Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 09, 1881, Image 1

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    Itomow; h k , mA
Bradford Republican,
pnbitehed every Tbund'ay at:yoirati4l. Pa.;
Pc 1 . 10LC1318 k TRACY, Proprietors.
Terms:-11 paid in advance, $l.OO per annuoi • :
not paid In advance $1„.25. To , subscribers out
of the county, $1, ; 25, invariably in advance. :he
addition being made to cover prepaymer.t of
Advertising Itates:—Six cents a line tor first
insertion, and five cents per line for all sub.: ,
fluent insertions. Reading. notice adverts: 1u;
ten c.ints per
.liner .Elgtit lines constitute a
square, and twelve: lines an itich. Auditor's
uoticell $2.50:. Administrator's and Executor's
notices $2.0.). Yearly advertising $1:-(1.C.0 per
ItErritticax is published in the Lacy,
More and Nobles mock; at the curuer 01 ,lams
3L , lPine strets, over J: F..Coreer's Duut sad
'store,. ,Its circulation is ovor aA an
medium it is unemcclled n .r• ina
n,thate field.
Our Clubbing. Terms
tie - with furnish all paying - Cra for
IterCiILICAN within the County with any
)! publications, nntil farthrr
ra,teA given
Ti...t - itt.PunLic.tiq $l.OO in ad•littu,i.
rembling on; of the co•i.,, wni
•, cents additional
17. , .% D41(7 Tribun
2 04,
__ 100
etAay 2 C.;
Daily PGAt. ... 8.4:u
' is Dail: Time
Daily Frew.,
%Veekly Pre
.1 .1, • f • •• V;tieklY, ...... .
:1 iiaZart,
. : L.A.' 4: •2 50
2 35
engravino. of Dicke:h4.-. :3 10
3lontlily, .4W
Supplement,`... 2 50
Magq.z.oie of American if10t0ry...... 4 00
Anier.rican-flpyiew, 4 00
Y.:rk Medical Journal, ... ....`3 25
flural York e r,..
Living Age,
"1/,:q.,: •
,; „ . 1 . ; • I,
. •••
Ile American
1 . .-:,r,on's Magazine,
Farmer's Review
Sew Eatthrol Journal of }Arica:ion.. 2 OQ
K. Treatise on the 23
t riv - 41 and Departure of Mails.
Arr:re rd &part at tbs. T )wsnila Post—
N. V., and Eastern States
1 , ...1.-re, Laporte, fax
way mail from the North
s.• ......
i\•• - f.ra. Sc., Tuesday, Thursday and
!laturday..: ...... ..........
ru. Monday, Wedueeday and
I play
*fri,y.' Burlington. Sc - 1:00 r. M.
I,..Baesv - ille. Rome, kcl.oo
f.ouch from Erie and N C RRs 2::30
V . 4 way mail from the South. J..: .. 4::33
tie - 5:00
tit :a a L... 6;20
t....:zrd-poacla from Elmira and R R 10:40
Canton. Slocroeten, ......
Valley way mail 50nth:::.? , .!....
a. L scJ pouch Elmira, Erie and No;rtti.
ern Central Railroads
Tryy, Burlington, &c.....
.N.,w Era. Tuesday Thursday and:Sat.
Apy 'Monday, Wednesday and
Fr:-lac 1:00
I.2ltaysville, Ramie, &c
, 71 • . -• •• . 2:45
way mall worth
%v I , tlt Thils. and Eastern States. 7:45
-::l17 1 open from 7:00 A. Y. to 7:45 P. Y. Money
4.,rler office open from 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. Y.
voice open on Sunday from 0:00 to 10:00 a. Y.
• - P. POWELL, P.M.
STA:L./79Na. t 1 15 1 3
, A31:1.11.T.M.
..... 7.20 -1 ‘ 1 7.15
. ... : 2.56 1 9.20
5.15 10.301
' 6.6411.55 1 1,
• 9.25. ,
I.lB' 9.30!.
5.10' 9.05
9.0010.50' 1
. 1 -.1 9.10. 1.45, 9.00!
9.45 2.101 9.40;
..... 10.15 !
10 46 3.00 1043' 505
.....!11.18; 5.26
-3.36 11.30 .7.45
11.44. 3.54 11.49 .G. 03
......• : 13.53 6.07
.....I 4.10,13.10 G. 23
! 12.16 6..33
.... 12.25. 4.35 LOOP 7.10
.. ..I 1.101 7.20
••• 1.251 7.3.5
1.03 5.10 1.45! 8.05
.....' 1.35: 5.25 2.201 9.35
3.45 7.30
1..... 4.44 8.24 5.53'12.00
...... 5.00 4.35 6.05112.15
5.30 '9.00 6.40 12.55
0.55 10.35 9.251 2.20
9.05 : 9.15 3.35
A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Niagara Falls
c_mego.. .....
1.1u.n.a .
Atlaeue .
Fr , ,nclitoirn
YE.,4,!, p 1.. a
ti.'. +.l3arre
• Luta
PL.iA letpilL6
15.:.;;;:: Chunk
B Junction
TuLii.Lswanck .
tlivinon's Eddy
Fr.ncht , )wri
ytcw~ier4eld ..
Stanllng Stone
Towanda ......
Cis r .....
8.04 3.28:11.19
8.19 ..,-112.3
•- i 3.q3•8.23' 3.46'11.36
.... ....• 8.43, 4.03,11.55
9.0 t . ....:12.17
• • -.1 9.10.... 12.24
......... . 9.19' :12.34
400 9.30 4 43 . 12.45
9.43 4.53,12.57
.... .... 9.52 1 1.06
. . . ..
4.30 10.0 u 5.101 1.13
' 4.40 /0.10 6.20; 1.23
..... 4.46 : 10.20 6.30 1.30
5.25'11.10 6.151 2.15
• •• • ..; 6.10; 2.10'
.j 7.41' 5.00;41.10 ....
• 8.401 ....' 840'
• •,• 9.50 1 7.0, 9.40 1
••• •• • .111.40., 12.051 8.00
11.03 , 1 1.08 9.40
Elm .
tiwr,;, )
tit.: -a
ca .
1 4 .0cLeater
t;la,Tara Falls
N' , . 32 11 - Avea Wl*luting 446:60, A.-If., French
wr; 14. liummerneld 5.23, Standing Stone 6.31
Wtetuking 6.40. Towanda 6.63, :meter 7.06,
Milan -7:16. Athena 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver
ly arriving at Elmira 8:50.
lesies Elmira 5:45 P. M.. Waverly 6:35,
f•wyr , 6:t5. Athens 6:50, Milan 6:55. Lister 7:04,
T.vindaV:2l, Wysanking 7:35. Standing Stone
7.11. Lurnmerteld 7:52, Frenehtown 8:02. arriv
iLlz at Wyalusing at Mtn.
fralr.o. 4 and 15 run daily. Sleeping airs on
tra:ms M and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila•
d..:phia and between Lyons and New 'York with
ut eLanges. Parlor can on Train* 2' and 9
btwten Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with
out ctunge, and through coach to and from
vu, Lyons.
Wlf . STEVENSON, Supt.
ZATIIE, PA.. MAY 15.1881. • Da. &N.T.IL R.
TO: AM AGENCY, representing the counties
of Tingn, Bradford, Wyoming. Sullivan. Imps
ar.d wayne. .
unrreapondence• promptly attended to.
C. I.ELLIS. Manager
for D. Appsitoti &
Teurazoy Ps.
may G-t
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KIMBEBLEY. Geo. W. Office 2nd door south
First National Bank, up stairs. • -sangBo
,13. L. °Zee ovorEirby's Drag stine
E .IE II P; nov
QMITD. ELEA:JAN. Office over Kirby a Drug
e.../ Store, Mere ur Block. may26'lB.
CALIFk. J. N. Office in Wood's Block. south
First blatiorLsl Bank. up stairs. June 12,'•
MLRBIIF.P. & SON (IT C Elsbree and L Elsbrre.)
Jams Oftlce in Mercer mock, Park St. • may 14,78
DECK OVEBTON (Ben.; Al Peek D Oren
A. ton). Office over Hill's Market 49-'79
OVERTON & SANDERSON CE Overton and Iciin
M . AXWEL . L , W 3!. Office over Daystopi:;lllt.cae
WILT, J. ANDREW.2I:IfIice itt Mean's alor-k.
. apr 14,76
nAvms. CARNOCHAN RAU. (TV Darier ,
TV Carnedian, L Y Mall.) Office in rear
of Ward House: Entrance on Poplar St. (1e12.15
Ai I:RCM. RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents:
LYi Particular attention paid to business in
Orpbanii' Court and to the ■otticment of estates.
Office in Montanpe'• Block 49.79
Nr, „ c PriEaSON b: YOUNG, (I. Mcl'Aerson and
+NJ- w. I. Young.) once south side ofllercur's
1.7 g
f ...ILL k KINNEY, Office corner 3Lain and
LYI Pine et. Nobles block. second floor front.
Collections promptly :ttonoiatt tt foist
WV E ✓ Angle and E BuSwitun).
°Mee west side of 'Main street. two doors north
of Argrui office. An tininess entrusted to their
care will rec4ve prompt attention. oct 2,1.77
MASON; G. .F, Attorneys-at-Law. -Special at
tention to conveyancing, examination of title
and all matter relating to real estate. Collec
tions promptly remitted. Office over Patch tc
Tracy's store.- Marie-M.
I 00
199 i t
3 65
130 is
8 00
neya au&Conneellors-st.-Latr. Office in the
dercur Block. over C. T. liirbre Drug Store.
. jiffy 3, 'lso tf.
rpuommoji. W. II and E. A.. !Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda, Pa. ,Office in 3lercur Block,
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main
street, first stairway north of Post-office. All
business Prmuptly attended to. Special atten
tion Riv.n to claims against the United States
for Peasiots, Bounties. Patents, etc , and to
collections and settlement of decedent's es :ates.
April 21. ly •
TiitiNSoN. T. 8., 117 D. Once over Dr. H. C
Porters's Drug Store. feb 12,78
2 10
1 CO
7 00
M ENVTO Ms D. N. &F. G. Office 14 Dwelling
4. . 4
on River Street, corner Weston Bt. feb 12,77
r ADD. C. li.. 11. D. 01lice Ist door above old
batik building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to, diseases of the throat and
langs. - ju1y19.78
TrriuDBURS, S. M., M.D. Office -and rest
*if v denee. Main street, nosth ot M.E.Churzh.
- nedical Examiner for Pension Dcrartment.
PANSE, E. D.. M.D. Office over '2l mtatiye's
Store. Off.ce holars from' 10. to 12 a. u. and
Iron - 2 , to 4 P. Y. Special attention given to
Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear.
oct 20 77
: 1 50
icrriny HOUSE, next corner south
A—l- of. Bridge 'street. New house and new
furniture throughout., The proprietor has
spared neither pains or expense in making his
first-c Liss and•rcepectfully solicits a share
5f public patronage. ...Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Large Stable attached.
'mar- C. 77 WM.
4.0 0 A at
WATErss POST , NO. 68,. G. A. R. "Meets
every Saturday evening, at Military Hall.
GEO. V. MYER, Commander.
J. R. KIMIJDOE. Adjutant. feb 7, 79
CRYSTAL LODGE, :10. 57. Meets at H. of P.
Hell every Slonday evening at 7:30. In
surance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver
age annual cost, 5 years experience; $ll. '
J. R. KITTRIDGE, Reporter.
J Lon WARDELL, Ja., Dictator.: feb 22.78
9:00 A.
Bat.i.DFORD LODGE, N 0.167, I. O. O.F. Meet
in Odd Fellow's Hall, °very llonday evening
at 7 o'clock. Wanars Rum, Noble Grand,
plan r 2,75 •
. 10100
12:00 M.
1:00 P. Y.
POST. T. E. No. 32 - Second street All 'orders
will receive prompt ottention. Jima 11.76
W. R. Smalley, Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars
Pipes, and Smoking Goods. Choice Confection
►ry always on hand-, No. 2, Park at. may 17,78
RYiN, G. W., 'County fluperintenctent. Office
days last Saturday. of each month. over
Turner Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda Pa.
July 19,70 ,
LI The Bpring Term commences oni Monday
April ttb,"leel. For catalogue or other infor•
ma:ion. address or call on the Principal.
nly 19,78 Towanda, Pa.
IT T ANN, EDWAUD. practical Plumber
- and Gail Fitter. Place of bushings in &ter
m' Block next door to Journal Mike opposite
Publics lignite.. Plumbing. Gas Fittin, Bepsir
ng Pumps of all kinds, and All kinds or g
promptly attended to. All wanting work in his
Ine should give him • call. • July 27.77
P MiSELL. 0. 8, General Insurance Agency,
JAY Towanda, I . Office in rear of Whitcomb!'
Book Store. July 12.7{
4 15
VAN HOUSE. Nl.lll/Ik, N. Y. C. T. Smith.
hismerly of the Ward House, Towanda; Pro:
priotor. This Hotel is located immedlstly
opposite the railroad depot, Evr,ory pains taken
for the comfort of guests, July 5,77
MOWNER. H. L.. M.D..
Residence and office just north of Dr. Corhon's
%fain street. Athens. Pa.
Is aura in italeffects, mild in its action u it does
not blister, pet is penetrating and powerful to
reach everfdeep seated pain or to remove any
bony growth or other enlaigements, mach al
sparins, 'Outs" curbs,..nallons. sprains, swell
ings and any ledienesit and all enlargements of
the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man
and for any purpose for which a liniment is used
for man or beast. It is now knoWn to be the
best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and
yet certain In its effects.
Send address for Illustrated Circular-which
we think gives positive proof of Its virtues. No
remedy las ever met with such unqualified uc
cess to our knowledge. for beast as well a man.
• Price $1 per bottle, or sir bottles tor $5. All
Druggists have it or can get it for yon, or It will
be sent to any address on reoeipt of price by the
proprietors. Aa. B. J. KE:rvam. a: C 0... Enos
burgh Falls. Vt.
, ---e
S' 30 2 12
A.ll. A.M. P.M.
6.30 7.10 3.40
9.00 4.15
8.20 .... 10.15 5.50
9.50 '10.45, 6.15
10.65' ..., 10.54 6.24
. • TX,
I.o' 6.00 2.03. 9.415
1,35' 6.35 2.25 10.10
7.20'.... 10.42
2.16 7.33 3.0310.52
..• • • 7.57:.... 11.13
Between - Main aud Bezolut, Opposite
Mclntyre & Spencer,
Mow aanomace 'to the public that they
are primula! to build all kind. of
Top & Openßuggies,
Trcttini Sulkies. and Skeletons,
Made of the beat =literal end In the beat style
All work warranted to give perfect malefaction.
We have one of the beat 'carriage Painter, in
the Conntry,and do all work in this line at the '
lowest rates. AU kinds of Repairing neatly aid
promptly done at reduced Vriees. Making new
springs and repairing old hues a speciality. AU
work guaranteed. Please give us a call.
Towanda, Jan 4.1880-1 v . •
Is without s rival in_the cure of skin diseases of
all descriptions. It has been thoroughly tested,
by the medical &catty and the public. and is re
commended and extensively geed by - physicians.
This soap is combined With ptre sulphur, which
enters the pores of the skin, and being absorbed
into the blood removes th•refrons all 'impuri
ties by exciting the skin to healthy action. Be
sure to ask for VAN DYKE'S 81312111Tht SOAP;
insist upon it, and Mke no imitation. Sold by
druggists. Id-tni.
Sold by all Drugr,loto.
the Jail
CUL ,/ s apepsiq ue,l Liver
tseases i rezer
m, Dropsy, Heart .Disease,
tousuess - Nervous debility, ete.
The Best 812122rT =Wit to Men!
11,000,000 Mottles
• SOLD SINCE 1870.
This Syrup possesses Varied Properties.
It Stimulates the Ptyaline in the
Saliva, which converts the Stanek sad
I Sugar orthe fixed into_ sesseme ha l dal
• ArNiarmlllialf MUMS
Souring of thetbod in the stausseb.
the rae , Meineistaken immediately Ist=
eating he termentation of flood le
It a upon the Limy.
It aces upon the Kidneys. •
It Regsdates the Bowels. - •
/t Porgies the Bleed.
it galas the Nervous pins, 7
Ifiroinotes Pigestion.
It Aborishes. Streuggieus and
It carries my the Old mood stad j = i rsers
It ovens the pores of the skin and induces
g Pe reg greakne.
It neutralizes the hezeditary taint, or poises:
In the blood, which generates fcreisla , Ery
ternal s, a
humors nd all manner of skin discloses and
There are no spirits employed in its mann,
facture, and it can be taken by the most dell
rate babe; or by the aged and feeble, core will
being rev utrediss attention to directiosm
Laboratory, 77 West ad St.!
Ilierer fails to Cure.
d, Bchuykill co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—Thla i certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP ha audited me more, after a
short trial, than a the medicine I have used
for 15 years. -
B. B. Busltszr4
Disease of the Stomach.
Ashland. Schuyldll co., Pa.
Dear Sire—l have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and
it has proved to be aNalusble medicine.
Turtle Point, Mckean co., kn.
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous IDe
bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of
years, and obtained no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial of Which
restored me to health.
For Scrofula.
Turtle POint, McKean co., Pa.
- Dear Sir:—My little girl was cured of Inflam
mation of the race and Eyes, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
bad previously falltd to afford relief and it was
thought that the child could not live. Its neck
and breast was - entirely covered with Scrofulous
Sores, which are now entirely gone.
Sure Care for LiTer Complaint.
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa:
Dear Sim—This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP, has 'effectually relieved me of
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, after the doe.
.tors tailed.
Remedy for. the Rheumatism.
Turtle Point, McKean
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent
BLOOD SYRUP for Ebel:matt= and Liver Coin.
bar.. _
An Agont's-Testlmony... i t
0rt...7.43. Fob+ 4. ZSCISCan co., pa.
'Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver
Ciimplaint until I used your great INDL&N
BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained
permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be a
valuable towel Regulator. •
A Valuable Medicine.
Berlin, Somerset Co.,Pa.
• -Dear Sir:—This bito certify that your reliable
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP hi- the beat medicine
ever used in mif iamily. Hotting the public will
be benefited by this great remedy, I take great
pleasure in giving my testimony of its value. '
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in recommending
your INDUS BLOOD SYRUP as the beat medi
cine made: People who are Dyspeptic should
not fail to give it a trial. For tne Stomach It
has no equal. I have used it and know if to be
a valuable medicine.
Berlin. Somerset Co.. Pa.:
Dear was troubled with Liver Com
plaint for a long tinge, and by the persuasion of
your Agent. I commenced taking your excellent
INDLAN- BLOOD SYRUP.which has greatly bene
fited me. I have never found any medicine to
octal it, and can confidently so it is ic safe and
highly valuable remedy.
Pain in the Breast
Berlin, Somerset Co.. P.
Dear Sir;-1 was- firneted with a Pain in my
Breast and Side. and when I-would lie - down, I
could scarcely breathe for Pala, I was also very
weak In my Breast • and Lungs. I used sorne.of
your INDIA.? BLOOD - SYRUP and am now sear.
ly well. kly Lungs are strong once more and I
am very grateful to you for inch a valuable
remedy. • .
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Slr:—This is to certify that your valua
ble INDI4N BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of
Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which I had, been
&filleted with for years. . _
For kidney Disease&
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was atibject to severe Pains in my
Kidneys. Weakness and Palatal Sick Headache,
for years, and failed to obbitin relief. until I was
induced to try your 1 reliable INDIAN BLOOD
gyiltp. a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health.
No• 1525 Bertram St. 1
For Costiveness.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear 8111—I was troubled with Costivettes and
Headache, and the use of tour INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP proved most beneficial to mu. It is the
best medicine I ever used ,
pro. 917 Federal 9t ,
Dear Sir: —I was ellicted -L. wi P th hilad Dispepa elPhia leand
Billiobsnesi for years. and tailed to procure ro
ust until 1 began using your INDIAN , BLOOD
SUMP, which soon effectually relieved me. I
take great pleasure in recommending its use to
the afflicts&
Passe T. Gosxurr,
No. 035 Locust St.
_ .
Disease of the Stomach and Liver.
Dubaiit Pike Co., Pa.
Des, eir:—This is to certify that I bars used
your =MIN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the
Stomach and Liltilrf, and hive been ranch bene
fited thereby.
Best Fondly Midkine.
Bualikill, Pike Oir..
Dear Bir;—l consider -year reliable Mier
BLOOD SYRUP *abort medkiae I ever amid to
my family. It is just as reeommeaded.
1131412. C1:112.1111.
Remedy for Mono,
. t
!Maar% Pike
• Dear have need your groat
BLOOD SYRUP In my filially for Worm sad
Summer Complaint, end . it has proved effectual
In all coil: •
Dear daughter was in . Poor Health
and a short trial of your =DUN BLOOD SYRUP
entirely cured her.
For Salel4p smairby
MB •
D. C. WITC6/11P
n - Astars Slariz
HENRY C. Srm.llosr
Itirra Emiumairt.
Liter Complaint.
EDiri4n ZO/121
D. M.,BAti.
Jura lizzal
JAS. A. Bitowx
Tabun Comuawr
Never Falls te Care:
aushlrill. Pea ft.. Ps.
Haim VAliouzz.
Come !lit us plant the apple tree.
Cleave the tough greensward with the Spade;
Wide let its hollowled be made;
There gently lay the roots, and thee ,
*lift the dark mold with kindly care:
And press it o'er them tenderly,
ACrorind the sleeping infant's feetj .
We softly fold the cradle sheet; '
So plant we the apple tree.
What plant we in thia apple tree ?
Bads, which the breath of summer days
Shall lengthen into leafy sprays; -
Boughs; where the thrush; with cribisoit
•-• breast,
Shall haunt andsing, and hide her neat;
We plait, upon i te sunny lea,
A shadow for . tho °entitle hour,
A shelter from thejoimmer shower, " •
Whenwe plant thwapple•tree.
What' plant we in this apple tree?
Sweets for a hundred flowery springs,
To load thii,Blay-wind's restless wings, -
When, from the orchard row, he pours
Its fragrance thrOugn one open doors;
A world of blossom for the bee, •
Flowers for the sick girl's silent room,
For the glad Infant sprigs of bloom.
We plant with the apple treS.
meat pant we with this apple tree?
Fruits that shall swell in sunnYlnne,
And redden in the Augitst noon,
And drop, when_gentle airs come"by.
That fan the tarry September sky,
While childre9 come with cries of glee,
And seek them where the fragrant grass
Betrays their bed to those who pass,
Atthe foot of the apple tree.
And when, abiave this apple tree,
ThTi winter stars are glittering bright,
And winds go howling - through - the night,
Girls, whose young eyes o'erilow with mirth,
Shall peel its fruit by cottage-hearth, -
And guests in prouder homes shall see,
Heaped with the grape of Cintra's vine, - .
And golden orange of the line,
• I
The fruit of the apple tree., '
The fruitage of this apple tree, - •
Winds, and our Sag of stripe and star
Shall bear to coasts that lie afar, •
Where wen shall wonder at the view,
And ask in what air gioves they • grew; '
And sojourners beyond the sea
Shall think of childhood's careless day,
And long,-long hours of summer play
In the shade of the apple tree.
Each year* shall give this apple tree-
A - broader tltikh of roiest
I .U4...6. ..a - -
And lonsen, when the frost-clocds lower.
The crirp,bro . wn leaves in thicker shower.
The years shall come and pass, hut we
Shall hear no longer where we he
The summer songs and autumu's
In the boughs of the apple tree.
And time shall waste this apple tree.
Oh, when its aged branches throw
Thin shadows on the ground below, I
Shall fraud and force and iron wlli
Oppress the weak and helpless still?
- What shall the tasks of Mercy be,
Amid the toils, the strifes, the tears
Of those who livelwhen length of years
Is wasting this little apple tree ?
, "Who planted this old apple tree ?"
The children of that'distant day
Thna to some aged man shall say ;
And, gazing on its mossy stem,
The gray-haired man shall answer them
"Ai. poet of the land was be,
Born in the rude but good old times:
'fie said he made some quaint old rhymes
On plautingihe apple tree.' 7
- TM. • •••• Ow. • a.or Dv...aver
Throng h the casement roseate Dawn
Already steals with cheering ray : •
Let's to the forge, and wake the morn
With boist'rons voice and jocund lay I
Bellows, blow; and furnace, smoke;
;Bend the glowing metal soon !
Hammer, fall with telling stroke !
Sing to my anvil's merry tone,
'Fong, Bbog
"Strike while the Iron's hot !"
With laity stroke my himmer rings :
Strike hard`! 'tis for your chubby Boy
Who to his mother fondly clings,
And trills his cooing note of joy.
Thanks to the sweat that bathes my face t ,
The paths of learning he shall tread,
And KnOwledge makes he; dwelling•place
Within my darling's fair young head I
Labor unto the heart gives ease,
And williour daily bread sUpply ;
It decks the cbarmaillimy Therese, •
1 My wife, my household deity!
Oar hands were sever formed to make
Mulkets or sword-blades, bolts or chains;
God gave us arms for labor's sake ;
Oar-minds He for Love's work ordains I
Now aft Ili
o day by day pursue
_cling hope , some cherished end—
Old he s who have but power in view;
Young hearts, who love's soft cill attend;
Mei who would wield, the sword or pen—
Sages and fools, peasants and .
If you'd succeed, take as the word 4
Of wisdom; what my anvil rings :
Pong, Pong, Pong—
"Strike white the Iron's hot."
t IX EXPL ANA 1701 r.
—ll Tler lips were so near
That—what else could I do?
You'll be angry, I feu;'
But ber lips were so near—
Well, I can't male it clear,
Or explain it to you,
But—her lips were po near
Tbat—wbpt else could I do?
Walter Learned in Scribner
Them is , a good deal. of true nobility
iii children after all. "Jo", had acci
dentally pounded a new bump on the
bead of. "Bert" ..With a base ball bat.
"I'll tell you what, Bert," Paid be, "I'm .
going to have a show in my woodshed
!Saturday and you can come in free.
The other fellers will have - to pay three
pins." You've no idea how that re
duced the slwelling,
Watering-place trunks are inade with
two wings and a back door this season.
They are put on rollers and drawn to
the hotel by a horse-power windlava.
They are then att a ched to the building
and the belle of the resort goes Made
and lives. A neat thing in the way of
a broze ventilator has been attached to
the lids and the trunks are every way
more comfortable than an entire suite
of rooms in the hotel proper.
Scene at the Delavan House—Bar
tender: "Well, Mr. Conkling, whit
will you have 2' Conkling: "You
may give me a good at rani punch,
with two strawberries, halt a banana
and three-quarters 'of a Bermunda;
onion in it." BR-tender: "Me r l : Platt,
what will you. haveosir Platt: You
mai give me the same as' Mr.' Conk
A lady once sated Sidney Smith for
aluotto for tier dog, whose mane Was
Spot. He suggested "Oat, , damned
Spot I" for he didn't like dogj havh:g
once been Severely bitten by ilady's
"He comical& Noe, iii."
Turm w - Lww;
Nov. 10. Ah, me, how I beat this
life 4. How long, sad and weary are the
days; how wretehe ~ d and eleeplets and
hill of watching and :waiting - are the
nights ! How long for the stilinees
and sileice,of the grave; for only.there
can I cover my shame and woe and 'lca
pair, bulling them deep,- deep out of
sight of Goa and man I
bused to feel—
" Had I lain fora century dead, -
My heart woultrhear him and beat."
And, now, it hears him, and breah! Oh!
Arthur, Arthur, how much more gladly
could I have wen you •'cold 'in the ala-
baster arms of Death !
Bnt Imnst wawa brave face andamile
even whei I can hardly keep back the
tears. The present is simply endirance
_the futurel-but I.will not lAA- for*
unto.tae day is the
1 - evil thereof,"` verily. 1 "
But worse than all, when there cornea
no auawer to my prayers, day after day,
and. year after year, as, time wears , on,
sometimes my faith almost
"Even God's piovidence seeming estranged.r.
I have no one earthly to whom I cargo.
I am. too anxious to screen: his faults—
to Ihide them from every 4 irnian
brit I can not side :hem fiona
that never slumbera, nor sleeps. Ah I
He is more merciful than man, and Igo
to Him with my burden-daily; nightly,
almost hourly, praying always, "Be
merciful, 0 God deliver him, deliver
him from the Evil One," and still he is
riot .delivered.., Night after night I sit
Up waiting as.l am now, ; "and still he
comes not. Then, wearied out, I lie
down; but not to sleep—how can I. with
strair.ed nerves and it -- ,whirling brain?
The long hours wear away; I Count
bells that toll them out—twelfe--one—
two—three 1 and then the 'door opens,
and shuts down stairs. 1 hear . stepif=
.................,............a YU ,
and,! I listen painfully—'they are slow
and tottering, each one striking a chill
to my heart; a shudder "through my
body. while I cry aloud in the mysteri
ous silence of the waning night: "0
God, is this never to end 7" How I have
prayed through all theie weary,hours
that he might come home to-night--
just to-night—iu his right , mind, safe
from his enerniPs, and mylife should be
one long song of gratitude and praise;
but, 0 God, Thou deeirest not my joy-
ful lips, unly—my tears !,
Dec. 23, The happy season of Christ
mas, which brings so mn - ch, joy and fag- others hearts and homes, tills
me only with dread andlforebodiog..for
'them it is that poor Erthiar has more
temptations a allurements even than
usual; revelry reigns anytime, the
"flowing_ bowl!' is an institlicia,.
was at Christmastidele
that .. - e ratlearn
ed to drink too mtich, even . fore our
marriage, and I excused him to myself,
saying it was only a , little
. Christmas
frolic in - which all young men sometimes
indulged, and were none the worse for
it, perhaps. Jq r st so much did I know
of this "nettle' clanger" from Which so
fei can "pluck the tlower; safety"—the
gradual growth of moderate indulgence
iy pleasant social drinking
~into irresis-
tible passion and habit. I" was i not an
extremist on temperance in my youth;
that is, I was never educated to believe
in total abstinence, had been accustom
ed to wine daily for dinner, had never
seen any one drink too
.much, and -so
had pledged many a toast with Arthur
"in the rosy," as he used call% after
Dick Swiveler. Poor Arthur ! He was
.so boyishly bright and genial; his wit
ao.lFeen, and yet so good - 7 humored;
heart so warm and generous; his every
instinct so brave:and honorable—no-
wonder he weals° ,immeruo . ely - popular
with everybody!! I can see him now
springing to his feet when called upon
to respond to some-sentiMent that fired
charming_all hearts with his,-dash
and eloquence: &nu peer et sans ie
proche. I used-to think then ! - s• Wit
hout fear" still—he dOesn't know The
meaning of the word; but "without re
proach ?" Alas 1 there are now "none
so poor to do him reverence," , toy poor
boy ! Never anybody's enemy by his
own !'nes 'er meant to do wrong; it
was just step' by step he become such a
slave, and Ewas so unauspiciotts I did
not dream of it. I did not once think
it possible Le could become &drunkard.
Others might be in danger, 'perhaps,
but Arthur I born and bred a gentle
twin, his father and mother such
per and decorous people; surely it was
not written in the chronicles of the
house Wit such a fate was reserved for
him! I imagined only low-people fre- -
quented bar-rooms, and perhaps some
very fast and dissipated young men. I
forgot even such had tomato a begin
ping; even they had fallen by degrees,
step by step, glaas by glass.' Truly it
is the first step that coats I . And so
Arthur and I *ere 'married, and' we
were very happy until I font d out the
true state of his habits. The - revelatioi
almost killed me, I was almost wild
with shame and grief; but I did not re-
have never spoke an nn•
proach him?
loving word to him in ihy' Hie, My
heart yearns lover !aim with toO infinite
a love and pity for that. He told me it
almost drove him mad to mike me suf
fer, but that he could not help it; there
was no use in trying, it was too late
now.. "fought never to have married
you," he iiidd ; "but you loved me so I
though you might save me; and then
you would never believe any evil of me
even from my own lips. So I was a
villain and a brute, grid despised my
self more than anyone else can despise
e; but, Alice, I felt you were the one
tie that bound me to happiness here, or
heaven hereafter." •
And so I forgave him 44 and out*
prayed for him the nwre But am I
as extremist now le Great God when
I watched, like this& night after night,
for my husband; when I rims him with
Studied face mid tottering steps -on his
return; when I so often have to nuns
him through scenes of leadut sickness
and imbuing- ditallial when X MI : his
vetymatihcind leaving him; - vatdt him
—the strongest, most vigorous -- man I
ever knelt, vrith iituscles of
,iron and
the frame of iron and the fiame- of an
athlete.;-Qtining utterly eiste - PetitatCd.
;weaker thazievoin out fragile' 'little girl;
his strong arm nervelels;. his firm bind
tremulous, is it strange that I hate and
loathe and shrink from the poison which
has -wrought all this; that I tremble
whenq see the wine which I once
thought so pleasant and innocent, freely
circulating; that I grow sick and faint
if I ivies to my lips, even as a medicine,
the fail cup which has so ruined my
Mound my husband? • •
The other day • rwas at Mrs„ Wins
ton'a lunch, and there were several dif
ferent kinds of wine, of which the
ladies, young , and. old, partook •qttite
freely. ' I could not sod woUld note in
dulge; but sipped my ectl4e instead,
feeling a little ancitmfottribie amidst
the general hilaiity, which only seemed
to render Me more. eealiil4l and un
whose hisband is in unscrupulous
drinker, leading off all the younger men
of his set, Cud whose young KM is fol
lowing in his father's ways, said:
"Tecopeiance scruples, my- dear Alice ?
how odd of yon I Why I could not live
a day without my wineCt luncheon and
dinner.' I.:- could have no health or
strength at all, without it. lam so
delicate, y?l2 knitw,. my dear, kept up , stimulants, the Doctor's
prescription; of course; although Mr.
Legiand believes fit moderate drinking,
Mei 80 do L"
She chirped on, becoming very con
-iidential and loquacious over her third
glaas,_While I notice:l with silent dis
gust, the flashing of her pretty face,
and Slight thickening of her . tongue.. I
should have laughed at this once; now
I grew sick.. Is it strange that her
young son should love the stimulant,
when he, inherited the taste and drank
it in from-what ought to be the purest
of all I earthly fountains, his mother's
breast ?
and pirpetuatitig this curse—it is not
enough fOr the fathers to do so, and
none dire make them ashamed!
Jan. 20. "Where is my wandering
boy to-night ?" : Where ? ah ! could I
bear to know ? God hear my rrayers
for him and deliver him Irma evil !
0 ! my poor,. sinning, erritg one ! is
there nothing between yru and ruin,
but the feeble petitions of your wife ?
Does she not almost wear out the pa
tience of heaven itself with her constant
supplications ? Do not the angels, even
hearing her cries, say as the unjust
judge of old: "Yea, Lord, hear her,
lest by her coutineel coming -she -weary
thee !" And will he not do so, though
he bear long with me?
,Inspirer and
hearer of prayer, how long, how long !
The giant Despair often holds me fast
in his floubting castle,- and even the
tr y ) , ouipriiit4,2 seem' nptip_ SC,hp,ypf
seem not to be ,for . him, and yet they
must be. I study over the . sweet, old
parables, the ninety - and nine left by the
tender shepherd to search for the sheep
astray, in the wilderness, the lost piece
of silver, the prodigal boy, who wasted
all; his substance in riotous living, as my
peor Arthur has done,,and came to such
sad want and shame. Ah !what a
father is oar God, who goes to meet the
siring repentant one, while he is "yet
a great way off." My prodigal is yet a
great way off, he haS not yet come to
himsell, he has spent all -hia living and
is now truly amidst tbe l s,iiine,. but oh !
great and tender Fattier`, for the sake of
Him who 'came to seek and to save the
lost, seek and save him now.' "Lord, if
thou wilt, thou 'cans' make him - clean !"
March 15. I have been very busy,
to-night, trying to mend some of the
torn garments of my restless little boy,
who is quiet only when sleeping, as he
is now beside me. I him to work hard
to keep him even respectable,. Arthar'S
oldesk• who was cradled in luxiry, and
clothed in line linen when eV infant:
Now he is six years Old, and except for
hia grandmother's many 'gifts, I' fear I
could not clothe him atifll. My baby
girl has been sick, and I witched her as
I sewed. What a comfort they are •to
my sad heart God only knows, and yet
I often feel as : I pray over their soft
slumbers: "Would they not both be'
better off in beaven ?" 1 How can I rear
my boy not to reverence his father ?-
And.theu this we4kness is almost always
handed down. Oh 1 God; if - Ibis is to
be, if the sing' of the father' are to be
visited upon his children; take my_boy
unto thyself; save him; even if it must
be by death, from what - is wows then
death I He is so bright and beautiful,
so tali of glowing vitality knll energy;
if the world, the flesh and the devil,
shall use these gifts as snares, causing
them to be a temptation unto him,let him
be takers sway before they ban pollute
or destroy Far sooner would I close
those beautiful eyes, straighten the
Perfect limbs so fall of childish grace',
into the stillness of death, press my list
kiss upon tile sweet csned lips so like
hie father's, then zee him follow
in' ttiat father's : footsteps. Sooner
shOuld I follow him to his grave, though
hefis,l‘the only son of his mother. and
she" 7 —not•a widow ! There are widows
indeed, who have wept over their holy
dead with breaking hearts, bat whis
have looked baCiward on the noble
life devoted to the service of God and
man,an inheritance richer than gold
for their children, and then forward to
the reward of the •"judt man made Per
fect," whose bliss she iriU one day sure
ly share. But I have lost my husband
while he - is yet alive, and there is no
hope here nor hereafter. But all things
are possible with acia.. "Lord, I be
lieve; help thou my unbelief."
April 5. Arthur crane home sober
last night. , was sitting alone holding
my baby, who is still far from well, and
he took her out of my arias and premed
her to - his heart, gazing silently upon
her delicate fragile beauty. After a
.a tear fell upon .the sift little
face: - _
"Alice," said he presently. "do you
ever, think how terrible nund be my re
morse when I look at you end my eta .
drew& Do you wonder that I feel I
rind drown -it, stupefy -it at any coal;
thati ewn not, dare not?'
"My, love," said I, .the , tears rising,
as I saw the unutterable, woe written
lion the pale face
,before, me, +rice so
boyisbly bright, "it ishevertoo latti to
redeem the past. - Even now yon may
make us . ail ao happy:7 He groaned
aloud, and covered hie face with his
land& Soon be lifted his head, and
cookies 'at me despairingly, said:
"My wife, I come home to you to-night
a murderer lam a drunkal, and
that tins brought upon ray hands the
blood of a fellow creature." I did not
faint: but my heart grew so'cold with
horror that I could not speak:at first;
when I conld,,l arose, and putting both
of my arms aroun him,. - said, steadily:
"Now tell . me about it, Arthur"—and he
did, without reserve, thank God ! He
knew he could trust his 4 wife: how he
bad been drinking all day, and in the
afternon had gone up to the Club in a
wretched and - desperate mood. There
besitAlolr l e-tu - the-gtaming-table c , and
lost very heavily, - litr..Legrand winning
ev:ry stake,, until Arthur : detected him
playing unfairly. Infuriated, Arthur
charged him with ..this, and. Mr. Le
grand rising from the table with an oath,
struck him iu the mouth a heli4 blow,
which so blieded him with rage and
pain that, hardly conscious of what he
was. doing, he drew'his pistol, unfortu
nately loaded, and ,fired upon Mr. Le
grand, still furiously threatening him.
The. ball struck right to the heart, and
the wretched man Tell dead without a
word—hurled 'right into eternity 'with •
curses yet warm noon his lips ! The
flowing flood recalled Arthur to his
seeks,' and he stood. gazing spell-bound
upon his own' deed, until a friend , led
him hl l most forcibly from the fearful
Scene, and brought him home. "And
now,, Alice, what shall' I do ?" he said;
"shall I flee the law and the State, or
stirred:ler myael f, and be done with it ?"
I +stopped - to - think—my hushinid a
criminal, My children disgraced; should
Lie, be a ;fa itive, too; from Pudic* ?
• .. _
my husband; hit us face the terrible
consequences of your crime, whatever
they - may be; let justice be done, and
we will , meet •the result together."
Arthur sat silent, the pallor of death itself
upon his brow and fins. He seemed
to be reali zing, for the first time, the
lettere,. not only of .the present crime ;
bat of the life which had 80 naturally
led to it. He had thought himself al
ways an honorable man; had been rear
ed in a Ohristian home; had a praying
wife and mother, and beautiful, inno
cent children, whose little bends were
clasped in supplication for him night
and morning; he Led dallied with temp
titian, meaning always to do better, un
til habit—that old man of the sea—had
clutched him too fad for escape; he
couldhot free himself, and so, day by
day, month ler month, he had been
dragged down...until he maw found him-
red withbrother ' s blood; and so
he Was overwhelmed - with a deep sense
of his own sin, and guilt, an c d ruin; be
felt' that his punishment was not greater
than hp deserved, and he was willing to
bear 411 of the fearful penalties of his sin
if he might out seek and win the for
giveness of God. he would gladly ex
piate his crimes, even in prison walls,
if he might but be free fiom the galling
chains of sin.
duly 3.—These months have been full
of care and anxiety, awaiting.pbor Ar
thur's doom; yet they have heedless
utterly wretchd than many years of the
pa:st, •when my daily inward cry has
'He emeth not, she said, my life ,i 8 weary;
. I would that I were dead."
He comes not now ; and may never
come again; bat I feel that my husband
is restored to me, though a felon in a
prison ! He is himself again, wretched
repentant, but sober, brave and reso
lute to endure the worst and seek for
the, best.. ;In losing his life--or more
than his life—he has found it; and he is
beginning to sees some light, even in
the darknes s . •He gave himself up to
the law, and s _was put in jail immediately,
and for six weeks no one was allowed
to see him. My hied was torn to think
of his loneliness, Ids utter wretched
ness, uncomforted, by one word- of
sympathy and loveii but A felt that - it I
was better for perhaps, to - fight I
the battle alone, with no one to see or
hear but God, and, in solitude to settle
his account with him. i I sent him •my
Bible, praying that its sweet and sol
emn words might sink deep into his
heart and mind, and that both might re
coversfrocii the dark cloud that bad so
. lopg obscured duty and - conscience;
My poor Arthur IHe his longing
for the stimulant that has been meat and
drink to him for-to long Is beyond the
power of words to describe, and he
thanks God that it is an impossibility
to get it, thilugh feels sometimes as
if he would 'sell soul and body for one
glass of 't
belalal poison. Great God
now the soul andbody are sold to the
devil by its use 1 Like the arch-angel,
Michael who contended with the deVil
over the belay of Moses, so have I been
struggling with him, -by my - prayers,
for the soul of my, husband. I begin to
hope I have won. This is the victory
which overcometh the world, even our
I go now daily to see Arthur—he is so
changed, so sadly changed—thin and
pale, and . his dark haft' gray, while heis
yet so young ! The;struggle to return
ing health and mind and body has been
inch a fearful one. Sometimes, he tells
me, he kas felt as if ho must curse-God
and die: but every day he gets better,
less nervous, less morbid, stronger men
tally !Ind physically. He will not con
sent to vlesol-Dnot.goilty," though his
lawyers urge the plea of,temporar y in
July 12--Arthur has been condemned
upon his own . confession, and tentenced
to three ,years' imprisonment in the
penitentiary. His mothei and sisters
are overwhelmed, he is calm and re,
signed, and Vat:range to say, am hope
ful ! Better close confinement, even
*Able as it is, thin a return to temp
tatioP and has old habits, before time
ties helped _him to conquer his fatal pas
sion for that which has so nearly work
ed ruin 'ter both worlds. Now it
may only be for one, and that this tem
porary, fleeting 'one, which is passing
away every day. Thank Godlithere is
another; and if - we'can only, tinny coat,
gain that, lam content. Glad to bear
aeparation, shame, poverty,. disgrace,
anything, anything else rather than to
think,of bim as a &St soul
September 3.--Anything 0-se, I said,
but I did not drean3 then of this
trial I My little boy, my beautiful
first-born is very ill. I have been nut
sing him for
. ' weeks with an agonized
heart. He is Arthur's idols, and I fear
it would break his heart to lose him. I
know there was never such
,'a childle
fore, and others sty so besides .his
mother; his mind, b 0 precoitionti, his
spirit, so generous and rmselilah, his
body so beautiful, and his little heart
so infinite 4 loving— : his poor father was
all of these . things, too;, they are so
The child has devoted to each other.
The child has so Pined to see his father,
almost•think it has caused his sick
ness. "zumanu4," ho says, in his
fevered rambling. "I worddke willing
to die if I could see my papa; I Want
him so—l want him so ! but he is shut
up, and they wont let him come to me,
and I shall never see him any more !"
And then beetles so piteously it breaks
my heart. • • •
Faiday, Sept. , 10.—My child is dead !
_died with his fathdr's nu ne upon his
sweet * lips; that father for whom his
childish soul travailed in a grief .which
even his mother could not comfort.
But God could, and did! He has wiped
away every tear from my darling's eyes
ere this, but who shall wipe away my
tears—his mother's ? .How can I live ?
But it is the Lord, let him do what
seeraeth unto him good. It is well
with the child, I know; ,o fears for the
future now, the little . fiet will nevea.go
astray, nor ; wander in the paths-of sin;
no sorrow wilt ever blight that tender
the kingaiim of heaven." It-ia
well with the child—it , is well; but oh !
is it thus thak God 'has answered my
prayers ? He could not keepthim from
evil here. Satan desired too much to
have him. He has taken him from his
snares—ah ! well, strengiben me to
bear my great agony since he is safe.
My golden-head and soft liquid eyes.,
sleep softly ! my tender-hearted, be at
rest mi - brave little darling,. farewell,
until Iclasp you to my aching arms,
beyond the stars !
• • • •
Poor Arthur is utterly incousolable,
his grief is terrible to witness, and re
fuses all comfort. He says, over and
over again, that God has sent this afflic
tion, far more terrible than his - impris
onment, to punish him, and because of
his tins his child has died.—the sins of
the father visited upon the children.
158b 7 14,9, } Wad kha...ra 9. if AHIVIE
mercy, 44 in wrath. God wills him to
be saved: And oh ! how much of grief
and pain and discipline it needs to soft
en his heart, to increase his faith, to
save his soul I • - -
"Arthur, will you not' try to live so
that You may go to our boy, since he
can not return to you?" said I,
"What's the use ?" answered he; al
most sullenly, in his great despair. "Is
there any place in heaven for such as
? What has a murderer, a drunkard,
a reviler, to do with eternal' hippineas ?
Such are without the Holj" City, says
your Book—the pearlytates open not
to them!"
"Oh !,Arthur," said I, "heaven is fall
of sinners viler than you—forgiven sin
ncrs." "I came not to. call the right
cods, bat sinners to repentance," said
our dear Lord. "They that are whole
need.not a physician, but they that are
sick." You can be made as our pre
dons little boy, washed in the blood of
the Lamb."
lie burst into bitter tears,and fell upon
kis knees, and I think the little 'soul that
so idolized him on earth mast have be
sought his Father in Heaven to hear his
prayers, forvive his sins, and send him
peace; for when he arose he said:
"I have deserved it all and more.
God is just 'and righteous; and Christ
more merciful than I could age to
hope. What remains of my poor life
shall be devoted wholly to His service."
Jan.. 30.--r-Aithur was baptized in
priion to-day. He was overcome with
deep emotion, with penitence and love.
Oh ! that the old Adam may be truly
buried in that typical
.grave, to rise to
walk in newness of life ! I thought of
the jailer at Philippi, and blessed God
with tearsiff gratitude and love:I kmiw
he is utterly changed. He has suffered
here; now, for more than two years,
with his Bible for his only companion.
He has „faithfully studied the Holy,
Scripturescihey have been his meat and
drink. When the list year or urrAte:
ment is over, he tells me he will leave
the prisou-walls to seek a new country,
the Most sinful and abandoned he can
find, where be will preach the gospel—
the good tidings—to the lost. Oh ! my
God be with him, and with his wife,
that we may redeem the past ! Fulfill
unto him thy- promise, gracious Saviour,
that "He that converteth the gibber
from the error of his way shall save a
soul from death, and hide, a multitude
of sins !"
Feb. 25.—Arthur Was released to-day.
Our little girl had not seen her father
for three years. She looked wonder
ingly, yet lovingly into his face, as be
clasped her with tears to his heart.
Next week we leave for a distant coun
try, never to _return„ pCrhaps, to our
native shores. No matter; a life of
work for God _ has bedi mercifully
vouchsafed to us, and that is thelpill
meht of our every hope anditrayrt,
March 2G.—We are safely harbored
in an humble little • home; our earthly
posseasions are few, but our peace. is
'great. Arthur will do a good work. r, 4
think his utter, humility and self-sacri
fice are almost grand. Like his Master,
he seeks out, the lowest, and, thinks
himself no . holief than the- worst of
them. Ho is not the conventional
clergyman,' by;r4iby means. How could
he be Arthur. was never to be eontroll-
a Year, is itivaseer.
e 4 by rules 'or customs—defied them 14
his wildest daya. Now he rises above
theM.! 'lf there is joy' amongst the an
gels over one sinner ihit repenteth,
whit must be that on earth of a wife
who'se husband hai risen from the
lowest depths of sin to the - serene
heights of a soul bid with. Christ ? And
what, if she feel dud has ; given him to
her through her prayers? .
Eiometimes, night, as we draw
around the family altar, where I once
knelt alone in such utter despair.
Arthur repeats his favorite stanzas: -
The box is not of stainless alabaster,
Which at Thy feet I break— •
Nor filled with
_costly ointments, gracious
Ponr,ed for Thy imite.
But rather shapened. in thli fashion=
A living heart—
Dashed all across with scarlet stains of pas-
And broke in part! -
While from its open wounds - comes softly
• _ -
Like - slow tears shod.
Or heavy drops along Thy - footstool slipping.
lifo-blood red:
And then, as his eyes meet mina ao
fully and frankly, eyes in which I thee
the fondly-remembered beauty of those
that now gaze upon God I as; tenderly,
"Spotkeel:mai may do 1. 14 the angels,
but repentance unto.lite is the higheit
that bekings nub, man r'—Christion.
James Bowie.
On one•occasion Bowie, whose repu-
tation had reached 31emphis, 'arrived
by boat at that city, or rather at what
was then Inewn - as the Third . Chicka
saw Bluffs. The bank from the boat
landing to the top was about one , hun
dred and fifty feet high and a large
number 'of people were watching the
arrival of the strangers. Looking down
of them recognized Bowie as he
the remark, "There comes Jim Bowie."
"What !" shouted a - big flatboatman,
then known as the "Memphis Terror,"
as he looked down the bluff ; "what
Jim. Bowie ? That's ., the fellow I've
been looking for for months. Jim
Bowie ! Why, him, I'll whip
him ao quick he won't know what hurt
_ I'll whip him if I never whip
another man as long as I live ! Stand
by, boys, and see the fun !"
Bowie clinic slowly up the bank. In
his hand he carried an old umbrella.,
He had no pistols and was evidently
not expecting or in fact prepared for s
fight. This fact did not escape the now
thoroughly interested spectators. Up
went the flatboatman promptly, as
Bowie reached the top of the bluff. "Ia
your risme:Jim Bowie !"" he asked.
Bowie replied that it was.
"Then," shouted the &flu:drums, as .
he equaredoff, "I think you a damned
here and now."-
Bowie was a man of few words. H
stood and gazed at his adversary, who
was more emboldened than ever. "I
think you're a damned coward," be
yelled, ,"and I'm „going to knock you
head off," and so saying the "Mem p 1 :
Terror" advanced to the conflict.
Bowie never flinched. His keen ey e
was fixed on the "Terror," who at this
moment was face to faCe with him. But
as the man of Memphis drew a dirk
from his breast, Bowie stepped back
foot and thrust out his umbrell as if to .
keep his antagonist at bay.
. The "Memphis Tenor," seizing the
umbrella with one hand, made a pan
at the inventor of the famous knife with
the other. In so doing be pulled the
`umbrella to himself, leaving free in the
right hand of Bowie his murderous
weapon, which to this moment had been
concealed rn the folds of the impromptu
sheath: The sight of Bciwie standing
there, with4lie knife in his hand and
the gleam of vengeance in hiker, Wals
ton much for "The Terror." . . •
From the bouncing-'bully berbecamc.
transformed into a craven cotard in a
second. His face turned pale. and his
knees trembled, wSile the dirk dropped
from his hands as he gazed on Bowie's
weapon with staring eyes. "Put it up;
pia away that scythe,. for God's sake, '-
Bowie. I was mistaken in my man."
Bowie advanced a step.
'Don't—don't kill me?" beseeched
.the bully; "for God's sake, man, don't
go for me with that scythe , and I swear
to you I'll never attack.anotber man as
long as I live."
Bowie looked at his nowthOroughly
demoraliied opponent for a , moment,
and then turning on his heel with the
expression, nletward," walked rapidly
away. Thenceforth the Memphis" oTer
ror" waq a changed man, and until the
day of his death he never leet the so
briquet of "Pot-up-that-scythe." -
134-nrio was , very7fond of music rind
dancing"--aud on - occasions where he
could enjoy both he invariably appear;
ed in the best of humor; and the"re
serve which had, begun to charactzrize
him at this time appeared to thaw out.
It was on one occnsion at a dance, wbeii
he was in such favorable conditions,
that I had an opportunity for a free 7.
and-easy chat with him shunt some of
the encounters in which Ihe had been
engaged. Referring to the *disparity
in size between himself and some of
the men whom he had" met in conflict,
I asked him how he regarded his
chances under such circumstances.
"Suppose," said I. referring to,e, man
of herculean build. who stook near,
"suppose yon were attacked by such a
man as Hob Johnson there. What
then ?"
"Oh," dryly responded Bowin,` "I
would cut him -down to my size
Phila. Prep. - •
A Coroner being much bla med in -a
company of ladies for having a - dead
body disirderred a gentleman defended
him and appealed to Theodore Hook
whether he was not too kind tr man to
have hurt the relatives' feeling inks?
tionally. "Why, yes," says hook, from
a corner of the room where he was
reading the Times, "he is a good fellow
and just the man to giie a body a lift."
NO. 2.