HOT NOON ' urrsor - - rapriocz r the 'Winds Are ,husled. the clouds 'hare ceased to sa, And lie likfislansdsin the Oceansday, • Thi! flowers hang down their heids, and . far away, i=faint MI tinkles in;a suu-drown'd vale; Noivoice hut the clad ‘'s whirring note -141 don but the griotshoppers, that leap— !The reaper pours into his burning throat 'he list drops of his ;flask, ,and falls asleep:: Th e Opting food of a clear mountain stream . Vets by, and,rifakes sweet babble witlithe'stones; • •ri , e sleepy muic with its murmuring tones 1 8 re'meat nOotnime In Arcadian dream; BIM by, soft nightof summer boWers ia seen; gitb e irellised vintage curtaining a >cove • jli hose diamond Mirror paints the amber•grewo, The ilooming branches arid the boughs above. 'fiDebo and Moths and oldAiropt dragon flies piplin their trings,4hd a young village daughter b bettering with her pitcher o'er the water; ger*nd arm imaged, and her laughing-eyea, And •the fair hioir amid the flowing hair; Lock like the Nymphs ftir Ilylas' coming up, ••• l'ic'tured among the leaves, and fruitage there* j Or the bOy'e self a-drowning with his cup ,, l .• ',, • . . 1"p dim' the vines ,- her urn upon her hel, Her feet rinsarrilard and herdark locks ree, She takes her iniy; a kively thing to sei, And like skskvlhrk stinting brim its bed, • • tsi, A glancing:meteor, , orfa tongue ordarae, Or virgin wattrs guslaiti , from their scoring ' • • ffer hope firs up—lier heart is pur,4 oil On wings of Atiund—she sings! oh how sh "Itties alga sketeile . .. , . 1 4-izouNii OF TO Lift .. , .. . ' lIT REV. !JOHN TODD,' D. D. The. land on the north side of sound. along the southern lord . gol' s ' little State' f it' Conneettenti - is ~ a hard hills covered with dwarf eei thei l i spreadin juniper bush; and .the cal evs which extend up amotiz inv. the r 'e hills. • Partieularly is this . th ime i en - New Haven and theiCOnnect If the hill;rire.harren, the valleys' M tiohahly feriile.:: This is decidedly' s ijl e ; , ,,t' fonneetient.: - . Then the 7. m &Alleailtiful. :4ieeti of water. will •0 w,r t ne , s hate inane, this whole sho . , . i!le l 5,' , .?,,t heavh.l.j .From_ any one 0 siieh l have mentioned, the pros ; . 1117,htful: .The eye tikes in a 'Wide e wters;_with 'vessels ofsize every siz gri .-4 rentilv ,mciVing in eery direeti their loaa,of canvas, and ever and Wee hut hcatitiKil steatuboat is se in .: her way. past them all: sending 'ti r o streamlof . rn•oke... v;hia l seen to I 4u - '.r.ns if imt I'o he shaken' off. A • aqy clay.' i tie brightwaters are now xll . lijnits of craft; while the distant Lola! Island, and the many little is teied ali,im the shores, add to the ,iel m 1 , tn•prosi‘ect. ...• . , Ijiitit at the tine of .• which Ii am ssieak. it -wa. far oi herivise. ~, in th of ISI3. no sail 'or :Taft of any ki I- 1 ,-!: seen in the Stßind:- i The light I died its - iiii , „lft 1v! la in ii. i and the -pi li l :iiv. fiat island; ;keep ,nti 'their nigh t ri .. ..,-.:.; , . I_, Univ. 1.1/l'i. W : 5,..t. pom m y tii , be benefit 11 i, , i z: .! •'s - • • w ere \ in - .., war.. rod -ev.• ,y w ing 'of ' Was elirqied. YTitc : Wiitisli - ships • S,-,:apletety hiOeliaded the Sound,, '!itig could move Unle.:4•4 now and th I i boat was 'to ( , lid alon g a the !, , • =, ''lnotnenes Warriing, she could ru • mouth of. s"Om,e. 1 hidden creek, or hind sime smill!islandi , It. was a to see a sail, ! :.• -1 • . . . • On a hri,6t September mornit -,, tnp of on?. 4' those hills which over . I,soun'il.anii whik-li.ran down till viiii jter ofa mile of, the water, stood ,a .; . :alone. He.. was dressed.,; partly't , Ilan& igirtiy as a land - auna - I, •so tha fl ~h ave been diffichlt io . .dide'to wii l lhelonged: .:: - ! •.., . . . . ..! He' was of s'inall Stature. firmly i. an eye that 'fig.Sliek and a 'mouth t i none hut deterrnined , men shut t Illisface was.not intellectual, hat 4 , l l c.fttoOd humor, Iself,relianec, and llessness. He'•Was 4 - tending under ' tfptly 100 l lug riff' the Sound, upon it. British frigate of the` firtt ~_.,, ility-anehOred ott abut. eight mill ! * . re, and ,about Midway . betwe -thores on .the north and on the • - outh. She lily' s - still and - ,lnotionles.s, exeep as the tide' ly;ired her round once in Six fiiin that she, could-be eitffitmrod : . to', nothing ex •pt n huge 131atk rpirler.tluit .lay coiled up is a corner of his den.yeady to pounce upon,an - unsophisti eitted fly that' happened to ,cOnie near. if sloop Yak in r g schooner; trustinito .her quick heels,,Or to tht Aarknesm of the night Attemp ted. to run pist'her, out flew her boats, each, containing one heavy bless gun, and she was -s prisoner at 0n90.,- While the - lining man was NV al rat onee }lei-Saila were thrown( and in a time , incredibly:4l(m to hey eanyass was all spread., an. , . , n•ture. now i pornea up, white, *Heal, and voryi beautifitl. A I Jaw out her sails, and- gr,aceful cal was her movemont. \ There she‘goes, bent on She is now for Saybrook, or els Mavo's farm ! 'The. villains! ' • Nra,.s - on wine ;mischief, and th easy in the hummock unless .the some roguery.. I'll 4tp my ey darken andi, it will cost one ha neck, kir clie I'll save Joe ! I' again ' to -night.' That t_will you 'lad(' ' Ilc stood and watched here: went. als - int ~five rmi les, - and aga i Were furierlithe anchors dropped e e the .satn dark thing upon the , , Young - min then' descended the' t i ed I lost solov i t, el :the cedars. L. A littlepaq midnight, follOwi g the morn ing we havP described,: the friga lay - in the same plae4. ,N 9 light:was allo ed'on.board of her, tile . :9lfievr 4t the watch the decd' . with a - measured tread,aed no wiewas hartt leave the drawing of the chain from`-bow to I stern, every five minutes, lest sorne yankee I bhutild k fuietihig his torptHio some bl o w' up machine upon .. her keel ' or gidt4g The ' watch hosts lay offend around . .14iip, per.- I. laps almile or two distant, watching to heir c.? seeiaiything that mightatir: i ', Presently. 'the oars of h boa were heard,' ` ' l , laatiled, indeed,, but still plain y - heard "are , Ptnaehing. , Ile nearest boat ' titph small a i es lneket, a signal :to the tither . ..,Inah hi. 1 5t a" they were. iiiimotion, by the time the gfrahger m had come _neat, th;re were four ler the i nerd bOats reade- if) 11 upon 'her. , . 1 When.neer onougli,..the.waa hailed in a suit-, '..Poot-Lucy blu ed, th i en 'si Omit -a p4 w ith l• pr e sse d oi ee ,4 f unts,,,nnw e en i ," . ..ilfaryey.' - • a.. palq face went about , getting 1 . I.vey'sl t . 6 . o , :iitilt. T.- I . , ,:, 1 - . . ' breakrest.. When it wee .ready, •he ss ad,i d, '.ll twh n s t , u ve yo ug oi'e ~•i,.- '. . . -.. ain in ft greet hurry,Lricy; . andcl wih.-yo . 1 •'. A load of nice,OPles? ;. ..- .. Would !get me the great - coW-bell, aid nth 4 Palo 0n.', ,, :- - I. . . . -.. '•- o;reide4 horn.' - I :., '. 1 : - • i. i , . ' COMe• aboard I . was. the riext . command, : :. ' Are_you crazy, HarVey t-theicow-hell _ . and a yoarig_man tan up _ lic ladder and stood What . isn you wait of it I' i . .1 .. -_. ,int tledi. --.He.fir4gaye the: OFieer, a handful . 1 , ; , Toishake and 'keep myself kiln seei . of pples; and he . vfas thenalloled to twine ghostalin the' dark•l' -: • 1-. - , What be . had, on . i3Oard, land lifter , paying a .-' - Harvey was twin eqUipped, and 'j utti * heavy atoll. to the'o .. .- was allowed. to sell the re of ht / itreakfaitlnto his pocke . . the rest tiy.the.creW. , e,,iringled with the be e-onee more left . lhis father's hoe*, viithee ifici,r men and listened .t# the - ! tone/ . 0 -severi r .v9ice, speaking, to any .one else.. f. • . 1 . L• -, . but was . evidentlyj ver ve diaappointel He ` Deacon Mayo'slfitrm was at the,lextrernit listened a voice!titat . 'wes 'not to be heard, • of a pdint of land which projected out into the He was • lingering:4,nd. . ' ling to +in out 'Soundi On three sides it Was bo,unded . .bY 'his tie as tar as possi le, ..wheVtise officer Water.f, le l was a huge daiTfum,Weltetock•l i ' ca n e d him, • ... ,• 1•• ,•! - ; 4 • .1 . '. ed; . aid easily enrielieif: by the - help Of sea aw ..' llerVey, shouldn't y ou be ' offr • • ' Weed which the winds and waves brought up, 'l* hain't sold all;" sal, .HarVey, in th e true to_thei beech very !frequently. -The;'house•was_ tankee trade - wit hnie t+ne, 1‘; . . • ... ' latelYieheedoned .i ty the inhabitants for fear - 4 Well, ihe next Iwitteb will he called abort- of the enemy, an the cattle were driven _ft.,: IY. :..But What: dial .yott 4 say 1„0 , 94t. Deacon ivay the day before, by the advicepf Harvey :1 Mayo'S farm l'-- . -did yo Say there was many - This' u•in was full eight Miles front Harvey :. L 'cattle: there 'l' . • 1 . .. . -, . - 1 ; .0 • .. hon . * Towards • ! this firml he now bent hiS : ~ J.- ~ • - `lt'a , t..grert . • t farm Y ire poi and the t.ttepal It was several •Milei fron:i 'laity - other Deacon usually keeps great many cattle ~ house. When he! had -Conte: within two or there..! ledeed, I . Saw , , ,y• there_ this very thriej miles of thelfar)ii i j he . Met Abel, in hen day.' - (The eye . o th ey young man, laughed, est black man, well • known - and highly e . but it - was thuit mid hie. eye j could • 'not be. teemed He was. driving::*very longtea. Seen. He had.mnitted to add that he had Of °lee. ' . .• ' ,•!: - that walked 'eeveral 'milei toilram the - .L. 'IVO, Abel, alfine teats that, ITO ilio . , Deacon that the i4up of -wiii .- wati near his doe s if barging l' '., ".' ~ • ; _... i• I . .fiirm, and had better look but. for his cat- -i s v 'o the Doctor' 1• s • i tie, and that, inconseq ri ence,!lerery. hoof- had ' To the Doctor; eh t ! Well,' Lhav been driVen ',away that,evenieg.) _ •- ' Qood.' •We Went some fr esh' meat. , F o r. - thatiteani till the bun is iibOut an /lot - , , • thougb'ourgoed ship is called . °The Weasel,' What wilt you gci foil" i ... . 1 - .. 1 , . not a mouse.can . she catch Passing this way. ! .y. at to do.?'; •• , i ;. . - I - Well try the Deacon's .Bee.o ' • , : ',: • ' !so matter. Nothing Very hard. By this tithe the bell rung,'ind a new Watch .* t though, tiqd it neist be a - part Was called. - - Harvey, as. he Was called. min. , barg ain Ce that you nev er: . ell 'What you 'tile), :Here are ) tWo silver dollar s , an Bled with the new corners; jo ked, talked Lee, sold. apples; and Was _leery . busy: I At ~.• Tan ' t are'youra if you go? •.1 • - . length he edged 'his way- up', to a tall, noble . „"4 - be n . turned his team aboutarid went th li v When they had reached t ' fellow, who wenthe the nameof Joe Si e. "'" ,- sr e Y• • , .5. . . !r Deacon's farm, . Harvey made him. unyoke ' Don't you love-apples; jeer -.• . 1, -•- • t he . team and let the oxen : feed in . plain sig± 'Yes, but I've tot *Shot ;in , my' leek r.— , k t . /he sh i p ' i After wandering about for r 9: nothing to . buy with, and you . land lob- .hour or two, theY'Lwere then again yok hers aunt give-away things.l, _ , ; 1 1. - ...__ and Able, canna over his two'dollys, li . Ye s we do, .Sometimes. See ! now t we on 4 iis wa,.; .homelo the Eloeto • r . s . ~ ...i erwoo. don't. 'Here's a lloyt.sweeting.' J wi tart " . I dered if Harvey- - .l..oeinis 'was crazy !- ' TWo rd. ' And, here's a Laim tiwt.etiligand here's_ I ,dollar: 'paid to .4* s‘eue 'wide eat! He o a Jack lAppe P. . • In a low v.oit'„* he adt . it grew in the lane, , and was. picked by.i my . ',, iin.the house awl look oist•Of the Win eve ' o 'see me drive, the cattle ! He ! e! b ! sister Lucy, doe Strange said nothingr u t in put • i , :After Abel was: gone and Herr ,y. w te•.; he took the' ' apples, _Haryey felt. his _ ,d shake.: ''• ) ' . •'• .. ' •' i . •,.• , . : ,)lice More alone, he said, '- ! spea kingend thin ~ - •••• 011 _._ . i ing aloud, ' i think . - tii..; trap is. well "A : 7 1 aLit.aPple ! a Jack apple.: en , ite.%e- L rat-voices. ' What's the ? let us try. i ~„_ i.seph mine 't And if so, hoW shall ' I: know. hi' . , (now and I . think they Will eonie, bet will - .1 - - 'He e, here ,- t 4 io Hat . ' ri lflainlin g an “r" Ilri the dark, andhOw. shill I separateh in frO a t tl, pie he could find in. his nsasure.- H felt 4 6 rest.: - I. elm hardly s ee. , • • . I. well iesured that Joe . range would take ; ~ , A fter sunset there *313 a moyement: on I,e t ire oil hik In a l. few in : menu' more, lair '..4.ard of the ship, the ',,fietitenatits.'cliversed i l .(!)- Wl r .4 til hiS " eIUPt- Y t ' refilliY.r r ing 'together. and the midshipmen swel ed and 1 1 be soon appeartd. ', .- •, .1 ... , t ., - or i.t t t li t e srt....iii: l l 3,2( by i da Ee l ig ht;-h e ro l lP ,,hi ju s walked 1. straighter than. Common, though they . 1 - ' - c ree k „-; ~•• : - - 1 . ,-knew not why. : . ] ',.. 1 - H L. heat was •nioOred, and went up anioegthe. ; ' 'Send doe a ft : said .the officer of the deck; 1 . i. bushes i l-to L, fie,down and . ._ } i t. ..Vt! . - h itus t e aW w ok m e ~ c .i ti n 4- . loom -a s h ort b ut soun d-, eep,..,.. .. u . . 1.-. '.-'• • • ztrartge, do you think our boats 1- land t t already - risen. •He looked. ''t.tff tower s the, ,-. ship, a id there she lay niotionless'and i bx ic. . : near 7on . der point I”' .. ..'! ..., .. I ,i .I . 'lour honor knows pest but s hou d think r - 'lt seems like a dreatiOsaid he tool , him-' ;: _they. might' • • - i, . .. . ~ . _ .I ! .self,-.t.tbat . 1 have actually.beetiofftO that ship ..- ''Where• would You: land, if you had t e . nifi three: , es alone--that.l lie : % - eActo l 4- round 'respt" - insibility 1' -. • .- . ' , -my old friend and , neighbor ] , Joseph Cellins, ;- -, A little west, of di :Blackßoys, .wiii h ors , busied , and shut up-as:a common sailor' iou see in the range o f hill.' - W.hat iounid his old fiither, and mother siiy, .. , I see them, hut• praY, hew did you - k , n w. what - .Would out,Lucy say l'—if. they. onir - 'the name•ef those .five rocks'?'. ..1 .' - knew it !,. Poor felloW ! I knew him, though 1,,d0e muttered something about havi , r lien he did not me, the first- trine I went . ebottrd- l'. Harvey, the:apple pedlar, call them - by t t But , that apple ! it "will deliver -or destroy 1 , - ,, nnt e,, . ~ , ~ .. , - - I - hini!lnd my owl neck t,wererl to be caught l;*- '.WhylJoe„,You sewn to kilow ev y,-rotk, here trading with the enemy's ship, I should a n d wand; and creek,' oti - this , coast 11 w be hung ! r,, plcathat,T7did it ... to' rescue mime, yon * to be such great judge in th friend 1 would Avail, for the sinipl * e reason that n - ,atters 1? - !' , - - ~1. I- could not prove-my. metitres to be.euch.--H, ' Conrition sense.. .sir,' and having t y ~. And it on the ship they should discover- fie -, ~ ' earliest. boyhood on a i eoastsomet I, g like tampering and • trying to entice away. one et , t h /.. .. , ~ • : ' . - I their met; they Would . hang: me up at the ' Very-likely, I have suspected as yaN gin I. But I'm in ftir it, . and I' must /o/d-keenly did..he fix his .eye on Jar and:will rescue Joseph, if it lies in my pow- . but doe stood . the shOt Humored. er. - But 1 have a very hard day's- work lie- bending a sharp look on hiin .he isai -fore me.'r: ' -' '' -' - . • ‘ • I after dark we are ordered to Jana err • it . was late ib the morning- -before JOe; -'i n some of those 'cattle—Wouldfp( Strange, as he was called,: ' I could steal a me-, go ir ' • ' ment to he alone, and it was then only tilt the - ' I should like. to 416.*s the boat whi .Officer a the deck bid him go aloft and secure i belong doe' sir.' ' ,•.:•'; - . • 4 ,: a rope which seemed to have parted.. Aloft, - , eo may g o forward , ory .1 . e went; and having .performed his - duty , - . . Th e e fe ee i muse d .i.....tnetn-ent, ins' topped a moment and •tOok out an apPle. f i' um, to the first lieuteriant,tindiaid, in the , , , his pocket . ' . .1 . '. but as he ex: , a ll ow him to go; Biel' i •''' i - l, ::. boat No. 3,4 s Joe Strringe-' 7 will it b J . - It . was- a fair looking apple, - ~°' Why moil ' • I' . iminecHi he saw ;that it, must have s y n cut, , . iti two -, d nicely fastened \ toge :. •! ' in,' . 4 Because sir be alivays) claimed ;with ave y fine- theeltd. : Qn'. o' " i l• iti 1 * - . American, and has shown iso me f'olitid n..* an roll of '," ,on which .wa 4 ' --- of this ce.; .- he .- J. . -tVten : 1 , to • -,- i • blame— sings I • . ng Island rs of the vniposed liars,, and Ipeautifni . . , between leciSe he t ient river'. lye prorkir. he sunny Si ;ound i a )se gentle 1 a charm- 1 the hills-1 ,ect 'is 'apanse nd name, dader j anon, the:) erowd-_, azt of her . hs to . hang i )n almost 4live with shores 'of ands seat beautyof About . to 'summer rl was to raise kin- Is on..the • • t wpteheg, ed We zineree , f gc! that both •ri A smal l bore ' at a • into the skulk be rare thing on the I,x)Ved the in a quar- oung man. 1 ,44 ti . sailor it would ;eh Class)* lade, With tat shut as Ez, it mouth. expressive rfeet if. A ra eedar,in , and gaxing tlaas whieh from the n the two lwritten : i ' low 'e ,not..iOrgotten. . It yoo yir r i: lat to ' I \ *the tree i % ottjw 'eh, it grey, the :next -tiff' : you go a*ore, . day ot. tught,.oon.i Irive• to lose your'hat jo • I beloie, yuu k lato Twice 'he read the,. wo then put the pa.; r in. hhi mouth,, to* :pit'. out tr axe!. per in ....... _, ..... oe. rph, 0y pt meal as be had oPportunity. • Taking alariOi l nail from' his pocket, he thrust it through twol sides of the applei and threw it overboard.-- its fail attracted the riot 4 of the sentinel, but 1 beg, he could think what it, might be, it',„ t' was e ut of ,sigbt3 JOe =tie 'down to awl deck with kbuoyancy of, ate to whitl be had long rbeen'fria stranger, 4 , . • • miry,. Looms. was , ace of a small "but 4 : verylintethgent farmer, , w o lived about four, milei from the sea-4m.y- Old Mr . Collitisi i guilelmts autracter; lit not Cu from bititi, and fur nearly half a ‘vntary . the tiro families had leen ' friends in close intimacy.- Their childreo had been brought up together, and the ties of blood could litaciir -Lave 'tiutde' thetri dearer to each other. ph'Jose Gallia, the youngern had been one for four ye:m4 ' during whit& tile t \t4 t ) o tidings had been heard from him, env avague report that he had seen impressed:it - 3 , the British navy, and lately . another repok\that bewail actually is home .ilia of the ahipit which were hovering along our coasts. Thisl i tierrt had taken such . hold upon Haryey_ lint, that he had determined to visit' every, ship in his power; under the pretenoea selitrig them soinething"4- We have:seen that l' te was 'atMeessful in hie snarl. , ' , '`l i _ . ,_ ! Abont ten o'clock that Morning, HarveY reached wy ezettixs ' : New finch for some breskfmtl I'm tirtd and htmgry ; atul fie quick 'lOl, 0 for I mu s t be oltragaut.' ' - i .." ` " ,___ ~,'': ' y tact in the Amid' are yen , doing, - limi. vert This is sometliing-tiom* . yorit , You were never out Went -wheat befure.;=4 , j Mother his distressed skint it, and `so-attkli. Du tmii i ito what it 14 sir . ' AA indari tin* ' 1 yo u - rnu e 4 k now. i am b wat .., rroxtunis, 114 rit know th ey - am to be ...4.t - only mese - 'AWL'' , s 'you iiiti to 'alba appkiiio ,-nice-forinity .--. ..„ 1 1 1 'r -, i 1 - • -., , -Nix , iormisiteli itliii• ' .irwat koir- -::,--r. telling her. 0' her yards; a landsman; the black lofty. sy ;light bieeze and 'mischief as ever. for Deacon iey never , have done lOn au, old , f4r4 my '11 ' fiee,4-oul _; wieked vilely.' She n the sails and shelay stens"; . the I, ;and was . i :' • ' 1 . . . . .... . . . . . , . •1;--•-a 1.4 "-rikA , - '-'-' , • - ' , - 7- :` , . - ' , ' ,4l vr 4 • - "•-; lor-T;* , •! -- -;-'. 4 - -.-?' 3 ; 3 •'• ,, ts ze - rt'r , •-•.'J , g- , - •";bittriz , :; , tr. , Q 7 .• , - 4 - o, •Pt'i'=?A'rjklor-litr- . 4 . - .---" .. 3!" - --&-11.4.4m3=3 ,.- 4•ilit,..,•vrif i r..,4i;;•-4-L7 ;- , x - -,- - lie.:=- \ . •4 - g...'str,-- - .:_t-.:•it . .. , -. , .. , •.e!: - .'; [ .- ..e . .4'.,-:-.:a.A , ::•... , '. 11 ! - -- - ... 4, - , :ii , .1.3 , ." 674 w.‘; 40- -tsi'Am-r..'!f:- 4 7 - ''':1 7 ';',$'..‘;'".. 6 ......._-1 7 .-!.."- .- _,%;•!zIf' .1 :'-' , 171 .i l-T , T . ,.7,_ 1 _ . . , . _ _____ - . . . . . - -..e,. fr- ''. . ... • :',.. _ - ~. . -.,... 1. , , ,I, , , , _ • . . . . - ~,,.....-.. •,-..,,- --..--1..ev,..-1 , -;, ~ •.. , --,-. —Cr, ...* ...-•,,. 'I , t • '' s.-1 ...._ . ' , • , 1 , !•" . .. . . . 1 -- -4 --:. ; l''.• , qA. '.':: ;.'''.' • :".. :: .f./ . I . : ' :::1 -. .-. .:-' . . , 1 ::-:-.. : .1 . - i • .......: ......,, 1. , ' . '.F . ,..: : G . . „ . .. . .. ...•.. .... .... 0 ~...:,., ..... .. I .. ~ ....._,. TN N ' . .. ~.. .. . _ .. ~. „. .... .t.. ..•,• ~. .:, ~,. .•„., ~.,..„ i..„ . J ,.... ~. • ~. . . ... , ... , ... . ... ..•.., ......, ..,..•... _.. . , ........._ . .. ..... f-1-. T .' '•• - ',..iii: . ,.• - ',_,,, . ~, , ... . • ...... ~ •,...,,,.,,....„.:......••••; , • • ' i 1 • • i'',. ' ' ' , • .- ". d ...1 . - ' ' i - ' 2 :J. I' i :;~:. bti‘ WILL OF THF- 00FLE ‘. ATE SOURCE, AND_ 111 E ITAPPOIESS OF THE'PEOPLE ' • lONTIiSE, THUitSDAY, AU U.T 10 (..jl. 9 edge of this cost, ing the very it; `that I begin to thigili be's more right ; And if so,. he'll give us the slip moment that. he ean: 7 7 - • .True, but I don't j‘ee-that hnie 'to night.. A. boat of marines will with ord shoot' you, with orders to e any man ttu. to stir. Let him - go' ; ° - . The \ officer b owed; , shook his and ‘ tired. In a few moments tie druin beat marines to quarter, :apt tbe,bit,gles a the era! port-hole&tounded the notes ; that ca .. i i 'each boat's company: ilk • The heart of Joe Strange beat uick ani. hard, as he listened to see if his t would be . called. Presently its well knoWn. notes were sounded; and hi leakd towards it; but a second thought checked 'him, and he put on an air as indifferent is poitsible. I • • The boats were , letldown and manned, and empty boats were in,tow ti) bring filf the (At tie. With muffled oars they now moved to. wards theithore,going westioAthe Black Ettys, west{ o f as Joe bad advised. - rk• N, After. binding -'as nciseleislyoo ptissibli boats' put off a few ;di; (rim the, shore, ‘ ' a middy '- and afe metOn each. I The, ter was I still, but th 9 night vras proknit dark. They bad abour a I mile to Igo be they reached the lio4e of the fiirm. Ov salt marsh, and then' over little mieks, atti over huge bars of sand,' and throt the i sedge grass, they weat until they house. . - 1 1 There Were no signs oft amen, a n the l in tle Were all ift the b&ra yard as y ed. It was row rteetiosszy .to Ugh their term and search. On lighting the to /* l ow officer said, 'Jae where's youri sir? - . " -. ' I - ed off ' It was knock in * dark: we lan. ded, sir and I ' cockl not find it.' .; • I After ',arching all iiboht.the p misit . and finding iximittle i th&l of . .. . to rtn, find the mit to -swear in I matte = . ton —,.. Just then in & small: grelye - at' 11 - distanc", Gig aockr-bell was /titan' to einkle t arid titre*. racticer WO 10 :'*Fp'*uf0:tol! t bminirmita pot elm*" tlll* . 1 ._-- Ose.thgstai*titrr,riraid au Of tit , .:'l' ' , _, l- :' • 'Thy' arr . sot 01 1 , 9 old an other, • I !• . • just.been thro ughthat gidie mysel4and the *no cattle there:- -. • •?" ' • • 4,gaitt the bell , seas' heard to . thikl . slow 1• •-• • • rr. . • -- - JcOvaited n'eSeco' r ndlbidding;!:but with lantern in his hand, :made for tipi Scarcely had he entered - it before the flash and the r(gtf agtm was heard,- the - his light extinguished. \' -• • L'orard • marines,' o=l4 tie :corn =Ade! of the expedition..: But the marines were some 'way ofr, and; they sectned in no hurry to enter the bushes. At length,' ever,hoW they entered, elpeetingeioy.moment to ftred upon, or at leant to.stinnble over the deed tiody of Joe Strange, tint they met 'with nothing except finding Joe's lantern, and near by it a huge cow :Whether Joe. was killed or eati• bodilyf' they:could .not . tell, • but concluded there , must be some yankee trick - ataint it. In moOdy silents they turned, and,Set thei house On fire, and then returned to . their - bilats anal ;to the ship to-report • No cattle found, slid one ma ' lost.' Whether . to report 'Joe killed, O made -prisoner, or a , desprter; tbe officer w at a loss.. • • ..Far ,up the heavens rolled the .flames of the house and birn, and 4)13 waking eyes in the region kneWi how it must - :be; but there was none to hell'.. SloWly up Into the baCk country were walking, a.s . day' to dawn Harvey4Oomis and Joseph col its. They had stopped to embraCe, to W P, and to . laugh mo re than once. • `'Twos very nobly done,Tlar;ie lit,When you first tinkled;the bell , Whit- you ex.\ pest , • • -F. I was in hopes you woulti; r Peet the old bell at once, , and smell it sou and at a single bound cone - • r • Well, I , • `-. -