1101,COMif & TRACY, Publishers. VOL. VII. -TIIE Bradford Republican, Fvery Thursday at Towasida. Pa., t., 11. J A: TRACY, Proprietors. vii,l in advance, $l.OO per annum ; ~.,t dvinco $1.25, - To subscribers out Li - , $1,33, invariably in advance, ilia adaitlont ig made to cover prepaymer.t of A•ivrrttetu t liates:--S"r-cents a line for tint 3:1 t five cents per "line for all sub.:•'- itl.,•rti ma. Reading notice advent: bag t t , cents 0. r. line. Elght lines constitute a •tcelre lines an inch. Auditor'. .cticcs f 2.50. • Administrator's and Erecutor's cottccs $2.( 01 . Yearly advertising $1504.0 per THE REIT imicas is published in the 'Juicy, -Moore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main and Pine etreets, over J. F. Ginger's Boot and Shoe store.. its circulation is over 2000, As an advertising medium it is unexcelled in its im mediate fie d. Our r tubbing. Terms. . 2 We will tarnish all paying 9.tieseribers for Ite itnetmuctal within the poanty with any of the following publications, until farther notice, at the rates given below. The REMBIACAN $l.OO in addition. Subscribers residing out of the comity will be eliarged 25 cents additional New York Weekly Times, semi-Weekly Times, New York Daily Tribune, 9 25 Weekly .. • " 100 Seini-Weekly • " 2GO '-.:'ew York Daily Evening Post, - 800 " Weekly " " ... 1 15 • itqui-WeeklV at -at 225 • New York Weekly World, " 1.00 Semi-Weeklv " . 1 90' i'hilaaeiphia Daily Times, • ' 565 Philadelphia Weekly Times, 1 30 Philadelphia Daily Press, 8 00 Puiladelphia Weekly Press, .. ... ,- . 1 10 Harper's Magazine,. .... .1. 3 10 Ilarper's Weekly, • 325 Ilarper'a Bazar, ' 3 25 Seribner's MOuthly,.... 3 25 St. Nicholas, , ....... 2 50 Appieton's Journal, 2 35 with stool engraving of Dickens.. 3 10 Popular Science Monthly, 4 oo " ~ Suppletnent,....- 2 50 -4 ^ii.ti HI Magazine of American History 4-00 North American Review, 4 -00 Nev York Medical Journal;. 3 25 American Agriculturist, I 1 10 Country Gentlemen, . 2 10 Rural New Yorker,.... • 1 85 Toledo Blade, ...... 1 60 'Littell's Living Age, - . - . .. 7 00 .tt tlantic Monthly, ' ' 3 25 Wide Awake, • 1 65 Babyland, GO Lippincott, 3 25 Demorest, 2 50 Goilev, ' 1 65, Scientific American, ' • 2 75 Peterson's Magazine,.. . .'. ..... ..... 1 60 The Nursery, 1 20 Farmer's Review 40 Burlington Hawkeye, 1 50 Nea• England Journal of Education.. 2 00 Rendall's Treatise on the Horse 25 rrical and Departure of Mails. nails arrive and depart at . the T)wsuda Post ottice as follows: Phil. N. Y., and E aatorn States Dusl;ore, Laporte, be L. V. way mail from the North snothequin he New Era, &e.. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Asylum, A: c., Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday Troy, Burlington, &c...... I:00 r. M. Leßaysville. Boma, &c 1.01 closed pouch from Erie and NC B lie 2:30 L. V. way mail from the South 4 :25 ' Csnton,, ke ' 5:00 • Berelay a:3O Closed pouch from Elmira and ERR lo:40 121123 Canton, Monroeton, Szc Lehigh Valley way mail South Closed pouch Elmira, Erie and North ern Central Railroads ' 10:00 Troy, Burlington, Sc... • ...... 10:00. Sheshequin, Sc 12:00 'at. Barclay • 1:00 r. 4. eiV Era, Tuesday Thursday and Sat urday • Nsylum, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1:00 Leßaysville, Roma, .kc 1:00 Dushore, icc —.... '2;43 Lehigh Valley way mail North 3:41 New York Phila. and Eastern States. 7:43 enliw open ifoni 7:00 a. w. to 7:45 MoLity Order office open from 8:00 a. at. to 7:00 P. ()diet, open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00 s. U. P. p - oNin.i.. P. It. e- I EHIGH VALLEY:it PENNA:AND t NEW YORK RAILROADS. AI:I:ANOMIE:$1' OF PASSENGER TRAINS TO TALE EFFECT MAY 15, lsso. EASTWARD. ~'PATIOSv9. hisizars Falls Buffalo Rochester Lyons••... ' Geneva.... Auburn... Elmira • Waverly .. esyre Athens_ Mater ... I .man la Wyeaukin 4 , Standing Stone. ftutuniertleld l'renehtourn W)alusing Nikinner ' s • Eddy .11canoppon 31ohoonany lunktiaunock Lafirango Fails .t . it Junction k Za•Ltatro Mlurn Chunk .. tillisuthwu LAN ton • York . WESTWARD. STATIONP • New Y0rk........ ' Easton ;Bethlehem Allentown Mauch Chunk.... ' Wilkesdiarro I. n B Junction.. Falls Eat:range Tunkhannock Mehoopany Me,hoppen Sianner's Eddy. Laceyville ',Vyalu sing Frn,-htown It titu inertield standing Stone.. .Wysauking Towanda ..... l'h;tee Aldan ... .. . Athena Ws% ..... Eltuira Owega ..... Auburn Ithaca tieuova • I.y. , ns ..... lb'••heßter Nmwara FLU§ No. 32 leaves Wyslnaing st6:oo, A. M.. French. t"r.n 1 1, Itunimerfteld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 ‘Vvi'auking G. 40, Towanda 6.53, tllater Milan 7:11,- Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:10, Waver ly 7 55, arriving at Elmira 8:50. ' N... 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:35, Sayre 1:45, Athens 6:50, Milan 6:59. 'Ulster 7:08, '1" , ..a mots 7:23, Wysanking,7:3s, Standing Stone it'nmmerteld 7:52, Frebcbtown 8:02, arriv inv at Wyatt:sing at 8:15. 'lnking 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains A and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila" delphla and between Lyons and New York witli out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 botween Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with out change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyon.. - WM. STMT . :IBOIi, Sut. - Skllm. Pa., May i5,,1881. Va 2, N.Y p . R. GEORGE OTT, :11 ~ lomatatal larble Gruite Work • Prices cheaper thin the clic!' . m34l—tf.. WIWI. PA . •,., „ . , . . . . ~, _.. . • „. , • . . . , • . •. ' ' ... ~.. ..... •_ , N .. . . ......,...„..„.....:. .i.. . .. .. • ... .. . 441P:U8 . . I , 1 . - L C . • .. • ii. . D. .4 . --z----. ' ' N. ;(7,,__' _.l' ... 7 --. .1 111,0 /. i . ,'. .'' •;- , - ' . iiir' 181Mr - 21f- , ,-,,_. , • ~.....106 , ... H... --:, . ..- ... ~..I._ ~...1..:A.w.4_,.. ._...0,3-4„:;...• ~..7.5.....„:4,..., . ........., ~........„..4 .., ......g . .4: ~ I, . j Tc zanda Busting Direc4:ri. LOIITII HILLI.s. 1.7% over Powell . 1 / 4 co dthiFF. J. • Sr.,. Unice in Wood's Block, south Firat Satiozial Bank, up stairs. ,tune MLSIIIIKE SUN iNC ELibree'and L "...."01nee in Moreur Block. Park St. rnayl4.7B CEOK k OVERTON ti:Onj it Peek and D a Otv•r -'-.. *M. °Lace over Hill's Market 49-'79 YESTON k SANDERSON (E Overton and Joan O F.Srarulerson.) Office in Adams Block. j nlys'7B MAXWELL, WM. Office over Dayton . " 8tor:: sprit 14,76 •„, TITILT. J. ANDREW. Office in Mcsn'a Block• apr 1.1.76 " . DAVIES, CARNOCEAN S: HALL, (TV T Davies. W Carnockan, L .1111011.) Office in rear LI Ward honey. Entrance on Poplar St. tie 12.75 ERCUR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid "to business in Orphans' Court and to the serttleinent Of estatea. Office in Montanye's Block. 4940 c PREnsoN & YOUNG, (r. McPherson and LT& W. I. Young.) Office south aide et ?Jimmies block.tebl,7ll - . . MADILL 8: KINNEY, Ofl ice corner Mill/And Pine et. Noble's block. second floor front. Collections promptly attended to. feb 178 NTTILLIAMS, ANGLE'& BUFFINGTON. ; (I/ N vv IVilliams. E Angle and E E Buffington). Office west side of Main street, two doors north of Argus office. All business entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. oct V.,77 I 95 2 30 MASON & THOMPSON, ( C, F. Masms, E. A. Thompson.) Attorneys-at-Law. Special at tention to conveyancing,. examination of title and all matter relating. to real estate. Collec tions promptly remitted. Oilico over. Patch d: Tracy's store. . • roaral-Si. TAMES 11. AND JOUN W. CODDING, Attar- . feil nays and Counsellors-at-Law. Office In the Mercur •Block, over C-T. Kirby's Drug Store. July 3, 'SO tf. KEgSBY, J. P., Attorney.at-Law. Office in Mcintanyn'is Block, 'Main Street. Sept. 15, 'Bl-tt, rpuomPsoN, W. 'II. and E. A., Attorneys-at Law, Towanda, Pa. Wilco in Alercur Block, over . C. T. Kirby's'Drug Store, entrance on Main street, tint stairway north of Post-office. All business promptly attended to. Special atten tion given to claims. against the United States for Pensions, Bounties, Patents, etc., and to collections and settlement of decedent's ea ttes. April 21, ly TOBSSON: T. 8., M.D. 013103. over Dr. U. C gA Borten's Drug Store. • ' feb 12.78 NEWTON, Drs. D. N. &F. G. office at Dwelling on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12.71 LADD. C. It., M.D. Office let door above old. bankbitilding;on Main istreet. Special at tention given to, diseases of the throat and lunge. julyl9,lB WOODBURN, B. M., M.D. °Bice aril rest Bence. Main street, north of M.E.Church Medical Examiner for Pension Droaxtment. feb 22,78 DAIME, E. D.. M.D. Office over Ttfontanye's Store._ Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 P. Y. Special ittention given to Diseases of the Eye, and Maumee of the Ear. oct 20.77 rirElfla HOUSE. Main:at., next corner south - 1 - 1 . of Bridge street. New house and new furniture throughout.:' The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in making his hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Meals at allhours. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached. mar S 77 . WM. HENRY. 4.0) A. Ad .1.34 to.yl 11:00 OEM WATKINS POST, NO. CA, 0. A. R. 'Meets every Saturday evening. at Military Hall. OEO. V. MYER, Commander. J. It. Krrrtunar., Adjutant. .feb 7,19 RYSTAL LODGE, 'NO. 57. Meets at K. of P C Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In surance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver ego annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. .1. H. KITTRIDGE. RepOrter. Jvass.Wannixx., .Ta., Dictator. teb 22.78 BRADFORD LODGE, NQ . 'pa, 1. o. o. F., Meet in Odd Fellow'n Hall, every Monday evening at 7 o'clock. WAIIIIILV HILL, Noble Grand." ;One 12,75 9:00 A.X 9:15 POST, F. E. No. 32 Second street. All orders 11 ' will receive prompt attention. June 12,73 1:00 DTAN, G. NC; County Superintendent. Office lA , days last Saturday of each month, over Turner k Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda Pa; • -- July DA'S SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITT#E. The Fall Term of twenty-eight year Om mences on Monday August22nd. Isll. For cata logue or other Informatioti, address call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN; A. M. ray 19,78 Towanda. Pa. wrILLIAnts. EDWARD: _Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. Place of-business in Mer cur Block nest door to Journal office opposite Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing promptly attended to. All wanting work in his ne should give him a call. • July '27,77 15 . . 9 7' 3 !P.M..A.51. 2.05, 7.20.....1 7.15 2.50 8.25 ....... 9.20 5.15:10.30' 6.40 11.30 ' G. 54 11.55, RBSSEIL, Q. S. General Insurance Agency. Towanda. Pa. Mee in Vi'hitcoinb's Book Store. • :• ' July 12.76 ELEVAN HOU‘SE,ELMIft.t,• N. Y. C. T. Smith. D formerly of the Ward Honer% Towanda. Pro prietor. ' This Hotel is located immediatly opposite the railroad depot, Every pains taken for the comfort of gqests.' . Ju1y5,77 8.35' .18! 5.10! i4.os'_ • 9.00 10.50 ..1 9.10, 1.45, 9.001 . 3.45 • ' 9.45. 2.10! 9.40 4 15 ..!10.10; 2.30,10.00' 4.30 • 10.15, 2.341u.05 1 , 4.34 10.25' .. 1046 3.001043 ; 505 110.54 ; 5.19 • • ----- • • • 11.19. .5.26 • ..... • .... ' 3.36 11.30, 5.4 .. 11.44, 3.54 11.49i,16.03 ' , 6.07 • .. 6.23 TOWNER, H. L., 31. D.. HOMCROPATIIIO Pilltia6LAN & SURGEON. Residence and office just, north of Dr. Cotton's Main street. Athens, Pa. ' NEW FIRM I NEW , STORE NEW. GOODS I ..12.16 . 6.23 12.251 4.3 . 5' 1.00 7.10 1.10 7.20 : 1'1.25 7.35 ; 1.05; 5.10 i 1.45 8.05 ; 1.351 5.25 2.20; 8.3 r, ; 3.45! 7.30' 4.50;11.1X1 '4.44' 6.24 5.5312.06 5.00, 8.35 6.0512.111 5.30 9.00 0.40 1 12.5 E ' 6.55,10,35' , 8.251 2.2( . 3.05; ..... ; 9.15; 3.3: A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M . ' 8 30 2 12 P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. .: 6.30 ..... 7.40 3.40 8.00. 9.00 4.15 9.20 ,10.15 i 5.50 • • 0.5 0 635 10.G5' : .... 10.54; 6.24 . . 11.55 715 ..; 1.08. 6.002.03; 9.45 • 1,35 6.35 2.25 10.10 ...• 7.'10:... J 10.42 .. 2.18, '7.33 3.03 10.52 • ....! 7.57. ... '11.13 ... • , 8.04 3.28 11.19 8.19 . 11.33 ... 3.03 . 8.23 3.46,11.36 8.43 4.03 11.55 • ' 8.55 12.08 •• • • 9 . 01 ,• • 12.17 . .... 9.10 .... 12.24 9.19 12.34 ... 4 . 00 9.30 443 12.45 ...! 9.43 4.5512.57 9.52 1.06 .. 4.3010.00 5.10; 1.15 ... 4.40 10.10 5.201 1.23 4.45,10.20;" 5,301 1,30 ...I 5.2.5:11.10, 6.151 2.15 • 5.30..... 6.251 .... 9.35 i .... •1 • 6.10 2.10 6.401 • . I 7.41, 5.00 8.144 .... • 8.40:.; 8.50 '3.50' '7.4 . 0 9.40 .... ...'11.40 12.05 ; 8.00 • 1.03 j .` 1.013; 9.40 F.M. P.M:A.M. A.M. A r TOR:1 EY 8,1 T. L A W Attorneya-mi•Laiy: Offico PRE'SICANS.AND SURGEONS HOTELS. SECRET SOCIETIES HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. EDUCATIONAL PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER INSURANCE XJSCELLA .EOUS Ed. Mouillesseaux ('Formerly with liendelinan.) IRS OPENED A Jewelry Store OF 1118 OWN IN. PAT TON'S BLOCK, With Swart:: i;oi-den's'Store, Main Street, Towantja, Pat.; Where he keeps a FULL ASSOR:,MENT or Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, - SPECTACLES;. ETC g- Ms Stock fa all NEW anti of tho FINEST QUALITY. Call and sea for yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY F.,NOKAVING A SPECIALTY MEI ICENDALIA'S SPAWN CURE • Is sure in its effects, mild in itsaction as it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, anal as sparing, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in loan and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast, • It is now known to be the best liniment fdi man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Bend address for:lllustrated. Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. 'No remedy has ever met with such nnqUalified uc cess to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price tl per bottle. or six bottles - tor $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Dn. B. J. EIMDALL & C 0.,• halos burgh Falls, Vt. \- Sold by all Druggists. : 74: CURES I111 Ague,. !ism, Dropsy, Heart Disease, fousness - Nervous debility, etc.- The Bost ' IDEMED7 ICNO'WN to Mani 11,000,000 Bottles This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It Stimulates the Ptyalin.. in the Saliva, *hitch converts the Starch and Sugar of the food into . glucose. • A dell. eiency in Ptyaline causes Wind and Souring of the food in the stomach. It the medicine Is taken immediately after eating the fermentation of tbod is pre. vented. It nets 'Upon the Veer. . • ' It nets upon the Kidneys. It Regulates the Bowels. It Purifies the Blood. - • It Quiets the Nervous glistens. It Promuotes Digestion. it • Nourishes. Strengthens and Zneigorates, It carries off the Old Blood and user. nen It opens the pores of the skin and induce. Healthy Perspiration. It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison In the blood, which generates Scrofula. Err sigelas. and all manner of skin , disease* and internal humors. There are no spirits employed in its mann. iadture. and it can be taken by the most deli. cats babe, or by the aged and feeble, eareonly being reguirein attention to directions. DRVGOISTS SELL IT. ' Laboratory, 77 West 341 NEW YORK CITY. Never fails to Cure: Ashland, Schnykill Dear Sir;—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has benefited mo more, after a short trial, than all the medicine Itave used for 15 years Dear Sir:--rhave used your eicellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and it has proved to be a valuable medicine. Sins. J. Arars.v; Turtle Point, Mae= co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous De bility.and partial Paralysis, for a number of years, and obtained „no relief until need your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, esbort trial of which restored me to health. Dear Sir:—My little girl was cured of Itif mutton of the'Face and Eyes. by the use of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician had previously failed to afford relief and it was thought, that the child could not-live. Its neck and, breast was entirely - Covered with Scrofulous Sores, which are now entirely gone. Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. Turtle POint, McKean co., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has effectuallytelieved , me of Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia/after the doe / tors failed. , • Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa. Dear have need your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver Com plaint, and have derived great relief therefrom. i Dennis Six?sox: Dear Sir:=l was • life-long sufferer from Liver Complaint until I used your great, INDIAN :DLOUD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained .permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be a valuable Bowel Regulator. . Dear Sir:—This is to certify-that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine ever used in my family. Hoping the public will be benefited 'by this great remedy, I take great pleasure in giving my testimony of its value. JosErn P. BRIMAXEIT. ,Dear Sir:—l take pleasure- in recommending your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi cine made. People who are ••Dyspeptic .should not fail to give it a trial.; For toe Stomach it has no equal. I have used it and know it to be a valuable medicine. , - Dear was troubled; 'with Liver Com plaint for a long time, and by the persuasion of your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent INDLVN BLOOD BYllUP,wbicb bas greatly bene fited me. :I have never found'iny medicine to °anal it, and can confidently say it is a safe and highly valuable remedy, • Pain in the Wens' t.• Berlin, Someriet Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was aftlcted with a Pain in my Breast and . Side. and when I Would lie down. I could scarcely breathe for Pain, I was also very weak In my Breast and Lungs.' I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am-now near ly well. My Lungs are strong once more and I am very grateful to you for, such a valuable remedy. Dear Slri—This.is to certify that' your value'. ble INMAN BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of flapepala and Indigestion. which I had been afflicted with for years. Dear Sir:—l rocs subject to severe Pains in my Kidneys. Weaknesi and Painful Sick Headache, ior years, and failed to obtain relief, until I was induced to try your reliable, INDIAN BLOOD sy itUr. a short trial of which restored me to perfect health No ins 13artrani St • Philadelphia, Pa. - . Dear was troubled with Coativenes and Headache, and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP 'proved most beneficial to me. It is the best medicine I ever used. No: 81 7 Federal St Dear Sir: —I was afflicted with Dyspepsia and Billionsness for years, and failed to procure re lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. which soon effectually relieved me. I take great pleasure in recommending,its use to *be afflicted. . FRANK T.l3lonwurr, No. 1035 Locust St JEWELRY Disease of the Stomach and Liver. ,* , Bushelll, Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that I have used, your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Thapage of the Stomach and Liver, and have been much bene fited thereby. Dear Sir;-1 consider your reliable INDIAN 12/JOD SYRUP the beat medicine I ever used in my family. It is justae troop:mended, MALLEL CUeTARD. Dear Sir:—l • baVe used your great INDIA'S BLOOD SYRUP in my family for Worm and Summer Complaint, and it hair proved effectual In all'essesi. Dear Sir:—My daughter was in Poor Health and a short trial of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP entirely cured her. - 1 IDuAis VANANarx*. _ AGENTS WANTED ter the sale . of the INDIAN.BLOOD SYBVP in every town or village, in which I.'have no agent. Particulars given on application: 'l•7 TOWANDA.. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1881. SOLII*OINCE 1870. 11.11 Eln.LiAlt Disease of the Stomach. Ashland. Schpykill co.. Pa Nervous - Debility D. C. WiNtintr For Senifula. Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa WARREN SS7ITLI F. F. BISHOP Remedy for the Rheumatism. An Agent's Testimony. Turtle Poliit; McKean co., Pa HENRY C. SIMPSON A Valunblb Medicine. Sonforsot C.a.. Pa Dyspepsia and Indigestion. ' Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa • UATTZE EIIIB9TNO Ell Liver complaiiiL Berlin, Sorneraet Co., Pa, Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Philadelphia, ra GEORGE M. ELLIOT For Kidney Diseases. l'hiladelphis, Pa For Costiveness. For Billionsness. ra. FAANKLm-VliiiNimiL'q Best Family Medicine. Busbkill, Pito Co., Pa, , Remedy for. Worms. THOMAS CORTRIGIIT. Never Fails to Cure. Bushkin, Pike Ca.. Pa TAR BAitRISTER'S CL.ERK. Time—:One . of the earlier days of April in the year 187-. Scene—The Central Criminal Court of the County of Middlesex. - Let us watch two young barristers who are enterinkin wig and gown, :and .wlio take their seats on the benches 're served for counsel. " In bringing it about that these two young men should lie Mende, nature had followed her usual mode of pro cedure; for in ue:trly . e . very characteris tic they were cach4ther—except in indolence. Whiltt Francis Julian . • was a man who hada great • deal of flre!.: Sir,' proceeds the unhappy de and passion hidqu_awaY .under ponent, .who is in the 'painful position parputly listless exterior,. his brother of a person not permitted to.tell his own barrister parried his character visibly ; story in his can way, 'my wife Says to written on 'his face. Charlie Thornton me that she thought that it couldn't bo —for that was the name of Julia&s pet the cat; so, after_ listening for ten-min friend—was altogether stiperficiul.. And utes or so, Islips on my, clothes, opens yet, with it nil , he was not.'a bad fel- the door, and goes tothe head of the, low, and could you have scriped off a stairs'—and the witness ..goes on to re. Certain outer coating of _ec_ua. late, with the assistance of his counsel, cynicism, you would have left" nothing how 111 first summoned to, his aid a man on earth to object to in -him, lint& good who looked after the shop and who slept in the house, and,.how by their united deal tolike. At the Bar he was two years senior to Julian. • efforts they succeeded, in capturing the It wink' . not, I think,. .be' revealing. bnrglar. The, evidence, as far' as it goeS, is coriblusive against the prisoner, professional secrets to confess that neither of our friends was in very large and there does not seem much hope of practice. -Day after day did Julian his escaping a Revere sentence ( 'ls the 'prisoner, unrepresented -by come down to his musty old Temple chambers to find ,a striking absence of counsel ?' asks the. Judge on , the bench. briefs.. Morning after Morning did he 'My Lord, the prisoner line not the ad- . knock at his door, which was opened' to vantage of being. arristerfor -the proserepreseuted by voun-. him • by' a very reedy-looking :clerk, replies , .the b when something like the following dia- cation., humorously; at which , there logue used to take plaee: is . a. laugh in court, .and the usher again 'Anybody beedhere; Peters?' feels it necessary to say 'Slit Sh I Sh I'. 'No one, Sir.' . • 'The prisoner ought to he afended,' 'No solicitor, I supPbse ?' was says the Judge; ',who is tlm youngest the usual question, quite stereotyped _counsel present by this time. At this question- there is a conSulta `No, Sir, none.' . , The usual answer, tion Among the representatives of the too. .. Bar, and the result is quickly 'seen by our friend Julian risindand saying: 'My Lord, I believe that I have the honor to . have been called most re cently.' . 'Theri . ,' replies the Judge, 'I. must aik you to undertake the •defense of the prisoner.' 'My lord,' replies Juliau, 'lit so short a notice, and Without any consultation with the prisoner, I feel—'• • 'Every alloWance will e be made.. for 'yotr,' interrupts the Judge. "In .(.rder to give you. more One to, prepare the , materials fora decease I will adjourn for 'lunch now; £l:4' it is one o'clock, and you can reserve your cross-examination of this witness till after the Ojoarnment.' • „Julian • howa',..his acknowledgments, and. the learnediJndge rises from his seat, and pr.-ceded by the official of the court, disappears into' his private apart ment. There is a general putting. on of bate and outliner& of 14iied in_ court: 'WO, here's ago I' is,tl grieve to have to report, Our .hero's exclamation on hearing that on him fortune has bcstowed the-, privi!ege of being ik'de tense to the defenseless, and th 4 'to him Attaches the_ proud duty *of lslead lug foranother's liberty,. Then, turn- ' to his alter ego seated besi..e him, 'What Shall I say, Charlie, old *fellow ? What would yon say if . yon-were in my, place ?' _Then he glanced at the mauvaise sujjt in tha neck, and involuntarily his heart. softened toward' the wretched who was to be his client, and he Looked With closer attention 'at his movements. At that moment the prisoner was beckoning to the boy we have before" referred,to, who at once advanced* to- . ward him, and, by leave of the.warders, put into the hands . of the prisoner a large lump_ of, bread and cheese. ,He would have gone back to sit lin his bench,. but this little incident had not passed unnoticed by the young advo- What weinder„ then; That Julian was discouraged ? Be used' to look out of his__ - ebliMbeiviindows and wonder how the 'fellows opposite;' whom he could see "working away at their tables, ever managed to get any buSiness. ThrOugh a little opening in the Temple buildings ho could just "see the sparkle of the river, and the lazy barges creeping sea ward on the ebbing - tide. Often had he watched them; envying the free out,' of-dqor life of sailors, and to hurl his pent-up wasting enerftles into, some current of laborious action. At present, therefore; he is not nineh,inter ested in the details of the Law; finds Equity dry, Common Law drier, and; indee3, a 'plentiful lack of moisture' in the whole range of legal studies. Sprung from - a family which had its ancestral home in . one of our . beautiful Southern counties, julian hati,yot hardly ever visited the family mansion.- Our hero'S father had been 'disinherited be cause he chose to follow hi:l-own bent and select a profession for himself. Hti , bad become a doctor. His father—our heO's erandfather—at first expressed . his unbounded horror at Such an inten tion, having an old-world Sort . of no tion that to do any work for a liveli hood was lowering. " He told him plain :. ly that bOmight bCcomq a doctor if• he liked, but that he would thereby forfeit all . hope of receiving a single,' penny or -a single acre from,his paternal inherit ance. ' The son, li . oweve,r, refused abandon - his pet pi•oject, !and the result was ila, when father' died, his _younger, brother : George _took the fine old house and grounds. Dr.. Julian had rapidly risen in his profession,and amassed n large fortune, so he did not particularly resent being deprived both of the family Seat and of all share in -the pecuniary inheritance. I ought to add ttiat George Jnliadre flised to touch his brbther's share of the money 'which was left; and as Dr. Julian was too proud to accept it, it lay accumulqing in the Funds for the good of George's nephew. At this time of our story Dr. Julian bad - been dead about five years; and Franciatlied about as often visited at 'his uncle's house, never very willingly, though his uncle wait.kindness itself ; . but Francis was not the sort of person to reject proffers . of good-will from an 3 human creature. Perhaps the fact that his .uncle's only child was a fair girl -just ripening into womanhood had ben au additional in ducement to him to forget the past._ And now it is time to chine back into court • • The case to be tried. was a case of burglary.' The prisOrieOvas it rather fine-looking man, .prematurely aged, and with an expression of subdued ex- citement on his features.: Now and again he-would pass his hand wtarily across his brow. At a little distance from the dock a lad about fourteen years ohl„apparently was standing. Betweeii,him and the prisoner is was plain sortie relationship exh,ted, for the latter would every -now and then direct his gaze with a look of. Yearning anxiety into the face of thebOy.. A pale and. nervous -looking face it was; - too, and . itS,Owner was lothed in garments which were.decideilly threadbare. The lad was cooking round lon . ..the unwonted spectacle; - apparently trying to :find in all, that strange crowd, of 'human beings some sympatliiiing glance,- Although dirt and early Re quaint:ranee with want had drawn a veil .over his features, yet there was in them something .wonderfullY open and at tractive; .something brave, yet tender, that spoke of an unspoiled nature lying in the unexplored depths of thct young human soul. Who shall explore them? Who shall find and bring . .up to light the, hidden precious ore in that boyish heart?, Who is to be his teacher, the guide of his youth? .See him us he looks with a face of entire confidence, of pitying love, ou the poor prisoner in the-dock, and say•what are his chances of groWing up a useful man, when his lot seem X-join to.that,of a criminal, and his . best affections are thrown away on ari outcast ?, • • . But the examination of the first Wit ness is prosee,ding, while Julian and his friend the briefly noticing the demean or '4 the prisoner and the aapeet.'of the Oen& The witness is the owner of P.DWAIID ZOttli D. - 51. BALL JAMES' Itri.ET JAS . . BnowN go e I MMN I :1 •Vs PLE BY THE PEOPLE AND FOB THE PEOPLE." ISMI the, how broken into, worthy trades man-of the better class, and be has de posed to having been roused from - -his bed at the untimely hour of four in the morning by-a nobmin the lower regions. He at first had thought it might he the Cat,-.'And _ when you discovered it was not the eat, what then ?' asked the examining counsel, with gentle per. 7 sussiveness. 'Well, Sir,' replied the witness, "my wife said to me, 'John,' says she, 'I don't think it can be the cat, be eause—" , • 'NeVer mind what yoni wife said,' in terrupts the barrister, 'tell us what you did Yourself.' cate, He called , to the boy,! 'Come here, my lad; looking rather fiightened, ad vanced slowly to the awful gentleman in the wig, Whohad summoned him for some unknown and perhaps dreadful object. - . • - But Julian ; said very mildly; 'So you've given up your lunch to your friend ?' _ 'lt's dinner' said' the youth, eyeing his interlocutor. It'll be his only, meal to-day, I guess.' 'And what Will you do yourself ? Have Yon' had your . dinner before ?' continued Julian. 'No,' said the - boy. .He answered as if dinner was a sore subject with him= bad not owing to . the factlbid he bad not had one for some days. Then, after a minute's pause, he added, 'That was my dinner, that was.' • 'Well,'- said Julian, secretly pleased with the bOy's franknem of speech; 'you tell me what I want to know about your friend there, and then, when we go'', away, till give you as much • dinner as yon can eat.' He made the bey sit down on the bench beside him, Mud how he occupied the half hour till the entrance of the Judge after 4anch subsequent events in court will sufficiently disclose. The door of the private apartment opens wide. Out, steps the official briskly and stands on one side; a hush takes place in court, and the Judge comes forth once_ more to his work and to his labor. The Bar rise; the Judge bows to the Bar," the. Bar bow to the Judge; the Judge ' takes his seat, the Bar take theirs. The witness who is to be cross-examined, snd who has been preparing for the 'Ordeal,. during the interval by .administering to himself a few hasty doses of French .brandy and Dutch courage, steps into' the box;, up rises . lllr. Julian, the jury pick up their ears, and the dramit begins. - I will.not weary my readers' patience with a verbatim account of the proceed ings. The cross-examination of this witness was very - much 'like all other cross-examinations. When Julian took up the defense he devoted his entire energies to proving •that the prisoner had at the time of thp burglary taken no trouble to conceal his presenee. in ,the house; that he had made little, if any, resistance to capture; and dint, in fact, his behaviour was just that of a man who had not tasted . food for twinty-four howl,' and was 'driven'. tip' burglary to prevent starvation. Then it became Jalian's duty to bring forward any evidence tbst he could in support.of the defense. 'I - suppose you-have n o evidence for the Prisoner ?' said the judge. leaniu ! , forward over the desk and addressing the barrister. 'Excuse me, ray lord;' replied Julian. 'Although I regret -- to say that I,have not had time to properly prepare the prisoner's case and call any witness who.might give a different color to the flansaption, yet I am uot entirely with out witness.' - Then he turned to the boy whoM I have before mentioned and said; 'Edward Graham; , step into the box.' • 'Edward Graham,' aheited the usher, 'step up into the box. The boy, looking pale and rather did as be was bid, was, duly sworn, and ther4 as all' witnesses do, Axed his eyes on l i he face of the examin ing counsel,' inste d of turning them, as all witnesses ought to do, toward the - Judge and jury. , ''Now, my lad,' began Julian, what relation aro you to tbe , pris 'Der?' 'I ain't no relation, Sir,' replielli the boy; 'but I calls him my rather.' . 'Haven't you t got a • father of your ,own 2' was the n4xt question.- 'No Sir, not as I..knows of. He,' pointing to the prisoner, 'he has always been like my father to me; so that's why I calls him it.' . 'What?.' put in thel . the Judge, i 'haven't you any other friends iii. Lo n-0011 ? No relations, :brothers or - die. • . ! tern ?' - - • - • - , . 'No, Sir,' said the boy iiii4plY, 'l've got no friends -but him; lie 'teund me when I was a little - chap. Seiruebedy left me on a doorstep, so I've heard tell, and he took merto his house, and fed Me and took care of the. so I calls him my father.' 1. ~, . - • ' 'Ndw, can you tell us- what . your father, as 'you call him,' proceeded. Julian,. 'had been. ',doing on the 'day when lie broke into this house ?' Gredually,. in answer to - this - and other qtiestions, some of the most ig portant facts with regard to the prison. er's , life' and antecedents were elicited. Ho had once been ' it seemed, a London carter in the service . of a great brewing house; bit by bit he bad acquired drink -1 ing habits, had .be6n . turnea out of his I employment, hail gone .from bad to worse, had lived a wretched half-starv- 1 Jed life iu a.cellar for the last six months' with the boy he called his son. Finally, on the day on which the burglary . was committed, he .had gone out in 'a state of desperation, determined to g:it sinne employment, or at all events to get food by fair means or foul. -•- ---- . 'l,tried to 'pia him back, - Sir,' said the boy, 'when I saw what he was tip to; hot it was nu g ood, ho wan wad like; and 'when Le had got into the house I I ran away.' ' *. . . ''That's true r kroke in the prisoner, in a hoarse; smothered voice. '1 was mad, and that is the fact; bnt it's past now.' • • The warders sternly ordered him to be . silent. • But evidently this *48.110' easy matter him; he was laboring under strong emotion, pitibale to see, and ho kept pressing his hands tighter together while, his liNs were muttering inarticu late words, and all . tlie time his - eyes were fixed ',on the faee of bis youthful defender in the.•witriess-hox: : 'And what made - yon go, on-living with him him,' resumed Julian, 'when you knew the bad ways he was getting into.' Up to this pOint the boy luid answer.. ed well enough; but now be- pursed up his lips and was perfectly silent. The question had to be repeated twice; and then the lad - suddenly broke out into a cry that seemed to dome front the depths of his little heart. . 'Why, how could I leave him, After all he'd done for me ? He fonnd me when I wsi starving, .and ho cared for me and fed - me, and—and— oh, Sir," addressing the Judge, `if he is sent ; to. prison let ins go to l' Aud regardless of the Judge, jury, Bar, and spectators, ho burst into passionate tears. ~ - . ,• - The prisoner made a quick, convul sive movement, as if to go to the boy. The warders stopped him. He gave one fierce, • baffled glance around, and then bowed his head down . and became quite still. Only by . the twitching of his face and the clasping. of .tal hands could you tell that ho was at all moved byis unlooked-for'incident.. , Brit the inc dent produced its - effe,et on the coitrt. hat will do, my little lad,;-,siiid Ju lian very kindly. You can id,iind sit down now .' ! , Then,;vithout giving hinifell much tale to ause and think, ho; turned to the juryn and briefly addreiiSed them.' He dweli'on the sad tale that had been unfolded to them that day, .yet of the proof that tali afforded that tlisyrisoner had C nature capable of better things; and he especially insisted that the act, of which he had no doubt been guilty, had been occasioned—as was perfectly evident—by ttie - recklessiies,,of hunger and 'privation. When deeply stirred Julian forgot himself, which is the key to oratory; and his speech 'to the jury, though not more than a quarter/ of an hour in length, was listened to( in si lence, and produced an impression on ' all who heard it. The , prosecuting - col Then came j4.11e summing up, and the last_ stage of all was reached—the jury retired to consider their verdict. ‘, In half an hour they returned, and the foreman announced: -'We find the prisoner gfillty of breaking into the house with Intent to steal food only; and we strottgly . recommend hind to the mercy of thtt court.' So Jalian's elo quence and iheboy's evidence had/pro duced their effect. The poor prisoner was allotted a year's imprisonment, wo hurried out of the dock before he was able to realize his sentence; the crowd began to move out, another ease was called on, and the court restnue(l its ordinary work as if no tragedy equal in its awful import to the - ;self-afrought doom of CEdipuscr the predestined fate of Antigone bad a few moments before been acted within these gloomy walls. IT; -.Qititer that; being still quite ignorant Two months have ,passen away since I what to do with the boy Julian the day when we saw onr hero going took him home to his , onn lodgings in through the unwonted exertion of plead- Piccadilly, 'and told the people of the ing on behalf of a fellowtconntryman in - hour° to give him abed somewhere and ' a court of justice. Things have-altered he would sae about him next day. since then, and people have altered with As often happens, he was saved the them. Climb with me the narrow 0 1.1 trouble of deciding what was. to be stairs leading up to the chambers where done ,by something turnig rip which we first made the aequaintance he never had expected. You remember, young barrister. -We knock at his door; I d are say, my speaking of an. auti there is no response from within. As quated clerk`of his, by name Peters. our eyes grow accustomed to the 'semi- The very next day after - Julian bad darkness, we direct our gaze again to - taken the boy he went down as usual to the - 'Sported oak' "of the barrister's his chambers, and, was' sitting in his chamhers, and see. pinned close - nudes customary arm-chair, 'revolving many the knocker a very email card with a memories' and wondering if that chance very small name printed on it, 'Mr. got brief of his for the unhappy burglar Francis Julian.' -In the corner are these would be the last he should ever have, wordiwritten in pencil. 'Out of town when there was a slight tap at the door, at present attending jail deliveries.' and the faced the clerk appeared, look- So we descend the rickety, -dry-rot- more cadaverous end oven less attrac ted stairs again, satisfied that our friend five than usual. is not to be fonnd in London, and hop- He wanted to 'speak a few words' to ing that he is reaping a rich harvest his master. - These few words contained from his present occupation of jail de- an intimation that he wished to leave livering—a process `With which we may, his master's service, owing •to the lack without showing great ignorance, con- of work and consequent lack of fees. %t t s ourselves to be unfamiliar. , He draw a brief but, suggestive cora arisori between the chambers of Mr. Now that we have discovered where P Francis Julian and the chambers of Mr: Mr. Francis i Talian is not, this pleasant diy of early Summer, let us find out Higgink Queen'stonusel, whose clerk where he is.' Fly with the, reader, a he bad been before, as seen from the point of view of the person who pock few short miles we reach the beauti els-half a crown on every guinea, paid ful rolling Surrey hills, and aro quite free from the clamor of London and to his master; and I need hardly say 'the spreading of the, hideous town.' that he obtained from his present mas- We alight .at last, .and wander along a ter leave to,take himself off that very winding bine, green with its untrimmed day; if he choie. hem of grass and flowers, and over- It must be confessed. that Julian did shadowed by the leafy arms of meeting not like being deserted, and felt some trees. We come in sight of an old what bitter against the world in genes church, with massy square tower and el and the successful Mr. Higgins in ivy-covered portal, and the clustering particular. 'lt's a clear case of the grave-stones all gathered round its wall. rats and the sinking ship,' he said to A little further, and 'we catch-a glimpse himself. But, luckily, be was prevent-, of old gables peeping through trees; ed from further melancholy !musing by 'we see a meadow edged with tall elms, a sudden 'thought which Occurred to I in which the rooks keep up a perpetual him. A few'momsnts' hesitation, and windy cawing; And we arrive at length he had.determined on an experiment as in front of the Mansiou jtself, and the bold as it was original. • beautiful lawn cipou which its antique In :a word, the next day saw Julian's windOn's look mit. young protege installed as the barrister's I There are two chairs on the lawn. clerk. The mercenary Mr. Peters bad One is! tenanted by a fair girl of some successfully accomplished his 'hegira' eighteen -to twenty years, who is Aing. from the businessless chambers to which ling iu her hand a 'racquet,' with which he objected, and his successor certainly she has evidently just been, playing at had one advantage in his master's eye, lawn-tennis. Het cheeks are flushed in that he 'could make no private com with' the exercise; and her whole figure parisons betwen his past and his pre-' is full of. graceful health. - This is Mis 3 sent circumstances which could be any- Edith Julian, cousin of the rising legal thing bat favorable to the latter. star of the same name of whom we have • Julian was not really' as rash in this, heard something. • IR the other chair, new-arrangemrnt as.he might 'appear. in as attitude of complete and unmiti- He had observed the lad's character and gated contentment,, decided opinion that he, was both clever sits the legal star in behavior, and had it come to the de question, who kas chosen this peculiarly easy method of 'attending jail deliver and honest, though in need of instruct ion. 'Do you know what a brief is?' 'Well, 1 his cousin, 'it isn't untrue, I really you see,' he is remarking to he had asked Master Ned, and on this 1 essential point he had found the den am attending jail deliveries. Doesn't every borriotor t3il hio olaamboro- seat ignoronce prevailing,: and bed, oonoorinoo tan givon his new rlerk a London every bit acr o bad as a jail, and can any one deny that I am delivered short lecture on the subject. Well, the very first morning of the from them at present ? Yes, and pre arn at the deliverance !' experiment, in came the gay and nbiq eions glad I 'What replies his cousin; you don't uitous Mr. Thornton and proposed a visit to Lord's to see a cricket-match. surely mean 6 say you prefer lawn tennis to law courts ? And" when you 'You've got quite famous, old boy,' he said, 'with your defense the bther are getting on so Much better than you day. You can afford to idle a few_ were, according to your own-account ! haara away.' . I wonder you haven't more ambition. , Ha l ve 1r s aid Julian; it's a I air sure you're really longing' to be case of "vistas landatur et alget.'' The back among your musty old' books, i attorneys haven't been here in, over Now, confess, Frank l' ,• powering. numbers since that event. , 'By Jove !' was Julian's reply, half rising from his chair and looking at his 'Oh! they'll come fast enough,' re plied his friend, and went off into an companion. 'What a fool I have been enumeration of all the advantages to be wasting my days in tofu when I might Have beenclown here all the time—with got out of the Course of action he pro .T posed. Now, Julian should, of course; yon. Confess, indeed ! shall have to hate resisted teis temptation. Mr. confess—' and then he very , - - unreasonably, and. stupidly broke off Thornton's clever sophistry should have. _ anctstopped. - . fallen on the heedless ears, as hepleaci - 'Well !' laughed the mischievous Mies ed that if the attorneys did not come Edith, 'l'm waiting to hear your conies- to them, they need not stop in for the skid. Go on.'. attorneys. 'You can leave word with your clerk,' he Added, "that you're 'Do you really want to know what it would be ?' asked Julian, engaged in the Lords . with' an im 'Of course I do,' she answered, 'if it's portant bail cadt, if you like; that'll' be quite true." - nothing very terrible.' So in th, Jian set off with 'Very well, then, you've l hrought it ' his temper,e end giving ul directions to his. on - yourself, mind, Whatever I may say. as to what to do in his ab- I was going to remark that I was so far boy-clerk Bence from longing to be back among my ' and telling him he might go out musty old books, as yoncall them, that at half-past one and get some lunch for I should be quite content to burn every himself. be back," said Julian, volume, and never see one of them 'about five o'clock." again, if I could be - sure of having your That evening Julian returned at the face to loak at instead.' And Julian appointed time, wishing he had not fell back, in his easy chair, feeling like wasted a day, wondering what he should a prisoner in the dock , who, just have done if he had not wasted it, and pleaded guilty. . hoping that his clerk had behaved all And she, to whom this flattering; right in his absence. speech 'is addressed, does - she - seem He knocked at his chambers. There startled at this declaration ? By hei was no reply. He knocked again, with answer-you would think 'she regarded the same result. 'lt's lucky I've got a it as quite a matter of indifference. key,' he mid. 'I wonder what that She merely laughs and says:, , young villain's about; fast asleep; I sup 'Ohs ! I knew that before.' Then, for pose.' I , ome reason,.she abruptly changes the subject. ' 'Bat tell me all about these new briefs that you have been getting lately, and, the trial you told me about, and the little boy, and every thing. lam very interested in it.'' Julian goes through the incidents of the scene in the Old Baily Court, which we know already, glancing light ly at his own performance, and making much of the little - pathetic incident be tween the prisoner and the They he claimed as his son.' - Bat we will tell his story without all' the additions, explanatione, and - inter ruptions to which it was unavoidably subjected when tell by an enthusiastic young barrister b.o a sympathetic little ignoramus of a cousin. . When the -sentence of a year's im prisonment was pronounced, the boy, who had tried to save his father from punishment, quite broke down. He sobbed so bitterly, that .Tulian had, to take him out of: court himself. But when ho had got - him out of court, whit!, On earth was he to do with him ? So there the inexperienced young counsel was, left 'alone in .Lcindon' with a homeless and' friendless outcast of a boy. At last ho remembered he had promised him a dinner; so he straight- !way kept his word by taking the lad into the nearest eating-house and insisting on his forgetting his sorrows sufficiently to do justice to the unac customed fare. .1,- - But when 'he entered his clerk's apart• merit he found it untenanted. The same was the case with his own room. the bird had flown. Julian took a hasty look round to see if all his books and other possessions were in their place. Yes, none disturbed; and he felt asham ed of the momentary - suspicion that had flashed across his mind. 'No: whLtever I believe about him, I don't - believe he's capable of that,' said Julian, aloud. 'I only hope , he hasn't gone and lost himself in .this waste howling wilderness.' - And, this thought made him sufficient ly uncomfortable for the next half hour, when, to his great relief, he beard the outer door open, and his, clerk enter. 'Ned!' shouted Julian from his room, 'Come here!' The boy entered at the call. Julian could hardly believe- his 'eyes; he had in his hand a brief! • , 'Oh, Sir!' burst out the boy, don't "know if I've done right, but—' But Julian interrupted him. 'Now, just tell me first, will you, where you've been to. . Why did , you go out?' 'Why, Bir,' replied the ' boy, 'you told me to get some lunch.' -'Lunch! at this, time!'. said Julian, 'why it's past five o' clock; why didn't you get in sooner?' • ,'Why, Sir,'—and here in a quite unaccountable way Ned stopped short, and looked remarkably as if be would cry. 'l'm to mere on him,' `thought $l.OO a Year, - Mien, 'but T tutod gel him CO do whit he's lohl."Then he mid kindly: 'N4W tell me why you didn't go out earlidr; I only want to ,know;- I'm ndt angiy with you at-all.' • The boy' brightened up, and said, still hesitating as if ,he did not know what would be the effect of hiS expla nation on his master: 'You see, Sir, _ I thought I'd better go without as long as I could; it'a what I've done__ often and often before, and so—' . 'And so, because you've 'starved be fore, you thought you ought- to starve now. No; I don't intend you to starve with me." And now, tell me,' continued, Julian, looking at the paper the boy held in his hand, 'what made you take one of my briefs out with you?' 'This, 1 30' said the boy holding up: the brief. 'Oh, I was going to ask you it I bad done right. Itynt an old one, Sir; it's quite new, and I did'at take it away from here. I've just brought it here.' ' 'Let's have a look at it!' said Julian, and he took it from the boy. Yes, here it was, Sato enough, a brand-new brief, and a good - thick one,' too, with the words 'Mr. Julian' on it, and the other equally important 'words •which denote : the remuneration- which Mr. Julian is to receive. . 'And how Aid you' get this?' asked Julian. - 'Why, I was walking back here,' and' a gentlem6n stopped me and naked me if I wasn't the boy he had seen the witness box at the Old Bailey last , - Thursday. I knew what he meat, Sir, and I said I was. Then he says, 'And do you know the name of the' barrister who was speaking—the one who.defend ed the prisoner?' and I said, 'Why, it's' Mr. Julian you 'mean, and I'm living with him."Oh! t'on'er living with him, are you?' bays the gentleman: 'Well. come with me.' . With that he takes me to some rooms 'up some stairs and gives me this; and says, 'You give Mr, Julian-that, I wanted to send it to him, but did'nt know hiri name' and so if I hadn't seen you I should have given it to somebody else.' So that f\ _is why I've brought' it, Sir,' the lad wound no, 'and I hope I've done right., 'Right!' said Julian. -Then, feeling he ' ougbt to suppress his emotions of in ternaleestacy in presence Of his clerk: 'Oh, yes you've done , quite right you could not have done much better.' The young face looked delighted. Julian . 'glanced again at'the btief. There was a good big fee on it, and the- name of • ,one of the best firms of solicitors in the city. , almost wonder he trusted' the !ad.,' with it,' soliloquized Julian, 'buf - there is something about' him which disarms• suspicion, and in that, new snit of ' clothes he would be unrecognizable - if he hadn't so' striking a face. I never saw une more innately Julian 'dismissed his new clerk and set himself to an hour's work at his new brief, which he found to be another case of defending an unhappy . prisoner. Having mastered all the facts in it he • left the arguments till• the next day, r arid sauntered back to his rooms in Piccadilly, the cricket-match entirely forgotten, indulging in the most .foolish day-dreams of fame and. future suceessi that ever entered into the head, of . a yonng barrister of little experience and . large imagination. - This' was what Julian told his cousin, though . not eiactly in these words, while the shadows were getting longer and longer on the grass, and the lawn tennis game was quite neglected. .Very interested did Edith appear in the • re cital, too, and!this naturally added fo r Juliares pleasure in telling her about it: 'Well,' he said, 'to cut a long Istory short, the next day after this came the solicitor himself- who had sent the brief —a bigonroadahouldered, genial En glishman; you should have seen him, Edith. It seems he bad heard my philippic in the court. had taken a very unreasonable fancy to my style of talk ing, and came to express his opinion. I must oonfess I was glad and grateful for the encouragement. So we sat and talked over - the whOle case, and ar ranged how the defense was to be - con. ducted, and ended by saying: 'The truth is, that trial the other -day quite' knocked me over. That boys evidence was splendidly given, and if the jury , had been men they would lisi!ve acquit ted the prisoner there and then.' So you see, cox, it , was my clerk,wnb really got me this new client, much more than my speech on that occasion. - The r - sult is that these people - have .been sending me constant work to do, and paying me handsomely for it; and in that way I have been introdirCed to other attorneys, and bad briefs from them, as well. I really do think I am now in a fair way to success.' 'And this is the manner you try to deserve your success,' said Edith, mischievously; 'coming down here and wasting your time. I'm ashamed of you, Francis!' _ 'Oh' this is vacation, or close- to the vacation,' replied Julian. •And you know what the poet says, 'Something secomplished, something done, has earned a'—little lawn-tennis with a charming cousin.' • don't remember any poetry at. all like that,' replied his cousin. 'And what have you done,with this_ paragon of a.lioy? I should like to see him.' 'Whenever you come to town you shall,' said Julian. 'You' see, I ought to be very grateful to him, for really, as a matter of fact, it is , greatly owing to him_ that I have fallen into this lucky brisineas that I've told you about: 'He's a boy that attracts everybody. He has such a handsome, , livly Jittie face, and such nice manners! I 'verily , believe my good angel has sent him to me," to rescue me from the slough of despond into which I was in great danger of falling for good aad all. And the way he's picking up a knowledge of his_ du ties as clerk is wonderful. In fact he's perfectly iLvalnable. , Hoit- I could ever have' managed with his musty _ reONrLVT*D ON FOVRTIT ,I'ACIE.I ,NO. 20 El