Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 14, 1881, Image 2

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JUDSON HOLCOMB. t ,p ßopaizro ns.
"Reasonable taxes, honest expend it ures, com
petent OWE*, and no stealing: harpers'
Entered In the Pest Mee at Towanda al
THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1881.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
County Convention. -
The Republican County Commit
tee at a meeting held Friday, June
24th, in which the representation was
full, chose as represeatative delegates
to the State Convention which is to
assemble at Harrisburg: on Monday,
September sth ; 0. D. Kinney, R.
A. Mercur and J. Monroe Smith, and
instructed them to support the nom
ination of :Hon. W. T. Davies, for
State Treasurer.
It is well known to the Republi•
cans of Bradford, that we have in
the past sharply critizised the repre
sentative action of Mr. Davies, espe
cially with reference to his course at
Cincinnati cs a delegate in 1876, and
in the summary call for a legislative
caucus for the election of 3. D. Cam
eron to .succeed his father in the U.
S. Senate to assemble within twen-
t3-four hours after the elder Came
ron's resignation., Our convictions
were strongly averse to the personal
supremacy that ruled over the dele
gates at Cincinnati, and the blind
following of Mr;Davis, and his col
league there, against a large majori
ty of the Republicans they were sent
to represent. We were as strongly
averse to the summary manner in
whi& the election of J. D. Cameron
thetoe United States Senate to suc
-ceed his his father was accomplished;
We criticised the , action of Mr. Da
victa in Anna mann, az wa Colt dio
cumstances demanded. Not in any
spirit of personal malice or vindifc
tiveness on our' part, but because of
our conviction, that that kind of per
sonal supremacy over the party
would ultimately work its ruin. We
therefore determined to wage a reso
lute crusade' against that kind of
machine politics.
Since the election of Mr. Davies to
the Senate for a second time h e has
given ample : evidence that his con
victions in regard to the dtuagerous
tendencies of personal or machine
rule- over the Republican party of
Pennsylvania is in full accord with
our own and with a decided majority
of his constituents. He came' nobly
to the fore in the Senatorial contest
at Harrisburg last winter, and rose
to the dignity and l standing of_ an
the people. Having -full faith in his
good intentions we have buried the
past with the past, and earnestly
desire his nomination and election to
the office of State Treasurer this
fall, for which he is eminently fitted.
Mr Davis; instead of being a mere
follower in the lead of men, who lead
wrongfully, has the capacity, if •he
would cultivate the moral courage to
lead boldly for the right, to make
himself one of the most prominent
men in Pennsylvania. _ This position
we would be gratified to see ihim
achieve through right action. In ev
ery laudable effort to achieve it . he
may rest assured of our most-cordial
support • We shall not, however
surrender to him or to any other pub
lic servant of the people, clothed with
official trust at their hands, the right
of just criticism of their official action.
We have heartily sustained Mr.
Davies on all occasions. when his - ac
tion met the approval of the best
-public judgment, and we have fear
lessly spoken out when. it did not.
Though most unjustly assailed for
such action, we Canireely And calmly
overlook and forgive the assaults,
. 4 ' since events must have- convinced
the most captions of our opposers
' that we were in the right. Now
Senator Davis . prosecute your can-
vase vigorously. We are convinced
that - the honorable reputation you
madp at Harrisburg last winter
reaches to the borders of the State,
and no man in the party is looked
upon with more favor than yourself.
Notiithstanding past differences,
now settled and overlooked, we will
do all we can properly do to achieve
your nomination and election.
The change of base at Albany, does
not seem to have brought the Legis
latnre of New York any nearer to au
agreement upon the choice of Sena
tors than before the holding of the
caucus by the administration Repub-
lican• members and the nomination
of Lapham and Miller. Mr. I?epew
declined a 'caucus nomination; and
Mr. Platt- has withdrawn from the
contest, yet Mr. Conkling's friends
the help of the Democratic mem•
bers, persist in preventing an election:
The friends of Mr. Conkling have
proposed a compromise on Wheeler
and Grant. This is refused by ad
ministration men, and the question
of the eligibility of general Grant is
raised. It would certainly. appear
that he is ineligible iander section
: three article three of the Con stitution
of the United States ; "no person
shall, be a Senator who shall not have
attained the age of thirty years, and
been nine years a'citizen of the Uni
ted States, and who shall not, when
elected, be an inhabitant of the State
- for I:chichi:le shall be chosen." Gen
- eral Grant is not an inhabitant of
- the State of New York, and is there
fore ineligible as a Senator of that
We can see no possible justification
for the notion of lir. Conkling and
his friends' in preye - nting an election.
We hnd, - ,hoped that. the ,ememency
threatened by /he attempted allassi
nation of the President, world have
brought the COnkling members of
the Legislature to a sense of The ita
portence of choosing two Senators
for New York at once. In this we
disappointed, as the country is dis
appointed. New York is humiliated
by the disgrace of the contest
brought upon her bra petulant and
self-important Senator who betiayed
her trust.
The balloting On Tuesday . stood as
ollows :
'mar BALLOT.
Potter : 52 Laplutm ; 68
Conkling : 32 Woodford : -1
Fish : ; 1 Evarts : : : 1
- Necessary to a choice. 78.,
Miller : : 70 Daniels : :
Heiman : : 52 Bliss :
Starin : : : 1 Evarts
Wheeler : : 21 Fish : :
Adams : : : 2 Chapman :
By a law passed at the last session
.of. the Legislature, all practicing
physicians are required to file a copy
of their diplomas in the office of the
Prothonotary. 2'.
Expressions of the deepest sym
pathy with the President in his suf
fering at the hands' of a wicked as
sassin reach the Executive Mansion
from all parts of the civilized world.
The spirit in Which the terrible
shock of the attempted assassination
of the President was received by the
American people; demonstrates their
loyal attachMent to the Govern
How Mrs. Garfield Met Her
Husband--Brave Little Mollie.
The Washington correspondent of
the New York Times gives this affect
ing narrative of the, meeting of, Mrs.
Garfield with the President after_ the
shooting :
At the porch of the White Ho#se the
almost broken-hearted wife was met by,
her son, James A. Garfield, Jr., Mrs.
James and Attorney-General Moveagb.
She placed her hands in those of Mrs.
James, and directing a piercing inquiry
into her eyes exclaimed interrogative
ly: '"Well?" "Oh, everything is go
ing on beautifully," said Mrs. James,
in reply, 'only he must not be excite 4.
You Must be very Calm when you meet
him.' Mrs. Garfield had nerved her
self for the ordeal, and she answered
simply, but with great firmness, 'I cap
do it.' The party then went sadly up
the stairs, 'young . James A. Garfield
with his arm about his mothers's waist.
Arrived in the library, everybody but
Mrs. Garfield pawed, and'the doctors
withdrew with bowed beads from the
President's chamber. Mrs. tiarfieid
passed quickly in and the door was
closed. Of that solemn meeting be
itween husband and wife no record will
'ever be given The two were alone to
gether without witnesses. At the end
of about 15 minutes ihe door opened
and Mrs. Garfield came slowly out.
There were: no tears in her eyes, and
she walked with a firm step and - took
her lea in, the library. She was very
brave and bore up nobly under the .
As sue leit the room Mrs. James passed
In.' The President was smilingand he
beckoned with his Ling - M.lO the lady to
approach. She leaned over the Presi
dent and he said:— you met
Crete?' Mrs. Garfield's Christian name
is Lucretia, and Crete is the pet name
by which the President always speaks
of her. 'Yes, I have•met her," said
Mrs. James. 'And how did she act;
how did she bear it?' was the next
eager question. 'She bore it like the
true wife of a true soldier,; -.answered
Mrs. James. 'Ail, the dear -little wo
man,' exclaimed the President,.
Would rather die than this should cause
a relapse to her.'
Soon after Miss Mollie retnineit to
the room. She, too, was very) brave,
and forced herself to "simme r 's calm
ness which she coulUnot ,feel. Ad
steadily toward her father'i4
he lay on' what was supposed to be his
ditath-bed, she said: 'Oh, papa, I'M
so glad to get back to you, but I'm
*lorry to see you in this way.' Theli
she kissed him, and the President, put.
ting his' arm around", her neck, ex
claimedi 'Mollie, you're a brave, good
little girl." Well, I'm not going to
talk with you. nowt said the stout
hearted little girl,' as she tenderly re ,
moled his arm from her neck; 'wait
till you get well,' and with these part
ing words she kissed him and again
turned and walked from the room, fol
lowed by a beaming smile from the,
Prim the moment of Mrs. Garfiela's
visit to him the President seemed . to
gain in strength and spirits, and if he
recovers the doctors say that it will be
due greatly to the, presence of his de
voted wife.
,After Mollie had left him
he turned over; and with one hand
clasped firmly in one of \ 'Mrs. James',
and his head resting upon her other
hand, he fell into "a gentle sleep. In
half an hour, however, he awoke and
complained of a pain in his fat. It
did not last long, and he dozed again,
still holding the hand of Mrs. James.
This time he slept& little over halt an
hour, and Irhen he woke he said- to
Mrs. James: 'Do you know where
Mrs. Garfield is now?' 'Oh, Mrs.
James answered, 'she is close by,
watching and 'praying for her-busband.'
He looked up to the lady with an anx
ious face, and said: want her to go
to bed. Will you tell her that I say if
she will undress and go to bed I will :
turn right over, and I feel sure that'
when I know she is in bed I can go to
sleep and sleep all night. Tell her,' he
exclaimed with sudden energy. 'that I
will_ sleep all night if she wilt only do
what Task.' Mrs. James conveyed the
message to Mrs. Garfield, who said to
her at once: IR, - back and tell him
that I am. undressing.' She rctinned
with the answer, and the Paiddent
turned over on his right sid#' and
dropped into a quiet sleep almost in
stantly. ' . •
Mow! of Morgan the Marion.
Poirmildp. Oregon, July 9. 7 -It has
just been ascertained that tile youngest
daughter of William Morgan, who,. it
wap claimed, vas put out of the way for
divulging Masonic secrets many years
ago, is living in this State. She 311 the
wife of Captain Wm. Smith, residing
in !Marion county. Mrs.. Smilk says
her father was drowned by live men
who took him one night into the lake
One of the men residedin Portlan I for
many years but is now dead.
Presidei Garfield.
His ConlAnued Impiove-
Waren F OF THE rzoosess
Wednesday, Joao/ pm
Wasamtvrott,..Tuly 6-2:30 P. M.-J
The heat to-day is intense. The
President doe" not suffer - much from
it, however: The President's conditi
on at this hour remains unchanged,
all rumors to the 11 , itrary notwith
3:39-P. M.—Among other favorable
symptoms in the President's condition,
to-day is the fact that- he is beginnink
to find fan with his physicians be
cause they do not give him enough tti
eat. He called for beefsteak, but up
on being told it was not thought pru
dent at present to allow him to eat
such hearty food, he grumbled a little,
but consented to compromise upou an
egg and say no more about it. An
egg was given him. He wished also
to know whetherihe could be permit.
ted to ”bold e,_ Cabinet meeting and
evinced generally a disposition to talk,
which his physicians were obliged to
discourage and' restrain. His symp
toms continue favorable.. ,
5:30 P. M. 7 --Doctor Bliss says that
the President's condition and symp
toms at this hour are favorable and
8:30 P. Ig.—The President's con
dition continues as favorable as at
last reports. He, passed tk very com
fortable day, taking more nourishniet
than yesterday. Pulse 104, tempera
ture 100,0 respiration 23. Unless
unfavorable symptom developed, no
further bulletins
.will .be issued until
to-marrow morning.
10 P. M.—Only a slight change bas
taken place in the President's condi
tion since the date of the last official
bulletin, and that is in the direction of
further improvement.: He is now crest=
ing quietly.
The President passed a most com
fortable day, and his condition to
night is in every way as satisfactory
as could be expected. He: has taken
more' nourishment during the past eigh-
teen hours than at any time since he wounded, and the food has all
been' retained and perfectly assimilated.
TO relieve him as far as possible,
frOut the oppression caused by the in
tense heat, his physicians this evening
put into operation a. simple refrigera
ting apparatus, which it• is thought,
wAtiortdw' shibeirvzhtr
than 'ttoday. Although only a few
hours have elapsed since the apparatus
was put in operation- it has made a
perceptible change.
The day has been comparatively a
quiet one at the Executive Mansion,
for the reason that the krorable bul
letins,ito a great extent, i relieved ° the
pudlic anxiety and decreased the num
ber, of callers. At midnight the Presi
dent is resting quietly and all the
symptoms are encouraging.
The President's Hopeful Con
WASHINGTON, July 6.—The follow
ing dispatch was sent by the surgeons
in charge, to the two consulting sur
1 . P. M.—Since our telegram of
,yesterday the case has continued to
progresi favorably. The President
was quite comfortable during the day
and needed no morphia untill bedtime
last night. His mind was perfectly
clear, but he obeyed our injunction to
refrain from conversation. In the
afternoon the exacerbation of the Symp
toms heretofore observed daily did not
occur. On the contrary a slight dim
inution in the pulse -took plase. By
8:30 P. M., it was 100, temperature
100.9, and respiration 24. During
the - afternoon he had several small
solid natural evacuations from his
bowels, the first since the accident.
They occurred without rin or dis
etmfort--and contained no trace of
blood. j During the evening, from 7 to
10 p. m., he was troubled occasionally'
by acid eructations, but on suspending
the administration of nourishment for
a time, this symptom disappeared. At
half-past ten one-quarter - of a grain of
morphine was administered hypoderTic
ally being the only morphia given since
our telegram to you yesterday. He
slept very well during the night, and
expressed. hi mself quite comfortable
though weak this morning at 8:30.
Thin morning his pulse was - 98, tem
perature 97.9 and respiration 23. The
tenderness of the limer extremities to
the touch has diminished., At 12:30
p, m. to-day his pulse *at 100, tem
perature 99.7 and respiration 23. We
will -continue to keep you well advised
of the progress of the case. I -
[Signed.] D. W. Blass,
J. H. Barms,
J. J. Woonwanii,
. Thursday, July 7th.
WAtalliCiTON, July 7.-1:30 A.
The attendants in the Bich room report
no noticeable change in the condition
of the President since midnight.
Tag REPORT TO TIM iassounso morons;
Execuiris Manrsio i, 'July 7.—The
following despatch was sent by the
surgeons in charge" totbo two consult
ing surgeons tiis afternoon:. -
‘"F.xscuvrve Mamma, 1 P. M.—
paring the past twenty-fout hours the
President has continued to improve
slowly. As was anticipated, a slight
rise of temperature and a alight in-
creasein the. frequency - of the pulse
occuried dnting theafteneTrand.aye
tang. ',itt 8:30, ri ii4he palse wruilo4,
ttunperature, 1130,6;:_resperrition,-23,
but ii;l 7 Sccorderecu;With this dirifnal
improvement,!?oth Pale .an4;_ternPOr,7
ture were again duniniabed this mor
ning, and - shoewd some improvement
over yesterday at the same hour. At,
ti A. at. the pulse was 04, .temperature,
99.1; respiration, 23.. We
of - course, it similar movement for
some days to come; and So' timlay fi nd
at 1 P. sr the pulsel9o • temperature
100.9; respiration, 23. Last evening
at 9:30 a quarter of a grain of mortar
sulphate as administered hypodermi
cally and the President slept very well
during the night. In addition to the
chides-broth and albumen he had yes.
tadsy afternoon a , small' quantity of
scraped beef tenderloin, which, how
-1 'ever, he did not' relish very much.
This - - morning be is taking oatmeal
gruel and milk at inter/11s of two
hours with relish. Yellowishness of
the skin, so common for wounds of the
liver, developed to.a slight degree dur
ing the day yesterday, but' is not more
'marked this morning. We do not at=
tach a great deral of importance to this
symptom, except so far as to confirm
the opinion already formed of the na
ture of the wound. Altogether we
feel that the patient has dona as well
as"could be expected' up to the present
time, and our hopes for his ultimate
recovery are strengthened by the
events of the two days.
D. W. Buss. J. J. WOODWARD,
J. K. Basis, Rom Reinsures.
&mum/ MANSION, 8 P. ht.—The
favorable condition of the President
continues. Pulse, 106 ;: temperature,
100.2 ; resperation, 23,
D. W. Buss, J. J. WoopwAßD,
K. BARNES, Roirr. Rzyntrmr.
Excel, ve MANSION, July 7-Mid
night.--There has been no material
change in the condition of the Presi
dent since the date of thb last official
bulletin. He is resting quietly!
July 8-2 A. M.—The condition of
the President has; remained-substanti
ally unchanged since midnight.
Wasartiorki, July. 8-10:40 A. M.
—Col. Rockwell says: The President
passed a comfortable night. I was
with him from one o'-clock till daylight.
He slept well and was,, refreshed. I
do not see how he could well be better
in six days after such a shot as he re
ceived..l I think we •are' justified now"
in feeling most hopeful.
12:05 P. M.—The symptoms, of the .
President are as favorable as at the
date of the last official bulletin. The
report that a Secendary hemorhage
had set in is entirely !unfounded.
12:30 P. M.—Thi progress of the
President's case continues to be favor
able.; Pulse 108, temperature 101.4,
resperation 24. _
1 P. M.-- The slight increase in the
prase and temperature of the President
- c+
the rocnii, eTtitt p — roemartrir- -- -euppere
which is now going on in the wound
near the surface of the body. This
process, which is accompanied by a
slight discharge of pus, is entirely
natural and is expected. It is the
necessary result of the injury 'at this
stage of the case.
8 P. M.—The President's condition
continues favorable. He passed a
very comfortable afternoon, and has
taken more nutriment than on pre
vious days. Pulse 108, temperature
101:3, resperation 24. If the condi
tions continues so favorable, there will
be no further bulletin untit—,l6-mor
row morning.
Saturday. 1,
EXECUTIVE Maalox, July 9.—The
attending physicians , sent the following
telegram to the consulting physicians
this afternoon :
‘,‘ExEctrrnce Measion, 1 P. M.
"To Drs. Frank H. Hamilton and
J. H. Agnew:
"The President continues to improve
slowly. The acid eructations have not
recurred during the last 24 hours. An
ounce of milk with a teaspoonful of
rum has been taken every two hours
during the night, without produping
any gastric embarrassment. ..At 9
A. M. he took ten grains of hi-sulphate
of guinea, which did not disturb the
stomach. Yesterday toward evening
he became restle:ss, wearied and anxious
for the morphia. A quarter of a grain
Was given hypodenaically at 8:30,
after which he passed a tranquj night,
sleeping most of the time. Yesterday
afternoon he had - a small, solid passage
froth the bowelS, in which a noticeable
deficiency of piliary coloring matter
was observed. The yellowish tinge of
the skin continues shoat" as at the last
report. At 8 P. M. his pulse was 108;
temperature, 101,3; respiration, 24.
This morning at 11:30, pulse 100; tem
perature, 99.4; respiration, 22.
D. W. Buss, J. J. WOODWARD,
J. K• BARNEts. ' Bow. ItErsuom"
President has been more Comfortable
today than at any time since he was
wounded. His children were permit
ted to see him this morning, and the
attending physicians reported at 4 P.M.
that he is improving satisfactory.
None of the systems of artificial refrig
eration thus far tried have entirely
met •the sanguine anticipations of their
inventors and suggestors, but the
weather continues reasonably pool.
The President has not suffered much
,from the heat ;since Thursday. Ei
perimentiare still being made with re
frigerating apparatus t in anticipation
of a -return of the hot weather, whieh
is predicted General Hazen.
.rint 7, o . more. -
Emma: MA 11, 7:15 P. Her- .
The President'sicondition has continu
ed favorable during the day. The
febrile reaction does nor differ materi
ally 'from that of yesterday. Pulse
108; temperature, 10! .14. respiration,-
D. W. Butat4 J. J. Wooawaaa.
likusza, ROBERT lbrratnar.
wmanick 6 4 4 * = : -1 0. -- I A. ,14.-"=.
The attetidini4YeiniSna report ihnt
the split*** thitheiident Ode
hour lum**464itoy' be 1
expeete4c'):;'l!iltaiisicen nourishment .'
fairly well, although., there wai
slight - -mu aftninoOn. The
euppura*AiSohnigeAom the wound
contioneOlit:l** - pmfecstly normal
and health, „alipeeinike. The . Presi-',
dent eirehe - 1145
slteping eonijnimuly, from 8 ‘o'cloolt,
and said - that he felt better' than he
had during the day; - .He is now rest
ing quietly: , -
Wasn't Noun:, July 110,
BA. M.--The President pulsed. the
- --
most, comfortable night of ,any since
receiving the wound, tdeeping tranquil
ly and with few breaks. The general
progress of his symptoms continue fa
vorable. Pulse 106; temperature 100,
respiration - 23.
7 P. 11.--The President's symptoms
continue .to make faiorable progress.
Pulse 108,, tlespira.
ration 24. No. Anther bulletins will
issued Until until to-morrow. morning. _
S P. M.--Postmaster General James
Bays that the' President is progressing
finely, and that the surgeons are per
fectly eatlisfiek with the, Progress thus
far made. • Gin, tpriim said that thii
evening that the President's condition
is very encouraging indeed.. Refer
ring to the Preilident's diet, which con
sists principall of milk, be said that
the President invariably takei•it with.?
out any effort, and as a rule, appears
to relish it. An exception to the rule
however, occurred this afternoon. The
President asked for a drink, and _Gen.
Swain handed him some milk to which
the phyeicians had added a small quan
tity of old rum; The President after
drinking it looked at Gen. Swaim with
a distasteful expression and said,
"Swaim, that's the rum dose, isn't it?"
The. President continues to take chick.
en broth occasionally, with good- results.
He suffers no internal pain from the
wound, but experiences cousid•
erable soreness of the muscles
No one excepting , Mrs. • Garfield and
the attendants have been admitted to
the sick chamber to-day, it being the
desire to keep the President perfectly
quiet. Earl} , this afteraoon, General
Swaim says the President desired to
see one of the bulletins which he heard
some one speak of ai having been issu
ed. The latest bulletin was brought
from the Secretary's office and handed
him. After perusing it he remarked
smilingly that it did not think it neces
sary to post his name before the coun ,
try every few hours. Geueril Swaim
thinks that with to-day the greater
part of the danger will pass, end un
less something unfavorable occurs, of
which. there is at praent no indication,
the President will graduilly improve,
and his ultimate recovery be merely a
question of time. His recovery will
necessarily be slow and tedious, but in
my opinion he is now on the sunray
—drurap, the steward of the Execu
tive mansion, who sat Up. 'with the
Ptesident last night says that he res
ted very well. During his wakeful
ness he inquired after different gentle
men connected with the Mansion and
spoke in a 'general way with reference
;to what was going 'on in the 'House.
The strict instructions of the phy l
sicians against the President's talking
any: more than is necessary will not.
pe*it' any extended conversation, in
asmuch as the attendants, in constr.
quence thereof, do not show a disposi
tion to talk, and the President, reali
zing the cause, does not insist on it.
Dr. Bliss stated this evening that
the President was doing as well as
could be expected, and he felt highly
gratified with the manner in which the
patient was progressing.
11 :15 P. M.—The Prefddent is
Sleeping quietly. All his symptoms are
favorable and the doctors ate prpar
ing for a night's rest -tbeniselves.. f , Dr.
Bliss says, "we are entirely satisfied
with the manner in which matters are
SURGEON' simurnx.
The following was sent by the sur
geons in charge to the consulting sur
gebns today. Such slight changed as
have taken place in the President's
condition since our telegram of yester
day, are of a favorable character . . About
7 p. at. his bowels were freely moved,
and shortly afterwards he received a
hypodermic injection of a quarter
of a grain . of morphia. He slept
more naturally during the night than
since he was hurt, and since this Mor
ning is comfortable and takes nour
ishment well, and appears on the whole
much better than hitherto. During
the last two hoard he has taken alt.).
gather fourteen ounces of milk and one
of rum. This morning at 10:30 he
again received ten grains
. of sulphate
of (prink. Both yesterday and the
day before the wound was diessedan
tiseptically twice during the tw#,nty
four hours. This morning it is dis
charging rather' less pus than - yester
day, but its appearance is healthy.
6: A. M.— The Preirident'S symp:
tome continue favorable. He slept
well, has no fever and! is quite corn-,
IX A. M.—The President continues ,
to. improve. He paste; a comfortable
night and feels much refreshed! this
forenoon, though the actual number of
sleeping hours
,was less than the tight
before. He took•the usual amount of
nourishment during the night and -suf
fered no inconvenience
,from it. -His
pulse is down .to 96-.' The refrigera
ting machine is working well. The
tenwerature of theioom can be reduc
ed to any desired degree.
8 A. M.—The President pissed a
comfortable night. His condition
shows an improvement over that of yes
terday. - Pulse 98, temperature 992,
respiration 22. • - A
IP. M—The folkiwing was sent
by the attending to the consulting sur
geons s - • _
:with' great
Dgring tbe past twenty-four hours MRS. GARFIELD. The 0 0 "
_._ ,___,__
„,, 41 - --„, , _ gatlantmanda abase of lihe alsu g s ' "''''.
vocablethellinegreall of tbe,
.. r. ,President's,.e WheA the„whole nation wept ''atiss test Kr& Bonanza Ifigikah DOW . sg . Parts-
Mule bll! Maims& }fti bliftwunt and iliuddered &ribs assault. on the Psisi .. Wd to help her husband tang Dar fa cial''
seismed ~ twenty-two 'w inces of 'milk dent=-.there ;,.!Wils 0ne;,40 whom- the !bras.
and mie`Ounce Of rum.'' - ;.This merning blow -IWrii ? life or, death to every
it nine, ke bid' besides, it Alice of*task limns)* hopev to every joy,
_• sad
softened - 1u m il k. and at 11:15 heV took t° al that makes life w o rth ti e in g . .11°
fifteen rains of m. 8111046 of (L i t wi n, others the shock was Oil, of a mental
There--bas 1030_0
11144114 01 theA (mirage; to this me it was personal; for
it meant to a wife theline oi her has
"llaCk" al l ' - '. hne ' Lad evenin g et band. Yet 4103. to whom the stroke
7115 . he received q uarter of a g r ain of was aa -- t",,,,* of the lightning, compared I
morphia sulphate, bypodermically,a nd
_ 14) tee ' theseteieleP it was to °time. 1
slept" Well during - the night- 'lle in 'that *Hama showed the world how
wound i*as Again dressed antiseptically new akin the human, lose may be to
yesterday evening and this morning, the divine , and h" hi g h mental mar '
and continues to discharge a small age rises above phyidissl idlliotion.
i The interest in ; Mtn. Garfield „ arises
quantity of healthy pus. slut from 'the twit that sho ,. ,_is -the
2:34 P. M.- e condition of the President's wife, but because sbe has
President has not materially changed s h own herself a woman greater in all
since the hat bulletin. He said recent- "wards attriinites .than is likely to
ly to an attendant, "I wish
.'I could get be seen often by the public. Bising
up on my feet. I would like to see from a bed of sickness near to death,
whether I hive any back bone left or she was met by a message from her bus
not." 1 . band, which showed that her condition
than his own. Indeed.
was more to hint ,
After ten days of danger, weariness, we are told that war a few days ago
best and i:uffering, • the President re- his frientis feared, to tell him how ill
mains as brave and cheerful as at first, she was.-lest the shock might break him
and is I only restrained by physicians' down. And even in this weak state,
orders from talking animatedly with when all others. around her were un
those around him. nerved, she arose out of herself, as it
7P. I,l.—The Presidentlad rether were, min went at once-manfully we
more fever this afternoon. In other would say were womanfully notruer—
with a smiling face , to try to , bring
respects his condition is unchanged. to h e rfm whose life was deare to her
Pulse 100, temperature 102 8, respire- than own.-The p ros.
ti " 24. Being.- in: Washington st the time,
9:20 P. ht.—The President's temper-, some 0; the Mmuastanoes attending
attire, which at the date of the last of- Mrs. Garfield's illness made a stronger
ficial bulletin, was higher than at any ,impression= ' upon my mind than any; ,
time during the day. has since• steadily mere written description. - From • the
fallen until now, and it stands at about lips of those' who watched over her and
last night'ti figure. No especial ira- I l uewed 6—'B President ' s
portant* is attached by the attending
de otion, I daily heard the reports of
her condition. I saw lel. the Nat time
Isurgeons to these daily fluctuations of she appeared in public, at the unveiling
temperature and pulse. At this stage of , the Farrugut Statute, 'where she sat
of the case, they are to be expected. for three honor in the fierce heat 'of that
The general condition of the patent at unseasonably sultry day on the 25th of
this hour is favorably and satielactory. April. Sho did not leave the White
12 P . lU—The President passe d . a House for long weeks after that. None
hut the intimate friends of Presi
quiet day, but had little more fever
;ban usual. He took twettly-five dent family knew of the anxiety and
tenderness with which Garf i eld watched
ounces of milk and one ounce of, rum over •her night and daY, until the life
and a piece of mile toast during the dearer than his own bad been won back
day without 'any indications of gastric from "the borderland" heaven her and
disturbanee, and slept at intervals fair- and the other shore .
ly well. Since lost o ffi cial bulletin the. Those were , trying times. The Exe
pulse and temperature have ftillen eutive Mansion was constantly besieged
by a hungry horde of place-hunters. AI
to about mean of the past three days =
fierce struggle was geing on in the.
and he is now sleeping quietly. The the
Senate over. the New York appoint
room throughout the day being kept at
ments. Before Mrs. Garfield had passed
steady temperature at 75. Twice by the crisis of the terrible fever that was
i way of experiment the temperature was consuming her strength, the resignation
lowered to 70, but each time the Presi- of Conkling and Platt fell like a than
dent complained -of being too cool. derbolt from. Out the political sky.
Tuesday. A Democratic Senator, who by reason
Wssirmorox,-July 12-1 P. M.—The of h is lar ge heart-and g enerous nature
following waasent by the attending to has greatly endeared himself to -
( the
the consulting surgeons: President personally, was 'a frequent
Muting the afternoon yesterday, the visitor at the 'White House. upon Gar-
President's temperature rose to the high- field's invitation. As ho was taking
est point it has yet attained. It began leave of the President he expiessed his
hope that at hie next visit he should
to fall, however • immediately after Le
receided the evening's morphia, a quer- find Dire. Garfield very much batter
ter of a grain of sulphate, • bypodermi. Garfield, in an egouy of love andsolici
cally, and this morning it corresponds lade, placed his hands upon the Sena
with previous days. About 6P. M. he tor's shoulders, and said with the teats
had a consistent copies movement of streaming demi his Bice, "I trust in
the bowels. His wound was dressed God you will find my wife better, for •I
an ti se pti ca lly y es t er d a y even i ng an d do not know !hat would become of me
morning. He continues to retain an if she should be taken from me." Were
.. t.
___„ .... „ 3 ,_,__
.... 4 i ii .a .m.. 4 61... A. p.cripixeclu words ? May. we
wanly - Soar ...aces oi minr-ano nue in owl, ueneve nom fife cnernmeu tette was
rum during the last twenty-four hours,• spared that sho 'might 'nurse back to
besides a small quantity of milk toast. health and strength the beloved bus-
This morning at 8:30, he also receiv- band ?
ed ten grains of bi-sulphate of guinea. While the whole nation honors the
His general condition this morning ap- isaarage and woma ly tenderness of
pears to us rather better than that of Mrs. Garfield, we would have them
yesterday morning. know that her love and care have been
2P. M.—Dr. Bliss at this hour re- matched `by . the chivalrous devotion,
I porta that the President's condition the loyal affection. of him whose heart
has been steadily improving since this doth safely trust in her. direly we
morning. The transient increase of need not despair of a country where
the pulse and temperature last night. the home of the chief gentleman and of
was only a natural fialitaaion of the fever the first lady in the land is guarded by '
and not an indication of any unbseor- the Lares and Penates of Love, Purity
able change. The President' better and Peace. No manlier man, with help
in Avery way this afternoon than at mate truer and tenderer, could make a
the corresponding boar yesterday, and parer, nobler christian home than the
be *not a symptom which need husband and wife, whose welfare is to
oling() 'tmeasinem His pulse is only day. the chiefest desire of all classes o
96, and although he has taken no , two- people in this great nation. •
dyne since yesterday, he is now sleep- M. L. B.
l ing a quiet and natural sleep.
' 4.25 P. Ilf.—Dr. Bliss reports that the
President's pulse at 545 P. Y. is below
one hundred, and his- condition in gen ,
eral more favorable and encouraging
than at any time since he was wounded,
7•1 1 . M.—The President pissed si
much more coinfortable ' day than yes
terday. Pulse 104. temperature 102.4,
respiration 54. -
Dr. Bliss says : The President's af
ternoon fever began later to-day than on
previous dap and has been characteris
ed by less intensity. Up to four o'clock
his pulse did not go above• 100, when it
began to fall again.
The last official bulletin reports the
President's condition in every way eat.
iafactory. -
Since the 7 o'clock bulletin the Presi
dent's pulse has dropped t 102.2. Al
10;30 he is sleeping qui y, and 'at
i t
symptoms show nn improve ondition,
WasamoTon,.Tuly 13, 1881.
11:30 A. M..—The President's fa
vorable condition continues. 'He is
now• sleeping quietly.
A Truce to Bts►tfe.
In such a national l orisis as the pees
eat all party strife 61106 M cease. The
man or the newspaper that encourages it
is a traitor to the gcreernment, Whoever
charges the opposite party or faction
with bringing about. directly or Lodi
rectly, the crime of Guiteau, will be
held responsible at the bar of public)
opinion for.the disastrous consequences
that may ensue. The people are dis
posed to take a reasonable view of the
-crime and the criminal. They ire pe
tient, law-abiding and patriotic. They
will not believe that any American pub
lic men could become parties to such a
desperate act as that of the assassin,
unless tbeiv-passions should be infhun
ed by the desperate reports and devices
of the newspapers. But if one faction
tries to criminate another in Guitemes
villainy, the assailed faction will retort
with counter charges and criminations.
There will then Come' on a controversy
as dangerous to the Pease-and *slaty of
the nation as it will be disgraceful to
the country and shocking to the senPi
bilities of all decent citizens.,—Roches
ter Herald (had) Ink 5. 1'
The heroic wife °la brave birth:out
is the 'national verdict upon,litre
field , iinihi .the int* atiahinik sorrow.
; Steam° fell upon a Emily:or a nation.
—Sew - - ' •• -
Blaine's Would-be Assassin.
Iticumotat, Va., July 7.—From most.
authetio sonrcea it is known that Daniel
McNamara, chiming to tie from King
William county, and arrested
in Washington Tuesday 'for acnonne.
lug his intention to kill Seefetary Blaine,
is not a cliaen of that (scanty nor of
the State, nor even of `•
.that south. , He
had been in King William county, com
ing hither from . the north; but, being
found to be insane, was i . conflned in
jail and held until recently, when, ap
pearing to be harmless and apparently
sane, he was set at liberty on condition
that he would leave for his-home in the
north, and be was doubtless en route
thither when his insanity develOped out
afresh in Washington.
Arthur Threatened.
,WABHINGTON, July 7:—Another sup
posed lunatic has bi.en arrested' for
threatening to shoot Vice President Ar
thur. There was u suppressed sensation
at the White House on Tuesday night,
which was'keil as priv.ate as possible.
A Crazy negro living here, named .
George Hawkins. gained access to the
groundi on the plea that the President
had 'sent for hiim, and when arrested
was in the ac' of mounting the stairs
leading to the presidebt's beatoom.
He is but one of the innumerable army
of cranks whom the national tragedy
has set in motion for the capital. Be
rides the Philalelphia lunatic and the
one who wanted today Arthur, another
one from abroad , was taken in charge
by the police authorities yesterday, the
seoond having succeeded also in mak
ing his way to the White Houselortal.
An Extraordinary Step.
/JORDON. July 7.—The Morning Post
prints the following prominently: "We
-have reason to believe that in the course
of a few days France intends b i .l 4 mobil
is° 120,000 men, and ask the ambers
for credits for the dispatch and employ
ment of Abe troops for three months.
This extraordinary step is based upon
the neeessi.y of immediately wearing
tranquaity and rafety in the French
f*sessions in Northern
_Africa. M.
Barthlemy - St. Hilaire, minister of
foreign affairs, will address represepta-*
Sons to the powers explaining the mo
tives Of the above movement, giving
them to understand that France is pre
pared to take what futther measures
kho may gem requisite for the protec
tion of
,hpr interests whitrevt.r • men
,:Arn:xnar DAIIITSOI l Do; not ash - your
will" ( 10 (*Oath*. -GeS
dog to work. Come sod see the really.tdpe
Adjustable Track Churn Power: Anew Oleg
—wursoted to please. Oth f r , excellent pow
ers. All for sale cheap. Will deliver s
peter It your nearest railroad station free of
freight: ' , B. IL Wzmas.
~ April 2,5-tf.
Iriefehte , euul Sowerbsg Pleats.
I would give notice to my Mends that
have-returned ~from _the South, and, have
taken charge of my Green House again, shall
be happy to , see them all at my old stand,
where I hale a plentiful supply of all kinds of
vegetable and flowering plants.
fay 14-Bw. :AL C. //MX°.
A:World o t Good.
One 'of the most popular medicines now
before the American public. es Hop Bitters.
You see it. overrrhere. . People take it with
good effect. It builds them up. It is not as
pleat ant to the taste as some other Bitters
as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like
the old fashioned bone set tea that has done
a world of good. It you don't feel jolt right
try Hop Bitters .— Ronda News.
July. 14-2 w.
I saw so much slid *beat the motifs of
HO Bitters, and my wife who was always
doctoring. and never. welt tossed me so
urgently, to get her some, 'I - concluded to be
humbugged sgaiVand lam glad I did. for
in less than two months use of the Bitters
my wife was cured and she has remained so
for eigh t een months since: ',like each hum
buggingH. T.. St.; PauL— Pioneer Press.
J y I*-2w. •
Headache. Dyoepda, Bi ll ionsness. . and
Constipation eared at once by Dr. Kettanes
ntsdache and Dyspapida Pills. Prica
4 25
ce. April 1
"Forced by my political connections into
public life. my snfirerings were intensified by
the comments of those who saw my face and
head covered with scrofulous humor,'," said
a gentleman recently cured by Cuticurs
Remedies. Juno 30-1 m
4 Good 7buisdatiom.
One of the greatest troubles of our people
is weakness of the stomach, As this soon
causes Indigestion, Nervousness and Rheu
matism. they prevail in almost every Anurii
,can household. newels positively no need
for anybody to suffer from these painful trop-;
bles who can buys 50 et. bottle of Parker's
Ginger Tonic; for this superior medicine al- •
ways tones up the stomacit_and nervous lips
tam, and keeps the kidneys active in carry
ing off the foul matters. thus leavinki4n
dation for perfect health.—N. 0. i • ne.
Juno 30-im
Why An You Bilious?
'Because you Imo allowed your bowel# to
become costive,'and liver torpid Use Kidney-
Wort to produce I free state of -the bowels,
and it will stimulate . the liver to proper ac
tion, cleanse the skin of its yellowness, cure
bilious headache, and, cause new • life in the
blood. Druggists have it, both dry and
Liquid.=-Zion's Herald.
• • Jacasoirma.c. PA.
Knowing, from experienco that Dr. Clark
Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup is i sure cure
for Liver Complaint, I confidentiy recom
mend it to suffering,
. _
sacs Bra._
Euzzoszt„ ersatz Co., DEL.
This is to certify that Dr. Chit Johnson's
Indian Blood Syrup has greatly benefited me
for Dyspepsia and other ailments.
"Yield not to misfortune." Give Ely's
Cream Balm a thorough trial if you would be
cured of Catarrh, Hay Fever, Catarrhal Deaf
ness, or quickly relieved of colds in the head.
Cream Balm effectually cleansOs the:nasal
passages of catarrhal virns t causing healthy
secretions, allays inflammation and irritation,
protects the membranal linings of the head
from additional colds, completely heals the
sores and restores the sense of taste •and
smell. Beneficial results are realized by a
few applications. A thorough treatment as
directed will cure Catarrh , Fever; ac.
The Balm is easy to use and agreeable. Sold
by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 50
cents will mail a package. Bend for circular
with full information.
' &Vs Caws Bai.x Co.. Owego., N. Y.
For sale in Towanda, by C. T. Kirby, C. B
Porter, Turner & Gordon, H. 0, Porter.
July 14-2 w. '
• In the first symptoms of this disease when
Non aro a ahing tzew•ilur k puktllllUi Sensations
in the limbs upon rising from bed in the
morning, a stiffness in the joints accompa
nied at times by swelling and redneis, all
physicians recommend the application of an
ezternat remedy, something penetrating and
soothing; an article that will act as a cura
tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. Bosan
ko's Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief up
on the first application. In lane back, pains
or strains it is an invaluable household reme
dy. Ask your driigirst for it. Price 75 cents.
Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine
Company, Piqua, 0. For sale by Clark B.
Porter, 8. Bud Ward House Block.
June 2-Iyr.
Long's Mills
, .
The enderelgeed has arranged Ma mtll for mann
tee Wring the
New Process Plow
lie has also greatly improved the Common
Standard, - VaxnUy and sample Slows; their
quality will not be second to any manufactured
atany milling establishment in the country.
He rises no Drugs In making the
Sold at wholesale and retail at We flour Store
and Mills.
Flouring for customers on the New Process
maw. .. N. F. LONG, TROY, PA.
..ME:state of Frank Banyan. deceased. /ate of
Granville, Bradford county. Pa.
Letters of administration having been to the undersigned upon ' the estate of the
abovenamed decedent, notice is hereby given
that aU persona Indebted to said estate must
make immediate pa3rutent, and an parsons bar
ing claims against the same must present thorn
duly authenticated for settlement to the under
signed, . , .
, .
' ! JOKlyao.ll43ll, 2D.
. . DAXINL lumsa,
• ,
• ' Adatinisjailors
Granville Mali's, Pa., July 0;1881. Cw:
. The farm situated in Towanda Township,
within one.mile of the Court House. belonging
to estate of L. L. Moody, deceased, containing
84 sores, will be sold August Ist. DM. at the
Court House at 10 o'clock, a.m. =lt Is a desire.
hie property and will be sold on easy terms of
payment. Any information regarding it may be
obtained trona N. N. Betts, C. L. Tracy. N. C.
Elsbreei or of OW undersigned.
H. T. FOX. Administrator.
Towanda, lune 30. 1881. jnly74t.
in thb State of Pennsylvania, at the close of
bu bleu. June 30. 1881.
Loans and Disionnts 174,349.90
Over Drafts. ~ ... f • 1,949.37.
U.S. Bonds and other Securities.. 174,353.39
Due from Banks and Treas., MB.. 72,377.71
Beal Estate furniture and Satures. 26,505.40
Expense taxes m 4,013.42
Premiums paid ' 4,728.49
Cub • 15,175.50
• -4
Surplus •and profits...
Due Banks
State of Pennsylvania, County of Bradford,
1, George W. Buck, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
_ OEO. W. BUOE, Cashier.
Sttbsethedid'aworn to before mo tbla sth
day of July, 1831. •
Ita B. /101111 Y, Notary Public."
E. T. FOX.
• - BENI, H. FECR.
- ' ▪ •
• 'A 131
• -
4 / 1 111 etnikrft•-.
11611 1.81:1141101' flee
k ddress
Powell & Co,
ARE 021%1104 AT GREAT
Powell & Co.
Powell & Co.
Powell &, -Co,
.... 150.000.00
.... 18,782 97
.... 195,000.00
.... 10,422.44
•• • • •'9,248.00
inn OP CANTON AND; - 4