The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 20, 1854, Image 1

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The •Departiare of the Trocip i
AT ItopmEr 6-40111%
Stiong of lumd brave of heart;
Ss* ye not . our. troops dep!trt
Might I live for ages ,yet, •
Ne'cr.shouhl Ilthe,kene forgetl
There they stobd, 'aS leave they too
:Englishmen iu heal and look •
to-shOw they felt;.
Melting—pct q.harared to melt!
, ' -
Hands acre stretched, loved hands
'They' 'shall soon tlitferent .
• Their wgret, sati.,-was,strong6;Z
'Others shall regret ism long!
Gloom bedimmed e.ich viitage pron
Pecper.gloorn the foastall shroud!
Tears, a few, they failed - to - stem—
Tears,of blood, Shaq pay for them!
. _
Proudly .roiept the high-leuled- wife,
Sending forth- her lord• to strife.; ,
' - softer fell the lost ' 3 tear, -'
( - Bringing out her o thers,sflear t`
° Noble grew the manien's Manner, '
...ks chettproadlher loye:r's banner,
1 Bidtling him, as that 'was borne, -;
.• - • Win her love - ,''or 'n her Sonia! -1
7 0
• '' • , ".• , ..i'''''• .• 1
Rdu idy wrenched nt tieslikOhe
1 , .
• What t o . thei r , are I wt:nd - nnd
, sens?'
I ._
- Declined such inward pmin.s' ci•feel '
• :-• - •1.: • - ,'
'What to thern are'leati and r:Cel?•
Mixed in _battle in n like - them:
Fate will'brave am, force contemn 1
' t
Bearing.high,! thro l 4igh flood and fl 1
... H Britain's flag hind Britain's name!
. ' •, ' • 1 0 : " 1
, nitience au,,lit by Na ..
1 •
- • :TI MRS.' ELIZiP till myttnert nitow.
/ "Oh, ircary - lifer we cry "Oh. dreary li
ALtiAill the generailons of the birds. '- -.
Sing through opr sighing., and thLttlocks a
6'4enelv live while We aw l , looping strife. ,
7With Tlcayea's true frirp4se in tis, as a kn'
_ , Against: which we may strizzle. Ocean' L;
. Ernslack'd + ihe dEy lainl : saraunalK:wards I
rnweary sweep: hills.wati4i, tutivorn ; fn l
w o k l ea ve:: drop pilqy nom the forest t
'To itiow, ahore; the !tmwasted stars that
IP their.ehl glory! . :0 thou . God
,of old!
._C-rant me Snmo.srnaller f.p•ace than comes
Boner much paiience as a blade of grass
GroWs by'contentedllirongli the heat an'
hies 4.0
• {From'Aoutelaiild Words.]
;Half the legends .- of wild ctilittri
the exloits. good :o . r evil; '‘pfs brig
dthler c tl, the tone: of such narrative
favoral.ll to the lawless than . 'riffle]
it is,e - tsv 'to V.n:F, , rstAna Whv this.
d The raAs of (s:lila - wry% Whet tiONVc
hands of the ylelrlt
od'Protr-titose cry elasf4e.. - ; which,
tivi - fes bee , ime!„ , th,i warmest friends
There 1,-, no r'ea , Rt why tlr - .! Molta
,• •c xp.oit... we are to spews, Fhoubi
more favor:chile.
'l'.4 an ornament .1 o.hi .s. and eon.,
The Molcans are ‘,.wandering ,s1.14)1
Transvlx'a;tia, Who. - .COine fro*ll - 1 ,,
• of_Bul7aria Mad...Wallachia. on per
pasture their and heal ;• • T
tril;c.„ or
-deed j0in....,1 . ..lwltnany free spirits
surrounding . Otlso.ttle , i - countiips, i.
'that -v:jrkind Alife a NI t oar;
I „
• the.tyrannv to wmcn statiom
• are, 'Afithal the "Nfolian.
generally palled iafter helvehnie f
natlvi , of Billgaria, and wai. horn
I vir6ps of Sophia. e.
Sorn.t vrann
'whenho• NA•as ,
youno., end
J I seiu; ancl•Yoke ii'•servant of hinv,
• aped, aryl. after; wandering as' a .1
Sejt\a. at low - 21 h erossed-the Dant
1 • ceoipg n..; , rthwarti meta (
= 3fokaps on their way, with herds
• 1 the lower plailk Of Wallachia.
. 01110 • hiraelf. amongst them
• been tr;:ed to tl - 1?. c;fr , •of elf tle
carded as a valuable' tiegnisiticit • '
of tiine lie bemtne a • chief h r
prosperon , lV olmt.inued..hig anin
in sea'rell ( 411 paq' re, soinetkne's a
levels fi:XD4brifzn
He . aocd the ire
without haTingisufrercd furth . ti'r vi
new s'fate than arc comm Only,
it. wheh one an /iumn, lie Nllas
, • - .(;d! - countroxith many corn
ClISt h(:rcl r4v engaging in
across the Austrian frontier
to his ordinary[dutiej,he had nu r w acquired -I
comparative` altblingh he was.
1 1 attired :in wOiii , leather garmekP, ;covered
tr'ith .sheep r sclin eklik. the w. , 00l of whiehl
Irkked rafliei.dirtv, any r;ne who had . s_een him
.reeinantt beneath a temporary. tent rnii4e , o a
1 -eouple-41,haet4.qtppotted 'hi- two uprights,'
!and 4 cross aVlittle apart fotri the rest .
near the-bald - 4, of the Dim bmiritP.a, in its low
er co : arse. Wonh] hate at onee 2 ge.es9ed him to
be a Man : of resp(: , etahility. It teas bear. the
eventide. The sun WaS settin , ; ,i - yer'tife, - cast-
J-plain,.covered parthtily with Orest beyond
, v The'tand' - nrotiud : as far as the. eve
' eciald. reach, bias dottil.) by s , rnitll groups of
then, ..driiihg„ itt the .cattle that had strayed
',loNYards 'a .1: ind of field enelf.isedi on two 'sides
..:, by a winding'stream. and on thci other by the
cztnps.- - Tents. if such they be called.,
were sif.atteredbere and there. ')- tYlle§ of the
IvgAzge forined pillows for weary,lnn, i.ho
slipped; and were smoltit4 their pipes. .
'Fires, fed Ivy balfdried shrubs. bas-tily mike
' tea, smoultfered rather than - Mailed; iat inter
- •-z.1.. sending up coital nns, as it wlre,t9 support
?4'--clnopy Oat .was gathering overhk;:,,Z.
Pui Mokan I.9:Plied N'.•.'lil t pritlz 4 certain
I.ast,bulls that hustled - „ nN li e - td iy, by, some..
" raisin g ul ) 117 ",,:i. horns as, if,to , ayoid doing da-\
*,„ • -, ~ •
i t inge. others - going' head ~.•lowl , and goring
right and left in their hurry,to avoid the goad•
' --the kindly 'add he egotistical of the herd.
I -lie lmew ihatltho e animals bore his marks;
and from Much ssociation with Turks, could
Lot `l•( , :s the self-tonfrratulatory exclansa
i , tion o i - Ma.,shallah !.. 1 The word was ailtr , •-•
\-) '''.sly oat of his - mouth, when a sharp cry of pain 1
or fear came across the river, He turnt.4.l ,
somewhat listlessly. in "thatdirettion, and 6e
held upon.a diip of level land on the opposite
\., side, a numb er of forms mving . rapidly.
li r They werehor-,(!men callopina. • I But thesound
which had attraeteil his attention must have'
come from .a nearer lifitint than thatrat which
they had am red when he first aw them. A , .
, . o had drawn nigh b, 1•.,-c ati aeeount Of
i . ; 1.- - - ow
-'d - }recited hi, lett, ntion to sonic
thtn"; '' .eWas strurralina in•th • t • t '
o bi ? r. NN• a er ills In
-front. *as a swtmrper v4nly endeavor
'-'lng to make headiArainst the current. The
light was down, tint AP chal, ,who bad good
eyes, exclaimed, "14y my saint, 'tis a child
I fainted by Rome robbens.---or erhaps au es
' Biped serf!, I hay e been hun d too, before
nom;' So . away went the sh op-skin 'cloak,
• and a portion of the other 'gar enta, and out
.Plunt3A, Mieind into .. the str: —hand over
f . I . - . . .7. ,V.
• .- ~. _ . , . .
, • . „... .
• • .. . .' - tri ,- , , 71 ''',....., " * ..:'--' ,',' :7' 7 ', ,;.' ''''
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. . 1 , ,
hanitLnoNv riSinsto look' abost . -int.a—.7mak=
ing4blignely.'itooe place i•bere-the' .. . - 00,,trent
would. I;robablf.'d*rY) .. Pe,• weak '!*!,!:ffiriter';':'
Before -1 ling he sa.;v : - 1 ..* e• lance ttp*Witiot
• far 'f rom his ; bui.if "04, down, and then the
.arin.' . anly . . as ins i s t into...,tho air. - Ile-. caught •
.ih o w rist . . •
~ ,e. l. w, ,i iritnitig . ;child, and , - raised .
it,q't te att.a .. _yq - 44 wtite"r...'.. cilloly_•Virgin l' '
:he: tteied,. l . 7. 't4 a iirl.' _ Though' confused
hiir*:plutige;.the girl - had ttot..l6st her
vo lii
it hr
w r a i s l „ 1
'eQ w .. h n a i li f6 e. ll-sli strid ss; ,-Wi a t n tr a a " Nwil e d li s fe iu d 4. i f
.. ••1 1 i ih t,i b eh . .
• 57.1 unin •,powertu ly- back, 1)', hen something
struck the ,water sharply, elosn by, making, a.
sound lik a pebble on a window pane:: -A
gain'ai id.again the same Sotirid,wa*reoeated.'
'As IliveSaid llielaal to: himself, '`.l'll - e%aid
th..llt, before . The villaini arc shOoting at us:
If I make the bank, then I. shall be riddled :to
a certainty. 'Girl, armyuo 'afraid to.divel' --
The girl- whispered; that • sh e was 'hot. .So
Just, its several Anita were fir d at once, they
both weni t . under watiir,' to .. r . se: Tininr . yards
dolvi the . streain. As it :was - tiOW.,uearly.
dark, thislWas quite it-ufficierit ;' but ,to • mak
matters sure; they difJted once more, • and. at
let gt.i. came up under . the •sliadow of J a Wal
-lachian willow that •ilro`oped from..ithe'hank.
Mielial :caught one of the lon , ;• - itronihranely ,
es.' h aild soon g o t= shore. •.•, - • '.• : - •
. 1.•
. • ; - i Ow.' Said lie sitttngdown, and not heed-.
ing. he shouts tha . .WeTe I passing to rand fro
aero, s the lines betwlcen the pursuint„! part y ..
and tlic Mokan lienkinen..who, in great Marin,
were liSkino.• what thiS attack meant : - ' Now
tell inc.Neliild, the of.thy misfOrtimes ?
Hast thowdone anything wrong ?.. : I will pro
tect thee all .the same.? •• . ' 1 .;. •, .
• •1:lis heart' was •6verfl .wing with t the - 'reeol
led:lila Of his,OWn esape, - arld lie •:made as if
he would embrace the chilil;.. but, thegesturel
with iii•hieli she rcipel i leil him: and. atoned a lit- . .',.
tic, Ilirther off On theigt:ass-4whilst ; •iti,,...sign - cif.
fricni?ship; she stillleft lief: hand'llipon hi. W'
arni----shiiwed that , lie was mistaken as to her'
age. I • -'l' 4? . ' : - .. • • '.,-; - -
. illy nanie is Floriora (the Little glower) ; ,
she replied. MY father's name is La gir. l'itv,
mother is d :isle lam the slave of the - Lord..
Bibialio. - :. ' leL 4 lnis Sold me to the 1•14 . 11. 0,. and,
„I have :nth yi-Ji-y •. : Is this wrong l'••,. i'. ,- .' - - i
• It•WAS 1)1.1t necessary-in that counts tore-
late -any '
tf itither incidents.l° ..lieliat. under',
'stood the. J.3•torf :It once ; it one of ,flie sing: -
; iilarspiirts?pf his•eharacter,lanit.oneaPte in
-1 cidenfs or his life which made • hiWit herO
r,among the people, that immediate .f ' ithont .
any : fatal delays. li detriiiiiied - to. anion''
the property . he' bad-spent, arduous: - ., rS iii,
r 1 1 -- ilifi' . in ordir to he. nabled ic,i.saVe tlii - 4 7 --
, ill. s. , ...„. , . •
yowl , * g irl —whO already . owed heedife to
• IT,
liiiii--41Ioni' ii•-iiserV..l and . shame. Het' knew.
I.l"Ji.Jit ifN, l ?-returned with her .to, the cainp„ all
his companlims, hoWri_ver much thi'AirPeling,4_'.
1 .iiii7li i i ' prom pt,ot. her Wise, wo Uhl irisj st.l.haf th e e:'
inejliNse• slave :shOuld be fetirned:ti - iihier oiv'
c.i•- : otherwisc"tlicre. in!danger.liot; -
11Of the lo:; 'cif th•eiri.iieFfission to graze,.l4l`
. ' - ' • i
.of contiser.fion ofall their'PrOperty. . lie d*
''not Wi_41,16 involve a tribe' by Whose . kb - 0;1
fie: , ... -alone lie. hail grown rich,•in adaherous
i tew -
I 'lli:iitli the authorities of the .&firntrYt.
,• 1 • 1 -
1 Lto tlic , .'l,lert . 'of giving up the little Plower_
never ciceciirr,:d tohim. 1 1 .- r. -.' ... .
.1 - There :drat no- iirriecto'hiter,-•-••-The. Titus-nen
who had. lighted torelie,...-4 W , 4 pyere . g6ing,-.ip the'
, river to a spot Where 'as a 'ferry boat, and-
I tIR.•V ,woild soon 'be down to, search .for the
! , r;14;••• aliVe or . dead: - Besides, probably. in.
'll . •d' '6- tol • dire t from - thec'tl
.o i it.n. ~ ..or(,Lrs or ss . i i .
I,er side; a 'nuiribef;of the heidsmenwere. ecini
liiiicr.alopg•the gr . eat'hedge of blishes and trees.
'''th a 'at liited. tlie. - ri'ver at that place, calling -for
1 -'Reba]; and icliiiii - g-hini. tti brirri• out
• • tr
l'They' 'kne,w his ' .powerw of :swimming, . and
1 1 :",.c . m.e.ssed.. - that
. in, the 016orn the . shots from
the &nippy" co uld- not have taken effect... Mich.
al rose, and taking lloriOratiy the hand, :led
„her cautimisly along the water's edge, _round
;the epci ofthe point. '- \ ' . • •
' -... `:),0w,.? said he, .‘ , .the plain behind is full•of
: ._
.- • •
•people, and we cannotcross it With Ont beitt44..
seen. -cSonie•of•my friends' would let us= es,
cape-;•.;t6thers more Selfish,, would delay, n's .. ,,
Can - vOu. swim again ; \down stream, with your
hn 7stir,:r hrer D - ' : • ' ' t
! d herds
ass ' •
tohtsec ;
I cOld:
s refer to
. In
r t; is Othe_r
kwis..a. And
honid . be.
t• in.the
re reernit
in 33ette'r
if -sOciet v.
not T linder
7e become
herds froth
,the plains
nission. to
jovinrc. not
• from
1 . - •
scq' i
of e;calnt
, ycit ens
la 4
in the' len-1
'cal . .!.l,.
' . but be
leg.gar throl
be,and pro
oroprny: of
f enttle to
Tc at - once
l and having
on wal
lir process
isman, and
al voyaps
far as: the
any thirty,
issittilles in
incidetit, to
rning to his
the pedlnry .
in addition
- I ,
And on my ZS h Oil , ; - , ,
is : gen eral I y , in.; sOnie si,
• - She 'answer.-4.1.-..tluct' she .Could, submitting rarely; taken and tiled:
fiet.‘:slf.itnplicitlsr to the 'Nth of the strangC,r, ..Lenk soon made, his guest quite at home
- .
;who saved her, and tacitly 'aCeepting his sac- ainfshowed thCin, as 'An especial nutrk efi hi.
rifiee_;;;', perhaps ealipse she!.. knew she could- ekmfirlepee; 'it ci•'eViecin the : rock, which etc
rordr4 be
th e m. rThe} dipped noiselessly into forttiely - been cipep,lbut had! gradually 'bite.
the,sfreatn, and hilt leisurely manner - began. filled' With earth, and.through - which .Ine. .. -:
.to•cross. - The passage:Was effected' Without •
_Making nbacken(t'atiee: -to his • retreat: ' a
difficulty, and on emerging; _they found them- knoWiwbOe it coine.s'ootc - 'paid he. - `lt,
sov - e,niarvhiindroi
. yitrchbelo . lv the'extr.e.t4e . ri g 4,'pn the iclii 4 the teek,;;at a plate itur-
Jimit of the c-atnp', 'the -position of which could' c,..essi-lilc ekcept. to`biiils. : Then I will' phti7e '
only be distingu4lrl ,by a Mass o f s n iOl c •q, • tope 'ladder;
.by ':: , , iviiiB4l;l clan swing cliw
reflecting a dull rec. glow. Their diffnuiltiis 'whc 7 n Lplea,le t itle*len on the other ',.cfid•
.were, hpwever, nof yet Over . : the estates. I
f ir . which loould-not'tleach except by" an Iceini
the Lord Bihiano setched.all along that,pati walk tiny Othitii way:•l So if I Inn 'ever .
of the river,' 4 far, l at aNi-ay: said 'Florio . c„,ao - ipre)cst:d, 'I At ; - ,oltil 't.,) -- al : be , a hard mat t c r t.
it would be im0e,).44-ble to traverse then ••••"c..,-, ..etteclinie. 4 .•ll&'ehrili all' eoes down the. -- ha
I, , ,
": ' ' ' ta .:- 4. ,1 ' 'd IC' . '' • t 1"
.ring the. night 4; ',S.h,.!' Itn , ,tW, however,- a• - • * 3.' 4cati I TES crostcp- ,•an. , cere f ts no race o I it..
. .•,,..
Inge of her. oWn ii _Vale. wI-ri she might fic:'," ~ * ..Afichal..7 , on the OTs.t oppertturity, emphlye,
haps hide - in snfety - .- But :N,liilal. who piolia-. Leta: to go had Iging . ..a priest froth a yilhig
kily knew. that the Zigatisl Werc..x4i, atrwiti7. own in ißiliql-:- .. . i ! his marriage , (sit.
ficitlifitl Jitte to the other i .saidthat. - ,,- , lfe prefe'r 7 .Flcitinrikwa4 . thil . ciilebrato:l a t the eutt•anc
.red 'hiding in the wOods.. ,They,,hecordittgly of th gten. .ge.tioW began to join Lenk i
proceeded for. sothe'distance—all night !long,, • iti hiti excursions;-add they lived as coinforl
indeed+-atid: as Ape *.A4wit "begat} to whiten ably as free,bilotera May. I,lt would be a mil
the east; - hici l thenZelly'es in a thielt - ;take thick-=mass of - to: suppoe that! Floriora . pined is Oil
trees, to pass the slay. .. - . • • • ,
. .;,statel• of existence...l lihe. thought . her i fill
When thesim hid risen; Floriora saw with - btu) . " . .en . lli.^4ljus . 'fifiable, and• indeed no i lde ,•
some terror that theY it ere-not far front the - and prondly 'ComPared herioirn indepehdent
country_ 'her lord ; b u t . - mi e t aa l told 1 ',lnelition with that to which she Was to have
her this vc as t . te Place. where their pursuers heetil Condemiteet When PAtiehal rontlinc% l
, l i,-.. • • - I b I L2; •-•'.. • • '• - •
• ,c;cnd. 0 'cal - 4, nkeiy•to look for, them. And .many days‘absetit; she felti- keen 'Misery' an
in truth they spent thedayon -the edge of a regretted that- a ipore -quiet lot had not lbec
little glade in: the foresl4,lthout. • seeing any vouchsafed to her:: !But, whenshe saw 'hit
T 4
live thing, sale ti birds.a squirm! on- the frona the entrance ,of the Gave, Corning bas
tree ; and some - bright grecnlizards. 14iehal, - withla lamb "imi his.: shouldi;r, and Len ft
,as 'spokes it was light, contemplated Floriora lowing, driying a- his:.
linden with pO
wi t h amazement' Her beauty . seemed tO ' in- 'her
.!,-p..4 - glistened and' she -leaped wi It
crease as the-'m
- oining•broke more. cheerily ;Much joy, and . ekultation t 4 the neck o lit
through the fives; and When the sun suddenly feta:l . 4 - 4s if he had i been a !chiettaitt . of an
' darted . a sheaf of 'olden beami thrOugh a . tr.en; returning Covered With laurels fro i th -
cleft in the branch] eatiopy upon this :maidenw.arti.. - •-.. .- LA . •. i - ''.
companioh of his, he ..cOtdd scracely refrain ~ In due time arson Was tiqrn teher,. and het
,from utteringaery ofwOndet. - SheNvaasniall cup 'of happiness
,was-full. ilt . hadbeen de
indeed as a clad, and delicately formed, but creed that bitters. should. he agaimmixed with
had evidently attained the age , when :young it. One morning Lenk was about to go
girls, as tiff -go - down to the.spt \ ings, look fur- forth when he descried bright objects flashing,
Itively (iirel'Opit ShciulderatO•licriat s if they are . far dawn the glen ;..'and - his keen eye \ diseov,
foll Owed from afar- off. :. Michal coniputed the j'ered that they Were the weapons of sal ler,
relative - -value of ' : the treasure he had lost,.nc•int , once suspected that his. retr • b
and. - the treature belied gained,..andAbundf. .' been discovered, -and iiithdrawing the rid
that- he li'as, .:t richer ~ t4an • thanonthe. ro.: announced the fact to
,Miehal, who was tat
el d
viotts eve. Seine Will wonder that he Ao ld ing in , sniiiiiigbitpOn* Waiting until is
thus at once assume a right of pr . operty eve • tie Wife shod* succeed inl . unfisteni, g . I
I t)
the maiden whose life "he had saved.; ?out he.: map by which; his' bey had got• - . hold, f-1
knew e-poWer of gratitude 1!') thOxperienee laklntaid.';',rilki,two banditti Made' ran
e i
oft own heart i, end, heeides, -was thereaot : titer arms, andiwaited for,the near ap roe
sonietling in the -. artless doirk of adutiration . : of the soldiery There - were about, a or!
whiCh Floriora now and then cast up" at, hil . 3, - but they halted at a: respectful distanc! • a
countenance,that told what form hertheughta. a Irian 'moved itoviards . the entrance f.t
were taking.? 1 Oneol - nestion he askedl to sat-,: . : ciii and' eihorted the! inmates to Stir nd
i B fY. iiireself, in, a low voice,' as he eat looking" • •A.' . nett" WO * B 4 - the answer i' t -
,attentiiely ata blade Of, grass that was' .. dif Co(thees7re did not fire ott , *
shining in a speck of .sunlight :- • UM 'loci `- t - , Add becauselliii)r lira that he was . -11 ,"`
1 . •
Ora' leit:aitAi 'One behind- in the village
be regrts I' ' ... i . l • "..1 - '', I -- :
' My. t hen,' sh oe: with emph
; grieving ;Sr my ' loss, i and Will rejb
• I
heat' ,of y; safety:.
,;.; I,' • - ,
''•,•-rThis - ,- as enough.;
for the
11l Was
doubt an uncertainty 'Air the inorroW,- their. its throbbedlall: day ling in the
.d tfi
d recesses totthe for est. ' . .• .
i . Florio dick
.iiiiiitin . inactive all' the
lithe t" , ,„ .. b t moved hereilind; there gathering
:tiutritiou berries:. and dig/n1; npr cool fresh
itiots.','fr i n the.: earth`; 7Mtclial•did , not, like
' he•IO•ok f these at 'firif- but She bit
; ••...• ,! . _ , , pieces
„liff the ; . and said hilighing, - in' allirtion'to
4 . "the - 'O . -p . . f black co ff ee? Which Sends .. 'num) ,
;great in n out of ,the Siv`Orldli•--••-'1will e. your.
;taster l !•
i Thus the day.; l wore. on ;''. an '' . l when
night,•vot e, the l faffitiv,eS!'ebittintied their joiir
ney,!.• t o ing to nott - her v •, rection. 1 Miehal
ihad 4 , ,u-t - 'o.a plan'ior his Ibturelife. 1.. •.' •
On', ti morning of the i fourth day they
, reached,
mountainots;CountrY,' and soon en
,and.•'.gloOny glen with •i•hie
Michal well 03iaitited. Advanein
.Fin lit,iTC•iit'front 9 rrlopera , lie came t - ,-.'s eavi
*he* ' s ' ending oft one side with the girl pres
F . : .ed eib ' 1- to him,: he 'el-fedi .` Lenk 1 Lenk
' 4 '.• Corm of 'tt and surrender.' ',•1• . - • '
••.,. i .V4aillet whistled Past ; , anti a road: as if .
cannon had been fired Withifi, - tolled. ,girth.
'!', ,-, ' Ita 1 1 Lenk,' again:Cried. Miclud, 1 lOokiii.
shre:iia_, . l ' If this had been' the • - ti.4l -II
,), ~
;use . pa , ' N't :I
i would h' ve been th e off.tirin:* be . f• re you
, t:•-• - ,ei •
te.yes,ive e open V; '- -: . `i • ' ' - • •
• 'l.4ti e three niort.harg•es reaclq replie
a gi i ii'ff Tice froint , theirterioi; i' and thougl
youliave caught ,ine#ippifig,. it would •be :.
hard m. tter to, take i,tte; But li think. I lino,
that ..vOi 'e.. Is it . .'.lli ehal,- pl ai ;Jig .
lili foolis
j0ke,4.1 . ' ..
.'-- 1 .;'. ''''• .:
' Sip' ' titer.' 1 . • ~,., -;•*, ' . . , .
• 'S,tanld out in ['the-, light and. let me se .
you: • I ' - . 1 ...... ' ' • ' ', ' ' :
. , .
- - `.I .shall make.a .. tgdod, - .mark,', said{ Micha -,
adv:meilig "fearle ssly` from his' ',cover; whils
.FiOrior „ trioribling.:U"ith terror,,, endeavor
. t o resit. 'in him. 't ....; ,•:•.•; - 1 . • '-
I t
Pres' ittly the coffee frOM within etifireSse
' ' " I '
satisfac' ton but •I•. • to, -now thew,
• •- 1 ~. •
. - ts.: i . - i I • .. •
mini was. - • ••••• ' I ' -
1 • 'llfyiwife'!" said - -Aticlial; boldly i. and Fh .
riora 7 -though tingling With sfirprise. ati I
pleasure, remained S-tltitt. i ' i:-..... . :1
• • • Pres6ntly they entered the enYerti,'•am •
newly-betrothedl : niiiiden , saw' ind) '-
, • tn.
the 'robber lLenk'S hoast that he: ;fild n 4
-civil Y . be taken iv:lcs i••t•II _foil . ed."...... Whrn
• •
they had advanced al.fe%v.pae •_.quid .her. eyl.!s
lufifteelfine acenitoMed to is brill-light.
saw. a hark chasm \ -•ale t.' qrtie. paces . wid ,
strutehifigaeross.liti entrance,land . hvard• :i
r murnnty •.;f wat , • - far. -below.; . NeY4r •w Is
there &better a catle. The onnt
- , ) - .l_
__. .. . ' , 1
ado = site side. of t e clets;a: yya•yeveral leer -e,
the, plaqe ere lie :new-centers stood ; in d
'they Sota di•seert„.:4l..ra firth engaged in t hrti.t-
Eng:do:ill - a•.:l;:indi i •iifit: bridge, made of. a coup- .
16-417.1)-:&fitts•laslicd't.J•2ol.ltei. ' Over this,they
sljied 'ft_ lutVinf , tuilter,l round .4.. huge mass of
....trac-4, they . ibifiT(o4oeiveS in; a cave of et, 1.•
•-siltzrab , size ; fitt• - ..-4,..‘ 4 4:ii ii!table, s bed, ru e.•
cdpboa 14 . ; and other kottif oft.:•;, • mtal / light -d
-by nri it limp ••Swit)ging, frorilt•the roof. ~
i ln
eve ry espect thi t s clvellitili-plaee.,\Vl'S superi 7
or;to : the hut tO,whitb illOriorh,
.bad been ite
eustoned,',•:,.. 1 1 , • 1 • , •-•-. •
• :1 •:' It il: altnost • ;as tine; as LOrd IlitaAn' , . 'Fia
nce,' siid she. - 1' ~. '''-.1 ',
- I • • • l
i'Len i
-, NN:hOSe IFe Micital .had saved. soiltlf!
Vtiars.:•inist,w:ts a jOvial f hp'st enough.. Ile
r tloo
liadbeist driven. to -that wild III:ode-of lit`e, by.
all act ; • . [of tyr:inti; .ate]'. ei ()ugh he did sUI3-
sist bf levying; tribute Op • fi i he surrounding
conntilg, was,in,iivery other .respect a Z.: ild
sort o character. - -The .. .peasaittry whoth' he
'alWit.Y. spared —Partly,, perhaps . becausettl e.,),-
had n th:ng wortb:.taking,l partly, i
no dot ; t,
from 'I ruderitial litotiVeshad never a - llid
word 41) say again 4, Ifint ;-' and 'instead of its •
sistin the police; alwiys gav:l, him due Warn•
ingof any tnovetnent apinst his liberty: .Thi•
i l r
is the eaSori of the . 1411 - 14- imptutity Which the
brigatids of Wallitehii,enjoy.;••• It is:. not . mi
coinmpn,.focthein.f;);liec, to -4 green old 'age
and 'when t hey do . -elO ,re their !career young, i
ill ' ' ' '' •kirtraish. They ar,
-,,,, ~ t
, no .t
a ...4 1
.te _lx
1., 1.-
s k) , t '
a ' et) *
AC. f.
?21,/ p
- .6a*
t e 0
t , -
~ -
()§.''..r . ll*R.S' 1:gY1-.':.::,I.0
• • -•- ~1....
Soon aftei the soldietabegan te, pouf Yo'lleyaftei.
VolleYintOthcnie they answered''o . 4wi th
effect. - There•was'Very'l)ttlii danger for Lea;
and MiChal,. hut ,some . .uf..thill tkr t, i , *bounde4
into theeharnbeilivherd s . rAnio, . sat. She
waslherefOre obli#,,ed ftf .. trttee rethe, the
crevice ; and whicTi hail; bitAis time, si . igeti
•Conipleteli opened.: '..-':.,'• - .V,' . ' ;' ',
When the combats- haVeonthined..- sonic
hours,. the k neiv that their
firing hail produced to affect; as oeiri 111:1 - $ still
answered from . Withini'die*.off; 4n-id-scented,
.to 'con _ salt. The net:y:oaq they_ hit upon has
often been adopted u . i•- - ..thttej!ind . : of warfiire..
Some of 'them 'clitnbek.itlielfhte . of
. the ',hill ;
'armed! with .shaip axcii,jan&began.'eutting.
the brushwood and thiv:tiitnig: down the
Nast mass of dried wood Whiai had been -
ne .
burtrulating there- for 4ea',6l.':-.They had re
, Solved•to' smoke ,out - ',thet. i ettenticS.' • Lenk
now -- Applhuded himSelfloOlio - - - ido 6f a back
entrance ; *and when . t4 bonfire' , was •lighted„
the whole party inade •pi:cp4raticitis for att es.;
cape. J3eing •pc.rfectlyi - coilident that :Ahem!
was .no danger, they ,w9r4. :;np ihO • . b ee p 'pas,'
sage'. laughing, reached flip- summit of • the'.
rock, - joked 'about the.'o4llSh'polloe*ho were;
roasting. thetTelvcs that, scorching day a t
the entranc.: , of th.iilq, cpuOted a little • in,
the sni ! ')ke . \\llA, 6 1 .11',1 ?the air, displitctql tlui
ladder, and i.r. , ; rir- , ,l„tt'i ifyi;ct‘iid into tlie v:il.l
t o y, 4 1..,..., ; k••
_wt. :lt ' , down, lir-! - ;t and .sat pat i• izt;
ly tiT.lfiee lahtotn...ster..--.Tii-, theladder ; • Flol i
riora r followed ; the n canie:-.-ifichal, with hil,
boy strapped tirrilly . ,nh .1 - ils back.'. He wait
only half way dowTri v.-1101; 1 a shot was fired;
Lenk fell dead ; - -Flii4ortil ;was: . 'seized by a
man- who . rushed film:it-41 ii. and' n volley • w
aimed at her unhappy; littAband;• -.The
_Bi t
'Mies clattered inthe roktti-Ound ; bat re.was'•
only slightly Woittide.:ll, and thelchil escaped
unlmrt; he loidsed dolWn,l'arid. ;f:,aly• a wholf .
group.olenetnies l waiting.:.l••4lK: first inipulsc.,l
Was to cast himself 1 - airlok . , - th6tu-, for liC.
thought that FlOr'iora tokiliail-heyii - niurdei.A
-- 1 ,
• 1 •
as well as I...enk,it the hive of - life. waS
. .
;.•,' trong.within hit , and lip hadireyenge with-.
,in - him. , He "rti- a lrilges-nf rock tit - no great
distance, .at) frby a de l ipei l ate leap, , in spite 4f
his bard' i, •gainedit.l riti, inen below-stood
ttwel.tyadc... AnsotherdcA.o.rato leap.. A shOt.
oi-j-t o Nos-fired .withkatt of Another gi
,grrritie spring, and he : rektilied '-a, place grow
which he could scrarnble4 bark ttrwarAs the
summit Of-the hill. ;In lifief, be escaped, and.
an hour afterwards„.wit4 himself safe in
distant retreat, Where he'.Sat diwn and wept
all the remainder , of ;tia.; day, emen until - the
g oin g 114wn of - the snii,. i'#.4 -t16.. los. 9f Ms
Floriora.' . . .
Isis, 'is
• ice ji)
. • ,
. It wa4 after :this ifivideiit that Miehal, be :. •
ean e. 1,-:noxvii in NV allac•bili a-. the
.IgokaniVii,- .
irer that - Mame, coniiiiitted rutillek,s
I deeds,.princlicilly'again4
cause lic!, soon luarmsl that-tins attacking par% F .
which ii d d i Tri`ved,hinA if bis -happiness . l4
soen 'di rret tkl the . ard cif-..the.lo i rd I
Bibiano, who, bS- Tii•ans 'fro( ext ilai
bad .d,ii.;overed tlejt tI skvKd NV . OI
had had Warned ihe sitteret. of tlw
double 4litraliktt.t. Tlik - ;;Mokan t toase.L'n•-
tain whit took-fdi3 afferlin effected . • 45.•
cape. lie found the • 1 dy of Lenk, froMI
which the soldiers-I , ;hadut the head:: :as!
trophy but there.:Wasiit trace bf :Foriora.
PerhapS, the certainty
.4 her loom would
haYe left him leSsinisLirahfe.. , tie tnrii , K-a
zifispi iih. rilleitionzy°.on
happened to her. passibil sometifries
droye hint road. ';•"He inquired of .tilte
peasantry. Soninl .said; that she r had been:
killed 'others that she had ,Iyeti!:taken tiway l
to a j,ri inn ; :otter,4 that Ale
.;ani etieaped4,—.
The lik;t suppositicin, tine Mokan treated with
• eOntenipt, beeaus.6he bi.,lieyed that if Fl4ri-•
ota' Were at liberty she: t wo:lid soon find her
way to tlig side: passed, anebY
degreesl . Miehal hardened a#l - 1, hardened, acid
the terror of his name filled the whole coffin-.
1. •
, try.• 1 . . ".- --: I - I . ;
l' 'Nearly. tet ars iift.erwards9 • when Ihis
~ ,. ,
[ '4 i son had:grown to :a PO lithe .boy - ' ' wlto 4k-,
e :ed. much "older than he ~Wits.,i Michal,- . at his ire
-. - quest, took him tO a lair, antituiliy held at a
village on .the Transylltaniaii , frontier, at the
it foi3t of the Krapabk's. ;',..k . cOnyent•of *mien.
r stands ;at no - greatdistence :from . the *Wage,
• and :
. .the Mokan, 1 disgti:Sed -',as • .5‘ Bulgarian.
:•-, *merchant, asked Permission to ..sleep dinithe
is - I - lall- of Strangers. : Tll's .was, readily gl:iited,'
d and the tither and - iono4 do-Wit upon: . dint,
n and reposed after:the ..#itigties of- the - :daV."— i
.s "The inhabitant's 4 AhezcciraYetit had 'all' c"citne •
I out, curions'to lobk atihim,i;. many lut chat-
tad . with him while•-.hd . ...atel this' supp r.. L In
1 the dead qf'ilightia .c n a nun: v..'her
a . 1 dresis, L.:ll7'l'llg .4* . lainn..";eatitiOns. - -ly ente ed'Lthe
'n 1 foi_iin, and a ppi64liiin - z tlie slZ.epers,l stbod
e. i over 4.llein-aiiii gitkif in wonder' at titOrl4.4';es I.
1 —i'tt...iviiititei r itit - iiiii)v4iLH for .i - iii(inieut ,aft,er4
•il 1 ward.,, Ili s• `Ns' . .,,t;_,l:Li ..f:1 74,-r I knees - end acing
to 1 the "roiiiiii t.4i•: ; ,., 4 Cy .: ':.,..• f/ 4 1::.i.i!, •Ali) tlNV4...)kr' ~ IV' f;
lt. 'i - gazed :oil Itie i...ili , litdrl:,'illi4::.f: , -e1.:16f0r,(. - lii.ji •
.." and, a-, lie-g4i...4ti. y:,:iit. , .r.; , ;., y:. , iith an:l „tali
•d •' ty tool:- its f)lacci . .••• , ,,Vfor3)r,:l,: o►m .; 10 . 1. - iii.,
4e • ral..:Thoa -liie - tilt;(:i 3 .AAl:lilgt4 - a-s - I ant 1 . 1 1.
th 'Then they. tell " into ..4ach 'OtherYarii S;.'and 1
2E! 1 )I*(l4.lJitt • Criy. - ..!.;•: 1. , jf:: . . i
'•- . 1
, • .
in 1 . She had efintri - Velt4O • Cseape‘.l ft m her
,-.-:, .
•t- : captorsj hut, 14ieyinxthat her husband and
is- , chili were lkilled,':rclpairedi to that 'conYent,
its • and asked for h4spitality. She "had not - taken
ts.. tlie'yeil- , -the pii;us; • Wall4hian story tellers
particularlS! ittsiSt:onsthis peint—beeause , on-
Iy unrnarried;ntid , free wonien were reecited ;*
but; she had s ioniitigd.- foi• ten .yeai•s • as a
I kind of lay''sifter,. dims menial
.servleel for
id the . others. ', They - had even acquired a.elnihi
al hi* her sdruithing like that ,which al t ordlas
... .. . "
n', over his serf.ive sI4II. not be allowed'to go
c.k - with my !Ord• said "hie, fiiiiitly :smiling:l . ," it
) 1
Jl: the:morning : d.s
,i,„... Mielial.arr4*4 hack:shaking . th r
boy- -;who
as -still slept, lviip him fpllo w..,. - .Thel , =."Vent forth
ter into the nitligt4Yetlier...Foi the second time,.
ty -theliokititi4niltined the wealth he had airnass.
,cd,:and thou 6111Y : is:if preserving the " little
• FlOwer: . "
„ti)r wete the dangers and sofl'er
' . lugs' they ; cti • rte:e:if ill . tie - passage Of the
Carpathian, ": - "ntaiiis; fur . Michel had. 1.0
coked to try. : . ,fortune in" another land.—
The pilgrin*.itiVelted.on foot; but Floriora
~.. never cornpliliiit.sitellftitigiie. :On the centre-.
i. ryShti- twer4dity- seethed to grow *Otter
.s. ,and 'younger4;tind *lien thcfy at lengtli'crossed
ad the frontier, Aii. l•Oniped with ' her "soul 'Who
ige was as tall nOerself;:in meld by' the jihar-i
yid- gin of a sti , - . ,!while Michal sat on a lidlen
lit- tree, and loci gd!griively :on through tears :Of.
:he. joy. • .c i - ; -' • --
' gzi - . 1 •- - - 1 '
hit;- *Thus - the,twantsOn and on . in. `good old
dy story-bookelle; Until th 4 came : to tt'ie 'Ba
ch • mit of Tetheswar, :lit the eiipital of which the
ni, late handit'ii:Ati citintrived to open :a i shop;
id and to settiOlewit es s peaceable, citizen.
ie The lovers Oahe-Marvellous took the 34kaii
, 1:
r. up at a . aluehir.tellpertodi of life; and ;trade
it!, him i . goirittelere. In one - of
. tho'.'wara be-,
titian • the Ttitite `'.end". die Itissians, lairring
*Nal be ettlatekneither auk, but inflicted'
-1.:!... .-- - ' 'l, . .. - -1. • -
in iiry oti:,hoth.
,There is no ; reason, hOVCCS;-
eri for tiiiiit#Oing that he ever leftiTemeswar- .
again. trOtad .enOugli . to do . toy; Make; the
littM FlOire 4 r happy after her long, period. of
mieforttio : o, ; Nk not. understand . him, if
hc+ did nei:f think hijr as Leautiful ;ever after;
WO ll Ol its> rbepthe 'darn first '.revealed her
eountettaikai Ito him .ita the.-- forest hiding-
Mehl the younger son grew up, and
lutd . brotherS and some of whose chil
dren. .4:.!be in Ti:theswar to thiSi day.
; - .••• ~ out the Settti - Ara oilcan;
• ; elndgitii)-'fr)Stn-olie time of
,the pree.. - ,
there teplicars to exist a' overweening c 014..
denec on the. palit',i)f 7 sOrt).e, and .an eXtraortit
airy dei(re,e , ;qt . .. apathy' y k •itli- othe!iii-::- - -and, iii:
deed, lu-krsons most interested=-in regard,
to the. 'r'ace 'question of 'the acquisition -
a.tba. 4 'tere appears to . .bh gross miss r.e'-
h tision.arid'raisinforritatillit., both at the . orth
and South; upon the cntittisubject; tg. ci!itaiii
and probable consequences:
~. -' / • . ..:* - '..
-,Within!,a few years past; it. has -been'. the
fortune of . ..'..the writer sever times .to 'have
visited _thi) . island. • ' I ' aye traversed its -
NOrther.O',:and.Sontheietcoast, iront Last to
West, 140ked into .1 at its principalli.r
hors,' and, have jOtt teyed,.for days .together,
•on horsegtek, i ' the interior; particularly_ at
the Eastein. • pl,swhere, be. it. observed, not
,11•01 • of our countrymen ttie apt to'
wander . . - „, To have passed,at different :times,
soul - wee. or four months upon the island;
i.: . •
m - tiot;entittea man
.to speak - withperfect• l
. tiowletige of the subject'; but
.some tants and
obaeryt(tions will "force themselves upipt the
least attentive, and ); - hat may now ; be Skid, if
not interesting, may lead other 4 to chker ia
vc'tigt.e.(ion. •,..'
;. , I •
. . ..
• . In theeities of Havana and Mantanzas, and.
.the 'ware* parts-of the island, in wittier:time,
there) rutty usually be found 'several hundreds
Of our' ietuntrytnen. - Some few are resident,
many . are' urged" by- business; but .most .o
theta are in. pursuit 9'f -relaxation or health: .
Dighted with the 'climate-and the Jieatity
of e, tropieal.vegetation, admiritt,, ,, the mag
nifieentliarbors,-and struck with the naturt
advantages, ot -the country, nothing is:,,mor •
common.: than , to hear-among them -.the cx
pressioii that "-the island ought to belong .to.
us.'? .- iFthese and kindred tetnPtations.alon I
enterielinto the question, there-would ba,,ve'rr.
few. Antericatt...odissentients from spell at.
opittiOn•;:. ~- -- - ,--
.: ' • - . : :.• .. . .
Yet; after full eon:sideration pf the facts •uP
`Onithe*.Spot t andilte, ()pillions urge...d:on.eithei
'hatlel, the 'cletiroJt-grotthds! acre • minifek . : It'
yva,rrant-:th.conelHsion that
.the.annexation (re
Cohn t. 9,4 „he Utlited States would be fraught
witir..i tes:tionslind consequences
. of infinite
k latlg'i.. ;. : : tAktlie ii..a.(ai,• : an d Weltlere of 'the l ef-.
TO, hil - espiicially to the' people* ~ of • the
01 4
Is ItideCid ' instead • lying for the iSlandr - il e
.- --
price 0( from one
j t ' , three hundred ritilliot a
oC4oNr-5...4 - .A., obtAi tnifit at the-cost of wad,
(4' . .., tittle:lt More - likely alte.rriative;) if Spain
• %vex*. Willing • to • npike: us a . present :of 4 th is
• "4?..10Wer of theiAtitilles,' there Would be . :•:.2
.k! Aisl , iieasons ; fOr AL.. re -ttioii its qccOptane-.
.. 1
.. , . . . p _la ..., s
t ..;woill.d provctolis like the, poisonous elii 1
4. ' °- ' l ' - '. . -• • -'.. - .
i r
. - ~ he ftholley r ~v4ation of Cuba is compos•
./i yi .- )• !i ti o u s ra?.e f , zoo, greatly interining,l d
tut tile' hires es of deinarcatio are tiot,-, : pere t•
. y.tliat.lpgitishabl . e.. '-- '
• ',• , -••TheiSpanisli ;Creoles' ,probably are the, ch et
p . ,. prtetors, and form the upper cusses, ibo It
ititlei.ijytties and -. upon the large plantatiutis.
, these, our 'cOutitrymen -hake very'litt i le
iyiiirte 'ciii:rmA They.. appear- to be- kind aud
...eourkenus-.—butinert, uneducated, wholly- P.
oquainted With political , matters, and . ; unit•
ted;:tit every, - way -for' what we tern l'e if
.. . . ,
4 79vertfment ..' not, one of 'them is permitt u
held the smallest office. They 'are lea -i:
rit z taX'ed;.and,-cnrdially - .4,etestednot*Witlion t
4.:lisoir i by their ; military masters, At' 'there
L4Tilniotig theirany'synipathy With'i the an.
.40aation projects, or any desire fur itidePeAd!
I,••.*e.ili't- is probably, owing to the illiberality
I,44' . 'experienee. rather than to any-rearaflee
tit*in t'or. the crilt4.l States.. • 1 - • ••• - ; •
VOI the exception of the foreign • reside ta
Itie.: - 'classes . are chiefly -comitesed ,oi
Otialato. front old Spain. - These are held iii
1. . ..k .. tini11e t.istimatioti.n. l•' •• . l '. .. •
--,,;,::' •
.rte creole petemtry, (it'll; te; par Oyzpl is.
l'.' . .o . ?,e)conttn Iv-denominated "IliOilyros," . p
;.. s •flear ;.,to be &sue 'ed from-the canary Isla d
*!s.4.S.,...iitterininglel& ith "the
,old Spaniali r ce
'ant pi.lS.sibly
; also ii i t some aboriginal 1)10 d
. 14ese - pevpla very -.rarely own slaves... ti e)
. i . 904y pittall bits; tif. ground,:, about the g 'a;
4••:tat"o4:•Jilcir humble dwellings arelo et
IstruC.ted Oltthe.'bark of the cocoa. palm _
~ Oitai los'. hatai4s. canes and maize grow al
Tinos . v:p4o(Bo.ol.ii,dy,.apd without atteut on
rAttford4aerenni,itl. Sil,r4ort. to ttneotnbiid Wi es
.'affil r i egitaenta•of laked A;liildren: -
..Theinp. in
tienituee. of ;stteh 'a,-family- tints:costa troth fig
•Th'i;:"»/o,i,lter(f' is almost a Stranger to' w )r1
. Qr. , . Care:- Where As- the !necessity '? 7 . . 1 ,
. .
'nit:tints his ;hardy
. sernbby, pond:-eltid ii
ptintilloous(atid -shirt Tit.ii*--.-secured Wi h ",
Itandkerchieqash,;thtet,suStaius a long star. . gh
'si'li.;ti-ltilted .;sword 7 —itial with a : game:, e'
L.Attider his afift, he ambles . away,to, thei'n•at
estivillage,:Where billiards and Coaket!htt
white' aivar the time not consecrated te'sl eps
• -Ole tiegro slaves Open the ,plantatiens are
trto're: than half :of ' them ..ia ragei, - nativ , or,
Africa. !,, These are marked. in the face-_•ith 1
tlultigitres of•the.Afriean tribes to - Which hey i
belong; And, as suoli . are easily 'distinguish Ible
froth, the.-rest.' ' Until 'within a felt years I t
it 'has not
. been the general.pratetiee ,to breed_l
sip*63 upon - . the estates.. Iti.was- cheaper, to
wi:irk them. to de eh, and buy• freslt imports!
tl , 9ii.s:: - At' present, yOu may see . a - -few wo-
Mot iron ;the ptantationsond 'some Ittive
•slaVea. At' the fir tasterri end of the is tnd,
'the French fugitives from St. Domingo, an ,
the Spanish
.inliabitants, liaVo. so treat'ii
termingled With is negroc.S; and these .:ai
with the . aboriginal Indians, that, to the ery
.of - the stranger ' it ' wOuld appear; in the cit
ol* , St. Jago do Cuba, at. least • nine-tent' ae.
the 'population are of -this - mongrelde.. rif
. ;
..,ttop.' , The writer was there during a fe ttvt
.of:the." Holy' .Week,",. which -affords the be
'opportunity of .aceing the, ;Whole popul tic.]
and it. 'lay safely be' said, that hardly one
itenth apPeared to be of unmixed Sp nis.
d. *There are very- few French or ' pa
1.•,:b creole proprlitors of coffee -platitt tioi
.and - country estates, Who have not; of -the;
o*ri, a more orliss - tiumerous riatilatt9 rog
.;. ..
,ny. 7
T he prejudiees againstthe'colOred sac
sO.genOtal iry thp United States, hardly Seel
to be &serial:4e at the eastern end of . • - ha
Many 'of these people,
,ot mixeddettceit; are
'wealthy proprietors . atut highly reaptietable
Siame of :the* are slave . , owners. 'Ae.ry
lerge portion Of these, detiontirutted ',tits.,
4 r
arei in -fact, of , partially intermingled- tiereet
The census . returne;_ in thii-pirtieulari
ptisi l MEITT."
- • ..`1 I i - s •,...i.i t _._ • . ,
leertaiiily• cannot be repied upon.•! . -' , 7the Slum' ' ,
ish creoles are obliged ti • -:-;:,::•. 4 - '
'With consideration . . !,-•, .-. : - ' , ',. 7 i-...'il'S '- :i ...
, 'these:
.races,: of
.. ~t,,,,,,10.. -.t.
eventually possess the, 1aud:....; . ''', Ugh ther
seems to be Ibitt,..VerY . : little _ti '
. sY. either fur
hornieranimal . , or - beaf4,• in -C4l:Oe•§la7veli
-possess,l4 Spanilh la W a6me:rights unknOwn.
in the United..States;;:atisfled.
with , his master, can )46r . nandl,peititsiOn'in•
go :in search of et:66'413 - And" if another lean '
be, fOUMl:Willing,•t6 'buy, him'', 'fo4'a-mrtein.
sant, fixed
,by law; (represented i' „me ; at.
$300,) dionaaster is compelled 03 'tran t sl,br,
his right.. Many - a time I litre 'heeiii itSked."
pay +laeks teTbuy them. =._ ~I litre
inay-•:penehase ! the freedom 'of Sher '-ettbern
drill • by' pnying tivehtY;fire...della, std; her .
_Master.- „i A negro insy:,ticqUire-_,by purchase
the full legal,'prisileges of!), Spanish subject;
arid - thenceforth itk.islith . actionlible-Offenee'., to
call-thefreed rinin "e tiegre. dere)...
gation'ef.lfis legal rights-; • : . .:•...!!,;,- • . • -!•[: 1 ..;
.• The cotetnunity of d • feelilig atneng- the' col
ored: people is observable-vett:o-e stranger,
.and 'the whites are not, - Without apPrehensons. •
Undeniable proofs - o( this coca . be
,mentiOn 7
! ed.. The apprehension,•tob„of pelitioal . tronb-,
I les, driveinany of : those who have - acquired
i fortunes away -to oldiSpnin or eliewherii. ! -
I. Besides the tribeis:alluded-tOil there, , ere
l i - some unmixed' desee' t udants of .the aboriginal
1 Indians'still to .bembt with in theinteribr.—
I They oebasionally . 4rk a little fonwaOsl . for
the largenroprieto4. . They% have . the „repu
- tat i lon of areadinessii to'shedibleed ' An - tong'
• the mountains there. are roving 'familie and •
dangereits.. bands •of .runaway' negroe.s,, who
eannet be retaken by. their nntsterS:,...,i i
_ . This 'medley population is kePt in 'Order!
by a military iforee sepposed fe•,.amounti to
thirty,. thousand' rueln.: • The' conviction :pre--
' yells that the aetua\ returns are not, to be de-'
Pended: upon,! and that the rtailAiumber!' of.
regular .troops is ',Zept,•,a secret, !arid : greatly
eieeeds the litatent tint. . The soldiery' stern
j o b every !village.) 1 At .Holqiiin: an - inland
. .
n a me of • • •_ i • -
'town' the- .I.vhich }}gas almhst new to..
nie-, .1 &mid * . r.ginierit
..Of_Orobably twelve
hundred bayenetsd In i iln'yana alone I there .
iistli! to be quart red ~:aboet.;: i t!,:doteni regi
meats. ,Ai St. Ja YO,.tlie-..sOldiery are ; kept
continually 'on the alerte-artilltcry . her-'
nessed, and all:in aitual, , readinei.S' for hat le.
o r In the United States -it has-been; therec.!
'f tice,:te-depreCiattr.the Spani4C.trOops.. 1 t,,ont,'
parod with the British intluitry, they* cortait=
ly are inferior;.. brit in .stature. and appear
' .aticc. they far, excel the Vietteht.. The .time
has been when '.thei Spanish 'Yee forniidable
• sZatliers. - If! properly otifeePted,',: that. time.
2 ina?.• come: gain.. ilt May lie even nos
~I the Spiniards r indivithilllY,sarert cowards.
The fereeshi l cul4 areextriely, • Well cloth-.
ed, well feil,•iwelD lodged, - Ivell arnicid, well.,
,• s •
drilled,' WiAl. , ,pitidi and . in wdefent:e cif -their
i immense strOog-bidets ... .andi inland fastnes•-k
, i against invaders, spme.hettenevitleinec should.
- Ie repiirii.d than Xllibysler bruglicideco! tti ifii•
; daCe the belief diet they Weill& inu aWay.-- 7 -
Gir t .the Spanish resistance! to. IS'apolbOn .he
i - • . -
forgotten ? • diere no materials at d fields
. for guerrilla w'aiftlire .1 • Among 'th . ' inany
Nloros in Cuba, .!!otild not . one Saragossa be
found I . Notningf could !be in wori:-e: taste,
nor. more ridiculous and Ontemp.tible than
the recent statenlent of a:leading ISTe,W . York
. paler, • that •.- " five thousand•Ameriektr :rifle:.
men would he rail overmatch-'fur all the Span.
f ish soldiers in Chita.'.'- ' • .
~- , • ' • .
. , •
t • . The' entire . Cuban populetion;i,militar.y . ,and
,c4vil, !Spaniards, creoleS,'Alonteros,•lllestitoS,
; . 'Mulattoes,. lediae' s and Negroes, - apPear ,to
l' unite in theningled dislike for the . British and
American people 1 Thereneitherls iiiiir ever
. be any . atlinit ~ between us- , . - If•the island
C population Were
,ilte that „of. Canada ; in.
.any - -
1 degree hoinOgeneetis and : Similar!, to our eivif, •
.. the case ini , ;ht bli entirelialtered.- •B ilt . ' here
. is a race e...entially foreign :to our in lan
e - guage,- in relig4n, in taste, principles and•
. • habits' of: thought ; in:donieStie lite, in dwell=
• • . , - • -, • . . , _ • • ..•
mgs, and all in politto3;(a6, ustom-,
! y ed only: tO a inilitari , :despotis - M)iri :almost
!,.. every respect in, wilielii!ir. people ••eini lie're
- girded; there ar vOy few, if, any, Points of
1 similarity or -sympathy between us.
,i • !When! the Fldridas were purcha... 4by the
c 1,.,
a United States, tl4. Spanish inhabitan -i almost ,
- -lather:olly ! kit pie
. .pryotry.: ..To. c mire ,
t _ they were notminty; nor 'se well es abliihed
)., as •in Cith:d ' NOhitio• eanibe more, eVi-•
. , .
1.. dent that it. •woitld be impossible, t cause: a
fusion of the Spanish. race; even if pure blood,
I . 'with the Americans of the Vnited Sl,ates ' • •
v . But, with ,thelmotteyalittion (',Cuba; ,
Lt • what sbOuld'beefene,if,Anexedkt6 s,t--. -.!: . ,
n, • _ Should; ~ we se d. lirsB:i . (and: wh re 1) the
, ., . , . „ ~
_ , entire mass, aftei.fliyipo- i lltem - tor:theu...pes
i_ sessions, as,well fai4 Spaktbr heir soYereigtiVl i
1 • • i it i
...., . •
..i i r, i
i, Superidr. l fOre4 May.:so,nletintes, II the his- I
3, tory-of the' wciOdcfor 'Ai- time hav i'.eaused '
i•-• subjugation, :bet! not the conipleta • ipidsion
of.,any nunierohs, people, The ' ay. Must
iii • Surely come :W h en the subdued- •sh• i ll relic's
[e seas the land., , Of this': Spain. herself is•in
, • -
in example. . .ii ...• ~.• • \ _•i‘. • •
.. ' ' i. --
"a • Sliail wo make American citizens •of the:
it mongrel rate i s; - 4 - tio cannot he! sent aikey ?—..
k who,,are at .this
~ noment • free•-'eoWning inueb
of the soil, and &pal before: the lawli ! These.
listleSs, inert alitius,.shall:::,w9 give them votest
-• Aye., and repretentatio4 and:Seats in Celt
, gross'? -
..Why, livii have : never !Net been
. will- -
ini,i• ' to receive even: an :ottad'oi7frem, , St:.Pb
iningol. . -ii! • 1 * T-l i • •- • - ,i''. :- ! . iL : ' . ..'
• Shall'Ni - e duo in these Ji,utitiffindini i „f peOplol,
lute bondage, a#d sell these
at - jinetienlO :the
highest-bidderli ' - ! ! '.-!,;•••'-'• - ,•1, ! - . •-• • .•..
- W onith the. S4suth dentand it ?.., Would "the'
North Censenti ,-,[Why;:atter . the ! Neb, ' aka
bill,-perhaps tl+y Might J. • - - _.,-,E, • -.:
, • Should we Maintain . :in army of even ile
half Of. 36,001:1 men tO.,ltee.p these people. in
~• I subjectionl. - Would .01: - .North conSenti- and
id would theiScit4 desire-it? '••_. - i .. 1,.. ....."-..• •:/ !.!
n- - A len- yearsiSince..Wq poSsessedi.all Mexi-,
in. o—so perfeetiv, that • our great, trouble `was
ye -tofitid a' government strongg - cnoughi to make
ty a treat) Of pen4i, --: The.* verystpiestiona - theil
Of presented) so niany.ditkillties; that WC' reject:.
P- - ' ed the, uninVhifig COtiqUest,'-andretaltieil Otils . ‘
al that portion of the terittory which , was corn=
Ist parativelY uniileuinhe*l,witlijutalieri - pOpu,
in, lation, and
. lehabitants;tiiiifitted --to' become.
le- citizens of thetnited.,.%tes. ''i ' • .- „: . ''••• ..
sh • But further f "WouldPSOtith Carolina desire
in- to &pert. her !slaves' fit, , Ceibit; to be' Bald :foe.
ins . •.$BOO apieeelt on:does fie,Vinttolinpert'X.f 'likens trern . lii - iSland,paying a . bet i ter,prieel
:',e',, Wonld•Virginia Cense& .1 . 1 6 this? - iVor! be it.
Dee! lereernbereil 'hat the.rtftetary . .exelutriges of.
In • the- Old Dominion are affeeted,.emil . her, Ipeeu- ;,
' Mary esiodepends •ntiott •he Tice and fail in
'the - .04 of sleiv4'.:Ti r is - rol6:noi . " . the'llio..
nepoly of ale' ol4 . - hreedip'ol',i Will Sheiobweit .
'to etiy it:tee enceiilthiteni u 4e_nrei,lii 3 OfsPr .
But titere! . .adefiCiane,
.Ofilaveisili .. ,,
In 1,44' the .- lintais34ool' talking - eielieoly.,
among theirieislit ettiVipplfeill4ti'• : ta - es-
•, . ! .• -. . . ~-,.,i21.:,..-,-,,..
ISLE !N .Ikll3E- 111 .
• •.
land, France, and the'othexAitawers;,to\Per-,
mit the re•Cipc.niniof the African slave'txtule t • .
This-bright cauceptiOn iot.*igicgiterlfPrAr
yesterday in- South Caroling. ,
The sugar-grown upon -,therichly prOdue- •
tire Soil, Of atthough ? sfrbjes., , ,ted, by us': • •
to a heavy duty,'
,conapetes,;,,Wit h; .thep - kaluer - -
tion oUthellekg - gegligi. ditnatOzof I.he.tnited..
StateS. AuneNation -would•mo,st probably
deitrcitY the au gar, cUltliatitig - Of 444kag. --- t , -
Cuba .could irelteigh'supkly the Warld l l th6.e'r( l 44 P'" --7:i ° ai r 7-
many' nuke .he - riroettif3ed=-4V . -
net require a prophet, nor the sck,d of a prophi. •
et, to foretell Aliatttronlyte innst'euSite.;'ftheri : ,
ever the people:of the UnitedsSfatela
mad eriongh,:eveh peaeeably, to "re-anneX
-theisthnd of Cuba:" •
'lf We areto -- enter' .
uPcd. Career. ° at war
and-conquestiet us, under Stand
.and- the inotiVea,
objects. and,-if POssible,-!conrit the4cist,
'and ascertain who shall- pay 'lit. That .sueh
'an intention does exist,:on tireparkorScifith;
ern men, who have: obtaine4"confrid'OCtlii
government,amd " with fear or Change - -,p,
idex :the nation," is undeniably anii-unblusht
ingiy4itaiti. • %,c , -
On t c ictth 6U/die; in tlie-VOTlS'e'ot Rite
reientatives;llY.Chastain ofidiierglit;SPeale
ing on our relations With: Stiain i c - deliv,ereg
speech that. is reportediu
- the l3th inst, the eloielo-4fis speeeteher
Said ,as follows : 1 ,
coaderatione,.. Mr.". Chairirtar4
demand proinpt . action On - the. part :of .:our
goi•entment•to Secure thepoisession of Cuba
It is idle, sir, to ,viaste words in connexion •
With ibis branch of diersubjee4 . " Amerioan '. 1 .•
- ,policy, must prevail on* this side, of the
'tie. i Spain .must yield- , Cuba •to the- United - r",-
StateS;_and ngland and France must aelini-
esee.! _Sear conceSsien carnfot but' befoethe '4
benefit of the commerce ,of the 'World; ana •
whO wilt reap, of till Europe , *eater.'-advari
tages._fromit, thati, theSe two-powers'{::
r _pidity, tempt them, however, to, indueeSpaiT,
to barter hey rights to:them,.,let; them . take \
the: consequences! And „ihettld be . ' 'enough to refuse literal'. compensation -,
for' Cuba„ she. also Muse take
_the . consequery:
cep'! It is necessity that; demands the sacrifice
on ilier.part; and that. sacrifice will - redound to •
the benefit, of the whole human
414'ith Plese.iiewsi Mr. ,Chair man,
dently hope . . ft at thoseto "whom is intrusted ,
our'cliplornaQ - ,-with Spain
. Till direct their ist- -
telitipn at oic e, and without delay, to the ac..
quisition of Cnba ;
*that there 'shall be no dal., -
lyihg, - mit frank open diplomacy, ctill
ing upon
....„*pain to name her terms, and if.,
withitt'the rountis . of anything like reason, toif,
accept them. If not, to mike-lei the rineitz •': .
liberal prilosition atid -if that be refosed,'
and'ilotiuN'else will do t as a Matter of
go for an ,:ninlis e ,cruis.ed,
waii:for taying . Cuba brforee of arms." . . i - ,
14,011 this. speech the goy - ailment organ
_obsrvesr: • . _
Vhe spirited anci'patriotic speech of Mr.
ChL4tain,-ofGeorgia,,on the Cuban ~question, - f „.
which we - print. this morning; will be 14Y:4 •-• ;44
with ankh interesti His positions' are - sue
as will be heartily responded to by the Cotru.' - z-- ---
try. • - „
This is -e*pheit. Eeiletro FrA22OO
acquiesce. They are probably finding Suffic- 1 ..:-'..-
ierit,oecnpatior; with the; Russian filibUster
furthe jmontent. But Should..the- Ciar be, '
wise -fenbugh to: comproMise with Western.
Europe,): (Which from ar+earanees- may - alt
sxn - 1 bent arms against hire.,) a - peace '
tell a, different, story; to the United, States:l
Have we no warning?: Did they not Send
or offer to send fleets to protect the Spanish
sovereignty against our pirsvions filibusters.? 1 , .
'Do we not know their sentiments ! The im' -
'tnellse fleets of . Ertgland_and .France `j.
like, no better invitation than - to forage_ upoii"
the rich'American,t..6rnirteree; scattered .uni•.`
protected every sea. They would be. dot 4 •
lighted with the - opportunity. - Braggadocio_
in ConEes,.(that arsenal Of welds,' as Cum!
niOore STOCKTON well termed, itt,j would not, •
save, otir defenceless sea Ports. _ - .The lOss
.wonld ;tall - chiefly upon the .pe0p1 . 43 of. the
.North. 1- The. South might not be grieved,: - .tot
very diflicult,to.dise - ev-er any, fellowshiP
will the North in SOuthern patriotism,
any strength or moans tdfight the battle.they •-
would bring upon-us. - Nothing cairbh utOr . •
absolutely certain, than that, in (iaseof inter- 1 .
vention_tirEngland 'tind ,' ,':by France - sgalitst
.American '„ge,yeasion upon Sparish'righ,”
and, Spanish sovereignty in Cuba, the Nation .
(as we call it) would be Numbed, 'and •
-,we would deserve it, . - •. I •
'~•~; r:.
t'i .k••.: ". • '
in - ,110 ftoTr ••• . 1
I ,\
:' 4 . • iane - e:dt:ll.ibe bail sApp 9.-
iiikst.4 •ilsitiga J lS , 0 . , _. _ _
„ ortir _,
~ full+ 1 4ittl,
rsv is alibialibi dv by:„tlie follow:Mi little story
told lad frie4d, in whose Words‘We give •ift- .
:Irony, our 'hOuternaid ,is a rnodll-ont4jito is
handles, the b*oomstick like a . 50ptrp;:tirid :-.,
who h i ' is an abhorrence for dir_t_md_t_„l. sy,uttia-
thy for.ackapstßis 'tbavatuojt nig to at,flasalob.„ ..• ,
She is a bustlieg ° ,:‘bus.y, rosy-Che - Oked . brigliti i ,
eyed, blUnderinit Hibernian,/ who eke ... ,
aroun Our, book-glielvet, rlaleCS' war imeilii • .
papers . and god . * about ,thirsting, for 'xic, .
Norlds.:to:conquer, in the/shape of, intanst4d
and tinfluhted• corners / One clay *lie enter
our library in A, Confuied inanner, quit '-di
event from her intuit b9stling vtly. - . Shoiit t o4(l
at thelOor-with a' Netter: between lie,r'tbuilib . :
and ii6„ofr, Vfho.she held at arm's leigqi, its
if sigi jiao a gynpou-der plot in ler, grasp. . _in.{ .
Answer to ourinquiries' as to her .bris.l44,
she repii4---, —•- . ' ---- ' - - ... ': ,
1 I "Pl* yer, honor, l'in_. a poor . girl, via - - '
haill't;filuph lartlin,', and- '' yo sees, piase ~, e r
honor, Paddy O'Reilly, and, the betther than ..-
Ilitii_ does:, not brithein ontdirelimd; has Yeett
ritintime'a lether—la love lether,' phas I ),* . -
howe 4.
I 4 '--an'" - - •C' . ,-
d at her , embarrassment, . „and .•\
offered ft relict e it, by ,reading-"*. the lettler.
Stilt sh esitated, while slte tWisted A bit . ar
`rays cif nin tier finger's. -.:, -.—, " '-',.
-- -. " 8 ere," ihwiesumed, " an' -- thittSCl - ist ,
*hail fwant3 bit it - istn't a _lgentleMarilike ',, -
-Yerself thatmonld ix likin'_to know os:_v tim 64. -
erets between As, And so it ere she, twisttA the
' - 'egtton quite nervously,) if , it: / 111TOny , t1tm
Yer, ; holm while ridinE it, so thitye.mayilot
h%ar ityerself, if y 9 11,1 iist Tint Ali bit' ~ -of ix)t-
. \ 4 , 4 *. ,
. . ton kn:yer ears an' .top up yerhearin.,
thee,sacrets 'Hi be ü'--
,N. o:rieayune. ., -- - . ~;---- „A
1 i . • - - -• -•
tar The childr enhe are Bp dirty in iiihses on
Cap. Pod,, that/a - mei -frequently' ,OiCA'lnto
'the astreepind washe s t he of halls doz
in children before sh finds her own.,_ , :
Zatir MrL Paraitou saYlo it ia,. a 4 °l' l .. l ' l '
proymou of na t ur e : that hens floyer '
(*LIAO dear and ,161 waYa be% wl' s4- tbai
are cheap.
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