The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 06, 1854, Image 1

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. eoisvia.
'Autumn Lyric. ..• 1
The leaves are:faring; the flowers are La ing,
Alimlg like giants the forth winds pasis i -
all strangely. shading ,
The betigh are thinning,
• With, lattice work the yellow grass;
.The` lies look greyer, the. sun light Col er,
A sid we sit on the leafy ground, ,
lonely and sadly, `.The year wti older,
• For he has well nigh run his journey round.'
T o Memory, the keeper, ,we give the g!_t dnesti , •
stiniiner hours dux:so soon have liown;
y o f i she grain - we have, reaped mill cheer the,stidness
• of the worn out Old Years dying moan.
n-e of-the glad:le / 1s with which' we wandered
• . : u s /. in its
.suw•light of Sutnrner joyl
Th _
tiochqs born in its revels shall , well be pondered, - -
Ind We'll Wander along spite of ; Winter's annoy.
attic, young Winter! and thou wilt come ginekly,
Anii bluster and fret till thou frettest - Piy fill:
. laugh aftliy white liej(Cil, and fiice cold and
eickiv' i .
• nei•er grow Sad at thy. tyrant will. i
Tlabugli the North !winds grow colder, tlie' skies
I greyer,‘ -
And the greeniiillhite with the snow aid frost;
;Mid them:reek and ruin of Winter, the slayer, ' •
Kind sterno'ry's 'riches are Bever '• •
:, ':C . ..l.J:l::ike,sl.A4
•' ' 'Written for.dleason's Pictorial
," Img. sltilTHl ADVENTURE
1 , ,, - A. DUPItAeF.: .
- • I • ' ! I • ' •
• ' 01 1 • 1 very pleasant ,Inne morniti'g, a b an d.
••'otrie young manof• -twenty 7 t wo v"therea.
I )
jboutS, tlisliionably attired, and wit .that pen
sire inelancholY air, - -‘vliiili "welli . hecanie his
. daiit l eves'and W avydneft ;and - wilich. mark
d-him- as a poet of theAyron school, a. re
leeteo hiver. Ot'' an :anitieli V trimester, , or. a
hriellestrttorney... t,r :whatever you :til 11, fel -
I ,
melanc, oly has tnanY'e:nis. - : and wraps. her
!dark mantle rOuner , ninny shoulderS. in this
' weativ Nvol - ld ofonrs: a•liandsoitte.nielaneholy
1. y7sung Man. we say,- intOting enough. to
' illitirt,the heart;3.ot - i a • w h1 i 1 e ,1,6,, 1r d7, 4Q ..„ 3 4,1. 100 1,
' . was i stri ? lliill!, along ; through a pleasant lane
.in C•tie of the rUral 'Oninies of England. lie
hadeojac down :by the I.,otabi; coach, and
mlille 'waiting fora eonveyaneo o tike him
acro ss the country - o...the . place of his desti
natiea,-tlitAight; to' amuse liiiust.lf by - a brief i
TztlAlo. Ile 1•011S.•ed• 40w • ; lid Itj /ill to pit her .
' • a fmgont - rose,l 'or a binich. of hz• wth - ort; front ii
. the.licklgerowt; I.itit lip ... tossed aWO'. t he flow - I
ers as carelessly as he Culled th4M: • • • ' I
- • 'll eight' 1" he nitittert - ,d til biniself.. 'lt re-.'
niali,s to be wen'Osat i imill, be the upslait. of(
this ohis visit to my rich,,l - baelicidA• trnMe i ; , iny'
-Only Survivllnz rel:i'tive. Is. it at' all • likely . :
ilie w hi m - si c:l f fold humorist, will quit me, sir!
tliai 1 shall snit - liiio ? A retired Mink)! bus-i
- Riess, how can I exile g • that - he -ivili fancy a
gi 6,1:1,-t:n ~thi : ig VI, 4.- who ne i
ver did a - bit
• . l of bit-ill ess in his ivli'ble life' ?-411 poet y. who s' : (...
hook, ditili:t sell .7, ja dratilatii•• Iv ho.e ' play
• was'a failure; '41.1-i,tertintr, wll4 foun4l no tilt
•i' or:withhe . pnblishr er,4' Will he , pay my
l i
d 'a
ebts. m nukea 1 .111.5. his heir? •My wit , de
',lAilidon life liii: been- , a titilure ;I and the only
,i4ral At.' vi,i,!ogthi.wits my' trip. to . Bath.—
Poor &Thy. ) I tiragizie; I I .lielieve She loVed
me's• - inerefy. But I tiered honorably. When
1 'found that toy heart was, engagi;l, I .tore
`,lnvself away, • W'il bout ~an exi:lanation. For
• What had I to !ofTer ber . .?.l bankrupt hi hope
- iaal ptiriel' . l ••• • • '
.- As iii' rw.rLl thus - monr4nll l y, he came In;
sight .-f . , a -.ltaiilseine: villa faking a - broadii
''. sinooth.. , :haven lawn.: 1 tII4. bitt'litt by a prettyli
ganien anii pttrk otornalnental trees. , AS hell
'"paused to surV;y it with - the ,pleased -eye. 'Ofl l ,
s .
m . .
. -,a port, - a art servant, in Spruce, liNerv, ,iid
.'ranted along ',iv road, and -after.&fa t l
Aim s.harply. touched his hat Ituid said 1-es: . l
POeffhllv•: • Mr: Stnith.'' • : • - .
• ,
- !
'That's . • - . ,
ilivn,tune.' •• . ..
• • ~ Thank v.cL-4 hank ye. sir,'Stiid the felloW,
• .
. ,J,Trinnin t ! from ear to 'ear. and ;turning on his
;heel he`ran off and. •tlisapiie...gred ;• 1
~- - ` - • I
. .-.;‘ Is that Nlow . eraiv V 1 ,1 . 1 --• '
.. • A Moment latter:wards • tt,. dozen .or more
farmer's' Loysl, arrned-, with Muskets -sudden
ly.appeared in the . p . #l before :, Mtn, and set-•
• -trig up - aloud_ lairt4ildiseharged .their, wen
- I)ens simultapeoustiTmnd thOn disappeared
-• ' in. smolteJ - •l . .•.)• - • - ':
. , .„. •
, 1
~... il . •
• '," iN hat • theHdene 4 / is to s pay I hcre, : tiiougat
Stilith:'i • ',l ibis_
. jettioilifiit\ Or fair : day ?
--- . .0r is; : that a ,' Inna,'a•astiurn,i rhid those M 7
, •
1 6 4:5' madthel 1 , ~ ; l
- . . . .
• , He walked On, curious to. I l Larn the cam: }se,
•. rtfitheconunO.tion,. As he approacami ,,
2z!ir•the: irilla,l a gate - .in the thick liedgerow
'Tened, and a rattly i goltkina' ti in ~,black,
with a spotless . white waistciciat, - vvry rosy
wills, and a buneh: of flower .-i \ in his button.;
'.. hole, suddenly, appeared with both hands- ex'
~ended. . i . -.• 1 :
, • • . .• , -
• 'My dear boi,' said he, ' iv
J. before your time; .butlso mu
%It speaks Well for - your
. il•here's your, unel4'P•• •
I oaten },.seen Wm yet,
. he's us elL'.
~... •', 'Well; -well,',. k.,jd the' !Ad:gentle:man, `1
hardly expectedlitn. • 'You !don't look suite
Well yourself—a little , pale, nervous: l NO
1 matter; it Will soon be - over-!..4ey 1 :Well;
1 jI you don't,loblta bit, like the old. rnan,-, .1 ex-,
petted to find - you shorter and • Stouter. I
'',,• thought Sophy must hale . *leen ;Mistaken in
. \
your appearance.' -
k. - 4 Sophy r'exelaitni4 Smith,. more and • more
I bewildered. - - . i - .,P., ': -.- --
ay, .liny lx)`
,: , She's told Inc
boa .ehe tact. you at Math and JOVed 3 , oit t and
ILow you suddenly disaftieare,d. You had
no idea of entering :inTtOth arrangement _tor ;
• 'life without!. seeing your: intended; and faith ; ;
I don't blaMe you- for. itr IWhen. I - was of
.1 - Your age,.) woUldn'fhave Ebarried'..a. girl tO.
Please a thousand . unelei I had satisfied
mS•self. • Bet you never le ' your wiele know
' AVut that,itrip- to . Bath. Sly dog ! But
Talc .
I $0 saying, the • °Ric:into . old gentleman
seized arid of the besiildere&Smith-4ho
found it liinpossible' to believe that he was
At-land dragged
„him' •lacross'_the
and..usittered him into the-,4rawing-room,
A wherefat woitihn crimson turbht, rush
.oAl into his 'Arias!, add Salt&d him •On
• 41fteks„ and then. burst into It fit of.rears.
• . 0, dear, dear,'
said Site, this is the happg
est and saddest; day of tni :life Fni-. sure
you're a. Very nice - yming Man, and will talc. •
good care 4 n - iy -daughter ;land V.Our Uncle's
dear good' ereature. But
'lily all
eoks f se mLitliOr's feelinris,:•mk.
July Anii_d! . I) . „.dear ,
'Mrs. !l Mrs, Wrog \ gleF, /ee .
pose vouraelfl'*iff tie old getitlen , ' •
• !Kipht Wroggies r.eallit.:te girl, • laqt .
After all' thought• 114 - f a I eer
tainlyan Odder • man. than' - en: the -*Old
'i es him erediffor—tonl anagelseeh
_a stir
fri se . for temblein
• I •• . „
, •
••I• ' • . •
• • • • • • . • . • • •
••-• • • 'f• • • .• -- i • . i• . • - .
I 1 •:•0 •.•
• r r ''' , "; •-' • - "•• - t• • 7 t• • .
. • -
T 7 .• I' - •
'••••• , . .
•• • .
. • ,
. , .
.• . •
• I • •
• • • . ,
• , ,
• • •-• • - I ;•.• r,`•
• • • , . • - • '
- 1 • • • I H a4i
• ,
L i•
• I . • •
•., • •
• •
. I ,
• , • .
_ .
e ch . the better, - 7 -
I allaptu.' But
si; arta I hear
. happiness,
h - . t' ''
to hs, wit ,out the; ,least papicion:ot
'the ' fekity b,efor4.lthet ; -!, ~.,''. • ..'. '.
- ,.0 1,1 ,hi z ,., The alioci ns I . w e ir - i etitshort. by the
ntrapee of the fair. Sony attired in 'virgin .
)yhite,' and looking)oVOY as -an 'atigel: ' Mr.'
. 01
t i ik i • Mr s . Ay i l isiges led het forward,and then of
disc eetly leii - t4e ronin.., As She seemed
Orem°, eby etriotioti Smith-caught . her in ) vii
his arni9 nd *hod !Iheelined
-, 7
. . . hiP
fill1)111d0i ,
. 4 )11y dear aufp
if 1, owe this*hapi
nn&not to }'our.
1 i Can you, ask ..
bride biushing'am
Smith pressed
said Smith, ~' ear'
the eyesalone,'
''YOurs were 'ko "eipre'ssiye: said Sophy,
l' : Do you remember liath r••• .• . •• •
Can I ever fOrgetr tite' ; pump . -room V cried - a
theilover : .- 1 ~ - .- *, - - - -.. •
1 ..' How I triml)l*W. i I handed you your
glass.!' -- . . . ,/.. - •i,. !. . ! ...
.. .
.• .
.‘ 1-low .I thrill { ..m*n !I drank. it!' .• !-- -. •
•! ' , And thC.!bal at }lief assembly rooms !'
- i
suggestedSlniti .•• - ;! .1• .-: 1 - - .-•.-. •. ..
' . i•And thciwal zes and liolkns V replied the
- .
'bride'. !, e l '•I !• •
.‘ Decidedly Wemere - cOrmed for each oth
- .i . i . ,!
-1 _ --• ' ' H''' . =- . . • -- '
'eel the voice of the matOnal ,
;, In' therl l . 7 --Okeuse me dearest!'
ride and 'tearing herself from h-r
i;•1; she sp (II but, of the 6om. '
se, this. i a 4,lream!'s'id SMith,
.fry pleas; mE t'xi-hile it lasts.' ','
Iu sl:',': tlaid,'"' the livery servant
Met lin the lape, entering and pre:
:iVit•a l, 7o and a!' letter, 4.,n a silver
il . t , • •
li* disnlissOd, the . nnui, opentA
.nd read ::', 1 ' - , -
' Sopliy .l .l
... -‘• ecYming,
loi- c ff; AFT ,*
.., ofcoui, - .
`,kW it's %-c
: 'For • pi
* Smith : had
writing a p
1 .
vet. ,•
tit‘. letter,
. .
• ' Mit: V: AM ILLI.MY . TIiE :---YOUr 1.1117.:6, 1::1'
brggt:a int to lo"ite:l4:lUselle.lia.:4 (Ivo trout,
ifli his hails. anti ca . Vt kph" a'pou. lie t,t',T,i's
-nic to say that rhe Avishes 'Von 2111 •,.."rf.s of
happint'tk,Jbut ht can't. {link of I wing - preseUt
at, he corOlony!- 110 . 1 s.•vmd,i you hyrovith a
lett er of cre dit ~ji his banker •ai Paris, -- 'and
i .
will epect . - - yop aF; .°l z o011'3ts( slit' .bouey i noi in
ante you - tOu .A - ,n tle 'vyntinent - ail. , end 4—
Hu 1 iii Ay 1:-1sling =you joi f i N fc r' til:,•sCl f, I .. re ,
main. - You to to , comtnay l 3; - • . .
. - •i i , - .. ' SiXiON SL O W.
'I dOta• li•-noW.this ,Simon Sloi - ,
Smith; lint -I isni,jKise he..s :my ime•
ard.. The fellow thinks - to. eomplit
by • - spellitig;m3,• . ., name Smythe ;,..1,
Smith' is good' enough for me. It's
able family, but etlttains too inan:.
Of course. I)' , . podlieted the Money W ..'d preparii _to go thrinifrli
. i,,„ eere
rawly with the ca-V grace an, nonchalance
of a - man Of the world. I . - w as introduced
to a .great 11/ an pAcli )le, and shook hands - sic
tunny times that - 11:s shunlderp a(.'0,..a. : After
il . ,reakfaßt the . carriage - 'ties Vall . :6IIIIt'fl.: The
lefi'Ye 'taking mas hurried through; the happy.
. eonole tisea ,, C , from their - friends' and took
1 ta, • the po. ,, tilliOns, p1h...41. whip and- spur
I in tutticiL,,ttiot . of liberal fees. and away. theYil
I 11,4 hehih'd fo tr.spankinr , bays at a rattling
:- .- - . I
I , rate dOwn the saMe•road ni) which, the un
, • •
ri flscictrts•briae.groorwililil strolled that very.
n tornina 4
I ' - ..
' . .
' „k g he - glat,cie(l out 4 the window`, 'lie- 4,401-
a. fat pedklstrialn in drab gaiters. swilihr . his .
pprsphing forihead and ;toiling thryugh the
.lust. . Smith ismilo..: if any,thing can add
t,;. the gratille::tilbeing:of bein• whiri , :;..kalong in
au. carriattc , .lt i 1 to contrast it
with tile toil 4 of j'.-destriantstri 'on a dhsty
'rbitd. 'But little did Mr. Stuith su , ,peet'who
that `unfortunate )vaq. While-Mr; and Mrs.
Seitithare . spteilig,on their,„bri,lal tour, let
us. olive, - tip Ite,iiitle . fat paglestriau. . t her
ochre with the heat of the eather, :and his
,1 . ,
own ex'ertiont•ne satqlowu on a.sionts.. •
• .:t Vot an , 'orrid lot day•r . 'he -exclaimed, in
the pure,t. co e kney 4'4 'vernacular,. he - morped
his criinipn fOrchea4 With his thick bandanna.
• 'Ot enough try rij;a•At an Ottentot! Vot a
go !---rto think - ok that crc henghie
'off the. rail arid splllin' brill . she passenger'.
Wonder if 1. ham 'n the -right, , direction ?
'Apt looks aS if it Might be the 'oiti,;(•,-'1:1, , ,,.
you, syc . 1 . . .
• .. The last words
1.-nrit in livery tliclu.
tered,'and : wito.wai
HY afli..vted by eh
- ' Who y
are a ou -
Ir.' '.
. • To -Fottl'l . \tas
is ) 7 '
thought So: He's, yOur master, •hey V
The Fervarit.n-941defl, • . ,
Veil. ToU`tesvunebe.dY; aint, on
how . P. • I •
s-otraut, - _ .
k'ckit I young rndv
• • 'Gone *off!' -
'Gone oirt' • cockney. 4-,
ivlioin V . •
With her l'intz!pUnd
- ''Er 'ttsband cant 'pe,§sible .cried the
you it
. '.I tell yoUlt l', though—l '- Seed 'ern with
my ow.ri'eyes,",,sr. id the servant.• - . . • -. .
`Vats - your n. me?' eried,the cockney.-
.'' ' Sam.'
Then,' Sim . . show me 'to. yoUrnastei-1
must see 'im -b i
ins • ntiy ! hiristantlyr .. cried
the - little ecieltneyl, •ith a tragic air. . .:
• ~ There was something so haperative in his
Manner, that the 'liervitut did .... fiot - hesitate to,
comply with his de nand. Jae. took him in:
to . the house., 'and iiShered hint into .thg pres
.enee of' Mr: Wlruggles. There is • nothing
• very jolly in an Only " daughter, -
and even Mr.: IVruggles whd..ivas.eue of the
heartiest of piortals„,left alone hi his drawing
room, While'llis Wife hadgong up . stairs to
have a go9l ::1- - -,Iwa s ,no; in the best possible
humor.. So aite iuoii6nin g , . his guest to a
seat he. inquiod oinewhat sOurly : '
- .Prair, sir,: to what aril. I indebted. for the
honor of - this - ,v). it?'-.. :.... • - -1 •
‘..V . y„ sir,, re t a . ,.. - the little toeltneY, With
thesame phraseolof. '' of politet and frigid
- nev,grity.of Man r, Lsimply came •tOihitr:
rinire. after-the! ... ih o your fataily:' . '- .- •
• 1.. 5ir,1 am rriUilti'ohl . g .. to..*lbu , for :your
solicitude,'. replitaM4W ggleS.' 'AV fant
iiy . are pretty. w 01 1 .! thank •cu.'. , '
`..theeluding your danght i , Oope,' said :
the„oeelfney, buii4.. '- - • . , •' • ,
•• . 'including my daughter," said Er, V J
gle,s,, -;-•' You are aware perhaps, that ' the I,
was inarrii - ,41 this Mornin - g.' ~., .. • . . . .
„, •
' :Married I ,":cre4,,tike, - . cockn ey, ''s „ 'lig; o .
ti t s.feet:, ' Mulled!. Fll-,t4vlil4e you. ' Fc-.
peat. that expre§ iQn,lifF-W.: 14 4g8 1 .% . 1
• 1.,- •' My Aa . ught. !lifts•niarried. : Ats ruornm
i feplied•Jhe ,ber.' Ted . fitt4Or t -: ,
Wi4 a 5a.V.44,
l air inte4lll.eti .to e y i .‘,whaig wO s, tli Sou V-. •
'' , THE Or THE
sere sed fo..the ser;
In -*e llit've; 1 lefi Ire en coml..
• s
pealiing•io - ?' said be -161'0-
he, repl.
I, ou - haVe :the . hextreme
ggleti,' said the ecOMey,
1 your daughter! married 'I
.. rl
no.. can afford •nie greater
ed the
tviti-law is Williani : Smith
'4 it 1' 'cried th cockney ~
' VIII • !
r. Wru
iiie vilMit
my soi
Dip ily.
eatmly. •
,ts Italia 0, Or
lidltthr inqairedthe
nous y.
"ming r e,
I ev4, l
Otlsli tlul
is' lit, to . yon Hoy," • lie.
y ~tedfir. Wraggles, getli
1 1.ytlantr V tepliM the eoe
itistitig a letter . intorAir. \
nd •
, ,
tngVes - read ulton3 tunic
youi. l uncle,he said.
1, -vt, -;
een, nanleg ',lollcing
this woi
that,' r
ititlly. • -- i . - i.
, nigh 2,• easy .to Alti.ow tlicl
toi•teil. firilythe. j •.‘ - Ow ea]
. :13,..sides 1 shell it'w)th
`7.11 - v
plot the
Iv :.'S I
:;t . lintli!
re Nq She.
er r
Liter was t(i. t
kne this : ,, ent'lenian
ter& von e.)' l -4 , r. at Ball
nid .tll6 e.jekney..
inever saw; liery
jhe i
that th
shall tt
tofll. I
It s
. .
- very'elear: that - •at : le
man she 10,ved i H-and
[e• he claimed ilVaii: a
r t..t ery in. this 1••1a1 . 1 af
t till I liavi. •.probeil .
Lan assist Line:. I': r 1 , 1
r . -
aline witli its V '
\«\r\ I vomit re'k , t anailier 1
lii4 ril)t:: •liit volt sliiiithearTr ,
-, ..•:-.;,,..
,-. 1
sir , ---tliroagh my at to.. 111 . .S. • 111
( - Midler, LiiiOla's Ilian- 7 tiVil :ail
theres stieb.k . thing.a,sllaW in Ili
' - 11nd the cloekneYl)ang,.o awayj
next.tiain Air Loii(lon.r.
.Thi, scene threw-Mr. IV . riezgl
X'er ot amiieliension '',:iiirl - -perill
- i
\ di lighter hail niarrieil 'ilie4ron
•-- • -1 ' ••- •fl
sin liii i ew liiijl--.=he wa§(Tntlenix
, . \ , ~.. Gill-' •
circrsseik, ant, as air
o eerp . t.t I. a \ ieli: fitter -Inan. ft ,r 1
la ..rar'SiV tile: lie trendi i t
. w of*. • .inysti - Ty. -:
.Whille Ai. rdssell, his. ser ,
tith . a I fi.wh 1
e e •
) i
rich t
Ise iv
I• 11
‘) hi
i •
other, Sinith !: the ', world l
]neon l l, cried putsiWrlig ,l
inoril. Smiths l'!' '..•
le - gentleman is iVaiting in
nor. - sir—he's ladle' and ca
ill yOu pleaSe haVe the g(
n?' I - •' I ".. -....
Wri4r.u - Xes w en-t, km( intik
!ere 6sind a pc-,titiv ':g,(_title
watli4.l in •voltunitnius fob
in a pony cliaise.' . ..lle. b.
r.. Wroggles; s:iid lie, - ' Wt
IV Il!111 I .1111V(1' IHNII II) the 1
Nyi'clk baling: : turehasel
-a pi',4l'iertyof Whiell you
aelpianitc,l.' : .1
r.-Wragglqs 'bowed. • .
lope fo he I tett ey knoym t
r e as , l , tis..—and 1b...! ! :most
nephew of mine, whom. I
, 'to n l aopt. and inalie my l
Toni f,-,ondon. tea t : ivi.—a ve
V; Ili ar,) fell (44 . 1 ' ' 1
j p) I R (
ter tt >Bath. andliehave ine r -
I understand.- 1 for haiin tune
• I
11 , ,t. I venture to.propose, 4eit
' g to, cure himself' of, On.'
a fair way-"to' care I said
rigles smiling,-..'for hil. her
. ,
• 1 1 " n •
il her r.e.riolllte - old • (mit cull .- 7
I : i t i g
J•il the rasl-(ti - ..
.• '!. -..- 1 1 .
badge *him too harsh' ,ii said .Wrug
iii very evidchit - that ' Art: has . been
,ii both sicles,! Owing . ii,.. identity
_nil .1 blve!no dOlibt he 'N hole' at=: I
is - - ;.iusecpillile ,f exphin. tii , ii. I have
l ie
,i, v ast 11 hint; that in pi,trp - ilig lily
liter,-.1 strat,ge as-it !nay appcar, 'Hour .
c'. - t ' , A,p . ,:lit Ile * . as 11:eyii.g '. the - oFders
.5 unel I._
.. I- like the iyounE. iiati . : . a Ili '. -- ::;.1. 1 -'-
inuci-:71 - 0 il (711 . -K.1:4.r , Ind _ (.0.1 thaiii .that
4, -- int enOri - .5c/il ii - p.:la - A --- ,S nytlhe tjrn. a
A e, ill() luis since', turned up. i•. Atj -ally.
if - , thy young folks are ilppy . , I . q'ui't
why 4-e , should mar tliPir .lieiky,A..ii Oven
lienilulow there-Was any , isiake,uhout,-
I kii(w how to;satisfy, Mr. 'Sni,Vtlie pen
'-the unele-forithere are; four Siths,
:nephews-and two uncles, .nVelved ethis
r, an,.iny woici for it all ivill• turn out
I.'• .. • .I -•.I• . '
: . 1 •
I hop So,' said Mi.Sinitli 'as. lie drove
(y with a promvie to call.. gain . ..
Ar. Smythe with a- V and c-.' Was, finally .
ified-Lthe motley flue other snlitli :iiippro
itvd t . irougli niiStake was 111414e04•alid
stn - dil l : liride and tiridegrotint -,,retOned,
- were reeeivedi with open arms at I flaw
ni 1.1.2i,11, nor did',.cither of the- old - .• people
lll r let them linoW .tbat-:eivirt felicity'.wafi
resulk of a tuiStake. . `-.• [ 11' •
~l - ' ' • ' - 'i- . 1
i ''-' ./
I] di
•.• 1 - •A Oa Recipe. ' 1 , .
The fttllowing •i - s: a certain Care furl that
rible - dif-wase of the - .month,l'continonly ,
le `scandal :' i., ' 0: ' '''
• i -- ! 1 ! :• •
lake itf ‘-'gc,4 -- .4 nature,' stud (if yinhe .1)• call
by the 'lndians Mind your eta buiness . ,",
oun, .; mix this with 4 little charity: for
erg,' nd- two :Or three — .4;prigtii oft- !. keep
ir to nue - between . your] . teeth,'. . ssitnnter
in together in 0 vessel called cirenmsNe-,
n," for a short tittle, and it, w i ll be- tit for
1 ... i . i . .
•,•.-, • i , - ,
.APrticartotg.,—The qinptotn r s are. a vio;
iit itching hi-thel tongue and' !roof _ Of the
nth; itich invariably takes . when:
• u are hi company with a speim'es of lianas.
led slips; when. you
. a. fit of he .dis
et' i:Laning-0n.y.0 - take a, teaspoo ful of
emixiure, hold tt in ' your Mouth, Which
. 4 -*II keep closely sliutuntill you g .lioine,
d ,yO. will al• complete cure.. 'should
at apprehend a 4elapsc,..ke4 . 4; sum , lx)ttle
10, - -, l
t likinre, about you -and [on blight
ay • a ptdrn teOat the dose. 1 -, . ,I
Inum', that 'jell ipto ° a
out by l chaw. of
I i
itll'tit wit
1g :mgr .
ney, f
I pale.-
6.f .
10:3 ••risil_g
•jot g
vli4m N
• )Vjllia
rtiij out
u' r o nii
(.11 •
I .
to illot
real .one
uir Nvlti
the; 1
lint I.
N.;/11‘. ;
le rt res
wiaßtl. l
to tAii.c
m i . was A
)e tatty t,
(i to int('
nt ban
,4 1‘ , ill
1 t •
tit; ( Oats,
Aness t(
flint e
1 IT wip
sof flat
:red k+ %.‘
nave II
are; 4)Peo
.haYe• 1:1 , ;
extiy y
ye .
,with j
'fo for
d .
I r . t•pas,ll
'Pd-, - .TIItRSDAY- I ::J . I.JIA, 6, -.1854,
kussial AIitERIOL:
• Those who Ihttit their obxHation ~ to the.
map tiflttrope,:ean only partially' appreciate
the rote of Russia in the. world, and
,the possi
ble opposition'. and competition ':which she
may experience', -;
Great Ilritiani (as one might think, Sep exit,.
ted,from Ituis).)y - half of .the tirt - .)peatt con:.
,tinent) is in col tact with that "PoWer—not, in
directly,. only, <but • itamediately —in India,
Chitta f Arßerica,i,
.• : •
It; on the one " bide, theGoveriintent of Ras
.sin tannot.moel in Europe butiit.afFeets the
commercial interestsofEnglaud—+en the oth
er, itrauttot - aet n Asia and Atheriea without
liudinr tink.‘ to . face With the'adMinistra
.tilm of the Ilritish settlements :arid estalilish
meats. - i -
• And it' is for this reason, 'that : traveler*
everywhere discoVering the dOhble trace of
British power, and Muscovite extension; have
exclaitrietl that the empire 'of the wotid was
divided by tl4 Me _nations, - : ' . . • :.
But they have: far as Russia is Lan - teemed,
confolinded greatness with stt'petficies•;,andi
have done inju4tice to Great Britain, in corn-
paring her ite4lth i awl her indestry;-sthe hi- ,i
telligeliee and aetivity of her - free population
'witli the poverty andharbaristn of an ern-
pire in whichslavery repres*,.'s all ; national
progressive impulse t -here activity d. he
initiative in all .. things are the 'pray co .of
Uovernment aline. , : • . • .., i ' -
• The teyrit.nies berturgingte:Great Britian
iii North Ameriea,are of considerable extent. -
.) the NOrt - lt (f Canada. stretehingas fir' as
the 'oeky lionhtains.unfolOhemSelves - im - -
mense dains, Watered by great 'basins, lakes
•and rivers eablosing What is nbnest a sea,
fludmin's.l3: :-. - This vati Amain of The
British crOWn,hs a•i;reserve fly the hanters
of'Canada. - and fur 'Sluts the tiiii.- dames of
London, and the degy teaofPari4..with the
must precious Ifurs. I..:riglislr energy - could
not - be liarred ;from advancing by the chain
of the Rocky Mountains ; and the 'Hudson's
Bay Company:, has overstepped !the obstacle
-and secured itself an outlet on the waters • of
the Pacific. 1t has. erected on: the
_coast a
ehain Of trading posts - which are, so many for-
, tifieations. These.links in the: chain, emir
-1 'cling'all British America, SuCeeed eh - • oth
eruninterruptbdl2,- from Califbinia (Orron)
northerly to the 55th degree Of latitude;where
they meet the frontier of Russian "America.
As we remarked at the commencement of
`this'article, tl4t two powers tonelt each other
at this 'point; Ilea they arc ;kids; -awl
wage a paellaiwar ° tier htflueliee and trade, the
prelude to hostilities more redoubtable. '' -
NorthWardj froth the 55th to the 65th-de
cree of latitude.'ara the principal: establish
ments Of Rustia ;lint her territory is a mere
ribaiaLcktendpig inward_ notiover ten I . tiagues.
-In the rear.arrilie. English hunting grounds
of The : Hudson's Bay •; arid .the' Chief of the
.i . .:nglish company which .holds this :territory
for its use,. noi, -many
. .yearS Op naively drew
attention to 'the fact •t hat thisslip of territo
ry,. of slight ittility tO Busiti.., was SO placed,
as scrimly td inconvenienee‘the English trade
on the coat, find that its aggregation - to .the
dominions -swayed by the. sceptre of Queen
Victoria produetiVe..ofmanfadvan
tages.' It interposes,. in truth,'a harrier -be
tween the interior - and' the gea., The products
. of the chase m the 'English - hunting grounds
.Ivintz near tht. Aretie.re54....,:!(...: 3 41..-1♦ vary
outlet to:the {Pacific ocean by descending - to i
• the English fOrts situated oti the eoasta'great
deal farther down. !The-aicnis - of , the
,pany are thuii compelled' to :multiply their.
_qtroii - gb a &sett, eountry, il.ti
lute of roads. iii Which 'transportation is dan
, gerons,toilsofne and costly. - Tb i s considertion
_ . .
is very important .: - . F ! 3 .
The Russian domination Would be gompro
mised, it case Of. a war—in that
portion, at all events. of itsAnierican territo
ry where it Presents irripedimehtslo the de
velopernent of English industry. ' ..`.. - .'• -
We are nit howeVer -to
.conclnde, with
Sir George Simpson. that Russia, has but lit-,
tle interest iii the retention, of, her AmeriCan
possessions. I The ProduttiOns which she has
drawn frOnathcm-are of br)riSiderable - value
and ser=e to atriment . .thegreat
.stream of
tonimerce between AmcrhA and • .Europe, ,
which she Tiainfully fosters, :and for which
the traditional policy of the Czars has created'
: a (+Mittel across the MOsccirite •Territory.
I RusSian Arriries -exports i about‘lo,oQo seal
- sk in s, - 20,000 sea-horse teetli. 3,060 Otter - skins
2,000 bear•et• skirts; and g,t?oo fox arid martin.
' P ' ' ' - ' .'• :
I ,
TO a coin - 0y like:Mk:4n, where - industry",
is -fc ttered,i', and Where .11 ttl - e:brit : raw,mate
rhd is piodueed,sh'ironic ' is bey no means
tininiPortnni. - 1 . -)-r . - ::. '. .
New. Arch:it - AC the chi ef seat of the Rus-'.
, . z 7, a 1 . . ,
Si:4.i} l}T. i .( l ' l .P-1 ;'.. MO urty iS . a pret . lt - httle
toval:bulity the - Island 0r :s.itiva..- The how.
sus are . orilainentea with Marred : .Work in a
style - peculiiir (9 nussian Imildings, and. not
devoid of Cleganee - Nest' A i•eliangle,like its
elder sister;lthelArchanglb, of the ;White Bea,
is so named from the Are tangle Michael.. It
commands 'a Wide; din,,and secure' bay, in
\slick the • company's • marine, consisting ;Of
five Or,six Wing ivessels,l and two, or three
steamers, lib's conveniently "tit; anchor. :,The '
flotilla, thoOghall Composed. ofinerch.antmen,'
is equipped for war; the Officers COmmanding
it be:laugh* to:the military marine, and 'The,
'port holes .4f the
,IsresMs when necessary,.
can dis.charge grape Shot-instead of cargo.- -
The post. ittilf,ls defended. by two batteries,
maintainedlin good order. • The Strait -(917
channel) oflSitka, - which leads Aoi the'. town;
• presents - cOpsiderable.facilitics: for deferiec.--'-s
. The European inhabitants} of New .Archangle
and its environs number-about one thousand:
For the rest.. part they are. agents of the
CornpanY,',nnd would an wer at need to repel
an a! ggresSion.: But these nre rill :the resour
ces that could:be: ((minted on 'fel.. the defence
of New Arehangle... The:nativeS fens is num,
ber, who. have .their encampments -Cm the,
Ittissiati territory, consider themselves hide.:
pendent;; hey have no feelings:in . .commori
with* Europeans,. and should the settle-.
ments of the:latter be attacked, would prob..
itlAy see in the' event only a chance ta,.grati
k :
. their. melination for .- pillaPi murder and'
destruction: - - -.i- ~ - : .
. As for thentinieroutt hunters in
of the eo4tpany;l they are., riettrly all natirei
of that . : ehnin of islands, which lie in the form
Of a CrescO:offthe,entranee 'of the' straits' of
Bhering, sn' d which is known° as the Aleutian
Arehipelago. • Adroit hunters of a harmleSs •
quarry, aild_daring - whale fishers, ,in contests
with their! telloW . men their titniity is .eices
' sive i 401(1w Company 4iitld certainly MY
in no'.degeb upon their` aSsistanee.. - - .9n. the
other haul, the ; Indians Of the.cotintry, Whose,
attitude Is decldedlY - NOstile;nre a ve ry war-
like ricei: l , their:rorolt Would "be'to ' the 'laSt
degiei. fliiiirrasiirig. - , tp -the government :Of
1 New Aral - ghee, And - h i :was. partly AO. chick
1- l at
I) go
I .;
t. Ve r
il 11 Id
t • is
D i ng
and' press any manifestation. ofthesehostE
sentiments; that the establishment) was fom
ded' lend. direfully .fortified. The cximpanj
had preVionsly satisfied ''itself
maintainauce m oldetached posts' on the coasti
but !they were incessantly besieged by ti
Indian's; and after the capture: of • two
Akio postiand. the Sacrifice y:A
.of- twenti
men' composing their garrisons, the Averni
of. the Ras ian Ameilean po
the necessity of eoncentmting the fiirees,-, whit
scattered as they Were previousl,otail r,ee
easy to destroy,• , . •
lie began by dcspaching against the aggr •
sers a little army composed, of 800 Aleutia
and!a few IluSsian the cow,
'dice of the first caused the thilurL of the
.tenipt, Tice party did Its•liest:toaVeid met
mg the Indians, and returned as! guiltldi;s -
blood as it had left. Count Barcniojf
bold and skillful to leave the ll4sian ; in
ence in Americaunder. the depr4ing weig
ofsnehiieheek.• Ike 'embarked F- his trod
and colonists iii three:armed N:es.4els ; and
paired . to Sitka.:, The satire poOdation' .A as
ready to receive WM. - . ITe• found it asst n.
'bleican.the shore and . entrenched! Within p• rt•
stides which the troops vainly c . st;ayed to 4r 7
ry, After several fruitless assahlts, the Hits
siarts - retir:ed to their vessels, which theh !di
reeted.pon the,:eneuiy a murderous shovi-ei
of bullets and shells,- 'with entire success,—
Thb . arrows and knives of the savages
.: w, re
pbWerless, - .oppesed to Illese.projectiles. Th
natty es. suffered - . an _enormous! loss, 'v it
their aSsailantsreMained thbn
by the bulwarks: of the vessels.:lThe forMe
held out ficy(.rt i ltelrss during the. entire chy
.when night! had fallen. they alt:mdot et
their 'rude fortlkeations. It wduld have t:
keu - ,yqlonger :to (pelf their toftrage if th
approach cif,vight had not them '
that supertitiouis terror which i,4; More or et
shared b,- all the indigenous tri4 i which ec
ple the. shores of the Pitedie °eon,' . :
011-the-lbl - loiving morning,: the IZussiat
occupied the Island of Sitka, Where they
strueted ,New Arehangle
. .; .;
Rev.erie' of the Church Sexton..
'Splendid day I - We'll.liae quite•,. a tin
out. - • I ).'hinT's nothinglike• sumittitie to•dra•
an audience-. It's better than all.the Popith
preachers that lever were •born.l , 04# I th •re•
my inentoranduni b00k . :,. I'd like to.liat,:t to:
gotten it,And
. if them directionS hadn't en
tended to, trio.f.t likely t lif.i . uld.! have' lost i m
place.. Let's. v, ; ee,-,--rtakes.oUti a mem rat
dual And readia.:l . •• ..
1: •
• 'By order . if,Judge. It, thei woman vii
sd ‘ nints, and eats, eardanion seeds is not t • 1
'Tulin the - seat lit front of hitt4 •• -•- '.
' By 'order 4,f Squire 13.41te -Ouno man wh
o(v b leitisldatiAter and tears - ,Jail is
• -0
be put somewhere on .the • other
. side oti t
church. - -' ! '
'By .order pf the 'wealthy 4liss Pim en
Prim the . ytiiing man whose cliithes sratll
.cigars" and britnil, shall 'be set behind h r.
...' The request of Mr: A., rnechanie, 'tli:
stranOrs. be not shown into his peW- 7 ,, o
~ a ttended to i convenient.
.. i - •
..-• •.' Quite . a chapter, anyhow. IBut . peopl ~ a
beginning to istreak t in.. Tiler4s two y nit
women waiting.: Common • tort : oe fa ks
guess,'•geritiqy d;on't come q u i t ! , !o- tea r y a
thii. llitye A seat matte.. She says wpth • a
1,.,,4,, ! r z , , „„ 0,.....*, :.6-. N.. 1 irkatter,
.161 i C
acss.lS, a cheap•artiele,•it doniti:. i cost no hi
So.bere go:1j the two women irkto ori, or t
.back :wall pies. Here's twd More 'birds'
the Same Tealter ;-w-Oolen shawls, straw h
nets :rind cotton • gloves i . wall pew, sec
from the dodr. good,:enough hi all .consci 0
' ' : Mil thern's'' a 'bride. Satin , velvet - a
white,k4b ; rune broadcloth and - whitely t
Shall I hare ithe pleasure of showing yorsi
acid lady sortie seats? , They inusthavo W'
first-ritte:seat.S, fOr they are
,e;vidcntly :soy
body) 'What a. difference there is in. t, l'
r .`iSow there's . a
dressmaker and a :. lit
Mistress; nobodies: • 'Back seits,good et on;
TWO lyoung . lawyeri—somehOdies ; I ini
get .a seat in the middle'aisle4. A rich vidi
: - .. , --soinebocbmiddl6 aisle.. [ A broken do
minister, ' epat rather seedy, cravat- .: tl
coarse, nobqdy-- 7 Side -aisle.. . !Six fashic na
boarding :school girls----somebodies--,=• n id,
aisle; if . possible. *Rouged i • cheeks, but
splendid silo cloak, soindbodritiddle•ais
An 'apprentice boy, decent looking, but z - i - ls
body----4idOtisle. . • _
• - ' ' Whiq'll .'iy I ifin'e a judge Of human - _ att i
'bou'i I linCiiff who a-man is the - minut ' - 1 s'
ht,. , A. .
m i • i - I '
'NOW th'erel one of 00 seedy coated Id f
lows coming.; Don't I set lain down 7a m
body, and *on''t he he glitiitto get an,: I; ii
of a seat. 7 ~I'll. . slip vs- . fol 4 s that I ffndtrst a
• •. i
:My btisine4 - . . Have a aeat s,r ? .
-• ` ! COnfoutfll. iny ill -hick. :••,( l lnst as I Wasi
ting hint in - i one .of the poorest scats in. t
house, along comes Jiidge ;R:, who, , , sp i ,
him; come4up and says he,l'Ah! how .
do,Governor B.? Take a seat - with Me. 1
my : wi
- . -
fd,iiql rejoice to•_tne.C't you.' liak,
hands with
.he seedy coat, he looked agg
`at me; and fn. bet a .fourpeneave • I st I
place:- /Wilo'd - have thoughf: the old fell
wa:S• an ei t iP'oyeritor l • But -that col teE
lOOkinga.-4 Reek as a schoolinaster, a d d
sing -like a'*odsawyer ! • Why - don' f,
as .ought tii hold up their heads and b si
- -i -
body 'l' -4 . •
. .
'l - 7 - "•'Xur old Kentuelty. home ' y
"pnor soul . ion,_ said Ars: •A'artington a l -:
thrust '•her`d night-cap out lof the it'd
away aline*, into. the midnight to . ea eh -
notes of +ong an - inditzitimitiillS sin in
a dismal - lice, near -her - divelling,., , I
to .i my .ltitrt - you : was there, Mite e ~ 1
friends eopld , take k.cei• of !yeti, aitd. d 4
you.. It. iti a terrible thing to be in. diSt
awity,,olf alnoitg strangers - Partieularl ' yh
you ain't*quatntedivith tiny .- of 'et .; hi
- don't thin# it looks: well 'ftir a man . o Av
up a whol • neighborhood 4t, .uudni. it
his . sorro' " She sail. hit* disappei r a
mint afte
i .
wards in: a shoP* a r*. ' et r
opposite, l i and ... With . the 'rent:irk t iati
guessed to prior ereatttr' had
. gon Ali,:
sothething to ‘.` invariagate . ihis clste '1". ,
she shuCtite window, atidlit five mi . tit a
the wood6n mantle cloeit.that ticked id
in her' chiinber; she had fo'rgotion a .. •I
the Kent:eky luitime•••=.49Ostoie' Pest; , I
PtsceilinuAL.--A fricn4 has di- • •
niode .1)y fichich fish. can b* kept fri
Thig in stirniner,.without tie aid of r:
`tors... . •
_The'patent is tube sold.
*old several.. Ta - preventlfish from 0
iii summer, e,ut their nose* of t
tar Yoli-ean receive 4vors only f
generous;and to be_plain with ou
are fetat are generoustluitiare sot .
..1 1 •:: REVOLVt,I3.
\J('Froni Mambold Words;).
''' ' . ' N I - 1
' ' .; ."' - 'F . 7 .• ' i ' : '-.. li
The Indian on.horsebi l L . k, with his
lu.vian• bow t ):1 arrow, is` deemed a f o rmidable!
enemy:'-.. ITh ae.s - not retire' before the Nik -bac(
Irian . , quite se ObOiently to a law ofnatnreaSl
philcisopherabelieve. - The prairie
. trilie4 at
Texas ride . With ,boldne,s• and wohderthliskilt. :
They are Soidexterotk , th discharging.arrowat
-froth the IW.that a sui‘Yle Indian,...gallOping
'at- full spec, is ,capable Of keeping rin. - ii . row: .
constantly in' ' the .air, botAA 4 tri hiinsellad IAIS
enemy. rrkie, American be dereis -hafe. be: ,
Come hard3 l f, Selt:reliantn and Superabuhdant.
ly warlike, !fro the its; u, 4 maintaining
Aheir footin't .agai - n - At 'AuiCh uthlath'it,'ed and skit
rut foes. 1 ' heir bear-riles and diAble,lniktel
rifles were tuts improver lent .; - :lnitth\ istioid
no advantage except it:. long, rat* an: spin=
gang--bullet,; 'and the litter, 'although. I)\4lua
ble. for giving two chances instead or orieas'
very 'heavy, difficult tol. aim with, and : Nvlit 1
'discharged I took 'exactly - as along - to reload a:1
,- two uiuskets,'-' -They Were taught. earl r that
their great!eotiutrymah's ,prefereneh. fur the
oldest weapon • in the. World _ over , the - .i.latest .
' •- improved
.lire-arms ofl hiS•days, WOs_hOt so
paradoxical :as it seethed. ' Perhaps they;
i :.
were toe. 1 proud of . • being civilized then -to
. take to' bows and. arrows 'again ; :but . they
, . roust malif a,iime have envied' the Indian his,
c rapid and lcontinuans - diseharge, and ..reanAt
7 'of a gun thia 'Would,lire tminy. balls'without
.-loadirii: •••••. • . •• '' • .• 'I :.
~ -. •
. Suell wt•itkins had tcen atteMptedionghe 7
a i i .n.p_ae_.ea
,-- fore in. : Ettrope, and abandoned i'l i' ti
I Me: • There -are in the Arnioury of the Taw-.
er. of Lendiiii. 'several buns of Indian Make :of
' very bealitiftilworkinittiship,Whicharelhno.wn
to be as: old as the fifteenth century-. 1 These
. gulls are lin - principle preeiSely the.grit: as
the gunk and pistols ziow . .known 'as reVolvers
or repeating. fire-arms ; but. they haVe :seri,
ous Alefees..' They a .e liable to ignite all the
Charges'; atonce, and -c ii to. ave - been -allin
dolled firm practical wiirliire as dangerous pr
useless. No treatisls .spoke :of then - r,]lt hough
there Were similar specinieris of- Britrish and
.. French manuflit.tur(f'ik. the'Knited:Scr i vie
-Iklusciim,l and at. the Ilotimdaht WootWich,'
• at W.arwtickCastle, and .:at the -Mtrsee ' d'.4,..r
. till erie, and at the , I twel :CliAny • iri Paris.-
.. Even When
. Elisha gollier,,ahAmerioan gun-.
smith; inlthe
y ear ore thousand eight hundred
- and eighteen, hit upon_ the same pritteipte - ,.he
_ fell into I the Very. l errors which the earlier
gunniakerS had .alreadv :remedied... 'Another
0 . A merleail gutiSmithlin - thefollowing.)lear -1-iat
e ented ii,ievolver,which.was also found to be
impraCtiCable. - • .', - '
o . Col: dolt 'is undoubtedly the 'first
o of a re:Alls 4 aVailablb repeatihg pistol
o rant, as lie deelariSlhimself to have
1... all the IpreVions'i4tenil'ts . 4 th e . Oa] ; aad
c 'baying an imperfect knowledge be ,neehanieS,
of he had thought ills Carly ii.;.the yearleir-lifeen
hundred! 'and twenty-nine, of .the possibility
at ofmaki ig npl:it i ol'ftliat might be-lited many.
i.e. tilne_toc7tholit reloading. Lividg; aslesay.i",
in a country: of liMst extensive froutier, still
re. inhabitea - by al t orikines, and. knowing 1 hein:.
ig tsulated iprisition Of the enterprising pioneer,
I I and his depthidenc4 sometlinels . : tame
: on
as .1 Persoind ability to protect himself and his
I tinnily; he had oftii meditated upon the incf
-ficiency.l,6l the orilinary double-barieW gun.
lg. and pist6l, Both ii Waving a loss ot; ;Wine- in*
le reloadi%*, which, Vas frequently-fatal -in the'
of peculiat.character of Indian warthref , When
n- a youtfilindeed; returning irony a -Nryngc. to
41 India, he - had amhsedlinmlf on lrard the
'Vessel iii constructing a model of hi.; 'idea in
(i wood, burningout the bores, with 'ihot iron.
- -t. Ilk first , device las:that ,bundle ,of 'barrels -
If , well known in • tie windows of : the London
ie gun4in'ths, and which ni
is. ercl2,- a multiplied
e- double barrel, I But, in eighteen] hundred
, I and thirty-five—about the; 'time Otenc:her ,
A - .Majesty's.' Board of .Ordinance were hecrtn. •
C', 11 .. ring hi hear. of percussion caps, ini!-enteSbY.
Ist a • clergymen thirty 1-ears!previonSly-,-Col.
)w Colt patented in ;the . .'l2nitM States a pistol
wn. on the principle
O f a rotating cylinder breech.
.and a ?angle bar el--a .fdr more simple and
bl 9 'beautiful inventi ii; .- -- I
•- . .
lie - 'Pori thOsc wh i n have. pot • seen *T a crenuine
- -
,: 1 Colt's Ileielver,, ire will endeavor th &write
' Le.- .some Of the advantages of this WeaPon.,• The:
4e- revolving 6, finder, behind the fixed barrel, is..
' 2 1 drilled With .sixlholeS,.into which, rone . after
re. the other, the powder' is rapidly : dropped 1
e without being measured; f?r• it is inipossible f
tee- _b put hi. too much fitiwdez:,.if room enoughj
fe' -. he. left for the ball, Six •bails'are,then taken;
', le ", in. the hand, and • alSo placed, -otie, I after- the
end. other, in the holes. , These Mills' are,..cif cosii--I
Lud' cal shape, like, those of the Mbi t ie rifle, and!.
are Made of so 4. lead. They are'rhtlier'larg.-
' a '. er than the, holeS ; but a ramrod; fixed on a(
!fie . :liiii!!e nnder the barrel., being brolight doWtil
Le g by a liandle,Cut!th. lever principle,forces all.
:Y e the . balls, in' rapid succession, intq'the holes.l
1r ; The Charge being now perfectly - air-tight, IvH
tug quires no. wadding. At the back Ofthiseyll
: era - hider (are six tiipplesi for. perenSSion ' caps,
413- _ earefUllv sepa9led from each either; and, the
pew marksman, taking a few cap's in his - hand; .
of - .
puts One On .each. of thesoknipples,iupon•which
T s- the. sik-shooter-173Zra ‘;•The clips being at
1 " . 7 the ba ek, and not at the top of the cylinder,
l ' , " will not fall Olin carrying; andittlecharg.
es mill caps being Water-tight, e. perimentii:
: ou
have .proved that they will fire. alter several
. he hou4 itnniersOu ' in.water. The[toP of several
. hiiMther ; itself, (in a line with a little'spjke on
the end of the barrel, gives the' sight . for'ai
in - tug.
a 1:
e . '• ' Onpullihg-back the haiiimet with the
~ i s- h thuqi, elt, er firing, - the cylinder revolves &let'.
Sixth orits'eireutuferenco, instantly-bringirig
our I 1 i . . • . .. i • ,
for ,another hole, , Vti its cuarge, la line with
,the barrel. • 1 e barrel being rifled, and . the
::,--,' charges in
..the breech air.tight,lione of:ihe
"-t:i• force of the powder is lost ; : aud , Vie balls are
i i - lie - , carried . : further, and' with feu greater precision
with . than -1 ,064 - 8n 'ordinary : musket. ,I - - •
i n o: : iThiS is.the iiinpus Revolye't;4 which mar
wit i•eilOus - talesare told in the • . W - c4ert.latesi
s h e - 'in South America; and even In the'Caneathis
e.t SnOrstitious, I legends circulate; I.umeng..' the
pith; Russian-SOldiers,.of a` young - Lesghiewelnef .
•by _ mitO .held many pursuers at bay, pickin4 them
pay, off, One by. Onle,.as. they.atteMpted to cross ii .,
mutplank tridgei till the':wonderiiii , MuscOviteg., ,
--• . hiving Seen six of their number drop into the 1
. abYo belOw ;before, the fire - olasingle,pisfolt
A n • turned and fled: Morn ituthtzi is storiesl Of
panel%Merit* co oncls in: the ,War in)texico,..en
yent- gaging: grea4r.odds, than any British - suibir. :
- • in a mahniranui ever' ventured Nxvii i .ariitpld
. -by l disband d -foluntiers - i-thronglaint .:;the
has: Stites. II An erlotes, , eireulated s to - propitiate
IliOg . .thet . P„ea&i $ . iety l appear. in the ' . CalifOrpiii:
i ,c
%.• -, papers, item toning . : how, floe , parties„o(lu7,.
- dian b0h04411; those peOeinik ,
the - era` the . lut i llds of a liaiidftil ot gold'eatrierS,-.
ire' 'ha-0 been Seen-t6droP.'their*,4: o y 4 and
.sliiilt a w ay: , , . ,
- 1 •
j ~ :I
"- GEOltrili.lll4 - . 1 1)3X1141.4111'1110..
She ;had been "educated •lii•ns. -- dalver - friam
nfaccy., he had, been.Ou . the Stage.)lll,,:her
lifeltad I literally grown pp, behind ..the -.
sceites Of to theatre. . lier. prents Wein. re ,
Speetablc,l th 1
ough- it is iiiilleu t . 4O'determine . rk
their ''..lposition in . the...see:haSeale.:' - At - - the. - .
time I.kne w her, her. mot - .wag :prustlytio
. -
h i
and bed- ridden. ..lke' Tathe . - w - ai -enfObled, -..
by age, and . could - itilly.' earn'a4ittance by .
copying law . 1 - !apers: . - ..GOiglatia, the
. billet-1
girl;lielr ;Only child, -
.by -her [energetic exec-..y..
tions i , supplied: the . whole Wanta:ortlin - tinn% •
ly. . And what were those eiertionsi . The: '
mind of the most itriaginative....reader eonld .
irate picture 'what . I..ktiew-t0 , ,. be a..-reakity4 -_:
Georgiana's parentshept no-seri-ant ;. stedis?...
charged the entire duti e s. of the hciuseliold• -
eookihg, Washing,i sewing, ete.ryitliing.': Frotri....'
daydighti to Mid-night - net a moment of --
time W.ts' imemployetL . Shed 'must be e t ie.- .
I'• -'. - - - ••- -A -- - - -
hear - sal eVer3.. - Morning. at tier, ro'clocit,arid:Shn .-
lad 'two mileS and , a half to, walk. to .the thea-.. -'
'tre... - . - 'Before_ that hour - she had-. thio,niotning
Meal of her parentS:. to prepare; her market,.
\ jug : . to
_Accomplish,: her:7 household -arrr.W .
ihent.i..Pir the .day, to make i' . - ir early, in: the i
;w4.,', herlashing ;- it in' the..#4110, - pt tiie
• weelc, her ironing ;- the clOse,*, -
int; t - for site Made all - her oVrit and her' meth, .
er's 'dr&se.s. •At vhati heiir . r intlininerninq
thuSt . slitive.ri . • 1-1 . ' •, :,. '--;
- - - bier_ ten e'eloc r ehear sal lasted iron:: tire;
to four - houri. :77 more . frequently- the' iatter
But Watch he • in, t he theaqe,and . you'neyer
found her. hin ds. idle. `'When sheivr4net on
the stage,: yon we, 'C sure of. discovering her
in some quiet,, ca " , titig:lice",•oulting
griite-;iprons out of ?er l -inaking arti- -
•ticiaf flowers'', Or.:eh , i, articles - of fan
es- work, 'by', 4i she iidded"tO,l
herinarrow - mewls... tearsal-, . - Slie liastr
• 1
etted-liO, [ ree to
_prep:, fidaday. meal of
heri'parects, and attend-to herother's wants. i
After a dinner she received -el. 'of childreN.l
ai l
to. Whom. she: taug ht. dancing .:.
.. r.. altrifiingi
stint. - If she had - half an hour o,,spare, she'.
.assisted her father incepying- lawltapers.-N-q
Then tea mus.the prepared, ut heiNnotheti
.4f-ranged colitfortably for the night.
_. V - l
.- Fier long . walk .
_to . " the 1 theatre .rmistjtel
aceotnplished at least half an.hotir befoie Litt
' curtain rose—Merely, time tomake hertolleN
If 1 she NYBS. baited . by , her home avixiatienS,l
1 she was .compelled to runthe whole 'disfaitee,s,
I I hie known this to'Oceur`..- . ....Not, to be ready',
016, stage would have - ti
1 forfeit:- . :Between the act 4, or -whenshe Aria
oti _the stage, , there. she Sat. again / in her snug
, eerner of the greeWreetrt,ldreesed . -"as.a fairy
ors Maid of honor, or a!peaianf, .or A - pllil
with. a bit Of work: in her:hand,ronl3i . laymg
dOwn ;the needle, which .her: fingers actUally
'nat. e fly , li ,ten
.she was. summoned. by the
- cal 1,-.b!! . .‘. - , fli required. tO"eliange. her . costtin
~b 3-. tile necessities 'of the play._. : -..- - .;,. .-- - 1
..7 SonLyflimes . she. was -at :liberty-:at ten o'l
cloc.k,l but Oftener- not til. half past deter!
i and. then there...was the long walk. bonne b 0
11.,, re , h e r. - Iler mother generally awoke Wiief
~i..eorgiana Wii;i ep.e.eied i and a fresh ro uni
of' ftha -dit
l ties wzts" tolk.:Perforraed. . liti,
• n 44, the N . Vi•aliedlirOii which =that peer' . ball s {
;.t..,irl laid,upt her couch, earned thetr.sWi
1. repose ? Are.there mini , .} - hose refrain'
1..i,s .so . de-served--- . -whos IFiiing.. up
dOwn: are rounded -by_a..eircle Seo:helY 'l'
. I ' - 5 . 4.1 one cis.r" heard ' het'. murmur.: ,-
fragile fff m iri
in cke of strn ii.etVertaSked
-., - i
Vat.T mere care- w orn than h r face..' That
i. alwavSi a. look of busy: rt.. - nity: off the
lii . soTtly-animated-expre ion' when
liefore the audience in the duties:'.;
fesSiOn. • She had- it ready', S . iTillt ''‘
1 -...- '1 • .• . I" r - .' lv - 'he rini I - lt
cresso - ..a meet. , ...p . w : n
Ithe al iirlisli Ballet-master; -or the
-stal.4-&manager. . Many - 4 ..lhae
. L.-hav
tears-. dropping upon her 4orlt_; .- . hut i
rwere noticed, she. would brush therh
•I and -. say she w-as a. fool ntid ". Cried Jro
r . lier dev.otion.toher p rents was th
eSt - impulse' of .her- na Aire... -In -.-her
youth she, had been .e.hgriecl tort your
a-.muSitnatt, belonging,,tolthe . orchestra.
had . ..bec4l betrothed for e,v . eral".-,yearS,
tairet - rice, theugh hel(.lstild hare
found - a sweeter, -had - rendered .hint fah
She bore lier -- 46ep :sew ow - with that -lot
sulnalion *hill elevates .entt purifies....
.spirit, hut'. gave her heart away mi. more
Younger` girls'gayer ti,
to ele4l,cznat, her as the ':old maid;' hut -
Was [ the hardest word
.' , ever ar
to Gicorgiantr." 'Was no such ..heart
what- Elizabeth Barrett eacribed as•:--.
. . I . "A.' fair," stilt hou, sfell kept; - .- -- • L
n .. .. Whichlurable th‘ uglits lied swept;'„
And li , olypna ypts ade'cle.,iir
i (.':
.. - I er . 'answr. to :sympathizing "limy
ry . ..,)(l",*i . utiStb.e :it .rtighir
.Was, i 'Yes.;-.
ant..,: ,0 - thankful that O hike health"- to
through With so clinch.. 1 What.wetild b
of my poor . mother , ; - Or; of my popilathe
I- fell ill ??L, . ..! .•.i -. . ' •--, - ,' •
.- . -- -: . •,,
l e
: . hrow . many are the .who:. can render
.an account of !tit i t stewardshipzi t
pcim:- girl may give in I reafterli .dhow tn
ran :qty.: Ntith:fier; that , ife has been
.. • .-' - ' ..."One ptictli igio7tli;:'
~. :. Of heaventva enterpriser
. ....
1 Arid this flower blossomed
, ivithirf-thitm: 114
of .a. theatre.-"—wasTthel indigenous growth -of .
that theatie—a,feait . ~lower., if Yetklike i : ut,".
still:sending ,up the Oeh 'fragranee ,of -- • ti..
tilde tell-Tim:by Whese.hatidie was relict
~ • .-..
To the eyes,:of the.Pharisee,•Whe , derto i ;.• •
"ell drat tiatierepresentations;,..w.hilawith:.:.. ;It
applandilig - righteousnesshe . boldlYrappreieh.
es . thelltrone - of mercy, this, ballet-grid,.. '
the poor: Publican; stood - "afar - eel - - .:Tditlio
eyes of the Great Judge ; Which :-Stoed.,:lthe
nearer of all tititresk.l . - --
bet.n. of
t - ' 4 .
- 'ice; Don't carry on so,' said ors:
tingtog to . Ikeas she saw lira" ruing
head on the ground in a valnattempt r to t*ow
his heels into the air.- ~There--vras solicitude
.in her tone and a sow bream in her ias
sholooked at him.- You must not .'ac -so
gyrnnastilv dear,' Contlirued. she,i 'yon . ; I'M
force all tile ' brains you We got:into
head it do. You Can't do like the el .us
riders; because Providence has made , ' In -
o' purpdse for what tivgy (lama pf lupe, b. ~
her, and it:don't hurt 'em at all. ,•,- They . in't bones like. other people, Ilia", can; ~ rn
!tools over head with -perfect' inllnini
- Don't-do it!' setcamed - shS t , &4 tbe boy
~. • - •
on' one leg ufx4t the woOdhors4mand ra e a t
feint is it about
~,to throw , a summ sett,
You'll asevillle_Yogr neck by, and. hy',.' Witit
sour nonsense, and then yoti'll regret . t as •:
I inig"as you livo. - !. Ike d'osiSted; SS thO 4itme
• soided , and heid.a - i;irenhir piece
ii f*pcir be-
lore ins. gaze, , such. Orsuasive OotktioYliba-d
that smiie:over ilip,:bnoked by dr TOM!
Jenny Linok is - liefOrnitiorffti
tkthii \ ocitintryr, FIT-11 ,1 7Ni itcliy,sit
-, .
ly '