THE REPUBLICAN. TIILitSDAT; OCT. p, 1881: To . „Our Subscribers. Ex.amine Your Label ;t. s,l •.t%•vott the insrith and year up,to 1 - tar ';ntti•eriptioa is paid. If your sub- Is so.lll to expire, please send us for :. renewal tti wire, th a t we may I von the paper. right along. Bond in .; I without delay: _l, A. Wooster is our general agent, Rohe and eJllector, for the southern and West portion of the County. liolANCI: IN PRICE OF 13115C.1.11P-, TION The unit rsiguea, publithera 'andl'proprie- 1- of time Branford . Ileporter, Towanda . /•• Bri.ll,Ftt) REPUBLICAN and Brad rr,l):il : iheti in Towanda, Pa., hay s uffered severe loss in the publicati ut of tklr ri npt.elive. ph - pers (ruin the heretofore „ I ndy low price per annum, hereby mutu• ;t4tve to make the subscription price or „.:, 0:,i , ar papers respdctively, on and after ", Fitt orJanuary, .1882, Due Dollar and uolts per annum. And we hereby and pledge ourselves to each other, n our our honor as business men, that no t.trietly' and. invariably adhere to the An appeal having been taken from the de-, cision of the Judgesit the late Fair in award ing the diploma to the Syracuse plow, the Board of Managers of -the Society will deter mine said appeal by actual trial, on Friday, Oct. 21st, 1881, on the farm of Geo. H. Fox in Towanda Townihip„ at 1 o'clock, p, m. AU parties exhibiting plows at the Fair, held Sept.. 28, 29 and 30, 1881, ire requested to be present, with their plows, order to deter mine said appeal by actual test. Parties who enter for said trial must notify the Secretary on or before Thursday; Oct. V.Oth, giving the name of the plow, where teanucactured, and by whom it will be representel to the cOn ' BoLCMIII 4; TRACY, BEIMBLICAN I test. J. ANDREW' .KILT,' . of till's itiatlerstanding. .To make this : ,clgeinent legally binding, we have entered Londe, with penalty and forfeiture for ' , int ion of the terms of this, agreement, I subscriptions paid prior to Janttary Ist cvip be taken at the former rate. Ratts in all cases to be independent rdbbotiption aoui,nicir S Urrcucocß,' Reportet I). 31. TunNED., Journal. E. AsuurN PARSCiNS, .4rqus. I:. y f,tLe Canfon Fair next week. I::ioacipment report:next Week. Sevpral communications excluded for lack this wAli, will appear next week.' .341,1 L - B. Johnson, Franklin, took Ist pee l tithe county Fair for the largest and firtst Ins raised in the 'county. Illthr J. L. Phoenix, will".preach. in the Lurlington church, next Sunday, Oct. it;. at u'eock p. m., and after sertice will a thl,il,l,tur the ordinance of baptism. :4,!;: , :a 11u:eolith, of Leßoy, has raised 4 p%:n; 1 is= the. Aggregate weight of which is 1231.110 , 1, , . Separately their weight is 55, 4 :,61 43 pounds. Who can beat this ? (t the Messiah (US ersalist), Reir. )Vnt. '1')Ior pastor, at 10:30 a. T., Subject: "110'.i• is bud's Fultpledr At '7 p. m.-, "11. , N.iiion's Prayers Or the late President, ..1.1 ir result:." Acieertiseit . came out on Mon .y 1:0. - .11ing last with aln entirely new: dress. We c , ngratulate our enterprizing neighbors, LAhlehee of their prosperity andgood the new types bring us news as anti I.right as hard : the old ones. OM eipt of copy number one . of !.,. St , . Lbgrapher's printed for the A'ssoeiation of Ilenna., at the .7. °Rice. It is devoted to the interests . T. noiipliy. and gives much information tipecially to thoZ craft: Messrs. - Shores and ; Smith recently of -Stlicui; have opened a beot and shoe', store in I:.e. 1 ed, Whitterand Blue Store, formerly oc cupied by GeOrge Itidfr,eivay as a 1 grocery E ton. They will keep and maintain a full stock of first eitis3 - gcols in that line and so a liberal share of ps,tiiinage. In descrling the contetit.s of Floral Hal , , at ~nr late County Fair, ourreporter wishing t state that in .writing out the notes the exhibits or photographs from A. J. F:•6i - r's Gallery were in advertently over !, , hid. The • exhibit reflected great credit , :i Mr. rinher's artistic abilities. Cuunty Comnaigaiuziers :are dollecting f: , an Harrisburg, Danville and Warren, _the •••rtral inane persons, chargCable to Drasl7 aml placing them in the Instne D, part ment 1,1 the County Pooy House. •• Last CE eight were brought frorit that Danville and one from the Harrisburg Aay kni. an I placed iu the Poor House at ;Bur ,::.;! :n. These insane patients can he kept api , ne to the county: in 'our home r IL.uie than in the asyluini 'of the State. A hh ,,,-, ndlrigliand, a well known eitizert-.of q ied quite suddenly _t4y.idpelas on! lay o,it Ther dtb. N'fre are not apprised ~fa u t age, but think be nusebave been I; , i years._ Fnr several dears= past the d. I was a constant reader of the "Tnltlls , eker," a paper of infidel prcielivities, 411:1 a• generally the cause, hO became tincture •1 with its teachings. In his habits, an i dealings with mon he was 'regarded Lonorable . trustworthy, and was es t cm , d as a coxl citizen. • List letters remaining in the Post 011ie° 1 ;k ending Oct.. 12, 1981: :11I'S' Annie, Ayers Tillie, P; Baxter Conoly James C, '' Connelly Annie, ;,• J CiAides Airs Hila, I ::, Granville, Gagtfly Eden. ("Lan I.lzzie, Hineher Frank, 11, ~ ., 1 1(1. Frank Harnpoon Sarah, :,an Mra Elmer. Johnson Wm,, Laura, Levetityorth Fred, r 113, - , Ott „Krite F. P. n,;:stoo Ira JA; Platt Mrs Anson, k in • 4( Co W, Rosa B, J. Thoe, Scanlin Ella, Smith T T, V • . Tiel Robt 0, , Vaigason J D, i‘..::.• .1 Bruce' Wood Erastus. A caliiug 1,,r, any of the above will -ay'".-Vtlvertised," giving date of list. • P. POWELL, L:rfdfori/ C'oestaiy 211.diea/ Society. rradfold,Coulity .110Alical Society met ftice of Dr. D. N. Newton pureutint to and whE called to order at 3:30 Th•• rninntea last meeting were read and ••,‘; rev. ' IT. La Id reiwrtC I a case or Biliary Colic It• succ-ssfully treated by salad otl'in i , ,t.F.,Witich care was commented on at .; tAy, Drs. D. N. Newton and E.-D. Pa t 4 D: N. Newton then preseeted a iarl;e ropliteal tumor in a youilg tau 411 I aAtul the opinion of the society. nut to be aneurismat. Dr. Payne t c r a I ail inaugural paper on ethics end t. .;,. I lar4ely on the case or the lato pre electi)n of a board of vas Overlociked during the of,olli.ier3 at the last meeting ;i :durod loo!to:i of WoAhura the board li--t? •ntioned in force for 1891, .cou '•'*-1!; cf Drs. D. N. Newton, Geo. F. Horton IA J. W. Lr Ina t); Payne then appointed the following , zet.;:tußi l to read papers at the next regular t•-•; of filo FCCiely viz., Dr. C. 11. Scott ta I Dr. F.-G. Newton (l.l :notion of Dr. Kilbourn the thanks. of , •••lety were -tendered to the President / ) r• f. )r his ab:c and scholarly inaugu . • Kilk , urn reported ha iatereating"case V, aerial abecess of the groin. :•• :y ~ • ijourned to meet at the offte3 or L`.' 1): Nov:on the first Wednesday 15ji CLIAS. K. LiDD, Se&y. : .1; 1 - k.:,bA, PA.. Oct. sth, 1881. • FILEDEIUCK, Frederick Co., lid. ~11) % trfillblvd with Palpitation of the "' / / 1 IQ/ I lain in the side, and Dr. Clark John. bid:at Blood Sirup did her more good than ":tLir.g the ever tried. Lrerouilits Praise , Them. recommend Malt Bitters:" "A I vt food medicine." "8.,1 reurishing agent, we know or." ' ll ."' ti and children take Malt "titters." me Len ensness and Sleeplessness." "Not tint Litters." .k tit c rr ni , vater of exhausted nature." Must Pl.lCelemful medicinein the world., Aug 18-4 w. Clayton A. SMith of. the Waverly Free Press was in town on Thursday to tike In the Firemen's Parade. - —Dr. Taylor preached , in Manatield on Finn daY and organizod a Ditiversallit Chtirel; therm - ' ' —Mrs. 1.-M. Campbell and her Sister Miss Morley, went to New York on Tuesday with the excursion. —Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Burn sot Burlington, Pa., were among the "excursionists the 11th, inst. Solomon C. Stevens has been conflne4 to the Louse for thel lasi two 'weeks with thd Intermiteut Fever. -3lra. 'Watts, of Gliegow, Scotland, with ler couria Miss Mary Moscrip, madu a pleas- and call at tho ItzermucAN aka on Friday last. , —Mr. an/ Mre. James McCabe, returned from their bridal tour on Saturday evening last, and received the. congratulations of their' many fiends. — Rev. C. H. Wright was aye at from town on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Netherton of Ora well filled his pulpit Fatsthe. morning szsi evening se rvioe. —Mr. E. W. Neal and wife, •of • Liberty Cor ners, left on Tuesday teat to visit Mr. Nears aged father, who is SO years old, at Loudon, New Hampshire. Mr. Neal will be absent about three. • —Mr. and Mrs. •Watts of Glasgow, Scot land, accompanied by their cousin Miss Mary Moscrip, went to Barclay on' Friday last to . visit Mrs. Fred Wattles, nee Miss Ella Mos crip. Soc'y. Brad. Co. Agr../300'5 ! TOWANDA, PA., Oct. 11th, 1881. Mrs. L. A. Wooster, of Leßoy, Fashionable milliner and dressmaker, has received , and just opened a full supply of fashionable Fall Millinery goods, and it is prepared to supply all orders for ladies hats, bonnets ac., or to make to orderladies dresses. The people or Leßoy and .vicinity are solicited to call and examine her stock. Work will be promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. So groat has been the rash of customers at this popular hardware establishment, since the cool days have come, that it Would almost seem as if everybody in Bradford county wanted a now stove just now. By making al ditions to their clerical force and' to their already immense stock of stoves, 'A. D. Dye & Co., have been enabled to meet the wants of their numerous customers. Call and examine their ranges, kitchen stoves, parlor heaters, etc., before 'purchasing .elsewhero,, you will be sure to suit yourself , with both style and price. Their constant aim -is to keep the best and most desirable kinds of stores that are manufaCtured in the country. Nothing has been found superior to the "LAITY .Tnovowr range for kitchen purposes, or handsomer and more economical than the RECTA or W.r.srmiNsw, .partor heaters. The DENMAIIK is a new style of parlor store, ter burning wood, which is mire to prove popu lar with those who have, plenty of that kirid ' of fuel to use: 1 31:rs. araddesa's ltilltraery Store Have you icon those handsome hats, ele. gant featherf, beautiful Rowers and "loves of bonnets" at Mrs. Madden's? Just step in and sea . for yotirself what tis fashionable and tasteful. The newest and most elegant of all is a wide-brimmed sealskin hat—"just two sweet for anything," wealeard a stylish lady say. Mrs. E. J. Mingos, opposite tho Park, Main street,- has received a /till line of ,Fallatyles of ladies Hats, Bonnets, labbonstind other Millinery goods. ,0411 tic once. The last Elmira Telegram gives picture of Chief of Police Barns, of this place with the following biographical sketch: In a pleasant valley at the foot of Elk mountain,_ in Susquehanna county, kennsyl vania, the subject of this sketch first saw the light, September 16, 1831 His mother came of good old Puritan stock, and was a woman of strong and noble character; Hie father was of Scotch-Irish daceut. With the mart cles of an athlete he had the courage of the pioneer. Until twenty -ono years of age, Burns lived and worked on a farm. To his active ont-door life he owes in a measure, the splendid physique and iron constitution that have so well fitted hint to perform the. trying duties of his after years. In • De cumber, 1872, Mr. Burns, who was living on a farm in Smithfield,' was 'solicited by the Burgess, to come to Towanda and perform police duties for four months. At the expi -ration of that time he was offered the position of Chief of Police, which ho accepted. For nearly nine years he has proved himself a faithful and efficient officer. There'were dif ficulties attending a discharge of the duties of the office, at that time, that have wholly disappeared. Fires and robberies hayit'greatly diminished in frequency. It is a significant fact that three times as many arrests Were made in 1872 as in 1880. Towanda is now as orderly a town as any of its size in the State. Officer Barns' courage, perseverance and' success in following and bringing criminals to justice, have become almost proverlial. He has been instrumented in hunting np aad returning about fifty stolen horses, and near ly always succeeded in bringing the thieves to trial. In 1872, Officer Burns arrested the notorious "butter thief," named Rogers alias Cwv ell, who had committed a. series of dar ing depradations in Southern Now York and Northern Penetaylvania. Rogers went liter ally "armed to the teeth" and grew so bold as to defy arrest. One horse and buggy stolen by Rogers, was traced to Bedford county, Pa., and found in possession of "Josit,"- the Cif sy Ring. The latter who passes through- Towanda occasionally, has since - cherished a wholesome respect for Officer Burns' ability to &Yet- the receiver of stolen property. The "butter tiller' was committed to the Au burn penitentiary for twelve years. - Ou the'of July, 1877, while quelling a riot in the streets of Towanda, Chief Burns was assaul ted by a drunken and infuriated mob. In self-defence, and in protecting the 'lives and property of law-abi ling citizens, ;be fatally shot one of his assailants and slightly wenn., ded.another. The rogues who had hereto fore "run the town" on circus days, were taught a valuable lesson. No such disgrace . - fal riot has liaelOittempted since that time. In April, 1876, Officer Burns was commis sioned by Governor Hartranft, as Railroad Police, on the Northern division of the Le high Valley railway. He has been very suc cessful -- in guarding the interests of the company and is deserving the confidence of railway officials. In November, 1878, Chief Burns was appointed Deputy United States Marshal for the Northern District of Penn sylvania. His skill in detecting counterfeiters and "pulling" illicit distilleries has demon strated his superior sagacity as a detective and his fearless daring as an officer. PILES. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose ho has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs- At times symptoms of indigestion are prFient as flatulency, uneasi ness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspiration ' producing a very disagreeable itching, particularly at nigt t after getting warm iu bed; is a very common attendant. Internal, External and Itching Piles yield at once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and effecting a permanent mire where all other remedies • have failed. DO not .dellsy 'until the drain en the system produces permanent disability, but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for itc_and when yon canhot obtain it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt of price. Address The Dr. Dosaillos Medicine Co.. Piqua. Ohio. Bold by Clark D. Porter, 13. End of Ward HouSe Dfock. • June 2-Iyr. ' IL A. WZIAII The Manville organs were among the gieatest attractions at the Sullivan County Gait, held at Dashoro, last week. , PERSONAL. 4. D. Dye : Co :;-. - CO'IMOIL,PROVZSDINGS: _ 'The regaJur monthly sisaion,of the Connell anti hekl•litandaf ambit= (*her ll3B l•-;•_, Members present, Chief Burgess Alga; tor the chair and Councilman Gordon. HolcOmb, Keeler, Pam Opsliliait• - The inintitei - of list'Aregulat aid special' meetingi were read and approVed. • A petition was presented asking that thoi; health destroying properties of Messrs. Dark tons hide house on Water street be removed . and thmmiaance abated: On motion it was ordered that notice be served on Mr. Day ton to cleanse and parity the ideality without . _ delay. A petiticu wat--nresented by Breams. L. Elsbree and F. Sanderson for the grading of Locust Avenue, North With= sad Centre street*. After some informal .remarks and making an estimate of the,eipense, Hr. Hol comb moved to postpone action on the %ion fur the present. and on suggestiOn of Mr. Halm the Council agreed to meet on the ground to morrow, the, 4th, Just.. at 6 o'clock. p. m., and examine as - to' the pro- . party or neceesity for graqqatt the prayer of the present.' 13 y . 0 95*** 1 _ ' Hesomot.vsoome street cattunissioner be andiSterebranthbritoid to put downs good, 'cruising - from the Ward House to the MercUt block. at such point as tho street committee: may direct. Adopted. , Balls, amounting to $590 06 wire examined 'by the finance committee and ordered paid. c , NUEDITLE MU BILSTEMBEL • "Gas, 1 $ 81 35 Police, . 80 00 Expended - on streets, ' • . 318 a Fire Department, 25 00 Secretary and Treasurer,• Justice Codling, bill, of costs, - 7500 3 50 Miscellaneous, • 6 60 • Total, . - •- ~ , _ , •-, . 4590 06 .REPORT OF POLICE JUSTICE CODDINO. Sept. 20.—J. B. Rockrock, arrested by Dim mock; drunk and _disorderly; fine 2 - dole., costs 1.70. Paid. 21.—Bichard Kinney. by Barns, drunk , and disorderly; c05t5,.1.70, Discharged.` - Charles McClure. Burns• drank and disorderly; nests '1.70. Discharged. Alice Wells, Burns; dis orderly; casts 1.70. Discharged. 27.--Pratik Hanley. Burns, drunk and die orderly; fine 2, costa 1.70. Paid Burns. _ SO.—William Jones, Burns, drunk' ancVdis= orderly; fine 2, costa 10.78. Paid. Dennis Hanley, Burns, drank- and' disorderly; fine 2, costs 1.70. Paid Burns. Cn motion, Council adjourned. • - - : • ' J. lintasuattav, Secretary. ORITVrAItY Oliver. Moore, aged 99 years, died at the residence t f his son H. PoMoore, On" York Aienne, this place' on Thursday evening last, October 6, 1881. He was born in the town or Bennington, ,Vermont; 3.larch Bth, 1783, and would there fore at the lime of his decease, be,in the 99th, year.of his age. In his boyhood he removed with his Parente, to westeiln N. Y. He served for a time in the war of 1812, under command of Gerd. McClure, and was stationed at Fort Erie. He was slightly wounded in an en gagement with the - British forces. During that war he was, detailed on ono- Occasion to negotiate -terms of amity with the Mohawk and other straggling tribes of Indians, who it~ was feared, might take advantage -of the - ab sence of nearly the entire white male popula tion to commit depredations upon Their pro perty and murder defenceless women and children. Speakfhg the Indian language and being on friendly terms as a trader -in skins and furs with the Indians he succeeded in maintaining friendly relations between them and the, white settlers, and persnad ed a num..; bar of them to enlist in tho service of the American army against the British. 'He had a distinct recollection . of Wash ington and Lafayette, and was , fond of recounting his early• experiences con nected with the war and the settlement of western, N. Y. Ho married Charlotte Tracy, a sister of Hon. It. W. Tracy, Ibf Standing Stone, iu:Alleganey, county, N. Y., and,settled in that county, where they !ived for many years. John C. Moore,. of An gellica, N. Y., and H. P. Moore of this place, are their sons and all of their children. • Mrs. Moore, his fwife, died some ton years since. After the } death of his wife he resided for a number of years with - his son, at Angellica, but. for the past live or six yeais he has resided with and been; cared for in his helpless old age by his son H. P. Moore of this place. 7 110 retained hie physical powers better than his mental faculties. Up to within two weeks of , his' death, he was able to be about the house tend could walk about quite actively. His memory retained early events vividly, bathe took little note or interest in passing events. About two weeks prior to his death ho Was stricken with partial paralysis, and gradually declined until death closed his earthly existence. His funeral took place . from the 'residence' of his son on Saturday WA p. tn., attended by a largo number of relatives and friends of the family,, Rev. Dr. Ste Wart, of the Presbyterian church, administered the funeral rites. Ilia re - mains were laid to rest, in Itiverside,Cemetery. Funeral of the Late Mrs. J.ll. Howard. I We copy from the . Elmira Apvertiser of Monday butt.- the following notice of the funeral or Mrs . ." Howard, an estimable lady of Wyalasing,' who died suddenly October 6, at the residence of her sister in Chicago, whith er she went on a visit. -some week. abide. The dewased was the Wife of Mr. J. H. Hi:m arl, hardware merchant at Wyaitisinii. Her hussasni was summoned by telegram and starkd at once for Chicago, but her spirit had departed for the butter land before he arriv ed. - His bereavement is indeed sad. Ile has the sympathy of large circle of friends. Mrs. Howard was a daughter of the • late James 0. Bigdway, Franklin: - The remains of the late Mrs: JAI. Howard, of Wyalnsing, arrived in this city from Chi cago yesterday noon on Erie train No. 8, ac-. cempanied by her grief etrickeu husband, her aged mother, Mrs. Ridgway, M. D. Ridg way and wife, of Corning; Arthur Illgiray, of St. Joseph, Michigan, and Mrs. Depuy, of Chicago, at whoso borne she died on the 6th inst., her ailment being a description of of acute cholera morbus. The. funeral party were met at the .depot by a large number of friends, including quite a deldgation from Wvalasing, who were escorted do the house 'of Mr. Tho 3. Haward, on Park ,Place, where the services were held at 3.p. mi, Rev. David. Craft, of Wyalusing, officiating, assisted by Rev. W. T. Henry, of Elmira, A quartette from the Baptist Church contributed ,beauti ful singing to; the mournful . occasion. The solemn services were attOded by a bonso • full of sympathizing frjends.,The remains were liken to Woodlawn Cemetery. The following were the beareas of the calket: • H. B. Berry, I. D. Booth, Stephen its°, and C. H.-Palmer of Elmira, and J. K. Newt awl C. A. Stow ell, of •Wyalusing. Beware of Coterterfeits: We have--strong reasons, to caution our readers, and the public in general. That under- no circumstances, whatever, lot false tongues's entice you away from the Great Bos ton Clothing House, just opencued in Mean's Block, Towanda, Pa., and tb look, shiiip, be fore buying your' Clothing Boots and Shoes, that you are in the . rig* place in Mean's Block, Main street, and in no other place. We had complaints last week from a party. .that they had been misled into Pay ing for *shoddy -- gdo - ds nearly ; double what they could get good gools at the Bos ton Clothing House, in Neap's Block; Main street. Now all of you and everybody, should bear in mind that the. great interest in To wands, Pa., abOot the Boston Clothing House, is now full bla'st. The large and heavy stock of Men's, Boy's and ,Children's Over coats, Business and Dress Suits, Boots, Ladies and Children Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunk'S Itnd Valises, Gent's Furnishing Good's aro are all in and are of the latest styles and best patterns ever seen in-this part, from medium casimieres up'to the finest imported English Worsteds and Dioguals, made up at . their headquarters, iu Boston for the Towanda Branch,'especially, which in fit, and dura bility, exceeds any-custom made in the conn- . try—and the prices are lower than you can buy the cloth for, to say nothing about -the (making and trimmings. That :is a fact and is* a• fact worth knowing to.-everybody. Remember the:place, we mean the Boston Clothing House, just opened in Mean's Block, Main street,- Towanda, Psi. M. L. actrezzarao, Prop'r. 0 brapeet Clothier in the county. • -, zurpr s riquiguse awarded by the Bradford County Uric WI at, the TlfiktArsinth 44 1 0 11 tibia! EiatToiraidi, on:ltredimedasi, day. and Friday. September . 23th, 29th 30th. 1881: - CLASS I—HOBSE9. 4 tea* Bobt. 44280 id (!'George ..prom, $6; •Phneßell&let Id i'premlukß,M; Indor 4 yeatio,'W. 1 1 : Horton. lilt IL No: 2, Clydesdales—Thoronghbred W. A.-Wood ("Lord Clyde"), Lit pretorm, No. '4, Horace for: MI - purposes—Stallion over 4 years, Almond Baxter. las Premiums $6; Hansen Elsbree.' 2d prim:ant,' $3; tinder -4 years.. Dyke Simpkins, Ist, if; P. P. Burns. 2d, $2; more offer 4 years. B. Laporte, Ist, 14; gelding, tover4.vears.4: J. Webb, lst, $4. ...A; D. PRINCE. • . • B. KILMER. • *. • GEO. BARTHOLOMEW, ! Judges. No. 5, Brood Muesli/aid Colts—Mare with' colt by side, John A. Keen, - Ist premium,ll4; Joseph^Toinier. 24, premium. $3; 11..yem old ` colts, J. W.. Jones. Istipremitun, $2; J.'.E. Gillett. 2d premium , $1; 2 year old colts. Nel son Vanderpool; Ist, $2; M. P. Ransom, 2d, $1; yearling colCs, C. A. Burlingame, lit, $2; Wm. Vann. 2d. $1; sucking colts. John A. Keen. lit, $1; G. W. Green. 20. $l. SPecial: premium best Hambletomian sired "Stony 000k,1.E. , a twirillita 41,.%Ditugnt Miff rim Barsdil tahed Aesin s i•li Jogies:-Ist•-wriimlum; , $43; J. A. Keen, let, $6; Alfred Horton. Rd, $4; dratight farm team,' Geo. H. Fox, let, $8; Hugh Mc- Cabe, 2d, $4; Single draught mare. W. T. Horton, let, $3; J. F. Patterson. lst, 13; W. 0 . Ackley,. 2d. $2. We the . undersigned Judges, examined 2 year old stallions by re= guest of Superiutenient of Horses, and awarded to Joel Pitcher, ' Ist Oliver Evans, 2d premium, $2. No. 7, Pleilnike Horses—Matched te a m horses, Almond Baxter, let premium, st; matched .team mares, W. G. Tracy, let, $4; HenrS? Vied, 2d, $2. No. 8, .Driving and Biding Horses—Car riage horses A. O. Arnold, lot premium, $1; single driving gelding, Wm. Patterson, Ist, $2; single driving mare, W. H. Conklin let, $2; A. B. Cass.2d, $1; mare for saddle, A. C. Arnold, Ist, $2; 0. M. Manville, 2d, 11. L. T. LENT. - . 8.8. DECAY, - W. A. - WHITMORE, ' . . - Judges. . CLASS .11-OATTLE. No. 9, Short Hoins—Bull over 3_years, F. H. Hagerman, lid premium, $6lB. Piollett, 2d premium, $3; over 2 years; Francis Steal. ere. ISt it; over 1 year, J. 0. Piollett, 2d, $3; bull eklf, IP. H. Hagerinan, ;sl,_ 11; earliug heifer, same; Ist, $1;-spring - calf, - sathe, Ist, $1; -Acker Smith, 2d. 50e. No. 10, Devons—Calf ; B. 8. James, Ist pre mium, $l. No. 11', Ayersbires —Bun S years, B. W. Edwards ("Lord Hallock"); Ist premium, $6; bull calf, same, let, $1; cow 3 years, same ("Bettie of Booksyde"), Ist. $4; same ("May of Bradford"). 2d, $2; 2 years, same ("Oaths leen"), lit, $2. No. 12; Alderney,—Bail 3 years, E. J. Ayres, Ist premium, $6 2 years, B. W. Ed wards, Ist, s4;_ bull calf. Goo. H. Fox, let, $1; cow for „milk-- end butter, - B. W., Edwards ("LallfarlaPr(de"); Si; same ("Belle of Wyoming"), let, $2; cow 3 years; Miss Sarah J. Davis, 2d, s2;' heifer 1 year, B. W. Edwards ("Lillie of Wyoming"). Ist, $1; spring calf, G. H. FAX. let, $l, The undereigned Judges.wetild mention very fine cow exhibited by F. ,H. Hagerman, but not entered in Clam to be entitled to premium. J. 81. REED; W. D. DAMAGE, 0. EASTEMBROOKS, Judges. No. 14, Grade and Native —Ball over 3 years, B. F. Eowman. Ist premium, $4; over 2 years, Hugh MCCabe, Ist, $4; I. A. Park, 2d, 82; bull yearling; - T. A. Bull, Ist, $3; Joel Stevens, 2d, $1; bull calf, Chester Stewart, Ist, $1; H. H. Crandall, 2d. 60e; cow over 4 years, H. A. Crandall, Ist, $6; E. J. Ayres, 2d, 83; over 3 years, 11. A. Crandall, Ist, $4; heifer 2 yearit, G. W. VincenQ Ist, 13; W. It. Pickering. 2d, 1150; 1 year, F. H. Hagerman, Ist, $2; E. J. Aiere, 2d,. el; heifer calf. H. A. Crandall, Ist, $1; pen 6 calves, same, let, $6; herd 6 cows, E. J. Ayres, Ist, $5. No. 1.5. Fatted °little—Fatted 'yearling Ftank Stevens, Ist premium, $2. No. 16, Working Oxen and Steers—Yoke O'er 4 years, Peter Walborn, lst preirn, $5; J.S. Patterson, 2d premium, $3; 3 y ars and under 4', A. P. Boardman, Ist, $3; Henderson Roof, 2d, Practical Farmer; 2 years and under 3,1 C. R. Davis, Ist, $2; J. H. Shores, 2d, $l. W. E.-WARNER, H. M. BRIN, H. C. COBB, Judges. J t IA 1 CLASS lII—SHEEP. 'o. 18. Cotswold.:-Huck, two years, Ist pre mium, F. H. Hagerman, $3. - 19, Leidei I. A° Iters—Buck two years, . . Park, Ist premium, 83; Harry Scott, 2d pre mium, $2; Book, 1 year; I. A. Park, Ist, 82; Lamb, H. R. Ci.riggs, let, $2; 4 ewes, 2 years and over. I. A.PPark, Ist, $2; Same, Ist, $2 3.; ewes, 2 years and over, R. C. Vosburg, 2d, $1; 3 eww and lambs, Harry Scott, , let, $2. Noal, Shropshire—Buck. 1 year, I. A. Rob inson. let, premium. $2; Same, buck lamb, let, 82; M. S. Camp, buck lamb, 211, $1; buck, 1 year, Same, lkt, 12; 2 years and over, same, Ist, $2. No. 22, Lincolnshire—Buck, 2 years, IL We Angle, Ist, $3, buck,. 1 year,Same, Ist, 82; buck lamb, same, Ist, $2; 9' ewes, 1 year, S me, Ist, $2; 3 ewes - and lambs. Same,lst, $ W. W. HEYWooI, R . M. KNAPP, . H. WOOD, CL&SS IV-SWINE No. 23, Chester White—Boar over 1 year, D. Herrick. Ist, Ii; Boar less than 1 year, me, Ist, $2; sow with pigs, Ist, $5; sow er 6 months nndor 1 year, lst, $3. No. 24, Berkshire—Bohr less than 1 year, R. Lanning, Ist, 2 doh; F. H. Hagerman 2d, 1 dol; sow with:Pigs, R. H. Lanning, at, 5 d Is; 4 pigs, less than 9 ,months old, F. H. I i } agerman, Ist, 3 dole; Harry Scott, 2d, 2 d Is; sow over 4 months; less than 1 year, R. . Lapping, Ist, 3 dots; F. H. Hagerman, 2d, 2 Idols. D. F. GILLETT, ' ! , 1 - W. J. LENT, T. J. ROOF, Judges. CLASS V-POULTRY. 29;—Pair bronze torkeys, W. R. Picker— ing, Ist premium, $1; C. 8. Davis, 2d, 50 cents; pair Plymouth Rooki, 0. 8. Davis, Ist, 75 cents; -Same, 2d, 60 cents; silver spangle Hamburg, A.E. Hamilton, let, 75 cents; 0.8. Davis, 2d, 50 cents; brown Leghorns, 0. S. Davis; Ist, 75 cents; Same, 2d, 50 cents; silver Polish, Richard McCabe, Ist, 75 cents; goldeu Polish, G. G. Allis, lst, 75 cents; white Leggy' horns, Same, lst, 75 cents; pair pea fowls, 0. 8, Davis, Ist, 75 cents; pair guinea fowls, E: .R. Patterson, Ist, 75 cents; Pekin ducks, L: 11. Gerould, lst, 75 cents; Rouen ducks, Geo; McCabe, let, 75 cents; Same, 2d, 50 cent's; Toulouse geese, Willie R. Cambbell, let, $1; gray geese, A. A.. Taylor, Ist, $4; Richard McCabe - , 2d, 50 cents; ,blue geese, .Richard McCabe, Ist, 11; white topknot, Same. lst, $1; common rabbits, P. R. Patterson, Ist, 75 cents; Robert Merenr, 2d, 50 cents._ GEORGE CAMPBELL, J. E. WHEFJ.P.R, STEPHEN RUSSELL, - Judges. , . CLASS VI--DAIRY 00DUCTS. No. 30, Batter.—Firkin, tub and roll, L. M. Archard, first premium, $8; sample pressed butter, Same, 2d, Practidal Farmer; firkin, tub and roll, Benjamin Herrick, 2d,44; pack age butter, Mrs. J. G. 'Bensley, Ist, $4; George Bnrtzman, 2d, $3; H. A. - Crandall, 3d, El; May'or June firkin, A. A. Taylor, let, $4; sample roll butter, 11. A. Crandall, let, E 2; sample preased butter, Same, let, El. No. 31, Chesse.—Factory cheese, L. B. Gerould, let, $3. ; C. b..LA.PFERTY, M. J. LONG, P. T. PAGE. . - - Judges. ,CLASS PRODUCTS. No. 32, Grain and Seeds.-Acre oats, E. A. Coo'handl & J. premium, $2; acre buck wheat, E. . A ll is, Ist, $2; bushel red wheat, , Alfred' Horton, Ist, 11; bushel Fultz wheat, Joseph Towner, Ist. $1; bushel western corn, J. C. Piollet. Ist, Practical armer; acre yellow corn, L. 0. Meracle, . -$3; -bushel 8 ..1 # rows corn, Same, lst, $1; bit el Fultz wheat, Same, 2d, $1; William Patterson, 2d, -; bushel red kidney beans, W. M. Shores, Ist, $1; sample seed .corn, corn A. P. Young, let, Prac tical Farroen4bushel 01suson: wheat, Hender son hoot let,' $1; J.O. Vaughn, Ist, $1; bushel Soule wheat,s.l. C. Vaughn, Ist, $1; green corn/ D,O. Hollon, let; $I; white Dont corn, Samuel Kellum, Ist, Practical Farmer, acre spring wheat• George Campbell, Ist, $3; acre barley, Same, Ist. $2; acre oats, Same. 211, $1; one-fourth acre peas, Same, Ist, $2; sample bushel spring . wheat, Same, Ist. $1; sample bushel spring barley Same, Ist, $1; sample bushel white oats, Same, Ist, $1; sample bushel black oats, Same , Ist, $1; sample bushel buckwheat, Same. let, $1; sample bushel peas, Same. lit, $1; sample 'bushel peas, Same, 2d. -; white Bye, Same, Ist, $1; ' George Bnitzman, 2d, -* gr i n raised by one person. George Cam ell, Ist, $3. - No. 33, Vegetable pb s.-Bnshel early rose potatoes, H. iv. and J. L. Camp, Ist, $1.50; A. P. Young, 2d, 50 cents; lima beans, Miss Mary Elliott, `, Ist. 50 cents; seedling, No. 1, H. W. and J. L. Camp, Ist, Practical Farmer; bushel snowflake, L. 13. Okuda, - Ist, $1.50; I. A. Park, 2d, 50 ants; bushel ear ly Ver mont. I. A. Parit,Jst, $1.65; bawdy -- Hebron. Same, Ist, $1.50; A. P. Young, 24, -, 60 cents: collection 5 varieties,l. A. Park 'lst, $3; bushel late ' Chili J. EL Shares, 2d, 50 cents; sample peppers, L. C. Mericle, Ist, 50 cents; sample pop corn, Same, Ist, -; red onions, William Patterson, let, 50 cents; yellow onions, Same. lit, 50 cents; bushel Chill potatoes, W. M. Shores, let, $1.50; 'bushel "arida of the valley , 11 A. P. Young, Ist. $1.50; bushel Burbank seedlings,Samean, 50 cents; collection 6 varieties, Same, lld. Practical Farmer; Hubbird squash. Same " Ist, 50 cents; bite silver onions. L. B. Gerould, Ist, 50 cents; bushel seedling potatoes, James Johnson, Ist, -; bushel Buffalo queen, Same, let, 1.50; bushel mangel swivel beet, D. 0. Hollon, 2d, $1; musk me ll on, Same,' Ist, 50 cents; cabbage; Same, 161, 60 cents;, sweet '• - - Haim litliiPtitiite; sample • pdmik 0, li. Horlon. - leteso centig• Man el wort* ill beetio4.O. NolleVls ' Parniek; hotter` , 4iI L w , . . _ Thit i t ini . it, X t,- manta; w i ‘ 4 ...b, • Y iTy1 . ... 44 .Same, Ist, 11111P..0. If 2d, $ 50; egg plan% BisOp Horton. Ist, 50 cants; parsnips, D.O.ollist, 50 centii.. No. A 4, 'irmte.—CoUeotion grape'', Mies Mary Elliott. second preminm, 1 dol cluster grapes, LW. and'. L Nei° cents; 'gam* Pillsl6ll.l24l;Allisi i . s p e d. Titian *ince, lasegklrOWlWlre / ; plat 4 .nears, Stephen? Strickland. 2d, —; lot of win+ ter apples, Mk* Helen Scott. 25,1 501; p va rieties pearl,. Same, let, 1 dol; specimen"- guise.. Same, Ist, 2 dole; plate peaches, Mrs. E. A. 'Fowler, let, 50 cents; 12 varieties' OPPIee.' , Z.J . . Alm s .4 11 1, -dols;, beat largest variety - tit' Ipplett, - Johlr W. Lane, let, 8 dole; sample plate peaches. J. 0. Vaughn, Ist, 50 cents; variety ,fall apples; Joel Stevens. let. 2 dole; variety grapes, - D. 0,. flolionelet, 2 dole; specimen lows, Same, Isti, 50 , cents; plate peaches, J. B. Ridgeway, 2d, i..-. best and Jargest veriefT of Wane J. o.'Plollots 24a 1.50 °mita; 12 varieties apples, Same__. 25,1 dol; 6 var i eties falls ppleN: Same, 2d. 1 dol.; 0 varieties winter apples, Sim% let. 2 dole; 6 varieties paw, Joel Stevens; bit.lllol. ' WARMS CORWIN, : • t STERN' licliffE, x , •S. O. MIEN,' E Ilk' *Mint Bread,' eto:—Two dozen raised biscuit, (bop yeaso.llrs. E. A. Bob bins, Ist. Practical FarmeiL 3 loaves rye bread, Sante; Ist, Practical Firmer; raised 'biscuit; Georgeßrutrunalt. 2d, 2 del& No. 86„ Canned and Dried Fruilts. Sample attuned' honey, 1.; Gerould, 'premium, e 2.50; variety canned fruits, Mrs. E. A. Holdups, 2d, Practical Farmer' oolitic.: Lion jellies, Same, id,- 1 did; samp le dried pears. Miii; E. Bobbins, Ist, --;' sample dried peaches, Same, let, 50 cents; sample dried plumbit, Same, lit, 50 cents; " sainple dried sherries, Same, ist, 50 cents; . sample dried raspberries, Same, Ist, 50 conic - Sample dried blackberries, Same, let, 50 cents; sample idcigd ighortleberrie I,sti:?—; variety termed fruits, Ms. William` F. (Dole, Ist, del; sample , pickles, Same, Ist, 50 canto; sample dried currants, Mrs. J. B. Pickering, Ist, 59,e s; 8 vaileties catimp,Me. Marion Ist, NY centirk dried' apples, George Brutzman,- Ist,. SO cents;' sample maple sugar, 5; 0. Nil, $1.50; sample maple wrap. 0011114 $1.50; collec tiondams, Mrs. B. A. Fowler.' Ist. 50 cents; 3 Bottles grape wine. L . B. Ridgway, Ist, 50 - cents; pickled tomatoes, Same ; let; 5o tents; pickled pars. Same, let, AO 'Nuts. pickled plumbs - , Same; lst, 50 cents; 'clanticd4unicties, Same, Ist, 50 cents; collection omestic jellies. Mrs. D. G. Hollon. Lk 82.50; 6 vario- . ties canned fruits, ' Same. let, Practical Far mer; sample vinegar. H. W.• and J. L. Camp, let,—;sample comb honey, 0. 31.14111W:e5, Ist, $1 .50. . . No 37, Amber Cane Products-5 gals syr up, E B Bull, Ist pram $3OO. JOHN E ;FOX, No 38, Farm Implements--Department Agricultural Implements, It'Al Weller, Ist prem, $5 Tread Thrasher Min Cleaner, E.A Horton Dip. Eureka blower Co dip Chilled Iron Plow, Jas W Irvine dip allied Steel Plow dip Self Dump Wheel Rake, Myron, Friable, .dip Steam Thresher and Cleaner, E W Horton dip Osborn self binding Har vester,M Welles dip Osborne No 8 Rak ing Raper, B M Welles dip Perry's Spring ToothMarroi, B M Welles dip Calamazoo Spring Tooth Marrow; B M Welles dip 'Thomas- Smoothing Harrow, B' BI Welles dip Connells double corn shone'', B M Wells dip Right Hand corn shelter, B M Welles dip Greys mounted thresher and cleaner, R Welles 2nd pram Adjustable track churn powers, RM -NVelles dip Ad justable circular churn power, R - M Welles 2nd prom Hortons iron beam plow, Susq Co Agri Works dip Cummings fodder cut ter, It M Welles dip Tompkins county cul tivator, R M Welles dip Cultivator and hiller, Stisq Co, Agri Works. dip Feed steamer, Gordon Steamer Co dip •Caste'le' steep plow - No 9; George Campbell dip. Clipper mower, Richard McCabe dip.. . JOHN BEARDSLEY, C W HOLCOMB. URIAH TERRY, No 39, Manufactured Articles.—Sample bee hives, C M Williams dip. Collection cabinet work, B 13 Pierce Ist prow S 5 Dis play carriages, 0 S Lafferty, lat prom $5.00 Emerson & Fisher, top buggy C S Lafferty dip Grease extractor,- H A Burbank dip Display marble 'work. McCabe &, Son dip Platform spring !ago)), Alfred .Horton .dlp Washing machine, L S Blasdell dip .Liana ber wagon, J E Fox dip Auburn lumber wagon M Welles di p Chain pump B .11 Welles dip Portland cutter, B 31 Welles dip Swell body cutter, R M Welles dip Collection prepared oil paints, /1 M Welles dip Ferguson bureau creamer, W W Cor- son honorable mention Refrigerator' for butter, W W Corson dip Mosley & Stod dard's creamery, J J Barnes hon mention Painted suit, J 0 Frost's Sons dip Ash and walnut, J 0 Frost's lions dip Solid walnut. J 0 Frost's Sons dip Willow chair,. 3 - 0 Frost's Sons dip Library table, J 0 Frost's Sons dip Camp rocker, J 0 Frost's Sons dip One wagon, A W McKown.dip. Howe force pump, J C Lyon dip Lead and iron water pipes, E Williams dip Steam and gas fixtures,. E Williams dip Davis swing churn, H L Coburn dip Portable Cooley creamer, H L' Coburn dip Ebony parlor suit, E B Pierce dip Walnut parlor suit, E B Pierce dip Walnut extension table,' E B Pierce dip Patent rockers, E B Pierce dip Doghead easy chair, E. B Pierce dip Stu- dents chair, E B Fierce dip Cabinet chair B Pietondip 'Folding chair E . B Pierce dip Office chairs, E B Pierce dip Reed rockers, E B 'Pierce dip Walnut writing desk, E B ..Pierce dip Bible stands ' -F. B Pierce dip Marble top tables, E B Pierce dip Cloth casket, F. 13 Pierce Walnut cm-. ket E B Pierce cloth white casket, E Pierce Knife grinder, Eureka Mower Co dip Woven wire mattress, J 0 Frost's Sons dip Lounges, E B Pierce dip Shirt iron ing board, . Jos ,Maroball dip Conqueror cloth wringer. M C Mercur do Co dip Davis vertical feed sewing machine, 0 A Black dip Sample drain tile, U C Mercur & Co dip. We take pleasure in calling attention ,to the display of cabinet work by J 0 Frotii's Sons. . . Judges. The fine collection of marble by McQaPe & Co. , • - In the line•of:refrigerators and Creamers we highly compliment those on exhibition to whcim no diplomas Was awarded. The washing machine . exhibited by ,L ;B Blasdell, we think deserves trial by our washerwomen, as having merit and worthy of their attention. We also think the patent bee hive; exhibi ted by C M Williams. should be more gen erally used, asit makes honey sell at a larg er profit to the' producer. We also compliment Guyer and DeForest on their exhibition of wagons. Especially a double spring platform wagon, as having special merits for rough roads. EUGENE L LENT, p 0 HOLLON, T B slam . No 40, Merchandise, Music, eto.—Display of stoves and tinware, 4 D Dye prem $5 Display earthenware, P Welles Ist preni $5 Denmark Franklin No 22, A D Dye A Co dip Happy Thought range No 9 A D Dye "& Co dip Denmark range for wood No 9A D Dye & Cp dip Mathnshek piano, Holmes A Passage dip Geo Wood & Co organ Holmes A Passage 'dip Display edge tools, M C Moran* &Co dip Collection an gers, -M C Mercui &Co dip Standard fur." mace heaters, Mtl Mercnr &, Co dip Ar- Rand heating stove, M C Mercnr & Co dip_ Ladies friend carpet sweeper, M C Mercnr & CO'dip. Collection saws, M- C Mercnr A Co dip Display patent. medicines, C T Kirby dip. - No 41, Leather, eteri—Best , display of boots and shoes,-; F Corser, Ist prom •$5 Fancy single harness, CS Lafferty dip - 111 FRATT. G A KINNEY, . Jager. XI. No 42, , Painting and Fancy Work.—Orna mental shell work, Mrs Frank Vaught let pram $1 Speoimen hair work wreath, 'Mrs Frank Vaught, let pram $1 Cone work, Mrs Frank Vought Ist pram $1 Photograph display, AVAT Fisher pram Dsl Water color painting. A J Fisher, Ist pram $1 Display hair work, Mrs D V Stodge Ist prom $1 Specimen hair wink,- Mrs D V Sledge 2nd prem Canary bird, Marian Scoville. Ist prem $2 Specimen feather flowers. Marian !Scoville 2nd pram Candles oil painted Mrs C M Manville Ist prom 3 horse shores Mrs C manville Ist prom Canary, bird, C P Welles 2nd premsl Ivory type pictures, urs L B Coburn Ist pram Wreath -zephy flowers, urs L B Coburn Ist pram Fruit oil painting, ins Wm unwell Ist pram $l . Landscape oil painting, mrs Wm maxwell 2nd pram Flowers oil painting are Wm uazwell 2nd pram Figure oil painting. are Mtn unwell 2nd iprem Oil painting are G W Vincent Ist pram $1 Wan , autumn leaves." Lizzie Means Ist pram $1 Album of stamps, Rimini Mercer let pram $1 Wors-- ted flowers Frank Mackison 2nd pram Arti ficial paper, MS qv Stodge Ist prem $1 Display wild wood; Geo WoWrulf Ist Judge& MRS 8 W ALVORD, MRS H B MOBOAN, Judges. CLASS VaL Judges. CLASS IX 4gdges. CLASS X. Elam -$l , - , Article capted wood, George Woodruff, Ist pram sl'l MRS C Jsacvi*. - . rililoinces; • • - - - m N 0 ,44.0 4. ki,Notlol4o.orotobsktidy; Mrs st.GDetwiley; Ist pre* 51kt BSI Ti lor,Pltatisu B` anssllle, let preMAW Sat= in eidy.Agi e - 11( ltd 'prim 500 Footswilltlri M Manville, Ist .Prem. 500 Tidli s JIM L B Coburn Ist pram 60c; Sofa pillow,, Miss Ida Layton let prom 50c Can vaaa -toilet set, -Mrs E A. Fowler, Ist pieta rfinSY_ work (new) Mrs EA &Met Ist prom sl' Zephyr pin Maxwell Ist prem 500 Ladles lace collar Miss Edith Beidleman Ist prom 200 •Ladies lace necklace Mho Edith Beidlenian Ist prom 50c Insertion, Mrs Clt Mt nville% Ist prom 500 - -Set lace, Misfit Edith Beidlenian ist_prem.' 500 Croehed - facinaturt% Mrs W-Vincent Ist print 500 Outline tidy, Miss Lizzie Meantilst-prem - sCki Table spread, Mrs Daniel Meehan latprem 60c Silk tidy (cab). - Mies Dora Hellen, let prem 500 Chair tidy, Kra 1 Robbins lat _prom 500 1 1! .00 Mat; / 111 W:tint . 31 /Re/g l oo 6' Ist = A r t ' 1U11011:11141044114111-114C mil - 111100* - 50.,Env' Xillislat*w.solo! Croliti*tidyi-Mies aiilis pre) 6i a stripsOMni A pretik,sod. - Hairpin itedeiver; Mrs 0 Anal*, wolithY at Itstim, Pin -cushion, M 1 Lana Warford /al Pitiii.:Atio Match poeket, Misr/Wm Watford prem. 500 Pillow shsms, Mrs Frank-Votight isit,r . prem SOO • CrtiChed hood, Mis Emily Robbins Ist "prem 50e, Knit`hood, Mrs Wm-F Colo lst prem 500 Bed fringe lambenuin, Mrs H E -Baeockolst . preen 600 ' - - 1 11crap bag Mrs H E Babcook . let . 500 Hearth rug, Miss Anna Price Ist prom $2 Perforated board bracket, Anna Price Ist pram 200 Fancy work box, Libbie Watts Ist prem 500 , Bug Mrs L B Cobnkii 2d prem $1 Mareno lace bag, Sarah Rehm Ist prom 500 Tovielmck, Sarah Rabin, latprom 500 Embroidered ottoman, Mrs W Vincent let prem 500 Knitted counterpane, Mrs W Vincent Ist prem $1 Set preforated board, Mrs G-' -W Vincent exceptionally : merit Hand eta; broidered rug, Miss Edith Lteidleman let prem 50c Bracket kunberquin, Frank Mac kiuson let prom $1 Woven carpet rug, Mrs HE Babeoickc f lat prom , 511 Fancy fowls, Mis H E Sabo* 1 prem 508 • White crock,- ed, abawl,ll4 Jolin Snow& fitut piece work Mittens, Mrs Jos Johnsen,, prem 50c Silk rug, Miss Ella Kane, let prem 60c Knit crib spread, UN Frank Vought. . Ist prem $1 Bed spread rs L B Gerould let pram $1 Carpet, Lottie 1,1 Wilmot 2d preni $1 Homemade oottonlocks, Mrs E A Bobbins let prem $1 Darned socks, Mrs E A Bob bins let prem $1 Patched be'dquilt, Mrs Wm F Cole, exceptional merit Cotton quilt, is Anna Woods 2d prem 50 Cotton socks, Mrs E J Allis, 2d prem 600 Silk crib spread, Mrs H E Babcock let prem $1 Horse blan kets, Mrs 'I RPickering Ist prem 500 Pi ano cover, Sarah. Raton let mem $1 Ze phyr rag embroidered, Sarah Rabin ls, prom $1 Afghan for , carriage; ldrsJ E Fow ler let prom $2 _Silk bed quilt Mrs Wm Maxwell let prom $1 Rocking chair cover, Mrs' Wm Maxwell let' prem 600 - Bureau cover, Mrs Wm Maxwell let prem 50c Knit Rug, Miss Edith Beidleman 2d prem 60c. Log cabin quilt, Edith Beidleman 2d prerii SCo Coverlid, Edith Beidleman 5d prem 50 Silk quilt, Mrs G W Vincent 2d prem 500 Worsted quilt, Mrs G W Vinient let prem 50c Worsted foot test, Mra G W Vincent Ist pram 500 Worsted lace Mrs Ci W Vitt cent Ist prem 500, Cotton lace Mrs G W Vincent' lat prem' , 50e Worsted stockings, Mrs E C Bull 2d pram 50e Rug- carpet, Mrs Daniel Meehan, Ist prom $2 Set leg gins, Mrs I R Pickering let prem $1 Knit mittens, Mrs D 0 notion let prem 600 Pieced quilt, Mrs I Robbins, 2d , prem 500 Black Shetland shawl, Miss F Mackinson dot prem 500 Crcinched crib shawl, F Mackin son Ist prem $1 Woolen .mittens, Mrs SAM Kellumlst prem . 300 Woolen socks, amiss Sam'! Kellum let' prem $1 Combed Af ghan, miss Emma stills 2d prom 50,3 Crook ed sacque, Emma wills let prom 50e Bed quilt, tars Isaac marsh • Ist prem Si matte, Liziie means Ist prem 500. No 44, Work by Children—Kuitted socks, Clara mcCabe Ist prom 500 Card priuting. marshal! D Wilbur Ist prem 500. Specimen plain sewing, Hattie at Bull let prom sl— trimming, Hattie E Lent, let p 500 Woolen socks, homemade; airs Hugh McCabe let prem $l. MISS BELLE SHAW. ISS FRANKLE KING, MSS ELMA HORTON, • Judges. CLASS XIII. No 45, Millinery, ; ite.—Artieles made by hand, Mrs W F Cole let prom 50c. Exhibi tion millinery, Mrs EJ. Mingos, 'dip '- play bonnets, Mrs E J Mingos Ist 'prem Si Hats, Mrs E J Mingos, Ist prem 50c Speci men feathet made trimming Miss Frank Mackinsotast prom 500 Macoreemo laces, Mrs g E Babcock Ist pram 500. CLASS XIV. No 46, Flowers and Grasses—Collection cut flowers, Miss Mary Elliot/ Ist prem $l. Collection of geraniums by same Ist pram $1 Collection verbenas by same Ist prem $1 Collection pansies by same 2d prem 500 Colle:ition phloxes by same 2d prem 50c— Collection of fuchias by same Ist prem $1 Collection evergreens by same Ist prem $2 Collection of term by same 2d prem 500 Collection dried apples by same 2d Rem 500 Table boquet by same Ist prem $1 Rustic stand filled with flowers by same Ist prem $2 Floral design-by same Ist prem $1 Display -houseplants by sable 2d prem 500 Collection wild flowers by same Lit prem $1 Crystalized grasses. Mrs Frank Vought Ist prem Sl. Collection of dahlias, Miss Libbie Watts Ist prem St Collection. verbenas - by same 2d prem 500 Display plants ii,puts - by same lst prem $2 Urns with variety plants, Miss F Mackinson Ist ptem $l. Hanging basket ,?by same Ist prem $1 Display house plants in pots by same Ist prem $2. • MRS. D. W. SCOTT. " J. F. COMER.- " O. A..BALDWIN. Judg, a. XV. " - Na 47, Schools. ‘te4--Map of PenEus, Cora Magid Ist prem $3 Map of Fenno, L 8 Ryan . 2d prem $1 Map of grand division, Leslie Herrick Ist prem $3 Specimen pen manship, Jennie Stevens lst prem $1 Best improvement in petimsinship, Freddie Yontz Ist pram Business or social letter, Celia Hireen Ist prem $1 Book-keeping, Edward Brown lst prem. dig, 50c Outline study. Stella Jones let prem -$l. = - No 48, Teachers.—School map Penn, Cora Bowman Ist pram $2 School map grand division, Lewis Jakeway 2d prem $1 Out line study (II S History) C F Heverly Ist prem $1 School room chart, music and penmanship, Laura Gerould (recommend) Ist prem $1 School room elocution, C F Heverlylreccommend) lst prem $1 81st 15 questions, 11 a Fowler Ist -pram $1 Busi ness social letter, Tillie Owen lst prefix Si Mathematical, C M Osborn Ist piem $l. No 49, Grade Schools, itc.—Display of apparatus. Towanda Graded School. 14t $3 Display 'of apperatue, Susqua Col Inst, 2d prem $1 Display maps, Troy Graded School, Ist prem dip, $1 Set copy books; Towanda-Graded School, Ist prem $1 Vol. nme penManship. Towanda Graded School. let prem, dip, $1 Geological Collection,. Sasqua Col,lnst, let prem, dip; $l. No 50, Rural Schools—Best 3 maps. Bird Bohol)), E Smithfield, 2st prem $1 Set copy books, No 1 Standing Stone, Ist prem $1 Volume specimen penmanship, II Orwell school, lst prem $l. No 51, School Forniture—Paraigon desk Myron Friable (Agt) Ist wpm, dip. The committee wctuld mention, with high ly commendatory Bake. a , fine collection o shells by d F Heated, Laddsburg, Pa. ' The committee of Judges respectively say that it is literally impossible to give such thorough examination of work in this de partment as the importance of the subjects a justice to exhibitors demand. It is-recom mended that there- be Judges for every - branch. That the size or scale of maps pre sented for premiums •be given in the Prem ium List, Oct 30th, 1881. O: J. OHUBBUOIC, GEO. MOSCRIP, WM. P. HORTON. Judges. cLABB XVI. • - - No 53, Blacksiiithing—Horse shoes, Man son Elsbree Ist prem 31 50. J. E. WELLER. • J. 0.-ALOES, W. W. MOODY Judges.' KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE Is isoio to -eon Swans. Splints. • • • to. It removes all unnatural enlargements. ooze wow mum. uo - equal for any, lameness on beset or man. It has muted hip-joint lameness In a person who had suf fered 13 years. Also cured rhomma. tlam. oorns. frost•bltes or any twilses. ent or lameness. It has no equal for any •bburdith on horses. Send en Illustrated drular evfmrroarrivs liquor. Price $l. AX.!. DRUGGISTS have It or can gent for you. Dr. DJ Kendall 'lt 00.. Proprietors. Poosourgh /Ms enui& U. O. Norm, Agent. Towanda. Pa. FA DEPEND4T CANDIDArE. Threnith the solicitation of many friends. Unger myself to the electors of Bradford : tionitilf;.lit an Indelendent candidate for :.-Ifobosen to the responsible office 1 0 1 6411C10/lelf to Potwar Its - ditties with 44010 andlc - the beat of int? ability. • . MARTIN BENNETT. EttAwpoctgrolar„ PA., Oet. 12, 1881. Air late rers, Cheap. A itecootthand, tread lamer with thresher and cleaner. Also a largo tubular steam boiler, size .4%;:by 12K: feet with 44;4 inch Address or ingoire of -Aug - E. 01:0WEN. ,Wyeoz, Pa. The sates of Kenticky and Tenneisce bare established at NZ - 1 - 10; Broadway, New York, a bureau of land and • immigration. The purpose is by s free distribute of maps, pamphlets, etc.; presenting plain and trustworthy statements of their business to induce immigration to those states. Employment for men and women, either in &Milks or single, is secured to; all who know how to work, and nee willing t 0.. .: Miners, letm• barman sag twine servants ars furnished work •- ANiee. I want it dlignelly anderstOod that I have Bemored from Bridge Street'Farnitnre Store to rooms over Turner &Gordon's drug store and Wei:milord k Vandern% boot and shoe 'store where I. wilt keep on hand all kinds o COFFINS AND CASKETS from ,the best to the cheapest. Any one in need of any thing in my line give •me a cal P. B.—l have no connection with an yof Mr. Frost's establishments. BUIIINEBS sorrels& —L. B. B on ers has I. large stool of Sae, Doors and Blinds, also Moldings, and is selling cheaper than any other establishment in Pennsylvania. $ —G. L. Ross can sell Graceries very cheap because his eipenses are very light. - His customers shall have the benefit by - buying at the First Ward store. —Choice hams at C. M. Myer's Market, Bridge Street. May 19-tf. —AU 'the latest styles in Ladies - Hata, and other fancy goods for the ladies it MrsrE. L. Mingos' fashionable Millinery 'store, Main street, opposite the Park. .4 -Fresh lake fish and salt *Merl fish at 0. M. Myer's.ntarket, Bridge street. May 19-0 :--Go to C. M. Myer's market, Bridge street,- , for the best cuts of fresh meat. May 19-tf 4 Card. _ . We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and customers to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup' which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost inetant iy. It matters not how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation ? and the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 60 cents., For the positiVe cure of Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma; Bronchitis. Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of - Voice. Irritation of , the .Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of -Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Cengh t and Lung Fever, we recommend this medidineabove all others. Yours truly, CLAIM B. POErza, Juno 2.1 y. S. End Ward House Block. Why suffer such unspeakable tortiiree. Rheumatism has been conquered. Kendall's Spavin Cure is the victor. Read the adv't. Rheumatism. • In the first symptoms of this disease, when you are aching and having painful sensations In the limbs upon rising from bed in the morning, a stiffness in the joints accompa nied at times by swelling and redness - , all physicians recommend the application or an external 9#3l,l3dh l something penetrating and itoothing;an•article that will act as a cura tive agentto-the parts affected. Dr. Bosan ko's Rheumatic Care gives instant relief up on the first application. In lame back, pains or strains It is - an invaluatia household reme dy. Ask your druggist for it. Price 75 cents. Manufactured by The. Bosankal Medicine Company, Piqua, 0. Por sale by Clark B. Porter, 8. End Ward Arouse Block. June 2-lyr. /Shan't Z Take - ct Blue Pill? No, don't take it and run- the risk of mer curial poisons. but whew-hallow' and consti pated get a package of the celebrated Bid ney-Wott, and it will speedily cure you. It is nature's great remedy for constipation, and for all kidney 'and liver diseases. It acts promptly on these . great organs and so re stores health. strength and vigor. It is put up inliquid and dry form, acting with equal efficiency. Price $l. See adv. LIVE AGENTS WANTED. -- To jell Dr. Chases Diicipes; or Information for-Everybody, in every county in the United States and Canadas. Enlarged by the 4 pub- Usher to GB pages. I contains over 2,000 household recipes and suited to all classes and conditions of mode pa suited A wonderful book and a household necessit y. It sells 'Weight Greatest inducements'ever offered to book agents.' Sample copies sent by misil, Post paid, . for 12. Ezell:sive territory given. Agents more.than double their money. Ad dress. Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House. Ann Arbor, Hichigan.! • SIS-3m. STEAM THZERILER 7 TEX : HORSE POWER. • , This steam power moun ted on wheels is portable and may be' easily hauled with a team soapy desired point. It is adapted to the propulsion of TEMESHMG MAcaram, wood sawing, feed cutters, portable saw mills, or any other light machinery. It is of simple - construction.. durable , and easily managed. Manufact ured by Charles Perrigo A Co., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y. • . 0. W. HOLCOMB, General Agent. Ulster, Pa., July 21-w CAoiee.l4traces trona Druggists. "We know the value of malt, hops, catalpa_ and iron composing 'Malt-Bitters:" "Our lady customers highly praise them." "The"Phsicians them this town." y largestbottle and best medicsine." "Best blood purifier on our shelves." "Our best people take Malt-Bitters." "flare cure for chills and liver diseases." 815-Im. - FALL OPENING ! • • ; 111111110T11 STOCK OF 1147111 - 111.' Two Full Moors - Occupied: BUSII . 111114 EAST.-• TOWANDA Pi . 7_ • . t . IS NOW PREPARED TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC 'THE LARGEST AND BEST. ASSORTMENT OFD " Ready - Made Clothing, - Gents'Furnishing- Goods, • - Hats and Caps; aThudis, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, LEATHER, MITTENS, GLOVES, ETC., ETC., EVER OPENED IN TOWANDA, AT PRICES =n 13E. MK WIWI° EU_ HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF MEN'S, BOYS'. YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, ken AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR, OVERCOATS, ETC., OF ,EVERY GRADE AND-QUALITY, HATS `AND CAPS,La, AUER MITTENS AND GLOVES, TRITES, TRAVEL ING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, ETC. N° B24llLatelm ,NUARANTEED. Ovez4oats a Specialty. q irk WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ON STANDARD GOODS. NO COMPETITION WITH DEALERS IN SHODDY. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAiNS. REMEMBER THE PLACE. J. A.. BUSHY Bridge, St., Toiranda, • Peeptmber 19, 1881. !ME TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. srevtas k LONG: . General Deslereln GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Corner of Main and Plne Streets, Ems°. • iiisz.uxo. Flour per barrel ST 030850 Flour pereack 115@2 25 Buckwheat Flour, it 100.. Si 00 Corn Ideal - 175 Chop Feed 1 15 Wheat, it bushel " 1 3001 4 0 4 4 . : " 8 Ni . Corn, " i.. • fir. to Buckwheat. .4 tee 75 , - Oats.,i . 4 45@ 40_ Beans; I 4 . ' t .50@2 00 ~.. ' Pptatoes, 44 - 00 0 90 ' Apples Green, R bushel.. 300 40 Peaches' .4 Apples Dried, St lb 5 12015 • Raspberries Dried iii ..... 18020 " Blackberries• 4 . . 1 .. 6 Pork. vs barrel !•• 22 00404 00 Hams, 1 /1 n$ . l6 Lard. .. —.. ... ... . - Butter, in Tuba; 1 1 141:ii. 25@28 Butter, in Bolls—. 23@25 . over l9@2o Seed St bushel Timothy seed VI bushel.. . Beeswax, it lb 20@22 =Balt It barrel—. . 4 ... Ashton Balt Salt .. .... Onions, ,It bushel.. • PHILA. STOCK MARKET. • •- I ERAVEN &TOWNSEND 9 .. . . BANKERS, - . I 11o.)0 South Third lit. Phi!graphic Stock bOught* sold either for Cashciiiii - 31a — rgrn . , • 't Plias., Tuzso4x, Oct. 10, 1881. AAIXD. • 1003 i - WON U. 8. i's,ißsi, " Currency, trs • 130 131 s• , irs. 1881. new, Est IGO 100% " ' 4%, new 113 113% . ~ 116 116% Pennsylvania B. R 65, 65% Philadelphia and Reading R. 8.... 31% 31% Lehigh Valley R. R 60% 60% Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.:— 45% 45% United NII3 R and Coal Co ' 189. 190 Northern Centralß II Co - 51 - 61% Restonville Pass RR Co • 20% 21 Buff, Pittsburgh, k -West R R C 0... 20% 91 Central Tr i en4ortation C 0......... 40 - • 40% Northern c, Corn 38 38% . ~0 • d - ' % Northern PennsylvaniaPrer R/1 59 78% 60 811 Philadelphia k Erie B R - -.: 21 21% verarrades) oog 99,ig 3.8. Amars, Agf. H • OTEL• FOR SALE.-1. offer the American Hotel property fOr sale at a great ofrgain.• The Hotel ma be see non the corner Bridge and Water etree y ts,in Towanda Borough. It Is one of the best and most central. locations in the place. There is 4 good barn connected with the propeity. The free bridge and new depot n wishing make In Hotel desirable for any one to engage In the Amines'. A t all ii good active man with a a captal can pay for the property in a short ti m from the profits. It was papered and pain new last spring and is now in eicelleat condi on: Towanda, Pc, BeP • t 22 , 188 l • a (1. mr("i ' - • . I 1 HORST! Bend 25 Cents in sounps or currencyjos a new HORSE BOOK. It treats all disease, has 35 fine engrav ings shewiniesitismi assumed by sick horses, 800 ‘a table of dotes, a large collection of VALUABLE HECIPEB, rules for telling the age of a:horse. with an engraving showing teeth of each year. and a large amount of other valuable - horses information. Dr. Wm. H. Hall says, "I have bought books that I paid $5 and $lO for which I do not like sa well as I do yours." Snip Fos a Cram:mak Ammo W•irszn B. J. Kendall, K. D., Enesburgh Palls, Vt. A. N. NELSON DEALER IN cl i k .74 WATCHES, CLOCKS, - 11 1 1 5' • 0 PINE GOLD AND PLATED - JEWELER Of every variety. and Spectacles. air Particular attention paid to repairing. Shop in Decker k. Vought's Grocery Store, Main Street, Towanda, Penna. • . sep943o I SPRING. ,AND - SUMMER CLFOTHI . NG Gents' Ptirnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS AT - M. E. 'ROSENFIELD'S, Now proposes to knock the bottom out of high prices, and for the next NI da will offer his immensersteek of Spring Beady-Made Clothing for - MEN, BOYS& CHILDREN'S WEAR AT. PERCENT LOWER Than the goods can be bought in any other house in the , county, and every one whether they need clothing or not, should net mini this great opportunity, as it will pay you_to buy for the coming season of) SC E. ROSENPIELE. I now feel confident of success in this line as I am turning out daily the hand Boniest, and best finished garments in town? Don't forget the Place. - CALL RA RLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Towanda. ?iamb 7,1879: - • 'M. E. ROIIENFIELD. *AS K*FL Wei . .a P - FECTED• BUTTER COLOR Itet esß.tterthesutoolied color Ss reir mod. The larvae Batter Dryers reeemaseed uss. .Thoassads of Dairymen say ITjat PERNICT Used hyaline best creameries. Awarded the ma. onalDtplorna at N. It. Dairy ralt. Ash us dorridstormerehaattortt; or irritate what 11 !MINI t eosts. who tweet C. where to aet It. INWNANNitene va. TILE .21L4AKETR. Corrected wrery, Wednesday. TOWANDA. PA Mu 90.18 8 t epaon a tto die t ll og.—n re the 2 m Account of Jorlan, guardian of Julia Van Allen, now s: Vrik Mtedshigwa, an auditor appointed by His Orphans' Court of Bradbrd *rusty bt dispose of the eseeptions to the 110038311 of said guardian hereby gins notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Milos of Arthur Head, Hsu., in the Boras. of Athsne,_ on THUBSDAL 13th day of OCTOBER. 1110. at 10 o'clock a. to., when and whine all persona interested ate requited to be present. W. L YOUNG, • Auditor. Towanda. WY* 16th. 1881-Iw. •A DIIIMEMBATOR'S NOTRIE.- SM. Letters of adadnistratlon ItaTitag• bow granted to the undtmilgued. *apes the estate Of N. B. Owes. late of Towanda Borough. destassit. notice is hereby given that all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to maks inusedlate payment. and all persons having claims: against said estate east present the USW dulArathes ticated for settlement. J. J. • North Towanda, Sept. 11. lanl. AdmlalstratOr. Sept. 8-Gw. VXECUTOWS NOTICE. —.State of &Theft Judson, late ofWdii towneldp, Bradford county. Pe.. deceased. Letters teats. Me s asme.uudor ths Wm will and Wit t ed named decedent, ha m 'to the undersigned upon the Mate above named, notice is hereby given Mat all persons indebted to laid estate must make liamediste payment. mustall persons laving dans spinet the same present then, duly authentteafmt for settlement, to the tu ir t=ed. JOHNSON. Pa.. August St, ISSI4M• amentor. 141):) (►;'jN;,ilii4 5 0008 50 315®3 40 The undersigned, Admintstratrix, of the estate of Dr. 11.. O. Porter, Lite at Tommie, Pa., will expose to sale at norpubU vendee or on t =it e Porter homestead, in owanda; on as 1 Oct lOU, mmunenci atle A. ix., Mr lowing PropertAto wit: One team eek, or boron am. l bar eagens,- ;delft's* warm. I= B . harness, rooms, firming implements at kinds, household furniture, ho. Any of the above articles can be bad at private sale prior to the public sale, by ?plying at Dr. U. O. Porter it Bon's Drug Stare. Trams or BAut.—AU sums under OD, cash. AU over that sum, six months to a year time, as rt7-ed uPop, with Interest with approved 1 40 140 2 75413 00 90@1 00 • I - Kra. MAL Pours, Mlattalstratris. Towanda, 114., Oct. 4,1851-4'w • _ POOR HOUSE RULE& The press of iisitors at thsPoot Hodes' having become so great as to seriously hinder the dn. parintandont in ths proper &acMrg• of dafty duties. it becomes to make some Mos regulating the admission o 'isnot% Hersaftor forced by the the following Superin .rsgulat iotendent:u and rules will be en. Visitors will be admitted on week days from 8% o'clock to 11 o'clock 6. is., and lyg o'clock to 6 o'clock r. and lit no other time. No admittance on Sunday.- Liquors. both intoxicating and malt, is forbid. den to be used in or about the building or.on the premises. - W. HUBBY. DANISL HBADNORD, If. F. HANSOM, Coandissionsts. Couunlasioner i s'Ofliee, lw Towsnds, Aug. 30, 1881 ARE POE SALE. For sale or exchange &Llanelli: place. a valu able improved farm with comfortable bull,. plenty of situated te, he.. containing sigh • - four acres, in Burlington township, joining Burlington Boro. For further partictaan address or SIB on the proprietor. 13. WEBBIBE. Bur z =ton, Sept. 1-610. " 1 rtl Co., Pa. DEPORT OF CONDITION, OF the Plea •Neyrover. Iliatz or Teem% $t the doe° °Matinees, Oct. 1, 1881. ' Loans and Discounts. • • 0564,095 45 totted States Bonds a nd other securities, ) . 119,191 00 Due from Banks and Treasurer, 11. 8., 5 135,011 82 Legal tender notes, coin, Bank 1 • - notes,sud other Cash items j ..- 48,618 63 Real estate,-forniture and fixtures . .." 33,770 00 Expenses and Taxes Paid 4,350 71 Capital $125,000 al Sniplna bind and undivided profits... 84,510 62 Dividends unpaid 145 00 Circulation • 119,500 00 Deposits . .• ' 589,443 30 Due Baits 739 71 $94337 63 STATS or Prik'A., Comm or BRADFOND, ss: I. N. N. DEM Cashier of the Pint National Bank of Towanda, do solemnly SWIMr that the above statement is true to - the best of my knowl edge and belief. N. N. BETTS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworninfore me this 6th day of Oct., 1581. W. H. DODGE, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: GEO. STEVEN& JOSEPH POWELL, Direct Ors. C. L. TRACY, • 11 .u.tar 5911,337 6$