S :x~3i"~,Y. :-' leirodilknOtrisiiiii4.. '....:..'...::': .-.. . . i , . A Novi/al:1r Nl' . A*l 161* itiliniii ';iiiiit.' : . Thelpu:4 State Agricultural Fair•opeUrred' on 'the 25t14 t'fitli, Mid 2f11i,. tili.at Fel rfieli.t . Ten thou'salid Perions , ire - aid': to have been, ptesept;'atid.dV i ery thit4, paSscd :O . ff witb great eclat. In 'the afterrk)on of the second day. an , equestrian ri'eoil , teSt. of horse..T9liter! canie.oft Ten ladies on peted. - A•lady!i• gold hunting •m-itet Waal the prize.' The fair :candidates were distinguished by their •" ribbons." ..The riding was repeated:on the third dliv;'a gold rir4„.being 410. given by the,Pyesident of the,' Society' to i , Sbli , of the other :yiders. •.• - -The ptiblisheftieriPtiOns• of - this'," fourneY" of 1 womanlyhil rie,al in vivacity and:pictur esqueness, he ,talc4 . _ . of old •rom\alie.c.,, ,That Onr,Yeaders may 'see that thing . Nilt:.: done - iti ''cbi'valrou' fend . 'polished • style; 'end that.".t.b - arthriSin".. is. not- ,the first dangy.r at Western Airculttiral Fairs; the following is 'tit - ken from tilt, Reoltyk ,1V.hiq..t....- , , •i.':.-, -.::- • , . lc'llie - Lifrt' . ratin4 . - being 'a`ecethpliShed, and allii.lie ladi,, 1 With'. their- revellers, reined up . in front of( e the' COrninittek's . .stand, the . chair. maw - delirlpwil an 'address; . •complimeUting them, upon, their, courage, and skill. • They w.p . O.,:theilirequeste,d ,to wi.alk their Infrses ge.ntly, aratuid the. circle, and to•take their' v•-- spective. , pbsitions - in line some hundred mid fifty feef froni• the stand; and -there ,await .the decision. , 1 Itteantinie the • committee • eizim menced,en ivassing ;the claims 'of the -fan. eon-, testimts, ‘viiien upon tho first ballot ihti - pri Nvll",.- awartieq to • : Pink Ribboii,' (Miss Bell Tnrner•,)..lfoi• .the most • bold aud- . graceful • riding:, 7 '-- '-- .• .-- •• . •"- ":' .- -. '.,'• . .s, • The night is mother Of the day, • The, winter of the,ispring s , ', •-, .• Li And ever newt the old decay , ... • : ,1 , 1 . - The greenest inosges ding;- - - ;'l' '. 0 . Behind the - cloud the, starlight lurks ' :::"P 'Li Through showers. the sualinami fall V :•-• , !.. For God, who loreili',-sll hie` Works,' '- ii f... , Ras tell Jils hopest with - rill! •? •-.--:; il - - • - „il ' 'COrn - Ilitakelleds. ... 0. .. - .I .- • i A correspondent- or the_ Germantown M l . Tel egraph describes his, etho' dof inakiog these . -beds - aS follow's: - I. ' • - .!T1 • i • .1 • - 4 ~ •k As :St - km 'as • my ecii l n is Stripped fioni !the, i - 4 all abli, I select the.fnier • .zind, _Moro; flexible •ones, and dry than iti the Shade: , .A.a'soon. as all moistnre is expelled, the hard i!eiii . A, , or -thoSe nearest the.l;itt - of the cob, artdeut off ; and the -remainder drawn thrOugli• an inStrii . meut . piirpOkiv &instructed fur the i}u'siiies and which divides thein into numerinis 'Sian.. row strips. ThiS is-all that is neeessliv :. the Material is now ready i to Piteintd s Etile lied, and . in :point of elciiuliness', 4untbilify,iitild elasticiy, will be-Tunnel greatly stifle. to 1 kir straw, stripped hazel, or indeed, any artiele that can be used. InSpairi anclPi - irtli_al and indeed. in Many other- 'Countries, ill; `materi als used * fur beds ai•e :Lir 'the ul'usti:hetilthy character,.. 'ln the. former eutintr . leather beds ar . e•rart4 5...61, rind 'the- sans reinark applies iwith- almost eqUal correetzie.4 fo A'or togal. Jim both of these countries, ihi husks oreurniare alMost invariably used lii:s al.sub stitute tiir,leathers. -'They-are prerpreds and sold in the markets . hy..the•peasantry,:.and for 'a- arks Merely nominal. , I have • known `under-beds''- ef this to last 10 yeai. They are almost tOliolly exempt front that terrible. annoyanec, to eliambermitids-;---rius t ' and, in deed, from dirt- of•all kinds. ` StravO, even of the.best sort, will last but 7 "ii short iiiiii. It: chaffs,.iS liable t.o• permeate - the el . iis st"tiek, and requires:frequent replenishing,,-.t huh is tOwayS a disagreeable j0b...• .B,i - s.a, ~hu,k e ,. beds are intieti - :eiiOldr• titan any oih -ri. If the end's of the husks are cutoff.;2iirefully, and the stripping ilirefuliy peribrniisdl so that all the - strips will I bc'4 of, »earlyeqiiii Width, oney.liil, repose fis eurnfortably upt,,riVa!litiSk led, eisPecially in a hu night, as uf g oi '.4ne of feathers. .Their' elasticity is retaiie- 'for' a. ii long ..tune,-and ifi well shaken Up , When the I I . lied is made, -oti have • the! luXury e a- nets - 1 r fr o m To ?repent Apples from being Wormy. I ' b . :d •-•- ‘; I , ' - ' 1. ' ' ''' • 1 c esc.i . L. 6 .... . . , • ~ : . The Apple Worm, whieli is so-'prevalent; , . . . • .i, . &i : in ~ .- -- What: Can 12e 'Done 'I . r- lins par . tief the country, Without doubt is I • •. s 4irodueedi by moth, or, miller, which, deposits:l .It is stated tht twenty-five ton's, i 4; eggs ip the ellyx of the. apple w hen i t. ii i i have hi‘en :raised frOm• one' acre, ofp very smaill . .l -(When 'I speak of apple worms,l-EuglAnd-- : 111 v e(wittli. Cen*flut2l- - I do not Imp' those caterpillars which infest!! bly.infornied that. this has-been cloile. o ib ar ,o l -. t.i; . ees, Almost e vt , ry,spr i ii , , dei . otir7 i . When announecil •iiii a fitetat a rib] ing the . le r av i es and. almost spelling the tr e es.) , ing in . Engillu,d,.(Mecill's P l 4 P 1 11 ,1 1? These .egks 'soon betoine worins,:and 'gnaw' . 1 was received_ n y 'ill., looks of increiltil . holes into t e apples, where!they feaSt them_ I whispers.. of " impssible:l selves all s miner and sOmetimes . all' winter: i aletbud . 1, !: \I:LiYil-it- Was - accomPV :- But ssi I need nbt rend time to. describe these:for I..exP!ained, this woliclerfu s I : •O'oP' seOlr ~. , . . ap ii es lin , er , edible and impos.sible:' 'This. tar "eifery ti to that has eaten weriny knows wha they are. : Isuppose th' ese . w or ms ioi nay wa-s . n , •t obthined lit. one; Lnt turn to • mil ers in the '-sPring 4.ir fore part o f [cuttings, nini the Weight.of'green . #-.:i zunimer,!ri. d deposit their eggs on the yiiiingl wort to f!'r?'''- 1 : 111 ' tw' 2l 'ty - fi!'e t ( - ) "'-' ifr * f apples le. iline as the Previous wear.- . 'lle es'qt:"'ted ''''t 160 - ' The ii od c ' n : i ' .l • damage done to aPples every" Nem—amounts; i'l'ln':''lsc' •''' f i l e . n o f g r -''' - ' - ' l ''' s e -' n ' t 4 l to a gye.rit sum.. - Many of The apples •after,l"th . Ir.Y , in, siililaild-, \ alid t is-turnlisl they rare ititictured, fall frost the trees heferel Pipes be--e,h; ( 4 l liquid in:inures . ciM they ay . oi lof g rown. 16: l i v. •or the app i e ,.. s iribiit is] ~.ver the ..1.1r.t11.,:be at.' any on that :rem& rt •on the trees* -: till tall, Will not I 10 mos 4 inctedible crop. way pri4U4a ' keep thrpe Weeks after they are - picked. tt•- I freeuen t a p r Akatio t ls of li qUidinann cry fruit ruturist knows that apple.s 'will' keep 1 may- . add that the acre, was •a Se jtel but 4 short - time alter the. skin is broken , 'so one 7 iourth . liirger than an EitglishVi. as to'letriri the air. " : • .. - .: - i makes the crop equal - .to twenty lie . . , ITavitir en troubled with wormy opt ,i & ,ll. , er Eng,lish acre, .: ':.. . •i f , for the lastfifteen : car I thought I. would 1 . „„,„' 1 . - , - k Correspondent of thePluill. try an experiment,on On tree this season, to I ' 2' . 6 ‘•• • . see ill eotild not stop the Marauder. iii their ' and) .Chronicle gives this fqll`.livinial Wild career: I took half a dozen — quart beer --‘' A. g flud while . ag44.6).Y. nun ' had it large dog whielt,was very:Ab bonny,' udi filled, each half full of sweetened 'water • I !then Suspended' them ' from the e t te?, and in hOt Weather lie used•to4w; the . river. rieilr. ii'llich, ' the! b • oy tic branch „. Of the tree in the following manner; day •the thought stitick.binr tbat iti. I tied leather straps tere&rourths of an inch , . I fine fun -to inane the dpg•l carry Ili ., wide :ati L otin , d the . -b, ranches_.-• to,preVent them' . . the river, se lie:tied a; strihg to tliii from lieing eirded • to these - leather straps 1 l• 1 le • lar. and. ran!down W itataln to the swa t tied hemp Strincts. to whie,ll I attached the battles, i ieiing le m ope i te • oovt , the . i n . m. ,wherehe took off -all,ltislelotheit,l erS:to enter.... ' - - :. •. • - *holding hard bv the do ,, :'s neck and . • 1 ._t r 4-1 g.;:b c went into,. the, I.vafer, iil: . Viet the •bOttles remain in this situation !pulled hith across. - After. ylaying five .. .or FIX weeks,' and on taliktig thern didwn and .e iptying them, found tip , Millers hall'. A the other side for sonic • iirit=. t.1 . :1 , ,,' •\. :.,. 'One of the•ppiestiiennes was a little ffirll c . of'thirteetirolid B Blue Ribbon" . 'she' . was' , .. _ mounted 4 n. a - Mag,nificentl blood .hay ; all L . . . Actibit, and-So full of ower .and spirit. Pali' , 1 but few of. the best-horsemen' would - "venture to baCk hi 64 Her daring 'and rapid riding on.both days, had excited so much . admira, tion, that rb a - hen the ward Wiis announced the . peOPle detierf l iimed to do somdthing , hundsome for: her - a15(4.1 The Teleg . ? . .aAsivh6 se . editor. was ,Chairinai .ot 4 the committee 4 sqs ; 1 1 " . -- . " The fplendid performariees of 'Broad Blue Riboon i '. together . with other. cireum 'slums, had taken .50 stmtig'a hold upon the p'opular ,feeling, that they Were - determined • she should not go unrewarded. ..S.,pontaneouS ly', as .if by concert, men sprung-_ up in . ; all . quarters o . f the field, and "in; less than five. minutes UpWards of $20 . 0 were, contributed; (she, is bdt child,, poor andninlettered;) and eighteen M :. onths'Anition and- VOarding pro-. vided forlher. ,We honor th noble and gen erous impulses" which prompted these, pro .6edidgs,nO rejoice at their sucts . .; , .. . We, too, werel t spell bound and tiverwhelined at thedaring eXhibitions of the little favorite,. and even !went: so far as to give her Alie bene fit of (Sur IbAlpt:\ - . .. . : ... - enterer higreat uumbers:and were .drOwned •In.one bottle LeOunted fiftem..), in'anot efforty, and so on. The tree thtis treated; •produced -fourteen bushels of..largo . fair aPples, while the fruit on the trees not exPerirhented 'upon liras WdifrlV Whethetr the, "..refuedy . -produced ail ihe.;:lifferenee or_ ;not, I 'Wilf . ,not- pretend to s.ay but. F hope sontcs fttflt - eultarist will be enterprising, enough, to try .the experiment .next sunimer, and re(lortth A eir,suceess.to this or tome oth er paPt,r.l • noll'u. for.degrU • . . .• ,r method that I would reeoilimeild yingthese,.taillers.that produce the apple Worms„is to take shavings or straw, and light fir in . the orchard in - the evening,. in _the fnonth of June. - As soon In; the_ ;ITU!: qs See ; the light they:will fly to4-ards it and bb. - conianped -in the flames. Millions . ma} be destroyed every season in this . way. ELl4,Caoss, iloosick, Rens. co.: N. Y. . • .--, . PlaialhE IMPTID . ExcE.,-It was Gene,ral !Tay-: j lot, .w4lcliev e, who said the s Arnerie.in \ vOl- 'unte4that- fenght . with him -in Mexico; had..l one fluiing—` they neter Imow When the'y I Were lye ten.' • -That peculiar failing seems to : I be paskje fluted itt by the; klexiwns'-theml selves, f r, we read D m ow, in the Eco. de Co . - , erica. •Uf *era .Cruz,'‘ that Don Jeronim6 Cor 7 \ ona., "GuVernor of:Coahuila,. and a. brother of • Lthe GOrrnor of, yera Cr* has- - asked per .Missiilit - i f the supreme Government at Mex- - ico ' tf. ' ve a'monument erected 4ul the as field f Angostura -Or juena'Tista, as wel it call itlyi - .6erninetrioratioU of the glorious vietork- , .Ohtained - by* Aryk.4.of Afexicp, head,. i ed:hyThiS - staie.ne Inglis - less Don Antonio' Lop:, ez-de kianta Anna . oopr:lbe North American intadf.rs.l' \.: -,• ' -'' -' ; - - ... • • Thjs .9*l. Ilarry,e - next a monument to the iptendid ~.31eximi- zultievethents at. CheruhU,so, Cerri - Gordo - , - -PallO.,4lto i Von:, tere...J eke,li eke t Let it he a., monument of Th peak' timeiiretet Into :a war .wiith.e . ur net ii.enri' s crelkerals,should see to . :, it that . they re r kkhoridg44„,llogied,•4i to leavel notwiner vf4oubt in theirminds. ix: to .the• set. 14; Y; A:7ms; : - ' ..., . . inm the Ile*. 4:C „ the YietoTY of the Alms! ra ,Timuirocli4e number .ot Applies tr. tin* . otaisake into tiwßri4s4 Allsw:k! 'll ' i r NOME it fetes of ; Bummer. _ - BY InstTraks. " • m 0 as am mantinet_ breath - f t tt.Jtqie , ilits:southwesthportmt , ii.tk^o4ll 16r th6-Wintern°"“ mews warm- Amettiter'S The stioiy.plumea•it . tgel et the. north /Tag dropped his tey spest; , .- • Again the mosoy Barth looks forth, r±j I Aitaki - go; •;streakis gush The foz*Ths 1 Veil forsakes, 1 . • 'The muskrat leaiois` his ;nook, The bluetrd ICI themtdow Irmdca, • ; is,ainging with the. - • t ' l .l:tear up each Mother Nature!" cry Bird, breeze and atreandit free; Our Winter CoiceS prophesy ' 'Of summer d4Ys to thee. .. ° • ;!, So, in'these winters of the,soui, BY bitter blasts and :drciir; O'erawept.hy memory's frozen pole, .1 Will sunnv daps - appear. L., ROViVibg anti' fifth they. show _ The sou' its living powerii, And hOw' beneath theiwinter's \snow ; Lire germ:4 'of sumter's flowers. ..1` ~ in the way- they had einne.-, but ...y.ll, I . oriked for his Oates.; h4;could ii .but his shoes ! The .vinki had 144iy info the wato., The . dog ' . saw wliat poled, and making his little -tnastO I string: by making . belit.ye:Ao bite 14,:t ed into - the liver ; amlhrotight,o-utir. J And then all-the rest -iii .Sttecessiciti. l i - dressed, and w.ent lionteitibis Wetri?. told li:s..inci..lier what, Intl he.• tu:d h had. Ilk mother told hiai:_that 1,1 wrong in going xert4s.; ike rive... I .1 ne',. and - that Ate ishi3tild - thank Gi) .ing the do,i , take "hitii . ... - At'er - aped], .siffeN .• for if t i ne, di...g ha 4 made 4n, the river .he would , zniikt; likely &h ;n - idbeen einWneil Little Vila 'S `Shall I thank God tioW; . tnan - itiliO knelt down at. hi; ntuthen's knee God; then, getting up .a . gain, he 1 arm ruimd hip dog!s•neek,. saying,. vOti,, , ton: dear' doggie, notylepi Little Charlie\ •is now ..kathiral it „.. . \. 4.! FACT Iron F . AROERS....-...Dr.f. wit) bac recently mnde set oral , years'-hireAtigatied' and t Oxi upon man ures t . and suit. , He- stateS _that the F.Teetliest-m. apt°, fertilize :ttly SO t, i it ever with :fe.) ravri bushes, or 4ny et) to compktOy gale serf Lee ~if the earth ,thus beln4: r, dark, darogund close , soon: undergo ical proce,ss petrifaction, ot says,.. may be izpplied wit.llsllol-Zi mitatercr, no,toattO hotspoor, • I astonishing:. • , GO7 I