Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 02, 1881, Image 3

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To Citir—Subscribers.
Examine Your Label I
It"will show you the month and yeainp to
which your subscription is paid. If your sub
scription is soon to expire, please send us
one dollar for a renewal al once, that we may
send you the paper right along. Bend in
reuewel without delay.
—L. A. Wooster is our general agent,• solic
itor, an 3 collector, for the nouthorn and' west
ern portion of the County.
- Bishop Howe; will adrninistor confirmation
at Christ Church, this Wednesday evening.
On the same day a fine maple tree, in front,
of H. W. Patrick's residence, was blown
Sever . al parties embraced the first legal day
fur base fishing, Wednesday, June Ist; to try
tht ir skill on the 'river and were quite Elle..
Mr. John Ayres, of Albany, township, died
on Friday night - last, May 27, in the 85th .
year of life age. Mr. Ayres was the father of
Col. E. J. Ayres, of Asylum. He wai an in
dnstrious, energetic Man in his best days,
and maintained a high standing as a citizen
and a Christian.
Dnring the shower On Decoration Day a
tree in front of Mr. H.E. Bancock'stesidence
was struck by lightning and badly bfirned and
splintered by the passage of the electric
In our absence from home last week,
several important items escaped publi
cation which should have received notice.
We make mention of some of them, though
late, this week.
Father Kelly has received from' Germany
a pair of valuable dogs. They are a cross of
the rongh=coated St. Bernard,' Newfoundland
and Pyreno wolf-dog. They are the only
canines of that particular brood in the United
Church of the Messiah (Universalist.) On
account of the absence of the , Pastor, Dr.
Taylor, who is in attendance at the Penna.
Universalist Convention :it Reading, there
Will be no service at' the above church on
Sunday next. l The Stuaday School will be
bela'ri '
On Monday last; May 23d, at the residence
of S. S. Lockwood, Mr. Ansel Olmstead, of
I.7l;ter, Pa., and Miss Myra Cole of 'Nichols,
S. Y., were united in matrimony, Bev. A. W.
Wood officiating. "Anse" is one of The most
genial or gentlemen, and richly deserves his
excellent wife. We extend to them our con
grat nlat ion B.—Su nday Telegram.
Mr. S. S. Hit:main, an old resident and
tive orMonroetori, long prominently- identi
fied' with her local interests, died in that
place on Sunday, May 22d, aged 70 years. He
leavelltifir children, PorluilL. Hinman, anti
Mrs.Gertio. L. Hart of Elmira, John S. Hin
man of Mmroeton; and Mrs. Geo. V. Park of
- Franklin. Ho was a brother of J. B. M. Hin
man, Ebq., of Monroeton Mrs. J. H. Phinney
and Mrs. Dr. Newton of this place.
The Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the
Mutual Musical Alliance will be hold at South
Auburn, Susquehanna Co., Pa., June 7th to
10th inclusive. -The serviced of Prof. H. E.
Cogswell ofScranton, have been secured as
musical director and Miss Ida k. C. Pulis of
Skinner's Eddy has been engaged as pianist.
It is hoped that:all the members will be in at
tendance. South Auburn is only - 4 miles
from the Skinner's Eddi depot and an ibasy
poiut to reach . for than who drive. All•
lovers of music are cordially invited.
The next Annual Meeting Of the Northern'
Bradford Musical Aesobiation will convene at
Rome on Tuesday nest, June 7th' and con
tinue four days, closing on Friday, June 11,
Niih a gran .l concert. The managers have
spaii - A nu pains to make this - annual' gather
ing of the lovers of music an interesting and
interesting and profitable cecasiOn. A
general invitation is -extended. All are wel
come. Membership tickets, convention
tickets, and admission to concert tickets may
be obtained at Sl, 75 cents and 25 cents.
Board will be furnished to people from abroad
free of charge. We hope there may be full
attendance. Prof. Bierly of Elmira, will act
at Musical Director.
The closing exercises-of the Towauda
Graded School, on Friday last, were largely
attended by the parents and friends of the
pupils. The exercises were highly creditable
to prof. Burgan and his corps of arsiktants,
as Tt - II as to the pupils whci.toJk part. • The
music, recitations and calisthenic exerciser.
were all well received. ',lOl pupils limised,
examination and were promoted.. Perhapsj,
one reason why our Graded School is so pros
percis, is in the fact that the parents of the
pupils have always shown their interest - in
the school by visiting it ofteL. and compli
menting the pains-taking efforte of the Prin
cipal and the faithful teachers.
List of letters remaining in the Post 01Bee
fur . the week ending Juno 1, 18811-
Alto) Mrs 11 M (2), McNally Maria,
Arvada li, McGuire Libbie,
Bremau Mary, Melia' Mary, •
I;'siker Anna L - , McGuyer. Mrs Mary,
Begley Mrs, Person F H,
Bennett Joseph, . Pane Mrs Mary, •
Curry Mrs Anna, - Pane 31. H. .:
Campbell L J," - Quick. ?Dell, '; '
Colton Phoebe, ltuudelt F P, - _
Conley Mary, ••= - Randal WA,
Cummings Mrs Ho - nry,ltobinson JO, -
Corcoran Kate; - Russell J J,
Cunningham Jas7. Swank John it, ' •
Crannier Mrs Addle, Scutt BA, ~
I) , ,nahue Bridget, 9 Smith Miss J 11,
Easterbrouk Gertie, Smith C-S,
Fox Geo M, - , Stiles Milton D,
llugcn Frailties; Thompson lira Wm,
liellock Jan,,. - Virgasou Mrs l'nebe.
Ki.ea Minnie, Vargasurt Sumi n ons,
Kelly Ella, Walker John J A: Son,.
Miller lto.r.e i 2), Warner John A, - -, •
Milligan Janres, Wiggins Thomas. -
Pers , ,na calling for any %if tlio above wilt
;:i, i. c say "Advertised," giving date of list.
.la, , It:ley, aged 1!.2 yea's, and John Marley
nt to a sand pit near Granville Summit on
aft,ruoun to - procure sand to build:
the foundation of a barn, when the bank of
amid erakeued by the iccent rains caved
striLing ltaley on the top ref the head and
fr.ictaring lii ! idavr bone in tiro places. He is
in a dying e4dition. . 11ev. M. H. Dunn was,
sent.for to give aid and ministor to the injur
e I man. He was howeVer unconscious and
there is no hope of Lis recovery. He is
spoken of vets highly..-LArtherit . Tier Gazette.
Mr.-E. Ltliey, of LeLoy, is being advanced
by many friends for the office of Cortuty
Trerisurer, rind should he be nominated there
c..n be no doubt but thatlie will be elected
ai.d inkke a most faithful officer. A fair die.:
tributiim of tonic eS will be'lnsisted urOn in_
t!...'neit county corivention, and any attempt
cintr.dize and ignore this that part of
the county will with such serious op
pio;ition to make it impossible. People, should and doubtless will look
-b*er -to the primaries.—Canton Sentinel.
re-Sderiff J. 31. :Smith, one of tLe model
Limers of tlie ccunts and noted as a stock
rai r. well as an astute and active politi- .
clan. 1;:ol a narrow escape from severe 'injury
j , c,sible loss of lint life. A few nights
he was returning fi%ini Troy to hishomo
Omni two milts distant and walked on the'
railroad track :until near Lorne. Here by
chance he fell into a cattle guard but with
au ,erious consequences except a pretty good'
shaking up. Proceeding a way farther. he
Pala- Tiro a place where workmen on the
railroad that day bade dug out a trench for
iron pipe to replace a filled rip culvert. Here
he fell, his left foot catching in such a man
ner tiratle could not free it., Ito strugg led
,once - minutes before he could release him
self, trying to pull his foot from his boot bnt
with no avail. At last ho got his foot loose
I.rl at the cost of some bruises and lameness
aeatbed hoine only a few rods away. "Ile had
hardly reaelhel the house however before the
eyening express went by with a rush. His
• Reod fortune in releasing himself just. when
Ile did probably saved his Rte.—Northern Tier
Renew lour Letter.
There are times 'in every one's life when
nt•ri4i fails a miserable feeling 'comes
ver thcm, often mistaken for laziness.
Danger lurks in these symptoms, as they arise
from impure blood or diseased organs.
advice is expensive and often unsat
i.factory. ' Parker's Ginger Tonic will renew
roar kits.: of health and comfart because it
rest.ri.k perfect - activity to the Stomach,
I.tvi.r and Kidneys, and purifies the blood, as
1114:11 and women restored to robust health
testify in almost every neighborhood. See
Julv.--:Adrocate. i May 26-Im.
—G. H. Welles, Esq., of Wyaltivirrg,
spending a short time at the sea shore. ;I.' 0
—Mr. 1. Rogalski , fornierly a jeweler Ifi
this place, who his been absent , for several
months, Is in town again.
—Miss B3gart and Miss Chainberlin have
each opened a select school in the Graded
School building.
—Rev. J. H. Blades and Cspt. James A.
Rogers, General Agents of the Mutual En
dowment and Accident Association, of 3sth,
N. Y-, are in town.
_ —We aro pleased to notiettat that Mrs. M. H.
Taylor,. of Rome, has returned from an ex
tended visit in Rochester and other places
of interest, among which was the Water .
Care at Corning, N. Y., and is quite improved
is health by her trip.
—Mrs. Jos. IX Montanye has been - over
taken by a strange misfortune, the total lots;
of the sight of one eye. It was accompa
nied by no pain. - All at once she discovered
that vision was gone. •
—Mri. W. H. Morgan, but sold .her hand
some residence on Main street to Mr. Harry.
L. Horton, banker, of New York city. Mr.;
Horton makes the purchase for the benefit of
his sister, Mrs. Miles Shores,. and welearn
presents it to . her. Mr: and Mrs. Shores
will occupy the premises as a permanent resi
dence. We congratulate them on their good
PER 8 o.lrdl L.
—Mr. Roger Sampson, an ' experienced
miner of Bernice, Sullivan county, has been
appointed_by the Governor, Mine inspector
for the District composed of Draeford, Sul
&an, Tioga ke. Mr. Sampson is qualified
by experience and education to fill the post:
tion kenorably and acceptably.
-21 r. Will F. - Dittrich of the firm of DR
trich & Co., was married on' Wednesday,
Juno 1, to a daughter of Son. B. B1:11311 Jack
son of Mt. Clement Midhigan, . lately * re
sident of Dashore Sullivan county. We con;
gratulate the 'young couple most heartily,
and congratulate our beet — Society that we
are not to loose ono of its popular members;
but have made a valuable addition in the
pereon of the accomplished bride.
The Datcheller de Doris' Show.
According to announcement the Batcheller
& Doris combined museum, menagerie and
cil l tus, put in an appearance on Tuesday last.
AnYmmenso throng greeted them. Early in
the morning people brgan coming in town—
walking, in wagons and on the trains on the
different roads. By 10 o'clock one-Of the
largest crowds that ever greeted a show in
Towanda was gathered here.
It' was after seven in the, morning before
they began unloading the the cages, horses,
and other material from the cars, and conse
quently it was a little lite before tho grand
street procession began to move; but it was
one of the best ever shown in town.' The
jubilee singers on top of one of the wagons
as they passed through the streets was a
novel and highly pleasing feature.. There
were two bands in the procession.
The afternoon performance began at 2 and
the evening at 7 o'clock. Tho Immense can
vass tents were crowded in the afternoon and
evening. The first feature of the . perfor
mance Prince Satsumas, the Japanese jug
gler, was excellent. Romeo Sebastian,
the bareback rider, (an old favorite of To
wanda, circus-Roers,) was on hand and prov
ed that ho was improving every season. - The
three Russian Athletes were magnificent in
ladder specialty, and showed great skill and
strength. The feat of firing a human-being
from a cannon was performed for the first
time in Towanda, and was the main feature
of the circus performance. Taken altogether
the entire entertainment was good, and all
were well satisfied.
The menagerie was large and attractive
having several animals in it never before ex
The Trout Not Biting
Seth Green has been fishing for: trout in
Lake Kenka, but svith poor success,. the fish
refusing to bite. He told a reporter that not
one of the twelve trout he saw opened con
tained food in the stomach. In his own
words: "It was their Lent. When you
caught ono it was stab that was no Christian,
one that refused to obey the titles of the
church and paid the penalty. Fish have laws
among themselves and doctor themselvei
just as a dog when out of sorts will eat weeds
that are good lor his case. Lake Henka is
full of trout; for wo saw them jumping every
where, and when they again begin feeding
they will bite .ravenously."—Elmira
Com Mends Dielf.
Attention is directod to the advertisement
of•lhe Mutual Endowment and Accident As
sociation, of Bath, N. Y., which 'appeariln
our columns this week. Bev." J. H. Blades,
of Addison, N. Y., and Capt. James A.
Rogers, of Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa., are
the General Agents for Pennsylvania. It
will be seen that the endowment principle in
this organization by which the person insur
:ed receives an endowment of half the risk
taken, at the time in life'when it will in most
cases prove of material benefit: to the in
hired, is a feature that commends itself, We
have examined into the principal features
that form the basis of this association, and
think them highly commendable. 7 This
association is in no wise speculative, but mu
tually benefits all its members.
Bradford County Teachers' _Association.
The next meeting of the Bradford County
Teachers'A.ssociation will be held at Sayre,
Juno 10th and 11th, and promises to be a large
and interesting one. , We append a program
of the exercises as Jar as they can be ar
Lectuip on Self Culture—Rev. A. W. Hood
Paper on School Aertheties—W. Fl. Bene
diet. E ,
Paper on History—Lottie E. Dean.. •
Talk on the Civil Government of Pennay
vania—Hon. E. L. Billie.
Talk on the Use of Subjunctive Mood—
E. E. Quinlan.
Talk on Teaching Oral Gramniar—H. E.
Talk on Mathematical Geography—J.
Bovingdon. •
Talk on 'Ratio and Proportion—Geo. M.
Marshall. - •
Talk on Mental Arithrnmege-0. F.
Class drill in Primary Arithmetic—Baffin
C. Bogart.
Class drill _in English GramMar—Jas.
There will be declamatims and recitations
by pupil from the neighboring schools and
Music is also expected from the choir of
the M. E. Church.
The Committee of Arrangements. Enter
tainmont, are Mrs. Joseph Bishop, Miss
NlHie Mersereau, and Mews. R. M. Hovey,
H. C. Green, and H. W. Thomas. '
In addition to the above program, there
will be faiolntions to discuss and practical
questions iu school work to answer.
Mcf...:Madden's alll!lnert/ Story.
This popnlar store•has been crowded with
customers since Mrs Madden's re turn from
New York last week. This is nothing new,
however, as her taste is so widely hnown that
her patrons come from many neighboring
towns to avail themselves of her judgment in
the selection of bets and bonnets. The flow
ers; are lovely and the ribbons almost as pret
ty in effect as the flowers. The shaded rib
bons are especially nelisitid handsome.
Eleganeleathers are also much worn. • The
steel la4es and ornaments are fashioable and
unique. The real cut steel is too expensive
to become very common, hence it will doubt
less be worn fur some time by those who can
afford to gratify their tastes. Mrs. Madden
keeps a large variety of misses and children's
sun hats, in all the popular styles.
Dayton te Refekerell.
The pleasant_ gallery of these ,photogra
,phers have not lacked for customers to fill
them, for many months. They
.know' no
more about dull seasons in trade than .a Dig
ger Indian knows of Greek. "ill seasons are
thine, 0, Skilled photographer!". (adapted
from Miles O'Reilly.) •We have tried
to tied oat the secret of their, success;
bat cap get no satisfaction from them.
They will prcsist in saying that they
have co "tricks of trade," except to inalte .
such excellent likenesses that all 'who- have
patronized them once will go again and take
all their friends - with them. As the sluggard
said to the caterpillar, "Go and do the
gamer" . , •
',. MEMO ; lAL DAY ilt - TOW .42iDA..
. On Mon". last was observed the holy Fel
tival of Miters, - "nol only , in . Totrassia, but
thronglsontithe. country, wherever sleep the
dead whciitave up their lives that the-coust
try might veA: 7 -
' *Mere t fiVogramme as' previimsly pub
lished spit rred out to the letter, witho ut
interruptio except the luomiveneance 'oc
casioned' by a slight -showee,' of ;alit, wbich:
made it neceSsary on returning from, the
cemetery to repair to Mercur Hall; to listen
to the stile and interesting memorial address
of Comrade Rev.' C. T. Hallowell, and corn
plete the rest of the ceremonievai set.forth
ip the programs - de -----'--- - --
The line of-march for Med at 3 o'clock at
Court House &Ogre, under coMmandof She
Vice Commanders of Watkins Grand Army
Post, assisted by comrades 3. Andrew Wilt,
C. P. Cross, H. 3. Madill and H. B. McKean,
in the following order oa Mita and Park
streets : ;,-. . -
1. Germania Blind of Towanda.
2.. Orators and 'Clergy. . .
3. Burgess and Town Council.
4. Members of the Press. . . "
5 Co. A, Soldier's Sons.
6. Co. of Girls representing the Re-United
States.- ~
7. Watkins Poet No. 98.41. A. B.•
8. Other Posts of the G. A. H.
9. Co. A. 9th Beg. National tenarde of Pa.
10. Honorably discharged Solaiers tend
11. Towanda Firo Department.
12. Crystal Lodge No. 57, knights of
13. Towanda LIM 13(4 No. 290, Enighta of
Pythias. •
14. Bradford Lodge No. 167, I. 0. 0. F.
15. Citizens. - • • •
And moved to the cemetery ap Main street
to (anal sdeet,'down ()anal street to William
street, up Willis& street to Itie-nemeiery.
Upon arriving- at the cemetery a square
was formed inclosing the monument of ever
greens- which had- been 'erected there in
memory-of deed comrades whose .graves are
unknown, and the following ceremonies ob
Music by Germania Band. • !.
Address by Poet Commander.
Hymn by Male Quartette—"Care for them
Prayer by Rev. J. &Stew Art.
Dirge by Germania Band.
Decoration CertOnoniee At the Monument.
Decoration Hymn, in singing which all
Behersal by school girls-^•!rhe Re-United
The organizations, except Watkins Post
and Co.ik, National Guard, wore formed in
line-us:Law east and west Bides of the cerner
Co. A, Nationatiadard, formed in skirmish
live across the north end of the cemetery
and advanced to- the south end, - leaving a
guard at every soldier's grave.
Watkins Post tfoinied in skirmish lino
across the north end of .the cemetery and ad
vanced to the south end, strewing flowers and
placing wreathe and boquets on each soldier's
grave, during which time there was-appro.
prift,te music by the band.
The procession then reformed irr same or
der as before and returned to Mortar Hall,
where the exercises closed with the follow
ing programme:
1. Music by Germania Band.
2. Prayer by Rev. J. S: Stewart.
3. HyMu by Male Quartette—
their graves alike to-day." '
4. Address by Comrade C. T: Hallowell. '
5. Hymn by Male Quartette—"Silently,
tenderly, mournfully home."
C. Poem, by LeGrand 8. Brewer.
7. Music by Germania Band.
8. Watkins Post and other organizations
and audience were then dismissed.
There were several noticeable features of
the programme of exercises worthy of epe
cial mention. The beautiful floral memorial
monument erected in honor of comrades
whose graves are unknown, Was a sublime
conception, and the ceremonies attending
its decoration / were grandly impressive. The 1
singing 13,f the Male Quartette added Much
to the int est of the 'occasion. The thirty
eight you g school girls, ,representing the
rearnited States,-in their rehearial of "The
114.4:rnited Ellates," did their part well and
deserve much praise. The Germania Band,
without whose - services the ceremonies would
have been tame' indeed, merit the thanks
and encouragement of our citizens. The
fervent. earnest address of Rev. C. T. Hallo
well, at the Hall, was replete 'with patriotic
sentiment and inspiring thought. It was
eminently befitting the day and the occasion.
In carrying our patriotism to the graveyard
where sleep those who fell forthe grandest
cause of all" the ages—grandest in motive and
grandest in result, we are cheered by listen
i ngto,such words._ as were voiced by the or
ator of,the day on this occasion_. In con
templating the causes of thesanguinary
struggle,:the speaker brought vividly to the
memory of his audience the 'heroic valor of
the Union soldier, through whose self-sacri
ficing devotion was cemented with their
precious blood, the union of States, and
made the Republic what it never was before,
a Republic of Freemen. Pbey caught the
toppling Union and established it on a' now
and enduring foundation as . a Nation among
the nations of the earth. These truths, em
bodying the real issues of 1 the struggle,
should be kept alive in the minds of the gen
erations, to whom, as a royal heritage are
bequeathed the blessitigs resulting from the
war for the Union against organized treason
and rebellion. - ,
At the close of the memorial address, Mr.
LeGrand Brewer, recited- in a most im
pressive Manner that patriotic poem by. Will
Carlton --` , Cover them• over with beautiful
Bowers." ' •
Alter music by 'the Germania Band, the
abdience at G o'clock p. m., was dismikised.
Patronize Some inetihttions
.. Patronize home institutions. By so doing
you build up and maintain your ow town,
add wealth to your own commnni , and
eventually-receive back a good portiOn if not
all the money you expend at home with use.
Any other policy in the long' run is suicidal
nd is sure to recoil -iipon yourself. A man
'can better afford to pay a higher price for an
article purchased at beim than to send his
money away from his own town even if by so
doing a slight saving is at Gest made.. Money'
sent out of a community seldom returns, and
if it does a long time must intervene. A dol
lar spent in your own Own remainsAhere
and you stand au equal chance of getting it
again. Be loyal to your hone merchants;
they accommodate you when you need it and
fair play would-say stand by 'them. Special
inducements are frequently. offered by for,
eign merchants just for the purpose of draw- .
ifig your trade, but in the they must
make their average per gent,' and they. will
make it off from their customers. Stand by
i your home mechanics; give them yOur work,
and they kill feel called upon to give you
their patronage. Inculcate 'this principle
upon yourself and strive to induce of hereto
do the same regardless of pol Hies, national
ity, creed or color. Temporary ad vantage or
alight gain is often reaped by baying away
from home—but the inevitable result of this
practice generally folloWed will be as dine-
E. T. BC110!VN,
trove to one as to another. Bear in mind
one fact—that which ben elite the individual
eventually benefits every._ individual in that
community. We make 4iitia - remarka gen
eral, and yet ask every reader _to apply them
pent onally. Patronise home institutions.
-!Mr. J. A. Manville is doing a rushing busi
ness at- his organ manufactory in Meansl
Block. Ho bas manufactured a large num
ber of organs and yeethe cry is for more. In .
cheapness, durability and excellence of tone, -
they are not Surpassed•by many instruments!
which cost twice the sum be asks for his or
gans. We would call particular altention to
his church organ; which are especially made
for that ptrpose, with low backs that do not
hide the player's head and thus mar the ef
fect of 4so music. The cabinet styles, fin
ished in ebony and gilt, are very handsome
anis. desirable. Mr. Manville has been the
first to inaugurate the manufacture of nusi
cal instruments i n Towanda, and this enter
prize is meeting with 'deserved and flatter
ing success.
I have been suffering teem Dyspepsia for
some time. Aid severe burning at pis of my
sled/soh, with Nauseating!. Sensation.
Headache, Dullness of Spirits and General
Languor.. I procured from an agent some of
Dr. Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup_ and
was made whole—entirely cared. I can
thereroro rocommeiutthe medicitielo all wj►o
may be similarly effeutted. •
. S. B. Tainsix. •
"No dock
Itzesos & ComioNswsz.
ManviUe's 9rgans.
Idacgintesnunci, PA.
«BOraxzX6 .Il r
Oar 'Pry . Ban," ecmdmottdelits -come
months since. fuelled us to til our. AIR it -
trout-fishing when the seasorialTived, in the
waters of the vicinity where he Osided in the
township of MAIM, which is in Lyoomiog
county bordering on Sullivni& ,- - bismrdiliftly
a party conidstinglof O. W. Hotooeib and wife'
of Dister; IL M. Holemob and trite, : • C: D.
Holcomb' and wife, of Leßoy; and ourself and
wife—a • real Holcomb, party you see, Started .
on Tuesday waning of list week destined for
the wilderness region on the borders of Sul
livan and Lycoming. . We , went • equipped
with a large tent, provisioni, cooking uten
sils, camp equipage do, prepared for four
days "roughing it." Our first halt was at O.
M. Holcomb's in Haat townibip; near the
upper waters of Pleasant Stream. where we
arrived, safely at noon ,on Tuesday, meeting
with a hospitable reception. After partaking
an excellent dinner, prepared by the ladies,
two of our party repaired with ,their rids to
Pleasant Stream three-fourths of a miledis
tent, and spent three - hours fishing, taking
about forty trout after three o'clock, and re
turning at sundown.. The other two gentle
men of the party busied themselves during
the) afternoon in putting up the tent and
preparing for camping for the night. This
was accomplished in the most coznOrtable
manner, and four of the party slept cemfort- •
ablY In the tent, while the other font were
provided-lodgings In the house.. The •even
iiig was happily spent ins good 'Odd visit
with our hospitable friends, to whom we are
indebted-for many kindnesses. Oii Wednes
day looming refreshed by a good night's rest,
our party, after breakfast, broke Omp and
started for the stream known as the' "Hoag
land Branch," a tributary- of Elk Creek, in
Fox. township. Sullivan county. four miles
distant. O. W. Holcomb and ourself, did
most of the fishing, while H. M. and 0. D.
gallantly attended to the wants of the ladies
of the party and looked after the commissary,
camp equipage ke. O. W. and ourself started
on - foot and struck the stream after a walk of
two miles, and fished citron to
where we found the rest of our party prepar
ed for Camping, where dinner was putaken
of. This is & beautiful spot in a lovely grove
of sugar maples. where had not the ladies be
come timorsous on account of a threatened
thunder shower, we would have remained
over night. Abourlifty trout were taken on
thilstream. *', In consequence of approach
ing shower, the ladies issued peremptory or
den to "break camp." and their orders were
obeyed with alacrity.. In a short spice of
time were on board our Uurgona and whirling
away toward P. A. Holcomb's, who residing in
Fox township six miles distant from our
starting, point.
We &skived there Alt about six o'clock in
the evening, where we were received with
the kindest hospitality by Pierson, and his
good wife. and made comfortable for the
night. An excellent supper was prepared on
our arrival, and partaken of with zest, as a
more hungry party is seldom seen. This
point brought as on the die ect road to what
is known as the "Cold Spring" settlement,
on the , upper waters of the Schrader Creek,
in the southwest corner of Leßoy township.
We loft at 8 o'clock. and arrived e on the
Schnieder at 11 o'clock a. ni.„ where we- took
dinner in a beautiful grove, and the gentle
men of the party spent the remainder of the
day up to 5 o'clock p. in., in fishing. Hero
we took about one hundred handsome trout.
\ 1413
ladies meanwhile enjoyed themselves in
the shad the the grand forest, watching the
1 riPP ' u waters of the beautiful-, stream,- un-
til the time or our departure arrived. At
five o'clock, our party, all in the best of spir
its, stepped into our wagons and started for
Leßoy, where all arrived safely at 8 o'clock in
the evening. This brought us out of the
wilderness and mountainous countiy, and en
ded our "roughing it."
',The entire' party enjoyed the thr e days we
wore out in the happiest manner. the ladies
especially contributed their fall sh re toward
making the trip a happy mice ess. nr friends
of Leßoy, who made up a part of our party,
are entitled to many thanks for the contribu
tion of more than their share to tbe.comfort
and enjoyment of the excursion. -':-
In going out we passed up the rugged .old
South Moubtaln, by the East Canton road.
This is the easiest approach to the mountain's
summit of any of the several passes winding
their way at difterent points up its towering
steep. In returning we came down by way
of the • pass from "Cold Spring" settlement
to Leßoy. As we came out on the brow .of
the majestic old mountain- overlooking the
valley of the Towanda Creek and the country
north, one of the grandest panoramic views
ire ever beheld was presented. It is - worth a
journey to that - point on a clear day to behold
the enchanting view there unfolded to the
eye. The pass down the mountain winds
along its face zigzsg.-a distance of two miles
or more_ before reaching the base. At some
points the decline is at an angle of_ thirty de
grees, requiring trusty horses, good drivers
and sate wagons to make the descent with
safety. Our horses, behaved admirably well,
and brought us through -safelY. - The , road
is comparatively smooth, and for a mountain
pass is in good order. We cannot-close this
hasty sketch, without thanking our friends
in Sullivan and Lycoming for their generous
hospitality and.kind regard for on pleasure
and comfort. - Sometime we shall hope to
repeat the excursion -and enjoy three days
Mime "roughing it:"" ,
Died on the 19th that., at the house of her
son William, Mrs. Biehltable Kellog, aged 76
years. Mrs. H. was, a nativa of Hartford,
Connecticut, and Caine here with her parents
when only 16 years of oge. She was mar
ried to Moses Hellog in 1829 and has ever
eiriei lived in the house where she died,
about three miles above Monroeton on the
So th Bauch. In the same room in which
sh died, our — townsmin, Dol. G. F. Mason
an, his estimable wife (who was a sister of
the deceased) wore married.. Mrs. Kellog
was a woman who in over half a century of
residence in one neighborhood, had no ene
mies. Het life was pare and earnest for
good. A faithful Mend- 4ud good neighbor,
and truly christiad woman, she passed on
ward in full faith in her immortality gnd in
the, infinite wisdom, justice and mercy of oar
One All Father.
Employment for Ladies.
The' Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati; are now manufacturing and in
troducing their new Stocking Supporters for
Ladies and Children, and their unequaled
Skirt Suspenders for ladies. None should be
without them; our leading physicians recom
mend thin's, and are loud in their praise.
These goods are - ladies who
have made the wants of ladies and children
a study, and they ask us to refer them to
some reliable and energetic lady to introduce
them in,this county, and w& certainly think ,
that an earnest solicitation in every house
bold would meet with b ready. resp owe, and
that a determined woman could make a
handsome salary and have the exclusive
agency for this county. We advise some
lady who is in need of-employment to send
to the Company her name and, ddress, and
mention this paper. Address Queen City
Suspender Company, .Nos. 447 'a 149 West
Front Street; Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pea are frequently preceded by a sense of
weight in the back, loins and lower part of
the Abdomen, causing the patient to suppose
he ibis some affection . of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times symptoms of
indigestion are present as flatulency. uneasi
ness of the stomach. etc. A moisture like
perspiration producing a very disagree able
itching, par ticularly at night after getting
warm in bed. is a very common attendant.
Internal, External and Itching Piles yield at
once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile
Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts
affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the
intense Itching, and affecting a permanent
cure where all other remedies have failed.
Do not delay until the drain on the system
produces permanent disability. but try it
and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your
druggist for it, and when you cannot obtain
it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt
of price. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine
Co.. Piqua, Ohio. Bold by Clark B. Porter,
S. End of Ward Roue Block.
Juno 2 -Iyr.
Profitable .Patteats.
The most wonderful and marvelous suc
cess in cases where persons are pick or wast
ing away from a condition of miserableness,
that no one knows what ails them, (pro fi table
patients for doctors.) as obtained by the use
of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from
the first dose and keep it up until perfect
health and strength is restored. Whoever is
afflicted in this way need-not suffer, when
they can get Hop Bitters.—Miciamati Star.
-June p-2w.
Haveyon a lame Horse? Call.fotr Kendall's
Sparta Care. Read the advertisement.
_ F..L:; Cab&
At his home !on that - evening of Xay 24.
Frank L. Carte; magnet ion of 43. 11, and
Initi*Oase, * the iteVenteebtlt year of but
_ .
Thera was mourning our" com
munity, when it w i se known that the reaper
Death, in seeking . the the choiceit grains of
the hamlet* trareilerAO / 11 1.110=17 atm%
had reached , forth . . hick uwertbg., !loth* and
heeding not, the , icricyri and Mors of loved
ones; nmi cut down oar noble. Frank in his
youth and manly inautr. - Altheoglr - be had
not been well for seats time, he would not be
persuaded to think be could spend time to
be sick, until little more than a week pre
vious to his death. The doctors at first call
ed his await) pneumonlalinetead of typhoid
fever u before stated in this paper), but the
seat of his disease.soon changed, and his last
days were attended with great veering, in
which everythinithat medical skill and lov
ing hearts and willing hands could devise,
was done to stay the onward march of death;
but all in viin. God called him and we had
to give him; p. 0, it was touching to see
those grief-stricken parents, those agonized
brothers and loving Miters bending over his
sick bed, so • anxious to' alleviate his suffer
lugs and catch the first gleam of recognition,
should yeas= be again restored to her
throne. I But -reason did not return; and he
-died without ',knowing whose hands cared
for him 'during his bud days. The funeral
was held at - his beautiful home, and the very
large concourse of Mends and neighbors
who filled the gracious rooms, and were ac
commodated with seats beneath the trees
in the yard, bore testimony to his worth and
nobility of character, and the esteem' n
which he and his familywere held by all who
imow,them. , The school of which he had a
way, been a . member, gathered at the school
honscy. and 'after selecting beirers, and ar
rang* wreaths of evergreen , and simple
wild-wood flowers from the grounds where he
had se often played, went in a body to attend
the *beret of their beloved pupil and school
mate. It was sad to witness the grief of
those children as they bent above the casket
that held all that was left on earth of one so
good and noble as Frank had always been.
Words of comfort aid consolation were spo
ken by. Bev. B. H. Hayden, folldwed by Bev.
B. L. Bovier, a former teacher and friend of
Frank, who had been a constant watcher at
his bedside, since . he first learned of his sick
He spoke in fitting words of his nearness
to him, and referred to the noble qualities of
mind and heart, and the true manliness of
character that he - had - always shown in all his
intercourse with his schoolmates. And
Frank:was a noble boy. Always honest and
truthful, kind and obedient to his teacher,
he walla general favorite in .school and on
the play grounds. But it was st home that
his good, generous nature '.was best known
and appreciated. His eldest brother finding
the work of a farm unsuited to his tastes and
health, had chosen a mercantile life, and his
other brother. just finishing his studies 'at
the High School, Frank bad seemed to fee
that so much was depending on him, and
was so anxious to shield his father from all
the care and hard work that he :could, that
his parents now feel that their loss is incom
parable.' Bat. they- know where to look for
comfort in this sad. hour, and are trying to
say, "Thy.will be done." May God in mercy,
care for them, and in his own good tune - join
themio their treasures who have pass ed on
before. , E. L. B.
WE3T GIIA2tVIILLX, May 28, 1881.
The Borough still continues to improve.
Carpenters and all mechanic. have all they
can do and more.
• We have now a new furniture store, a new
shoemaker's shop,- a new blacksmith shop.
and a niillinery, more than we had last year.
J. W. Wilcox has recently purchased 200
acres of excellent wood land known as the
Carl tra ct and has made in the estimation of
good Judges a great bargain. He *ill give
employment to a number of men who wish to
work. We would like to know how much
more business he will take upon himself. He
runs a Sue hotel and is keeping a better
house than he ever has before, haring pro
fited- by Ins past experience. He rum a
shop, a large farm,he is Burgess
of the borough and ho has two fine stock
horses; one "Young Slasher" that shois a
finer gait for trotting than any in the county.
He purchased him at a large pr ice, is' a
beautiful bay, 4 years old.
P. P. Corcoran one -of our good merchants
hail added to his business a fine stock , of
gents tarnishing goods and sells at moderate
_ Mrs. F. P. Corcoran has gone. to Williams
port to visit her triads.
Mr. Henry Smith has built an addition to
his dwelling.
Dr. Planck has his new house clothed with
a coat of white paint, no nicer residence in
the borough than this.
13. D. Sterigero is building a near house on
Main street.
S. 8. Ormsby is running a wagon for F. P
Corcoran. he makes a fine salesman.
May 30tH. 1881. , ; SARAH.
///fput/lesseauz will remove 4ais
„leaven/ store to Swart& 6 6 Gordon's *grocery
store, corner of Main and Bridge streets.
Ipunaucz, FESDIMICH CO., Mn
My father' has used Dr. Clark Johnson's
Indian Blood Syrup, with very beneSo ial re
sults, and he says it is the best medicine In
The Power of the Prefs.
In no way is the power of the press more
surely shown than in the universal knowledge
that.has in less than a year, beim diffused
throughout fifty-millions of people of the
wonderful curative properties of that splendid
remedy Kidney-Wort. And the people from
the Atlantic to the Pacific have shown their
intelligence and their knowlege of what is in
the papers, by already making Kidney-Wort
thdr household remedy for-all • diseases' of
the kidneys, liver and bowels.—/Pratd,
Bose Cold and Hay Fever.
' Being seriously*troubled with Hay Fever
and Bose Cold, r (at the solicitation of a
friend) tried Ely's Cream Balm and was. sue
prised in obtaining almost immediate relief.
I heartily indorse and earnestly recommend
it to all similarly afflicted. W. P. Andrus,
Druggist, Metuchen, N. J. August 20, 1879.
For Hay Fever I recommend WS Cream
Balm. It entirely relieved me from the first
application; have been a sufferer for ten
years. Going from-home and neglecting to
take the remedy, I had an attack). after re
turning I Immediately resorted to it, and
found instant relief. I believe, had I begun
its use earlier, I should not have been troub
led. Have stood heat, dust and draughts as
well as during other months. J. Collyer,
Clerk, 118 Broad street, Elizabeth, N. J.
Price 50 cents. 'June 2 2-w.
A Care.
We take great plow:ire in calling the at
tention of our friends and customers to Dr.
Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is
perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will
net nauseate, and gives relief almost instant
ly.• It matters severe your Cough
may be, how many cough medicines you have
tried, or bow many physicians you have con
sulted, the tonic. soothing and healing pro
perties of this medicine will loosen it and as
sist the Threat lied Lungs to expel the offend
ing roattenleaving them in a healthy - con
dition, free from irritation, and the air pas
sages clear, besides invigorating and
strengthening the general system. Price 50
cents. For the positive cure of CODIMIIIP•'
tion, Coughs, Cold*, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry
Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of
the Throat, Sorencsa of the Chest, Pains in
the Lungs, Spittilig of Blixod, Croup, lulu
ens*, Whooping Cough and Lung Fever, we
recommend this medicine above all others.
Yenta truly, Cutts B. Foam
Anne dock.
we 2-Iy. S. End Ward House
Not a Xliteraire.
"They aro not a beverage, bat a medicine,
with curative properties of the Inghest de
gree, containing no poor whiskes or poison
our drugs.' They do not tear down an al
ready debilitated system, but build 11 up.
One bottle contains more hope, J. e. more
real hop strength, than a barrel of or dinarr
beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells
them,. and the physicians prescribe them."—
Ecenuig Express on Hop Bitters.,
Jane 2-2 w.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable . Compound
is a remarkable remedy for all those painful
complaints and weaknosso s so common to our
best female population. • -.sent to Mrs. Lydia
E. Finkbam. 232 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mau., for pamphlets. " June 2 2 w,
Are you troubled with• rheumatism 7 Use
Kendall's Elwin Cure: lead tbeicadet.
- —Ur*. E. J. Moses has all the latest styles
in Millinery and Fancy Goods. apl I
Fos bALE.
75 Barrels of Pars Cider. /squire of or
address • MILLER &
Hay VA,: Ate, PA.
• rim KomiX sztranny.,,a4x
Will make Id* sea unk oCiBeL, attlkoirneri
TEHML—SIS, Urinary anemias With foal,
$215, for two Soares owned by one MU; if both
get with mare has proper treatment
and bar colt thee before rt-11 nine days old
only,baltpricsi will be charged.
'NlasaceTra*-is a daPple gray, 7 years old,
-18 bands Idgh and weighs 1450 lbs. Stylish
and active. Perfect from the around up. He
is in very due condition as he "has ,been
driven carefully all the past winter in double
and single harness.. His colts are large, well
formed With due action. They are in good
demand. 4200 each obas been refused for
yearling colts sired by. him. Good pasture
furnished for mares at reasonable prices.
Milan, Bradford Co., Pa.
Mr. 24-Sm.
• LORD ovum.
Will make the season of 1881
Mondays,. Wednesdays and
Thursdays at home,TUsdays
_, .
at Burlington, Greens hotel stables, Fridays
and Saturdays at Troy. Trot , House stables.
Terms $l5 to insure, $25 for two, $l5 for the
Ant, $lO for the second, owned by one man.
In case of loss of colt at foaling time we di.
Tido lou. -
Lord Clyde is a rich dapple brown 8 years
Old 15% hands high. weigher 1300 pounds.
Sire Lord Clyde, Dam 'Lady Clyde. Both
sire and 7 dein imported. Bred by Wm.
Crazier, Northport. Loog His colts
are bays and browns with hardly an exception
with plenty plenty of life, and are giving the
best of !satisfaction ittl harness. - Beason to
commence from date and close July 4tb.
ALSO, breeding Southdown sheep, and
collie dogs, from the purest and the best.
Will have thoronghbred and trade ram lambs
for sale the coming fall. The grades are
Sontbdown and Merino cross, which make a
very fine and nsefai sheep.
EAST SMITHFIELD. PAL. April 25, 1881.
. ' April 28.2 m.
I want it distinctly understood that - I have
Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Store
to rooms over Turner Gordon's drug storti
and Woodford & Vandorn's boot and shoe
store where I will keep on hand all kinds O
COFFINS AND CASKETS from tho best to
the cheapest. Any one in -need of any thifig
in n 4 line give me a call. •
P. B.—l have no connection with any of Mr,
Frost's establishments:
Vegetable and Flowering Plants
• I would give notice to my friends that I
have returned from the South, and have
taken charge of my Green House again, shall
be happy to see thorn all at my old stand,
whore I have a plentiful-supply-ot all kinds of
vegetable and flowering plants.
May 14-Bw. J. C. LINING.
Arrmrrrox Dminrsam ! Do' not ask you r
wives to do the churning. Get •that large
dog to work. Come and leo the really ptce
Adjustable Track Churn• Power. A new thing
—warranted to please. Other excellent pow
ers. Al! for sale cheap. Will deliver a
power at your nearest railroad station free of
April 28-tf.
SPIIING Toorn Hannows.—lnvaluahle—the
latest improvement in ground cultivating
implements—will work on rougher, more
stony and harder soils and do better work
than any other: Will do four times the work'
that the common harrows will do: Every
farmer needs one as an economical tool in
working his farm. Try 1 one—satisfaction
guaranteed. Agents wanted.
Agra 28-tf R. M. WEtLEti,
Headache,. Dyspepsia, Billiousness. arid
Cbastipation bared at once by Dr. Mettatur's
Headache and Dyspepsia Pills. Price 25
cents. April 14
- In the tint symptoms of this disease when
you are aching and having painful sensations
in the limbs upon rising from bed in the
Morning, a stiffness,in thefoints accompa
nied at - times by swelling and redness, all
physicians recommend the application of an
external remedy, something penetrating and
soothing; an article that will act as a cura
tive agent to the parts affected - . Dr. Bonn
ko's Rheumatic Cure gives instant relief up
on, the first application. 'ln lame back, pains
or strains it is an invaluable household reme
dy. Ask your druggist for it: Price 75 cents.
Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine
Companv,Tiqua, 0. For sale by Clark B.
Porter, B . End Ward Hope Block.
dune 2-lyr.
—L. B. Rogers has a large stock of Sash,
Doors and Blinds, abut Moldings, and is
selling cheaper than any , ,,Pther establishment
in Pennsvlvania‘
—Mrs. E. J. Mingos. has returned from the
city with all the spring ` styles in Hats, Bon
nets. also a fall line of zephyrs. apl 1
—G. L. Rosa can sell Groceries very cheap
because his expenses are very light, His
customers shall have the benefit by buying at
the First Ward Store. -
—All the latest styles in Pulies Hats, and
other fancy goods for the ladies at Mrs. E. L.
Mingos' fashionable Millinery store, Main
street, opposite the Park.
—Choice hams - at - C. M. Myer's market,
Bridge Street. • May 19-tf.
—Fresh lake fish and salt water ilia/ at
C. M. Myer's Market, Bridge street.
May 19-tf
—No. charge for delivering, and done
promptly from C. M. Myer's market, Bridge
street. May, 19-tt -
--Go to C. M. Myer's markot, Bridge . street,
for the best cuts of fresh meat. May 19-tf
FOWLER,-MULLAN.—At the home of the
bride in Monroeton, May 25th, by Rev,
Hallock Atmatrong, Mr. Edwardir. Fowler
and Miss Lizzie Winnifred Malian.
You need not Die to Win
or, Bain; IL" Y: '
You receive one•half (Clout; iIISIIIIIIIICO 3 ac
cording to the American Life Table, when two
thirds of your life expectancy is finished—for
illustration. a man or woman joining the Aiwa
elation at 36 years of age taking etertlAaste for
11200. receives $1,715 when a little over 66 years
of age. exactly the period In life , ' when a little
financial help is generally more needed than a^
any other Hine.
General Agitits for Penn's.
7 :-
AEstate of Iwo Mandl'ss deceased, late of
of Burlington, Bradford County, Pa. Letters of
administration having 'been granted to the un
dersigned upon the estate of the above named
deeedent notice is hereby given to all persons
it fleeted to said , estate to make immediate pay
ment and aU persons having claims against the
.same i must present them duly authenticated for
settlemene to the undersigned. -
Burlington, Pa., April 13th, 1881. Gw*
xi.A UDITOB.'S NOTICE. Inge the
estate of Ira Adams, deceased..
The'undersigned. an Auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Bradford COunty,
to distribute the hinds in the hands of the ad
ministratris ,of uid estate, as shown by her
final account, will Attend to the duties of his ap
intment at his aim (in Kontsoye's block) in
•remands, on Saturday, the 11th day of June,
MI, at 10 o'clock a. m.. when and where all per
sons having claims on; said fund must present
them, or be forever debarred from coming upon
the same. J. P. KEENEY.
To*A.DA., Pc, May 18, 1881
May 19-4 w.
DISSOLUTION.—The Partnership
LA heretofore existing between C. IL Myer and
W. J. Devoe, wider the firm name of Myer and
Devoe. Is this day dissolved by limitation. Mr.
W. J. Devoe retiring from the Arm. The busi.
ness will be continued as heretofore, by Mr. C,
M. Myer. to whom all notes and acconnts due
the late Arm are payable. C. M. MYER.
Towanda. May 14, 1881, - W. J. DEYOE.
THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives
A; notice that the Books and Accounts of the
late Arm of Myer k Devoe, are - in his bends for
collection.- AU persons indebted to the late Arm
are requested to. call and settle without delay,
May 17, 1881. C. M. Myda,
ALWAY (114
4 V ID-
vane y ofPaper,
White and lied Cards. and other
material. for executing first-class Job
Printing, at the Office of Tan lbw).
pow Exrusucau. AU orders promptly
executed, and at the lowest cub rates
'.';'4l: - .:::LliE1::::: - BU$K:...,.:.-,:CLQT1IIER,
ri 1 1 1 W-
I In L. ND (
Hats, Caps,
the season advances.
J. S. ALLYN. Agt.
Flour per barrel
Flour per sack
Buckwheat Flour, l 100-111 CO
Corn - Melt
Chop Feed
Wheat. /4 bushel
Corn, . '
Buckwheat, " 6 45
Oats, - 40E442
Beans, " 1 50(gli 00
tatoes,•• 40
Apples @
Green, It bushel... 40®42
Applei Dried, . 4 44 lb • ' 3(14 4
Peaches 10015
Raspberries Dried 14 -fp .. 20
Blackberries" 0
Pork barrel • 19 00(121 00
hams, Pi lb 10®11
Lard. " - 10.4 - 011
Butter, in Tubs Firkins. 19 ®2l
Butter, In Rolls • 16®17
Clover Seed VI bushel
Timothy seed 11 bushel..
Beeswax, •i 4 lb
Syracuse Salt VI barrel...
Michigan Salt "
Ashton Salt
Onions, VI bu5he1......,
n.. 1: -WELLES.
1 , T0.1 South Third St. Philadelphia: -
Stock bought k sold either for Cash or on Margin
• • mu. ASKED.
U. S. 37 's. 1881 1037: 104
Currency, Cs 131 134
0 5'2,1821,-new. Ex-C0np..... 104 X 105
4X, new 11G'. 71
31 es . *3 11731
Pennsylvania R. .. 54;
Philadelphia and Beading R. 8.... 29!.‘ 3
Lehigh Valley R. R 52%. '
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.., . 47
United NdR It and -Coal Co 189;; 190
Northern Central R B Co 513.;
Hestonvilla Put R R Co 21 22
Pittsburgh, Tit, k Bluff, R B C 0... '2l %
Central Transportation C0.........44
Northern Pacific, Corn ' 45
0 0 . Prerd 807 . 71
North'ern Pennsylvania R R 59% %
Ins. Co of North America 27
Silver. (Trades) ' 95X
No. 2 Bridge Street, Towanda,, Pa.,
r— I 1 1 r aMir 41 ti
Veom the Cheapest to the Finest an
forget to call
Corrected every Wednesday
Corner of Main and Pine Btreeta,
$3 60@i 30
1 40@1 00
the close of business, May 6, 1881.
Loans and Discounts—.
United States Bonds and 1
other securities, • 150,421 00
Due from Banks and) ......
Treasnrer_U. S., j
_175,717 63
Legal tender notes, coin. Bank 1
notes,and other Cash items 54,9 A 10
Beal estate, furniture and fixtures._ . 34,256 co
ExpenSes and Taxes paid 5,622 67
Capital 6125,000'00
Surplus fund and undivided profits... 82,672 37
Circulation --- ~. 112,500 00
Deposits .. ... 551,718 79
Due Banks -
't3,860 32
$875,751 48
I, N. N. BETTS, Cashier of the First National
Bank of Towanda, do golemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best.of my knowl.
'edge and belief. N. N. BETTS, Cashier.
- Subscribed and sworn before me this 6th day
of Hai,lBBl. W. 11. DODGE, Notary Public.
C. L. TRACY ; Directors.
in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of
business, May 6, 1881.
Loans and Discounts 167,878.89
Over Drafts . 12,183.21
U. 13: Bonds and other. Securities.. 154,353.39
Duo from Banks and Treas., U.S.. 81,218.45
Beal Estate furuitnro and fisturee. 26,505.46
Premium • .. .4,700.09'
Legal tender notes Coin Bank
Notes and other Cash items..
Expenses and Taxes Paid.....
Surplus and Undivided profits
Deposits -
Due Batiks
State of Pennsylvania, County of Bradford, as.
Geoige W. Buck, Cashier of tho sboio, do solemnly swear that Sid above
statement is true to the best of my knoWledge
and belief.
. . _ . .
, OEO. W. BUCK, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn tp before- me thiti, 11th
day of May. 1881. ~
Ina B., Notary Public.
E. T. FOR,
JAMES - MACFARLANE. - Directors.
tate of James Leedecessed, late of the Town.
ship of Albany, Bradford County:Pennsylvania .-
In pursuance of an order issued out of the or.
plums Court-of Bradford County, I will expose
at public sale on the premises of the decedent in
the Township of Albany aforesaid on TUESDAY.
JUNE 7, 1881, it 1 o'clock p. m., the following
described reskestate„ to wit: One lot, piece or
parcel of land beginning at the north-east Comer
of other lands of Slmirs Lee, thence north forty
one rods and threatenths to Richard Leo's
lands, thence west twenty-four perches to the
south-west corner of said Lee's lands, thence
North fourteen perches to a corner, thence east
twenty-four perches, thence north twelve and.
ninwtenthe perches to a rhemlock stump,
thence west thirty Ave and tour-tenths perches
to the north-east corner of the Joseph Lee lot,
thence south twenty-four perches to a corner,
I thence west tirenty and sis-tenth perches to
CI: B. White's kit, thence south two MA three
tenths perches to said,White's south-west Corner
thence west twenty-one perches to corner in
centre road leading frem Evergreen to North
Street, thence south along said road twelve
perches to a corner in Centre of the public road,
thence westerly eighty parches to the place of
beginning containing twenty acres and sixty
four perches of land more or less. all improved,
no buildings. with an apple orchard thereon.
Terms of sale:—sso.oU on the. property being
struck down,. $150.00 on confirmation . of Balk
the balance in ono year, with interest 'from date
Punishing .prp..odtb
Trunks, .Travelling
Sze. )
R. M. Welles,
1 40
1 00@1 03
The attention of the farmers of Bradford is specially called to these new Harrows as tilling con
pletely a void in tatrimplements for the thorough pulverizilg and preparation of all soils forhoed
and all other crop.. Their operation is so remarkable as fo make the Spring Tooth Harrow the
best seMing Farm implement now before the public.
as-TOWNSHIP AGENTS wanted where none are now appointed.
5 00(46 50-
3 153 25
1 1 25
1 50
A full line of . First-Class Churn Powers. Plesse . esamtne into the merits of the Patent Adjust
able Track Power. It Is just tho thing to please. '
1 50
. .
Tompkins County Cultivators: -
P. le Osborne . 84 - Co's.. Independent )&dowers . and Reipers.
- - . - . HAND. CORN. PLANTERS !
; ..
____ __..
. . . The BEST and CHEAPEST BRANDS it / thla market.
A Large Stock of 7 3
, •
stu,cso .08
Half Skeleton, Open . Top and Covered Buggies,
, First-class M every respect, from $30.00 to $lOO.OO. All warimati4l well made from the
best materials. • t,
• ' :Platform Wago ns, , _
with Clark's Flexible, and common Gears land Springs.
-,, • .., ..i.
, A
For the very best and cheapest goods in the like of arming Machinery, ap \ -
ply to the subFriber either personally or by letter, Send for Circulars' and 'prices.
- R. M. WELLES, \
- -
$875,751 48
. 150,000.00
. 135,000.00
. 154,202.79
. 5,521;04
early. Fresh and new goods re ceived as
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer,. -
[-_-) :4 :II .4..% :1
111:zajp): 0 S A 011 *TII'.1:11
in any ianatitity,at very i jow prices. wholastie-and retail.
• • . .
. . . .
These latter are the 'best and finest finished - F• ' tin Wagons ever seen in
..... •
this Count. 1
.. . ,
...... . .
. :
Towanda, April 28th, 1881
fob 204 m
8a P
Is without a rival in the cure of skin dig= of 9
All descriptions. It has been thoroughly , te •
hythe medical faculty and the public, and re.
coetided and extensively used by physi a.
This stisp_is combined with pure sulphur, ich
enters the pores of the skin, and being &boo ell
into the blood removes therefro m all im ri,
ties by exciting the skin to healthy action. lie
sure to ask for VANDYKE'S SULPHUR SO P.
insist upon it, and take no imitation. Bold y
druggists. - Jan. 13-6 ,
--- Al
New Revision AGEwNT
As madoby the most eminent scholars of En. ,
land and America. Half tbeprice of 'Correspond ,
ing English Edition. Large. typojinen super;
calendered paper, elegant binding, A separa
"Comprehensive History of the Bible antrits
Translations, given to aubscribers.
Best chance for agents -ever offered. Sent
stanip for particulars at once.
apr2B-ot. Norwich. Conn
French% Hotel, ; n ea tli n ° V I Z.
opposite the City Hall, Court_ House and new
Post Office, NEW lirOftic.,- Pumice lirnuczn,
Rooms 73 cents arid upwards. This Hotel has
all modern improvements. including Elevators.
Gas, running Water, , and Burglar-Proof Locks
on every, door. It is convenient to all Theatres,
end within three minutes' walk of both Elevated
Railroad Stations. Horse - Cars for all parts of
the city parr this dein. Special arrangements
with excutsfon'parties.
apr7-3moa. _ (M. A. A.. N. T.)
Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Chilled
are offered to the Farmers of thescountry for the
coming season with many valuable improvements.
THE WIABD is the strongrotamd most dors.
hie Plow In the market.
THE WIAED is the best for genera/ porpo•e
work, in both sod and stubble.
THE WIABD has tfie simplest nil moat com
plete adjustment for using two or three horses
THE WIARD Is the best Plow extant for bard
day and stony ground. L _
TEE WIARD rivals all other chilled Plows
for cleaning in [wee and adhesive ear.
THE 'MAIM cannot be eseolled for Lightness
of Draft. =
'Our Malleable Iron Beam is the ally prac
tical adjustable metal Beam made;. is guaranteed
against bending or breaking; is perfectly adjustable
for 2 or S horses; over 110,000 in use, and not one is
a thousand failed.
Our Jointers, Wheels and Handles are all
ndjustable. ,
.; Our Moldboards excel all others _for tinerar.
and uniformity.
Our Plows are warranted to any reasonable ex
'if you are going to buy a new Ptow, be bare to
giye the WIA111) a trial.
Having confidence derived from pass
experience,* that all that is claimed
above for the Wiard News is true. I
challenge severe test trials with any
other Plows whatever.
Local township Agents wanted.
For circulars and prices apply to the
Towanda, March 1.
• .
b. H. DEAN.' -
Also Gilding, Graining. Bronzing, sad (nits-
lion of Marble. Also Paper Ilnagiag..
--thrioes.Low, and Sallanbotion Onsianteed.
Orderet lirorigh the P. O. Box will receive
prompt attention.
Bealden i Street ;comer College To
waanda, S. n, BRAN.
y C-•tf
March 17-3 m