Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 14, 1881, Image 1

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HOLCOMB & TRACY, Publbdiers.
Bradfold- - Republican,
s published every Thum:lay at Tomatida, Pa.
by HOLCOMB & TRACY, Proprietata.
Terms:—lf Paid in advance. $l.OO per annum
not paid in advance $1.25. To subscribers out
of the county, $1,25. invariably in adVance, tbs .
addition being tuade to cover prepaymeht of
Advertising Rates:—St: cents a line fur first
insertion, and five cents per line for all subs: ,
quent insertions. Reading notice advcrtik iug
ten cents per line. Eight lines constitute a
square, and twelve lines an inch, Auditor's
notices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's
notices $2.00, 'Yearly . advertising $150.0i par
THE ItErunucat4 is published in the 1 tacy,
Moore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main
and Pine streets, over J.. F. Corner's Root anti
shoe store. Its circulation is over.ltaia. As an
advertising medium it is unexcelled 'll.l its int
toediate field.
• Our Clubbing Terni6.
We Will furalsb all paying aubscribcri , for
e within the county with any
the following publications, until further
'lice, at the rates given below.
The ltsetaiLics..v $l.OO in addition.
suuscribers residing out of the culutv yil:
charged 25 cents additional.
ties York Weekly Tinma,...... ~- .it .25
Semi-Weekly Times, • ' 230
New York Dnily Tribune, . ' 225
Weekly 1 00
S.•nai-Weekly .. 2 00
New,3 , irk Daily Evening Poet, 8 00
' 6 " Weekly -'" " ... 115
7lemi-Weekly• ' ",. 25
, 2
N,w York Weekly World, 1 00
Semi-Weekly 1 DO
i'lliladuiphia. Daily Tines,: 5 65
Philadelphia Weekly Times, 1 30
Philadelphia.,Daily Press, S 00
Pollack,lphia Weekly Press,... 1 10
Ilarpres Magazine,. .... ... . .... 3 10
114.p.;r's Weekly, 3 25
Harper's Bazar, 3 25
Serilmer's Monthly,..:'. ' 3 25
St. Nicholas, ' .2
Appleton'i JoUrnal, - 235
with etecl engraving of Dickens.. 3 10
Popular Science Monthly, 4 00
~ . - st Supplement,.... 2 50
Magazine of American History-- 4 00
North American Review, 4 00
New York Medical Journal, 1 25
American Agriculturist, 1 10
Country Gentlemen, 2 10
ltural New Yorker, ' ISS
Toledo Blade, , 1 60
LittelTs Living Age,.. 7 00
Atlantic Monthly, J 325
Wile Awake, 1 65
B.ibyland, 60 .
Lippincott, ' 325
Demorest, 2 50-
tiodey, 1 65.
Scientific American, , 275
l'eterAon's Magazine,.... .... ..... 1 60
The Nursery,• 1 20
nirtner'a Review • ' 40.
thirlington Hawkeye, 1 50
S,.w England Journal of Education.. 2 00
liciAall's Treatise on tile Horse 25
A rri'•al and Departure of Mails
Maila arri , ;'o and depart at .the Towanda Post—
:lief! as fAlows:
bd., N. y., and Eastern States ... 4:00 .t.
Inishore. Laporte; A:c... ...
L. V. way mail frbm the North . ~.. 10.00
snevliequin &c........... ••' 11:00 .
New' Lra, ac.. Tuesday, Thursday and '
Saturday.. 11.00
Asylutu. arc., Monday, Wednesday ana '—
True, Burlington. ,l,:c . 1:00 P. DI
I.,ltaysville. Rome, ke 1 1:01
Closed pouch from Erie and NC It its 2:39
L. V. way mail from the 50uth....... 4 :35"
Cln ton, .S.i.! . 5:00
Hercliy 11;30
Closed Pouch Irom nunira butl 21 n n 10..0
Canton, Sionroeton. kc 9:04 A. M.
Lehigh Valley way mail South 9:15."
eloseJ pouch Elmira, Erie and North
ern Central Railroads 10:00
Troy, liurlington, a:0 " ' 10:00
• slie.hequin, kc 12:00 M.
4-I;arclay, - - 1:00 P. M.
' New Era,
.Tuesda,y Thursday and Sat. - •
llltilly 1:00
' Asylum. 'Monday, :Wednesday and
Friday 1:001'
Lellaysville, Rome, kc 'Laid
IMehore, k é•— -• . 2:45'
Lehigh Valley way mail-forth 3:4V
:sew Mirk Phila. and Eastern States. 7:45 ~
,7iiiic,, open from 7:00 a. Is, to 7:45 P. M. ,honey
order office open from 9:00 a. at. to 7:00 P. M.:-_
mike open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00 *O4.
lagars Falls._ ...
11uffalo ...... • ...
Auburn .....
tvog;e.. ..........
yiiisn '
a5”tuda.......• •
it pistil:ill g
itanding stone.
Skinuer's Eddy
2._! ) : .luuction
irtaucti 'buuk.
Bethlehem ....
New. Yuri:" "
Sow . liork
Allvutowtt • •
1. s: 11 Junction...
kt,shoppvti •
ikuluvr's Eddy.-
• Frew.htown
lundiug Stone..
Wy ssukLug
1(11121/11:4 • ......
Athens • .. •
Lyons ....
Iw:heater ...
!Ciactra Falls
No. :12 leavee Wyalusing at 6:00, A. M., French
b.llll 6.14. Ilummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31
Wvsaiiking 6.40. Towanda 6.55, Ulster '7.00,
Milan 7:16, Athena 7:25. Sayre '7:49, Waver
ly 7:11, arriving at Elmira 8:50.
No. 31 loaves Elmira 5:45 P. M.. Waverly 5:35,
Sayre G:45, Athens 6:50, Milan 6:59, Ulsterl:oB,
T.,wauda 7:23, Wysauking 7:35. Standing 'Stone
5.44, liummertield 7:52, Freuchtown 8:02, arriv
lug at Wyainsing at 8:15.
Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars 'on
trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Palls and Phila
delphia and between Lyons and New York with
out changes. Parlor cars on Train, 2 and 19
between Niagara Palls and Philadelphia with
out change, and through coach to aka r -from
Rochester via Lyons.
tiarr.r. PA.. May 15. 1881. Pa. kN. VB. U.
roWANDA AGENCY, representing the counties
CTioga. Bradford, Wyoming. Sullivan. „risque-
Alums, and Wayne.
Correspondence promptly attended to.
C. J. ELLIE!, iftnagsr
for D. Appelton k Co .
may r-tf
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1 1
Towanda 'Business Direct cry.
trIMBERLEL Goo. W. °Dice 2nd door. south
AA- First National Blink, uli stairs. lisuglio
=ILL'S, E. L. OfficO over Kirby's Drug Stem
.1- 1 . llercur Block. aor 13,78 ..
SELIIANAN. °Mee over Kirby's Drug
10.0 Store, Demur Block. - rusy26lB.
CALIFF, J. N., Offic e in wood's Block, south
First National Bank, up stairs. June 12;18
VLSBREE & SOS (N C Elsbree and L'Elsbrte.)
Office in blercar Block, Park St. niayl4.7B
DECK & OVERTO'SI (Benj Peek and D A
ton). Office overMill'a Market 49-'79
riVERTON k BANDBRSON Overton and John
FSander;on.) °dice in Adanui Bock. 3n5518
MAXWILLL, - 'Mace over Daiton's Store
april 14,76
WILT, J. ANDREW. Office In Metin'a Block
apr 14.76
Wll Carnochan, L • Office in rear
of wird House. Entrance ou Poplar St. (Je12,75
MERCUE. RODNEY A. Solfeltor of Patents.
Partieulsi attention, paid to business in
Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates.
011ico in biontanye's Blocii • 4349
Vic PHERSON d: YOUNG, (L McPherson' atut
W. I. Young.) • Qtßcc eonth side of Mercur's
Block. fob 1,78
lI)TADILL & KINNEY, Office corner Nam and
4-v 3 - Pine at. tioble'slolock, second floor front.
Collections promptly attended to. (031.78
Williams, E J Angle and E E Buffington).
Office west side of Main street, two doors north
of Argus office: All tusiness entrusted to their
care will receive prompt attention. oct 26,77
MASON' & THOMPSON. ( G. F. Maim, E. A.
Thompson,' Attorneys-at-Law. Special at
tention to conveyancing. examination of title
Ind all matter • ielstlng to real estate. Collec.
Lions promptly remitted. Office over Patch &
Tracy's store: marlaSi. '
neys and Office in the
klercur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store.
July 3, 'BO tf,
fiIHOMPSON, W. H. and E. A., Attorneys-at
.L Law, Towanda, Pa. !Office in Moretti Bleck,
Over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main
street, first stairway north of Post-Mike. AU
business promptly attended to. Special atten-
tion given to claims against the United States
for l'ensioos, Bounties, Patents, etc., and to
collections and settlement of decedent'. esUites.
April 21, ly
TOILNSON, T. 8., M.D. °thee. over Dr. II: C
Porters'e Drug Store. lob 12,78
NEWTON,Dra. D. N. F. 0. Office at Dwelling
on liver Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77
L •
ADD. C. K.. M.D. Office Ist door above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to diseases of the throat .and
lungs. ju1y19,78
TTOODBURN, 8. M., M.D. Office and . real
v v donee. Main street, north of M.E.Ehurcit
Medical Examiner for Pension Et partment.
Lab 22,78
PAYNE, E. D.. M.D." Office over Afontanye's
Store. Office hours, from 10 to 12 a. at. and
from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to
Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear.
oct 20.77
RENRY ROUSE. Main Bt.. next corner south
of Bridge street. New house and news
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spared neither pains or expense in making his
hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share
rf Public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attached.
mar 8 77 WM. UMNRY.
W.ATKINS POST, NO. 68, G, A. 11. Meets
.every Saturday evening, at Military Hall.
GEO. V. M.YEIt, Commander. -
.1: It. Errramon, Adjutant. feb 7, 79
CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 67. '3leots at R. of P
Hall 'every Monday evening at 7:30. Irk
1111raIICO V/AnAl. 2/OS.CIIIIO eV. ,4•••
ago annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. -
J. R. liirfattomo,
JESSE Wearmii., In.. Dictator. feb'22.7B
134111►DFOI1D - LODGE, SO. 167,1. 0. 0. F. Meet
in Odd Fellow's 1411, every Monday evening
at 7 o'clock. 'Weitnatt Rm., Noble Grand,
June 12,75
POST, E. E. No. 32 Second street. All orders
will receive prompt attention. Juno 12,75
W. R. Smalley, Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars
Pipes, and Smoking Goods. Choice Confection
ary always on hand. - No. 2, Park et., 'mayl7,7B
RTEN, G. Si., County Superintendent. Office
days last Saturday of each month, over
Turner & Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda Ps.
. July 19,78
The Spring Term commences on Monday
April 4th, Far catalogue or other infor
mation. address or call on the Principal.
Towanda, Pa.
alp 14.78
1 15, 1 9 7-1 3
WLLIASIS, EDWARD.. Practical Plumber
• and Gas Fitter. Place of business in liter
cur Block nest door to Journal_ Office opposite
Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair
ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
ld at givoldm a call. J tended to. All
wanting work in his
sh 777
2.05: 7.20 7.15
2.50 8.25 9.20
5.15 la .....
6.54'11.55' !
8.35 1.18 , 8.3_0].-
j. 10! 8.05:
...: 9.0010.50 , 1
..., 9.10, 1.45 9.00! 3.45
...' 9.45 1 2.10 9.40; 4 15
...10.10: 2.30 10.(X): :4.30
.. 10.15 2.34 . 10.05 i 4.34
10.15 ,
... ...
.10 46 3:001043 1 505
...:. .....- ..... :10.54; 5.13
....i ..... :..... :11.03
:.. 1130' , 5.26
.... ..... . .:..'ll.lB
...' 3130 11,39. 5 . 0
..... 11.41. 3.54 11.49 6.03
.- .... 1 11.641 6.07
1 4.10 12.10, G. 23
.... ...
.12 16..6. "'S
.... ,.
12.25 4.35 . 1.001, 7.10
-. ..... 7.20
...' ... 1 ... ' 1.101, 1.25 7.35
x ' : l.os'. 6.10 4:45 8.05
;'',:1.35 5.25 2.201 8.35
.. :. 3.45 7.30' 4.50 1 11.00
..... 4.44 8.24 5.53112.00
. 5.00 8.35 6.05112'.15
' 5.30 9.00, 6.40;12.G.5
1.55 10.35 8.251 2.20
• ' 8.05 1 9.1151 3.35
A.M. P.ll. P.M. . P.M.
RIISSELL, 0 . 8, General Insurance Agency,
Towanda, Pa. Office In 'Whitcomb's Book
Store. July 12,76
. 30 2 is
P.M. A.M.A.11.,P.M.
6.30 ' 7.40, 9.40
' 8.00, 9.00 4.15
' 9.20 .....10.15! 5.50
9.50.....'10.5 1 6.15
10.54 q 6.21
11.05' 11.551 7.25
Lob' 6.00 2.03, 1 9.45
1 1,95 6.35, 2.25110.10
• '•
• 7,02 ....:10.30
7.20,-- 110.42
2.18' 7.33 1.03'10.52
1 .....
• 8.04, 3.28 1 11.19
5,19 .11.33
3.03 8.23_3.46 . 11.36
8.43 - 4.03'11.55
9.04' ....12.17
9.10 .... 12.94
..1 9.19 12.31
400 9.30' 443 1935
• 9.43. 4.55'12.57"
9.52 ..... 1.06
1.3010. 00 5.10 1.15
4.40 iO.lO 5.20 1.23
4.45,10.20 5.30! 1. 3 0
5.25 11.10 6.15 , 2.15
.• ' 5.25' ....
8.30 ..... ...•
.! 6.10 2.10 , 6.401
.1 7.41 5.00 8.141 ....
~ 8.40 .... 8.50:....
. 1 9.50 7.40. 9.40
. 11.40 13.05;9,00
1.03 1.05! 9.40
Pad. P.M. A.M.,A.111.
formerly of the Ward House. Towanda, Pro
prietor. This Hotel is located iminedistly
Opposite the railroad depot, Every pains'. taken
for the comfort of guests, ju1Y5,17
TOWNER, 11. L., M.D..
Reaidence and office past north of Dr. Corbon'a
Slain street. Athena, Pa.
Is sore in its effects, mild in its action as it does
not blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to
reach every deep Bested
~pain or' to remove any
bony growth or other enlargeufents, such as
sparing, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell
ings and anylameness and all enlargements of
the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man
and for any purpose for which a liniment is used
for man or beast. It is new known to be the"
best liniment for man ever used,acting mild and
yet certain in its effects.
Send address for Illustrated Circular which
we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No
remedy Las ever met with such unqualified uc
cess to our knowledge, for beast as well a man.
' Price ill per bottle. or six - bottles for $5. All .
Druggists have It or can get it for you, or it will
be sent to any address on reaefpt of price by the
proprietors,•Dn. 11. J. KESDALTiteg Co., Enos
burgh Dille, Vt.
Sold by all Druggists. •
Between ➢fain and Second, Opposite
the Jail
Mclntyre & -Spencer,
fleapecthilly annoruace to the public that they
are prepared to build all kinds of
Top & Open Buggies,
Trotting Sulkies and Skeletons
Made of the best material and in the best style
All work warranted to glire perfect satisfaction.
We have one of the beat Carriage Paiute'', in
the Country:and do all work in this line at. lb.
lowest rates. All kinds of Repairing neatly and
promptly done at reduced prices. Making new.
springs and repairing old ones a speciality: All
work guaranteed. Please give ns a call,
mayrysi a lIPARCES.
Towanda, Jan 4.1880-1 v
Is without a rival in the cure of akin diseases of
all descriptions. It has been thoroughly tested
by the medical faculty and the public. and is re
commended and extensively used by physicians.
This soap is combined with pure sulphur. which
enters the pores of the skin, and being absorbed
into the blood removes therefrom all impuri
ties by exciting the skin to healthy action. , Be
sure to ask for VAN BTU'S SULPHUR SOAP,
insist upon it, and take no imitation. Sold by
druggists. Jatt.l3-43m.
CUR Liver
3ases, „fever
J e Bheuma-
Nam, Dropsy, — Heart litsease,
lowness - Nervous debility, etc.
The Bost BIIMBDT =OWN to Man!
11,000,000 Bottles
Thy Syrup possesses Varied Properties.
Iti Stimulates the Ptyalin° in the.
Saliva, which converts the Starch and
Sagnr of the food into glucose. A. deg.
cieney in Ptyalin° causes Wind and
Souring of the food in the stomach. Ii
the medicine is taken immediately after
eating the fermentation of Mod is pre.
It acts upon the Liver.
Aft acts upon the Kidneys.
It Regulate., the Bowels.
It Purifies the Blood.
It Quiets the Nervous Systems
It Promotes Digestion.
It Nourishes, Strengthens and lkeigorates.
It carries or the OW Blood and snakes nee
It opens the pores of the skin and induces
Healthy Perspiration. -
It neutndizes the hereditary taintor poison
In the blood. which generates Scrofula, Ery.
sipelas t and MI manner of skin diseases and
internal humors.
Theraare no spirits employed In its mann.
facture. and,it can be taken by the most deli.
cote babe, or by the aged and feeble, calreourt/
being requiraTin attention to directions. , 4
Laboratory, 77 West gd Bt,
Pierer fails to Cure,
Ashland, Schuykill co.. Pa.
Dear Sir":—Thb. is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has benonted me more, after a
short trial, than sll the medicine I have need
for 16 years
Disease of the Stomach.
Akhlind. Schnykill co.. Ps
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and
it has proved to be a valuable medicine.
Mu: J. Armen.
Nervous Debility.
Turtle Point, Bictean co., Ps.
Dear was troubled. with Nervous De
bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of
years. and obtained no until I used your
short trial of which
restored me to health..
For Scrofula.
Turtle Point, McKean Co., Pa
Dear Sir:—My little girl wsa cuzed of tUflam
mation of the Faco and Eyea, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
had previously failed to afford rellf and it wag
thought that the child could not Rite: Its neck
and breast was entirely covered with Scrofoloiis
Sores, which ate now entirely gone.
Sure , Cure for Liver Complaint.
Turtle Point. lileSest co.. Pa
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved me of
Liver Complaint and pyspepala. after, the doc,
tnrs failed
Remedy foilhe Rheumatliim.
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver Com
plaint, and have 'derived great relief therefrom.
Dsnins Sisissox.
An Agent's Testimony.
Turtle Point,lifcßean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver
Complaint until I need your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained
permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be a
valuable Bowel Regulator.
HIESBIC C. Itnosost.
A' I aluable Medicine,
Berlin, Somerset Co..Pi
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your reliable
INDIAN BLOODIIIIP is the best medicine
ever used in my iemily. Hoping the public will
be benefited by this great remedy, I take great
pleasure in giving my testimony of its value..
JOBini P. BhunAiths.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Berlin. Somerset 00.. Pa.
• .
Dear Sir: 2 —l take pleasure in recommending
your likiDLC4 BLOOD SYRUP as tb4 best medi
cine made. people who are Dyspeptic should
not; fail to give it a trial: ' Fqg tne Stomach It
has no equal. I have used it and know it to•be
a valuable medicine,
Liver Complaint.
Berlin - , Somerset:Co., Pa.
Dear was troubled with Liver Com
plaint for along time, and by the penuasion of
your Agent, I commenced.taing your. excellent
INDIAN BLOOD BYRUP,which has greatly bene
fited me. I have never found any medicine to
equal it, and can confidently say it is a safe and
highly valuable remedy.
Pain in the Breast.
Berlin, Somerset Co. - , Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was &Meted' with a Pain in my
Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, I
could scarcely breathe for Pain, I was also very
weak in my Breast 'and Lungs. I used some of
your-INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near•
ly ccell. My Lungs are strong once more and I
am very grateful to yen ,for such a valuable
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Philidelphia. Pa.
Dear , Slr:—This is
,to certify that your valua
ble INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP baa cured me of
Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which I bad been
afflicted with for years.
For Kidney Diseases.
Philadelphia, Pa
Dear Sir:—l wsi subject to severe Pains in my
Kidneys. Weakness and Painful Sick Headache,
tor years, and fltU.ed to obtain relief. until I was
induced to try your reliable INDIAN BLOOD
SY RUP. a short. trial Of which restored me to
perfect. health,
No : 1525 Bartrun St. :1
For Costiveness.
Philadelphia. pa.
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Costivenes and
Headache, and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD
SYBUP proved most beneficial to me. It is the
beet medicine I ever used.
- " JAs. A. Bsowx.
No 817 Federal St.
For Blilionsness. '
Pldladelplda, Pa
Dear Sir: —I was afflicted with Dyspepsia and
Billionsness for years, and failed to procure re•
lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP, which soon effectually relieved me: I
take great pleasure in recommending its use to
the afflicted.
No. 1035 Locust St.
Disease of the Stomach and.,Liver.
Bushtill, Pike Co., Ps.
Dear Sir:—Tliis is to certify that I have used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the
Stomach and Liver, and have been much bene
fited tberebv
Best Family Medldle.
linahlail. Pike Co.. Ps;
Deer Sires I consider your reliable INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP the best 'medicine I ever used in
my family. It is lust ss recommended.
illsuilz, Cons=
Remedy for Worms.
Bushkin; Pike Co., Pa.
Dear Sir: —I have' used your great INDIAN
BLOOD SRUP in inriny for Worm and
Summer C Y omplaint, a n d b
it has proved effectual
in all eases
Never Ms to Cure.
Bushkill, Pike Co.. Pa.
Dear iiir:—ldy daughter was in Poor Health
arid a short trial of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP
entirely cured her. ' •
Mum yawns:a.
AGENTS of for
I=!ninny town or sillago, in 'which I have
t. Particulars given on application.
Christ never salts of us such busy labor
As leaves no time for resting at his feet;
The waiting attitude of expectation
He' ofttimes CUlVati a service most corn
Ho sometimesiwants our ear—our rapt at
tention— . • ,
That he some sweetest - secret may impart;
'Tii4 alwass in the time of deepest silence.
That-heart finds deepest fellowship with
We sometimes wonder why our Lord has
placed as -
Within a apace - so narrow, so obscure,
That nothing we call work can find an en
, trance;
There's only room to suffer--to endure... -
Will, God loves patience; souls that dwell in
Doing the little things be resting quiet,
May just as perfectly fulfill their mission—
Be just as useful in the Father's sight,
As they who grapple with some giant evil"
Clearing a path that every eye may see,
Our Savior cares for cheerful acquiescence,
Rather than for a busy ministry. .
And yet he does hive service, whore 'tie given
By grateful love that clothes in deed:
But work that's dono beneath -the scourge of
Be sure to suck he gives hut little heed.
Then seek to please him whatsoe'er he bids
• thee;
• Whether to do, to suffer, to lie still I
'Twill matter little by what path ho led us,
If in it 111 we sought to do his will.
.r. r , till:allot'
.11Arrre IcsusarNaF.3
EnwAan Zows
GEoltor, M. EtuoT
Jane Busy
Flusrvasix Voiituraws
TB°sus CoirraionT
giGONIIIMMENT OF TAE PEOPIa 3 BIE. ! P/48- „„. Al B ) 1_ P0 " 2:4724 _
; ,% ,, ••=rf• T. ' -
.2711 S WELL.
Dark and cool the water lies
In the old time-honored well;
Down deep the buckdt
And how ofthen, who can tell?
For the school boy, hot with play,
For laborer, tired with toil,
For the traveler oo his . way.
Doth the Widen. rope uncoil.
And how often, who elm toll?
Or, who S►rst the gracious draught
Drew up from the bounteous well?
Or, who sunk the ancient shaft?
They ere dust, who slaked their thirst
At the little silver fount
In the wild woods, were it first
Called the huntsman to dismount;
They ere dust, the pioneers,
Who the strong-sum:id forest broke,
Where the old well now appears,
Where now curls the village smoke.
So shall we within the vale •
With our ohildren's children dwell,
But the waters ne'4 shall fail
In the old time-honored well.
custitzuni WITU 3117C1t . 13ERVINCi
In the earfY part of the French Revo
lution, the prisons of Lyons were filled
with thousands of unhappy .victims.
4Oventy-two prisoners who were con
demned were thrown into the Cave of
Death on the ninth of December, (here
to wait 'the execution of their sentence.
This could not be the next day, because
it was the Decadi. • •
One aailinsofieTs. Dy
Banal, only twenty-two years of age,
of a bold and ardent spirit, profited by
thisintirval to devise a plan of escape.
His sisters having, by means pf a very
large bribe, obtained accers to this
abade of horror, began to weep around
"It as not now a time to weep,"' said
he; "it is the moment to arm ourselves
with resointion and activity, and en•
deavor to find some way by which we
can elude our menaced fate Bring me
files, a chisel, a turnscrew, and other
instruments;' bring wine in abundance;
bring a poniard, that, if reduced to ex
tremity,- we may not perish without the
means of defence. By this
. grate,
which looks into• the Rue Lafond, you
can give me' these things; I will be in
waiting there the whole day to receive
The sisters retired, and in the course
of the day, at different visits, brought
a variety of tools, twelve fowls, 'and
about sixty bottles of wine. Porral
communicated his project to four
others, bold and active like himself,
and the whole business was arranged to
his complete satisfaction.
The evening arrived; a general sap
per was proposed; the last, they
'thought, .they should ever eat. The
,prisoners supped well, and exhorted
each other to meet their fate the next
morning with heroism and fortitude.-
At eleven o'clock 'the associates began
their labors; one of them as placed as
a sentinel nest the door of the olive,
armed with a poniard, ready to dis
patch the turnkey, if at his visit at two
o'clock in the morning he should ap
pear to suspect anything; the others, •
pulling off their coats, began to make
their researches.
At the extremety of the second cave
they found a huge door, and on this
they began their operations. It was of
oak, and double-barred; by degrees the
hinges gave way to the file, and the
door was no longer . held by them; but
still they could not force it' open—it
was held by something on the other
side. A hole was mode in it with a
chisel, and, looking through, - they per
ceived it was tied by a very' strong rope
to a post at a distance.
This .was a terrible moment! They
endeavored in vain to cat the rope with
the chisel of file, but they , Could not
reach it. A piece of wax candle, how
ever, was procured; and being lighted, •
and tied to the endlf a stick. they
thrust it through, the 'hole in the door,
and burnt the chord minder. The
door was then opened, and the adven
turers proceeded - forward.
This • door they found led only Co
another vault, which served as a depot
for confiscated effects and merchandise.
Among other things was a large trunk
fall of shirts. They profitead by this
discovery to make 'an .exchange of
linen; and instead of the clean ones
which they took, they left their own,
which they bad worn for many weeks.
Two doors beside that -at which they
had entered now , offered themselves to '
their choice. They began to attack
one; but they had scarcely applied the
file, when they were alarmed by the
barking of a dog behind.
A general - consternation seized the
party; the work vas stopped in an in
stant; perhaps the door led into. the
apartments of the jailor. This idea re
called to their minds that it afar new
near on to two o'clock, the time of his
visit. One of ihe party returned to.
ward thibave of Death, to see whether
all was safe;?a6d _it was agreed to sus
pend their rebore till his return.
When thtpl scout returned, he said
that on his arrival at the Cave of Death
he shuddered with hOrror to find the
turnkey there already. The man, how
ever, who had been left as a sentinel,
had engaged him to drink with him;
and the scout joining the party, they
plied him so well. that he at last reeled
off without examining the cave much,
and was in all probabilities laid fast
asleep for the rest of the 'night. This
was very consolatory news.
I Quitting the door at which they bad
heard the dog bark, they applied them
selvesto the other. They found here
folding-doors, one of which they opin
ed, and found themselves in a long,
dark passage.. At the (end they per
ceived still another doot; bui,liatening
very intently, they heard the sound of
voices; it in fact led to the gnard-bouse,
where seleral soldiers in their national
uniform were assembled. This was,
indeed, a terrible stroke.\ Had they
then gone so far, only to meet with a
worse obstacle than onyi they had yet
encountered? Must. all their labors
prove. then, at length fruitless?
, Only one resource now remained,
and this' was a door which they had
passed on the side of the passage, and
which they conceived must lead to the
great court of the Hotel de Ville.
In fact, having forced the door, ii
appeared they were not mistaken; .the
they were at the bottom of a staircase
which leil into the - court. It, was now
half-past four o'clock; the morning was
dark and cold, while'_ rain and snow
were falling in abundance. The asso
ciates embraced each other "with tran
sport, and were preparing to mount the
staircase, when Porral-cried oat s
"What are - you about? If we at
tempt to go out at present, ail _is over
with ne. The gate is now Ahni, and, if
any one should be perceived_ in the
court, the alarm would instantly be
given, and all would be discovered.
After having had the 'courage to pene
trate •thus far, let usi have resolution
still to wait a while. At eight o'clock
the gate will be opened. and the pas
sage • through the court free. .We can
then steal out by degrees, and ming-,
`Hug with the numbers w e can go away
without being perceived.
,It is not fill
ten o'clock the prisoners are summoned
to execution; between eight - an.ll ton
there will lie time enough for all of ris
to get
~- a way. We will return to •the
cave; and when the time of departure
arrives, each of us five: will inform two
others of the means of escape offered.
We shall then be fifteen, and going owl
three at a time we shall pass nnob.
served. Let the last three, as they sei
succession we may "
This plan appeared judicious and
I safe; it was unanimously agreed to, and
'the associates returning to the cave,
made choice of those who should first
be informed of what they bud done.
' Montellier, a notary, and Baron de
Chaffoy, to whom the means of escape
were .offered,t refused to avail them
selves of them, - the former from a con
fide4Ce of a pardon, as he had been
mistakki for his brother; and the lat
ter, though in the flower of his age,
declared all y
his ties in the world were
broken, and that life bad nothing now
to offer which could make him desk
ions of prolonging it. - They were both
guillotined the next mowing. •
The fate of the fifteen who fled was
very dissimilar, and the escape of the
rest was prevented
,by the imprudence
of one - or them. The last of the fif
teen, who, on quitting the cave, was,
according to the plan arranged, priv
ately to apprise fifteen others, instead
of doing so, cried aloud,—
"The paisige is open; let every one
that can escape."
This excited a -great movement
among- the prisoners. They arose in
"an instant, doubting whether what they
heard could be true, or whether he
who uttered these worde was not mad.
The noise they made lammed the sen
tinel without; he called to the turnkey;
they hastened immediately to the cave,
perceived what had been done, and
closing up the door .by which the 'pris
oners had escaped, placed a strong
guard before it. Nesple, who had ex
cited this movement, was, With three
others, taken and executed. Another
of the fugitives took refuge in the
house of a friend, in 'an obscure street;
but he was discovered, brought back,
and guillotined. .
It was not thus with Penal, the orig
inal author of the plan. He was the
first that came forth. from the cave.
kite passed the sentinel in the court,
he said,—
"My good friend, it r ai nsas and snows
very bard; were I in yoniplace I would
not remain out of doors such weather,
but would go to the fire in the guard
room." -
• The sentinel thanked him, and, fo
lowing his advice, the , coast was left
more clear for the prisoners. Penal
took - refuge in the house of one whO
was considered a good patriot, and
escaped the observation of a party of
commissioners who entered the house.
As soon as they were gone, he began to
think of making his way out of the
city as fast as possible.., When he ar
rived at the Place Belle-Cour be found
parties of the gendarmery dispeised
everywhere. Perrot went into a house,
and, making known who he was, en
treated an asylum.,
The inhabitants were ' Women,', timid
to excess; but the desire of saviog . fin
'innocent person rendered them cour
ageous. They condieied him into a
glirref s and concealed him behind some
planks standing up in a corner.
The gendarmes arrived; they Beached
the house; they came into the garret
where Portal was concealed. Here
they found a large melt. the top of
which was fastened down by a padlock.
They asked for, the key; the women'
went down-stairs for While they
were gone, one of the gendarmes leaned
against thp planka i while a Impend
" 'Twould be droll enough if we were
to 'find one of the fugitives ins ibis
"More likely plate or money," says a
third, "for it seems very heavy.",
The key at length arrived; the `cask
was unlocked, and was found to `lie hill
, .
of salt. The gendarmes - -swore •et the
`disappointment, visited the roof a the
Londe, and then , ..., retired In the eve
ning Portal, dre ssed in woman's clothes,
with irbasket on his head end' another
on: his arm, Vassed the bridge of La
Gi illotiere. and quitted the city.
Ipabriel, another of the 'fugitives,
concealed himself among the bushes in
the marshes of the Travaux Perraohe,
Where he was nearly frozen to jeatb,
butt he got away, to a place of safety.
One, young. Conchouz, who was of
the five that bad opened the way for
escape, made choice of his father. who
was nearly eighty years of age. as one
ofithe fifteen; but the poor old man's
leis were swellen, and he 'Was scarcely
able to walk;
"Fly , fly , my son!" said he; "if thou
bast the opportunity, ' fly this instant!
I commend Hits an act of duty, but it
is impossible that I should fly with
thee. I have 'Wed lung enongh—my
troubles will soon be finished; and
death will be deprived of its sting. if I
can know that thou art in safety."
His son assured shim that ho would
not quit the prison without him, and
that his persisting in his refusal would
only end in the destruction of both.
The father, overcome by his, dutiful
affection, yielded; and, supporteti by
his son, made his way,to the bottom of
the staircase,l but to ascend it was out
of his power; he , could just drag his
legs slow the ground, but to lift them
up was impossible.. His son, though
low in stature and not stiong, todit him
up in his arms; the desire of saving his
father gave him renewed strength,.and
he carried him to the top of the stairr.
His filial piety was rewarded, and both
father and son escaped. • '
Curious Antipathies.
It is well known that the vanity of
King James 1,-never overcame his weak
ness of being unable to look on a nak
ed sword. ' Sir Xer.elm Digby was
pinud to relate that when he was knight
ed at Hinchinbrooke, near Huntingdon,
the king turned his face away and neq
ly wounded him. This may be accoutit
fed for, as his mother, Miry, Queen i3f
Scots, a short time before his birth, had
a great shock given to heron seeing her
favorite, David . Muir), 'killed in her:
presence. We are told of trladislans,
king of Poland, that be could not bear
to see apples. Pennant, the eminent
traveler, had a great aversion to wigs,
which was also transferred to their
wearers for the tinac.,,, m gr presenoe or Me
wAco. in I 5". van, eXeit•
ed and nervous, and angrily made some
strong remarks about the. mayor to a
companion. At last, losing all control
over his feelings, ho rushed. at the may,
or, pulled of his wig, and ran with it
out of the house and down the street,
waving it aloft as he went. The mayor
followed, to the'amusement of 'the po
pulace; and this curious race wasnfter
ward known as the 'Mayor and Mr.
Pennantls Tour. Through Chester."
His said of the Dnke of Schomberg
that, soldier eshe was, he could not sit ,
in the same room. with a cat; and we
have beard of a person with s , ) great a
dislike to this harmless domestic animal
that be would not even pass under - a
sig4toard with a cat painted on it. It
will:hardly be credited that though the
valorons-Peter the Great built a fleet,
yet from his sixth to fourteenth
year could not bear the sight of either
still or running water. especially if be
was alone. He did not walk in the pal
ace gardens because they Were watered
by,the riverlilosera; he would not cross
over the smallest brook, net even oii*l
budge, unless the windowei of his oar-'I
riage were shut close, and even then
he had cold perVirations. La Mothe:
de Veyer could rion endure any musical
instrnment. although he 'delighted in'
thunder. Grelii, the composer, and '
Anne of Austria were identical in their
dislike• of the smell of roses. '
The learned Dr. Beatty tells us of
healthy, strong men who .were always
uneasy on touching velvet;'- or on seeing
another person handle a cork; Zimmer
man, the naturalist, of a lady who could
not. bear to touch silk or satin; and
shriddered When feeling the velvety
skin of a peach. One of the Earls of
Barrymore considered the pansy an
abomination; and the unfortunate
Princess Laminate looked upon the
violets as a thing of horror. &diger
turned palest the sight water-cresses,_
and neither be nor Peter 'Abono - could
ever drink milk.. It is said of Cardan
that he was 'disgusted 'at the sight of
eggs. We have heard of a gallant ml
dies fleeing, without shame, from a
sprig of rue.. The author of the 'Turk
ish Spy" tells us that, proiided he , had
but a sword in his hand, he'would rather
encounter a-lion in the deserts of Arabia
than feel aspider crawling on him in
_Vie dark I William Matthew?, son of
the governor of Barbadces, had, liked
the above. a great aversion to the harm
less spider. - One day the Duke of
Athole, Ihinking his antipathy some
what affected, left him and his friends
in the room, and came back with a clos
ed hand. Matthews thpnght he had a
spiderf concealed there; and becoming
furious, drew his sword' and would have
done damage to the duke or, himself
had not friends inter-posed.
Burton. the traveler. tells us that a
melancholy, Duke of bitiseovy fell ill if
he but- looked upon a woman, and that
another anchorite wWs seized with a cold
palsy under. similar cireneastinees.
Here is fi casco' a lady basingan aver
sion to-the opposite sex; it appeared in
the obituary of a newspaper-some fifty
years ago: 'Lately, at Gray's alms
house, Taunton, aged eighty-two, Han
nah Mitten, a maiden-lady. She vow
ed several years- ago that no fellow
should touch her, living or dead. In
forsuance of this resolution, about ten
rem [Once she purchased a coffin. in
Which, whenever she felt serionsillnesa,'
abo immediately deposited herself, thus
secaring the gratification of her peculiar
sensibility.' Theie are many cases sim
ilar to this - lady's on record, although
they are manifested in a more imperfect
way. In Hone'e 'Table Book' we find
an account of a gentleman in Alcantara,
named John Roll, who would swoon on
hearing the word lana (wool], although
his *oak was made of the same material.
Again; in the Universal Magazine we
read of a young woman in Namur who
fainted whenever she heard a bell ring.
The medical pioneer, Hippocxates,
mentions one Nicatio who swooned
whenever, he heard a flute. Amatus
Lusitanus - relate& the case of a monk
.who fainted when he beheld a rose and
never quitted his cell when that flower
was in. bUifom. Bealliger mentions one
of his relatives who experienced a
similar horror on seeing a lily. Henry
111, Of . France faititgl whenever ho saw
a cat. " The Duke xl'Epernon fainted on
beholding a leveret, though a hare bad
no effect on him.- Tycho Bmhe, the
superStitious astronomer, was similarly
affected upon seeing a fox, and Marshal
d'Albert at the eight of a pig. We hear
of a French lady who swooned or see-. ,
ing boiled lobsters; while Ambrose
Pare, a celebrated French surgeon,
mentions a gentleman afflicted with the
same weakness when ho saw en eel. M.
Vaugheini, a great huntsman in Han
over, felt dizzy and faiCted, or if he
had time ho would run away whenever
be saw a roasted pig.
The credulous Dr. Mather records
an account of a young lady_ who fainted
if any person cut his nails with a knife
in her presence; bat if done with scis
sors, she was indifferent. Boyle, the
philosopher, himself tells us that he
never conqUered bk! uneasiness. at the
sound, of water running and splashing
through a pipe, and that he sometimes
even fainted. We .i►re told of .French
people particularly, partial to the odor
of jonquils or tube roses, 1 . who, will
swoon at the smell of ordinary roses.
Orfila, the Aistinguished Fretteh physi
cian, furnishes an account of the pain
ter, Vincent, who was seized Iwith vio
lent vertigo and swooned when there
were roses in the room with him.
An Old Blockade Runner.
Captain Henry Prince is the owner
and mastr of the schooner Etiwan, of
Charlestr, S. C. His vessel reached
this:portu few . days ago with a cargo of
150.000. - fiet of hard pine, and while the
'longshoremen were unloading her, the
captain .entertained a half dozen inter
ested listeners with his ' story of block
ronpinefor two years in Charles
ton harbor. ,
j , 'rl am now sixty-seven years of age,"
nadefbeen'ti satiating - nuts luaus/
all that length of service was never
shipwrecked but once, and that was on
the' coast of Ireland, in the ship Vul
can, Captain Daniel Bunker, of New
York.. Th e ship was homeward-bound,
loaded with iron from Stockholm, but
havinespruna4l leak she bore up to
wards Liverpool in distress, and in do
ing so was misled by, a bright light on
shore, which she mistook for a light
house. It was subsequently ascertained
that the light was made by the burning
of tar by a vessel in distress and that
five vessels were wrecked that night in
conseqUence of making the same mis
take as the Vulcan. Every seaman on
board of the Vulcan - was saved, but
with the exception of a lad all on board
of the four other vessels that were
wrecked were lost.
'For forty-seven years I have been a
resident of Charleston and during the
greater part of that time I have held a
controlling interest'in one or more ves
sels. While , the war lasted I was sole
owner of the schoonei Santee and bad
an interest jin half a dozen blockade
runners; but it is of the Santee that I
particular), want to speak: For two
years I landed with that schooner from
thirty to fifty tons of sand at Fort
Sumter every other night, ,and during
that period of blockade running I am
quite certain that one thousand shots
and shells were fired at ,my vessel by
the monitors, gunboatS and barges in
the haxbor,. ? but with the exception of a
long twenty-two-incher fired from Bat
tery Wagner, three miles distant, - the
Santee. - vas never struck;
'The last night I rick the blockade
thirty-two shots anti shells wire fired at
me, and owing to the close proximity
with which they whizzed about my
ears I refused to run the blockado ( any
more and for that refusal I was arrested
by Mott Pendle, Provost Marshal of
Charleston, and ordered to the front in
- Lee's - arM - y+ I refused
. to go and ap
pealed to Ccrmmodore Tucker, com
mander of The Confederate fl
Charleaten, and when I made the fact
known to him that my vessel absolute
ly floated past, the Union gunboats on .I
account of the dead calm that prevailed
and because of the perfection of the
Yankee system of throwing calcium
lights a great distance, - blockade run
ning in : a sailing vessel under a dead
calm was , not advisable, but that I
would be onepf a "dezen to volunteer
to run a steamboat, provided the gov !
erntaent would furnish the boat. After
a thorough hearing of the case Com
modore Tucker exonerated me. 'Hav
ing no more sand with which to repair
the damage made during the last day
to the fort by the shots from the Union
gunboats, in less than ninety,days from
the time Is . : quit , carrying sand the
'Reba' -walked out Burnt& and - the
'Yanks' walked in.
'While it is true that my vessel, the
Santee. escaped without any :other
damage thafethe 22-incher Mentioned
cutting through her mainsail, yet in a
single night I came near losing her at
the hands of these upon my own side
of the contest—the Confederates. The
night that Charleston was evacuated
the Confederate commander issued or
ders that all 'vessels, of every' descrip
tion, should be' burned to prevent their
falling into the - hands, of the Union
forces.. When the squad 'came , on
board of the Santee for that purpose I
Met them on deck and, told them I
knew they had a duty to perfOrm, that
they were ;Ming under order, but be
fore they fired • her I wanted thein to
walk down in the cabin and got a good
cup of coffee. Having had an interest
in several blockade runners, I always i
kept myself supplied with a lot of the
best coffee and tea that came into the
Confederacy, and, as the squad that
came aboard of _the Santee to fire her
bad not land - anything better than wheat
or chicory sweet-potato coffee for a
year or mole, they drank cup after cup
ofmy Javn. While they 'were doing
th t I was getting in . some big talk for
th Santee and upon giving them my
word of - honor that my vessel . ahould
never pass, from my possession to that
of the Yankees, they concluded that
after breaking bread with _me they
could not turn and rend me; . and while
that lunch oast me five dollars it saved
my vessel •
'The next day a squad of Yankees
came on board of the Santee and the
officer in commend took my telescope,
quadrant -and other valuable things I
had on the-vessel. These were subse
quently restored to me by order of
Commodore Dahlgren, to whoM I
made perschd no complaint -of the action
of the officeri in question. 'About that
time I was reasonably well off.' I had
purchased 200 bales of Sea Island cot
ton at different times with Confederate
scrip. I owned ninete9n likely young
negroes, a few houses in Charleston
and the Santee and ether ship- property
bat the (lay the Union forces took pos
session of Charleston my boys, worth
easily $25,000, were free men. I
thought, however, that I could manage
to hold on to my cotton, -as it was ell
safely bid away, except eight bales, on
board of one of my vessels. These
eight bales fell into the hands of Com
modore Dahlgren and the balance was
mighty aeon found by the -Union Pro
vost Marshall Pratt, a Massachusetts
man, who promised every dixrkey taken
before him that if they told him where
any cotton.was stored they should have
one-half of it for giving the informa
tion. One of my best boys told where
my cotton was secreted, but the black
rascal never got the value of a pound of
cotton for giving that knowledge. •
tried hard to get my cotton back,
but Provost Marshal Pratt told me to .
take the Bible in my hand • and - in the
.presence of Almighty God solemnly
swear that .I had never voluntarily
borne arms against the United Statel;
that I had never given aid or encour
agement to the Confederate forces; that
I bad never rejoiced at defeats of the
Union armies or at the victories of
the. Confederate troops. When that
part of the oath was reached - ,my band
dropped involuntarily and I asked the
officer to repeat those words about• re
told' muri-cutacesohr
and he told me he would have to turn
that Sea Island cotton over to tho
United States Government, and that
Provost Marshal'may have , done sq. but
he was a sharp, shrewd I.lassathusette
Yankee, and there was a saying down
South' about that time that they greas
ed their fingers with tar to make hinge
stick to them. It is wonderful what a
quantity of cotton Would stick to a
Yankee Provost Marshal's open hands
if right' well tarred.
'lt has to.ways been said that General
Sherman's , troops burned immense
quantities of cotton, supplies, etc., on
hie march through Georgia -to
Charleston doubtless he did destroy
much valuable property, but so far as
Charleston and-its vicinity is .concern
ed I can attest that about all the burn
ing was done by the Confederates just
as they were leaving. The view enter
tained by the Confederate Government
was that it was better to destroy mov
able property than to have it fall , into
the hands of the Yankee Government,
and if the truth was known most of the
destruction by' fire attributed to Gen
eral Sherman's army was caused by the
action of the Confederates.'
Couldn't Wind It lJp.
dA companicin to thUwoman who told
the book agent she didn't want any
'encyclopaedia,' for she 'never could
ride on it in the world' (mistaking the
word for 'bicycle'), the hero of the fol
lowing may ;have the firit' chance.
Says the Wall Street (N. Y.) Daily
On a train going up the river yester
day morning was a young man who had
his overcoat pocket full of purchasek
After inspecting two or three parcels he
took the wraps off a twenty-five-cent
thermomenter and examined the instru
ment with the closest interest. He
looked at the face,- then at the back,
and the longer he looked .the more
puzzled ho seemed. A gentleman who
had been observing 'him finally re
'teen buying a thermometer, I see.'
'Yes; I bought her for a neighbor
of ours.'
`What's the temperature in this car
just nova?' -
The young man tookii long squint al
the thermometer, turned it over two or
three times, and then answered:
'lt's about middling, I guess.'
Nothin further was said for ten min
utes, and the gentleman was busy with
his paper, when the other touched his
arm and said: -
'Say, are you used to thermometers
'Yes, 'slightly.'
'Well, I'm a little green, and I'm
willing to own ~ p. Seems to me there's
something wiong abon' this 'ere.' •
guess not; it's a cheap instrument,
but it seems to be all right.'
'Well, it may be; but I had made up
my mind there was something missing.
I can't and any keyhole, and if it ever
had any hands On the face, they're gone
now for Sure.' ,
It took about five minutes to enlight-
en hire, and when he realized - 'how she
worked,' he put it in his pocket with
th's remark: 1 - •
'l'm going home and tell the old man
that none of us know enough to tell
when we get chilblains
A young lady in. New York has ap
propriately named her dog Penny, be
cause it was ono sent to her.
.1.00 a Year, la Advance.
NO. 7.
MY 6ZBL=A mirmostr.
She met me at the parka' door— -
The darling whom I hope to win---
I cried, "My sweet, ethereal love r
She answered, smiling, "Thst's too thin!"
A lovely Venus statuette -
Was standing on s corner bracket;
I said, "What are such charmitio thine ?"
She blushed, and uttered, 6 1 `Cheeie the
racket I'
"0, dearest maid! to win thy love
My body in the dust I'd humble;
Quist understant such love as mine ?"
. - She whispered, bashfully, "I tumbler
A yielding glance from her dark eyes
Gave to ray pusion full excuse;
I snatched' her to my heart, and beard.
"You're 'just too cute for any use!"
I pressed upon h — er willing lips
A kiva that neatly drove me crazy; .
And, as the oseulatlon clued,
-Bholnurniured gently, "That's just daisy 1"
Bat "01" she cried, "I hear my Pal
I fear he's bent on 'bounaing' you,
Just one more kiss, my dear, and then
You'd better 'ship the tra4a-loo.' "-
The old man's step was drawing near,
I hadn't any time to whiffle,—
I fled, inglorinsly but swift,
And barely, barely "made the riffle."
An inky young heathen named *lamb%
While returning ono night. from s jambo-
Bee, was taken with "snakes,"
The prise now, he takes "
For ending theheavenly flambeau.
.When an Ohio man, who holds two
or three offices, is compelled to eve up
one of them, the item should be placed
under the heading "Shrinkage in
The San Antonio people complain of,
little fishes in the'water mains. They
can't expect the water works company
to furnish them with whales one bun
&DA and twenty fr e t lona fora dollar
a month.
Professor Smith estimates that the
reeent comet, •if it remains visible two
weeks, will cause ten thousand linger
ing courtships to bloom into that many
marriages. It does given young couple '
a splendid exettse to remain np until
two o'clock A. 31., and talk about one
thing and another.
Awl now the ' poor heated editor
snatches tip his shears with delight a&
his eyes light on a promising squib,
and throw 7 s them down with a quotation
from the ,Old. Testament, as he reads
further and finds that it is something
about - "take jenkitis' Jaundice jerker."
•It is, rather galling upon modern
greenness to be tOld that oar comet is
only an old, warmed-over affair, a hun
dred years old or more. It has lost all
interest, with progressive spirits and is
fast sinking into - the limbo of 'Pinafore,'.
the Albany deadlock and all otbet dy-
He was a veteran toper, with a fiery
rod prolumeio, but a most kind-hearted
and amiable man, and when the flies
gatheied upon his nose he used to say:
'Oh. don't drive them away; they're hav
ing a good time, and if they can get their
liquor withont paying for it I don't
An able-bodied -tramp stopped in
ront of a well-known citizen of Austin
and said in a whining voice:
. "Please,'
sir, give me some assistance. I have
no 'friends or family. lam homeless
and friendless"lroh . are ? Well,
then, if you- have no friends to borrow
money from you and no family to sup
port, you are better off 'than I am. You
might have money. to Mend. I -say,
lend me a quarter,' but - the man with ,
-out any responsibilities passed on with
out • contributing a cent.
A German -Somance.
A fair young German maiden was ar
raigned before the DiStria Court of ,
Dortmund for stealing a watch from a,
youthful handicraftsman of that city.:
The person she had robbed proved Lo
be her own affianced lover, who upon -
discoverigg his loss, had foithwith no—
tified it to the Dortmund police, With- .
out the faintest notion that the theft
had been-committed by his betrothel
bride. Investigation resulted in the
discovery of th i stolen' , property at
pawnbroker's p, where the' damsel
had pledged it for a triflitig sum. When
brought to trial, she ltvowed her guilt
with many tears and sobs, alleging that,
unable to purchase her 'wedding dress,
and being ashamed to confess her pev
erty to her future husband, she had.
purloined his watch with the object of
realizing a sufficient amount by its by
to equip herself decently.
It is pleasant to know that this- piteena
confession was responded , to in a gallant
and magnanimous spirit
. by the a , _ de
poiled - bridegroom; who declared that. -
'the prisoner was and ever wouldle his
only love, and that ho would many her
out of land if the judge would consent
to set her at liberty.' 'Without walk'.
rate's delays, the tribunal annulled the
arraignment; and the generous lover
carried off his' liberated larcenist - in
Sari Profesior Austin Phelps: #We
are not half Awake to the fact that by
Our laws of divorce and our toleration
61 the social evil. we are doing,mo ri lto
corrupt the .nation's heart than or=
monism tenfold. Vice, avowed and
blatant and organized, toa large extent
nullifies itself„ so far as' selfdiffusion is
toncernei. Bat vice. lurking and still,
tricklees into all the crevices of society.
A nation of 3formons is impossible—
not so a nation of libertines.'
The etliodist Bishop Simpson once
,'Nobody but saved men should
be sent by newspapers to report camp
meeting.' A St. Louis paper adds:
'lt this were a rule with the diiily pa :
per of this city, they would all have - to
add a new mime to their present staff.'
Gentle Jane wan u good as gold,
She Always did as eh& was "told. •
She never spoke when her month was fall.
Or caught blue-bottles their legs So pull,
Or spilt bine Imp on her nice new frock.
Or put, white mice in the•eight-clay clock.
Or vivisected her last new doll.
Or fostered a paision for alcohoL
And when she grew up she was given is mar-
To a first-class earl who keep. his carriage. -
—GiZert and Sullivan's IMO opera.