THE. REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY. SEPT. 22. 1881 To Our Subscribers. . Examine Your Label ! It will show yoa the month and year np to which your subscription to paid. 4.f your stab r:ription is soon to expire, please send Us: ouo doUar.for a renewal at once, that we may _send you the paper right along. Bend i n enewel without delay. —L. A. Wooster is our general agent, 110110.• tor, and ciillecter, for the southern and west• ern portion of the County. Don't forget the Coup ty Fair on Wediep Thurs3ay and Friday. of nest wegit. MiEr. Anna E. Culver, of Roma, weal, to New York on . B4.turday last to spend a few weeks in the commercial metropolis, _ Titusville bas a tobacco dealer wlto will not sell young hive tobacco or cigars. It would be a good idea for eome Towanda . firma to follow hte example. To expedite, and economize time in the ar rangement c( articles and stock for exhibition ou the ti:,', - day of the Air it is necessary tc hare your entries made before _ the Fair: It will save von and the . Secretary much time and trouble. - . sendrdist of your articles for exhibition to the Secritiry at Towanda at once. 31ace . Schnieder, a Barclay brakernin fell from spell train in the Erie Yards,_at Waverly on Saturday evening and a gondola wheel over his ankle, crushing it badly.. Re was brought to Dr. Pratt's office and hie wound dreised there. The officers of "the Agricultural SoCi l tty, bare .secured excarsion rates over L. V. for the County Fair, Sept. 28th, 29th and Sik.h, between Sayre and Laceyville, to ' Towainda and return. All penning wishing to attend the Fair_ ban secure excursion rates over L. V. AR., at all stations between Laurille and Sure,• or. Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th. to Towanda and re turn. ' The Wyoming County Agricultural Society has our thanks for a complimentary to their Fair, which commenced on .Wednesday, an will continue Thursday and Friday of #bis week. We regret to learn that the wife of William Myer, on of Hon. E. Reed Myer, died in Elmira, - N. Y., on Tuesday evening last. Do ceased7was a daughter of Hiram Davenport of Wysos. lion. J. G. Patton, as will be seen from ; his altertisement in these columns offers the American Hotel, Bridge street, Towanda, rot sale on easy terma. 1 In spite of dry weather, the Fair of the Bradford Couty Agricultural Society, com" mencing, on Wednesday, Sept. 23 and closing on Friday Sept. 30, promises to be a decided success. A full report will be given in fhe REMBLICAN. Mad the new advertisement of Messrs. P.mll S Co., in these columns.. They are now prepared to serve their customers with the latest styles of all classes of goods for the Fall trade. Bradford Lodge I. 0. 0. F., will meet for the annual election of officers on Monday (yelling nest. The Odd Fellow's Hall _Asio ciation will elect trustees on the same even- Don't fail to attend the County Fair on the lith, 29th ,and 30th. We are indebted to the Untan Agricultural Association. of Canton, of which Jay White head is l'resident and J. H. Shaw Secretary for eomplimentariee to their Fair which will be held on Weditesday Thursday and Friday October 5, 6 and 7. We hope their exhibition may prove a grand success. The ladic s of To wanda aro invited to place en exhibition in the main building articles for premiums an d display. . Take over some of (hose tidies, pin cushions, lap robes, scrap bags, rugs, stockings, quilts, etc., etc., you have been making, and get a premium. Church of the Messiah (Universalist), Rev. Wm. Taylor, Pastor, at 10:30 a. m., Subject. "Some lessons from the life and death of President Garfield." No Sunday evening s:.rviee until October. Conference on Thurs day evening at 7:30 p m. Mr. 11. A. Colds has found it necessary in order to supply his rapidly accumulating or ders for his excellent .crackers, and other baking, to put in a steam ingine as a motiv , power for his machinery. He has now an en gine Pet up and running, which greatly creases his facilities, and will enable him, promptly fill all , orders, either wholesale or retail. - The Twenty - Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Badford Agricultural Society will be held Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th. Wednesday, thurs day and Friday, of next week. Are you going to have anything on exhibition ? If you are make your.entries with the Secretary, J. A. Wilt . at once and save yourself and him much trouble on the first day of the Fair: If you can't come to Ake your entries in person, you can do so by sending a list of articles ac., to the Secretary. The Court being in session on Tuesday morning, on the announcement of the death of President Garfield. - a committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions expressive of the deep sorrow felt by the Court and Bar, for the death of the Chief Magistrate of the Na tion, and the Court adjourned for the day. On the convening of the Court on Wednesday morning the committee reported resolutions %Lich were adopted and ordered entered upon the record. The resolutions not being received in time tot_ this issue, they will hp par next week. Bring Something for exhibition at the Fair wick, and help make it a success. The Sunday Te:egram's account of theier rale accideht on the New York and Erie lt.ilroa.l at Chemung on Saturdaylast, in , three men lost their lives, con tains. the following compliraentiry notice . of Mr; Silas Clark ant family, of Charming, and 3lrs. M. E. Wilson of this place, for their humane efforts in behalf of the suffer - ers: 'Great credit is.dne the family of Silas Clark Rho resides in the vicinity of the accident. Though poor people they placed all theii of-, fects at the disposial of the railroad offiCials, for the relief of tlie sufferers, with - out reward or any hope of reward. ,Mrs. M. E. Wilson,. of Towanda, who was on board the Lehigh train, also deserves great credit for her Christian kindness and charity in admirds triug to the wants of the poor wounded mjen,, brides washing the bodies of the dead be tore ht-ing sent on to their friends." I A. D. Dye 1 / 4 Co., will make a large and; fine cibibititin of hardware at the Fair next week. Photography. ),, Is becomtng a fine art, in the best siinse of the ward. If you want to see what can be so= cotaplished by artistic taste and cultlVated skill, call at the photographic gallery of Day ton k Rockwell, one door south of C. P. Welles cent store. - At the Pittsburgh Exposition and Pennsyl-1 ram : State Fair last week. The Silver Medal was awarded the "New Davis Vertical Feed" sexing machine for best double thread sew ing machine. First Prize for best plain sew ing• First Prize for best fancy sewing. First Prize for beit silk embroidery. This award, is the: more noticeable as there was the Whee:tr r Wilhon, Home, Singer, White. Do zneltie, New Home, Wilson and Household ha-competition. lire. E. J.Mingcsi. is . - the city - Pnrcbasing additions to her' sup Ply o faAiouable millinery goods, Wide nee ollB lrY by tier rapidly increased sales sinCe her ie cent opening of new goods. Heinen!, Bolen tions will be received early next week, when tile will be prepared' to satisfy the _demand for any articles in the lino of millinery and Lilies fancy goods on call. The attention of tlfb la 115 5 is especially directed to her stock of lasbionable hats, bonnets, ribbons, flow YU. /Le Do not forget to call at A. D. Dyo & Co.'s building on the Fair ground, next week, and tuniine their line of stoves, granite ware, tin ware, Etc. Kendall's Spavin Cure ix the best liniment human flts4 in the world try it and be Convinced. Read their Advertisement. - Hundreds of clergymen, doctors and others tare used Sendsli's Spavin Care with the bell succehs. Read their advertisement. rEasorAz. —dire. D. W. Scott, entieiin . JOhnnle fume gone to Ulster on a visit: ''e • -31re.1. F. Coraer and 'ion Johnny base no to Portage, N. Y, to speud some time. —Colonel and Mrs. Mesas bare returned from Sullivan county. —Mrs. William Scott r, is spending a h Weeks with friends In Treiand Canton. Gen.-Madill and son Harry, were i hairs on Wednesday last. —Hrs. Dr. Pratt Las gone' . to . Mianespolia, Hinnesota, to visit her son, Dr. D. L. Pratt. Hr. J. H. VanNess, of Franklin, raises Itho gust onions in tho county. . —Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Dye, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith, and Mrs. M. L. Burns • were In ttendanco at the Elmira Fair last week. —ollie Bennett, of Fitch's confectionary store bas been visiting - in -Pbiladelphia this week. T. M. Santeci, of Hazleton, is visit 'og her mother, Urn. tlooarich, at the Ward Hodge. Bailey, of Rochelle, .p., 'is visiting her brother, William Lewis, sq., Comm sibners' perk. , —Hiram Rockwell of 'Roaring Branch, 14 been ‘isitingltiends in ttiwn and returned to his home yesterday. ". --Capt. James W. Mercur; H. 8. A., Super intendent of soathern.coast fortifications was visiting friends in town last week. • • -Mr. William Joneiof the. N. C. Railway ffice Elmira, is visiting at R. W. Patrick's on •1 in Eit. ' J—Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Baxter and child, of Philadelphia, are visiting friends in T. wanda and Burlington. —Mrs. H. A. Holcomb and her sister. Miss Martha Churchill were visiting friends in To wanda on Friday and Sattirdklast. —Policeman Dimmock, who was alarmingly ill last week, is so much better as to 4o out on the Streets again. . —Mrs. M. P. Brown is seriously ill at the 1.1(AM) of her sister—Mrs. E. Horton. at Horn brook. —Mrs. Coe of Lock Haven, has rented Mrs. Peet's house on ITbird street,- and 'with h ;rand-dang,hter (Miss Woodward; will oc py it. —Capt. G. V. Mier and family have return ed from their month's sojonrn at Ralston grins. The Captain's health is apparently Much improved. —C. D. Camp EN., late editor •of Tank hannock Republican was in town last week. Hs made the ToWanda REPUBLICAN a pleasant call and wo were glad to find that his health is improving since ho is no longer confined t newspaper office. c - —Will Woodward. the popular conducto on the Elmira and Wyalusing local train, ha. been having ,a course of fever; but a last accounts vaa convalescing'. lie is at hi- , .ome inileshoppen and has beer under the care of Dr. Wells. —Mr.Alexander Beard, a yoUnk gentleman recently from Scotland; and now employed in the store of Medsra.F.,D. Fetch a Co., as a clerk, preaches regularly every Sunday fo , the "Brethren," who bold services in the hall over the Five cent store. —Miss Carrie Backus and the Missed Hal lock, of Savannah, Ga„ Who hild.been spend ing some weeks here; vieited Watkins Glen .n Thursday and, from thence proceed to their home in They were escort ed by Mr. Schley, of Georgia,, who has been sojourning at the Ward House for some time. The business wilier the county will haye a good chance to advertise at the Fair next week by placing go(?Is on exhibition. Postponement. In consequence of the death of the Nation's Chief Magistrate, the Annual Parade of the Towanda Fire Department, will not take place on Thursday -(this week) but is post poned for two weeks, 'and wiU therefore come on Thursday October Gth, when the exer cisea will take place according to the publish ed progranime, CLARK B. POLITER,: Prolific A Saint Bernard imported , slut recently presunted by Ex-Governor Robinson to Mr. Lyman Buck. residing near Barton N. Y., had a short time since, 17 puppies, all healthy and it last• accounts doing well. • ridorous old 49e. Mr. Harry Clark, of Home, 75 years of age, has chopped four acres of heavy timber and leared it off the land during the present summer. • Prayers' for the Pres4tent. Bishop Ryan, of - Buffalo, on Sunday last sent a pastoral to the different parishes in his dlo ese, asking them to unite in prayer for the President and for rain. Northern Bradford Musical Association. The Third Regular Meeting of this Agana'- . tion will convene on Taesdarevening, Oct. tb, continuing day and evening, Wednesday, humday and Friday, Oct, sth; 6th, and 7th, losing with a grand! concert Friday evening. .11 menibers are earnestly requested. to be present Tuesday evening at the opening .f tht - A — ssociation. Prof. 3. 8. Ellsworth will act a Musical Director. Board can be ob tained at ressonnbfb rates. For terms see circulars. Death of 'Mrs. Dr. Mosstanye. ToWANDA, l'a., Sept. 17,1881. At 2:30 P. to-day, Mrs. Louise D. Biontanye, wife of Dr. Lester D. *Montanye, ied of consumption, aged thirty-two years. Mrs. Montanye .Was the beloved and only daughter of Win. A. Chamberlin, Esq., and er last days were spent under the parental oof. Everything that the beat medical skill cculd devise or' loving hearts suggest was performed by willing hands for her relief. 'he leaves • a husband and two interesting children to mourp their irreparAle loss; and hosts of friends who will weep tears of heart felt sorrow at jh a death of one so young, loyely and beloved. Mrs. Montauyo had a remarkably .pure; . clear, sweet voice, which had received:careful culture, and the gift of song was accompanied by, rare- personal • aces and mental accomplishments. She had a annoy disposition that Stied her - to adorn the social,,cirele of which she was a petted member. Alas, with so many rare _Me, the beautiful physique was too, frail for .the ambitions spirit that inspired her to effort when she needed!rest. 'About two years since a difficulty of the throat and lungs :compelled her to quit sing ing entirely. She spent some time in the dirondacks, and received relief for a time. Last spring she Wont to . WIMIPItCOII. Will., and spent the summee.with her cousin, BIN. Dr. Eyro. ''At fist tlio climate seemed to benefit her, buta few weeks since she became alarm ugly ill, and was brought home" by Dr. Eyre, to die among kindro and friends. Her death has cast a gloom over the whole community, for here she had always lived— ; here we were all proud of her talents and ac complishments, and here her sweetness and gaiety had won the loving regards of all. If sympathy can comfort her bereaved (muds, they will receive l it with unstinted measure. —Dm Ira Advertiser. - M. L. it. TERRIBLE EXF ITEMRST.' The world trembles over the 'great misfor tune that has befallen our President, James A. Garfield, and at the news which now pr vails in Towanda, Pa., about the Great Boston Clothing Rouse, which has. een_ just opened in Mean's Block, Main street' Towanda, Pa. The news of the opening of that concern is lipreading like a wild fire all over the county. Remember this establishment is a branch of a largo wholesale house in Boston, Mass. By having many steres all over the United States and by selling immense quantities of - goods; they can afford to undersell all other dealers. People from 25 and 30 miles aro now rushing into Towanda, to that establishment to supply thentselves with clothing, boots and shoes fo men's, boy's - _and children's wear. Never since Towanda was incorporated has _cloth ing. boots and shoes been bought so ex tremely cheap as they aro offered at that con cern.; The stock of clothing, boots, ladles and childrens shoes is the most elegant ever seen in this section. Remember- the Great Boston Blothing House just opened in Mean's Block, Main street Towanda, Pa. . Madaen's 1111U/eery. - Mrs. Madden wait to Now York last Week and has returned with a large stock of season. able milhnery goedi." We would call.especial attention to the Clew and fashionable articles for Wiles neck wear;tbst may be found at Mrs. • en's store. —ln Tuscarora, Aug. 11th, at* the residence of her uncle Wm.. 5 1 ; Coburn. Marion E. daughter of B. 8. and E. O. Tears, Aged 18 years, 5 months and 12 days. Rados was one of our best loved .young ts, hiving the faculty of gaining the of rection of the little ones as well as those of h • own age, she was loved and minded by all, both old and young. She was a *member o the "Obristlan Association" ,of this place .m the time of its erlisnization,caud will be Wed by them as well a 6 by her class la the otherless girl, and since that time her aunts have taken a mother's place toward her early u possible. Not stigng physically, she has required their constant card, and has • dly within their hearts, so prone are we to allow onr heart strings to entwine round the objects of our care. Possaised of an Sable desire for knowledge her ambition, in that direction was greater than •he trengtti. She eXpected to enter an Academy this fail, there to complete her education. List April she left this plaits for Leßoy, h former place of residence, expecting to span this summer in teaching there; whe accord • :ly commenced her school; May• Ist, and taught with good success four 'weeks when • use obliged to leave her school and re turn to her home. Where notwithstanding - was done for her that loving kindueu oulii suggest, ske faded day dy day until the last parting came. On Saturday Ang 13th, her friends, and acquaintances, met together in the home oh - loved so well, and after listening to au •zcellept sermon by the Bev: Mr. Fuller, from the text, "Remember now thy Creator, in the of thy youth," we looked our last upo the, face so deaf to us. Our sorrow was great! yet we said in our hearts, ahe she is 'not end I But only left off this material that the spiritual body may develop itself. oat its the calyx- of one of these begat dowers, - by which she is serrounded, drops way from the coral giving the petals a bance to " _Unfold and develop into pirfeet evenness: And when he sees a smile too bright. Or heart too pure for taint and vice, He bears it to that world of light To dwell in Paradise. Yet ever near no, though unseen. The dear immortal spirits tread; For all the boundiesi Universe Is lire—there are no dead." • - • ,Surprtsi Party. Eniron: :7 4)no those pleasant social gatherings; known as a surprise party, 00 cured at the home of Mr. Hiram Vanness, in tanding Stone, on Thursday- the Bth, inst., • ," .g the sixty-third birthday of ' Mrs. Van . ess. About eleven o'clock a. m.; two processions, omposed of fifteen wagons, might have been seen approaching fanner Vannesa's hospitable dwelling, coming simultaneously from opposite directions" and very soon the relatives and intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs Vanness were assembled. The' complete surprise of Mrs, V. Pas great ly enjoyed by all, as she had eo often remark ed (and truthfuliV that "surprises were only so in name, no one could surprise her Ac." But when she felt the cordial band-grasp .1 friends from Franklin, Towanda, Wysox, Durell, Rome, Orwell, Wyalusing, and other places, her faith in her hitherto arm opinion was greatly shaken. The meriti - of the excellent dinner which our karmen wives know so well how to .pro pare were soon tasted, to the" evident faction of all participants. • • Peihaps we have become accustomed to the intense heat, or have donned a suitable apparel for' the sultry day. .most coital* there seems'no barrier to our perfect enjoy ment as we sit in groups on the pleasant lawn, the vine-shaded porch or in the cozy parlor discussing the political question, the general news of the day, the latest fashions and other matters both important and unim portant. One of the most important features of the decision was the presentation of gifts by Mr. Geo. Stevens. Among the many we noticed a comfortable rocker with- adjustable shelf, a pair of gold-bowed spectacles, two nr more handsome dress patterns, silver ; forki, cake stand, savant pieces of majolica and various other articles of utility and beauti. And right here we must make note of the delicious cake of maple sugar, provided b some thoughtful friend, but which- grew beautifully less In our fruitless attempts to rescallop It. • One peculiarity of Mrs. Van ness is her aversion toy riding on the cars. Although living but a short distanCe from the L. V. kn. and having relatives, living In Towanda, Wil liamsport and other places, whom she fr. roundly . visits, she has never yet ridden be Ind the "creating iron. horse." • About .4 o'clock p. m., the company began to disperse—ali - wishing Mrs. Vanness many birthdays as pfeisant as the one just' cele ted. - • PAIITICTiATEIt. Chief Engineir. East Saturday, the opening day of the BO*. ton Clothing. Boot and Shoe Honso. was • -at success in every respect. Crowd; of, people were thronging to that establishment from early in the morning until late at night, and every one seemed happy, except those who could not be • waited upon. We, can honestly say that never before has such fine stock of Clothing, Boots and Shoes been offered at such extremely low prices. We see that the Boston Clothing Honpe are doing business on a very large scale and are always doing as they advertiie. They will keep in their stock none but first class goods; and will have one price to all. They are sure they can sell the best goods a great deal le than many morel-ante can buy them for. Everybody seems to appreciate their efforts and are learning that the place to, buy tb • best Clothing, hand made, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, do., for a very little, money is at the Boston Clothing House, just opened In Mean's Block, Hain St., Tovrandsi Pa. W. L. &ZNEEDEUG, Prop'r. Sept 15th, 1881-2 w. wrote an Illinois girl to her Eastern relatives. "She took bitters fora long time but without any good.. Bo when she heard of the virtues of Itiduoy-Wort she gotti;trox and it haspoto pletely cured her, so that she can do as much work now as she could before we moved West. Since she has got well everyone about here is taking it." See adv. All the latest styles in Ladle's Hate, Bon nets and other Ladies Fancy Goods at Mrs. J. Mingos's Fashionable Millinery Store •pposito the Park. In the first symptoms of this disease when on are aching and having painful sensations .41 the limbs upon rising from bed in the orningot stiffness in the joints accompa . led at times by swelling and redness, all .hysicians recommend the applidation of an external remedy ? something penetrating and thing; an article that will act as a cura tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. Boum ko's Rheurbatie Care gives instant relief up n the first application. I% lame back, pains or strains it is an invaluat is household reme . Ask your druggist for it. Price 75 cents. nufactured by The _Dosanko Medicine Company. Pins, 0. For sale! , by Clark D. 'orter, 8. End Ward Hence Block. Jane 2-lyr. ere's a beautiful, beautiful home pm, Wed with the sunshine of Jean's love, Filled 'Lib the glory of grace divine, I h 1 may that beautiful home be Mine. 6 streets are paved with gold so bright, those who dwell there know no night, Crowns are set with gems so fine, . Oh may that beautiful home be mine. M. L. ScitxzenEaa : • autlful elq, of purest gold, Whose glory, "the half was never told," Filled with Heavenly love divine, Ohl may that beautifil home be mine. Angels with golden harps , are the there. Loved ones have elimed the golden stair, ass le waiting. in lave divine, bat beautiful home will soon be mine. OBITVARY. Xartois L. Misr*. bath School. Five years — ago she came among no, a a _consequence ensconced, herself more "There is no death! An angel form Walks o'er the earth with saint tread, He bears our best loved forms away, - And• then ma call them dead. GRBAT 877CCEBS. „ Mother has Recovered,” itheu aunts m. THE BEA urrper, HOME. J. WALDO KELLER. sets whose maul; are pure and sweet, ow along the golden street, which beareth fruit so fine, h t many that beautiful home be mine. corrar PBOVIZDZPIO Com vs WM. Carter—am settled , meat ofoods. - Com vs Orlando Campbell. Com Chas. Carrier—Assank and Court direct notkprosequi to be payment of costs in each case. Com vs Elanatiel Davy—Surety of t eft. ordered Ic pay the costs the stint of $lOO for his good beki Com vs Draper Terry—Verdict not Com to Julia Blake--Dert. ordsret. the costs and enter inkt a !mob= 100 for good behavkir. . Com "vs Orrin Wetember— &mull( yuy. Don. plead guilty. &totem ane - of $5 Mats of prOsecution and the, sum- of of $lOO for good bast In the Matter of the petition for ver Bentley Creek in Ilidgbnry twp., knots, Irvine Burgess, Sheldon' . Tracy. Diton Phelpi and 0. C. 0 " .inked viewers. In the matter of taking the. bridt wt. Bridge Company at Athens. omas, Thos. McCabe. S. It. Her) EL Vandyke. -L. P. Stalford and A. er appointed viewers. ' Com va Wm. bkene—LsroenY. • tt'y. Panning and I. N. Evans Eag, th and Hillis for deft.—Verdh t 7. • JamesSlodget vs Lydis Blodget. Wm. Balmer vs Marietta Balmer. Geo. W. Lenox.vs Eliza Lenox. Court direct subpoena in diroree to Lane , - cachou°. Sally 0.-tillady vs Prank Tallady. ' Divorce ecreed on payment of costs. Margiret Wells vs Melvin Wells. Court di rect allies subpoena to ism. Eituni Orally vs Chas. Crud!. L N. Hayes vs Isabel' Hayes. • Mary Clain vs --- • Elmer Pearsall it Gertrude Pearsall. ----Huntley vs— Huntley. \- Court direct Sheriff to make proclamation ' each case. Celoath) El. Dhainletei re Nathan Edminip ter. Eduard ?di'beim vs Jessie MiUheim. Rexford v Beton]. -Maggie rngle vs Henry Angle. Each case referred. to L. Elebree Esq., Muter and Examiner in divorce cases. Hinton Hewitt vs G. H. Malin°. Rule gran , d to open judgment as to all in excess of $1.095 and let deft. into a defense. Lydia, Wheeler vs P. J. Stevens. Wilson's Ex's. vs Leonard. Buie to open judgment and let deft's. into a defense in both cues. W. W.• French vs Bartley Dunn. Elizabeth Height vs does. Denjunie. Gas hee. liaise made absolute tp eaoh case. A. E. Benjamin vs LN. Vargas on. Rd difeharged. A FRIEND. 0. J. Allen vs G. P. Ward. Buie granted to quash espbn. Mrs. F r O. Baird vs Edwin Drake. Buie to . et aside Sheriff sale. In the matter of the alleged lunacy o ehael Hannan. Bide confirmed finally. In the matter of the alleged lunacy of Geo. Corbin. Izquisition filed and confirmed ni S. B. Bogus vs W. B. Hilton. Auditor' Report filed and confirmed ni at, report re committed tci the Auditor. - Pomeroy 'A Rockwell vs L. J. Andrus et al. A. L. Cranmer, J. B. Smith & H. C. Tracy ap pointed viewers to usess daMages. Merrick Crandall vs Daniel Lapped. iE. 3. ilevelind Rub, appointed Auditor to dis tribute'money in Sheriff's hatids. . • Cannon vs Cannon. Sheriff directed make proclamation. W. B. Waterman• vs *ands, Waterman. Rule to open judgment. 0. K. Bird vs D. Bullock. Court orde satisfaction of mortgage to be entered,nf re cord: Tenitierance Smith vs M. W. .Wheelock. Garnishee. Foreign attachment. I I Letter by deli. confessing judgment for $5OO. and costs. Lois S. Wood use vs A. J; Layton. Tres Pass. Settled. , • • David Foley et al vs Wm.-B. Atores. Troyer and Conversiiin. • John Randall vs Sally Davidson Admr. o r. Davidson et at. Both cases discontinued. • I. P. Kirby use vs D. IL Blackman: Ilene. McPherson Esq., for plff., R. A. ?demur for deft. Verdict for plaintiff $220.09. Reasons Bled by plff., for now trial. I, J. 0. Frost vs John Holmes and L., W. Dim: (ark, TT. Seine Facias. Overton and Ban . arson for ply, Patriot and Foyle for deft. peofid verdict. B. S. Lane use vs E. 3. Ayres. deft. E. Mercer and• J. P. Keeney 11803., -for plat, Madill and Kinney for. dell. Verdict fo PIS.. $109.20. John Holmes vs Wm. B. Shiner. Trespase. u. Wood and J. T. Hale Esq's.; for plff., mith•and Hillis for dell. Verdict for deft. H., L. Parks vs 0. E. Thayer and H. S. • Replevin. No appearance for puff., D'A. Overton and R. A. ?lemur Eggs., foi deft's. Verdict for 0 E. Thayer $189.75. Ellen B. Madill et al vs D. Coo: Ellen& Madill et al vs J. 0. Ft Fwo cases tried together. Mai ney for ply, E. L. Hillis and J. • ~ for dolt. Verdict for pill's. Tunszi,E, Olciuoeste I have used Dr. Clark :ohs Blood Syrup for Dyspepsia, end • e the best medicine in use for Clear head and voice, easy eet breath, perfect smell, test mug, no cough, no distress. Thee Lions brought. &borut in'catarrh b, ord's Radical Cure. Conil ent for $l. -,All.the latest styles in La& ther fancy goods for 'the ladies llingos' fashionable Millinery treet, opposite the Park. Mrs. E. J. Mingos, opposite the Park, Main treet hu received a fall line of Fall styles of es Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, and other ery goods. Call at once. • LE—DELANO. —At the residence of the bride's parents, in Towanda on Wednesday. Sept. 14, 1881. by Rev. J. S. Beers. Mr. Wm. 11. Poole, of Wilkes-Barr_ e Pa., former ly of this place, and Miss Hattie, eldest daughter ,pf„ T. O. Delano, of the firm of Powell & Co. IicORANEY.—In Leßoy. on Tftupulay, 15, 1881, of pneumonia, Mr. James Grapey, aged 55 years, 10 months and 5 OBDON.—At hie residence in Rim Stone, on,Monday evening Sept. 19.. Mr. Hiram Gordon, aged 77 years,/ and 13 days. `. MONTANTE.—In this borough, Siti afterßept. 17, Louise wife of Dr, - ter p.-1114.tinoe and daughter of Mt hamberlin, aged 32 years 3 months. Funeral from residence o' A. Ciftimberlin, Taes nay morning jar a. 111.f'- wilischl.—Sept. 17th, 1881 of membrm croup; Lattle Andrew Wilson _aged' t years, son,of Erastus"and Eliz a Wilson. Although the little ono is saved from oriels frisk "And temptations, the tei .rds of the parents hearts are deeply wr ed, and we sympathise with them, in lons. FEBBY.-At Evergreen Sept. 17th, 1881 memeraneons croup. Loyd Terry. eon %. John and Flora 'Ferry. aged nearly twol Fear!. 4 Just as the bad was enfolding the Sari° him to his arms. 13. " West Terry,' Sept. 15th. 1881, of membraneous croup Jen nie Wilson daughter of Erastus and 'Elizabeth Mao aged 13 years, the day she died. The death of this young lady is a great slimily and if most severly felt by her grants, brother and sisters, and — by her rola• ves friends and acquaintances, OM and - affectionate by nature •ntering upon the threshold of I with acoomplishments that would tatioi. And we trust that-while al form his enshrouded in an -( her spirit has been borne by Any through the golden gates of 31e thinks I see her Angel - fot and you now and hear hersay,d4 a do not weep for me, dry yot et not another pang pierce your boss am happy now. lan noilSave - then bodes, but will wait at the Hear to meet when Jesus calls you.' Aril grandma do not mourn the lots Used one. A little while and yet y joys when we shalt be'requiltet.. whose inhabitants know no Wino Of death, and where "tears - , all eyes." MARRIED. DLED. lulu boiler, else 4 3 ;4 by 14, 4 blob flues. Address or Inquire of Aug 25-4 w. E. O. OWEN • Wyss% Pa. BM:NEU NOZZOBIL --1‘ B. Roden has & bzto stook of Saab, rs and Blinds.. also • NoMinga. and is -Bing cheaper than any other establishmen n Pennsylvania. -, --G. L. Boss can sell Grombis very ches manse hisexpenses are very light. r' =tomer" shall have the benefit by buying the /Tint Ward Store. —Choice hams at C. M. Myer's marks Bridge areal. - -. _ —Fresh lake fish ahl• salt wider fish a 11. Myer's market, Bridge street. • 314 1.9-tf —No charge for delivering, and done promptly from C. M. Myer ' s market, Bridge treat. May 19-tt —Go to Op N. Myer's market, Bridgu street, for the best cats of fresh 'meat. May 19- -Mrs. E. 1. Mingos hay all the latest styl ru Millinery and Fancy Goods. apl 1 —Mrs. ELI. Mingo' has returned from th - By with all the spring styles in Eats, Bon nets, also a full line of zephyrs. apl 1 "A word to the wise is sufflcient." Au ef fective and agreeable remedy remedy for the treatment of Catarrh, Bay Fever and Catarrh il is Ely's Cream Ban. A. sure 11143. Oream'Balm effectually cleanses the i t asal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy .oretions, allays inflammation and irritation, teats the membranel linings of the head from additional colds, completely heals the res and restores the sense of taste and ell. Beneficial results are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment as directed will cure Catarrh. As a household , medy for oold in the head it is unequaled. e Balm is easy to use and agreeable. Bold druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cents will trail a package. Send for circular, with full information. Ezv's Canax Bu. Co., Oirego, N. Y. For sale by O. T. Kirby, 0, B. Porter, Tur er & Gordon, and H. 0. Porter.-815-2w. LIVE AGENTS' wAsrari. To sell Dr. Chases Recipes; or Informatio for Everybody, in every county-in thq United totes and Canadu., Enluged ,by the pub lisher to 648 pages. It r contains over 2.000 household recipes and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wonderful boo nd a household necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducements ever offered to book sots. Sample copies sent by mail Post d, for $2. -Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their money. Ad dress Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 015-Bm. A Card. We take great ploaanre in calling- ! the at tention of our friends and customers to Dr. : . . Ws Cough and Long Byrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief, almost instant y. It matters not how severe your, :Cough ~. y be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians you have con ulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro !. -rties of this' medicine will loosen it and as. !bit the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving them in a healthy con . Win, free from irritation and the lair i pea k!s clear, besides invigorating: and strengthening the general system. Price 60 , ants. For the positive cure of Consum tion, Coughe, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dr Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice Irritation o the Throat, Soreness of the-Chest, I Pains in the Lunge, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Influ enza, Whooping ()earth and Lung Fever. we n l itin recommend this medicine above others. Yours truly, Cut= B. Pon one 2-Iy. II; End Ward House ock. Why suffer snob unspeakable tOrtnres. • enmatism has been conqnered, Kendall!' zparin Cure is the victor. Mead the idyl. TSB MARKETS. TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. .Correctedivery We4needay STEVENS & LONG. Chiniral D,ealers In GROCERTREI AND PRODUCE, Corner of Wein end Pine Streets. TOWANDA. PA. - Perm. SrLuso. $6 0068 50 1 60®700 r. 100. 41 60 - rrel el 1 2501 SO 0 75 -, 550) 50 1 604192 00 80@ 90 IR bushel.. 30@t0 a. • ed Ift b Fkrkins. 227 NOM (i)18 bushel 11 bushel.. 20@22 !arse!..." •• hal.. PHILA.:STOcK MARKET. EHAVEN & TOWNSEND, BANKERS, No. 40 South Third St. Philadelphia. lock.bought & sold either for Cub or on Margin CORRECT= L'IRME WEMI*IIMAT. lIIM. ARCED S. 6'x.1881, Est. « 101% 101 , Curresey, 6's .. , "130 - • 132 ' s's. n lBBl. new. E5t......... low - I -434, ew ltsig . 31 ' Vs, " 11734 ii isylvania 8.8 .! 6414 65 . abilphia and Reading A. 8...:- 31% % , ti Valle, B. II 1 61% 62 h Coal and Navigation Co—. 4434 •34 lAalt it and Coal Co .. 191 1 • 192 Irn Central It A Co.. 8/. 34 vilte Pass It 11 Co '' 21 . 22 tttsbnrgb, li West A 8.C0.. 2114 % =rtation Oo - ' ,42 % ci. ikon - 39 - 34 0 Pretd 78% 78% 4 Pennsylvania A 11 60 1- , '.., dr Erie 1111;... 22 % 9914 '. % N0T10E.,411 re-thi guardian ot•Julla _anal_ account of Geosge ulla Van Allen, now J olla reigned. an auditor appointed by the Int of Bradford County to , dispose 'one to the dual acennt of sal I gives notias that he will attend .. his 'appointment at the office o Fag , in. the Borough of Athens, f, th ei 13th day of 00TOBBIL 1881, m., when and where all persons required to be present. W. J. YOUNG, Towanda, Sept. 1881-4 w. Auditor. EMI/LOYIEITT POll, ALL. To 16]61,T.4 ()11SEHOLD as the rich, the old is is wet fa the Y well as Am yaw mod. the a bar; may pet in Anil sun omploymou ..10 if and wait for k others to SOD I t giro you teMlomnant, an the roar spars VMS only; travel \ naghbortiood, among itancen i; rf a t r r' ou do not minable In in / of cost.. i ut.. t wril east you ttal cud to writs for our Pros • be the meani,ut mating you • Ilds 0 14 0 011 1 m 1 17. Ton do not biro own ofotodoy, sad run I Wt. Ton wtX may see that natter to mho from SIG. to Abibliab Inonittvo, and tads , houorablo, otaohthitorward Attend to tido matter XOW. to /X IT On 01/ who cogs with, prise yawowdyoW will woMal wrote to in work Ws Xl= 1111111. Adams mum wro co., Ono. Sid Dearborn, 81 towlsdems a ours etc , arms antilop lb, walk swt on not able to o help b._ itindreds of remedial, Ja ease hopeless; pow' cored by the Calk =s Remedies. • RIABIEL H. E. Carpenter. Esq.. Henderson, N. ed ,of Psoriasis 'or Leprosy. of twr by the Concuss itisomer and Ctrzunine. and Comas Soar est ••• ost wonderful case on record. Cure to before *justice of the peace and r •• tisane. Alf Afflicted with Itching d es should send to us for .this • • . •: I • _DISEASE......r. Drake. req.; Dedrol. such., mi rood aU description from a akin dims ppeued on his hands head and face. a g bis eyes.l,The most careful lamed to help him. and after AU had DU ad the CII2SCIJA REOLVIXT illtolllJay. 0: eqternally, and was cured, and has ad perfectly wall to this day. = ROFULA. Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, says: "After months' use of the Curtomu Rzwlnzzs , ani airs of as constantsuffering from humor ol face, neck and scalp as was ever exidnled, I that sam cured and pronounce my cast ... oat remarkable on . record. I have been at ted with my success that I have stopped men .n the street who were afflicted and told th to est the Cuticum Remedies and - they would • • them. , z KIN HUMORS. Mn. B. E. Whipple, Decatur, Michigan, writes that her Rice, head and some parts of her bod ere almost raw.. Read covered with sales an res. Suffered fearfully and tried evez7thing , • rmanently cured by Cuticura Remedies. I CURat - 1: ei are for sale by ail druggists. Price o •' a Medicinal Jelly. small bos;so° ne . - bo ,xes $1; Chrricuat Essosvinn t h e ood Painter, 1$ per bottle. Commas Ilfsni OINAL Tottarr SOAP, 250.; eirrininu. Ifsnicin s: s vino Saes.. 150.; in bars for barbers and lug. consumers, 600. • Principal depot. WEEKS Ss PMTER. , Boston, Magi. jitAlltaallpd free on 'receipt of price. &ECOLLINOne ComOm' IaCTIP Pl4' suirmilliEumsothig to every other PLASTOISI appliance hetes no. They Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. . eland Kidney and Urinary DiftlCl Slay be worn over the pit of the the kidneys, or any. affected ants. Sold everywhere. WEEKS July-L*Bl.lyr. XECTJTOWS NOTICE. of Albert Judson, late of Wt radjurd Minty. Pa., deceased. tary under the last • will and the above named decedent; Myth( to the undersigned upon the ed, notice is hereby given that. indebted to said estate must melee PaYment, and all persons having the same. must present them dui: for settlement. , to the unde sign( WILIAM Wells, Ps., August 21, 1881-6145 POOR HOUSE RULES, The press of visitors st the Poor" ecome so great as to SOTIOIIIIO pc/into:Went in the proper disci`__ ___ duties, it becomes necessary to make some staid' regulating the admission of visitors. Hereafter the following regulation and rules will be ea. iced by the Superintendent: Visitors will be admitted on week days from o'clock to 11 o'clock A. w., and lg o'clock to 4 and at no other time. *No admittance on Sunday. Liquors. both intoxicating and malt, is forbid. den to be used in Dr about the building or on the premises. J. W. HURST. DANIEL BRADFORD, M. F. RANSOM; . . Commissioners. Commissioner's °Mee, Lw Towanda, Aug. 30, 1881 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned, upon the o AL B. Owen, late of .Towanda Borough, deceased oboe is hereby given that all persona Judah to said estate are requested to make immeule • • ent, and all persons having claims against estateantut present the same duly authen ticated for settlement. J. J. WEBB, Administrator. North Towanda, Sept. 3, HAL Sept. 8-6 w: FARM FOR SALE. For Sale or exchange for unallerulace. a valu able improved farm with comfortable buildings. plenty, of fruit, water, aca« containing eighty tour acres, situated in Burlingtombiwnship, ad. joining Burlington Boro. • ! For further particulars address or call on the proprietor. IL M. WEBSTER. Burlington. Bradford Co., Pa. IE Sept. 1-4 w• 18020 6 , 22 00024 00 140 , 16 APITAII PAID IN e $125,111 ; • LIM FUND - 80. II 5 0006 ISO 3 25@3 40 10 140 2 7583 00 90041 00 N. g: BETTS;I - • . Cashier. N. NELSON . DEALER IN 74 WATCHES, CLOCKS, FINE GOLD AND PLATED .‘r 'JEWELER Of every mist:Y.lod Sped " lee. sr Particular attention paid to repairing. ',Shop in Decker & Vonght's Grocery Store, Rain Street, Towanda, Penna. _ mil* 0 . variety of - Paper, White and Colored Cards, and other terial, for executing first-ohms Jo ! • . bug, at the Office of Tan Brian ] 1 .ED Itaptandour .- All orders promptly 1 - -, , tea, and at the lowest earth rites '' ' Now proposes to knock the bottom ont•of highprioes, - and for the next 80 de • offer bb immense stook of Spring Beady -Made Clothing for MEN BOYS & CHILDREN'S WEAR AT FIFTEEN PER CENT LowER, ARTICLE. now feel oonfldent of moms in this line as I am turning out deny the bud . soznest and best finished garments in town..: Don't forget the Plans. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Towanda,lifarehl, 1879. S. E. RIM:ENFIELD. * * * *-/- 1 --: i-c * F 0 P. -it 4( * * •- I I: - A ci n zi ' • BUTTER'COLO ~Buttertbeeltedgedledir the ' ' Niue, ”Ibe lama Defter Bolen :01111ands of Dignioal.- gel litlO- . Vasa Wealth, best iNeamedes.rn . ' • —. .. Dipioinsat,N y.,Datryniw.- tamorinitato . irtmthis. ,: . eestsorhoesesit. toot I • do , .-.- * • ' L * .•• -• * • • .* . • * :' •'* . ' ' * * icura SKIN CURE iILY,CURES Seidy Diiiimuiv6Sciret 461flis Meets, Old MOECIViId Affec as Agencies -- CUBA TREATME: ' 6111 n, Scalp and lo tutorial two of %. Blood Parillor. and :maims, sod ammo SoAr, and Giaaay Skin use .I site toilet. bath and mu with delicintia dower mff. •x$ ` z atioual fault, VOWANDA PA. Bank offers unusual facilities f the tranfiaotion of a general r banking, business. JOIk PO Preui I.Pmen. SPRING AND SUMMER LOTHING, Gents' FlArnisailng Goods, M. the voids can be bought in any.other house in the minty, and every one whether they need egotWng or not, should not mien this great (opportunity, as -it - will pay - you to buy for the coming sown of F. I:IOIS33PLIFIZIAL zap;. , '-:,:m4ommar _ -- REST ANp LEADING KINDS, FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4 - -- . -Alg-,.-...:*.1.,L - .Ei! IL:4,WANDAip PA, .led by any other contrivance for :the gb preparation otall plowed . ground to eroPs. ilicr be will cover braniciat vain as well sa t gain drill will pot Ms odd precede the grain drill in. prepare of eons. No - termer abohld be Wilmot WIARD CHILLED PLOWS. .4 the best chilled plows I the Jr general s se, and all work. ohs Js and thorough trials with them te l Mon with the other leading They are the very best plows for bard, stony soils, end lighter in draft, doing t work, running steadier, hotter points wy may - - PORTABLE CIDER MILLS. Priors from $l5, $22 to $3O, sad up. ZZ Sr Hydraulic Cement. it load Just incelved. - • Uneaten! anti cheap. sale In any quantity. AMMAN FARM WAGONS, ; either Thimble Skein Wood Axles or Bai l le Piece "Anchor Brand" Iron Axles. Pint best in quality, cheapest and warranted Lai / XraPact• aatlorm Wagons, Open and Top Buggies—l nt class, excellent. and low priced. Good and cheap. &ally set. Bend for prices. FODDER CUTTERS. In variety, sizes and prices to snit:. LIQUID PREPARED PAINT. Excellent azaLeheapest • common lead paint., ted to .gtve sattafactioa. LUBRICATING OILS. HEATS FOOT OIL. • Horse Powers and Threshers. Herder's. Wheeler's; Mors. Ellis. Monitor Portable Traction Steam Engine. Canton (Ohio) Vibrating Threshers and cleaners. ire: CORN RHELLERB In variety. LFITRNISIIING GOODS, eta, FURNISHING GOODS, etc; arriving daily in immense quanti lis at H. JACOB'S ELIABLE CLOTHING NOUSE, where the largest, finest and "tallest" e of Suits and Overcoats can be ound at lower figures than any Cloth- House, in-town. Remember Ido not sell you Shodd d Cotton for all Wool. No. 2, Patton's ,Block. TOW4NDA, I PA. H. JACOB& Feb. 98.1880 And had. One of His 26 CENT WINNE feb 211.= HATS AND CAPS AT ROSENFID'S, -OF---. _gym -TOOTH HARROWS. Favorite- Grain Drill the best drill in the market. It will - Iparison and competitive trial. as it. For sale a new Champion CHAIN PUMPS. Ferglizers, Lister Brothers; Stockbridge and Send for circulars, prices lists and, promptly answered. R. M. WELLES. . August 23t6. VERY LATE -STYLES IN On' AND CffiLDIIENS' SUITS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, CAPS, . CAPS, (Established 1865) =I AUTUMN. r_:,*611.4.-::Co.i. FALL GOODS, ME Y DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH NEW GOODS •SIIITABLE FOR ME FALL AND WINTER SEASON...- . ••• • - - The attention of our customers is called to oar unusually fine display NEW GOODS RES& GOODS, BLACK SILKS, SATIN DE LYONS, KESS GOODS, BLACK SILKS, SATINDE LYONS, BROCADES, ; SATINS, CASHMERES, BROCADES, SATINS, CASHMERES, ARMIIRES, FLANNELS, MORES, FLANNELS, CM CEO, MBROIDEBIB3, TIES, FIORD'S. 'EMBROIDERIES, TIES, PICNOS, NOTIONS, HOISEB.Y, NOTIONS, HOISERY, W!iitequils Table "Linens; Apkins,, &t, CLOTHS, C&SSIMEBES, SUITING% a 60. OMR% _CASKIERES, SIIITINGS, &C. DRESS GINGHAM% DRESS GINGHAM, DRESS GINGHAM% DRESS GINGHAM, OXESTIO COTTON GOODS, DOMESTI > COTTON GOODS, lISSTIC COTTON GOODS, DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, CLOAKS AND SHAWL% CLOAKS AND SHAWL_Et CLOAKS can lIIA'WLB, CLOAKS AND EIRAWLIF, IL FALL MCI( NOW OPEN. Pc, Sept: 15,11181._ v. ( 4- 419 Are now receiving a, large stock of MEI 0.9 .9 RIBBONS,. RIBBONS. Mil .. MI