The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, August 24, 1854, Image 2
i=M=2:K= '' : liiiiittifit,44q,, i 11,,gi0tt.e,,-- 111.; *RAZIER EDITOUSI. MONTIIOSE,,,PA. , Augpst 94, 1854. WHIG STAT.V. TICKET. _ Gove'mor, JAMES POLLOCK.. of Northumberlard. , , Canal Coninzissianer„ GEORGE DLUISIE of jaci#e Su l arono 'Court. ; IEL M. SMYSER; of Aiont.gOi , • IrjetiV. B.: PALMER, the Ai Agent the only -authorised the cities of Bosttin, ICeAv .7Xpric . . WHAT WILL THE P: „, •!. . • • iN o , i rn ea:sure - wa§:67el\.ret . - - r:-. ~ - incligtiation by the great, be,.., 1 1 •-.. • freemen - than the pa§ringe- of the -NI , bill; Land that act, N‘ith• ttt6euotts . 1 tnadelto -extend the Slave power* in of - -!I feeti.ans - , has justly divakened the nt l OusAprelinsins in the mid of evt -1 fricmy 'of.° republicio ,institutions. I dent; tat' a.great battle mist. b bettext freedom 'shivery. - imilittion Of the :iiisLoraie,s of slay, fo4,.td this i:f.sie uport the Amerieat Al4ost th,'!_whole,S,,auth have Land( .er-4ortnieda settiouill party' , if you ; for • fhe purpoee of . Uniarging and. e the Islave"Power. • This fact wits , •leni!hic coiuthertiers of .all parties* Deqtoerat; tutitihg i t support of the ka It has apPearediJnee..liti • tioriS at the Soutb. :Not a Not the .•• , • votd, C ong ress east in fitr,o. • . • . • ,[- faiti6us Nneasure. apd, cif course, ti . . , . . - • part is in bad odqr'artiklng - ti)e Slav' the liforis'equence is ~• that \ f. + Sorth Giro • ii • - • totlTti Wh* by n lar majoilty. elecied a..Donoprati G-(!wernor 'by 11 ty - Of mettrly.ihro thoisarid over con putitor.'arid tlicl.Atislature is al . „ 1y D ethoeratie. :c 4. 13f.' , ;16..m.„ ugt., :if • good qualitieS, is ''defeated d by:the ;i • -• • . . ersf 'Missouri, nip doubt' because . position to the eneroaelinients of ..Savery.--•-- lii - - 4 zliort, the Sokthern ivote, in and Out ,of .ogr• ess,: shows , the e,..xistenee. oti . a'••••lat 'Slare. party. 4 4 ~: ti ere. then is an' alts 'r at iv e Ofrel-ed to the. . ' ,- • •p .1c! eo.. l of the ''So r rtit , . ,:. itlaT o ;unite and 1 fonn a great oppO:;inuitv.for, fretiont,.or i - L.— • - - to continue divided into two or ritore 11 fray- nients, and thus ertabh..i i the siavery:extensit'in istsji ,by , tin; iin g , their ..unaivided •tc ree with onellof the Numb~-rp pirtio, to ; enr,- through anylltneasure they ehouse That .a molt momentous to the ( 4 ause'Of it _' here. presentimi for the consideration of North --, cr*ltnen, no one yi'ill - deny. Are they : pre-, pared to meet the crisis ? We licitieve they f • arj.l 'T.iie ', feeling ,i is general, we . ]ad almost , I N, said,yrui.versal, that the, Northern , — higs and I i, • r . the li large 'body. Of ' 'Northern 'Dem •rats, viho . - read lii,i,on - s,.rr . essi against the Nell,raska bill, • • •,1 , represented truly the sentiments o the North, 1 , .. . ~; . - emt') .uple.,'while those Northerners who vot- ; ed in its fii'vor, were recreant alike to their • ,-,;,; constituents and. to the cause . of freedom.-1 1; The , effect Of this' feeling is beginning, to be 1 pc4elVed 'in soniething More than words.— Wherever .Publie''.:sentiment has found ex : l • • 0, • prlsion at the I,allot box, a greit.chauge is , pelepthie., The .Administratiotrof Presi , .;dent . •Pierce, NV4II haS _openly allied 'itself 1 ... with slavery, al - l' 4 ' - .11 - i ' other waist become 'a] di4lrraee to the . ilation has been rebuked'and - r, 'defeated in his ;Own State, New lJamps.bire, • loWa, always heretofore a strong. Democratic ,• ,State; .has .been\ Carried FY' the I ,..xlilia's and .• '; • . 1.. • anti-Nebraska - men, by a inajori y :or sever- .: al thousands, 'expressly on ,the SI ive••tv issue. . . The freemen of Connectictit,•cVe nont, Ohio, ..Indian", WiseenSin, Michigan' an NeW.Yorb,- ' ha' ; ve also agreed; to waive for th prevent all ' 1 - - minor difference's of - opinion o 'pre - fen:nee, - ;' • . and to unite together in the sa'c'red;Cause• -. .0f • i' - - freedom-; • and. We believe .they Will carry ev-. ' -ll , ' • . • ' ery one of those States :by an u. , erWlienningt mit i 'jaritv. 'The` AN ' ash in gt on Union. •admits . • - 1 -- that New - York probabl v. will not support the l • A/dtninistrati - on i jnor probably. sill a y one. Thus of the New England States. irctim , ; stewed. with the whOle Northe n set tirrient .• arrayed 'against 'theta, the -.A. mini ration' ' br l i.Olt . to the coni • ingelf.,ction in p'ennsylvami l l i JI • , . . almost their only hope. The •election .It - . 1 .• - i • -., ,Igler, the. iniA4' WllO in one massage reconl • • • Mended the giving up of the jails of the Cern- ' • Monwealtli fns' slave-pens, i4 . and-in-anothet ad- 1 - .Nised . the' enactment of. a law by the'-Stale. - - ;I • ; - . LegiSlature , recQgni!.ind the existenco.of sla•Ve.-• • - d. r'cr in Pennsylvania; :who extends the ekeeu . tive pardon to 4,onrieteditidnariper, and - p'ev .. ] luits slave -burning murderers to go unpunish , \ ed, with hardly , an effort to r m claiin• the:, ri . •who not ; only had no . word of irein6trttnee i - . 1 to Utter,- as _the head of .e• powerfulYtate, hen the Nebraska fraud Wits heina cohsuin.- . • P . . ' / - Mated, but useiOtis influence o prevent the 1 i . 4egtelature frtin l i pronouncing:l:a conden - lna- 1 - tion . of the .aet ; who, though frtimi tuntives of 'i.a l lie y. he used ; his power 'tly - er his ,party , - toH - itsrevent 'the _Convention that tirninated hipi \ . . ~ -. - . for. ,r4)-01eetion 'froth. pine lig hi a ... ppetily 'On a „ . _ , 1 .',.. I:i4rebraski.platfOrin -as thy desired . to 40, yet , . i had not-then -nor has had-ishit:3, the courage • or- probably :the - 'deSire to say one. word in - ' favor. =of freed('MlL-the , election of such a;mKa freedom— the, by . the . freemen of..i'enilivsuiit - world be hailed . by tht. .A.dvaiiiistrOice . .ty, frOAn one .J; . • 'crokof the -Orion to AO 'other,. fai a-great fri • i "..•• iimph of the ;slavery intemit) arid :riapecial z:l eildciriainenti Of :the Nehra'sk hilt . :Under' ,; „ouch eireuminanees, who, Stehey .tbitt.eoitn-f iiel. his support Noy the .in •.: 'of the pee: - .... te, :for ;they have : repudiated 'itn sod 41 hi.. iscs -. &i‘ii•aiy.: -a- 0 0,i: - dt:44tive l ion(k,. His su p-1 . xoiftlfourid. to eonstst of. ',.the .hire. 1 . .Ih4e;:if :his thn, an 4 _.the isT liorial Mininis; -.,.*), - tiort,,, of Unserupnique ofii ' **era and -- iihsir 'friends, , Of. thos e - Who, : ow nothing of 1 right; F or -wrong,',.even li teniparal .; .afrairs, ex- i cept,:as theiripiritnel advisers idireet, them, end -of those, iilio, tire .:. I vitally:deceived that! they an be tiiade to,,,?lieve : th4 aet&of the! foulest tyranay nnl 3 tiustice .10 in aecord.3 once with the princi il , s "of true.bemocracy, These must compri* it t am sallfractiOn of the - voters of Pentisylv tila.. We know that t h e p e ople of Susque" ain t a' county are! made' of other stuil:- 'But a Miserable retnnant still eling to thc,old party Organizations: . At ; the heed' of thole, by position, stands E. 11 Chase; (Fla of tho)seiziwreapk Beprosentatives. that deserted the rause of freedom ' in its hour of need, and by 'their* c *roinal r silence gave a the great w g that Was being per peltrated at': Washing on.- ' Then Pennsylva nia .proved false to he came of humanity : not her people, than God, but their repre sentatives in the tat and National Legisla tures.i The 44; - .0 of P msylvania in the Mouse of RepreSentatives o tle ;United - . States, re moved the lAf.issOari r estriction, and admitr i ted the curse of human slavet3 into a region. vast .enough. for: a .1111 hotir was therecno eleven false Democri 'beside Grow - - lOW hi tho bannijr of .. free there, ip, a . falre, posit the •representatives 'sliVery was there - might be brought to:. Then. at that crisis, t Niue of Tentisy trans la 'all human proball air: freedom. Ail ca by' thenr, , iii the !lam . manity, against The 1 :be7 perpetrated, woul • tremble in their seats l thnent at lieruie if 11 have driven them fro' dOtibt thig; let them hho hen and,there is not ( true: lint tie Was . 4t d, and implied assent of the i the eleven '-dared ti the pore honer i di in q•ite - of the' t'rown • tat inns of ambition, ty:. and truly repre:; tlh .i4iit-iiii cilienl ilier di. .'t.t seri. ry trtie is ex`l- 1 t r t. • Ought. 1.,-I.k 1e... t.ry, his . i people.. • „,. , torrellt b 1 ideaseH tending ( ' de 11. evi- I ' and . itgs • 1 4 .NebiuS- I the elee-' I rtt;lV hie. 1 )I'' lhein. 1 i le'‘V It ig 3 luilders: 'tu i , here . , has, just 1 itiajori- j Ids Whigl k) strung- I AIL }sic . hivehold f !.his -op- qUeSt I on Pinan it their consljtuents. to people win pot 4).1.- 0 .4, tlioTi. ..Anti at. sure as tlky shall hive their reward. hum lie pi4plet--thongh tleV ••-- ned. Boise—just s'l sure shall the traiters havle !theirs. We can make very little dis tinctionbetwejn those Who-in Congress voted fon the Ni l brasla hill; and th t i b who l r:e, in tint; . ~ , s,, , State' Legislature (•unnseled a trearoilsi lenee. One of incise Silent lecrgratrs' a'. s, . p 1 mere minion of th /dumb' Governor, conies; - t• . ; home here_tO Susquernunia, and attemptS to stem the tide of ,pc i ptilar itidig.nation that thej Misdeeds 6-f•those in. power have raised ;-andt .• - 1 tiudiner • it- irresisti . !his; he - is still determined' • tdl t'• . throw in what ex l istrnetions he can: fa - Pre-1 - I vkiit a fretand fidl expression,of popular, , opinion. Knowin that Grow innst go 'back . to 'Congress.- he p ufesses to be enthusiastse .. in I ,his,,support, bit he advises the People t ( - ) I .r"-•.. (; ,,- ' Judge Wilmot addrOsed the peupl e ecnifine their enthu •ile-in' for freedom' in iiopi r t of I%ush, on the Free-Soit question, on Sat er cliannels-"to cave the matter in. I - urdnti• last:, W.e have been ifurnislied with . .. grew, where it b 10nt , 52 7 Whitt I shall; wt . 1 • nu .regulat report of the proecedings of ; the ._ .. . - .. . , . ''' elect a Nebraska ovelmor find a Nebrisk meeting; but learn from gent ; . , , ~ Legislature ; to be ray, the cliuSe of libprty Was quite largq and enthusias .lwill • `llll . l 1 ? Shall ';' , lidinen to Harrisburg to. tic. hnun - ; •In another •eu(be found noti ; ,_ 1 • - • elec /another 13roi dhead to the I_ nited StateS ~ ,_ ees nt.other apik4.4in the- . E, tmentsOf dila r e and Semite'? ,Can we be .expected to• endbise Hon G. A-‘,Grcm' . ; . •,,. : .... • \ •• i ' ,' to' address their fellow that infamous measnie,..liy electing a Nein*. citizens on the. Nehiaska bill.; N‘ e hope the ka man to any offi •e, National, State, or Coun t 7 . • . . -' • people of all partieswilygoand hear, 'these tv, Where lie ea exert an :influence on t ohalOloas of 1 7 rFedellit • II . • F. ~._, t; i• ' , minds• of the pee, 41e . 1 'The man who el- Who' • 1' - . ~ • i • are the Know Noibinir, Candid Ates :, 1 sels thus, favors he cause of slaver jrn , t •SI r, • 'The foliowil 6' article, !front the Laneaster 1 far: as be dares to, and, is only prevented froin-- Democrat, a igler paper, !nay lie - thotyht,l Igoing•the whole 1 gure by,his fear.„,. of the;Pop- 11 fo throw sorin light on the question, but well ular sentiment. He may writhe • and sung- 1 ; 1 • .•. , , - troth, fur fur of _that ; we ; gle, with all the . desperation, of a droWiling t • 1 - knelvV•nothino •,. •.1 man. but he can of stop•the progress'i the I; • ;'; • 1., Ai o t- is kiENDY S. ..,inOrT : A KNOW NOV-11NC ?- 1 , good cauSe. • ,He cannot call up. the ghost :.4f I Nic - se " id orn Ai. J - ever. 1;40-4 charges made made; I. the' Whig party 'that' he - *rid, • his brethren ! 1 agaitist Dernooat le nominees by NV higprints4 .. h w ave;told us 'dead and . buried long ado, knowing that • in. all cries, they -are intended ye a- speCial purpose_ The, Phil' Ito frighten` people from 4he'path of duty.-I--- 1 fmt•Y tc'•• ser .,' ---, r. I . , .1 . . . . , •- a• 1 I adelptria New.: and the Independent NN Ingot I His, appeals to , o d - prejudiees, tt dT , d , t - 114 c i ty, now t eltarge 1-fenrY $.". Niott, .. - Oil issues, fall on heedless Cars. , Northe ::, frees - - . ! nominee fur lnal Cemini:ssioner. l with being. men, battling .fu a great principle; can, no .a Know .NOt ling' and the. - Candidate of thati • IMore be frightened'or•driven from the'posi. .oi,der for,the office. for Which he was noiniint r . ' tiorrtlvev . - have q.ken,Aban cou'd their fathers: _ ted by the D tinocr4ic St4t,C'onvention.--+ airist hi this: , 'cliirge ag in- the -dots of the Revolution. ' • • We would It, ve let . niss as unto -thy of notieei were it not tha Who are ' these Whig 'leaders who Chase, 6 an o ie ' s E . u . l d a y p ret ..;:;, ; ___4 l K t iow Nothi ll6 tells tis are 4:4 trYina to lead the Dethoctlie3i of i- paper—has, lis inune at' it l s mast . head; and Susquehanna t 7 ay 1- , Arc - they - the ; 1 1.16 n. 1 ad ; vocateshis election, [ UM. have also been David WWII& and- the ;Hon. ; G. A. ti're - jw 1.; informed, thalt if at.a State (;.imi•etificin of - .the What - is The W: . • - - that the / ,- ; Khoiv Nothings held in; Plipadelphia, on. the ng principle tne pmpie I.3'd inst.,-it'vrts detetraitied;46,support him ih , are asked to-s pport 'l Is freedom, then, a i connection with Peylloek tlir• Governor, and . Whig principle And Opposition totheNe- 1 Baird fur Judt , e, dins taking otie•Candidatie r.-; . braska bill,—.is hat Whiggety..l, 1.k4, then, I frOui -cavil ut the v Stiitellek,ets in the field. 1 I IWe would nugget iki the State Central will the - demag goes, deffne DemocracYl? - : . j Onrunittee hat they ;:proeure from him a - No, sir,l, yilti Mit - fool sensible nice who 1 ' Jitter `define ig ins position; L e t. inn - 14-014e . know theirowr minds and have any 'eye tot 0 4 manfully and 1 show his colors.' if Ile !fee What is oil) i on :ttround thein, with Ibis i refuse to do -o, u - e,kugigesfi that his name be bugbear .of Wliggety—volir'rt - nii;ler.4 know t taken: from lie Ticket,. and another plaed our support 4.aili• aviation:- to be fake just as Well as 1 l'iPcni it. // e 'ha ll fllt;'ree;Ove you - do. can, understand your. position ;.- 'They . • i • • ' unless he tie nes; the accusations which haye ; ;• . _ li.4U-Inade Lgaitist ;Win, With at least souse l _td yourti iotiv -s; Well•(•nonah. ' Ifyon lade I s h o w . . o f trut i. If' Leis to . be siipporred by a bargain?. with? Gov : , Bigler, Jr, consider imi'l the Knott-.Niothing4 vi:e 'iciiiit to begin wheth of a Jucrati vet.) ice, in fit air°, that yoti w old ' ietit is withl. now L i ; ge ! and consent—and; his k 1 1 ' 1 4:1 1 secure fordihrt he of Susiue- 1 Whether-he has mat 4.! any pledges to thenr•in hernia county, if falsehood - :Ind de*.e ' to the it »ointments he mar )e Ili.. I rqereuee i., .• ) eoUld.d . o it, it, i your Misfortune, and not ; the 1 people'S leoli ; 4' at, - If you: are.uilable n tO form your part of : the 'e.ontruct. Yon n learn 1 tti- bear :disappointment with ril ... • 4 culled : npon to make ?; He must 'face the • Id not; rave so • outrageot .t Of defeat. • You might take , and n . our antagonists, the and n . that respect :.long Practice 4o:take a defeat very esi.sily patticidariiiends may, also h yoi,for'they are net e/iaet. pen the pe4le Will be, iPt to i5-1c)lit; 1 0 3 q ought to be [wit kine:eacriffe. es ; for the 4.41 , u4e of .in; the meantime they 'May, oil fi.Mp' the filet that there are ia:in the . ranks of thebem . oe- - ." ipilb l e of serving the public; jaded/y .l as thetuielveis; equanimity, a over the pros. a leasori from ) 'buried.Whitey had.' taught the indeed: Your suer wi ly the aorta select fur oft ling to make freedom. ;, and] -draw usolat other then, ev racy, quite ug hopestlf and For oursel we claim to care mere, for the a great principle than for that of any party. Let the Free Soil - men unite as they oughti and their_ candidates, by what ever name the tnay :have been hithertici call ed, if capable and, tine men, as -we doubt not they will he, 'shall receive our ea est support. _ aretiipAre. -At that . • • t ems , of*, induqing those its to • ring theinisel yep noble compeers milder oml .Ati they stood • n, Cf'eetaefi—or at le4t, I • 1 )f freemen-voting. fOt. great influense, .gear ''Ye4: to Governor a had it :their power, ility, to 'turn 'the scale nest-and solemn protest ~,of the. people ; :and hu a;tonal clime about - - 10 . lave made the traitors - fear of public sett o, hieln. 2 r motii-e, would u, their lint-pose. If any thnsi' s_Repres_entatiYes roted for freedom, it 't voice of con detimat on • the strength . of : this i llemocracy - ot the )State votp f i e to the noble ,few Who, of power and the fp - 41f. presi:rved their . iittegri- . the scntifnentsl!of •`..,The &Nang on the €4zunii., Gov. Bigler as we learn frOm the Fulton Demociret,'made his first stumP'speeah.for the. season at lieC,onnellsburg, on > the 7th inst. The DemilFrat,i says, 4. There Was no / dodging any qufstion :now before the peogle.. The htid special legislation- 7 -6e hans--natibnal —tho , ,lsiehraska: Know-Noth ingisca—eaeh:claimed and received a share. of the Governor's'attention, and hikrenTarks on all tliese quesfions,-;showed;_.inthe-eipres- t sivelang,uage! of an old . Denioeraq that he was "as could as a dollar," ' • t •_ What nn .e-Neellent institution.'the stump a! must be for bringing a man oat! 113 y means .e: of a single si*ech, the - fOrtunate !People .of tl Fulton.eOun' ty knoW the Govermiris position el or all thee important questipiis, *hieli Dem-. o ocrats and Democratic tj,?etitingii..have : ,tbr s! nionths'sbilght to.learn his Iti'eWs - On in vain. It is a pity, thouffly , that his remtoks•hairnot ~ been Mofelpartieularly.rp':rted,"o tlizit:lie . o- j e ple 'at - aL.distance . Tight kilpw , -- Vliat • Were ' those . opinions the old DeloocratkunOuticed .1 "as sound as a dollar ; 5 " ; and ttl-eitable!.- them - ! to compare his:words i with his acts and' the i. allegations of his friends and else here.. t If - yotei! . .s. were . to depen4 up 4 - .such re- I y! . . ! ports, - they would rentiuti as Lomeli ! ,itt, ',the 1 , dark as 'ever.. They have been": told tlia he 1 was soul befure i but they desire to team in what soundness consif-tsi • Mitt we.• shall i , ' • probably know all •about' it- *hen., e donors' •i!, stimtping it up this way,.as We ,10. e informed ; hi will, ice don't beliin - 424. 1 , llis semi- 1 tinientsiire not p i opnlnr in tilis - r'egioi..l3ut. i wehoi4!- he will collie, and 'iiiie - ki0,...s we will i ~1 ,i, , , ~_ try to report liis,remarks fir trip netvrasin bill, so that! they 'eat; bounders:l6od. The Question Settled. the I.)einoe . ratie organ at Ilarrishurg., thus distinctly :defities the Gtie eruor s: - posithmi on-the.NelOstui que.4ion: PrOv. Bigler and the I.lebratika.Bill. • • H Whatever may be , s:iid ihy Ole:Montrose Dew - wt.:ol to the eontrary, we tliel,warranted ' iti asserting. that tiuv. Biglo is Lin fat-or of I}opultir sovereignty, whieh,is t 14.•. great prim eiple of the Nebras -a bill.;' : The Democrat, !tlhough - peril:4)s . ina( vertenoy, has lam. stated Ithe wkolej truth s , , Si`longs as\,the .Clayton .t, amendment was retained, the governor,N%v. lbeliev"e, Was ,oppo,' , .ed to the passage of iiii? 1ii11,.,:. - 0 well as to making,iti.ap4rty .gnestii:?n in our'i State politics. But its' 'final passaiii% with that amendment -stri*n;out, rt.. ! inovel.l i.. every .•ohjeetiott, and now. iin (ionn - non with. i ii i ne •li4 n ti,s, —t• ti;. Apm0c , .44., OtioNe eiti7,ll4. tneiipvernor Tv-ors the iniasttre as, one emi nently just and denweratiel..,l, : ' • , --1------ Owego • Gaiettel classed as a ~„ Free I,olloCrzlik. rap arserts that to repe..i the Fugitive Slave , to refuse to adinit. any more Slave Sfate*into.t he Union would be trampling under tbotithe spirit and the eltpressobliL , :ations of ;tln4; Constitution editi st r of th'e ditietW was .ap point vd• Pip,ttnaster at o)veio by Pierre's 2ldniiuittratioii, and still bolds thj . but vi-e donut know hoN- •inakilt it is N.‘..vrt.l;. • The Governor Aridthe Jesuits. , .1. .1 Governor Bigler thaS eith'er been irifluene'ed lly the Jesuits, andibid high for the Cathollie Tote, or he • has not. As 'testimony in faNI,Or (if the. affirmative cif" this iimistion we offer . the following : Fir4i .4ppointm , :nt ofJais, Camphell as Attor4ei - ; General, after the peo , pte had defeated hiin Jiidg . e. of :the, preme Court. Sero - ar'ff . ,' his appoilitmentl of Lazaretto Physicializand Whiskey Inspector . in . Philadelphia, and . ftlout Inspector in Pitts burg. Third, the pot, di:4r he and, his • sPee ial friends ;have: 4. 1 .0 tho Lica ,t 9 Treside ever every Denrafratie - ;State Convention; • Since he was 44,4,4 E. B. clase:tio . cioAt -g l'eels thiit'fie is worthy the attention 4e-roceives at the of the public, and we :agree with him estimate. As, howsTerolitizens of the cc :ty (not. of MOntroleyhavn sent us fOr pu' tation their views of the chanieter of the who is trying to a:I4IA the action of the j ple, as they believe :4kr nod good purpose, ,have thought it no more than proper to 481 r their corumuni is aittoi4 that the ez4] Tier may see himself- aS others see him. • ~ ~• , ~, ..,. ....,, • _. Ir .-.•..-..... i ,„ : „.• r .„..„...-4... 401 1 11 0 m ,: r .. tm11ercti0 ,1 ••, ,:.. ..., : . • . 11 , it; 'SUIIIIIER:I6O46DS lir - . , Del i11 ,. i - '.. • t. 14. Pogl t & CO. i. C .1. .• ' • 4 1 I its /ditor now offer ttiothe public the nnist choici disc , he wierll',l.l of Goo& An he had I and , the coun ; and for the very:lOwest p dill' rent ilt - Ariation. 1 , ' plat," -. he lls'ADl'it,iPk i eLdriir4va. , tics and thereby ..eff •jil I. 1 .4. ro sy k PA. ',121v.e O ciu? . • la tO their s tiriek:ol: clot 4, era, . out of. : diet k , Lbs., -e . ' deeirubliii 61 sot etbing to that efr'e‘ti' i;74' lilt• l'hti.. ' ne .tina' from the WesternW Part oflt:,:: t d, ; I ,fii,s t ie thnbilllvtitYr4otibil. Nolfii.o l .-Yr't, e t i •t .. - • 'I I admit_ that the spuilS of Office hiiceintichr is ;do with political charkters, espeilially the. spirants ',Anti were 916,men Who nicidc that. .. .. .al actuated by stich Motives ? 'l, -believe ► , ll laly NN .. tici. not. I beliOie Ahoy; were} prompt l .d [by . 4 Special..icOrcl`for-ther.besfi.interesti if he ri,eopl' and the rights of nian....i But ...I Pose a thsion taliiisiilaCe, what:f tlini.-4 . It is : not in this as in tithercase. prefilini:d 4 . het.. •"SNo, Sir.. It! iS -. Procluell -14 '.'areool, t ea in,:•4lispas..sionate ;conclusion - C.,..peoplh la. conic to, not•ctwtiO be led and oi.ntrol-' i o. ed anyl6 . l?ger . ti37:l - loliteitlFiletTigii,, , re , .es„ an utrinelpled Ofliee seelii2rs, i 'but tank' ' tbirbti.- iness int o o their own hands and hereafter, .sei,e, ~ f • [o it strictly. Heiseeibs tip be • stii - rtle'd lest pt reliance a \N'llitt might be electedtosome . ' C`4itv i in 0171(4 ( — cc, iii tidrtYy ears. andel:M l i • i . . a I niall sliai..e of tiLie:',sPoils. - Ile .t;iy'..theiv e.rle inStilliead.. Ali I is that the rikison ivli,v i la' lator's so hard to pi; . 4event any Innovaticin in the Democratic.. 'rank's ?- If So 14..inust be. ai witted by d . Miserable selfish milt ivy. '- lIJ ....ilL ., Vys that : - t1ii;!.t;e4.5 5 1)1e.-.. of- 5:i...-it . itieb:inolli . ' - 'otitityeattnot.-be 'ilectiived by -any i! scheme' jat certain men ,tely!'doVise.. . A.ei4)elieve so .too, friend, Chase I. we blie•i-e thaUhe peo- . w:111 o strilightrpr:Wqrd With their aid riot be diverted from their object,: Or- iin ped up,on by the ' schemes of in,: !;et of 116.14 - Lawyer . § . acid Editors • included, Ile Wits to know whiit the,eiectiow eoimtv M kers has.twio w'thithe Nebras:a t nt tti - ore than the eleCtion of. Colistable,s - lor 44061 Directors. ( ' N -! I suPP4.e - it is ': PN: abOut the saint % inithe one ease - 'a* inrthe oth elr, for it is a well Iknown and stabbOrn .f let, t nit the Denioeraiie .:Party in .. this! County 1- , ~ and .State has • contrated the to - itlisnip e cc tions, or a large In:jority of then, ttu. tbi •ty , • year or upwards, i and-th 4 the inet p(itty town officer has been fl e eted as strictly u ')oti .. - -, -, party principles as-n 'Governor or . c'on_err i ess: ttian 'What is tins high,and lolly Sentiniint ~;t• the popular mini he speaks otl,?• .11owillas r . t manifested itselli•in the . passage of the Ne ' traska Bill.i or in some other way,'? AVe Want . • o know all about i i„. .• - Why Shoilld he strwr ., ~'. .W e So hard - to wipe away the' stigma fr om :Wits caused by the passage of that: Pill ! one ould suppose that': the blush ofli-birtne would •; , tri-tatitle his check to.attemot a thing:Of thekind ~- , when he and every, body else -knows thatthe 1 main leaders of that bethrions wfmkbelonged t,(, the great 151anaCrittie,family,! S'Aich - tw:al -idle Wont:take, ' the thinks thati - if the Whig , : are honest they will wait until his party has ;iestablished a platform , and then' fill in and ,I. Iconsummate the .fuSion. Doe* b . i . '!! suppose ilati•the Whigs 'more spirit or inde ,-- ,Peddenee than to fait in in thitf way_ and be toWed along. as - a steamboat ..vOuld a lighter 'I 'craft, With all the old -party . prejndiees and feelings existing. - excludi , d as 'thc , y would be from all particiiagon in. the honors or :emol uments- of office ? ,-: If he -does,' I ,kliffer j with 'him opinion.. - : This its not pie to unite the people. :The- 01 - 11 .7 :.;.', N 1 iity ie. judgment is to upro9t and destroy a party lines and 1,44 forever a:11 for i - mt par ty prejudices and : notions, land . cOme• t 'gob tl* with . Unity feeling'and oneness o pur pose, the same as we would If :in ink ailing Army were marching through? of r eoUntry. lu ;conclusion let apy,land • man ,to beware how he esertc his influence to prevent a unitin and concert of action at this time: Nine 'tenth.s'of theTifople, tot all Parties:, are% readYi"tind anxious :to _unite in opposing theaggeessions of the South upon . the rights - of. the, Nortb; .and nothing: 'will . :preventtzteh.:•:tinicntbut the ,, iofitiOnc€ of de .signing and unprineipled" Men: Give up the two old Paities and their leaders . ; they have away the day of grace .; aiid let • than. AN 06 FASIIIO . N.E4) liillO4.AT; The Know Nothings. L - • The Pennsylvania 'papers, '.and . itided the 'entire press of the'coutary, are greatly exer 'cised Upon, the historv. Stretvrth.•priiicipleZ4. and action .of theis6-ealled-"KnoW-Notbinp." The Deniocratie ;papers generally „ . oppose , them ;• so do many . - Whig prints ; ' allal - hut 1 . few old organs take up 'their- dams-6 Still .: their .action is rapid and, effetitual- in oi.ery in: stance where tlit!y:111:11{C an ::elli f irt- f r if not' etllA:tual, the failure is 'so well - cOnecaled that 1 no one will believe that . anYilttetnpth • been , niade. . . 1 As instances! of the profound see eey of tfieit movenlentf.; We notice that :in A lona, Geo., at a special 'election fir 'Aldi:rinan, in theinorning,' there Was hut ,!one known eau &date but in the evening Mr. E. J. Hulsey, I, . - a' quiet respect*e citiien who:never aspieed to office,. carne 120 ahead, .'ko ; the iiitonish, mein of everybOtiv and hitnself . espeetallv. .In Allegheny; Penn., the.',othin' day, there Ni'as an election for Councibiu4.• to fill a ' Va cancy in the - SecOnd ' Want, 'ef. 111.1 ; Large and John COnil4, :were the only Ca ulidates beard of.. When the poIIS • eh/sed t e vote was &dared :; 'Large, 43' eorillev. 23; J amesj Gardiner,t4: : c - • .. 1 ~ 1.14141 this, result was .antiOutiect hody• : was aslonished.: No One 'eould, who had voted fur Gardinei or.' seen its oreven knaw that. he WAS a can., Eisen .the two - other : candidates ti aware of a third party runtling;in o `to then). . Turk 'Co:. 'Venn.,. is said ;to' be . ..tinow-NOt hi ngi. In' the,. to ism l 'Of are eight hundred or a thci,ilSand4 Codorus" them ate two or dal.* buil iu many other;, iillages in ithe co are organizing and prosperin A Rums PlOrtmg....—The':; 4 :Vpiion, 1 - Denzo.. erd4 the, , BranOit organ oflCOw Yc;rk City gives the Custota gouse .010als i•athei • a hard eharactei:in the_ follo*iiiir a from - • it late Issue.: !lot hat "There are i now at responsible posts in that piaci; frirty or fifty' thieves,. boxers, Shoulder-hittelis, thimble riggers, rpugilists, assassins;, ana omunen - blackguards, who Would lick creation if their masters are isturbed. If the President were toittempt to put other risen in their places, they would have their ey4s krioeked out ,if, indeed, the Custom House were not burnt ddwn over their heads." - - - I un )l i um . . _ . 7 - I" l ,'Ttiiii DE LAwA*LACK : : . i. , • i 'RAI ifitiltuiti [ [ - • -,,,? N 1' ;and filler Norm f_ Passetiger , Train —,, . Arrive at.Oreitt•Bel I':'-t Corolecting with the . a r West en the N. Y. 4, t rg ye :. Returnwillleicve I i . •Ilay Egiress,,trains h ! mud . riving #l,t Eienntttm . , at ThelFreight Amer tsar . Cr attached' will lea , : d , trig at,!.Greet:Bend ~ L ..i. Rettirning,l will le, make - -htent.Bcrinten I' ty. of a iilirgqi, 111-vg until be - Ilearp.3* . n . lrl t !. : ?,. sides. I 4illl promise 4ecide, it hoi My. lieSt ludginent, w be elect (1, L Will ta: (ecluivalkint hYi the IL an oath) 'tliatl i !‘%4ll su This 'VOui I'. m ean to keo keep it, 41'3. ;better' 1 w' Which lean by ;any possil i• , . t t: i t, ,I ;, -: , . . , , 4 .. r . ,It has : struck mews possible thiit• tpe OM ~. 1 initte#, .misuqerstood 1 s itistruetiolas when tbe c:iiatfittos! for judge Wereaclili*seq.. It such instructiOns were gl i : eil, it . w ass prob4ly_ done without thinking 14v improper !it would befor' ,•eply in the Inanuer'expeeted; At all eentS, !I have fiti i th enough in this re pithlieini!syslein of oins t to believe, that no :State! COnv - einion ever'llid, or ever! Will as semble, lit • Wliieli.a, inaj4rity of rnenthetts can be iouml, who! nil) tiellberately' insist :upon theiiHright.tO tleinaull p I e(10;3 of judicial can ditlats on que.stions of air.l uin with 'great ites wet, yours,,.&e.' and any ces, • 'flie rirmarksof the. on this letter, euntain I if of the ,p"o.Sition :VSI mitst be: o that • i • .1 Have Voters ft right, of ciuididate, , , Judge Black saysl i n , letter .Veryl carefully 'sonS are not .the I ;untenable. .Let, it's' define - 1,( stand clearly : vdiat I'lli terrogatories Of. t T hti, had tit* reference . to ewne:up "tl - )r-f-trial.l asked to . sity ; wilethet John Doe pr llichard 1 ‘vealth;, or JOhn Snii i men ,Wnre 'guilty 1,..)t.n ,knew . that! in',B pattic be giva iii the intkre mous 11111'y and fairl ,ed in 'its ;Leariligsi ol . that ill 91 inic l ia given ) or pro bab' e , !ease ;wo, impropriily., „i l' Miit th interiiigl qtlestion it' 'C'Onstit.uti , . been diset?ssyl, Or i unn,ual spirit and; all platforrn, I in priniar:' courts' or e?ery glfade no new ...rgtiment: t( feattiti4 Of the laW• a' no notit.vito be ser‘'i( written on. 1Killot:N.; beenc:x.anjineil ; '! tip, handsoof e ery Oil , teri - 014 frOm wliieh • niade,np,'!. arc in At }forth lfench. W.l • ',-' Practiee, Grattan of man rinmetlinntt ~ I. i ulgti .13lack's dOctr erica:. al kii s w. s 1 )‘‘ v - [ilk udge. Did inl ; throWf• tln: . . f ermine * l•subjei‘t, it-liOutikti,, gym). ( po u a tv 1 , um soF r ! ztz IrouldeNCellt!Lt. 1 ; fheir conception by i being? .I.las not e: i l ted States nomitiatq l him On all - imixirtan !, cons.tructiona Noii i ,iil v ks G place thd i vial r}!, , Sitipn. in the 1 r wield it 11.? r what s of thh cOminti- 4.1 - .•, • , i I apprt ,tiai Judges,. i\ ari.uf ithil import !u ade..p..Of u its tiwn ~ I has receive& tht.i tj / crat . .4; Art, e TelisOt 1 tutionali la* harin(l , accepted 'that tk r un I . -sei(intinit be is:!, ni pint. • • i- - What-Ao the tc•lni Neither mor nn erats know alre4dl views Of , the .001 - 1 theirs= I lrit Wa:?3! , Derr l 9oatie nomn is pt intefroni tli tinrlLaw. *; Ewry . eantii(lat . is anxious to au Onevery- inestlo tli pv,niWno - 2f-; ctecii,fr lt loneslgi best jtal ginent.wl a!|' phrase 4-11 public ii • horol sions 4ifiamestoo hill! inns'zlnee. 10 . 4 1) 4 hOuse, or* walks,lor h paiitl exiieetlo6r dirt Why Olen, in : I fair- ofkalminis ,r foiiiin4 an imp I the: fop 2 - Of eiaro ? ly to tell us 14 reetion .or notit ( :- ' It has•Strues' ''o fetter Of Ju rs <lgt -- Black 4: relative positio2 leOpl4t were l j etiv4., nionar• conso ut ion, If on: : the contra 4, of' th 4 peopleit la aii it is rel pro ?anc per. .At ,s I TeMfilne liiel -of any Man power to aw•t i le Law.! '. • ' r;''''t . -l• • —4 7 every Refound I . C • I l ere not ,position full. or rk there' n" Old red,"niid tythey -The last. ON oei-atie) in an tness.Lsay.s : •••'' l., • ' is ncij shall ! not be 'al the feeling 'a are six Out o f; oerats, who cen,.tnte for it need 'not ; hineh to` lose party in Wis 44 -Withl this lo be •outof . th ought nit - to ) it.' sitk its be nnnt .s of thO ' - raiiiiiiiit . 1 , 4 ,_ r ,,,,,..., . :iiiiiiVii." - -:AND WESTER N - LILOAD. 1,. „ _ I . _. 4g riraahmr”! i . i 4, risy .Bth, 1 8 5 4,;:ah0 Mail Ili depart from. - flertinton• at inl aft 11.4 n, A, M. 1 'dab express - train East and 111 . 11. on the Amid of the . ,ic and ihnikftig, arr i• -. . ~ !min with Passenge; at 1.25 i P. it.. Sir:it'- l l 1 1 •- ntd- at A. !I. and arrival of *men pamiengers to Car 'hiladelithia via. the other 'intermediate 1 • , It fl nianart from ,n nisyll i ttinia . to I 0 Constitution.] '1), anti that I iii;ty ILinake` 110 (Alter, • J t S:-BLACK.. tibia licgistcr ve a 1 4 1±futit 7 : flied, tlieteib by .) udre so melt i,fitcrest to we copy-Alien) in full • . - 6 i t, know the opinions Itr Judgeship ? Niterreadiiit , leis ild N'vei(rhinf , his feu . ess convinced that his Isaiah ..iu - as to hhder - ductrihe is.. - The iu .mperanee {..".i.utuittce ny particular case ~to ud(ro Black •\ , ,•as not r.,-, . : . Ili.` NVU'llill .' sill(' With 116e,N6th the. C'oillinon h. The Temperahoe ,such blulidcr: They llar t'aSe, notice inuSt :'ited parties,. the - arga-. hearkl, the .law faets;proved all folvahe of a priviing dl l / 4 .1 be a grave- orieA 're and a great law-- 7 one‘that has everal years pa,t, whit ility in the arcs., ()tithe and brlbro There are, prilhably, bc. adduced ; the _main e well known there is 1 on parties except. those Intl the witnes. , es have- Core:titution is in the in short, ail . tb - judgment ought to. be liana,: of the, candidate t more can'he ask 'e whereof the inemory the contrtity, :is tl:rainst ie. The api ? ointing pow 's the general opinions of . English 'inonareh 'ei'er ,ver \the.shoulders .of a Wing l!s ..„,i,iewo Oil - Oa: Ilave not the sueeeN,ive I j lnee'nained such judges he laws in Abe soirit.. of rhe authority for t he i time' 411; 1 re4lent 6(the l Uni y judges who agreed witli, i t t_ points ( .- .)r pon;titptic,,,ul IF of them have been !.:o enortnopi power of jairt- ands - of 'n - leti who• woad med . to them the injury, In our Suite the4_kopfe: Etta party I , cufiy a nte: of , having the 'twitch inCluners: Juilge Black . urination of -the Demo-. That Ins viewS . of consti- iize witb thews: • Ire has nation. Is eon deeeiviit Allem on II Orance inenWish to know . ? less .than what . the Dcmo ,----whether Judge IllitoWs, !stitinion harmonize . with 'oot indelicate to accept. the ilition, it will not be to to 'e friends of a Prohibitori; . for othee, no matter what, d telling, whatle will do, 1 4, he is glad to be let off ;,thing at -pre4ent } except to t.and.aeeoiding.tO my (his) hen it ari s es.' This stereo iiy is worn smooth. The vith the!i - e iterated profes tentionS. -Tly arch polit It we employ a .builder to put TL . gardener . to lay Out gritrel to color a house-irOnt, we ions to be 'attended to,---. much more important :If hi g the- e(mstitution and . en--. tant:law, should we commit singa•man whurefuses blunt ther he will attend to our di- lis aS•possible,that,in iinswer- Ithe .Temperanee Committee, Fs wholly Misunderstood. the of judges and people. lf.the 'obey.•the judiciary as a Col: I aceepting from it the law and answer Is a proper one il lit, tbe_jutliciary, is the servant ought toe. ominister the. the answer! is highly . - int= eVents, we.• hope tl u *ill not aid in the - election the Bench who will use his it any 'efficient • Prohibitory In Eirdist, f iorn (Wis.) 11 'portek (dena . ~ f 1 rtiele upon ; the N. e.braska. bus .; Use talking' . that die iuestion es-t. _No power on earth,with at exists, can 'help it. There 'very seven, eveli among dcm ill not under any circumstan- Nebraskaite for office. And told that the party have. not 1 and still retail t, power. The eosin, in partieu r, pannot!live upon them, and we Should.not way if we shnuld say, they lye if they take - the load. Let firer, and let obscurity cover the iic who give their votes to this '' -- 11"Irtliikrigril &Ain - W* l ' OREM' AtilfAcTioN ! • Greatßusit. At:* 14f . Atli titimds Ea tail' 8 •• • • • L ONE PitiCla• * • . TREtar k eit and eiseapetlL stock Fancy, Domes - tic and Staple . Goods eV& lcniiuglii into Susque hanna county. One Inindre . d cases pry GoOda, .com- Prkink in . Pail ' and Rich tihankcablelqlki,r f: Fashionable Silk Sat. . 4 ,` : &film t` •". ',/ .:' - -- . - [Bonnets, ;• " Plaid .- . ." . ' - I :lPrench Plantes, " - Black •-• ' ," • ' ~ d 200 ' pieces ;Dohnet ;Rib•- .Grhum Bonnet 1.; ," .- - `.., • ,: : - [ bo ns) BonnetSatins e ' -10 Q per. Fancy Dress do. iml.wool'DeLidnes, . . Velvet Dress 'Cottons, . Pan 4 an —do- •: " . Fierd. fr:coled. - Velvets, Plaid Ih.Gossa, . . ,,t Fifty Itiy State . ' Shawls i Clouded (1%41 .erge, -; • :`.0.• Cashmere . . ' i do ::English 3feru, .... Brocha f ~ • . do Bilk '. do - LYonese Mills, -- - ' Gloves hosiery etc. . , , Cobur,.'s .- - - • - 4 Pletbli .eassithe re w 5 .4 . French dne*. de!Reire, v v i t h igg, t' ~, _ '1 i Embroidered:Rl:4)6i : "nu& :' -.• . [S7dokhams and:Prints, •: ". Wocatt& n k ot ,,.. ler *.tnitiPlaids, A.- .. -:. Liningt!, ~, .', A eall is issued ; anu signed itiy nua q - 4 „ .. ,.„ :. /etnocrats and' Whigs ; in this . county; tor a j`ounty . COnventioti, owthe sth ortiepteliihr,- ,:In some .of the largest towns,--not a half a dozen will rel Vi-e to sign the ... eid.l., . :8-1 4 . 0. mottber:of.the.leztdin g .PeriweiiifS tools 'part in the 'ineeting Where it - was voted unani mously that:" the union of thetreetnen . •vit r it - -' out i•enrd tq old' . party attaannents. codas :the Only. stifev .for freedom.' "I t ind . here there is . -practically \i-tfusion. -.Eve 1 now * .Bigler has -notpructic-di N any orga! , an,d two , Weeks frOnt - now, I 111 W: ins'will i ot, have dot/1;7E0- /i/, in tltia strOng petniieraltie - county: .. . . , Ever} - . intelligenOttatt Ilitiows that . the old party - gliestion.s'-a,re `not 4 issue ; ; and the Bigler S( - C‘-p atortunitt. ;le :noWledge it by not referring to any of thei.their late i l tici f. e..; You prObably'lleard of . inige Ku_ox'S vkit to - this..ptitity; and advis nit the - DeMeerats to acqtnesee, and finally offer`hi,lg to-,,proeure' . a. letter ii% Om Gov. Bigler dl2elaring that se was ppposed I to -the • 'pas;inge of the. Nebi'as,lia '' fruad; hut he -was told that was not the Practi? Cal question now. \%e rdliSt I . lllVeTillididateS that were in. favor be . the ifiThiediate restora tion orthe Missouri restr etion.:A3utthat Was going trio thr tin- the Nviy politician. - The flonorirW.liige dare tnit-:pledge the Honor able GoVernor to take any_:sue4 position. We hag' great regard:for Judge, \Knox, - and grearhOpe.s for lis futurOsefultieSts ; ha all sitelt• htpcs are fled.' - Ile is a native of this ; • eonntY - and reeeivtA; more than - -his party vote- when running .tip' Jdilge.- lle is consid ered a man of More ability. far AbittOlr. Pig- Jer, but he did not alter the 'course 'of u Man' in this or Putter county,,, unpopular; was'' his, Mission. In McKean county,thelN'ebraska men lidve' no organ, but a strong Temperance and Anti Sl4verj- paper ' r is - flTitu tshi N ng . there. . Mott know. Oat Potter has nu 'Tut her 'light un der a husher :1 - im;t nurul er of years ; and, I' trust, 1, - , i1, > ,1 protest stranger than 'ever this year. -1 —•- • The iiydigilatiun is so tot in Bradti ! rd coun ty that ft Irmei• party shajokles have Perished in the flames. Uegpectfuily• Now .oc7Never. : ,'• - --- '4 . • .... - .7.,--74• We oh ' teat not a few of the • ..._,-i . leatraiii Democratic jou n-ls of Pentisvl \ - -min . • ...., ati! publishing the siipik,sed. Itbri'id oaths of the ' }now Nothings; fiwgetting howeVer, to mentibn anything about the : following, taken loy the secret order of Jesuits : -' .• A. n o w in the presence cif Almight% Godi.the . ld .ssed _Marv, the blessed • Miehrel the Arch-Angel. the blessed St. John the 13ju the holy apostles St, Peter and St. Paul, and the saints and sacred - hogs of HeaviN), and, yourmy G.ho-Aly,.Father do ,:16; elarcirom my heart, without Mental reser vation, that-.-; Pope GregorY, crthe present bleu Mbentb--is Christ's Vicar, and is the true - and Only .hfrid of the I'Mversal elitn4+ thro'-. ,mt 010. woOd ; and that by virtue of the keys and tit biudin , .. and lOiwing (riven' to his 'Holi ness Je,u Christ: he haat poWer to de post.. lietetscal- Kings. Princes, ~ S tates, Conihion weatihi and GaTernments, all-. being illegal withiluitdris st7red contirmation.and that tidy may !safely be dcstroyo llieretbre, to the iitrintst of my, lower I will defend this• due triner and his hioline - s4.' rights and customs, al4ainst all usurpers,and all heretical or Prot estant authority wbatsdever„ especially a gainit the new pretended authority and ,Chmlch of England., and all, adherents,:• in re gardi that they .May.. be usurped and heretic a}, op i tising the Sacred Mother Church of Route:: • . • • •.. I ilodemunee and disown King; Prince :Ur, .Statp name>l • Protcstants,..obedienee to any of their inferir tnagistiates Or officers. I -do furt het.; delare he&citifies of the Church of .I.;'itgiatid, Cal vauists ; Thigenots,•and all other Proie4aii"ts to, be damnable—and those to. be daiotnal whe,will nut ti,rsakethe same. Ido further declare that I will 114, assist and ad vis-e; all Or anti' , of.his Holiness' _agents in Any ,plat, wherever I shall be, and do my utmost to critirpate. the heretical Protestants doe trig*, and tddestrorall their pretendM.pow- . er, or. otherwise. 1 further' promie and declare, that not-• withstanding I :1111 dispensed to. assume my ' relii=ion heretical for the propagationof the Mother•Chureh interests, to keep secret and • L tcr-n . .ounseb;the • entrust pro l ate allas y me and not to divulgc - dirm ly or .indireetly, by word; writing, or: otherwise, ,any matter or tricunittimee whatsoever,. but to execute all ttliat•hall be i proposed, given in'eliarge*. or diseovered Unto we by- you my Ghostly . la.. titer, or by' any of.this covenant. . Ail which, I. A. 8.. do swear by the. bless ed triinity, and tnessed s :Siierament which am; about-to receive, to pertintn, and on 'an v . part to keep inviolable; and call the Heay. enfy and Glorious Host to witnesaMy real intentions tokeep rayThath. lu_ testimony wh i ereof I take this'll - lost and IlleSsed Saeramput 'of the. Eucharist, and Witness the same further .with my. hand and seal, in the the of this Moly, Covenant,' is,said that there -are now -three perious be,longing to the Jesuits, in the United States Cabinet!- F rAkINOS ; <trr CRAYON SkETINI- Eql—This7is . .tie. title of a. handioir k e. vol ime, ofilifedike 'and graphic sketehes from- the pen . of Potior Ge , trge• W. Banally. It contains a. collection -„Oelland Taliings" of distint gnished •Orators,'Divines,. Essayists, Editors, -Poets, and Philanthropists. The. portraits ate With a• free lan d .easy pencil,and arc iinconnnonly• natural and fife-like.' 'They - stand out boldly: from the canvas, and. the names had not been given, there would be no difficulty in recognising"the persons-fur wiknil they - were.drawn: The author-is a • .man pieta), and enthusiastic temperament, ands.the silitiA of freednm.: breathes in every page , One: :striking . peculiarity of this work, ',is: - the graphic !pauper , which the writer describes the'rk , rsonal appearance -of his he rties. NVe See the cob:* of their eyes and hair We are infertile(' of the manner of whiehttey tikess,. - walk, speak, cicd. , • , • The mechanical - extention he .work. *:' .- truly magnificent; It embr s -inure Itnir . hundred "pages printed ith - ' be nail type, on fine white paper, substan fly and hatufsoint eboUtitt • and elt*antly - . lustrated: . 4 . tvepty,-portratis:in steel._ . Pfiblished by Dewitt: ;Pay.enport, New „ Vork ‘ cif , Y, -and Tor sale aOhe'bocikstere of G.-64,W; H. - Fuller- inzlifontrOsis, EAGLE✓ FOUNDRY , Q;srat,ISPSTLEt k-PKRKINS hating p1a.4, 1 , kJ- etrof Wilson* Co.': the Eagle Foundry, a re pow primued to, lilt orders from the trade; and do work i n t4eiri..,iine with skill anCdespatch. They Ara ke e p constantly on hand Plora,.(best kinds, ) 'Sta ae , „(th kindio Caltivatovt, :AStrase putters; • Corn Sheller., ite. ote.-'44e. : • -'• , , - We invite particular attention tothe Plows wbich we manufacture. We manufacture and keep for sai e The. Celebrated Biatekel Plow; We have !niche:Eked "lie exclusive right to manlifaii. tUrel , and sell ' In hi 'county, Wayne, Wvothing and Bradford, virßider Patent Iron Bona hos,. th , no w is made entirely of erretiexcePtingthe harAft. It is celebrated for. its easy draught s 'being one-third easier than any now in use:Ail:Melts strength and du rability are greater. •: 1 ' • 11 fAcHINERY- ••••- •of all kinaeltinests ds to anufactared and repaired by experiet;e.-- in. Slidot.• Engine*,f or Shing? e - .4 a . • Among the Stor'4 which:vie Manufacture, are thekeystfine ,t7oiSkirig Stove,.Rough and • Read# do., POr. • Queen.r/o.,•Prentium do., and other kinds, di Ar: .ranged for‘burnihg..woOd or' coal. Also, •,Self-Xrpt.- Idler, Parlor Store Cottagi,. Parlor,do.,-,Stannis, - two sizes, do., and It iariety Of other Stoves, 01.11 hi wood and coal.burners3, We keep also on • hand • jerky nbcitTft.ttimmings,' Ilbg\ churn triMmings, Un. acting' without I.lo.anti.Tongl Stands; Ate.:4l‘c.-; Wi t Deinockats v It. ,lie;Ce ^ a(. at the lowest rates,. lieinr4ts, - having m Ffl:turt corirmott':, ' c-ti det itiul kindred principles, and fully real.; izi»g , th c - t aupe rtr.M.:6 linkling the, pieeut lidlinnt rat ion from ti c , er, .to deliat,iinless wise eouir-'. prei uil itt comity conventions,. Other sha4 , . be, vsmblished, and ciokTfirtitiori, thereby . . - • parties are now rpiesented ic y Jas pellooi.l~uvidtts Jr.. and 'B. Rush Brad , , f)rd,; .. either two whom remaining in be 411(...e :the defeat . of MI, and ''-se= epre election °Ole efiatni)ion:of rum aid . SitiVer . y. • • , • . • The gitistion then, of 'ail others, which • shotild.cannithid the *ttintion .of your Con. • I ventiorx is, how sliallAhis eohfliet hetweei ' good men' be allayed' t '..and the entire. force t rate 4 :upon u Slagle candidate. • .•: • . Tiie-Tiswer - i, - 4 as al bve: - ,. by. creating.con& - .knee in 'Cacti other, and bysuivinu the. assu riinee; in adeunee 4 the t' the - - victory shall 'not' he a :Whig-kir party : triumph, but as 4111 acknoWriedgenientbythe people of their .i devotion to the prineiples:Of 'liberty and so ht ietya This C lifidenee 'will in 'a great measure be .produeed:by the larger party, whoa; eiiniliL? date for:Governor'.eornmo.n Justiee demands' • should he continued field,, recognizing I.tW-rights . of the'sinaller ones by placing up.. on their tielsetdhr St 46. Legislature and for I:rulituliers of .Congres4z a fair proportiOn iif Ati l eyjenis and Pree.l.)einoerats.. ..1 Narrow Escape dill Czar being Cap. - tared by an English War Steamer. . The Times, iii a leading' article, gives interesting statelnent a an - inci.dent, wDich might easily-have : turned to account in)the eapfnre of file Enritr+ - .A. _Nicholas and Taii-t of the tan ay, An. .jaeht:be lOnging tO Lords Lichfield and Enstoa, had vefiVared so near to .I ronsiadt that a - rßussian , steamer put out to iea with tjx.t.'intention of {kir oil: ,• • . - • i,k:eing the danger to skch the ; y;,cht, -.was exposed, ally:it - teed 'with all speed. to her i•ellef, nd:st - ion obtainet position that theyacht . wa s saved.. -This.he. ing .accomp.ll:ihed,-: the commander of . the. English sicauw,r - put her head round, the linssiah .st - eauter could have been 4.,'3 ptur. el had he_ knoWn that on board of this Aus• Riau vessel were the Emperor Nicholas, his son, the Archduke C.!bnstantine, the: . Arch. dat:hess his wife, and. the Russian Admiral, j - `From the Kitxstone Govt Bigler and Nebraska:\ Thi , E. late speilker of r4resentittiveS v ,for 'reiison:4‘kest \ known to - hituelf; has . givo.tang,ible form to the insidious .whis'per that Got. Bigler . pre.. vented *an exprion,beitig given idyfavor of I h'e N6brzuika the late aeineerattie'state . t. wilt be remembered.. t6t convention . , . _. .. . Mr. Chaise -is editor o the. 2ifon'trose Demo-, . crat, and it, is fin the 'last Of that -pa per thathespaiks as follows : ' - '. -` We .Isnow l that. Gov.: • -Bigler; after this noinination by the , convention, should paw* . resolutions:iril favor of the Nebraska -hill--- : ' gentlemen, if the'convention pass such reso-r• ,lotions, it mnst umninitie another candidate r \ l will nol conlor'se. cenctrun ....viyn such a T W e kn o W that he said this, for he said it :in - , lir pret-ettee, and wit+ an em p - phasis that tto :tlght the efforts of tl* to.. ~ whom it 'Was ' addressed: : .'..• ' --., . -, .. • .. We 11noW that - GOvernur Bigler has said to . i)eriioerat - S o ' tine 'highest tharaefpr for truth and veraelt,-, in flarriAurg; that fie approves of 'Alto prin \ cip• es vt' the •.:Startiska atilKanasli bill:: i .1 . , :- - ' s ' : . . . c TisrimoNT.—The folloivxing copy Jkrks cOunty Dem'Ocratic Out, rooerafs, r The tribute' it ps}s er of the. lion. Daniel_ M.. Smy• .r.tunaithite . for Supreme alt)(11., rt e.-tintt)on.-he is held anion DEMOCRAT extruet . Pre4g.,- n s'tfc . CotintS- of Dt. ter the:yilftrae . ser, the W :How's in will his tieighborl AI.. Smvse7, ( - .)13 . 1914- Ity,..pret4cleti - over..the .4ingust. '‘,(ll.t, lit the absenee (4' his hen. ! i es. We list ened yestesdar, i deal. of :ph*suie, .to an.' able etE to the jury, -- oit topics weal tker theiri.eognizanee:. Thelon. a i happy vitli -peOeet ea , e and- fri..e(iorn; imble iutigtnent,- he has, is but ,here ittabitr Courts, ,shOwn that ,a(plishe.(l Seholar: and ,profound The Hun. fromery isn't term •61 inr cir Prnt;de Frith a g,re;:t eintrue fy mining:An gentleman la ry—speali t s tint] in our,4 a brief i)e l ray he is au jurist.' ~, 1 . • ; ... . 7-o'We - qiiserve that the DemoOstie tneetitl4-whi .11 wAsIA44.I at the Whit / House in Wilkes-Kfti;, on . At unday,OlVOirt week, 'passed a ilest.lliition approving - of 7 the general, e • ourse o f -10 pr -Congre• `atif ' Hon:. H. B. Wright, -and speeialliy t ( :l iksi ng hi s ac tion .:. ri ; on the Nebraska questio . ~ We do outthink'. the : De moerfley o 1 I r aderne 'generally, - will be sat iAied wit this position be.forj the country. It is perteetl:y"itile to , claim that tiny consider. -able portion of .our people talk - kr this moo- strons . iniqui)..., and - . ,we t'p ei t assuFe dk that it . ,eantio(be ' s Ist/tined at - 66.1.p0115,.. ink eit .- ,, or by al) . of Alt. paities. combined( , • We have llioen hifornted..that tittle:. is not a .single Per4oe4itt irfAbingtore.t .uship wbo . .is . o .i m Nebras 4 att, tiral, wc,,, usume, •,- the ease Wi t 't i inany- O ~t fici`owaships. We '. r .' sincerely • trlist . :that, no r peetable party, is i - ; Old ..I,4ttzerilfwill i , hay • he ...hardihOtld to el).. 4 dorse this-.tnaspre; ' . ,VV liateV•er the wire•ps l * * lerS and demage . les at; tlicXntre may ~. ,.. _ . . • tati, , .. to thettil--- • .iaaioal - ferakl. • . • • • ~ I . • . - - Ito* •ta•r:. tiSl—Thii . - Washington. limo. i. : , boaits - t t rf in every. -- ettSe .(out,ots.Willtd.' - - -Distri ... trite, Peinberticy f;f.NuriSylvtuils 0. doi.- a 1 resilient : Pierce and_ hia, - . administm. - ti ' , and tink tlieliebritskahill is elttialsis / ically . accepted„ - turd boidly'aviivied .:- by the, party, - ciov:l3igier,. : it says.,: ,:‘ hears limo - 4 nobly. ' : . Wat, we ' did think ' the Goyerno t - - :w as playing Ifast and loose - nu the Nanisk t .:iniquity, b 0 as the' riruinix vollehes for lli! 4ioun . duess . oil the Subject; it is cell enovet . ..., to give him he credit of beingiin . fatiik et i.. 1 the triessur4ittothen&i of slavery aggrOssie ll f . ;i What will-this . Deuideratio Fred Soilers 74 . i ,, :, now I—Dai4y:Nets, ..-, . . —.- • ' • ';',:.i