Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, November 10, 1881, Image 1

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    HOLCOMII & TRACY, Publishers.
Bradfotd Republican,
every Thu racay al Towanda. ra.,
‘.)- it or.e , tF. .4 TRACY, Proprictora.
frras. t paid in advance, Mlle per annum ;
nest 3 , a , d dvance $1.23. To. subscribers out
•f the county; $1,25, invariably In advance, I lie
~,, 1;4 made to cover i prepaynio.t of
AdNertistu hates cents a line tur first
m.criion, an 1 live cents per line for ell
qucut insertiDns. needing notice adverii: int;
ten ccuts per Eight ,lines constitute a
..lime, and twelve lines au itich, . Auditor's
notices $2.;0. AdministratOr's and Executor's
notices $2.00: Yearly advertising $11.0.001 per
TUE ltl r tt IMICAX 'is published in the 'limey,
Mo see and Noldes Block, :at the corner of Math
and Pine streets, over J.'. Collier's Boot and
Shoe store, Its circulation is over 2000. AS an
advertising inedluin it is unexcelled in itn im•
mediate lie d .
Our t tubbing Terms.
We will furnish all paying 2a - um:yawns for
l:c IlErvnucax within the county with any
Jl, the following publications, until further
notice, at the rates given below. .
The ItEeuntacAs $l.OO in tolditiOn. - •
ui,seribers reiddiug out of the county will
charged 23 cents additional.
New York Weekly
Seini-Weekly Times,
New York Daily Tribune,
• Semi-Weekly i 2 60
\'ew York Daily Evening Post, 8 00
"• " Weekly " " ... 115
ietni-Weekly ~ ~ . 2 25
Sew Irk Weekly Werld, . 1 00
Semi-Weekly .., 1 90'
: i'lliiiiileiphia Daily Times, 5 63-
Philadelphia Weekly Times, 1 30
Piiiiadelphik Daily Press, 8 00 ,
Poiladelphia Weekly Press, .. ..... 1 10
liarper's , Magaiine,. .... ......... 310 '.
Harper's Weekly, - ' 3 '25
Harper's Bazar, . - 325
Scribner's Monthly,.... - 323
- St. Nicholas, '2 50 .
Appleton's Joitrnal, 2 35
with 13toel engraving of Dickens.. 3 10
Popular Science Monthly, , 4 00
. .
,-, " : . •
Supidentent,. 2.. 2 50
Magaziue of American Hbttory 4 00
North American Review.- 4.00
New•Yorli Medical , Jourual, . . -
3 25
.American Agriculturist, 1 10
'conntr% Genii'Cinen, 2 10
Rural New Yorker, . 185;
role,tio Blade, ': 1 60
Littell's Livin Age,.... j ......-.... 7 00
Atlantic 3fontitly, • -3 25
Wide Avvake,.l .. ' 11 165
Babvland,....l ..... - , 60
1.11.4 - )incott, • 1 . 'I 25
Demorest, -: 1
do ley, I ' 1 65
cientific Ameican,...-. 7 .... ....... 2 75
l'oerson's Magazine,...4 .l 60
Ile Nursery, i- 1 20
Farmer's Revior 1 ' 40
Burlington Haw eye, ' 150
New England Journal oFEdneation.-. 2 oe
Kt:mbar; Tretitise on the Yore.. • 25
rrivat and Departure of Mails.
Mails arrive nail depart at Mr. Tr4"91111.3 Post
-,tnet! as foll.OWS: i -
Phil.. N. V., an&Eastern States
Dushore, Laporte, ......
L. V. way mail from the North
New Era, Ne., Triesday, Thursday and
Asylum, Slop:lay, Wednesday na4
Tray, Burlington. N:c
ladaayeville, Rowe. ax •
Closed Touch from Erie and NCIt Re 2:lio
L. V. way mail from the South 4;:t5
Canton, Sc 5:0(1
Berclay • I 5:30
Closed pouch from Elmira and -E R E 1U:40
C I= 1
• -
Ca.6tori, Moriroitton.- ......
Lehigh Valley nay' mail South ..... !..
Closed pouch Eliuira, Erie and North-
ern Central litailroads.
Troy. Burlington.
Shoshequin, ~
New Era, Tuesda.y Thursday and Sat
• urday -
Asylum. Monday, IVediiesday and
Friday 1:00
Lcliaysrillc,, home, kc... 12H)
liushore, , Sze. 2:45
Lehigh Valley way mail North • 2:45
New York . lpila. and Eastern States. 7:45
-)01,.. open trom 7:00 A. M. to 7:4.5 P. sr. Money
Order °glee open from e:00 a. at. to 7:00 r. a.
Office open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:f.`,0 A. M.
P. poWE.I.L. P. M.
Nisvara Falls
Buffalo •
Rortif stsr
tlea eva ' .
Owego.. .......
Itlwtor •
Standing Stone
tikiunerli Eddy
t. 1 B Junction . .
Maucti chunk
New York
tiew York. .. ..
3Jauch Chunk .
L t 13 Junction
LaGrange.— ...........
Tunkhaunock .....
Skinner's ......
Freuchtown `
Standing Stone
Ulster '
Sayre.. •
Elmira 4.
Geneva -
Rochester . •
Niagara Fins 1..
No. 32 lesar,es Wyainsing at6:oo, French.
town 6.14, Itunimerfield 6.23, Stand tng Stone 6.31
Wvaauking 6.40. Towanda 6.63, Mister 7.06,
avian 7:16.1 Athena 7:25, Sayre 7:40, -Waver
ly 7:5.5. 'arriving at Elmira 8:50.
No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:45 P. M.. Waverly 6:35,
Sayre G:45, Athens, 6:10. 8:59. Ulster 7:08,
Towanda 7:Z, Wysanking 7:35, Standing Stone
7.t4. Itummerlield 7:52, Frenchtown 8:02. arriv-
Inu . st Wyatt:lBog at 8:16.
2 rains s Ind 15 run daily. Sleeping care, on
trains ti and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila
delphia and betwben Lyons and New Ifiirk with
but changes. Poirlor cars on Train. 2 and 9
be tween N-tagatti _Falls and Philadelphia with
out change, and' thropgh coach to and front
I:nehes ter via Lyons.
sAvar, Ps.; May 15, 1861. Vs.& N.Y. M. It:
at - 4 ITV -
, 40,6:, loititetal tCruite Wirt
• c,
'Rica eheapei than the cbea
mBo—tf. • - WYBOX. PA
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E 7, . s. - s
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Towanda M 25 1 111233 Direcior,y.
QMITII 1t Halls. Attorneys-st-Lin•;
0 over Powell .k.. 1.70:
NLIFF, J. N., Olitco in Wood's Block, south
First Satiunal Bank , upstairs. Juno
WLABREE k iii)N IN;C Eisbrce and L Eislirre )
0111ce in Mercur Block. Park At. may 14,78
DECK & OVERTON (iTilij -V Peck and D A Ork-r
-tonl. Ogle° over UhlV Market . 49-'79
nVERTON k SAI'IDERSON (E Overton and Ann
F Sandertcrti.) Odic° in Adams Block. julyri-ts
MAXWELL. WM. Office over Dayton's Store
TX - TILT, J. ANDREW. Office' in Mcio's Block
vw apr 14,76
11r+ W H Carnochan. L M Halt.) °Mee in rear
of Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. (je12.75
IVrEIICUR. RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
4 X I PU143111.1' attention . business in
Orphans' CoNirt and to the settlement of estates.
Otßce in Montanye's Block • 49-79'.
M PHER:ON & YOUNG, (1. McPherson and
W. I. .VT6ung.) Of south side of Morel:Les
Block. - fob 1.74
WrADILL & KINNEY, Mee corner Main and
LVI Pine et. Noble's block. second floor front.
UOllectionsromptly attended to. feb I 114
Yr•• Williams, E J Angle and E G Buffington).
Office west side of 'Main street, two doors north
of Argue office. All business entrusted to their
care will receive prompt attenU n. ,0ct,2n,77
$ 95
2 30
1 00
MASON k TIIOIIPBON. ( G. F. Maim,' E. A •
Thompson.) Attorneys•at-Paw. Special; at
tention to conveyancing, examination of title
and all matter relating to real estate. Collec
tions', promptly remitted. Office over Patch tt
Tracy's store. marlo-81.
neys.onil C:ouusellers-st-Law. Oniee in the
Mereur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store.
July 3, 'BO tf.
EENEY, J. P. Attorue)-at-Law. Office iu
Mbutanya'a Block, Main Street.
;1 'Bl-tf .
fiIIiOMPSON: W. If. and B. A., Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda, Pa. Wilco in !demur Block,
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main
street. first stairway north of Post.oface. All
business promptly attended to. Special alien.
tion giv.o to claims against ho United States
for Bounties,,`Patents, etc , and to
collections and settlement of decedent's es:ates.
April 21, 'ly
JOLINSON, T. 8., M.D. Once °riff Di. K. C.
Porters's Drug Store.-? fob 12,78
NEWTOS, Dna .D. N. Iv. FLO. OISCO at Dwelling
on Diver Street, corner Weston St. feb.12,77
LAUD, C. K. M.D. Office Ist door above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to diseases of the throat and
lungs. ju1y19,78
TITOoDBMIN, 8. M., M.D. Office and rest
•M deuce. Main street, north of M.E.enurch.
Medical Liaminer for Pension Dr”iirtment.
lab 22.78
pAYSE; E. D.. M.D. . Office over M intanye's
Store. OfdreJhOUTS from 10 to , 12 .11.11. and
from 2 to 4 P. If. 'B'pecial attention given to
Diseases of the Eye, and DISe-11.11011 of the Ear.
oct 20 77
HESRY HOUSE Maln at., next coition south
of Bridge street. New house and new
furniture throughout. The propriet9r has
spared neither pains or expeneo in making his
hotel first-class and respectfully solicits La share
at public patronage. Meals at all hours. 'Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attached. -
mar r, 77 WM. HENRY.
4.11 J .t,
;# .3•I
Li .d tl
1I :(
TrT4TKINS MUST, NO. 6, G. A. R. ' Meets
vif • every Saturday evening, at Military Hair
GEO. Y. MYER, Commander.
T. 1. It irrninun, Adjutant. feb ?, 79
CRYSTAL 1.01/13E, tit). 57. Meets at •K. of P.
Hell every Monday evening, at 7:30. In
durance S3DOO. Benefits $3.00 per week. Avor.
age anr.tiarnost, 5 years experience, $ll.
J. it. RePTILIDEIR. Reporter.
JESSE WARDELL, JR., Dictator. feb 22.78
1 a RADFORD LODGE. H 0.167, I. 0. . 0. F. Met
U In Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening
at 7 o'clock. . 'Kamm; HILL, .N.f.b/c Gran.d.
.june 12,75 ,
9:00 A. lis
. 10:00
12:0.0 N.
, 1:00 P. If
POST, F. E. No' 32 Second street All orders
will recejve prompt attention. June 12,75
lOTA'S, 0. W.,` County Superintendent,- Office
4-10 days last Saturday of each month, over
Turner S Gorden's Drugstore, Towanda Pa.
July 19.78_
1.7 The Fail Term of twenty-eight year corn
naencea on Monday. October aist. ISM. Forests
logue or other information. address or call on
the Principal.
uly 19,78
vvriLualts. EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mar
cur Block next door .to Jonnial office opposite
Public Square. Plumbing. Gas Fitting. Repair
ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
promptly attended to. All wanting work In his
ne should give him a call. July 27.77.
15..9 7:1 3
P.M .M .
2.05: 7.20, 7.15
2.50' 9.20
5.17 70.30'
11.3 U .....
6.54 11.55.,
1.1)4 8.30
i.lO n. 113
.10 1 1.45: 9.(ru l t
2.10 U. 40:
.10, 2.30 II) 00'
:15, 2.3110.03
• 10.27'
RUSSELL, O. 8, General Insurance Agency.
Towanda, Pa.' Office in Whitcomb's - Book
Store. j July 12,76
formerly of the Ward House. Towanda, Pro
prietor. This Hotel is located inamediatly
opposite the railroad depot, Every pains taken
for the comfort of guests. . 'July 5,77
4 16
.. 9
.'. .10
Houccorxrinc Purina/a & Smarm'.
Residence 31E01 office Dist north of Dr. Corbon's
NT al n treet 'Athens. Ps.
:10 46 3.00 1043 505
. , 10.51 5.13
11.14, 6.26
3.::tz 11.30, 6.45
.. 11.44' 3.L4'11A9,
11.5.1 1
1 0 12 10
. 1
•• ,
.. 12.25 4.35: 1;09
• I 1.251
..1 1.05: 5.10 13 5 1
1.35, 5.25 2.20
3.45 : 7.30 4.50
:...: 4.44 N. 24 5.53
5.00 . x.35 6.05
J.! 5.30 9.60 6.40
G: - '55 10.35 5.'27.
9.151 3.35
A.M. P.M. P.M.
Jewelry Store
'8 30 t
0.30. ....I :.40,'11.40
s.OO ....1 0.00, 4.15
9.20 5.50
9 . 50 —10.15; 6.15
10.54 , 6.21
11.05' .... 11.65' 7.25
.1 5.00 2.0' 9.45
1.3 5 1'5.35 1 2.2510.10
• 1 • •-. 1 7.01?
•• •0 4^
2.18 7.33! 3440.52
..1 7.571 ;
8.0413.28 ii.i9
••• •... 1 8.191
3.03' 8.23; 3.45 1 c 3,8
....! 8.43; 4.03:14 ,- . 1 55
... 112.17
9.10, :...:12.26
.1 .„I 9.19 i 12.34
.• 4. '
00; -9.30 443 12.45
.1 9.43 4.5512.57
Where he keepea FULL ASSOROIENT or
Gold sr Silver Watches
..; ....1 9.52 •
4.30 30.00 ' 5.101
• 4.40,10.10 5.20
.. 1 1 4.4540.20' 5.301
• 5.25;11.10, 6.151
• t;.59;...1 6.251
..vLSO I 9.35 ; .
..Io.lo' 2.1013.40)
• 7.41 5.00 8.141.
8.40; ....! 8.601 .
• ;
• 9.501 7.401 9.401 ...
• 111.40,
..1 1.1:r.31 1.081 9.40
far His Stock Is all NEW and of the FINEST
QUALITY. Call and see for Yourself.
PHYSIC-4 NS .ct-VD sußcEa.vs. • •
,• -
Towanda. Pa
Ed. Mouillesseaux,
, (Formerly with Ilendelman,)
With Swarts Gorden's Store,
Main Street, Towanda, Psi.,
Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does
not buster, yet is penetrating and powerful to
reach every deep seated pain or to remove any
bony growth or other enla fits, such as
spacing: splints curbs, call a, swell
ings and any lameness and all ' enlargements of
the Joints or limbs, or for rheumatism In man
and for , any purpose for which a liniment is used
for man or beast. It is now known to be the
hest liniment for man ever nsed.acting mild and
yet certain in its effects.
Send address for Illustrated Circular Which
we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No
remedy has ever met with such unqualified gr.
cess to ourknowledge.fot beast as well a man.
Price $1 tar bottle. or six bottles for $5. All
Druggists have it or can get it for yorr, or It will
be sent to any address on receipt of price by the
proprietors, lin Vt . B. J. UMW& k 00.. Enos
rgh Film .
Sold by all ',runlet&
CURES ErssefieBE2 4 'l s: 6l
Nans, Dropsy, Heart D.-ease,
touanels,Wervoua etC
rho Boot ItEMMDY ENOWN to Man!
11,000,000 BOttles
This Syrup possesses Varied Properties.
It Stimulates the Ptyalin* in the
Saliva, which converts the Starch and
Sugar of the food into glucose. A deil•
agency in `Ptyalin. causes Wind sad
Souring of the food in the stomach. II
the medicine Istaken immediately after
eating the fermentation of fbod is pee
It acts upon the Liver.
It acts upon the Kidneys.
It Regulates the Bowels.
' It Purifies the Blood.
It Quiets the Ravens System.
It Promotes Digestion. •
It Nourishes. Strengthrnis and inelavorates,
It cam off the Old Blood and makers:ea
It opens the pores of the skin and induces
"Peek" Peleptratiott.
It neutralires the hereditary taint, of poison
In the bloods which generates Scrofula, Erp
slpehus, and nil Manner of skin diseases and
internal humors.
There are he spirits employed In Its mann.
"lecture, and It can be taken by the most dell.
cats babe. or by the aged and feeble, eareonli
being muireffin attention to directions. „,'
Limboratory, 77 West 341.
Aever falls to Cure.
Ashland, Behnykill co., Pa.
Dear 81r4Tlib. is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP but benefited me more, after a
short trial; than sU the medicine I have used
for 15 years
Disease of the Stomach.
• - ' . - Ashland. Schuytill co., pa.
Dear 81r:—I have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease.of the stomach, and
it has proved to be a valuable medicine. .
Nervous llebility:';
' Turtle Point, Mch l ean Co., 'Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous ”e
-bility and partial Paralysis, for a number .01
years, and obtained no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial of which
restored me to health. '
• •
For Scrofula. •
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa.
DearlSir:—Mrlittle girl was cured of Inflam
mation orthe Face ard- Eyes, by the usiS of your
reliable 'NOLAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
bad previously fail..d to afford re:ief and it was
thought that the child could not live. Its neck
and breast-was entirely covered with Scrofulous
Sores, which arr now entirely gone.
Sure Cure forliver Complaint.
Turtle Point. McKean co.,
Dear Sir:--This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved Me of
Liver Complaint and
.Dyspepsia, after the doc
tors failed.
Remedy for the Rhetimatism.
• . Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa:
Dear Stir:=-.I have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Bbeunaatisto and Liver Com
plaint, and have detived great relief therefrom.
Dams Stumm.
An. Agent's Testimony - . • .
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa.•
Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver
Compliant until I need : your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP. from w,hieh I soon obtaine
permanent iellef. I also find the Syrup to to a
valuable Bowel Regulator.'
A Valuable :Medicine.
Bt ilia, Somerset Co., Ps
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your reliable
INDIAN BLbon SYRUP la the best medicine
ever need la my family. Hoping the public will
be benefited by this great remedy. I take great
pleasure In giving my testimony of its value.,
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
• Berlin. Somerset Co, Pa.
Dear Sir:-.4 take pleasure in recommending
your INDItN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi
cine made. .People 'who are Dyspeptic should
not fail to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it
has no equal. I have used it and know it to be
a valuable medicine. '
Liver Complaint.
Aarlln, F3omorset Co., Ps
'Draw was tioubled with Liver Com•
plaint for a long time, and bytthe persuasion of
your Agent; I commenced taking your excellent
INDIAN BLOOD BYRlJY.which bas greatly bane•
bled me. 1 have never found any medicine to
erual it. and can confidently say it is a safe and
highly valuable remedy.
Pain in the Breast.
, S.omerset Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:--I war Meted with a Pain in my
Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, 1
could scan-ely breathe for Pain, I was also very
weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now neat
ly well. kly i Limgs srogAtrong once more and I
am very grateful to for such a valuable
remedy. . ,
Dyspepsia and indigestion.'
. Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your valua
ble 'INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of
Dyapepra and Indigestion, which I had been
afflicted with for years.
For Kidney Diseases.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir:—lrks subject to severe Pains in my
Kidneys, Wes?fleas and '.Painful Sick Headache,
fur years. and .failed to obtain relief, until I was
induced to try your reliable INMAN BLOOD
SYRUP, a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health. • .
152.5 Bartram St
For Costiveness.
Philadelphia. Pa.
Dear iiir:—l was troubled with Coativenea and
Headache. and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP proved most beneticial tome. It is the
beat medicine I ever used.
N 0.817 Federal St
For. Billlongness. .
Dear Sir:;-1 was, afflicted with Dyspepsia and
Billiousuess for,years, and failed to procure re.
lief until 1 began using your INDUS BLOOD
SYRUP. which soon effectually relieved me. I
take great pleasure in recommending its use to
the afflicted.
No. 1035 Loctuit St
Disease of the Stomach and Liver.
Dear Sir :—This ia to -certify that I have used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the
Stomach and Liver. and have bees much bane.
etod thereby.
Best Faintly Medletne
Rambla. Pike Co., Pa
Deer sir;—l consider sour rellable - INDI&N
BLOOD MUM the beet medicine I ever used in
mg bunny. It is Just an recommended. Canaan.
Itenti47 for Worms.
Dear Sir:—l have used your great INDIAN
BLOOD 81111t1P •in my family for Worm and
litunmer Complaint. and it has proved effectual
in incases.
Never Falls to Core. ' i
Bushkin, Pikeco- Ps.
Dear thr:—My daughter ins in POor Health
end. *hart teal of Your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP
entirety cured her. • , t- i
Thum Yfirsourszu.
--.•, , 1s - -
• , : ~,.., . i .
BUM in inns 7 town or vitiogo, in whiob I two
no agent. Particulars given on application.
post know the way to Paradise?
Tray by thy grace.
'..'Any way thou canat deviie
That kada to-My love's face-, ' 1
For that's his dwelling place."
Fire!-tire ! upon the maple bough •
• The red flames of the frog ! •
Fire ! fire ! by burning woodbine, see, •
The cottage roof increased!
The hille are hid by smoky haze! .
Lcok, how the roadride iiumachiblaze
• And on the withered leaves below
----The fallen leaves like bonfires glow.
—Marion Dougtax.
0 happy day. return once more,
With golden plenty_ still'renlete !
As though she never gave before,
Earth pours her treasures at our feet.
More rich than Autumn's robe of leaves
Should be the garments of
And ampler thin her, ample ttheaves
The charities that crown our days.
M. Kimball.
Ere in the northern gale
. The summer tresses of the trees is gone,
The woods of.aututne all around our vale
Have put their glory on.
Autumn! why so soon -
° DePart the hues that make thy'foresta glad
Thy gentle wind and thy , fair, sunny noon,
And leave thee wild and sad"?
•-r William Cullen Bryant.
The bills are .bright with maples yet,
But down tal level land • •
The beech leivrartistlein the wind,
As dry and brown as sand.
The chucks in %ars of rusty red
Along the hilltops glow, •
And in the still,sharp air the frost
Is like a dream of stow.
. "N achtigall 1 0 Naittigall!, -•
Sus it t deifler Blimmo &hall 1"
In a house at Belibroun, On: the
Neckar, I accidentally discovered a
beautiful wreath; formed of straw:flow
ers; the. material was of- the simplest
kind, but the work told the true taste of
an artist. .Tinie had not dimmed the
lovelinesp. - oi the
tints,' and the
perfection of the tiny buds,, leaves, and
blossoms, all showed the patience? and'
skill of the fairy fingers that fashioned
314 m J. AITMAN
It s (.; • -- Wtsrair
This wreath formed a lady's profile,
and, when I inquired of the original of
the portrait anti the maker Of the
wreath, they told we her name was
Marianne Pirker, the "Nightingale of
This, then, was that charming woman,
the wife of the famous violinist or Due
Charles of Wiirtenberg, and theidol of
Stuttgart until 1767.
In the full bloom of her rare loveli
ness, she was flattered wherever she
went, and the aristocracy._ then so
eluSive; treated her almost as their
equal, overwhelming her with kindness.
Her grace,, refinement, and di • .ified
manners, made het. the orna e. of
every saloon. Her clear sopran a voice,
soft and full, charmed her bearers, and
nothing afforded more pleasure than to
listen to her in Tonelli's operis, as
brought out on the -Stuttgart stage,
which was then in its highest perfec
From 1748, this famous composer
directed the orchestra, for a yearly sala
ry of ten thousand florins, and, with an
excellent troupe and Celebrated orches
tra, be careftilly brought ont his own
Operas. Duke Charles bad heard
Tornelli's "Paso Mario," and after
wards raved of the composer of the be
witching-air, "Sposo e vado di morir,"
wishing for nothrug'more than to attract
to his presence this celebrated Italian.
He soon succeeded in his desire, as life,
at Rome had been made intolerable . to
NicoliTonelli by the suddea and violent
death of his young rival, the highly
gifted Portuguese, Terradellas. He,
therefore, accepted the call to Germany;
where the famous violinists, Lolli and
Nardini, had already settled. .
The composer of "Case Mario" was ,
enraptured with; the orchestra at the
German court, and still 'more with the
fait Marianne. Opera after opera was
enthusiastically composed for the lovely
singer, and the number .of these at
Stuttgart is said to be twenty three; but
the ease with which Marianne acquired
these beautiful and often difficult parts
heightened ' his admiration for her.
From all parts, friends andicrities were
attached to the Scuttgatt opera. To:
nelli's music, and - Lolli and Nardini.
For Marianne, Tonelli wrote his "Olym
piade," his "Repaiitore." and the
"Didona Abandonata;" and the nice
ness of her discrimivation, the passion
of her acting, only incited him to new
creations, that they might be thus perf
feetiy rendered by this charming wo r
man. Iu each new part she wasgreetr
ed with loud applause. The court did
not miss one represeutation, and, even
from other portions of Europe, admi
vets came; forAtie fame of the Stuttgart
opera and oearls and of its bright,
particular e ar and spread far over the
Eirn Eluitanions
EDWALID 207111
JAIL A. BatiwN
nom T.Oomort,
ausluill, Pike Co
Pauntux VALutim
Thomas Coasazoin
c SIF 0)24E0114 4:141Q3(1)4
How far is it to Paradise?
"AU, that cannot say; •
Time loiters and my heart it (ties—
.A minute seem a day
Whene'er I go that way.
—Ellen Hulelanson
With especial courtesy, the duchess
had approached the singer, and:the tie
of true friendship united the two wo
Often, Marianne passed 'whole even
ings in familiar intercourse alone with
her. Sometimes also the duke came,
and often they sent for Lolli, Nardini,
Picker, and Tonehi, and, in this infor
mal circle, enjoyed music till late in the
night, when they' sellom separated
without listening to the favorite air of
the princely couple. This pleiiisant
friendship with the court excited bitter
envy in certain circles, and this feeling
was doubtless the cause of the subtle!,
quent fall of the singer; but, 'thus far,
all secret attempts to injure her - had
proved of no avail. '
`When the BMB-couple went to
Vienna, the duchess so warmly recom
- mended her favorite to the empreee,
that she was received with the most
ifracions kindness, and feted as no one
bad ever been before. The memory of
her career In "the ,liinpcnial 014 4 formed
the most cherished recollections of her
life; though afterward , these trinmphii
were only repeated in England.
- When 'Marianne returned to Stutt
gart,' Tonelli arranged n grand concert,
at which she appeared with her husband
and Loul and Nardini.
The whole , town was in an excite
ment, and all hastenedto greet Hitt long
missed favorites:.
Brightly the moon shone i mid the
soft-gleaming starlight on that, summer
evening, when a court-carriage arrived
to convey the prima donna to the ?tiers
house. , Quikly the horses sped, while,
buriediu the soft cushions, she dreamed
only of new triumphs—but, hark !—a
cry souudedthe'earriage stops, and
the beautiful ' powdered head bent , far
out of the window. What had happen
ed ?. Oh, nothing important. A care
leis wbmai had crossed the streets and
Peoplo had already lifted her,
and carried , her into the little house, -
which she pointed out as her home.
This was the answer of the footman.
Deep indignation, indignation clouded
the beautiful Lice. .
"I wish to alight." she said.
Impossible,"' decided the :servant,
Who was deVoted , to her. "We have not
a moment to lose; their highnesses wih
be in their , box in , ten minutes.",
"Open the catriage•door, I tell you!
A poor creature-. is. dying, :perhaps
through my fault. I assume the res
ponsibility of being late, even; before
the emperors and kings of the whole
earth !" •
- She spoke anthoritatively as a queen,
and, the next instant, was in the street,
in the small house, and in the narrow
room where the poor woman had been
carried. Like, the good fairy in dill;
dren's stories, this beautiful being up-.
peered in these miserable surroundings.
All fell back before her, the room was
emptied of the curled's, and Marianne
saw herself in the presence Of a sick
man, reclining in an arm-chair, mid, it
his feet, knelt the rescued woman. She
had escaiied unhurt, but her face was
deadly tale from terror. -
"It is nothing," she said, to the
bright creature; do not niake him anx
ious; I have not hurt myself.",
—Alice' car!,
A little basket was On the &at, from
which had,fallen a bouquet of artificial
flowers. Involuntarily Marianne stooP
edto take it up. Then she put her soft
hand on the shoulder .of the kneeling
woman, and asked if..a I physician had
been called.
I do not need a physician;
.1 um well,
and be will soon be well, too," she re
plied, and the light of love audiender
peas beamed from: her dark eyes, and
brightened the sick man- in the arm
But Marianne did not leave till, with
uit *ha sweetness and fascination pecu
liar to her, she elicited the little becret
from the woman.
Only a part of the every-day misery
of all agel; sickness and poverty', hope
and disappointment. An invalid musi
cian and a faithful wife who made, with
great skill and patience, beautiful flow
ers of.straw, , and 'sold . them for a low
price: The bouquet which Marianne
hold,in her hand, and regarded with so
much admiration, was !the one unsold
to day.
• "Will you sell 'me this ?" she asked.
"Please tell tale' the price."
”..loa are the famous singer," an
swered the woman, after a slight hesita
tion; know you well, for I have of
ten seen you pass in your carriage.
People have fold me how good you ate,
and I will sell" Ion that bouquet for one
single song, if you will sing it to my
sick husband."
The figure glided through the room,
the train of her long satin robe swept
the floor, and the servant saw sith ter
ror that Maiianne opened the covers of
the spinet witli her own hinds.
Standing with her head turnet toward
the young couple, and, recalling one of
Cnipar Netsoher's famous pictures, she
sang, 'more exquisitely than evei, the
song, "5p0.40 e vado di morir.)'
When she ceased. she heard a sound
--silvcr:clear lind joyous -a sound - which
cannot be likened 'to anything in the
world—the sweetest, loveliest music in
the whole creation—the happy tones of
a child's Voice. A small. delicate hand
had pulled aside the .courtains of the
cradle, which stood unnoticed in a cor
ner, the fair and lovely head of u 'my
peered forth, large blue - eyes 'merrily.
looked from one to the other, 'a little
sleeper was waked, -- and applauded the
prima donna as a real musician's child.
Thenlfarianne, trembled with emo
tion, unfastened a costly aigrette from
her boSom, slipped the shining jewel
into the cradle; and with. passionate
kiss as ? covered the child's hands now
stretched out toward her.
= "Let me have your bouquet, and al
linvime to help you take care of your
boy,." she said, with deep feeling.
"Oh. how sweet it must be- to educate
tied care for a child !"
And tears, brighter than the diamonds
sparkling on her white dress, shone in
the eyes of the beautiful woman, as she
said farewell.
Their highnesses received Marianne
'lithe greatest favor, though she was
`Mote than half an hour late, and the
duchess, who had, been most impatient,
embraced her darling before , every one.
How was it possible totspoil such a wo
maul And then, what a fancy, to wear
between the sparkling jewels upon her{
bosom a boquet of straw•flowers !'
deed. it was quite time for the prima'
done to trembie—for was there no light
cloud on the bine heaven of her life ?
no thornbush_thrown on her flower-
strewn path ?
From that evening Marianne watched
over the little enthusiast in the cradle,
and others also watched the boy—there
fore the heavy eyes of his father closed
Without care. ,
Has the little one become a musician?
His name is Andreas Stress Streicher,
the most faithful friend of Frederick
The delicate straw bouqUet had been
placed in the casket of the beautiful
singer but a few nionths. When au inex
plieabla catastrophe :happened—an
. ,
event entirely unforeseen,--the : duchess'
separated from her husband; and the i- - • ' ' •" ' '`'""'
duke, listening to •insinuations agtinat' On Sunday Tut there were; abOut a
Mariafue, accused her of h vkag ad• dozen of Carson's crack fishermen at the
vised the duchess to_ this ate . Then Mei;can dam..
I lr. Gilligan end Gus
came an, order from high authority,
Lewis headed the crowd. There are
and the favorite was contlucted •to army persons who fi sh at the dam who
never think of casting a line -without
HOhenasperg—the tihhtingale was in
first getting the opinion of Lewis and
prisoned in a cage from which there '
was no recaps. Gilligan as to the best locality. On Sun-
The. ' -
transition ; from light to darkbess l day, just as the two experts were getting
was se sudden, the fall from the hfght ready ,to fish, an old wagon drove np
of happiness to the depth of misery so containing a , plain looking farmer and
violin* that tit? mind of the woman his fsulily. He tied his horscste a tree
became clouded., ' For days she, sat mo- and them palling a crooked hickory
tionlea at the window of her cell, lean- pole, proceeded to tie a line' to the end.
_ .
lug her , head upon' her hand, and sing
ing fragnispts - the songs . of happier
days;' she never finished any, but min
gled them all—now, wild, now sad, then
trilling like the nightingale.- How her
fellow-prisoners and the people of
henasperg listened i Sometimes sire
wandered through the - long corridors,
'or up and down the stairs, for they al
lowed her to do as she plea sed;and then
tow, , sad melodies came from her lips,
sweet, mournful music, and all who
Wiled wept. Sometimes she would bit=
terly grieve that she had lost one tune.
which she tried in' vain to find—that
sweet, sad strain that had so often pleas
ecliher princely friends. - • •
Thus years passed, , :and the night
ingale remained in her -cage, trying to
remelt her lost mfisic.• •
One morning a strange messenger
brought a small box to the Hohertasperg,
and asked 'to be allowed to place it in
the room of the poor "nightingale,"
with the last love of a dying woman.
When it was opened, only a bouquet
of'straw , flowers was found, so the jailer
granted the request, and his wife placed
the gift in Marianne's bands. - •
Long did the beautiful eyes gaze on
the simple leaves and blossoms—a dead
,ly paleness overspread the still lovely
face—but the eyes softened, the bosom
heav ‘ ed—the cloud-veil of sadness was
rent asunder aAsweet child face appear
ed,-and the evening in Streicher's little
room rose as a bright picture fromthe
deep darkness, of oblivion.
The blue child-eyes smiled on her,
the dimpled halals — stretched forth
toward liet and all suddenly, mid
1 hurtling tears sobs and trembling, ,
i broke firth ` from her quivering lips Ow
the sweet lost music, "Sposo r rwlr, di
; ozo)7ir."
Her mind had at last cast off its fet
ters, and from that time the night
ingale tried to work, attempting tolmi
tate the graceful flowers that had come
.like an angel's greeting ,to her heart.
At her request - different kinds of straw
were willingly furnished, and after many
efforts she learned to arrange the
flowers, which so tar excelled those of
her model, that from the' simplest ,ma-,
terials came miracles of poetry and art.
'One day a bouquet from liohenas
perg was put on the writing-table of the
duke, with a greeting from the night
ingale, bearing the first, notes l of—
"Sposo e rad° di ilizorir." <l. •
Then the order came to liberate the
prisoner, and Marianne Pirker was
saved, • .
The celebrated prima donna was
never heard again - in [ public, .for she
retired to Heilbronn on :the Neckar
(her husband was impriaoned at Stutt
gart). and Ihed there in the greatest re
She - only sang when she made her
flowers, and this 'work was now her
f ivorite 'occupation. The fame of her
bouquets and wreaths, spread over
Europe,- and even the Empress of Aus
tria and ;Catharine of Russia ordered
them of her.
She rarely received, visitors--she, so
petted and caressed—and still .more sel
dom left her asylum, but the children
and birds knew and, loved her. .One
evening at twilight the ;neighbors
thought that they saw two slenner
young men knock at the do'orr of the
vine -covered horse, and the of a itervant
acid that her mistress screamted - with
joy when they entered.
That night people , beard the "Night
ingan of Hohenasperg" sing with mar
vellous sweetness, for at the spinet a -'
youth with .blue, beaming child eyes
waisitting, and' it was ho who %Winn
puled "gposo e tomb di Inorir. " And
wnen the last.tweet note died, Marianne
touched with her beautiful hand the
glowing cheek of the • musician, and
playfully said:
- "Yon liked that song, even wheii in
the cradle, Andrdrea:s StreiCher !"
"And I liked it so well, that only for
its sake have I become - n musician," . was
the reply; ,"and who knows but that
my friend' yondei in the corner will
not throw gff his surgeon's uniform,
and also become a musician 1"
A tall .Slender figure now, rose
out of the darkness—an immortal face
was brightened by the small limp, and
a voice• answeied:' ,
"If the nightingale of Hohena.Sperg for .her pupil, I should
like well lo become a musician." .
It was Frederick Schiller who spoke
these words; and often afterward in he r
lonely home the sweet singer - recalled
this evening, and it is said that the last
work of her hands wasi bouquet of beau
tiful flowers fot-Charlotte von Schiller !
'll,moro sb tinp si:taele,'
ed 'the indignant old lady, never be
held.' •The simple fact is'' that she bad
surprised Julia's lover in the ' hot of de
positing his bead upon Jilia's shoulder,
a proceeding to which that young lady
was making no visible resistance. Mrs.
Marrowfat bas very strict 'notions of
propriety and went on to say: 'That a
daughter of mine 'should be capable of
permitting such liberty almost freezes
my blood to think of. How 4o you
explain it, Julia?' Julia suffers beipa
rent to cool off a litt.te and then, with a
countenance as undaunted es the bronze
gladiator on the mantel piece, haughtily
says: 'Mother, you do Frank and me
a great injustice. • We' weren't making
love at all. I had complained , of a pain
in my chest and he was only sounding
my lungs.' .
Since lagerteer in treaties now-rodays
So pleinly_shows what local statesmen are
perhaps the true course of the Ship or State
Is like &Schooner's coming o'er s bar.
OVEMBER 10, 1881.
.91Weie ,RlBllMltap,
'Wonder if that old coon's gout' to
come here and scare all the fish away
splashing water,', said Lewis.
'lf he
. does,' said Gilligan, 'our sport
is all gone for the day.'
Suddenly an idea struck Gilligan; be
told Lewis he would get the man an
chored near some stagnant piibl where
a trout would never think of going, and
thus „keep him away from the good
places. The man was just getting his
*tackle in shape as Gilligan strolled up.
'Goin' to try yer luck ?'
.1. thought I would.'
'Ever fish much
'Back• iu the States about twelve years
ago, for bullhemis, suckers and such?
'You can't catch anything with that
pole; where's your red.?'
'Never use 'em. I just yank 'em right
over my head.' - )
"'Your book's'big for this stream.'
'All I've got.'
Gilligan hated to see a man fish with
such poor tackle, and offered him some
sneli hooks and gut leaders, but the old
fellow said he would be sure to bust 'em
and he would-rather use,the old tackle he
was use to. ,He tied a 3 nail to the line
and t4en got 'out a box of worms.
'You can't use worms here.!saidi-Gil
-ligan. 'ln a day like this you must use
a blown hack fly with a little red on
the body.'
'Don't go much on yer new-fangled
flies. Worms is my best bolt.'; _
'That ain't a-bad place,' pointing•to-a
spot where there wasn't a ripple or any
sign of a current.
'Just the place I was goin to tackle'
said the man. --
Gilligan •went down and told Lewis
that. le bad got the old fellow fixed
whera he would not get a bite in six
weeks. •
'lt amuses me,' said Lewis, to see
thesi• green fishermen bring their old
r fashioned lines and Lickoryi:poles andj
fool away their' time exnecting to catch
fish. Thunder !if he hasn't landed one
afoot long.' 1
Sure enough he • had his fish on the
bank, and it waaa two-pounder. - 'Prob
ably' he would not happen to do that'
again in six months." The two experts
continued to fish, wondering how a trout
ever strayea into such wtstca, ...a in
about .five minutes another trout—de
scribed a half-circle over the eld man's
head. He threw the fish owl the bank
above him, his wife.took it, oft the line,
baited the book, and then,he' just slam
med the tackle into the water as if he
were threshiUg wheat. He 'kept this up
for a coupl4 of hours, , and wheri he
wound up his line be had thirteen fine
°trout, while the others failed to get a
'You was right about that plaso °
stranger,' l 4 said to Gilligan. 'l've 'got
some wormi left if ybn think you need
'We ain't after trout,' said Lewis, 'we
are just catching minnows to . bait With
this evening.' .
tured Griswold street lawyer left his
office unoccupied for, an hour about two
o*Clock one hot afternoon , r and some of
the jokers in the block cent iu and
built up a rousing hot' fire in his coal
stove. He came back with his hat in
his hand and almost dead with : the heat,
and was met ou the stairs by a lawyer
who said:
'This is the hottest, yet. The ther
mometer in my 'room marks l2O de
'Don't seem possible. though it is a
scorcher;' replied the other as he went
on to his room.
He threw down his hat, took off his
coat, and began fanning himself. Bat
the harder he fanned the hotter he
.grew, Two or three hiwy era ,came in
and spoke how cool his room was com
pared to theirs, andmere greatly puzzl
ed to account for it. Several offers
were made fain to change rooms, and
pretty soon he became ashamed be
ing so over-heated and sak_dowu-io his
t.stde. In five mumes his shirt' °whir
tell flat, And in ten he ..hadn't any starch
in his shirt. The pea-kpiration ran
down in every direction, giyl he seemed
"to be - bolting, when One of= his friends
looked in and remarked:
'Ali, old boy, I envy you. You've
got the coolest ram iu the block.'
'Say,' said the lawyer, as he stagger
ed to the door, 'l'm going home. I
never felt so queer in all my life. While
I know that theroom is cool and airy,
I'm . so baked and boiled that I can't
lift my hand. One drink. of brandy
Wouldn't act that wav on .a man would
'That is jutJO
it, whit pered the other.
'Brandy aliays acts ti at way, especi
ally- if you drink alone. ; Yon ought to ,
have known better.'
'SCrI had—so I had. Don't say a
word to the bOys—l'll ma ko it all right.
I thought something was t ail me, and
I was a little afraid I - was going to be
sent : I'm glad it's not hing serioat
be back in about two .
Auttmnbas come. _ Imam the -wood and sigh
I look ,ado,in the glades with bdtiufl heart;
Alone Vtveaflithe paths we trod —4. h. Why; •
My dear one, bast thou flown? Why did we
My love, with shy blue oyes and di; mama rings,
With sweet red lips and robes tom Worth, ,
• • and bang -
And , bangles ? Ming it all ! The t bought now_
A gnawing . pain; a sharp regretf al pang
To my fond soul, when I reflect thi tt Mita
West daughter of a millionaire. a bd yet
My baggy, and my smiles and flow. ors (bow
I squandered money!) all failed t - a beget
An answering flame. -Woe that I *nob for
thee • •
My last year!' girl. The day is cold / for me.
I COCX-r/OUTpit G 33 Cona.—Cka: iof
'Oat' - cOirelionderite writeir.- r 'While' the
Spaniards l ot the mother country find
Itheir pleasure in bull-fighting, • the iu
- habitants 4 Cuba still delight in. what
was once the 'good old Eiiglish' sport
of cock-fighting, and the calla as yibos
(cock-pit) is,always full when a combat
is announced to take place. 'TlitC cock
pit itself, around which are two rows of
raised seats; is about three feet in diam-1
eter; and the cocks which are going - to'
tight are all marked and numbered be
forehand, the keys of the cages in
which they are placed being handed to
the senior of the judges, who lays them
on the table so that there may be, no
suspicion of fraud. This is the more
necessary,-as heavy bets are dependent
on the result, and - attempts are often
made to substitute a bad bird for a
goOd one by those who have wagered
against him. The noise and slat ter
the time for the fight approaches are
indescribable, the vendors of refresh
ments and the betting-men
. making a
'tremendous, tumult; while, when the
two cocks enter the- arena, which has
been carefully raked and sprinkled with
sawdust, one hears such cries as 'Fifty
pesetas on the English bird,' 'I will bet
you six ounces (of gOld).' 'Done.
Then a man will rash up and offer 'Two!'
to One against the Chinese, or ,Five to
four on the Espantago,' as tie case may
be. Grandees and Democrats, planters
and negroes (the latter are only admit
ted in the : evening), functionaries and
beggars, meet—as used to be - the , case
at English" prize fights—upon - equal
terms; but all the noiso is hushed as if
by magic when the president makes a
sign for the fight to begin. There is
no need to enter into a detailed , descrip
tion of the fight itself, which , is eon
ducted very much according to the old
English custom, their owners stirring
them rip to the contest by putting them
at each other beforehand. When they
have fought so long that they fall to the
ground exhausted, without victory hav
ing been declared for either side, , one
of the two owners counts aloud up to
ten ; while the other yells at them and
- calls t hem 4 cowards ' and good-for-noth
ings.' If this is of no effect their own
ers sack out their yowls and pour in
to them spice.! .brandy. This don't,
they are put upon their feet again, and,
I agonized by pain, find strength enough
to renew the rattle. - If this fails one
1 of the owners counts up to forty, and if 1
at the expiration of this, only one of
1 the cocks has come to the scratch,•he is
proclaimed the conqureror. The great
festivals of the church are always ac
i companied by cock-fights, notably at
Easter, or on saint's days, . when it is
the custom for ladies to attend .them.
Upon these occasions : the respective
owners adopt colors rind choose a rep
i resentative from, among the young girls
1 who are present. The young lady who
1 has
the , colors of the victorious cock, is
proclaimed queen for the rest •of the
afternoon, and - for the ball which - fol
lows,"—S7. James's Gazette. •
The London Times in a recent issue
says: "The imperial sfahles 'at Con
stantinople have been completely des
troyed _by fire. The *large building
which was used" for this parpose had
been built by Sultan 'illahmoud for his
bodyguard, and in it were housed some,
at lest, of the choisest and most per
fect specimens of the Arab breed.- At
the moment when the fire broke out .
about 350 horses; were stabled in the
building, representirg an almost fabu
lons amount of money. They were all
saved, the most stringent orders having
been issued to the grooms and other
persons. employed that the first care
should be to , remove the liiirses to a
place of safety. Unfortunately, four
stablemen _lost their lives, being
trampled to death under the hoofs of
the terrified animals, several of which
broke loose and rushed frantically out
of their stalls. • Some of them even' got
away from their groom's, wild with ter
ror,.and were caught in the streets of
Pere. Sixty carriages were also des
troyed, along with immense stores of
hay, barley and straw, and all .the
clothes and other effects of the persons
employed on the premises. -It is esti
mated that the' damage cannot be less
than .£T3KOOO."
Last Wednesday we met our old friend,
Governor Milledge Bonham, of South
Carolina, whom we voted for as major
general of cavalry when we -were only
sixteen years old. In those days South
Carolina was truly a military • State.
Only a certain number of cavalry was
allowed. I rode fourteen "miles. to mos ! .
ter in cavalry before I was of the age
requered by law and then they could
not muster we to the infantry. I at
tended email musters under Bonham,
at one of which he and General Fred
Garvin were considered the best riders
on the, encanpment, and in trying -the
speed of their horses General Garvin
was thrown and seemed to be as "dead
as a door-nail.': The brigade surgeon
could do nothing for him and Bonham
said to Aiken, who was then Governor:
By o—, unless we can stimulate bim
he will never COMO to. Get a bottle of
that old brandy.,' A servant soon
brought it and Bonham,- not waiting
for a corkscrew, broke the neck of the
bottle wits a horse pistol, filled a tum
bler three-fourths full of mellow twenty
year-old brandy, forced Garvin's month
open and poured it ,down him. In half
ark bout the old 'tallow was laughing
and cracking joke Those were glori
ous daya!—Fromihe, Hartwell ( Ga.)Sun,
An old felloW, whose daughter had
failed to secure a position as teacher, in
consequence of not passing an examine
tion. said: 'They asked her lots o
things she did not know. Look at the
history questions!, They asked her
about things that happened before she
was born! How was she going to know
about them? Why, they asked her
about old George Washington and other
- men - she never knell That was a pretty
sort of examination!'
.1.00 a Year, la Atrasev.-
Ancient conundrum answered: The
spirit of mortal is proud because it costs
fifteen cents a glass.
A procession of men passed through
Main street this morning, and 'were an
hour and. 'a lialf passing a given point.
The given point was a saloon.
'Ma,' remarked a New Haven ,belle
yesterday, 'do you know what has be.
come of that old trunk lid of grandma's?
It would make a beautiful hat for the
theatre with a few. testers on it.'
Picking up Charley Balatlface's mem
orandum the other . day we noted this
entry: 'Boys what minds their mother
always`gets lots of good things toseat;
but boys what minds their, father gets
more stricter rules laid down every day.
Igo in for feed - ':andl shall let the old
man run his. chances.'
A widow's teighi: A New Jersey wid
ow could not earn six dollars a week at
the wash-tub. -She became a crairioy
ant, and her income increased to sixty.
It just shows that a man begrudges the
quarter he pays for washing his shirt,
whileliie will cheerfully give a dollar to
stick his nose into the other world be
fore the show begins.
'We baye'paSsed a very pleasant eve
ning,' the Gadabouts remarked u they
stepped 'out of the Fogg residence, - land
we wish to return thanks for your kind
ness.' After the door was shut between
him and them, Fogg was heiird to
'The horrid bores! Return thanks!
What do they' mean by that? I'm sure
I never thanked them for coming,'
, A woman iu " New Orleans found her_
hus . baed lying in a state of intoxication
in an alley. Instead of being exasper
ated, she gently tutted hits-over" to a
more comfortable position, and, run
ning her hand into his vest ponket, she
extracted a 820 bill and remarked:. 'I
reckon I've got the dea2 wood on that
new bonnet I've been suffering for.
She made a straight streak for the near
est millinery shop. Strong men wiped
the moisture from their eyes at her
heroic devotion to a husband who - had
by strong drink brought himself so low
as to neglect to provide his wife with
the common' necessaries of life.—Neoe
Orleans Times.
A home thrust: It is' relatedof George
Clark, .the celebrated negro minstrel,
that being examined as a witness he was
severely interrogated by the attorney,
who wished to break down his evidence.
'You are in- the negro minstrel business,
I believe?' inquired the lawyer, 'Yes,
sir,' was the prompt reply. 'lsn't- that
'that rather a low_ "calling?' demanded
the lawyer. don't know‘but it is, sir,'
replied the minstrel; 'lint it is so much
better than my father's that I am proud
of it.' What was your father's calling?!
'He was a lawyer,' replied- Clark, in a
tone of rogyat that pat the audience in
a roar. The lawyer let hiin alone,--
Proridence Joterioil.
A ELWIN PISEJrDICE. -Why it is that
the public don't look kindly upon a man
carrying an umbrella on a hot day is a
raystery yet to be solved, but the fact
is they do not, and that not one man in
a hundred has the moral courage to
carry one.l Yesterday, when an emi
nent and dignified citizen coming back
from his dinner turned 'into Griswold
street with an umbrella_over' his head,
he was accosted with: "Been raining
down your way?"No, sir." Going,
tor 'No, sir.' 'Then •yoa Garry the
unbrella to keep the Ale's off?" Yes,
sir.' 'Well is a good-plan, and all
soft 'men ought to practice it.' The
next man hid a grin on his face as he
called out: 'What's that fop?' To keep .
'the sun on.' 'What do you want to
keep the sun off for?' Might get sun.-
struck.' 'Buppoae you did?' •Suppoie
you mind your owo business Die The
next one presumed upon his long
friendship to halt the man and whisper:
'Pretty sharp in you, old fellow; keep
the bulge toward your creditors and
they can't
, see you. , ' Other men .told
him that wearing a poultice on the
head would dispense with the umbrella,
and others said if he
afraid of his
ears being tanned- he should fasten
fan on each side of his hat. Not one
single man took hip by the" hand and
encouraged him, and when he_ reached
the post-office he was so discouraged that
he lowered his shade, and used it to
punch OW' ribs . of a boy who had begnu
to sing!
"He'a a Sat, he's a feller,'
♦nd he hip an old umbreller. "
We should think after a manflhad
been Secretary of the Treaury for three
or four' years, and had occasionally
'damped fifty millions of dollars' intu .
Wall street to relieve the money market,
and had called in twenty million sixet
at one tirlio, and bought two millions of
bonds every week, and disbursed eleveu
millions one week andoighteen
the next, we should think it would hnit
him awfully to go back into his law of
floe when the administration changed
and make out an abstract oft farm away
out in Backstuiw county and sell it for
an old woman down in Kickapoo
township to an old "fellow out in Wank:
indaw settlement and`Only get a fee of L
&I% and haw to wait four months for
that and then have to take a sorrel colt
for it.
'Twat; dawn beside the green canal,
One red-hot summerewday,
-I eat upon • cord-wood stick
And whiffed two . cents away;
And as the stifling smoke arose,
Like now-cloud' in the air,
I put on all the style I could
And smoked my first Dew.
I leaned against an old board pile,
And looked down in the-ditch;
E'en there the catiliir seemed to say,
'clionng man, go weat-lon're rich."
Bat what , cared; at such &film°
, For cs.stles in the air?, 1
I look another puff or two'
Front off my first Begat..
I watched the aaha as they tett
Like snow-Askew on the gronnd;-
And then I looked around to And
Some place to lay me down.
I hang me up npon &stick,
.11y heels few in the air;
I was not drank, but oh, so sick'
It wu my Ant segar.
Williamsport Rrf 41n:4 rnh4
NO. 24