ill i r i - fifty .Pensollf lalkd jure& ': 1 . , I • ~,,,,, ~ . 1 Foe the/id:telt Tribre Of Friday *ening. • Th r ymh theciindness -, of , W. 0. Ruggles . 0 ere able to giVe' e Particulars of the It ost hear.t4'4o.llog se , terrible railroad:, dis. est er thateVeroecurred in Ameri i ce.: Ile says: kk.,w rnittetes*er"... er.m.yeaterday we left .pstrars'Fall's with - th first 2class ! 404 - vevo 0304 . classOirtiger4i rs l l l re e'lr l and ne happg L e! ca r. Ater soc.v..!ng i lamdton, s evere detained oho, t midtkiht., between' ibtrlißliti 41014 tidndell, be Ultrieghterlgille W i n g off the track: Aft a delay Of an hour re started,,P-d . tendon, About' six hoorsbeliin&tinie.- bout three piles 'west' " ttgl k &London - the 0 lind r bead of our engine burst, which:.delay us two, fours. We ed : bseked .wit tO, Lond n, took a new engine Ind started again for Airindsor about 1 o'elock and (11 - s l, ,ut, 13 m il e; test of Cathain, :on the i aistr e r d e k Fi s t s , In t g about'. 2O miles an bod cam r, .re ein mi lt i on with a gravel train .. e O f 1,5 or s :backing , ,the collision WAS i r ightfia in• the ex e. Our. locomotiVe vas co mpleiely - throw ' over to the right, the T express cur throWn off' r and erushing the first „„a s econd-claki ,tiar i to mere - splinters, de .l,7oiistialg the next, - and making' a! wreck of the 1 10 ear; l and driVing in the end of the for th, the passengers in the,dast cars escaped un h u rt or with Slight ruises i almost the en .tire load dike tecOn Class ears were killed .or i'Orinde , d, &hie cut completely in two, oth ei with mangled hen s and bodies, and with , vit, limbs. - ', Ile screams add - ns of thentangleti here 4411 in the.extrem.e. Every cfrort MIS - made by the conbeter arid passengers .to relicve tbesuftering, but notwithitinding all Super human.efforts itci reliei - e. them, All were not ex 4iegted until : more than 6.)ur hours after I • 'lel collision.- • Arnon4 those whose exertions 1 / 3 swing the •Vietims, are Thomas F. Mengh- I ,erend Junk, the ba ' e man, Mr. O. A. 1 BPAMSOII. and Others -of the pa,ittengers.:—,l Kelps of the dead an mangled were found I lag in the nuns, piled ,together in all Imagina. i bid shapes. • ,t. 1 . 0 - • i, - )ne poor fellow, was cut out of the. express:, stir; his limbs i,hangin out of 'the. side, fifteen , * I tT from the ground. One of, the strangest i fattres of the acrid , , t is, that all' the gravel - : ere dentolished and s piled Upon each N:w ether, with the tender of the engine stove in. te e ol k a u eto of the gravel train was on' the I Tear ear, with his elfin] light and a negro boy 1 .at his side. The conductor saved himsell by liniping; the ncgro vas killed. ,i 4t the time of the' collision there was a ' dense fog, betgt almost impoisible to ice light. Wlie., the blame belongsin this arc-.' fut,catastrophe, we klow not; but them is gross and culpable nw,li,gence in the opera-, foi of the affairs °l'd e road." The conductor ;if the grave/ train says itre was ordered out bv, the snperiatendent of the gravel * pit. .- (i • i i sonulOp.Arrzu ELECTION., •'From the Montroae Democrat • after Election: ', '-' h this.county Mr. Grow's vote is but a rifle larger than thel usual Desnocratie vote, fll intillg that after all, when thelPistriet had a!elianee to give a full expression of their. feelings on that repeal, the Whirrs even here were not overanxious to do so by - votimrfor I a candidate of:the demoeraticrty. Their I . .1 ;Act too, wils headed `°Anti:Ne pa braska Tick-.I CC and vet the chtpion of the District csa that question, filr th I only offa.4lWherc it was 1 , 'legitimately tin; issu , was nan l o be found up- I . on, it." , , . , , . 1 From the lionttose Democrat, before . Election. I are `They evon 1 ,it him ( Mr.; Grow) of I their-votes this:fall, just as though their votes I (-,uld honor a decent manor the:, praise of their `nigger-chasing editor' could add weight /.0 his xtaracter and (reputation r,' Well may ' 1 the friends of Mr. Grow, those !stern-hearted llinocrats Who hay defended and sustained lam in the titre oft e ealuinniesot-tbeie men I , now . pause an ext. aim , °.` We distrust'the Greeks whcn they bring i tirrseas P ' • , - , i • , 4r. Grew had n idea when be. thought k;Sic sent the Editof the Register •thoie \ Al tra 'oe . ; r triellts, thitt be lcl be bought is* chea p . lei, and that fair the bare be Should be sins rirctea amen his' . ~..d 'and true frien ds, , and be obliged to!take tie trouble to explain how it came that'a sheet so wile and formerly, so ; . I{ abuslre, should no , -be tou';ding his praise. Thi? is indeed n iirti6ing to Mr. Grow as I T ell as to his; frien i !cat large, but we can as sure i the latter that , ' . Grow is not at. &ult. ii ing a thouotl .. : affair ~in sending those (licuments to 'the ditoOlaying no design . 1 47 wish to buy him 4 body and boots:- er ailr the body,•whi 0 will probablY learn im tO be more aireful n future. And as for the others; estimating , 1101-row as .:the school li'or, -, and ‘`• Lenox' L rem-horn," they suppose. tits ierdant enoug to be flattered with their Tiise into their p tat 44 fusion ticket"' opera far tion, the pur { of. electingthenato cottn tY offices Rgaitist the Democratie- party.— Ppm deluded. scalli,—well let them live and tel on hope, it is all they ,will get."' 0. Paranioa--A Washington oorrespOn o;w dist of-the New .Y rk Elpress predicts,. that, within the neict Aair months:, eolliskm s wi II take place, at excaytown between the o ffi cers of the 116 " usivl - es,xl - - Unit4A .tates - navy, Which ail! bring n war between the, itie two nation q• and he' adds the' sittggfttive4 i , mark that `=the city 4 New 'lt rk has ' , inlet's ton cage and cargoes tO be eaptitred by the British crushers" "While we siivere :li trust that no'such :wicked folly as a war kith England will be provolied-hy the Admin , * tration, we must Lretnind this writer that the t vae he speilkaof,is one that two am. play T if New!York. bas. 3 rich commerce to he eidadered, so has Lnndon: -* . , i , , DIARRIED, • - tin South Beilvick OCtober nit, by Rey. }len luain R. Allen, D. D Mr: I. LOttraunvoria of this illage;to ffiisa C.tilmalaz N. nruta, :daughter' of Plumer, ;Esq., of the Milner place. _ 1 la S prinville, Oct 3d, by Rev. F.'S: Cubbuck, Mr. 'anus Caswroan of Auburn, Pa., to . Naas SA. of Springville. r• Prim &h op - •• ' : be Flee &loot in Montrose , &hail District, 'swill unenee on the first londsy of November. Mr. C. Johanit and Miss Louisa Avery; teachers. 'ReU t. Notice.. NortikE-Convocation of Pennsyliauitt LW theirnext'imetitig in St. fixttirew's (EPLK* - Pal/Church, Siirikville. Seivlees t¢ commence on Wednesday events' the Bth ltuttaht, continue tut tilStmday prenitii.' Dzwirrt.ftlY4LESlßT, Secy. 'Notice to Teachers. • Tere will be an rumination of Teachers for /font 'and B rililleviner held at Montrose on Friday, No 'ember 3(1, at ; for_Brooklyo on 111 , 114 01 Soreutbiw2d, Dimock, on'Friday, Aovem" Fier 84 4 - at 3 P- • ROAL, Sat urday NOvember 4th, at .i. N. The teachers of aessitp will; please meet at It ontro i e . , 4 .R w ih.! All interested are'resOctfhllY urge i l to itteend. 111 CUARDSON Co. Stip. . ..onarlr • - d convention of the frtends ofPereign will be held at: the rtyalarir lart •Chnielli XontmOit I , ei Wednesday mtd Thannlay, the Bth and t)ii i 9f No. 'tialar e Tkaigeryica 4011 commence on the eveeia, g Wedmisdar and be continued through ,the follow. k` day. Oit'etbeafliernoon of Thursday- his soon ordination of J. Loremm Lyons, scion to nil fur Syria as a Sasionary of the American Board, taimplikee; .upian which occasion Dr. Pommy cd . leterd one Feri,etary Of the. Board, ilikpmaelt, Ite and rennuall Itialkmancs, widr Otherdistingnisb a Pelson' of -thellisaknokey work 'ave-exP9cted l -Present dining tbo sessions to take part in' the de AD agaznolt. ' A ereat In? `6IC (14"tf ,_\• • ~• aft neceived t .s /let of lataiio all takes ana varietesi•d 4 oileveles g ood ueli as law at t 4,00. Droche,very chap.-- 11 yonAvOcuabipon ,t0.1t. - I,ATHROP 3;400. BUffalle W rI doLV and No, 1, D • L'l t r No H 1,.1634.- - . •-• • `'Drees Goods null Winter C tie: . . . A a good an asserbnen as can be fonOd , " 91q0D I - ILI erefiLICOS icor lent/tan a shiPtio,sr a start s •••;- Bleeke.beill Goods, Brows Sbeetims, -riding Atari- Pes• Gloves. ElOsiern H 4111104 (21 T , Bc't't su ind oen i Cleellie7, Tii*am Groceries, El Trims ttuifetuine be beat, and inany,other,tbings, all of wbleb we offer is low . as call be bOatii... 4c Nov. 1, 1 - 1 ' .' r- - i 1, . :Syrup and Ittelaseks.i AA first, ratiarticle, than ever sold in , Mon ucse, dr.ICO.: • - Wanted, - 14,090 Busbelsof Gli4ily Dried Atiples Eggs Bnt ter kc.,-593 Doi, good Socks, for which tteldgheif price 1011 be t pfid by -D. ,• • • To the Hon. -the,_Jtfdgee oftheVotirt of gun' • ter Sessions of the Peace and for the eounty-of Sgspeha rta : - r 'NE petition;of IL A. Whitney, iof , tde Village of .1.-41tneineliai r irtai Said 'eonnty, respectfully repo. tents` that-he is provided with suitable conr.enienees to keep ‘ a Grocery In the Boros..of Susquehatenti and that it is Ms intention to apply to the next •Coutt . 14 Quarter sessions to be holdewin and for said county, for &license to keep a Grocery, and to sell pstrong Beer . Ale; and other malt liquors; atcordingtb Act of Aeseinbly or 14th April, 1851... „ • • •• • • • r. StelquehanneDepot, ccr. 3 1864-. DISSOLIPTION. rrTlE'fitn , of TNtter ili.Cranciall is this day *soh- JL. cd by, tnutuitlitißonscat. The rioteg and accounts are 111 the hands of Doct. Crtuadoll. whaiS authorized mettle the same.- • \ L TRATOLL Montnuic, Oct. St), 1854; - IL P. CRANDALL. li - Atiditoes No'nee. - ; : 1 THE undersign . ed haring been appointed an And itorl to ffistribute the proceeds of the sale of thb Real Ie of Daniel Langstaff, will . attend lathe duties of his ppoinimeni, at:his offide 'in Montrosd , on !Satur• day. e 18tieday of Noiember next, at l ' ..o'cl i ock P. 11., . t which time and place al) persons interested lh sal' fund are required to present • their claims( or he fOre er debarred therefrom. . .. ' . 1 d . \ OFtober IS, 1864-.!r - ... ,W. H. JESSUP. Auditor. • - „ . OUR STOOK OP STOVES I NO IrCOMPLETE-' 7 and we would take this )ppofttinity tz, gay , tiat -we can '"show the! -most 1 tiful and splendid ratterns of Parlor, and Cl)oking ' .he comity., /Opting thin can ii-Front 'and Goy PM/o„ . far, c t , lew and decidedl3 pretty stares. n dollars', Of king Stores say much, oul4to remark, that our former rices, and judging )ur sales ;, lr e believe ite public with our prices and tbe quality 'care "a • few Inore left” of the I rated Oven Store," aCknawl: ick store now in use 4 11:18'. Pi at old prices, and 'TM & all seriptions at Ow cry OICKERMIC jr: . - cz. . ' 1 ' west rates :New Hi ctober $3,185 . r i g . 3 NE GOODS AG A. l v that E su ve bsc ri ri o etW oo ltak eninh e asg p ia l erdi ea vi s ee u ri re rlarg ,. G in oe ll d the citize ns of 1 13tooklyn and towns skeet stock o ' , ~ , • ! lellly (principally) 'V ry low, • ... Melt ave li teTn ii ;li i irc l Wd wt be sold at a l sliaall advance. • ' ' We invite sOecial attention of the Ladi to our - , s kof . , . 1 Dress Gtoods, • ' .. hi& for r.viefi-of stvles, quality-and chew WWI ean ) e surpillasOd tiy tio establi&hment in Su? ti ellanna 1 We hare also_ some. very M ice Winter hltawls— among them set eral llroehe--hich we can and will , sell "cheaper than . the l el:ea - pea l " • • ' 'Out• stock' of Silks is also w studly large arid it: lxitetive; and a regards pric &,., -we know we can "B i€ V 'the ..ktra." , , The Gentlemen are likewise nvited to examine our stock 'of. Cloths,. which is unusually large—ineluditig Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Satinettes, TWeeds, Jeans, Overcoat Cloths, (kc., which are selling very low in deed. To:be 'brief, we bave a vers l , full assortment of Goods, Staple and Fancy . , and are' detertniwed to sell thein as low as they earl be purchased this _ride of 'IC w York: i E. kfulfar the liberal patrOtiagehitherto•extty,W, to us, we with,confidente invite our friends 3 'and t public 'generally,ln 4ant of Goods, to and e.: • ine our stock before ,purchasing:- .-- 'I r e r i SMITH'S: IIEMPSTEABI: B , . rooklyn,'Vet. 24, '11354. .7( .. •:. , :"i - FACTS. FOR TIRE PEOPLE. rrilE subscriber is carrying on tire I.IIfAIR MA R 1./ EN BUSINESS its_varionibranchts'4 the Chair arid Ware Shop mliarford, where ma be folind a greater' yatiett of Windsor and' Hockin Chairs, than atanrother esaablishorent in The cotinty; also Fag and Cane Seats,-Hnrearaajledsteads, Leung , es, Settees, Tables, 'Stands, ?cc. dc.; all et which' infl be said at the lowest)-prices at retail, (or ; w}mletsle, with Aloft notice.) All work warranted well made and of koOd material. Short credits and itnall profits will be int matt& • For demonstration of the above fact's, please call at my shop in /*ford village. - • • W t GREEICWOGD.' • Harford, Oetober 12, 1854: ' • 1546 b& Susquehanna . I Hezekiah Ltuekinghamln Coro. Pleas, N 0.318. April { ! - ... • Xs. . , ' Term, 1854. Petition of B. B.'lr. auson. - P. Conch for decree for eat {l " - Mort ' 'Afaction of Mortgage E. To. Havkiah Bnclitera Mi ni or . legol frpretenti"- ;\ 1 . tiro:: • - ' -• • • - •' , Take notice that you are truly required to appeor ,i before the said Court of Common Pleas ' at Montrose I on Monday the 20th day OfNov. next at 2 o'elock P. 3d. ° and answer the petit - 1610f said B. P. Couch, and 'show cause if, anylyou has-c, %illy the Mortgage rciOr= dod tithe office for itecoril big . deeds and in•iand'fOr 1 Sasquehantui l Countt. in Mortgage book. No. 2. Page I 431 Br_—should not be . Satisfied. .. • . : 'Oct. '25, 1854,. -' -I O,' B, BLIMID, trrilf. . ' .4, eeks. New goods at the Ready Pay Store. • G. SW. H. FULLER `: HVE, just received their Fall stock of `Go(sha, which they are prepared to sell - inkheretofore, nn the most favorahle fermis for ready pay. • ; • ; - The additions mnde to our former purchases ' Om us now a large and 'well assorted stock'of ,Goods„,ra\. voribly adapted to thewants of the people A' this einity. Ourstock is•comprised of. Dry 'floods, Books: and Stationery, Ready-made„Ckithing; 'flits and Cap.s, Boots ILIA Shoes,. a large stock' of Wall Papering„ Yankee Notions!, a full etock of Groceriei, .k.e. Sze.' • • I our friends will call upon vst,, we , nonlinee4' them that the.rOdy imy system, is The rinisi, advan.'„: tageons to all einicern4 W. FL FULLER.. lifoTnirose; Septeinber 21, .1864. • , ;• , 11 i STOLEN,. MBE person wbo took it Green French Merilin A. press Pattern from' the store of tbe subscriln* ( hare, an opportnnity of retaining it privatelyl and no explanation required, if done soon; otherwise! exposure and prosecution will follow as the transact Lion is under s tood, ' • .• 1 1, BURRITZ New Yilford„ Octobe,r 18, 1854, Fall, arid Winter: *apply of IVOR orienii,g,, a largesua.deairable assortment 1.11 Fall wad .WlaterGoods, conapishi our usual varlet.; which waive pr Oared, to 011 f the szioatfaivrabie-ti.oriia. i.:"BENTLEY 4t-RWI itentetsse; Vatobei ' '' I • • mosE,..SEw , GOODS Just "reiteir'eti .01. the Partners Store, stet► as Leiria% Gingtuk*, - Prints, minus ityles De Berge, &e. Xo,strose;Aq. L WARREN & TRAYEII4 1 1 9 : DYE and {_BEAT, at i p., B LAtBAOP & • • Shaving A N article which every: maa• sliotdd try kor sire • II. *-0,• S. ii r, ATS ,- TA !Ow** o.t Supinicr, Hate and CIO AL for/11+41er a•.*joitratiel,*,:edjuld for gale cheajo CX g RAIN . Vet !dim:l 4 , lcm Dried*prec Soe , k4,, ' Butte . , &e , , w,attiftsilirtXclaingitt* 100# eatat i pticesbyX-: ''',l Dilt• 14. st -4 30, Clirver - IVOR tat at J.',C....-LES'S Store - ' - INIPErt. aIigIanSSALIN- . 1 11 ;By. Aline or .Ek,igelaed - out of the Curt of Condion Pleas .ot Susgliehanna County and tq me directek I" will' exckose , to public • salnat the Cunt Moue lit Montroite, on 'Saturday the.lBth day Or November nett, atitateO'cloehT. M., All thatpleee parcel of hind, situate, , icing- and being. in the township of ;anon, Suaquehanna County, Bounded ' and doSeribed as lblliwajo wiet lain the North by. binds of Austin and lie*Sheiman,- on the East by 'Ramos Fatuntvitm the South bylands,of Albert Kel. and-MathewlteteeliNamtint the We:BP/Mik e* Mclieeby t ieentidning al.mut:thily -acres`more, or With - thelippuitenances, ogle frariied hope; barn "' d orchard, 'tied about acres , improved, .1444 the, c 'She ' attalo of ,yrnais" - I'4 Taken 4. snuff 1104. y. Sheila= iris.'Lyman Sherinini."' '1 1 57% . • AlliThti Und!iided:one half part of ati that eer ta'tn, piece or parcel of-land eitUates.and lying in the Oictiship. of jeSsup. eau* of Sitsqoehanna Pep itsyl.' *min, and bounded, and descritie.d as follows to wit : Diginlting4 a,ffemleek' tree, the South East- eerner • hereof, thenen.„Nortli 10(1 Pemli.s to a post, thenec West 160 perches to it teed, -thence South:l00 perches . to a post and,iirories, thence East 160 perelrea te 'the .oam of begintdug, containing - 10A ;tires be the same more -or less with the appliftenatices, "onefrarned Owe': Entg house, one barn, one shop,iune shed, some - fruit lives, and about 75 acres itnproectl. ' • , • -11 - , Taken in execution'at.the suit of George Grabb vs: J.Ohn C. Berthedf. • - - kino„--All that certain piece or parceJ or land sit 7 nate in Erpringille township, Susquehanna county, hOtmded enddeseribed as follows,-to wit On'. the • north by land of Asahil p; Prichard, on the east by Lind of-Speneer; likkox, on theronth by land of Joel rooks and Arad . Wakeleo, and on the west- by land 4 . . Aaron Taylor and James Meacham, containing 56 acres and 1.5-Perches of land, together 'with the ap flutteninces, framel_hauso, Mid tarp, tin,txwehird, and about:4s, itcres,itrmittied; late the _estate !or Ste z Iphen A. Mule. - ; ; . Taken in ekeeatien 'at the suit of Saniuel Bard and TJeetnes 'Nicholson, Executors &e. of the will of John 'Bard, deneased, vs. Stephen A. Hyde: certaitt. piece or parcel of land Situate; lying sind being in the Borough of Susquelunp !no, county of stisipteltanna and State of Pennsylvania, ;hounded and-described as folloirs, to wit.: Beginning irin-the highway leading ftpm the River Road to the .-1 1;enoi• and:Harmony Turnpikes otr the corner of lot X'Q. 191 thente tiorth.7-24egrees weSt 50 feet ; thence 'i*iputh 18 degrees west 8 chains ! and 59 hundredths of . chain;at thenpu south 87-1 dep...s east 50 feet ; thence liiorth 18 degrees east chains ;and 88 hundredths ja chain to the pkoe of beginning, containing 44 square lierehes of land, be the same nuke or lessyand is des- 1 oignated as lot Ifo. lg-jn Addis@ McKee': stayer iii 1 ilB5l, (with the reservation Of •4 rods on the nollientl.l ;is a road,ltogether r with the apPurtenancei, 1 framed i;house and onf barn and all improved, late the 'estate tff Joseph B. Castle and.James l McWade. Taken in, 'execetion at the snit.of Daniel G. Smith ra Joseph D; Castle and Jame Mc Wade.. .• Also—All' that certain let of • land. situate in Au :burn township, St.squehattna county, bounded as fol-i lows.: Beginning_ at the corner of a lot of! ;liind known on the map of. Driitker Msitoppen tract is It t No, 10; , belonging .to David-Bushnell; thence along the cast line of said lot rtnd of lot NO. 65 now i4el9eging to:, .Toseph D. Drinkr, north 212 perches I 40 a post the South-west corner' of lot. No. 50, fonuer li cOnveyed to Nehetniah Lathrop; thence Wrong the :,south lines. of l said last mentioned lot `and .lot No-1, - r ] sattli 89 degrees east 160 perches to a beech sapling bite north-west corner ; cif a lot belonging to Dyer Lu- Ithrop ; thence by the west line of said last mentioned ',int; of. Samuel Woodwardi,s lot., and lot- 0:5,N south 212 perches tie a post en the mirth line of a kit offind fOrtnerlv.-or John Robinson, stow of and thence . . along said last mentioned line ivest 155'1 -perches and ' 4-10ths of .a Perch to the place:of beginning,lcOntain ipg 207 acres, and 43 perches Dr land, and being th e Mite lot of lip.nd whien exectitors or the last will Of Henry .Thinker deed. coeveyed to Egikiel Lathrop, except 89 acres or thereabouts in the possession of and belonging to the plaittilfr, together ] with the ap purtenances, two hunted houses, two framed barns, and about 150 acres improved.! . I . Taken in execution .at the suit of Dyer Lathrop, ad- Ministrator of the estate of Ezekiel Lathrop, deceased, , t; s.. Ambrose Gaylord, with notice tO,Ti.rre Tenants: jase—,Alf, that certain piece or parcel . of land -or -- - . . . in Imac Post's Yand; thenco sOuth S perches to a en: , :ner of B. Sayers lot, and thence . by the sane aboat 1 _ i'.7 perches td .. the beginning, cinntnining stl perches, , `more or less; being, the stone lot cmtveyed by William 'I The 1 . !Xessup and :wife to Johdlerretes, tonttl‘r with the 1 t E as s -.4, ! !„,, urte . nane t v . a f r amed Thtelling r. llottt, framel I e city.on 1 4 u , ! illatr s "-- out door cellar, and all improved, late the es- 1 ;fate or Joini llrovs. Taken in the suit, of Alexander . Men; vs. John Groves. . f . .. 1 Abgv-...DV.wiltS of lir: Fii.l,h-rxed and direetell as shove, I will axpose ttrpublitt sale at the same ticele and place-- ) All that certain tr4ct or parcel of land sit- . 4 plate in the.townhip of Rushi in the county of- Sus - L quehanna - stnd State of Peonsyl'vania, and _butted, I:bounded, and described as folloWs„. to wit t• Beginning p:at ahemlock, the corner of "a lot of land formerly con veyed to Thotbas Fosdick ; thence south 419 perches and three-tenths of a perah to it pat; thence west , IGO perehei and 0.-lbths of a'perch to a post ; thence north 72 perches and 2-10ths: of a perch to . a post, a 'corner of the said Fordicit's lOt; thence by the same east 160 pitches and c..ltiths!of a perch to the place tof beginning, "containing 71 4cres, together with the, ihereditaments and appurtenances. . • ‘.; • Taken in execution ant thti suit of Caleb Carataft, p, assignee of Robert U. Rose, ii.. Job ll:Pearce, wlith ': notiee to Terre Tenant. I Alio—by virtue of writsoff;er,Fa. and the snits of Ebenezer Cross atei,D. A. Lyons &B er VP. Ira Hanna, issued arid directed as abor will exposeto• the same time and p Ail that certain:l+ story frtune Dwelling llous.e,:ei taming in front feet and in depth 2A feet, and citrtilages appurtenant: thereto, situate. in the to ship of Harmony in Steninehanna county,-said" he ing being cieeted on ecertai , h pietie - tif land pure, ed by the Ira, Williams, of one-. Amos 13a bounded on the , north by - thelland of Amos and Si Barnes, shat by the Belmont Turnpike, south • vest by Atnos and Simon Baines,enutaiuing one a of land- • - • • A]s that certain piee or parcel of lentils uate, lying and being in the township of Clifford, Sus quehamia county, bounded and desetibed as folk3ws, , to vit. - - Beginuningat a sngtir maple tree down and'- joining the land of -- Manson . ; thence south 28 degrees east 8 chain* and 66: links along the road to, Munson's Corner; thence north 78 degrees east 13 chains to a post on the hill; ;theneesouth 14 degrees east 5 chains to a small lociiM tree noheapper side .of the mail; thence north 78 degs. east 4 chains 'to a :Poet above the road; * thence north 51° east °chains • to e post ;',.thenoe north 35 degrees:east 7 chains 'and 50 links tO a post; "thence north 85 degreint eas.t.-11. chains and 80 links to a - pdst, by the main, brocit;- th6e e nni-th go degrees wett I chain to a post by same beech saplings near the brook and an old line; thence north 45 degreo west 16 chains and 80 links *to.apo,st, and stories; ;thenc e south 61 de g ree treat 34 chains ,to the place }Of beginning, containing 48 Remit More or less, togethe'r with be appurte-1 naneetcotte house and haw one small ;orchard,' and about fifteen acres improved Taken in execution at the:suit of ITarrison baud, to the use of Benjamin Ayers, frs: Zipron Cobb, 2d • Ajgg—rßy virtue of writ °folios lest. - reit. e.r. Lig keit out of the Court-of Common Pleas of Wyoming co., 1 and to me directed, I• will eipose io public sale at the,' same tithe and place, ell theft certain piece. or of land situate in the township of Auburn in Basque-. t L i ana enmity, Impeded on titn(wth by lands of Nel-11 son Love; on the east by latidactf Samnel'Arangorder,, south by the Avntiti line bett(tvihe counties of Fsel-1 quelanne end Wyoming. mkt on the:west bylauds William conk, containing about 65 acres. , with the ep, PurtfenauCes, a log and., frame house,and \ about - 20 - acres improved, late the estate of Nelson Rathbun. .[ Taken in execdtion at the suit of EllunanSitithirs.! Nelson Ilithbun. • • - • • Also=t-tly virtue ea writ - 4 Fe. is,sued and dir' *ad asahomyl will expose- to sale 'at_the rune time and:plaCe, tha followingdescribed house and lot .of ground of frith &oat, to wit :'- All that certain story, framed uiisiing • and dwelling house end lite& emtherPtottlae•hoxf, the -maim building, containing in frontan the s i treet - 22',feet In depth- 36 tuit,-tha kitchen being . I 9 feet, frattand ittit.feet in depth; Ja i .. tached ott the east side of the main building, and I:b : t* lot: or piece of gromat an Oh* the same is erected, -with the cartilages _eppureenerst. themetti i -thicabpre descriti4 btlikrilig:ll94preOus* es being sits&e in!the Boron inof Strqueiteteaiimatt. on the Wadi .title of main istrect, "ad ;the*ersettliehleittbe said -buildin or t • is ereette="4/4111W" Won die plot of New lf Eriet • .Csiiipiefe ef '• she irsEete, et Seeyeelfilits Depot, 'end bowled north by the river . , road, west by the lot of John 11440gat; :east isy kit of G. W. Ilvoir t k an4.eMithliyitTateatiiiet.. • . Taken in ActieuOtt t ..torn B. Scovill..- AlBO- 7 1ty yirtue of a writ of 0/f4ir7. b . issued and directed is aboVe, I wlll exPOse t 0 piiblic sale)ik the some time and place; Pll th at , viriff,Plece'cir par cel aland situate, lying and pelOgui the. township of Silver Lake, Susquehanna Icottnly, 'Minded .and 'scribed - as foliowa, to . ."wit 'On the nen& 'by land of 'Williams Davis, on the east big Wig liagebvnish; on tale :south by land Ittfllgurrelice , lintl-bri the west by the old ebetuingo ToinPike 'lOl4 containing 100 acres, , morti /lir leas with.fhe apptirtemineek owe • framed, house • and bant, onepreluudi and *boat -701 acme improved, late the eState of sinv- &gm* - Taken in execration .at dui suit Braelnoey - Monk,rt es. Isaac- Howard. .! • * • Also—By virtue of:a issuea-itta ' directed as' above, I will expeise;loOiblic sale tit** sametinnt and place, all thaticertain.plece or parcel. of land on village ;ot., situate. ilying- and being- in the , Borough of Susquehanna Dettok Susquehanna, mia . ty, bonnlfed and ,described as follows wit: On the north by tite street, i) the Cast l y land of Jotter/low en,vrr the south by land in • possession of Michael Sul livan and on the wast-ti land nOty or'formerlY.of the . , Neir , Tor'k 3; Eric Railroad etorUpaity; said lot con, taining In tout 'GO Teet and 'running back 120, togeth-, er with the applirtensincei, 11 , t&rued,ilivelling house and•all improved. . _ Taken in executone MAO' snit b. A. tyens Brothers vs. Thomas iludle;\ Also—All. that ceitain re ~bad ptircel oaad situate in the township of IlernibuY, Susquehanna' county, bounded and O ws; Viz ginding at a point in the middlti of' theltehnont ami" og,hquaga Turnpike, and in.n. line Qf Jesse Lane% land;. thence by sante' seirth Si degrees east 67 perclr ! es to a beech thence by land of the same war* VI degreei east 24 perchee to a Pointin thi'middle ofate : said turnpike; thence 'taking Ifni middle of the satin& north 50 degrees "w&st2s peiches . thence north 64* degrees -west 23 perches; thence Mirth 59 degrees west,l3 perches to the,plaice of beginning, containing 4 acres and 104 perds strict, more or law„ with the apptirtenancis, and trinstiv• proved. Also all That - Other piece or parcel or land situate as above, bounded asfollows On the north:: east by lands-of Jacob and.JonathanTaylor; on the north-west by land formerly :belonging to Ira Wil liams;-on the , souttr.castAy l land late 'of Jacob and Jonathan Taylor, and km - the 'etinlnW i est -bye the ; Bet.' ,mont and 6 Oghquaga turnpike, 'Oontanting about 50 acres unimproved land. -.. • Taken in execution'at the i.uit of David Vivi& Philip Pruicli; Sheriff: Sheriff's offiefh*Montrose, Oct.. 25;004. .I.3UBLIC notice is hz Uy giiien 0411 person' eon . coned. in the following ge.hittii;lAti wit: " 'Estate of Jame w....,:gia,ocetiied ; - Edwin JIM, Admiiiistrator— ' . • • 'Estate of Isaac Rynetrson,l, deceased ; John Dona, Administrator---. ' • - • Estate or. tlizahctit Ciriffitt4gOardiart of Christiana • Estate di* George L; Lathrop, dereased;VititAci • .Avery, Administrator . s't.ate of John Stroud, jr,.,d'epeased ; A. G. Roney,: Administrator. ' ! That the accountants` have Settled OW accounts in the Regi..4ter's office in 'and Fol.(he County:of Susque hanna, and 'that the same wilt, be presented to the Judges of :the Orphan's ('hurt of!. said Icouniy, on Wednesday the 22d ' day.kof November next, for con firmation and allowance. d." , ,T. L43.:0p05, Register's office, Montrose, Oetotierl6, 1854. . •.• • ALSO , • . Notice is herebygiven to r ,K.rsorss concerned in, the:estate, to wit: • Estate of Calvin Sun:Liners &ON!, Rihard L &Oda' 'k , , That the accountant bast settled ; in the Register'sp ffi ceiin and'fcir:the.-DPunty of Sueque; itanita, and-that the 'Same presented to the Orphan's Court of said County; in ilifmtrose on N 1 ed 'nesday the 24th day tif-AugnsA n ext, fcir confirmation and. allowanee: . • , I J, T. LANGDON, R44l4sr. It y"-'s office, lttintripse 1 ; • Nov. 3, 1854. rBNEVI' AND 41b1111t.:AP GOODS, OUGHT at the li:tit-est pties, arid will he soldae. * ortlingly. -111. BtftROWS /c CO. (I.itttn, October II; . 1854: 1 . ' .7Cloths Calohnertioattdt Vestittgo. large',asFortnient,aa4l at pi•keslosVeithan we hank ever been - enabled to ,offer-tb4a 104tofore. " • • Oct. 11 1 1854. -••• • *.i great cariets ,and. i)eautiftit stvlei, and ,abutn:t Oman aq could be.deArett , BL IIRO trflliCO:' . .-- __ ' -.7-7------7-7 Itltick iliilkal ..' . ~ A good qt!ality.for dies!,ei . ~ i!til3 . llTa...... „ _pta ii_er)ard... ...... ... 1 October 12,.1854--: ! 11 : _." 1- r -11 " 3 4t Y -+-- -- --- ---- kb tong nldSqn ar „ e, wool, 4rotl a e , a . nl:silk. c iviian & Jclle Atve and Kt 'sit''*"`.ri664! tpottoner .4„ 1E44.. e I . affnorg & C). ~ , .`I BrO 6e _ Cheaper than ever lifore'lantwo;,' t)eautifill•paittenta and fine giudity of 84 Bro he Staiiht, Ltipeit'a man -nfiteture, at 3t7. tomows k. CO. • • . LCiihson, - October :11, 1854.; • Bay. Slate ig, SIZE, 112; EST QtAl,lli", and NEW' PAT -st) each. * BURROWS & CO. • Carpets, - A good asserttue:t 'und 441dsothe patterns, at very low priceg." - • .kCO.: Gibson, October ' - . Bul.fai"Pr ' Lirge 16t of handsome Itolieg, ft pin of them wholo, ndian dressed and i•crp snOrior cidor and qualify; -October. 12, le5J; BliltßO ire CO. • AmpL T117.1111L11 LL irs now receiving - a large l doiira.ble•assariment 1 of NEW .GOODS, which wal lie sold at extreme 'fly low: rices fOr r3rdy_ertsl4 Thri stock consists of; a first rate assortMent of ;drugs,lnedicines, paints,l Oils, dye stuffs, drpggists'tass wale, liquonL, family] )groceries, groceries, Yankee potions, cwelry; : perfumery, pock et knives ke. &c. t mosi staple articles or ; dry goods, hardware, stonOvare, lindow glass, :car nishes, brushes, musical' imitruments and their Bs- tures, every thing necessaW for.lights, fluid, oil, and leamphene hirups,Avei spcipns, splctacles,' gold pens tk.c.; in short, nearly everV'thing the market affords; all of which'artieles will I;gifreely exhibited to every joss who - Will-eall and Cxamiire. ABEL TIIIRELL: Montrose, October . s, 180. Pocket Kul vOs• _ A NOTIIER splendid assOrtmentiof those justly cel l], eluated Waterville Pket Knives, eotnprising nearly Fifty different sty* jtuttlreceived and for sale by •t 4 3 A..TURIIELL" • 'Montrose, October 12, 1104. • -'• . view w Jewelry. ,• TCST recei ved, i large, e:ftensivtoind•dmintble aa sortment of the latesttstylei of Jewdrv, at low prices for thiquality, by. , • » A TURIIELL Montrose, October 19,1854 • , , 1 — la.. ail ift -1 • ' - TUST received, it large assortment of beautiful pat 0 terns of fluid,loil, and :campliene Lamps, citodla sticks, arid all the articles to burn ;in them, at , Montrose, 1 - klo4l r 12, 1054.] _..1 x TURMELL's -i i - NE i t FALL GOODS: ---1: HBURRIn, would ,invite the attention of his • friends an the public tttlais new and spli did stock of Broder, Ifroofi and Ginthaters Long a* Sviare /ghats's, :from ti. to • $--.Ladies' Dress Goods, including plain and. fans v D elanes , De - -Bages l , Paramettas, French Merinbes,...Silks, - Poplins,. Ging} hams, .. Eke. &c.; rich Ribkina, 'and Bonnets of new styles, which in etinnectionwith a:large assortment of .i staple and fancY Dry Goat; ° Groceries, Crocker y , Hardware, iron, Stoves,fßutratei Robes,, Caryitiiii, Boots and Shoes, Ilatr a./441 t'api,'Painbit Win doal N. _Shades, Wall Paper, Ode mitt /faints, &a. willbSe, sold 'on the most favorabld terms ; ; and reducedytiods ibieash. proCace, or approved: credit. X. B. Hall tho bade] or MA - , • . New M il ford, epternher 2_,.1 554. .... . . ~ 1 • - MORE NSW GOODS. .- ;MEW GOODS —a 'neWilot for the fall trade, j II . received ae-our stole.. _ .A.I,PO'FW, ceburilts Pe *Begimi, ThiberclOths, Dekinek. ..ahmerei, kc., good, fashionable and Oheap. '',. •- i - - • - i Shawls. Nuke,. e ActiSatekts a good aisOrt- Ment for sale at our atoms • i- 1 • Mrs. Alleit's VolekulecHt Yair ileBterere-,- . Tlmee who have'been 'wailing fot this artkle mucbe accommodated now: ~,, 4 ' - .% ' - . . . Cod fi sh, Mackeret,Yßio, ..Orripe and Ai $r lasses in plenty ) for tale-4 the stare of • r,,, -' ' Sept. 27 . :1, .' ' H '4, LYONS k SON.) . • • A FULL ASSORTICIENTI of sheet, iroN 13 And Copper Mare if 'my own manufacture and midi& of bealry plate, foi Oak. by: _•• J. IDICKERNAT§T, jr. l lien MafOrd 426-1 0 2 jBtv't ,• LL ntgf. airdware, Copeutir Pmrjp Chile, 'and Axil:tee at Noir )fitfora,7,inly,lBl,”..l: . DICKERWATIL 4Z 4 4511 . ..4-Y.D.PLINDS;ipf 1 )..'...ol,seep POI ':;;;. .- OttK, FLOUR AN sSAI.T y the °barrel or oth. erfiSiVatilialciwiltAo 6l 9 sl DICKERMAN'S. _ bared atlialßes wint , ed bY o' toctober.24 • 1:- /MOM W.' ; bri4vrAktg,4l:icAvz:KZX AND .WWit:RN_ I ! ' 1 E.04.1 , 110. LPN:. 4 .: ' . -,L 'i — :-*urftti . ittitAstm4ilbra ~ -..-- : , ..', and after Thursday,. ftePt;gl,-104, Idle Mail', fy w....f 'Passenger Train will depart ,front i ront Scranton a ; I 0 .ss''.l. M. - I . ' • ' - -;'. l - Drfeel Great Beinlot I it •sr.*. Connecting with The pay Exi4es' is-Tiidas tiotb east pas 4 0 1 sites gen are N. ilr. & Eli :. R., which arrive t New Yoik *ago r. is. and at-Dr:Murk et 11. . fun 011 eave. Cr:Cat - Rind on the arrival - of _ ..I 13n ,Eyje spresibeibrlVelt, (2.13, - P. It„) which d .. fteeiNtirr,Vorlt al 7- A. 31.0tnd anises at Sera . Tho.Freiglit :Iket - titinrodation Train Ali _Passenger Cir'i4tached wtleitireNertintott at 1,0 P. ii.- . . arritl.• ink at Gicat'llend - it . B't. u.; connecting with this', itailTriin bound. Wast, and the NightlsspresiTraltra botitia both Us and West. . _ ' . • . I Returning, will Juno. {great Rena ! St li 1.: sr. and arrive a Scranton 11:1115,1.*It. 'at: ' " - ' .. ' Stage# wkll lt.e Is!rviiitint'On t'be aliivsl Of- passenA ger trains at SCrUnt - on, tit) ebnVey prisoners to Can. De 7 boridalei Pittston, Wilkeslatkrre, rlittidtklbta. vta.. the - Bea d le Railroad, EaSion and all oller intermediate planed. . D. II.• DOTTEREIL gapeiri , ntendent. utendent's irlfree,'Scranton; Sept. 20, ,1864 - .. . . ' ' . NEIN _ . GOOD:4. ( 1 11 " I • l - Al ! A be found , at' the store of F. Ii.j,CHANDVR , j .1..vi14a rge assoitineut of ,Useful, Oroamental, and, i Fang oods.' ' Having been bought when the Market '. wtrt e 4 itsioriest.dall, they will .conseqietdifbe 'sold i e, ; ri AZ 1: , 3 ' ry loWest rates for Ready Pay: ; • -i, DRY GOODS. , Wool, end Cotton Plaids,, Delhins Deßeys, Pa ril e 'Gring}tain,' apd 4 other styles, Prints in .piii: Aet_v.. .: - - s • ..- • , I . i ;' • ',cram ANDVASSIMEIIES. ' eanti and Tweeds of almost every style, and will. be taldiat a very anuill inleance. ~ • , - ~ J IREADY.-11AM.LVOttiiNG. ' ' , A large adaitton to my stock of ' 'Clothing; makin r Itsti.'ll le as any in this market. ;; 'Coats from t2, - 51iit $25,00. .Shirtn; Wrappers, CollArS, • &c. :_:: GROCEIZIES, .'.l_ • - • A lar_gequantity on baud, and will bejsehl, Ws ?mud, /6MTlthan any other shop in town. -:: ti II BOOTS AND SITOES. - !' !Ratn .l er, intlt, sheetings, denlns, stripes, ticking, baki, lin 'ware, hardware nails., crockery, fluid,"pho : -.1.- gene,'oamphene, &c.,--ali or 'which will be sold at - the Imiest prices. . Please call.and l'qee. 1 .. -• L F. BOOKS AND STATIONEI?t. k large stroity constantly on hand; of schocd,fitn cyi noscellanetAs aryl blank Books.; cap, letter, note, wApOing, poit-otce, . blotting tissire and Printing N pet ; blank 'r aids, colored and plaint . envettpes of all kinds Arnold's and Harriso n 's Ink, ke.: ke., at 'S - 01.. IS, 181/1,1 ... F. B. CI-lANDLER's. ; -...,.: r ri.r., , ' s \ l ri lls= - i pi„,,,,,d.,,.. „ -PiTaPix44sP ' A il" :, • , I , ..... . „ . - - APA 11P•PIIIIIIii.C. --:= - ' I• ' Fr Haar has .long a a plApa - tfewssu4 icon ! A I ,. L . f e ctjm motive pa whichAteld be - rellednii)is .1 sure anti perfee.F. In its - °Pena:tom.. 'lbis .has' laity' . prepared. to, p1 . 6141kt -demand; and'in - eklensi re tit: , al of its virtues:has ..elusivelyslitiiintrids what Inca 1 cese It.aciensaptishes t e purpose designed., it hies... ay to make:Loh-yokel pilk but_noieaty,to make'litin i best of all pills—,one which( should have none of die objections, but all th , advantages, of every 04 t-- ter:- This hasbleai atteinp "d het*, and with - what intee . fiti f at would , 'lle - .speetfult. inibinitto theptiblie decisian:-I It has been Limfortun for the•pa4ent litheito - - Mat' almost every mirgati e Medicine is, acrimonious. ad irritating to,the bow p... This' Ls not.. Many of th MI proditt.,e so much gii int Pain and revidsien Ili q.l t i e sytilenY WY° More th . enn itio ittruiltlet*,6 , I derived. fraet t ein. est 'pills pie tiO initatieud, or pain, utdesqlt ari ~ kin apni ifi ett. Vti.!ting lolP - structicin or derange ~ entlit i t . beboyrels. ettiv pure- •ly rertable,vo . . tan arise-froM, thelr4e m .aah Atranutyl but it is :ftertliat "any' medic i n e' 41‘6414 be likenjualtitaky: Ilitftettitietionit tor itielr use' in the t Oval divests ' to nhlutts thoy : sie -iPPI6Oe, are giCan inn the box • Anning the complaints Well have beP4OPPetitt • c by Abetn,;.we way . meat on Liver Complain - 4, in I variant fornis-OfJeundice,llii digestion; Liquor a dtuss of APpetite, tistlesmiss; ItTibibiltY, Bihous • ' eadache, • Bilious reier, 'Peter and Ague, Pita ln .e Side and Loins; . for , iir - troth, all these are but the ~n.seqiience of, d iseased actioa in theliyer.' As an palm% they 'afford pkunpt ind ' sure tenet in *Cositic eas, Piles; tliorie, byaetittiry,, IlumOrs,lo6lnhi an. seurtiC - ; coliiii.With sorenessi of the body, tleers and impurily.of diti blood - fin-short,' i any and every case, here a purgatiie is required. . ... They 1 h ave ,produ ed. some ; singularly. sneceftfixt. 1 -- cures' in Ithettihatini, sr t out;•brtipiy,tirrel, "Ery - rpe-,, laS Palpitation of th Ireartjiitins in the Blek(st - Orn. i act; and • Side: •Th should be -freely. taken in the ! spring of the year, ' 'purifc.thet-liloarand"prepare the System kw ; the el *age otseasons) An oecas?oaal.- Iclose stimulates the s anach iiii4lioweis healthy action," and restores t elippt!tite-and vigor into - Tliefpn- rife the blocul, and, - v their sifinulint Action, on the: i circulatory system, r pirate the strengtivocthe body, • 1 . land • restore :the Was edinr disc-mat energies of Me. whole organisni,