FARM AND GARDEN FARKENG AS AN GOCIIPATIOX.--Boys railed in cities and surfeited with so! **la, often imagine that they would like to be farmers. Let them follow the example t have given, only extend ing it through a whole year, taking the same relative positions that they would be forced to take in learning any other business. Begin at the bottom, step ping on the lowest rounds of the ladder, and touching every one, until the top is reached. This is the way to ijuslify a man for managing a farm. Young men who have taken this - way of ;learning farming, though their early years have been passed along pavbd streets, and in echools, haveniade some of our moat successful farmers. There is another road that is often taken, but not often with lasting satis faction. Buy, or otherwise acquire a farm, subscribe for revere agricultural papers. purchase books on farming, purchase a full set of tools and =whin ery.—Learn by experiment, and if your , money an zeal last_long enough, and• sou work hard, you will finally make a good fanner, bat your 7111 be a costly one. I knew a oars ;gusto like this: A farmer's son was 'educat ed,' as people say. He bad his four years of classical study allowed him by a rule of the Court, and spent nearly. his three year in a lawyer's office, when circumstances made it necessary for Lim to go to his father's house, and as- same the management of nearly one thousand acres of land—perhaps one third of it called 'improved;' that is, it had been partly cultivated. Log heaps, piles of stones, clumps of bushes, and swampy places adorned the fields. The • owner was just twenty-one years old— without other -knowledge of practical farming than ,such as he had acquired in observing the rude processes of that long ago time, daring vacations, and one summer with the hired men when a lad of sixteen !years. He found his lands in the occupancy of tenants, who mast remain for one season. He went into the - fields with ;ibex, tenants and worked 'without other- compensation, than instruction in the use of tOols, and devoted the season to trying to learn enough to justify. his ,attempting the .management of the farm. The next year he assumed direction. Foremen were not yet invented to help incompe tent fanners. He had a team, plow, etc., for his own use, and to; a while worked with his men, but soon learned that seventy-five cents a day would pay a better man than ho was for holding a plow, and that his eyes to overlook the whole work, were worth more than his hands driving a team.—Hou. GEORGE GEDDES, in Anierican Agriculturist for December. NOTES ON LIVE STOCK. IS WDITEIL- The farm animals at this season are directly dependent upon the care, and attention of the farmer. To pass the winter with profit they must be well kept Animals are very complicated engines, and must be run by careful engineers. The food they receive is the fuel, and the daily nabbing, cleaning, etc., may be likened to the inspection, cleaning and oiling of the engine. The f iel must be equal to the demands made Of the animal engine, else the machinery will be run at a disadvantage, and there fore with diminished profit. When the water is low and the fire almost out, the engine is a source of loss to the owner. On the other hand the fire may be brisk. and the boiler Well supplied, but some screw is loose, or a part rubs another too closely and the friction thus pro duced neutralizes much of the force.— So in the animal machine, all . . the parts mast work harmoniously together, or in other words there must be perfect health to obtain the best results. An animal that'• have the 'best of food in sufficient qtiantity, and still' pass a hard .winter, and with Out 'profit to its owner. Food 'of the_beet kind without shelter, ik in the animal econorny'likii fuel in an engine that ! is 'rusty and loose and out of order. *lli are expensive methods o: arriving* detired results. It takes too lunch fcirie to run the machine in both cases. As it is cheaper to have a good engine et:pt in good order, so it is to have an animal in health and com fort. The thoughtful farmer twill see many other points of likeness between the animal machine and the one con structed by human hands, but this is znough to suggest the 'importance of keeping farm animals in a healthful and comfortable condition by means of warm stables with clean floors and pure aii.— • American Agricuiturist for December. SHELTER SAVES FOOD-18 PROFTTABLE. Eyery keeper of animals- *mild actu ally profit by a little study of chemistry and physiology. Here is a short lesson: AU kinds of rood, as hay, grain, bread, meat, etc., are, like wood, mainly com posed of charcoal (carbon) and water, with considerable nitrogen in some of them. To proYe this strongly beat any of the above food materials in a coal pit, or better, Onderglas.3. Water, withsome nitrogen gas, will be driven, off and can be found in the glass receiver, 'while only charcoal will remain. Let in:more air and the charcoal itself will unite with the oxygen of the atmosphere, and also go off as a transparent, invisible Car bonic acid gas. - This chemical action sets at lit.erty heat that was before coix cealed of inaerisible, the same as when wood or coat is burned rapidly in a stove s stove s - 1 ildrrYipg an active • fire; or as when wt,od decays, but gives off best so slow a 3 not to be observed. We must have an ever-burning fire in both the animal sad human system. If the sur rounding atmosphere is cold, and car ries off beat rapidly hrom the surface of - the body, we must increase the internal - production of heat by patting in more , good, or by surrounding the body -with a covering that prevents the escape of _winch heat. le it not plain then, that by keeping aminials warm by means of close build ings, or shelter against heat-stealing winds, leas food will be needed, and there will be less waste of flesh in mak ing heat ? Any arrangement of shelter, cover. stable, shed, blankets—anything that will prevent the natural warmth from passing Away from the surface of the animal — wal'beliirear . , tOffail of food required to keeit'uP the abiantely necesarry internal lifeiwarmth; will pre vent loss of flesh; will allow they food to go more to adding to weight Of ilesb, or the yield of milk, or of - -Shelter and external warmth - . in cold weather 7einost economleal aud tberfic!re profit at. 'e in the keeping of farm stock.— American Agricaletiriff for December. .-..:* 47 , ' ~...i: _ ............ I 1 , - I a first class iakwinau in a Dry Alma in Towanda. Address With fall nainaoll reference, Merchant P. 0. Bow, qsa. All oonlmtualcathms confidential. Dr. Seuat~d its a= &i*OOl.7sfsma.; The experience , of the late Dr. 7. O. HoMaid as anparintendeot of schools. at Vicksburg is thus recounted by Edward Eggleston in the December (lentut7: At theOnd of the tedious river voy age. he found that the public schools which he bad been called to superin tend hie not yet been organised, and that * beyond a - depertF 4oll t Of ; Oiffirles they' had no etistance. Dr.' was, warned that aisoiplioe via out of the question—that if he exacted obedi enee be would be put out by the larger boys. There ensued a stern fight for suptemacy between him and his reboil ions pupils, in which his quick decision of chaiseter gave him the mastery. Even at a later day than - this, such a thing as shooting of a school-master for whipping a boy was not unknown in South-westand it is ,a wondet that Dr. Holland escaped violence.' illoth ingbut his superior quit tress and faltering courage savekhim. thiCe, the, Urger ; boys ; resehiliVetr revenge. One who had entered a :lamp pmilslit, nient at his hands provided himself with a club, and, backed by a crowd of burly, overgrown school-fellows, waited to attack the teacher on his way to the post-office. Seeing the crowd, and knowing.its meaning, Doctor Holland fixed l is'steady dark eyes on the one who held the club, clinched his fists, and 'Walked straight forward through the very midst of the group which, melt ed sbirly away at the approach of the terrible master. When the lehele bad dispersed, the teacher found the prints of his nails in the palm of his hands. Though be staid in Vicksburg but fif teen months, he wrought a revolution in its educational system. In , less than a [year from his coming, the private schools were all given up, except one which derived its support from out-of town,papils. The schools were grad d, and were taught in one building under his supervision. Eli Pdrkins on Proposing. OLD FASHIONED VAT. 'May I call you Paula?' he asked modestly. 'Yes,' she said, faintly. 'Dear Paula!—may I call you that?' . •I suppose so.' 'Do you know I love you?' • !Yes.' 'And shall I love you always?' 'lf you wish to.' - *And Will you lire me?' ; - Paula did not reply. 'Will you, Paula?' he repeated. 'You may love me;' she said again. 'Bat don't you love me in return?' 'I love you to love me.' 'Won't you say anything more ex plicit?' ,I would rather not.' , • They were married and happy within three months. NEW FAESION'ED WAY.i Her eyes shone a beautiful,. joyous light, when be leaned forward and said: 'Julia, I have something confidential to tell you.' ' 'What is it. Augustus?! she asked in a low, silvery voice—a 4 nd of German silvery voice.' 'Well, Julia, to be frank with you, I think that under some circutastatces might love you. Now do you love me?' 'Yes, Au -ustns, Ido love you, you know I do,' and then flung her tdabas ter arms around his neck. 'I am very glad. Julia.' he Piaci, 'for I like to beloved.'. 'Well Angustue?' .7: But ..Auguatus never -; said another word. Fashionable fellows never say more than that nowadays. They were never raarried. Moau..—Girls l never tell. a fellow that you love him till he has asked you to be his wife. —Pima Eli Perkins, Saratoga in 1901. 'Mr. Blank,' began a citizen as he entered an omen near the City Mall; 'just one year ago to-day I• camein be.. 9 and called you a liar. I believed *oat I said, and for a year we have not spok en to glob other. Wit'atu a week past I have found out that I was mistaken,. and I now apologize for harsh Words and express my sorrow that I was ever led to indulge in such lan guage.' 'Mr. G.,' replied the other, as he extended his hand,: 'your frsnitness begets frankness. 1 Daring the last year but one you moll'. were friends. Yon borrowed upward of seventy dollars „of me in small Wm% and never repaid a dollar. This last year we have been ene mies, and I am ahead financially. While I may long to forgive you, I must look out kir the interests .of my growing family: Let ns compromise by nodding to each other in Sunday school, paying our own way outside. , 'Air, I shall never nod to yon in San day-school or elsewhere!' said Mr. G., and he walked out as stiff as a ramrod andleft the door wide open.--Detroit Free Press. . A railroad man met with a painful ac cident the other evening. He had just emptied one schooner of beer, and was in the act of reaching for another when his wife appeared unexpectedly upon the scene. 4 He was caught between the bumpers, with the usual result. `'" A Card. - We take great-pleasure in calling the at tention of out Mends and customers to Dr". Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate , and gives relief alMost instant ly. It matters not hog severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicinti will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving &Om in s< healthy con dition, free from irritation, and the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump tion, CoughsrOolds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry, Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice,•/rsitatiow. of the Throat, Soreness of the Gook Psini in the Longs. Spitting of :Mood., Ciotti). It fne enza. whooping Cough and'Lnng Fever we recommend this medicine above all others. Yours truly, CLAME B. PORT3III, Jane 2-1y..1 8..814 Ward Ease Block. Why suffer such unspeakable tortures, Rheumatism has been Conquered, Kendall's Spavin Cure is the victor. Read the adv't. P.I.ZZIL Piles are frequently a sense of weight In the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose be has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organ* At times aYmPtomo of indigestion are present as flatpleney, uneast. newel the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspimition, producing a very disagreeable itching, particularly at nigtt after getting warm to bed, is a very common attendant. Internal, External and Itching Piles yield at once on the applicitiOn of Dr. Bosankb's Pat Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorblng.the Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and affecting a permanent cure wkere , all other remedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain on the system ;nodules permanent disability, but try •it And be cured.' Price, SO cents. - Ask your %ter It, and. when you cannot obtain itffi a lm; ire trill 'send it, prepaid; on seapt of prfae.akddreas The Drs &nuke Medicine .Bold by' Chid 13.-Porter. Bad of Ward Haase Block.. June 2-117- • I " :-. • a" • Ina - . , • • • • . :14A IRON .B are ly ettaxameeaka lams 4ai a ring a certain and effielent ton ic;_especiellyledigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter. i Fixers, Want of Appetit', Lou qf Streagai, Lack of Iblergy, de. Etaiehea the blood, strengthens the muscles, and giveenew life to the nerves: They tie like a charm on the digestive organs, reuzlnCdyspeptitsytnßinnut, Stleli Riding the Food, .Beleking, Heat in Me ,geae - ,bers, etc. The only. iron Preparathin that will not b headaehe. Sold by all druggists: Write ibrAte AB t 3 Books 82 PP- et useful and amusing reading—sent free. BROWN .CLEBINICALAJO., ialamiike; THE POPULAR CORNER ! GEO. L. ROSS, Ida filled up the old MONTANYE STORE with a full and complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS TEE LOWEST. can here for your Groceries. After you get prices at Boss' it will be of no use to try else. where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can get the of the market a Ow. L. Rosi'.. kinds of Produce taken in ex. ehange'for goods or - for - cash.' - - 140140 M Towinda's-cL:Store MAIN srritmorr„ (NEXT DOOR To PEI= k 00. s prepared' to offer a complete assort meat of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, . Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES SATCHELS, &C. . . For the , Coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick wile With a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and 'therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. - marWe endeavor to sell. the- hes article for tie least. possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. E;KIi.D.WCY: j. WOFZT nis.GREATCURE . - RHEUMATISM As it is for all direarcs of tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND DOWELS. - Is Crusts the astral of the sciid Yoh= that causes the drtatilfal sulii6ring which only the victims of Ithatuaugism cam =Aliso. THOUSANDS OF CASES of 'Ma worst faratt of this teigiido disease have been quickiy short time ' PERFECTLY - CURED. IKIDNEY-WORT has had wasiderfiel &needs, and an immense see in eOrr.7 part of tho Country. In hun dreds of C 3323 it I:secured where all oho' had failed. Itis mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN - ITS ACTION, tmt hanaless in all cum rr It cleanses, Steenelbeas and sloosNew Life to nil the important origins or - the body. Tho natant oottou of tho Kidneys is restored. The Th.:tris cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels . m.)7c freely and healthfully. In this vthe'word disagree N - adhaatul. from oio iti oyez, houSatioldas ' SPRINC MEDICINE.' Merlyn cures 3311.10170711.3. LONBTIPA. TlOti. PILES raid all.rlnni kt:P /1; TIE!) r 7 Vegetable Form. In tiffean; one pal: . of r loti in.:..kcA. quarts medicine. Also Form. very Coeirestratedfor the emsrciomo of who cannot readiltPee pare it. /f acts with mai efficiency in catherform. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. MCP, 411.00. WELL!. RICIIIRDSON Co., Prop's. (Will rend the dry post-paid.) sr RILINGTOS, TT, "KIDNEY:WORT wagons &Ca!!bieages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. I JAMES BRYANT, would call the atten ' thin of FARMERS . and others to hie large and complete assortment of open & Top Buggies AJD PLATFORM WAGONS all of hie own MANUFACTURE and war ranted in every par-. tieular Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platform Wagons. The easiest and best in use. • NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Loot at these figures' • Two Seated Carrtiges from ... • $l5O to $176 Photons. one seated _ 125 to 150 Top Buggies . , 125 to 100 Democrat Buggies . 1 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 90 to -110 liemember that the above are all Bally warrant ed. gest-class or nopay. . , Repairing promptly atttended to at 25 per cent below Istitfears pliers. .. . :4 0 11 , ariP7 itat.tiliti UN! Elimibetkita, _:"' ~,' ~.,' ,' •-iN k. *44 Ditr4tlWr. .. sowrio i - . .--- :, , 4 , -.• _ v ~. , - _ . , KLINE'S MARKET. -CA:11,0001.4 EILACOCI Man Street, First Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, HIVING 1/EISOVID 1118 _ MEAT &VEGETABLE mitr 11111 o a more convenient loestion. and established himself inthe Carroll Block. opposite Seely's Hotel. is prepared to supply. his patrons with - - THE otioiogrr oP xtaers..-, , FISH.OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. _ . . , MEE IMUCTAHLM - ticarevna ie., a srpowasa SAURiGH.4 47. An or den prompUr delivered. 1111.11YE&CO. FALL AND WINTER 18 ATTENTION IS INVITED to our SM.:class Heating Stoves They are too well known to require any commendation— • - New Hecla, Westminster, Crown Jewel. . I We ! also have - a line of CHEAP BASE L BURNERS, the best of their claw in the market, and well adapted for sup- plying .a demand for an efficient bat in expensive beating stove. SerAVOOD, HEATING STOVES in great variety. is.l) Ar e, a co HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES Sold In Towanda and vicinity by A.D.DYE & CO. A LARGE STQCK.OF Wood Cook Steven CA RRIA(IEMAKERS AND - BLACKSAUTHS7 SUPPLIES, AND A GENERAL STOCK OF HARDWARE WAIN- ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oct. 31st, 1881. • Yon that have beauty, Como and let us take it, - And you that have none, Come and let us make it. • PHOTOGRAPHERS , - Cordially invite the public to-give cheat a call at the Rooms formerly - occupied by G, a Wood, - . • .. T.O.W4NDA.. PENN. Recent improvements In the skylight hays far lashed facilities for taking perfect - pictures quickly and Mall kinds of weather. - PORTRAITSIFROM PHOTOGRAPHS and DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty.. Finished in In die Ink, Water Colors. Crayons, orPastelles, any size. - FINEST WORK OF ARTISTIC EXCEL LENCE °MUMMER. A • STOCK of FRAMES ON HAND AT ALLTIMES: C.l i riiti• I !.'iii*OCOEWELU 'Vcrirsia;'Oct 11 ' ;1880: ' 17 A. 41 glOkTi_ A TA,41 1 4 : -:: -:- iian4ri,:i and :pain'. iii .• ' . HUMAN HAIR UCH AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, the popular Chatelaine -1131 raid, EVERYTHING BILIENGINGro ism HAMMON • 111rSpecIalAttentIOn ilrem to COMBINGS Boots all turimdono • SIVITEHER from $1 amide: Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible FaeoPcrader, Madam elark's Corsets, said Shoulder Brice Motion. • /ErPartbsolor attralloa pot t 3 dressingwk. balrst their homes or at my :'place of burin*, over Enna i unarettvs store. n 01118432 - Val. D. V. STZDOIL - _ A. N. NELS DRAM , WATQ - $ B r . . CIP4 s• GOLD AND PLAT= . ,•• " ; NM= - • of we* wield% wad Spiciselea. sirrusseatat attention paid is repairing. Shop in -Deems t , Vclu lg a r s circw..7*.*kiztaizefit s r Towanda, a angle...l = 7: 7 . CaliplMO .msrehl?-tt MEI lIIN COO DS, :.. >ONE _ .l • , PINE CALLER INTO : N.AWDL'.--:' G. N. WOOD CO. will: oppii 'theii:-Ne*..olllert - in . . - • - 4:I'? '-:: -; 4 - . - iVi,..l - :,Z t', .1 . ,:-,1 p 1 ...,,,,,, „:, :Tv 33h)(ilc s , ool3e ilioaday of Apail. IBm Atti4 up attires saw. with the beet of insitigusta. wa ant PNI* I O to !am Tintrin4 41 item sittipir4idt 4r so ,as. In suit ranuloaaa. - 10 tor of all *ads ot Pbotoarraqba,sad tittalm aud large vim work peep al Mu tailale• ells us Idl em! w< will to y and mum - is primula quality. - mar 90 : BEVERLY METH, BOOK BINDER AND Doaler . ln Serail Saw &oda.. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY 'and - CHEAPLY. =Pine Blank Books r writ snemly. Amateur's Supplies. This department of my bullies. is Tay com pieta. and befog a practical sawysr nowelf I know the Inuits of my patrons. WOOD% - 13AW MAIM. - CLOCK itonnunts, constantly on band.- W 11.15 worth of designs for $l. bend for price lista. •• REPORTER " •DlNDlatlf. Park street. P.O. boa 1513. Towanda. Pa WE KEEP IN STOCK -- 7- EVERY QUALITY OF CARDS, ENVELOPES, NOTEHEADS, 'LETTERHEADS; ; • • ? ! • - Acia, . • I • IP AND WILL DO ALL . KIND SOP; JOB PRINTING A 7 880R7 NOTICE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A SPLENDID LINE OF AMBER. TINT Letterheads, Bi'Meads, Statements, &c. Tram, WILL BR METED IN THE BEST STYLE AT REASONABLE RAILS. . 7 , :.:7,-•.7 T.8;PG,E ., :'1. 1 , , f :--. 7 .T . : j''' MNImEsTon EE ME FURNITURE PARLOR 8 BED1(00 11111i ir TABLES, = •••" --415 aP" Everything In the Pura. Undertaking. We make &specialty of this branch and shall give it our personal attention. We have a full line of , COPFINS, cAsicwrs. ROBES, ite. and will not be unders9ld. Give us a call before purchosing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn `has no connec tion with our business.l Stevens & Long GIIOCZAIZS, COUNTRY PRODUCE - STATEMENTS, COB. AWN AND PINE WEI They invite attention to their complete We ' ; are= constantly teeming-the =welt and latest patterns ir. WWROMA niture Line. L . B;: PIERCE; Successor to N. P. Hicks TOWANDA. JAN. 28114 1881. General Dealers in 1 PROVISIONS, Ar? sAyx.itsmoyED To their nor stoma (The 013 stand of Pox, S Wrens dr MercnrJ assortment and very large stook of Choice New Goal, which they have alwayv on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION RIVEN To the PRODUCE TRADEI And Cash Paid- for Desirable Kinds. M.l. L9NO. DR. CREAM CAMPHOR. IS THE NAME of the popular Linament that cares Itheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites.. Pain in the Face., Head or Spine. Chopped Hands, Bruises, sprains. Burns, Mosquito BUN. Sting or Bite of an Insect, Poison Vines, etc., for Man or Beast Always reliable. and almost instantan eous in Its relief. Having an. agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 2 , TP cts. N. 8.-This Liniment received s Prize Medal at the State lair. 1879. AIM JONES, Wore, 319 N. 3d St.., MU. Ps. Jan. IS. 6-in. DR.JONEUREAKCJURPROR IS THE NAME OF the pooppular Liniment that auras Ithennualim. Ninralgla, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. pain in the Face. Head or Spine. Mapped hands, Bruises. Sprains Burns. Mosquioto ies, Sting or Bite of an in: Bl sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. eta., for man or, beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous In Its relief. Rating en agreeable odor. it Is pleasant to . spiny. Sold b 7 all drug . gists. Price 25 canto._ N. B.—This Liniment received &Prise Medal a the State Fair.lBl9. ' • Mat 2017. CANCERS: aRED AT CRANE'S CANCER • MARV, ADDISON, N. Ir.. HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all Parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they hare been rescued from • terrible and untimely death.. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Free. Write foraCimulnrgivingtoll particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE k RUSH BROWN. Addison. N. Y. .. Sept.llo.lFr.GPßeco. KENDALL'S Eirattritr CUBE sun -to cue *Vostok Splines, It ensnares all unnatural entergensen ual ts. 'nose not sums. BM to eq for any lawm beast or ann. It ham clued hlp en •Join o t n lameness In a person who bad sof , brad 15 yam. - Also cured rhea:dna. • , tism. torus. frost-Men 'or my mobile; oat or ladeness. It has no equal.tor any ,blandalr on „bateau'. Send for Illustrated denlar irlytag roarivs rigor.. Price $l. ALL DRUGGISTS bare It or can gain for you. Dr. BJ Kendall' is 00., Proprietors. /bioaounth Falls ernout,_ U. O..POWILIRIII. Agent. Towanda. l's. ALW 9N wuje llAND iy of —A rape llo r e . White an red Cards, and other material. for executing first-Chum Job Printing, at the Cifice of Tan Burt. vORD RIII4PLICAN: AU orders prompt' executed, and at the timid, cosh total .:::;.:*** - o . **.3Ers YONG An Ithuitnited - weekly --- 16 Page?. SUITED' is O BOTH AND MOTS OF.PROM SIX TO OULTEfOi =WS OF ACE. WI. ALL coirimenoes Novemb r.. 1,1881, OWN THE TIMIS TO SUISOOME. The Tome PXosta kaktimen_frolis the drat sutessaful beyond anticipition.-;qlr. Ereamg It has s distinct ;snipes to which it steadily adliered—that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for the young with • paper more attractive, as well se .more whoksome.— Boston Journal. , For neatnesi v eleganoe of engraving; and eon tents generally, ALI' unsurpassed .0/ anTßilbli catknt of the kind yet brought to our. notice.— Pittsburgh audit. . ' Its weekly visits are eagerly , looked for, not only, by the children, but also by parents who are anxious to•provide pure literature for their girls and boys.—ChridUot.ddeocate, Buffalo, N.Y. A week'y paper for children which parents need not fear to let their children reed at the fondly Aside.—/forybrd LAW, 'Naga. • - ;oat the piper to take the eye and immure the attention of the bop' , and girls:—Spnegfield Maim' HARPER'S YOUNG- PEOPLE, • ' 5i..5,3 Per Year, Postage Prepaid, Bigots Nomasna Four Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1831 will be ready early in November. Price .33.00: Postage Preitstd• Cover for Tomo ProvLa for 1881, 35 cents: Post* age, 13 cents additional. Resnittances who,wld bo made' by PostAface Money Order or Waft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers' are sot to copy this advertisement without the aspress order oflissran k 13aoragas.. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. L%1227!t Great Combination. THE DVIV PORRNAI DEMOREST'S Both Publications, One Year $1,*90 (SEAEN HUY.) Dxxonitsx's Mosta= ii featly entitled the World's Model Magazine. The Largest in Form, the Largest in Circulation, and the best TWO Dollar Family Magazine issued. 18M2 will be the eighteenth year of its publication; it is now im proved so extensively as to place it in the front rank of Family Periodicals, and equal to any magazine. It contains 61 pages, large quarto x 11% inches, elegantly printed on tinted paPer, fully • illustrated, each number having steel engravings, oil picture, or art subjects, publishes by W. Jennings Demorest, New York and by special agreement combined with the OAIU (NONNI Per Year. " • G.' TR./IC Y , _t. Ueneral Insurance Agent, Olfiqe total PATCH. 4 TRACT Alfai4_ St ALL COMAIONICATIONb THROUGH 1 MC POST OFFICE WILL RE. GRIM PROMPTATTENYION osl9lB tf • T. MUIR & CO.'S GROCERIES The place to use money b ming cheep Is at . Theitespeetfullt ennonnee to the nubile that they lave a large stock of i • MOLY% PEED; KRAL. GRAIN. SALT, FISH PORK. and IIitoI7ISIONS generally. We ban slagl44 4so our stock a 'orbit/ of • WOODEN WARE such as BUTTER 211/38. FIB =S. mums. ETC. Jost received s large stock of Sagan, Teas, Coffees, Spices, '3101711301413 MBE 80AP, the beet in the market, sad other mates of leap Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Cash; act 26 77 A LIFE-LIKE CRAYON PORTRAIT -)OF DEAD .:PRA GEO. A few short _hours after our brava President's death had been announced to a sorrowing coun try. every yard of, crape. and every portrait that could be had were nought up at fabulous prices. While thousands succeeded in getting his por-, trait, hundreds of thousand.. yesi million., tried In vain. The U. H. Manufacturing Co. of Pitts burg, Pa. bad about 2000 copies that were unsold during the campaign-, outside of these there were not one hundred copies in that city. In less than two hours after it had become known that they had them, every one was sold and thousand more were' wanted. One young man bought 500 of them, and sold them within an hour—clearing.s6o on them. This firm immedi ately telegraphed to the leading picture pub lishers of the country, and bought , up all that could be , had—about 15.000. They will, while these last, send them to any address in the United Statespost paid at thelollowing rate: .1 portrait 50c. 5- for 112.00, 25 for $6.00, 50 for $lO.OO, or 100 for $15:00. Any ono ordering ono hundred can readily sell them in a few hour* for $50.00. Good canvassers can make $5OO in the next 30 days selling - them. Whether you wish one or 100 address ittxx U. S. FACTURINO CO. - EMPLOYE NT FOR, ALL. TO svLx. A '• HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE The poor as well as, the rich, the old aa well as the young. the wife, as well as the Intsband, the young maiden as well as the young man; the girl as well as the boy, may just as well earn a few dollars 1a hOnest employment, as to sit around the and wait for o th ers to earn it for tbsm. We can give you e mployment, all the time, or during your, spare hours only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaintances. 'lf you do not earo for employment, we can impart valuable info?. mation to you free of cost. It will coat you only one cent for a Postal card to write for our Pros pectus, an4ilt may be the means of ma i ling you a good ma nit dollars. • Do not neglect this opportunity. Ton, do not have to invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of losing it. Iron will readily see that it will two an easy matter to make from $l6. to $lOO. a week, and establisha lucrative,tand inde pendent business, honorable,; stasightforward and profitable. Attend, to this matter NOW, tor there is MONEY IN IV for all who engage with us. We will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to us before. Wa snap raLL PakriCUrAns MIL Address 1171) CO., prim 6 this piks i r.) • BUCKEY E "Pt. fBl-6mos. , 1 4alcug , Ouzo 1882. PEOPLE. TERMS: -1 , 611D(- ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. -)FOItt TOWANDA., PA. STOP AT teOR AND PROVISIONS. Oorear Main and Prauklin Streets POiVANDA. , PA. lII= ESIDENT. SIZE _ . 14x10 INCHES. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, L elan to be found at die OLD STAND MeglN STREET, Next door to Dr. H. C.. Porter's. Drug Store . FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES,, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE,' SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, • CLOCKS, PROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE HEST. W ALL OF WHICH WILL EE BOLD,AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES; ' Clock', Watches and Jewelry ',unaptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. M. RENDELMAN. septl64f NATHAN TI DD, PITTSTON, NVILICESBARRE COAL, - VC 0 t••: • A - • • IXir i LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. The Patronage of my old friends and the public generally is solicited.. , OuP: so _...,.. W ' ' N '''' RAILWAY fi nk : 0 i iv rL ° ontkca • i f / %10114t • ' . .._ s I . ' 'L I 4 \ . AllZ. S 1 41" . . . 6 tN r ! , a A VOA r NE ar au 7 . . • ,C°l.4 '• '. h% .111 a • - A L ,-..., - - - 4 - , 47 I F ; i rk siou•-:‘ ilLimmuk,,w,.... ,e . 1......, .. :.,..\ Om• . A mt' ' • o;„„ DiA. " 4, -',. j i L 5 .,..ci0 1110"' • .o - 't tc.,c•Go • 1401.7;1-wl'EsItor.:1,,A Chimgo & North-Western Is the OLDEST,! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED !and hence the LEADING RAILWAY. OF THE - - West and Northwest !, IS is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in NORTHERN ;ILLINOIS. lOWA, DAKOTA. WY OMING. Nebraska. Calllfotnia. Oregont Arizona. Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for Council Blutts,onwaha,Denver, LEADVILLE, SALT LANE. San FranciamDeadwood,Sions City, I Cedar Rapids, Des Moines. Columbus, and all Points 10 the Territories, and the West. Also for Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Matron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCroese, Owatonna, and all ,points in Minnesota, Dakota„ Wino:malt:l.sta the Northwest. - At.Conneil Bluffs the Trains of the Chicano k North-Western and she. U. P. Trys depart from. arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central/Baltimore k Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago k Grand Trunk !Cy', and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. , iilTClose connections made atJunction Points. It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars DETW7XX Chicago and Council • Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist open Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. F 41.1711118 your Tickets, nd refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicigo Norßi-Westem Railway., If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets by this route; /WAND WILL TAKE .NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. -- WARM HUGHITT, 24 V.P. Gen.lLang'r, apr7 'Bl-Iy. • Chicago. . • LIVERY,STABLING, e-lialiag and • • E . P.AIEUINGL. Ecreneca Arnold Having leased his farm in Warren, has located in the above. - branches of btisi ness,.on • 7 - . FRONT ST., 'BELOW !BRIDGE, Towaudit, Pt,. HE HAS STABLDIG FOR 10 HORSES. _ ! For use of stalls. 5 cents each. Alma, Horses and Carriages for hire. - Rlacksmithing in all its branches. promptly done. Horse Shooing a specialty.. • Carriages Hanufactured and Repaired. If you want anything in the above line call on SENECA ARNOLD. April 2/ MRS. A. R WHITNEY, FASHIONABLE • 1111IIALII.111 ER, DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER ALSO AGENT FOR THE Poinestie Perfeet-Fitting Patterns No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Pittsburgh Pa Stock entirely new and fresh from the city; no old goods in stock. Goods and work unsurpassed either in styles or make up. HUMPHREY BROS. & TRACY, MEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S : 800t5i......8.h0e0 - ,-,Rulber6,.&o„ WITH A Pair. tzar: OF (Successor to Mr. McSean,) :4101*.1j AND LOYAL SOCK TOWANDA, PA. -•.:°----- y0.).i.,, NV gen,. UM 0tr0,,, .-Y-4, -THE RAILWAY Mannfeetnrers and Whokitalo Deniers in all kinds of : _ • CORNER MAIN. AND ELIZABETH - STREETS, r ANYVVANDA., ) SPECIAL ANNOU JAMES WCABE Ma MOM= HIS GIIOCERY fiVERSER 3 Tole SOUTU-BABY AND BRIDGE Wawa MC HUI -I:ESTABLISHED Head Quarte FqII , IISTRYTHING IN THE Lin % MIMES, MR CASH PAID for Desirable p duce. .Fine BUTTER and a, specittlty. Agents Wanted : e T t rY o w t t r ga t: tifur - ontromo-LithoArspb Picture or one z a . President JAXES A. GARFIELD, This beautiful work of art is Printed to t 4 colors, on heavy paper, and mounted read, t 4 bang on the-wall. It la not only war ren pr.T. trait, but sae* Contains the historical events % his life, *hews the Hose at Mentor. .4ansui, k44 and the Deatikned Seaga. It is a roapti ctit Memorial Picture. Circidara and -terms tree. Address, 11. W. KELLEY k 711 SWIM Street, Philadelphia, p R Sept. 29,1881-4 t. . HORSESand 23 cis. In lump or currency for an t , Yuan =rime of g.A Treatise on the Flom ; ut his Diseases." It gives the beat treatmeotai all diseases, bag OD fine engravings ohoft i BOOKpositions resumed by r 4 horse. 'better than - taught is any other wa , a table shovig, of all the principal me used fdr as well their effects and antidotes vatz 25 a t is , rlson. a larite Malec . tlof telling the age o hone. wltb an enra, nta !4. showing teeth of each year and, kluge arm c r ui of other valuable horse information. • Hardee. of horsemen have pronounced it worth facts than books costing $5 and. $lO. The fact tki: 200,000 sold in about one year before It au rs. vised shows bow popular the book is. yh e rt , allied edition is trues aroma urreaga T i xo . 1 ,„. roe • crnmmas. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J. , Kendall k Knosburgh Falls, Vermoist, kfar 11-Iyr. .7. El. SIMAZINS. ZBZ FASMONABLE BOOT, SHOE AND GAITER Is now prepared to do all kinds or Inniu ; his line in the lateist atyles, and of the_ber. material. - ALL WORK and MATERIAL WAIIIIINTED. .Repairing done neatly and promptly on short 'notice. In PATTONS BLOCK Over Jacob's- Clothing Snu t 25 Yon need not Die tolVin IN THE MUTUAL e ENDOWMENT. • . MID • ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Yon receive one-half of your :insurance, cording to the American Life Table, when tit thirds of your life expectancy is finished—bi illustration, a 112E11 or woman Joining the 110- dation star.; years of age taking a certiectiete 12,500, receives $1,275 when a littleover 55 yeen of age, exactly the period in life when s anandathelp la generally more needed Mini! any other that,. jnne2tf BLANK BOOK ALINUFA.CTU BOOKBINDER, PAPER EULER. &c Alfred J. Purvis, -N0.141 - Penei3see street, . • AU work in his line done well and prom;tif lcrwestyrice.. _ Parties having volumes incomplete will be en, nished with any Missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent Bradford County,'will be promptly executed k' cording to directions. sep9-tt THE MOST SUCCEBBFI7I, REMEDY ever d!► covered, u it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human fat BEAD PROOF BELOW. . FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER.. Youngstown, Ohio, Hay loth, la"). Ds. B. I. KENDALL k. Co:—I had a very valua ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very bli ly, he bad a large bone sprain on one joint Pla a small one on the other which made him r lame; I had him under the charge of two Teter!• nary surgeons which failed to cure him. tau one day reading the advertisement of Sendsili Eipavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I deters ed at once to try it, and got our druggists bet to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I tail thenrall and thought I would give it s thorougY trial, I used it . according to directions and the fourth day the' colt ceased to be lame, and bout.' have disappeared. I used but one ittle and the colts limbs are as free from lumps as smooth as any horse in the state. He e 3, tirely cured. The cure was so remarkable thlt I let two of my neighbors have the remsts: two bottles, who are now using it. Very Respectfully, - ; • . • L. T. FOSTER. Kendall! s Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's'llills,,Washlon co., N.Y., Feb.ll.'sl• Da. D. J. Kzninams.., Dear Sir:—The parthmle case on which I used your Kendall's Spyin Ore was a malignant ankle sprain of 'lateen men;..' standing. I had tried many things, but in al:. Your Apavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the Meat time .since bort. in s natural position. For a family liniment it p eels spy - thing we ever used. • Yours truly, REV.'S!. P. BELL. Pastor of kl. F. Church, Fattens Mills, N.l Price $l, per bottle, or ril bottles for $ 5 . Druggists hate it or can get if fer you, or it • be ieut to any address au reteipt of price by WI proprietors, DR. B. J. KEND.biLL & CO., to& burgh Fails. Vt. Bold -at IDr. H. C. Porter's Mug Sto rel IN &C . *, &c. . Apnt 2117 IIiAIiIIFACTUIIER. 01. Bath,-114•1'. BLADES k ROGEES, General - Agents foi Pen* AND • ,_ „ trncA, N. Y