The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 20, 1854, Image 2
'0) - 0.iiiiI*04:14 . gi I ANDi 'WEI). SMITH, 1;1DiTOIIS. MONTROSE, PA. • Thurs ti,y Morning, July 20, •54. 'MUG STATE TICKET. • - (7Overnor, • JAMES POLI O OCK, of Norylaumbe and. - Canal Conuni:ss'ioyier„: - - GE 'RGE DARSIE, of Allegheni : Judge of Supreme Court. - DAN I, 111..SIAISER, of MOntgo ery. :• V. a - PALMEB, , the- American No .ttper lifent is ti e - Quip cfuthoi-iied 4gent for this apex in thc citiesf Boston, Nev ;York and Philadel hia. -PROSP_ECTUS I • MlO importance'ef,the cpiestions to be-deided at the next 1 elections, the doingit of Congress -. nd the Administration, Wars in Europe, Asia, and meries, - andiNews in general from all quarters of t e globe, nury be expected to'rendCr the liewstmpers usually Interesting for -some months -to come. Ev ry man '.worthy the name of an American citizen.. tight - to make himself acquaintEld With the political questions of the daY, \that he may be prepared to set intelligent. ly in- helping to, shape the future destinies ofis coun— try. Tol bring these questions 'before our.lreaders, and 'to advocate the Tonyr on every'question that ',Arises, will be the endeavor of • the Editors of the Ttegisteri t The great ; battle between Freedom and ,•Elavery (presents •a queition paramount. to 1 all ~othe ri at this time, and here we take our . positiOn in de- I , cided opposition ,to all the wicked scheme i s of - the 'Slavery xtensionists. 1 • ' ' The-i egister.will be furnished for sixmonthi from July Ist, at the followinglratfp : • l • i Onee py six.month4 - • .. -•. , . I (0,75 Five opies• ' " 'I - - -'- - - -1 3,00 ,• • Ten opies ' ' "" ' i -..- --- • 1., 5,00 • X. B The terms of the above-will be extended to commerce at any subsequent date' that - subscribers . , ! may pt+fer, • I 11, in the field, and thathia.return ivi. Lie bent, , ;PL -,e• • •.. l e -......,- _ • E .... . - 7 .. With approval by a large tra4o;ity . of•the - 1 4 .- eO .l f;that . surroi 9 us, to lay aside ill minor ear., -.ITV disputes, rind to; unite [in political action, ple, Whig and. Democrat. But in all hont: 1. 1 i'and-reserve the g03.-erninent from the control ''. -• .• .: .., • - st.) 7, I asit il*fr• Chase, ho ea l nll i er wit ll anY, of; the Slayer r y Propaganda,.aiid prevent its .• , • ' • sh* of consistency, support the election of , pm•Po*s or slavery extension • ...-• ;•1, ; • • . • :ieve.e•ii Governor' Bigler at thesame time ? Isit not I, and aggrarldiscroent, and that to this end our. It date' firstietlert should he. directed tat heignernini truethat - the' - 'greatc. the abiorbing topic _he ____ - • ~,- • • . •I; - • ous defeat 'anti ovarthrowlbt the.present na-• fore the people is ,the iniquitous Nebraska , tional - adininistration, - .by! striking down,'at dar sov bill 'P \ Isnot. this the' issue..hat . is Id be tri-•,• eballot,x, evep .: clin i a e presented for id th ''" - • ' d'd 1 . id Kim . • ; • . , ed I and dues. not Governor'Bigler give -it ' our-slam it:whose position of .allianee and : , vilegec friendship ... , . . administration„, , lds support s ?. Can. - map t•i l fter reading Mr. nth the reitional is Dver'2lF. •1' ' 4 i p , pen, to ,suspleion, ,ii_ ‘. nd ev.entuallY • to pl , ace r. all Grow's speech on .the alarming subject itne departments .of :our oationto, and State . s • . ' '• Id '- i slavery extension, yie supr or , -to both men;? .., - goveriimeiit4rin' the hand 4 of fteirless and. in'- . Popish I think not";• and I ask this pl.4iit•quesitien of 1 corruptible c nyers of F re &i on ,,•• .. . , ... , , • 1 1.-. ,.• J- . . The re - =ollitlon - ro 2 ' Pew - song at Wellsbo. ::: . . :, i ~ I l . • .. his Rev the honest•veters of this county. and itscems,l, !' ,•- ~ ,i - , -.. to ine the.answer Milk be, the cannot do, •`I• 0 , ro', wliielrNWLS.cornpe.•ed •of old line Deino- - , no:,p' :jai ) ko, apa r conscientiously, , Would; .:Ir:,Grow . do si),Therats, -• . 1 -•• -•' l• I '' toll • 1 • we pil'Aisli in -:[ ;. . • -, , if Allitin in the ,face of his Own Mani • declarations'?, I ! 1; " - Resolved, That- the repetdo{the Missou-! believe not. - Judge Wilmot has taken A:np-,1 ri Coniprninise.sollir aslit was accoinplished; . . .. . • tie stand ; against Governer *Bigler, and So ; ! kir!: Sollthqft,./ wasl a breach Of - f4ith ;, n'a Cad really •Ima so tar ItNVIS aecOuplished by the in-' • ' every 'echo ie opposed, to ,- • • ; • a s - . . will . 'Plan c' 1 'ark -Trd slavery extenSion, and, it is ".Indeniable that \ v0 ,_: : , , - : I v . t Le of I .:. Orb:ern 1 • resentativ es, - a . . base :atholiei I 1 ~,- the .; , those who would support 44ith'pen ttould be 1 betrayal ei rignts' of .i: - rt hero Freehien, ould have entitled -to the epithet of shain derritteracy. •' I ResolvedAThat as, niembe -of the Detul>- 4 1I no Eot i ..„, ' . • •A. FREE SOIL IJEMO - GIiAT. [Crat:ft. Pal.\,•-•YFe protest against t f •nt noir 1; :: A ve • _::___.4.____L_L . . , • . i t 10 11 , of the. doctrine . ef ::,.] it very exi • racer the; the ~ le ~.;, .. . M -- The- Tioga. Agitat of i ,- ati indePendent • D -11 . 1 eiitic Greed: :1 That a 1 • ••' . i reputniani tO the.prinetoles of hum- ....: ~ c. : iod : Man •newspaper,„ win eh acknowledges - 11e al legienee ,trion, s ,, .11 iN . ..1".,1 L ofthe , e about t•i• rilitv c7 ” - rer • ' ,s . 'l - '-•‘• -th ri tits te in) tarty a party, jO ins in-theictin- 1•• , • anti.; e• •• • i of man, and . i,o duneerote.;•to the perpetuity , . . e, , • . :tarns to flier - againSt Slaverr,;and\llpteinoeranee, has 1 of Our gavernment, onmet ineei, the approval suPerseded:the• Wellibofo 4th;eitiser/hereto- lof the niasses of intelligent freetnezi ,inlthe• Mn the•A • i.: , i 1 Northern Sxates. . • • 1 . .; 1 " • . fore the organ of,'Ti galcounty. ecurred. in Whig -. 0 . ResolVett,• hat the- aggressive spirit - o, The Agitator is : edited Y.'31.• 'H. Cebb.lin i .l t . : iesday mill - , i • 'I • ;shiveri.e.lll be checked ptilY'hy a Manly and :. ,• 4), in spite • whom werecognize the able, fearless, ,1 1 •r 1, • • • . \ ,( eterminea,„oppovtien. p i tine partoe dependent editor of the Ncio Daren, -a_ paPer. ll populaticiPf the• Northern State:, that to of 4the fir • 1 • -•:,. recently Honesdal& •We pre-.1 this end Irlgtnvus etrortS -shOuld 1.4• made. toi , he new. WO - ect, just co diet nrneeessful, career for the piper under 1 o•C „ fent, at ,"thie ballot. boX; - all 'candidates 1 tic 1 whether Colintyi State, or *National, his control. _The following; isCitracted frc i irnit ace • ilor 'shop ; i --- 1 1:' - \ ! . ~w ho are fi.TVoVrito favor !the. repeal of the n is his salutatory •.- , •1 - 1 ; tg",:iit'abou • - • • , 1 ! ; • \ .- .. I sours'thatithetelectien oftsTortle,, •Wehave 'adopted a PaMeindicative'ofthe ; ern Men Iti official station:who are fit.6l-able oy, - .. , d -a pia course . ;we intend to pursue; • , Withou\ agita- Ito Southern interests (Nerthern men *jai' *tea at ; tion, no good thing ever aerned ton - lan.. ilt Southeni principles), *ill be proclaimed to -,. , , ind belongice us Christianity -in the lace bigptea 'theWorld al h. Nebraska vietory- 4 ••and inevita- r i In were sl; Phariseeism, the -Reformation, erected 'this blv' lead ti, l l'.the eventual triumph of the slave 1 in narrowly nation into'nposterful !independent State fr\m . 1 power, :Mil the prostration' of the- true princi . . • a dependent colony, and with .the blessing dj- pies of coVernment; ! 7- -- • • • ' equency ofl Prpvid••nce upon the `efforts '..11 . good . men, it :1 R0i0:1'...4 -That-the PreSident and theSee currenee, if 'shall . .t Strike thefetters,' , . , , L ,f,I*TE tlig•limb4, of rotary ofllhis meeting! he appointed! a coin , tifv..the belie the millions who groan beneath the driver's I\roitteo •fo'iddress- - suelr of Alio candidateis on .•. ';"have "fire-f lash and`the iron rule of Intemperance. - c • - I.- 1.1 e.-DerneCratie:atate ticket. as have not pub- We .• . • 1 . shall support JudgePol.ocl, for Sqate 1- .-•- ". '"li lv exPi•aSed their •views upon this, subject, •-•,.. .. I Executive, not as ,a, iltit inetiVe!Whig - ,huk :as' re iteiting2their; opinions . upon the question 1 . The liteniocratie,and Southern Wig I anuncoMpromising enemy the Slave pCw- iovOived.;fitt the Nebraska and .Kansas - bill I -1 •,-1- !. 1 ex.' andias possessing the manly independencel papers ..Seem :very anxious' that; a•aNaltonal to , . , , ... , fullyai4 . :..i r .ixplieitly; and ; that - We.Wlll Rot SUi-• , avtow,,it. * On the -other 'lllod, Bigler; hi l 1 port miVA - •andidaie whose answer is not 'ins, Whig - , party •. shetdd. he kept - ii. 2- -1 .pro,i4ably'i . I his greed tor place, is . too coward} y to,aS.,ow 1 aecordati.(;„ l ,6, with -• the Views' herd . expressed, because they are aware that 'the , .frien4s ,of 1. . ; • . , his sentiments in regard jto the most irppor- andw. a :',M 1 110 t •p e, gehimselfp. sehis . ' le - -'ll -1 ' 1 d freedom. must be divided to be 'conqi.cercq, l tapt, questions of the•daY: ;: The hero , of , a . - ti . I\ i fl . , t , . , lin uence . p eet , i , f re,enactinent of :the Mils- . end think that Our Plaintaining a unioni:wi* I pocket Veto, and.the author of - linen-commit-I souri Cen‘promise.." e 4., r an 1 tal letter, upon. of a Prohibitory . , 1 - 1 Men who are ready to desert usichtn - Res - 01Ve 7 1 , . 2 , That the Hon..a - A.'Gitenr, via men. who 11 freedoma' d slab 1 - - -' :. mportant ; isstiebe,ween n ery .. 1 Liquor Law, we , I,ineerely hope and believe 1 that the freetfien. of PennaylVania will permit 1.. llepres.entli ive •in kCeri,gress. in 'manfully re sistina - Ithe eonsunimation 'Of the 'Nebraska is raised, will be the sprest Means' of keppilig hitril6 retire to the shades of Clearfield text • • :•' ' .d o • ' '-• -' • ''•• , • • , • , ~.'l._ • • ~ —:• iniquity,: „se es andreceives es our Ohm ap -1 • .the friends of ':fil i eedop" so ' divided. The JanuarY that its pure breezesmay act as an -. 1 - _ I 1- 7 .--.. probation \ . '',- '' l • - . - 1 .-. . . •atmospherein ' - ' Whigsof the North have boldly taken their I antidote to the corrupt Resulted ; That :the UniOn of Freemen; Ile has' moved for the St' two and a iliall'• • 1 stand in,oppositiOn te - all: the aggressions of . • . , _ , P.!, • without regard • I =4O fo6ner . political .attael • the slave poWer, an Southern wi _ . 1 years. ! . . \ 1 : ! . -Ments, •UftheenlYyafety for - freedom." • • w e support. Pollock \in preference to 1.311,.. • Unite with us •Palthat footing,.they : shall be LpO tts, atri , . r , the Free-Soil "candidate for thel•e w ." elcome.- In tinges like thesc o wnen the 1ih 7 .1 Ape,•• .1 not' beizilse the - latter •• is unworthy!of erties of our; eetibtry are in danger, recruits the high trust, but that,,,i4 deem' t, imppssi , .. i . to the party 'Of !freedom' ahould- be gladly re-' ble:for hitii to unite so great a portipn of tlie.l - anii-NebraSka element as theformer." And 1 Oived, Whenee y . Soever the conic; The Mot- . - 1 .1 - at seems abs•olutely• - •neesary that :".111r. Big- of the foes toof !tyranny, in the days of, the , 'Mut ''' 'Revolution,stl be the motto of .Ithefoes of. ' to. the end that Certain corrupt influeneeslMay •i ; divided-' - subside, 'd that t '- r -* - 0 I h'• lyranny now,• ..`f l tiplted we stand, We, an ~ n rue exp ession•o I t o 1 ; . fitu. ,,.. ..•. t ! ' • • : 1 ; - '1 (sentiment of the people of this Commonwealth i , ..- . . ; • f in'referenee' to the infanions Nebraska Meas ure, may be -had:. . J'' .1 ~.. • ,-'. - ' ' 1 I 'The terrn - nopnlar sovereignty;" ii-, • d to Nebraska.and Kan Sag; is under to signify the i,priOlege . of every k.sov i' there to `reig,n r over' as man . nigger's can buyor ste,al.. - opplie stood erelg I as he • BrOwnsou;'.the -Popish champion; in anna4nutnber qf his Retriew,.say, "Th . ' .iesidentialclccOon, no:virty can afford the CathglielvOte, and no pant'ty• in fa-. I • = Tor. of the-‘AnniO.Sambif Allitince . can obtain mote.that • 2 !' 1 • ' . haJ a Pi, to 1 jar( Professor in 'a Catholic College,7 • Wrifing in the •Ne',Nl:" York Tiibune, declares • his belief that. if the Catholici had the power in this country, "SO would have no 7Srebraska no „slavery; U.O Eotteu literature, . 'no Corrupt - specUlation;" ,We hope the will wlutt' power they, have fit ihe dir4ctiOn • that thislOod. Man indicat es,. but 'they must turn square about from the course ,'the; have titherto pursued,. to do it. . Zgg,"Ttr.e learn' frOm the , BroeftVtd Argus • i • that two more firesloccurred in Towanda last meek ; the.first on Titesday : M nrning, at, about . • rang o' clock, and - wlneh, in spite of the prompt and active eeitions of 4the fire department, speedily..destro ed [the new. wooden, buil4ing situated on Maht :street, just 'completed by. J. • il..Buntino . for a tailor 'shop ; and Ithe o j ther • • on . Thursday. morning; - _past one • ••• • \ • r use and o'clock, which 'destroy' -ft Plank ho n • I • shanty attached•, located at the briz:k- - yard . . just• below . town, and belonging P.' Seven min \Vert: sleeping in the •house,, - sorne of whOrn narrowly escaped Ayitlr their lire's. • , The:, frequeUcy of -these firesi&and :the; hour of: their•!,oecurreriee, if ther i e , wei:e no Other-:e.videnee, ji,istify :; the belief- that tha To- . *ands people.§tpt - hav'e "fire-fiends" . l - tii*ing, - ,•among them. i•• i 1- . - t ' ' i c ., 1 .„-,, AN- O LD MAW. Gass.—One of learliest CDS- . es, if nottheAarliest, of a fermi daiiiie' 3 as • 'a slave in Pennsylvania, was the case of. An , , • tonio Garcia, 'which was heard 1 before the 1 1 , Provincial Connell at Philadelphia, in 1703. i Garcia IhAs 'amniatto ' mito had 'been taken 1 I ' b y II °I risoner in a Spanish vessel, by 'an English ' . i privateer, and carried into Barbados, , and ' l . was afterwards brought -to Philadelphia 'in , the quality; of a slave„, He then - protested • , that he was born free, ofl,- , free parents, had ' e I ' ever lived so, and could not now be made a slave by his t?t4Pture, but only A prisoner of ':War; and he therefore made his application . • to the ProVincial Council or re ief. A Dr. , - berappeared! in behalf, of one Alexander 1 Forester,of Barbailoes, who claimed Garcia • fOr his slitv-; ;but being able to 'O'er nothing - to the Board; asla cause for his d tainer, more . , ,tu his employer's order to to Acare of and . . sell him, and the affidavit of on Emanuel de . i LaCoste, hityingrbeen.produced, that the alleg edslave was it freeman.:; and a Christian, it via ordered that lie be dismisuld. - - i ' 1 'Whether 'hi these culightim tinms,lwhen • - oar laws offer , a bounty furs dt., isioo ,adverse toFreedeom, he would have got his . dicharge • f' so readily, may reasonably doubted:— (-, 0 1. of be i n g Cl• ti ouii ' doubted:--- Certainly the plea a ris an si: have Availed him ,nothing, for not only Chris. trans, but Christian, MinisterS,'sre i.v.nts . ,,i_ e. gned J to the t) 4 set't•iash:withoutileeitidr(ii' nOw"-aq 'k slart.--- ---- "` ' ' • I - ,- . I. ‘•109-7434110-DPItglags il/ t4 i rr aie r eell , iiillbilade)phia,:ply,the 4th 'in4., among; i:ltli eiihings, pledged _the `deraectiltie l party.' of Pennsylvania to theipport 4 the isiebrisla bill, And bitterly Aenouneed tie itnnw-Nettli: iogit. 01'N:when nineteen of She people, or ; Permaylvania are openly opposed to tbe Nebraskality, and wben the Know- Nothings are ack well qualified to hit him back, with interest, shoWs his valor it not- his discretion... To Maintain a warfare against Lilerty, ageing% the Whole bodY of the Isterth -1 ern Clergy . and against- Know,'&othin,gism :(wbich, 'whatever it may be, has made itself felt as a powe • in the land,) as _Douglas has undertaken t r -do, must Trequire a godd dez4 , E of coqage, though itia the courage of a eon science-seared, ambitiouif demagogue. . ' 'N'SOWNOTIIING INFlt4l.l4.Siimp' of the' Loccifocepa:Pers have given the KnoW7Noth ings a handle to their name. :They call them "the Know-Nothing hijidets.l';' It, as•these;. papers affirm, the Know-Notlnnaa'arb ittsomei 1-* way . opposed ' to the , -Roman - fatholies, no doubt the best *ay to curry - favor with the; latter - class is to fall in Withl . theiroPinio* and den Ounce the Know-Nothings, and "all! others Who do not agree . with them; as infi ) , : 41.3 and heretica that 'the • Protestanta • are' : such, is; we believe; no new ill i ittrne , with the, church:a Rome, but it is . soineWhiit startling to see , the same idea promultitted by what' is called the Democratic: press of America. For the Registr4, • tirtiele entitled; "Our next cOngrescnian" bi:the last Defno crat, Mr. .Chase -adyocates .Ftry- - properly 'the return: of Mr. Grow as 'our next representil . and -passes a jnst.eulogyt on the course he hai purSued: I agree with C..iti ion that Mr.-Grow - will be the .Only4eandidate ill be hailed Nebraska Dower iwy. • The Democratic Union which, from the filet tlutt it is , published at . head quarters, in Banishing, and , that, S., B.,'Bigler, the ,;Gov , ernor's cousin, has lately bow me one of its proprietors, may be `supposed -to speldi. un derstandingly on the 'subject, accepts the' lie . braska issue, in the name of the party, Ss will seeu by the following.,editorial from its last issee. None but such as are deterinined to be.deceived, can any longer doubt: as to Gov: Bigler's position : ••• • - • We acknowledge, the polite and friendly attention of.the above journal, for giving pub licity to the' fact that "gie Nebraska bill is adopted" by die Demoe.n4ic party of iPenn sylvimia, as an issue pending between , the friends-of freedom and the 'advocates of slave ry,. The Whigs deny to the people _of ' the 1 territories the ioverei t ,on right to regulate their Civil and social relatirms. Abolitionists would divide the union rather than _pet•mit freemen to enjoy, the constitutional blessings of liberty. The.d , motraey_proclaim :the in defeasible right of the majority in a territory to regulate the terms ,of wtnpact4 under constitutional ntatrittion,,l which shall ,unite Ahem with in as memberS of the confedekacy. .We,linve no concealments on the great ques tion of public liberty. ; The .sovereign right, Of the people to: rule is I,iiiseribed upon our jianner, The *lir ma y gory iu the slavish doetri of abolition iicendianes ; they inlay atiudoin* with winies to -our and constitution,. , • - j• 4riirrs coinm Tut:l*ms -1 §Oute of; TOgelVil . sitioti to the that "be an. traces." Th i high priestv .tnake North; of , that car are possesse( to "-kick out ~ ludge NNr some servic4 lourth of ,11 informed, hel hinge a t er mass Inc, and still 411 At all of di'', resolutious lof ,them. I ,A Q . ... ' lON INTIOOA . POIONTY. . ~ 14 . 'Loco 00. papers, iu... , icw of tarsi ;WS - hOl - and determined iapPo.; [lsiebraila Crime; express a fear ; • liis_ frictlidS will kick Out Of the rc is daiger of it.... When - the , .. 1 7 ii ltainlPentoOttcy attempt:to brii.freenien'work in the "traces" li juggentitit,- Slavery, such as . _ 14f any r Spirit 'May ,be exp ected 1,.:-. I°. i . • .1 , -... .. _ .. . . . lin! . .ot...hak beeit i doing , the tat.e in TiogtconaitV lately. . c'm the i ;ply, as our . readcis are already 'lttldressed. an . !ittinictase - . -renceville .i- .he' addressed anoth.. 'tin at Tiogai 'village on the-sth, flier at .1V ellsbOro' on ilie.6tli.—,. seneeti igs bti9.-glinti-Nebraska - ere adopted.. IWe nipped sortie , - - to first 'is front the - proceedings I• . . . °. le, at. Lawrenceville : ' -i I "'Chatour political action iShas elt democratic -Principles, invOlv.. rail. rightS and.liberty of man--, .rOnii:se Of these principles would atm! - sairrender--therefore; 'Con dut v ° reqtaire . that we Support, no ottOniceiwho are not openly iden-. ,ositi6n o the repeal of ' the Itis-• lotnis.e. ° . • i Living is • among the resolution's of 11ilige ineeting :1 -, . - . ili'T That our InStitutionS of Gov- On iiiiminent danger of .suliver . he.alarming enCroachrn en ts . Of the r - 4,-that, ts•, . .desiructive.:and revo - . . 61icy can no longer be doubted or it4t.boldly :aims at the overthrow. gtcat 'principles of . .Lie.rty and ion which the g..)veriainent was ori , I.d, and it the eL.tablislnnentsuPOn Lint Of aniightY: slays .oligareby ; te'lkrinciple duty 'of the freemen of min vie . Of tlic danger.and -peril of the :meet "Reso ed upon .pO, ing the nal], -that a con be theiL. sisteticy •eandidates tilled itt opi souti ee;mpt The foil& the Tioga y. .• ;ertnnent Air sion frOnt slave- powei .lutionary p denied:,the • of. ail. the •, equality* upk ginally bast 1 this eontint; I. that is th 'the rennblif . s.W` - TWe learn mono - Harrisburg i that titre 1 ) I Democratic State; Llentral Committee havei preparetlan Addres.s, \ liiinceordatic'e with the ~ Publish m Published prograine, • aking • strong ground in ffivor'-'of the N.ebp...S. 1 : iniquity . ;' but On ~\ presentiiii'g , it to goy. : Big er for: approVal, ihe. suggested - iiany . alteration - and finally 'sent out an agent to submi - it to he lending Free-1 Soil t,)emoerats • Of Vilmot's DiStriet, ' their approval. . We , .hould t.. 0. that an d: dress ;endorsing the . -Nebraslinbill, would, need considerable alteration•befo e: - it woi)ld meetctlie, approval of Tree 7 Soil men. . The leading Tree-Soil bernoerat in W.ilMot's Dis trict W.e; believe . ['lVilrnoi himself; and_ i _if submitted to him; he wouldnci doubt StigieSt I .sueh - emendations a 4 ,would 'tnateriall \ y. id)- ... , , :,•.. , prove lit: ' After tit had passed \ through\ his hands„ l the readecciuld probably tell wheh- . it . wai-fOr or against Nebraska, tho4h we in fer that would not be - so easy in itsfliresen . , . I form;' tor whatgreat.. ean .cause i this eat..difh. I ctilty in a Aetting up a!proislavery address,' ex, i , i 1 eept' desipcf, to ; Make it - yea& to: Free-SOff men as, if it, were, ,anti-slaver} ? • Ai diflieult task, tritly—they ; ha better set gl B. Chase at•thai.• • - . I' . • .. ,, : . . - - 1 TEILII - ORISM--A, cOrrespondent of the Na tional Era; writing from. Kanzas territbry, says that-a company of eight,men from Indi ana, Mio were eicunbling, the country al'ong a st tl,eatn called the GrasshoppO, a 'tributary of the K 11117.113 ri;, were driven 01 . b'y I I dle threats of the slaveholdera already, squatted uponi the lands. ;. The'correspondent say : - " The. Indianians declared that they *ere not. Abolitionista, but they were ,told "that , coming from :a free State amounted. to f the same thing ; b 4 that they could go to LNe bratica; where there Iwo* be no etroKt tO es tabliSh slavery. ' The men left the country, 0 saying they ould refer peace acid a pobrer 1 f- ) . w , - . . 1 o ffl try.: . ; . . I . , 1 • 1 1116 is " squatter vereiguty,"with-alven- geane. f . y . . ... ~ Peensbraithi - Whiii.iiiiid sthe Baltimore putorm; .--., 'Judge Pollock, - ilikillW.-htandidate for . veroer, is, froth all ' s Ot*ion s . gciOd a man "any. one can be whei;,- - ould - :aceept ~ fed, for the posit* ,to. r hich he has been e iosco. -. His ehatactir. . iniprivate life is N li4AUt reproach, andilnibliclir he is among . t ie best of -7his'party.q,.ln Co ngress. he'was .nsidered an AntiSW : eiyman, and ~W hile t ere lie and - Mr; ei itigsY were associates , and .tuntiial friends. --.,-,# is. a questhm at' thy. t me among the "Inklependinit Demociats'A N hetber theriball gi4 j ,himiltheir support or li l a u s ia t, - n t o h in cir inee,.. Vot .: es m t t b ;: r4-p t a ts c?(l ii,i r s o t tts, ot i l J it r i . g ,. m th o eir - : 1 1 ".. aft candor to .say, .1s; mod - estimable gen. emaitand;a4riic Alit itioit; one . who on,: I consents,to - oecupy`,..Vieip!ce he does, froM, tense., WlietlaT mistAen Or, not, Ot-duty to . he canse.i - . 1-I,e Woulcribidl); consent, we un-., derlt - ilid,-te transfer •] hisintluence. and in- lereat to the sopport m , ald#e Pollock, if that.' 11,1 o r entrean Would talc' a s position before- the inntry to Make itco Asteilly possible, . (n -eed, this seeins . to .. Wjthe teeling among the" nti-Slavery voters ,-.01 - tink State generally, 1 -hether - 4 1iidepelideilt. Dejiaocrats" or not i i hey are anxious to Oiteenl,rate ~ their, votes ; ' n the Whig candid*, and all tt(ey want is hat he should- place% i ltinist.4f in such an atti ude beforO the peoPfii on- the slavery ques- - ion; as'to..tualce itiniOlealile for than to do .o With consistency :it'd 4 ck-iiiiiir self-respect: ,t; as - they , ; ay, he W,•.) 1, go': Ow Slave length - of he' Constitutio n aoi nst Slove Power, 1 did will scout, as he:, tughtito ch.), both as a latter, of :cluty'andgolicy4 the base .and'in aim pledge of his. party ',contained -iii 1 ..' Bailin:tore Platfurin,.r.':to Oct its tlice . against he discussion of t hel!' +ycii. questiena sub ect, Which, of. all . Others -fit this time, Most I '.l lii - upyrioiisly .dei - hana - 4 , dis4ission—, 7 they will I c Ic4eeffully _sustain, Mini, and pi al Lthey ean . for' his : election. For ,ii - ty owii part, I have no' dktibt if judge •Polb*k shoild take - reasona-! ble Anti-Slavery ground;that be will gather! around liiitb the liberal wilt independept v'ot 'cr.4 of all -parties,aid wilt be elected by aii [-overwliehning ~ a nd iiliproOed.enti4 inaji)rity 11-lle, • , • .himself; i quittalispiiscd; I understand , s to . do all i in this way thal.-Atie, . exigency re quires, but it •is not iiiiite, - „certaiti that indO- • ing so he would be" iistaihed by the leaders of his.paily, . The. above is from ard, the national oriit, We .do 'not profess-t 4 „ the. State at iargeing vania . Whigs in Con bill, and the voice 'Of .the StatOurnish meats ; 'no' doubt ean, -timmitfed;and unit* nud the Slave Vow o rt flilee that: the. W hrgi State .hi‘e long sire 4 timure 041 now stand firmly gave as an inheritai bre . atlied forth in Pj. tcrs ol'Jndge POI ,e' sntikhe/Nebraska fraud, i is ronsed •#. - . h in the bret :*(if,all, and all are r4-3a- - - 4 to unite N . -itli.• the oppoin.qits of thel reek-1 , ; less end , greedy '8 la / ,'(i.whit'y, in one . f•great i brotherhood, standib'k 4 the Mit i eb f ni 0f,.; 1 Freedom: _ That yllittbriit all *ho lovo theif .1 • •tr • and tbCir ii,ituP better_ thin 'party 1 otni . ./. .• ' :. ' or lee.; ; lnnsruniti Upoilh . "No wider- lini- 1 its tbrS.t • ,fy,' and "1 gain all we•Can-foi• 1 N__ Freedc.flii ust Ile[otir inottos.. Undet that IV --- light. - i ~-,. • 1 ; . .t i ~ . I, ; • G ()it isizAT says that Irish • In ill+ n,;: 1 . :c.rizrinliAtions exist to I great extent, in that the, ranks tift i heir regiments arc re - filet - 114W by eyery 11+51var • rival from, Ireland.--Tlai -ng spe inlet; of one oftheirinoticle AVE NOERS AveWTer s Guard will meet flit.' drill on Tuesday arid Friday - vvenings, earlii*lek, at eight o'Clock. All Irishmen anxiotis . intoi••• rt • our p • motto, Vengeancei. and invited to jam at.. Once. .- Carting. 'The Mirror very pointedly asks. furl what purpose are thcse *melt banded together? Why do they meetfltnitarill and parade the streets. 'flaunting ttkie treign.bunners the face of 'our stripes. ? . They ;come here for bread And and h homtifortheii children.---many ofAher4tO be supported 'by the. private charity-and public alms of otr In forsaking the-J(lnd of starvatiOn and oppression, for the bind 4)t• freedom an 4 plea- . ty, are. they - not willing to leave their intrio-• tent Saints and their traMpled ensigns. hehind . 'them ? • Let them active their .helples Saint Patricks and - Anwn-trodilemsharnrocks in • the barren hOzsbf their pe*st-scourged.oiintry.,, and in this land of their a*ption embrace the American flag the Moin:ent they touch Ainer lean ; - • . - , • Committees, composed of gentlemen ap pointed at meetings livid in : New Y9r . lt - and Albany, haVe - propos4 a State G.niv'ention 'Of all thaopponents.ofjhe Nebaslsa.sWindle,. to be held at SaraOgain the - 16th of August. The object is to get up . ;la unite d and po sr . e 191 cspressioni enibracibg all shades of opin ion, and jrrespecti:ve of all. partisarvpUrpost. --Thes.Union :publishes a_ lettdr• . received by- a member Ofi, Congress Tin relatidn- to a project . being Oft foot to, fit - out a-Ras - Situ] pri vateer With the view of attacking -the guard house at. C'hagres and it.arrying Off the gold. .for. Britain, sonietimesldeixisited there, and also mptuting fossels.t front . CaliftirOia and Australia with gold, The parties are two naturalized liishin.en of the Unitedi States, who have agents'in'LOndon.. —A southeni religious - papers -.oaptisty thinks Mrs. Vouglass who. was - • imprisoned in Virginia jail (Or tea4hing someistruill slaves to read, had the 'rig ht4hing:: done - tO. her.= "'She knew,".. says . theiwriter, " that ithe laws of slave states; utterlil prohibit the teaching, by any one, of the shies_ to spell Or• read ; 'and if she 'was fool enough to . sin . itgainst 'ght," is entitled -t:0, no sythpatby in her s frertais;'- §t/eh **an would itett sytnpa thie with Pauli if fOond preachingieontrary to t , e laws:of 14)ine, :but would approve- his tear yrdoo..,—(ihrialtan. Era. • • - t• ' Thti Olt Liquor LaW—The way it Works. All! seller 'oat• Thtvenna, Ohio, has been complaind cif by a siifferiug wife (or selling liquor to \her dr . unkeri, husband, and has had oppoituily 1.0 pay a fine and repent in a prison cell. \ j § • At St. Clairiville z couple of the poison dealers hare. jut. had:ten ,day;' solitary' re flection; and Ana others were .iined4s each and one day in jail for drinking. r ,i• -• • • 'At Newark another dealer. in the critter'. had to stand4sotwenty days. At. Cleveland Mechanic sued a. liquor seller for furnishing - the stufrto his ivite, - and. recovered *SO:, ,And'ao l it works all Over thu State.‘ The people are becenajog!highly pleased; with the law. i a ,rrEits. TEE -PRIKIMOP, THE BIND. ,T)1 .Stare of Pennsylvania provides for the education, of in, resident Blind childien, °who', are unable, to . pay - ;_in. theAstitution at Philit- ("1 dellibia,‘fOr a I" l cid of Ffrom fiv • toht is - e i g years. • : • . a :They are kindly eared' tom.., a n d are tangirt . et to read the Scriptures---the several brimehes offs : good education, and music. in !They are also taught Various nstko) bran- or ehc of industry, bYswhiekthey' inay:lxt , able . 11 hereafter to support \ theraelves. ildtlStriMS Lbiitla • pr..ions of good moral 2 .fharacter, who are so unfortunate as to lore c their parenf, and natural guardians, and have tl nth homes to return to at: the expiration of '0 their, term of instruction, are \ employed ,by , d \"l.le- Ole instittition 'in it coinfortableN p.eially iro%lded.for them; : The ferriale-ptipils learn t° sew aid knit va• 1; rious ornamental and usetul artich.%; \ and•:the ;a Males learn to .mannfaetnre Doort .11UTs,;CAR.7 1] Pere, and nil kinds of - Biers - Ims. ' \\:••.: a 1 The religious privileges of the. pupil's i, Of . all dentninationS; are fully secured... - •c,: ,c The Institution has been 6;st:4h/is:lied Mora, 1 N Oan 7 . - '2O years ; during Which period,it haS cd.- j heated for; useful"' voeations. mai& Individuals' - a . . Of both :sexes, 'rho ; notwithstanding their kisst . Of sight, ;have lie... Ni l -able to gain nut inily. - a. I livelihood, butnisci the .respect and atrectiou- t ate regard of the conniiimity in 1 which thee reside,. •1 being well instfueted in mcchanie,rts t .1 I : :science andlhoralri. ..' •• . • . • • :' - i 11 -.We may add that ; besides our own. Stat • lithe three : adjoining States of New jersey,Perl j aware . and. .Maryland, : have, rceognized liy . legislative acts, ; the - gOOd - administration of the Institution, to . .w Inch fur' many years. past i they have;Aent nuinerous iiu pHs ; and provided. _liberally for. thetu, '• ; • ' - • . • . . . - . ..."-xtl Application should be _inade•.at. •an early ageJ The most suitable time is between the ages of 10 and -15:yetirs. In -sheer ef eases . applicants are all mitted . after the , I.lter pe riod. , . ._ . The term cOmmences j Sept:r.,. .:f I ses July 'lst .crery year: - -• . Pay : wits are admitted .fu r -or pup to cireums i , thin may be nia7le to •, • • , _WILLIAM 0112 PIN,. Principal, •: - /.. PMLADZI.PIiIA. :VENT. and fvekdabor: Tite . Ohio - State-AntiNebraAn Convention,. . met at • Coltimbns Nearly: ll the counties in the.. Stat Were - represented by a 1 .large - number of Jelegat, Hun. B. F. Ulster. was • )sen Prosidenty - And Vice Pref.:: idents v e selet•ted frOni all the Ci.!onre...ision:: al District. A preainble - and . resolutions were- adopted oppo-AA to the exterition of siavery. . atid .: Nebrreska,,, and..the of the - Missouri. COmpromise,, the me . use el:o7y mo i ans th 'progress of slaveryoina in favor of bkAding !, general convention of the tree Staii..* subject. A cum mitt 0 - •,: was ttppoilit ed to Con fer on .this subject, lifter which . jtalge Pflibasco'l'and -Oren. Exkley ad- Aress-cd the co . nvetitio'4l:in flAvOr of thi‘: resolu , " Lions. • - • • . • . NEBRASKA IN - POTTER COUNT' . 'Judge. Wilmot addressed If large Aiiti Nebraska meeting at Coudenip*lthe comity Seat of Potter — county, on Monday, July - 16th, Among Other things he said : i f . ; . The Save Power wined keep . p' ii faith with , • , the ,Nortn wnere its interests wort, not •t( lie , , -promoted 'thereby; ' The •Nehraska - Frond had heen pcipetiated, when i but two -years before the two great dominant parties of the country, controlled by the Schuh, had' met in Convention and :resol - ved that there should lie .. , 0, an end to. the:agitation of 'the question ofoia.-4 1 Very, 'ainl had .back(s.l up this resolve by l •threats`of prosciiption if any man 'dared to reopen it again. To effeetlit, 'the GOvern Meld of the country had been prOstituted„ond I the honor and•dignity of puhlic men bought I up at a - price:: - ..He - was opposed to7oll grea I ' monopolies ; and - above..all the Slave nuniOpo ly; which seriously . cndlingered.the , stabili6 • of our free institutions) .- Tnunite and resin, I its unprincipled encroachments,} Wasi the.dtit . . of the men of the . NOrth'. klic knew'Of. n. 'other . issue-now before the country! but' tho of Freedom and Slavery. - It - was :the • high of billy Jrt sensible men, ogileeing„hn this : one and vital question, to longer, art in, s)ppositihr to. one onother,,beconse they' had once di der r ed - upon • certain . questious !of public - polley' i lmg since- settled, and obsolete. Whether man Was coiled a Whig or 'a Demoorat,shoul i t, make , no difK , rence as long as he was know i to. be' right 'on - this great . yiestion. : If me 'would think and net for themselves, and n • bc led by the . wire-pillers Of the party,-the - would' generally'act: right. :-. A. for himsel ', he cared not by what mutt, they calPed '-.liini he Should act his honest. convictions; h ishouldnot•follow .- party .lead, that reqnire Itim , !as - soon .as.landed upon -one platform . t principles /to mount another: • " • -•• persons we discharged from the United States Mint, Thtirsday - last, for the terrible sin of bei knoc}•n or considered as Whigs,:i • .. . .. C.: liefifon. c:!. -Yeasley, S. Derrick Son, '. Derriek4)n, P. Risklts, W. Henderson, . Long,. F. F. - Shuster, M. Dowlin, W. Ada s W. .13rowa, D. Rkibiusba, j..Noble,i S. 11( f . . .. . fat. C.. Reobs, J. I Christean.. .. And yest.erday,las we learn,..some Liven y odd girk Were: also dicluirged ;., th6e, .it i suggested; 'were decapitated not . for •bei t . 1 Whigs hut to" . provide plaCes: for.some 'go NebrOm Deinoerats, w 10. are out .of piacl Ail . right gentlealea-:-.1) it,' rather queer . Mr.. Patterson to admit,that' the di*bar!4, were 'made at the. instanee''of. a Demicra. Corfu ittee.; 7 --Doily News.' • .--,.,' • -:.- - - 1, . • • • . • I.wpw:Novinstoista.-AtS objects and p r peoses),'arz thus defined by the.lfrederiek CSI Ersif/47ter, hut as we • know nothing on' ti 1 . , E , , .subj 'we 'cannot say wnetner. authoritati to \ly 4i1.1 - 1 correetlyor'nOt. , I ' - - • .' , %' do notibeliete the Know. Nothing- , ~, et., • , . ~ .e..ign to persecute, any for ?opinion's- s- Fake, o . depriye the foreigner of his_ civil rights..-' h •organizatioit did not spring from in .olerat c oUQ,itholies; but resistanee.l.6 Oat .1 ,gres4pn ;• not from proscription of foreign r 'but sipposition to the • Undue Influenea : tl e haste i exercised in elections. . lt 'will . prey . 0 bothJia.t . .filture, and .whenlthese ends of :e' p.niteetien . ACM be established, ,:it wl l 4 , doubt not, as I:uieth pass it*ay "as it, lid. L-.,44 . 7...:.:L--_,.--!. ",...,.1' al:ad. • r • •. - ~0Mil; CS- -clos - :. year, :antes Applica C.PiciNNATI, Jul vr, 13. DtitOcaATs . iiiiitOmitkliiiii..!. • e following is. snxt.tact. Of sn:tette, r - • froth , ignuenit,• in 'filuningidon . - const3r,, - . ,lii this, ii or:;of this - liaperi " 11etis - s resEfetable: aid I l e t l i llet e tt n:t g „, e n ntle ti m loci tin, ra.t a . nd in hr 2 .v f i cs ,a r.,Y , ;a o 7 ai.t h t e i t;n 6 is Tiorttr of Bigleii direct yeail• ag9iilinit , z* . . iu rates*; .in onsquesed.,-•Uf his tic .ntification wititlßuntl'and.Rosnarn, 'Pith- Ili ism. _ The. lett 4. :is I - dated Alekandriii, I xstingdim county, „July Bth, and , says : ' I like your spai#ir - rarlch:.athoughl am a De Ocrat.. A like ;it most, because it: . advo; % • P.roltibilign, and says a gnyd *ord. for:. b 11 now,Nothing . .r. I ' iiisa An ardent, friend. sf igletii:Athis eitetionithre4 yeiu.S.'sgo,.,ank Ji all I c6...1d fug him i• ; but 1: have - grOwn e sick anit •ti Teo' ‘.4. •hi t v - A lf "— d. , ( i n „, , ---'- -r C- . ---:. 01 _As Wo._ neeti . - .oollr§e. 'll. i l t vote fix suchsl. ninii.' and .feel sOrry that :he.Derriocratie, p: , rty didn't select Iv-better. Ilan.. J hope : ta.seedniin.4efeiltedi -be&tile 1' believe hint to . hel on the 5i0;',... 0 f rum • sellers Ind a' friend of thel Ronian Catlif46: 7 - And here,isa dopy .ora letter...l'mm an oti;, - . ex Dembc:rat,'.residinglin:ColuMbia aq u fity.,:, wo not only en - dcirses the course of our v . a ,. p . r, liut.repudiateS;Biglr forhis anti,temper= aeel principles, - nd .as lows ,lii. detefniina z n ti to vote for 11. r.. Pollock. 1-16 'Says .Big:: le - has. tidied 'to a -t, in tie past, and he Can't 1. . , . trilstlinn in• titre :!tred.Witlibarri • Cade t , : . " I wiiilia' con4nuatitai of your .valuable ...... with insurgents - . , o'b 1.0 attnek. the palace: • Ab -, paper, With. my bCst willies . for the - success; of' temperance. 1. - have altl,-ays. acted With the, ...4. 11 31 proposed.j- 1. Ileiliocratie•party-and am yet aljenioerat,,e- • replieil - to the: Anstriati- - and in principle. ...,In - '51.1 cast my rote for \% m i . ummonSthat.slle i;411. - reaist to the . Bigler fur Gm,-er tor i' tint to be 'true to My nand Trouble. - ii •ofessiOn•ds.a ClristhM,, .and to .follow the _ eallisiarillietween the Russian and Ails - - . tan .11 - IreeSin; . - - .lllOlda l via is imminent • • Th . id dates (If . (to .scsnie Ottent an enlightened. iiseienee, If 'I ant' •SPalred to see: next Oct' , - 1 Itussian. defc - it - the, line . of the river 'S . ereth e i • li , r, James Polickk shill have ply vo ~ for 1 and the' Austrivi cantnalider-in-ehief his pro-'• e l Governor. . -Oov.lßigll* has failed t 'satisfy eel:ded. to the!...i..7eat of war witherderS torn,'. rhy mind on-the . greatest, question• .'the day silt Ppon the ki . acuatiori - -of Staldaviai•Which -f-tetiiperance. le 144 fitiled. • o act. in'the . the IrirSiaris:ll- s fo;., : e ; .. - • .! • , .. ..-• . • Past, and I. watilc be afraid . o.lrrk him in - A telegraPhicklevatCh dated glaniburg;Jo-.. 1 tie future.. All I can 110. lull be done to s& Ily 4.,' states . that km the .110th tilt. the Arigl6-; • atm the election of J, ies: : •Pollock.." , -..-. 1 Fioncb 11,:et Was lying &fore, - Ctonstadt.'and I ..jii ..addition to ' • e ahove- a •Domperat in 1 that . 04 expected a.. geileranittack on the. .t iC tr .i) Y e -e n i :o u c i :• t a -Y c w , ei e / s ia t ilo t tl is' le :t ;: ' i n it i 'l id ‘;' h o l's rcl i t i ftl ' i i e i•' 1 ' t'6l ,l lr ;:: -.l l,6 4 ni a lta . i4lnlent ': of ' PR:ont ... efs • arid tiegai : aperto ~,i discatitinckel. lie Says, " 1 cOn.• 1 -at 5 o'clock Oli, the:ea-ening ofthe '2lst, and Ay= ider • a Slaic and Rtint - organ,- and wart no 1 Seven the Mashed batteries . Were diSmounteti 11'• euririipt`the - moral*, id nay 'fiin- . .1 and libandonekand 'at 10 P... M.. the Ilu.sSiiin : • 'v. I hav ! e been astopished of the course 1 inagazine ,NV-11'n. 'in a .'laze.-- The Russians. • , li)iirsued. • .;tutu, sie, I tell,yon plainly th'it, I fought desperately..-:.-At 1 e.elbek,A. AL on' Bigler can't get - many-crates unless he getsl the inortting af.the - 2- - 2 - the :British ceased, ~ ..: • pew org;ii,: an plays • .new. pieces.' - Our i 'firing,.. - .:aeiglifl i sd anchor, and pasSedthroughthe , erry coinity.D - itiocrit' friend 'is in favor of I.Southern.Rinne oi . i their-return— .. eniperaiteli - and. 'rec .- sail, and opposed to po- 1 • All` the traop4 in - RuSsian Poland havebeen itical Catltolieist 1:-, and.the ti:..wic of the pro- I ordered to riiiirehtowards the:Galieian Iron: - la v ery, rani ant_Catholicßigler 6rgans - don't tier, and'a le,‘;y 62:inasse has- been ordered in. : , -1 1 iiit him:: - -. ;- •• . • . - Pfiland . .s . E.:ICI - I:landed proprietor,:.sup:. r- . Since - the. alio -e wii4 written,, war have re-,' ply twenty-iintr, ,l men, twelve of whom are to -, cii-ea• a club of five subscribers' mini Canii •be armed witfi scythes.. ..)..... • -.. ~\ '.• ' • • iria eaunt.v„lot r of. ishotn are enzacrats, . In. the •trea44v - beec,n .A.*tria : arid - Turisef .. nd the • Whig I rO golid an- Ai ican. ,:ilif.l .1 . it is agreed that Austria will not enter into - I . )rotestant .that . he wonld.nre , ...for a Dein'O- 1 any : arrangeinept. with the Colirt.p&Rassia. : -ratio "heretic' in - pkofjrjlice tO a' W Pig Iwhieh shall not proceed.on.theiassuraption - a . Catliolie. The •gentrenian . who sends. the i thu sovC..reigi4 right S -of the Sultan mad tlk ii• -. ,club is a :IX , -.. • mite at, anti says that the .;II:riao- . c tegrit.,v . .ofi d s',lelipire. Actstria' - will - evacuate. kiltswho voted again4 . Catnpliellcanipt con- 1 the .Pniicip:l , lities.on the ~ conclifsion. O fpeiee, ..- Isiatently, vote:for Bigler. I l'ere is :mother 1 with :the leaqp(). - -fSilde,delay..; . -:.. . , - .. - . j. • • levideike that - tie people. are ;thoroughly a- i . Currospon epee ,froin most of the leading !roused •on this..s...ubjot,..• and that' throwing i eimmiere .. , owns of ,Eurcipe•aimounees that .. ;aside all party - ties, th . ey :will . .unite to crush I al f the g.oN - frill - nepts Inive agreed.-ta. ftirlild:, !the, Catholics in their .atteinpt to bee,oine 'our 1. the publienelJitiationOf the flrislan-loan.:-:::'. roaster; 'at the balloi-box.—releg.' ia . ph; and The JaarnaliAlkauDd'Of .Frankfort; in_ an Journal. ,- . F : . . .. . -'. - '- , I:official ic:otrinitinication, pronous an. ewer - . • , • . i gale denunciation -.:ye -to ainst wooe: trilY"ber f. . , 'Amenime. 13 in illteiCon'stitutian. .. , dispc d .toltartielpzite. in that operation. It . • . The I':,;•isiat ire,at its fast. SeSSion , passed Os so• - rekob..)tell ill Gitlin:M% . . that t tie: 'house resolutions dire .thig the ; fulhlwing - pruposi of Bethin.:iireli:i4 r e. , :plained.that it only teali• - thins for :Anew ineutsi.t&.the c‘ - ,i_44itutior4 t(7pakiroLu..irit-i,Jan loan in colisequenec of its be ,submitted. to , • the ..peOple.. !at the. _next, ; eumiceticiii:iith the house IpSE . T P ctersbark; State ;election', 'ft:lr their sanction :-- .' .- 1. ehargc - ffi -with-the atTair. ',The executive • pow!. REsor.irio - Xs proposiiig - anendiiients to the !•er of liain bili-g, the Dutch. Gove rnment and., • - • , i ' - Constitution of the::Coinnionwealtli.. • 1 the Bebrian.:G . Overniner,l l have declared that -. ..SF,CTION 1.." TIQSOIV4f . ,(I by the Senate nig 1 they W.i - il 0pi...05i . .:,, so . tar 4 . -dePet - id.upon thomi, llonse of RepreSentatiiv . es- - of .."tlie Coroinun- lany- l transaction relatiN-e it,f.v.t s lie: Russian - 10au.., weal ill of rem s-Ovf . cnia, in Gen end . Assieni- lln - El . l.:±lana -the crownlit - WY erS hare. deelar4 bly niet, That the following aniendinents b'._ i that ail. partleipatioul in '-the loan would be .. and the same ire . licireby pr0p0.301., to the I . act - of tre,l,Soil. :In the.face of Cl ' )11q 411.t.10il CI Ale ICop.micoiwealtli, under isuchbliaiiiiiiity, it is thieless'to add thii the, - and in - accordiviee with the pro Visions of,,thß,,,,Lllussi4n ioa Wiis i .from the very•firsr-fooked tenth article thereof, 6:, wit : . - . 1 uponwith su,p - Joon and 'Considered in _itself - __ 1.- '.'. • - '-. without , sli my -, - - 'IION 7, Mb Ar.TICIF; XI. .. i 1 ail, i. c . . fhe aggregate amount of debts . . - ' - ----- :raked lby.the _Commonwealths. c . .eeci the SAiiii - eif five hundred . irs,-excipt as ease of war to re aippreszt insurrection,' or, to re-' li debt!Of the Commonwealth: ,r 1 t•o..rfrtised . shivil •beapplied tf.'i• lir which - the debt 'may be .eon:-,. ...' such debts, and, fur, no: \other mzerbsl Sl:clic:lN 1. I liereaftf:r cons shall-never c. thousand pel.irasi* s, deetn and the pion the purpose I ti uteri , .pa purposc.- SEc..:2;To rnonwealth,. al be contra ':t eal stirprCss inset I ictdel A, thc. ,I sesson after tl the Constituti ation of . a sinl abolished till` •to consist . of 1 the public* ivo l l 'Corn En on Nyeal under any rel May he herein may be regni l debts semi-ar, -the principal five hundre% ,ay the public debt,of-the Cont-. id . debts: which Inv hereafter in: ease pt' . War to repel ins - allow reetion[atia - to redeern'the pub c,cristatnre. shall at :their next c adoption of this section into :el preAtide by laW for the -ere -ing Old, witielt shall. not „he . `sliiii public delit ; be wholly pai'd, 6 11 the Pict atunial income front . ks: and shirks owned by the h,. or a)iy. - other ;funds •at ising• i • ‘ enue • lttw now exiting or that . ifter enacted, so f4r as the static fired' to :p:l3, - the interest of . said nually,€aiid annually td.rt..ftuct. thereof i 133 - a sum not-less than d thou Sand dollati.,' increased Ti ounding 'at' ii,rate•of : not less ,:aititi4erantiintr, the Said sink- . be inve, swain the loans of the th, whielishail•be cancelled from lin a manner to be: provided' liv• lion of _ pit of the - sinking'fiind shill .civ- Ito the imyinent of, (is debt, of itiVonsarid. dollars. ; int . intioned in on of this • artiele,,' but the'• •-stiid P 1 hAll b'' l applied billy: AO the, ur ' : , pecifq . , -,, .• • ' -, - • [The creditof the Commonwealth iv .NvitPlieAgiven;Orloano to or 1 indivi nal; conipany,',eorpOra -1 ,iation, nor shall the •common: eo) than fifty per fund; Coutmon*ea • time to time law 'no:porti pr .he applied' ; live hundred the first Yeefik sinking fniall poses herein , • Sec. 3: - 1...5ha1l not in a in aid of anyl tion or assoi wealth hereittler ,:,b4ome a : joint ,owner 'or I stockholder fn any.: e'ampany, association or corporation in 'this l' l Cotnirnon.wealth or: _else where, formed. for ttly . purpose , ... .. : 7 ."'. ..SEck4.- The Coin6rnwealth shall never 457 sume the debts 'of fly county,*tity, -borough • or township, or any corporation or..associa- , thin,. unless.' such. diibis shall have been eon - tractid -- to repel in - yasion„suppress.insuirec , . tion, - Or to..detenti..tlic State in . .. ' caorizis4los 41 TO BE ARTICLE Sflli. _ S . Prohibit nA" Mitqcipil SulisitiptionS.•• The Legislature 'shaft never authorize: any I ,county, city borouffli or township, thy; vote", of . its citi zens or: othe r 'rl'vitte, to become '. a s toek r holder . n any. joiti stock compatiy,;,,assoeia. ,4' tion:iir cOrporatien;lOr torraise money for, or c- loan its Credit - to, otli in aid of any -suOlrOom . parry or as Seciationt. . • -; : . . 3nreat RI: us ißmuNs. A few days ago, chile, a number of work. meri weretu b rrage diggings vault at Balti more, prie, Of em 1 1,,truck his pick •upon a hard' subst u s4crat feet, below the sur r ace of t h e earth remov i ng the ditkoinct , , inspecting the ohjett:, it 'wa found to be it piece of plank, ingenmusly.painted,on one side to rvaemble hickoryilwood l and, on the other in imitation Lof gratiite. • It did not seem to have been buried iribre than a few weeks, yet it was•f,ound to be I,4uite rotten. Traeeta, of obliterated' eharaeteirs were diseovemble on the hieliorir side,' but itt - was impossible to make theni, out. Cf l n . the granite which had'anew 4,lipearappe, thesO s, wOhis *ere vis. ible under a strong light : / , 'Resolv4l That !the Detnoerldieparti will ti , -- resist all attempts. at renewing, in emigrate or opt of it r the atetatiOn of thaslavery tw es .- • tion, under viltat.fver shape or Color. the at tempt !nay .he *de: The mysterious relic was handed over - to a' distinguished antiquarian, tnok it to , Washington, and lilaeed it in the Patent offi ce. Siuge thewit, ha L s sheen visited and -examined * lATPresident Tieiee,:s9ator Douglis s an d • ail the Heads cir...Departfttents, except, per. • 'haps; the Seeretar,y of State: None of tha n pretend to. hnow anything of its -origin s or how it eanieito - ,, be . ' run into ,the ground:— • Dautoiir Gaette; . _ .LATESTAII I . The'steamer 'left Cowis July tit•—wetit ashore on long 14- ; att.'il beach; pir - ,ll' onclay morn- . 'ing:.:July, , .detrse )g.-r.'PasrAngeri L a..4tore • in)trety.• ,We 1141,0 . 'dates .frca k oation (S6fithamptot to ihe- lithlitstant.; London con werpool- .coftbo matO Onehanged..- -- Indir Coro-pres t ,sed ~•..05u15.93 1-2. .A military itt*urreetioh; lleit.tied by 11 has broken out in. 'Spain tenr the Madriclgarri:son laving _directiOF of Tole'do./ ' conflic . ,:ti; • [L.rite,ll.-14d r i t l co , Garris . soit . Donnell threat‘ dicatieio of t ' Russia . h:' l'yussiatV ny' Don. J , ouskat , relied out :Accounts are • 41 . r . • the Trne Answer. , ,The true answer "Wily is . the State, 1)e . b i t- - riot paid foand id the - folloWitii,*.; simple St4tlnen.t: eon trat. - t t'oceiPtS . and ''of the :y - ear 1550,, during G by - et..1 3 / 4 6 r' johnSton's ad ni inist rat ion, with:those of the. year ring G ivetitiorfßiglees. .copy'' Aaditof ,Qetierals year who 'NV i iN'.O eotrs'e'sworn :of both .b . emocrat.s , •• Total pits . front all 'soitri?; du 1830, of Gov. Johnston's adrrritristra tint ; ! . itt4 4:45. E,..k..nd t itures ! ' during the ,sari` . .year, • • 4,51 Total - Tect. , ipt:-.i.; li•Oxis all setta • during - the. veal- i ; ss:' of," .. Goo. Bigh.T's administration, 9 1 481 ExpeiniieuNs : during-tom , ;sainin. . y ef ir. ... I , ~ - -' . . ..- 10,1 ,'uss, be . se.. en thittGovefik . . . . - ' - du - ring. the last- venr; ttx . (Aved 0,4;4 mote -tlaiii . Gp.v.'ifohnstoAlti 1850. ing ni , nre. :than- dortbk- the whole: receipts . -dnrillg Alit .: ,y - etii• of Jcila_ in inistrati(m. - ' Anih..yet ..'it appeals. that ;he (-13igkir).,14,1 ,expended - - this whole. Film,. a1.!4 755 . .,900 additional, rivt4 and - above ,, , . .. ceipts:; .:).ato,Poo, 10 . more . thin. Goy: Johnston !-- - iYestnthrerana littegigencer.- , ,: • Icelaau 'of . Reasart • • The IcOuldio peasantrk - iire lazy •to last eon .ICetible - degree, revoltingly, dirty in their p • ens and habits, very curious; devoid of all mot Ons of delii!acy. and propriety:64- ougl.l l y , se fish and inercenary. No power On • eirth can divert:an Icelander.fror6 - eiistoinetkwily - s.V They'think,ti,cf scenes - i au `country can equal' in *beauty ;seine . their cliane6 to .:have :a lititle (*Teen ffrass'and. a few . stunted: trees. Th • univer&ir niode,of salutation at, Meeting find parting i a loud. kiss. The -.peasant - kisses . the. daughters of the magistrate., and thy hltll'4l tctturn.- ThO pastor is *e ki d on: • Sunday .atlerikrVicti by all his• .- .flock. •14 hurt, n hiss is - equiV . alont to . oir hand;slitiling; . . yet :the people' ttre.all - honest' There' is:no ,prison on, the• island; , thcro,ai? no,critoinals, loCks; bolts or.' bars .though -.drunlienness. is a. very common viihi, , ----Houo JoitrnaL• The Freeman% Journal in-describing the recent , fiast 'of Corpus . ',Christi, held Nuw 4 rk.eitY , 4 o4 which occasion a Correnio / p dent says. 425 were confirnied by , the of the Dub! ees()) has the following The glorioussight of the -bearingof the adorable Sacrament of the Altar through the Chureb,4nd around-its walls in solemn r ee.ion, will be lonk.- remeinbovt; by those who wee present, at . the - celebnltionlof the' feast gtsTpus Christi, at St. Patrick's drat„ and wereeditit,sl.and bleised theiell; Let us pray God, the day mays soon -Mee , when • the'-' worship .of the Holy Sacrament shall. not be confined to Our churchesPil mediate vicinity, but 'our country concerti, to the. titith of Christ, shall hear in triumpho l omp through her- public streets and ptacr... im who has lowered himself to dwell WO the`Ohlidriert I} C men -•1 —The' anti-Nebraska . itlea of A.riatitrol Ca' Jr% have united in, the aonkinatioz; VC • ), cototy ticket.