Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, December 08, 1881, Image 2

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JUDSON HOLCOMB, I p aoriamas .
"Reasonable tai.e.s, honest cependil4res, com
relent officers, and no stceding." Harpers
'.Entered la the Post Once at Towanda u
THURSDAY, DEC.' 8, 1881.
Wit think that the position of the
Pennsylvania Republican delegation
in the lower House of Congress on
the nomination_ of Speaker is misap
prehended by the Philadelphia Press,
when it charges that the delegation
as a whole • violated pledges to sup
port Mr. 'Kisco& The Press is
again at fault in attributing Mr.
Keifer's nomination and election to
Stalwart influences. We affirm of
our own ' knowledge; that a number
of the delegation were actuated by
-entirely different motives and under
different influences, and very prop
erly and rightfully so. The causes
that led to the defeat of Mr. His
grew out of the very general
impression that as the State of New
York now held three or four high posi
tions, she was not therefore entitled
to the Speakership. That Messrs .
Conkling and Platt preferred that he
should not wield the Speaker's gavel
we do not doubt., but it was not their
influence in the case of at least eight
of the delegation that carried them
to Kiefer:
The extent of the pledges on the
part of these men to Hiscock, was
only upon condition that he was able
to secure a majority of the delega
lion. This he failed to do, and they
as honorable men asked personally
of hini to be relieved of implied
pledges, and were by him so relie t ed
prior the caticusi, We have no
doubt that the Press was actuated by
the best of motives in its sealifor
Mr. Hisoock, but a' moments reflect
ion should have satisfied it that his
nomination would have left our own
I gtate out in the Cold :without any
._ thing. 'At least half of the delega
; tied thought of Beifer's election
only in the light of a concession i to
the State iof OhiO as the hoine of tilt, -
lamented-TGarfield, and contingently
as securing the Clerkship to Penn , .
sylvitnia; in spite oLthe opposition of
- Barr, Erret and -others who refused
to be bound by the cantina to vote
for Mr: McPherson. The influences
that brought about Mr. Hiacock's
defeat were not weilded by the Stal
warts to any consideyable _degree.
It . was apparent from the time the
° members began to assemble that the
Speakership would go West, and
that Ohio held the commanding
. •
Popular Republican Buie;
Senor J. W. Lee. who vas (their-
Republicans, designed to promote
Popular. Rule and. Free Representation
within the Republic= party; and who
was directed to appoint the Executive
Committee, authorizes the announce=
ment that he has appointed the gentle
men named below. In addition, the
Conference itself passed a' resolutipn
dealgruitingSenator Lee as a member,
so that'the whole Committee is consti
tuted as follows:
Joni; Srzweirr, Chamberaburg.
J. M. W. (isle?, Lancaster.
WILLIAM Ittolificmaso., Phila.
Wm. T. DAVIEEI, Towanda.
TnoM. W. PK:mum New Castle.
HUGH S. FLEMMING. Pittsburg.
J. W. Las, Franklin.
This selection will be recognized as
eminently strong and judicious. It
combines fair geographical distribution,
high representative character, earnest
Republicanism. aggressive reform' pur
poses and practical political and organ
izing talent. It embraces men whose
faithful and disinterested devotion to
Republican principles will stand un
challenged throughout the State, and
who embody and represent the popular
demand for the honest rule of an hon
est majority: The Republicans Who
are engaged-in this popular movement
—for its whOle `strength lies in . n direct
appeal to thit people—believe that they
aro renderink the highest and best ser
vice to the Republican party . in seeking
to make it hilly responsive to the popu
lar will, and the members of the Com
mittee stand as good types of this Par
poie. •
Senator John Stewart is one of the
ablest and bravest champions of the
beat Republican sentiment In the
Legislature be was a leader, of leaders,
and among the people be is the oon
spicions representative liberal, i 'pro
gressive; true Republicanism. ! His
clear bead, broad views. honest purpose
and great capacity are a tower of
strength to any cause. Mr., Geist is
the fearless Editor of the Lancaster
New ,Ent. who bas fought through
many years- for better politics. Tbe
selections for Philadelphia are admir
able. The political standing and the
high representative character of Col.
William. MeMichiiel are as universally
recognized as his fine intellectual gifts
and his great personal worth, He
. brings to the eauseet ' popular rule an
honored name, a wide acquaintance,
life-long. Republicanism and brilliant
abilities: Samuel W. Pennypacker ha*
been devoted for years to the principles
of a better government, and is a gentle
asan of deep convictions, rare 'mom.;
plisiusienta. and clear, incisive, com-•
prehensive thOught. •
The remaining names from the State
ars equally well chosen. Senator
Davies was the representative and em-.
bodiment of public sentiment in the
atones preliminari to the recent State
Convention. He is a cool, judicious,
foreefulasa, whose coma, and co-op-,
arationlein be et great service. Mr.
Philips was one of the nOnapienous sup
porters of Mr. Wolfepin the' last gain
paign--a widely-known and respected
representative of the, oil region-I-end
his designation signifies that the Re
pnblicans who vote for Wolfe as a pro
test against - pasty abuses are not to be
treated as having by that act put them-
selves outside of the pale of the piirty.
but are welcomed to act as Peptiblieana
for Ftepublimn reform within' the Re
publican organization. Mr. Fleming
was formilly Sheriff of Allegheny Cinn
ty and is a gentleman of large political
capacity, and experience. What is still
more important, he has behind him in
this movement and pledged - to his sup
port, as we am able to My, the" real
moral, intellectual, financial and busi
ness strength of Allegheny. Of. Sena
tor Lee himself, who, against his wish
es for a more retired poeition, has been
put at the front in this; movement, we
need only say but he •is one of the
barest, most disinterested and high
minded among all the Itspnblicaullead
One of the first duties of this Execu
tive Committee will be to designate the
General Committee:of 251, correspozid
ing with the number of the senators
and representatives from the several
districts, who will initiate the work of
organization. And then will come the
appeal to the people.—The Press
(Editorial correspondence of Tnz,Rgruntscsi.]
At this writing, Saturday evening
it is decided, so far as the caucus of
the dominant party can decide, who
will be the elective officers of House.
The Republican caucus assembled in
the Hall of Representatives at noon
to-day, Gov. Robescin, of New Jersey,
The contest for ; the',speakership was
animated and warmly contested. The
names presented were Hiscock, of
New York; Keifer, of Ohio; Kasson,
of Iowa; Reed, of Maine; Burrows, of
_Michigan; Orth, of Indiana; and
Dunnel, of Minnesota. The first
ballot demonstrated that Keifer held
the key to the position. The vote
stood, Keifer 53, Hiscock 45, Kasson
15, Reed 13, Burrows .10, . Orth 8,
Dunnel 4. This result indicated clear
ly that the speakership would go West.
Thirteen of the Pennsylvania delega
tion voted steadily for Keifer from the
beginning; the other five votes were
cast for Iliscock. The several ballots
up So the sixteenth and final ballot
proceeded wirh varying changes,
Keifer holding his own, and Hiscock
losing, when the break came, result
ing in 93 votes for Keifer., Thus,
Garfield's State and a Garfield Repub
lican carries off the prize of the
speakership of the House.
Hon. Edward . McPherson, of Penn
sylvania, was notninated for this re
sponsible position on the 'first ballot,
receiving )93 votes. Two other names
were presented; Johnson, of New
York, and J. H. Rainey, of Southl
Carolina.. Rainey received 40 votes
and Johnson 10; This is a remarkable
triumph for Mr. McPherson, who
went into-the caucus with a. divided
delegation from his own State. Every
possible device was resorted to by his
political enemies in Pennsylvania to
force another candidate upon the dele
gation from their State. De B.
Skyoular lap 'isyitsihnglua" 'newspaper
correspondents for a week prior to the
caucus, 'as the coming man. State
ments were sent out that ' McPherson
would not have inore , than three votes
in his own delegation; that the dele
gation would drop McPherson, to
make Bunn of the Philadelphia Sun
day Transcript,
At a conference of the. Republican
Pennsylvania members on Saturday
morning prior to the general caucus;
this project was broached
.by the
opponents of McPherson, when the
fact was developed that atleast ten of
the delegation were for McPherson.
It also became apparent that with ten
Penn - Sylvania votes he would probably
be nominated on the first ballot. The
project of presenting Bunn was not
I pressed, and the conference adjourned
without, action on the question of the
Clerkship. Errett, of Allegheny and
Barr of Dauphin, are bitterly person-,
ally hostile to McPherson, and exerted
every possible influence to reduce his
vote in the delegation to the smallest
possible number. After the nomina
tion of . Speaker, these gentlemen left the
general caucus and would not partici
pate in the nomination of Clerk, assert
ing that they would vote against his
election in the organization of the'
House, as they probably will. Me,
Pherson will be elected nevertheless.
This is bolting at the other end of the.
line. The nomination of Mr. McPher
son is a handsome tribute to his capac
ity and faithfulness as Clerk of the
House during ten years of former
service in that capacity. •
This prize fell to Vermont, in the
person of Mr. G. W. Hooker, on the
first ballot. The vote in detail was as
follows: Hooker 80, Geo. Frances
Dawson,- of California, 28; Bunn, of
Pennsylvania, 11; Fort, of:Illinois, 20;
and J. H. Rainey 1. -
: * :.) ; 4
The nomination of ' Doorkeeper was
accorded to Tennessee, and the nomi
nee is Col. W. P. Brownlow, a - nephew
of the late Parson Brownlow, who was
the unanimous choice of the" southern
Republican Members, and he received
123 votes on the first ballot' for
Jardine, of N. Y. and 3'scattering.
The name of Mark Sherwood, of
Michigan, a one legged soldier, and a .
thoroughly competent young man was
presented for the position of Postniaster
of the House, and his nomination was
made by acclamation.
There were several candidates for.
the office of chaplain of the Rouse,
but when the name of Rev. J. P. Power,
pastor of the Christian church,
(Disciple,) of this city was presented,
all other names were withdrawn, and
Mr, Power was nominated by accla
matipn. This is a feeling tribute to
the memory 9f President Garfield, as
well as a rospectfril consideration Pr
the church of which he was a member,-
both of which are represented in • Mr.
Power; pastor of thwehurch whey"; 4e
These nominations will no _doubt . : be
ratified by the House on , : ?Sunday.
The Foity-seventh Congress will be
called to order at 12 o'clock; noon.
' Could this letter have reached you
in time after the organization
,was per
fected it would have been deferred until
Monday evening; but knowing that
that date would be too late for the next
issue, I send it this evening.
The annual Message of the Presi
dent is looked for with .more than
usual interest, as it will be the first
from President Arthur. It will be,
read in both houses :immediately after
organization is perfeeted. .
is slowly progresadw, The prisoner
was put upon the witness stand by Mr.
Scoville, and his testimony. in his di- .
rect and Cross examination - occupied
four days time of the Court.
After he had gone throne' the
searching cross examination of witness Porter, of N. Y. he left the witness
box with an impression upon the minds
of the audience, that a man who could
so sharply and intelligently interpret
the force , of the questions put to him
by Judge Porter, and so readily and
cnnninglyj devise and deliver his
answers. is responsible for his acts,
and the very general impression is that
this will be the verdict of the jury.
Our member . Hon. C. C. Jadwin,
must not be classed as coining within
the censure applied by the i Philadel
phia Press to . the Pennsyliania Re
publican delegation for their action
in reference to Speaker and Clerk of
the House. He has acted with perfect
fidelity, and has been both wise and
consistent 'in his course. He was
personallyi for Mr. liiscock for Speaker,
and foe Mr. • McPherson:,. for. Clerk.
He stood by McPherson with his best
efforts , and ex4rted a controlling influ
ence in his 4elegation for him, and did
not abandon Mr. Hiscock until all hope
of his success was gone.
Our Washington letter details • the
caucus- action'in the nomination of
officers of the House. The Forty-
Seventh Congress, was fully organiz l ed
at 12 o'clock noon on Monday hist:—
The Republican nominees for Speaker.
Clerk and other officers of the House
were elected. The delay in . organizing
the House until late on Monday after
noon prevented the deliery : of the
President's . Message until Tuesday.--!
We give it in supplemental form to our
readers. It is an able, statesman-like,
and:highly acceptable document.
J. Warren Keifer, the Republican
nominee for Speaker of the House of
Representatives of 'the . Forty-seventh
COngress, will be forty-ecx years of age
on Jannarv r 3o„lB.Bl.. tfix, Itspattwir
above the medium height, of strong,
powerful) build and still .follovis. the
inclination of his early life, andliresses
like a farmer. He' has a full 'round
face, fringed with a bushy, broWn
beard and wears'a wealth of black hair
well:sprinkled with gray. He is more
than an average debater and since his
service in Congress has made the best
possible use of his oratorical. powers.
In his youth- he attended the common
schools of , his native " county and
finished his education at Antioch
College, Ohio. In 1856 he began Abe
study of law at Springfield,- where he
now lives and was admitted - to practice
in 1858.. He entered the Union army
in April, 1861, as Major of the Third
Ohio Infantry and less than a year
afterwards was_promoted to the Lieu
tsnant-Colonelcy of the same regiment
and later, in 1862,. was made Colonel
of the 11th Ohio infantry. He served
in the West Virginia campaign' inlthe
early part of the war,, and again in
Kentucky and other southwestern
States. He was transferred to the
,-Eastern army in 1664, and was severe
ly wounded in the battle of the Wilder
' ness. ln November, 1864, he was
breveted brigadeer general for gallant
and meritorious conduct in Sheridan's
I Shenandoah Valley campaign of that
year in which he was twice wounded.
On the_ , lst of July, 1865, he was
breveted major-general for distinguished
services rendered during the campaign
rending lin the surrender of General Lee.
July 27, 1865, he was mustered out of
the service and resumed the pradtice of
law in Springfield. In 1868 and 1869
he was a member of the Ohio`State
Senate, and during the same time 'and
for alew years following,- a prominent
officer of the Grand Army of the Re
public. He was *; a delegate to the
National Convention in 1876, which
nominated Hayes for the Presidency.
In the same year Congressional :aspire=
Lions siezed him, and he defeated, - ,tifter
a hard fight, the Hon, William Law
rence, now First Comptroller of the
Treasury, for the Congressional' nom
ination, and was elected and served in
the Forty-fifth. Congress. Mr. Law
rence again contested the nomination
with him for the Forty-sixth Congress,
but was again defeated, and Mr. Keifer
nominated and elected,. He wilt again
nominated for the . Forty-seventh Con=
grasswithout serious opposition, and
elected by a good majority. ,
M. Keifer is by no means the lea
der, of the Republican side of the House
but he possesses some qualifications
which may make hiia successful as: a
presiding Officer. He has shown him
self quick in debate and rather ' f ond of
being heard. He neyer attained dis
tinction as a lawyer or a' C4gressman
and appears to 'have;,beau elected
Speaker by a lucky combination of the
Stalwart forces: If:te can keep his
temper and get over thowit; habita o
mind which have given him the repu
tntiun rit lifting petulant, if nut tummy,
he my make 4 fah. Spunky'',
lautarrrJAND Ruin BoLT .04vces
- --Morxnuism - Cno*; ON
. .1106‘ - Fop=
Bum. -
Wear:maxim, Dec., &--The business
of electing a Clerk was next in order.
The Pennsylvsnia delegation hero again
came to the front, and the only dis
cordant proceedings of , the emulate ensti
ed. Mr. Smith, of Pennsyliania„ nom
inated Edward McPherson, of Penn
sylvania, who was a former Clerk of the
HOMO tinder Republican ride. - Mr.
Bingham, of Philadelphia, Mee.ilannot
backer for SeXileant - ate Arms. nmninal
ed Joseph Rainey,' of South Carolina.
The Cameron Members of the deltia
don were very anxious to, have some ,
other labile than Pennsylvimia realm
the Clerkship. Mr. Smith and Judge
Kelley each made speeches in behalf of
Mr. McPhail:ion, as did Mr. lirdibell of
Michigan, chairman of the Congress
hinal Committee. Russel Eriettuomi
natal De B. Randolph Reim, of Berks
County. In making, this nomination
Mr. Errett said , that the *election of
Mr. MePhexson by the calicos would
place some of the gentlemen of the
Pennsylvania 'delegation in a position
where they would he obliged to with
draw from the caucus. Mr. Errett was
veil , mad and his threat to leave the
caucus creited quite a stir. Mr. Cam
erOn,. of Illinois, asked permission to
put a question to Mr, Errett. He ask
ed the' gentleman from Pennsylvania if
he and the other gentleman he had W-
I diluted Would vote for Mr, McPherson
if he was no:Mutated by the a ,
Mr. Errett replied that there was time
enough to Reamer that question further
along. "I will withdraw from the-am
ens," said Mr. Errett. , "So will I,"
exclaimed Colonel Sam 'Barr, and both
gentleman solemnly marched from the
chamber. Mr. Page, of California,
-nominated Mr. Daimon, of that State,
for Clerk. .
Speeches were made in favor of the
different candidates. Mr. Houck, of
Tennessee, repudiated the selection of
Mr. - Bingham as a representrtive of the
South, saying that the South had an
other candidate for another place. The
action of Messrs. Errett and Barr creat
ed much sympathy for Mr, McPherson,
the political animus of the
.. quarrel in
the delegation being well understood.
He received ninety-three votes, nineteen
more thanewere , required to nominate.
Mr. Rainey received forty-two votes,
Mr. Hooten, of Chester, two votes, and
De B. Randolph Keim, of Berke,
one vote. Mr. Hooker was' nominated
Sergeant-at-Arms on the first ballot,
receiving eighty votes. '
There were a half - dozen rever end
gentlemen candidates for chaplain in
the building anxiously awaiting , the re
sult of the caucus. Some member of
the dawns suggested that it would he a
fitting thing to make the pastor of the
church General Garfield used to attend,
chaplain. and Mr. Power was notainat
by acclamation.
Edward McPherson was born at Get
tysburg, July 31,1830. He was educat
ed at Pennsylvania College. where he
1119 graduated in 1848. Hi then be
gau to study.' law with Thad Stevens,
,bat .Inrultb e testassle-kierirtere ay the
risburg for - several journals, and vatted '
the Harrisburg :American, a Whig
paper. In 1851 he went to Lancaster
and edited the Anti-Slavery organ. the
Independent , Whig, In 1858 he was
elected to the Thirty-sixth Congress for
his native district, and . was re-elected
to the Thirty-seventh Congress, defeat
ing Anditor-General Schell by 12;045 to
11,372. He was defeated • for the
Thirty-eighth Congress by Congress.
man Coffrotb.- The next year, 1863,
he was appointed by President Lincoln
as Deptity 'Commissioner of Internal
Revenue. Later in the same year be
was appointed Clerk of the House, and
served from December, 1863, to March,
1873. At the expiration of his service
as clerk, he was offered-by Ex-President
Grant the Commisaioneas hip of Indian
/Waits, and later the Assitdant Secre
taryship of the Interior, both of which
offices he declined on account of 'ill
health. He was appointed Chief of the
Bureau of Pr:uting by Ex-President
Hayes, in May. 1877. and held office for
18 months, when be resigned to take
the editorship of The Press, which be
held until March, 1880, when •he re
signed his office. . Since then, be has
been engaged on his life of Tbad
Stevens and in other literary work.
Mr.' McPherson served
,du ring the
war as a volunteer aid on the
staff of General McCall,,and was a mem
ber of the Military committee of the
Thity-seventh Congress. lie is an L.
L.D. of Pennsylvahiii College. He has
Written and puidished many bboks and
pamphlets, and-there. are no more un
biased and aceurate records of the war
period than his Political - History of - the
Reconstruction, and several political
manuals. - -
Mr: McPherson's chief acts have been
his famous ruling on the unite rule is
the Cincinnati National Republican
Convention of 1876. -of which he was
Chairman; 'As action in organizing the
House in .1865, in - deciding that the
Confederate States could not be restored
to representation except by law; and
and hisl agitation of the sale of public
Works of -. Pennsylvania in 1856-'7, as a
result of Which Democratic supremacy
was generally shaken. ' Mr. McPherson
is probably the best informed and most
accurate polittcal statistican in the
wintry, thoroughly posted on puha ,
mentary methods and proceedings as
walk - '
Mr. McPherson has been nominated
for Clerk•in spite of the :unfriendly - and
unworthy attitude of some of the mem-
Xters from his own State. His success
is a deserved rebuke to their personal
opposition. A long and honorable
,experience in the position has given
Mr.. McPherson unequalled qualifies
tions for its responsible duties. and ke
will bring to their discharge afitainle . ss
personal character and high: political
capacity. If soine of the politicians are
ehttgrined; - the people of Pennsylvania
wild heartily " weleotne his nomination.
L- Phi/a. Pregs.
The Pennsylvania mernbers commit
ted themselves:to Misdocki and' viited
for &ler; nugraciotisly tried-to defeat
McPherson and failed,' and sacrificed
sr, maw' a : Republican' as Judge
Bruin. Altogether it knot a - probd
record.—Philo. Press.
THE 8,0111, CODTDArta Mt SEIZ
Captain ,
Harry Sheriood, the fattens
nominee for Postmaster. belonged . to
the Fourth Michigan Cavalry. At the
battle ) of "Chicamanga be lost his leg.
He was Postmaster of the ilerase,Of Rep
resetitatiirei for several years before the
Democrats obtained the majority: He
'was turned out to make room for a Con
federate 'soldier. After being ousted al
Postkaster , he waislicade assistant to the
arch Mt th'e OaPitol, which !milieu
be now . holds. Ho is about forty years
of age.
Geo. W. Hooker. who was nominated
for Sergeant-at-Arms, is from Vermont.
He &A came into proininenee during
-the last campaign, when he served as
Assistant Secretary to the National Re
publican Executive Committee. He is
a young man not over-32 years of age,
and has mean and position. . He has
never appeared in public life until the
last year, having devoted his, time to his
large bwinesa interests in'the New Eng
land States.
WAsumtrox, Dee. B.—SOon after the
zdjournment of the Republicsan caucus
this evening, the- Democratic members
elect assembled in the same ball and or
ganized their caucus for the ensuing
Congress by re-electing Representative
House, of Tennessee as Chairman, and
Messrs. Frost, of Missouri, and Wel
born, of Texas, as Secretaries. Repre
sentative Proetor__Knott, of Kentucky,
offered a resolution endorsing the de
clarations of the Democratic Notional
Conventions of 1876 awl 1880, the sup
posed 'oliject being to pot -the . Deinc
°ratio naembers on record inlavor of the
plank endorsing "a tariff for revenue
only," which if it not present a compli ,
mentary;nomination of Speaker Randall,
would 118_11 rebuke. The resolution
was supported by Representatives Knott
of Kentucky, and Reagan of Texas, and
opposed by Representatives Hammond,
of Geogia, McLane of Maryland, Hook-
.er, of Mississippi,' and Hubert, of Ala
bama. Representatiie Hooker moved
to indefinitely postpone consideration
lot the resolution, and his motion was
'carried—ayes, 53; uayee, 42.
Representative McKenna, of West
Virginia, then moved that the
endorse and put in nomination as the
candidate of the Democrats all the offi
cers of the last House, and the motion
was carricil rica voce without dissent.
The .canous then, at 9:45, aljoorned
subject to the call of. the Chairman.
T he examination of Onitt au was con-
tinned orl Wednesday, Nov., 30th, and
on Thursday last Judge Porter began
the cross-examination. - The prisoner
became stubborn and would not answer.
some of the questions. At times he be
came very augny, frcqwen•ly striking
tbo. rail in front of the witners stand.
He was completely cornered Several
times during the day by Porter and it
was generally conceded that be bad
completely broken down Guitean's "in
spiration" theory. r On Thuriday even
ing when he was taken frod the •court
hit9t t3e7Vaving lost all his self
=abide rr.d good spirits.
On Fridiy,. ;Dee., 2d, the cross•ex
amine tion Was continued and concluded
by Judge Porter. He agaiir refused to
answer certain 'questions. He was
pressed fo the wall several times by .
Porter, and continually 'showed the
demonise spirit within him. During
his eismiantion be told how e hdogged
the President, and that he did not re
gret the s h ooting for one ]moment. He
strennonsly objected to the use of the
word word "murder"' during the exami
nation, Snd wanted the word "remove"
used instead. It is the opinion of most
prominent lawyers th'it the defense lad
made a blunder by putting Ouitean
on the stand.
At the conclusion of the previous
croskexamination, Dr. Alexander Neal,
of Columbus, 0., watt- put upon the
stand for the defense, and testified that
he had met Guitean during his lecture
tours and, at that time believed him
insane. On Saturday, Dee, 3d, the ex
amination of wttnesses i for the defense
was continues. Emory A. Storrs and
Vice-President Davis being on the
stand during the day. President Arthur
ex-SFetker Randall an 1 Senstor Bay
ard were subpoenaed.
WASHINGTON, Monday Dec., sr—An
immense crowd lined the sinewalds,
and upon alighting from 'the van the
assassin evinced unusual trepidation
and begged the officers i f o take him
around to the hick - entrance. He was
assured the escort was ample for his safe
ty, and with trembling steps and cring
ing gait he gale* shuffled through
the angry crowd. ;Abject fear was do
tected upon his sallow Cies, end it was
several minutes after he reached the
room in the building before 'he regained
his usual composure.,
Dr. James Kennon of the Chicago.
Medical School, was p ut upon the stand
as an expert .. Witne ss stated that as
suming the existence of the herediatory
taint'of insanity and the other facts al-
leged by the defense to be true, - Gnit
eau was insane. this created a . ripple
of excitemeut, !Witness based his judg
merOf Guiteausal insanity on: the he
reditary taint, on jimp,irment :of judg
ment, on exaltation of emotions, and
on inspiration, which also included the
motive.' Witness admitted that a man
committing .a crime, acting under the
delusion of Divine Inspiration, and then
conducting himself precisely as a crim
inal would do, it Worgol i be presumptive
evidence against his insanity.
Richard Hinton, editor of the. Wash
ington Gazelle, testified that be saw the
prisoner at the Republican headquarters
in New York, and formed the opinion
that he was exceedingly illy-balanced,
cranky and an egotist. Witness thought
that the prisoner's speech, “Garfield
vs. Hancock," was. a , rediculons and
disjointed affair.
Di. Charles N. Nichols; of the Bloom- .
ingdale Asylum, replied to a hypothet
ical question, proposed by Mr. Sco
ville: If the evidence to which I have
ligenediti correct. I should say the
prisoner is insane." , ';
Dr. Fulsome, of Boston, thought that
if the hypothetical proposition put by ,
Mr. Scoville vsi correct, the prikoner
was insane .Irheri he shot President
Garfield. -
Di: Samuel 'Worchester,. of Salem,
declined, to express an opinion until
16 counsel explained mere definitely
*baits* smug by tbetirni-"Ruiim
- • , •
Win. W. °amino, of the Geiere
meat Asylum: for thin keine at Wash•
ingtont thought that . upori., the theory
that the facts set forth in the bypothet
ieal qu%tion were true, the prisoner
wee IlrldOtliitedly ,
D Jas. H. Mcßride, of Afillwaulrep,
and' Dr. °binning. of Brookline, /111.118;
also thought that taking all the hypo
-006011 propositione to be true, the
prisoner' was insane, -
Dr. Theo. W. risi:er i of Boston,
would to be coufintal to the
statement of &eta in the hypothetical
question, hut if cr.mpelled to answer
would [ay, that he should judge tbe
prisoner insane.
Witness was informed by the prose
cution treat they would want him as a
Mr. Scoville announced that he had
no more witnessei lo present, and had
two or three more before closing the
Information was received at the
State Department at Washington, on
,Tuesday Let announcing the death of
G i eneral Judson' Kilpatrick, United
States Minister at Peru.
Larittout, Adams 00., Pa.
This is to certify that Dr. 'Clark johnion's
Indian Blood Syrup has given me great relief
for Kidney Complaint. I recommend it to
illimaam LIAR. ,
It /krei.
Kidney-Work moves the bowels regularly,
cleanses the blood, and radically cures kid-;
ney disease. gravel. piles, bilious headache.
and pains which are caused by disordered
liver and kidneys. Thousands have been
cured—why should you not try it? Your
druggist wil tell yon that it is one of the
most successful medicines ever know. It Is
'old in both Dry and Liquid form, and its-ac.
tion is positive and sure in either form.
—Dallas, Tex. Herald."
PIGEONS WaTED..- largo or
a number.. • Apply at
once to ,
1:4 ties and sizes a specialty at the •
Job Printing Mice.
Just Published-1 Revisid Edition of Carno
cban's Road Laws and Laws relating to TOWll
ship Officers in Bradford County, •by ,Sawygt.
W. Buck.
For Sale at Treasurer's Office, or at either
Whitcomb's or Crosee Bookstore. Towanda, Pa.
On Monday. Nov. 14th. on the road from To
wanda to Canton, lost a pocket book consider.
ably worn, containing one ten dollar and one
fore dollar bill, with ;opera, receipts, notes. etc.
The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving
it at the REPITOLICAN Oilea.-211
Estate of Phebe Lambe°. deceased. late of the
township of Albany; Bradford county, Pa.
Letters testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above named decedent having
been 'wanted to the' undersigned. , an persons
indebled to the estate above named, are -he reby
notified to make immediate payment,' and all
persons having claims against the tame, are no
tified to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to me. JAMES TERRY,
:New Albany, 'Nov. 28, 1881:-6w
UOTEL FOR SALE.-1: offer the
American Hotel property for sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner
of Bridge and Water streeta,in Towanda Borough;
It is one of the best and most central locations
in the place. There is a good barn connected
with the property. The free bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in the business. A
good active man with a small captal can pay for
the property in a short time from the profits.
It was papered and painted new last spring and
is now,in escellent condition.
Towaiida, Pa., Sept. 22. 1881-tf.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of •the
any other business' that' may be brought before
it, will be held st;the office of the Bank In the
borough of Towanda, on TUESDAY. JANUARY
10th, 1882, between the hours of 1 and 3. p m.
N. N. BETTS, Cashier.
Doc. 5, 1881. -
Serofnioni, Itching and Scaly Humors
of the Skin, Scalp and Blood Cured.
I will now state that I made a miraculous cure
of one of the worst cases of skin disease known.
The patient is a man forty years old; had suffered
fifteen years. His eyes, scalp and nearly his
whole body presented a frightful appaaranco.
Had bad the attention of twelve different physi
cians, who prescribexi the best remedies known
to the profession, such as iodide • potassium,
arsenic, corrosive sublimate, sarsaparilla, etc.
Had paid $5OO for medical treatment with but
little relief. l,prevailed up= him to use the
Crrioulia lissoLviesx iaternaliy,end the Cu rictum
and Mumma ;Boas externally. Ho did so, and
was compklely cared. The skin on his head, face,
and many other parts of his body, which pre
sented a-moat loathsome appearance, is now as
soft an,l smooth as an infant's, with no scar or
trace of the disease left behind. He has now
been cured twelve .months.
Hepoited by
F. H. BROWN, Esq., Barnwell, 8. C
Rev. Dr. -, in detailing hie expeclence
with the Cirrictras Riatronts, said that through
Divine Providence one of his pariahior era wali
cured of a scrofulous sore, which was slowly
draining away his Mi. by. the CumcnitA Itzsole
vzwr internally, and Cuetcusli abd Curium&
So.'? externally. The poison that had led the
disease was completely. driven out. ' •
Sixteen tnonttui eines an eruption broke out
on my leg and both feet, which turned out to be
Eczema, and caused me great 'pain and annoy
ance. .1 tried variens remedies with no good re•
snits, until I, need the Cirrzotras:•ar.soiverr
internally and Colima& and CITTICIMA Soar
externally, which entirely cured me so that my
skin is as smooth and natural as ever. •
LEN. M. MILEY, 64 South St., Baltimore.
Zbe Cuticura treatment, for the cure of Skin,
Scalp and Blood Diseases, consists in the inter
n,al use of Cumin& Itzsoz.vrar, the newDloo - d
Purifier, and the external - use of Curiotras and
Ccrricurta SOAP. the. Great Skin Cures. Price of
Crrricusi, small boxes, eficc.; large boxes, $1.03.
Ctirrtctralt Basotirwr, $1 per bottle.. - Varicuits
SOAP. 250.; Curictnia Stumm Soar. 15c.
Depot, WEEKS & PCTTEB, Bolton, Mass.
ariford's Radical Cure
• - . For $1.60:
Eixgroares lisalcst. Cum, Claysnanix Sox
• . Imrsoirin lonsisk, wrapped in on .
&age., with full s directions., and sold by al
ingests for onedollar. Ask for Sanford'
Radical Cure.
From a simple cold or influenza to the ro
Ong. sloughing and death of the senses •
men. taste and besting, this great remedy
supreme. Poisonous muaCue acctunula
lions are removed, the• entire nounbrati
leaned, disinfected. soothed and . healed,
ead and voice cleared, smell, taste andhear.
g restored and conatitutional ravages
heoked. Thus. externally and interplay
oes this great economical remedy work, in
tantly relieving and permanently curing th -
most aggravated and. dangerous form* o
• taut.. Amaral
• 'WEEKS & POTTER.'lloston.
k Bombes Water Bugs
/ and Nei • imd piot
EX fERMiN AI OFt A*u mi l sOtErs
- XINATOR and dte.
No fear of bad smells.
Barns. granerics and
households often cleared In a iiinglenight., Beet
and cheapest waist tiller In the world. ; No Wi
nn in thirty years. Every.bos warranted. -Sold
by all groomirma_drappists. :Ask lot PAR
SONS'. Maned for 2sc. by WEE S& POTTER,.
Boston,? lisagachuretts. • . , , -
& sPectaltr at uia ItErtiattcaa office.
14 ROTE HEADS, Am printed In the beit style
of the art at the Iterutuipor oaks,
J. ~, BOSH,
Fashionable Ready Made Clothin g,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Rats and: Caps, Trunks,
FAIL .- 0
: I .7:ENING !
DEFY' Conspnirzerlorir.
. ,
Ovecoats l a Specialty'.
J. K. BUSE, Bridge St., Towanda, Pa.
Seeptmber 19, 1881.
These Farm and Lumber Wagons are, without
doubt, the very'best wagons now in the market.
The manufacturers of the Auburn Wagbni are
making every effort to make ,the very best wagon
possible: and with inch' success. that they can.
and do make a better Farm and Lumber Wagon
than any wagon-maker can Make who has not the
unequalled facilities po ect by DICE. D. Clapp
Wagon Co.. 'No wagon-maker in Northern Penn
sylvania can make u good a wagon in all re
spects. I refer particularly to the wheels and
Nothing but first dais., timber, thoroughly
seasoned, is used. and the woods of the entire
running gears are soaked in boiled linseed oil
and thoroughly dried before being painted. No
malleable irons ire used. The Wagon Company
has ite own rolling mill and makes its own ro- ,
fined iron, and that of the very best quality.
Mr. Clapp, the President of .the Wagon Com
pany, and an old wagon-maker of. very high rep
. utation. • few days ago said to me: • ".(f we shosskt
exert ourselves to the utmost to make a better , wagon,
we muter not do it."
- drlalimu • trie — ittithrti Waidir berdre'
buying any other. Try the wagon and you will
be convinoed that I do not claim too much for it.
Come and.see the wagons or send for circulars
and prices. •
„Ices the
benc utter. sleighs
in the market—aU well lrfinnied and furnished,
and with' either steel or mat shoes, as may be
Cutters delivered crated at any Railroad eta
ilea at same prices as sold at by me at my ware
house; Special inducemenis to buyers early in
the season. Cutters supplied trimmed and fur.
Welled to ()Mar.
-. Ross Cummings Ray. Straw, and Stalk Cutters
of any desired size. These are the very best
Feed Cutters and have acquired a' Ugh reputa
tion for the past twenty-five years. For sale
also, Gale's Lever Cutters, Lion Cutters, and
Baldwin Safety tly Wheel Feed Cutteis.
FarniersCshould cut all bay, straw and stalks
AU bedding for stock should be cut.
For sale, the Celebrated Cornell Sheller', Hock
ing Valley. Clinton, Burrell, and othe.r excellent
Sheller*. at low prices.
• Platform Wagons, Buggies, tte.l
Wagons in variety of best and reliable makes
All wagons warranted to be as represented.
Towanda, Dec. lit, 1881.—tf
Wysaukiug l Pa
, .
At their,Slarble Works located near the Wy.
winking Depot, in Wyse:, are prepared to fur.
nisblie good quality of marble wark as can be
produced in the county. -
sold ten per cent. cheaper than you can buy
them at any other marble works in Bradford
Full satisfaction guarnteed and all Jnbs put up
Samuel Ott, who_ has somutly become a lasi
nes in the business is a drat class workman. We
do our own work, and are therefore enabled to
sell very much cheaper than an r -calker manufac..
Those whihing work in our line are respectfully
invited to'call 'and aee for themselves!, We also
do all kinds of STOME Woac in our line.
Wpanking, N0v.15, 18S1.-6m
BRINK & BUCK, Leßnytwille, Pa.
Will wilts :Policies for risks in Fire and iifo) It
surance. Collect Claims . with are and
promptness. They reprgieent none but •
They iolicit theconfideneeand patronage of those
having business In their line, and will endeavor
to merit It. Apply to or address •
BRINE& BUCK. Laitsmui.. i
tus3 .va.
Clo:a and Cheap Eanzas ?aper.
We are in recipk of the Winnevr - ,CAirrAL, an
eight-page, 48-column weeldppaper; -published
at Topeka,-Kansal,, the Capital of the State. at
°rig Dollar per year. to'anst address. • It is brim.
lull of State news, correspondence, crop notes,
markets, etc.. and is, in every respect, a Journal
worth the Maley asked for it" , Those who want
to learn about Kansas should tend for the CAP
rrAL. Address, - •
Topeka Daily Capital Publishing Company,
Ave • nyets !Casuals.
HORSESend cents in stamps or
currency for a new HOSEA
13008. It treats all diseases. bas 35 Ana mime.
lugs shoirsitient assumed by sick horses.
800 table of doses, surge collection
for telling Umbers of a home, with an engraving
'bowing teeth of each year, and a large amount
Of other valuable horses information . Dr. Wm.
B. Ball says. "I have bought books that I paid
$s and $lO for which I do not like as well as I do
yours." Sarin so* • Oneutara. Ultima WArrine
Kendall. M. D.. Faosburgh Falls, Vt.
Mar 20.1ve.
notice and namable rates at the Rims
=us Mee.
Full Floorti
06 4AD ztell Dia w 0 fi 0
to be found in Bradford Jonnty is at the oldest established CLOTHING
HOUSE in Towanda, - '
M.E.. ROMENP u laraan . S,
Gents' Furnishing:Goods,
Which will be - sold at sto 10 per cent. cheaper than any other dealer 'dtre sell
them. Giire me a call and judge for yourself..
Towanda. Pa.. October 20. 1881
A semi Pro t ess for Preserving all Perishable Articles Animal
and Vegetable ; from FerMentation and. Putrefaction,
retaining their'Odor and Flavor. .
64 OZONE--Purified air, active state of orygets.'
This Preservative is not a liquid, picklci, or artier the old and exploded processes, but is simply
and purely OZONE, as produced and applied by an' entirely- a new process. Ozone Ls thee:,
tiseptie principle of every substance, and perineum' the power to preserve animal and vegotab:i
structures from decay. There is nothing on the face of ale eartl liable to decay or rpoii whits (MOSE
the new Preservative, will not preserve for all time in a perfectly fresh and palatable refutation. •
The value of OZONE as a naturalpreseryer his been known to our abler chemists for years, tut
until now no means of - producing it in a practical, inexpensive, and simple manner have been
septic matter ,
Microscopic observations peeve that deciy is due to septic matter, or minute germs that develop
and feed upon animal and vegetable strictures. OZpNE, applied by the Prentiss method, sena
and destroys these germs at once, and thus preserves. At our oilices to Cincinnati can be seen -
. almost - every article that can be thought of—preserved by this process and every visitor is wet
come to come in, taste, smell, take away with him, and test in every way the merits of OZONE as
a preservative. We will also preserve, free of charge; any article that is brought or sent prepaid
to xis, and-return it to the sender, for him to keep and teat. -
Bart can be treated at a cost of leas than one dollar a thousand dozen, and be kept in an orii
%lt be nary room six months or more, thoroughly preserved, the yolk held indts normal condi
tion, and the eggs as fresh and perfect as on the dayr they were treated, and will sell as strictly
"choice." The advantage in preserving eggs is readily seen; there are seasons' when they oar he•
bought sor 8 or 10 cents, a dozen, and by holding them can be sold for an advance of from eye hun
dred to three hundred Per cent. with this method can preserve 5,000 dozen a day.
iledtoripelinthelenateclima,and can
be trali r rtedtos g;Vof the word express ed anndetinite
riod without fermentation—hence the great value of this process for producing a temperance
beverage, Milk and cider can be held perfectly sweet any length of time. -
vIIaIiTABLES can be kept for an indefinite period in their natural condition, retaining
theirodos and flavor, treated in their original packages, at a small expense
'AU gain, flour, meal, etc., are held in their normal condition.
this h as beetl s wwi ,m can utton ie vell is
I , p p p o e r d k i r poultry,
s m u t
jec tlshitc tx; preserved by
changes; and return to this country two state of perfect preservation. .
, ..
T 1
RocEss. willla_ become.RANcli
Dead human bodies, treated before decompoaltlon sets in, can be hold in a natural condition for
weeks, without puncturing the skin . or mutilating the body in any way. Hence the great vale
of Ozone to undertakers, . . . ---
Th sno change an the slightest particular-in the appearance of any article thus preserved, and
0 trace.of any foreign or niumPiral odor, or taste. .
elpkotella is so sileMlikthilt;il Child can operate it as well and assuccessfully as a Man. There if
v regl
no e.rpensire•apparatus or machinery required.
A room filled with different articles, such as eggs, meat, fiih, etc., can be treated at one time, with
out additional' trouble or expense. , -
Win fact, there is uothng that Ozone will not preserve. Think of everything you' can that 11
liable to sour, decay, or spoil, And then remember that we guarantee that Osone will preserve tt
in exactly the condition you want it for any length of time. If you will remember this, it Ir2l
save asking questions as to whether Ozoue will preserve this or that article—it will preserve 5 . 57
thing and every thing you can think ef.
There is not a township in the United States in which a live man cannot make any amount cf
money, from $l,OOO to $10,!..00 a Year. that ho pleases. We desire to get a lire malt' interested in raj
county in the United States, in whose handy we can place OA is Preservative, and through hiss recureJf
1 1 businesss:l4A (eery county ought to palace. • -
• • -'
-.• ' .
t, r oirru NE - lawstitia ' any man who secures control of
pi r , OZONE in any Township or County.
A. C. Bowen, Marion, Ohio, cleared $2,000 in two ' months. $2 for a test package was his first in
vestment. Woods Brothers, Lebanon, Warren Clounty; Ohio, made $6,000 on eggs purchased in
July and sold November let. $2 for a test package was their first , investment.
P. K. Raymond. Morristovni, Belmont County, Ohio, is clearing $2,000 a month in handling and
' selling Ozone. - $2 fora test package was his first investment.
D.F. Webber, Charlotte, FaWi County, Michigan, has cleared $l,OOO a month since - August: - $2 for
a test package was his first investment. - 3 . .
J. 13. Gaylord, 80 L aSalle Street.Chicago,.la . preserving eggs, fruit ; etc., for the commissiorf men al
Chlnigo, charging 11,-ic. per dozen for eggs, and other articles in proportion. Be Is preservin;
+5,000 dozen eggs a day; and outdo business is maklng's3,ooo a month clear. $2 for • test Pa ck '
- age was his first investment.. • ~.
The Cincinnati Feed - Company, 498 West Seventh Street, is , rnakitig $5.000 a - month in handling
brewers' malt, preserving and shipping it as feed to all parts of the country. Malt unpreserved
-sours in twenty-four hours. Preserved by OZONE it keeps perfectly sweet for months.
These are instances which we have asked the privilege of publishing. There are scores of others.
- Write to any of the above pieties and get the evidence direct.
Now, to prove the absolute truth of every thing we have said in this paper, we propose to Our I
your hands' the'veiciuutof proving for yourself that we bare not claimed half - enough. To any cast
- son who doubts any of these statements, and-who Is interested sufficiently to beakeithe trip, re
' will pay all traveling and hotel expenses for a visit to - this city, if we fall to prove any at:sten:lent
that we have made. • ' -' -
ow '
13[4:1)W .-- 1716 ; : trr s u l° .t; m Wll.* O ZONE.
A test Package of Ozone, containing a sufficient quantity-to preserve one thousand dozen egg*. or
other articles in proportion, will besent to boy applicant on receipt of Si. - This Pia
, enable the applicant to pursue any line of tests and experiments he desires, and thus sstish
himself as to the extraordinary merits of Ozone as a Preservative." - After haring thus waded
himself, and had time to look the field over to determine what he wishes to do in the latex , -
whether Weal( the article to, others, or to confine it to his own use, or any other Hue of l'ol" .1
which is best suited,to him and to his
to or county—we walk enter into an arrangemest
with' himthat will make a fortune for him auditive us good Prate. We will give exciusim town
ship or county privileges to the first responsible applicant who orders a test package and deein s .
to control the filminess in his locality. •TIIE lAN WHO t4ECIIRES CONTEOL of i•ZON 1U
Dual let a day pass until you have ordered a Test Package, and U you desire to secure an ezeis-
ive privilegeors assure you that delay may deprive you of ik for the applications come in to 04.
by scores every mail—many by telegraph. . - First come drat served"- is our rule,
If yon do not care to send money In advance for tea fiat package, we whl send it C. 0.1 D.: but au
will put you to the expense of eharges,for return of money. Our correspondence is
- we kaveralloiretamido to .attendlo.tbe Shipping of orders and giving attention to our Ertl
agents. Therefore we cannot give attention to letters which do not . order (mane. if you fhin,,
Of any article that you are doubtful about 02040 preserving, remember we guarantee Mit
Pre/emelt, AO matter told it is.
REFERENCEQ . We desire to c all "Our attention W a class of referend i nce*
leo • no enterprise or arm based on any thing but the soundest
business enemas and highestoommercial merit could Return: •
We refer,- by perldislOn. as to our integrity and to the value of the Prentiss Preservative, in the
following gentlemen: Edward C. Boyce, Member' Board - of Public Works: E. 0. Eshelby, Ceti
Comptroller: Arbor Smith, Jr., Collector Internal Revenue; Wnlain k Worthington,:Attorz e i s !
Ifrtbs H. - Harrell and B. P. Hopkins, .County Commluioners: W. B.CappeUer, comity Audiw r i
allot Cincinnati, Hamilton county, ChM. These gentlemen are each familiar with the :nerds
our Preserrative,lind know from setae' observation that we have without question
Tike; $2 you hisestinn test package will surely lead you to secure a townantp or county, and
sant , ini,3r is absolutely clear to make from $2,000 to vow a year.
GUI your 101 l addreni in every hotter, and send your letter to
Decd-3ur •S. E. Corner Race and Ninth Ste., Cincinnati)
Si., - TPA