THE REPUBLICAN. TIIURSDAY, 'DEC. 1, 1881. To Our Subscriber& Examinp Your Label 1 f dill ~Iz y s'you the month and year up to your - subseriptioP is paid. If your aub ,o2.i„ti,,n it; Foon to empire, please mend as nu:, dollar I'4 tr renewal al mare, that we may you ;he paper right along. Bend not wvi ‘citltallt delay. . 4 A..W‘oster is our goners,' agent, soli°. >n ,I e :.4l:•stor for tho-auutttern ant west. • „„ the County. 11),1 A el': IV PRICE OF STrnstßip., TION. pablir.hers and proprie. uf ttlt , I:radforti Reporter, Towanda p.;• .i„.,,•.„1;, hi:Am I :isbc lt d in :one Eru Towanda, Pa., nticati and B bac.. rad pr.) atllivreif neVere loss in the publication of their ri .9A-cave papers from the heretofore iy low price per annum, hereby mutn jil: a4 le, to make the subscription price of 'via/ of our papers respectively, - on and after tt:• - • First of January, 1138, Oue Dollar and Lents per annum. And we hereby and pledge _ourselves- each other, u;,..0 our our bocc' as business men, that we' ttrictlv and invariably adhere .to the' tx-ruis of this understanding. To make this lrrancenieut legally binding, we have entered b uil ds, with penalty ,and forfeiture for violation of the terms of this agreertient, All subscriptions paid. prier to January Ist tit It, sill be taken at.the former rate, RCes of tdr,rtisinc. iu rill cases testi° independant ;;f r ubseript ion. ; 6;.Mll)hiclt,i; lirrcococit, Reporter. D. IL:Tcu.NEft, Journal HoLcour. ft TRACY, REPUBLICAN. E. Asualvt PARSON, Arqus. • The show windows of the stores are.very at tractive, but a well displayed advertisement like Powell a Co.'s is a sure way to' bring lots customer 4. J. 0. Froired•Sons, reruetribere3 the r wpicy , s in their Furniture Manufactory, each with a p!uniii Turkey on ;Thanksgiving The or tile redversali4t church will hall a social at the residence IL J. Long, corner liaston and Third f,streAS, Tuesday t vet,lti..! Dec. Gth. A pleasant time anticd. L Ali are invited to attend. • employes at Humphrey Bros & Tutu's lt.),t an 1 Sloe Nlanufactory, who are heads of tamilii , , viwe• the recipients, from 'the p r .prietons, each of a one, flit, Thanksgiving TArkey, Church of th.• 31essiall (Universalist), Bev. T:tior, pastor, at 10:30. a. at., Oubject, -Oar Mauna." At 7, p. w.. "The . relation ia , •ll other of Death, ResarTectiou and • TL, c.i-e or, 11. B. Ingham ve ex-Sheriff was cl!ricluded on Tburslay after wr :art by Julio Meyer directing the jury •,•• rind tbeLVendaut ou account of infor i.,.mly m manner of bringing the action. I , p I liursday morning; last while the ladies fe dec..ratiiig the Presbyterian church for Thanl:sgiving servies, snu.he was discovered boal one of the registers. Janitor Shelp's attention being called to it, be' des the basement and found that, a n partition near the heater had caught Had it nut been, fortunately, discovered , , at - we would have ensue 1. The _Wield Reception of the Tioga Hose O,u of Waverly, will take place on evtuing, Deccinber 20th. Thl4 will be tlir...fociai event of the season at Waverly, 1* 1 , said wid eclipse all previon s efforts popularoothpany..iu this liuo. [IL cerober term 01 Court begiu,s on Moil thy L,ll. t We earuestly hope that oar patrons we dues at the ItEruniac.ts will couvenieut opportunisy to call i , ay or send th 6 araouut tour due. As iS printer's ... in general, so it 14 with us W,