aoods. BOOKBINDING OF ALL.KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CSEAPLY: Fine Blank Books . MY Bpi:cum.) Amateur's 'lltipplies. Ms departmenpa c t um bialndes is very coin' yids, end being aical sawyer wed' I know the wants of lay patrons. WOODS. . • OW DEADEN. CLOCK MOVEMENTS. ko,. .2d constantly on band. Er $1 worth of designs for $l. Send for pricellsts. • REPOSTER' BINDERY. . Park street, P. O. box 1612: „ Towanda. Pe EVERY QUALITY OF COODS, Off= KOBE ERIE CALLOW IN frogiarDe. Patton's iftolc, WE KEEP IN STOCK CADS, ENVELOPEr, NOTEELELDS, ft:iolid4040:11a,101 STATEMENTS, AND WILL DO Alt KIND SOP JOB PRINTING A 7 MORI NOTICE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A SPLENDID LINE OR AMBER TINT Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, &c. WHICH WILL BR PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE AP RE ASOIT.ABLE RA71.09. FURNITURE STORE URN'ITURE We are constantly receiving- the newest and latest patterns in PMOR SUITS, . BED ROOM SETS, 1 TABLES, Everything in the - Fur niture Undertaking. We make a specialty of this branch And shall give it our personal attention. We have a•full line of C 0147 PINS, • - CA.I3IIEVMS, • ROBES , Ar.c. and will not be undersold. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn has no connec tion with E. - B. PIERCE. Successor to N: P. flic k s TOU'ANia. JAN. 26th. 184. Stevens & -Loug Gnocrums, COUNTRY. PRODUCE COB• MAIN AND PINE STS., &a. 140 II BRIDGE; finMET WARDROBES, -...-...%1+11: General Dealers in ,i PROVISIONS, As.? RAVE REMOVED - To thotr new dorsi (Its old stand of Pos.sllevens II Nercur4 They invite attention to their complete catiortment and my large - dock of 'Choice New Goode, which they have always on band. ESPECIAL ATTENTION I ' To the I PRODUCE TRADE, And. Caktfi Poitt for Desirable Kind& i . • LONG. Litß. JONES' - CREAM CAMPHOR. 18 THE NAME of the popular Linement that cures matism, Neuralgia; Swollen. or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. Pain in the Face. Head or Spine. Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains. Barns. Mosquito Bites. Sting or Bite of an insect. Poison Vines, etc., for Man or Best Always reliable. and almost instant's!. eons in its relief. Haring an agreeable odor it is pkesant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cts. N. B.—This Liniment relieved a Prise Medal at the State Tali. 1819. ASA JONES, Perry 319 N. 3d St. Phila., Pa. ie. 13, 6-m. DR. JONEO'CREAIRCAMPROR IS. THE NAME •OF the populai. Liniment that owes Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in the Face, Heed or Spine. Chapped heads, Bruisee,flprsins, Burns. Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. eta., for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal a the State Fair.lB72. !- May 2017. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL TO HELL-A HOUSEHOLD The poor as well se the rich, the old u as the young, the wife. as well as the husband, the young maiden an well as the young man, the girl as well as the boy, may just as well earn a few dollars in honest employment, is to sit around the house and wait for others to earn it for them. We can give you employment, all the time, or during your spare hours only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaintances. If you do not care for employment, we can impart valuable infor mation to you free of cost. - ft will cost you only one cent fora Postal card to write for our Pros pectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars. D• not neglect this oPportunile.' You do not have to invest a large sum of money, and run a and risk of losing It. You will readily see that it will be an eery matter to make, from SIG. to 2100. a week, and cobbling' lucrative, and fade pendent business, honorable, stsaightforward and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there la MONEY IN IT for all who engage with us. We will surprise you and you will -- wonder why you never +wrote to us before. Ws sun sois PARTIVOLIZO run. Address WORM UTO 00., s this paper.) -Naito, Onto. h 22, 'Bl-Aknoi- T. MUIR & CO.'S GROCERIES Pi OVISIONS. The Oboe to ors money b owing cheep Is it Oorser Man and Irraaktia etteeta. Thay raipootth#7 anion:too to the public that they hare a lugs stock at FLOUR. FBBD. URAL, GRAIN. SALT. MR eon. ma PROVISIONS generally. We hays oleo added to our suck a variety of WOOD= WARE. such as amnia TUBB. TIE Jut received a large' stock of Baps, Tess. Coffees. Spices, MOULSONS PURE SOAP, the but in the market; sad other makes of soap Syrup .alid Molasses, which they offer si low prices for Cash. " • -I out 28 n MARBLE WORKS, GEO. OTT & BROTHER, At their Marble Works located near the Wy sinking Depot, in Wyse:, are prepared to fur nish as good , quality of marble work as can be produced in the county. - TOMBSTONES arid MONUMENTS made and sold ten per cent. bheaper than you can buy them at any other marble works in Bradford county. i Full satisfaction guarnteed and all Jobs put up properly. Samuel Ott, who lufs recently become a part ner in the business Is a first class workman. We do our own work, and are therefore enabled to sell very much cheaper than any other manufac turer. (jan27•t Those wishing work in our line sre respectfully incited to call, and see for themselves. We also do kinds ok:Brosit Wont in one line. , Wysanklng, N0v.15, 1881.-Bm. PATENTS. Frank A. Fonts, Attorney-at-Law, Lock Box, 356, _ Washington, D.C. I - ma- Ten years' experience. I make so cusikor Or my inalces tulless a patent be granted.' Preliminary examination in the Patent Moe as to the patentability of an in _vention ram. Send sketch or model of the de -vice and a report will be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. , Special attention stiven to rejected applica- tions in the'bands of others. - U. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. 'F. Edmunds, of Vermont ' • Hon. David Davi s and Gen. John A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Beni. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Miss; Hon. S. M. Cullom. Gov. of Minot' ; the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instructions. 3novti (ESTABLISHED 1111865.] .-110WATiD A. SNOW, Solicitor of • AMEIVI I CAN A'ND FOREIGN • - Pall•T I EIN I T I SO F STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C., • . . . (Successor to Gilmore, Smith A: Co., and i . • .1 Chipman, Homier & Co.) , • - Patents procured upon the ume plan which .was originabuland successfully practiced by the abore-ninied Arm. . Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp& - lnovsl FIRE ANILLIFE ntoinwicE • • CIATU.AND Q i r oN AGEN CY - • BRINK & BUCK, Leltaynille, Pa. WiU writs Policies for Mail in Fire and Life Ti Nuance. Collect. Chinas - , with are and promptness. They represent none but • FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES 1 They solicit theconAdence and patronage of those baying business in their Une. and win endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address ins 3 tf SIILIIICAL BUCK. Lellaysville first Anal Wank CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND ..... 80.000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for the transaction of a general banking business. N. N. BETTS, " Claahiei. ONO. STIIVIEM3. re z 1 m , a gN ha, m , u to t2q hi cr. v., The BAILSAMI of TOM has slaty' been one of the Exalt - vortant weapons - tided by the Med. 1 Faculty against encroachments the above Dts• • ses, b u t !thee nor been so advents. may compound. as in Lawnitecs Maarre's TOLD, ICH and RYE. Its )thing Batearno Iperttes adonis a lustre stimulant, metier and tonle, - build up the Sri. :tiered. __......-.... use se is aims ....Jl/01111a11161M151" Oil Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C.. Jan. teth, lititt, says: "TOLD, ROCK and RYE Is an agreeable Remedy in Pectoral complaints and Is steam! as a Medicinal preparation under the D. S. Revised IR:antes, and When so stamped, map ,be sold by DRUGGISTS, GROCERS, and other a li persons, without spectak. x," or license. CAITIONI Thro, 1. JetelpairaiffbOran Rye or LMIIIZNCIII ko . MAUTIN'S TOLD. ROCK and RYE—which -is the ,only MEDICATED ar• tide made—the genninefhaa their name on the Proprietary Stamp on eadt bottle. Pat up in Quart Size Bottles. Price $l.OO. TOLD, 111008 & RYE CO:, Proess. 11, CHICAGO. ILL.. Sold by DRUCOISTS and GENERAL DEALERS ,Everywhons. ARTICLE. AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON, 'N. Y. HUNDREDS OP MESONS from 'all parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they harshest' rescued trouts terrible sad untillwal death. Doctors. Ministers sad the Poor treated Tree. Write gfnl lysrt Address Dis. (IEO . CRANE. 6 RUSH DROWN. Sadism. N. Y. sopt.skryr.OPßee4e. STOP AT IM AND TOWARD*. PA LOX UEII7IOIB, EUREKA Wysauktugi'Pa GEORGE OTT SAMUEL OTT (U. S. ASV FOREIGN. TOWANDA PA: Jos. POVVELL, President fpb. BRONCHITIS) ? 5 Il ,y. MOLT igl:~lHlV_l_►la_ii M. BENDELM.AN - -, JEWELLER, L still to be found at the OLD STAND N4IN STREET, ,-__ Nett door to Portei.'s Drug Slop, 5 F- - WITH Al rum LINE or • FINE. AMERICAN AND',Swlss WATCHES, JEVELRY,/ Mid STERLING SILVER AND F' FINE PLATED WARE,' SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, C t K.S, , MON THE MIRAN:OT TO. THE BEST. WALL OF Vira WIf i LAN B OLD AT THE Clock,. Watcheaend Jeirelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. , - • "-, HENDELMAN. • septfi-tf NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Hr. McKean,) i DEALER IN , PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE 1 FOOT or POIE STREET, NUR COURT HOUSE. - • , • . Lowssr PRICES FOR CASH,.. 1E4.: - The patronage of my old friends and the public generally is solicited. • Pimp: SO - - ---- - 1 _ RA/L WAY At •(.. it. ,, . s i b . l% kV 1.4 -. .. .., w., A c soN ..... 4 , ti alirpt „„. -- 0.-7:7lk k - L-- gikti. *744. u! . gl 411% 1 le!.. , tut., wa ., cua u7u Wig' itio , .41. immew . lahx- 4 ,; - ! , 1 y ou .,_3‘ _ : ,,.sefor a mamq . • • inizimmu, A el ls ilvr Chicago f& Notth-Western Is' the OLDEST I BEST CONSTRIJETED ! BEST EQUIPPED I and hence - the . LEADING 11,AII.W.Alir OFD West and Northwest It is the abort WI beat route between Chicago • and AU points in • NORTHERN• ILLINOIS, lOWA, DAKOTA, WY OMING, Nehrsalia. CaGifoinia, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Colorado. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, • LBADyILIS, BALT LAKE. San Francasoo,Deadwood,Sionx City, Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, Columbus, -and all Points in the Territories, and the West. - Also for Milwaukee. Omen Bay, Oshkosh. inteho7ffell, Marquette, Fond du Lao. Watertown, Houghton. Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron. Volga. Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse,- Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the 'Trains of the Chicago k North-Western and she 11. P ., Wye depart from, arrive at and use the same joint 'Union Depot. At. Chicago. close connections are made with the take Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Penneylsania, and Chicago & Grind Trunk By., and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. SarClose s i connections made at Junction Points' . It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cart - DETIMILI Chicago, and Council , Bluffs Pnlhiosa Sleepers on all Night . Trains. ' Insist open Ticket Agents selling - you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets. and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. - All Ticket Agents sell this Line. MATIVDT HIIGHITT, 24 V.P. k Oen.Mang'r, apr7 • Chicago . LIVERY, STABLING, 31a:ban; Carriage-Mg si GREAT STIZOI IRE SenecaA:rnold Having !cased his farm -in Warren, has fixated in. the above branches of , - DM, 911 statrno, FRONT ST., BELOW BRIDGE, Towanda, Pa. HE HAS STABLING FOR 10 HORSES. For use of stalls. 5 cents each. Also; Horses and Osrrisges for hire.' Illackinnithing in all ith branches. promptly done. Hone Shoeing a specialty. ()antigen Iffanntactared and lisPaired. If yon •ant anything in the above line call on 01 TU3 April 2241 AND LUAUS. FASHIONABLE BTILILINiI Malay DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER • ALSO AGENT An TUE - Domestic Perfect:Pitting Patterns Stock entirely new and fresh from the city; no old goods in stock. Goods and work unsurpassed either in styles or malie.up. HUMPHREY. BROS. & TRACY. 8000, .Sh.oeg,-..-Rubbei.6',.-401, AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, TOWANDA, PA. M3:l 511E=Mi RAILWAY, E IP A. 1...EiL11.7 Gr. BENEOA ARNOLD. MRS. A. ,B. WHITNEY; No: 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Manufacturers and - Whole ade Dealers in au kinds of KEN'S, BOYS, WOKEN'S, MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH BTREETS, ". 'T'QVVANDA,, PA SPEQIAL . ANNOUNcEinT JAMES M c CA BE NAB 'REMOVED - . 114 f GROCERY -BtilINEBB THE soeru-EAST.CORE& OF ILUN AND. BRIDGE STREETN, WHEftE 011 HAS ZEIT A BLIBEIED Head Quarteri FOR ZVERYTHING IT THE LI or MUM mum, Vic. CASH PAID for Deth able Pro. duce. Fine - BUTTER and EGGS. a _specialty. 411 ?ents Wanted to sell our llfte. Chromo-Lithoireph Picture of our late President' JAMES A. GARFIELD This beautiful work of art is printed In ten colon, on hess7 - paper, and mounted ready t o hang on the wall. It is not only a correct ;Km. trait, but also contains the historical events of his life, shows the Reese at Nestor, Anentrinatien and the DeaLlatied &mt. It is • Ensgraficent Memorial Picture. Circulars and terms free. Address, If: Yir. KELLEY & CO. 711 Hansom Street,. Philadelphia, p a . Sept. 29, 1881-tt. HORSEo i r li curs e a 25 a e is ci flour ,tampst MILD =Ma of "A Treatise on the iloraaaai his Diseases." . It gives the best treatment for all Mammies, has. f.O finet . ,engrayings BOOK'poeltiorts assumed by cp horses-' better than Liu tp taught in any other way, a table showing - dopp of all the principal medicineonsed for the hone as well as their effects and - antidotes - wh en poson, • large collection 25 atm vAL i yams. =own, rules kr telling the age ots horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year and a large arnorat of other valuable horse information. lintdreda of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200.000 sold in about one year before it was re. vised shows bow popular - 0d book is. The re. vised edition is =cm NO= nrartairrucc. ron A cfactnae. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. 1, E. Kendall & Co., Snosburgh Fajis, Vermont. Mar 11-Iyr. ; . J. I -IL rum FASIUONABLE BOOT, SHOE AND GAITER MANIJPACTUREE. Is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in the latest styles, and of the Gut material ALL WORK and MATERIAL WARRANTED:. :Repairing done neatly and promptly on short notice. In PATTON'S BLOCK Over Jacob's-Clothing StorP. - Yon• need not Die to Win MUTUAL ENDOWMENT iciL\ s 1 :4- ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION. You receive - one-half of your insurance, s cording to-the American Life Table, when to thirds of your life, expectancy is niehedr-k r illustration. a mum il r woman joining the elation at 36 years of age taking a $2.500, receives $1,2i5 when a little over L 6 yeas of age. exactly ,the • period in life when a lain financial help is generally more needed thaa any other time. June9tf BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUREE BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, Ac Alfred J. Purvis, No. 131 Genessee street, : All work in his line done well and promptlys !tersest price. II Parties baying wiltunes incomplete will be W- I * Lashed with any missing number. at cost prix AU orders.gtven to .1. J. Scanlan, Agent leT Bradford County will be Promptly executed cording to directions. 144 2:05 _THE MOST SUCCESSFUL . covered, as it is certain in its __:.ts and a• not blister. Also excellent for human , to HELD PROOF BELOW. -- FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Yotingstown. Ohio, May lOth, Ds. B. J. Itzsrmx.r. k Co:-1 had a very ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very t:it; ly, bad a large bone spavin on one Jolla lA. a small one on the other which made tan sel Leine; I bad him under the charge of two ester way surgeons which failed to cure him. list one day reading the advertisement of Keactill'i Spavin Cure in the ChicagoXsptess. I de ter=s. ed at once to try it, and got our druggists be , to send for it, Way ordered three bottles;iix t them all and thought I would give it • Mors* trial, I used it according to directions Ili e.t thu•th day the colt ceased to be lame, sad lamps have disappeared. I used but ooe tiat 'And the colts limbs are as free from lumposst is smooth as any horse in the state, lis tirely cured. The cure wile so remarkable tta 11.1 two °Umy neighbors have the reraliz--'' .7 twebottlee, who are now using At. Very Ifespectful;7,- L. T. FOSTEr- - , Xexidalfs Spa'vin . ON HUMAN FESH. Patten's MILL, Wasb'ton Feb.ll.'il• Da. B. J. Kirenatz. Dear Itir:—The P&' case on which I used your Kendall's Spm was • malignant ankle sprain of sixt bu een 'tending. I had tried many things, t Your Sparta Cure put the foot to the b again, and for the tint time since hurt..., natural position. For slimily ilnimentitel eels anything we ever used. Yours truly. ItEV.M. I' ,lIELL. Pastofof K. Church, Fattens Italy Price $l, per bottle, or el/. bottles fa r. i 3. Druggists bay', it or can got it fez you, or t , ' be sent to any address on receipt of puce br roprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL k CO, burgh Palls. Etbid at - Dr. H. C. Porter's DrugSt April 29 IN THE AND Of Bath, N. Y BLAMES & ILOCAAA Aenersi Agents for Prix► earn - 'UTICA, Ni Y 133 HIE