• - . J. i t List. • • ~ .. . , .. r jr the Terns o* . Cot rt santmOcing. Novan , ' . ~ ' ei• 20th, 1854. ..:.'. .., • BRAND JURORS. ' .. ..l.pdatOn:. s'ery• Beebe.. : ,-,:-...... ..... ,Inburn :. A am link:,. Patrick Donlin.. • .t Ararat .:, Daniel . Pope, Jubez.Tyiet.• .=..' firooklyn : Georg 'W. .P4itter. _ . . . . Bridgewater: Ro ert L. limiter.: • r . - / CVO di Morris ennett. • , . Choconut : Micha I r , oran: . A .•: franklin: - Alonz Williams.; \ • ._. fierford :- James, . Hotchkiss., - . •. 'Jessup: Erastus T . Cook, Daniel Pickett. Jackson. : James-Hall. •' • . . ,Liber ::, Joseph Bailey=. / - 1 ' ~.:` -• Lenox ' Abram Benjamin, Samuel S. Ben.' ;:iiin. 1 -. ,liontrose : Josiah Blackman . .., _ i . [ . Middletown ::. Bainuct 11. Spatrord, .--' ' bakland: A. P. llnpinan. -- .' : • - Rusk: James D..6uxidwin• . •-• 1 ' Springville WI limn IL Giles, • Landis Lonan. • • 7 2 honison E. 31 Bryant. • TRAVEVSE JURORS. , . A ra yat: Jaines C. Bushnell. . !' Auburn :, Caldwell McMick** 1,. ''." .• ' Bridiietcater •:.Jol' l n F. Deana, A.F. wit. y att , s „ William . ) MeHanish,* Gilbert Warner,* F,11:3:1 8.. Warner,* _. 1 • ~ - 7 7.1 - -. 1 ' . .- s-ealyn: , Harts orn Mile.: 0.. N '. Eld'• e t , rake.* „. • •. - , ~ ehonotiut: Hota Bliss, D. D. Brown, iii-. v! Heath, Henry`A dison.* . ~• , . j Clifford : Henryenneti, AVery Btirdlek, f i fa -* Coleninti.; :Edward. Oiatn; M. C. Stew. ~,t.. James C.lSteutait.* • Umock; Ells G. Bicker, 4)usitial : .Irti'Goclrielt.* , • i Brest Lake i Wiiiiiim S. Marvey, Thinti ikr:: Mona, Eira Rice" - : . , i Oaf Bend ; Jib's. Adams; Noble T. Buck, i ' \Val. Green,* qui. t Johnion,* haat! Reck- 1, h ow ,* Schuyler Br' ks,* John - . Gillespie.* ..:. GGibsonWillitit H. Pope.* . - -- ) - . Hestia . : Charles . Lyon, : I. Ellis. r oi , ' Ifaiford : .Milbot rig Oakley.:' Jariion : Job `Be ison,'Gritliii Cook.* . • .4castip . :- JOhttNolungs, Truman Walker.* ' Ignox: Johnt. piney, Elias .N. Mooroi (I)atles Glaze, , Stephen Bell ,* 'William - Bar. l t r.*.fillowax: Ro 1 ertson.*, - .• - . -- ' LiGerty:'RutuS ;Fish, William H. Ives, Garay Law,Calvin tanfbrd. katkrop: Georg W: Tiffany, Ltilte.Bion :en.*B. N. lord.* Aiontrose ; lienr • ' ! Middletown : 'BO Griffith:* ' . F. Tin . : k S. Canfield,* Thomas.!, os Brant, Gid Peek,* Sue : Ilovt WileoxA* • . 'anger ; Hiram Dewersil yin Tuppef.* looms . Carr, Henry hush: Henry G I ,loepli Wheeler,* Susquehanna : ;L lt''ay, John B. Scos Silver Lake du p a t,* Mho's S*een, geflle: Set Thovson : Alva; ties ,Gaige, Patrick • Cr :Michael Laug,lilin.*:' .Stark,* Willis Just Received, a .•Neu• Lot of • • • SHAWLS, .\ , • I (11,' all sizes. and Varietibs ; , oueS of good;.! CiOality a.s low as $3;00. Droelfe very' cheap.-- , -4: Ijefore von bur call• - tinoo D. IL & CO, , Nor. 1, e. 5 I. • ' , enots.—But one . Demo- • • 13Uffaito Robes: • to Congress, .the. rest of x - V + IiOLE skins&rd .N'o: I at s. The State Situate, will • . , s :mil Americans to ten Nov. 1, 1554 NV are for Sedond Nrea ' I:sse marked thus NEW JERSEY EL'; ,rat has .heeli eleettil the fivti •renttist. tmi I)einneratA.:hi t inericanx are htral Fusjcu al4 - 4ity ;!:' '0 Ve (;975 on Inostzistonishillg - r lutnt sirfee the! last I . s_. II louse the 'hig§ and Drettc (kicod - d Winter, I •ly-in the majority. The I. t ..4. good an aAsor li ttri d e l n i t as • C n °l3lg. 'l. ../- x. i CA LiCOE S for lesk ? ill c a 4' n ll. a K .:li t( ir/i1, 1.; - GO cr. Oli : Oust, the Democratic par , Bleached Goods, Brown Shiletings,' •Ttickiti l g la ai l l a d r .t . rili, - : . the Cculgreional % .- Ote :a. f t !l e cty ,r t.vs, Ti ll a o i ;i , c - r, 'Hats find Citps, Boots :tnd Shoesil Iroision of popular setiti.., Z e i t at prices that ca:itiot, Presidentitii erection . 'A, be b'ette'anetirtii 't v re o'tl G ie r.'-° t , c tcd ri n ( g ! % f . a . ll of 'Lich w e or . i . 1 :tsloir as can be bought. ~ , D - 11. I'' & .00 ' 1 1 NO% I, ; .• • ' , ... • ... %. l' -: '!- -1 •1 . ; i I - Miller, on the 16th nit., Mr. . A. fir r , :t rate artictelower than ever sold itt liftr orcl, \aacrl. TANNE it; t r aiz e , at It./L: , CO: . . Ir: liarfortl, li Ret AGE, of Cli liarford. , . • -.-- • . . - i . .': -' • - • . Waiiteti, . me, on the 29th ult., Mr. Wu. . • 10,000 Bushels opGrain; Dried Apples 'Eggs But, . PAr.luuai. R. Plctiauso, litah ter 1c,.-,-.504) iioz, trood Stocks, fur which the bigh&.4 ' - price wili he paid by - ' . , - D. R. L. & CO. . In llarford, by tlie 1.15T0N TECKER, lei .FACT: 4on. .1 At, Harford; In the I. N. BAKER to Mi Ss SA . . . . :anto 01 the Sth instant , M • ' • „,• • .., - . To the .1f1i... the .lude7CT of the. emir-4' rf ()trait: an both r....l3AltßY . „ of Clifford. i.- . - 1. • .. •,-- ,; , ! ' ter Ses.sions o, t h e Peace. to and for', thi 1 112th instant, by A. G: Bailey , . ,- - f i t .. 4. c , • 1), .• cfmn ?I .:, ..,n-sqnf., , ilea: . , S1:1 7 111" and alias WEALTHY .1• rrilE petition of - 11. A. Whitney,. of the 'Nillage of oklyn. -- - • • _l_ Susquehanna, in said county, respectfully repr- —46,- q • - 1 . - . - . , se.nts that he is provided with, suitable convenieneos DIED. -. • ' • 1 ' to keerit Grocery in. the 849' of Stisquehanna, and , .. . , At MUsec,da, Grant County, Wisconsin, 9n Sunday 1 that it is his intention - to apply to the , riet, oourt of ule 11.211 dsv of October, Mrs. MART E. Dtmorx, -wife , Quitter So ion, to bb‘boldtin in and for said county, ~ faohn li:Di•nOck; &Ai . of Muscoda, and - daughter of i \ forit license td-keeplt, Groeery; and to 'sell Strong Cvl. AF - a , Dimock of Harrisburg, Pa. • - . I Reer,'Ale, and , other malt liquors, according to• Act qf.; • .. 1 • - . ' - --: I Assembly of 14th April, _1.51;1. - • :', -'. i _ . - I . • ___ . 1 , . . •i 1 - 1f....k. WIIITNEY..• Stuquehania County Agricultural Society. , •Fusquelianni Deptit, Novi. : 1854. -'-'. '' • i. ; _ . , The reguldr Quarter y Meeting of the Agricultural 1 - - • 1 - ' • - - ' .-,-- 1 1 - . . „ . Society will be held' a the Court House on Tneidav l : '. ' DISSOLUTION. . ] - . ~• aeninz, Noveniber - 2, th instant, being. the second - I rrll 1 1 ; funk of Thayer & Crandall is this day dissolt- , week of court. . . WM. H. JES.SUP, Sec y: 1 1 . eii by mutlial;ecinsent. ' The notes and accounts _ • I are in the hand; bfAclct. Crandall: who ii, authorized to settle'the.saMe. ---„` . 7:• - •71f. THAYER: ~! - ...Montro - r, - Oct.' :0, 1:854. - , ', R. P.; CRANDALT,.. ' - In Brooklyn, On the Mr. Joss! VELGASON, both, of B Rough & Ready, Take NOtice: • The members of Ro i kigh & Ready Fire Engine torn; pmy No. 1 - , are hereb notified to melt at the Engine Hove, Saturday next, at 5i o'clock. DAN. SAYRE, Ser'y... if e. 0110:fiuA . pis'. A. E. Baldwitt, • . . • A fANCFAU •S OF SADDLES, HARNESS, Trunits, \V ups ke., in the. Basement of Searle's ibtel,..Montrese, a. ILSON dt. Sfrif AtAY be found in S. Mulfonfs old store y Eat side of Public krenue.. . , • ilentrose,T.NOvember 15 , 1854. • A.11E4 TVRRELi 'LI AS remained• the DRUG and Fancy Goode busi . 4-1. Ilea , in the low •r part Of the tnwn,•on Maine '.street, near Keeler a :r ern_ 'Montrose, Norern. r 15, 1851. REMOVAL. •. VEELER d; STOIIDARD, since the late fire, may 11 he found in the BASEMENT OF SEA RLes HOTEL: Notwiding the unprecedented ra 7 th.san pidity with. which ' r stock of Boots, Shoes, &v., "went off" on: the orning ..!•f .the fire, we still 'hare some on hand, and all soon be well supplied again. ° KEELER k. STODB/111). e.t.' 13: 1854: ' . ' 3lontrose, Novena HE WE take this me l V the corner ; r 0 ,15 easterly of. our that we are offering emu to take this the torgetto 'drive aro had a in the East iod to invite our friends around our .new location, only a few old, and to give, general notice such great bargains as are likely business part ofthe town. Dont id to Chestnut street, and Tod will end of B. R. Lyons' building. D. it. LATHROr d: CO. I`)er 14, 1854. llontrose, No - rem 1 . gt •ti aagata.tox iasonuow - RS - * auop put , ta nu& (133 X 1Y133.113 JO if:OOIEI E L my% 'Nap u! 2uoi uaaq • .mo Jo KOOS imp van as i S2OOO ..10'110_01g M 4 p~uo~t iatti re - o ' )11 1 1 tt st Fitp Imp .1 jully otix s.i4umsn - • 7 -- ' II4 A . .C la 4 l9 ll a U 1) • Iptm warp saa.t2,. 7 cri aiqu aq o) •itp u;)i 9111013 Jo as.tnaa alp 111 odoq puu..`tuatnopna l'F•L'lntaPj alOttt us atm (4_ sddliq Saqi aziqu .Im°l6 sluognic *if 'S 'Ai aw,oirldo 4112 nQ 21 . 1 1p1?nci eau 011 in ‘lacrls liars jp'suptu.l.l arnn velvt+_ 1014 paaotuim aerq 4 a.ru intoartrep j M 1 atm sQuaapw p.taAas 2upq exaciFo'sqlts ,311 _ Aihni XTOTICE is he IN upon the es Borough of Mont to the subscriber. tate'are - hereby merit, and Those Present theta duly . . %%rotor's Notice. lby given that letters testamentary tte of Julia Anil Park late of The' 'se. 4 ,, egued, harib.been,gritnted Al persons indebted to said es-: luegted to mike inunediaio pay- Vl7 - litiMS Ing claims upon said estate to , attested for 'settlej,ent. JAMES DEANS Administrator. tuber 14th, 1854..., liontnisc; Nova , 31'46; 4 Advertisetnint. ! .ishes the birds :and" beasts with I'rater, has not =deli kimilar pre- 1 , ve coneluded'to take it upon n op - irtdi and Winter! Siipplr, of I. ,t departinent; and therefore-I , f. .; • Gotaidsi.! -- Supply .- - di ii.11)4 . lei e l I flounce, that all shivering male bi- 1 XTOWopening,, - a laige sin.d ...., es , Wortmeß.. i • w apparel, glorious or Ing/OtiOUS, 1 .1- 11 1 rall'aud Wiai4ier.GrOoo, 6 mPnung I ashiontade, C4ll hive their wants i our :usttal varlets', whiph are pre'porect , o soILAM - MRCS suited be calling on trl, at the triostfef"evabk &Ott. , laEliTlity ltrAM- • Ir. • )fentrote, , Oetober 10, 951.1 ' ;.• i:' 1 i f, i• • , • 1 , 'I I 1 • • „ _ John Gr , qs.z., nature, f IT extra coil for TltiOtt for man, I self to attend to „think proper to . i r 4 ; that need n i 2 shionallie or un , aupplied and their . r ''Y ( "1 1 Mop 1 , r i MOVA.L. - , ,:•;;L.,:, , •-- •-.:' :, . ~7 ; .... t: .. , .. :- 'Velon . 0n.• : ,. .. . , .1 1 .. SitEltrit"Sl3iLES: - ~.-. at i r: ': ' B 'virtue of Writs - Of 'Vein . . Kx.'issued ; nut.' of the There willbe a &natio° tbrflig .. holit'Of the . ev : John *aderson, at, . C urCh; Pleasant!Vall,e.h Court ; of ConitionTleai of Susquehanna Counts- apt tSel 4 4ee hYtt".-'; to Me.direeted; I .ivill expose to public . sale at . the Montrose,. on Thlirsdiy,• NoVb.l6th.' Charthin the evening-of that' illy. -. ' ~..i "' . .. . • Court Ightie•in 31Ootrose, on Saturday the 18th d:iv. , ; Cr Nitiember.tiexii Lit one o'clock P.:11:, All that:pie . ie ; -;,', . , ., • ' HuitusOn-W4nutrrox, pee,y. - ---- a -• - - r-- - ‘ .. r----- 7" '--- -7 '- .• ', or pared of land s .sititate; king and: being ; in - the. Tiir;., KNOVIVNOTHINGS. ,, • - - • Tir - AvE _i tI C KED , up, A i r mou ßt x mo ss! i_ 'township : of Jessup; StiSquelianna County, Bojnoled ll -13ut,..very fortunately, tfi6 iiartbrii not thrown tuld '4l " cribed:as 'll(iiv'it-14) 'wit: 'on the North hY lauds Or. Austin andlienry'Sherinan, on the East by.. from its orbit and sun' shines . ;.on as before Reeby ; ena. iTantes Fiturrif," on" the South; by land of Albert Bol and West by Math bling the "Achim- Man " to worlii,iat his trade ot light ; 11,e ; , aod on the and shade in, his usual 'stitistlictork manner. '': ." 1, i l is 31cKy and Ifath.ew eby, Containing abou tfifty . acres More or .His, New Stock, just purchased=, .conipriies °Very- jass,- With the apportentinceS, ode frapied house ,barn thing neatand desirable hi fie Hagnerreotype li 7 e : -4 hild orelitird,...and,':`-about 40 Beres improved, late the and he asks that Yon will not forgt to call. ' Otae of Lyinan-Sherinan. ' • ''' - ' ; --; x.- Ile has some recently_ published Books, which . , s laken ;, lit execntion at the suit of Henry Sherman will be; ureto please-those who icisti good rioding• . ' ;: •,;- , . ~ • ; •1 I v . B. 0E . .. k ,5p,.. • rs. kmhn filter:min. •; . . Odd Yellows' Hall, Montrose Pik. i ,--: '-; ' .-- 1 i Alact-- : -The undivided one half part of all that der- Egr W. 11. D:lioes net take rtrotfee for . 1 1-ii . or 501.kain'piedp . o r: pakcel of land, situttte . mid lying in the mai!. iThoie who Irish Osek,troi r mist go el,eete . hrie. 1, 0-JinishiP, of Jessup , County of Susquehanna I'clinsyli. i .;vanin, atid botinditil, and described as follows. twit : 'l3eginobt at a Hemlock tree; the South East , orncr ii hereof, thence North 00 perches to a post - ,ai hence i;',West 100 perches to a post, thence Southl 00 perches , ito a post and stones, thence East 100 perches to the ..place of beginning, containing 100 acres be' the same ;Ogre orless with The appurtenances, onc.framed dwel ling hoilae, One-barn,itine shop, one stied, some fruit I trees anti about 75 acres improved.: • ; - ; . i i - Takeh in execution at the suit of George Grubb vii. +EJoho C::,Bertholt ;:f • • . , • 1 - •, 1; - Alini: l ,—All that;perialn piece or parcel of land sit: 1:. nate inc, Springville tOrnship,. Susquehanna &flinty, tiboandeit, and' deScribed as follows; to wit: ; On the, f north by land or Asalll BA'richard, on, the east by 11 hut& of Spencer litekoi, - on:the South by land 'of Joel I: Brooks .tind 'AradWakelee, - and on the west-by land 1` of 'Aaron Tityloriantl 4nrne o Meacham, containing if Eacres' and 151terelies of land, together with the op purtettancei,lt frained'houid: and barn, an bichard,' and about 45 - acres impiuked, late -the estate of Ste t; phen- Al' Hyde. ' ; i, ..- i Taken inexedittion at. the suit of Samuel Bard and . . . (1 ' I wilt hold the examptatious ofTeachers lb lows: 310nt14, NovembefAth,:atloAl It.; • 'Lathrop. Monday; November 20th, at . 4.‘r.-)4.`, - Aulstan. Tuesday, Noretitber al 10 'AI Jessup, Tuesday. November 21st, - at 6r. ,Forest Lake. AVdriersilaY, Ntir. 22d, at 10 A. M.l3ll(hliCtoWil Centre.l WeAstesday November 22d, at 6 n.,. Xlioconut. Tbaraday, November 23d, at 10 ai M.,...50CC Lake. :Friday - ; November`24th,, at 10_A.; r.;. Bend. Friday, Nov. 24t1t,' at 6 P. N.,- . .9.oqehanna, Daklaud, andituinony. , l ' >i. • Saturday, Noveniber , 2sth;'at 21. ,; 'Libcrty. Monday, ,Novembeti 2.70,:at 6 '-Tuesday; Noven4te*,2Btb, at 10,4 Jackson. Tuesdav,Nbrenther 2Stb, at .6 r tt.. • Thomson. Wedntsday, Niivember.296, nt 19 it.,„; j.Ararat. Wndu'osday, 30th, at 4 P.' : . Friday, December lst, at 1 - P. M.l, Cliabrd kpundaff.. Saturday, DeceMber .2d, at I ,r. .Dirtietors arrange the Plac6sTUr holding the examinations, anti bi . preseneita 'well as others in terested, • i W. BICHAIIDSON Ilarford, Nor. 7.-} • :County Supt. STCA,VES AND, CASTIIIVGS: CHEAP. A few; Part $,/ ro pl Cookinti,And Coal Stores, on hand and willbe 'sold timir to close them out. : Also, lkat Sinks, Hogs-troughs; Putts Sink Ti.ups; Mor tem, ;Sleds,. ClaMpfc - .Bunch Sci4ews; .Door,Squeeze, &c.., one and TWO Morse Wagon Boxes ' improved pat tertas.,Une first rate Tuniuso-Lalne, Sprout's Wagon Springs.' ThesatiovC. with niany ;other tirticles in that line, Will . be. sal cheap. P eaeall.at Montfose,.Nov.- 9, 541 .. E: P..CHANPLEirs. • -- - ;{ • - , . Thomits Niehulsmi, Executors 'kc. of the will of John Bard, d'ecea.sed, Ns: Stephen A. Hyde. 11143--Au that • certain piece or, parcel of. land 'situate, lying and being in the Beroughof.Sasqueliam;l nn, county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania; bdimtleit arid deicribed es follo*s,-to *it: Beginning on, the hightiarleading from the River Road to the . Lenox - and Harmony Turnpike , on the corner of lot] No. 19 t thence north 7 , 2 degrees west 5u -feet; ; thencel south' 18 degrees *esti 3 chains and .59 hundredthS of .a chain t thence South 6: 3 7i degrees east 50 feet ; thence; north 16 degree's cast ? chains and 38 hundredths Of ..a chain to the plaice of beginning, containing 44 squarel -perches of land,: be the same more or less, and is des ignated as lot N,i). 'l6 : s tn. Addison McKee's' survey in .1851; (with the reservation of •2 rods on the north end, as a road,) together with the appurtenances, I framedl -house and one barn and all improved, late the estate) -of Joseph B. Caistle and James :NicWatle, • .Taken in . execution at the suit of 'Daniel G. Smith va. Joseph B. rustle and James Mc I 1 :oe. • ; Also—Alt }hat certain lot of land Situate in , AU-, burn township, ; Susquehanna county, bounded as Aid!, lows:, Beginning at the south-east corner of a lot Of land known on the imap of Thinker Ileshoppen to 'et! es lot No. 10, ikloriging to David Bushnell; then (.=, along, the cast tine of ',said lot and Of let No. 11'5 tu W belongior„,... to Joseph D. Drinker, north 212 petcheS to a post thesitinli-Weat corner of lOt No. 50, fornier ly conveyed to Nehemiah Lathrop ; -thence along th ei south lines of said last mentioned lot and lot- No. 1,1 south 89 degrees east .160 perches to a beech sapling' the north-west corner'of a lot belonging to Dyer La-!, throp'; thence by the west line of said l a st mentioned lot,of Samuel Woodward's lot,. and lot N0..5, smith 212 perches to it post on the north line Of a lot of land formerly of Jilin Robinson ! now of —, and thenct along said last mentioned line west 156 perches :an 3-10ths of a petch to the place of beghining, centaini inn 207 acres inn! 43 perches of land, and being tlo •Saine lot of: land .whielt . the executors. of the last nll of Henry Drinkrr deed. conveyed to Ezekiel Lathrop, . except 89 acres Or thereabouts in the possession id and belonging to the plaintiff, - together with the apt purtenances, two framed houses, two framed banks! and about A 51) nacres improved.'- . . . 1 Taken-in execution ',it the suit of Dyer Lathrop, a d: ministrater of the estati... of Ezekiel Lathrop, deceased ' VS. Ambrose Gaylord, with, notice to Terre Tonants.l ' AlBO-All that•certain piece or parcel of -land or village let situate in the Borough of Susqu e l l am i a n e t pot, Susquehanna_ ceutity, ; bounded and deseiibed al, follows, to wit:; On the north by, the public highWayL on the east by land of John O'Laughlin, south by land of Robert Nichol, and west by land of A. Slone, Said lot.containing in front labout 30 - • feet and in depth about 24 feet, together; with the appurtenance, one three story .framc`d dwelling house, Se., and : all fin• proved, the rights of irittuisition being waived of req. 14 'otil, late the estate orlienlinnitt Palmer. . ••• .. I I . . Taken in- execution' at the suit of ; Stillwell-Brown it • Co. Ns..l3elijaTin .paltupr: , • • ~ , Also—Pr 'Virtue, o f. -- a mit . 0f......111as red,td.l.7:l issued and directed as 'above, I will expose to public sale at the same time and place, all that certain lot ti land situate . hi the Borough 'of Montrose, county ( 1 ,, Stisquelianoa, described as follows: "Beginning at thi centre . of the'BritigeWater & Wilkesbarre furnpiki goad adjoiniti"a lot'of land forma.ty ..r it"t,t-,olt - -....1.,-- rv, conveyed fin 11.. Sayre ; thence north 1 degree am 0 0 minutes, wtist along said load S perches to a con ner ;-.thence east about fi perches to a stake and stone in Isaac Post's land; thence south 8 Perches tea c, - ) tier of 11. Sayer'Siot, and thence-by the same abou 7 peridies•to the begtnning, containing 56 . I wrelle: more or less, being the;: awe loccoureyed by Williat Jessup andi.wife to. 'John Groves, ogether with th appurtenances., a Lamed Dwelling- 'loose,. frafile Barn, out door cellar, and all improved, late the e: tate of John tirovas. - . . - Taken in eiccution it the suit of Alexander Alhl , . • ( vs. John Groves. . 1 i .. Also—By Writs of Lee. Fa., issued and directed i above, .I will expose to public sale at 'the_ scone tin , ' ''_and place--- r All that certain tract or parcel of lantl•Si uate in thOo.trnship of Rush, in - the county of Sit quehanna and State bf Pennsylvania. and butte ! bounded, andidescribed as follMvs, to. wit : Beginniri ; at a_hendockAlic corner of a lot of land formerly eon ve'ved to Thomas Fordielt '• thence south 119 perch - and three-tenths of a perch to a ixt;t ;- thence we 4.1'60 perches and 6-lotbs of a perch to a post; them 'north 7 perches and 2-10ths of a perch to a post :• 1 s.corr..of thesaid•Fordick's lot; thence by the sap cast 160 - perches and 4-10ths of a perch to the plan or-beginning:containing 71 acres, together with tl ' ht_reditamv,nts ar:A sppurtenairces. - - I I. , "Taken fit aril It the suit. of Caleb Camera • a.s - sil . 3 mee of Ilober) It- Ro. . -vs. Job M. Pearce, 171 . . , ' notice to Terre T enants.. . - • .• • . 1 .; . AllO-by Virtue of writs of Lor.itt. and I`i./ra:l •*, the suit* of.tbenezer Cross and I). A. Lt ass ..t, li ro ' eu vs. Ira Williams, issued and directk. ,, d , as" ---- ab!... , ve, ' will expose, to public sale at the same titne and OM t MI that &;i1II:in 1 i story frame Dwellirig House c niining in front32 . feet and in depth :20 - feet, arid' t i ' curtilai , es twin:rum:oli thereto, situate in•the tol t • - m ~ , ship of llarniony in Stisquebanna,conntr, said bui ing Lelia ertiteel op :1 certain piece of land purchl : ed by the sitod Ira Williams of -one Amos Barn ' , bounded on the northlo - theland of Amos and Sin t Barnes; east!. by the : Belmont Turnpike. south M west 1w Anicfs and . :-Ittion Barnes,containing one ad of land. li i \i . • I ~ t • . 1 . 1 -. Also -Al dint certain piece or parcel of land s nate, lying and being in the-township of Clifrold, Si . . queltanneeounty, bounded and described as folio'', . - ' --- s --2- - ---- --'-- -- --' ,---- - ----- ' -' 4 - -7 - - . ito wit : Beginniting at a anger maple' tree down a' , OUR. STOCK Or' , STOVES - - i joining the land - of • -:+,--- - Munson ; thence south '. "1F.5 .. l i - 0 IV COMP LETEand:we would take this i degrees eastlB chaina'and ,66 links along the road , . , • ..1.: opportunity to say that I we . can shim the' mostl Munson's :corner ; . thence north 78 degrees east beautiful and Splendid Patterns id",..Ptirlor,and cooking {, chains to s post on the hill; thence south 14 - qegri Stoves, to be found in the cOuntyi . " Aiming them can 1 east 5 chainajto a small locust tree, on the upper in . be seen the k Revolving Fret and Gothic Parlor, for I of the road ; i thence riortlr 78 degs. east - 4 chains ii . wood . or - coal, entirely new a d decidedly Pretty stov'es. I post aboVe the road ;I thence north 51Q east 6 chap Prices from five to ten-dollars: •-,Of Cookmg. Stoics jto a post thence north 35 degreci east 7 - chains al vie think it needless to say-rnuchqi only to remark, that i5O links to a post; thence north degrees east we are Selling them at oar r imell prices; aml: judging'; "chains and.Bo links to a - post," by the main brim from the nipidity (if our,sal 4, we : belicite the public thence north 80 degries west 1 chain to a post „are entirely satisfied with- ur prices and the quality. same beech} saplitigi .near the brook. and an 'of- our wares.' -We have - 'a few More lelt" of the line • ' thetace, north 45 degrees west 16 chains. nd "Clinton - Air-tight • ; tleva Oven StoV,e," acknei.Wl- link; to.* post and stones; thence south 61 degre edged to be the best cooki stoic now in Use. Rns- west 34 chains to the place of beginning, containi sin' and English Stove-Pip, at'cild prices, - a.nd • Trim- 48+ acreis More or.less, together with the apputf,..:- I i .:- 'innings -and. Tinware of all description at. the Yery, inancei, one !rouse and barn, one small orchard, and lowest rates. - . . . I J;DICHERMAN, jr; abo A u l t s B:::tre.s f ith e pr . ot . -e . d pi f w .. ..:NeNt . lilford, October 23; 1854, - ir . ' 'e i ..Taken;n execution at the suit of Harrison Doud to ,i--- 1 ----------.-i-4-----,---4----• 'the use Of BenjandirAYers, vs. Zipivin Cobb, 2d • -.FACTS FOR if E ' PEOPLE i• i 1 .. . virtue of writ of alias,test. r'en. ez. is! ed THE subscriber Is cart,' g on the Cifillre. MAK'. I _L ING BUSLVESS in all itti Variois branchei at ;at-'" i Loutof the ,d ( 4 -this d o i onurion eas of . yommg 0., . 1 andto me trecte , will expoie io public sale at- he the Chair and Wai.e Shop ' tr . la / f°11) . '. l'i l h . er . e- -- n Y a ftr ,he i same time said place, _ 1 ] all • that certain yiece or pages! I Admjitistiatothris 9 Sale. ' NTOTICEis hereby ivcn, that-in pursuance of an ill order •of 'the orphan's po O ft. of Susimehannaf there wiltbe exposed tojpublic. sale, on Tues 7th daY of November next, at .one o'clock:( the following property, late the estate Ofi, Eb ./.* Cole,' of the „township: of Forest , lake, in .aid •ounty, deceased,) bounded as' follows, to wit On the east by tli Ridge. Road, tin the south by lands, 'of AJ Tilden, formerly David lialdwin, ' , on the irestl by Eli Warner •tind David- TaylOr, containing about 7 . 1 it) aeri!a wholly unimproved. . Th`p sectind piece being that on which' the decedent resided at,the time of his;: decease, bounded on the north hy lands of Asa ler, on. the east by the. Ridge RO . ati 3 On the::south by lands [of G. W. Ball ; and on the WeStlliy lands of rfor.'J ace Dirchard.' containingabout 78 acret, with a Dwell- 1 j jug House, Bain, Orchard, and it -nosily improved.—` J Sale to be held on the premises. !-TeritismadeknoWn on the day of Sale. • ORANGE 11011, Jr. A d - • Oct. 3, 1854. • ELIZABETH COLE,. mr NrT - he above sale is adjourned' to Saturday the 1 25th; instant, at &he same time and plaCe. Signed . as ; above. - • j [%•)v. il, .1854. r . • . 1 ' Auditor's. Notice. THE undersi, , -nedh \ aving been appointed an to .distribute the proceeds of the sale ef the Reid j. Estate ofpaniel Langstaff, will atteml to the duties pf t his appoiAtmenti at his office in Montrosit, on Satin { day the 18th day of November neat. at 3 o'clock 1. N., at which time and place all pO'rions interested in,, said Auld are reqnired to preient their claims or lie foreverdebarred therefrom. • October 'IR 7854. 17, Assrpit Auditor. New Goods at the Heady Pay Store. G. W. lI.TULLETZI , uAVE just' received Faltstocit Goods, JLI: which they.ore prepared tO-Sell.. as heretofore,. on the, most favomble..terms for'reMly par: - • 1. The . additions, made to our cornier purchases, us.now a large and assorted• Stock Goof's,. fa vorahiv adapted to the iv4iits of \ the people ; of this dur . stock is comprised of D 6. GPods, Too:.? . and Stationery, Rea;dy-trade Clothing, Hata and. Capp, Boots and-Shoes,, ai Targe stock of IVO Papering, Yankee Notions, a full.stock of Groceries, Flour, Salt • : ; If. our I . :jet - ids will - call upon , nil, we will conv.inc,e , them that the read?[ pay splenz is the thost: tageous to all concerned.• :11'; nr.ILEI4- -Moßtmse . ,- September 21, 3 554.' 1 found a greater variety - - indktr jand Bociting Chairs' than at atty other-establishment In the county; also Fiag and Cane Seats, Hurea, tis, Bedsteads, Lout;k-• es; Settees, Tables, Stands,fLe.ke., 1111 , :of *hi& Rill be sold 'at the lowest priecfs atretail, (in; wholesiße, with short notice..) All fork Warranted .well made and of geed inaterinl. Shor, t - crodint and mean mitts will be my motto.. For - demonstration ;of the "Wye facts, please call at; my, shop in Harford • ,-- ; village - A:.Yir OREENWOOI4' Buford, October 12, ISX., 2 1 15411inG T"person who took Green French ifeilno Dress Pattern from .e stint of the subseriher can hare an.. opportunity 'f returning it privattly, and no explanation required, if done soon; otherwise exposure and pioseeutiork.4ill - 44lowiiiii 'the tranauci tion is, understood; • '1f. ',13114R1TT,4 New l'ilford, s Octobe r k. .1 r e, 18 D. IL L. & CO , .4.rek . . of land situate in, the:township of Auburn in Sumitc hatma counts.; bounded on the northiby lands of Nel son Love, oh the eat by lands of Samuel Vangorder, -south by the county line between the conntieg of Sus ainelnumit and Wyoniing, and on the west by landi of William Cook, containing about 65 acres, with the iv . - purtenaneea, a log and frame house, and about 120 acres improved, late ;the estate of Nelson Rathbun. - - • Taken in 'execution at the shit of Elhanan Smith v. Nelson .lettisbun. I ...or - - , Also'-By virtue 'of a wilt or L..r..,9 r 1. issued and directed as abort., I will expose to sale at the same -time add . place, the following described house and lOt of ground of John f3Covill, to wit : . All that certain 2 story framed buildink and dwelling house and kitch en thereto attached, !the main building containing in front on the street 22 Tett and in depth 36 fact,lre : kitchenlbeing 19 feet front and 20 feet in 'depth, at taehed on the east side of the : lnain building, and 1 he lot or plena', of ground' tin tihreWthe saint is Rrectk re with arttrrtilages !appurtenant thereto, the abOo describedtkitilding and pretniseet , eing . altnate in Ithe BorottO a : susquebona Depot, on the north side of. main ,street;; and the lot - upon which the said building it,,•eitctedheing nti4er4 87 on the f4t - of New VOric tu ft 0411poity . p*pitny's lands, of the "Tilleo of SuNquehanha Depot i and bounded north by the river „ I • ---- 1 -7 “ -- 7 - - —7 7'7 . . . , - - i , road, west by tit:Li lot rifi''Tolin efirin,.ea l st by the lot ~' . • FELIILOW CllTlZlllillg,. - • , ' , . -t . ' ' " iik**ogn4 - 4 4 ,6,48' • : 1 - • ,-,..-: . _._ , . • ~,. A ;,... , :?-7 .., ,„..:- 7 .. of G. W. Reiul, anti tiolkby intiastreet. .-•.: • i A f "rOU lave just achieved a sign . al tritonph. ()mine 1 . . . . Taken in exeqution ...idle snit of E. C i f Bennett vs. ; 1. bloOdlevs field of Peace, 'lvith `.Yreedoni for', ; • .i.:4-r-1111:-ititiselie444..4frll4:11.11iM11)41143..RIFtaleH.;•ax.Id:iti4daila"adillitnitil4g1: John B. S.covillj ';' - - :•.. ' ' ' ' ' I ' • ; vour•waichword'abd the "terybri of Kings" for, yriur l': •;:,1 that: they are - now,.Openuig a sexy large arid earelnily . jUio--lly virtue of ii ',writ 0f . ..4/iO/4/5, _p m , Hants'', battle-axle, yon tire wrought -a resolution which:, In t. ..- 1 pelectedostock!lol i l :•-...,,, _."•; ..• -;I - . ~ '. . , ~... and.directed'as iihi:ire, 1 Will exPose to Public sale in the 0141 • M - orld NVO ild have sliala‘n - oft'i the 'crown, if • .. - 1 - . ' !rail.. . d *Wier G 04412,, , . • ;,• the same tune and placid; all that certain 'piece or par- I pot the kearl of erpry despoti-and buried him beneath ! - 4 I. which ba s si lieekiiitehatearlqiiPThi4ally-Y!Yery, low', • , • 0 '. . eel of land iitua f te,. , iyingi and being in the township of • the- shattered • ruins of Ilia own throng. . And ,now'!',- . • ~ - i ' and will be sold ii small adiaoe. - - .• - •:t.. -- ... 4 ;.. - : - ,• Silver Lake, - SuSquebatitia county„.bounded an ! u d de- amid your high rquieings and the . , jubilant shouts of I- t ! 1 •, ' . s t. -We iiiv if 11e., - Syeektl attention of the •lidfili'l.ri.iii, - . • scribed itsfolldni, to fait: On . the north by land of .victetry 4n everiliand, 1 Beseech you fcirget not those , t ~..- I . 4. 'StOCk of -- • 4 ; . - .; 'II '''.-.;?`--;' -:- .-.•-•:1-:::- •;•; 7 - -- ;2••: '•• . • 'William Davisa, Of. the 6st,..hy land of Lobito' Allen, hutithle 'FonipaniOns wlio clung to• your standards in , " i,. ! i ll ;;Qli'cse_ Goo *Tr .1 - ''.'' ILLS .... oh the south bytland orl.awrentie Gitilici i , and• on the thi.',:tlacl. of your adversity and defeat, and who are_i 7 - . 7 :. , ~ . . • ,- . • . -:, ,-', . 41. : . fl- ,. wliichrdr Yerlet,l 7 - _.refy,leS, l „.9ual . iy' and c hco p f ie.a,A west by the old':ClicnartiO T.urniiike read, 'containing with .yOl. now in . pi osperity• and success„ especially ll' _ • J pkon ALL -rug ,punposss or ..a : • • 1 i - cle • snrintsbeti . 13.7 f lip estmklimmrat: ir . r StiirquOian4,.' ~ • Inn acres, more or testi •twith the anonr grantee:., one tour iold• patriotic friend, Tun Di:Niter, ' • •• , I', . 'll . ) t , 6 FitICILY'PINEItSIC 1- - : oouttt - •.. 1 : nitre has long existed a public demand for an it '--- W e •al!iave also laaa)-e•--YrY; nice .. S% Y e l!Sha., wl4t • framed house, tinci-,halt, one Lnehard, au] ,about 7 i . 0 , '.Chi out the sunny lieiglits of far Coned Mout:true, acres huprove4hite the' estate Of Isaac loward.. Has nintryour.deadliest enemy and Woe the victory too.' ~ L fective purgative.ipill" which could be relied on Lti ;,. aa ,', au g,t lloa . at "•,.,' a , T , M lP ae _t,,, l ea,•:'!'e ! C'zi•rir=d; . :k!il • a Taken - hi execittiot4at the Spit of• tackney and. Entrenched within his gates of peatl,' upon his cbon ,: , • . , are and ":perfect in its operation. 4 This his' , :been ' -' le " 1 - *c " ta P er '* e. " e 'Y' e ''''' l •P` l '** ''''' - - - r i '-= • - *-- -.:. Monfort, vs. Isaac Howito... - , . ,, .. - ' • ~,, i • oar stock of; Sriks.ls also unusually large and -at,: , - • • • .• . • ; wepared to meet that demand, 'and att.extensive tr 47 ~- ~.1 „ ,- . * Also — By virtue. or:a . alit Of /1: Fa. issued . anal He-wcars II CrOWII - of aching neri•es,ando.peaks in ho. d to regards ' we "knout •we *esti - ,:.'"iti of its virtues has conclusively shown with what inn% 1 aa "- --° ' an In •.•. • ~ prises-: '.- ~. , . T directed as ahote I will expose, to public sale at the .. :- . Tian grofuis, - •• I Beat the jeers. -', • ..., ~ ~.. .•-, ,-„--, .• ,-:., 7., .. -.-. same time and; place, al) that certain puce or parcel a• Ifolloirs beauty 'a - ,staind cheek, clouds the: sweet ! r lce . sa , it mak aceomplishes the purpose designed: ..4„ i s 0f ,.•, - . The.,Gentleritelre :like w:lse - ;enYited 4' Ciaritin if our hv ical if/ bat not easy to make the-. 1 - . of land or rilligelot; sltuate.lying and' being in the ; : • • maiden'a smile • . , • • ,- ' . . •' - 1 e• 3• o • e • a P -• b P '' . . best of all•iiii/i—one.whieli should hare none'of the s u t r t a li d o ct r ot t h - i s a i t : li t. „e' a!Ll .: lll2 h .- i c e re lifj e r s. .• . gil ' aa ti. aa . n u ot a l tes b?... ! : :l Tw r g e e'''-'4dapia!-el. Jeans, Borough of Sufiqiiehannit Deptit, Susqii2lutnua soar- , . Villa his emph-eiviti; tortures no power canbeguile, • 1 Objection.= hut nil the:. advantages, of every others-. - ' tv bounded and. deicrtbed as fellows to wit: On the. From- the bright brow of childhood ateals.the . rose : . . ,s;-' :. Et : e., : whmkt r ,aret, eelhng, y ry. loci in.t ; /This lies been attempiedihere,-arid with what. ktieces - if !- °v e re " t -- ck ' th north by the stteqt, on lb.. east In laud o' 3 antes Bair-. . • to blotile,l • - . . ... •i- deed. -To be bluff, we hive a t7ery full, - rtnieut of en, on the south' hy,liiiio in posSessien ot Michael Sul- . .And shrouds the visage of manhood with sepal- ! w ~ . ' lire would respectfully liulimit•to the public .-decisum. ; Goods (4t i 1 . .. F .• , • , , . ,p de anw ancy f and 'fire-de - term bed te•sell limo, and on tie nest In- tiow or -I,c4rinerly of the -. i . elimi gloom, •• . t ft has been unthrtimate for the patient •hitherto.:triati tkolows low li a . f bey van, be pw .. cluteed .t • is. sol, of • ~ ' • : dlITIOSt: every purgative medicine is tierimonio,mo:and,t ,p o s es „. k _. l . . New York & 'Brie Rallwnd CoMpany„ aid 4 lot con- This foeito:rest, and-health, and blown, the worst in li .tat: , ... taining in front G(! feet'4utd running bask togeth- ' I:. II creatiori; , . „irritating to the bowels This is not: i, Many 'Of them i-" - -i•: Thrtirtip for t 'elibeial iijitianige hithetit'ettenl;• ' ' ' ,flproduce so nnich gripitig pain and re'yulsion :. in:A . § ~ cr with the appurtenances, 1, fmnied dwelling house We aeific, though armed .to the teeth, 'and rout by , er- !I ~ teti to us We - Wit •Confidance.inylte our- friends - . and 1: I , ays CM us t •to more than cOunterbalance the gocid to Ile r• -• 1 : ••1 ••. • - - 1•- • - and rill improved.; ~..7 ;- . ;„, . . •.I - •• .... • • net-a/i o n. 1• -, - , - ;the pubhe genera von want ofGoods;te all and ex- Taken . . .1 tieriyed from them. -These pills produce no irtitatiOn .1 . ! •. , our ,- t k . -; • , ... vitt . , i .,.... . ~ ~.,....,.,,...• Taken in..eiedution, at tha:seit of D.,A. tyofis.s,; . 440 no* like Whiiis and Demoerats; l and thii•l4ew t! ! , , • .Brothers vs. Thoinas Ilurilley. • 1 .• •-, " Nothing teo, • ~ . . , 1 , or pain, Ild.p . 1 l Qs . ' t ariiefiom a previously . . existing o bi -. s ; • 1 ! oc . •-1 re Pure In ' ' I; - • '. •- - ,: ,' : •:-S3lOll &.',ITEMI . 1 : • - •• • • II Struction or tteranffententin the bowels. , . Beiniporit- I i 1 ,, :i . , . -- -1 - Also -- All!; that attain piece or arced of land. Since V+ have got the reins of power, We'll show. hat t y. I situate in the': tOwnst4p of littriuoity,lSuSquelianni • - * t • ' ire can.do. • . .: -,, i, - vegetohle;,tioVtu.nt it arise front their use,"ni ;nob . 1 :':.°17 .. ..! ° _ , ;.u_c_,L.'1 2 .,,_ 4' ?::. .-......._-_,..!•-______,-.; „-•",;, 4, , . , ~i.yeantity.;' but it isbetter that any - medicine .. should • . ; county, bounded land - described as follows' viz : . Be-, We 11 pirge these "Aegean stables" of the opposition ', iSniqitellts livetott ty.sia. .-- ginding at a paint' in - the middle - of the!iehnotit and :!I clan. i - be taken judiciduslr. - 'Miutite directions for thele, A uite• I illezekiali:Beeki • am In tu;.P leas - ' N 0.31 6,APril. ' OVluquaga Tut pike, 'find in it line of I Jesse Lime's Aridithen with mrecniaterial will Dili them up,sitin, 1-: ' •-.' '' : ` • I 3 , iii the several ,diseases to which they are applicable II •-,-•- - -, • 7 ..^ 7 .•' , - • , :•ey -.' .- by. • .. vs. „. , - . Le, ~,1834.• retition.m.bi bind; thence by Siune.Oonth 3.1 degrees Fast 67 pereh- Andt:thirmgli•hoStde politicians. differ widely in t ht, j are enim the - box, - .Aincing the complaints which. ti . a B. illi ; els. . r r,:,.... , : ' ..P.. • 4 - 4,oneh -•.for_decree ler. tat= • • if:faction of Mortg age , ~• C`i to a•lieeeli; ithenc&.iliy land ? of the sante, tiorth 36: , ! I'd - gene , I ' . ' • : " ; ' e . - -- have been seedilir cured'br thetn, we may mention ill . .r. • , int-. -omy , 111 a b , i . IL'. - 0 lutist ' it • r ariimi • forms of Jaundice, Li 1, .4, ? lle - S ski alt%Ra kinglant of :,Ilia, lei ca.'repi; sertta '-'.. degreeS east 24', pitches to . a point in, the tniddis of thi Of the Contra sets9l,measures that each in turn may digest . , n, to .anguor' aUd:Loss of Appetite, Listlegnois,.l: • yews: ..: • . ..., :. ..,,.... , .. i .,:„ . . , , said turnpike ;Iftlfencett elem.. tlientiddh of the same -! l',. '‘Otoose, •I ' ,•'• • , ' "Irritability, IliEoua . Headache, .Bilious - Fever' Fever• l ' .. ' • Take noticell i tt you are Artily ; iquired to ap pear north 50 dcgreitx we 25 perches ; thence north 54 . Yet an ireferenee to lour policy_ we Sure shall not •be ..a,i Ague, Pain in the Side, and Loins.:. for, ht. truth -4 ," .• -- ' • - - i- • .... .- '- ww - - -_. degree west. ?.:I•lperches; thence: north 52 degree.' ..• • ; I told - I - '• " ' • t - !,, • • !, . bwfore the said - urt-ot I.; : pmmon, new at. antuttrose • 'i s f l• '.1•all theseure. but the consequence .9C di:sensed' action - west 13-perclitts to 00 Place of beginniig, containing Thht nauseous filth and•rottieuiess; should be pre el u, , „ ,1 on Monday the tOtliality'ofNoi. -next id . * o,teleielt . P.. ' -4 •' in the liver As an ape; lent, they afford prompt arm .... . - . - 1 ••f. • it- pin - -.3..1 end 4 acres! and 104 Perclies'strict;measuve more or less," li . to gold, 1 • ... ‘ 1 , • ' '/' ; ..: •• •, . -,• ... . , ,. .t Y. anu. answer, tae,pent ett.o ~ . ~.4014..,,.- . ' - -. i . sure relief in Cositiveness, I"des, tholic, Dy:-uuttery. , dud . - , with -t is appitrtenane.s one'llouse. and mostly nn- Ner Ith t• when . any systetn ::lias grown - rotten iri - toe ; h=ors ,'f'•• 'h .v why t he 11O 4 rit i'eccr.- OW Ca14t.1.. ad, • 3,ou a . e„ , ,y , . _ , fp : , • , ~ • c' f 1 • ‘1 4 4 i v - Colds whit sor nes 'el i sus 'i t ti e the office for recording 'deeds 'writ n• AO for proved -Also iall that; other -- iiiixie or Parcel of. land • ; 1 ' One \-! , • . I . =ors, roa ntl de s.O ir y,, . e , a . ' '- ' • ' ' 1 ',I :the hotly, Ulcers and iftipinity of the•bloc•id ;In Short ; a 1 na l C ntv. in Mortimue bitiolOici,.• - aT2:Taie situate, as above .houniled as fhlluws: Da the•north- The :powers thatldid the mischief shmild tuft be•over-I. anv anti every case where a purgative!, hi required. :i .. t . 131 -..-, ,k 1 " c......6 44 lied 'noi,lie'satiSCW- - . '1 •:.-. ... ~. east liy lands of Jacobi and Jonathan Taylor, on the' .t . thrown, 1.-, ' . • ' . , '' I !t`''' ; TheY have produced` some singularly- successful:' .north•weit by ;Ifirid fel-Wetly heloughig to 1 . 1-1 t NS'il-', This ! , then is what We , do in .the empire of the jars, • .... ,:, „., O ct.-5, *. 4 1864 -;; :, ' • - • • •.'-'-d4;'1•1 ELDRlD,''Sheriff: . cures la woeumatisin, Gold, Dropsy, Gravel, I;qt:tip& ; .._ , . .1 :,.:• ..,..,. I . 7 ......; . ~.., ; „ . , ,e ipic lianas, ti the South-edit - by land late Of ...Tricot) anal Thea Wily tvrants we expel„and abrogate their liiws. ; • las, Palpitation of the fieart. Pains iii the Hack,.Stoin- ;. •- ,- --- ' ' •:t ' -.!)".• V.' , -•-• .-.---- -...-: • ..- - . 4 " .Tonatlihn.Tayler„-anden the south-wept. by Om Bel 4 1 l'f;atiglit viileable remains, ihat our presetringipur-••! ash and Side. • The‘i should be fre.ely take n in: the mcnit Mid Ogliquaga - kurnpike, containing about 50 4 `.• .• 1 IpTit.! ‘SlliO, , Sillidg;OfibelearA purify the blood and Prepare acres Unimproyed lanW . -; I . . :-, : we !ehinic awl gave it, all . the rest we :pita out 'by • . !thegt • forthe l , of-. Ano•ccas' ; ~ ?. , ‘T , ern c ifini,enal - • Taken in ezecutiontat the suit of Ddvid Taylor vi.. ';' ; .10 ro ots.) . • „ . -. 1 . dose - stiniulates• the stomailLand bowels into healthy, Philip rirkb.ii •!.". ~- t ,' . Cr. 11. ELDRED, Sheriff. • The 1 () i n the mutts, by ,our . art, we quickly rear again action,' and reStores the appetite and vigor. They pu- Shiniff's ollic&-Iloiltiose, Oet. 25, 104. . : . .'* Ao red's of burning Gold, with colortuatlesorPoreelitimi . rift- the hltiod and, br, their stinintitit•a'ction, on the ~ " o m plete;we only, -have have to say,' •:- '- ,• --• -- +-.. i , . ,- .. An d now our fißure to .., . ' circulatory system, Teri their the sti‘eogth of the body, ye A' RI . I•;IIAcrTRO .I 9 s , jvci , piplitcEji„ .•.: • These e tvondtottsittinsforinations'all are ione„fo - lag. 1 31:pLIC-ntliti('e is litiii_by given to an pen3ons eon- •-l• it ...... IC. D. VIRGIL', Surgeon Deal t. . .1. elnited iii thefollowing (Litotes, te wit: - -' •• . , ltontovue, •N Or ember 6, Iss.t. . .., -•- ..1 . ~.+_.L.,_,..„..._i__—).- --- ------- '77 --- I — . Estate of janies Wi !till ; .deceaseill; Edwin 11111, ,:, i 1: . . • ~,1 • ch . „, „,, Admin'istratori,-- r - I. • 1 •;': . ; • - I .. . . .-.: I I, • -R. Me . aiii i euts \ '. i . , , SL . EstOte of likae -I.lvsiearson, deceased; Jahn •Doud, DELAPTIRE,. i-ACKAWANN A A'l.l) IY \ ETLIIN :4, . • - / , Admitdstratort-- ' ir, r2' ,, '. • i • ' ' I . ItAILIVD•A•EI...., '. ‘, I . • , Estm'te of Ellzabetlt;itifitli,- guardian' of titristianna • Ii • - • : •NVINTF.It AItIt.4IWENI.LINT . - \,l • . Gaige-- ' I--i ' li, I N . 1• i‘ • Estate of IGC - iirgel;l4 Lathrop; deceased; Cliarles ONI and - after Thursdiy, Sept. ;II; 18.54,-rite 1 , tass l etv.er' Train •will depart tietn. ScrantOn a A vervi Adtitittistratoi r -I; . --I . . ts 1• 'l6 51:1'. 31. I - • - • • I \ • Estate of .l'Ohrt Suited, jr.,deceased ' A. G. Bailey, ,-, . l i - ? Duel at Great! Ilend'at Ir. sr. ' I. ': 1 ~„ .ktinduistrator. -, q. ' . '• I. .• • ~.t; ' ,ionktecting" with the Daily Express Trains botlt east. That - the acepuntati4 ,have settled thek accounts in i and -14 St on the N: Y. & E R. It. Which arrisu it the Ile,+ , , , ister'4- °dice in and foe the County of Sustpie- - New york at 9.0 . t., NI. 'and at Dunkirk at 11. liana,l and that thellsatne will he presented to the ' ' Return will lenvei, Great Bend on th e art iv it of tile '31.0,1,01. of tile:, Orphan's • Cohrt lof i Said • counts on li t aii i„ Exiw e ss i imw t i d w est, (2.15-, 1'„ )1„,) which di Wednesday-the .2-2(1 lay o df November next, Ib for con . • parts *cm New !York at 7 A - . M., andarrivesat Serail firmation antl'allowauce. -4. T. LANGDO'..., Reg. -. L .i at 4-. r:( P. M. I ' i - ' ~ • ~ Itenister , s iodic; Mutitrose O.c-tober It1,.1:l;i.I.1 . •Th w - • ; • I' as Aeccimmodation Trant with I iL.9 nger 1 I It : l. ' I: • ''''. e ` L ' s ” • '.. ' : 1 :' , Cir .attached ilill.leave Scranton ,at.1.45,r. 11.. rriv • Notice is hereby given toill persons. ca . ncerned in. iig a , .. 1 „ . . . ~ I . .ct' - i . :Great•' - 1(1 at 6 r 31 . comiecting•wit 1 the the is ate, - to twit: ;1 -.• • i , i . 1 . ° Elm e 'of Cilvin Surtnners th.!er'il,Biehatil,L. Sutphin i l3 l , l oa i u l ni l,, tr al s i ) i t t hl i t olat iu n t(l . a N u N dr e S s\ ,4t t itl the N ight Express Il i tiii3 Requrring, 'will lea's. Great Bend 'it 7 A. 14 and Adtli'r - 1 -.! :, • 1 I ' ' ' l - Tha the lii atleotqaut ha•sr• settled_ Iltis, account ;in .' •., ~..-• t. I I w ~ • 1 • - • , arrive, at ,Crall . 011 , T o, A. Y. . the Ittigister'S °nice ,n and foi- the County of Suet us.- ,- Stages Will,lie in we ring on the arrival of p:tesen ltanna and that the - ',.Same will be t •)resented to ' t "C - i- ier Illaiiis at Strantoi, „to convey .pasengers to! Car, orphan's ,Conrt of saill,eouuty, in Montrose on Thurs. 'Noondale, Pittst n, Wil eslntrre, 'Philadelphia via• the day the . ili(l'ilt ilaS :'.Pf Nov.'' inst.; fPI . con!innatmln 1 Reading Railroad, E3S ' 6l'.lllltl all other intermediate and alloWsnee. 1. • , _ . ' - • ' - • ,placei. . •D. H. DPTTEItEII.., Syperintertdeint I 1 , . !. i -j. T. LANGI/ON, Register. I - SOn'erititendetit's olliec, Sr:Uitott, Sept.' 3 . 0,;111.351 I RegiSter's!ofliee,- Monti ose,'„ ) . •.. •1 . i- • -I 'l' - - •1. ( EI • I NOV. 3 18t I. . J) • . ~ ' . ' ! ,----• 11 ------- 1' — 7 - — ip,' - ' — ' . - i" --. -...- I • '-- 1 --- 7 — ' 1- - ----- tl • i • ' 'AY be found. at le store of RIB. CIIA.DII.•EIt .A CII CAP . 400D5,. T-34) "Girt at 'the lowest prices, and will i. e ,sold ti.nuitttowslra CO. Gibfoil; Oytoberll 1551 ; I.• el )1110, Cassimeie4 and liirestingsi A. lar.je aFFinitte a nt alit at prices lower than han we have ever f . we n ovahitl iter t len ere ofore.l UUj one Oct. 11 1<854. . I ;\ • • ' - r ---- ' ' Drew , ' GOt)(;.s. I A gre..it '4 arid - v.:mut beautiftil stvleF.land illtinist . ii..s i ciivap las- (inlii tie (.10.-ired. L. 1.1 . 1',A11 0 WS& CO. ! • Gil4on; October - 12, 155 . 1. i t " •••• i ; • 1 'i ' • —1 . , ,• • 1 r i Wack-Sillk. i e A good (11q1lity'Sir_Oretzses 1.4 & 81. cents pet yard.. I! Octpher ;12, 4854, • 'el.T. 131311;110W:ii 4: CO. • ,--- . -.- 't , - 1 i . , 1 Sliarcil.s, • 1 -r , ‘" Long ftnd ,Oiniite Ati)6l, brolle..anil ',ilk, - ...- 1 ~. i... " .4 e :•rne_tt.l - 1.4. , .... 1 :4 1 ,..T.n..1ric , low prices. ~. - octoiier 42, 185. g I - . Bunko if . -,t: cl. - ' i Itrocite Mut wls ch I , r . , enpr,er 04,, ever before k)lown : Veantifal patterni 1s and ling titialit of 134 Broebo Sitanls, Luijen's man it • nfact4e, np $7.; • •!, ' • :; U. BLIptOWS & CO. 1 , Gilik , o .0 a, ctiiher !111, 1554. "-1 ", The i.Aet_sr size 4 FiNEST . .:44I.7ALITV,.. and MEIMMEI (litisOn, OctOber At, I ti:S4'. .1 . • Otrpol%, • as4rttnentl; and handsome !natter( low PikeF.S: ! I - BCI3IRO\V 4 i,on,Pctoberig 18A ..; . ! lasi - flat° itobei, •A' large to f of handsome llohcs, a part of (bent whole, India!) Alreased andivery superior color and quality. • Oc tob eri,l 2; 1554*,. 111;40 11 - $ & " • ABEL, TIRRELL ' T s 'tiow tieeeivin large• and desirable assortment 1 of NEW ei 0 01)S, wlOll will be sold Wt extreme - - by 10* prises or ti aily cash. The "stock cotisists of a • first rate aisorthient of 'drugs, medicines, •paints,.l oils, dye-sfulfs", drligists? glass warp; liquOrs; rurally! groceries, A'arikeethotions, jewelry„ perfumery, pock etlkniVes,]&c.4.e.R.:Also, the most staple article of dry g6odsOiardirate,•stone 7 ware, windoir glass, 'tvar nisbei,- brpshep, musical instruments and their' fix.- tures,f - every thinepecessati , for lights, tluid,rbil, and ramplienepanfps, ether sponts, spectacles, gold pens &c.; . in short,.,neirly eVerv:thing the market affords . ; all of rwhikh articles will b& freely, exhillitell to every one Willi *ill dell and examine. ;• Montle, (October 180. • • 1 . . .; . i • -:'; '; Pdeket Itinivss. . • ' I - . ,. AO'fl LEP. splOndidassortruent a those jusly cel- 1 .. - .I cbkatediWa(erville l' l 'ocket Knives,, 'comprising!, nearly rto-y.„ ... 4.lifreteilt : styles, just reeek.red and ' for! .ale hr !!‘.\ 1 .. .! 1 ! !Ji.ititiiii!..! 1 ' 'llontrdiie, Oct ‘ oll%,. 12; I(v.il. ' • • • : ..• Ric' ( ' weld. ' • . T UST rceiyed;:jslarge,kt. .nsive, and desirable wt., : r. ,,,,,ttetp„; ti siNiniene of the lates6 sty _ 'Of Jeweln-, at !owl prie( tbr , lthii ilualify, by ' ''.l - -, TIM itELL. Montrtilie, Octoliei 12,10+54 j . . - ... --. -1 ' -- 7, - T - 1 1 .‘;' - taitiiiii. - i. --, - -.-- 7' 7 1 TUT reeeiced,r ! alargeto:4ortment of beantifu )stl. 0 trn.4; ofifluh4 oil, and eaniphene Lamps, midi*, 'fitieliS, and all tbecdticles to Min. in them, at Iloydioiie,(11dto10 'l2, 1:14.] " TdtRELL's i . ' , ,llll;`[t . VAxiL • GOODS'. ,--1 • •' I 1 ... lai • 131TRIUTT : . -ould invite the attention,of hiS 11. - e 'friends Stith the rinblie to'his new. and Splen i : did stock of Brorli4 1(x001 ; and c(isdiniere I.4)itg anti! .Srefirc SAtrirle, 'fifrom 'in to iitlA-Ladirii Press Gootf* ; Ineltiding filain and fancy! belanes, DeFiage, ! l'aramett.4l,,, i:y',. renkli Meririoes, S'i4s, l'oplins,- Gin-, lanes &6•de. ri,cft Ribbons nit& Bound e Bounds of nt: styleforldidrin crinectiort with a large assortment qf - a:10c aO, fancy 's Gri . ixls,. Grocilica, Crockery lianficare,..l )ron, ) p Bit res,iral; . )ll:olkelit, Carpeii34o Booti atASltoes,i l l ail mks! C4po;, Painted it'indot shinfri, 1-V,:al! Pct*r, .oi4 and :paints, he.,willjr - , sold :on the t inost' ; f4vorablt teeny nnd reduced price,s'' for cash. ilitoduce;:. o'r the ett;dit. - • ' I: .1V:: B. !So/I.bl the . hari.el or load:. ' - •. 1 s 'eii.; 3llford, Sqtember 22, 144..:- , . „ , -:- - . - '-'-'l ---- - 2 . 1. --...! . - : . -4 : -- - • - - - ; 1 : . 1 MOB S ; NEW GOODS. ! • ':.. g.H.a; . wi. lot for ,the fall trade, just , . Ni '''r'ket.VreTL?4ttink.t . r . s n i e orik - ..,/,,Ipac ~ coburgs, DO'-; I.leg*i..q, Tl44t e.l4ths,'Dehines; CoShmeres, itc.i good, fashionabltf land, cliia. i : I ; • - ._ 1 , ,S,harelB,Whoti. and '. i§ 4 tchOlts, a gtiotilmorp mend. for sale at itttir store; .;: I I Mrs. .;tlilentif- c I Celebeate_ fair !?" . Riatorer.4 , - , , - ,; Those who have toc.a.waitiog for this article can' 14 accommoitnted•nOw... • ti l - " • :1 (f9iy/Orri Mi(ckfrel, Pict; ~S:*.grups- hid MO lasses in•Phmty l'oi. sale atthe stOre of .:: • • • - l'• Sept. 274 .1.1 1- - : JI'LYONS 1t...50N.1 !", ; - ; , .; ; • . . I:, A FULL AS: IRTMENT of Tin, Sheet Iron, 1 - 3._ and copper . Ware of my own manufacture . mad .) made of heavy rijate, for bale by { , .s - ' 'J. ICKERMAN, jr,l:. New Mi torn, ilgY 1?, 1653. r11:1 ST: NIW PAT. `Z ti CO.. • U. BURROW 5; at very '& CO. f MW _ .LNils . -- : I,a large ilsortintlnt of . I.7eful,?Ornitniental, and Fancy Goods. I Ilavin i g been boughtiwhen the market *as tit its lowdst stall, been will conitequently'be sold at th ‘ i very - lo*est rut •Is for Reck:Pay,. ~ i. It DO: GOOTiS. • - •S 4, Wool,land I l lion .Plaids, Dolaiss Delleys F , araMetta, Gihalianyand other styles. Pants in Areal variety. y '- il (..I (yr LIS -I) CASSIM.I:III. I Js ins and Ttteeds'of almost evary style, ;airy wai l)* Old at a very small advance. . '.- : i h . . 11 . IZEADY-MAI)E CLOTHING, - Allarge addition to my, stock . of (.'iotliing, , , snaking it aii! i tlesdrablei •as any in this market. Coats from .$2,5(t to t.•35,t5). 'Shirts, Wrappers; Collars, /1.4. . . '•• I - •, : GROCERIESi -- ',. • I . , i i • I . A ;large wallah , : on hand, and will be sold, asassal, !; ' ITAWILEIk'• &. .:tIO.ICT.I 1/oteer than tury other shop in town 4 : • : ' -: IiO(Yrs7AND.SIIIOES. .; . . - 1;14 A na .Siiiiiin.fr goods this season . , and :they - are 1 . .. a I Idather salt; slicetings; deadtr.; Stapes, tic' king i now prepared to show all who iii:.y . favor theta with . - .1 )aag s ,i, tin we, hardware, tails, crockery; fluillphos- i a call . genik. camp - Ilene, &c.,—all of-whick will by cold at the i' . ' DIIESS (30(i Os lorry* prices; - Please call and ace:' 1 . I. Of all .the different - kind::: Buell as Black i Plaid .and Black • ' !! - BOORS AND STATIONERY. 1 -.i Changeable Dre'ss Silks and Mantillas, Crape and Silk l• .Ailfarge supplv c - i! -• constantly on hand, of school, fait- • .Shawls., aal . so Lawns, Baragtis, Dc 13agsis; De . -Laines, A ~ I icr iniseellatieous and blank' Books; cap, letter] note, i (1146 ' , Guligharas: kc• : - ~. . • .; . . r ~ , . .W . II liC. GOODS,' -,• -, lk*rapping, post-office, blotting, tls•.sue,. aml printing ~ , !. . '::Pap'er; Wank cards, colored and plain, envelopes of i BroWn o and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtiig in' fact all kinds, Arnold's and 14ml-on's Ink ; &c. ttc.,tat.. d eYerything in this line. l;'. Sept. 11, 1;854.1" - P. B. CHANDLER's. I. , - SUMMER STUVE'S., - . :... . ;._ II . ._ - --' -- --..,-"------- - -- , --1--- -., A very large stock, which We offer vets low, all 11. - -1 J DISSOLUTION. . ' 1 .. • 'grades of cotton goods in this branch; and hrotnyttul t rillir, copartnership heretofore ,known under Oval Yellow Linen and Duck for &its. We 'milt& atten , .141 amine and firm*of Newell+ Brcithers, in the' Sash, '1 tion to our stock of Black, Brown', Blue, Green and Blito and Door lafsinessljs this 'day by nu.ttutl con- ! Mulberry Broadeloths also- Black and 'Fancy Casii- Sent. and agreement diss6Ned..r l .• ,' • .: , i meres, Tweeds, and Kentack Jeans &e., Se. •. • :. ..• : , I • I GILBERT NEWELL, - 11 •LadieS Ball and examine our stock of St:lntact' fianesho July It, '54. ', .H. IC. NEWELii - . ' 1 ',bawls, tslunere, and - Printed Dc' Latines;' Shawls,- •;! The subscriber would respectfully call the atiention• also Ilt C rege , Shawle, *very cheap. Bonnets:old Bon f ;of those .what wish to purchase anything in his.line of 1 net Ribbons; a good assortment, - Hosiery -and Gloved ll;bu4ness such as 7 . . . .1 of all kindg,lnlso, - ParasoN a ; very large a'ssOrtment . ,c - Sash, DOors.. Shutters :and ;Blinds, .- - I which ice tCill sell rery cheap. Also: Umbrellas, Trai-' 1 , (,'nhinet, W are of vnriiiii*kinds, ~.- cling Bags, Satchels. • • • , I'' Biireani: l'able,s and Secretaries, 11 '- ' ' • • -• s' 4 Gaiters, Black - and Colored Gaiters, Baskinti,Hootees, i .13edste:iils, Varids, Chairs aniJ -Settee* ~1 a good it..ssortmeut• of all kinds whicli We 'offer at our L. •:A.lso, Readv-made Coffms....Painting and Glazing,' i . 1 i . , usua to I if ifequired.lCount7 Produce apd Lumber talten,in , • Crocker, and G1:14.4 ware,.Fladd Lamps and Fluid, 'ex Mange., Terms, ready pay, f , ' ' '.' . Wood Pails Tubs Brous, Bed. Cords, ,pargs .Fatt ! i . . Latiesboro', July 15, 1,354. GILBERT NEWELL - • - • t.' ' , • 1 • , , • cants, at:. ex. rit FARMS FOR SALE! . . rrlIE litilpicriber will act as agent for burin. , and sell ing! • Real Estate--Farins, and' Lois—lo e4ed in Stisquehanna County, ra.; All Whn Wish to ofll}r their. property Ibr sale, can giVe a thinutelleserip thin of their,. Farms or Lots 'as follows i Ntimber uc es, how-Many improved, and low wateret.Otuild- Ws,orchards, grafted orcommon fruit ; other fruit tr4es; and the nearest point to thUrD.I.A: W. IL ittitl N. Y. & E. R. R. ~ Id!? Emus on the list i '43 unsold.; Br calling On the subscriberri minute description, price end terric ? .-.er.n bd given.. j .• ' . i . • - : . •i , .1 . Pflice.ottiTurnpilie rt.. (Mori west of Maiitist. • illontrose :' Augustls, 1854.. A. BALDNON. ii— 1 -- - 4 •i- .; FALL GOODS. ! ,' lAm' now. reeei vifig s full supply . of Goode, for, the fall title, whielt wilt be. cold at tin; lottery pos.si-. jbte •eei.R . . J Call and See. - . -' :J.111;:t1TP1!IN-. 11 5 m 1r er...7 1 ull ' ills, Sei)teinber 15,41854. .e , ii '• I EW : GOODS. , ._ 11 C. LEt_..alt-WLSTROSE DEPOT, hail juat , re- IP. • .ceived en• new kg 1 . - ;of Spring and Sinniner Gibods, which will be 8614 —ry low . for.cash ... or farm rt?"duce . !. ...._ - _-_______J _.. VOUNItS good New Orleani S . • J. . . ~f _. tar at 'I I EI, C i se MOla.s.sef., Filtr,lll 1 1.. , land, very cheap all ii •i' Wanted - • . it NY, quantity of Eggs at 12 tents per ddzen, is ..4 1 .1 ; exchang,eTfor goods at ' J." C LEE'S Store, Also, A NY rinantity of Butter at 'VII cents per pound, in AA exchange for Goods at .I.[C.IEE'S New Stine. riligigEl wishing .tofo ' purchase- r cash, or, in, , ex- ..I„rhange fits barter, - will find it to . their inherent to I call ,anti examine my stock ofi Goods and 'prices for,l tri &t emselreS. For rier of all , Kinds the highest pric ei may stall tines be relied on at J. C. LEE' , . , Store, 3l'putrose Pepot.• . 11 . , t l IPITYIPS 1' PILT:11 PR.:. 1 . , i The Greittrxf..liapiovenleut - pf the '" , 49.'-.-- . C. ii H. illitaatni i Double- Actin g Bull lalve it, 1 , : *1 Fop:cc and .I;flPinnps--= 1, itN itaprorement above all other pimps lor MA - chines forlifting, throwing, and carrying water, combining . both a Pump and', ti-Fire Engine', This Ptirnp, patented in Februaryo 864 ; is the w*le prat nirtallie. No bolts or screwtriabout it to 1.41., vitae. qentlyiti will ast a-man's ,life time. It can be used irk every rarie y of form—can dtaw water ,troin'alt! sirmadon, and ,it to any pall . of - a building.- lIX IX superior. to U other Pumps fOr Bistilleslett, l'ancr i i ri.) - ills, Tatincrie , Brick Yarilsj Iron Works and MO. Utacturing establishments of airkinds. . i' , , , All orders 9nst biou add, to Am oori Iltinitcw, podersrille, Pa., who - has the', sole right for 'Basilic- I manna cour.ty:l . . ' " 1 , - -• • L•_y WAIILTIED, . 71AA Vf)Rll5 good Eplit maple wool , in ase.harige kikl_ for w , olen'grtodo.- Y, LYONS - k Montri a 00tober I.S. • • . and restore the wastetfor - . diseased ienergzes,o oil the. , ; whole 'nrganisth. - I tome- an'Occasional dose is adtari- i tdgootis, dvere . though inf serious derangement:exists; but urinecessarc do.smpNillould never be carried too far is every Purgative , . medicine rednees the strength when taken lo excesi. The thousand cases in which i a physic is required.cannnt -lie enumerated here, but i they sugg,est . thernselves to the reason of everybody, I -and it is: confidently, believed this'pill Will answer - a better purpose than anything which has hitherto been 4tWailable to Mankind. When their virtneA are once known, the public will•no longer doubt What' ' edy Tn 'to, employ when in need - of avathartic:medicinp Be: , mg sugar-wrapped.they are pleasant to take, .a 0 b e _ iiig purely vegetable; •no Harm can- arise froiM their use, in, any quantity. i •' •• ' • • • 11 Por,*.sninute directions see a-rapper or the'' -Prepared by 1.4.31r,S C.J.t.YER, Practical t alytical Chemist, Lowe!, 3ias . s. - - . -. . , 1 • Price '25 Cents per Box. -live Nimes s ii •. . , . . , ' • 'Nferls Clierry Per.lotal. , l , ---- . - • 4 . • : -- 1 For the- rapid care Of Coughs Cods,, .1 - kit-I-se:nem!, . ;. . OFFICI AL AND lISPORTAN li e : B -'ronchitis,' 1Y hooploy-Congli, Cro; - up, Aft hinci l lnei 1i T being n i ifest that die :niiinring bUsunees is still .' Consimaption ; \ , .. ' ' ' • I 1 carrying fin John Graves in ',3lontrose 7 John• ;This rentedphas iron for itself such notoriety fioni 1 is Carrying on the Tailtiring" irtiiines.no!, 'they are , it; cures of every yartety of, pulmonary disease, that 1 t both •;carr3 - nig ott'l together;--ni place where two. it is ''entireV - unnecessary to recount the evidences of i wuvimeet,. heing.in the very building' Where ,F•afr.. its virtues in . -any C§nrautuity, where it has been' cm- I - .Ii4P tstoit • tv4 notninatcii -. for '._ rresictent, •to - *Wit, •• ki ployetl,•• So wide, isms Held of usefulness,.litil 'so nu-.• Searle's' Bot, I, in the•Vasemetit. thereof—and the ge.o thereus the . cases'orits.eures, that almost every sec- .e . rous many- ocketed-publiebeing• supposed to.be`nt tiim'Of the Country tilioundS in-persons publicly known . / terested in owing' where they:can make' an hirett- - • wlnilhave been restoredfrotn alarming and even des_l I meat,. (yea, and an inenat.inid.pannoanni ,...... nkentl perste diseases of 'the lungs by its use.. When One ~. wait advantageouslY, to the apPearance_ut !.4e,:xt:lter.. tried its superidcity over . everyither medie;ne of its i mail In exienso ; - therefore ; JobtY, '•: -' i' - ' ~ . - ..' .., - kind is too apparent to escape obserVation;antrwhere . ; " Who 4s not; like a virtuens.woman , Williar [ 7 .- its virtues are. knoii'n the public • mt. ionger . hesitate ' l. • Tiiivejunheard-of- r -just toisiVe a Shit "ng;':•, What antidote to employ for the distn.sssing and dui- ; herebv.iMininitteS•himself-ailTafier-Genal roe 'iiiia -gerous affections of the Pninlanaq 'aTgank '*hinh ark: l ' cotomuhityijand , requests all Vod. citizense to: call at .. incident to our climate , - And not only in formidable his place ofihusiness•abtWe-m ( rtioned, tO•ctOle.lhird: attacks uptin the lungs,. but for the mihier Varieties of i 'to _perform 1 the tlutiei ...of Sal Office. !Witness I my, Colds, Cough*, Hoarseness, 4.te. ; and I. " . i \ '' ' ' hild ' ren It 1 hand 'ftf - Iltintrese the : ninth day; of - MaylA. :0-..18 , 54-• is the pleasantestand safest mediceue that 'Can be ob- ,I'. - iI. . .. . , , ~ ', 'JOHN pR0vr,4.7.. - -. to fined. , • ~ ~ - ;\ ' • .•. I _____l-. -- Lt.._._ , As it has long Iteen in•conStantAtze. throughout' this i : . ' .. i i•' • • _ ..- s• - .. -- S.loveA !.• :StOvegl i %.:,. .: -•-• ~ ct.i():l., 'we need not do more than assure the people •I II -, .; I:Li:P.I7T is. now receivittgAnew o.tortment , its quality is kept tip to the best thariteveil has been, .1 ..,: of stotrei• - iiieluding,'Alie... ri ght, Popiltar "Ond and that the genuine article is sold by—Anst. Tt.n -1 improVed kinds nePremtum gla, - andil'ateci nEtt, Montrose; -.8., F. A-. 11. U. E.a!ro.,,i , ilit , rfp '.. l Oven Cooking Stoves,,.with ' ,ltai*X Ft,..;3113d Shop :clivacii ,t: PpINNEY"; Dilltdatr, and hyau uellIOS 1:1_ ,, L. i Stogies, for wood or .coal, I,superior'ya etiand st.yre - z. medicine every where.-, . - : • . , ----- 1 rated .Oren stoves...of new!Und . approved . patterns will ~ ,\ 1.1e7i6141 at t:2' 'to ;is-25, and otheikinds. n proportion. , • .11. To, Stove pipe, zinc, and - sheet:iron, S ve tubes &s. . Neve Milford, 5ept.:1 4 2 . , - !4•4:'.:- ': - ( - 11.' RRITT: -.-.. _ . To I.lii iienaiiii e f' ipiiibiii,.= a . gint*iiirtie-, : hamma: COulity.and .'Vi luny. rfl.111: unlerSigne.d is nOwt prePared; o send to.or ! - I. der , `l4:i piail,..r,ost Pnitl,". tiny ten, published - in this' country; on the. receipt. pr the price pf the satne all orders gill meet with prdtupt attellgan, and books \ ♦ very large !dock whie . l3 we will I , ell,lat a .very small adval..ce, also, ...kAton Salt and one and variety whieli . we are.s , Alingxery 'Call and exankine. Montrose Jane I UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE, ATITEX-S, BRADFORD CO, r NTY, PA. • . CAPITAL, $200,000.• Sicured by Bond and Mortgaile . on- the Teal Eatote , . Insures againstloss.by Fire, of liotiOes. Stores; and other hoildiug;', Goods, Wares, and illerchan;lise,. its farorable terms 'as any simiar. Institution; asset; ,prOmptlY adjusted and paid. :I' • • lit a Et-ro Horace illist Athens; - Ft an cis Tyler. ,do. • George A. Perkins do. ; T, D. Meyer; do. • C. N. Shipman; ,do. ; C.. F. Welles, Jr. do.; J. F.; Cat;neledo.; Hon. John Laporte, Towanda ; Gen. B. Wakeman ; Laceyslile; . Geo. u. 11611enback,- Wilkes barre ; 3lichael:Meylert, Laporte, Pa.; • . • - otoricans.—Hon. Horace t President; G. F. Welts; Ir., V: Wes. 'and Treas,;. J H...(3anfield, Secretary. . Agent, Wyal&ing, Pa. [1.5:12m3 DAIRYMEN, ,TARE',NOTICE : • .: 1 • . . • rillin sidiscrihers liavine- seeured' the l solc right to"! I _I 11,1 ris- - . A DJUSPA BEE , 10.01.17t3r . ' AND , I B LriTERAWORKER,. for Susquehanna anti several: adjoining counties, respectfully invite all - Butter mak-:' Ora to examine and TEST (he merits .of -this new and" •Viduable invention. -. lire, prop.o.4e tofurnish each and all of-you with' a Citenx that will ,produce as much: butter .in _'-as short a time', as 'env other clinta:-.4me that wilt completely expel the .buitermilk, _ ttii.sh and work in the salt, 4iffszug it perfectly throughtho l : 1 butter and fit it for ese, ithout removing it from' the . . simple in churn., This - Churn is in its - construcilon,- FFP.I 1 ' entific In its operation; and easily cleaned- and kept hi order, and can be easily attached toany 'propellin4 ,power:'.. - -- 1 - ' - -.'"- -.--. - ';'''--- ' ---. ' -'-- .' ~ . . : I For further Particulars, apply personallv or by-let I ter to JAS. C. BUSHNELL and J, N. iINONS - 0 - . 1" Ararat, Susquehanna county, Pa U. ". ... W i ndow Sash." --: ' ,'''' .‘; ~ 1 Qi U. & D.-SAYRE - hiving been epPointetim agent,. '' .. : 1 k.'• • 1 . v an, caiensitesash blind and ..door.inanufs `"' ~14 ' ; 1 I,"Aintslt•anv articles% thitiline a • 1 ,- tory ar prepare( o . t , *Auditor's Notice". , ~ - . , 1 leis rates than they have usually been 40_4, - ; ,VOTICE is hereby given that:the uncle-min' 0, - ait Jul e l34...__ . - ..,__''''', _____,. - . 2 - ft . `.."‘. *,. ' l , ?;' , S ., -,.: . _Li Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute i - Tj -- - --- ..T . s ll - aving — Creluni ''..-' 'l --- il the fund in the hands of the Sheriff, arising freln tit i A .;141 ;a rticle which= eve..- : m - op i , o himiti r e , f o e so * sale of the Rind Estate, of Alva.Flnnt 110 °f"C li ffftrs 4 lit i i , . .....-: t , •-; 4, - 0.-7,..t. D..-S. A 'township, Stiarptehinna - county,' to and, among, the . a , , . . _ ~ ~..,_ . ..., credifors, will' atterat i tn the duties, of thdt appoint -, , .- ,l. ~ =sow eons: 1 , 1 _ , meat at his office in . /Montt - we, on Tneada,t the 74h ', sil A cis . , itaktir *- ve , ait - a -T 4t, , ivilaitia .l l. , ; , ,a ,; . _l l day of November. est, at : '. o'clock • P. 31:, at whie:l l ' time those interested wilt please 'present their claims , i ' ‘,, -- . ,i i 4ii , e o , , , ,, sn it 4 b 4 tet u g b s t i l tP r a i. f " 4e . ii , i 4 ,, -1 , 611 !? 1 7 , e , i; "4 or•bedebat'Ted from coming in upon said fund.' , I - :; I Gibt4 , 3 l ooot 2/01 3 4,4 , ,,.. : 11, allitßet . ,,lT 4 COQ.. . , - .L.,r. FITCH, Auditor., • , ' - ' - T r4---- , - - -r-. .. • , I - - -r-------7- - '-----. '' ' `.. . no ., • - _ *eel ,. , at , ten , . '. " 1 ' - - . r. V' '''' "'''''NrW e 69003.- ~.. h ? . .- received at i- ' kAiot; . wiseitmcek to arrive.!,.„,, ~,..t. , , . A .1 . o th ß e i p N e Ezi. t r ores ---„,-,-,D a sS L ajwua n s i t Gluglumts, I, low piltant.„. Call ititd:estrait , T„ , `,, L 1.,,„„.. , i Prints, 'various stiles De Berg:'. it fie. .., ' ~. ' ''- , t , „ r gui, Sept., ./8,,,i. 1 / 4 -Y . -. . l i l yW"tr!-..: 7 1,. . ~, linatrO3e, AlAg. /. i•,.,-IvAilitrAY & MAI r!.. ' •-•27--"A - 4,..' , .* : iiiiv r ipt'aPol li tr''.44 4, :an# - C 450, ' ini - 0 - lELliArgx — , a Cowin — en iV - adi — lle - ....470 . 1) i'-tl i arfititnift - . ar we'R, r Snit"" lit6d - -' ► ....AFt,- )4 , 2 C 4 0 144 :4 " 1 1 [ffontrate, Sept. 16,'54 .] A, # 4.Z I' WrA . I , by , . i ~.. ir;„." 1 - : 11. GROCERIES FAIIMEUS I . of the StarOol(krs Moatktst , t, 1854 ._........,..._....„ ,_ 7 i_ . 7 _ .......___L.,___-_,-. 7 , 7 .,.—, STOVES '21)8 THE `PEOPLE I rrlIE subscrillea7ls now receiving ds - • fall and *in- ter stock cif stoves, which, when emnpleted, wid' , ~ be the largest and best. selected assortment ever . offer-. cd to . the' iiihabitants•• • of SiLitplelmna: nourity, ..Bii. stock will consiiit.of some twenty . dilreretit pattevd of wood 'aird coal, cooking in4Tartiir;besictes any tittin-' • tits of six plate and office stoves: - -",- 1 . .,- -1 , !-- thq„underSi 0-tatters - himself that i ha long.Pxi - pet ience,in .th stove business, .Und 1114 ffinilities for 1 maintlitttliiing his pwrffumiture -and pip.e.; -enableii; him to sell, no only trlintnirra &c . ; but stool* cheap. .. er than *any Of his corimetitors., Ile will' Sell stnvet pipe made of t e hest 'E nglish 'and -- A.me-imin Iron at, 8 cts. per lb.:a (I otheit furniture in proOrt-1013. ! Notwithstanding — the present:-ligh Wee of Iron , and the 'dons qtrent ,Mdvance of castiri e r.,•• t;am eta, bled to sell st ves at old prices; :and Muni, hinds, at about-two tlii s of'the price that th‘rltdi 4 e sold fi?r,. in this . Vicinit. ~ for,histance;clinton air tight; elevattrd oven With trimmings of the best quidity, Lai5244110.-- With second. finality of trimmings, such asiare u•Sual- 2 . I ! ly kept by Nl'lrchantsif $22. • Other kiad4:Of stavesT,'- : in proportion,i, for ealesh.,,or short time.pa ,c11:.'• •• ' ! • Jobbffig•of [all kindsldone at Lay silo ._Old Iron, time. pa Copper, ,te., taken in exchange. '.. •- r . - ,1 . : I.J. DIO ' 111.5..1,1 .Ir. - f :Cow Milffir , July 27, 185 ; 1. . 4) , x. id An- Pr\ lin sent byretiwn Addresa- W 11. ! .. LEACH, Worusterpepot, Boston 31,3tss: J: ~l3ook9ciler. New Jewelry and Clive ''P -are; TUST arrived at nu it, new supply of Ladies! el and--Gentleancu 7 s Gold Breuat Pins,.and Ladies' Gold EarDropa; Comprising a gOod assortment cf desiraW,styles. • :Also Gold Finger Rings;;Caroelian' Rings, Ladies Gold Chains; Gentlemen'ti'Gold .Fol) and Vesti Chains, Gehl Watch keys—. Gold PenS, and,. Gold Pens with Extension ()Wei and Feneiht. Silver Spoons, Silv,er Butter and FsttixErtircts,..Silver.Thina blew, Pencils, Spectacle &c. • Call and see at -the variety i'lore of • ' TI:IIIRLL.. • Montrose;June 29, Fresh Atri*a.l Neiti" ooods--4ket4 ' -• - - AM. happy to.annouuce ruy,potroos. throughout 11 the county thit'l :have just received - tt new stock of,Hciads, ichlchfr am selling,astonishinglY-cheap tier rush., , . • • , LYl:llis. • • Lanc . sh4, August' 14;4854;* by•the:ton; k. - 3 for $l.• LancAborpi August , 14;1854, • CASES.of BOOTS - AND SHOES just- received . ut the Lamishoro•Cash Shire: -I S A,,LVONS; liond: at . .1. [toncsbOro, August.l4.] , ;S A LYONS' A NEU', stock Ofillack• and Drab, Silk and Beater Ifats, of the latest Vt . A; selling cheap-at - ilroldyn; Ang. 11F.SIPSTEAVS. EA;DY-31411E CIOTHINO, and 'Clothing tnade to Xt. order on dui shortest notice. • . Au " IIEMIIiTEAD. anii ludiciensly selected assortment,:: Inch - Wing Dr, rrrrynC's',' Jayato4 and Throops;..irekrations,.. Wright's -iind l'hinneles Daxis Thayre's:Dain Killer. &c. _lli SMITI-I.4.III.IIIPSTDAD.. - Stogie Ware. •'• • OStP.LETE assortruent—also a - general varietzt of Wooden• Ware, just fCceired , by ' i.• • 'Brooklyn; Antt.:2l.l • S.MITII-Al/TIEMPST.E.AD.' j . 171 Sn—A new-snpidy4Ndftsbi Whit; Fish,•aud. 1, 11 Mackerel, just opened, and sellinzrapidly;-by • • [Brooklyn, Aug. 2j] nITI.I d trupsTEAD., Cat,: Stank- ittlei and Ccinipass.l, Saws-,-just An" .reueired and ;. side 1 rem. • : SMITIT )IPAMEA.V. • lirpojdyn August 21r) S#. • ''• ' ' A ,L r titGE assoiinientuf Sin; tu, 1 4.4- 0 1° 41.1a18- aF iettrelnClylow . prices,_" • , • • , dibsbn, June 24; '54.1'; tr.-13YRROWir „ *lover arid TiukothriStieti. _ 1 1 -1 0P I rale LEE'S Stord - 7 • ,* - 110-NTROSE DEPOT - 1 , ..1441.1..Tv . • . - - ' ,T) aa4 IIEAT Flour LATIT.iOP STEAD frel, , and pimild at '.j!o 'i, S. LYQ.N.S. ..4:TS.