Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 14, 1881, Image 3

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To Our Subscribers.
tamine Your Label
It wiu show you the month and year up to
bleb your sub6eription is paid. If your sub,
ription is aeon to expire, please send ns
113 dollar fore renowal at ence,-tbat we may
vd you the paper right along. Send in
• newel without delay. -
—L. A. Wooster is our general agent, 'oho
or, and collector, for the southern and West
. n portion of the County.
Mercury rose to 102 at th is place on Ban
sy last.
Read the dog ordinance .ind let accord.
Now .innzzle your dogs or 'redeem. them
rom the pound., Ikon dont they will be non
We are indebted to Mr. D. W. Cole, of
Macedonia, for two baskets cif extra large
and tine black cap raspberries.
The preiniuni list fur the'next annual fair
of the Bradford County AgriCultural Society,
(3,(A)0 copies) is out. ?,
Prof. A.• D. Albert, Of Wilkes-Barre, has
been elected Principal of he graded &boo!,
Oat§ borough, vice Prof. E. T. Burgan.
Jacob blarsh, "ion of the late Quid' Harsh
of this place, died'at Kansas City last week
from the effectncif injuries received while at
work as a brakeman on a western railroad-.
Dominico Pettinatto, our accomplished
barber, was made supremely happy on Satur
day last by the arrival of his wife anClatiil
tcr, whom he had not seeu far_some time,
froni Brooklyn N. Y.
Dr. Waddell,'of nisi:lore, got the etIPP, of
instruments valued at 375, voted for at'the
Catholic Pic-nic. at
,Dashore July 4. The
doctor has a large practice, and is populaily
appreciated there.
Venice ate dragging nets at night in the
river in violation of law, and also are setting
outlines for bass. Both these modes of Spik
ing are tti ictly prohibited by law under heavy
enalties. rho parties are being watched
and if eaugl4, prbseentions will follow.
The hot days sud nights are bringing the
corn crop forward.rapidly. It is fast losing
its rielay yellow complexion and assuming a
deep green and healthy look. We may yet
harvest a good ;Corn crop. .
Mks Edith Thompson died at Herrick on
Tuesday the sth inst. The funeral services
wiste conducted by Rev. J. S. Beers, as Miss
Thompson was a member of Christ Church.
The remains = - Were deposited in Riverside
We are ont of patience with the base ih
the Sntgnettuta, We have tried them faith=
fully twice without success, and once with
torerable luck. As a ruie they wont bite
But we dont:care much, they say they .are .
unify any how.
Dr. Taylor's sermon on Sunday morning
tase Was founded on the "Lessons of the
A,•saobination." "And uhen the people
heard these evil tidings, they mourned."
Eiodus, 33 chap.- 4 verse. It was au elo
quent argument in favor of civil service re
form and a greater reverence for those hay
.iig authority over us. ,
The ordinance imrespect tomuzzli ng dogs
niust be enforced. Complaints of rabid and
dangerous dogs are being filed with the
Council. A special meeting of Council was
held on Monday evening on the subject, and
by an amHidthl Ordinance'our - p?iund-master
was required to, see that all driga - ranning at
large are muzzled, and in case .of violation
of the ordinance flogs are to be captured and
killed after 24 hours;- if not redeexqed
Muzzled. -
A little three Years old daughter of D
h tau dv, who keeps . the hotel at the east gnu
of the bridge, met with a painful accident or)
'Sunday last by falling clown the embankment
in the_ rear of the hotel up'oil the railroad
track. A gash several inches iu length was
cut across her forehead laying open the skin
to the skull. Pr. JOhnson was called and he
stitched up and 4ressed the wound, and the
patient is doing well. •
On and alter tip first of Septdmber next
we t.hall foltoty the rule of discontinuing ,all
nl , script io n at expiration. Those who are
then in arrears more than three months, will
Le cut !rand the amount due charged nit for
collection. The large number of arrearagea
agcti•gate a much larger sum than we can
atT,,r,l to carry. We arc therefore compelled
, to maLe this announcement. -
The two issues of -the REPUBLICAN, last
at-,k anti this, contairOi continuous de
tailed history of the attempted assassibation
of. the Pres:ii,:ent; with the treatment of his
easehy the board of surgeons, the attendant
syniptonis and progress toward recovery: It
is the most remarkable case on r9Coid. Per-
I.( 11M I 10 n ieg their; tWo papers will have a
Full Li-Cdy for future reference.
Tile Board of Managers of the Agricultural
Society met at the Fir Grounds ou Saturday
last and made further arrangements for the
Fair to be held September 28, 29 and 30. The
premium list of the Society is printedl.and
being distributed and the prospects tor a
sneeessfnl exhibition this fall is better . than
any year heretofore. The manager'', found
the buildinfis and grounds uninjured, from
the pie-pie, held on the grounds July 4th. If
it e reople of Bradford, will work as hard for
the success of the Society, as the Board_ of
Managers by pjacfng on exhibition farm pro
ducts ac., at tile Fair the Annual Exhibition
for 1881, will be the hest and most successful
Fair ytt held in the'county. The Managers
will nu et again on the grounds on Saturday
J uly":10: '
Tice Umfeersalist Pie-nic
Tq• Cht rch of the 3lissiah gave th i eir Sun
th.y School :.ndinviteil guests a pic-nic ex
elltFinn on Tuesday last. The party, number
ing aboul thus hundred people, went ortt on
and State Line 1111', to Ellen
betger's fish ponds, near Laddiburg. ' , We
aught h. say we Weal. up there, as the ponds
are st v, ial hundred feet : higher than To
dice there ue found a lul.hc wove, that
had not it en spoiled by tie. ouch fixing up.
T.,. re we.c • ow:0 of moss known logs- and
stumps for state, anti a spring of deliciously
cord, ci ar water "is in the midst thereof."
Large tables had been erected and a stove set
up for our own e.specialaccohiruodation. Not
that the stove was needed-to give out beat,
but then freshly madeeoffee is very desirable
arurrelreslung On- such recasions. There
were,swings for the,:childreu and delightful
shady nookit, where quiet flirtations could be
carriel on with neat to molest or mike
afraid. '
n ti:4e tables' were set, it is no ex
a.;getatiul to say that they were literally
loaded with a most aumpturnis banquet.
Ter re were cold nimbi, talads. caked of all
a,l.iuds and deaeriptiona,and such pickles.;
patiae to enqutru what would a plc-tile bo
mithent pleklea ? Suffice it to say that the
appetites of large and small were satietled,
and that id k.aytns a great deal when one con
siders ja't how hungry a party ur tic-nice:a
alwa3 a are. -
The Germania Baud occompanied the party
and lidded much to the enjoyment of all who
participated in the excursion. We are not
gcti to y telltales out of school, so we
will say nothing about "ye local" of the Re
porter and Will Mace trying to execute a
waltz when the Band were playing a march
as elow.d I itiemn as Old Hundred. Mistakes
will occur- even in the best regulated of pie-
We re turned to ,town at sp. m.. without a
single untoward circumstance to mar Our
pleasure. Theride down grade from Ellen
. herger's to Monroe—iwelvo miles—was
charming. - Mr. Lull, the obliging conductor
gave us seat on the front platform, and
we had the benefit of the delightful ' breeze
cod of leeing the_ pleasant rural landscape.
We went flying down long stretches of track
as straight as an arrow, bordered by trees
and, meadows like a pleasant , country lane.
We, went whizzing around curves, across
crystal streamlete and constantly , getting
glimpes of bits of picturesque scenery that
would have delighted an artist. -There is
something exhiliarating in being drawn by
an suv:it , le engine, impelled by invisible
Finally, eummttcl nI to a raNtraikitt Dios
that is going up to the Sullivan and
State Line Hallway.
--Jas. R. Codding and Ohadey Dicambek
celebrated their birthday oi Saturdaylast.
—Mr. A: D. Dye and family are visiting in
Otsego county, N. Y. •
—Mrs. Carnochan and children have re
turned from their visit in Troy.
—Col. B. F. Eshelman, District Attorney
of Laucaster o nutty, isin town.
Arthur Cohen of New York, is visiting his
cousin, Myer Jacob, in this place.
—Fred Brown the popular head clerk in O.
B. Porter*s dritistore, has returned irom a
visit to his former home. Union, N. V.
—Mt: and Mrs. Park Smith have gone to
tho Adironthcks for the benefit of Mr.
Smith's health. -
—Muter Archie Coney, "tub bad his about:
der.blade broiled by a falra fed► weeks Mike.
has snibileutty recovered to be itowitagaia.
—Mr. M. Limning has returned from
his trip to the medicinal springs of New York
and is much benetitted in health.
—Misses Maggie and Mange Blight.
daughters of Superintendeni Blight of the
B. L. A; B. RR., sailed for Enroge on the 6114
—Miss Flora. Kinney of Sheshequin: has
been suiting her mister, Mrs. E. D. Doffing
touln this place.
—Mrs. Jesse Wardell. - Jr., and children
have gone west to visit relatives . in Illinois
and Nebraska.
—Mr. James S. Shaul, of Hanoilatrine. N.
Y.. Gas been spending the put week iii thia•
- _
:—Bev. Wright and wife have been
called away` from town to attend the *Amend
of Mrs. Ws. brother.
—Mrs. C. Knapp returned from s visit to
her parents-in Pottsville, - on Sunday - ticoot& ,
pinied by bar brother Ind-sister;
• .-
-Mr. Eimer. the young BrasiMan who
spent last summer in this place, is here main
renewing the plearant - sequatntances h e then
—Addison A. Armstrong has returned
hoiue tram Ann Arbor. where he hag been
attending medicaljectares in the University
of Michigan.
—H. Jacobs and daughters Amelia and
Pauline attended a wedding in Rochester, N.
Y., last week and, the young ladies went to
Corry, Pa., for a visit.
Charles Storrs, of Granville. neigh
bor of ex-Troasurer William Bunyan. was in
luau on Tuesday and reports that Mr. Run
yan is no better, and very slight hope his
rezovety. '
—Mr. E. Z. Wallower, of Harristopg, editor
and proprietor of the Daily Independent, who
Was on ivisit to friends in the eastern section
of our county was a caller at the Itimuntrcati
office on Monday. The Indtpentlent Is s
sprightly and newsy paper. *ell and ably
Miss Mary Moectipt who has.heen residing,
in Tunkbannock for two or three years past,
has again returned to Towanda to live and
resume .her profession of dress-making.
Miss Moscrip may be found with Mrs. Lewis
on William Street.
—Rev. Doctor MacAulay, of Philadelphia,
assisted Dr. Stewart in conducting religions
services at the Presbyterian Church on Sun
day morning last. His feeling reference to
the wounded President in his prayer,
touched the hearts of his listeners.
Quarterly Meeting.
The fourth quarterly meeting services will
be held in the M.E. Church next Sabbath,
as follows,: Love Feast 9:30 a. in. Sermon
at 10:30. Communion atter sermon.
• Cum. H. Wundirr, Pastor.
You ag Lady Injured —Horse Killed
Henry Waters and Mies Alick Simmers met
with a serious accident on Sunday afternoon
last while driving from Pond Hill, near the
brick church in Wysox. The horse, a spirited
animal belonging to
_B. W. Lane. took fright
at a barrel and jumped oht of the road,turned
suddenly iibout upsetting the wagon and fell
in the dith, breaking his neck, and dying
on the spot. The young lady was quite ser
iously injured, so much so ais to confine her
in bed, but what the nature of her War
tes we have not learned. The horse was a
spirited and valuable animal and the loss is a
serious one to the owner.
Mrs. Barns, of Rome, but a few days pre
vious, was injured by a similar accident from
the same cause at this point. Tho horse be
came frightened at the same object, and up
set the wagon throwing her to the ground
and fracturing her shoulder.
Rev. Haßock Arming , and wife, desire
publicly to express ey -- 1 thanks to their
friends in Monroeton anA)cinity. Highland
and Macedonia, for the:paiting offerings of .
confidence and esteemthich have flowed in
upon them so unexpeciedly and so bounti
fully. From Highlaid - thei have received as
parting gifts $14.66. From Macedonia 115.
From the ladles of Monti:6oton and vicinity
160.56. From others in Monroeton $6.78.
Total cash farewell offerings $97, We Are
gled indeed to have our pleasant relations of
19 years end thus auspiciously. It is
hard to break away from such friends as we
have in all three of the places named. - But
we shall cot be far nor long separated:
the bright beyond we hope to meet again.
Hi. Neck Brokers
A War erly coirespondent of
. the Elmira
Adverfixer, July 10th, says: . ''On Saturday
evening at about II o'clock, as a man by the
name . of Speers, the hostler of Bitted, the
Athens tanner. was driving, toward Athens.
his Horse became frightened aboiti one mile
south of this village,:nesz the residence of
Timothy Hireen. and he was precipitated
froin the wagon against a ;large stone abut
ment,of the now railroad and almost instantly
killed, his neck being broken. He was a man
of aboutforty years of age, without a family.
His friends reside in Owego. .
Too Muck Lightning.
In' the hearing of a case of.application for
!divorce on the part of the husband from his
wife on the ground of desertion, before the
CoMmissioner for taking testimony in appli
cation for divorce, in this place a few days
since, the following evidence -WWI brought
out. The defendant in the case prior to
separation was treated, with electricity by,
a.physiciau upon'the pledge of the husband
that he would pay the bill: Trouble arose
between hmiband and wife and lie ordered
the ire atment discontinued, saying he would
not pay for further treatment, and giving as
a reason that his wife was-" getting so full
of lightning that ',could do nothing with
her." - T
Death of Charles M. Beecher.
For a period of about eighteen months
past, Mr. Charles M. Beecher, with marked
ability tilled the chair of Managing Editor on
the Elmira Daily Advertiser. Oa Friday
night last, July Bth the earthly labors of Mr.
Beecher_were suddenly brought to a :termi
nation by death. He retired from die alike
to his residence on Friday evening inappar
ent health, and .the Advertiser of Saturday
morning, which announced his death,_ con
tained several able editoriablitrittin by him
the previous afternoon. He died snidenly
at about two o'clock on Saturday morning of
low:iris= of the heart. which to a bulging or
swelling of the artery wad it suddenly bursts
*Om the pressure o! the b!ozd, causing death.
He was in the 51st year of his age, ' and MO
whole life work has been connected with
the newspaper profession;'. : be literally died
with the harness on. Succeeding Mr. Fair
man on the Advertiser, his position was one
of peculiar responsibility. He assumed its
'duties with the most assiduous devotion to a
conscientious discharge of his obligations,
and succeeded to the complete satisfaction of
the Association which owns the, Advertiser.
Itsrpages _have shown .during the') Presiden
tial canvass of last year, and the: exciting
senatorial contest recently in N.Y., the abili•
ty and discretion exercised by. Mr. Beecher
as editor of an important daily newspaper.
His dith is not only a severe loss to the
• Advancer Association and to the readers of
that able journal. but to the LewsPaper pro
, fession, of-which he was au honorable and
I able member. • . .
Tompkins County Junior Raoul Dump
A drit-olau rake; aud warranted. for $74.00
wilt deliver at soy_itailtaad Station la Brad
ford County.
Osborne No. 8, Zwitepoulest IkNowrrs.
For rale s few of these 'wry 13eparlor, Grain
'Wapiti:lllst class in every respect with en
the latest itui rivimients. Very controllable,,
folding, ti.t a,, light, strong' rid • nuinj other.
valuable feattu es. For sale•ehliajp. -
/I. 11.
Towaima, Jane 14, 1881.
A sppciAl meeting tbe Connell INAS held ,
this evening, at widish all 'the. memboni were
present meet cnisneilman Rehm. .
A baskt_4o enntraet alas agreed upon for
the signature of parties interested in the
construction of a sewer on
_Park street.
On motion of Councilman Holcomb the ap
pointment of Seneca L.• Arnold -as a special
policeman was revoked.
On motion adjourned to meet at'thocall of
Pursuant to a call of theMurgess a special
meeting of the Council was held on Monday
_evening, lone Wth, for the trannotkin of
business relating to a sewer to be conatinet.
ed oo the bath side of Park street:: Mem.
hers present: Bergen Alger ii` the chair,
and Councilmen Frost, Gordon, Keeler, Par
nell, Spalding. The following resolution was
Rertoked, That W. G. Alger, Burgess, - be,
and is hereby authorized, to execute a con
tract with the Hon. William Elwell, of Blooms
-burg. and the Telin Mutual Life Insurance
r Oompay. of PhiladelPhla for the purpose of
laying'a sewer.pipe limn low water mark on
the Susquehanna rivers at the foot of Park
street, to the west line of the ',baleen how
open such terms Ikr conditions u the Wm
cil may dixect. • ' •
Oomiellman Gordon moved the adoption of
the resolution, aid that the vote be taken by
yeas and nays. Adopted by the following
.vote:e Yeis—FrOst, Gordon, Parsebs, Spald
ing, toeler and &wens Alger-6.
This agreement; made the 28th day_ofJune,
A. D. 1881, helmet% the Borough of Towanda,
in the Cquuty of Bradford, and State of Penn
sylvania, in pursuance of a retolntion adopt
ed by the -Town Council of said Borough on
the Tlthlday of June put, and William El
well and the Penn Mutual Life Insuranbe
Company of, Philadelphia,. Pa, witnesieth:
.rbst said Borough is putting down a sewer
'pipe on Park street in said Borough from the
west line — of their Council building, eastward
ly to. low Wail* mark in the Susquehanna
river, a distance of .about two hundred and
sixty-two feet. Now, it is agreed between
the parties hereto, that in consideration of
The said William Elwell and the Penn Mutual
Life Insurance Company, paying one-half the
Cost or expense of furnishing, putting dpwn,
and keeping in repair the sewer pipe' pus
down by said Borough, from low water inert
in. the . river west to the west line of. said
Council building, they shall have the right
to attach a sewer pipe ofsente size as the one
put down, by said Borough to the west end of
same for sewerage purposes for the "Elwell
House," and what is known as "Mercer
Block" now owned by the Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company, of Phila.. Pa.. ono of the
parties to this agreement. It is farther
agreed between the parties to this agree
ment their successors, heirs or agaves that
neither party shall have the right to allow or
permit any other person to tap said sewer
pipe. fit any point at or between either of its
termini as laid down fx the present use and
convenience of the parties to this agreement
without the written consent of all the parties
'hereto their successors heirs. or assigns en
dorsed upon „this contract, and signed by the
parties or , their authorized agents, and all
benefits accruing by , reason of other persons
tapping said sewer pipe, shall enure equally
to all the parties hereto.
In witness whreof. the Burgess, of said
Borough has set his hand, and caused the
seal of said Borough to be affixed- the day
and year aforesaid.• and also the said William
Elwell and the Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company. by Llewellyn Elsbree. Esq., their
agent and attorney have sot their bands and
W. G. Azionn, Burgess.
Winxtaat ELwELL. .
by L. lz A Dr., Agont and Attorney.
Athisv:-.T. litaasztraT, Secretary. ---
{ EOllOl3Oll ,
- . SEAL. , . •
The regular monthly Beulah of the Council
was held Tuefiday evening, July 5. 1881. • All
members were present except Councilman
Ebersole. The minutes of * the last monthly
and two special meetings were approved.
Colonel Means petitioned for a repeal of all
the ordinances in relition to!the ()redden of
wooden buildings.
A petion was presented from citizens of
the Third . Ward for a sidewalk on the west
side of Centre street, between Packer and
Locus avenues. Also on south tide of Locust
avenue to Main, and on the east side of Main
street to connect with sidewalk *already laid.
Prayer of petitioners granted, and Secre
tary directed to issue notices and have them
served on Mrs. Desmond, Jamesi Ward, D. M.
Turner,. and Mary C. Myer, according to
By Councilman Itahm; * •
Resolved, Mist the Street Committeeqf the
several wards be authorized and requested
to confer with Messrs. Mix and O'Boyle is re•
lation to the widening of Fourth street.:
The, Secretary was directed to notify Mr.
Buffington to keep his carriages out of Bridge
street, or to give good and sufllc lent bonds
to keep the Borough harmless in case , any
accident •should occur from obatructiona of
said street.
By Councilman Holcomb:
WREIITAN The wooden building now stand
ing at the west end of the Towanda '.bridge
on Bridge street, erected by. the Totwanda
Bridge Company by consent of the. Bormigh
authorities while the bridge was the property
of said corporation, and used as a toll-house;
and c
WapitiAs;The said bridge hu become the
roperty of the county, and. being a free
ridge the said building is ho longer pecca
ry u a toll-house, and is an obstruction to
the building of a sidewalk leading
e foot-way of the bridge; therefore,
° Rooked, That the County Commissioners
.e notified to remove said toll-house build
ng, in order that the ; Eorough may con
street a proper 'pidawalk leading to the foot
way of the bridge.
The resolution war adopted and the Sec ro
tary direc'ed to deliver a certified copy of
the 'mime to the County Commissioners.
Statement of bills approved and ordered
paid, to wit:
Oss, street lamps fur Juno
Care of same • -
One now globe
Engine house, May and June... 1 50'
Linta engine house fa
Station house 3 90
Music stand 90
61 81
21 00
80 00
45 62
10 00
4 00
75 00
Street labor ,
Station house improvements
Care of town clock, 3 months
Fire department
Secretary and Treasurer
Labor and lumber on sower ikom west
line of station house to river, half
the amount to be refunded by par
ties to the contract 137 SIT
Eztending sewer under station house
(not completed
Miscellaneou mpls
18 68
3 67
Total far es bills presented 1893 38
• The Burgess - sublititted the following re
:wit of cases tried before him:
June'• 14th—James Evans, 'by Burns. for
drunkenness and indecent exposure of per
son; fined $lO soots 11.70; paid $11.70. •
Juno 7111—James O'Brien, by Burns; drunk
and diauderly; fined $2, coup $1.70; com
June Bth—Thor. Musty, by Burns; dila*:
and disorderly; fined $l, coats $1.70; com
June 15th—Geo. W. Norman, by Arnold;
smoking on bridge; fined $5; paid (half the
fine to Borough.)
June 16th—John. Hammond, by Arnold;
smoking on bridge; paid 12 (balf the fine to
Borough). • •
June Bth.—llyron -Benjamin, by Britton
and Burns; fighting in street; fined $5, costa
$1.70; committed.
June 18th—Bichard Johnson, by Britton
and Barns; fighting in street; cost $1.70; dis
June nth—Richard Kinney, by Burns and
Blalock; drunk and abusive; fined $3, costs
$1.70; committed. ,
June 24th— Wm. Monahan, by Burns and
Blalock; drunk and abusive; fined 3, costs
$1.70 . ; comrrittad—
O a
motion the Council adjourned.
J. Knosanav, Secretary.
At a special meeting of the Council held
July 11, 1884 at, which all the members wets
present except Councilmen McCabe and
Rehm, the ordinance passed July 12, 1880,
was amended as follows :
Be it ordained by the . Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Towanda. and It
is ordained by the authority of the same that
the ordinance passed July 12. 1880. in rela
tion to dogs running at large without s
de b© amended as follows .
That from the drat did of June to the 89th
day of to of sub year, it shin not
be lawful - for dogs to be , upon the streets
within the limvugh limits without, a mos-
We, either with or 'Without master
or owner, and it shell be the duty
of the ,F . .wad-inaahae nil Wee, or cause
to be nisei. all ftp, so running •it
Larch - afid impound- thus .in secure
fl;°and unless • the. owner. or owners of
0 mini and -iaPolladed dull pay. or
cause to bi paid. to the pound-muter.. the
sum of one dMlar ftw, the redmill7 or Ida.'
or her dog within tWiniq-foUr ours 'tram
the time of anch ashram, It Ankle the duty
of the poundimateuto AtlralUsash nano.
chimed Any methane. inoonektent
herewith b Amok& _ ,
On She ineemm or il , ut l ii
4h ,mit ls Mi
disease was latabie il i z i4 -Om
don; Rolm% • Keeler, II
Bogen Alger, 7. - Ad.enW. ^
L lagoesen. Secretory. "
.4r444 11 1rr
'rho Oh of w» ida,y bf pelt fintror;"
t"Pc9. l O NliwOmarY. home Weal mid mug=
cleiras wonderfully clisplayekin 4 ropeorrallt,
tub race; dog race, foot race. sack race. one
leg mee t and the Maims See: Nature% God
bas certainly entitled this people - 'tis a eta
tionnnegualed by any, thsltheyareendmmd
with inalienable rights iiv the pursuit' of
happiness is self evident. . -
In A. D. 17761 he reiresentatives of the
Baited States of . America declared us a free
and independent people thus fulfilling in
part thonoble design.of our Creator and we
feel to Map our bands and shout that** still
breathe free air on a heti soil. Though the
news of the awful tragedy -, at -Washington.
filled our haute with intense sorrow, we still
live hp hope. We will not forgetj soon the
gloom which hung over us when we beard
that our President was dead. But the report
was untrue thank God. .
Tnne 27,1881.
An kerne= restart) tit held girths haft
by thaßaptiskehntob. Thursday evening 1,1
untwts a pleasant attar. cash profits t 25.
Simnel Robinson vas married the '4th of
July to Mu. Bowman. Much Joy. ,
Jtily 11, 1881. . 'O.&P
Crops through this region are looking well,
with the exception of corn which can hardly
be more than balls crop.
Bat little hying as been done as yet.
The' bar ere'', will probably be somewhat
above the average, though not as heavy as
was anticipated a few weeks ago. '
Weather extremely warm mercury 100 in
the shade yesterday (Sunday) afternoon.
No mail on this route (Troy to Mansfield)
for the last ten days, the contractor a man
living somewhere in Northern N. Y., failing
b perform.
Peter Monroe, one of our oldest citizens
has been for some time confined to his room
by a tedious complication of disown.
Burt' Peek (a son of Hezikiall Peck) dis
located his elbow by a fall from a bonne July
4th, and was attended by Dr. Tracy, the arm
is doing well. ,
C. E. Cladding has his new barn at Altus,
nearly completed. This is probably the•lar
gest barn in the county. It Is ootsgonical.
with -a diameter of eighty feet, =with double
basement. and immense storage capacity.
The Odd Fellows • Lodgeand Eneampmen
here, and Grange at Altus are_all in flourish
ing condition.
I hear that Commissioner Bradford, is to
be a candidate for re-nomination. Politics
were never known so quite . in y year when
the chief county offices were to be filled
Hive we no' "half breeds ?" or is "Bossims:
like Conkling, gone where the woodbine
twinetb ? VIDI.
July 11, 1881.
Business steadily increasing. and u the
result, bull a grocery conducted by Bawl
Mrs. Dove, of Waverly, N. Y., daughter of
Chas. Brink, has neon visiting friends and
relatives in this place.
Miss Jennie Jones closed a term of school,
at District - No. 1, duly. 2.
Amass Heverly, Seq., Is recovering frOm
his sickness.
July 5, 1881.
7 Many of the farmers of this vicinity are
bnsy'engaged in haying; and the hay crop
promises tole extraordinarilfgood, •
• 'John Campbell, Jr., came home to openi
the Fourth With his parents, after an absence
of nearly a year; we are glad to see him.
July 4th was celebrated by a basket-pic
nic, log,lace, tab race, uck race and a "peg
race." • -
Mr. Pepper his moved into his new, house
on Main street.
A new bang is to be completed goon, under
the .gupervigal of F. C. Corcoran.
A: festival was held hi the Odd Fellows Ball,
Friday evening ilth inst., for, the benefit of
the Baptist churvih, which proved to be a
success; net Irwin, umorniting to $25. .
Mr. Vankirk of Monroeton, and Mr. Fergu
con. of Ulster, (Pastor of the Methodic
church of this place) changed pulpits, Sun
day 10th inst.
• ' 1 remain
July 11,1881. • , PREIS". CIIEVALIa
Mr. Edward T. Mason, son of Col. G. Mason,
and Miss EMe, youngest dattghter of Perrin
Pennypacker Esq., were married on Thurs
day evening last, July 7, at the residence Of
the brides parents on Second, street this
place, by Rev. d. S. Stewirt, D. D. The groom
is engaged in business at Kansas Oity.Mo., and
will take his bride there to reside in October.
Miss Pennypacker hag fur a long time bee n
one of our most accomplished and successful
teachers in our graded As she has
assumed higher and Oliver responsibilities,
her place in the corps of teachers will have
to be filled by another.. We extend congratu•
bilious to the newly wedded pair and wish'
them health, ha ppiness and ample' success.
13ame flthermen took a fine looking, fresh,
black Lass to the Surgical ypatmlay mon,
inqtdring if the minute block specks- all
through its flesh were not thel signs of some
disease, and adding that almost all these fish
nowadaycshowel, the -same. Itrandnation
ender thelmicrousope revealed the fact that
they were merely dim to pignientary deposits,
in otherwise perfectly healthy tissues. Cah
any of one .readers atithoritstively explain
their origin T—Ebuira ildrestiser.
...RA 80
.. 900
.. 125
While some of the workmen at' ',the bridge
'bops MondaY morning were engaged mos
ing a quantity of channel iron a Piece weigh
ing 1,200 or. 1,400 pounds fell on the band - of .
Silas Leonard, breaking the bonei below the
wrist, and otherwise bruising his hand. Dr.
Corbin Was called and dressed the wound.,
• As Jim Wilson was engaged in removing
some atone with his wheel-barrow from along
the line fence next to Jim Smith's carriage
shep, the latter with the flourishing of a
wagon spoke, ordered Wilson away remark
that the stone were his. Wilson thought to
'care Smith out of sight by shaking the bar
row laden with stone at hint, but the immacu
late Smith who had faced the cannon's mouth
in defence of his country was not the man to
be bluffed off by any such insignificant means
as this. and indignantly proceeded to lay the
spoke over the head of the offending Wilson:
—After a careful diagnosis of the case by the
surgeoo in charge; he pronounced it a clear
case of "Jim Jam's.—Einiira Advertiser.
Office of J. W. Gatiw out & Co.,
Minufactuters of UMW - Snits acid Cloaks.
Coulomb Aug. 14, 1870.
- We have used the "Davis" Sewing Machine
ht our factory for several years, part of the
time running by potter. It has given us good
istisfaction both in work and the durability
of the machine. We can recommend it both
for factorywnd family use. ,
Sections and rivets for all the leading
mowing machines. R. M. WELLES
I will sell these splendid Arm Wagons , at
wholesale prices for sake of intridoclitin, and
warrant them in every respect, for three
months to come. , M. War as.
TOWANDA, July 13.
The Woos arls sature's sluice-way to wash
out the debris of ow; constantly ehangitm
bodies. If they di not work properly the
trouble is felt everywhere.. Then be wise
and as soon u you see sign/ Or &Miler JO 11
package of Kidney-Mort and I* if faithMlly.
It will aka:sibs sluice-way of land, gravel or
slime and parify. the whole system. Drugg
ists sell it both liquid and dry, and it Is
equally efficient either way.--independent. •
Dr. Kasper recommends . Kendal's *mein
Care in the highest terms and , thousands of
eminent physicians do the rime. See Over.:
Foir man it has no equaL For besot it is
not excelled. What? sendaU'a $p in Care
itentheir advertisement.-
It is impossible few a womeitlifi.l tle a filth
ftt eminent treatment with /6Mo-it. Xtek•
ham% Veseteble Compoooklo9loolalte*
'suffer with I - weakness of the
oboe a 'tempi° lirrArts E; Pitillems, 233
Weetettt %ITN 11 P 14 4"rotlitellini"
phiets:' - lett 11411.1
Black Bass Rene
Two CasualUes.
kragoe, July 11, 1881.
J. W. Gusvrow A . Co.
Ai,bons Perm Wagorub
Nohilltes Mosee.w,v*.
aas~ixrzc~ i~r~rs
:John Bisediet, field
`his, ilia Tuessx 11112 . 5 6 . as *hi tedious°
near Anethiviller eller 1 bee sad Wad
MAIM The fawns! lertieee went held "et
the elm% Anetinville ch 'llianftint 2
hielock p. In; Beer : ae.
elated in? Entwistle. While;'retuning
hem the tenenitthe team itr ken -by by Elijah
linleieinler Meagan idgideliedit KW&
hinder andlint. Edits Benidlotiere'rims
backwards foam the wagon. 21Ini. Benedlotl
mai *le gedotk*lnb
to be important NIL S T i = `,
47.81ade, at
tack of - brain fever,
Me s« Ale:ander, lei Olean', N. Y., with
her son, Eddie BlWogri , are tilting - their
many fiends - in this place;
Minnie Knapp, of Khali's, is spending the
summer with her mint, Mn: Slade.
barn belonging. to Orr Wilson was con
sumed by-fire on the night of . 3lth' 4th, the
origin at the lire is unknown. -
I. B. Aspinwall is doing a good business
lolling wins and implementr for Grant k
GeWaters, of Elmira, N. Y.
'hay 12,1881.
Birthday Sump/oh
On Saturday; July 2tid, the Matins of
Stephen Bullock gathered at his residence in
Colombia township, and gave him a 'daunt
surprise, the occasion being She 77th anni
versary', of his birth: 311: B. was at Troy in
the Morning, and on his return 'found his
premises invaded by a unmet us drove of
Bullock's, (the herd numbering sixty or
more. mostly thorough breds), who were
making themselves entirely at hone with
hie possession', (an annoying ,eiresmstance,
as every Sumer leggin.) He accepted the
situation however. and gracefilikaubmitted
to the inevitable. . -,
After a bountiful dinner had been served
on the lawn, a large arm chile 'which had
been procured for the' occasion was present
ed to him in been of the :company, by
Albert Morgan, Esq., of ?van i lla a feeling
and eloquent address. in which - he alluded to
the three salient features in the character
and life of the recipient, viz.: "Opposition
to . Slavery.". "Advocacy of a 'protective
hulk," and a belief in the Universal Salvo
Lion of mankind." A silver spoon, more
than one hundred yam; old. a relic of the
house keeping outfit 'of his grandfather and
grandmother Stephen and Nary (Horton)
Bullock, with their initials engraved upon it
was then preiented by JAL Calkins in be
half of Jinx W. Davis. of Providence, B.
as an heirloom of the family. The spoon is
of massive, solid silver, and wonderfully well
preserved, considering the time it has been
in use. A beautiful briquet of flowers was
then presented by Mrs. J. B. Edsalkin a few
well chosen words. The Bev. S. C. Chandler
(Universalist) then presented a writing pen
cil with appropriate remarks. he recipient
was visibly affected by. these words and
tokens , of good will and respect, and respond
ed in a freling and fitting mariner, saying
that he Amnia not fail to remember them all
whether; sitting in his easy chair. Inditing
his thoughts with the pencil, or eating mush
and milk with his ancestor's spoon. while the
loving kindness symbolized--by the linnet,
would be cherished long after- the fragrance
of its flowers had departed. Then followed
music and recitations by -the younger por
tion of the company. which added largely to
the enjoyment of what"bad aireads been .a
thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. But a sud
den chill spread over the assembly when the
news was received and- announced that
President Garfield had been assassinated.
The blanched cheek and involuntary ex
pression'of horror forcibly reminded one of
Byron's description of the scene at the Ball
on the 4r night before the battle of Waterloo.l2
"Gathering tears and trembling of distress.
And cheeks all pale. which but an hour ago
Blushed at the praise of thine Own loveli-
Finally, as the shades of evening gathered,
the guests weniled their way homeward, well
satisfied with the day's enjoyment, and wish
ing their host yet many returns of his natal
day. C.
A Difficult Problem Hared..
Ambition, competition and over-exertion
use up the vital powers of men and women,
so that a desire for stimulants seems to b 3 a
natural human passion, and drunkenness
prevails on account of intrnecessity fbr bod
ily and mental invigoration. :Parker's Gin
ger Tonic fairly solves the difficult problem.
and hu brought health and happiness int o
many desolate homes. It does not tear dow n
an already debilitated system, but builds it
up without_ intoxicating.—Enquirer. Se e
other column. June 30-Im.
' I-want it distinctly understood that I hare
Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Store
to roams over Turner. it Gordon's drug store
and Woodford & Vandorrea boot. and shoe
store whore I will keep on hand all kinds o
COFFINS AND CASKETS from the beet to
the cheapest. Any one in need of any thing
Wray line give me a call. •
P► 13.—1 have DO connection with au y 4:!1' Mr
Frost's establishments.
1.8 4 /axis. Agt.
SPIUNG Tann Hartnows.—lnvidnable—the
West unprovement iw ground Cultivating
implementa—Will work on rougher.: more
stony and harder soils and do better work
than any other. Will do four times the work
that the common harrow& will do. Every
farmeeneedg one as an "economical tool in
working his 'farm. Try one—satisfaction
guaranteed. Agents wanted. , * '
April 2ii-tf It, M. Wst.t.m.
NonPkolloselot for Ladies.
The Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing and in
troduciug .their new Stocking lihipporters for
Ladies and Children. and their - unequaled
Skirt Suspenders for ladies. None
without them; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in 'their. praise.
These goods are manufactured by LAN who
have madd tue wants of ladies and children
study. and they ask us to refer them to
some reliable and energetic lady to introduce
them lan& County,, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every house
hold would meet with .4 ready response, and
that a determined woman could Mike a
handsome salami and have the exclusive
agenci for this county: We advise some
lady wbo is in need of employment to send
to the Company her name and . address.'and
mentidn this paper. Address Queen City
Susuerider Clompany,Nos. 147 a 149 West
Front Street, Cineinnall, Ohio.
may2e4w. - -
• • - ;11 . 01041: - •
- • .
We take great Pleasure 111 . calling the at
tention of our friends and ; customers to Dr.
Boaanto's Cough and Lung Syrup which is
perfectly harmless, pleasant to tic Lilies will
not nauseate, and gives relief al ost-lustent
ly. It matters not how severe your Cough
may be. bow many Dough medicines you have
tried, or how many physicians you have con
sulted. the tonic, soothing and healing pro
perties of this medicine will loosen it and as
sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend
ing matter. leaving them in a healthy , con
dition, free from irritation. and the sir pas
sages clear, besides invigorating and
strengthening the general ystem. Price 60
cents.' For the positive cure''of Consump
tion, Coughs, Cold; Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry
Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of
the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains, in
the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ
enza, Whooping•Oeugh and Mug Fever, we
recommend this medicine above
-all others.
Yours truly, CLARK B. Perm, •
June 2-Iy. • S. End Ward House Block.
Having concluded to go oat of the grocery
business, I offer my Stock and tiztures for
sale end the store to rent.
Gummy. ItuiazwAY.
- Bridge Street helow Rain.
TowANDA, Jane 28, 1881-tt ' I
BUSINESS -xorzcza:
- • •
—L. B. Rogers has - Ar Shirk of Bash.
Doors and 'Blinds; also Holdings; and is
selling cheaper than any other establishment
in Peannlvanla.
—Hrs. E. Saner:is has returned from the
city with an the spring styles in Hats. Bon
nets, also a full linerof senftti. • - spl 1
--0. L. Bastian sell Groceries very cheap
because big expenses- are very: light. - His
customers shall - have the benefit by buying at
the First Ward Store.
—All the MU'S styles in Ladies Ha and 'other has goods for the ladies at Mrs: E.ll.
st wadi* the Pdonable
ar Millinery store, main
--Cholas - hams at C. IL_ Myers market.
Bridge Street . May 19-If.
_ —Fresh lake fish and salt water ash at
O. M. Myer s market, Bridge street. _
- , 41,4 f.—
—No charge for delivering, and
=it, from C• I[. NTer ' i market. Bif~tce
f= tCl airilitt er fleTlll l W iti ga r ri;
- E. J. Itiartoi Isiks "litho iatist
MMus, aad Farley tioada apl 1
• ifininrirDi • ••• -
PIE—MHBHAL-111 Omnide; 4WD:
18111,_ty Bev. S. L. AM" Fruilluneree
and illefe*l l , lll Plib Oth Aillieldlo -
11/470X—BOtHil lbw *Mince
of Hui Orinville; lune
/881_.-br 16-11nwth, v. D. IL. Mr:
Prank rv rm ilitdflo Pa., and Mks
Phebe dstiOCir: of nftoef,
nowN-nrnact-as- Cho Prosbytician - -
. Parionigo„liourcieton July 6. by Rev. Hil
lock Arcisfinoc. Mr. Hong &Brown, of ,
E. Detrick a
-' - •
UT7RL lAN-At iffildand s flolly fith. sod.
denly and ustessedq, Mrs. Lonvinie 8.
wife of George Litselman„ aged 45 years:
Seldom has any event happened that cast
such a gloom over a whole community. Km
Lltaelman wu a most loving sister. wife,
another and friend. All who MOW her
her. She left seven children to mourn for
the best of mother.. But her hope and trait
wu in God, and Ile luni taken her to those
manskina not; ad° with Mad'. "lihweed
are the dead who die in tim Load." "Their
works do follow '
them." Her At • wan at. ,
tended by s large coniatuu of dee* sob
rowing Mends. Bak theyfinoolll not aa UAW
without hope. for a time, farewell sister.
wife, mother, Mend! .INgewell, but not for.
ever' E. A,
Corrected every Weditootex
Daus*Mailers In Gnomon AND PRODUCE.
Corset of Main and Pins Stmts.
• . Moro. ammo. •
in/ per hind SC 4067 CO
Flour per sick - • 1 thal 90
Bar.kwhest Pious. RI 100..51 CO
Cora Mal 140 L
Chop Fred ICO _ '
'Wheat; lh bushel 1 oogi es ito '
Bia, i " VS
Cora. . " • SC@ CO
Buckwheat. 4 ' - Os 45
Oats, 1 i MO 1 -
Beaus, " •• . 1 60(0)1 CC !
Potatoes, ‘4 l @•5O
Apples Green, 9 bushel.. i
Apples Dried, B lb.. .....
Peaches ,• _
_ B, "..... 10@ 19 ? -
Raspberries Dried 11 11.. IS
Posk.- 1 11 band
Hams. 11
S L s', in Tabs a Fisklus. 1019
Slitter, in Boils • 180
Otinii Seed pi bushel
Timothy seed S bushel..
Beessrui, 'll lb 20(422
llyssonso Palt
liUchion Salt srel
Ashton Bolt .
Onions. Il bushel. .....
No.lo - Strath Thhi St. Philadelphia.
Stock bought k sold either for Cash or on Itargin
U. S. '334's. 1881 102 g
Currency, 6'• 130
0 1881, new; 111.C0up.....P023: 31 -
" 4%, UM 114 3 X
„ 116%
Pennsylvania U. B 6 114
Philadelphia and Beading R. ... 29 ,41
Lehigh Valley R. R 61 • X'
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.... 44% • 48
United NJBB and Coal Co .. 196
Northern Central It it Co 65
Ileatonvilla Pan Rlt Co 21g 31
Pittabnrgh. TIC k Bluff, R B Co• • • 2236 X
Central Transportation Co mg 44
Northern Pacific. Com 4334' Ag
.61. prerd F 4
Northern Pennsylvania It ...... 80
Ins. Co of North America. ..... io 153; X
Silver. (Trades) 9 9 34 X
C u t •
• •
Itching and Sealy Diseases, Humors of
the Scalp and Skin Permanent
!y Oared. - •
Roo. W. Brown, al Marshall St.. Providence,
R. 1.. cared by Onticrus Remedies of a Ring.
worm Rumor got at the barber's, which spread
all over his firs. neck and ace, and ler six
years resisted all kinds of treatment.
F. 11.11)rake. Esq.. agent for limper & Bros..
Detroit. Mich., gives an astonishing account of
Weans (eczema rodent). which bad been treat
ed by a consulta ti on of Ordains without bene
fit' ut4 which speedily yielded to the Cirrwcrso
lismor.varwr internally and (Wricruza and Cust
om& Sear externally. -
, ,
U. A. Bk7lll o od, AntinOT F. W.. a. k B. 8.'11.,
Jackson. Kieft. was oared of *Scald Head of nine
years' durationky the Cutienra Remedies.
Hon. Wm. Ts)lor, Boston. Kass., permanent
ly cured of a humor of the face and scalp emir
ms)) that bad been tested linen for
twelve years by many of .Boaton's best p -
clans and most noted siiiseialists as well as Euro
pean authorities.
Nis; Bowers, 143 Clinton Si., Cinebniati,
apelike of whichs child, who iris cured of
milk ccrus t resisted all remedies for two
years. Now • finikheeilthy boy, with a bent!.
ful head of biir.
Frank A. Bean. Steam Fire Engine 6. Boston.
was cured of alopecia. or bUlug of the hair, by
the Cctsova► Basotaarr internally and Cirri.
cram and , MIMI& Sofa. which completely ra
stored his hair when all said he would lose it.
Thomas Lee. MI Frankford Av.. Philadelphia.
afflicted with dandruff. which for twenty years
bad covered his scalp with scales one-quarter of
inch in thickness. cured by the Cutieurs Rama
dies. t
The CvrietnrA TMIIIIINT consists in the
ternal use of the Cumuna Rusoz.vairr, the new
Blood purifier, and the external use of Ornou
lik and Mumma Scum the Great Skin Cures.
For Sunburn, Tan and Greasy Skin use Mu
mma SOAP, an esquisite lath and nursery
sanative, t with delicious flower odors
and healing l•
: •
Roceargi are for sale by all drimeits. Price of
Ocracumt. a 'Medicinal Jelly. small boxes. 50o;
large bosom. $l. Mumma. autmenwr, th e new
Blood Purifier. 11 per - bottle. amnia Soar
ithe queen of medicinal and toilet soaps). 25c.
cipal doot. WEEKS. & POTTER. Boaton.iffaaa.
All mailed free on receipt of price.
cOUINA. Mors continuous and pow.
fr , se mi electrical action is
vine ti fignier b o tained , go Comnt's
• !IMMO sum Unit say $2 battery
made. Thew: are moody
and certain cure for Pain and W at the
Lungs, Liver Kidneys, hand Urinary •
Rheumatism. Ifeuraigla Hysteria. rem weak
ness. N • Atine wild Weaknesses, Malaria,
and •_ •ftgue. Price 25 cents. Sold every
where. • 4 : POTII2I, Boston,_ Mew •
• •usuat'
_ _
..: mair emu CAMPHOR. Is THE
NAILS iff tbel*rptilar Linantest UM cures
Imam. Neuralgia. Swollen or Stiffened
Joints, Frost Bites. Pain in Ho Face. Head or
ik Owned Nand.. Bytisea. Sprains . Burns.
mosquito Mak Sibtg or Bite of an insect.
Poison Vine". *to" for Nan or Beast
Shwa MANN, . and • abnoat instantan
eous in its *WI, Haring an agreeable odor it
p a
bp: -to -apply. Sold by all druggist.
',t lik , ilabsent reOeived a Prise Iwo
at PaP rop'' '' ,
gle N. ad St., Pldle.. Pa.
Jan. la. 0-10.
rtISSOLUTION.—=The , partnership
heretofore misting between C. N. Myriad
W. J. Devoe.under the dun acme Or Illytt sad
is this day dissolved by limitation. lit.
W. J. , Devouratirisig Won the , dria. " The boil.
use will be Ceathiusi as herstotor4 bJ Xr. C.
X. Myer. to was:mall notes sad ir=s . des
the basal= are
Towaiwia, W,e7=11..
THE 13NDERSIGNED hereby gives
aotiee that the Boole sad Accounts of Vs
late area of Myer II Davos, ell la hls beads tbe
ealleetioa. All pumas ladebta4 to tholsto dim
irstq call sad settle, lOWA Miley.
M ir e i gMdt. MULL
LSstin 'mold my re Furniture
sadUadsshd seelnees, knows as the
:Mike stoat runs store t.'s. Pt Plum,
somaisepeettally ressamend , these Is nest of
goods la Ws Use to Cain hlm at the old et as&
I also Welt to larcirm Ikea Mdebted to me
the Itwiltb neemeaty to settle the amount,
goes._ _ . • N. P.
skik:_Funitt.: - ::- - .. - AawsToRt I
~ :,.NEw..goomf!, -.. _::- • :
Ed. Moillesseaux,
With Swots & Gorden's Store,
Main Street, Towanda, Pa.
Ilrker? he keeps s FULL ANCIIMIZINT or
Gold & Silver Watches
ffir Ms Stock i• ill NEW and of the FIN
Qum my: all end see lot! 'owlet/.
A.D.Dyeak Co.
20 00®22 00
' 14
5 0006 5(1
3 15®3 25
2 7503 00
Sold in Toaranda and
A.D.DYE& Co . ,
PILO a)_ I
fob 26.$
Yon need not Die to Win
. .
4 , Of Bath, N. Y.
- - -
Yon I receive one.half of your insurance, ac.
cording to the /merlon Life Table. when two.
thirds of your Me- expectancy datehed—for
illustration. a man or woman_ the Apo.
elation at 36 years of ase taking a certificate for
$2.800, receives $1,275 when a little over 66 years
of age, esactly the period in life when a little
financial help is generally more needed than at
sny other time. -
mamas k ROarrag.
General Agents fO Penn's.
is TIE mum- OF the Liniment
that mares lihstimstam,_N Swollen or
Stilleasd Joints, Frost BUN. Isialn the Yank
Head_ or Woo. Oheoped bands. Brulasslprahcs.
Wiens. Womploto Mot. Mud or Bite in in.
leak Poison from common Poison Nines; etc,
tor smut or bust. Always rash*
initantansons its Earingan agrosablo
odor. itispUm br ant to apply. Sold by all driNg•
este. pt , 25 cents.
f If. IL—ltis Liniment readied a Prise Nadal %
the State raiz. • NAT 2U li•
(Formerly wills Handel:ask)
FTWTM• 7 4 , N - P1
&c., &e.
• is:
.R. - . - iJ:J.,:c.. --. :PORTER'S
Old Established Drag Store,
Oor. Main and Pine Sts. Totiffandst
L..,0 Tii --- 1-.T N.G7
Gents• Ptianaishhas Goods,
M. E.
Now propolses to knock the bottom out of high prices, and for the next 90 da
Will offer his immense stock of Springilleady-Made Clothing for
Than the goods can be bonghtin in :t other house, in the county, and every one
whether they need clothing or not, should not miss this great opportunity, ,
as it will pay • you to buy for the coming season of
I now feel confident of success in this line as I am turning ont daily iheland
sourest and best finished.tgarnients in town. Don't forget the Place. -
Towanda. March 7,1879.
R. M. Welles,
'Wholesale and Retail
The attention of the ' farmers of Bradford is specially called to these now lariciwir as filling DOM
pletely a. void in our implements for the thorough pulverizing and preparation of all soils for hoed
and all other crops. Their operation is so remarkable as to make the Spring Tooth Harroer the
best selling Farm implement now before the patine.
iIirTOWNSHIP AGIDITS cwanted where none aro now appointed.
A full line of First-Clum Churn Powers. Please examine into the merits of the Patent Adjust
able Track Power. It is Just the thing to please.
I!nprolied 'rompking* County-Culaviitors.
M.. Osborne So Co's Independent blowers and Reapers.
Tho BEST sad C'EFAPEtir BRANDS In this market
A Large Stock of
. .
4 in any quantity, at very 7 low prices. wholesale and retail.
These . latter are the best and finest itnisheAl Farm Wagons ever seen in
this County. - '
Half She eton t Open Top and Covered :Buggies,
First-class in every respect, from 150.00 to $lOO.OO. All warranted well made from the
beat materials.
Platform Wagons,
- with Clark's Flexible, and common Gears and Springs.
For the very best and cheapest goods in the like of Fanning "Machinery sup
ply to the subscriber either , personally , or by letter. Send for Circulars awi
Towanda, April -28th, 1881.
Towanda 5 ct. Store
MAIN' wrrumErr,
Is prepared to oiler a complete assort-
ment of
crockery, Glassware,
Latest designs and patterns-of
[3/walnu t &C-.]
For the coming Spring. Trade, we
adhere as heretofore to our established
principle—that a quick sale with a small
profit r is better than a slow one with a
profit and therefore our prices
in any line of goods will compare
favorable with the prices of any other
IlerWe endeavor to sell the best
article for the least possible money, '
Old Hata made New!
Altering and rresaing for 40 mita
ED for 45 ants, AU done by
jn6l. On 2nd St., head of. Franklin.
......... :0: -.
GEO. ,L. ROSS; -
This Wed up the old MONTANTE STORE with
s full and complete stock of FRESH
Call here for your Groceries. After yon get
prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else
where for his pricesiare down to rock bottom. • •
Farmers can get the tip.tOp of the market a:
Goo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex
change for goods or for cash. _
Main Street, First Ward.
o a more convenient Id - cation. and established .
himself in the Carroll Illock. opposite Seeira
is prepared to supply his patrons with
arBOLOGNA SAUSAGE • spodolty. Al) or.
don promptly delivered.
The undersigned offers for oath on reasonable
terms two Loth of Improved Land. One of ten
serer In Rome Bothsigh sad one otatteen acres ha
Rome township. Tor particulars inquire o a the
premises of ORSON 'RICKS!.