Jeff Davies Account of His Capture. Illy horse and those of my party proper were saddled preparatory to a start, when one of my staff, who bad ridden into a . neighb - dring village, re turned and told me that he had heard that a marauding party intended to at- tact: ;the camp that night. ..This decid ed' me to wait long enough to see wheth er there was any truth in the rumor, which I supposed .would be ascertained in a few hours. M 3 h * orse retrained saddled and my pistols to the holsters, and I lay down, fully dressed ; to rest. Nothing occurred to arouse me until just before dawn, when' my coachman, a free colored man, who - faithfully clung to our tortures, came and told me there was firing over the branch, just behind our vneam - pment. I stepped out of My tPtit and NV some horsemen, whom I immediately reet.ipizeil as cavalry, 4- ploying around the encampment. I turned back and 'told my wife these ut ie not the expected maranders, , hut regular troopers. She implored me to leaveler at once. I hesitated from un willingness to, do so, and lost a few preeioua moments before yielding to her importunity. _ My. horse and arms were near the road on which I expect. : ed to leave down which the cavalry approached. It was therefore imprac-{ ticable to reach them. I wasccimpelled to shut iii an opposite direction, As it was quite dark in the tent, 1 pickesl up what was supposed to lie my 'raglan'--a waterproof - light overcoat without sleeves. Et • v - as subsequently fomicl to he my wife's, so very like my own as .to — be mistaken for it. As I 'started my wife thotightfully threw over my head and shouldemg shawl. I -had gone perhaps fifteen or twenty yards whou a trooper galloped up and ordered me to halt! and surrender, to which : 1 gave a , defiant answer, • and dropping the shawl and raglan from my shoulders, advanced toward him. He leveled his carbine at me. bat I expect ed if he fired he would me, .md 'my intention was in that event to put ray hand under: his foot, tumble him off.on the other ride, and Apring into his saddle and attempt to escape. My wife, who had been watching, saw the soldier-aim his carbine; at me, run for ward and throw her arms around me. Success:depended upon instantaneous action, and recognizing,that the oppor tunity had been lost, II turned back, and the morning being damp and chilly passed on to a-fire beyond the tent.— From Jeff Dqvii's hook. "The Rise and • Fall qf Confederate Government. Greek. Meets Greek. A young man with a lafge book under his arm and a seven-by-nine smile on his mug stuck his head into the ticket win dow at the Union depot abd asked the e1(4.1c what was the fare to tau Antonio. "Ten dollars and fifteen cents_," re plied the ticket stinger. "I am pining to leave Galveston, but I lack just. $lO of the ticket money. However, that sins'tet part us. I'll make a partial cash payment of tit tern cents and take the rest out in trach.'' "What do you mean by taking it out, du trade ?" "I am a book agent, and if you will let me have the ticket I won't try to sell you a book. .1 - won't 'say book to you once. This is the most liberal and ad vantageous offer ever made io the pub _ lic,aud you ought to take, advantage of it. 1. have been known to talk a sane man lo completely out of his senses in fifteen minutes that he wasn't even fit to send to the Legislature afterward." "What book have you got?" asked the ticket agent. A beaming smile came over tha bobk agent's face, and in a sing-song voice be begun: • "I am offering in sixteen volumes 'Dr. Whitlletree's Observations in ralehtiue,' a book that should bo iu every family; a jmok that comprises the views of the intelligent .dOetor on what he iaw in the Holy. Land, with numerous speculations and theories on *hat he did not see. Although form ing a complete library of deep research,i pure theology and chaste imagery, II am now 'ogering this invaluable ency-, clopiedia for UM unprecendeutly low . price of $2 a volume - which is really -giving it away for nothing—" • After the book agent had . kept this up about - ten minutes, he began to grow discouraged, for • instead of showing signs of weakening, the 'ticket agent; with au ecstatic smile on his face, beg gh:the eloquent man to keep on. The book agent stoppedi to rest his jaw, when the ticket man .reached out his hand and said: "Shake, ole fel! Come inside and take a chair, and sing that all over again. , That cheers me up like a cock tail. I used to be a hook agent myself before I reformed and wont into the railroad business, and that is like music to me. lesoothes me all over. It calls back hallowed - memories of the past, and Makes-ma want to go. _back on the . road again. would twenty dollars than hate you leave Galveston. You must come 'around every day. I could listen to that all day and cry for more. The book agent shut - his book and Faid: 'S'Ome infernal hyena has given rue away; but there is another railroad' that I can get out of this one•horee town on. I'll not consent to ride on any road that don't employ gentlemen' who can treat a cash customer with common You,caiftcapture my book on any ierraF, and if you will come out of yout cage 11l punch your head - in less time than you can punch a ticket." And be passed out like n beautiful dream.L— Ga/ce.sion Neu's. 1.,1117.E FA MI WELT.- TILLED. WOl-v:orked Etnall farms, as a rule, are proportionately more profitable than those of extensive dimensions. Tlie products of the 38 'acre farm of 31iltou Wickersham, Newlin towniMip, Chester county, Pa., is an evidence of what can be accomplished on a limited urea. LaSt year be raised 400 bushels of corn, 200 bushels of oats, and 160 blisbels of wheat, each of these grains liavienzfive acre allotted to it. He made 1314 pounds of batter, fattened 2528 pounds of pork, ;and sold poultry and egg:: to the value of $7O. He also raised '3O bushels of white 'potatoes, and S buSh els of apples. The net value about $1,200. When a Boston girl is presented with a bouquet she says: 'Oh, how delicious ly sweet; its fragrance impregnates the entire atmospherti of the room.' A down East girl simply says: 'lt smells • scrumptious; thanks, Reuben' FARM AND GARDEN. Exhausted Land. There are, says a writer; various de: gives and stages of exhausted ..or worn. out lands. Some writers recommend . clover. as . a reclaimer for.- exhausted lands; but a soil that will grow clover is by 'no means exhausted—at all events it is not the exhausted soil we Shall al lude to. What we shall refer to is old fields that have been turned oat for years, and have - grown up with briars, .pine bushes or sedge grass. Even those- lands can be reclaimed and be made profitable while being . restored. Nature makes an effort to 'restore or heal, all wounds' that are inflicted Upon her. HA Ulan or other animal receives a cut or contusion, nature at once ap plies her healing power to cure the welled, So it is also with the vegeta ble kingdom. If as tree or shrub be cut or wounded, nature exerts her heal. iug powers in proportion to the cohsti tution of the plant. So if the soil be exhausted Or wounded by bad farming, nature will Cover it with something in process of time—most probably pine bushes, sedge bushes or briars. If a field his grown up with brierti or pine bindles cut them down in the month-of July or August, and, as there are prob , ably gullies in the field, fill them up with the briers or bushes, leaving any balance that may be on the ground. The next spring the native grass of the country will probably begin to make its appearance; if it does not it will the year after. But 'when it appears and gets a start pleiture it with sheep, or cattle. The fall from these will add , greatly to the soil. The second year after the bushes or briers have been cut down they will prObably have been sufficiently rotted to .plow the ground. Then run a colter or. heavy harrow through it, and in August . sow it.down in rye and pasture all through the win ter with sheep and cattle when tli/, wea ther is (ley, and so continue until Au gust, when plow or harrow again, turn ing the ground over, and sow again in rye and pastnre as before. , .: :The result will be,' after several yeais, ; hf this pro cess, you will have tv soil. thaf will pro duce clover, and then it is Siasy to r m/ike it,produce wheat. In the meantime the pasture of your land will more than compensate for the labor bestowed up on, it. If a field has grown sedge grass commence to pasture it with sheep and _cattle -early in the spring, when - .the young grass is itender, anti pasture it heavily throughout -the year; so as, to keep it from' going to seed. Sheen will fatten on it, dry cattle will keep in good order, and it will even in creas4lthe flow (if milk froui your cciw e Whinhhill make golien.butter. In :twe' or three years the sedge grass will dis appear, and then sow rye and the °lel ver, • pasturing the - Lye whenever tli'e ground is dry enongh to prevent tbh ground from being cut up by the cattle. Rye is a great favorite gras.4 of mine. It is very nutritious as a grass and . makei very good hay if cut when in bloom' or the, grain is in milk. • Horses eat it4 - nearly . or quite as well as-they do timothy or red top. Throwing straw or weeds on galled places is a good way ,10 restore the laud. 7 TVILNIPS.—There is no crop that, tie farmer puts in the ground that pays him better than - the turnip. -We are aware that with some persons it is look ed upon as of little account; but it has never received the consideration to which it is really entitled; and thOse who turn up their noses at it are not genuine farmers.- It i 3 a crop, more over, that is put in at a time when the hurrying work is aver; when it °can• pies ground that has already been used for something else. The cultivation also, say of from one to, two acres of turnips, involves • comparatively little labor. The 'crop, too, is harvested in November, when there is almost no other labor on the farm to interfere with it. As to the variety of seed to sow, we believe there is no turnip equal to the purple top. A topdressing T or bone manure is almost indispensable to au almudant crop. For .nn early crop take the Early flat Dutch and sow broadcast, and now ie the time. T4e Purple Top for the regular farm. crop.. This should be sowed in drills thirty inched apart and when the turnips are the size of a hickory 'nut thin outjo eight or ten inches 'apart- in the row. They seldom fail in affording a satisfac tory crop. The crop can be put in 'the first half of August. Where laud is-a little short sow among corn at the last working. They will not interfere in the least with that crop, geneially, and very little when it is harvested. Be sure al ways to.procure seed of houses of rep utation, and use. that grown here in stead of in Europe if you, wish the best and safest article. A Mountain Messiah. This name has been given to the Rev. G. 0. Barnes, who preaches the gospel in the mountains of southwestern Ken,. tucky. He is an educated clergyman, who in his day Las received large sala4 ries from city congregations. But 'when over fifty years of age, he determined to lead - a new life. He gave up his wealth to the poor, declined assistance of. friends and began to preach day af tel.' day, upon the express condition that ho should receive no money, only . food and shelter for himself, wife, and dahghter, fo- the time ~he was on duty, He travels from place to place,preaching . the gospel. as he understands it, and' leads as far as possible, a life otenthe unselfishness. He has worked' great changes in the community in which he labor 4, for they were a lawless set lied not amenable heretofore to Christian influences, Nothing so strongly , ap peals to human respect as an entirely unstlfish life. The man who offers up his life for his country, his religiOn, or the clause with which he is identified, will always be the' popular hero: So- Ciety would become rotten and decay, were it not for those who live for others, and who do good without reference to any other earthly reward.:—Deniorest's Monthly for July. _ Au Irish gentleman, with that peon liar perspicuity of statement charActer istii of his race, says the chief pleasure in kissing a pretty girl is ' when :She won't let you. • Rheumatism. ,u In the first symptoms of thia-discase wh von arc aching and having painful sensatious in the limbs - upon rising from bed in' the . morning, a stiffness in thifjcints accompa nied at times by . swelling and redness, all physicians recommend the application of au external remedy, something penetrating and soothing; an article that will act as a cura tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. Bonn ko's Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief up on the first application. In latuc hack, pains or strains it is an invaluable household reme dy. Ask your druggist for it. Price 7u cents. Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, 0.. For sale by Clark B. Porter, B. End WardMonse Block. - Junr 2-Iyr. 010 - . A" TRUE 1t 37'1 •• highly reColllllWnded for all r r.• tonic; especially Indigt4 ••.(••• rf ..!ppe,!4•:•, Lchss,cf Strength, Lael: qf Energy, r.T. Yr): I vengt!lelis ious;les, and gives new life to the mr‘l-.. , .. "1"• :. • like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic );:•i: 71. r.d.'n9 the Food, Beichiag, Heat in the St,omach; Herzrtburn, etc. he 0211 ; . iron Prepartition that mill hot. blacken the teeth or give.. Headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing railing--sent free. . • BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore - , Md. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. DLICOrSCXII OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. ° The Positive Cure For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as, its name signifies, consists of Vegetable Properties that are harmless to the most del icate Invalid. Upon ono trial the merits of this Corn• pound will be recognized, as relief Is immecilMO ; and when its wets continued, in ninety-nine cases in • hnn. dyed, a permanent cure is effected,astbotusazids will Les. tify. , On account of its prorcn merits, it is to4lay re commended and prescribed by the best pbyslcbuis in the country. Ii will cure entirely the won't form of falling of the uterus, Leueorrhces, irregular and painful lenstxmtlon,nllOvarianTronbles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal wealmess, and Is specially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very iipotsiny by its use. . in fact it has proved to be the great est and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system and gives new Iffeand vigor. It removes faintnesmfiatulency, do- strop all craving for stimulants, and relieves Weakness of the stomach • It ca t Bloating, Ticadaches, 'Nervous Prostration, 'Gene Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and bull gustion, That feeling pf bearing down, canting pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and underull cireamstan• ceS, act in harmony with the law that governs, the remalesystem., For Kidney Complaints either sex this compound unsurpas-ssi. 'Lydia E. Pinkham's -.Vegetable Compound Is prepared at= and Western Avenue, Lynn, Mims. Price Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by nail In the fore of pills, also In the form of Lozenges, on receipt of prier, 10.00, per Gor, for either.. lir3 f reely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pain phlvt. Address s ahem Nest ion this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINICHAIr. LIVER MIS. Thcy cure Constipation,,Dilionatlem, •ed Torpidity of the Lacer. 3 cents per box. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY £ CO.; GENERAL AGENTS, PHIL!, For tale by H. C. Porter Sr, Sotl, TOWANDA, TA. ily29-80-1y STOP AT T. NIUIR & CO.'S IME GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. The place to save money b ouylng cheap Is st Comer Mtn and Freak Uzi Streets TOWANDA, PP: Toey respectfully announce to the pnblic that they have • large stock of FLOUR, FEED, DIEAL,' GRAIN, SALT, FISH , PORE, and PROVISIONS generally. We have alio added Co our stock a variety of WOODEN WARE, such as BUTTER TOM FIE KISS, MUM% ETO. Just received a large , stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, BIOULSON'S PURE SOAk', the best in the market, and other makes of soap Syrup and 'Molasses, which they offer at lovi prices for Cash. Oct 26 77 Grocers sell Aschenbach k Miller's FAMILY CHOCOLATE an article superior in-quality,and lower in price than any other in the market. A prominent and experienced New York physician gives it as his opinisn that chocolate is preferable to tea or coffee, because it adds strength to the body, new life to the exhausted brain, quiets the ner vous system, harmonizes the workings of the digestive organs, and gives purity to the blood. • For a superfine confection, ask your confec-. tioner for oun Sweet Spiced Vanilla Chocolate Aschenbach & 31111er, 3d and CaUewhill Ste., Phila., Pa. 13Jan-Cm. HORSEBend 25 cents in stamps or currency for a new DOUSE BOOK. It treats all diseases, has 35 fine engrav ings showing positions assumed by sick hprses, BOOsa table of doses, a large c3llectlon of VALUABLE. BECIPES,, rules for tolling the age of a Worse, with an engiaving showing teeth of each year, and s largo amount of other valuable horses information. Dr. Wm. U. Ball says, "I have bought books that I paid $5 and $lO for which I do not like as well as I do yours." SICND YOU • CIBXVLAB. AGMS! W•.2127.D. 13..1. Kendall, EL D., Enoaburgh Falls, Mar 20-IVr. ALWAYS ("4v - ilty of Paper, White and colcireLl Cards, and other material. 'for executing first-class Job Printing,, at the Office of Tai Prism- FOUD BaiLFLICAN. All orders promptly executed, and at the fewest cash rateal `r- ' • ''''''"- I `:"Pr 4 l-7 - ' A SIiPE TERM,; . T. MEIJK,LSY, Towanda" Va. MRS. D. VAITEDGE, jfanufacturer of and healer• in HUMAN' HAIR UCH - A 9 - WlOl4 BANDEAUX, the Melee Chatelaine 13raid, EVERYTHING BELONGING ro Tux HAIR TRADE la-SpecialAttention given to COMBINGS Boots all turned one way. SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for • • 1 • • . -: onter's.lnvisible Face Po-Jder, Madam Clark's Corsets, aud Shoulder' Brace Elastics iii-Partieular attention paid to dressing indica hairat their homes ,or at my place of business; over Evans tr liildrtib's store. novia4m - - I,Sns, I). V. STEWIE. Dayton : ..gocktvell, :PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially invite tho public to give them a Call at the Rooms formerly occupied by Recent improvements in the skylight have Mr fished facilities for taking perfect pictures quickly and in all kinds of weather. PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS and DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In dia Ink, Water Colors. Crayons, Pastelies, any size. FINEST WORK OF ARTISTIC EXCEL LENCE GUARANTEED. A STOCK OF FRAMES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. C. S. DAYTON. R. R. ROCRIVELL Towatoa, Oct 6,•1880. ly Wago ch nsG Carriages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, others to his large and complete Open Ar,,Pop7l3*ggies PLATFORM WAGONS - all of his • own MANUFACTURE and war- Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platform Wagons. The easiest and best in tise. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look at these figures: 4 . Two Seated Carriages from $l5O to $175 Pluetons, one Seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies 125 to 150 Open Buggies • ' 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 00 to 110 Remember that the above are all !ally warrant ed, first-class or no pay. Repairing promptly atttended to at 25 per cent below last years prices. . Officeand Factoky cor. Main and Elizabeth Eds. JAS!: 13. RY ANT . 8-10 t 177. - :")* - GEORGE OTT, Monumental Marble . & Granite Wo . , Priees cheaper than the chea t 4 m3o—=tf. WYNOX PA PICTURE GALLERY G. H. WOOD. & CO. will open their New Gallery in Pifton's Block,_ on the Firatilonday of April. Having fitted up ontimly new; with the best 'of instruments, we aro preparedlo Mato Tintypes 4 at one sitting / all for .50 cts. -$ in neat envelopes, 10 for $l.OO. Copying of all kinds of Pliolographs t and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give us a call and we will try and satisfy you in price and quality. mar 28 .7. H. SIMMINS. TUE FASHIONABLE BOOT, SHOE AND GAITER MANUFACTURER. Is new prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino in the latest styles, and of the best Material. ALL WORK and MATERIAL WARRANTED. Repairing done neatly and promptly on short - notice. In 'PATTON'S BLOCS Over Jacob's Clothing ,Store. Dr. - Jones' Taraxacum Tonic or Dyspepsia Medicine, s vegetable compound whose virtues have stood a =sr or 40 sum, is Infallible in the cure of Dyspepsia, General De bility; Chronic Weakness of Lungs. Spleen, Kid neys, Short Breath. heartburn, St. Vitus' Dance, Pain in the Stomach, Back and Chest. Particu larly adapted to all Premix 'DISECEES, no matter what the ige of the patient may be. Price 75 eta. Sold by druggists.. . ]lay 20 ly IF YOU ARE THIRSTY drink a glass of ASCIIESBACII & Miiites' popular Emu Bow, the most dellghtfttlbeverags of the season, cooling, refreshing, and an excellent pre. Tentative of summer complaints. It also acts as blood purifier without any stimulating or in toxicating effects, beings pure vegetable prep. 'ration and entirely free from anything alk. preaching alc.hohal. It is so WEE YCLIEAP that it is within the means of the poorest. A 23 Crux PACKAGE WILL . eau FIVE CULLOM! or tiers En dorsed by temperance advocates and physicians. All druggists and country storekeepers dell it. Wholesale Depot IL W. corner 34 and Callowhill St..Philadelphis, Pa. May 20, 'BO ly 00008, You that have beauty, Come and let us, take It, And you that have none, Come and let us make It 0. H. Wood; TOWANDA, PENNA would call the atten tion of FARMERS and assortment of ranted in every par ticular ONE \ \MORE IN TO WANDL SPOeits . '74:,bong General Dealers in Gnocrruzs, , 4 PROVISIONS, o Ar COUNTRY PRODUCE J 1! HAVE REMOVED r. *tfir, 90R. MAIN AND • PINE STS•; Mite of I atati,lof ri.t:Sta - taut k Marcur.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and vpry Ifirge . • atm* of . . . ;. . Chfiice New Goode,. which they have- lilwajr.F 4:m • bawl ESPECIAL' ATTENTION GIVEN ra, 0.. i =I PRODUCE TRADE EMS And Uaish Pula for Deliinibh• Kintis )1. J. LONG SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT I - JAMES McCABE HAS. REMOVED HIS GROCERY BUSINESS TO THE SOUTH-EAST. CORNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE HE HAS ESTABLISHED Head Quarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS' • Sze., Sze. CASH PAID for Desiz able Pro, duce. Fine BUTTER , and EGGS a specialty. April 29 ly NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. McKeinj . DDALEB IN PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK GOAL, FOOT ()N. PINE STREET, NEAR COURT ROUSE TOWANDA, PA. W LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, 'GA • -- • , ' The patronage of my old friends and tha public generally is solicited. 9sepBo. COOLEY CREAMER. No Dairyman can afford to be without one. it makes more and bettor Butter with leu labor. Ilavbesio Swing. Churn wit hefts it them all, and - any little buy can churn h .- The improved ; Samar Evaporator . is what every Sugar Maker needs. WOMB RBB_ Is ahead of anything of the kind In use. For mile by . WELBIOT COBURN, Agent, • Banns, Bradford Co. Pa. H. L.'Conuni. Agent for Western Bradford and Eastern part of Tioga Co. Columbia X roads. • Feb 19-tf. • Fjoi - estonColognc Mast Fragrant it aefrrAiag *Rota= Exceedingly Delicate and Lastlll.,: Price, .25 eta.; Large Bottles; 75 otai Sold by dealer la Drugs & Primmery. Slgoatoro . of cox & Co., N. cot "eery bottla. PARKER'S RINGER TONIC. The Medicine for Every Family. - NEVER INTOXICATES. , Made front Ginger, L'udiit, Mandrake. Stiffingia. anttother radio best vegetable remedies known, PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably varied curative powers, 4 isthe greatest Stomach Correct. te, Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever mide & The Beat Medicine Yon can Use for /lettering Health & Strength Iteermnences to act from the first `dose,.searthes ant the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or help all diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, ail Complaints Of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ithenma• tient and Drunken noes. Try a bottle ; it luny save youf life. so ct. and $t sires atalldrugghts. Very, genuine bottle Ns our signature on outside wr#per. Hist= & PO. N. Y. Large saving in buying $= sine. Parker's Hair - Balsam I Just What is !Fantail, Evelybody whose hair is gray or ;faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dipssing that is cleanly. agreeably perk:riled and hdirnlest, Par ker's Him Balsam '2de/is the most I fastidious in these rapiers. Sold by dnigoists at:soc. and sr." BRIDGE STREET 3 • FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE We lire constantly w ing the newest and latest,' tterns in - PARLOR SUITS, • BED ROOM SETS, • TABLES, Everything in the Fur- E r Undertaking. We make a Specialty of this 'branch and shall give it Our personal attention., We have a tall line of Coff•PliVS, CASIK.E.'IIIS, and. will not be undersold. (Jive us a call before purchosing • N. B.—J. S; Allyn has no Connec tion with our business. erOWANDA. JAN. •Iiith;,:1114141 M. HENPELM AN JEWELLER, atin tti Lc fn k i at tits OLD STAND, NP:rt (bow to lk. - 11 C. Pro-ier's Druy FINE AMERICAN - WATCIfES, . - J. W 14, STIRLING SI LVEII, AND SPECTACLES &. EYE GLASSES CLOCKS FROST TILE (AfEA PEST TO .THE BEST . • Sir AIL OF WHICH WILL DE SOLD AT THE VERY .LOWEST PRICES, Clocks, 'Witches and Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman, . • M. HENDELMAN. , . GEO. STEVENS. •eptl6•tt • A. BEVERLY SIIIITH BOOK. :BINDER . A.ND - . • Dealer .in Scrcll Saw Gccds. - BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS. -DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Pine Blank Books • MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's Supplies. This department of my business is very_ com plete,and being a practical sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. . WOODS. SAW BLADES, CLOCK MOVEMENTS, &c, constantly on hind. $1.25 Worth of designs for ill; Send for price lists. . • "IMPORTER" BINDERY, r Park street, P.O. hot 1512. . Towanda, Pa F.oaLrroN, • STOUT II: Lexoro HALBERT. E. PAYNY. Late Commissioner of Patents. Attorneys-at-Law and Solieifors of Atherican and Foreign Patents: 412 Firm Brim= Practice patent law in all its branhhes in the Patent Office. and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Paniphelts free on 'receipt of stamp for Postage. Sept • • IF YOU _WANT YOUR HAIR GUT or ,a SHAVE, •GO TO - • . ( - 1 IN THE WARD • HOUSE. 1449 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL TEM REGULAR EXAMINATIONS for Certifi cates for admission 'to the Senior Class of 'B2, will be bold by the Facility of the School on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Juno 16th and 17th Candidates will be examined in the following branches: Orthography, IT. S. History, Reading. Physic Penmanship, Botany, English. Grammar, Latin Grammar and ten Arithmetic, , Chapters of Csesar, Algebra, School Economy, Geography, Methods oflnstruction, Those who are desirotty of taking the courts, and are not thorough in several of the branches above named, will rave time and money by at tending the school during the Spring Term In order to qualify for the examinations. In many eases this plan will save nearly a year's time. ? Spring Ternibeginn March:2lst, ISSI. A. N. NELSON * DEALER IN •ipt WATCHES, • • • •• FINE (TOLD C LO A C: D S, PLATED E WELER Of every variety.and Speascles. Sir Particular -attention paid to repairinst. Shop in Decker k "Vought's Grocery Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pelp2s. - aep943o WARDROBES, -AND---- niture Line. 1tC)1314 - I'S E.-1. PIERCE.... Successor to N. P. HAR AS' T.I?,E E 17, ME WITH A FULL LIM; CI, FINE PLATED. WARE, PATENTS PAINE, GRAFTON & 1,AD.1). Wmim*[ww,,D.o • MANSFIEL.4I, PA. MRS. A. B. WIIITNEY, FASHIONABLE BILIALIN ER, DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER 14130 AGENT FOB TEE ' DorriestioPerfectoVitting Patterns No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda Stock entirely new and fresh from tho city; no old goods in stook: • - _.(loods and work unsurpassed either' in styles ormske, up. oct2B-ly LIVERY; STABLING, ilackpithing, Coif -Wing ani IEIPA.II7IINCr'. Seneca Arnold Raving kased his .farm Jo Warren, • hum Ideated is the above branches of bind loess, on , FRONT ST.4 E OW BRIDGE, • i Towanda; Pa. HE HAS STABLING FOR le 11.05SES. For use of stalls, 5 cents each. Also, Ifarses and Carriages for hire. 111acksmithing in all its branches, promptly, done, Horse Shoeing a specialty. Carriages Manufactured and Repaired, If -you 'want anything iln the above line call on ri 1 22-ti SENECA ARNOL (jan27-t ~~/ iii j '4Ol, - 6416 1 •', • Chicago & North-Western R A I L,WAY is Mo OLDEST iIEST:CONSTRUCTEP ISES7 , Et,ICIPPED ! 'And hence the 11-.EI A. 13 IDi C. 4 , AY • r OF THE West and Nortlivi'est leis the short and lies; ronteabettfeen Chicago and all points in NOIITLIMIN ILIISOIS JONVA; - DAKOTA: WY OMING: Nebraska. Callif.inia, Oreitaa. MUMS. Utah. .Colorado, Idaho, I,lontipa, Nevada, -and for Council Bluffs; OspaitaiDenver, LEADVILLE, SALT LANE. San Francisco:Deadwood,Sionx City: Cedar Raihda, Dee :goitres, - Columbus, and all Points in the•Territoilee;'auds the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green 11an• ugh:l:ol4h , Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Inc. Watertown. Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Folga, Fargo, Bismarck, Win Oms, LaCrosse, Ownthnna, and all points in Allupesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains id the Chicano & North-Western and she U: P. Wys depart from, arrive at and Ilse the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central ; Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and .Pennsylvania. and Chicago Sz'Grand Trunk irys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. !lirClose connections made at:Juiction Points 1 • It Is the ONLY LIVE ramming Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN' Chievo o tc Pullman Sleepers. on ail"Nighf Trains. . luitist open Ticket Agents id itig you Tickets via this road. ExAmiue your T cke is, and refuse to buy if they do not read ov the Chicago k North-Western Tiailwar: . . If you wish the Best Traveling Accoiumoda• tions you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TARE .Tickets ()THEE. _ - All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN ituGii 2,1 Cien.Mang'r. spr7 Chicago , , . • n , .... • ....„ .•_••• cf , . .., ..... ....„. ;....,. ....,.. ~......• i , , ,_ ~ i . „...., _ . . ›, ~....„ tt „... ~.. „... . ...,.. • . c.„ _ 0.1 4 ..q '.---' :74 v. rg ~,,,,, ... 4 0 '''. Z 1 . 7 : 1 _,. . E s 0 ..., ....., Y. !Ni...,„ r" , r - 1.•-• , -'- . v. , . . ! • tij W G. 77?.1C1/4, Genera Insitrante Agent, -TOV,VANDA. Ch PATCH 4: TRACY dllain St. 1T 1E29 ALL COMM br'V IC A 710 • 11110 THE POST OFFICE CEIYE Pi:O3lP TA TTEN7/ON tiv29 ' rf -2D11 7 11:41 Duri3 j 1? ' PA . •c r• - • - - I 4- - •, 4 - # I f i • - ? , • ,i . .( 3,;( Y#' l l.‘ •,,Aptm titti ""3- 1(„„ ,tt - : C_K st\ en": ; Is a surecure for all ordinary d itieaS es of Heraja, cattle, Sheep and Eiwiue. It cures and prevents CHICKEN CHOLERA. Your cow is certain to yield 25 PER CENT . . MORE AND BEfTEII MILE AND BUTTER. STOCK FA'IITNB ON ONE PORTO LESS FEED! Being in possession of a largo number of excel Pente teetimoniaLs. I, subjoin a few: ; Thalia been using your Cattle Powder for nor ees, cows, chickens and pigs. and And its rinst ct.Asslbing.--Geonan Bon), Gerinantown. Pa: I have used two packs of your Cattle Powder on my cow and chickens. Tux cow; GAVE NEARLY TWICE TEE 4CANTITY or 51ILN she asa before. My chickens were dying, but were CIIII,ED IMMEDIATE LY after I had used the power. ,Crours, truly, ' JONAH ,PAMOUR: Dallas, N. C, 1 alive used your Cattle Powder and must Ray is the best for horses. - cattle, sheep, ete. Tried it Oh poultry. for many complaints, with success IF svgar CASE.-3en. WEAVER, 13Ennysv1u.s, Pa, Last summer you sent me a package of your powder which I . gave to my poultry, and have not had one droopy . turkey or chicken since —Mrs wat. KNAPP, Orange, Y. Send me a pact ortwo of , juur Cattle Powder. The pack 1 got front you; last, winter ceUED THE maxim cuouma. I gave some of it to a neigh bor and it cured LIR chickens —Joirs WILLIAMS, Spruce Vale, Obin. _ Addrcan, for a pamphlet. . . F. A. MILLER, 331 Arch St_ PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Jan. 13-cm. New Revision " E W A N " NTED . NEW TESTAMENT. As made by the most eminent scholars of Eng land and America. Half the price of correspond tug English •Edition. Large type, linen super caiendered paper, elegant binding. A separate "CoMprehonsive history of . the Bible and its Translations, given ko subscribers. Best chance for atents ever offered. Send stamp for particulars at atm% THE HENRY BILL .1 - .untastliNci Co.. • aprßii•Gt. - Norwich. Conn French's Hotelon the Euro pean, Plan, opposite the City Ball. Court House and new I'ost Mace. NEW YORK. PmeEs REIVCCED, it 001125 75 Ceuta and upwards. This Hotel has aU modern improvements, including Elevators, OD. xunning Water, and Burglar-Proof Locks on every duor. It is convenient to all Theatres, and within three minntes'.Wrilk of both Elevated Railroad Stations. Horse, Cars for all parts of the city pass the door. Special arrangements with excursion parties. apri-amos. • (M. A. A., N. T.) lIUMPIIREY .p.ROk : S. & TRACYA MEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c, i r ig r,i..,, z4 e2..., ;: . 0. ; . 0,1:- p ILE . r - ~. . . . °::- : •. 1,,d-- REWARD ,g, Uireratel Or , Protruding riles, that Deßi ng'.4 Pile S 11 Remedy filth to cure. It allays the 'itcliii:. :., w,...1.. , toniorg, Ores immediate. refuel. Prepared by J. i'..7.1::. -r ..., Plukulelptiii, Pa. "C - AUTl4li.—Snegn,l2i I:' 11,,c , „. , per e n bi,::: , contains. hi- El gnat are and a rile ut Siozes.. I All druggists and, country stores la is it ur will get a LT:. .. . * * * *AS K*F.O R -3C, * * WeItN PERFE itiffiA_ CTED 0 LsT_lli_c_ilo . 's BUTTER. COL F it Gives Butter the gilt•edp4 iralor the yoar round.. Tho I aiv.,est Bath? Iltwer3 recomm.nd 13 : Thousands of Ittlrymon b.ii IT IS PEILFECT. tiged by all the 4est Creart.wrics. A wardc.l II. , ! P, natlonallnplotita at N. r.ltary Falr. ligk: tour (12 - ngglA ormercliant fort% or 'write toasit tvl,:at It 1 , .-.. it costs, who uses It. 'whom to got It. ' Ilif:LIA. UICIIALIIIMIMY 41:: CO.. Protortetolts. 111tr1tnr.....1 401 ,: • c.. • -,.‘ •,./ " 11‘41: ' KENDALL - -,11 , A Ai r,O l . %AVM CAIRC— . .. 4 a. . ce. ~..._ --- - - - - —_ ..---. THE MOST SUCCE . SSFCL. REMEI , Y ever dig covered. as it is certain in its eiftets and does not blister. •Also . crxeeldeut ter Unman Ihr li. READ PROOF BELOW. From a 'Pm:linen Phyzician. 1 • Washingtunville, Ohio, June 1711 1 . Pro. Da. C. J. KENDALL CieLID4: !leading your advertisement in Turf. Field and Farm, of Ken tipavin Cure, anti having a valuable and I speedy Horse which had been lathe from spavin I eighteen months, I sent, to you for a bottle by express, which in six weeks removed all lame- nese ann nuts another horse, and both horses are to-day as sound as colts. - The one- bottle was worth to I me one hundred dollars. liespectfttlly yours, H. A. 131.-.I:ToLET,r, Kendalfs Spavin Cure,i Bakersfield, Vt.. Bee.. 1579. Co., Wish . to add my testimony in favor of Tour, invaluable liniment,- ”Rendall's Spavin Curt..." In the spring of I'- 4 r4: slipped on the ice and - ,sprained my right limb at the kiWejelnt. I was very lame ind at tithes I suffered the most cseruciathig .palu. I worea bandage on it - for a year; and tried moat every. tbing,in my reach, but, could find nothing that wouldg give me pernianent irelief. When I over worked, it would pain' ina very much. -In Apro. IS 7 / 4 I began to think I should be a cripple for lite; but having sonic of ”Rendall'sSparin Cure" thought I would try it. I used one third of .a bottle, and experienced relief at once. ,The pain left me and hal not troubled me since. -1 feel ver2 gratefiil to you and would rcl , ornmenil ••andall's Bpaviu 'Cure'' to all who suffer with sprains or rheumatism, Yours truly B LAN,I. Pi( ()K NIANUTACTUIZER Alfred J. Purvis, ) • Z: • L. 'lmmel .... All Ni - drl.: in hia line dope well and promptly at 'lowest price. Earties having volurues, incomplete will be Mr nialied with any miaAug numbera at coat price. All nrders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for I.3radfo'rd County. will be promptly executed ac h 1- ording to-directiona. . sep9:ti P 1 %7 i ' :•• .- Enlll EMI Q, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CLAIM AND . CY BRINK S: BUCK, Leßaysville, Pa. • Will writ,, Policies for risks in Fire and Life It. surance. Collect Claims with care and promptness. They represent nono; s a FIRST-CLASS COMT.A.N They solicit theconfidebee and patronage of those having business in their lino, and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or adtlress_....—, • isn3 tf MUNK& BUCK. LeßaYeville. Pa, ..., r•■ 4 i ~..\--' .... r ill k.....,1 • hf'ir sJI HORSEsend 25 cts. in stamps or currency for theta:- VISED 4DITION of "A Treatise - Oh the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment fer all diseases; has 130 fine engravings showing BOOKpositions . assumed by sick hdre4s• better than can be• taught in'any other way r it table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the borSo as well as their effects and antidotes when. 25 ct ., poison; a large collection -Of vairsrt.r, in:enters, rules fir telling 'the ago of a hcrse, with an engra..i4. 'showing teeth of each year and.- - a large amount of other valuable horsoluformation. Ilutdreds of horsemen have pronounce,t it worth more th‘an books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 2G0,00d sold in - about one ye tr before it was re. vised shows how popiilar the book is. The re, vised edition la mucrt Muhl! wrr.nrsrmo„ eon A CIILCULAU. AGENTS WANTED." Dr.' J, B. Kendall & Co., F.u9sburgh Falls, Vermont., Mar 1.1.-lyr.- • • - AGENTS ! AG F.N T 3 ! Apiyr§! JOSIAH ALLEN'S 'WIFE HAS "ROTE" A 'VW UMW The Met & funniest of all ••I 2 .4 V "WIL• . My - Wayward Pardner," Or, The account of Saniantha'sTriais and7SutTer . lugs with her husband Josiah, This will be the {Leading Rook of the Season to sell. AGENTS WANTED-Di every Town.. -Don't miss it, but send for circulars at once and se cure TerritOry, to •F, C. 114.15 S .' CO.. Newark, N:.l. marlo-tit •• CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S CANCER - MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and aro now living Witnesses that they have been rescued from a-terrible' and untimely death. Doctors, Ministers and the Peer treated Free. Write fora Circular giving full particulars. Address Drs. GEO.. CRANE & RUSH BROWN, Addison, N. Y. Sept.3o,lyr.GPltaco. '•lndispensable to the Library, Clergyman. Law yer, Physician, Editor. Teacher, Student, and all of any calling in-life who desire knowledge." Enefelopaedia Britannica The Amesiian Boriat:—Nhith Esitiot. " I This great work Is oeyond comparison superior n its eloaborate and exhaustive character to sit similar works. - The contributers are the• most distinguished and original thinkers and writers of tho present and of tho past. - This bone is the Ninth :Aviator' in a space cf over 100 years since its inception. and this •re print, a copy in every- particular of the British Edition, is the best and cheapest work ever offer ed to - the American people; TheArtieles are written in a most attractive style:and the quantity of matter in each volume is one-third greater per volume than in any other Cyclops:llla sold at the same rates, • The work contains thousands of Eng - ravings on Steel and Wood, and it is' printed from entirely new type made expressly for it. It will bo comprised 111'21 Imperial octavo vol. mum four of which are now ready, and the sue coaling volumes will be bided at the rate of throe year. . Price per vol.. cloth binding. - - $5.00 Bold only by subsciptlon. , For specirnan pages apply to tile Publishers. J. SI..STODDABT & 00., $2B ongsigerr Srnster, ,ret2o PIIIIADELPHIV Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealera in all kinds of ' CORNER VAIN AND EpZIRETH STREETS, ti NV A. IN JD ON HUMAN FLESH. P;orTELL ME BOOK PAPER. RuLER, . No: 1:11 Ger/ei•see street UTICA, N. IT, ll= M it 15 for all LIVER AND BOWELS. It tho aysto= cf the that C 311355 tho -c!r2a.dfol only tlio VietisLO of Eheaciattsr , , , :. con THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the. worst ferule of thia terrible a. , zrz_ hare been quickly relieved, in a :.her: Lz - ' PERFECTLY CURED. fKIDREY ,, WORT has bad wonderful atitteis, and an ininiers: nate ineve-y tart of tho 01 ea,..asr rine cured,wlicre c.!l c failr4l. Itie . tffad, hut efficent, CM! IN ITP4 ACTION . , but hars.lcfin C f rlt dearmefi.Strencthero.and'clvt.N, Lire to all ( the iinportant organs of the The natural action of thelCidncyallrct - .:7 - The Lieu Is el cansed of all direar.e., •: Bowels more fr.ely and. 1 , 1 way the worst cliseosco are ei'adic_..t. the mystc2n. As it bpsbcYo. proved by tbousar.d, 1109NEYWOW: . ‘ is the moat effectual mmedy for systc in of all morbid uccreteu.s. L.acd evcry SPRING 'FiIEDICI . UE. , Alva 7,-2 ct,r,T3 73r;j01.T32:.7.33. 0:: : !T172 T 101:, PILFS ar.rl DLer:: 1.4 I. , :tup in Dry. Vegetiabk• Form. i - • ene paehn:n• of 1 - iz•ii .• Ai-o in very Conecnt rat. the t earte,z . ; • .11.1,M it. Rat - . , 2,1;' • GET IT OF ni:i•co;Nr. IVEI f 1:1111.11ZDSON Mil send the dry post-paid:. Itt t:1 I . KIDNE Yz.WORT:. 0:2,1 , 1 , . • • Traction.andPlain Ell , z;n::::: and Horso-_Powers. - Most Complete Tit re. l'i ::: r Pluto:7 ": !•-• 5tz.1.11% - 1%; In:tho V: crl rl. . -•- ) s a y s 3 YEARS `:': -. '•!;'5':`:'r7..,!77: ., ' 111:1.71:1.Z I: - .• , (,;.• 1 ,::),"1 , , ?,•• t . I I ...m.....m.. tr,".2.,1 t:arr...•..:/ 91 .7. -r.,y,3 - “!: ~ A •;- : - ---,„, .--i- , ' •- . 4, ' -.- ---,---------%' '`'-*=- - - - • ' - 1-' , l7 — =- - •' - iLlt , -_:_ i7 , : ..-:-.".•,' .. 4....-__.,:,' / j 1L.4Z... 4, :• , '' . '.; rk. - :;;• : , 1 41' .-- 1:.;;1 , -- :.. 0 .- '1:-•<,.._.--:,..' i‘ .." .„, ____'1\ 4 ,,, , , IV I -P - ~.j e - ,;, •r, €•=-•.. l -.,...-.::.-........._. !z:r.PAR.ATOIN COMpfrit• SZttn In ut f, s •, Tr: 1(114 ; 9 .1 - :a.i'aC+:.. - ..121..rd...11:ngi: , in tl;••: . At:p.:ll, “). • ••-. flt% r • t i vutrri , s 1 , • - S,paator , . 0 .; t,, • Two 11. ' 7 .01 e ) 000 7 1 vet of St :.•. ti (fr,rn tlart t hand{{ . f: 1.1 W ti ,:h tn 4 C. 4: ittXt-tilgii cl Ot-t:L1:44.11.1'Y TIM I‘,ltnn,E. iu2de. Ell ;" MEE 11 Itati St.; KENDALL'S STAVIN' CURt 'ls sure. to cure Spa% itiA, ~SV;r• - • . Curb, :to. It removes all unuai:.: l I •' • °Marge-11101am. DoEit or liaorno equal for any lasamess beast or man: It has cured . 4 lameness to a person who bad 4: feted I. years., Also cured rbvuu , tisim corns, Irost.bites or I: bruidcs, cut or lamcneas. It has no equal : any blemish on' horses. :lend for illustrst eir Mar giving POSITIVE moor, Price $l. .11- 1 / 1 0.7(1(11.STStave it ar can get I t for you. Pr. L . , .t Co., Proprietors, Enosburgli ermont. 11. C, PonTEn, Agent—Towanda, Is t first Itational fank TOWAIZA PA. QAPITAL PAID . gUItPLUS FUND .1. This Bank offers 'unusual faeilitie:.: the .transaction of a ;general banking business. JOS. rOWELL, if.h. 1. N. N • BETTS, $3 PER DAY. ‘je , " Agents wohaveyast what you want, tarts: you can leave on thou go around sal. lect your money. Useful in every filmlY• • per cont.profit . . Sample Spool case Polisher 25c. Send for samples am' go at once. E. 11. llayne,s2l Chestnut et. I'lo3 PENSIONS Procured for all persona disabled in Co' orvico from any cause, also for heirs of dr , ".r, soldiers. - The slightest disability entll. , •! pension. Increased-,—.Bounty 3r. 1 didcharges pro\cured. Those who are ill .! • s to whether entitled to anything. 91, P . " WO cent stamps for our "circular of late' on."' Address with stamps, Steddart .t °Bettors of Claims and Patents, :Itooni oud Building, Washington. IX C. , I)ATENTS "OBTALNED.: 2 —Geo..' Myer, whose 4rel;ie Is over • Powell k store, will make -drawings of models, rol" Pepe s ln proper torn for applicants fur PE and attend to all business pertaining to sr,' -; alone for Patents on call. Ja1516 IN ME tea I.uffiba 0,/ I • 1 • 4^023.3:3r Wo tht, styles of riTlLAnn' Equal to .3.10•1•••ILF• larket. 11(.1)1(.711.1er. the P b! rzrzminc,l bepr , wy Or it. Th:A •- •ylenttif•renrnrettltc , s : . II 31achti103 ,v:arant•-•1 • • • are, dent lest and T,•titt.uoiAl.. • . .t. IIP)l)r)-L $1 . 25,1 btl.l) ~~'