THE OEM. THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1881. To Our Subscribers. - . - • Examine Your Label ! it will show you the month awl year up to which your subscription Is paid. If your soh ocription la soon to expire, please send us 0112 dollar for a renewal al once, that we may Ra d you the paper right along. rend in re ncwel without delay. —L. A. Wooster is our general agent, - solio• itct, and collector, for the southern and *eat en portion of the County. 4nr.iSCE PRICE OF SUBSCRIP . TION. The undersigned, publishers and Towanda Jutit , Jiat, BRADFORD REPUBLICAN and Brad 71,rd Argus, published in Towanda, Pa.. hay ing suffeted severe lose in the pub lication of their re!.pective papers from the heretofore extremely low price per annum, hereby mutu ally agree to make the subscription price of each of our papers respectively, on and after the Firsf of January, 18.92, Our Dollar and F i fty Lents per annum. And we hereby agree and pledge ourselves to each other. ut.6n our our honor - as business men, that we will strictly and 'invariably adhere to the terms of this understanding. To make this arrangement legally binding, we have entered tut ,, bona's, with penalty and forfeiture' for riolathin of the terms of. this agreement, ill subscriptions paid prior to January -Ist m et, will be taken at the former rate. Rages of a dvertising in all cases to be independent of subscription. " GOODRICH k firrcueocs, Reporter. _ D. M. Tunsin, Journal. HOLCONB & TEAM.. Ementreis: - E. Asuxtrs Pansess, Amos. The Rerietr makes it an object for Enrols' agent Dodge to_lose big pocket-book every day in the week. Jubu N. Cahn' Esq., has been appointed by Judge ;Morrow to audit the socounts of the tvveral county officers (or the past year. frit to be pre!ient at Heretic 1141, to b et,tertttinett by liteg Gertrude Kellogg. thi:4 Thervday eN ening• The W,lueing Cornet Rand, will Gave an ,iltvrtaprpoiat Chrititmas E:e, at Aeadeinv 11.11, iu that place. - • Cunrch of the Messiah (Universalist), Bey. Wm. Taylor, pastor, at 10:30 a. m., subject. Christ helps mi." At 7 p. cu., "Whither I go ye eseuet come. Capt. W. T. Horton, sheriff elect, was I in tuwii of Fiiday, and executed Ids bond. The sni,uoi required under existing law; is $250 0 . His bondsmen are Dr. G. F. Hcir ton, Lis father, Edmund Horton, J. E. Dodge, and Shubel Bowman. Lev. C. T. liallowetl wiU preach in !the lecture room of the Baptist church,: 'this Thursday evening. A prayer meeting service Hill be held from 7 to 7:39 o'clock, prior to moo. All are cordially invited. A Fon was born to Mr. and - Mrs. George H. Cn .thwaite, of Milton, Pa., ou the Bth init.— Cro,:hwaite is a daughter of Mrs. .1, J. VlVie. and the first born of her daughter; nee Kate. Volt-, is christened "Clarence 'fele Crestliwaite." Mrs. Crosthwaite's many frientht iu 'thit vicinity 'will' he glad to learn r good fortune: = Th , following gentlemen have! teen en ;;t.,l t It eture in Monroeton during the sc.:goo: Rev. Doctor Stewart of this pl.wc. Dr. McCarthy, of Elmira, Rev. Doctor - Rev. C. H. Wright. of Towanda, Rev. M. S. Hard,' Elmira, lion. Geo. Landon, ICA-. J. T. Brownell, Mansfield, and Loos M. liall,'of this place, The dates of the rt sp, ctiye lectures will be announced Lereetcr. - • Teadders' institute Lecture. Wiu„, I. !Marshall, deliver hie crlebrutud Li.-cture: "Wonderland" or the "New 'National Park" At Meivut Hal, on Weinesday .evening Otrbehalf of thO Tettchers Inetl- . , The It eture . .is descriptive of.. wonderful !.+tmnl s ett ry abont the be ad i waters of the lethlirston6 River, the Falls or the Yellow- ..n,, aril the New National Park. Div New York 'Obserrer saya: "It should tvated ev.rywhere iu the United t A ors . the citia• ns of Towanda will s.p -efio:18 of the Institute to give :!..nt ntl itoitructive and interesting lecture. .0.1 :ill the 11. ill on the OZClilii3o. They will •ure to get more than the worth of their 113139 Teachers' Inst itute The twenty-Fifth Annual Session of the Lral:,,rd Cu. Teachers' Institute will com 11,,tice iu the Graded School Building, To- Monday Dec. 26, 10 a. m., and Ciobo p. nr. , Me. 31. , 'fix id of Legislature of 1881, requires the u. or 6clroole, tbO attendance of the la. •ntute by teachers, the allowance of time ~ a d Magee to top:Fliers, and a report to each I,'.,rd or directors, by the Soperintendent, of olai.her of days cacti teacher attended eid participated in the of the In ate, an :1 it is, therefore, expected that . all non t• aching will attend the entire session AU Uthers are cordially invited to be Present. Pieise bring Robinson's Higher Arithmetic, tad other reference books if desired. Spe ciil attention will be given to methods of recitation, teaching, and school management, end teicheis are requested to be prepared to • Irt the Institute their methods. Dureters'Day. Saturday Dee. 31, 10 a. m .i • iggt ,ted as & favorable time for a Conven tuver Directors at the Oradea School Band it.% !,Jr the consideration - of questions of importancq to school interests. Direc t,N•.. thy observed for years in many ttn.l—+, has proven of great advantage to -,siloo:s of those counties. Lretur.s. Mondlvy, nesJay and Tharedav ti . tbulgti, Mu. E. L. Liillia, L. M. Hall, Esq. Hop. Geo. Landon; Wednesday evening, Prvf. W, J. Marshall. Teachers should re •-cre - boarding plac'es at once. G. W. MAN, County Supt. Lradionl Convity Medical Society met ;zr.tatit to adjournment at the office of D. Nt% tun, in Towanda, and was called to rl, -r at 2:30 p,m. Tho president, Dr. E. D. tu the chair. Th e tutnatet of the last meeting were read arproved. - Taylor and Julius Mason were pie-. mr:ited for examination as students of medi c,:„. Dc Drs. C. K. Ladd and-E. D. Payne and ;tr. awarded certificates of Proficiency, after 'Lim:lmp, 1 by the committee. pre@ileut called on the corresponding t , ;t(tary. to read any corresPondenee he have received, which was done, after Dr. Geo. H. Horton read a very in .:ruNlve and entertaining paper on Puerperal C:2IJ vlll.4o[l'l. Dr..P. A. Quick was excused .;,,te reading essay on the ground of not b - talc prepared. ze,,tton of Dr. C. H. Scott the thanks of ~1.. p,,cmy were tendered Dr. Horton for his itt.N paper. * The report of the com e