Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, September 29, 1881, Image 2

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..--- ----,,,,,,,,-.--:------q T:Vres . ident has issued tie: follow-
JUDSON HOLCO.M.B, } raorawrons: ~ ing. .
- .
. • - - 'IN AstolioroN, Siiii• 23i1881.
. _. , .
Whereas, matters ofinterest to : .-thel
. - ----- ---- t`itTnlted States insist that the Senate
"Ri•,:smiede taxes,limiest expenditures, et:out}
pele officers, awl no slealing."7-- ita'rpi.rsi.should be convened at an early day to
Weekly. , - - • --
receive and act on such communications
JUDSON 110LCOM11, Editor
is may be : Made to it on the part of the
kir Entered In the Pnst. Office at. Ton'and.vse„.i
EC&ND CL Aki 31A TTER - ' o, r ' ` l,Executive ,-
S . . .
• Now ; there fore,- I, Chests'. - A•:- Arthur,
,• • .
HEADQUARTERS' RPresideut of the. United States,' have
REPUBI4CAN STATE COMMITTEE, Ficonsidered it to be. my duty, to •issue
qhis my proclamation, declaring that an
extraordinary - occasion requires - that
the Senate of the United States conL
vene for the transaction of business at
the Capitol in the City of Washington,
1 '
ion Monday, the 10th day of .October
next, at at noon of the day; of which all at
tha,t time entitled to act as members i
! ]
.of that body, are hereby required. to il
it ake notice. - .
Bt. Cloadliotel. Arch above 71b,Phila.
TWOS. V. COOPER, Chairman.
LI:Cr IS ROGERS,, M. A. . 0 .10:11OLT,
C. L. MAGEE. • • A itaRRY BECH
JOHN McCULL9tiOn, Secretaries
SILAS M. 1,1. A L
of Fayette County
• .
• - • .cIIERIFF:
of Terry Township,
of Sheshognin Township.
of SmitLftelgi Toulashlp
of Leßoy Township.
of Columbia Township.
Standing-Stone Township.
of Albany Township.
of Rome Townehit)
THURSDAY, SEPT.. 2.9, 1881.
• ,
• FRO3I THE (.:APITOI, TO TUIL. or.esyr.. • - ; dl. irreJlNCin•
se ta, Sept. 24.-4 The train reach
530 p.7an .—The funeral cerenio- -- Cat
nies were concluded about 4 'o'clock ed here 'at 2-29 a. in., having:. been de
ten minutes at Altoona,' where thei
when the casket was at or ce renioVed • - 1-
changed:. Between there t )
to the hearse in -waiting at the east e 'O ne . 7 as .
and here there were hundreds of moun
fr'('•nt of the Capitol. A few moments
qtaineers standing along, with uncover
later tin!. - processiongloved:gloved:The
bearsc hed heads in the darkness of• the night.
militarv - -escort preceded ihe. THE STREETS IN THE EXULT I,IORNING
e'RThe reached Cre 6 ion on time.
which was a long -line th....,.. train -' • . AND DURING TEE AFTERNOON.' .
carriages t wi,s abreast. The military r. - At Pittsburg.
R . .
marched up the Avenue •to the depot s j + Timm:no, Pa., Sept.2l.—The trains rsLEVEL
•._.AND, - September 24.—The
Isteameal up the mountains west of "Ai- '
• and dispersed, and the casket was tak-day could_not have been more i•eauti
en at once to the train in waiting at the'poonardragged by two engines each, ful. for the ceremonies Of the reception.
and the crowds that had lingered at
Baltimore •S.: Pacifie depot. The sun arose : to find all the
.. _,,s•-
de po t The sidewalk of the Avenue and thesiane epst until afterawo o,elock reluct- world Mourners and Clevellnd and its, l
. - tl - '
intersecting street corners were throng aptly. went home when they found
people chief of them all except his im-'
(al with thoushmls- 6f spectators. The there were no more lahick draped trains Mediate kindred. -A • stiff breeze blew
' - train started at
,:i :721 p.. m. to Le seen . Now and then. a score or off the lake, tempering the warmth .of
Nmore laborers were to be seen - peeping an August day to fairly durable heat".
neteillaki TRH DEPOT • '
• ' ' ...'throuoli the dark the trains rushed
the mifitarv•were drawn up in line up-,- . 3 •es • as . The people seemed to rise with the sun
past a small place, but no
on the opposite side of the . street. The stop wa c and at a very early hour - the . streets:
made until Derry was fin ally "reached, were
remains were horn from the hearse im- filled., The weary mechanics,
on the shoulders ,of six soldiers of thoar.7 - ,!•''''' "..-,- I- -•••••• -- - •••a.i • 11 .`t trtluv. al win) nag moored-au nignt to complete
bat even" at . that hour ~ a hundred men
Second Artillery and pi:wed - la thatthe structure'in - which. the body now
gand wonten; boys._ and girls gathered lies, Were relieved oy fresh hands and
funerl tar. Ten ollieers from the Army
around. the train, and felt -the draping the work went on. Before 9, o'clock
• aml Navy, selected as as — aard of honor ..
of the exterior, and put .pansies on the the crowd began to press upon thecen
• st
ains were taken from tlithearse and ood with - uncovered heads as the re- Put
..Troth that point to" Pittsburg, tralpolnt of attraction, and ' a line - of
forty-tw=omiles, no stop was made. picket:: from the" Ohi- militia waS
then-escorted them to the car. • •
The average of twenty-eight miles pei• posted around the entire. square, admit-
Presiderit Arthur entered the depot.
with Secret:in: Blaine, and after a few
hour was made' .by the train. . The ting none to it but workmen and rep
ections ran twenty minutes apart. For resentatives of the, Thepeople
m iaa . e and with'ex-Prosidinutcs
.elitered the Secre
Grant vas:`. ten
car-.:'.ten miles outside of Pittsburg the track towards 12 o'clock, began to move out
r ent
'was lined with people, some of whom Euclid Avenue and Superior Street,
r' . driven to his tenira'aairy letina at the
_ ~- had iqq - arently remained up . • . all nights e i the thoroughfares through which the i
1.••••-idence of 1.-3enator J . , w.ce.
' By the -time Pittsburg" was reached funeral cortege was to pass, and long'
.-: 111
,{ the family,
04 of: the bunks Were made up, and before the hour of the arrival of the
11 - Jamie, Suit, 23.—The specil' 4 ft-a friends, ...
escort and -cover- train the magnificent thoroughfare was
train, with the Senators and Repres en- K . ; nor s • ,•.,_. is_., .
preaentatives-in - fact, all on lined with human beings, while :the
tatives, left WashingtOn at 5:724 p. ni. , 1. ; 0 .
ard were served with breakfast.. The public square was.also densely crowded.
L' fire the train was four ininiites on''
first section arrived about six o'clock, All the early trains" brought people.
the way a coupling pin between flin t ;
o but no one. left the ears. Two or three .•
front different sections and represen
engine and first, car broke, causing a thousand peopae, met the trains at Pitts- tatives of the press from all • the lead
. -delay-of ten Minutes. Both sides of burg station, and the windows of the ing s kie s ,
the track - werealined with people as far. cite were crowded as the train passed
as the eye could reach. The crowd., through. The engine' and crew were •
,haVe been greater. when the fun; changed here. ..
oral train passed, as many people could Met i'y a Reception 'Coniniitte.
.be seen disappearing in the distance.— SEWICKI.EY,Pa.,.Sept.,24.-Just west.
_There was :r-slight shower after the of Allegheny, -a Lake Shore car, context'.
train started, which probably hastened ing I%lr. Hanna, of the Cieeland recep
their depariure. _
- lion, was attached to the rear of the
Among the Senators aboard:-is Seri- second section. Others of the corn
ator Miller, of New: York, and among mittee went in the - first section from
tne Representatives are Messrs, Jacobs, %..
Pittsbug. - Their car was appropriate
'Belmont., Camp, Hiscock, Starin, West.
ly draped in mourning. 11. The car o
of New York.- and McCook. There Senator Don Cameron is'the only uri
. are
. no representatives of the press on draped car on the train. Mr. Hanna
the funeral train, it being Mrs. Gar- says the plan now is for thefirsi section
fields wish that none should be aboard. to- reach Euclid Avenue, Cleveland,
For three-quarters of a mile beyond Ohio, at one p. m. and for the second
Baltintore, both sides of the track were
section tote only fifteen minutes be
crimded with mien, women .and chil- Ind. At Sewickley the second section
dreg. • - was held five -minutes,
.in order to . let
the - first section . get tenty minutes
start„ The sections will kept 'half
: a hour apart hereafter until near
Cleveland. -. . - - • - . •
. The Progreso ofthe Train.
- EAST LIBERTY, Pa., Sept.24—lt too •
just ten minutes; for the funeral train
to make the run from. Hawkins here,
passing here at, 5:4 a. in., without
stopping. . The crowds from Pittsburg
extended ont to this place, and all stood
uncovered as the train passed through.,
They reached Shady Side at 5:30.
Both sides or the railroad from East
Liberty -to Pittsburg were lined with
people.. The train crossed the Penn . -
ylvtnia line and entered Ohio at 7:36;
lid arrived at Beayer, the first station
in theßuelleye State thirteen
later: . The crowds at 4he s stations
see - in to be growing larger as the -train
comes west. A little - time has been lost,
• t it is' expected to reach -Cleveland
promptly on tine. . - Alk thci4t . On both
trains have breakfasted and all -is in
•adintii. for ',the Destination. 2 „At
Wellsville the.seCond section overcool
the first one and ,the two trains enter
the town together. The crowds here
were immense. The I second section
remained there in order .7 4n - giVe' the ,
first section thirty minute‘att. Mrs.l
Garfield's coach - Was attached to the
rear of the first train -and they pulled
ut for Cleveland... , l t . l _:' • ._ . :o
The train arrived, atEnelid . avenue,
,Cleveland at-1,2:30. . s - .
Within the depot formed in double line!
were tde Mayor, City Council, govern
ment officers and employes, Grand
Army of the Republic hosts, officers o
the Fith Maryihud Regiment sand many
prominent 'citizens. A stop of ten
msnutes was made to change the en'-
Lines. when the floral tribute, a broken
column, was handed into the •funera
car by the Grand Army and placed!
near the casket..
As the train moved out, forty or fifty:
(-itizens- on either side of the
track stood with uncovered heads.
ALONG 211 E 11.0 UTE
BALTIMORE, Sept. :23.—The funera
train- arrived at Union depot at 6:34.
Tors, Pa., Sept. !?. . —The - funera .
train passed at' S:3`?.
Ilinaishuno, Pa., Sept. 23.--Th
funeral trlin' passed at 9:18.
Five or six thousand people were as York when the. train passed..
A company of militia were draVin u
in front of the depot. The train pass
ed through slowly, but not a sound wa ,
heard fromike vast crowd. The Con
gressional train continues about twenty
minutes behind the funeral train.
AuroosA, Pa., Sept. •23. There
bad wreck
, two miles beyokd • Altoona.'
A freight train is said to belaeross th
track, and a delay to the funeral train
of four or five . hours is probable., -
I-luyrooroN, - , Sept. 2.3.:—,The funer
al trait' p3ased . at 12:30
Given under . tnyhand and the seal
of the United States, at Washington,
the 23rd - day of September, in the
year of our LOrd one thousund eight
,hundred and eighty-One, and of the
independence of the United States, the y
100th. CuisTERA. ;Amur;
By 63 President.
Secretary of-State.
A . rr.,-,- s , Piii . SPIlt ‘24.—The fun-.:1
•.eral train reached Altoona at 1:35 4. .; .
Ten thous nd people iv ere assembled t:. l
4.'the depot. All the church, fire and.:
r iother large bells were tolled from the'l
. ..
..:moment the train entered the. eastern:
limits of the town till it passed out •of,'
the western. The Hancock and Gar-1 - ;
field campaign clubs_ marched
- in full dress into the depot and' stood ',.
drawn up in line on both sides -of the . :
,).track, while the train passed. The of-j
fificers aboard say that after leaving
Harrisburg the train made it way:!
through one continuous : deinonstraiios=
all along the line. At all the stations,
:;there were crowds-at all the-windows:
. rot' the itenses along the route, and the
i people - were waving flags. At Lewis
town the track was strewn , with ' flow-.
:ers. At Tyroneland Huntington the
demonstrations Were partiqularly im
cposing. ' ,
:. .._ . .
.111011 THE .:TBALAI AND
TERCOFFIN...--FRMDS -1316 , 118E4D -
amps or • smumais EVIDZSCEIND.
CLEVELAND, September 24.—Thi
icxly-of James A. Oarfield is - now at.
ome. It is in the hau l & of his,friends,
eighbors and kindred; who knew' and
loved him best. It is among, the' Peo-
e with whom ho longed to. I be Whit)
patiently suffering and dying. 'The*
is nothing they will so - gladly recall)
and so frequently refer to as - his long--I
ing to see once more the home by the
linters of Lake -Erie. These friends
of his childhood and later. life have re
ceived all that is mortal of hini with
the most fitting evidence of sincere
sorrow. To-night his body rests in the
public square of the Capitol of his na
tive county upon a bank of as choice
flowers as ever -blossomed under any
sky. -They are woven into such beau
tmn rurins ' US ardeub love would—Aar,
tate and purchaseable skill combine.
In and around his - temporary resting
place race sentinels selected from the
landsoldiers who were his friendsl
land associates inihis life-time. There
is much_ that is very touching in - the
scene that is presented to-night.
While thousands gather. upon the l
streets and surround the . square, oft
which they - are kept wnile the work-1
men are finishing the structure wherein
the body lies by the pacing sentria,c:
:there , is not a boisterous word spoken .
and pleasure as well as business sits in
:sorrow around hid. coffin. The town'
is shrouded in black and the hearts of
the people are dark with great sorrow.
The in .the public park which
surround the building in which his
orm rests upon
.its- beautiful • . bed
iscarcely whisper in , the breeze which
:.blows gently off the lake s and the
siott Yrnoroa Ita locrnd vo moll dam&
almost noiselessly against the shore, as
if either fearing to break his sleep' or ,
mourning his loss.
• .
The thrOng around the depot where `'
the train was to arrive was not large,
and the police ! arrangements were
such as to insure easy access to those
entitled and perfect order. The train;
was due - 41:15 hut when that hour,
arrived it was not in sight, but at 1:20:
a policeman who had mounted upon .a ;
signal-box announced its approach and
at 1.21 it steamed slowly into the depot.
The engine which drew itwas --beauti
fully and 'elaborately draped with black
. and white crape and. carried
. at its
front, just under the headlight, a rlarge'
crayon portrait of General Garfield
heavily festooned with black crape.
Directly in front of the portrait upon
the summit of the pilot a beautiful
Silk flag neatly draped rode at 'mourn
ing salute. The tender of the; engine
was a mass of black portraits of Gen.
: Garfield, stood out upon the dark back
. (mound. The cars as well as the en
title were, of course, draped in black.
' There„was some little delay afte
the trara arrived, but it was only for a
omen;,, and the members of the :Cabi
net and their wives began to alight.
he.first to step from the train. was •
Secretary and Mrs. MacVeagh. Then
,Came Mrs, 'Blaine and Mrs. Lincoln,
l'ostma l ster General and - Mrs. Jas. •
,Then there was a pause, and all heads
Were uncovered as Mrs. Garfield was
•een to approach the platform of the
' r ear. She took the hand• of Secretary ;
Blaine and her son Harry, and, lean
ing upon the arm of
.the latter, she
rallied down toward the station. Mr.
Blaine;‘,with uncovered head, stepped
immediately to her other side and,
• .receeded by Secretary Hunt, they
i• ed quickly up the -boardwalk to.
.ard 'the carriages-- Mr. Blaine's
countenance showed great suffering
but his step was firm. Mrs. Garfield .
ad evidently nerved herself for %the
occasion for she , walked with compara
tive ease and' perfect selt,posession.
Her son Harry, with ashen face, looka
. straight in front of him, and the three
passed quickly to the carriage in wai
ing.. "When Mrs Garfield turned th '
corner of the 'depot and .came in sighti
of the -hearse she Ethicist hat self
pc4lsshii;-and *1184(0114MA and
-hammed heavili, l aron the arnii)f he
Soni. She - ateppo the
caiiage : and was . at oto3. 41 • •n to
;theresidenee Of gr. • on
Euclid Airenuei where she will remain
until, fter Abe -Ifuc,er4
_._alke, did- Ilot
join the promion,, and will not, it is
understood, • j4in the .prooessiou on
outlay. -hereayed
widow came General Swaira and wife,
Colonel -11,oekt!ell'--"and qrolon4
Corbin and Mollie Garfield, ex-Presi
ent Mary and7-Secietaiir:Vitidom,
~, Sanitary. Lincoln' and Private: Seere
tart' Brtiwn, Chief Justice Waite,
Assistant Mar steal Reardon of the Su
preine Court, .and Justices Math•i=
ewslind Slrong. The coffin was qui
etly pushed from its resting place in
.the baggage-car towards - the door
'after: they had passed, and twelve
- artillery sergants took it up
=on their shoulders and with slow and
easurOd .step started toward the
earse. The officers in: charge was
Major Clapp,, an old army comrade
and adjustant of General Garfield's old
regiment. Following the coffin was
the Committee of the SocietY of the
Army of the Cumberland. Theii . eame,
General Sherman and Admiral. Porter,
then General Sheridan, with one mein.
bar of his staff; General Hancock and,
General Meigi, Govar i rp--F0,401----and
Adjutant General Smith; his Ate( of
staff.- It was 1.31 o'+ck '‘Vhen the
artillery'sergeants took the coffin from
the cars and started for the hearse, and
at L 34 it was deposited within it and
the door elosed. At the same moment
the four eolored grooms took each of
the black horseS attached to the hearse
by the heed, and it ,easily moved out
into Euclid Avenue. l 'A thrifty photo
grapher preserved the 'scene at this su
preme and soirowful moment. TheE
same colored men who stood at the
heads of the black steeds deeply draped
with mourning coverings, performed
a like office when President. Lincoln's
emains were taken from the same
dePot to lie in state in the same place
totwhich General Garfield's were borne.
Ili* the time the head of the procession
hudiaved the tran bearing the Con
gressionat .escvrt, conEastmg•ot
PullnyM ears and Senator Don Cam
eron's private • coach, drew into the
depot and its occupants quickly alight-)
ed and immediately took the carriages i
hat had been waiting-for them. ' I
A Moment after .the procession,
which was awaiting their arrival, moved
A vanguard of police preeeeded it.
Colonel Wilson of the regular army
and staff led the procession, followed
by the . Silver Grays' Band. Then
same the city troops, a mounted com
pany of cavalry. Then the carriages
containing the Committee of Arrange.
ments; Governor Foster and staff; a
delegation of the Columbia Comman
dery; No. 2, of Washington, to - which
the President belonged. Following
this came the hearse, flanked by the
twallua ortiliary rip unto diem •
drum corps, with muffled and draped
drums; then the Cleveland Comman
dery of Knights Templar. One of the
most conspiciouS feat ures of the pro
cession then, followed. h was the
surviving veterans of General Garfield'm
old rcgirnent,_ less than one hundred in
number, carrying the torn and tat
tered battle-flOs of the 42d Ohio.
Thea came thet Cabinet officers, Mem
hers of Congriss ane visiting citizens
followed in double columns of carriages,
and the mournful procession moved
toward the temporary resting-place on
l i the public square. - The - scene on
Euclid Avenue during the passage was
simply indeScribable. This splendid
thorofare was draped in mourning
from one enitto the other, as is the
lwhple town, in fact. Upon the front
'``of almost every house was the portrait
of the late Presibent heavily draped' in
mourning. This feature . of the decora
tions Is a proulinent one all over the
'city. No house appears to be too l
humble and no people too-poor to own
and display a portrait of the illustri l
ous citizen whom they loved so well. -
At 3,02 o'clock the hearse drew
into the square between the lines of
Knight Templars. The body was
taken from it and borne by the artillery .'
sergeants up the short incline, and de
• osited upon the catafalque in the
-tructure prepared for its reception. •
There was no decoration upon the
• lack coffin except Queen Victoria's
floral offering at the top and a pair of
palm branches in the shape of a V at
the foot,. At. 3.10 o'clock the Chi -
Marshal, General Barnet, cleared the
temporary resting-place of the dead of
all visitors, and the work of drapin_
the building went on. The crowd in
•'de the park soon dispersed and the
was none near 'the dead except th•
pacing Sentries, quiet workmen and fou
Knight_ Templars. Great crowds
athered about all day, looking upon
the sad scene, but no one interrupted it: ,
solemnity by word Or act. The body
will remain here until Monday, when
it will be taken and placed in a vault
in Lake View Cemetry. When it •• •
be buried is not known. To-morrow
he= people will be permitted to pass
the remains, but under no circumstan
ces will the eoffin be- again' opened.
e relatives who so much desired to
.ee him in death will be 'denied that
ast sad privilege..,
t t - • T DUMB, OF rzolamits, TOITIMIN I •
EIitFICKE4 AD imicairrums.
Chareanann; September 24. The
-fractare which now contains the suer
remains of General Garfield is, of
arse, the centre of attraction, and
est crowds„are gathered aboutit look
with anzions_eyes at 'the -finishing
preparations -of the naterii and
longing for the opportunity of palling
• through the lines of sentries to view
the coffin. -For that is all that. 101 be
en by the thousands 1010 will .
hero to do honor to the dead ikeentive.
I t is situated in the centre of the Public
square aua.iiikpoththi.disitbuto al
ten trod ing:binlifetime... - r , ,,A, , platform
hue been etiketiiff &afoot and'aixinekes
b0T#440,11*e124-th?' groun d a •
ef 1 14,( 1,- ffe* ol ** 3 iiiii and
thii-1 week ITO* .the' plationslo 'ill
paiilion;:- Widelil is - - equiirei- in plan,
' Covered by , a O -At ,eanopy. At the
the canopy .. 14 ,,..e. bifift- - ,illobei
upon which: skids the figure -of
_in *
iigel with Woks extended, die snowy
t jl * - 4 - 144 *- l itug..P h° :.- v e ti V he-a 1.7-- T he
diinenaioneAkasVillon . 'aiii cie fel
owe:: Tbef; tsin park , forty-fivrtfeo
squire; on each of the fear eiaes an
'p"l - 1 0/;,t‘re 4 Wrowf- fl?e!:lFia-§ , Ana
tblitifieei - Math - aLi' iiiiiiipy - tipering
to an apex seVenty-twatt feet above the
cp.°and, upon wideh - rests the globe, a
ball - resrly five • feet in diateeter; the
tatuiabove, twenty - Or fee t in height;
bfinls wing-tips thus ,gAt a total alti:
bide of ninety-sit fettrbeve the ground.
rom these figures it will. be seen 'that ;
thiistructura is e spacious one: ; As WI
he adornment, everything . is being
done which cawientribute to the effee
tivenese of the work.: The keystone of
ash arch is an eagle decorated .ap-
I. ropriately with emblems of mourning.
The four'columns at the angles of the
pavilion ere surmounted. by minarets
twenty-two lactic bight, fashioned out
of festooned flags. Projecting from
each corner is also . a magnificent ban
ner, elevated at a slight angle above
the, horizontal. ' Around the entire pa
vilion tuna a decorated cornice..'The;
whole etroolAre is' profusely festooned;
Witb - dreperE; :black and white' being
blended in artistic , simplciity. Florists
are impoverishing their- greenheuses
in furnishing floral decorations. Law
rel wreathes fill up the niches in the
structure. There are dniped cannons
t each corner of the platform and im
posing projections 'constructed et the
base for .this purpose.
i t
. 1
e Imposing Obsequl6 In Memory of
Limes A. Varffeld.
The Sad and Imposing Cerenuinie3 at
CLEvEraann, Sept. 26.--Promptly a
half past tea o'clock the 'ceremonies a
the pavuutro began. woe unmeant
members of - the family , and near rela
tivea and friends took seats about the
casket, and at each corner was stationed
a member of the Cleveland Grays, each
of whom stood like a statute daring the
entire programme., The - committee
members about, the pavilion were almost crape. '
Dr..J. P. Robinson, President of eel.-
en3onie;i, announced that , the exercises
would be opened with singing "Bee
thoven's Funeral Hymn,. by the Cleve-
Lana Vocal Society.
were then read by Bishop Bedell of the
Episcopal Diocess of Ohio, as follows:
• Man that is born of woman is of few
days and full of trouble. lie cometh
forth like a flower and cut 'dm-in:Ale
fleeth also as a shadow and - continneth
not. , Lord, 'thou haat been our dwell-
ins place in all generations. Before the
mountains were brought forth or ever
hon hadst framed the , earth Mid the
world., even from everlaiting to ever-
astinit Thou art ,God. Thou torneds
man to destraotien, and sayeat return
ye children of men. For a:thousand
years in Thy sight are but yesterday
when it has passed, and as a _ watch in
the night. But now is Christ: risen
from the dead and become the first
mite of them that slept. For-since by
an ;came death, by man came also the
resurrection of the lead. For as in Adam
men die, so in Christ shall alt b 3 made
alive. But eveiy man in hfitiiicin order;
Christ the first fruits; afterward, they
that are. Christ's at His coming, then
cometh the end, when He have
delivered up the , Kingdom unto Ged,
even the Father, When He shaft have
pat down all rale and all authority and •
power, for Hil , tanstreign till He bath
put all crimp under His feet. The
last enemy that shall be destroyed is
death. Bat some men wilt say : "How
are the dealt raised up?" and "with
what body do they come?" Thou fool!
that which thou sowest is not quickeded
except it die, and that which thou sow-
est, thou'eowest not the body that shall
be but that bear grain, it msy chance of
-heat, or some other grain, bat God giv'
eth the body as it bas pleased him, and
to every seed his own body. There ore
also celestial bodies and bodies terros
tial, but . the glory of the celestial is one,
and the glory of the terrestial is another.
There is? one glory of the sun, and
another glory of the moon, and another
glory of the dare. For as one star differ
th from another star in glory, so also
r's tine resurrection of the dead. It is.
sown in corruption, it is raised in in
corruption. It is sown in di4honor, ,it
is raised in glory, it is sown' in weak
, ems, it isflaised in power, it is sown a
natural liody, it is raised s spiritna I
body. As we have borne the image of j
the earthly, we shall also bear the image'
f the Julavenly. - Now this I say,
brethren,' that -- ' flesh and 'blood can.
not inherit the Kingdom of God, neither
Both corruption inherit incorrnption.
Behold, l'' show you a mystery. We
shall not all sleep, but we shall. all be
changed..'lli a moment, in the tar ok=
ling of an eye, at the last trump, --rox
the trumpet shall mind, and , the dead
hall be raised incorruptible, and. we
hall all be changed. For this corrupti
ble •mast lint on. incorruptible, and this
ortal must put on immortality. So
when this corruptible shall put on in
rraption and this mortal Shall have put
n immortality, then . shall be . brought
to pass the'same that. is written: • Death
is swallowed up in victory. Ohl Death,
where is: tliY . ' sting? Ohl - Grave, -where
in thy victory. The sting of death is
nit' and the - strength of sin is the law.
But thanker be to - God which giveitli nu
Irto' `ry through our Lord Jeans 'Christ.
heard a (voice from Heaven saying,
Write, blettied are the dead which die
k in Ai, Lord itdmltenceforth, even' rno
[smith the BOA, that they Must rest
kom their tabors, . '
_ .
xtr.v.-Ito:114 Houghton, pastor of the
t F: - ,Ctinrch. then pray °d
.0 God, our Father, we bow before.
Thee with the waight Of a great sorrow
1x), n our - heeite., Onr beloved Preai•
dent is deed, andlidi our -hopes' Which
deportd on his 011d0131 and integrity
tot. then filthilmant. # O 4, P li ghted. Aid
_Thou halt intrered this. sore tad
to Douro upon up.lire oanoot tell;for as
Thou hast not ° informe4 as of they
stets= of Thy - - VoYerotaeo l . - The
thfinghta.nre not . our thought, .Tby
*Aire ;not our *aye. We bow in
bumble auhmiveionlio Tby willand pray
for Divieubelp, that. we mat 4 .-not for
moment even, doubt Thy midi:Min
or lore. - May the dark clouds that hang
"Pr :4 ) 0 .37 4, irs., , hleasioli on 0uF:..h00..
We pray, oh God. that this greatlisap
pcintment and tlils'great grief- may be
fer:the Hatinn's gooti, nod Thine own
everlasting glom' Oh God, we thanic
Theeler On noble, grind character of
oni;ieparted President;whiehbasistood
out so_proniinent beforothe nation, and
befeirif tbc irirlanird'eta' Pray that - the
righteousn*sl:.: hob ho loved. and
whiehlui-execiplified, r r pieviil in
all the land: Grant, Oh God, that this
eahnuity, this great affliction,- mar drat
Ibis hipityOa tbialaufering nation to
a-'neitt Velatinnehii inci more` loving
fellowship with l'bee:
He asked that the mercy of God
might be bestowed , upon the aged
mother, devoted wife and orphan
children of our departed ruler, and that
they might find peace, belie and joy
in the fulfillment of_ His precious
promises. - ,
Let Icier), Thy blessings, rich mi t t.' ful
rest neon Thy servant, who boa-been
culled upon to fulfill the grave respou
sibilitie.s of the Chief 'Magistrate of the
nation, so suddenly and unexpectedly.
Bless him Cabinet, bless AB who are as
sociateit witir . hini in the affairs of this
Government.. )4lay they be men after
by own Warr May we be, and con
tinue to . be, despite our calamities, a
prosperous and happy people.• Grant
0:0 us, when we lay aside all tfiatismor
tal and all that remains of our beloyed
brother is the silent guise, it may be.
with the blessed hope of the resarree-;
Lion from the dead, where we shall be
forever with the Lord. - I
The Vocal Society, -sang, "To Thee,
Lord, I yield my spirit." is
Rev. Isaac Erret, of Cincinnati, de- 1
livered-an eloquent address, taltiug:.for.
his text:
"And the
,archers, shot King jesiali,
and the-King said to his servants, ;have
me away, for. lam sore wounded. His
servants therefore toot him out 'oflhat
chariot awl pat him in a second Char
'ot that he had, and they brought him
to Jernsaletn. And he died, and was
buried in,one of,: the sepulchres of his
fathers, and all Julab and Jerusalem
eretivaboa foe *palmist 'encl. arowomtaija. ";
Dented, for Josiah, and all.the singing
men and singing women apakeof Josiah
in their lamentations to this day, and
Made them. an ordinance id Israel, and
behold they are written in We lamenta
Now .the rest of the acts of
Sosialkand his goodness according to
to that Whiek Was written in the law' of
the Lord, and hia deeds first and last, .
behold they aro written in the Book of
Kings of Israel and Judah. 'For behold
the Lord of Hosts doth take'ar!Sy from
Jerusalem and. 'tram Judah the • stay
and staff,' the whole atay-of bread - and
the whole stay of water, the mighty
man - and the man of war .and the pro
phet, and the prudent and the ancient ~
the cap sinjot . fifty, and an bonorble
man and counsellor, and a 'cunning
artificer and an 'eloquent orator. _ The
voice- said, "cry,".and .he said, "What
ihallTery?" All flesh is grass and ell
godliness thereof -ism the flower of the
sou.- Tho groom - witharcith, tha flower
• fieleth, because the Spirit of - the Nord
bloweth upon it. 'Surely the - People is
as grass. The grass withereth, th e
flower fadeth, but the Word of our God
shall stand forever."
This, slid thee,Qpeaker. is a time of
Mourning thilt has 'no parallel in the
hiiatoq of the world. Death is cow
stantly occurring, and every day and
every, houi, and almost every moment,
some life expires, and somewhere there
are broken hearts and desolate homes.
Bat we have learned to accept the =a
vOidnble,.and we. pause a moment and
drop a tear, and away again to excite-
went • and the ambitions of life, and
forget it all.: Sometimes a life is] called
for, that plunges a large community
Into mourning, and sometimes a whole
nation mourns the loss of a good .king
or a wise statesman, or eminent sage, o
Meat philosopher, or philanthropist,
or a martyr, who has laid his life on
the altar of truth and has . won for him
self 'envious immortality among- the
sons - , of. men. But there .was never
mourning in all world hie unto this
mourning. = For I am told that not less
than three hundred millions of the
human race share in the iciness, lamen
tations, sorrow and mourning that be
long to this occasion here to-day. It
is the chill shadow- of a fearful calamity
that has extended itself into every, home
in all this land, and into every - . heart,
and that has projected itself over vast
seas and oceans into distant lands arid
awakened the sincerest and profoundest
sympathy with us in the hearts of th*
good people, of nations, and among all
people. This is doubtless attributable
,in part, to the wondrous triumphs of
cience and art within the present cen
Wry, by means of which time and
space have been sq fiir conquered that
nations once far distant and necessarily
alienated from each other, are brought
into close communication anti various
tits of commerce and social and religi
ons interests bring them in the contact
f fellowship that could not have been
known in former times. It is likewise
unquestionably, partly due to 'the fact
that this nation Of ours, which has
grown to such wondrous might and
Dower befor the whsle earth, and whinb
lain fact the hope of the world in' all
that relates to the highest civilizatiOn,
that sylnyathy for this Nation arid re
spect for this great power leads to these
ff. ering9 of condolence and expressio
ffilympathy and grief from the vari
us nations of, and - because
they have learned to respect this Na
tion. and recognize that the Nation is
trioken in the fatal blow that his taken
away our President .from us.
And yet this' will by no means ga
unt for this marvelous and world-wide
ympathy. Yet it cannot be attributed to
his mere intellectual greatness, for there
have been 'and , aro other great lien,
nd acknowledging;; all that the most
nthusiastic heart .could claim to on
beloved leader, it islaut fair to say that
there have been more eminent educe
bra, greater soldiers-more skillful and
powerful legislators and leaders :of
mighty . parties And political lerces.
There is no department in whit:3llh° has
won eminence where the world may no t
point to others who have attained high. /
l er and more intellectfial greatness. It
ht not bo 'considrred more ,right
eonsly,here than in many other - cases.
et perhaps it is rare in the history of
men and nations, that aurrine man has
corabined so, mgch of ericellenew'in
Mote various dep*ments, and,Whe es
edicsito4T las4er s i: - bigialitor,. Eddie;
Leah , chieftain and. ruler, 'has
well, so , thoroughly-well, in all:depot
.. to, and brought out such stiecessful
bras to inspire confidence and,
command respect, and approval in, every
. e very
of life in iihieb he walked, and in
every' department of public , activit
which he occupied. Yet I think when
„we - coma to a — proper' estimate of
character, and seek after the secret-.of
this world-wide sympathy and affection,
we shall fled it rather in the richn
and integrity of his moral - = retina - •
that sincerity,in that transparent hon
est/, in thit truthfulness that laid the
for everything , .
,greatneer, to
*deli we* - lionor - today.,
The speoltcr related the....ittdident .ol
e ; eld; whoa a mere lad, Y g ofag to a
minister in: CilYishogs ~Gounty;„. . 'and
pledging himself to folloW the lObl ag
otChrist. Pure honesty and integrity,
and a kart° les spirit t 45 inquire, and
that brave auftander of all the ainiinis of
sin to the convietibui of duty , and right,
went with him _iron boyhood through
outlife, and orowneil him . with . the hon
ors so edieerfally niiiirded to him from ,
ill heart* all oveitWs - '•iatik land. de
passed all the . conditions of a virtuous
life between the log cabin ci Ouyb*oga
and tha White House, and in that :won
derfuly rich and :,varied exPerazioxso
still moving from higher to higher, he
touched eve4.heart ;I'l'4 , this limit at
some point or other; and became
liitientatilia - nrsll haarta arid
not only as teacher but as interpre
all virtues, for he knew their wants
and condition and: established legiti
mate tips of • brotherhood - with every
inan with wbom he came in contact..
Yaws A." Garfield want through :his
whole public life without snerendering
for a single
,seoond his Christian integ
rity, his moral integrity, or bin love
for „the spiritual. Corning into the
tinting conflicts of political life, with
a nature ciaPible as any of feeling the
force of every temptation, with temp.
tation to unholy ambili on, with unlaw
ful prizes within his reaoh, with every
induCement to surrender all his relig
ions faith, aud be known merely as' 'a
successful man of the world; from that
bo last he manfully adhoared talkie re.
ilgiOns convictions, = and found -more
praise gathered in his death, more purol
inspirations of the hope of everlasting
I am fully aware,of the feeling amen :
political men, justly shared in all over
the land by those whp .engage in polit
ical, life, that a men cannot afford to be
a politician , and a Chriatian; that - fie must
necessarily forego his obligationa toGod,
and be absorbed in different - measures
of policy necessary to enable him to
achieve a favorable result. Now, my
friends, I call your attention to this
grand life as tetchinga lesson altogether
invaluable. I want
_you to look at that
man. I want you to tuink of him when
in early manhood he was so openly com
mitted to Christ and
-the principles o
the Christian religion, that he was fre
• uently found among people who'allow
ed large liberty, occupying tlie pulpit;;
and you are within a few miles of the, '
spot where
,great congregations gather
ed, when he was yet' almost a boy, just
=merging. into: manhood, week after
week, and : hung upon ,the words that
fell from his lips with admiration, won
der aiia-ontlsnailwra. It waa when he
was known .to be occupying this posi
tion that they invited him tp become a
a candidate for the Ohio State Senate.
It was with a fall knowledge of all that
belonged to him in his Christian bulb,
and his efforts tp a Christian life,
that this was tendered him, and without
ny resort to any diShonorable means,
he was elected and setYled his State4and
began his legishitive career. When the
country called to arms, when the Union
was lin danger, and his great heart leap 7
ed with enthusiasm, and was filled with
the holiest desire and'ambition to ren
der some seeviee to his country, it re
quired no surrender of dignity ortoble
ness of his Christian life to secure to
him the honors that fell upon him so
thick and fast, add the successes that
followed each other so .rapidly as to
make him the wonder of the world,
though he entered upon ,that career
wholly unacquainted with military life,
Ind could only win his way by honesty
of purpose, and diligence, and the faith-,
ulness with which he seized upon every '
opporinnity to accomplish the work
before him.
Follow him from 1 that until called
from service in the 'field. The people
of his district sent hip to Congress,,
their hearts gathering about him with :
out any etlort on his part, and they
kept him there as' long as he would
tay. 41 they would have , kept him
these yet, if he had S t aid so. He remain- 1 1
ed thtge until by he voice of the peo
ple of this Stan', when t4ure were other
bright and strong and grand , names, •
men who w(ro entitled to recognition
and reward and altogether worthy every
way to bear Senatorial honors, vet here
were such currents•of admiration 'and
sympathy and trust and love, coming
in, and ceuteriug from all parts of the
tats, that the action of the Legislature
t Columbus Was but the echo of the
popular voice, when by acclamation
they Savo him place. And then
when he, went to Chicago to 'serve th -
interests of anotherkwhen, as I -know,
his Ambition was fully satisfied' and he
hadlieceived tuat'on which his heart
was sot and looked_ with more than
• •
• ness to the path in life for which
he thought his entire edneation and
culture had called him; when wearied
out with every effort to command the
majority for any candidate the hearts
of that great convention turned onevery
side to Gar9eld. In spite. of himself
d against every feeling, wish and
.rayer of his own heart this honor wa
owned upon him and the Nation re
spondM with holy enthusiasm from 6n -
end of the land to the other, and in th
e lionomble way he was elected to
the Chief Magistracy under aireumstan
ces, which, however, bitterness and
y conflict caused-all the hearts of ,
11 . parties not only to acquiesce but
eel prond, in the conseiousnesis that we
bad a Chief Magistrate of whom they
need not be ashamed before the world.
and unto whom they would safely con
fide the destines of this mighty Nation.
Now, gentlemen, let me say to you
an, those , of you occupying great
places of trust who are here to-day,
and l the mass of those ',who are called
upon to discharge the responsibilities
of citizenship year by, year, the most
invaluable lesson that ;we learn from'
the life of our beloved I departed Preai.
dent, is that,not only is it not incomp
atible with success, but it Is the surest
means of sums% to consecrate the
heart arid life to that which is, true - and
right,,Und above- all the Aitestionr, of
the Mere policy of weddbiethe soul , to
truth and right, and the God of kith
and righteousness in holy' wealock
never to be dis Solved.• I fowl that ere
need this lereon, - -erne wondrous
dof ours, this mighty nation in its
marvellous. upward coreer, „with :its
-See increasing poiver, openirg its hinds
to receive from all lands, people of all
languages, all religions and all condi
. on!, and hoping in thawarm embrace
political brotherhood to blend. them
with as, to molt them into a common
mass, so that when melted and run
. et again, it becomes, like Midst 'hian
brass and in one type •of manhood,
thus incorperiting the various nations
the earth into one grand _brother
hood, presenting before the nations of
the world the spectacle of freedom and
ength and prosperity, and ppwer he
ard anything the ,world has ever
Predrident Arthur was the seventh
63-President elected from the State
of 'New - York. Aaron Burr, DeWi
Clinton, Daniel D. Tompkins, BU
Vag Buren, Milliard Elmore and Will
i= A. Wheeler were his predecessors.
Hi is the twenty-flirst PresidOnt of th
United States, and the third ;from the
Empire State, after Martin Van Baren
Filmore. His birthplace
was in Franklin county, Vt., the- date
having been October 5, 1830. '
father was a Hantist clergyman, who
emigrated from County Antrim; Ireland
n his eighteenth year, and died ih New
tonville, Albany Co., October 27, 1875.
He was pastor of Calvary Chnrob, Ne
'York City, from 1855 to -186'a, He al-
so held pastorates at ! ' important poin
in this State and Veimont. His family
numbered two sons and five daughteys,
Chester being the elder son. He -corn
pleted'his edneotion at Union College,
in 1.848. Ho chose the law, and was
admitted to the bar inlBso. Ho taugh
school two years in Vermont, and then
went to New York City to enter the . of
die of Erastus D; Culver. The latter
being made a Judge of the Supreni9
Coint, Mr Arthur formed a co-partner
ship, with his friend and room mate,
Henry D. Culver, Upon his death the
firni of Arthur, , Phelps, Hnevals and
Ransom was formed. Mr. Arthur mar
tied Ella Lewis Herndon, a daughter , o
Lieutenant Herndon,• of ,the United
States Navy, who was drowned in 1857,
while. commanding the steamer Central
America, between New York and .Cha-
grey The death of Mrs. Arthur occur
red early, in January 1880. from a vio
lent attack of pneumonia. Mr. Arthur's
first legal prominence was gained •by
his appearance in the lemons, Lemon
snit, for regaining possession of eight
Virginia slaves. It was held that they
could not be held as slaves while pass
ing through the State, under the Fugi
tive Slave law, Messif, Arthur and Ev
erts defending the snit. The decision
was sustained by the highest Comrta. Mr.
Arthur waign i xnember of the convention
at Saratoga that founded the Republi
can party. !He was 'Judge Advocate of
the Second Brigade of State' militia,
and Edwin D. Morgan appointed him
Engineer-in-Chief of his staff at the out
break of : . the Rebellion. ,He also was,
made inspector General, to be ,promot-1
ed to Quarter-Master General, which
position he held daring Governer.Mor-,
gap's term. He then resumed legal:
praetice, was appointed connsel to the,
Tax Commisioners, at a salary of ten,
thousand dollars.a year... He took anl
active part in the political movement
that made Thomas Murphy State Sena
tor, 'and succeeded- him_ as collector
when he resigned in 1871.' Daring the' .
administration of. President Hayes two
committees were appointed to investi
gate the methods of busines pursued by
Collector Arthur and the result was his
removal and the appointment -of Col
lector Merritt, -. although no proof was
ever forthOoming of irregularities or
malfeasance. • Secretary Sherman veri
fied the integrity of the deposed Col
lector in his Cincinnati speech of Aug
ust 30th, 18SO, in these words: "I have
rievier said one word impugning General
Arthur's honor and integrity as a man
and gentleman, but he was not in har
mony with the , views of the Adminis
taation in the management, of the Cus
tom House. While I would not 'Per
haps have reoommended his nomination /
yet I would vote for him as Vice-Prpsi-1
dear a million times before I would vote
for William H. English„' On hiii re
tirement be at once resumed -his proles.,
aion and his nomination ' to' the Vice'
Presidency found I him thus, 'en aced.
Personally President Arthur is tall and
Dortly, and his broad and good natured
face is fringed with iron gray whiskers
of the English cut. His dead and la-1
dented partner, Phelps, once drew this
pea sketch of his friend and asseaiate:
"In person he is over six feet high,
but be does not resemble overmuch the
pictures that the papers have published,
of him. In these, as in ,his lithographic'
likeness es, he is given an Arthur Sulli
van chin, that' double fold, English,
beefy and unpleasant. General Althur
has not this actually. ktis face is full
and fair. It is clean shaven, except fo
the thin gray whiskers. Nome feature
is more marked than another, and ye
to leek at his placid eyes ' is }; ruiturai,
and easy to believe that a great& intel J
lectual force exists behind their some
what listless gaze than is at 'first appar
ent. • Being a lawyer he has that sense
of judAcial fairness, that poise of man
ner s judgment that sheep; combines
to mike a good presiding officer of an
leglsintive body. There is nothing
abut him of the politician, as so man
might suppose from the career,-he . has
led. He does not talk in offensive ac.
cents, his voice is low and'gentlemanly.
He drugs . in perfect good taste; at
present, edtirely in black. He is fairly
corpulent as his' pictures very well img
gest His hair is dark, his eyes are
brown. -
“There is , little .
in Lexington avenue'
to distingaib one•block from another.
O• rAfisitipt ono of the dozen in it s
particular block near Sixteenth
,k-* Here Cheater A. Arthur hies,
de - the house is exactly what trite t o
•.'. expelled. It is a ho - nee in which
gold and white was selected for the
drawing•room. At present all the ht -4 e .
ties of furnishing are beneath the home.
ly ban of .furniture covers. The gilt
:asaliers are swathed in mosquito;net
ting, so are the pictures. Enough ct
thesti lan, however, be seen to tettr j ,
that the dweller here is a man of correct
taste. The cattle pieces aro all g oo d ;
the quaint bit of still life beside the
Ho loolur toles from where you sit,
a genuine Teneairs: Its companion it,
perhaps, an Ostade. Upon the low
book•eseses, that contain _ some hand
, me volumes, are some excellent
brows:—one, a spirited group j u t
over your host's _shoulder, seems to h e
ussian handiwork. It certainly is a
Cossack, hoise. General Arthur un
doubtedly has been a traveller to Li,
fancies, and yet he is a man who cares
for cushions and comfort. His parlor
has no stiff furniture. The tele-a-tet e ,
is a very easy one, the arm chairs are
generous in proportion and generous in
staffing. Near the Sre•place a hand.
me silk screen shows a monogram in
rainbow-colored silk, the work of deft
ngers. But it is impossible to tak e
mental inventory and participate is
your •host's conversation. Turn you r
attention to hirazather than this."
In manner tho President is cortecz
and-affable and is easily swayed by the
epth of feeling that animatei his inter
urge with the world. He looks ata
ble specimen and is every inch a man.
Beware of Counterfeits!
We have strong reasons, to cantina cur
'cadets, and the, public in general. Th r ,
under no circumstances, whatever, let fah,
tongues's entice yon away from the Great Br,
ton Clothing Souse, just oponened in 3lcan't
Block, Towanda, Pa., and to look, sharp, b e .
ore buying your Clothing Boots and Shoe'',
that you are in the right place in Ilt:ta't
Block, Main? street, and in no other pla%.
We had complaints last week from a pWt„
that they had been misled into rs:.
ing for shoddy goods nearly doubll
what they could get good • goods at - the'g*
ton Clothing House, in Mean's Block, MSL
street. Now all of you and everybody, shoed
bear in mind that the great interest in L.
Rands, Pa., about the Boston Clothing Hoax.
• now is full blast. The large and hew/
stock of Hen's, Boy's and Children's Ortr•
ate, Business and Dress Suits, Boots, Lad:,
and Children Shoes, Hats and Cape, Truk'.
nd Valises, Gent's Furnishing Good's it.
re all in and are of the bleat , styles and bti
patterns ever seen In this Mist, from methao
asimieres 'up to, the finest imported End
Worsteds and Diognals, made tip at Ult.:
eadquarters, inr lkostou for the .Towani
:ranch especially. which in fit, sad dark
bility, exceeds any custom made in the cm:-
try—and the prices are lower than you cla
bey the cloth for, to say nothing about tht
ing and trimmings. That a fact a:
.1 a fact worth knowing to everytyk:.
1: :member the:place, we mean the BOW,:
lothipg House, jcust oPened in Mean's 111
Hain street, Towanda, Pa.
H. L. lacirgrepruo, PrOp'r.
Cheapest Clothier in the county.
That does it Signify
-Intelligence received from the Warner
servat47,.Eochester, N. T., announces
discoveryof a new comet located in the
stellatibn of Virgo. It is a striking coi
dencq (bat this hew and. bright conic
peareWat the same hour President,
• bipathing his last. It was first 'seen
' . E. Bariard'in Nashville, Tenn.. who
de claim through Prof. Swift - for the W.
ner prize of $2OO in gold. This makes
afthcomet ben since Iday"first and of
number fowl:iv/0 appeared from almost
same spot in the heavens.
This steam power mounted on whe,
portable and may be easily hauled
team to any desired point. It is . adaptedt
the propulsion of TnazsuiNci asouni
wood sawing, feed cutters, portable so
ills, or any otheclight machinery. It it . of.
wimple construction. durable and
managed. Manufactured by Charles Perry .
AtCo., Groton, Tompkms County, N. Y.
Ulster, Pa., July 21-w
I *int it distinctly understood that I Cc
Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Stcl:
to rooms over Turner dt, Gordon's drug . ip.
and Woodford & Vandorn'a boot and al,
store where I will keep on hand all kids
the cheapest. Any one in need of any ti
in my line give• me a call.
P. B.—l have no connection with an y_of
Froat'a establitaliments.
For Bale Very Cheap
A second hand, two horse tread power r:
thresher and cleaner.. Also- a large tab
steam boiler, size 4 7 /, •by 12! feet
45, 4 inch tines. Address or inquire of
Aug 25-Iw._ E. G. QWEN,AVysox, Pa
Choice Extracts Irons Druggists.
"We knourithe value of mall, hips, ci; r 3
and iron composing `ll.alt-Bitrers;
"Oar lady customers highly praihe
"Physicians prescribe them in thei tocl.
"The largest bottle. :snd best tne.licne."
"Best blood purifier on our shelves."
"Our best people take Malt-Bitters."
"Sure cure for chills and liver diseases"
"A word to the wise is inifficiont." A:
fective and agreeable remedy remedy for
treatment of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cat
rl Deafness is Ely's Cream Bairn. A
Cream Balm effectually dearliCi the
passages of catarrhal virus, causing hce
secretions. allays inflammation and irritlu
protects-the membranal liaingd of the h,
from additional colds, completely heats
sores and restores the sense of trite
smell. Beneficial results are realized L`
few applications. A thorough treatment
directed will cure Catarrh. As a hoaieh
remedy for cold in the head it is unegtn
he Balm is easy to use and agreeable.
.y.druggists at 50 cents. On receipt
cents will mail a package. Bend for cir
ith'fnll information.
ELI CS Crizem BALM Co,, Owego, N
Fur sale by C. T. Kirby. Q. B. Porter,
ner Gordon, and H. C. Porter.—Sls-21.
To sell Dr. Chases Recipes; or Intoner;
for Everybody, in every county in the Ur
tatea and Cauadas. Enlarged by the
Usher to WS pages. It contains over
household'recipes and is suited to all
• d conditions of society. A wonifortr
nd a household necessity. It sells at
resteat inducemels ever - offered to
gents. Sample cop ies sent by
paid,. for S 2. Esausive territory r•
Agents more than double their moneY. '
dress Dr. Chase's - Steam Printing Eb.
• nn Arbor, Michigan. sts-30:„
PASSMORE--SHORES—At the residen
C. E. rassmore, in this beroegh, 'rae.4
Sept. 27. 1881. by Rev. Dr:Stew:Lg. D. l
tor of the Frat Presbyterianiacc
'James IL Pessmore and Penni
.11011113E-O.ALEN.—At the re,idence
• bride in Wysox. by the Ito:. W. 8.1
Mr. 'Jam e McCabe _of Te'rawl t; and
' •
Kate M. Mien. - -
exceptions to the hail aCcomit 01 64
orlon, guardian of Julia Van Allen,
The undersigned, an auditor appoinn
*.rphans' Court of Bradford - .Coma,' to
of the exceptions to the final 'count
talon hereby gives notice that he will
the dntlesart his appointment st the 46
'lir Head, Esq., in tho Borough of '
on THURSDAY. the 13th day of OCTOE O
t 10 o'ciock a. in.. when and where aU ,
terested are required to be present.
W. J. Yor s L4,
Tclirandi, Sept. 15th. 1881-4ur. AudP
A -------------- - rT
4-11. Lotter. of administration Its lying
granted to the tmderalgned, upon the cell
• D. Owen, late of Towanda Borough.
notice is hereby given that all persor
to said estate Ara requested to make
mant, and sit persona hiving elstrst
said estate must present the same
A dillf,,, ,
Skated for settlement. Jdmin• "-- f
• istrst`
North Towanda, Sept. 3, 1681
Sept. 8-6 w.
General Agent.
J. S. ALLyN, Av.