The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 16, 1854, Image 4

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    Yqviii 411'
For the
niarks AtiO itit*Te,
hoping thereby; to add
eultutal interest ofcni
The . ! I.mperials, of chi
-et • • • I
take. theittitle ;froni
er.thereof, is, tO its, it._
tic poultry 'Which ; has
• This country Willi the
• tnands the admi ion
and judges of e, ellen!
as I should jud fro,
occupy a promtnent.'p
yard. I havol recen
" The .Imperhils," of : p i
surpass *hat
seriptiOnlgivexi; me of
able to say much of .t
the following extract
- W=ritten by the impo'
the benefit of!'those
est in the stock.
. ... . ..
jt This breed of . fow s is.ranked by common
consent, as one of the very bestyarietiesnow I
bred in .Nnw._England ;:and . this - Position, is
accorded to there on account - of size, -heauty,
and general valuable properties .' ;At inattiri
ty,-the. Imperials en ibit much - longer legs
than the Shanghais, an
_:are altcigetherlarger,.
and of "darkee l plu • e. The color of. th.e
coeks is generallyred ' . d hrowiti an 4 the hens
are usually da# Yell iv. They hare large
single. combs W . a . • les. - They have-. long
necks • and legs, and, e legs are ...usually 3a
im, frequently feathJred, though some of the
best speeimens are--w L thout feathers, and arc
dark. . :The aPpear . .tn .y. of,these birds -. is at.-;,
tractive and er l
eedin majestic... The chick 7
ens feather slowly, b t are _very strong and.
hcalthyareithe m' t vigorous'ehickens, and
stand the cold better than those which feather
at an earlier age.:".
- ,` 4 Theeggs'ofth
size, a:d tinged with i
are n. - fowls more ' ~
hen; (says *. Mars
, .
consecutive Says, an •
...,in 9.1 consecutive -da '
l early, usually at fire
Itinuously2 7 ! . ..
-:. "The ComMittee.
Eichibition, at the . F
'Oct. liiso, In!speaki
--‘-The Marsh stock
New England, and i
' They. are noble bird
- r . and' very large.'
fowls, the Commit
Chineie fowis-COniii
were splendid birds.
shown Were siz and
. were...very, large--
- eight pounds. The
stock, of which me
• .made."" ;. .
. The following e.xt.
Marsh is . - ekPlanator
' and introduction ititi
.' 4- My fowls tire hronght from the city of
Shanghai, (Aim,
.1848, in theship:Vaneouver,
-DaVid 8, Fuller, Ca twin. They were &pres
ent to Mrs. Fuller, v i ho Was Withher husband.
When Mrs. Fuller eturned,She . ..moo My
house, as she left he little daughter, an .only
. .e . lilli in Mi family ,*This was -irk - . 1848.- 7 ;
Mr.S..Fuller and
- d heridaughter hate boarded
. . ,
in my family from hat .. time: This 'is - the
way the hens mike Dander inicare.7 .i • -
Mr. 'Robert A. :Williams, of Prbston; . New
London county,' Ct.,191 whom I obtained my 1
fowls, has bred ,then for three years; andhe
informs me te,has& small'stock Ofthe genii....
ine Imperials yet toidispdie of. Mr. W. al
so infOrms me that they are easily. restrained'
from the garden, almost any fenee..heing sari
ei mt. And 4 shoul think so from - , the fact,,
their. wings being .v Y small : and . disprOpor;
tinned to theirbodi , they cannot Well .es
cape by flight,' fro, an .ordinary: :enclosure:l
`They are certainly bircia' of attractive * and
7 1
conirrianding.appea anle'; and thOse . which ~1
have, being ; only. a .)otit: fi ve months ,old; .1
..judge Will, whenSul grown , answer she glove
description toleriibl well. 'I haye.;.,oilly . to
.add, I will give all ecessary information' toy
aby 'person or pens who may !wish. to' ob`fl
tarn fowls of the s
Noitonvpie, No
depths -ofpoverty.
cOmmeneed! toiling
rising at five
•untill half-past six i 1 the evening. ,It isa il.iit
ter;think the bend.' g of - the childish ;le to
-the weary Ores an - struggles for'' bre ad.—
Massey says: •• . • , • • • •I .
• I revcr knew - W t; childhood meant: Iliad_
-... ncebildhood.,„ Ever since I reinember, I.haVe
(• -
• -had theaching.fear z iof wanti throbbing heart
• and brow. d . h6eii rents of my lift were early
' .poisoned„. and few, methinks, would' pass stin
scathed ttirough the seenesand•eircuinstinees
•• ' in *l4th I havelived; none, if tber•were as
' "precocious as I was. The child comes - :into
• the:morld like, a newteoiti 'with the 'stamp • of
" • Godup6n it; 'and iti like manner nas the Jews,
sweat down sovereigns, by r hustlingtheni in a .
• ' bag to . get. gold dust. mit i Of thOn, so •is the
poor man'sithild 'bustled' . and senied dOwn
in thiS,bag of,sotiety to get wealth out Of it;
• and even . as the,irri resa - of thUgueen is -ef--
...- faced
,by . this prop ,so isthe image of - God
worn'froin the heart and ' brow,- .:,and .day by.
day4the child reeed sdevitivard, : - 1 look back'
. -. Pow'. With.*oilder, , . 4t that so feu escap4lnit
that any . ese;ape at • to win a nobler gro%Vtli .
.- • for their humanity.l - Bo'..bl4,4iting ;are the. in
. , flueseeewhieh Sun.( mid - thiousandain emiylife;
to ithiell I bea -such bitter festiMonV.7
Clayton, win yolk . .htve , tha. , gooilw. , 3? to
answer"meolirecti. l • 'or ` categorically, a few
plain ouestiOns r Vitness.—VCertainlY, sir.'
L.- 4- Well,, 11r. C ayton -is there a female
living with you, w osis I:noWn in the Aeigh.
bordood OA UM aytun f' W.—'‘ Thereis.'
L.—`is she!under your protection ?' W.—=-.
g Yeia:r ..:.L.—' no ,1 , 70 u support 'her ?' iNT.—* ,
4 I aii.l. -1,.......juv . y0u ever been married
to hero' . , lt.-- 4- ," t ye aot.' (Here several
jurors scowled gloomily On M. Clayton.) L.
—ghat 'is :all; gr. Clay tote: Opposing
COunsele--g Mr. Claytem . is,the state ; iii
sour mother Y'. W
.- -.,-,4he,:. - :.' _
the Eiteisiae.
imi4 t owl
41 . 1 will Ofrei a few Tg
named•kindl of fowl,
something t 411 1 .0 agri-
count y.
Marsh . 'stock, which
e . narac of this import.:
pyr variety,; of 1191110 S.
. -
been - intradpced into.
last - six yearo',. it poth
, d favor of all farWiers
f0 . A.1; • and they ought,
their appearance, to
lace in every poultry
I y obtained I a pair of
re blood, which . quite
edved from the de
them ; and as I am tin
.em myself, subjoin
tin an Eastern paper, .
• r and proprietor, for
• ho may feel an inter.
fowls are of medium
sidinon .color. There
[ Tolifie.. imported
135-egas in 147
another laid SG eggs
!-s. They begin to: lay
months old,* lad• eun-
/ 1 . f. the POultry and Bird
1 chburg D 't - B'ston,
i -
g of the.lmperiars, say.::,
is -now . well A known : . in
verY -highly .valut:kl;=- 7 -
- well bred, finely p ointed '
P. , •
gain speakiq of these
1.. my ;•`:--` The: Imperial
khied by pi:Tennett,
.The erower a d pnllet
a 41fidontlis.cad, and
he eoelc. a weighing over
• were from . .the Marsh
l i ntion..has 'Area dy., been
et from a letter of Mr.
of their •." derirttion7
: 4 'this country :
e kind. _
the poet, was born in he
At the ,age sof eight,lh
in a silk tritOuftictoq--=
e working
. :. .
. ' - s o ti,to Judge - tillers°. I . ,
. . ... .. .
The follONtluvules-:fisrjyaging the charac
ter of a horse,,tire, going the rOttndsliif the ag..
rieultural jetirtials. l ',.'lt" .may he..iiseful, there
fore,' to;giye -thrn .in connection _with U.feW:
comments:l. , 1- - . • ... -.1 , . .,
1.. It' the Color; be light stiitti.o.diesinOt,his
feet, legs and Etee 'white; those iire- I raarks: or
... It he-is broad, and full between the..eis, he' :
may be depended on as t horse Of gio(xl:serise
and capable of being - trained . tolanything.
. As -respects. Such horseks, the more
you treat - them Ithe bettq'l.yoii V.ill be treated,
in. return. ! N. will a horse oftliisdese4Pthin
stand a. whip, it Well fed: .; .1 -. 1.. ''. •' , 1 1 - .
I. •
, - 2.. If you wanta -safeporse, aoal one thatt.
is dish-faNd ; he may belso fitt, ;('title as not
to . Scare; but lie! will 14%4 too nitich go-nhead
in him fbr . levery.bc4; '1! • : •
3: ,If yop want a teiol,l.but a horso ofgreat
bottom; get a horse of deep bay, with not a
white hair about, iftdallice is al little, dished
so much the worse. :-1 . ? et no man rode Speka .
horie, who is not an adePtin riding-- . -th6v . 'aro
tricky 'and. unsafe. .• . . : .. 1
It ou want one wl6 Will never, ;ghee. out,
never buy a large f 7p‘ rf,irown °Pei; -.AI black
horse - cannot stand li at, nor ti white one cold.
4.. 1 Ifyou want a pride hor.o,getOli”ith
More or less_ white, abent-him---tlio:More the
better. - Dingy P' ' Ise . that thei parti-eplored
hufses beleri l p' ireuSsesSii"
shows, ~1 1 tre
seleetd for . ity. But the :selections
thus made al rvont of their great doeil;
Inc of the tnost trielt;j-ani.:
,;.eras • a sorrel \ .mare with
isp: . Aniong; other ',strata
alleptiatnenes.i•-on thti . road, ,
to the wa4er.without;, drink
drii•er.- •-:.•• • 1 • •
owned - a : light bad 1„ horse
id fitee, whose' hide appeared
.enlige.. that of a thihoperos
. it required a.strohg and
d •a Whip, to ast . to . prednee
houglithe hors WM' fat and
itv and gent)
'i7O . MMENT!
mats We ev:
a White faee and
•geins, she would
and hold 'her no,
.ing,.to deceive `h
(2.) We' one
with, white feet \ a
mere:nearly tii:r
thaif any thinct: el:
swift arm W. Wie!
an impressie 1, all
well fed. ..• , • I' - i -
(3.) 'We,have now a ;tine deep batik horse.
the safest horse to driter•We. ever possessed,'
without a single White .hair on his tliee.,Or feet,
a Woman or •ehi 1,1 may i 4 rive him, awl be eares
not a straw.tbr a .loeimnotive..whistleiNkithin
three yards' 'of him. '•• .. - : '
that r 1
. (4.) Nothing ii more true than a a white
horse will endure the sun's rays best,l and a
_black one bezopeS..quieklY: hot under their
heatln .; influence,- °ILO! things being; equal..
Thisis a fact! not surfieiently, knoWn • Or heed
eil by those• Who are _eeMpelled to dritie-bor,
ses in hot weather. But wevestion itch white
horse suffers any more from ,tlre \ eoldit than a
black One: - if animal heat is like solar beat,
the white anifnal would ..suffer least; for what
ever absorbs:heat mf st :rapidly, partlS :With
it Most. readily. „PrObably animal 'heat has
less to-do with motor than solar heat has, yet
there is reason why aretieanimals, as the po-'
tar bear and SIAM' Owls arc clothed with white.
Snow, -white wool,' and, swan's down r are- efti
e lent, non-ecm i d tictors of heat. \ V bite _in ittens
are probably rattier: better
..tin\ - 11.-blaiik ones.
And - if white horses. are tenderest;.it must be
from some ot he r'calise.-;,, Country - Goidenten.
•.• • -
. D. IL LATIIIZOP & CO.. .1! ,
A . , .
RE now receiving, their'stoek of Goods fOrSpriag
and Summer trade; which, they, offer at' lower
prices than erer Offered in this Marketbefiye4 Thank- -
ful for the liberal patronage they have
. receiVed, they
Will endeavor by strict attention- to businesS, and by --
many new inducements, to. Meth even a.larger share
of th*.patronsige4bf those wins wish to buy r..JOODS ,
eIfEA P.:
_CE,II and -ex:tibiae tor yourselves, and see .
if - our goods.and prices Will not• bear us out .'in!all we ' R — ..R. Lyons, & C 0.,,
have said. '' • . 11 ..
.;. - • • .1.-I,I,IIES' DRESS 50,00115' - : 'ii 1•1 Dry GoodsGl-moles, Salt, Flour, and Hard
of every style. Thirty, .pieceS Figured Plaid and s . - art ,, , - . : La „ . ,,,,b 0 „ 1 ,13,,. : . - .
- changeable Dress Silks; some as-low its 75 ?, cents.- ;
DRY tiOODS, Reads Made Clothing,
Ithi c k Sas, all widths and, 41:tallies .
, 'a- gociti 'artielo 1'!. ' . /R IN' IF. R Chandler, • • -
-for 81. Lawns, •Bert ' ies,, „Del-.___nes _d Ginglian!s,
gogd and cheap. Fine White roods of every deserr- I bEALLE
Groceries, gooks and Stationery, • etc., Public
tion . ; BroWn•and Bleached Shillings ;• Litied;Geoth; of I. ';'` Aren i, e, i fonfr o.„,, , .1. 41. , '
.i ( . _ _ _ _
ever kind:, and Lace Goods-; Bonnet i •-__ ________ .
silks and Fringes. ' . ~ • , . 1 .. .
• Patrick & Dimoek, .
- -•-• c.i.oriis• .i-- i • : . pIIYSICIASO A\l/ SURGEONS. - Office No. 4
I • ;
of every grade.. Black, btown, and him. Breitideloths, Owego street,;, p d . • /
all of which being bonglit at bargaius,we will' gell very ____:___._ - ___. z .____,,_......_ ,_ -. -,-.- —. ----------*----
eheap. • ' • !. - , . ,1.-L. Post & Co., •
• ' CAgSniERE,3, : i: : . . .. .
1,„. 'l -7 1EALERS 1\ DRY GOODS, Gritecries, Crockery,
of Gee _Fstyle, equally lOw ;
Call " d e'""ne our ;11 ilardwai•e, Leather, .Flour, etc., -corner of Turn;
-Mock '
of these ~nods, :o,We'ean arid ii , lll 5 , .:11 theni at -
the very lowest prices - ,; • pike Street and rubric Avenue, Montrose?, Pad
• .T.1..171.;:: - DI,TK, • ''• ' ' •
J. Lyons & Son.; • •
, . , • ~., ,
a new article. forSumrster wear. Summer Cloths ; Tick- 1 *
lAFIE AI.ERS I DIZY GdODS, Gsoceties, Hardware,
ings,. Striped Shirting: 3 / 4 .. Blue - and Brown Ain, .Ken- Ir 1 / Crockery, .Tinw:te, Groceries, BOokS, etc.; also, •
tacky Jeans, and Tweeds, a complete assortinent. • ' 1 thri.v on the ilw:;ik. Ilia !log' business—,Public Avenue,
.• ' //..1 TS. C. 4 P.S„ A A 7.0 BONNE.P.q - • •- I i j i • , . - - . . , . . .
. . t• ;Of
~ arose, / or. : . . ;
t large assortment; and Of styles to suit a 11 ..; hoot s 41.: ', -
Shoes: Upper and Stile Leather.;
.: • " I'' .1 ' ; . , ~Dentleyi & Read', -•• • •
' A 0 ( , ..-ti - ERY - -- -12 -V- 0 4ift'lSS Wil 4 E• ' ' 'I r iTAEALERS 'IN .DRY GOODS Drugs, Medicines,
The most coniPlete ' and extensire...nitstt.rtnient ever IA) r„;„ t „ ; flip , : (4 0 . ( .,,ii c i,
brought into Montrose. Full . setts of White Granite ;Iron, hardware, Csoel:ery,
Clocks, Watches, 'Jeelry, Silver Spoons, Per
and Blue Ware for a very little money.
all Sizes and of durable plate ghts.4... .. . ,• : I • ' „
*,fr . fir- 5 of 'l''; umerY, Lc.—FOot'offuldic Avenue, [No:ire:le.
t .•
' • Call H a A n d ß e i x ) M l i sci 4 SO E 'ar l p ß ei ° ces' 3f' b' i e l f ' o V re l) y ' o V t .l l).h il .ya : II 1;1
• ' - Sayte, - Bentley & Perkins,•,
- .-
- ';,:', A fXkUFACTU REilti OF 'AND DEALERS IN all
-him, Woodra and Tin. IT-are-kept constantlY (Ramt. ...! it I kilt& of '.Casting4 ' : Stoves, Agricultural Imple
, •.. •'-' i CI: fi CERLEs ' • ' -'''' J ' !:: nients, etc. • Office at Savre's Store; Public Avenue;
of 011 k;lals. IF‘ugar,,MolasSes, Teas, &c., ailess than
kughtuaton Prices. _Ashton 'barrel' and Tahle r Salt. [ . .1..., tre
Mlnufactory at i the Eagle Foundry Foot of Cherry
et, Non tre/4:, Va.• • .
Flour by the; loarrel, - stall:.or pound. .Cednslt! and fi ,• . _4_. _—.-I_. —4
Mackerel, Pork, Farming•TOole.of every kind, . I 'iciuglis if . . • Williain & William IL leEsap, - , •
and Cultivators. • •-• . •
.; .• • • , • . . • , Gu - A H
~' N - o. • - , 1 i ' :•d - A .TTORNEYS AT LAW, ..11,aarosts, Pa. Prac
The .mreate!••;t fertilizer intim work], in qiihntities to 1 : , _a_`ll._ tire in Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
i Ft d - t. ; .
.". •; •• • . 1 •- - -i . . t , ming and Luzerne counties. • -
1 .Ii!IITY'ER FIRKINS , AND 7'1.T13 . S..
, . Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods, • '''l . ' . Williant W; Smith & C 0.,.
at cashpries. , :i . : '
ISET MAKERS. - They keep constantly. on
' --' ' ---4- ---.-----T----- k ' --i---. --. '.
IC' All hand a goid asiortnient of . all kinds of Cabinet
'' -LA. - TEST - EXCITAEIVr; - iFurniture. ShOp.. and Mare Rooms at the foot of
~ _ .
_4- t I •
. .
.... • .ritE NEBRASKA I.
.I:7NSV,T,TLE.Ii; . l'iMaine'street, Mr)? INIVO, Psi - _
, ;, --,..--__
..101INSTON . 4•-Co.,'• are now receiving il
t - 7, from New:York a getteml assortment *if' Spring I; ' ' Rikkwell, Winton & Co., • ,1- -;
and Summer goods, 'and * cordially invit`e all that 1:!11A , N. UF , ACILIIERS ;and DEALERS in fiiirato
like to bur ~0 0ds. cheap .irt, give us a call ationr stock 'p -. tio° o lti otialx. /.tips, Fars, U•aLbreilas, Para
is ,-, ,
largi , ,•aiiii we are willing. to sellifiir small! profits.-- , i! /OW F. .166 . 11 . 010 e,. c t : Ts . d•e:, No : 20 Cou r tlandt street, Kew
You can find here,ahnostevery article w 4,,,,,d; an d, I York, (up stairs:,
we are willing to compare goals and pricer .aith anvi ;•R..8. itock - V7.1.1. -7 1 J. tiowAnn.
.. .
: , ___..— --4
Store in the county—we hive taken special pains to i! • .
find nice goods - to please. the • Ladles, - each; aS-Black, ! . • ..- :.Franklin Fraser,
Figured mid
.Ftincy.Sliks,..Silk ••TiSsues, forages and i„, i TTORNEr i AND COUNSELI.OR ; AT 'LAW,
Berwe Delanes - l'llin !cid FancVll inns Qilk: French; i•;•.±li.: Montrose Pa • will - attend faithfully to all trust
and Domestic Gingliami, Pi t :Tared and rjain Mullins," !iness entrusted' to Inin in the county of Susquehanitm
Eriabroidered Curtains and Paper 1d0.,. laidiei ;Collars, ?Conveyarteing Mill tinting of all kinds Will be done
17ntlerliandkerchiefi and•Sleeves,!Mantillas, Parasols'. iineatly, and elmiges modtirate. Ile will also attend tit.
and GloVes, Straw , and •Fitney ,11onn'ets„ ',alio . trim-' I,.:the prosectitioOlf clailisof soldiers, their widows and .
!flings tolniatch. - A lan=e• stock;; of tbxxls for• Men .Glierrs, .against" _.toe 'United States GoVertitnent, for
mid Boys, also iron,.Steek Nats; Horse Slides, • and ;Bounty Laid I,'intsioinj, 'l,:e.' May he found at all
Moils Nails; Ploughs, 'Salt, Fish, Crockery, Grind- I 'boars - at the office fottierly, : ocetntied by I. T; Rich
stones, and StOneware f Smve . 'pipe, Tin, Glass, Sash rards, Esq., north of the,Court House. : ... 1489,
;Leather,. Boots, Shoes . itc„: Ex; l'lc:ese iglve us a' 1::‘, , -,------:--- 2 -L
chalice of Stowing yet if or stocic before ,A - Ou .htly.
' -
Yours truly. ..F.... SCOTT, ' , JOHNSON- &.. CO,
;Spiingville, ,April,- 18, 1854.. •., - J ; .
• L . -
, FAIIMER'SOTISRE REvrirtal -, •
1. - ILTE, the undor*gne4l,! haring.' entered; into 'part
.. V.V iterAbitt' iit ah 4 . mercantile busine4 at Mont - .
rose,- take this.methOd.'to Inform our friends' and the
'Allele that we hai , e mum opened an assortMent of-
at the old stand occupied by Mills &Sherri*, where
.we shall be happy to wait upon all who idly Saar uif
with a..t.11. .- • •'- j .7;1- i j ! - -
Our goods are all 'plc,- ttod Itavgbeen seleCted with
great Fre, and we flitter Ouittelvo'that -lie an suit
the•mtist particular., 'l,We in. - It:ea to Call And exam
ine'our stock.. Our JinottO is, ,ready l*ty,dottuotuble
trade, and steadfast fiiendibilL ' '
A. O..WARREN. ";I,- ;
Montrose, May 21,1854,
. of oustomers and tho many Warta spOiatlio szere- .
them, yet we eat) always find time tO'‘write our
oftvi alrertieerranig,„tiiiti-I,but fast - noir allow us_to
mill your atteutkal tonla t e let of .
' . • Plain :Fairry'Lag , hs," '.! •
which we htie justolimied and are, sellitig 'AO)4I. prim
from ,eiyht
., I id the ; Way,of DELisza.
1718111(P.:11E8, Poi4lNS,'Prlp . o3, ' &e..„ .. "'we tie ,"Eacaatid
up." Try Ma. • j ,s .d. IXONSik'SON.:'
I~AVING made'aitan' lien:wilts with th`4 great mu
sic publishing tiouse of ll.. Waters, we shall be
constantly receiving One uritoiesm soom u. ( published,
and he able to supply r`neariy *ny thing wanted in that
line. . • ti
_ .
N. '
B. Musk Postage
Mar lft. • " YONElik tION.
(1 0 XSTANTIX,011114,NR or furnish to.order
coratort notft.: J. tfrozsikigicrs,..
• •
, G:4 W. 7 It: . Z-.; •
r i E ALERS ) IN DRY iIO9DS, Readt-madeSloth
‘l4, Ate. Ptitille Avenue, Montrolie; Pa.
, ... ,
-:. • - ~.. Di. H. Sinit,h, .;I i .
Di. A.
ITTIGEON D.EICITIST, limitiose, Pd., ni Searle's
•H9tel, Mondayiand Ttieslays of each ireek.
!.•. . , .
- .Dootori Thayir & Crandall :
TIT AXING associated tini.nicives iit, the - pnictice of
Medicine and Surgery, nould .revectfully invite
alt to give them. it call that may. need their profeseion- -
iiiisetvices:. They inay he round at the office rOMICT-
Iyiroccri i . niell by. Dr. Thayer:) . They will keep on. hand
pdre Concentrated iind - Ifotimioltillic Medicines.
•;Montrose, May 8 1 - 5-1, '
iii. - TIONEII. -
- I:
• • Hein $:
59N T.PA., with -Rood, Woodruff •k car . -
A.TA. 'tor, Whelesdie_ Grocers: and Cann-do:don Mei':
eliants,.No..l73 Washington • street, between 'court 7 r
andt and Deystreets, )7ork.
• • ji
• Miller & Fowler,,
. n
411 'and Solicitora in Chancery.' Men No. 4 Clarke
stOet i • elt . kago, Pr. ; - 1 A : •
. .
411REENWICIIiTRE*T,, (near Ilroadway,) Nem
k... 1 York. SaliAtry: & Co.; Proprietors.. In the
vicinity of the; principal shianaxnit landing.
•-- - . T4omas'lngstrzuni
IN :I)RY GOO )8, Groceries, Clothing,
Crockery, BOots end Shoes, Szei, Susquehanna
I)epot, Pa. , . i : . , ,
:1-- --- -
Bentley 4 Pitcti, -
A TTORNtYS AT L.VlV,Moitirosr, , Pa.
.4 - X. B. S. SENTLIIV. -. , • - • - 1... ' l. FITCH.
& )3:l,ldwini
4.‘ Truplis, 1\ hips, U., on Turnpike . stivet, Moot.
ohn, roves, . •
-t:7ASHIONABLE • TA:THOR.Shop under. Searle's
1 Hotel Maine street, .Iloiitr'osv,
~., .
D. D. Hinds; . . .
. . -
.4 in the rear of Wil4on's'Store, Noutrose,.Pa.
~ J . Coliten- • _ •_-:
lIEALER iX sTOV.ES. Tin, Copper. arnt'Atieet
1:1 Itoft Ware, y.otle.ltsrille, near Great Bend Depot.,
Decettiber 4. i 7 • . . .
INTERESTED lii:' C. Tyley,
'itNith : I. IC . ; 11UNT,Importer orvand
Dialer in Hardware awl Cutlery, Carl iage Springs,.
4:C;, \o. 415 , Peal street, New lurk, where his Mer-
Cantile friends, hi: thin laird Other counties, are' kindly
litritetl,•and eartiestly;olioird to call and purchase.
_—________ v _ •
, . V
I: - • .L. P. Hinds,. . -
t:i TTOIt NEY„ v iT LAW, 'ti ! tvreTtanna, Pit. Ofticc
241. on :Maine street, one door e a st of Lefiheinfs.
:L_______:;___.--:,_ . ___l_ ____...—..
. _. _ .
Frazier 'Bi Case, "
ix.l.pfßee on 4.tirnpiliciH street, one door East of
rost'.F. Store, ..116;yrose, r.. •
l• • • • • C. M. SiMMOIIS,
pOtf' AND: 1101.1 .. MAKER, over A. - litildNiin's
Ilarnes*Sl . lop, Turnpike street, Montrose.. •
i , Albeit Chamberlin,
TT9TZNEY At LAW a n d Justice of the Peace;
4:1. over I. L. Post & (k'st'kore,,lfentroge:
4 . H.'! Jessup, •
Din for :the State ; of Neiv 'York, will attend
to all bininess entrUsted tai him with promptness and
tjdelity. Officti - on Public Fr4juare, occupied by Iron,
Je'smtp. .
i--- . •
- - i' Abel •Varrell, • • ..
TIEA! . .ER JN DREtS, MEDICINES, Chemicals,'
Al Paplts;.oil4, ; Dyc-Atill's, ,Groceries, Dry Good
Hardware, , Stinietware; Gl:issware, Clocks, \Vatches„
JCwelr - ; Silver Spoons; f 4 pectaeles, 311iicai Instru
incno, Ti es, tiiirgical. Ipstrnments, Liquors, Per
tunierY, 4irrors, iStatilairr -Dru,hes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, c...
• ;
YfrißE snbsevibir .having leased the .Store of the
Messrs. formerlY occupied by 1. B.: Lit; I
l!tle; intends tolOcate permanemly hi New Milford:
And he Would take this method of informing the
!linhabitanmof New and,adjiment towns, that
ibe Juts just .rettirned from New York with a large and
4-splendid stock Or. fresh - and entirely'new Goods, 'con
r. OOPS of almost every conceive'.
ble - variety;
,GRGOER as low as the lowest, Hard
Crorkerl,Boots 'end Shoes, Hat* and Caps,
i . ' •
~ 5 1 1onnets of every style, &v.. 3c., which he offers for
rsale on the mot 'reasonable terms,• for cash,-country
Iproduce, or reliiide credit. Be would also gay in this
"connection,tbut. has"tidded,to the establishment,:
manufacturing of Tin,. Sheet-iron, and Copper
1, ,t)
Jeare in ahE itsivarieties, in which he is prowled to
,execute all kinil4 of jobs, by the very beat workthen.
Acid on the Most reasonable terms.: • ' •_
Dealers supplied_ at the lowest prices, Particulars
n.relatiOn to states Ice.,,st some future time.
' J.' DICKERMAN, jr. •
'! New Milford ; flay ln;!1854. . riff
.. . . .
____ L _NEw-SPRING Nobs. .
!11, BusAn - is - non' reCeiving his . usual supplies
• . of Spren#: Goode, whiCh will be found unusa-i
! ally attractive,; preluding a superior. assortment of
leafier' _Dress Goods.. ii 4 .Silks,. Beragea l Beraqe De.
!lases, Lawns, Poplins, Ohs:airs, Gingham, iii.qte.,
.ilfanlillas, Silk i Shawls, Bilk, &nue, and Frendi
'!,Lace Bonnfl B , PilOwers, Parasols, 'eke. etc., together
with a large varlety of other Fancy and'Staple Goods,
[including Clot 4; Castinterea, Boots and Shoes, Wall
1 , Pager, Oariwilm, Groceries, Crocker", Hardware,
' g
t r fron and Yailit,lDru s Oils cud Paints, Cooking ri.
Blares, , - ~,t, . _ •
Parlor lares, !te ltio Grind Stones, Ploughs, Ike, *C.,
'all which will *sold on terins to suit_the clckilet4 buy.
I era, the cash or Ir woied credit. ' •, :
liirfd.i ny's, IRS-1, - -
I -
i .
i I
• .
' A SELECi 'TOME '4DF .'
F. . i .. 7. /
6 1. SUMlTikiti r GODS AT
= ' i. -1 U PUS;' & 6). r ,
, ,
E now offe'r to thttPublid e most choice and
tli •
the Ltissi. atl-i.sA Of Goods to be had any
wh ein the country, and for the iYery lowest prices,
:;without variation. ,- , ,j. - I.
-REA PTO/APE adrift:NV.
O i TNMER STYLES. L. Poi & Co. have just
0 1 made a laro-ailtlithiMior theii Meek of clothing,
consisting now.of e.erything des bible • for the inlcr
at Such pricers a,:it nie 844 .to suit. The, goods are
mink first rate, Mu t weAttirrant the, Kok to be eqUal
if net superior. ttinny eviirlbefore Offered in this Mar
ket! • Our stockl.eompri4s; Coatsj;•fine. black French
Saks Frocks attd Tiesidess; Tweed, Cast-imere and
Sacks Sand Frocks, : . ;.!also brown and: white Sunk
met..pbiln -and tirilled.. FATS-4Vbite and colored
Ifaisailles,_TaleMid, La:4lR) figniced Baiaths", figur
ed and Sntit, and ete variety, good and cheap.
PA Fine .blacki Cavil etc, :doeskin, col. tweed,
Su . mer stuff, jinn dr3l, cottonade, stripe, plain,
ch' krittid plaids, sto'che'aP-as t& be slim of sale to
alt who desire tO bny. -ir! , • .
- I . IILOVES ;11.N1) HoslEßl*l—:Ladies and Genii
white and ieokired GlOves of the, best finali
ty warranted.. A. huge ti,sitortnieli:t of alkind.s of blue,
brown and:slate)o*, hose** gents and -ladies,
cotton, Lisle thread, 13i in and Silk Gloves, Black
and colors ; a larpe rasortment of black silk and lace
Mitts, long and abOrt, w rosr s; COST
S~OOTS AM) : Ne r ;fine Boots, Coarse
8001e,17 Ladles aitenk, - Bootees and Buskins,
a full assortment of (11144 Slioesj,.Childreils and Miss
es l anes and Baotees, • ies - fin'e. silk-linen Slippers,
at I . • 1 I. lb. P. st, Co'.
- -
Goops-Idl styles ,and qualities, bleach
-V: I ed Shirtingtr,Tillniv Cotton; Jae. and .Canitirie
Muslims, Swiss li . ad Bea Musliiis,' Marred
B4diops andVietOria figUred and dott.
Swiss Mu line a( .P. & Co'g.
' - Li L. rosT
hest anit cheapeAt kiii 1. • A
CX tof Sag:4ra' surictiAngly cheap at LL. POST
& Co . -
Pq 'lN7'B--tbelmosti desirable stock in the eoun
trt at cork lbw '' I. L. P. & CO.
- - ' . % 1
1 111. W. GOOBS—Sliks, 3fuslitts,. DeLanes, Data
.l/ ges, Gittiluttn.4, t:,awns *A:6i, 'Of every desirable,
Yle._ • - t -. ; - ILL POST & Co's.
,t — LARGlandsplelidid stock of Spktils, Prints:
-CV. - 1;, ii. - i ,i 1. 4P. k. Co.
_ i t
8 TAPLE , GoiAt. at die! lowest ptice-..,, • N.
..] :., ' ' r; LI I'OST & Co.
i LOTILS, 04.4imerk . .s, Tweeils,J ntuelo4 Jeans
C • and Satinett.4 vert cheap - it -I. L.P. & Co'.N .
0 +, ,
W00.1)F,;Y: WARE—Patent fails,' Cedar Pails
=and Wailti Tull, C4rC.o:l',Nni \Dippers, - Butter'
T.iniles, Prints„'Willtnii. Baskets; Rope Ilalters-,', 1 Bed
Cords, Manilla Ropes, Droonv, a Ood lot at Ilia 'store
of • 7 • • - I.'l, •I'OST k co: . •
.. „ ' , i.-, .. ~... • ;, : . . . -..--
GD- 11,1! ..1.1v.p i 'ILI 'err ; A P. 74 of, the best
quality hula, \loubSt possible sates.
• i April 5'- 1854. • '.- • ;( /3,1 POST 4: Cot
1 I .----•-- -, 1: '....1 --. 1 , --i---,..-----,,-----,
QOLE 41134 very chd"P; lit' :1
kJ - - • t -POST
_ •
fiROCIi Ek 11 A N.l): R E---a
1(4 at loajptiices. - I. POST A: CO; ,
IL; Carpei,
• • -
QILK 11.-11Nrilw14ig stylj••—best quality veN ,
1•••li cheap.. • . POST A: CO.
. 0.11 - NETS' t aiul Bti t anet llib l hoUs of all kinds,
mac, large atitl at vtiiryllow.price. .
'! POST S: CO:
TAR ESS rl:PLift.:l"G stile desiralde
1.-1 and very!,:elkap.{ - POST & Co.
G RA /X //4 . q.5--si,4 the L e st - .
! , , '[.. POST & CO. - •
L,7:; Lime aid Plaster at • . 1 . • -
1 . . 7
s POST &
ADIES' LAI Ipt of the.
.L 2 latest sqlesi; Ilf4dt EtnlitolOred Lymerie, LAtee t
Media and ITimitott iMitations. i T. L. P. &
I_______„---__--- - -",-- , ... Vii— :___ .
EMBROII!kgED and Lacedersicev4.4, all dk,
rabic stilesi:- a1.',..0, _worked and enthr'd. Et)giki
and Insgrting; a,jd Fliancing. :ii ! ,
• ' • i..,..._________-_ ~...,.....4.-______,: •
lACE Edging antVritt•iertingiit ; imitations of every
J-kind, stliUot4ns gel gektulue and very cheap,
also pure linen-ti'rumeii Lace: I. L. P.'S; CO.
INGRAItD and Iltlnfi Caryiet for sale at . •
I •-;', - . 1. L.. POST & CO's
-- Q.173131ER llAT.Pananur, One and coarse 'trim
-1,..J meet and fanay timund, Ptliil and l'alntleaf, for
txys:and inch, slid very' citeap- . 1. L.l'. & CO.
, .
I .A.DIES'nd /Cl a alti ren s flats, a good variety,' al
• '
so a ten - tot. orrt, , l / 4. 6 .44. at gisles_of Boennts at the
store of i .. . 1 1 • - • 1..C.T. - & cfl; --
i------ , 3-- ; -- .
d Hair(-1 t
11010 E and
Om f ifancA articles Of, and Oil 1
VI also, ithe , . finest:Peifuntery at the store
Of ' ' l -' ' 11, L. POST & CO.
LARifand T. 4 also;Fa-iner: tools in gen ]
~ , eral at. ; : . .' , J . - 1. L. POST & CO's.
_....___'- '
. 1 • • •-• :i 1 1*.ANTPD. :• 7 - •
fIRALAIof aU kitto,--Deanit, Dried Apples, Tal l '
l_A low, Ilitttetii Bee; wax, all:wool - socks, Ems, &c.',l
for whielLlV'e Will exelninge goods at cash • prices.
1 '.April, 5.;i ['% ~ I •;. 1: L. POST:& Co. '
• ;
E are non prePtired to furnish those in want:o
Spring and Stitniner'Gniods at .prices that Will'
not-fail to eompte with the very lowest and snit tlul
Closest buy Ors. 10nr •lii , sortinent of Dress Gciods
Complete, clunprisingery beaittiful styles of the i•eryl,
latest faslsitin-Barages, Barege Detain, Lawns Shal4,
Gingharris, Aa. iteti • -8. 11. it)) ; SAYRE
. 80.NNE7'8.4-Wd have rtieeivetl. a good assort.
anent at extremely laik. prices. S. 11. &D. SATIRE.
CLOTIM.-.-11roatt Tweeds, 'K.
Jeans, antilla . firitt rate assortment of Summer stuffs,
&c. Lc. . I i 11. &D.SA RE
READ r..-. 1 1 .4, .fiblel,o7'lllNG.-4 very (lesini..
ble assortment at low; prices. S. H. li D. SA y RE.
IVA LkP..4 P.E/tiA large lot, which enables us
'to sell loir, , besidt..s.giy . ing an opportunity to make bet;
'ter selectidits. S. H. &
ASIITO2I - CII M Rutter Firkins, Tin Ware, kel
&c. 2 ; • &D. SAYRE. I
GROLO/RS.--llaring, bought very low, we Wit
;not and cannot he utidersidd. d; D.
MontrOsO, 188-1.
At the l ody .1-ty Store.
- :• rrILE Ituliscribers'tkg leave to - advise the public',
that Hwy are now:receivinan entirely new stock
;of Goods fOr the Smenter and Fall Trade, embracing
;nearly. evert article for'. at a country Store ;
'lwhich were', bongbt IC the preStmt - low; prices in New
York, for eish, and 4111 be sold risten?shingly cheap!,
' i lGrateful for" tit& very 3ibeml p4ronage heretothre ex.
tended to our eitabliihment, solicit continuance
of the satne, and its . " Mitch increase as: possible. We
claim to have iri a *move revolutionized trade in
"" this community; by impelling a great reduction in
lip r ic e s and Lin some cuss's) a. ditimilition of 'exorbitant
polite.; and We trusti '"that a grateful public will didr
appreciate.! . " and, reused our effort.: Our stock
Goods is pea; large,•.:and every way suitable for the.
trade—more exteuslie, iu faet than usually - kelit
this place. Wishing, td _purchase wilt do well
to call antEsee' us. ' SMITH do HEMPSTEAD.
Dtvoklyn; July _ 1854: :; ;
•A large:itssoAmeni,i,and of excellent quality. Cal
iimeres, Satinet's, Jeans, &c., bought
recently at:ftlie titling low priceii, mid will - be sold ear
respiindindy - S. &
SOLE L4fit*r---41 ifi'rat ra;e article at only 23 ci
per lb: , ' S. & 11,
ADll:B) . Dititts•OtiOds,cotbaifttitig of lutwns{niou
Llna aril fahei" iioes,) . Nplinette:‘, Challies
B r Urege De.Lalites, Deßeges, &e., just receivigd
and for sale; chap, SMITH &,HEMPSTEAD.
New Giiko& avid . NeW Arraufgrinent•
• • at the Ready ray Store. •
rqpeetfailly . announce to.
'I. the puhlicAluit they have Otte 'red into co-partner
ship in - the . liferjeaniile businiuki*t the "Head of Navli•
gation," and that' ti4;busiiiitiii*ill hereafter he eon:
ducted audit the ifitpfe of liajdev . ik Mott. Weii
our olili friends- ilUid the publie
us a call. 4foro pusehasing eliewhere, and - see tioa
cheap ,eoda call I.e }tonight folt rash. We. ler° poit
reeelyed iv] goOd itst•Oittnent pf
New... ..Gonda, whick
makes our itock conitilete,',whiCh we pledge ourselveil
•to sell
. as ti`raii i 'as•file rheape . j(
• i , • a. IL 1L LEY.
. Hun roee' * . Apl. 1.iii54:1 • .C. W. MOTT.
• - ti =;..lllsw Books: '
44 IFE infrsaylOgs of 3lrs.. hulington and otbera
Lof the : Faankly"—"Hilis, Lakes, and Forest
Streams," (a _tiny Interesting book)--"Thoughta and
Thiags at Bme and Abroad,", by Elam Barri% with
sonny otbeiittioy anil interesting books, for sale by 1
J u l y 19,61854) F. B. CRANDLICK
1 - Goops.rittLild.
HlLlAlO'clalictithr isela, Summer Clotho at Imo
0 any priea.k trlbit tea 6?r One Dollar, gelling b
Jane 171,', -,t j fIYONS
• . ,
retirrlEC : NIC-cour,EGE
' qt .. hS't4l 1) 7
, t e ta e •ennsy vanea, ,
_pen in Syr nay•ei Ph ildcielp h,i a
'" 11E4 (Tolleie, orgy ed on the plan of the 'tido
, trial . C'olleges of tinental Europe, is designed
b affoid it thpmtigh p feashmal education to SUM'
lents iitterded for - 1
Ynginee big', Mini , Affrieulhire, and the ..1
Atechanical,and Chesnical'-drts.
rThe nei.t Semi-annui session will commence on'
londay, September I It. , 1854.
Prof.lliTY ._ Mothers utica and Qvil Engineettng,
Selim 11. Peabody ',
Metalluigy and Indus rial, Analytical and Agricul-, Clic_istry, Prof. Alfred L. Kennedy, M. D.
Mining Xiiginecilng, "eology and Mineralogy, Prof.
W. II; BY Thomas, A. , ,
, ical! , Phi .
Mtmhanlosop y and the principles of Ma- I
chinery, Professors Pea y and Kennedy.
Terins for each De ' rtment per° geesion, .Fifi
t teen patties. , -
Mechanical, Archi ctoml, and ! Topographical
Trwing; Prof. John Ktrn , 810;-0( 1:
Froncit and Spanish, ri of. V. De Arnarilli.
, Getman, Prof. D 11. Entrup. _
I The AiialyticallabOratory for practical Chemistry
is open 4tilly.
, Ali academical department under thacharge of J.
D. Boucher, A. M., is rovided, into which younger
and less proficient stud tits may enter and be rapidly
i n
reparcil for the Cone e Courses. 1
Athlittonal informal as to ternis,Courseti of study,
oarding, be., fluty I obtained by addressing Dr,
Alfred ii, Kennedy, Polvtechnic College,Thiladelphia.
' resident - of Board of Trustees.
otn Mlarray., Seer I , .
PAll,Kretiirn their gratetulN
its to the pahlic, : and incite at-
ge stock of Sprerg avid Sau“ , .
'w receiving , and offer side
7 . s
s a , o. dd ro iti c o 7 i 7 t riiv,
tot l r odw
li,us a i: 7, cEct
1 - asisor k.7
t 4, I
Is, -c..k.c., they arei prepared to
eta eat of Ladies' Dress. Gooi4S
1 0
AI Figured, Plaid Mid lain Silks,
Rill ns, Gloves, liciSiery—Ladies.
.if U. kind..--41so a large etoek,Eif
Q7'11IN(1, Cloths Cloths; Cassimerei,
final r Cloths, Yestings, Hats, Caps,
, c. ,
f.E licit an early call. from those'e .
ase oat geoids at 16.0 prices. . 1
3, ': 4; „ 3IcMILLEN ik .RK....i R.
C actitnowlerjetn ' ell
cntion J.) .the very lard
tier.kpOdS they are tu
t errii (plc Pricti. 1
' ,
petit of itaple' Dry Gr
ryi Paiitts andOil:lexhibit 0, large assm
lof eVeri . dOcription
Sonnet*, Shawls,!:T
and Mhfses Skies- o)
- R4':.:l4r--If.AD I N i
Tweeds deans,. gain
18 016 Mid S.loes4Al
lwlin wi*ll to pureha
Springville, May :1
---,..!------- ;- - . ---i--.
. . l'll. W_ Au: _INGE:WENT 1451.:
ifi#V) , "& ifv- 11 /41.Eir .S Rail road Fri.iff* '
,I . Line hetereen Mositrose .Dipot acid ... • i r
' V . Yo r k , , day,s
11 ~1 e Id Neu Suit- . : .
ii • 1 chi /.1 e.rceptet;. . .i, .. , , .
- Li 'lns k MeMILI t EN, having n.ado . arrangements
' , •.1 I. tor forwarding freight.tO New-York in the acre
I of Capt.. H.. 11- CALIVELL;of Orange County, will
1 , IM' in altendancci at dr Montrose Depot c - te:,-.3: day ef
litheweidt, to take :Cha ge of such freight inn ',incluce
as mayibe•entru*ted - to them. Returns for the same
ill beipaid at the StOre of Wallah' McMillen/ .
ll Groaeries in':genero, H.
Flour, Pork.- Fisk, :Bait, /t 6.,
iI,S:C.., ccinstantlyliM hand, for sale at the :owest Cush
tPrices) or in' ex'4lingi, for country prodnce. , •
L. H. fliNos. , l - i • WIL. lAll MCMILLEN.
Aril 18 1 , 185 it.. • 1 '. .
. .
, „ ~.
New Line of "Intl S.tnges,.. .. ..• '
1 i • k .FlttiNl'
1 •; . '
F . .
- ',:itllßKWOOlill TO MONTROSE. •
LA,',TAGE.S.wiII lave Kirkwood; passing through-11°r
-0 bOtsville, Il e ibert , i i:, &C., every morning after the
.arrival of die 3lailTriiips of cars, troth Fast and West,
.reael4ng Montrose. at 1 P. M. Returiiia . g, leave'
Montrose dailvortdays excepted) at i 2. r. m., reach:.
ing Klrkwood]in time to take the Mail trains of ears,
' both East and West, being the nearest and mostlea
slide loute to reach the New -Turk and Erie Railroad..
.This lineinterseets a hi-weekly line
.for Diieck,
.Spii4ville; Tttniiliannock, Wyorning,_and - .Wilkes 7
bane' which le:ives MOntrose at 7 A. N. every Mon-:
1! daY, Wednesdayand Friday. Also, a line to Friends
7.ville, I.eraysvl6, &c. • . -, •
:0,44 . franix ¶a tl runtfortuble earr;(ifies are provi-
I! dell, and the proprietors will spare 'no pains to ae
conutiodate the' public.' W. K. 11A.71.11, -•-
- ..,AP:ril t, lg.l-1
• 1 Dissoltilicin. ~ •, ' 1
rritE Co-partnership; heretofore' existin g beta-yen
the . subseribers isundec•the Aide of Tiffany k 1
Stidtb, was terminated on the 14th 0 April last:,The
Otelisand :recounts of said.firm areitow in the ands
i OfY..i Tifilmv, for settlement. Those- indebted will
, ;I ' • i. •
please take notice and act accordingly.
:; 1 • - EDWIN 7 TIFFANY - , 1 :
ii I • •.1 JAME:.. F. SMITH. r •
'l3tioOklYtt '
Mar 10th, 1854. - - ' " 4- i
1' rirtlE undersigned having, purchased of Tiffany
14_ Ihis entiret interest in the mercantile business
' r•lnirebv their ht 4 to the good Citizens of Brook
r • make
1 . Ivit and vicinity, and invite them to call" and inspect
' , itat 1 i'puretne , e' , one •or tbo 1.)....w. soul ;asko.:t eAbinplote
k' i. . ' l oi '
. , stocfs of goods.ever betbre offered ins this market...--
', ffelievieg that people • who buy ,goods on long cred
•l it'4'have to pay. a large percentage fier reedit motet,,
I. ! WIC ljave adopted the .Readg - PoySptirm of trade,. as .
the 4vstent most ccinducive to the public us well Us
ourliwnyintereSts.. " All kind:4 of Farmer's produce re
ceived in exchange forgoods at the highest. market
i ' rates. Those alio deSire to purchase at a low figure
i williaSsuredly find it for their ititereSt • to give us it
' ca 11 . ,; , ' • j : J. F.
.SMITH; . ' •1
Ilrooklytt May 10. s;'. ,O. G. HEMPSTEAD,.
~! .4 ._._....__42, • . I......_,________ - • - .
, s-i
lIIIIAI he found it the Store of A. 'Turrell, Mont-.
I rose Pei.,
.a• first. rate asSortment of Drugs,
Me dieines,Draggtst's .lass-ware, painbi, Oils; Brush -
c#,, roye Stuffs Grocerie;, . Yankee Notions, Some
Bill Goods, Musical Instruments, and .Strings, 3lateri 7
als for lights . , Pocket Knives,'SpoOns; Jewelry, Per
fan Mry, &c., &c:
I'tersotis wanting, any - thing in tlie. aforesaid 4l
pri.rtrilents,' (and also some others not;named,). Mr re ?
skOttully incited to call and examine before they
purthai , e; -By so doing their interests May be prO
noo. - M - SVhenynu come to Montrose, do not
fOrket to call at .. . ~ .. 1 TURREGIA4..
10K ING Lind CI I EAVI ; Tobieco, by the pound
1,7,1! . .'0r paper, , plug • Tobacco, - Feat4•ll . And' llaceabOy
:4ritOt, Fire Cracker', Pistols,. Powder, . Fish ITookl,
Fish . CiindY,lS:e.., • TCRRELL'S.
1.1 TRADE.— -Gro de Rhine, De Ilege, Plaid Lawn,
elnin4 Print 4 &e. . 1 111ack Silk, Striped'Silk, Needle
AVork Collar, Chemi,etts, Thread Lace, Nelvet Rib
ns &c. ; a general ass°. truent of erockery Groceries,
vul Ilardware r , Carpenter Pincers,,; Blake Door l'uUs,
Ciqr iage Bolts', Plumb Bobs, Axle Clips, Dash Frames,
German Saw Setts, American and Engli,ll Sad Irons,
Ac.;; a general aszarrtment of Shoe Kit and Trimmings
altiays on hand and for sale by M. S. WILSON.
3fontrose, April 4, 1854.
SPECIAL ANNotrNcsiarrr.
:roTWITIISTANDING the pas•rap of the Nebras
ha bill, the high pike of provisions, the eclipse
MOrniouistn, Spitit tappings, and Other national ca
lataities, present and imminent, the good people o 0
3lrintr ose and eLsen here (such of them as wear beards)
mat', still have their chins reaped ' and whiskers and
Farr dressed„a la mode, at the usual rates, by Milling
mettle undersigned, at his old stand hi the basement
of Seat le's Hotel. . SIIARLES TILLMAN.
Montrose, May 24, 1854. -
AVING purchased the establishment! of Isaac L.
I Post 8; Co. at the Montrose Depot, would re-
I ilispeetfully inform his friends that he will keep con
ga:nth. on hand, at the lowest prices, a well selected
Oeck of goods.
tittle, Salt, and Plaster can be bad cheap, its welt
ts,Groceties„ bry Goods, Mardware, Crockery, Boots;
Shoes Nails, lie., in excluttige for (rain and all kinds
4 t' f , produce, at the best prices. 1000 cords Ifard
Wood wanted.
' l4 Montrose Depot, Feb. 2, 1854.
130 ST BROTHERS having pu thased tho above
establishment, will keep constantly op haed Sur
kr . flne awl /Inc Flour, Coro ilo4l of superior qua/.
itt•ohro Chop and Bram at the lowest cash prices.—t
Cirstotn work nil' be done with despatch, and in a
earses ramified. 13814
'Montrose, Juls, 1803.
. .
• - 1 • FOR "AL. .- '.. . ;
FARM -entaining'l4 acres; iniDirnock township 1;
' about .20 acres improved, a' 49g Molise thereon
1 4 .
ail(' well watered. -
IThe.above . will be sold on-rcasOmtblo, tertiet by,ina- -
icing something, of a, payment dowU. . For :niort, ;. par
lir=a eniptire of John Young near.tbe premises, or
of Williatit Chamberlin, Towanda, 1 Pa.
- .
, . .
Bonnets. - %.4.- '
1 A1)101 litho have not alipplied themielves With
new Bonnete this season, elui afibrd to buy thew
pow, We aro receiving a large - supply, and a. great
r 4 tie t y etstyl*fer Ladies and *lases, whichwe of.
et- at ow Ihl6l 1«+-that" ?pliii.fp RibitoWs,
w ooers ; and igheiTrinurdniE, E "on cheap
i Inihsoyi - hoot 44.,154 . - '. v; u ROWS' 'CO: -
totto,Soo of NEW GOODS i
great i?iteh for. the* New boo lx _ at ' .gutOnla ,
, . I
Tg larvat and chtumest stoat of Foley, 'Raines.
tie and Staple Goads ',tier brougbt.into &ague.
lianna,cOunly. " One hundred 'cases Dry Oimils, coin-
Prising in part as follows: , -. • ' . , .
Rich Changeable Silks, Fashionable Silk and Sat.
". Stripe - i°' " • ' [Bonnets,
- " Plaid , " . ' French Plaines, - •
" Black ". 200 pieces Bennet Rib.
BonnetGlassa ' " ' • ' . [bons:
b,„ onet , soil os ; -
~ 4 : 100 peg. 'Fancy Dirk do:-
all . DeLaines, N. v ',Velvet Dressi.attons, .
Parishut- -- d0., - ; , , , , Fieril. it coli'd. Velvets,
Plaid de .C 6 tart, • ''' Fifty Bay State Shawls, - Be.tre, . Cashmere ' • do
i English Meiittoes, .. . B ro o m 1 j d o
~ -,. .. -Silk ' I do
Lyoilese Cloths, ~ i' ' Gloves, ffosiery, etc. -
-Coburss . . •- I <lochs, Cassimeres,
French chan'ble de Reive, V'i,„ 4 i om,
Embroidered Robes,: 1 .' IFlatukr, ' -,
.Ginghains and Prints,l Wool o i o
Scotch Plaids, i - Linings, :. .
White Goods, - 1 . Tickings, ..: -
Wrought Cliimizettes,; Damask Spreaks, -
II Collars, ; "Linen , I do
do Mu..ilin Edgingi, 1 Irish Linen`s,l • . •
do Cambrick do • Black Meslin6,
do Linen , do i Etc. etc.l . 1
Raiford, Oct. 6. 1 •. • t..yrol ai co.
t. • k •
New. York City
- .
. ,
lattres ay aiiiit ijss.or .t e lapidgely . Fire.
• .
Mag . croas. ; •
. • • 1 .1
A. 14: Stebbin.s, 113 Broad street '
.Peter,V. Baker,.
I Spruce Street; Girard Pancker,. 18I1Broadway;
'Thomas • Atalre!s; :130 Cedar; ;-:Samuel G.
Southmayd, 377 Wesjt street; Alberti,. ,Couldin - 810
Greenwich steet ; James A. CrciShy,. 11'31Browlway...
Chas. Lent, 'Kingsbritige, N. Y.; Lanibert C. Dad,
-Chicago,. 114'1 smlth. Hobble' l . - ROcheSter, N. Y.;
Wil l iam Ay.. Liiland .14tew York, ;peter ILI Roach, 134
Bank street; - .StanteSiS: Bell, eornerWe4 and taught
streets- John L. Been, .78 Water street; D. Van
Wart, 118 Broadway; Horatio N. G4lup, corner,
, West and 'Barrow streets; Peter 11. FOster, corner
Gansevoort and WeSt ;• Reuben Ross Jr. 48' Eighth
Avenue; Stephen Ctlsimwell, Camden N. Y.; Albia
Wadleigh, Phihidelphia ; Dextar B. irittaln,Via."
ter street; Szminel SMelair, Tribune Buitdinga ; Satit
tie] B. Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio. 1:
- riOYAL CitmanEttits,.Presideut.
CIIARVES 10...CLATi4M, Secretary.. "...-
CH-ARLES L. BROWN, • Agent, Vontrose;
CA D. LITREOr & CO., Itayeemistantly on hand
• n large: and ell Selected astortinent of tin
n-are, rind Chain for *ells, pumps; cistern
pumps, Sze.., hydraulic Rams, .10annedi warcs, leaf'
pipes.of all Fize - a
fob ;work done with neat
ness and despatili ; - all ostlers
,promptly attended
. • - S T E . B & PIPE
. _ . .
. .
kept constantly on band, a large assortment of stoves
of the latest improved and approved pritterns. ; Qtir
experience in the b4siness enables us
_to select those
that we. min Feely hart silt to give entire satisfaOion,
Amongst our numerous stuck ean be found tbe
Paragon air tight Star of the West, . EleYated
'ew World,' -" ! ', Clinton; , - .
.. [(hem
Atlas, •: ' ' "
Phoenix, "i . Fire Fly, - - • 1 ." •-.
Three States, - ": - Western Queen,, • " -•
Globe, • •, - " . Prentimm
C.' 0. -LATHROP. • • • - ',,1 S; A: WOODRUFF( :.
. .
MllE.Stibscriber wishes to call the attention 'of his
1 friends and the public:. to his yery large assort=
mentof STOVES at his new StOre Room in 1.
rille,.next to L. S: , Lenheines store, aid. near the Gt.
Bend Depot.; •He has; •ht addition to - his former large
vat iety uf Cooking and Parlor Stoves, many
n ew pat-.
tern.', some which are- . % •- . •
' St. .2Viehogtx, • Prorh Branch,. Fire Clipper, .i'
Modera„Pio,y,.. Mohai , ..k. ' - . Medallion, ,
Orient, ' Black Warrior, Oak, - P:pu Stoner
Which, together with his former stock, will perhapst
be the most extensive avid varied assortment of .well.;
selected Stoves in the.coonty. .• • ' • .
ethattia Storftt,. well furnished, at low prices. - -
MAU articles in his line kept on hand and made
to prder;as'n.' , 3ltal, and ordera received at his old Etarid,
in Great Bend. - • JOIINTOISTFS.:
LodPixvilli. - and Great Bend, N0v.,:1854:•
Notice to the Public:
TAPVING just returned from Sew York I W l .-1 to
1..1.• call the attention of old customers, :and . of
the public in .general, to 'my
which being bought with cash nt the lowest :prices
andiwishing to sell•principally for the same,'lwili of
fed them at greatly reduced prices.
Cocheco Prints; warranted fast colors,.forr only . B
cents a yard..l.GoOd Brown Sugar, I 8 pitunds forme
dollar. ;BoontOrf Nalls;. acknowledged !, by all- to be
the best Nail in tiSe, $5,54 per keg. Mats and Caps,
Boots and shoes, 13uflitto ItObes of all - prices.,4ll wool
De Laines, Cashmeres, Palitmettas, -Dress Silk,-Silk
'Velvet, .MouSlin , De Laines, per. yard,
Satin Bonnets and Moleshin 'Hats - .Droche shawls,
Double-Long shawls,- Thibet-do., gelling -at:inconceiv
ably low priees:• can safely ,warrant' perfect . satis
f4ctiOn to all who will give Inc it call. • _
Lanesboro, ..tpr.s, 1854. • S. A. LYONS.
CILOCKS-H-Igxo time keek4, - Rody one dollnr.
. • - • - 0 , • S. AzILYONS.
Lanesboro, Apr. 5
mde„, which the highest
price will be paid. A. LYONS.,
• Laneshoro, Apr. 5. •
(:1017NTRY PRODUCE taken in , eichange fur niy store. • LYONS. •
Lanesboro, April A.
Can't ;vet along , witisont one:Teta
' perutce Grocery.: '- - •
r 11E. FropietOrS 41 the Temperance Grocery
would call the attention of the public to their
stock of tho'ceriCs, which consists of everytiing - ltept
in a grocery with! the eKceptiou . of Which - can
be. purchased fOricash a little above einne,and
try for yotirselre4„ we. will load you dOwn With grci;
ceries foeatt littT money . 'as the. next: Our stock
cons'ists.of Sug,ar, 31olasSes, Fish, Coffee, Starch,j'ep
per Spice,; SalarOtus . .
4.; • • F U. FORO.IIA3I. d; CO.
fiILICKERS ity- the. tb or barrel. • Oysters by. the
k../ keg or /mart. Nuts wholes le or rehdl. Figs
and Yankee Notions of all descriptions.
\ April 5. • H.F, k Co.
Far .
People.'l. •
VOTWITIISTANDIG the predictions Of the New
_LII Albany Le4yer that Frank Pierce .will be elect
ed PreSitient because. the Prophet lOttishsays .that
the Lortftiveth vowee to the faint,"
adniitted that the auhr, - ; c•riber can and will sell . -r.
CHEAPER thaniatty other. shop in town, not even. ex
cepting, the geitninelmot and shoe !Ogre dOwn mint.
N. B.—My terms `are cash or Pay do,ami and /I
would.therefore;luforin, those who iut indebted 'to
Merriman & Patrick, that..they must Call paylup
. 'ect,t• A. MERRIMAN.
.• VontrOse S. B.B9GERS.
i 4 Some things - eau be. itoiteas well
•-• as,
others." • •
lIE Stil,E4C - itier having "purclutsect . the'.Phair matt
:ufaitory of, A. NV: Greenwood, \ict -garford, is
prepared to InsurCieture all kinttg :of Chih , li at . redpeed
prices, of good etaterials, and in a supeiior style:cif
workmanship. 'Amoitg the different: kinds:. I 'will
mention": f ' . ,
liostoii ill
Of/a/icy l and IViutivur . choirs, ;Rag : - •,:‘
. .• &Ike*, (tc.ofe. .
trAll Werit :waitiutted to give satisfaction for
five years. - • . • '
* * PMerehantahle Produe taken in exelkangt: for
work; bitt•NO.'cREDITt, jAKJOIINSTON.
.11stiforti, April .
Lattesboiro Sash, Door
•.i Factory. - . •
Ali subscriber will furnish la the. Shop of liewe,ll
& Brothers. Poore, Sash, and Alinds. , Turning
on hand and fumished to order.. I l iumbor kiltAried,
and workmen unsurpassed_ . by any in the comitry,--:
Orders addressed to me ill reCeite 'prompt:attention.
Good •Pines Lunibe.r and CoontryPro4lnce,titiken in ex
change for the nbere. ready pay/
Lanesboro; Feb. O. • •
WANTED knmedkdely, good'aetlye eterk-;•On 6
V V who has had ezpertence, 'writea fitir hand,
anti fie eon/Peteo to take charge ofia set of_ Booka- , -
taunt - be temperate and devote hialinfeiaid
Attention to the, interest or his 'etnidoveta, To one
that Otia - onafferto. the *hove a Dboral_aolory Be
given;; : None ottani need apply Gioa tecoinme,l4-
ittkiei(*pettelred, Arra, Ent),X;
itarCird, -
EAGLE Tovicnity: -
S A -Zittitru E rn ag E L I
.b r f i ga r gt B Ftgr p f P it e are t h4• o , .
plcpa r red i kto !ill ordesiii*roat the Irdd'e, and do isorki n
.tiltirl line with skill tind.despateh..• :They will keep ' •`
constantlY on hand Ploiei, (best kinds,). Stoics, ou
1 .
kinds ) , ltltivatara, 'Stiater,Ctittere, - corn Sheller '
;. .
We in ite particular attention 16 the Plows which
we-manu deltire,,l We tnatiufacture.and- keep Tor lade -
- • • l, The Celebrated Blaichky. Flom -
We have PUrchased' the2ciiinsiVe tight -to litiltlrDe,2
tuFe and ? , ell ki tliis'ecitinty Waync, WyoMingand
.Bratlford, t#Rieh',lnPatettikv a Beath - Plot. •Tbi,
I'low is made 1111 i-fell/ of iron, excelding, the handle,: .
It is eelelnitted feiits .easy draught, being one-third
easier than any r.ow in use, while its strength and ate
rability :ire greater. - ' - ' , --.
.0 • -
...., .
- MACIIINERY .-'' s'
. .
-of all kinids. manufactured
,and Tepaired by - eifetieii6
ed machined. :- ''. - -* ' .. 1- .
:St eam - Engines, attiring for lfilis, Sitirle if e .
1 . chines, ite. 4.e. :
Among the St o ves whicli - we Mantifactur are th e
Krimionli C'ookit4 Store;,Roiigh and , Beaclgt 0., F or , .
_Quot do., Pr' slum de, - mid other kinlits, ej 1 ,.
ranged for burning wood or coal. Also, - liell-lt.
later, Parlor 13Mee, Cottage„ Parlor'do, r filanlig, l.
two sizes, do., and a variety of other: Parlor Stote 3 , °
both wood and Niel burners,.. We keep alto on land
.firindstone trimmings, -Dog Churnrlihntrungs, r z . ,
brella and Shovel 'and Tongs St a nds, : . 4c. ie . , '.Wo r k
tome-to order on short ktice and it the lowest rates,
Iti - Orders fut.-Stoves, Agricultural- Implemens,
ike-; ate Solicited fronvthone in - tbe trode, and_ will be
filled at reasonable wholesale prices. , • '
• ' . ' -',
S. ir. sitit, , '
- ', S. PERKS& - -
Or- a 4 place on .the cannot-present
lireater indutements
F.EqER S SWDP4- 111 )!S I
j lIICIi is now Filled with a new and'elicritte
I assortment of articles in their, line, embracing'
a general ylnietv Wejiewi and:elegant lityles„of lathn
and ,gentlerneri's 31 - nitro.' ninon" which- , are Ladle.
French;•Siik'lasting and '‘Prenilfe tlaitero,.Kid and
Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patoreteather • arid .Brornied,
Jeriw 'Ands, Buskins . arid Ties Gentlelhen'A r_reacii
and Philadelphia, oak tanned ealf . skin and kip Boon,
MoroCeOrtalf and . Cowhide Ilrirgatis &e. • Boys ;tip; ,
calf and cowhide Boots and . Brogans;.all &hlt it,
Misses rind Children's wear. Also, a general anon.,
'Dent . of Findings 41%4)1(1 contria in , part of larits, pee
F parabi r s, liongarian Wails, tacks, thread, wax, 136.-
1- tles,shite binding, awls, iaspit, sruadstOnraa, shoe kiarer:
&c. Also oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper and'
soleletoher, Morocco skius 'and ,
;IVOrk 'made to" orderand repairing neatly done,
. _
Montrose, April 6 ; 1854... '
von SALE.
9 A`,IILLAo}: LOTS, fiituateA in; the *, pleustintiS
Ind part of the village, Of Susquehanna valso,...thrtt
flouses and Mts. in the :most business . 'part of At'
aforesad - villa s ffe',. Also; it Vann - Centiiiiiing 33 . "dirret,-
with: a smalliMprovetnetit, ..the - rentainder hestily
tinibered, situate two litilss from said village. -
,• Susquebanun is life great Central Depot of the
Y. &`l. lailrmid,' situate he the foot of the .heavii
grade on the . rciad, near the great norks of Staraci;
ConeWacta i 'and the Caseade, and . posseSsing
tare the -hest W d ateringphice on the route with the la.
eality . of extensive Machine• Shops, Foundry:Zee, $4:
Sustplehinim, although nUmbering,bef 2600_ inha.
antur and but four yeareof age,.m mei tr.
range•alungside - of the, most flourishing and Potincoui:.
towns on the line of this - great tnoroughEire.
'- L. y. HINDS, Agent. - i
Quire one door east of Leidieink's.l
Susquellainid•Depot,-Nov. 16, " -
I • •• -
Valuable. Lands For Sate.
VOR IN ONE liODY,..pbou,t • 5500 acres tA
tap! 04 . the waters a sprin g
.8r00k,...a braid
of the Luifwanna',lin Luzerne County, Penn's.,
about Midway between the thriving towns OTSerin•
ton and PittstT. These lands are covered with 1 , !.
nable . nd being 4tuate in the most extenre
mineral region hi. PentisyWania--known, tv, eonni;
iron ore—and helieved,tO abound in • coal, and tking
also, in the. iMmediate vicinity of several
made MulnoWl in offer to_ the:.:pitatm ia
oppOrtunit'tfik the investment of money that seldwii
otenna. Enr.fitrther inforMation apply to
sack, Esq. l 11, set "New York, orto the
subscriberi at Montrose,; Su Anthannlt cotirety,l ) „ti t
attorney in Tact of the otvit i
April et, '. :HENRY DRINK , K.-
r 1711 E .subicr il)ks, having resumed. the aligrets
'ed busineskunder the minagemint! , .of
•fred Sucre, resimetfully solicit from their• old civara•
ers i l that line„a return of their patronage. : 11r. S..
-is an experie - mcell'aml skillful workman, haring.lcat.,:
ed his husiztesi and fty'many }cans :Worked introit
of the best sluips--iu• New York eify, is eoinpetent io
do any•kied Otwork that may be. entritited to
PromjittiPa.* - iitoderatt 4 chu-gry, anti the' morringy of
all good Watches, we trek, will.i.eeure' a - :fuli'shier
patronage. I .
.Golti rings Made to ost,.-annd all kinds of je , xe.ll
repaired. • • BENTLEY; dr. READ.:
Montrose, pril S, 1854. ~ •
. .
- PLOW, SHOP. '.: .
. - - - -.) En* -F.STAtILIS.IIIIENT. , • . - : ,
A f AND; 310TT . wouldrespecth!llyinfornitke
.431 • pubhei that thel.are nmpufuctut mg Medd* .
Cde rated PIOWS. -- They also 'keep eons - tzar oil
hanti;.:side.-H4/1, jll-"agne. They
la'rn Poi;"-
Culteratm-s,: Poll
. Charis, Sleigh and Cettit:Slofi i
Plot,Pantslof varioui 'pattern „ too nnint:rous to.
mention. IV hope, hestilet: attkultion., tO • busint,
to receive .on share of- public ptionage. Manufac
tory; D. Pos4' old stand. -:::- Fou. ry, M. - Ron, nett
Searle's Mill; • ' ' • . -.. i : ,
• Mtepairir o , done on short n tics.
. • •
F.LIJ-41.1 31011'.
''-', FfRE INSURANCE. .. .
TilE su4;lcr th eris.aietitifiii the fidloiying Institlec
Companl 4,2-doing -haziness at 'the
s. - Airiest set
rate 4-sr; • • • . . . ...
.. • -
.. • • i
State :illiriti lat HaiTiditerg; ..., ' • -
..-1.;. -CAPIYaI $350;000 -
efts,h ,ll'utitel .o . liiiirisbltr:q. -
. „ , ;•• '-'- • •:''. ' .
, . , •
• - ' ' .• Capital .$O.OO CC •
Ifo4ne-Instii.ii),, - Areic,'lroik , My:
. •• : ' ' ' - Capital . $500.00. ',
• 3fontr.oie A?ril 6; ''64.. •.= F. - B:•ClIANDLE11.
r.PHE substAihcc will: attend to - . Occasional cal at.
1 his 01,1 .otisiii,.,ss of t SV:krEl'./Yq in tliiiyi
cinity - when &sired.. .3hinY of'' the Oil:Farms liii6
county should F be re-surveyed; to :look" up and rift s
'the old land-tnark - si 'which are liable to get lcklt orb.
literated by. thi3e o as'. to ()C.easion disputes. - anti qt
' eulties for tin to come:. ---Ewiry' man, Who does ta
know the precise
.location qi - idl his lilies .alid corneM:
therefore, shoild see to itiri season, to prevent NO/.
trouble and lititgation. ::: .'! ' , • • - '• . " '
. , . , ••
Ur f, O . X . KEYANOLVG .9,1 s o attended to Irr-•
Alontrose, , et.-.)1)..: ....• : . J. W...01:1111.11
.. .- - • • • - - -
Ire '.L 'E ANDAPIL.AST.EIL . .. / •
l it
-ril so '; ribers ani•e' non. burning and will
.kel :
L. 'ConStant y on hand, I..line of a very suf.ttia
imalitY at 31, ntrose Depot, and Will sell it
. irtp!
quantities at tt f;iir . .priee:,''Persens. wishing al as
mtiantity can be'ttipplied ntion a reasonable notic e. ..
Sutierioe gliound Plaster, Will be kept constantil 0
tand hereafte,. ' -:-', - - . I. L. -TOM
11.. • ,-, . '', .-. 114 DUNKER:
L. ..... EARLY.i
epot April 3::
-\ - - , . WOU SALE:, • f.,'
rrIIE 110tit+E 'AND TM, late the n‘sitleuee oi r
-t- W. Ra,yssford v Esq.,. deceased, situateiti 0 Fe'
rough•of Mot trait.. •Forls . erm of sale, apply tb ii t
. .
subscribers t Owego, li. Y. or t0,;11.11.n i .„,,
Esq., i Mont . • . - -1; '• E. RAYNSFOL r
re i t.
July-20;1,, 4.- - . , F. wAySSIOV
A L clime
, - • . - lifibiawba Shawlid
CROW : lot-Of•Wcio' IlLong. Shawl-4.rety.o
0 P
ii: , :
' . - •
by ' '‘'''. - SCOTT; JOHNSTON* fl
•- • - • Springville, - ecetWD " 3 ' ' . 1
]'Goole tar, a 6.oadiratlor ..
01114 SOLlTllER'resectftilli filtering the pub'
that heltalt opened.kpbtco.of lihsineto in - . I V 4 ‘
rose, -where i e is,eariiing on fitshiotiabktaitpri P t':•
t i
Mr. Souther' aihneit.ettgagetilcW fire sears in
of the bests opt: is the nitY-OtNe*. York, Riia
eti his trade i t the'princ44 cities 'of. Geratall r:
i koB.
France. E. Cy Article wafraated to, fit well, sin
Souther is b o " iesxticat of - a new;aucl[perfcci W I T :
qif. taking the, nieaaure, -\,For : arkthiug -that eau I , ' ,
. expoeted ofa.goett tailor call oo ...
,JOBS SOlrfila,
'titte 14i - '' Opposite )1,',%-Wilsigl.4.
- ___-_--,-,----
.. . . ~ ..
,„-,- • - - , .
- , COLIMUT Ila IF,OO/ 1 - , dol l
- DIM Sri ar e eall Altai:4o iire,shieP* •
it, be useiliboth*lYabt mei Occillit la
-era& 0.004 as a ***taw Isfir itour.,, Wi^s7r
e t
itelving ilia . eupOy,ool.ofter - • - •'" g o :
_Rice of Ylwii_itt flis 4 ,eaf cititi.l' ,4 9,„ a
Good 414.t0 Odeon, Su e rat *fel Pt • r I"' •
- ..'
" " ' At eatea et. Se cts.jlll
, Gibson„Tit c.24; , '•54.1 1 • Tirgßo7P'''''\
Buffalo Kobe:.
lot jut received, and offered low b!