itione with the trferitia. 1V.. ! ;. ; ,!ijICIA 'be ttrkk,t ii_at tLe fire veb .at Liaraum's :i ur-Pur.ll. This gave reLeve:l fer7:_ , e t 4. our feet to' ve fai-13 - tee' stioug the :.hest. Whet; ve reached the apOt, IA LI.: IL tit Lt vv. before ur-1 The . huildivg sat .Maze on the tvo Lop florirk awl several streams mere already - , ,, ..7uriL5: ester on it. Tire Light. trr rather r.,GrLiLg, vas bitter cold,• a:.d i very bit of water alit struck the I , fs. r part of the street srould freeze at Ohc.L, Lir, u !our etrlsetites r lee vere i begihuiog to form ,on _ ii:djoirimg •zilirrigb where the Lose vas pia ed 'X., them., ruid,tlie red st,lsre of the i e, Lo w ilLd-r f-troug hidWilirtty, ilt them up .:ik.t. cold. The suffering Li:lir-mit with .it: the I=r-se-au— , impliwiLed sad e.ged, ,(--get. , t , , =•. - .1'.r.: arid r . ..far. The fire. ;L.,. try,: (-1 lavrr..r 'Juo. tuumkut, ul',l! Eli at.lj rigs thruzigi; „, cft...l(icr Q.% t;.,e fire. tl.o.efl(.l;vi He lit 1,11 .1. .:Ct E.4c,r4 !yr e. Le ndy, tr,d' erolvd. "Shocit b3/.01.4 Lim!” We Lai giver, our I fibt ateratuer, zitol the eater being let into it the fireman with the Luzzle put the dream full4.;ainat the. animal. ItF ff2ree and watt, earriel Lim cif Lit. fevt, and a taf.stieslt ‘.fiLe .of the ilueilt. with a-re s Giver, put do trails into Lit ty.,113- fltitled him. I then made my way iato the burn- 1 iug building .from the bakeruent and gainer the first door. A flight of steps I war before me, - audat the top I could, • throtigh the. tmoi«.-- make out a &yin I«.-.d the klaira to re ,der what aid I em - ild. As Ito! about ti, the middle the ho-Ait warped and cracked the door , and it fell to one aide, and there be youd, making right for thew atair. swat 'the big gorilla! Oh, never forget that dread moment. Ile big Eames began to lick the walla and the whole apace beyond that dreadful beatt was a of fire. The heat audl smoke were awful, and I felt my limbs steak ith !AAA at I jtjokeaj, 1,100 bound, , at the awful hairy rnao:a at the ' 'top of the stele. I could hear tie heavy thud of Lola huge foot as he moved:Or glided to the thaira. I could . see life great, mouatrous bOdy writhe !roost with heat. The stairs were nat. WSJ. bfliVer4! when he reach el me what- would beeonne ',f me? I good transfix* ppellbOuud with an awful terror. One hand Claaped the - bauiaters undone the wall, and I cidld not have moved one finger. OD either of those_ hands to have saved my life. I hrard - still the shouts of tie. now mad olehed ittiliLlOt within the building. I lieurol the axes of the firerniet breaking through tle floors' I thought a thou !:.and thought in a seoyinol, but I could riot move a Lair's breadth! Toyer. four bat the Rteph between ILMihtia and mrelt. There were but ai.z—only six little shr,rt Et.l,>a between me uud grits death! The beatt cataf: slowly ou,ylaring horribly at ins--there were i,ut four htela, .Will he seize me iu thoso fo-arful aiu..' of his, thought I, Irked which the matted, coarse hair hung, as:_ the int() the burnirig, "r:eething of fire and flame beyond üb? Anot her ater, he• came. Oh, iitas'eu! but one little, bleat ate', Low. I made a tut)erhuuiati effort to ruove, if but r a ulurele; but alua'. I could nit. The loathaouie lardy of the brute tA:mel l e.el me. My breath cans,: iu gatpti toid ray heart at(,(,el :Alit, • awr:-atrieken. r)ne dread claw-like: band gri?ii(l upon trig +,l:eieilder an the other alflll of the wild litakr; wantainel - to bin peek. Ile ttivpi LL,-ie a Up/Ulf:qt. IA if for breath 11101 atre'regth. Now I etickeue,l a n d ediudilere,l he: threw the ;;L:reat teattn. of hair and hide over him Li-4 , 1 and re roui.eji (;eltie face:, and ar-1...u. , 1 in hurried, frighteneA and htro'rig liibernian "I , 'Or the I've of Ht. J'atrick hhow me the way old of thin." (mtautercial Advcrtilwr. Among the visitors at a small hotel near Falling liprings, 'Greenbrier coun ty, Went Virginia, was James H. Por ter, a young Mtn whose wealthy parents live in Boston. Porter had been roughing it in the mountains since the hitter part of May. One of the first objects to catch his eye UM LtiOnfinalis who hveti two miler or more from 04(01011: The young peo ple, became acqnsiteted casually, but the girl's brown cheek and possibly brown ineklet, were too much for Porter and he visited the house of his sweet heart time and again. Unfortunately for the youth his knowledge in games. led the girl's mother, an old lady, whose ItiWo and sPeetarles wore her Sunday CllinplirliOnM year in and year Out, to suspect that he was a gambler.: The girl refused to believe anything ball id Porter, Ind in the Lee of her mother's opposition she - continued to receive her Aover's attention's. Last week she agreed to quit her home with Porter and to'uevompany .Situ iii his wife 10 lloston.• They left the: OW bonne together, On foot, and took.' a wa gon a qllurter of u mile Iloara the road When, a few minutes after they had started,. the bride's father missed bill daughter; he net out in hot baste and iu auger to stop the runaways. llu carne upon Ahem at It point where the road was htr l t , gold rocky, arm wile,n they whiNs.or up their horses he, gelitt him uuiuuel MICII a furious cut drat he :was thrown !tom his wagon down the mountain 'tulle.. The Wail horse run • thii,rthe lovers anti - they knew Mit their pursuer Ins& been Minted. They went buck, towel hint, took him home anti restored him to consciousness'. Butnemnently the young than woo the emlthl9nee of the mountaineer couple mut they gave tht4ir consent to the mutrikgt. About two weeks ago a young Woman wrio lint always inoVed in the best eir- Clem of Richmond, Virginia, society chanced to • read in the Radford Churchman an advertisemeut in which a widower in Ohio to secure tho services of a governess to . take charge of his little girl. Being dependent upon her mother, a widow in moderate eircuinstances, the young woman, who is a very pretty blonde, determined to make application for the position with thee hope of assisting her mother. Ac coraiugly she visited her pastor, a well knwn ..elergyman of Richmond, and also a distinguished jurist, and obtain ed from them letters of recommenda tion, trial' she forwarded to the widower with her application. The high character of the geutlewcu, its well as the coidial manner in which they a xpri Hied their indorsement of and beau tits e,f ehstueter, foul such weight with the tridotier that be went unto Lich mond, satisfied he souid fans tne)ady Ile desired. Ile upion hi-r. had / satidaeory inarrriews —indeed Ley were satisfactory' to k twit a levee_ that open the gentit>=ti's fleparnare for the 'Noel it, the early part of week the aforementioned clergyman wm astonished to receive a note from `him annotmeing that he Iry 'old not take the lady recvturned€4 for govern , hut &died to secure his services iu making her his wife. Lest Wednes day afternoon the parties to the novel courtship were married. The groom is about fffty-five years of age, a gentle man of means and of fine app earanee-: As a wedding eft he settled upon his newly-made bride the sum of $'30,01:10. Worth Knowing. A vAiltif.:4l 1113131.1 Vati. ; l3- teLcd with water; gill ; ewe a btye on tLe eytnd.(.- The true pbstiOlowif.tal way of treat log buret; and beald , 3 once ex ! elude the air, with cousin batting, flour, scraped potato or arithiag that is handl ! est. Use frcials water. Water which has i stood in an open dish over night should I not be used for coooking or dunking, as it T wsll have absorbed many foul gasf... IMix a Little carbonate of soda with I the water in which flowers are irr.-; named, and it will preserve thew for a l fortnight. CkmitiOn saltpetre ie also a . very good - preservaUve. Take a new flower pot, wash it (Amu, wrap it in a wet cloth, and ref over butter, it will keep it as hard ax if on ice. Ma, if put into an earthen can, vr over a tin one, will keepawat for a long time, it wed wrapped in a wet cloth. Common weds ui excellent for wont ing ttu, us it will hot bernteb the tin, mid will fiiiike it look like uew. Apply with a piece of moistened newspaper and ix,lish ith a dry piece. Wood ashes are a good substitute. To cure bunions use pulverized salk petre awl sweet oii. Obtain at a drag gitt's r. or C. cents worth of saltpetre; put it iuto a bottle with h u 4 11.cieut olive oiLto dissolve it, shake up well, and rub the irdiatneci joiots night:and morn- Mg, and more frequently it painful. Fliea map Le effectually diapobed 'of with Out the tine of poibott. Take half a tea:v./on ful of black pepper in - powder uu4i c,ue. teaul.oo at tit of Miz them well to'getber, and place them in a - rw.)ta on a plate where 'thee are trouble:vitae,. and they will - soon dibap pear. - Red arAn mity be bat:jelled from paltry or hturruoizi by etrewiug • the tillelvenwith hula)! vutiutity . of clove ; either whole 9r grouuff. Horoe use the lorrrier, al not beitig ho likely to get iuto food placed upon the bhelvt.... The cloven , thould be reuewed occiwion ally, a, - after li time , they lobe their atrength - imd efficacy. The following drink fur relieving kieknifaa of the etoutacti raid' -to h e very palbtable and agreeable: Beat up one egg very well, flay fur twenty.min utet, then add frehh milk one pint, water one pint, ;sugar to make it palata-. ble; boil, and let it cool; drink when cold. If it I.ecOnieti curds and way it it tug:leas. Sunstroke. 1. Carry the patient carefully but promptly to the neareat shade. 2. Secure fur him WI much circitla ticn of wholeaomts air as may die pos eibly obtained. 3. If the ekiii • hot, blionge with cold water or ice. • - 4: If the head is very hot and the arteries of the rieek pulsate violently iipply . L. Clive two teaspoonfuls_ of good !Mandy or whisky every ten or fifteen mitinie.f. The addition of two or :three drops of laudanum to each dose of the stimulaaut prevents vomiting or purg ing, which in liable to occur aw often to prove fatal. 6. Don't give large draughts of. cold water or any other fluid. i.ve6if the pa tient is able to swallow them.. • 7. Don't'ulto4 the putieut to be rnov , ed or raised from a recumbent position until sufficiently recovered to render it safe to do co: This seldom occurs for hours, and often not for days after the attack, 8. fieud at ou6e for ; the doctor, not for half a 'dozen. Otherwiae valuable time may be knit by difference in opin ion en to whi:ther the cane in one of congestion or exhaustion. . It is-alwaym hater uruou.profeasional prescribera;, uud Onegrally Hafer for doctorn, to pursue ixietlioda of triaitnieut calculated to relieve Wore or lens pro . - .found exhumation of vital powers. At 'Santa Cruz, California, recently,. Miss Blanche Masounette, • a littlS blotde of nineteen,, saved the life of a prominent military man who had bCen stunned by ik breaker and was helpless lidrifting out, face downlaid, on the 'receding wave. With extraordinary eon rage the little lady swam to his re lief, turned him on hls . back and guided hi ui to the safety - rope, where he was enabled to recover his senses. It is said that the young woman is fixing - up her • trousseau.• Towanda iii. Store MAI.N STREET, (NEXT DOOlt TO . 1; 1 7.4...en ix CO.. Is li'l n ired to offer a complete assort DRY AND FANCY 60008, Crockery, WIIffE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, • : _ SATCHELS,. &C. For the coining Spring Trade,'we adhere as heretofore to our establighed principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of • any qtlier ,• house. _ - AtirWe endeavor to sell the - 4e::t article for the jelpit possible money: LOEWIIB -& FREIMUTN. THE GREAT SKIN CURE. Itching and Sealy Dh• mea l 110131011 1 % of the Scalp and Skin Permanent ly Cured. TIJ1: anent of Glassware, 11 1 . 1g° 11:11111. A rte-r -- • • r..11.171.1f{:•.; ttr,.? i ig3 rel.-or:liner:del for 2n. • • It eEgit=i tonic; A -. LAN ("Stn.:way lk.fterry. tbk, rt.m.147.1:t-as the unseleF, r.r.41 gives m--tr life tt) the utrvc!... r _ tLe mapvir4. , tivspeptie . 1;..,1 , rtg tit Fw4.../.1,171.7.. /keit ta, the only -Iron Preparation th4t will not blacken the teeth or give Sold 1.0 ail druggietz. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp, of reading—aiT4 frix. .DHOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore. Md. BITTERS For wale by "V. T.:AEU:Lk:SY, Towanda. Pa, Cuticura . UCH AS WiCa t BANDEAUX, um , pcvniar 1 Chatelaine Braid, EVEEYTILIN:G BELONGINGTo Tax ILI= TRADE 1 arirspec i tur, ululation given to COM SINGS l i Boots all rned one tray. fiWiTCRES tram 11 upwards. A l " A g I t *°7 'COX MAIN AND PINE STS Hunter's Invisible Face roiirder, 1 • ~ . • iladam Clark's Corsets. and - 1 . . . 1 . •, 1 : IL _' , • ! S'uoulder Bruce Elastics. 1 , . R,. SKIN HUMO , • . 1 • . , . 1 tirl'artir-tilsr attentior.psid t..., dressing , ladles 1 y. a Inlik e • E v a.. ag ars ' fo r / 11 "*" r a Brae .. , hair at their homes or at my place of business. i (The oil stand of Fol. SteVens ' ft Mamie.) Detroit, Hieb- , gives an s itanil ' al "g at'C'"l" of I over Evans ft Ifildsetb's store. , his case itezems rodent), which Lad been treat. , _c 1 rm. D. V. STEDGE. ed by a consultation of physicians withcrat bate- nota ak ft' and which speedily yielded to the Cmcusa Execs-vs:sr internally and etlit-car. and C. . cur.e hoer ezternally RINGWORM. Goo. W. Brown, O. Warstall St Provides/0% B. 1., enred try Cuticura ,Remedies of a Lang uor= flarzor got at the barber's, which spread sl over Ids ears. nick sad face, and ' for sir years resisted aillritals of treatment. SCALD READ. • H. A. .P.anuoud, Auditor F. W., h te 8. R. '.l3.eksou, Mich., was cared of Staid Mead of vise years'. the Cuticura B,etuediea. - .'ECZEMA. Taylor, Bkabori. Ideas., permanent- Ily cured of humor of the face and - scalp mere. taaj that bad been treated unsuccessfully for twelve years by =by of Zoete:es best ybyal . raws and moat not...A/peel/lista as *e#l as tufo : pest& authorities, MILK CRUST. Mrs. Lie/wen, 143 CliutOn ht. , Chueirmati, speaks of her slater's child, who was cured of ca 1.14 trust which resisted all remedies fur two year*. :sows flue. healthy Loy, with a beauti ful of hair. FALLING HAIR. Frauk A. If*su, liteaun fire Engine . G. Loatt l , was cared of alopecia, or failing of he hair, by the CT:7I.CI:Y.A. it,RVJLVEZET , ihternaliy and Crrx cum. sod (Tolrma fiOar, which completely re• stored his Lair when all said, be would lose ft. 'Monism Lc*, 22% rrankford Av.„ Philadelphia, afflicted with dandruff, which fur twenty years had covered his smip with sfuiles one-quarter of fro:ii in thkkness, cured by tile Cuticurs dies: TREATMENT. The Cuncuss Ttizsrstr.or consist* in the in ternal use of the CUTiCUILi JCZAO/LIiZZIT, the Lew Blood purifier, and the .sternal use of CLITICti KA and Cetv:eus bogy, the great skin Cures ; For liutiburn, Tan and Greasy Fain use CCM dt;ite IiOAY, an esqulsite toilet, bath and nursery sanative, fragrant with delirious. dower odors and healtug balsszus. • lITICURA liZbrEliMli are. for sale by all druggists. Prlce.of x.44.4..4 J.U.r 9.. large boxes. $l, Cirrtcusis iiLISOLVENT, the new Blood Turifter, $1 per bottle, Curictms SOAP (the queen of medicinal and toilet soaps). ItTA. Ctrrucaa .Mantcncti finswrso Float., 15c. Prin cipal depot, WEEKII tic POTTER. isvetkn, shrAn mailed free on receipt of price. COLLINS?' ! f r e t u r i "e7m ti t n r u i:a u t l it a c n t d i,r w i; LyOLTAICLTUc 1,1 o m w i c e .° pi.. 1 6 .! PLASTERS SCna than any 12 battery made. They are a speedy and certain cure for pain and Weakness of the Lungs, Liver ' Kidneys:tend - rrinary Organs, Itheutnatiern,Neuralgia, Hysteria, Female weak. nese, Nervous Pains and Weaknesses, Malaria, and Fever and Ague. -Price 2.5 cents. Sold every wtu,re, WEBKS 41: INTITY.II, Boston, Ness. - --- 'o"e `if t l f'l ' *--; r--' 4 fj R T -.. -441' , -.. -,- .- TiILW . EAT CURE II L:-.1. p:.'i 7...?:i . 7 , 1 A I I Sfill • ' Av. tho KIDNEYS, LIVER A.::0 BOWELS. ;C.c.,: 4 >4 the k• c.l the evvid poison Cl/ . H•o74ring which Viet La.; Cl ti f. •.; - ,114,11 Can V,1111‘,. 3HOUSAfIS3 OF . CASES of 4 v , ..rvt thia t,rprthla disuse have 1,6 , : a (1..:64.,7 'relieved, lu a short WWI _ PERFECTLY 'CURED. KW- i 1 ig " t 4 ii. a bit• , / 14 CitAtrrili Mil* *Ay aad an iSZtlatiie t i WO•, in if /p I t ..f t the Country In hurt -01 d lu offs% is . l ae cured I; taro all else had ._-)1,-..VORT ili, • It ~.1 art I, but t ••• rs r t, t Fit r All. It , sli 64 VIC, t. L'.. 1 • 11l all eases. I t ell c It•cm •L 4 . tr. tu Votes and giver:Yew , I tar s , --' tures-rue( the body . i. 1• 1 ..• Ai ,•I • r t s w 1 I 3r , ya la restored • e L. t t ' 014 ed a a 1 aacatte, and the 1. ' ! 11. ) i , 7 and healthfully. In this 43; ~rsvu 1011. t. (1i LAVII are 0 ..viiettit d from • L 7 n. ?...1 ,•hal }- en vv . ...•( I 1 y tla lcutande the ' ... W 0 Fl ' : s ' ) / ts. ' . s' ' T ~. r , retneey for cleansing the ~ .. ? ~ i , d t •.c. ous t It should bo i hot :a;. • .i A C.l r-' - 5 ICI NE .. i 3 - 1 I t;, t ON6TrE,A -t , L t ~.. ...1., Lc Duca:tea . • . treti I erns, In tin rani, r q u .rt s nu3dlrlnt I vs v • ry 11. onetatratedfue ' t It 3s It allll .." •11111 Y prt , . •II tI 1. , 1r f frill .0n till rrform It I It'•t :t lt ,, t (la 1411 t SI.OO r I 1 I s, RI! gl t a I) , 0 , 4 , f 0 . p ro w.. (s. Hi., ,•1 Is, tv•rt II 1 , lit 111 Itt.Tol, IFT KIDNEYr,;:„WORT - - Thi+ Dun... Laud Ili-%t Urillcd no ever Mad*. • . , ACO 14,114/10t1 VC Hops, Buchu, Ma . rak a -La band O: i fl, with ull tho best , 0 mote lira ti vi, mop. rt,es of till other linters, soak oil the itri*lPSt C !owl P urlfter. Lire Raoul ator and Lite mud llraltli It4,ltoring Agent on' . -" -- ' " 9 111114 i No Marino c en i*.patibly long e,lxt wheic flop Bitten, are u,', i ii,,„ varied unit paifeet alio their, operatio •, , . . Thry giro rev life rzi v ic:rti it: scolui idea. Ti all who., o ntptoillo rita revue lrreitularl ty of the bouflao urinary orate, or , who quire an Appetizer Tirade and mild Stimulant, lop Yu ttrrd arc loyal uabloiwithout Inter. Wattle a. No waiter whatyour Ds ,hugs or aymptoo n are what the dincaao or all went le use flop Bit ters Don't watt until yoga 111 Nick but If you only feel bad or miserable,"(lawns al once. It may sato your lir..k. ha #0 !0 If hundreds. _saw win be paid for a • at they - will not re or lulp. Do nut iuffer or hltYour t • Iftr,but use and urge them to W l6 HOP • Remember, flop Bitten Is no itln, drugged uteri tulattnin,:but the Puree!. anal -Bert Ifedkine ever made; Dui oterAues MMIID sae' wore and no person , or fatuity ~ . be without them. . .1.01 law stamina! and lirnatada core orDrunkeneskose of ophun,lobeceo and narrotles. All sold by druggist& Head .4( for (Uvular. 'Dip =ten 111. Ce" ltochteter,N.lf And Toronto, Out. ..., tint fational TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND 80,000 This .Bank offers unusual facilities for - the transaction of a general banking business. N. N. SEWS, JOS. FOIVELL, Clanhior. Prusidnnt • -feb. I.'ls. • ALWAYS ON HAND.-z-A flue variety of Paper, 'White and Colored Cards, and other material. for executing firat•elasa Job Printmg, ,at the Mao of Tim 13H&D. rouuli N. All onion; promptly muututoil, uisd r.t the loireat (5114.11 rata*/ A TRUE. TONI C i•THENER. A 'SURE REVIVEI3.I MRS. D. V. STEDGE ' Manufadurer of and Ikaler gn SAVE REMOVED HUMAN HAIR Dayton & Rockwell, PHOTOGRAPHERS, • Cordially invite the public to give - rhea a cal! at the 'Rooms formerly occupied by G. 11. Wood, Recent improvements In theakylight Rave fur nished facilities for taking perfect pictures quickly and In all hinds of weather!. - PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS and DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In dia ink, Water Colors, Crayons, 9r Putelies, any size. • FINEST WORK OF iRTISs'IC EXCEL— LENCE '6I.7IXASTEED. A STOCK or FRAMES ON .HAND AT ALL TIMES. C. H. DAYTON. •• Towanda, Oct 6, 16801 Wago .i os u l . ,..C . rj h i e ages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, alters to his large anti complete_ assortment, of Open Top Flugg.ries PLATFORM WAGONS all of him owu MANUFACTURE and war- Liryant's Flexible Springs used in sll Platlorin Wagons. The easiest and best in use. , NOW LS YOUR TIME TO BEM Look at these figures Two Heated Carriages from ..... $l6O to $176 Photons. oae seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies ... • 125 to 160 Open Buggies 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 20 to 110 necnember that the above v are all fully warrant %di Orst.class or no pay. Repairing promptly atttended to at 25 per cent below last years prides. Office and. Factory tor. Main and Elizabeth Sts. JAW BRY ANT. 8-10 tf 77 • GEORGE OTT, !p fr il d looomeotal Marble & Gruite Work Pripos cheatmt than the chea • WYSO ` PA. PICTURE CAllEill' _ 'IN TOWANDA. G. H. WOOD & CO. will open tlu it New Gallery iu on the Pint Monday of April. Having fitted up entirely now, with , the beat of inatrumenta, we are prepared to tusk° i. . Tintypes 4 at one sitting nil for 50 ets. in 'neat envelope', JO for $1.01.1. Copying of all kinds of Photograptia,and, Stereos c opic and large view *work done at thill gallery. (live no a call and we 111 111 grid IlitlorY You In price and quality. . mar "Vi NINIMI.NTS. THE PASiiIONAJEILE BOOT, 8110 E-4 -AND BAITER le now prepared to eki all kind. of work in Ida line in the latest atylea, and of the beat material. 44- • ALL WORK and MATERIAL WARRANTED. Repairing done neatly and promptly on abort notice. In PATTON'S BLOCK' Over Jacob's Clothing Store. Dr. Janes' Taraxatum Tonic or Dyspepsia Medicine, , a vegetable compound whose virtues have stood a TEAT or 40 TILAUS, is infallible in the cure of Dyspepsia, General De tinny, Chronic Weakness of Lungs, Hploen, Kid neys, Short Wrath, Heartburn, ht. Vitus' Dance, Pain in the Stomach, Hack and Chest. Particu- larly adapted to all PUMA Dviguirs, uo matter what the age of the,patient may be. Price 75 cis. gold by druggists. . May 20 1 17 IF YOU ARE THIRSTY drink a glass of ANCIIIIIIIIACH d. Iffiudens' popular Mach Dams, the most delightful beverage of the acaeon - cooling, refreshing, and au excellant pre Tentative of summer complaints. It also acts as a blood piiriger without any stimulating or in toxicating effects, being a pure vegetable prep aration and entirely free from anything ILP• proaching alcholud. it is a o VER VOLIKAP that it is within the means of the poorest. A 21 . 0524 T PACKAOII WILL . IIIIILi rtes OALLONI or BEIM I En doried by temperance advocates and ph/lacking. All druggists and country storekeepers sell it. Wholesale Depot N. W. corner 3d and Callowhill at. Philadelphia, Pa. • Mg 20, 'Bl lz COOOB, Yon that have beauty, Come and let na take it, And you that Lave nose, Come and let us make it TOWANDA, PENNA. H. H. ROCKWELL 1y • would call the atten tion of FARMERS and ranted in every par ticular ONE MORE Patton's Block, BIANUFApTURER. Stevens & Long Geninal Dealers in IEI Gnocrnizz, PROIMMIS, P 1 ar? COUNTRY PRODUCE ISM They, invite attention to their complete assortment- and very large stock of Choice New Good which they t - tiave al way. OD Lana. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRADE And Gob Pik]. for Di;Sintb4: Kinds, M. J. LONG , SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! JAMES MuCABE HAS ItENOVED GROCEUY IHISIXESS TO THE SOUTH-EAST COIINER OF mars AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE HE HAS 123T&BLISHED Head Quarters FOR LVERYTUING IN THE LINE OF MIIIMIES, 1111311111, &c. CASH PAID for Desiz able Pro duce. Fine . BUTTER and EGGS a specialty. - April 29 ly NATHAN. 'VIM PITTSTON, W ILK ESBARRE FOOT or PINE STREET, NEAR COURT ROUSE. = W LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. -Gs The patronage of my old friends and the public getieesUy is solicited. SsepSO. COOLEY CREAMER. .At • No Dairyman can &Bora to be without ono. it rubes more and better Butter with len labor. DavisOm ' , Owing' Churn • , beats them all, and my little boy can churn with it. The improved ' !guitar Evapprator L what every ilugsr Maker needs. 111 111111K1 BUM WORM is ahead of anything - of the kind In nue. For sale by WILIEOT COBURN, Agent. &Wars, Bradford Co. Pa. H. L. Coavan. Agentifor Western Bradford and Eastern part of 'Flogs to. Columbia X roods. Feb 19-tf. 1 0 • 8 - r. ett r 0 ot - Mg I. I CA • rn, to 'A— i 4 FINE JO O l. l l l' . l F t i l n N e Tll;ll. V r l i k a ti n d promptly executed at lowest rates, a THE REA DIFOBB REPUBLICAN Office Dont fail to give nu a trial. Good type modern pressee, and experienced work men. All work warranted first-clam - sr. !UVlr lieu. -raw* I ri, A , O. ult. aces. (Burrows to Mr. McgeOn,) DEALER IN LOYAL SOCK aaBL, TOWANDA' PA. C) • t 4 l r " • • P•1 1 1_ - cz o • - po k - 0 psi l t ink t:, El BRIDGE 8113,14 T FURNITURE' STORE I FURNITURE We are constantly remising the newest and latest patterns in PARLOR SUITS, BED ROOM SETS, TABLE, WARDROBES, EverythiUm iu the Fur nature Line. Undertaking. • • We make a specialty of, this branch and shall give itour personal attention. We have a full line of COFFINS, CA SETS. _ ROBES; &c. and will not be undersold. Give us a call before varehosing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn has no connec tion with our business. E. B. PIERCE. Suc:ceswir to N. P. Hicks. TOWANDA. J&!. 26t1.1, DK. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, L still to be found at the OLD STAND JtI~IIX S TREET, door toDr. fi C. Porti-r's Drug Store %VIM A PULL J.INE OF FINE AMERICAN AND -SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES .6t EYE GLASSES, CLOCKS, FROM THE CREAFEST 20 TUE-BEST Sir ALL OF WHICH WILL EE SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, ' Clocks. Watches an 4 Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. M. HENDELMAN. septl6-if A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOK. BINDER Av N D _ • Dealir in Scrtill Saw Ccr:cls. 400KBINISING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and' CHEAPLY. _ rine,,Blank Books . MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's . Supplies. This department of my business is very cote plate, and beings practical sawyer myself I know_ the wants of nay patrons. WOODS, • • BAW . CLOCK MOVEMMTS, &c, oonolanD7 on hood. • —r $1.25 worth of designs for $l. Send tor price Hits. "REPORTER" BINDERY, Perk itreet, P. O. box 1512. Towanda. Ps Dna. F. naarrox, . H4LBUI,T E. PATTIZ; " • Late Conatisrimsei , of Patents, PATENTS OR&IFTOI47 & -LAD% Afkirneys•af-Law and Solicitors of American and = 412 FIPTII SMELT Practice patent law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pamphelts free on receipt of stamp for posMgo. - sept STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CI, A OF 'tl_4l-:".. MANSFIELD, PA. THE ItEiIITLAR EXAXINATIONS for Certifi cates for adadaslon - :tii the Senior Chas of 'B2, .be held by the Faculty of the School on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, June 16th and 17th. Candidates wiU be examined in the following branches: Oithography, H is tory, Reading, • - • Phystolor,, Penmanship, . Botany, English Grammar, , Latin - Gramntar aud ten Arithmetic, Chapters of Cmgar, Algebra, School Economy, Geography, • Methods of Ins true Lion, Those who ere desiroug 'lof taking the course, and are not thorough in several of the branches above named, will save time and money by at tending tho•school durilig the iittring Term In order to qualify for; the examinations. In many rases this plan will" save nearly a 1 year's time. Spring Ter begins March 21st, 1881: . , You need not Die to Win MUTUAL ENDOWMENT ACCI:ENT ASSOCIATION Of Bath, N. . You receive ono-ttalf; of your insurance, ac cording to the American Life Table,trhen two thirds of your life expectancy is fluishod—for illustration, a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 26 years of age taking a certificatefor 12,500, receives 11,275 when a little over 56 years of age, exactly the period in life when a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. june2tt if: G. T.A,kier, Genera Insiftsim Agent, Office intkPal TC :fc MACY Main St. ALL COMMLXICATION. - ± VIROUGII CEIaRROMPTA TIENTION 0r23.78 1. MUIR & CO.'S GROCERIES Marylies to Cave tramay b cuing ckeap set tjus27-t STDIIT B. LADD SVABIII2IGTON . ,. D. 0 THE AND BLADES & ROGERS. General Agents for Pean•s TOWANISA. PA. ME POST OPPIOZ WILL RE STOP AT eoR AND PROVISIONS. rmrTs-mr.v-Igmrrr."l TOWA3I/I,FL They rorpoetrully announce to the public that i baresthat large stock of FLOUR, FEED, ZEAL. ananr, BALT. FISH i PORE. !ad PEOVISIOSS gel:Loyally. We have also added to oar stock • variety of WOODZIII WAZE, sack as 13171121 M Fla Cllffll33, ETC. Just reader! a lams stock of Boers. Tess. Coffees. Spices, MOVLSON'S MCI MP. the tient to the rearket, and other snakes of *cep Byrn; and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Cash. oct 26 77 "Looked allee Samee!" -AT-: “JAKE'S” CLOTHING, HATS, Cups and Furnishing Goods, before you get v..ur new " SPRING RIG,"-- and save 20 per cent ,over any other dealer , in Bra,dford.Qiuntv. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Fresh Spring Goods coming every day .for you to select from, comprising "all the NOVELTIES of the SEASON.' An-experienee•of fifteen years in the Clothing trade prompts me to say that I ear suit your fancy as well as your pooket-bok at ; No. 2, Patton's BI ck. - H. ACOBS. FeD. 26, MO) , 1 MRS. A. B. WHITNEY, FASHIONABLE 1 Iff.ILLIN IEIE4 DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER • ALSO AGENT FOR THE 13 - 9inemtie Perfect-Fitting Patterns No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Stock entirely now snd frekh from the city; no old goods in stock. E. Goods and work tinsnrmussed either in styles es mike up. .oct2k-ly LIVERY, STABLING, Ilacklaithing, Carriage-king ad lE V' A 'I "It I - N Cr. Seneca Arnold Having kased his farm in 'Warren, 11118 located in the above brUnches of busi- II et 4 B, On FRONT • ST.,' E OW .BRIDGE, Towanda, Pa. HE HAS STABLING FOR 40 MOSSES. For use oi t stalls. 5 ;cetxts each. Also. Horses and Carriigfw for hire; Rlacksmithing in all. its• branches. promptly done. Hone Shoeing a specialty. Carriages Manufactured and Repaired.. If you want wnythingin the above line call on SENECA ARNOLD. April 2241 Chicago & North-yfestern RAILWAY 2 ` - In the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED I and hence the LEADING - RAILWAY OF TUE Wes( and Northwe4: It is the short and-beet route between (bicago and all points in NORTHERN ILLINOIS. lOWA, DAKOTA. WY. OMINO. Nebraslue, CaUifoinia, Oregon. Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for , • Council _lituffs,.omaha,Den*er, LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE. San Francisco:Deadwood,Sionx city, Cedar Bala*. Des Moines, Columbus, and all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton, Neenah. Menasha; St. Paul, Minneapolis. linron. Volga, i Fargo, Bismarck Winona, Melton°, Ovratonna, and all points n. Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago Zr North-Western and she U. P. Wye depart from, arrive at and use the /SITIO joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are wide with the Lake Shorn, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio; Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago Zr Grand Trunk Wys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. ' ireelcrle connections made at Junction Points Isis the ONLY LUTE .runnning Pullman Hotel Dining Cars • • . EIRTWEE4 Chicago Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents sellMg you Tickets via this road. Examine your 'Fickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Acoommoda• tions you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. AU Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN EUGHITT, 24 V.P. &Gen.Mang'r, ape.' 'Bl4 y.Chicago. • aUMPIIREY 8R05..& IR-Amt Y , Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c. - w . WI le e R Pt a: i i L l t; Ell 1 8 ., , , E 1 $ . : %imam gives israzirdiaie relict Prepaid Ly J. 1 , ..Y...ii.!. M.. _ Philadt-I}Lia, P. CAUTION.--..1 - 0547. - um , 1-... , ...-.4.c 1.-.;..„- Per yr' tic-le' ai=fas ii:'64.l=Lre aid a Plat of Slores. 0,2 dra„,su,aa..: c - .-i=y stares La VC 3: CZ lar ...I Z,.:-.. :.: 1..: 7.,_ . : * * * *A S K *F 0 R -4( ' * * 1 Tr' , n Ames P FECTED •• BUTTER - - COLOR it Given Butter the gilt-4gal ester tali LLfur rond. lte isagest Itatterlhsyessreeo=aser.d tts iv._ Thouszds ot. Daltstarn.., „„547.. ,_l7,gt4 I: "4 by all the ben treamericiL. A ira.•ded the 1.1:..-T- IszZ o st3l Di 7,1 la se aat z... i .. valry 7 air. Ask otir d;tresteerislemb=tformer irrilebassicutat It ;Li, :-4 tt coWA wise wad t. srb.te covet IL ' MUCIILILICIOSON is CIL. InpsesSessinsp nortirmso. se. * KM twkMY QUALITY OF II CABDS, JOB PRINTING AMBER TINT L ja:A a • • • • im • d Ut M CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH "•;T:II.E1-.:TS, NV A. :V 13 A PA. WE KEEP IS STOCK EYVELOPES„ NOTEHEID LETTERHE DS, STATEMENT, AND WILL DG ALL - xINDS GI AT SHORT NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED ! A SPLENDID LINE 'OF Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, &c. . WHICH WILL BE PRINTED IN THE BEST STILE AT REASONABLE RATES, le - Ask to seri - 1110 "Dial cm" circular ED - • CANCERS CuRED AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON, N. tY. • - HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from' all parts of the world have been cured of this miach dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they have been teamed from a terrible and untimely death. Doctors, Ministers and the Poor treated Frees Write f.or a Circular givingfuill particulars. Address Drs. GEO.• CRANE 1 RUSH BROWN. Addison. N. Y. f3ept.3o,lyr.OPßaeo. MILLION'S OF PLANTS' 0 maze s 2.ou tutu ' e 1, 4 2 .50 p a i n ' r e q ates. e S s e a dfor l t o re w e- _ ri I,s - Ireulars. address. I.l+. Ttlllusbast ,LAPInIne. Lac. Co. Fn. . "Indispensable to the Library, Clergyman. Law yer, Physician, Editor. Teacher; Student, and al of any calling in life who desire knowledge." Encyclopaedia Britannica The American lieDrint—llinth Edition. This grest work Is oeyond comparison superior n its eloaborate and exhaustive character to all similar works. The contributors are the moat distinguished and original thinkers and.writers of the present and of the past. • This issue is the Ninth minion in a space cf over 100 years since its inception. and this re. print, a copy in every parUaular of the British Edition. is the beat and cheapest work ever our. •• ed to the American people. . The articles are written in a Most attractive style, and the quantity of matter lb each volume hi one-third greater per volume Cum in any other' Cyclopedia sold at the same rates. • The wort contains thousands. of Engravings oa Steel and Wood, and it is printed from entirely' newtne • made expressly for it. ' - It will be comprised in 21 Imperial octavo vol umes, four of which are now ready, and the suc ceeding volumes will be baled at`--the rate of three year. Pike per rot, cloth binding. - $5.00 Sold only by anbaciptiOn. For apechnan pages apply to theTubllshers.! MI. STOCDART & CO. 723 Carat= ihatat, nct'2o PurtAnntiqua IIOST STOCESSIkI REMEI Y ea -, ty r:,:a ciovered. az St. is certain to its efect4 az.:l not Ulster. Also excellent READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER Youngstown,, May 1-- D. E. J, KLIMA- * k Co , --.1 had s very Etambletonnin colt which' I prized sexy 17, be had a large bone sparin on one .lo.nt a small one the other - which made hi m rtry lame; I had him under the charge of two voter: nary burgeons which failed to cure boat. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendal:4 :Swim Care in the Chicago Express, I deteri=. ed at once to try it, and got our drags:am here to send for it. they ordered three bottles: I to:1 them all and thought I would give it s thoro=ib .trial. I used it a,r-ecrding to directions and toe fourth day the colt ceased to b ante, and :he - Pampa have-disappeared. I- - aleut one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lumps L:.l as smooth as anf horse in the state. He a cL tarely cured. The care was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors hare the remain:L.: :- two bottles, who are-now using it: • ' Very Respect-hilly, L. T. rosTE::. EMI &c., &c., -Kendall's Spavin. Cure ME Fatteit's 3lilla, Wash'tou , Da. B. J. Fausassz.., Dear Sir:—The cue on Which I used your Seue.slra Spay= was a malignant ankle sprain of aixtem t g., - ,.......13 standing. I had tried =..szy, but V.' Your Sparin‘ Core put the foot to the gr,:tt: agadr.. and for the :first time since hurt. natural Vositibu. For a - fazolly lizi=ent cels azythial-we ever used. • Yours truly, Price $l. per bottle. or fix bottles for U. If Druggists have it or can get It i r e r you, or 3. Ira: be sent to any address on receipt of price proprietors, DE. B. J. KEISIDII.I.. 3 CO., Exa. burgh Falla.---Vt. Sold at Dr. H. C. Porter's Drug Store. julM-61 BLANK BOOK M A Alfred J. Purvis, All-Lork to his line done well and promptly ir lowest price. " Parties having volumes incomplete will be fu• nished with any missing numbers at cost pri:e .A.ll .orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent i' Bradford County. will be promptly executed s:• cording to directions. - FIRE ANDcLIFE INSURANCE COLLECTION AGEW BBINK . Sr. BUCK, Leßaysville, Fa Win write Policies for risks in Fire •nd 12.12 ' promptness. They represent nor.e but ' - FIRST-CLASS COMPANITS! They solicit theconfidence and patronage of tt - it baying business in their line. anti will endess.' to merit it. Apply to or 'dares to_ tf BRINK.t BCC HORSESend ..5 .ts . in stmil or currency for ti.r.w . NISED L:DMON of "A Treatise on the 11, , rae 3n4 his Diseases." It gives the best treatment all diseases, has 60 fine engravings shys -f BOOK f ° :! tl"niagsuleatv. ttoee. better than taught in any. other way, a table shouinz of all.the principarmedicinest: used for the hose RAO:reit as their effects . and antidotes When 25 inf_ poison, a large oollect . . , n az, V Al e tAXLE RECEIPTS, rules f telling the age of a' horse, with an engra , u4 showing teeth of each'year and a large onwn , l of other valuable horse information. Hut are..., of horsemen have pronounced it , worth MCIa than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact list 260.000 sold in about one Yetr before it was ?I* vised shows how popular the. book is. Thera vised edition is liven Kona raysursrmo. SO; 'Pon a CIRCULAR. AGENTS WANTED"; Dr. .1, I Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Ve .. on t. . Mar 11-Iyr. Grocers sell Asc henbach Miller's FAMILY CHOCOLATE an article superior in quality andlower in rt., i s than any other in the market. A premine:: and exp,,rienced 'New York physi n gives it IS his opinisn that chocolate is pr fetable to trl or coffee, because it adds strength to the 1”....'.1 new life to the exhausted brair, qiiiets the ncy volts system, harmonizes the wofkings ci tit digestive organs, and gives purityLto the blov.i For a superfine confection, ask` your cola tioner for oun Sweet Spiced Vinilis eboellri Aschenbach ft . Miller, at and Callowiall ....ti Phila., Pa. 13.1anZE: HORSESend 25 cents in stamps currenc; for a new BOOK. It treats all diseases. has 35 fad) engri , , fags showing positions assumed by nick howl BOOKa table of doses, a large colleen: : of VALUABLE 'iRECIPES. rale for telling theage of a horse, with an en..11 6 ": 2 ": showing teeth of each year, and a large atabzl , ' of other valuable horses information. Dr. W 7; 11. HalLsays, have , bought books that I ps' , $5 and $lO for which Ho not like as wells' ', yours." SEND row a CIRCIILAIL. AtiENNA WO - W . B. J. Kendall, M. D., Enosbnrgh Falls, Vt. Bar 20-lrr• New Revision. AcEIovAsNTED _ NEW TESTA 111 ENT. As Made by the most eminent sch9lars of land and America. Ball the price of corredper Big English Edition. Large type, ilnen 1 11 / 1 :' caleudered paper. elegant binding. A 5e1 49 !.. “Coraprebsnsive Ebatory of the Bible and Translations, given to subscribers. Best chance for .gents ever wfortld• stamp for particulars at onee. '3IIE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING CO - apr2S.Gt. Norwich. Prezich's Hotel, pein ou ` h en opposite the City Hall, Court bob ilia V ' Post Office, NEW YORE. Niters itor cc Rooms 75 cents and uwards. This Hot" all modern improvemen p ts, including Elevslf. Gas, running Water, and Burglar-Proof L'7; • on every door. It is convenientlo all That,. and within threo minutes' walk of both Elerki Horse Cars: for all pars the city view the door. Speciall arranger: l ' 24 ' with excursion Parties.- apr7-3/201. ON HUMAN FLESH. V.REV.3S. p. BELL Pastor c 4 31. E. Church, Paste-- a 111.11 s. TO"WANDA, PA A:ND B 4 O013: BIN-DER, PAPEt RLZER, .Szo No. 131 GeuessPe street UTICA, N. Y CLALU ."1:) t Collect Clams with care and surance E ff 11 C . FS