srprzarnss 2!1, 1881. rno3Lis asurr aunucn. In' their dark House Of Cloud 47. e three weird sisters tar fill time be sped. CLOTUO How long. 0 sister, bow long Ere the weuy task is done.? Row long, 0 sister. how long Shall the trwgile thread be spun wiamms. 'lto Mercy that stays her hand, Else the had cat the thread; She is a woman too, Like her who kneels by his WA! Artwsos. Patience the end is come; He shall no more endure; Bee I with s single Mach I My hand is swift and sure! TIBST ANGEL. Listen! what was it fell An instant since on my ear— A strand like a throb of a bell From yonder darkening sphere ! _ !SECOND &..4131:L. The planet where mortal dwell; I hear it not nay. I. bear A sound of sorrow and dole I7ZST Listen! It is the knell Of a passing soul: The midnight lamentation Of a stricked Nation For its Chieftain's soul I Doctor Boynton. When the full history of President Garfield's extraordinary case iewritten no one immediately connected with it will appear in brighter colori than Dr. B. A. Boynton. People generally do not understand the character and abili ties of this gentleman, 'who took upon himself the, responsible but humble du ties of nurse at the request of his near relatives and life-long intimate fri ends. Dr. Boyntnii is a man of independent fortune, hil wealth being estimated at mote than one hundred thousand dol lars; For many years he has had one of the largest practices in Cleveland, his professional income having been from $15,000 upward yearly' For some years also he has filled with great amp tancethe, professorship of physiology in the Hemcepathic Hospital College at Cleveland, one of the oldest and best medical schools of the West. , As an ac complished and' amiable, instructor he has exerted a wide influence on succes sive classes of • medical studente now practicing throughout the country. He is a homeepathist of what is known • as the liberal school; that is, he believes in practicing to cure his patients. He is tree to confess that in certain diseases and in certain circumstances treatment recommended by allopathic' theories is better, and in other cases homceopathic treatmentis to be preferred. Not himself a surgeon as distinguish ed from isphysician, his knowledge of that branch of practice is considerable. For many years he has been closely as sociated with Dr. Schneider, of Cleve- land, who for a long time has , had charge of the surgery of the Lake Shore Bailioad, and whore reputation as a suc cessful practising surgeon is excellent 'Dr. Boynton is still in the prime of intellectual life, being forty-six years - of age. Being howe.ver somewhat broken in health be decided last spring to retire from active practice and devote himself to les3 engrossing pursuits. With this in mind be dispos e& of his practice. getting fee it ilea of the largest sums ever paid for a clien tage of the sort in the West, and started - for Kansas .; where he thought of em barking some of bilk capital in stock raising. ' He has scarcely reached the state, however, before he was asked by President and Mrs. Garfield to attend her in her serious Illness last spring. Laying aside his business enterprises he obeyed the call and remained with the family till the most serious stages of the illness were passed.. He was called West again by the terrible rail road accident which brought. upon him a - crushing personal affliction, and while this blow was still fresh the news dame that his cousin, the President, had been assassinated. His duty was with the family; he came to the White House as their guest, friend and kin, and after ' the great trial of their strength and faith began remained with them doing ' what he Could to save a life so precious to all and one bound to himself by so peculiar ties. Dr. Boynton is personally a man.of sunny and amiable disposition, very ad verse to quarrels, tolerant in his opin ions, and above all upright and truthful in character. In this connection it may be well to state the precise relationship of the doctor and - the late President. Their fathers were half brothers, and married sisters. They are thefefore fall first cnusinson their mothers' side, and half cousins on their fathers' side. They were both born in Orange town • ship, _Cuyahoga county, Ohio, were . playmates in boyhood and have been life-long and intimate friends. —Evening Post ' Lunt AT THE WHITE Horse.—Of the domestic happinesi of the Ourflelds at the White House the veteran Ben Perky Poore writes to the Boston Journal as follows: "The short time that the GU- I:fads occupied the White House before assassination was a continued scene of domestic enjoyment. "Grandma" Garfield had. ;until she, returned to Men tor. an honored place at the family table, at her son's right hand, and was always waited on ffrst, whoever else might be present. On the other side of the besident sat Jamie, who was his father's pet. Harry,, the oldest boy, always sat nest his mother, and then Miss Molliewho ia approaching woman-. hood, Irwin and little Abram, who •is but nine years of age. Mrs. Garfield is a believer in good fare, and there was always an abundance of wholesome, nutritious food with good coffee, tea and milk. Flowers from the conserva tory adorned the table at every meal. After dinner President Garfield used to indulge in a game of billiards, having promptly restored to its place the bil lard table banished by Mr. Hayes. Oa' casionally he would indulge in a cigar, and as he was not averse to a glass of champaign or Rhine wine or lager beer, although he drank temperately and without hypocrisy. He liked as night came on to tide a gallop on horse- back. and he area a fearleis rider. But he has been snatched rudely from this scone of political triumph and domeatio happiness." Mears: Shared" finial', at the. Bed. White and Blue store, Bridge Amick nest to Swart. and Ocirdon, opened for the Fall and Winter trade, the best. stock of boots and "twee to • be found in Towanda. Their stock I. com posed of the best class of goods, in every variety, - bor., youths'. sad children's boots sad shoes c ladies, wises and children' west. All of which they are selling at •prices that defy -competition -on - the same quality Of goods. Thet-invite particular attautiort of pereincters to - their stock, and 'wUl asm to give them satisfaction. 'N3-4t. The Yew South. A few weeks ago there was printed ;„ • in these columns a detailed statement of the vast amount of capital that hal .j been absorbed by the South within the L.., past year by the different - syndicates which ho sought, control of her rail roads. •Millions of Northern capital have already been invested in the stock - of existing companies; new lines and new combinations and new connections. have been projected and perfected, and large purchases of the . ' uncultivated lands have been made by actual settlers. A new impetus has thus been gives to railroad building in that section of the country, ands new energy bas been in fused into business generally,'by 'this liberal disbursement of ready money. - More xecently we chronicled the Yery successfia meeting, held in one of the Southern cities by the National Educa tional Association, for the-purpose of stimulating popular education in that region among hoth the white aud the black races, which . was regarded as another good omen fur tire South, be can=e ignorance is a disarace and a ser ious obstacle in the material and moral develepraent of any people. That sea pion of the National Education brought the 'real condition and wants of the pec- . ple of the South to the attention - of the North, and the vital importance that some Congressionat action, like that embodied in ~the Burnside bill mow pending in Congress, should be speedily taken to assist in establishing a common school system. The late lamented Gar field, who was himself in close sympathy with every educational etlort, clearly saw the importance of. removing this illeteraay from the South, and if - . his life had :been spared he would have earnestly', • recommended to Congresi what was faintly hinted atrin this res pect iu his admirable inaugural address. One of the most encouraging signs' of the times is the deep interest w ich the blacks are taking in , the cause o educa tion, and the determinatiop th y mani fest in - securing to themselves nd their children all the benefits that r tilt from free schools. Another hopeful symptom is t e break ing up of the country , isolatio which could only be done by the abandon mentof the plantation system that prevailed under the old slavery, regime, and which was absolutely 'necessary . to its existence. One of the advance sheets of the fOrthcoming census volumes throws a new and most encouraging light on the condition of. the South in this respect. Prior tit'thd, war the land-, ed estates in the slave States were the largest in the world, and the hinded aris tocracy gave evidenced! their power by ' waging the greatest war, for four long aid bloody years, that history - has yet recorded. The old landed monopoly is now rapidly • disappearing, and accord ing to the figures of the census report; the South will have in ten years as many land-owners as •any other section of the Union. In Georgia., for example: where before the7ar there were only 62,000 land-owpers, there are now more than twice that number, and the same is true of Alabama, Florida, Virginia and Arkansas. - The large landed es tates not only festered a slovenly and unrenumerative,method of farming, but necessitated a sparsely settled commu nity, which is one of the greatest hin drances to a successful common school system, such as has made the densely populated sections of the North the most intelligent and successful commu nities in the civilized world. Today another new sign of social progress aud material development ap peared-in-the the opening of the first Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, Ga. The event is one thilt speaks more clearly and fully of Southern advance ment than columns of written observa tions, and although the exhibition to be held there will be primarily for cotton, it is also the intention . to makeat the exponent of ail branches of industry, including manufacturing mining, agri cultural and the domestic arts. Most of all, it will help .to dignify labor and the laboring man, both of which have been looked upon too long in the South with, contempt. —ChkagajournaL . Cotton in Pennoytiattia. Me ears. Fallon Brothers, cotton brok ers,have on exhibition at Henry Grieh's, Chesnut street, above - Twelfth, speci mens of cotton plants grown by them at Itunnemide, Delaware county, Pa. These they do not regard as fair sam ples, as they Nava been raised in pots which are.' too small to admit of a free expansion of the roots, the tap root gen erally 'requiring about two feet of earth. They have planted about half an acre in the open air- as anexperiment, and with a view of haiings culture introduced into this State, if possible. The follow, ing facts have been obtained from them, and may not prove uninteresting: The' cotton season in the South opens in the early part of April; but owing to the late spring this _year Messrs. Fallon Brothers were linable to get their seed in the ground before the middle of May. After the ground was thoroughlylbrok-. en, and wellenriched with fertilizers composed of fish bones, wood ashes, lime and other rich phosphates, shipped : to them from Charleston, S. C., they, made furrows about three feet apart, and sowed the seed, as is done with peas, the plants being subsequently, I‘chop ,pede' or thinned out, so as to leave them aboutthree' feet apart. The aver age height- of the plant is about from four•to five feet, but owing to the ex cessive drought this summer, it will not exceed three feet. Accounts from Texas, where the largest proportion of the cot ton crops is raised, are tai the Same effect. The flowering began during the early part otluly. On its first appear - once the blossom is of alight, yellowish color, which after three days turns to a dark purple and then drops, a small boll being visible. The time required for the maturity of the bolls was about two months, when they would gradually dry, crack and open. There are usually three, crops, known as the top. middle and the bottom, but owing to the early cold snaps and autsequent dronth, which retarded the growth Of the plant, and in view of the approaching frog* the growers do not expect a j top crop. The yield, however, is a satisfactory one, all things taken into Consideration, the bolls being large, and well develop ed, and the color and staple 'good. No, worms, rust or shedding, which are usually so destructive to cotton fields; have made their appearance. These gentlemen feel much encouraged With thi result of their experiment, which hill been-a matterof wadi:Otiosity and interest to their friends and customers. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, vrars UW)$ he. plated to the best style of the art it the Itsmasesil • -fTv t y _ I A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER? IRON BITTERS ( are highly recommended' for all dist:cies re• quiring a certain and eiftoent 'UMW; especially indigestion, Dyspepio, ter :anent Ferers, Want of Apretitr, Loss of &roma, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the - it:uncles, and gives new life tO"the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, rem st ut c dl dyspeptic spa:plonk., such as Tasting the Food, Belehing,lient In the li wtburn,ete. The only Iron Preparation that will not blae n the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading —seat free. BROWN einglICA.L CO., Baltimore, 111(L. BITTERS THE POPIILAB~ GEO. L. ROSS,: Has filled up the old MOICTANTE STORE with s full andcomplote stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Can here for,l, your Groceries. After you get prices at Rose it will be of no use to try else where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farriers can get the tip•top of the -market a' Geo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in az change for goods or for dish. = ligtsA TOOndas'ci..Store MAIN STREET, (NEXT DOOB TO F*LCII k CO. s preparcd to offer a complete assor , ment of • DRY AND: FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED . CHINA. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C, Vor the -coming Spring Trod, ae adhere as heretofore to our establ i shed ;principle-that a quick sale with amall profit is,better than a slow one with a large prOt—and therefore our prices in any hne of - goods will coMpare lavorablel, with the prices of any, other house. I r • ittiy.'We endeavor to - sell the' best article fOr the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH: 110im;F:y_iyv a R 1 THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM As it iz far all diseases of tho KlDNEllrat: • LIVER AND BOWELS: cleanses the Sy - Aim of Our acrid pol;:st omens tho drza4al saiiiring which only the victims of EWA/matt= pin rash's. . THOUSANDS OF CASES of th, wont femme et this tmlble disease luve been quickly relieved. in n chart time -"' t 3 a . " i' , l • tic 7:33 cetion cf the 3;l'c - inert is restorid. T he Liver is cleansed of ell disease, and the :Dowels sye freely and healthfully. In this "say the worst disease= aro eradicated from need in evsry honnchold se a SPRING MEDICINE. Always 'cures SI: i-ONEITTPL. T/017,11L.E3 and all rM-ASZ'r =lowa& zi Is pot up in Dry Vegetable Formy intim cans, one packs ,o of c hlcli n3«.l:cs Col:karts medicine. Also In Lklnld Ferny very Concentrated tor the m-rivilden, cf these who cannot reacUly pro. pare it. It net 9 with el mit effi ciency in fitherform. _ PRICE, 111.00 ago Cheaper than ever at the OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, would' the atten-" tion of FARMERS and others to his large and complete assortment of Open 454 Pop Buggies A2M PLATFORM WAGONS all Of his own. MANUFACTURE and 'war ranted iu every par ticular Bryant's Flexible Springs;sed in all Platform Wagons. The easiest and but in nse. NOWIS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look at theta figures: Two Seated Carriages from . . .... $l5O to 8115 Phetons, ono seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies " 125 to 150 Open Buggies 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 90 to 110 Remember that the above are an folly warrant. ed. Ant-class or no pay. Repairing promptly athended to at 23 per cent below hat years prides. ' 0111ce and Factory cos: Main and Elisabeth fits. 'JAS.-DIVAN?: r• o 50t117.-1 KLINE'S >MARICET. • ; CA.11144.11.4 13 Lk:ICI& Nen Street, Flrs't Ward. JOHN .W. -KLINK,',' SWING REMOVED HIS MEAT &VEGETABLE. ArtramiT o a more convenient location. and established Maisel! in. the Carroll Block. opposite Seely's Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with Tor. CHOICEST or ?avers. FIsH. OYSTERS IN THEIR-SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES. DOMESTIC FRUIT, Ac., c de promptly airBOLOGNA SkUP1 1 3E • s;ectalty . All or rs de:lva:ed. ; CORNER ! 1.111YE&C0. FALL AND WINTER ATTEN TION IS INVITED , to our first-class Heating Stoves ,They are too well known to require any commendation— New'Recla, BURNERS, the, best of their class in plying s idemand for an efficient but in expensive heating stove great vaiiety.. :marchli-U 188.1. Westminster, Crown JeweL We also have a line of CHEAP BASE he market, and well adipted for sup- it63 - WOOD HEATING STOVES in iro - p,. %1 L T jai •14 SI tea® HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES Sold In Towanda and Thinlty by A. D. DYE &-CO. A LARGE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAGEMAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. AND A GENERAL STCCI or HARDWARE MAIN ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oct. 31st. 1881 You that have beauty, , Come and let us take It, ; And you that have none, Come and let na make U. Dayton &Rockwell PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially invite tho public to- give chain II call at the Rooms formerly occupied by G; 11.;Wood, TOWANDA, X'ENNA. Recent improvements in the skylight have Dir. cashed facilities for taking perfect pictures quickly and in all kinds of weather. • PORTRAITS FROM PROTOORarrid and DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In. die Ink, Water Colors, Crayons, 9r Pastellee, any size. FINEST WORK OF ARTISTIC EXCEL LENCE GUARANTEED. A STOCK or PRAXES ON . HAND AT ALL TIMES. C. S. DAYTON. Towanda, Oct' 6, 1880 MRS. D. V. ST ED GE, , Manufacturer of and Dealer in HUMAN ' HAIR GOODS, UCH A 8 WIGS, BANDEAUX, the popular Chatelaine Braid, EVERYTHING BELONGING To rintHAIRTRADE sirSpectal Attention given to cowl BING. Roots all 0/medal:ls way. SWILVIIES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Povoier, • Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder - Brace Elastics. • sir Particular attention paid to dressing ladies -hairat their homes or at my place ot business, over Evanrk Hildretb's storo. novIS-Sui Was. D. V. MIDGE. (A. N. NELSON • ... ~ e 6 DEALER n: 7 WATCHES, , CLOCKS. -41 ,1 11-7 • - mg GOLD AND PLATED U., JEWELER of every veriety,ind Spectacles. W Particular attention paid to repairinst. Shop in Decker k Nought's Grocery Store, Nein Street, Towanda, Penns. ONE 110211 PICTURE GALLERY I DT TO firANDL G. H. WOOD-:-.&:---CO. will open theii New Otaleryi in Pat= Bloak, on the Flint Monday lit April:. gash* .fitis4 entirely now. with thi bolt Of inaMmssts, vs ire premed to make Tinter 4 at one sitting, all for 50 eta. in neat 011111100011, 10 - for 01.00. Copying of all binds of Photographund Stereoscopic an d large view work done at this gallery. Give ns a will and we will try and satisfy you in price and 4ualit.T. - IS A. BEVERLY 14311TR 2 . • BOOK BINDER ANDS Dealer In Scroll Saw Goods. BOOKBINDING OF. ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. rise Blank "Books X? £IS2ICUiTY. Asi!ateues Si;pplies: This department of my business li very corn pieta. and being a.practloal sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WOODS. ' B&W ELADEEL CLOCK movOrms. &o, constantly on hand. arsl.2tworth •of dealgiti for $l. Pend for prleelists. , • " IMPORTER** BINDERY, • Park street. P.O. boy 1512. Towanda. Pa EVERY 'QUALITY OF CARDS, JOB PRINTING A BPLEPIOID LINE OF AMBER TINT E. R. ROCKWELL. 1 AT REASONABLE ),i'A7 BS. WE KEEP IN STOCK ENVELOPES, NOTEHEADS, A SI , I 4 I 4Diii:WADAI STATEMENTS &a., &c., 4iNn WILL DO ALL KIND SOP A 7 SHORT NOTICE WE HAVE IN STOCK Letterheads, Billheade, Statement*, &c. WHICH WILL DE PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE RIDGE' STREET FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE We are constantly receiving the newest and latest patternsir PARLOR SUITS, . , BED ROOK SETO, TABLES, -.AITD---- Everything in the 'Fare niture Line. Undertaking. We make a specialty , of this , branch And shall give , it our personal attention. We have a full line of pcovIFINS, CAISICEMS,' ROBES;, Ike and will not be undersold. Give, 'us a call before purchosing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn has no conned tion with our business. E. B. PIERCE. Successor to N. P. Hicks TOWANDA. JAN. 26th. 1881. Stevens & Long General Deslap in -5 GROcruzs, Y 1 PROVISIONS, COUNTR PRODUCE I:l:ViWi*,ol4*l To their new etore,a i 1,,,, COIL MAIN AND PINE STS (The old stand of Fox; Stevens & Mercer They invite attention to their complete aasoNment and very large stock o Choice New Goods, which they have away'? on hand. • • ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRADEI And Cash Paid fQr Desirable Kinds. M. J. LONG. CREAM CAMPHOR. IS THE D IL NA JM ME 6 of the popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Swollen or .Stiffe ned Joints, Frost Bites, Paln in the kace, Head or Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite .of an insect, Poison' . Vines. etc., for Man -or Beast Always reliable, and almost instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to 'apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cis. N. B.—This Liniment received I Prize Medal at the State Pair. 1579. ANA JONES, Prop's. 319 N. 3d St.: Phila., Pa. • • Jan. 13.6-m. Dit..JONEFOR.E.UI CAMPHOR IS : .TEE NAME OF the popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain In the Face. Reed or Spine. Chapped bands, Bruises,Sprains. Burns. Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Potion Vinci. etc., or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its sena. Flaying an agreeable odor, It is pleasant to appiy. Sold- by all drug. gists. Price 25 cents. N. B.—Thbi Liniment received sPrize Medals the State Fair.ls79. May 20 iy, CANCERS CURED. AT. CRANE'S CANCER INFIR-, MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. iiIINDREDS OP PERSONS from all parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they have been rescued from a tevrible and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Pres. Write fora Circular giving full particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE b RUSH; BROWN, Addison. N. Y. • Bept.3o,lyr.OPliaco. ICENDA.LL'S SPAYIN CUBE Is sure to cure apart-us. llldlnft. • • o. it removes alt 11.11131M151 enlargements. Doss woe amass& • L Has -no equal for any lameness on besot or man. Ithas cured hip-joint • lameness in a person Who bad rinV fared Opus. - Also cured ithemms ' tbnn. Corns, frast•bites or any urul+oll.. :at or lameness. it has - no equal for any blemish on ho►cei. Send for illustrated insular giving rourivs mac-tr. price $l. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get It far you. Dr. DJ Kendall & Proprietors. Patosourgh Tails .ennont. O. Pours'', Agent, Towanda. Pa. ALWAYS ONvarlifiriDo.flaflne per Whit e and Colored Cor e d Y s, and othe; material. - for molting flroWilsee Job Printing, at the Office of Tam Bun- WORD ItimuractAtr. All orders promptly executed, a l nd at the khregit each rated BEST AND LEADING KINDS, FOU !ALM VOIOLESALE AND BE:r4 •-•11Y- , M. WEL L E S, TOWANDA., PA. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS. tin'Avaled by any other contrive - nee for the thorough preparation of all plowed. 'ground for Vain crops, they will coves broadcast rein 'nearly imp well at the grain drill will put it in, land should precede the grain drill in prepare- Ilion of of rolls.•; No termer should be without ;one. W.A3DROBEff, Oan27-t EU To the GEO. STEVIL•CEL AGTAIOULTPIU I L NACHIMER? WIARD CHILLED PLOWS. •, These are the very_ best chilled plows in the market for general use, and all work. I chal lenge fair and thorough , trials with them in competition with other loading chilled plows. They are the very best plows for bard, dry and stony soilsit;and lighter in draft, doing the best work, running steadier, better ,points and every way reliable. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill is offered u the beat drill in the market. It will bear careful comparison and Competitive trial. Come and ezaininu It. For sale a new Champion Drill. . PORTABLE CIDER MILLS. Prices froth $l 5 . $22 to $3O, and up. Et Star Hydraulic Ceram* car load , just received. Excellent *no cheap. For We in any quantity. AUBURN FARM . WAGONS, With either Thimble Skein Wood Axles or Beat Whole Piece "Anchor Brand" Iron Axles. First class, best in quality, cheapest and warranted in every respect. Platform Wagons, Open sod Top Buggies— First class, excellent. and low priced. • CHAIN PUMPS. Good and cheap: Easily sot. Send for prices • FODDER CUTTERS. , In satiety, "sizes sad prices to snit. *c LIQUID PREPARED PAINT. • Excellent and cheapest common lead pain is warrantedto give satisfaction. , LUBRICAITING OILS, IiE4T.S FOOT OIL. Horse Powers and Threshers. Herder's Wheeler's, Gray's„ Ellis, Monitor Portablei ' raetion Steam Engine; Canton (Ohio) Vibrating Threshers and Cleaners, bc. CORN 814ELLERS in 4 rslietY• Commercial Fertihz era, Allentown, Lister Brgibers, Stockbridge and Bowker's. Send for circulars, prices lists and all enquires promptly answered. R. M. WELLES. TOWANDA, Angust.2sth G. Tit4CY, • General Insurance Agent, TOWANDA.. PA. • Office truth PATCH it TRACY Main B€. ALL COMMUNICATIO2 IRROUGH THE POST OFFICE WILL. CEIVEPROMPTATTE 0v29'78 sP. • STOP AT T.MUIR&CO:S GROCERIES PROVISIONS. The place to eau) money b ouylng cheap; is it Comer data sadllaaklin Stmt. TOWANDA. PA Teey respectfully sanctum to the public that • they have a large etncliot • FLOUR. FEED. MEAL. mum,. SALT. FIER PORK. and PROVISIONS generally., Ws Lave also to our itock, a variety of WOODEN WARE, multi u BUTTER TUBS. FIB EMS, CHURNS. ETO gnat recetred s large stook Of Sugars. coffees. apices, • 110111801 VS PURE SOAP. the best in the market, and other makes of soap Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Garb. , oct 26 77 A LIFE-LIKE CRAYON PORTRAIT DEAD PRESIDENT. tMMME= • 1 A few short hours after our brave President's death had been announced to a sorrowing coun try, every yard of crape, and every portrait that could be had were nought up at fabulous prices. While thousands succeeded in getting his por trait, hundreds of thousands, yea millions. tried -in vain. The Manufacturing Co. of Pats burg. Pi. bad about 2000 copies that were unsold during the campaign, outside of -these there were not one hundred copies in that city. In less than two hours after it had become "known that they had them, every ono was sold and thousand more were. wanted. One young man boughtsoo of them, 'and sold them within an hour—clearing SGO on them. This firm immedi ately telegraphed to the leading picture , pub lishers of the country, and bought up all that could be had-" About '15,000. They will, while these last. solid - them to any address in the United States post paid' . at the following rate: I portrait 500. 5 for $2.00, 25 for $6.00, 50 for $lO.OO, or 100 for $15.00. Any one ordering one hundred can readily sell them in a few hours for $50.00. Good canvassers can make $5OO in the next 30 days selling them. Whether yon wish one or 100 address , • U. S. MANUFACTITIONG CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. -EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL KV.1...14:.A - HOUSEHOLD ARM The poor as well as the rich, the old as well as'ths young, .the wife. as well as the husband, the young maiden as well as the young man, the girl as well's' the boy, may Nat as well earn a few dollars in honest employment; as to sit around the Muse and wait for' others to earn it for them. We can give you employment, all the time, or during your spare hours only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhoOd, among your friends and atquanitancea. If you do not care for employment, we' can impart valuable Infos. matron to you free of cost., It will cost you only one cent fors Postal card to write for our Pros. pectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars Do not neglect this opportunity. - You do not have to invest s large sum of money, and run"a great risk of losing it. Yon will readily see that it will be an easy matter to make from $1(. to $10). *week, and establish* lucrative, and hide. pendent business, honorable, staaightforwerd and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there is MONISM IN IT for all who engage with us. , Wewill surprise yori and you will wonder why you - never wrote to us before. Wa MID rots, PAIITIMAIIe rnsa. Address ' - BUCKEYE 31'IPt1 (Name this paper.) ' Mums, OHIO. *Sept. 22, 'Bl-tmos. HORSESend 25 cents in stamps or currency for • a new Sol= BOOK. It treats all diseases. U. 35 fine engtsv• Inge showinitiositiens &armed by sick hones, 800 a table of oafs, a large collection of VALUAttLE RECIPES. rules 'for telling the age of a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each _year. and a large amount of other valuable hones information. Dr. Wm. H. Hall says, "I have bought looks that I laid $5 and $lO for which I do not like as well as I do min.". Sinn Ton • CIIIMILLI6 AMISS WAN2II9 U. Kendall. M. D., linesburgbyalls, Vt. War 215.1 yr. JEWELLER, ettil to be lotted at the OLD STAND Next door to Dr. II tor Pr's Drug 67ore. J-E'W - E . L . R Yi, SPECTACLES - & }7,y - E - GLASSES, il'OR AND -)OF OUTt(-, M LIEN PELM 4V.N MAIN" STREET,. Lam! WITII A rcx.r. LINE Cr FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCUES,- STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE. * CLOCKS, MO* THE CHEAPEST TO TUE BEET /fir ALL OFER WHICHY W TI!RICES, .EE SOLD AT THE V LOWE Ciocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. • M. HENDEIgMAN:. seitl&tf NATHAN - TIDD, (Snecessor to Mcgcan.,' ' DEALER IN PITTSTON, W ILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR COURT ROUSE. . , 1 t is now prepared to do all kinds ot • TOWANDA, PA. . his line in the latest Myles, and of • • • '• 1 materiaL ‘Repairing done neatly and on abort notice. In Et The patronage of my old friends and the public I BLOCH:Over Jacob's Clothin t generally is !elicited. Osep: 6o 2:t sr LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. -VS -THE-- Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED ! and hence he LEADING RAILWAY OF THE West and Northwest It is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in KORTIIETtII ILLINOIS. lOWA. DAKOTA. WY OMING, Nebraska. Callifoinia. Oregon. Arizona,. Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada. and , for Council AlnirsOmaha.Denver, LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE. San Francisco,Deadwood, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids. Des .Moines, Columbus. and all :Points in tho Territories, and the West Also for Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh, Sliebo, gan, Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton. Neenah. Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all pohits-in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and she 11. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & I Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk Wys, and .the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. ' ,Close connections made at Junction Points. . It is ibe ONLY LINE rununing. Pullman Hotel Dining. Cars Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleeper. on all Night Trains. . Insist open Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Essinine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over ?the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If you wish the Beat Traveling Aceommoda• tions you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. DAB 'S HUGHITT. 2d V.P. & Gen.Mang'r e Chicago LIVERY, STABLING, llacksaithing, Carriage-Ming f and E PAIRING-. Seneca Arnold Having !cased his farm in . Marren, has located in the above ' •. bra lleileS of bud- , ness, on FRONT ST., BELOW BRIDGE; t t . • 'Towanda, Pa. . - ' HE H(8 STABLING FOR 40 'JOSSES. For nee of stalls, 5 cents each.. Also, Horses and Carriages for hire. Alacksmithing In ill its branches. promptly done,-liorse Shoeing a specialty. - Carriages Vann actiired and Repaired. If you Want anything in the above line cull on April 22•tt MRS. A. B. WHITNEY, FASHIONABLE , ERA DRESS-FITTER fsf DRESSMAKER : ALSO AGENT FOR TILE DomestioPerfeet-Pitting Patterns No. 3. Bridge St., Towanda Stock entirely now and fresh from the city; no . old goods in stock.. Goods • Goods and work unsurpassed either in styles or make up. oct2B-ly HUMPHREY : BROS. & OA MEN'S, BOYS, WOKEN'S, MISSES, AND C Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, SPECIAL AIiNOIIN HAS ItE2dOVEI) 1118 GROCBRY EICE THE SOUTH-P.AST CORNER Op Head Quay GM 88, PROM CASH PAM for Desitable duce. Fine BUTTER tind a specialty. Agents Wanted tzep,.. ; tifnl Chrome-Lithograph 1.1.-tnrp (4! Pre%'dent This beautiful work of art la yrintm colors: owheseq paper, and mounted r hang ou the wall. It is not only a con, trait, bat sattreoutains the historical, his life, show) the Hone 4t tr , rntr ff. awl the beatli.lied Scene. It fa a Memorial Picture. Circulars and te, Address, 11. W. KELLEY . fial3BOM Street. Phlladrl • Sept. 2% HORSESena cts. is or currency n 4. sums" tam:tots of "A Trestise on the H. his Inseases.": It gives the best Am all dlikeasesi, has GO Ityr , eugrartni BOOKpositions am ernes better taught in any other'sviy. s tablo sh o , of all the principal medicines tiseu as well' an their effects and antidote. 2 0 et T v 'c'lll° Ls a la nz r :z e nit teolec.:the age of a hem,- with ati . l ahoiiitig teeth of each year and a larg. of other valuable bores information. of tforiemen have pronounced it vl that o looks.costing $5 and 110. The:, 2Go,sold in about one yetr before vised shows how popular the book Is. vised edition is antis mom INTICIMITS, son • exact - Tau.- AuENTII WANTED, Lc, Kendall Co., Egosburgh Falls, Vertr. Mar 11-Iyr.- ALL WORK and MATERIAL W . You need not Die to SENECA ARNOLD. Mannfitetorers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, IN.IWANDA., PA JAMES .McCAI AND BRlrKif; STIIELTI, ilmrtl LIE HAS ESTOLISHEI) YOB crlarrrurNG IN Tin LIN, &c., &c. JANES 'A. SIARFIELD, ENtMt THE FASHIONABLE BOOT, SHOE. AND ITANUFACTUUR IN' THE MUTUAL ENDOV AND ACCI MIT ASZO:IA Of Bath, Y You receive. one-half cf your um ecrding to the American Life Table, thirds of your life expectancy is illmitiation, a man or 'woman Joinim dation at 34 years of age taking see; 12,500, receives 51,273 when a little o' of age, exactly the. period in life financial help is generally more m any other time. BLADES Ir. Geneml Amt. , June2tf BLANK:BOOK NIANVF MO BOOK BIND PAPER RUL E R, kc Alfred J. Pu No. 131 Genessee strett VrICA; 1. Y All work in hie line done wet lowest pries. Partiey baring volumes incomplete nished with any missing numbers st All orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Bradford County; will be promptly cording to direetions. KENDALL'' 2:05 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL -REIM 1 covered. as it is certain in' Its effecu not blister. Also excellent far READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COIL' L. T. F Youngstown, Da. 11. J. KENDALL & Co:—1 ble Ilambletonian colt which I priced ly, he had a large bone sparin on Ow a small one on this other Ouch curl lame; 1 had him under the charge al nary surgeons which failed to can 'one day rending the advertisement Spells' Cure in the Chicago Enrols•. ea at once to try it, and got our Cr* •to send for it, they ordered threehr them all and thought 1-would give trial, I used it according to dlial Meth day the colt ceased to, be lamps have aisappeare.i. I used tr. and the cults limbs aro as free from . AA smooth as any horse in the gate, Prete cured. The cure was so.rrcl J let two of my neighbors have V.: 'two bottles, who are now using it. Very IlespectfullT• LT. Kendali's Spavin ON HUMAN FLESH, Patten's Mills. Wash' ton co., N.N, Dn. B. J. Kmmu.x., pear case on which I used your Render standing ignant ankle spraia of si , I had. tried a t thief Ye= hpacin Cure put the foot t. again, and for the first time sico natural position. For a family lir eels anytning we ever used. Yours truly, • - MS. M. V. l Pastor of M. r -Church, Pattal Price $l. per bottle, or >lr bottles' Druggists bave it or can get it ter Px bo sent to any address on receipt 0[1: proprietors, DR.KE.NUAL L burgh Falls. Vt. Hold st Dr: H. C. P orter's .D MEE