THE. REPUBLICAN. JUDSON HOLCOMB, riurroas. CHAS. L. TRACY, . • JUDSON IprOLCOilrß, Editor. "Reasontible Aces, honest Expenditures, com petent offloers, and no .stealtng."— Harpers irce4ty. W Entered la 114 Post OMee at Towanda as tiECOND CLASI TRITBSDAY, NOV 10. 1881. THE VOTE IN BRADFORD. At the time of going to press, the returns are so meagre on the . State ticket, that we can hardly give . , an approximate estimate; Wolfe, Inde pendent, in 26 districts is -reported as hiving over 800 votes. if the re maining districts give the same-per centage of their total vote to him, he will have over. 1400 in the county. Oar judgment is that the vote on the State ticket will stand relatively about •as follows: Bally (Rep.) 4,500; Noble, (Dem.) 3,000; Wolfe; 01;a:I 1,400. This would' give Baily over Noble 1,500; Baily over Wolfe 3,000; over both 000. THE COVNTY TICKET. We have kept details only of the vote on Register and Recorder. With all but five towns official, and those five estimated,. Webb, Rep., has majorities aggregating 1501, ,paid Cross, Dem., majorities aggre 4ating 1069. This leaves a majority for Webb .of .432. The 101 l official '_return may slightly vary this, but it is very certain that Webb's majority will not fall below 400, andihe is be yond question elected. . The rest of the Republican connty-licket is elec ted by handsome majorities. We have nothing to- indicate the _ result on the State ticket in the State, but if the same relative vote for Wolfe, from the Democratic and Republican parties, has been cast in other sections of the State as in Bradford, the , vote for him from. the two parties will be nearly ' a stand off, one against tho other; and Bally, Republican is elected, Next week we will give the official vote. The stalwarts Went 'back` on the Republican State Ticket in New York. In iennsylvania Democratic votes elected the Republican candidate. In New York Republican votes elect ed the Democratic candidates. The Peinocrats have elected Roily, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer. We hear no hip, hip, hip, from anybody this election. Tuesday's must havi been a buelt= wheat diction. We. never knew so mall sat:titan-lg. r • White tire the fellows who bet on iltlenting Wrl6 • - ---------- . THE TREABURY TO BE THOROUGHLY /3's AISITImINn, Nov. 0 . . —The eoliting investigation of Tress ury :affairs bids fair to be very search iag A Sunday .patierof this city has been publishing, for some time past a series of exposures of alleged corrupt dealings in the department, or at least - of an extravagant administration of affairs, knowledge of which it claims to have on excellent authority. These . charges have come to the public . in so inany different.ways that they are be 7,inning to attract attention, k and. the Republican leaders are 'Convinced that . a thorough . ventilation of the' Depart ment is needed, as much for the inter est of the party as in justice to the - persons accused. The cominginvesti . palm by the Senatorial Committee will, therefore, be very thorough. PirtiNY POSTALS ni TUE The Troy Times says: The newly es tablished postal card factory at Castle- Ton, in Rensselaer county, employs about 130 men and. women, who, as sisted by the maohinery, 'dispose of 18 - ,000 pounds of paper and manufac ture 3,150,000 portals every 24 hours. The contract calls for 1,000,000,000 . eards in folir years, and wasf awarded thelFort Orange Paper Company; To manufacture the requisite pasteboards; 12,500,00 pounds of paper will be used. The mill runs day and night, midi a water power of 1f ,000 gallons per 'tour. The paper machine, which is the largest and most complete in the Vaitog States, has proved,. its , ,oapacity Oy turning ont a web of over 12 miles in length.withatit a break. q The' ma chine recently made a run (4 96 con sectitivehours wituout breaking away, and if the web were spread cut \it wonld have extended 54 miles. ti•en thousand pounds of paper are turned out; every '24 hours by the mackine. •It furnishes sufficient postal eard papei to keep the remaining m et:leery constantly busy. A fire-proof vault on the premises can hold upwards of 12f0100,0140 postal cards. The 'railroad tracks run from the • front *boor of the mill through to New York Tke assets of the,defunct Mechanic's National hank at NeWark, New Jer sey are reported to be t 2,035,000 and the liabilities, $4,446,000: The Oe fisicacy will be made up by an assess ment on the stockholders and the losses - - - - - by. the depositors. The examiner i estl 7 Mates, making an allowance for all the probable losses, that the depositors will receive from 50 to . 00 per cent, and,the stockholders lose an amount . , equal to their hteek additional. It is under stood that the directors are willing, if the receiver can settle up everything and determine all the obligations with-: in thirty _day to - make good all ses and save the expense of litigation. , It is reported that Judah P. Benja min is at the bottom of the present boom in Confederate bonds, and that bosh he sad Jeff Davis have regularly 4irawa the interest aceuring from the Iroatederoto ilep&its io the Bank of litoglimui - Aimee 1865. Fall Electiofis MASSACHUSETTS ALL RIGHT I VIRGINIA DOUBTFUL New York Democratic. NOTHING DEFINITE FROM THE OTHER STAT.O4. : f:lii I.! Late information indicateithe elect ion of Baily, (Rep.) for State Treasurer. MASSACHUSETTS. Bono; Nov. S.—The vote through out the State is unusually light. The Traveller estimates that Long (Rep.) is elected Governor by a majority of twenty.five to thirty thousand. ' ' The vote in Boston Give& by the City Messenger, and subject .to slight changes, creates surprise. The returns show a Republican gain of 4,300 , .over last year,when the Democrats had a 1,500 plurality. All the precincts give Long, Rep., 16,258, and. Thomp. son, Dem., 13,434. This is a falling off of 2,300 from the total vote of last year. NEW YORK. NEW fors, Nov. 8.--From dis patches received at the headquarters, of theßepilblican State Committee, up . to a late hour tonight, show that the Democrats have carried' the State by about 15,000 majority. The Democrats have gained in 'Sena tors. 'Carr is running far,ahead of his ticket. The Democratic Majority - in the!city is conceded to be about 37,000. VIRGINIA. Rroniosn,Va., Nov. S.4The erec tion here was quiet . A rage Note was yolled. The colored vote was almost solid for the Readjuster ticket. Only meager reports have been received from other points in -the State. In _Petersburg, (Cameron's home,) Lynch burg, (Daniel's home,) Fredericksburg and - the Counties of 'Carolina, Chester field and Hanover, a large number of negroes are reported to have voted the Democratic. I ticket. The leading men here. on both sides, express con fidence of the success of their respec tive tickets. , Nov:' . REDERICKSBURG, V a., r r".— ne electidn here was closely contested andd - a full vote polled. About one third of the colored vote was cast for the DernocratiOicat, but the Read diiniters rnacM opal gaiii of whites n the counties of Louis, Spottsylvania Stafford and King George.. It is-prob. (Mc that the Itoadijuintcra {tart guitma a Senator, and elected three Delegates out of four. RICHMOND, Va., Nov, .8.-9:39 P. M. —Up to this' hour sixty-one voting precincts in the. State have been heard from, including fifteen from Richmomd, give'Daniels. Democrat, for Citivernor, 10,480, and Cameron, Readjuster, 8,- 725, This is a very. small gain , for the Democrats over last 'year. Norfork gives Cameron 453 major ity, a, Readjuster gain of 30. Danville gives Cameron 42 major ity, a Readjuster gain of 256. In Staunton . Daniels' majority is 368, a Democratic gain of 52. 'Fredricksburg gives Daniels a major ity of 322, a Democratie gain; Man chester.a Cameron majority of 155, a Readjuster gain of 38; Lynchburg, Daniels' hofne, gives him 984 majority, a Democratic gain of •493. ALEXANDRIA, Va., - Nov.B—Daniels carries this city by 314 majority. PETERSBURG, Va,, Nov. B.—The city is alive with excitement this even ing, though the election to-6.y was quiet. The number of votes cast in the city for Cameron, the Readjuster was 2,171, and for Daniels, Dem., 1,187. Wilcox, for State Senate, and May and Greene, (colored,) for Ligislature on the Reildjuster's ticket, are elected. The returns from the adjoining and south side, counties, give the Readjust ers 'a large majority.. NEW -JERSEY. Tpxyroir, N. J., Nov. B.=—There has beeri a light vote all over the State. The weather rainf.l. ''r () CONNECTICUT. HAIII7OI/D, COllO.. Nov. B.—V/ovate in this State was light and the weather . bad. The Republicans will probably control the next Legiatature by a re. duced majority. • U„ a (*) Ciz) a 4 4 4 Vicssnrito, Nov. B.—Thkindications are that Beck. straight•ont B epnbl~tban, is elected Sheriff. The 'Democratic State ticket and the' Warren county Fusion ticket for the State Legiiilatpre is probably elected. The election was very zuiet. The indications point to a Demociatic success in the electibns in East Mieai ssippi W I D3OONSIN. • Mn,werictrE, Nov. B.—There are Fzi teen hundred towns in the State, Anil one, hundred and twenty-five heard from givo a Democratic gain of 1800., Returns from 82 towns show W net Deinocratic gain of 2,550. , The' Republican State Committee claim the State by 10,000 majorit4 Falk, the DemocratiO 'candidate for StatC Treasurer, runs over 3,000 ahead of his ticket, and there is a bare possi- . biiity of his election. It' was all righ t !, to oppose Mr. Webb's nomination, but the opposi tion shoal have ! ceased after the clen*ention. • , The Prestdent and the Attorney - General. • THE WASHINGTON 'REPUMCNII'S mmiT. WwimoTos : , lican (Rep.) publishes an interview with ex-Secretary Windom and Secre tary Kirkw... about the reported warm words tween the -President and 'Attorney-G....eral MaeVeagh. They neither deny nor. admit that , the matter came up, but leave the impres sion that the Star's report is an exag geration., The Post (Dem.) deniesthat any such scene topk place. PROVIBG All ALIBI. Private secretary Brown states that Attorney-General MaeVeagh was' riot present at any Cabinet meeting after his return - from Yorktown . WHAT EX-SECIIETOM WINDOM SAYS. Ev-Seeretary Windom says that the Slar's account of= the recent Cabinet meeting is entirely without foundation. Nothing occurred to warrant the asser tion that there was , any exhibition of ill-feeling on the part of either 'of:the gentlemen mentioned. The questions under censideration were dicussed in the most 'friendly' virit and ;without excitement or disagreement, an no personal criticisms were made by , any one. The meeting was perfectly har monious in every respect. A DENIAL FROM PHIL U PHIL&DELPMA. Nov. 7.,;The Times Washington special says the story that at a Cabinet meeting the President took MacVeagh severly to task for not making proper preperations for the prosecution of filuiteau, is pronounced by a prbminent member of the ,Cabinet as wholly false. - The Rnssian Mission Vacant. WASHINGTON, November 4. —John W. Foster, Minister to Rnesia, formally tendered his resignation to -Secretary Blaine on Tuesday last. - Mr. Foste;'a letter and Mr. Blaine's reply are us col- Iowa: WASTIMOTON, November 1; 1881. Iron. James G. Blaine. .Secretary of Stale. Washington, D. C.: SIR: In accordance with the delre conninnieited to ion several months ago, and believing Itiat action can now be taken without iniaonvfnience • to the publicservice, I enclose herewith . a communication, which I beg yon to submitlo the President, tendering my resignation as - - ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister i'lenipotezitiary to Bus , sia.. It is proper to state that in taking this step I. have not been actuated. by any dissatisfaction with my .presont post or with the diplomatic service. hint having devoted near nine yearn Past to the Government abroad I find th it it is imperatively necessary that I should resume nay residence in the Truiteri States and give my rittention to private and family affairs. lam deeply sensi ble of the honor conferred on and the 'went confidence reposed in me .during the present and past three Administra tion, and I desite to tender my hearty thanks for the uniform kindness and consideration extended to me by you and your predecessors daring my entire diplomatic service Expressing the hope that it may be convenient to act upon my resignation without delay, J. am, sir, very respectfully, your lobedi ent servant. . DEPARTMENT OF STATE. t WasursoTox, November 3, 1881. Johil W. Foster: Esq.,-nota •in ington: . SIB: I have received: to-day your communication of the Ist instant trans ,msttiog a letter addressed to the presi dent on the of day tenderini 'your resignation of the office of Envoy Ex traonlinary and Minister Plenipotent iary of the United States to Russia. The reluctance which the Gwerninent naturally feels to sever ",its relations with is valued' officer , whose zeal and usefulness have been so signally] shown in high spheres of duty joined 'to the regret which I personally feel on, l losing your trusted co-operation in carrying out abroad the policy of ,:the Depart ment would counsel the noif-acceptance of your resignation were it s not that I am Convinced that the step you take in obedience to the dectatiorrof pri . vate iu 7 teresta is postive and final on yohr part. thereforP, accept in the name of the Presitient, the resignation you Ow tender. In doing So, permit me to ex press the deep sense of satisfaction with which the Department looks buck on its relations with you and the nuvary ini approbation which your , official . , actions haVe received at its hands dur ing your incumbency of the responsible misaions : intrristed to you,--ind to. Add the regiet now felt that yOu can no lon ger continue your nseful !Work. lam, sir, your obedierh servant. . JAMES G. BLAINE. —The Press. Important Decisions. , Wasamorox, Nov': 7.—The . United States Supre . tde Court rendered a decis ion to-day of importance to banks, ir_•snrance companies, and all corpoia lions employing agentl. It holds, that when any . book account is designated as one kept by deposit, or in a fiduciary capacity, and the bank seeks to assert its lien as a banker for the personal obli gation of a depositor, known to kave been contracted for his private benefit the bank mu t be held as having notice that the individual property of the de positor, if it is shown to consist i whole or in part, of funds held by 'hi n i in a trust- relations i The Court farther holds, that if the money held by a pertion in a fi.lnciaryi capacity, though not a trustee, has beetit paid by him to his account at his hank i L er's, the person for whom be holds the money can Jollow it, and has s charge on the balitnee in the banker's hands,l even though it_is mixeth (they depositor's) own mone y Also, that' the bank cannot be permitted to asstfrt its own claim , to the balan .e of an agen cy account, as against the equity , of a ' , bendlcial owner, when the , bank hat notice, eitllr actual or constructive, ofl such equity. • In another the court holds that the penalty also for non-payment - of Omni lams, expressed in the polictes . of insur-j once, can be enforced in all cases, re gardless of eionses or reasons ? as signed for &tattle. Hon. Vim. Taylor; lkitou, is,well agaiii. Completely eared of a scrofulous humor which Poisoned his blood, ooveritue his face and head with sores, by Colima Resolvent interna7 and Ctittenra sad Coll curs Soap externally. Nov lO—lm • Ex• President Hayes has been elected Supervisor of Roads at Framont, Ohio. A-Cleveland despatch November 5, says: Mrs. Garfield took up her resi- dence in the Burke mansion, in Euclid avenue, to-day. Mr. Rudolph, her brother, has been appointed adminis trator 'of the late Pt% sident's estate, The trial of Sargeant Mason,' who shot at Guiteati, which was ordered some time ago by Court inertial„ was, it will be remembered, suspended until further orders. The reason ; for the delay is to anew 11 full and careful ex . aminatioa to be had as to the sanify, Maion. . The case of Mr. Scott, ix-Groliernor of South Carolina, on trial at ,Napol-, eon, Ohio, for murder, went to . tte jury.. at 3p. m. yesterday. After being, out: twenty hours the jury at, noon Novem ber 5, returned a verdict of not guilty. The verdict 'appears to' give general satiSfaction: . . • , Since the recovery from the effects of the panic of 1873, the-surplus ,rev. enue of the Government has steadily increased until it is estimated that it will reach the enormous figure of $167,000,060 for the fiscal year. Last year it was pver $100,000,000, and the receipts at 'the Treasury sin the Ist of July are so much in excess of those for same period of that year, that it is safe, in the opinian of the Washington Star, to estimate an . i increase of fifty per cent. in the surphis-retenue . Advices from .Spanish Honduras . November 5 ;state that ; heavy rains previous to October Vth, had caused mmense floods, whiCli had swept awn the greater part of the bridge's - of the • 3 only railroad in the country, and sub merged, or partiallyilsWept away the towns and villages id - ; fruit- district. It is reported that five hundred lives, have.been lost, but nothing definite is known regarding this. The bass of live stock is heavy. - ; The total damage is estimated at $4,9,000,000. Of this intount the damage to the railroad was estimated at $10,000,0P0. Late. advices _from London state that the rulings:and , decisions of the land courts during the past week_ hive creat ed a panic, not only among the Irish landlords, bid among the assurance companies and other_ financial bodies which have money on Irish mortgages. The result will be wgrand witllidrawal of investments ; the eollapse of ;hundreds 1 a of landlords and :the thrmVing of large number or estates on the market. The' annual rentaL,Of Irtland is about $80,000,000 a year., The land courts' decisions will.prObably involve a loss 0f51.7,000,000 a . year to the lan4lords. The number of applications to the Land Commissioners to fix fairer rentsreach es 1 . 6,000. • 4olxs \V. FogrEß:. clatit,Flrr STRIKERS RECOGNIZED IN ,LAW.—Judge Allison on Saturday trendeyed a de cision in the case of the Committee of Typographical Union No. 2, the mem bers of which were ciarged 'with con . .spiracy ,:fo interfere with the business of Sher Man .& Co, , printers.: the chaive. , growing out of the visit of the Com mittee to Sherman's place' to inform the - men at work there that a . strike was in progn Ss.' The Judge decides that Lis under the laws of June 14, Ing and Aprii 20, 1576, printers or meth hers of any other trade have the right to combine to controll the prices of labor, the Committee of the - Union, to which the workmen, of Sherman belonged had a perfect right : to • inform the men of the action of that body, and, as the Committee went about their business in a, quiet and' orderly way, no criminal charge could be brought . 'against them. The ~ fact that the foreman of the offica was present and did not object to the'visit of the idele gation,.the Judge held, was pri'ma facie evidence that the firm did, not object to .the visit. • The conclusion being reached from all the evidence that the members of the Committee did not act cOntran; law,: an order for - their discharge Was entered upon the record. —Phila. Press. • . POTATOES FROM IRELAND.—The cry of a potato famine in this country has occasioned the importation of tons of the genuine Irish potato,' to this port, and many barrels of them were yester day- displayed at the stores of Head & Co.. in Dey-street, near the • North Rivar. A Times reporter was theie informed that in 1876 and again two years age potatoes of Irish birth as it were, travele I across the ocean and were freely distributed throughout the United States. Tre English dealers, it is said; heard the cry of a potato famine raised here thiS year, and lost no tima in making shipments of the vegetable to this country. It is net claimed at ti is' time •by dealers here that there is a scarcity of native pota toes, but it is said that there are more of them in this city than anywhere else. While the American potatoes are sold at irons. $2!50 to $3 a barri , l, the ,product Ireland can be shipped to this country and an agreeable profit realized' by the dealers who 'sell them at from $2.25 to $2.50 a barrel. The Irish potato bears a close: resemblance! to the kifid raised in Ainerica. •It is, perhaps, of more solidity,- and is said to be a rare andiSeuticing dish. On . Monday 800 baga t ei them'reached this port on the White4Star steamer. Celtic for Head. & Co. 2 ThirtY tens were shipped to the same firm on the Wisconsin, which were due -liere yes terday. About 50 tons are ion their way- on the Britannic, and more are expected on the Adriatic. The great er. quantity of these potatoes come from the North of Ireland. Ilitherio the potato has more frequently travel ed from American ports to Ire-lan - 410nd one'dealer, whilein a humorous mood yesterday, said, "Even the potatoes in Ireland cannot live under British rule, and must fly to a land of liberly."—N. Y. Tin es. . On=*mfr. Adams (1)..1 1 ,k. - 'Blood ytup for theistst t I berg used Dr. Clark Jobnioo's Indian 8 1 'Bwo years, and can trothfu say I base never found any medi cine en lto it, sod would not be without it. , - - - , ; 8111‘71 ZIMMER. crudfiet Black 'mid his TriP Hammer. " It is she PriVilege of Judge'llack as a man, and-his misfertune as aWiadvo cote, to support a cause which ..'dwarfs chgnipionshipy His pleacannot great ly increase the'faith of the devout, and while his logic , may erti,sh the''argu w.ents, it likkely tv# win the as sent of the incredulous O. the skeptical.' Nor does this escap_a Judge , Black. His own consistent - attitude is. not that of a special pleader, but of the general convert. - As a revelation Christianty rests its claim's on ,human testimony. In : the providence of God this treasure is committed to earthen vessels. Whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be mira cles, they shall cease; but the broad and common current of human witness to the Divine power of the Written Word, proeP:eding out of the throne of God, this shall not fail, though heaven: and earth pass away. Judge Black, bril liant in rhetoric and strong in logic, adds but one to the great , army of witnesses, Whose - rank hold the fore most men in each generation through eighteen Christian centuries. For him as for them, the embracing faith of Christendom, which today laps the globe, upbears the faith of nations and the hopes of individual men, as the seas bear with unconEcious ease the fisherman's shallop and the fleets. of continents. With a cause whose presence in history is its own sufficient defence, Judge Black not unnaturally deVotes himself to dealing out justice by the line and rightousness to the plummet for the editor of the North Antericarr Review, whc, first, to paraphrase Judge Black's statement, sought Judge Black's aid in the name of Christianity and then denied him space fo:i ins own proper. nd personal defense in the interest and at the request of his as sailant. Mr. Ingersoll may well be praised for the prudence which led him to protect himself from . the appearance of Judge Black's refutation on the heels, of his own attack, but scarcely for the kindness:,which made him interpose Mr. Riie; thC editor .of the North Americirni Bedew, as' 7,11,. shield and buckler against the ine vitable fall of Judge Black's trip-hammer, which in its tray has, forged .= weapons for causes with which Tice Press has no sympathy, but which is never known to smite in vain or to fall without smashing something.: It, has been impossible for the world at large to pay any but. a genial attention to A. Thorndike Itice;but it, is impossible for the world of - readers' to fail of [ having a keen interest in any , one *whom ! Judge' Black honors with his d'ssection. _The - beetle is probably. never in love - with :.the naturalist's needles, but it is' 'always well for _the beetle to avoid the naturalist's hands _._ unless it is willing to go down :among its fellows, docketednnd ticketed as such, secure -in the i mmorality which accompanies the naturelilt's_attenlious. An editor must be his'Jown irmversible judge of the peace he can afford to all subjmti and the room ,he can give) each: centributor, but 'no editor— whatever- his zeal to • ensnare celebri ties fluky be—can afford to play with a contributor of Judge Black's 'powers 4 . "as with a bird," for aSsuredl • 'e will not speak] soft words unto hi A The hospitable columns of Vie PreSs stand open to Mr. Rice andi dge lack; but his explanntion 11 1 of his covenant covenant with Judge he will be wiser if he "reme Ler . the battle and do no more." For the' rest, Judge Black haS ..,1 wisely joined issue in' his great i con troversy with Mr. Ingersoll on broad and enduring position which , appeals alike to the unlearned and the l 'ietterd. The dominance of law aid the \ ( st,able order of the: universe on which hang the acts of men and by. which the ex istence of the Lawgiver is made mani fest in all His works and to.. nil His creatures, this must ever stand as the final argument by whieh spirit. 'speak eth to spirit and Wisdom is justified of her children. For unless this succes sion of-phenomena is held 'in the grasp of continuous law, then •is man him self but vanity and his days vexation * of spirit; but, persuaded of better things,even of things that accompany salvation, man is able in the slow' advarie of Christianity to measnre the beneficent' strength of its rdered c . 4 forces and judge - its deeper truth as he judges the lift of the earth's ern i i , not by earthquake and catastrophe l q but by continents raised to the . upper light, by lands made fit for human habitation, and mountain-tops which early . : and late know the sun in his , strength.— Ph ila. Press. A WANDERING LEI-rm.—A i letter which has-traveled a long distanee, un i observed in any department of the United States and German ma:' service, was unearthed in the.Milwank e post office on Monday. The epi t e was directed to Leipsic, and was vidently mailed at:Berlin. In the tat r office, in the pron , ess of palling, -it lad slipp ed between the, folds of d' newspaper whibh was directed to ' this 1 city, and - - the discovefy of its presorts* ' , here was only the result of an accident. The presumption that it was mailed at Ber lin is formed on the fact that the news- Taper referred to was sent from that office, and the stamp upon the letter had not, been canceled. The letter has beep sent back, and will !i l l , forwarded to its ditination.—,Miara • e .Wiscon- MI , THE liTeo3l - ING L' ME INSURANCE CO.— WU LIAMSPORT, November 4.- - -The re port of J. A. Beeber, Esq., Receiver of I the Lyconilig Fire Insurance Company of Atuney, was filed in -the Court of Common Pleas of this county to-day; It showed the gross liabilities of the, Company •to be $362.042 . 81, the assets $185,570.76. The premium notes amount to $875,019.78; cash in, hands of Treasurer at time of appointment of Receivor, $12,382109; cash since re ceived by' -Receiver., $1,642.22. The deficit is $176,472.05, making, an as sessment of iron] 21 to . 22 per cent. necessary _The Court direCteof the Receiver to file a 'bond of $59,000 to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; also, to,ruport to the court us soon as sufficient funds should be realized. to pay 10 per centitm of the and to print his report as Receiver, 0- ready filed. together with the order the Court and the - iact of the filing aail approvnl bond, for i i the information id all conerned.— The Press FIINDING HEIR BABY itY TELEallArt When the -first Ohio and Mississippi pawner train from the Union aepOt arrived at the relay, the other morning, - the Conductor stepped off with a cryiug infant In h's arms. Seeing Special Officer Hannifin], be . raid, 'Here is a baby without a mother; take it.' Mr. Hannifin took the infant, a bright lit tle cherub, but it cried awfully, and the officer took it into the depot to see about it. 'Wily.' said the depot mas ter, Mr. Whitney, 'here is a dcspateb from s woman at the Union depot lik ing foir her baby. It appears that a woman got aboarl the Ohio and Mist , iiisippi train tit the Union Depot, St. Louis, with her baby. The train not starting, and she having no ticket to go to her destination. she asked a fellow passenger it she would haie time to get' off and' procure one before the tiain - started. •Being wered in the ittlrmative, she etemied oft;) leaving her baby in her seat. Re tort+ she ret u rned from the ticket . offiet[ the train had pulled out a'nd . gone on Mai way tbrOngh the tunnel and. over the bridge. The mother was, of courSe. greatly di meted, and let "the fact be known about the depot. bbo at mice telegraphed, over to the Reley depot, and iu return she visa informed that the lost baby had ulrealy arrived, and was in the hands of - the benevolent Hannifan. A pen BLoW- von SIMON. —A Corry (Pa.) correspondent of the Cleveland Herald relates the following:—Tlie fol lowing little ineident, , which I am quite sure has never been in print, - will be read With interest, as showing how some of ex-Senator Cameron'sloyhood nature lingoes into old age:- Some time after President Hayes had forgotten to send-Pennsylvania% candi -date to the Court lof St. James, a select party, mostly young people, were gath ered in the Cameron mansion. The party-were' discussing- table etiquette, and the theme suggested a_ recollection to the venerable Senator.- 'Mary,'• he said, suddenly, addressing one of his favorites, 'I know why Hayes didn't uppoit t:Me to the Eng lish mission.' ; ' Why was it, Senator Cameron?' was Maiy's quick rejoinder, while' the young people ceased couveis.itipn, and gtitherefl round to. listen. • shortly after he was inaugurat ed I was invited to dine with a party of friends at the White Hou,e, and went.' At the table I found that I had left my handkerchief at home, and so blew my got-darned nose on one of his• napkins. lie caught me at it, and teat. is 'why I am °w ads side of the pecan to-day.' 1 LITTERARY NgTBS. "For a style' of Magazine literature can:- inennatne-notti to priest and _layman, to el.i and young, to scholars and stivients,' GOOD COMPANY takts the lead. On Time. The merry Christmas season is drawing near; the year grows decrepit; and feels al ready the chilly hand of winter striking to its heart. The small boy of the period begins to count the - days to Christman and checks" them off, one by_ one as they pass, swill, a smile - for those that have vanished, and an O'Donovan Bossa sort of desire to aunihalo those . that are to come. The young man medi`ates on the new leaf he is resolved to turn with the New Years, and decides theta few more black marks on the the leaf at present open will be rather a good thing than otherwise, as tending to make the leaf-turning process aforesaid more pleasing and striking; and the maiden dreams of Christmas parties and New Year calls, with, it may be, a trifle of super stitions veneration for the ancient rite of the Mistletoe Bough, Papa, inspecting his bank account, thinks Christmas gifts a nuisance, but supposes he'll have to make some all the same: Mama's deft fingers are • busy nith cunning needlework, while her mind, adverts to mince pies-and puddings of the plinn: and meetings of the smaller fry aro held in secret places to discuss the enthralling question, "what do Sonimpose we'll; get," or the less absorbing; propcsitioo, "what bad we-hotter] "give." • : < ' I 'Meanwhile, those whose special business it is to miniater , to the wants of Christmas keep ers, have fiot been idle: in proof whereof the 4 comes to us by mail the Christmas number of our old friend, Balms' FAfTION QVAUTEIII.O4 full from end to end of things for old and young, and suggestive, on every page, of ways tp make Christmas pleasint, and the holiday season a time of rejoicing in very truth. " • t The amount of information about Chtist- Matt OW that the publishers have managed to compress into the present lone of this pep blar magazine, is astonishing. Besides the usual illustrated account of the Fashionti iu dresser, bonnets, etc.. the whole Christmas market passed in review, and the choice,t articles of foreign and domestic Make, suita ble fof presents, are illustrated and described. For the older folks are all the newest designs in china. majolica, silver ware, embroideric s, baptizes, clocks, etc.; ,foi!the younger are books and games, sibilant, dressiug cases,' jewelry, music, HMS, papeter ice, and' a hit+ died other items; while for the children is an arrav of toys such as, it , is safe to pay, wcs never Collectedlinto a siegle Volume before. Cheap and dear, old fashioned and new, iude structible and 'fragile, simple anti ingenious; . —.every variety of toy ever yet invented to charm the heart of childhood is .here repre sented. There are a ntomotic birds iu cages, that chirp and sing like live canaries; there are w' oudetful savings tanks, that perform such curious antics with ,each,depot.i', that economy becomes a . pleasure: there are boa's that sail, and steam engines that werk,. and menkeys that walk and'clielb:; ( lhere are tope and skates, and velocipedes and sleds; deer and goats, and horses and cols: Noah's arts and grocery stores: printing pleases and spell- Mg games: dolls with their houses and furni ture: rattles, Christmas tree ornaments, and picture books: in short it wore ' easier to say whist there is not than what there Is. The boo'k is a complete:compendium of Christina@ gifts, and happy will be the child, and wise the parent, in whose home it Buds a place. Every article' is „lucidly described. 'and the prices of all are given,..and yeti moderate they . seem. As a special compliment to their Christmas patrons, the publishers announce that they will send to each subscriber whose subscrip tiou reaches them within a certain limited lithe, a copy of' "Christmas Musical Album," wbietsis,described as a collection of oinJ Oect a of music by Clonnod, Godfrey, and tithes* specially adapted to the Christmas sea.ou. This alone is said to be worth the whole inbicription price of the magazine. The Fastums Qraivrtaur is pablished by Ebrich Illotherr, of Eighth Avenue, New yolk, at 50 cents a year, or 15 cents a copy. Catarkkiit'Poisos. Catarrh poisons the mucous membrane, poisons the blood and vital folds, poisons the hour, liver and kidzifwi, Fron►a simple cold Ao the ityttifitt, eleugaig and death of the . 'senses-of - Brue% taste and heating. Sanford's , Radical Cure for Werth is supreme. Cont.- piete treatment $l. FALL OPENING! itiMIOIISTOCE.'OrtIiTIM, Two ißill s lie UM, IS NOW PREPARED TO OFFER TO THE rIBLIC THE LARGES 7 AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Fashionable Ready - Made Gents' Furnishing Goods, Rats and Caps, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, LEATHER, MITTENS, GLOVES, ETC., ETC, EVER OPENED IN TOWANDA, AT PRICES. THAT El to El E. ir -1r C 0 BE er I Ir_ X 0 Er. His STOCK CONSISTS OF MEN'S, BOYS'. YOUTHS' AND. CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'SIiND 1 'BOYS' UNDERWEAR, OVERCOATS, ETC., OF EVERY GRADE AND_ QUALITY, HATS AND CAPS, LEATHER MITTENS AND GLOVES, TRUNKS, TRAVEL ING -BAGS, UMBRELLAS, ETC. NO SHODDY GOODS. Overcoats a Specialty , ecialty • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, WE WILL.. NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON STANDARD GOODS. NO COMPETITION win DEALERS. IN SHODDY. ' CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. REMEMBER THE PLACE. J.BUSH_ , Bridge St., Tomranda, Pa. 1 Seeptmber 19. 1881. • Good , Company Number Twerdy-Four.-- Goa Company (MOO a yf.akl, Springfield, Maino No. 24; .ends the magazine year; in which six articles on Arctici bxperiences" by Lieut. Selaeatka, - Elien W. Olney's aerial, and• the serial •!Mildred's Caprice," besides many. short stories. have been given; the contribu tors including John Burroughs, Pres. D. C. Oilman, Edward Bellamy; Maurice Thomp son, Octave Thanet, Rebecca Harding Davis, Mrs Gen,-Lew, Wallace,' Lizzie W. Champ ney. Katharine Carrington: etc. ,Yearly sub scribers through lhe Springfield, Mass., office and. beginning ith-the September, No., can by sending - seventy-Live cents additional have also all these numbers for the past year.' A leaiug [(attire of No. 24 is Octave Thanet's !;Day-in an English Tuwii." There are ',Si beria's Birthday," storied, sketches, poems and short articles. Linell's Liriug Ave . . The numbers of The Liriug Age for Onto her 29, and November 5, Contain, Woiry, Cehtury; The Future . oflani, Fortnighlly; The Letters of GOethe's Mother, Life iu Aledifeval Venice, and , the conclusion of Mary Schunewald, a Stn . (ly in Prophecy:: Fraser; Carlo Go:doni, Illackroad; Inangurai Address at the Jubilee Mesitini; of the British Asiocialion, byThir lobo Lubboch, :Nature; My Troubles io}Russia, Chambers' Jorarnat; Silk Growing in Burma, St. . Tames Gazette; Verses by Scot t Athi , iiaezim; Electricity in the Therapeutics or the Ancients, Medical First and Circiear; with au. instalment of "The Frcres," the couclusion.of Trend," and the usual atuount•tif_ poetry. For fifty-two numuers of sixty'-four large pti s es cacti ;to. mum . cliau 0.600 pager a year,) the subscription price (TS) is low; wile for $lO 50 the publishers offer 'to seed any ono of the American $4 monthlies or weeklies with 770 ',icing Age for a-yesr, both postpaid Lit.ell & Co., Boston,fare the publishers. • A very beautiful premium engraving has, been issued by Peterson's Magazine for 1882. to reward pets - trio for getting up clubs. The plate ie large, 20 inches by IG, and would or nament even the most refined parlor; fur it it executed in the highest style of art. Its is entitled, "Hush Danl. Wake Them," and represents a little gill, seated at a bedside, where - her two sick dulls are, and she is hold- ' Mg up her anger, warningly, as she speaks. it really. one of the must charming pictures possible; all the little ones, especially, will be delighted with it. Any one can secure this beautifiu engraving, gratis, by gelling up it club for "Peterson." Only the enormous circulation of Magazine can eifilain why the prop; iuturs cad afford to give such pre mitims. • "Peterson" is the best and cheapest of the iady:s•bOulis, Xtit'l price being but two dollars a year, with great deductions to clubs. Spt.cimeus of Idle ..lhigaza'ne, to assist •u get ting up clubs,„.are seat, gra• is, if written fur. Noir is the tittle to get up clubs for 1892. 'No #uu should ea/Auntie to any magazine until 'they have se: ti it copy of .."Peterson," and compared it with witidothurs, Address, • ° , tAtiduzs J..FETEIISON, 306 Chestnut titeeet, adelphits, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS • REGISTER'S NOTICE. 11 13 . NoUrn la hereby given, t i t there has been bled in the office of the Regi s er for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters f .tdministration in and for the (Munt;,. of rsd lord, State of Pennsylvania, accmin.s. of administration upon the following estates, viz: Tho first and final account Of Lark Bird, guar dian of Mary Driscoll, a minor child of Dennis Driscoll, late of tht township of Athena.. de . ,ceased. ' . , , , The first and final account of Lark Bird , guar dian of Patrick Ambrose Driscoll, now deceased, who was a minor child of Dennis .Driscoll, late of the township of Athens. deceased. The first and final account of Samuel Davidson, Jr., and I. L, Young, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Davidson, late of the township of Sheshequin. deceased, The first and partial account of Jerome B. Par sons, Sr , guardian of Mary S. cross, Ida J.Cruss and Franklin Cross, minor children of Theinas Cross. lateof the township of Canton, Jecueed. The first and final account of A dolphus Saxton and L. 11. Leonard; executors of the last witrand testament of Orlando L. Streeter, late of.. the township of °ratty - 11c ' deceased. The fent and partial account of David IN. Run de% administrator pen d e nts rite of the estate of Lorenza M. 'funded, late of the township of Burlington, deceased. The first and dual account cif John E. Finan and James North. executors °Vibe last will sea testament of McDermot, late of the township of Albany, de-eased. The first and final account of Tamr A. Chaffee, guardian of Phebe G, Chaffee (now M rs. James R. Titus). minor . hild of N. B. Chaffee, late of the township of Orwell, deculied, The first and final account of Benjamin M. Clark. executor of the last will end testament of Sieehen M. Latimer, late of the township of Burlington, deceased. The first and final account of Louise H. Acker- Man, guardian of Belle V. Aokerman, a minor rend of Edward C. Ackerman,-decessed. IIT, he lint and dual account of William T. Davies, administrator of the estate of William Watkins, late of the Borough of Towanda, deceased. 2 , he first Old Anal account of Henry West br ok, administrator of the estate_of Joseph gil. rata of the township of Asylum, deceased. The first and final account of N. N. Beth, ad-, ministrator of the estate of E. O'ilesni Good rich, /ate of the Borough of Towanda, deceased, who was the administrator o the estate of O'Meara B odrich Pope, late of the Borough of. Toininds, deceased. second,and final account of H. D. Free. man and W. X. Thomas. administrators of the estate of D avid Palmer. late of the Borough of Alba, deceased ' The second and final account of John Patter ' son and James Mason, executors of the last will and testainent of Junes 8. Patterson, late of the township of Ridgtnry, deceased. • The second and final account of Aaron P. Allan, guardian of LincOln Stevens, minor child of Manley Stevens, isto of the township of Bur ' lington, dec. aced, by George Allen. named as executor in the last will and testament of said Aaron P. Allen. now deceased. The first and anal account of Mary A. Clifton, admintstratrix of the estate of John Driscoll, late of the Borough of,Troy,' deceased.- The second and final account of Martha Min tier, Floyd L. Kinney and A. C. E sbree. adminis tratrix and administrators of the estate of A. A. Kinney. late of the Borough of Athens, deceased. Tne first and final account of George Gard, guardian •of George W. Rippeth, minor child of, George W. Rippeth, late of the township or Wisox, deceased, by Wliibuii R. Smith;executor ' of tbe, List will and testament of said George Gird, now deceased. The firs t and final account of Lawrence Vaught, eihninietrator of the estate of Joshua Voright. lito of the 13 , rough of Rome, deceased. lAnd the same willbe presented to the Orphans Court of Bradford County. at an Ornhans' Court OA:dm%) held at Towanda for said County; on DAY. the Bth day of DECEMBER. A. D.. !leaf, at 2 o'clock p. in., for caniirrastion and I. allorninoe. A, C FEMME. Register. Register's Office. Towea!ds, Nov. a, lei. • FUEL n 401% Occupied. - oosw,{malismoria THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING- to 'be !mind in Bradford County is at - the oldest established CLOTHMG HOUSE in Towanda, , . - 1• E. rtIOSEMPIMEND I S, COMPRISING MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND . Crq7=l6Lea . ..4L P l7 5 IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND. BEST MA'TERIALS• ALSO A FULL. LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, RATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS; TRAVELING BAGS, ETC., ETC, Width um be sold at sto 1.0 1. eeot. -eae_iptr than any other dealer &ire se:l them. Give me n'eall and intlge' for youNelf. • M. Towanda. P;I., October 20,- 1881 * * * *ASK*FOR -4( ir * * Wi l l i bli t i l i cr . .- • nakr: BUTTER COLOR It Mies Butter the trilt-edged eolok the Tier round. • Thij Wiest Bitter Berm leowwarmid lts Oe. Thousand 3of Dal:Trion gar IT IS TF.RFECT.. re:4-14,11M0 best en-41=Mo'. Awarded tbe Isto national D:ploms at N. Y. Dairy Fain Asir von? in:lg.:est o rmerehart lor It: or write to asit wbat it 15. , 0 4 4 it costs. who wool t. whore to get It.: WI:LLS, RICHARDSON & Va. Piwirleelows. Igarliwirtwi.n. . ' U SE *ON I.`f 4-TH I 5.4.-T H *FIR ST* AN D 4- 7 hi i *BEST* 14 0 A tfir .117, ite 41 ara.• Scrofuliu4 Itching and „Sealy Hilmors of thetSkin s ,Sealp and Blood Cured. MIRACULOUS CURE. I will now state that I taade.a =arsenious cure of on') of the worst cases of skin diseasd known. The patient is a man forty years old; had suffered fifteen years. Its eyes, scalp and nearly his whole body presented a frightftil 'appaaratico. Had had the attention of twelve different physt. 1: clans, who prescri ' a retnediea known to the profession such as iodide potassium. arsenic. corrosive sublimate; sarsaparilla. etc. Had paid $5OO for °dies' treatinent with 'but little relief. I prevailed np m htht to use: the Crricrrns lisser.vxwr I nternilly.and the Cu etcmu and etructras Sort externally. He did so, and was compte/st cured. The skin on his bead, &cc, sad many other .parts of his body, which pre sented a most loathsome appearance, is now as soft an I smooth as an infint's, with no scar or trace of the disease; left behind.' lie . has now been cored twelve ,montha. Reported by F. H. BROWS, Esq., Barnwell, S. C SCROFULA SORE. - Rev. Dr. -, ih detailing his e.rpecience with the euticum Itzwrants, said that through Divine Providence one of his parishior ers was cured of a scrofulous `s ore, which was slowly draining away his lifo, y the CIITICUDA RESOL VENT internally, and UTICURA and Crrrictraa SOAP externally. The poison lhat had ied the disease was completely driven out. ECZEMA. • - • Sixteen months since an eruption "broke out on my leg and both feet, which turned out to be Eczema, and caused me great pain and annoy ance. I tried various remedies.with no snits, until I used the CurtennA RESOLVINT internally and CrTICIIIIA and CCTICITIA extetnally, which entirely cured me so that my skin is as smooth and natural as ever. LEN. M. FRAILEY. 64 South St., Baltimore. CUTIOURA.I' - The Cu Hems treatment, for the cure of Skin, 'Scalp and Blood Diseattes, consists in the inter nal use of Curzcuns. RESOLVS.NT, the new Blood Puritkr, and the external use of Cirncons and Cuticula*. SOAP. the Grist* Skin Cures, Price'of Curicints, small boxes, Moe, ; large boxes, $l.OO. Ctrrictra.l. RICSOLVENT, $1 per bottlo. CCTICILTRA SOAP. 25c, ; CUTICI7IIA SHAVING Sosr,asc. Depot; WEEKS & POTTER, Btketon, Masi CATARRH. Sanford's,Radical Cure, • • COMPLETE TREATMENT Fer $l.OO. 13ANTOUD'a RAMC...LI:CURE, CATARRHAL SOL • : T and lwraolizn INHALER, Trapped in on. imckane. with full directions. a nd sold by al! linielata for,one dollar. Ask!: for Sanford'm Radical Cure'.. , From a simple cold or intluen l za to the rot- flog,. sloughing end .death of the senses o smell, taste and hearing, this ,great remedy supreme,! Poiionous mucous• accntonla lions are removed, the entire- membrau lesneed, diilnfected, soothed and heal.d. head and voice cleared, smell, taste and hear log restored and constitutional 'ravages .hected. Thus. externally and internally. mes this great econotileal remedy work. in tautly relieving and ermsnently curing .the most aggra-rated and dangerous forma of Catarrh. O nerd As. nta, WEEKS k POTTER. Roston vs BATS, MICE, o pi ) , SOA/ 0 • ~ Roaches, Water Bugs f' and . Red and Black EXTERMINATOR Anti ea.tsTMlLlY illib........_.. - lIINATOR and die, No fest of bad smells. •-,,, i : Rams, granaries and households °Rini cleared in s singlenight.- Best and cheapest etratis killer In tho world. No fail ure in thirty years. .t.veryboxlearranted. Sold by all grocers sal' druggists. Ask for PAR SONS!. Mailed for dtc. by WEEKS k POTTER, Boston, Mansse.hutetts. - . - MALE BILLS PRINTED at SHORT notice andireasonable rates at the RIPITS• MA'S once. • - TOWINDA, ST., E. ROSENFIELD. Clothing, THE COTTAGE HEARTH, Pnlilished at Boston. • An 'llituitrated -3la,ranra , of Home Arts and Home Culture.. Contshu more reading of Pftscricat Doukerie Woars and Houk lximisra than any other magazine of its price. Each number contain 4 Portraits Jed Sketches or Distinguished Hen. Superior Sour Music, Floral Articles, Stories and Adventures. IC,piett,Poetry, the latest Fashions. the Mother's ChalrAte.Student's Corner: the Yonng Felts' Witidcew, all fully il , tustrated. „ 7 • Temps. $1.50 a year. in 'advance. pottage prepaid CLCB 11,577.8 i We arc enabled to make the % following liberal neer to cur readers: To al! who subscribe within two months and pay $, a) in advance_ se will send the REPeIitiCAX and the -corract Brawn" for one. year. This will 'tire you 3 good paper and a choice reageddn. for a• litt:e in "re than the price of either. Please send is your %subscriptions at once. After January lit the two paper" will be 12.25. 'Tetanal° is constantly improting. - -r o6 '! (N. V.) /fsabandsaas. CEV- CHEAPEST AND BEST PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. Splendid Fran:dams for getting up el* , Large-Size Steel Engraving.- _ Handsome Photograph Album. Extra Copy for I'SN2 FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS! 1161-A. Surruntrarr wii2 be giren is erery nuatel for 18312, containing a fait-size pottery; for a tay l. or child's dress. E Staweriber will moire, dur• ing the year, twelve ofvery these patterns, worth wm alone, than the tub seiption prace PLITAIION'S MAGAZINE. i. the &z and clear'°'• the lady hooks. ' It gives more for the moue!. and combines greater merits, than any otter. In .bort it has the Best . Steel Engravings, Best Cori ashions, Best Dress . Original Stories, Best Work Table Patterns, Best Music•; etc., etc. Its immense circulation and long establisbel reputation enableit its proprietor to distance 13 competition. In-leB2, it will cc ntintlea succession of SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED The stories, noveletw, etc., in 'Peterson in admitted to be the belt published. .411 tite iNce popular female writer's 'contribute to it. in 1.4 about 100 original stories will be given, and oi addition Six COPYRIGHT Novamers, by Ann 6 . Stephens, Frank Lee _Benedict. Jane ti. Austin. 3larietta, Holley, Lucy H. Hooper, anti Mrs. E.l. Cushing. The- , COLORED STEEL • FASHION PLATES - • in ”Peterson"- are ahead of all others. nest plates are engraved on steel, TWICE VIZ CITA aim and are unequalled for beauty. they *SI be superbly colored. Also. Household, Cookery and - other receipts; articles on- Art Embroidery. Flower Culture, House Decoration—in short. everytang interesting to ladles. r . Terns (alway;3 in advance) $ . 2 a rear. . . . sir UiII'ARALLELED OFFERS TO CLl'la , lig - i , • 11Cc!pies for 113:50 With • eoitly steel esitsrisi : 3 ' 6 ' ',4.50 I •61lusu I DON'T WALE mu. or s handsome PROTtKIILATII Alarm, Pr getns4 up the Club , 4 Copies for $0.50.( With an extra copy ci the n" " 9.00 1 Magazine for 102. LI AVM WM, to the person getting up the Club. • 5 Copies for $ll.OO With both an extra cool 0 7 " 10.50 1 the Magazine for 1!x'1. and Vv large steel engraving, or PHOTOCIPATII ALE'S. 0 the rersOn getting np the Club. For larger clubs still greater inlace• ments. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON , 906 Chestnut A. rhilsdelphia:fs &lirSpecimens sent gratis,- if wider for, to get up clubs with. FINEJOB PRINTING.--All of Fine Job P6l/fill' promptly executed at lowest rotes,' Tun BILLUPORD REPUBLICAN Office Dont, fail to give no a trio' . GoOda modern'preseee, and erperleaced ' men. All wink warranted first-clue. 1 ' ARTIMII