PIVTANITY.-000 cannot walk the - htretts c r tract l in the cars, or stop at public ulaces, and not be sadly toaehed by the amount of profanity he Boys hardly old enough to talk _plainly; young .ruen just : stepping over the threshold of active life; gray-haired men bending over the rir.ive, and Eli in fetters to this degrading habit. It mat ters-little-what the place or occasion, your-tars are filled with profanity. Ale cati - .linderstand how - nuder extreme pro vocatiou a man might give uttt:ance to an We understand, if we do not. Eytapattiiza With a passionate man, be set with little difficulties, when he snapg out wtoo energetic word. :Dit for a man in common, every dsy conversa lion, CV4:n bttlpilny • was iu a doien or wore profau- txprcs,iuus, there i no c.I.CU:n;; kat.] yet it is the re sullbt a habit that h'e grown upon the American people and dc sersie-i No boy ever utteri Lis .firzt• o a th without suwetiliug of No man with Any regard for the propriety of - sf...tiety ever sa . ars in the pits:rice of ladies . . It is More a matter of habit than any vice to which people are ad diefel. Now, if those who have this wretelced-habit will break it; if only for a ftw days, and listen to others, they will S•..:e how be, elect:, bow unmanly it : is and hoWliA necessity there is for I it., It is the must grat , iitoas and un cornpeEsatir.g of all sivs. It neither givcsi force to reinark, - tlignity to speech,. nor impressiveness to tl,e,r.glitt and it is a habit as easily broken as formed. 3.liscim.su 7,llzrAr.no.;:s.:—This is a common, but ludicrous way of making language A. letter lies be for'e me, jnst fread, shied has this phrase: "I hope_ this aiLlow's mite may take root and !:preal its branches until it liteoraes. a Hercules in your hatidf.' 'This t= pL:rallelt-d by a prayer. tit ‘G , s3's rol . and might be ours While to.,red ou the :••1 of that thus il—ty fight ttie go,-,1 tight of. Loth :11.1 t , r .1.. LAS a-A(1, that before it!" tilAt draw a In.•tital pie •_ whether it c:4.veys. Fen 5 , 2 or "We. tt.lLaik , the fur this !-Pirl: of grace; water Lor.d!''; - - Surely he who thus ( . .r,t ; yed did not 'Paint it, "Gird up the loin', of our I thilads, that we may receive the, latter f.tiu"—as if we were barr:l:, 11, - )ope were loose. tare of it; s€-,: Speakiag cd a visit to Eugland last year J( . .,1:13 T. 'Raymond recontly said at a London dinner i,4rty the lady he es corted to the dinner table said to him in a nary eurne:-.t 'Mr. Itaymond, are y.,u leaily an American Yuu 1 , 1 c t in. the leubt roc ide.3 of one.' `I am au-Ammicau, but riot an abori ginal," rt-poudcl 1,(.. 'An aboriginal! YOU . W.t4T.3 an Indian. That reminds me to Ask on bay. touch'itouble with tLe luiliui,s iu Nets York ?' 'NI.4 w e Lave got them pretty wider turn•;' was the•reply.. •-. are tbey—Ju dress as you ?' ob, ye.; in Nv4; York city they are, groat blit at Niagara Falhi they run aboilt in the -irnplicity of nothing nesici 'how dreadful l' - rourruur , 4l the lday; 'and Ileau Stanley wrote so glowingly of the place and never sail a word about it: SATCASTIC Alms. BLAI-fS . C.—Mrti. Blaine j had been i•oine years iu Washington before Mrs. X., wif..!,•(,f called on her. At last Mr. , . was 111;- nm/tic:el As Mrs. Maine c ntered her drawing-r" , >m to i'veciVe leq- guest the notieri the.colored Cook slip out hurriel iy ltr;ni t,t e r._cepLion room, v.'l.lcyo Mrs. *W X. Wi *aiting, Next_ day. however, .her valauble cook loft her to find a place in Mrs. N.'s kitchen. At a state diu ncr scion afterwards given at the Exe cutive Mansion taw two ladies chanced to be placed with ouly a seat between them at table. The gentb,uin sitting between, noticing that Mrs. Blaine did not addrch.i a Word of convcrliatiou to her other neiglibor,.eiclaimeii: "Why Mrs. Blaine, you know Mrs. Senator ,do you not?"' `...N0," IVU-9 the answer, and loud enough for all to hear; ‘.3lrs. X. called on my cook tho other day at my house and tier card wa handed to me .by mistake. qty - C - qoli returned the call."—Nashrille (IPOT ) GoVERNoIt lii uLN'S ADVICE. --A good uhl Govercor of the Stab , al Maine, wilk•li helo,-wl a fast day pro - - claim:thou, won; than fifty yt ars ago, made.up his mind to forego platitudes and to tell his people just how, in his opinion, theY.onght to get ready to ob aerre the day. Tbi : 4 was his a dvi c e: I reezmunejid io each citizen to ohsers'e to day as a Christian, if he b. , unity the influence of any Lee, to it; if in error, to comet it; if under obli gations to others, bowl ly to di-.char;lo them; it stiff' ring injuries, : to forgive them; if aware of animosities:, to extin guish them; and if utile to tin am be nevolent act to any beitig created by . the Almighty Power to which be OIVeS <:xi , ,itenee and his faculties, to do it.' A rather ludfcrous affair occurred down in' Harris connty, oa,, recently. A uegro purehased. a licerse to marry, and paid" therefor 0.50: lio ah:o pro cured the serviets of a colored tuit.ist(l et.reniony was duly celebrated, and while the happy couple. a=cre feceiving congratulations of friends aiormer loi.er of the girl stepped in, drew a dangerous to king pistol, tat tile girl she had promised *to rn - orry -Mtn, and that Elle taunt come right to • ilia Louie. Fearing that she might he . killed should she decline to obey, the puzzlea injae I.,:sponclea the demand, leaviug the unhappy grUurfl ruiuum new wife. A neut.; . natoed nom Latmn, at Al leusville, N. C., ',on - election day, ac cording to the ItolbarQ,.(N. C.) Herald, made a meal of one - and a half quarters of mntton,:eighteen busenite, one pound of candy; two tialf-grown chickens, Ave herrings, oho loaf of corn tread, and a iiieCe of etiot . it supposed to • Wkigli one iwaludidrauk 4ve quast!t. of.:tt Agri and said- he hadn't cat half enough. lie then offerett todx - 4 he could throw any man, of lilt more with a hund-st irk than iky' wan - ou the ground., • in order to show his strength, he took a wan that weighed about Jai() hundred pounds and curried nun about_over the prounti iu has teeth. Ile thou weld op to another - table, find - tatted - for tweuty-fh:t..dent - kuttek, • • Char head and voice, vahy bri•atioe; tovevt breadt, per/MM pontsb, itioto &tot Lela 114g. u 4. ellogh,pu IloOrciot. Thuile aro Ofilifil• logos Wouglit itnoit to l?Wlifir4 by 111,9-11 4 .0 4 ) jtiolk. a t (*tire, Gottplele 14'4•4t tio zit 1,1 11. - Nif; (;rievance of Being Orer-Esti- 'Give a dug a bad name, and hang him.' is a well known saying; and 'the harm dune,. by harsh and ill-natured judgments of mar fellow-creatures is a Melte too trite to need expatiating on But that people ,are injw-ea also— though to a lese este6t, by the opposite line of action, is a fact, that is less generally recognizei, and one to the qia , i(fration of which it may not •be atIILS.3 to devote . a abort space. TO a person of ordinary right-raindedness and honorable feeling, there are few more detestable sensations than that of being in a false position; yet that is nene,sEarily the situation of any itdi- wile.se friends and acquaintances nersi-t, in attributing to him excellen-cies of miud, body, or c - state, which he does not r , :dly lioss3s=. Greai exp?atations are cifikrtai l teti 4 1 Junt. hits he is unable: to A bur3ea is I..tid upon him which it is beyond his .strength' to support. And•the hariiiiiipofit is that when he I,reaks down iityl , :?r it (9.1 ix. ratlst ktviria bly doeti, soon -r or later), and,the error that has been made be comes apparent, then those who over rated him are sure to be just as much disgusted at his failure / as though their mistaken estimate of him had been caused by false impressions on the part of their victim. They feel virtuously indignant at having been taken in, and forget that they ore themselves the authors cf the alluring prgspectus that has deceived them moderate, means, who somehow gets the name of being a CrofAs. People thin be i 3 bound to keep open house and purse, to subscribe largely to every tb.ing under the still, and to , launch out into all manner a estras:agancies, un der'penalty of being f-tiugy, and a miser, fal short of these expectations. tO`f, taki!' who happens to have had ..:)12ac :stroke of lack which. his friends insist.; on attributing to his extraordinary stragetical capacity, in', Fpito .of his honest d6claimer 'of any, :title to such praise. : If their puffing shbuld pr3duce an effect in .high quit* Position of responsibility 'for which he i!iiiinfitted, should be entrust- , . cd to him, disAtcrs 'will probably ensue for hichl-; t he will have to bear the blaMe,—and, this is hard upon. him: Another, again, may have abilities net above the *rage, which, have,iby ac chhotat circumstances, been • made nn usually prominent, and on that a t ccoont. he is creditedlby every one with! super-: for talents, though he himself: knows t well that `,he has no more wit or genius than other people, and has nevceaspired to be thotight clever. HP, too; is to he pitied, for be has the constant i annoy :ince of feeling, that good tbing4 are ex= pected from him which be cannot poS isibly- supply, and must look fprward to the day when' his friends, discovering the delusion . under which they have laboz 4 A autryegardingiliim as an im poster, .411 very nrobally turn fr.nn . him with c:.,ntempluotis OEM a 17! 'LIT, VOll 11 , , • "The to.ppy, (pate Uatit the Toad, fan,' . • Said, "Pray, ‘vLich leg, VE s after Ichie That wciiiied her mind to rue!: a L i Aids, Sha lay diArieted in a ditch, CARidering bow to run." There is obviously more than one that may be taken as to the moral ;leafed in these lines. Where ig tedr- • ante is folly to be wise, is one fin 11.sama of its crlaslailoont, question and impertinent curiosity, is' another; a gentleman for whose opinion we have the utmost respect, has -stag; nested the evil of self-consciousness as a third. Bat; after sedan , coneidora tion, come to the conclpion thug the ttOtiblei of the centippe acre cAtised .bY, the confidence with Aicb. the toad attributed to her an amount of self-knowledge which she did not possess. She found - it taken for .granted that she should tied( rstand• the, proper sequence and proc , edings fly her own legs, and ; from that moment began 'to Make' her -1 self Miserable .with feeble efforts to cor-; respond -to that expectation. • Some ; people, on' finding -,theniselve•l in ,this kind of false position, take no notice of the too exalted estimation in which theyi are held, and go straight on. their w 4 just the sande; whereas . .others, like the centipede, are cheated into a half•doOt , wuetner may not, lifter all, be more in' thetas _than they had. supposed, 1 and tormented themselves vain • with; feverish'peleavors to justify the cliar; -;0 - eu them: But both 4 chisses alike opposed by sense. of the dis proportion 1a..ta.,-e!.1:A171,114 is expected of them, a`rid wind Jdiey can give, and by the auticipationiof the scorn and wrath which they will have to endure, Wher ever they shall be found to fall short Of their - reputation. That this is fright.: fully itujuuf, is evident; hilt !then the world seldom, trortbleA itself much on ' that scer,.' Its first instinct when any thing go, s wrong, is to lay • tlie blame • • on any CS except .)t8 own, and it is by no means ready to admit, that any I verdict it may have passed,. haS been an incorrect one. If a mob were' tinder the inapression that a certain .shop- lit.ceper was a baker, and were to rush ;'to his ship for bread iu time of famine, flip fact that he was actually a cobbler, hardly save' his windows from smaslietl; when he failed to pro ! d two the 'demanded . loaves. EBB mated. Take a man of Not His ILLNlActzrrisu.—`Bir,' said •a fierce lawyer to a Wit/leas, 'do' you, on your solemn oath. declare tliat this is not your ,handurit in g ?' 'I think act,' way the 'Does it I.( s, , rubltt yotit 11.10writ-' ME ‘No, sir, I thfai it floosul,' 'Do your'swear that it deesaq reseal , ble yOur handwriting ?' 'Well. I do/ 'You taliela s.3leula oath that. this writiug-doe3, not ,resetable yours in . a sibele letter ?' - '`ow how do you know "Came I caul.,- tiud tuNPr _con Id MEN FILEN d. ' . • .. , Pitts are Taguchi!). preceded by a sense of 'eight in the back, Mins and lower pan of he abdotnen,:camding . the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or iteighboring - organs. - At timad KW:2I . I4OmA of indigestion are present ay flatulency, uneasi heseon the kohiraseh, -lets, -A moisture. like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable Itching, particularly at nigh t after getting, warm in lied. id a. very common attendant. Internal, - External and Itching Pileiryield at once on the application or Ik. liottaulto's rile Nemeth . , Which acts directly upon the parts affertell i absorbing the Termini, allaying the inteiise Itching, and affecting. a permanent ! eurs,wheic all other remedied have fafjed, Vt. , not - .lclarifuitti th., drain on the system produces peilinaneut disability, hut, try it toupee oozed. Price, to eents. Aids pow druggist I. r It, heed when on Itesitliket (obtain it of Win, we nultend it, prepaid, nu ti'elpt lof price Addre.ii, Ti l e fir. Itosanko Medicine C , ',.,! l'igna. Ohio. (+del. ley Allark ff. Porter, it Dail forlVar li 11 , 14140 131 , 10 k • Jltitu :4 tyr. if" 104% M, $1 yo , •' s fahrkot, iiri IKa affect, jot tilt. .t•cuta of fstali mpg, May IV-t1 The Jennie Cramer Class. _ .Netr York Times: Every largo city lies its Jennie Cramers., They-are pret ty,'guy; frivolous young girls: fond of dress; greedy 'for admiration; petted and indulged bytheir parents, and not enbject to the restraints of a home; stir- rounded by temptitions in the midst of which they walk fearlessly awl .uii:: consciously, as a soldier may go un armed into a deathly ambush. What is to be - done for•thern ? How arithey to be taught that thesnaras of souls are abroad ? -Experience is too rough' a school for them. The fate ; ofJennie Cramer bbotrill put many of them 'on their guard.. Dishonor is the only en] to such a course. The love of flattery and the importaneo attached to the means believed to be the best, adapted to produce it run together to akommon ruin. There is no safeguard 4ntsidc, of home ties, the watchful -affeCeion of a mother •and tLe jealous, _honor of a father. Most of these misguided girls come from pour families; and it is their ell-fortune that they have been taught to hate ailed despise poverty. Their wants have been • educated beyond their conditioder means of gratifying them. How much better it would be for them if they bad been taught from infancy to have simple tastes, and to love nothing so. much in , this world as their own hernea For $5;000,' said the late Mr. Del monico, q'could give fifty people a very good dinner; but many of my best customers feeksatisfied to order without stipulation. For instance; when .Mr. Tweed's daughter was to be-married he called here about two months before the day and said: 'Now, Lorenzo, I want a tip-top slipper for my daugh ter's wedding. I'M not going to give any orders, and I don't want to know what it will cost, - but I'll pay the bill next day. Give us your best for WO people.' He did as he said end hand ed me a check f.ot MAO.' . . A reatlY method for hot fementations is to place flannels in the steamer of an ordinary potato steam kettle. They readily become permeated with the. steam when the kettle is placed, on the fire, and can be readily changed with out any fear of scalded fingers during the attempt to wring them sufficiently dry, as in the - ordinary method. Druggisti Praise Them: "We alWays recommend Malt Bittera." "A perfect food medicine." "Beet nourishing agent we knots! of." "Women and children take Malt-Bitters." . "Overcome nervousness and sleeplessnesa.!' "\ot•a vile rum bitters." "A perfect renovator of exhausted nature." "Most successful medicine in the world." Aug la-Aw. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY , BEST AND' LEADIN9 KINDS, FOR BALL VIIIOLF.SA LE AIiII'ItETAIL • R. M. W Y E L L G F U E S 9 TQWANDA, r*. SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS• llnrivaled by any other contriimice !or the - thorough preparation of all plowed ground for grain crops, they will corer broadcast grain nearly as well as the grain drill will put it in, and should precede the grain drill in nrepars. tion of of soils, No farmer should be without WIARD CHILLED PLOWS. ES 'lberia are the very best chilled plows in the market for general use, and all work. I dial lenge 'fair and _thorough trials. , with them to competition with the other leading. chilled plousi They are the very best plows 6r hard. dry and stony soils, and lighter, in. draft, doing flic beat work, runnlng atesdier. batter -. points and every way reliable. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill is offered as the best drill in the market. It will bear careful coniparison and competative trial. Come and examine it. For sale a new Champion . Drill; ' PORTABLE CIDER MILLS, Prices from $1; $:. 0 2 to $3O;-sita,up. IX Star Sydrattlie Cement A car load putt received. Excellent alio 'cheap "For halo in any quantity. AUBURN FARM WAGONS, • With either Thimble Skelu Wood Axles or Best Whole Piece "Anchor Brand" Iron Axles. 'First class, best in quality, cheapest and warranted in every respect. , muorio Wagons, 'Open and Top' Buggies—. First class, excellent. and low priced. • CHAIN PUMPS. tiood and cheap. rally sot. Send for prices FODDER CUTTERS. lu variety, sizes and prices to suit LIQUID PREPARED 'PAINT. Excelle.ot and .cltoapost counuou jead pain to warranted to Oro satiifaction. LUBRICATING OILS, NEAT.S FOOT OIL. • aCTS2 POW= and fihnshera. Harder's, Wheeler's, Gray's, .131101 Merinos PortableTraetion Steam Engine, Canton Ohio) Vibrating Threshers and Cleaners, CORN SHELLERS iy variety. Comm' ercial Fertilizers, Allentown, Lister Brothers, Stockbridge and Bowlier's. Scud for circulars, prWis lists and all enquires priiuptly answered. - R. M. WELLES. TU~V.%. , Anguat Zoth • • • ' I: 4 A i , N. NELSON • pr.4p3u Is . . 1(4 14 , - WATCHES, rii, 0 (MK, • ELSE OOLD AND PLATED h.•-• 1-- 'JEWELER Of every variety, anSSpectacles. Sir Particular attention paid to repairing. Shop in .Decker k Vought'a Orocciy Store, Main StreEr, Towanda, Nana. sepll-89 EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. Z`o DELI. A HOUSEHOLD The poor as well as the rich, the old as' well is the young, the wife, as well as the husband, the young maiden as well as the young man, the girl ea well as the boy, may Dist as Well earn a few dtAlars in honest employment, as to sit around the house and watt for .othera to earn it for them.. We can give you employment, all the time. or during your spare boors only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and atictusintauces. It you do not care for employment. we can impart valuable infor• tuatton to you free of cost. It will coat yin only one cent for a Postal card to writo for our Pros pectis. and it may be toe means of making you a good many dollars, ' • Do not neglect' this opportunity. You 4o not Lave to Invest a largo mum of money, and run a great risk of losing it.. You will readily gm, that rt ;tit be so eery motto' to Mete front PIG. to COO. a week, end establish a lucrative, and lade petulant business, irecomble, staalgbtforward and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW. tut thong is MOMMY IN IT for all who otiasgo with us. We will surprise you and 'you will wonder why Ton never wrote to us before„ Ws reran rAW'IIeFIAJLI nal. Address • IStiCICEVE: ld'P'tf Tarn" this paper.l • /144104, 1 / 1 1,10, dept. n, 'ill•:{:rood. • IRON BITTERS am highly_ recommended fat all diseases re. (riling a certain and efficient tonic;ecudly Ind %' akin, Dyspepairs, /nor. m i t t en / F awn " W an t o f Apixtiti eip , Loss of Simength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the Blood, strengthens the nau.seles, and gives new life to the nerves. They set like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms„ such Tis Cog the Food, Belching, Ifatt ua do Stomach, Hawthorn, ete. The only I roo Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headitelte. Sold )3v all druggists, Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp of u. eful and azaw.ing - retiding---scut fret. 1 MOWN •C CAL CO., Baltimore Md. BITTERS THE POPIPdit.. CORNER ! GEO. L. ROSS, Wu pod stp the old 2tIONTANIfE STORE with InUand complete stock of FRESII GROCERIES AND - PRIM AS LOW AS Tug. LOWEST.., • • Call hero for your Groceries. After yuft get prices at Ross' It will be of no Ws-to try.else where for his prices are down tck rock bottom. Farmers can get the ttgltop of the ,market a Geo..L. floss'. All kinds of Produce taken th ex change for goods ez for cash. - THE • • MAIN. STR EE T, rstireparc4 to offer a complete assort DRY AND FANCY GOODS; Crockery, Glassvtrare, WHITE and DECORATED CH M. Latest de!•;igns and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C- For the coming Spring. Trade,;we adhere a 4 heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than la ~slow :one With-a . large profit—and therefore our prices 'in any line - of go4ds will compare favorable with the prices • Of any other house. • ciudeavOr to sell. the best article for the least possible money. caye.-if RT THE GREAT CURE As S: Li for all a:oases of thikloll4lllYlll 9 LIVER MID BOWELS. eeltii , t-i's iiCuyßicrauf thoyaCrid Pots . = Vie druadful Buffeting which only LLeit.ctiims of 31.hztunatizm can realize. TIrI;SANDS OF .C4SES of thi.v:cr - .1. fci-tzit of -ibis tc4riblo disease liz.ve Luau quicli:s relizvca, in itshort time PERFECTLY CURED. K 1 114*.: - ORT [ .! ..„,., . ' !' . , II" . has Ilud.Wenderful sweeten; and an itnasensd • sale in ever part of tic Country. In .han cirvile ore:, , -.. it "I:fis aimed where all elso had failr.3. It i. 3 ;AV.', Lilt eficient, enwrivis IN Il'd it:TION, buthirmle.-4 in ell cases. r r. l;.`t t / b la h tie:wile/34 and Et yes New 1 , 1 , 7n.t.'n.,.1.7.A.4 1- o .l , :la teitrel r iLeys ° L the b°d7. • V I The Liver h cle=spti.ot all diseesehted the: Lowe-a frecly and healthfully 111 thle sPRINc. MEDICINE. etireq BELIOJ33ISB, CONEITEPAP TILES a.zd aIl , Fl'r Air DIEC3IIOII6 v.:Co h in Irr3- I!..ccv table Form, In tin astia, 1-i taaLt•i; 6quarts medicine. 1.1 trin Linn Form, very Celseentratelifor U‘, 1 , 4, rho cannot readllypre. pm, 14 Irarl.w.iik equ.ll e.tßecncy in eilkerforin. GET IT OF YoVII DRUGGIST. PRICE, *Lori - - .` WELLS. RICILIRDS(I.I.t r Co., Prop'n : ° (Will Lend 'I, 41e . ! post-pat4:l BrßitittiTONT. - KIDNEY.-WORT Wagons &Ca.flieages JAMES BRYANT, others to hie large and complete !4138,ortment, of Open & Top -puggpes 11311; PL ATFOAM WAGONS all of his own MANUFACTURE and war- Biyard'a Flexiblcr'Sprtnge used In -CI Platform Wations. The easiest and hestitt use.) NOW IS YOUR WILE TO BUY! : Look at those Ilona Two *Mod Carnages trona Phaetons,ono eesteo • 125-to 150 Top Dagle. 125.-tci 150 Open Buggies ri) IA 100 Democrat Wsgonii 90 to 110 Remember that the above are all (ally warrant. ed, first-clasp or no pay. Repairing prompOy atttended to st 25 per cent below last years-prices. cfllce and Factory car. Main and Elizabeth Ste. JAS,' EXTANT. 43 RAI T;..1 ARTICLE. C A.ltilt)l4 BLOCK JOHN W. KLINE, MEAT &VEGETABLE 'VI A.RKET . o a more imnimniont location. and established Minion to tha carrot] Plosk t opposite Beeirs Motel, is prepared to supply his patrons-with 11M cliblet* or 31F.ATN. • i • Vbill?Ylfrielts INIIVII. HICAEON. • 41--qsll Vitillne ISLEN. • - .'.i WNW . IC 9111.11 T, ke.. , to.. . .1, Mr1101,0(liNA liAtii}/014 oi Npeclalty . .. All ar il orq vrwr,Vtlt , dull ye refl. . IMI (`,'ENT DOOR Tb FELCII went of LOEVIRIS & FREIMUTH. VOIL RHEUMATISM oin rsr.inzzsizacumr! would call the atten tion of FARMERS and rantecl iu every paT - tieular KLBES MARKET. brain Sired / First Ward. '1126 itESIOVED WS A.D.Dye& Co GENEE;AL HARDWARE. SHEET IRON COPPER WAR. STOVES. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES Sold in Towanda and GARRIAGE-MAKERS SUPPLIES; CARRIAGE WOOD-WORK CLARK'S FLEXIBLE SPRING GEAR A.D.DYE & CO. -MAIN TOWANDA. You that have beauty, Come and let us take it, And - yon that have nose, Conie and lit us make It Dayton & Rockwell PHOTOGRAPHERS, • Cordially Wilt() tbo iittqto to gtio ohem ' a ca at the , - Rooms formerly occupied by G. H. Wood, TOWANPA, PENNA. 'Recent improvements In the skylight have fur. Dished lidtitles for taking perfect pictures quickly and in all kinds of weather. PORTRAITS VIAOM PHOTOGRAPHS and : HR. CEARED PERSONS a specialty. Finishe d in in. dta Ink, Water Colors.. Crayons. or Psatelies, any sire, FINEST, WORK OP ARTISTW EXCEL LENCE'OUABANTEED; A STOCK or, FRAMES ON HAND ANA 141,241.43, C. 13.• DAYTON. TOwlatclik. Oct 6, lhS'i MRS. D. V. STEDOE $l5O to $175 1-113 MAN TIAIR AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, the poputer Chatelaine Bralc1;, riIEBYTHTNO DELOHGING To .raz HAM TRADE p et alAt tention given. Boots turnedone 'way. t o oomaiNas SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Po:ider, , ' Madam Clark's Corsets, and - Shoulder Brace Elastics. Sir Particular attention paid t, dressing ladies hatrat their bottles oust my place of business, over Evans k Itildretb's atom. novlB•Gms Mai. I). V. ST21)(18. GOLLETION AGENCY BUCK, te4itysiiille;l'a. .* Will write , Policies nu risks In Fire suCtifo la • 'trance. Collect Claims 'with ogre end promptness. They represeatsone but- Fittgr — OLASS ' OO/OA-NTES Thsysolielt ther.onadsneesnd patronage 0l those having business in their line...and Will endeavor to merit it: 'Appltt to or address ' Inertf BRINK& Bucgiumitypvtne marclil7•ti =RI DEALERS IN TIN, AND 240 Vicinity. AND BLAOKSZETWS &c., &c. . MI A. floatva,T.L. Mawifacturer of awl Dealer in COODIkt CLAIM A.M) BRIDGE STREET YURNITURESTORE FURNITURE We are constantly receiving. the newest and lat e st patterns in , - PARLOR SUITS, . . BED -ROOM - SETS, TABLES, WARDROBES, Everything. in the 'Fur- niture , Lin©. Undertaking. We make a specialty of this branch and shall give it our personal:attention. We have a full line of COFFINS, CA.SITEETS, ' Tit 013V.S Are. and will not be undersold. Give ..us a call.before purchoslng elsewhere. p.-J. S: Allyn. has no connee -tion with our business. E. B. PIERCE. Suremor. to N. P. Hicks TOWANDA, JAN. 2Gtb. 1881. Stevens & ,Long General Dealers - in - GRocznizs, PROVISIONS, , . I Ar COUNTRY PRODUCE HAVE REMOVED _ To their new store, COB,. MAIN AND PINE STS iThe 014 stand of Fos. fito4etts &llama.) They invite attention to'their/complete assortment- and very large stock ,of Choice New GOods, which they have alwa ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To the PRODUCE TRADE And Drib / Paid for i)esirabl© Kinds A 2. L'`LUHG DR. JONES' CREAM CAMPHOR, IS THE KAMEaf.the popular Liman:tent that cures Rheumatism, `Neuralgia, Swollen or ,Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the:Pace, Head or Spine, Chopped Hands,•Braises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, Stint . or Bite of an insect, Poison'Vines, etc., for Man or Beast Always reliable, and Almost instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor It is !pleasant to apply, Sold by all druggists. Price 25 eta. Td. B--Th1814134140 ;waived a Prize Medal it. the ii.t.ate VW. 18'70; • is - A:3l:Ml3,lltop'r, lITO W. Ja n Milli., Pa, • z--- • . Ili. 6-nt. DR. JONESTREAKCAXP,ROR Id THE NAME OF the popular liniment that cures Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia; "Swdlidir or Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites, pain in timFace. Read or Spine. Chapped hands, Bruises,Sprains, Burns. Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc., for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Raving an agreeable odor, it is"plessant to appiy. Sold by all drug gists. Prico26 cents, . B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal a . the State Fair.lB . l9. _ , 3lav :a iy. CANCERS CURED - A.T . CRANE'S CANCER INF - 111- MARY; ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS'OF PERSONS from all parts of the world lave been mired of this tench dreaded disease and are now living . witnesses that they have been rescued from a terrible and fintimoly death. Doctors, Ministers and the Poor treated Free. Write for a Circular giving fall particulars. Address Dm. GEt, CRANE RUSU DRAWN, Addison. N. Y. ' BeFt-30.1.9r.GPEteco. KENDALL'S srAVllir . OURE - I sure to cure Spatlns. Spltnts. I It, &c, It remove 4 all unnatural enlargements, Dora nor DIMMED. Dim no equal for 'any lameness on 4 beast or man. It bail cured - hiffrioint ' lamouestin a person %vim bed cut ' fered 15 yepre, Also cured rbeuma ' - thm, 'corns, frost-bites or any t culaes, slot or lanianess. It her no equal. for any .blemish on bottles, Serul for illustrated cirular giving POOIIiVE PaCOV. Price $l. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get It for you. Dr.-B.J Handal Ac Co.. Proprietors. thaosourgla Falls Portrait, Agent, Towanda, Pa. FINEJOB PRINTWG..—A II kind of 'Fine - dob• -Peleliu promptly, eieented at lowest, rates, a nn BIIADPORD' ItEPUBLICAN OiliCo Dont fail to giveips a trial. Good type modern presses, and experienced work men. All Work, warranted li". G. TRICY, tieneral htsuiance. Agent, TOWANDA. PA. - _ °lice +nth PATCH TRACY main Si. ALL 0911MUN1CATIO.Nc• IHROUGH TILE _POSTOPPTOE WILL RE OEIVEPROMP TATI'ENZION 0v2918-tf T. MUIR &• CO.'S GROCERIES The place to SITS money b °flying cheep is it Thay.tespeattely mamas sp the Walla that 'they Intie a largo at?elt of ILOM3, IrCED„WAL. WIWI, BALT, Fin POUR, and Fuonsioss getterally. We have also added to oar stock a Variety of W001:00 WARE, such as WOTIZEIT TVBS. TIE Just received s large •stock kr, lingers. Teas. Coffees, Spices, MOPLSObi'S PURE SOAP, the best in the market, ; and other makes 'of soap Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Cash. Oct 26 Ti (jan27-t A LIFE-LIKE CRAYON PORTRAIT DEAD PRESIDENT. A few Short hours after ourbrave Presidait's death had, been announced to a sorrowing eosin -try, every yard of crape. and every portrait that could be had were nought up st fabulous prioes.; While thousands succeeded in getting his por trait, hundreds of thousands, yea millions, tried in vain. The U.S. Manufacturing Co. of Pitts burg, Ps. had about 2000 copies that Were unsold during the campaign, outside of these there were not one hundred copies in that city. In lean than two hours after it had' become known that they -had them, every one was sold tad thousand more were , wanted. One young, man bought 500 of them, and sold them - within an hour—clearing ss7on them. This firm inintedi ately telegraphed , to .the leading picture pub lishers of the country, and boughs up ail that could be had—about 15,000. They will,. while these last, sand them _to. any sddreas ln the United States port paid aVthe follotting rate: 1 portrait 50c. I for 82.00, 25 for 85.00, -50 for $lO.OO. or 100 for $15.00. Any one ordering one hundred can readily sell them in a few hours for 550.00. Good cauvaasera, can make $5OO in the next. 30 days selling them.. Whether you wish one or 100 address bIANUFACTUREII.- In nmy pleliared tit do all kinds of work in his line in the latest_ styles, and of the beet material. 1 - • ; ' - ALL WORE and MATERIAL WARRANTED. Repairing - dotg neatly and promptly on short notice. In ' PATTON'S BLOCK Over Y - a'cob's Clothing Store. PICTURE GALLERY G. H. WOOD & on the First Monday of PiPril. ' - flaying fitted up entirely new, with the best of 'instruments, we are prepared to make , TintypCs, 4' at ?ne sittlag - 011 for : so cts. in nest envelopes, 10 for $l.OO. Copying of all kinds of Photographcand Stereoscopic and large, view work done at this gallery. Give na a call and we will try and satisfy you In Price:and quality.• -7 roar 28 . . A. BEVERLY 911 TR, 1300K_-BI.NDER AND Dealef zn Scroll Saw •Clootls. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY And CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Books ; MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's Supplies. This departinent of ray bnainess Is very cow plete, and beings practical sawyer Myself I know the wants of my patrons. .. WOODS. . SAW BLADES, CLOCK MOVEIMITS, &c, constantly on Land. Sir $1 . ?. 6 worth of designs for $l. Send for price lists. • 4 REVOLTER" BINDERY, Park street. P.O. box 1612. Towanda. Po on hand. GEO. STEVENS. STOP AT , fOR AND PROVISIONS. Gorse: Main aid rowan filireets. 2 . OWANDA. PA. IMI -)OF SIZE 14x19 U. S. 3LiNUTILCTURII:O CO. Pittaburgh, Pa J.ll. SIIIIIVIINS. J. , THE FASHIONABLE SOOT, SHOE AND GAITER r;77W .' k ' ' '. 77779 IN TOWANDA, will open their New ,Gallery in Patton's Block, COOLEY CREAMER. No Dairyman mu afford to be without one. It tnikeslnore end better flutter with lees hiboa. •Davis's Swinge Churn beats thorn All, And any Halo boy can dm= with it, Tbe.luiproved *luau - v. klyttpol‘ittor what every Bugar Maker needs. -111 R EUREKA BUTTER WORKER , is ahead of anything of the kind in use. L.. ' For sale by WILMOT COBURN. agelit. - Baran. Bradford Co. Pa. If L. Cosonw. Agent for Pi'estern Bradford and Eastern part of Tioga Co. CSlumbla X roads; Feb 19-tf. "Indispensable to the Library, Clergyman, Law yer, Physician. Editor. Teacher. Student. and al otany caniha taltte whadesire knowledge." Faleyelopitedht Brltaimica The American Ilerint,--Nitth Mike. korai %gots L ooyand comparison superior n its sisal:mints and eshaustive_ehatacter to all statilar works. - The contributors aza the moat distinguished and original thinkers and writers of the present and of the past. This issue is the Ninth revision in a space of overloo years since its inception, and this re.' print.RooPyin oven particular of the British Edition, is the best and cheapest work ever offer ed to the American people: • The %eagles are written in a moat attractive stile, and the quantity of matter_ in each voinine is one-third greater per volimethan in any , other Cyclopedia sold it the same rates. ' The work contain. I =_, onsands -of Engravings on fiteelam:l Wood, au. it is printed from entirely new type made expressly for it. - It will be comprised in 21Imperial octavo vol umes. four of which are now ready, and the .no. seeding volumes wilt be Listed s$ thereto of three year. _ , Pr/copes vol., dab - - $5.00 gold only by enbselption. Per cipeobaso Viggo ipply to the rot:Maher& J: STODDART CO. 723 ,Oasuv 8211Z;,1'. 004 I PUTLADICarRA M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Li atilt to be Sound at the OLD BTAND mavv . STREET, Head door to Dr: H. C. Porter's Drag Store WITH .k.PULL LINE OF , FINE AMERICAN AND SIN ISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING siorEp, AND FINE PLATED WARE, '• SPECTACLES &„ EYE GLASSES, . CLOCKS, MON THE ark&prsr TO THE BEST. Off. Igir ALL OE WHICH WILL EE SOLD At Tlte vgu LOWEST PRICES, Clocks. Watches and Jewelry prompUy repaired by an experienced and competent workman. septl6ti NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to 'Mr. IttcKeszt,) DF A T FR IR ' PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE O 4 A..IA, FOOT or i'VE 13TRREF, REAR COURT HOUSE. I'OWAIiDA, PA. ;OWES? PRICES FOR CASH. --011. The patronage of ray. old friends and tkis public genersili is eolleited. • 9sep: 80 f F 7 ' C. N7' NW RA/L W AY - msrm: I : ' 4llll :lY r i ft- 11 1 0. 1 r" -- .- " tW illel i ht'" 1." A: . - *LCIFIttICL A 1. .4 1 / , 4 . 41V s OIC S 1 .N. ..:,; . , livt_ * .. I:PAU rAIPC"E" L : , 4 e. -1 ' .. / ii . ~ IP ZCUZ;.... i - IpArpc.A7„:77:tzl,w, 4 -I,,‘t ttea, 111 ....:41‘ •NQ ahiedik, E. , t-' • °Q4A),, Wit . ~ le l ti l a l :S' - ' I:Flia-;&:: K.A. , ,•-•f 47 • • ....• Vii i.t. l C ' ' e• cai .i c~ ~~ .o ~~ C , Plea g 0 & North-Western RAILWAY . I the OLDEST ! BESTFOICSTR UCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED ! &nd hence the LEADING ItAIIt,WAY OF VIE West and Nortlismit! t is the abort and beat, Tonto betwCen Chicago . and ati points in NORTILEILI ILLINOIS; lOWA. DAKOTA. WT. tOMLND, Nebratka. Callitends, Oregon. Arizona, 'Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Illoutans; Ne'mda, and Or Council Bluffs, Oinaha,Den*er, ' • LEA.DVILLE, SALT. TARP, San Francisco:Deadwood, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Columbus, and Ali points, in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Wll2O/24, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota; Dakota, Wisconsin and the. Northwest. CO. At. Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and sho.D. P. Thys depart from, arrive at and nee the same Joint Callon Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Eihore,latichigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and , Chicsgo & Grand Trunk'Wys, and the Rankaltefrand Pan Handle Routes. grClose coluieetions made at Junction Points , It is the ONLY LniE ronuning Pullman Hotel Dining' Cars DSZWRAGq Chicago and CounCil Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upen Ticket Agents selling yon Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, mid refuse to buy if they do net read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If you wish the Beat Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets .by this route. Kir AND WILL . TABE NCNB OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. .11ABYLN RIIGIIITT,_24V.P.&Gesi,3Iang'r. apr7 'el-ly. Chicago. LIVERYVSTABLING, Iltchmithing, V4P-4..1R1NG. Seneca Arnold Having . It_iwecl hie farm in Warren, has located in the above branches of busi ness, on. FRONT ST.r \ BELOW BRIDGE, Towa.:ntid, TM STABLEiGe FOR 40 ' Foriase of stalls, 5 cents each. Also, Romeo and Carriages for hire. - • Rlackandthing in all, its branches promptly done. Rona Shoeing a specialty. Carriages Manufactured and Repaired. If yon irant.anything in the above line call on • BENgcA ARNOLD: f- April 224 f - MRS. A. B. WRITITEY, FASMORABLE PAIL.X.IN ER, DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER ALSO AGENT . FOR THE Domestic Perfect-Fitting Patterns No, 3-Bridge St., TOwanda. ' Stock entirety new end fresh trout the city; no old goods in stock.. Goods and work unsurpassed either in styles or make up. oct2O-.ly HL MPHREY BROS. & TRACY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MEN'S, 'BOYS, WOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S Boots, Shoes Rubbers, &G., CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, • - T0W41‘11:30.4.-;--P.A. HENDELMAN AND LOYAL SOCK RE DesZases G 01.0411 • CHIC?' man AIIiFOIINCENENT JAMES McCABE 11411CAEMOVED ma GIIOCEIrt a T sourm-xurr molut, OF Ka. otl'i'D BRIDGE erszFrs, WUERE HZ HAS EffriBLIESILED Headu.Quarters, FOR ZNIKRICTEUNG ZN TER LINE OP MRIIIIB, &c., -&c. CASH PAID for Desirable Pro- duce. Fine MITER and EGGS a ,specialty. WE KEEP Hi STOCK EVERY QUALITY OF CARDS, ENVELOPES, NOTEHEADS, LETTF,BHEAD9, MI AND WILL DO ALL KIND so; JOB PRINTING AT SHORT NOTICE. You need not Die to Win IN THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT, AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Of Bath, N. I Yon receive one-half of your tarns r,ce. a cording to the American Life Table, when tv , o thirds of sour life expectancy is linished , -for illnetration, a mattpr, woman joining the Also elation at 36 years of age taking a certifimte icr $2,500, receives $1,275 when a little over .`,l 3 years of age, exactly the period lin life when A financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES ,t. ROGrEItS. General Agents for Penn's. Inne2tr. BLANK BOOK NU.NUFACTITRhi): - AND BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER. lc Alfred J. Purvis, _ No., 131 Genessed street, UTICA, N. Y: • MI work in his line done well and promptly at lowest price. Parties having volumes incomplete will be kr nlahed with any missing numbers at cost price All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent fcr Bradford County, will be promptly executed 14- cording to directions. sep94l THE MOST succEsarrL REMEDY - ,ever covered, se it is certain in its effects ;aria 'not blister, Also excellent for btinfin 4vih PROOF BEIAM, FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Youngstown, Ohio, ]lay 7Uth. 17co. P. 13. d. Ilmenat.x k Co:—I bad a very valua ble Rambletouistri colt which I prized very Ligt ly, ho bad a large bone spavin on one joint ►nd a small one On' the other which made him-vrrl lame; I had him under the charge of two vottr.• nary surgeons which failed to cure bina_r_ 1 Ana ono day reading the advertisement of Kendall'. Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express, I deurluir.- ad at once to try it, and got our druggists here, to send for it, they ordered three bottles; 1 to-A them all and thought I would give it a thorou;l trial, I used It according to directions and ti fourth day the - colt ceased to be lame,and lumps have disappeared. i I usedbut one b6ttts and the colts limbs are as free from lumps ani as smooth as any horse in the state, Ile is en tirely cured. The care wail so remarkable tbst I let two of my neighbors have the remaimn.: two bottles, who are nowt usingit. • yery Respectfully, Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. - Patten's 31111 s. Wash'ton co., Dn. B. d. Kir:TIMIS, Dear Sirt—The partieutir ease 'Di:millet' I used your Kendall's sptivin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of Sixteen m0t , 11 14 standing. I had tried many thin gs,hot in %mt.- Your fipavin Cure put the foot to - the giouei. again; and • for the ...first time since hurt, 4,1 natural - position. For a family liniment it et• eels anything we ever used. ' lioprs truly: REV. 31. P. BELL. ;Pastor all. E. Church, Fattens 'Attie, N Price $l, per bottle, or six bottles for Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it tr 3 be sent , to any address on rOceipt of price b a • proprietors. a. J. KENDALL Co., It.r.us burgb Falls. Vt. Said at : Dr. H. C. Porter% Dun' store, 'TOWANDA. PA July2B-81. eyri! n .y STATEMENTS, L. T. FOSTER