r•_`Ra[ AND GARDEIy. N WHAT SHALL -I DO WITH TDB OS!►PE VISE?—The American Agriculturist is taken by a surprisingly large number whti - are not farmers, but who live in cities and villages. • Many of these fol low the custom of moving on May first, and such, as-a - general thing, find upon their new place ono or more neglected grape vines. , Each year.-we receive from such tenants inquiries, asking, in one--form or another, "how should a neglected vine bipruned ?" We'would' - not advise pruning as- usually under stood—the cutting away of • the old wood, at this season, as it causes 'it to "bleed" at a great-rate; even ii,as some ,claim, bleeding does hot ininre the vines,•it makes a nuisance that is desir-' able to avoid. A vice in a village or. city yard may be quite as vajaable for its shade as for its fruit-44(10d often more so. Such a•vine, it is safe to as snme,.has been sadly neglected; and if it has-had any treatment at all, it has been at the hands of some ignorant job . her. To make the best of, is all that ,can be done with an old vine, and each one will be different from' every other, we can only give some general =rules. Upon an old vine the new growth will usually not only .start from the proper places, the buds formeklast year,. but shoots will "break", anywhere, even upon :old wood an inch or more in diameter. When an' old' .7 vine pushes shoots here and there, it is well to break off such, and as a general thing, allow only those shoots to grow that come Flom regular betas. 'As these buds , push, they will show embryo clusters,' -among ,the unfolding leaves. These minute clusters are not of grapes, as many- suppose, but of 'the buds of the flowers of the vine, which may in time prodifee grapes. The _regular buds as a general thing; will show three of these little bunches. Examine such a shoot, and there will be found an un developed leaf, and opikisito to- it a cluster of buds; and this arrangement, a leaf with a cluster, will usually be re - peited_ three times (not always); and then, — above, on the shoot,' will be leaves, `opposite to each, not a cluster brit there will be a ten dril. iii tile_filioot will bear .may be seen in this early state. In regular vineyard training, the young shoot is pinched back to the first leaf beyond 1.1,c 1,4412 or urine' wurt, clurtra of buds. But in the hap hazard treatment that must be followed in the present case, it will be safe to allow more leaves to . . remain. Go over the whole_ vine when the shoots begin to push, and pinch out the end of every shoot, leaving three leaves above the uppermost clus ter of buds; this will give all the foliSge required for shade, and will allow the fruit io develop much better thin if the shoot were allowed grow at will. If, as is often the case on an old vine, two shoots push close together from one place, by all means break but the weakest of the . two. We will endeavor to give the future treat % 'neut of such a vine another month. The principal insects that attack the vino at this• early season are tho little leaf-rolling caterpillar, which will be mainly 'removeLi if the pinching of the :loots is done at the proper time.—Ag, - _ AND TITIIKETS.—Daring a. con , t 4 i4al party at' the Carlton House. Mr. Hanger designedly introduced the sub ject of the traveling powers of the tur key and the goose, and declared that the turkey would •)ntstrip the . goose. The Prince of Wales, who placed great reliance on his judgment in subjects of this nature, backed his opinion. A match was made with Mr. Berkley of 20 turkeys against 20 geese, for a dis tance of 10 miles, the race to be for 1500; and as Mr. Hanger and the tur key party hesitated not to lay two to one in favor of their birds, the Prince did the same to a considerable amount, not in the, least - suspecting that the whole vas a deep-laid plan to extract a sum of money from his pockets. The Prince deputed Mr: Hanger to select 20 of the most wholesome and high-fea thered birds which could be procured, and, on the day appointed, he and his party of turkeys, and Berkley and his party - of geese, set l 'off to -decide the match. For the first three hours every thing seemed to indicate that the tur keys !could- be the ; winners, as they were then two mileS in advance of the geee; but, as- night came on. the tur keys-began '' ‘ to - stretel oat their necks toward the branches of - the trees which lined th - es of the road. Ia vain the Print - e 7 attempted to urge them on with his:pole, to which a bit of red cloth wairattached; in vain Mr. Hanger dislodied one from its roosting-place only to see three or four others com fortably:perching among the branches; in vain was the barley strewn upon the . road. In Hit meantime the geese came waddling on, and in aShort time passed the turkeys, whose party ware all busy among the trees attempting to dislodge the birds, but farthei: progresS was found impossible, and the geese were declared the winners.—Life of George IV.—Percy Fitzgerald. Tam FARM Hoasa.L-There is no ani mal on the farm that is so likely to be neglected as the horse. The horse of the city trackman, or the expre.ssman, the driving horse and saddle horse, are well'eafed for, but the farm horse is too often irregularly fed, l and, So far as cleaning - is concerned, regularly and systematically Neglected. It is dificalt - to find a hired man brought up on the farm who thinks tfierejs any necessity for taking special care of a horse. So me horses upon the farm are rarely if ever ".properly curried or' rubbed, and yet the condition and usefulness of the farm horse depend as much upon the manner . in which it is cared for as any 4' other Horse. When brought perspiring to the stable he ought not to ne, - allowed to stand'over night with the dust dry ing upon him. A good cleaning off is half u rest; and yet how often we see . the farm horse brought out in the mor _ nine covered with the dirt of 'the day before and with the accumulated filth of the ;light still clinging to bun. Un der such conditions a horsola not much more than half a horse. Often, tab, he is irregularly fed and indiscreetly wat ered.. A horse at work should have water five or-. six times a day. If be does not drink morethan two or three :quarts at a time all the better. A ,Librse that 'is kept from water till he drinks two or three pailfuls, will be very likely to have his digestive organs • - and bowels seriously deranged. To keep a horse in good working condition he sho rad be fed regularly, whether at T work or idle in the shible. He will last many years longer than if, when at work, he is heavily fed ,and when idle ileglected. -- A horse on the farm should always be cleaned at least once a day, and when hard at work both night and morning. If not at work a good gritiom ing once a day , would be sufficient, and when idle good hay might -be substituted for gkain. 'TIME FOR • PIAANTniG SQUASH:ES.— Squashes are of tropical origin, and therefore when springs opens it is use less to plant them until the soil is quite warm and all• danger of frost or cold nights is over. Again, as they make a very rapid growth there is no necessity of taste in getting the sped into the ground. Squashes - are , good feeders liking a rich soil. It is best to manure in hill. In sowing place a dozen seeds hieach - hill,-and when danger from the hugs is over pull up all but three or four. A mellow; warm soil is the best For hush sorts make hills three or four feet, apart. and for running kinds twice that distance. All winter squashes should be ripened thoroughly or they are watery, licking s sweetness and rich ness, also, lacking keeping properties. Carp CittOw,e. Von Behr, president of the German Fisheries Verein, in writing of carp cul ture Bays : _"We put the branches of different trees—evergreens or. others—in , the penal:4 short time before hatching-be gins, fixing one end of the branch in the soil, and leaving it swing in the pond some six inches below the sur face. As soon as the carp bee* .to spawn, they fix the glutinous—adhe sive eggs in innumerable quantities up on the branches we had pui in; but alas I at the sathe time . Mr. and Mrs. Carp begin to Vat eagerly their own eggs. It is only in . consequence of the immense quantities of eggs they spawn that Lthe carp is as plentiful as it is. But as for your country, which wishes to get quickly great quantities of young carp, you could make no better arrange ment than to take out, after seeing the branches covered with eggs, either these branches, transplanting in a tub of water in order . that the eggs do not get dry,' and bring them to a neighboring pond quite empty of other fishes, or take out, the old carp altogether from your spdwning pond and leave this alone to the young ones, which after awhile will swarm there by many thous ands and very soon begin to take food of any kind, say cooked potatoes or bread; by giving bread constantly my children got my carp so tame that they would come and take bread from their hands. The best way is to have many ponds for the carp, all of them being arianged in even a 'way that they can be made entirely dry. That gives you the possibility of having the carp di vided according to their ages, say one, two, three or tour years:. Atiour years they will grow in your climate to about ten ponnds easily. You know that in rare cases we have carp of thirty or forty pounds. "In the ponds which contain- your carp of two, three and four years you will do wisely to keep with them a few male, voracious fishes," as esox (pike), or similar one& This seams to prevent their desire to spawn, and therefore as sists their quick growth. This princi ple is generally followed wherever we have large carp culture in Germany, Austria or Bohemia. Beware of having other fishes of a similar family in the same pond with your carp—the cioss gives very bad fishes, full of I;ones and of bad taste." Children's Laughter. There are no sounds so sweet. to - a mother's ear, except perhaps- the first lisping of an infant's prayer. Children's laughter ! How dull is the home where in its; music once so joyously echoed, but is.now heard no more. How still is the house where the little ones are all fast asleep, their pattering feet are si lent. How easily the fun of a child bubblealorth. Take even' those poor,. prematurely aged ltttle ones, bred in the gutter, cramped in unearthly homes, and ill used, it may be, by drunken parents, and you will-find that the child nature' is not entirely crashed out of them; They are children still, albeit they look so haggard and wan. Try to excite their mirthfulness, and ere long a laugh rings out as wild and free as if there was no such thing as sorrow • -in tho world. Let the little ones laugh, then; too soon, alas l they Fill find cause enough to weep. Do not try to silence them, but let their Igleefalness ring out in gladsome peal, we, remind ing us of the days when we, too,.coald laugh without a sigh. To reach a correct result all the con ditions must be taken in, this Jim did in the.case below.- . Two colored individuals out at"La Grange the other day, had the following dialogue: "3:16, sposen dere are six chickens ie de crop and sposen three of them are fold, how many is left ?" "What time ob day was it, den I kin tell you r "What's de time ob day got to do with it ?" "It's got a heap . to do wid it; be kase, sposen it was de night time and you happened in de neighborhood ob dat coop, dar would have been - none of de chickens left." • 114:Sa-1 Towanda 5 ct Stori MAIN f3TREET,, (NEXT DOOR TO 111.CII & CO. Is - prepared to offer a complete assort- went of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest desigis and Patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS; &C. For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. iiirWe endeavor- to sell the best article for the litio - 3t possible money. n46-tf - • LOONS & FREIMUTH. 071111:NeTHENER A SURE REVIVriI IRON 'MRS are highly recommended fur - all • quiring ueeriniu tiad effieient tonic; especially bye': real, "At et- • mittent Paws, li:ant of Appetit' , .Logs of Strength, Lack of Energy, de. the blood, strengthens the museles, and givesnew life to the nerves. They like ai charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms; eueh as Tustfng the Rod, Belding, Heat is the S tomach, Heartburn etc. The only iron Preparation that willnot blacken the 'teeth or give i headache. Sold by all drnabds. Wrltelor the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading—sent free.. • BROWN CHEMICAL . CO., Baitinioe.,fitth VEGETABLE COMPOMTD.' The'Poiltive Cure For all Female Complaints. This mutation, as its name signifies, Consists of Vegetable Properties that are harmless to the most dat um:amnia Upon one trial the merits of this Oom • pound will be newsiest', mullet is immediate ; and. when its wets continued, in ninety-nine cumin a hurl died, a permanent eurelseiretied,as thousands will tea tlitr. Oa account of its pieren merits, it is to-day re• commended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It 011 l earn entirely the word form of faXling or an. uterus, Lencorriacea, Irregular and painful Yenstruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inibunroatlon and I:Remotion, "loadings, ill Pisplacemente and the con segued spinstweekisese, and Ix especially adapted to the Change of Life. It wfi dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusip an early stage of development. The tendency to anoeronsiumors there is checked very rpeedgy by Its use. In fact -hen proved to be the great est and bat remedy that his ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new Mendelson It removes falittnees,fiatuleney, do. drops alit:raving for stimulants, and relieves weaknem of theorems& It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, Henan]. Bleeplesmess, Dermasban and Indi gestion. That feeling of hewing down„ awning pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under nil circumstan eas, act in harmony with tho law that governs the female system. For Eldneyeemplalnts a either sex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia L Pinkhamri - Vegetable Compound IS prepared at= and =Western Avenue, Lynn, lllssa. Price $l.OO. Six bottles for $5.00. Scot by mall In the form of pills, alao In the form of Lozenges, on reoelpi of price, $l.OO, per box, far either. Mrs. MOW( freely'answers allellers of inquiry. Bend for pm. phlct. 'Address ne above Mention pkte pax,. No family should be without LYDIA E. PrThIP LIVEN rims. They cure Connipetkin, E 4 nd TorpiditY of the Liver. a; cents per boy,. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, PHILA. For sale by H. C. Porte 85 Son, -TOWANDA, PA. j1r2.9-80.1y STOP AT T.MUIR& CO.'S fOR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. The piece to site money b ming, cheap is at poser NA . In and Yrakltn Streets. TOWANDA. PA. They ssspecttblly'• alumnae* to the yubUo that they have a large stock of FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, GRAM, SALT, PIER PORE, and PROVISIONS generally. We bare also added to our stock a variety of WOOD= WAR& such as BUTZ= 11:1138, FIB EIRE. ETO. Just - received a large ilock of Sugars, Teas. Coffees, Spicer, 1110IILSOWS PURE SOAP, the best in the. market, *hi! other =Melia soap Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Cash. _ oat 26 77 Grocers sell Aschenbsch & Miller's FAMILY CHOCOLATE an article superior in quality and lower in price than any other in the market. A prominent and experienCed New York physician gives it as his opinisn that chocolate is preferable to tea or coffee, because it adds strength to the body; now life to the exhausted braill,-quiets the ner vous system; harmonises the workings of the digestive organs, and gives purity to the blood. For a superfine confection, ask your confec tioner for ors Sweet Spiced Vanilla Chocolate Asebenbach & Miller, 3d and Callowhill fits., Phila.. Pa. 131an-6m. • HORSEBend 25 cents in stamps or currency for a new HOME DOOR. It treats all diseases, has 35 fine engray• tags showing itTlnesordsosamesedaltaVeickcollecorgosii of VALUABLE RECIPES, rules for telling the age cif a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year, and a large amount of other valuable horses information. Dr. Wm. H. Hall says, .fI have bought book, that I paid $5 and 00 for which I do not like is well as I do yours." BIND roa A Ct•ctrt.••. AGMs WARM B. J. Kendall, Et. D., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. nbi. . • . .. . nii HABIT Cured by.._ the la less Ugly Inn ssno.tizo: o ast a tt i t less cos t or em by . te e nds. Treatment sblpped to say put of the U. 8. or Canada. Yull Ps tree. Addrass • B. 8. DST , (Nstabliabeil 1863.) Berrien springs MsVein A TRUE TONIC zf, • . •••,1 ILLS , Towanda, Pa, ".MRS. D. V. STEDGE, 4faitufacturer of and Dealer zn HUMAN HAIR UCU AS WlOB, BANDEAUX, the popular Chatelaine Braid, EVERYTHING BELONGING To TEM HAIR TRADE fir Special Attention given to CO kw Nes Boob all turnednno vi e% SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for • Hunter's Invisible Face Po:,der, • Madoari'Clarles Corsets, and • Shoulder Brace Elastics. air Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at their homes •or it my place of business, over Evans & Hildretb•s stOrb novig-Gin STEDDE. - You that have beauty, - . Como and let us take lt, And you that have nose, Come and lot us make it. • Dalt oI & o C f PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially invite the public to give chew a call at the Rooms formerly occupied by - • GE. Wood, TOWANDA, PENNA. • Recent improvements iinproveinents in the skylight have fur; nished facilities "for taking' perfect pictuies quickly and in all kinds of weather. - PORTRAITS FROM - PROTOORAPHS and DE CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In dia Ink, Water Colors, Crayons. orPsatelles, any size. FINEST WORK OF ARTISTIC EXCEL LENCE GUARANTEED. A STOCK or FRAMES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. . C. S. DAYT( I .ON. It. R. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Oct 6, 1880. ly Wago . il r &c”![kaps OLD ZSTdBLZSHfL4IIIT. JAMES 13RYANT, others to his large and complete assortment. of Open & Top Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS - all of his own MANUFACTURE and war- Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all 'Platform • Wagons. The easiest and bet, in 12110. _ NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! LOok at these figures: Two Seated Carriages trom ..... .„. $l5O to $176 Phatomi. one seated '125 to 150 Top Buggies ' 125 to 150 Open Buggi es ' 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons .. 90 to 110. Remember that the above are all fully warrant. . ad, first-claas or no pay. -. Repairing promptly &Mended to at 25 per cent below last years prices. - , • Office and Factory cor. Main and Elisabeth Sts. JAW; BRYANT. 8-10 St 77 , - GEORGE OTT, loooseoW larbk & Granite. Wor • Prices cheaper than the ebea m3o—tf. Wltt3oX PA : ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY G. H. WOOD & CO will open their New Gallery in on the Firit Monday of April, flaiing fitted up entirely new, with the beat of ireitrtunenta, we are prepared to make Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for 50 ets. • . . . in neat envelopes, 10 for sl.ou. Copying of all kinds of Photographs,and Stereoscopic and large view, .work done at this gallery. Give rug a call and we will try and satisfy you in price and quality. soar 28 Mar 20-Iyr. KIMMINS. THE FASHIONABLE BOOT, SHOE AND BAITER . MANUFACTURER. lej now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in the latest styles, and of the best • ALL WORK and MATERIAL WARRANTED. Repairing done neatly and promptly on short notice. In PATTON'S BLOCK Over Jacob's - Clothing Store. 2b • Dril J anes' fiaraxagum Tonic, or Dyspepsia Medicine, s vegetable compound', whose virtues hive stood avm or miss, la infillible in the cure of Dyspepsia, General Chronic Weakness of Lungs; Spleen, mem Short Breath, Heartburn, Bt.Vitue Dance, Pain in the titoinach, Back end Chest. Partly"- tarty adapted to all Prams Diamuum, no matter what the age of the patientmay be. Price 75 cts. Sold by druggists. - Stay 20 iy • .IF YOU - ARE THIRSTY ' , drink a glass of Asonzgaann & hlrtuuts' popular Brace Bain, the most delightful beverage of the season cooling, refreshing, and an excellent pro. Tentative of summer complaints. It also acts as a blood purifier without any stimulating or in tozicating*effects, being a pure vegetable prep aration and entirely free from anything 11P proaching alcbohal. It Irmo VERVICHEAP that it is within the means of the poorest. A 25 cxwr Taegu's WILL maxa mu (mum or smut I En dorsed by temperance advocates and physicians. All druggists and country storekeepers sell it. Wholesale Depot N. W. corner 3d and Callowhill St. Philadelphia. Pa. - - Nay 20, 'BO ly GOODS, would cull tho atten tfon of FARMERS and ranted in every pitr.- , tienlar IN TO WANDA. Patton's Block, MUH',S=2EMMI Moog, GeiwraliDealerif in II GRocznizs,_ FRO VISIONS, ME COUNTRY PRODUCE RAVE - REMOVZD To their ILlii‘r COR• MAIN AND PINE STD• (The (Ai atim otrox,Stevens k Marina.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of, Choice New goods, which thp !we alwayv on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN - PRODUCE TRADE And Clash Paid for Desirable Kinds IL. J. 'LONG SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1 JAMES McCABE HAS REMOVED MB GROCERY BUSDIESS TO THE 80IITH-EAST comm. OP MAIN 1 AND BRIDGE STREETS, W HERE HE HAS ESTABLISHED Head Quarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE L OF 1 6180 ERIES, PRITI 1118 , , .1..., Sze. CASH PAID for Desitale. Pro duce. Fine BUTTER an EGGS 1 1) a specialty. • April 29 Ir-r, NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. IdeKean,) DEAtER, IN PITTSTON, -WILKESBARRE FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR COURT HOUSE. sr LOWEST PRICES FOR 04311. -14 The patronage of my old friends and the public -generally is solicited. = 9sepBo COOLEY CREAMER. • - . No Dairyman can afford to' be without ono. It makes more and better Butter with less labor. • Da-rin's Swink Churn beats them W, and any little boy can churn with it. . The improved Sugar EVaporator is wt every Sugar Maker needs. THB SUBli BUTTIRWORKER Is ahead of anything of the kind In use. For ale by WILMOT COBURN, Agent, , Slivers, Bradford Co. Pa H. L. Como, Agent for Western Bradford and Eastern pert of Tioga Co. Columbia X roads. Feb 19.tf. - • Parker's Hair Balsam . Just *WWII *anted. • - Everybody tame IMIr is gra Y or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and haonlcss. ' Par. ket's Hair Balsaassatisftes the most fastidious its these respects. - &Ad by druggists at sm.-and-$.2. Ena FM To the NM GEO. STEVEN& AND LOYAL; SOCK COAL, TOWANDA, PA. '7- ' 7 7" inttheETA.pkger -, - - " , ' . ..•,.. ~,.: . -1,:, .1. ~,,4 , , . FURNITURE; STORE - , • FURNITURE We are constantly receiving the newest and latest patterns in PARLOR SUITS, BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, 4 WARDROBES, -awn-- Everything In the Fur • nitnre - Undertaking. We; make a specialtrof this branch and skull give it our personal attention. We have a full line of CCol4`lFllVkit 04slry.ers. IR.OI:3ES ice. and will ,not be undersold. Give us a call before purithosing elsewhere. N. S. Allyn has no connec tion with our bu-sines.s. E. B. PIERCE. •J • - Suedessor to N. P. Hicks. TOWANDA. lAN. 2Gth, :1881. M. HEN DE LM A. N JEWELIAER; Is still tfl lie found - ,•at the OLD STAND AMIN STREET, Ne.:rt door hi Dr. H. C Porter's Drug Store WITH A FITLL . LIYLF OP' FIN I E .AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, J.EWEI . ,•RY, STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, - CLOCKS , - FitOSI THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST Sr ALL OF WHICH WILL BE BOLD AT TUE . VERY LOWEST PRICES, - Clocks, Watches and Jewelry prompUy repaired by an experienced and competent workman._ . M. HENDELMAN. •eptl6-tf A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOK:E. li4DER AND Dealer In Stroll Saw Goods. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Books • MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's Supplies. This department of my business is veiy corn pieta, and being's practical sawyer myself I know therants of my patrons._ WOODS, SAW BLADES, CLOCK MOVEMENTS. &c, constantly on band. • ear $ 1 .25 worth of designs for $l. Send for s price lists. REPORTER" BINDERY, Park street, Towanda. Pa P. 0..b0x 1512 BENJ. F. MUTTON, HALBERT E. PATRIC. Late Commissioner of Patents, PATENTS FAME, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneys-at-Lan, and Solicitors of American and • Foreign Patents. 412 Finis STnErr. Prectiespatent law in all its branches in the Patent Office, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. Pampbelts free on receipt of stamp for postage. Sept rE , YOU WANT YOUII HAIR _CUT or a SHAVE, GO TO S V TE I GE 9 IN THE WARD HOUSE. 14-79 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CLAM!! •01r .MANSFIELD, PA. Nt. TILE REGULAR' EXA3IINATIONB for Certill aitea for admissieu to the 'Senior Ohms of 'B2, will be held by the Faculty of the School on TIII7ItEID AY and FRIDAY, June IGth end 17th Candidates will be ex A mined in the following branches: Orthography. 11. S. Ristory.,', Beading. Physiology. tPeumanahip., Botany. English Grammar. Latin Grammar and ten Arithmetic, Chapters of Cressr, Algebra, • School Economy, Geography. - Methods of lisstruc lion. Those who are desirous of taking the course, and see not thorough in several of the branches above named. will save - time and money by at tending the school during the Spiing Term in order to qualify for the examinations. In many eases this plan *ill save nearly a year's time. Spring Term beginsiinrch•2ls4.l.4Bl. .... A. It NELSON, DEALER ' TN WATCHES, CLOCKS, •' ' FINE GOLD AND PLATED . JEWELER " Ot every variety. and SPeciaelea. Sir Particular attention paid to repairing. Shop in Decker 4 Vought's Grocery Store. Wain Street, Tozga, Penns. inn• WHITNEY, "mom= isazzaziazza _ • DREIIB4ITTER &DRESSMAKER Arao mum! You us . • . pcnneuticiP?rfeotarittingPatterna No. 34 , 1 ridge St., Towanda. Stook entirely now and fresh from the city; no old good' in stook. Goode and work Unsurpassed.either in styles or snake up. oct2B.ly . LIVERY, STABLING, I • Wh itt. C om e.mokin 41,11 EIPA.TRINGr, • • • Soneca_Arnold Raving leased his .farm : i in Warren, , • has logated in , the above britches of basis ; nose, on FRONT .1 El OW BRIDGE, _Towanda; Pa. • HE HAS STABLING FOE 40 HORSES. For use of stalls. b Cents each. Also. Ironies and Carriages for hire: • Rlackunithing in all branches. promptly done. Horse Shoeing a specialty. Carriages Manufactured and Repaired. If you Want anything in the above line call on SENECA ARNOLD. - April 22-tf aan27•t Chicago 84:North-Western R A 11 - L W AY Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED' lad hence the LEADING . RAILWAY OF THE • West and Northwest! It is thy short and best routo between Chlacei • and all points • NORTHERN ILLINOIS. lOWA, DAKOTA., WY- Nebiaska. Callifoinia, Oregon, Arizona, 'Utah, Colorado, Idaho, . Montana , Nevada, and for • Council Bluffs, Onaaka,Denver, • - LEADS ILLE , SALT LAKE, , • San Fra,ncisoo:Deadwod,Sionx Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, 'Columbus, and all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green Bay, oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton, Neenah, 31enasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, - Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse. Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. • • At Council Bluffs the Trains of. the Chicago k North-Western and she 11. P. 'Wye depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. *, At Chicago; close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central; Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago Grand Trunk Wys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. _ 4111•C10110 connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONLY LE4E rnnnning , Pullman Hotel Dining Cars DETWriN • Cl.sicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upen Ticket Agents' selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Ticketa.and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago k North-Western Railway. - • • If you wish the Best Traveling Accemmoda- - tiona you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN - HUGHITT, 2d V.P. apr7 'Bl-Iy. Chi. -o, --- 1 0 11 ,- - 7 P: .' • ' is i - 0 Cn ‘..1 - % )-3 • r 0 , • . 1 1 .... .• • . t•=l Cy l4 . cr., tt . • 0,------ 44. t"• tr; CD PTA 1.4 b 0 = ..... 0 1.11. 0 C> 11, 0 rd . eg •;.•:•, t-, 4 ' ge z ' CA t i 'a W ;y: 4 7 :0 N. 414 0 - 0 4 * Wa d •••• • " 4 v ' 0 e 3 w n, s - ci, 2 1 4 i - c, . . o D. - . • " - lii m i ct, ri•-•s:, -- - — i l• , t, . tll ■ MI STORY B. LADD WAsurNarorr, D. 0 TV: G. TR.4 CY , Genera Insurance Agent, TOWANDA. PA. Office treli PATCH TRACY Main - St. ALL COMMUNICATIONS 2HROUGH THE POST OFFICE WILL RE . CEIVEPROMPTATTEN7Iahr 0v2918 tf Is a sinecure for all ordinary diseases of Uorsca, Cattle, Sheep — and Swine, It cure* and prevents Councra Cnotana. Your cow *certain tp yield 25 PIM CUM. MORE AND lIZTIT.II . 3IILK ♦ND BOWES.. STOCK FATTENS ON ONE FORTH LESS FEED! —Being in &saes:lion of s large number of oxcel• lent testimonials. I subjoin a few: -These been using your Cattle Powder for hor ses. cowl, chickens and pigs, and find it • nun- CLASS thing.--GFOROS. BOXD, Germantown, Pa. I have need two packs of your Cattle Powder on my cow and cbickens; TEE cow ()Ave NEARLY TWICE TIM QuANyrry OF MLR she did before. My chickens were dying. but were mien IMMEDIATE = after I had need thoower. YOUTS. truly, Josses PAnsou.n, Dallas, N. C, • I aave need you Cattle' Powder end muirsay it is the best for horses, cattle, sheep,-Rte. - Tried it ou poultry for many complaints, with SUCCESS IN lIVEMZ CASE.-301S. WEAVER. BEBEYavu.LE. l'a. • Last summer you sent mo a packago of your powder which I gave to my poultry. and have not had one droopy turkey or chicken since —Mrs Wu. KNAPP, Orange, N. Y. • • lieroWne a pack or two of rim. Cattle Powder. The goal got from - you last winter CONED Tau crucazi ouomoui. I gave some of It.to a neigh bor and It euied•hhi chickens —Jon,' Wltztaam, Spruce Vale, Ohio. • , Address. for a pamphlet. F. A. HILLY-11, .991 Arch Ilt.. PLITLADKLPIIIA, [Pa. .1an.;13-Cm. , . ° Dm - 2,..>1 . :.,.i ~ a ., gEO, II tea, pp= . A ..?: k* , 8 ,r-P Il IN{ m .--h-0 ogw. - -: *.-, &= = - { f-ice / . 1 Va _ =12.,,t 0.02-t- Et4D,15.7. - .,..3-lnim _ 1 m.o. ST-8, ,0-1-- % - I::P=4 . rgs".°oo EQ 0 r 2 clt - gsitgli!S.llM m , . 55.,...1, .00.. . .75p , ..ri m r& aa , .= 6° .2 , .9 . g-g gFo zs' moll co ZE rrl a s t '*t7, - "'- - =pin e 0.4 1. 7 2 g a.,.....1 = a 2 M ' g iiazi'S'= re 21 3 ° I 4:0 ce -t4 rlir . sta. w g4 . • g ,, ....ri_.gg R , ii , E. , f, , c , .. k4. , :zr . _ gum ..,..- -.5.15520. •° 1 .". w 1 .g.g.l:lLika 4W • r rt 1:07 r- c% " " 1 "13 CItTTL! LigOr" HUMPHREY 8.RQ.8-;.i&IRACY.; PdanufaeOzers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of lON'S, BOYS . , WOKEN'S, MISSES, AND CHIGDRENS Boots ; Shoes, Robbers,4o:, t:ORNER_MAIN A NIl . ELIZABETH STREETS, , . . For any (wear Itch ing, dial, Bleed. 1 . ' MARI) I , ing, tleerateilar p ILEs Remedy fails to cure. It a rl ll eys the Itching, absorbs tbe tumor", gives mote ate relief. byJ. P. Miller, M.D., Plitladelphia, Pa. CA lITION.--.None pastime unlerssorup ii: 111 0 per on bottle g lines conia tbat inih:s il ig i gal ate and e a Lilt of Stones. . All druggists and country stores have it or will get it fur you. * * * *AS K*FO R * * * * Re P , I r, TED It Olvee Better the gll . teed . ged color the year round. The 'Meat TititteriDutera reenamend Its use. Thoussuide of Dairymen. say IT IS, PERFECT. Used byal I the best, Creameries. Awarded the Inter. , national Diploma at N. Y. Dairy Fair. Ask oar dra_ ggistormerehantloritter wrltetoask what it IL WHIG It costa, who await, where to get It. • RICUARDSON .& CO.. Proprietor% Ibuitagtara. Yt. U IS*TF-A . E *FIRST. N E )BEST: 'MIMS • r , tt s Ant.:S%%l% CURE- r THE MOST ROCCERSFUL REMEDY ever, dis- covered, as itisicertain in its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human desk. READ PROOF lIELOW. From a Prominent : P,hysiclan. Washingtonville, Ohio, :Inne 17th, 'BO. , Dn. B. J. KENDALL & Co..Cienta: Reading your advertisement in Turf, Field and; Farm, of Ken -Bpavin Cure, and having a valuable and speedy-llorse which had been lame from spavin eighteen months, I sent to you for a bottle by express. - which in six weeks removed all lame. ness and enlargement and a large splint. from another horse, and both. horses are to-day as sound as colts. Tho one bottle was worth to' me one hundred'dollars. Respectfully louse, 11. A'. BEE:TOL/CT; 31. D Kendalfs Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Bakersfield, VC. Dec., 23, 1879 B. J. KLNDALL a Co., Dents:—l wish to itdd my testimony in favor of your invaluable liniment, "Kendall'aypavin Cure." 'ln the spring of 1862 I slipped og the ice and sprained iny e right limb at the kneedoint. I was very lame and at times suffered the most excruciating pain. I wore a bandage on it for a year, and tried most every thing in my reach, but could find nothing that would give me, permanent relief. When I over worked, it would, pain me very much. In April IBIS I began to think I should be a cripple for life; but having some of "Kendall's Spavin Cure" thought I would' try it. I used ono third of a bottle, and experienced relief at once, The pain left me and ints .not tionbla iii - e , since. I feel very grateful to you and - would recommend ••Kendall's Sparbs Care" to all who stiffer with sprains or rheumatism . Yours truly, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER AND BOOK BLITDER, PAPER RULER, ke Alfred J..Purvis, No. 131 Genessee street, UTICA, N. Y All work In hie line done well and prompUy at lowest price. Parties_having volumes Incomplete will be fur nished'with any missing numbers atcost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent -for Bradford:County will be promptly executed ac cording to directions. sep94l FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CLAIM AND - COLLECTION AGENCY BRINK & BUCK, Leßayoille, Pa. Will write Policies for risk/ in Fire - and Life Is annum - Collect Claims with care and p romp Weis.- They represent none but - • . :FIRST-CLASS - COMPANTRS I Mop solicit thecontidence and patronage of those having business in their line, and will endeavor to fnerit it. Apply to or address • lan3 if BRINK& BUCK, Lellaysville, Pa, HORSE- Send 25 cts. in .stamps Or currency for theur vim& memo& of ..A Treatise on the horse and his Diseases." It gives the best. treatment for all diseases, ' has GO "tine engravings showing BOOK positions an s ick rorsest3tter can be taught in any other way, a table showing doses of all the principal medicines .used for the horse as well as their, effects and antidotes when a 25 -ats poison, a largo collection of. 'VALUABLE BECEIPIS, rules for telling the age of it horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year and a large. amount of other valuable horse information. I: Modred' .of horsemen' have, pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 260,000 sold in about one year before it was re vided shows bow popular the book' ie. The re. vised edition is DUCE monz a& - rearernta. SEND FOIL A crucur..sa. AGENTS WANTED, Dr. 3. B. Kendall ik Co.; Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. - afar 11-Iyr. AGENTS 1 ', AGENT'S ! JOSIAiI- ALLEN'S . WIPE OTE"A NEW nThe beat kfun fest of KU BOOK • "(('My Wayward Pardner,” Or, The account of Saraantha'airlaht and Suffer- ings with Ler husband Josiah. duo This will be tha fLeadiiiir Book of the Season,to sell. AGENTS WANTED in every Town. Don't . miss it, but send for circulars , at onco and se curo Territory, to F. C. BLISS & CO.. Newark, N. J. marlo-6t • CANCERS CURED • • AT CRANE'S CANCER • MARY ADDISON . N. Y. 7 - HUNDREDS OF PFRSONS from all parts of the world haite been cufed of this nirich dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they have been.resened from a terrible and untimely . death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poot treated Free. Write fora Circnbir 'jiving full particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE & RUSH BROWN, Addison, N. Y. Sept.3o.lyr.GPßaco. - •Indispensabie to the Library, Clergyman. Law. yer, Physician, Editor, Teacher, Student, and all of any calling in life who desire knowledge." - Encyclopaedia Eritannica The Anierican_bDiint,—,l4inth Edition. Thhi great work Is oeyond comparison superior n its elosborate and exhaustive character to all similar works. The contributors are the most distinguished and original thinkers and writers of the present and of the put. This issue-is the Ninth revision in a space cf over 100 years since. its inception. and this- re. print, a copy in every partbular of the British Edition, is the beat and cheapest work ever offer. ed to the Americin people. The artieles are written in a . moit attractive style, and the quantity of matter in each volume is one-third greater per volume than in any other Cyclopedia-sold at the same rates. Tho work contains thousands of Engravings on Steel and Wood, and-it is printed from entirely new typo made expressly for it. It will be comprised in 21 Imperial . octavo vol flutes', four Of which-are now rowdy, and the suc. ceeding volumes will bei haled at the rate of three year. Pricopor vol., cloth binding. - 13.00 Jell; only by subsciption.' For specimen pages spplx.to the Publishers. - -• -J. M. STODDAIIT & CO. 723 Cmeettoz Swum . oct2o PIIILADzauxv T