THE REPUBLICAN._ . , _Re.. W. L. , Thorpe and wife of Chenango Co.. N. Y., are vial ling at,A. D. Dye's oji Main efreet ~ • - r THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1881 To Our Subscribers. 4, —Mr. and Mrs. Jsa.. T. Hale have been visiting friends in Owego, N. Y. , . Examine. Your Label !, —Mrs. Williamson of Harrisburg iej the It will show you the month and year up to guest of her aunt, Mrs. Daniel Meehan 0f„,...00x. which your subscription is paid. If your sub- ” 11 scription is soon to expire, please send us —Mrs. Roseel of Pleasant. Mount, Wayne one dollar for a renewal tit once, that we may Co.. Pa., is visiting her daughters in his plaCe. send you the paper right along. Send in Mrs. Ira D. Humphrey and Mrs. E. Overton• renewel without delay. —L. A.'-Woosteris our g_o_neral agent, sotto- ,Mary Ward of Brooklyn . N. Y., is i tor, and collector. for the southern and west- spending.a few weeks with her grandfather, ern portion of the County, Mr. Samuel Owen of Wyaox. —Mr. R. A. Plicker and a pithy Of Mends are cruising about the great lakes in Mr. Packer's handsome yacht "Emilie." —Mr. G. R. Young of- Rome, Pa., has ac cepted a situation in the dry goods house of Hastings k Stratton at Owego. —Miss Josie Humphrey has returned from Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co., where: she has been attending school for several months. —Mrs. Abbie -- and Mrs. Deal Walker, of Ulster, were visiting friends in town last week. - —Ex-District Attorney McPherson, as beard from, is the. boss bass-fisherman. He has caught the greatest number and the largest bass of the season. —Mrs. L. T. Royse, who has been ill for many months, has so far improved as to be able to go to Roaring Branch, Lycoming Co., to see a sister. —Miss Ida Morgan.' a - - - daughter of Mr. Charles Morgan, is .teaching her first term of school near Monroe, and succeeding in a highly creditable manner. —Rt. Rev. Bishop noire was at Christ Church onWednesday last. Ho preached in the evening; and after the sermon ten per sons received the rite of confirmation. —Mr. Win. Mix, we regret to learn, con tinues seriously ill, without improvement in the conditian of his health. Being advanced in years, and extremely debilitated, his pow ers of recuperation aro greatly lessened, ren dering recovery somewhat doubtful. —Mr. P. D. Van Gelder, editor of the Le- Rayaville Advertiser, was a caller at the Re.- PUBLICAN deice on Tuesday afternoon. Con sidering the short time since he started the Advertiser, he has made it a wonderful suc cess. gave us from a frost The Towanda - -steamboat is a success Vennor, let tip! We have bad enongb o this. ! ' Commencing nett Sunday, the 9cening services in Christ Church will be pan at 6 NI. D. Swarts mare "Josephine S." won the 2:28 race at Scranton on Friday last. The purse was $5OO. Meadows never looked finer at this season of the year than now. The prospect fore shadows an unusually heavy hay crop. The continued wet weather has made corn planting difficult. Some of our farmers have been compelled to re-plant, the first planting having failed to germinate. • & cold rain storm prevailed through Ont Tnesday last. People went about shivering with cold, fires were rekindled and overcoats were not uncomfortable. . The bronze boquet ivad flag holden, placed at the bead of tbe graves of the soldier dead in our cemetery.-were pro Cured by Comrade G. V. Myers, of Watfins Post G. A. IL - An interesting letter from the pen of James W. abliombe,is who making a tour of Europe, appears in our columns this week. It is well worth a careful reading. Church of the Messiah (Universalist,) Rev. Wm. Taylor . Pastor, Sunday June 12th, at 10:30 a. m.. w ill be observed, "Childress Sun day." Evening services as usual at MO p. in. The steam digger, which is being operated opposite town in excavating for the second track by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Compa ny, is a remarkable labor-saving machine. The ladies of the Church of the idesaiah Rill hold a sociable at the patters of the church ou Tuesday evening; Zone 14th. Strawberries and ice cream will - be served. All are.cordially invited to attend. • Officer Buriis and a colleague went trout fi6hing, out in Sullivan county, ono day last week and caught'ls3 trout. On Friday they wait again; and though the_wcathor was nn favorable, they caught 150 of the "speckled beantics," making 303 in all. Next ? Maxwell and Boothb have returned from England. They spoke in Hedging E, Church, Elmira on Sunchiy evening last, • "Billy" has been one of the few temperance reformers who has remained true to the pledge of total abstinence. The ComMencement Exercises of the Itus qmiliana Collegiate Institute, will take place at Mercur Hall, this Thursday e%ening, Juno 9th. The order of exercises arranged for the occasion will prove highly interesting to the rigitora wim witnewn will commence at 8 o'clock. We aro indebted to Mr. 8. S. VanNess, of Macedonia, for a .package of very excellent luaciou's strawberries, grown by himself. These are the first home grown strawberries we have seen,-and they aro large and fine. VanNess has a large crop cf berries which we will soon place in market, • probably at Cowles bakery. Prof. Ford's Lecture before the Philomath can, and Scientific Societies of the Susque hanna Collegiate Institute at Mercar Hall on Tuesday evening last, is pronounced by those who listened to it as highly interesting ,and able. The inclemency of the weather kept many from attending, yet there was a goodly number present, who expressed themselves as well paid for going. •• Major Whittle_ the Evangelist,, and Mc- Granahan the singer, have been doing a very successful gospel work in( England and Ireland. At last accounts they were at Belfast. and the press of that city is emphatic in its commendation of their diode. They will come home in July to be present at a meeting for Bible study, organized by Moody and held at his home_ iii Northfield, Mass. Wm. Ives, Jorthis place, died suddenly at Meshoppen, Wyoming County on Saturday last, of hemorrhage of the lungs, while on a visit to his mothei: Mr. Ives up to within a short time past was an unusually strong and apparently healthy man. Physically he was large of frame, being about six feet in height, and of compacts build. His age, we should judge, was about 30 years. His death from such a cause is a surprise. He loaves a wife• and children. A widow lady of North . Towanda came to town on Thursday last with butter and grain, which Eho sold. She tied the money in her handkerchief and started to walk hot 4. Near the upper end of the village she eat down to rest,laying the money by her side. When nearly home she, remembered her treasure and hurried back to the spot where isbe had rested,,but the money was gone. The limier will be rewarded by returning it to her Ver. Mem. never tie up. your money a Vandkerchief; but invest .at once in a gas eunpany or life insurance.' - 14:v. 0. H. Wright'4 sermon before the t rtndents of the Collegikte Institute, at the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, was an interesting ands arty address. The - sermon was founded upon-the account of the wiee men, or Magi, of the East bringing their precious gifts to the infant Jesus; and worshiping hiin 'as the fulfilment of the prophesies concerning Messiah. The theme deduced was' stated in four propositions: "True philosophy seeks Christ, and true philosophy finds Hien; true philosophy wor ' ships - Christ and presents its costliest gifts to The fi.rinon WS3 replete with thought find co.trneaty etpressed. The large audience, bitheir perfect attention, manifested their appreoiation of an appropriate and instructive dise:mrde. I.i:kt of letters remaining in the Poet Office for the week ending June 8, 1881: bailer Thomas, . Purcell James, Cullinsi.Jane, Palmer C 8, Ege Cul J A,. Rider Mra It, Foa ier. If, , ' • Ready Jeremiah, Lynch Mary, Scaulin Ella, Lynch Bridget E. Sicker Jennie, Biunn C E (2), Schoonover Bird N, Michael Atnar.da, . Stratton Porter; - Mclntyre Win, Lohiu 'ohs, McGinnis Maggie, Tirriberlake Geo M, v:toß Mice C (2),Wriglit John,B, MEIMI Pers,ns calling fur any Of thi) above will pkate eay "Advertised," giving date of list. P. POWELL, P. M. • At tit Annual Meeting of the Lin-Ta Hose held Toethlay evening the 7th inst., the ftalaiing offices were elected for the ensuing Mal President—Wm. Chamberlin. . V:ce President—E. W. Elwell. Secrotary—F. J. Krum. Financial Secretary—Win. F. Dittrich. easnrer—M. D. Swarts. • Trustees—R. H. Patch, Jesse Myer • Foreman—Joseph Ochs. First Ass% Foreman—J. M. Rabin.. .Second Ass% Foreman—Fred Felton. Engineer—S. B. Tidd. Member Fire Board—D. M. Wincock. • .Fire Police—George B. Eaten, D. M: Will cock. Pipemen--Jesse Myer, W. 11: Marshall,Geo S. McCabe, Jesse Wardell, O. M. Myer. WalesP l►nprored Tompkins 'Comity Cu!i Farmers will find this popular cultivator to to be just the thing to dress out their grassy ccrnfiells and loosen up the soil. It is the most complete implement for cultivating crop's. For sale wholesale and retail. It. M. Wri.L.s, Manufacturer. June 9 2w. . Having experienced, more relief from the Elie of Dr. Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup than from any other medicine. I can recom mend it to all in need of medical aid.: It Purifies the Blood and entirely renews a Die-. ordered System. • JAMES WATSON. ' ticator. Pirrsrox, LUZE iNE CO., PA PERSONAL. —Hon. P. D. Morrow and D'L. Overton, Esq., were oat last week on Canada Creek, N. Y., trout-fishing with good success. Can- - ada Creek is a noted trout stream. They found that the trout in that stream were not as Seth Green says they are in some locali ties, keeping Kent. Children's Day. j Will be observed next S.inday, June 12, in the Methodist Church. Sermon in the fore noon.. special children's seftice at 6 o'clock p. m. _ Fourth of Jrly Party. There aid be a Fourth of July Party a the Union Hotel, Rome, Pa., Monday .evenog, July 4th, .1881. All are invited to attend. Music Smith & Paris' Baud, of Owego. 4. Y. June 9-3 w. H. C.Stwrit, Ptop. Reduced Rates to the Teachers Attending the County Association at Sayre. j The Lehigh Valley_ 11. B. Company — will place for June 10th and 11th round trip ticket at t Athens, Ulster, Towanda, Wysanking, Stinding Stone, Ilmnmerlield and Wyalusing at is rate of two cents per inile. each way good to return on and including June 11th. E. T. BURGAN, !reg.. Chan►pion Fishing Mr. L. W. Decker, H. F. Decker 'and E. L. Kecker left on Wedneaday,;June Ist, 'for a fishing tnp in Sullivan Co., and came home on Tuesday evening last, bringing with them 819 trout, and having used a great many while out. Mr. Ezra Docker made the cham pion catch of the season. It weighed two pounds and measured 15 inches in length. It was,caught on the Big Sock. Residence - of leer. S. L. Conde Struck ty . ~_ Lightning: • The iTuukhannock correspondent of the Elmira,ticertiser, June 1, says: "During the severe thunder storm of last Saturday even sng, the residence of Rev: S. L. Conde was struck by lightning and considerably injured. A hole three foot wide was torn in the roof and the plastering and hangings of some of the rooms were scattered about promis cuously. The family were fortunately ni a room - a little remote from the Spot where the bolt first struck, and escaped with the excep tion of a slight shock and a severe fright. After the shock a thorough ventilation was required to-get. rid of the strong sulphurous smell caused by the electric fluid. The at traction furnished by two woven wire beds in an upper chamber and tke piano in the par lor underneath, prevented . the fluid froth spreading extensively into the other, part of the house where the family' were seated. To Adrert,toers We are about to issue - for the Bradford County Agricultural Society. 3000 copies ,of 'their annual pamphlet containing the Pre mium List for the ilex! anneal Fair to be held September 28, 29 and 30, 1881. We offer to men an opportunity to insert their advertisement in the premium list, whereby they will seettie a large circubition among the far Ming community at reasonable rates. Call early with . your advertising and secure an insertion. I An important win Case Decided--A To wanda Man Sustains His Rigifts as Legatee. , The ikuit - of Sophia Marsden against her son, William, C. Marsden, Of Towanda, in which she sought to estahlislOhe validity of an alleged will of her huscand, John Marsden, dated May 6, 1874, was finally' given to a Philadelphia jury on Thursday morning last, in Court of Common Pleas No. 1. The trial. of the case has occupied the attention of the' Court for the past nine days, and on Wednes day, with the exception of a short recess; the case lasted from 10 in the morning until 8 at night. The will of 1874; under which the widow claims, gives two farms in Sullivan County to the sod,i the' defendant; appoints the widow executrix, and leaverabsolutely to her the remainder of all the real and person al estate. This will, it is claimed, was a pure forgery. A vast amount of testimony was ' taken:at the trial as to whether or not the paper-of 1874 was in Mr. Marsden't hand writing, His Honor Judge Biddle in charg iog the jury reviewed the testimony at length: and instructed c them substantially that - the paper of R 874, purporting to be John Mars den's himdwriting, was a forgery;-and that the will of 1866, bequeathing the property of the testator to his son, Wm. C. Marsden was genuine. This gives to Wm. C. Marsden valuable real and personal estate in Philadel phia, which has remained in posiession of his mother and sister since his father's death. The jury after hearing the Jude'gis charge were out but a abort time when they return ed a verdict in favor of the defendant. Thanks. At a regular meeting -- of Wstking•Post, !No. GS, G. A. R., hold on Saturday evening last, June 4th the - following resolutions were un animously adopted: - • Resulcel, That this Post - feeling deeply sensible of the kindness of the citizens of Towanda and vicinity in contributing so generously toward= the success of our Decora tion Ceremonies, desire publicly. to caporal our sincere thanks to all, and especially to those citizens silo, contnbute& so freely toward the payment'Of the dipensesZof the occasion; to the papers for their _many kind nesses,-and frequent notices, to those who contributed flowers, and time in preparing them for use; to the ladies, who are always so ready' to assist ns, to Rev. C. T. Hallowell for his excellent address; to Mr. LeGrand Brower for his excellent rendition of a poem; to Mr. Elsbree teethe free- use' of Mercur Hall; to the different organizations for join ing in the parade, and to the. citizens gene rally in taking so great an interest in aiding us in keeping ever green the memories, of our dead comrades. Respired, That a copy of theL resolutions be furnished the different paperis. Attest,. J.' R. Brrrainoz, . Adjutant Mow to Save. All men and women who work bard with mind or body are subject to periodical attacks of biliousness, which Amy end in disordered kidneys or liver and dangerous Illness. A 50ct or $l.OO bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonto will keep these organs active, and by pre venting the attack have you much sickness, lon of time and great expense. Many fami lies are kept in perfect health by using the Tonic when Spring or Pall sickness threat ens. Delay at such times means danger.— Detroit Press. See other column. - COUNCIL PROCESDIVIOI, Comic's, Camara, June 0, 1881. The regular monthly session of the council was held this evening, Burgess Alger in the chair and All the members present except ' Assistant Burgess Holcomb. • • . Communications, petitions and statements front citizens being Mit first business in or der under the rules., Mr. Hobert dimly en tered complaint of a nuisance near the foot of Elizabeth street,' and on the bank of the river ie that vicinity. Councilman Panels moved that the sanitary committee ',be in structed to take measures to remove or abate the nuisance. Adopted. - Dr. Johnsoi presented a petition for the , improvement of Maple street,- which on mo tion was referred to tha street committee of all the wards, yith instructions to report at the next regulo meeting Of the council. • ' F. I. Bungerford, representing.- the Hook' and Ladder Company, asked for an approprii ation for purchasing shirts. • D. Walbore pOitioned for a culvert on Water street near the Prothonotary's once, and proposed to pay part of the expense. The application} of Mantua Company for an appropriatlyn was first considered. Council man Spalding said that au appropriation of 340 had been made to the company last year, that the company.had expended the amount on improvements on the rooms occupied by them for storing their apparatus, that it "hav ing become necessary for • the borough gov ernment to take possession "of the rooms to use for Other purposes, and would make use of the limber and doors paid for by the corn liany so for as it could be used to advantage, he was in favor of granting another apPro priation. Mr. Spalding then moved that an appropriation of 840 bo made to the Mantua Hook and Ladder Company, and that any lumber and doors furnished by the company in repairing room shall Mt need in improving the station house. - Adopted/ On motion of Councilman Bohm the street commissioner was authorized to build a col - vent in - the rear of the Prothonotiry's office on Water street, provided Daniel Walborn will furnish and deliver the stone necessary for the work". :On motion of Councilman Keeler, Seneca L. Arnold' was appointed a special policeman to act atithe west end of the Bridge during the pleasure of the council, without pay. Bills amounting to $459.22 were examined and approved by the finance committee, and the secretary directed to draw--orders for payment; The following is a schedule of ex penditures for the month of May. 42 street lamps at 81.60 each 67 20 1 new street lamp 14 days — 1 24 , 1 new street post on Huston at 22 00 1 new street globe 125 Repair° by Mclntyre Bros. 70 Care,lighting and extinguishing 900 ' ton gas coal for Franklin 1 500 106 39 • POLICE. Salary of regular force for May. 82 00 Salary specials, circus day ' 10 00 2 new badges for Chubbuck and Briton 200 96 00 BTIIEKTS. Street commissioners bill =2B 87 • Labor and tcammg 111 47 Lumber - 8 00, Nails and other materials .3 46 Tools 6 10 157 90 Fire department bill, including ap propriation of 840 to Hook and Lad der Co., and not including gas coal 52 85 Station house improvement • ' 19 43 Printing • 16 00 Miscellaneous 10 00 Total Police report ror the month of May. W rested and tried before Police Justise John, A. Codding: . May 7—J. A. Harris by Geo. Britton for nuinance in car; costa 1.70; paid 1.70. May 7—J. F. Pruyno by Geo. Frittou for re sisting officer; costs 1 70; paid 170. May 7—J. E. Strop° by Geo. Britton for re sisting officer; costs 1 70; paid 1 70. May 7—Richa l rd Benjamin by ti. A. Burns. drunk and disorderly; fine 2 - 00; costs 1.70; paid . 1.50. May Monohan by G. A. Burns; drunk and disorderly; fine - 2.00; costs 1.70. Adjourned. A Remarkable Cure Performed by Nature after Thtity-seren Years. . Mr. Cowles, referred to in the following ar ticle, from the Democrat and Chronicle, was for some time a compositor on the REPUBLI CAN. At that time be was so deaf that it Was with difficulty he could be made to hear what' was. said to him. Ho could Only be made to understand by talking very loudly Into his oar. His restoration to hearing is a most remark able naturalcure. He is a brother of H. A. and A. F. Cowles of this place. "Charles A. Cowles is a t compositor who has for nearly a year been -lem ployed in the Democrat and Chronicle printing office, (Lyons,' N. Y.) says that paper.. He has been afflicted for thirty-seven years with serious and increasing deafness. Sunday Evening while eating his 'supper, he suddenly began to hear sounds which he had not heard since the fourth year of age. when he was rendered deaf by severe attack of scarletlever. The ticking of' a clock, the ordinary conversation of people near him and other like sounds fell upon" his hearirig last evening, bringing with them h grateful hope that his years of deafness were drawing to a close, if not already at an end. This certain ly appears to be one of the most remarkable instancea of a complete restoration on the part of Nkture herself, independent of medi cal or surgical agencies. Hr. Cowles lea man whose mind is well stored with information, although it was impossible for him to get even a common school education when a child. — lie was too deaf to acquire any bene fit from attending an . ordiniry school, in which he could not have heardlne. leacher's instructions, unless they'-', were screamed in his ear. Consequently, 'whet' only eleven years of age, he . went into iF printing office to learn his trade. - and acquire= an education at the same time. In attaining both of these objects ho haii been entirely successful, hay inw worked m some of the beet newspaper printing houses in the country. He says he feels very happy in this period of restoration to hearing; and he only hopes it may be pro longed. He has never beat able to hear a sermon, a lecture or other of the entertain ingiand instructive addresses to which the most of mankind may listen when they ' He is to be heartily congratulat ed' upon. this: favorable . and remarkable change. The hay crop promises to be heavy this year. For the proper curing of this very im portant imp, a good and reliable wheel rake is a necessity. The Tompkins County Lead er is just the machine that will please every time. It is changeable from a one to a two horse rake, or the "contrary. It will be found valuable as a tedder, for raking light or heavy,,cured or half, cared grass, on rough or smooth laud, for bunching heavy wind rows, for raking grain in the swath into gav els for binding and for gleaning Windsor ly g, ain fields. It be used at will either as a hand or foot dump, and controlled by-foot as well as by barid. The teeth can be set to run at any. desired pitch upon the ground, or carried at my desired heigth from , the ground. It is the cheapest first-class rake. 'Strong and durable. It will bear any bard test in use in competition with any-other rake. If you in tend to buy a wheel rake this season, you will be wise it you will give the Leader a trial. R. lit. Welles sells at wholesale and retail and warrants the Leader. At the late World's Fair held in Melbourne, the jury awarded the only 'First degree of merit" to the Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine. • On this,seven other companies appealed and the committeo.appointed three experts to make a full examination and re port. . The experts after having the different • machine° taken .spars and pat up again and worked in their presence reported as follows: •'The Davis had the least number of pieces by over 30. The largest number of hardened steel parts in' any other machine was 4, in tne Davis 11. The greatest varia tion of the Davis shuttle in the entire bobbin was 1-$ of an ounce; some of them 2 ounces. In speeding machines the Davis made 150 stitches more than the fastest. Thirty min utes was given to make different samplei of work. The Davis made twenty-three (23) and much larger and nicer; The largest made by any of the others was seven (7) the next (5).. Concluding the experts sustained the Jury and said the Davis was the onli one entitled to First Award. G. V. lATEn, Commander !lay 26402 J. KINGSBURY, Secietary REARING RESTORED A Word, to Our Farmers. Ire , i (0 ,144.114/141•ffitif1 i 0 Decoration Dan wader the saiidees of of Sievers rest. No. 89. O. .A. IL.. was duly observed here,. Aga at Wfsoz. Orwell 11* and NOrtli OrweU. . ' . The day here was ushered in with a salute at • • 5 o'clock.' At 6 o'clock a. to. committees of soldier', appointed biAtie init. placed dap ttpcin the gravel toi their , fallen oomra4ei in 114 'wale tertee at the several placed At 8.80 a procestion, of soldiers and many others, was termed in front of the Post's head waiters-here, and with martial wide giro. ceeded to. Wysox; where they: were met AI tike cemetery by- soldiers '-and citizens with their excellent and finely nnil'ormed Cornet Band. Exercises . thelo were 'opened • With Prayer by Bey. Wm. B. Steen,' Pastor of the . Presbyterian church at at that place. Beoita 4ibns were given by Miss Rice and Miss Let a, May Wilmot, of Rome. Balers graves wero _decorated in a very becoming manner with Bowers furnished , by kind citizens. • • - Bon. Jos. E. Piollet, favored those present with a speech, which Was very impresiive and well received.: - Exercises there finished, the . prof:elision was reformed and accompanied by the band, returned to, headquarters here, arriving in due time to enjoy the dinner which had been prepared by many kind hands ready for their return. HOYE. After all who desired had refreshed them• selves to their satisfaction, the procession was formed in the following order and line of march directed to the the . Rome cemetery. Wysoz Cornet Band. . _ Burgess and Borough Council. Orator and Clergy. Flower Girls. Stevens Post, G. A. R. - Other Soldiers. . Citizens and Visitors, At the cemetery, they formed . in a square around the lot belonging= to the Post, when the following ceremonies were gone through with, in the order here given. Rev. S. B. Keeney. pastor of the M. E Church, offered prayer. Then followed song by the Glee Cltib. e_ Address by Comrade j. P. Coburn. of Orwell. Music by Band. Decoration . Exercises in remembrance of comrades who sleep in unknown graves. Recitation by Miss Jessie A. Townes. Remarks by Adjutant, F. W. Towner. Recitation by Miss Nellie Rico. Remarks by Comrade S. 0. Allen. Music by Band. Remarks by Quartermaster, E. E. Spauld ins. Recitation by Miss Lettie May Wilmot. Remarks by Chaplain. W. M. Drown. The soldiers were then given orders by . their Commander to form in line, after which they marched in review of their comrades graves, about forty in number, decprsting them with flowers carried by the little flower girls. The band at the flame time played a dirge, and the gunners in charge of comrade Albert Wilmot fired a salute from the minute jun. Ceremonies at the cemetery over. they, again formed in line and headed by the band marched to the M. E. Chinch to -listen to the closing exercises. After singing by the Glee Club, the Commander introduced L. M. Hall Eaq., of Towanda, who delivered the oration—spoken of by good judges as one of the best ever listened to. Certainly it would speak praise for itself if we • could give it in fall as it fell from the speaker's lips. Prof. L. W. Towner, assisted by others of the Glee Club, then in a very feeling manner, sang the song. entitled "Starv i ation in Prison. The Commander,•for the Post, Ins few re marks thanked various ones for the kindness they had shown them by their assistance. • onww. atm. Rev. J. 8. Elsworth. of. Orwell Hill, closed $459 29 the exercises of the day with the Benediction. In the a. in., at Orwell Hill, members of Stevens Post, assisted by the children of the Sabbath schools andcitizens. decorated in a Very tit manner the graves of 'fallen - soldiers buried in the cemetery at that place— Bev. Netherton, pastor of the Orwell M. E. Church, and Hon. Henry Gibbs, made remarks very suitable for the occasion., :At North Orwell, the citiZoni, under the lead of Comrade D. S. Eleardman, very ap propriately decorated the soldiers graires in their cemetery. • Ceremonies at these two places concluded the comrades and many others, according to _previous arrangement, came down hero to take part in the exercises. The attendance was much larger thin many had anticipated—A considerable number of people could not find room inside the church nor secure a place on the outside, near the open doors and windows, where they could hear the speaker. The weather proved to be very fine'. though about noon we were strongly threatened with rain. Every arrangement was carried out in excellent order and in a very impres sive and solemn manner. The Post decorated in all over ninety 14 diers graves. Stevens Post, under the lea dership of their worthy Commander B. G. Wilmot, deserves much credit for the man ner in which they performed , this pleasant and-solemn. duty. Vice Commander E. C. Stewart - andthe ladies' and. gentlemen • • who assisted him; did valuable service in ar ranging the tables foX dinner. - Two ladies, of the many who lent helping hands, received especial expressions of grati tude from the members of the Post, Mrs. Marthi Warner for her liberality in fur nishing, ready for the table, most of the coffee need, 'and Miss Eliza Culver who took the lead h. arranging so tastefully nearly all of the flowers used on the occasion—surely it was no small task. In the procession to the cemetery here there was borne flowers formed in the ehape• of a casket, escorted by-eight comrades, ens% of whom carried a bouquet of flowers ',lade in the form of large plumesi The casket of flowers was placed on the 0. A. IL's lot at the cemetery in memory of comrades who are resting in unknown graves. The young ladies who recited, rendered their parts in a manner which elicited much praise. The Glee Club; composed-of Prot L. W. Towner, wife and daughter, Miss Jessie; Prof. Geo. Warner and wife; Prof. Myron Dunn and Orville Tkylor; showed that they understood the parts they had undertaken. - The day is one not soon to bo forgotten. Our sincere wish is that Stevens Post will have the tumor. to conduct many Decoration Day ceremonies, as excellent and fitting as this one, in remembrance of their fallen comrades.: The orator never uttered words more true than when he said in words some what like these, "Soldiers deserve more honor than any other class of men. Others sacrifice a few pleasures but the true soldier ssonflcerthat most' dear to us on earth—life itsetf." BONE, .PA.. Msy 30112;1881. Would call the attention of their numerous patrops in Towanda and Vicinity, to the fact that they have adedd a plumbing and gas fitting department to their hardward estab lishment. They have a new and carefully selected stock of gas fixtures, and all their work•will be done by skilled and experienced .workmen. Their plumbing department is especially full. They have improved bath tubs, wash stands, faucets, piping etc., and a new filter attachment, that is very desirable.. Give, them a call whenever you want any thing done in the line of gas-fitting or plumb ing; as they have the deserved reputation of having - all theii work and dealings done "up on honor." • Make a specialty of repairing the rollers of clothes wringers, so that they *rajas& as good as new. In fact they are new. Me t James Lewis the IntWfal workman who has charge of the tinshop connected with A. D. Dye a Co.'s - hardware establiehugnt, has learned how to manufactore;• them: ^There are par ties who profess to repair clothes wringers, who will take the wringer away in, the morn ing and returned them at night. looking as good as new; bet in reality entirely worthless t Mr. Lewis says that the material of which the rollers are made must be put on in a number of successive layers, and each layer must dry and harden.. before another is put over it. The name of the firm of A. D. Dye it no., is a sufficient guaranty that the work. will • be well done. and they warrant every wringer repaired at their establishment to base per! feet as the day it came from the original manufactory. WYSOX. XOBTII 011WELII A. D. DYE & CO d. D". 41. Co. ROME. ow brilliant &dors of a 'IIIMI6OIIB Onset goals over the landeespe, Idditbnal grandeur and beauty to the/C.410V surrouild ing the Tillage, of Borne, with ito Widespread ing _silvery Wpm Creek. level awns and towering lulls, Judging •by apoeirences„ a life spent here world be'one or-calm in tran quility; and' yet it is a pleasant place for a short stay, and particularly for those‘whose tines are busy and hurried, since thim is riot in the very atmosphere. ' We Sip Miring shower* gaits tregaanUS• June, the "month of mei" bas brought out this, favorite, Rower bkfin l o abelnalgoe ` The Wpm bind is an excellent bind. It discoursed sweet Mute at 'thO iemorial Decoration ceremonies Moine: The listeners on the hilltop said - tiathen the music wit wafted to thigh 'On *litmus it sounded charming and was without discord. L. M . Hall , Esq., of_Towanda. bit fine able speaker. He delivered the Memorial address at this place. ;Be.r Henry said it was a grand elocutionary don, able and patriotic. Mrs. EAU Vanwinkle, and her . mister Miss Sophorona Woodburn are fashionable dress makers, they do good work. . Miss Washburn, has, hats for country wear, and in some instances very elaborate affairs. Fine leghorn, with broad leaf, and rough straws, in almost all shapes. Her niece,Miss Julia Whin, whitens hats neatly and trims them exquisitely. Miss Stella Smith, their assistant shows good taste in selecting colors and trimming. ' Ossmoms. June 7, 1881. DECORAitiON DAY AT GRANVILLE Decoration day &tined bright and beauti ful; and an hoar before the appointed lime arrived, our little village at Graville Centre began to put on a lively appearance. Comrades in their "soldier blue." . citizens in plain clothes. and gayly dressed ladies and children Ailed the streets. The East Troy Band soon put in an appearance, and at two o'clock. the procession was formed by the officers of the day: Comrades Solon Saxton; Frank Bunyan; and John May. The Band headed the procession, followed by the speakers, and thirty-eight little girls. repro senting the Mates of our Union. Next came a company of little boys. followed by, the members of Saxton Post. d.• A. 11.;: the citi- zens bringing up. the rear. Arrived at the cemetery aaquare was formed around a mil- dier's monument and the following order o exereieei observed Address by Post Commander. Prayer by Chaplain Raymond, of tiaxton' Post. Music by . Band.; Decoration ceremonies of the unknown dead, the beautiful and impressive words be ing spoken by Chailairi Raymond in a loud, clear voice. Strewing the graves with flowers. • The procession , then reformed and repaired to a beautiful grove. made ready for, the oc casion. - Meeting called to order by H. H. Heald, President of the day: Music by the Band; Prayer by Bey.. Charles Wright, of Towanda; Declamation by Master Frank House, anti tied "The Old Battle Flag." It was well ren dered in a lotid, clear voice, and received with applause. The President then intro duced Capt. B. M. Peck, of Towanda, who de livered a very eloquent and apprOpriate ad dress. It was filled with good thoughts and was :well listened to and endorsed by his hearers; brit as it is expected that it will lug published I will make no further allusion to it. Bev. Mr. Wright followed with some ex cellent remarks, complimenting the comrades on their valor and patriotism, and referring to the great number of soldiers buried here, for the size of the cemetery. Music;. and the crowd was dismissed with a benediction' by Bev. Wright. The loaded dinner baskets • were then brought, and soon unloaded, by the hungry people beneath the trees. • At one o'clock the ploceasiOn began Weform fcir its onward march to West Gram Me, but a sudden shower comingf up, they sought shelter till the 'storm was over. As soon as they could, the band and com rades and a great many citizens. and on account of the previous shower, taking the, company of little boys to 'strew the; flowers instead of the little girls, arrived at thb 31. E. Church; West Granville; where they found a large audience awaiting them._ They retiair the- cemetery, where' about the same order of ceremonies - Was observed, with the addition of good - singing. furbished by the M. E. Choir. They afterward returned to the church I which is very large, but many . 1 were unable to find seats, and after the meet ing was Wi l ed to order, and suitable vice presidents chosen, prayer way offered by ' Rev. M. B. Rymer; Mimic by choir; the de clamation by Master House before mention ed. when Rev. Mr. Coyle was introduced, and interested the audience for an hour with reminiscences of a soldier's life, and eloquent patriotic thoughts,' that brought vividly to mind the great iacrifiee made by our soldier heroes, in preserving our country from ruin, -and whose memory we aim to preserve in our hearts, by 'meeting once a yeiir to recount their bravery and their trials, and deck their graves with flowers. Music by Choir, and Band, and Chaplain Raymond pronounced the benediction. If I have made mistakes in my record of this day's events, or. omitted any who. de served honorable mention, my friendswho appointed me to this work; will please re member 'that if they had notified me earlier in the day, I might hive - bean a little more oblervinto It 'being the first services of the kind I ever witnessed, I was.much pleased _with then) in general, bat did not pay much attention to the exercises in detail. There fore if any omissions occur, please do not think them intentional, but attribute them to my heedlessness. LEROY. t Ma. Enron:—After so Yong silence,' my pen is loth to do its duty; but there are a few Items of interest, worthy of record and which, to tho many friends of our valley will be of interest. Decoration Day was observed here by LiHey Poet 119, G. aided by the citi zens. The' day was cloudy and we gather ed at Grange Hall according to appointment. 1 p. M., the rain began to fail, which did not aid much to carryout the programs. On account of the rains, It was decided to form a procession and march to the Church where the principal part of the eiercises were el:in ducted." The Officers of the Day and others who especially aided in the Decoration . were as follows: Commander—Jesse Robert. Marsball—D. W. Hoagland. Orator—B. F. Delmot. Chaplain - 7 C. E. Wells. Participants in 'Formai Decoration at ,Atie Church—Comrades, E. Knapp, F. J. Bailey, - J. N. Holcomb,, K. A. Holcomb, 4 A number of Me girls , dressed in trilite, bearing Bower! in baskets; conducted by Mrs. E. A. Knapp and Mrs. O. D. Holcomb. 1' The exercises were conducted accordng.. , to the Grand Army Rules. 1. Remarks by the Couunander. .' 2. Prayer by the Chaplain. • 3. Floral Exercises, by the Comrades above mentioned. These exercises were quite Un pressive, as each one of these gentleman bad some fitting remarks to make,' apprOpriate to the occasion. 4. Oration by 114 F. Delmot. 5. Closing remarks by C. E. Wells. 6. Benediction. The bQUae wee quite fall, but few 'more could bile gained seats. The raip had now ceased, and a procession was formed to march to 'the cemetery, as follows:. 1 . , 1. Leßoy Band. 2. Speakers. ' 3. Little girls having floral tribute. . 4. Comrades, - headed by Stars and Stripes, borne by Comrade John Whipple. 5. Citizens. Arriving at the cemetery, those precced ing the Post, opened ranks, through which the Comrades marched, receiving the flowers ' from the little girls. After marching into tie cemetery, the Post formed into akirmisii line and proceeded to decorate the graves of their Men comrades. Fourteen graves wereAecorated, including our &volitionary sildkers. After a prayer by Comrade IL F. DebnOt a line of march wasfonpeA to the village. The attendance at the cemetery was large, and notwithstanding the rain .occasioned a change of programme, yet ilukezercisew were welleondneted and all seemed wellplessed sin gratified that our brave•soldiers who died Air the tram should ho thus honored and remembered. • ' Owing to the short evenings and hurrying limo with the farmers, onr Literary &Nility has 'adjourned its meetings, until the Sid. Friday in Septetabei seal. Jane 6th. 188 L ; - errasate Wait. In the recent case of the poisoning of Om two children. of O. M. Myer by eating pie plant, cooked in what purported to be a new tin basin. it wan found that the vessel was coated with. lead instead of "tin. The oxalic; acid in the pie-plant had made a chemical 'union with the load and formed oxidic- of lead, a powerful poison.. Let everybody :take warning and buy their tin-ware of A. D. Dyes Co., who do not keep or sell any such fraudulent ar- ticles. Their tin ware is of the • very best makes and only pure tin is used in its com position. Or better still, lot house-keepers adopt the use of the granite iron ware, which is coated with a material that has been proven by the severest chemical tests to be absolutely tnioluble by the .. .ail= of any . acids whatever. The •Ifome Interests" col umn of the New York Vibisie, which does tic advertising for any special firm or mann‘:- .. tory, still advises the genensi nue of this granite ware as a durable and economical substitlite for tin, iron or porcelain for cook-. ing utensils. It costs more than at first; but as it will ;never wear"out with ordinory good usage, It is cheaper in the long run. A. D. Dye k Co. have a full line of granite ware, kettles, basins, pails, bath pans, water pitchers, coffee and tea pots etc., etc. A . word to the wise in sufficient. fifes J. A. , i3iyles. of Elmira, who hae mazy relatives and friends in the western portion of this county. has established a cure, at 220 West Water M.-, Elmira, N. T., for the treat ment of disease. We find in the Advertise mat of Tuesday last, the following certificate of the efficiency of her method of _treatment, from Mrs. Viele, wbo suffered i severe injury lase winter at the house - of a relative in Wil liamsport, from a fall down staira, which for a time nearly lost her the use of one of her limbs: June 0, 1881 Mra. J. A. Sciyies, 220 W. Water Sired: Dun Manam:—Yon are at liberty to rotor any one to me. as I have derived marked and immediate benefit from your Elestro-flydrie baths and treatment. MR NORMAN ATALLION "GAM- Will make the season of 1881, at his owners stable in Milan,-Pa. TE113113.—515, to insure one mitre with foal, $25, for two mares owned by one man, if both get with foal. If mare has proper treatment and her colt dies before it is nine days old only half price-will be charged. "Geicurrre is a dapple gray, 7 years old, 10 bands high and weighs 1450 lbs. Stylish and active, perfect from the ground up. He is in very fine condition - as he has Veen driven - carefully allthe past winter in double and single harness. His colts are large, well formed with fine action.. They are in good demand. ! $2OO each has been refused for yearling Colts sired hi him. Good pasture furnished for mares st reasonable prices. 11. S. EDMINSTON, Owner, Milan, Bradford Co., Pa: Mr. 24-3 m. • - I CLYDESDALE srALtioN LORD CLYDE. Will make-the season of 1891 aloft Mondays, Wednesdays,and /.;- Thursdays at home,Tuesays at Burlington, Greene hotel stables, Fridays and Saturdays at Troy, Trov House stables. Terms $l5 to insure, 825 for two, 815 for the first. $lO for the second, owned by one man. In case of loss of:ieolt at foaling time we di vide loss. Lord Clyde is a rich dapple brown 8 years old 157. i hands high. weighea 1300 pounds. Sire Lord Clyde, Dam Lady Clyde. Both . sire • and dam imported. Bred by Wm. Crozier, Northport, Long Island. His colts aro bays and browns with hardly an exception with plenty plenty of life, and ara giving the best of satisfaction in . harness. Season to commence from date and close July 4th. Also, breeding Sonthdown sheep, and collie dogs, from the purest and the best. Will have thoroughbred and grade ram lambs for sale the coming fall. The grades are Southdown and" Merino .cross, which make a very tine and useful sheep. • , W. A. WOOD. EAST. Fairreceßam, Pc. April 25, 1881. April 28-2 m. I want-it distinctly understood that t hare Removed from Blidge,Street Furnitureßtore to rooms over TurnerA Gordon's drn store and Woodford Vandorn's b p ot, acid shoe store whore I will keep on hand all !kinds o COFFINS AND CASKETS from tho Ibest to the cheapest. Any one in need of anything in my line give me a call. • P. B.—l have no connection with any of Mr. Frost's establishments. 13vmsio Toora Hannows.—lnvaluable—the latest improvement in grounk,6ultivating implements—will work on 'rougher, more stony and harder soils and do better work than any other. Will do four times the work that the common harrows will do. •Every farmer needs - one as an economical tool in working this farm. Try one—satisfaction guaranteed. Agents wanted.. April 28-tf R. 31. WELLE3. .gatAwaesa' t for Ladies The Queen pity Suspender Company, of Cincinnati, are pow manufacturing and in troducing their new Stocking Supporters for' Ladies and Children, and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders for ladies. None should be without them; our leading physicians recom mend them, and are loud in their praise. These goods are manufactured by ladies who have made tne wants of ladies and children a study, and they ask us to refer thein to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every house , hold would meet with a ready response, and that a determined woman could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency' for this county. We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and - address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 a 149 West Front Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. may26.9w. • E. L. B. 75 Barrels of Pure Cider. Inquire "or address : • MILLER & LEWIS, May 12-4 W. a. ABA, Pa. Says a prominnet herseman in giiing his Opinion of Vanderbilts mare, Maud IL, whose great feat at Chicago put her at the head (and 'dubbed her queen of the turf) In my opinion the time is not fat'distant when a 2 minutes gait will be recorded, it will certainly be the case if horsemen Continue to use Ken apavin Cure as it limbers up the joints, removes all blemishes and in fact has made a complete revolution in the horse business. See adv't. _ _ _ • We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and 'customOrs to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant ItEthe taste, will net nauseate, and gives relief 'almost instant ly. It matters not how solve yonr Cough may be, bow many cough mefficines you .tried, or how many physicians you have cbn suited, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving them in • healthy con dition, free from irritation and the air pas sages clear, beside* invigorating. and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump tion. Coughs; Colds,. Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat,-Soreness of the Chest, Pains in ' the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Ceogh and Yung Fever, we recommend this medicine above all others, • Yours truly, Cy Anit B. PoUTZlie June 2-Iy. . 8. End Ward Rouse Block. There are times in every one's life when energy falls and a miserable feeling comes over them. often mistaken for laziness. Danger lurks in these symptoms, as they arise from impure' blood or diseased organs. Medical advice is expensive and often unsat isfactory. IParker's Ginger Toni; will renew your lease of health and comfort because it restores . perfect activity to -the Stomach, Liver and Kidniys, and purifies the blood, as men and women restored to robust health testify in almost every neighborhood. See a 4: ti.—Advocgte. May 28-Im. Cala« Mzs. J. Vmx. DETTA." Ml= MOE J. S. FOR BALE. A Card Resew Your Lease. TN LINE -- vvrrff Tito A.pNITNISTIZA.rrICON. -se J. K. NO. eILKIYS IN THE .41)Y4NCE,- _ IMMENSE r - - . -.••• _ ) .. . . .. , i ID )E 0 •.- . , JkY 0 , - 4 iio •._:: ...• ... .. . , . . Hats, Caps, 'S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S ( Wren% the Cheapest to the Finest and Best. SPRING OVERCOATS A. SPECIALTY. Don't forget to call the season. advances. BUSINESS NOTICES. • --i —L. B. Rogers has s large stock.of Said), Doers and Blinds, also Moldings, and is selling cheaper than any other establishment in Pennsvlvania. —Mrs. E. 3. 'Singes has returned from the city with all the spring styles in Hats, Bon nets, also a full line of zephyrs. apl 1 • —G. L. Ross can sell Groceries very cheap because his expenses are very light. His customers shall have the benefit by buying , at the First Ward Store. , —AU the latest styles in Ladles Hats and other fancy goods for the ladies atlfrs. k L. Mingo)? fas hionable . - Millinery store, Main street, opposite the Park. —Choice hams at _C., M. ?dyer's market, Bridge Street. May 19-tf. —Fresh lake fish and salt water fish at C. M. !dyer's market, Bridge street. May 19-tf —No charge for delivering, and done. p romptly fom C.11. - Myer's market; Bridge street. ' May 19-tf —Go to C. M. Myer's market, Bridge street, for the beet cuts of fresh. meat. May 19-tf —Mrs. E. J. Mugu has all the latest styles in. Millinery and Fancy Goods. apl 1 • 'Headache, Dyspep*, Billionsnees. and Constipation cured at once by Dr. Blettaur's Headache and Dyspapsitt Pills. Price 25 cents. April 14 Rose COM and Hay Fever. Being seriously troubled with Hay Fever, and nose Cold; I (at the solicitation of a friend*tried Ely's Cream Balm and was sur prised in obtaining almost . immediate -relief. I heartily indorse and earnestly recommend it to all similarly afflicted. W. P. Andrus, Druggist, Metuchen, N. J. August 20, 1879. For Hay Fever I recommend Ely's Cream Balm. It entirely relieved me from the first application; have been a sufferer for ten years.. Going from home and neglecting to take the remedy, I bad an attack; after re turning I immediately resorted to it, and found instant relief. I believe, had I begun its use earlier, I should not have been troub led. Have stood heat, dust and draughts as well as during other months. J. Collyer, Clerk, 118 Broad street, Elizabeth; N. J. Price 50 cents. June 2 2-w. Habituai Costiveness - - is the bane of nearly every American woman. From it'usually arises those disorders that so surely.undermine_their_liealth and strength. , Every woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that celebrated medicine, Kid ney-Wort It is the sure remedy for consti pation, and for all disorders of the kidneys and liver. Try 'it in liquid' or dry form. Equally efficient imeither form. —Boston Sun day Budget. . Not a Beverage. "They are not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the highest de gree, containing no , poor whiskes or pois on onr drugs. They do not tear down 'an al ready, debilitated system, but build it up. One bottle contains more hops, i. e. more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells .them,. and the phys icians , proscribe them."— &mug Express 04 Hop Bitters. Jane 2-2 w. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound `is a remarkable remedy for all those painful complaints and weakncsse s so common to our best female population. Bent to Mrs. Lydia Pinkham. 233 Western Avenue, k Lynn, Mass.; for pamphlets. June w. /theutnattsm. In the first symptoms of this disease when you are aching and having painful sensations - in the limbs upon rising, from bed in the morning, a stiffness in the joints accompa nied at times by swelling and redness, all physicians recommend the application of an external rots edy, something penetrating and soothing; an' article that will act-as a cura tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. Bosan ko's Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief up on the first application. In lame back, pains or strains it is au invaluable - household reme dy. Ask your druggist for it. Price 75 cents. Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, 0. For sale by Clark B. Porter, S. End Ward House Block. Jane 2-Iyr. ' THE MARKETS. TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS Corrected every Wednesday STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Corner of Main and Pine Streets, TOWANDA; PA. PATIN°. SyLLII443. $5 6007 4oga 90 Flour,per barrel.. Flour per sack Buckwheat Flour, 14 100.. $1 CO Corn Meal Chop Feed Wheat, IV bushel.. 111 8 ." • • Corn, " • .. Buckwheat. " Es 45 Oats, 40®42 Beans - I 50@1 66 PotatOes, - • . 440 Apples Green, it bushel.. 40®42 Peachesed, •ft lb 36 4 " " •.. 10®15 Raspberries Dried ...... 20 Blackberries 6 Pork. bagel -- - Rams, - 10@11 Lard, •• 10@l1 Butter r in Tubs a Firkins. 194ge2l Butter. in Rolls • 16(317Nfils •mover Seed 1 11 oushel Timothy seed VI bushel.. Beeswax, lb • Syracuse Salt barrel. Michigan Salt .. Ashton Salt •• Onions,* bushel'. PHILA.. STOCK MARKET. DEHAVEN & TOWN. SEND BANKERS, • No. 4 - Soath Third 8t Philadelphia. Stock bought k sold either for Cash or on Margin COILUCTLD lILVFItt WED7RIDAY. • • BID. AIMED. 11. S. 3%'5.1881 103% 101 Currency, o's 131 .134 go s's. 1881, new. F.x.Conp lug 105 og 4i, new 116% Vs, " 117% ..... flifY Penneylvinis B. B SL f , K, phliadelphis and Beading N. 8.... 29 3 i 4 - !: Lehigh Valley MN 62,4 . •y; Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.... 47 • ,; United N ,1 Bit and Coal Co .. 1893 190 Northern Central 11 It Co . 5134 3: Hestonville Pass B BCo 21 : 22 Pitteburgh, , Tit. lig BlIdLll I/ Co.:. 91'Z • 34 Central Transportatioe C 0... i. ... . . 44 . If Northern Piteige. Com • 45 V 11 ); a a . Pref'd • W ' ' Northern Pennsylvania It R 5934 34 Ins. Co of North America— Silver i (Trades) 9334 g BUSS; : '.CLOTHIER, Pridge Street, Men's mac. ) 1 40 1 40 1 00@1 05 75 19 00e2100 . 14 5 00(a)G 50 3 16@3 25 20@22 1 10 Furnisidng Goods, Trunks, Travelling Fresh and new goods received as early. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY! R. M. Welles, Wholesale and Retail Towanda., V) Cl' (e - SI ' , Moll • :_f-C 1 The attention of the farmers of Bradford ls specially called to these new Harrows as filling row pletely a void in our implements for the thorough pulverizing and preparation of all soils for hoed and all other crops. Their operation is so remarkable as to make the Spring Tooth Harrow the best selling Farm implement now beforeA6 public. airTOWNSHIP AGENTS wanted whertinone are now appointed. _ .C111711,N POWEIII4 . • A fall line of First• Class Churn Powers.. Please examine into the merits of the Patent Adjseat able-Traek Power. It is just the thing to please. •0s ' s CLIPPER REVERSIBLE and WEST ONEONTA . REV ERSI BLE OR SIDE-HILL .PLOWS. Irniorovtid Tompkins County Cultivators. M. Osborne & Independent -"Mowers and, -Reapers. FARMERS FAVORITE GRAIN DRILL ! - • • .THOMAS SMOOTHING HARROWS ! I - ACME -PITLVERIZING HARROWS ..• . • . .HAND - CORN PLANTERS ! • - XiK._HYDRAULIC CEMENT ! LIQUID FARM-BUILDING AND ROOFING PAINTS, BUILDING PAPER LUBRICATING, ' CYLINDER AND HEATS' FOOT OILS In any quantity, at very low prices. wiaolasale and retail. FISH BROTHERS ORTYBRATED- FARM WAGONS. .AND THE AUBURN FARM WAGONS. These latter are the best and finest finished Farm Wagons ever seep in this County. Half Skeleton, Open Top and Covered Buggies, First-clans in every respect, from Eso•oG to $lOO.OO. All warranted well made from tho beat materials. . :PlatfOrm Wagons, with Park's Flexible, and common Gears and Springs. - TOMPKINS COUNTY LEADER ;WHEEL RAKES HAY FORKS, CARRIERS, BLOCKS, and ROPE very- cheap. ORN SHELLERS in variety, FEED CUTTERS, HAY TEDDER% &C. For tile very best and cheapest goods in the like -of Farming Machinery, ap ply to the Subscriber either personally or by letter. Send for Cireular3 arid prices. • - Towanda, April 28th,, 1881. 26 CENT DINNERS fob 2C-Cm • - THE POPULAR CORNE RI • . • GEO. L. ROSS • Has filled up the old MONTANI'E STORE with a hill and complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES A N D - P ROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOWAS THE LOWEST.( Call here for your Groceries. After you get prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can get the tip-top of the mark et a Geo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex sittange for goods or for cub. 12 150 300 DR. JONEEVCREA.M CAMPHOR THE NAME OF tho popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites, 'pain in the Face, Read or Spine. Chapped bands, Bruises,l3prains. Burns. Mosquloto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect; polo* from common- Poison Vinee..sto.. for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. liweingen agreeable odor. it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cants. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal a t the State Fair,lB79, Mat 2g 2Y• Towanda, Pa,l IS RECEIVING .4X CHILDREN'S SUITS, Pa. PREPARED The BEST and eIIEAPEST BRANDS in this A 'Large Stock of STOCK _ , 1 () ' Bags, March 17-3 m -PAINTS. R. i: THE Towanda sd. Store AI A. N sirrtmErr, (NEST DOOR TO FELCH&. CO Is prepared to offer a complete assort-, _ ment of DRY AND FANCY 0000$, Crockery, Glassware, WIIITE and -DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and. patterns .of MAJOLICA WAIT., BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and , therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. illf&`We endeavor , to sell the hest article for the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTN. n1y641 fincimt - sold my retail Furniture ix end Undertaking business, knOwn as the 1 Bridge Street Furniture Store to E. B. Pierce, I would respectfully recommend those in need of. goods in his line to.mll on him at the old stand. I also wish to inform those indebted to .me that it - will be to settle the account , soon. • N. P. flys:Li_ Feb. 3—dm. - ALWAYS ON r IrD.FA fine and Colored Cara, ° and orb e ei 'material; for executing first-ohms Job Printing, at .the Office of Tux Baap- FORD Iticrnmatm. All orders promptly , executed, and at the lotted cub rattail • VI A ft fi )f:11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers