The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 08, 1854, Image 1
< i 1 . --- , : \ 1 ....ttko..r.g 41, 4 5... n"j . " . "" '4e....'1e .2 t." -- . .t. '". t-. ''''' ~ zr ....,...,- xr - .4. - -e , tlo-lears-er -- --.. , il.- -- - ...,'°- , ...." .... .4. ~.,_ „- .. ......J. -4.4v. .-...-- 4. ...,. -^^.,--.- ‘....4 •- • . - •c•` . 4...." ... ` - A '. - '''' `...."- ..'' - - '"'""`"--- '. _ , 4 ' ' "., ' *2l - A I- .2-• ' ~ ' t ' ' i '. i :r ; - Ai'M ;r" 1 , 7 VI *- ' 1 . ` - ! ,T Aq - 1 P : l altr •TAR C L C iT 1 ;-e* - . ~ A ' t *, l trt," r., , -.„ T t4,.4 . i _ 4 , 4 -; e • - . . 4 ',' ' " ..".. 4 .'".... ....I - . ...7' * ' r.. ~.....„..„- , ~, ~. ... , , ... , ~t. i- • 1 , iL . , . I 7 . . 1 1. t t • ' ~ •-' I J - ' • \ ' ' -.., L . - ) fl f . -:, ' : „.. 1 ' f , , / t ,t.' 1 I , _ , - t. , i t k ,- - , k. - \e , ' - i r---------- _; ' ~i~ VOLUME .29 r -=-` I`J JM ER 0 . • E. ,. raef I Frink the Portland Ee4fOic . . My.Wg'e ant!: , chit ,r tut.ra • - . , tt . f gentle a • - tfe, ts' near, 1 , '. -A girliA figure gmall and 'ligh ' , ••• Say,, hill 'I glil•teb,her Picture; ere x ...- - tiliepasses put of .sight l", , • f . liar i..; no - beaut.i . strange and rare; fitshioned ify ,raPturous 'poet's rule= All hen - 04 'might deem her rery fair,..Vl, Aml tiPt one . beautifnl. ' . '... : i . yo-1 - .. --- lutiful to painters', 0%41 ' • p.c.ttLie her tibblest beautyliel • . ... . Sat in lwr floatuies", faultless grace, ifulthe[sivetft meaning i Of her face. : ' /-•- - •A 10 of pedant centleuesg; - • . 0 11 liP 4indlirow , perenely.lies, . kid Oh. ;a oetendlerness. , Staines:` softly in -her solidly:cies! - fier 111.stto; rose-buds wet" Ozte half so deautiful could :• tldent that they ttecer l !%:`.et- • unloving ,vord,.to me! Th'ere, is s sweet and nameless grace L, ' 2- • floathg„akkonti her foym ailed face—' 4 ..The fieanty of a Inft \ v soul - V.' • Illumes and behutd&s the -... !. • i -• • --. '', • '. -, - . ',. Ipd when the tiresinne day i; gone, .And tite' everit , g time comes on, '• .' , , lAnd:,Nce.n . ; - -•. out with toil and care - - • . . . . - •. - into nit* study: c1mir,, ,, . \ •.. .. . .' . i, _ ' - , Clesing:tity eyes to curtain - oilt , v • ' . • The 1-citig • shades of fir and doubtH A.ritty (hot' witll n-Oiseless glide, .. . 'comes stealing softly to - my. s id e __ . ...i.I . ~ ... • Bright earls'adown my . shoulder twine, - : „WI little fingers hide in mine---. • - -. ' .'. ' And gentle tones Salute.tiry ear .. ". .. • . - With words of synipa.thr and cheer. • • •... ' : Oh! IfOuld meet witirilattntlesaleart, D • 'el Stk - tirtest,idrkest • ills of life, : . '. • With such a guardian - as thou art s ..... • . '•' -:, -My oWn helovcd• Wile! 'lt , . * . • , . , . '. ' •: My thil• ! ml- darling - bright-haired lyit*'! *. , apy, laughter-loving sprite, . • • : • ' WhoSehart. is mirth, 'whose life is joy', : * ',. • *. • !Endininted by shade Or blight, . . . . ... .. • Ily. has his mother's icuris 9f gold, . ' •• _. ' - • ' . :IliSs...hiugh has ju • .st lter Hiring tone,l, - • ',find in, ii? feature? I behold'. - • ' . • • ..., .11 ... Tii, , tfl . eneti likeness of my own, • . . ,knd !Taring, oft I *ander back ' • : '.; . . ' ..• , Along t , ',y . boyhood's - flow - ery,frack, .. •. - '. •, I tuttulagoitt beside the stream, .. .• .. •.'•,- • . • I see ::_ d un the waters gleam,.*: • • • , . - A ll a ..^ pint* see. - or Seem to s ee, - • • . - .• ,Nly fac?.lrcflecibd hack! . .. , • • • •I . r 41fe'alid child !Inv all on earth!, • '' l Oh ! what w e•re lifi., bereft' of them, • .'. ic'sitie their lakte. how little witrth - . ' ' Seems . elorll , . brightest diadem '.- 1--• It''4lll. 'am' tiliild!..,these are tlte charms ' .. ; • ' 1N.71..',1i "na4i,' Me' cline; to ;earth; -.I ri;-:•e . To circle them in 1,11-2.., •- font.l arm ' s ,. 1.. ~ • And in the.:tc , ..- 7 1,:e-Inse My ex - eq. * ',. :, ; . • Wit',:rl. 2 ,. 1111e:1. - n:1i: I :'—:end where are iioty * Ala.* the. dream his passed-away= -. : - . . ._ . . I sit here. in my darkening room, ..' ,Alone amid the\dnsky. glotnnH- *. -'- • . . .. :Ay, all i ttione-71M. ivife---ceiellikl-- '• i• . : . A day - dream liatli ms heart 'beguiled.' • . . Alas Ihitt airy faiMy's .. . sway- ,_. . • . Shouid - play , . roguish Ariel f is nitik me . My 'Wife and child;-1- sigh to say, -• ' . Are yet--alas !Hare piat to .b,.;.! . . ..._ it Inc 1,,—. - - clawing of eachcitherllVllo he W:lS,raid.where .i he, told a. - And 'as i for 014 WidpW. lie ltD,(l home flirlll.. l But alr w i-e could hear praired• tor a l moment „to 'forget her b 4, 1- ••• - • amounted to nothing.. !ling. . Ile had been at Phi?, poor helpless\ hoy, in - her anxiety to adelphiii4bout,six months. - i Ikhad 'travelled . -laughing with \pie.' 1 . , • much,' read much,..and thought more; "he was ." But you risked:y our life, sir,' :said learned in a Way ,pectiliarly his *otta;- he was i_eak. •tva *thousand.times more dung 'hide fattgabl eybe bad gitt•a . .bis body by. will 'the :var . •;‘-. next toomei it, after sou lea.d into. to' be dik•-ected. after'death ; and he was a.: Usi ,to - stop me.' . I• - .... , itariay..i. But what a Ltilitarbenwas, nobody. • True. ; But it - was to save the li; ..-• -knew, - :;Some lielieted it to be alriewreligi- woatan... - '. ; 1 -*. -- ' ; • . . . this' faith.. WhoSe followers bore .that name;:. ':-Well, but why a woman, if -you ~. . . . , . --- others that it Meant ieitherasort-pf free-ma- not s . .enier tzt . ( kityo a i?hilgl..' , I . • .- -soirv. or infidelity. ' ;But• he when he was lisk- ' Because. I was aptilitifrianf* ed, told them iti r •.Was . nOthirig but Jeremy . . ' Well, lint what elocli that pros e. ?' .11e..nibaritisra. But Who was Jeremy Bentham? ' ',Yon shall sl.i. , Wswpo..s.e, the perfeC . . • •• . THE • UTILITARIAN 1 .• ~ v Nobody, knew, -at least, - nobody knew; with the species to depend 1 upon a certain u; .il . • '- - ' ! .!;-- . - . -.. ~... •• = any degree of certainty, - . • .physieal acid intelleiitual properties f \V;.‘ - ';t; wa;!4 l lg t•ogetber it,. a broad tat- .;' •‘'WhY •did. you stop Me,' said Ito bin, as : may bc•repreAtaled try ./.-- ' - ._ .. ~ 1 frequ, Di f 'slri-ctil..o'l.'hiladelphia. 'All; at . =tie sat together - by an open windoW, looking .. ' ..:•iirizer* whist - hase.We to do wic k './:•-•• . i•' - S iurge. . . 1. -, rt'..! WQ IP •artl a St . .ap.cuar;a•great way i out upon ~the r, , liy - arid.'wnrdow . 6f:the .Jersey bra be r i.' .\, 1- i. ~..,,. ; , : c . ~1 . ,,,,m r, 1,..-a , ler-. and louder etkry •mo- i Aiore,* *the*, green 'trees and theiflir hills, and . ;.•By .r I say \ ,\orlif you preit; - , - e, if . voet prefer _ l i :a ••:I ; m o t n,f.., - -r . w.e. eould imagine the I Wondering about the (Anse of that peculiatity - aritlanctie. by -ti e manber 100; Nos youth 1. IV.I- , ,:. P, :1• , ,y.• g eld head - of!the Street: cried in . the , Which attends our Indian l may mi. for so In ell; miekitig• . :t ataFk on the - 1 -` -tor,. • ..IPr. - li‘s 4 (' - ..g6e1 ' bere -1 the,yhi :Coe r-7-• summer . ; ' the -little 1 boy.on a bed -near us, 1 paper r' hi'fore him ; 1 -i,Filth fol' so .11 0 , 'mak' • Th 6 te. , O,ir,u-ai•;,) out of thei•r honses,`anoth- - 1 breathiiii l ake, as *childr e n h e g a the,.l lag another; beauty, ,IfOr—let nee see, idow, .er .ami. an , ,. - ,1‘.*..-r . tjooli. nn* , the ] cry, rind . it :flew ,1 - w h e n th e y. arc asleepi and th e - n lo ther—ii.l\l begin tohave -Autof. lop,. for your c ild.', • ~- . le,' '4•: .1 ::1;,! tlli- 4grial.of a telegraph.; Incl.l Made nie. a• to look at this moinan, I . - The won tan-started a . u her feet an ,stood, - - chili all'. %i!as stilt ; as death, .frightfully still, iSo , meili, , so lir,:with;such•a Calm; beautiful ' with her' eyes ligtoa d). leer cheek ushed', .and• the T1:41 71106elit a pair of . large, power- l i propriety- in . W•hieteVer- she.. did ;' so sincere ; hands locked and lift.;; I:.. waiting. for him to ;.- . ,!arns i. Omitting rot.) the Corner ati• withal,; affectionate with 'her, bot.. '. , finish; buthe . oliiv4 koke at her and pro .- fill s: - :,•: .i.. 1. -.t-ill itbti fra i r - ri e l ks ' 9 f a carriage " r '',.viii' id you. - said I : looking. at •I . met]ed Ntitil the c rekelation: - ! . • . '-• ra' 111 ` 1 " : 11 ;d nr!''%.h" . .a tnr t em. : . - -- -- i her . , as Nivli. ie. • sat the off with lair large; ititell i , ' Bei. utyfe ,, ir I c . , maih, , mature . -for se , repe-h ; ;* • ' T'•- ... , li • i'!!' ik.•.. 011111 `ohl. , rnY:God. the .t 'eyes . 4.-4 on the little. sufferer, and. a drop iand trilorlu is, .oni, Courage, VII ktie,HWldoW, ;.!' i 1 .: , 1': 1 r , 11:': ' ,: . ..; til :al ", - , - mriall at ,:a..- window. lof anqijencbable - brightfiess gathering ireeele. 1 You tetav sit: el, wee4.-4ur all the\ •e...4],say 85. i1.. - itrl • 1 1 1, •!; i - aid -'l. , a li Hikiwr '4,hat-N-a-- I sutra i Wby l.did sour sto o p me, I 011 V ??.`adares..sir-AN.ow mica, l."-see..! suil a being, wit* •the, r male. t•liqd in th, Ar'!e]:-t. bolding Out .its arms to '4. 1 riie,16 .. 0 Abijah . Ware.. . ,'.., ''. '; . o 'female. ;though sex may be.-pat - own for \ t...narle kyli), , lira= fltliti towards*, it,' her eyes 1; 11 ' Beeatise; qu Othl Allah? in a- .deep, low, 's - ont ‘ - mg liere, about to throw he, sell'or , _:'aria wit ii horr.f•r . . b ei ;_garment4 . flying loose. -1 monr4nous- whine,! ' because Lam a Ctilita, I hiniseif away, subtract . theurniat ail cri ,0-11. a.". I nevtir hclird ithn-ate. from 1 roan.'' I : ,_:' . • ; :.:. • • .1 which .;*l . latiA.estirliated myself ? thiit, i. ' be . . •mortal.ilpi. :. . . 1, - 1' \ - .:.1 -• . ". i . •." 4 , that ?' '`, ... 'i.•-. '• ",.. ' ' tweere 03 and 6-4.-11.4 loa relay see by] tlei. , ,, ii. . • • • 1 i:Pratt4 1- 11,i‘tard.'ti - , . Sztv: - , the -child—t *e 1 .* 1 A r-til-i7ta-ri-in; r4freated Abijah. . - ' -•• per,' . handing me Iri'l..f.ket, bo4 - ,,tyttere t 1 little creation, Wasjiight in . -the *- Way .of - t O . ; Thell woman 'stared,-and .I -asked,what he., calculation; stto - id on" t*..first page, ' trout th j ilorses--an'd I should hate. Stimeeded, but k 1 meant? - : ..„ ... , i.. -.....,• .- - 2- . ' •'' ; suin of oneinnalred tir•jess aecording to the ;•• A • • a :•1 1 ''-"ile. /4:ind 't.litir arre s ted : and. 4 .1.44 j-_ "*1 . thean; , said Ahijah,-." a follower' of,the ;s aloe of the* object, 1 and if I' rn, Satislieil:that . 'lti,i na t , k.-.. by - intactforee, , ;at: th e very instant l'irinciPle•of• utility: • I look to the.greate , A. the riskes a fair !one, the probabilities' not • t.l - earrzeitletroundk4 by In a Whirlwind of I . good lit' the.*‘Treate%t number:', . .. . •• more . than i s .cnougo to. outweigh the certain ...,Vut. over broweng ', e.,,mother slutsaud. in 1 1- • • 'th . ' ' — l I - Lim all in the dark.' said . 1 • `please to • profit of .riving a life so much. mbre i•aluable - 7. • .. • . , . , .- • . - x . , , lib .::1 1- '-r -- . - I-:• ~- :- 1- . • • , '!•' . :-• .. • :' •• 1. "! --• i explai . it.' What . had :utility. ,), - r the: g r eatest than -iny . ,own; I sack it; -, , ; •_. N . ; . 1 :The . v;;rrian I the., it .men r- shi-Ic.ked thel: good., ',.f. the greateSt number to do •with yotir • '1 urieb.rstanl nothing of yourtheory,' said 1 11 . -'"'4 l e. -Sri:Awl widi.,,. 4 save her, E•aYe her !' .topping ' me. . Whe.' a - but for . a nu s . I might' .I . ' i and as little. of your Caleulathin'.' - But this 1 • , . . - . 7 • . 7 . :I • A L iii i S i f f l 6‘ . cr , :r. .the Man who had held • have-;.-a--a-.—' . I • - ' .." • ' '- *. - . Ido understand this I know"; thaf•you have , -,• . ' me bh.c.ii uit h the. 'kind of ,3,giaiit, flung &way l' - `Bikak out, .sir, What arc youafraid of?' . encountered a • risk for the safety of that wo] .--, . I . , - I. -„ ,t- • , ~;. trom nly,W-asr, and pur: l iin g the, furious,un-,1- . , .1,- er ratner. not." . said I, '''. if it ' s all the same- man - there' II which I, ' lleVer Sai', rievi'll hope to finials round the rtelt-pirliet, Whl:rt!ihey. hadd r to .3• , .0tt„ at, least., trot rimy; not here; glancing see, - vc.). funtarily- encountered - .bsi any human ' • .1 ; .; been partuitiv s t f tpo. by 1 , ... o , u .r oti . load e d at•the•••pOor mother. • [N. B. She was a Wid- - being . for, the s-,afety of attothere`,H , [- -H , . • • *ith flout • and .stood - le.aping,and 'plunging I o wl 1 ... .. - • • -- :- .' That will depend .upon the PrOgreis of our . . . 7.7 t heir h u rru. , , ss . ;and t rvity? to' - I.llSenglige • .' f insist' upon it;' 'saiel. - -jAbijali.7 ' * . . faith; If Vtilitarkins . in tilt iply - ,' such things kl . i'lllSelti : from •Wiliat 1 nest', to be ..- ' N.V11,, but 'for You, I raigilt. Itave'reSeued 1 -will be . eox i ntnou. o: , • ,' 10httinaltl*ing, a : female who h a d beemeauntit the child.' • •. : • -•- .. . i -I was itkit going to; cry, 11116) but I'for-. ,-. I g• !t. .. • - her elOthes in 0(3 , w-Imila i; al - and i .!'asore • ' ' .. I S-S —. /e . 'Ped ' c *P4rhaps and you - might hate thrown I bore,. ud fet the ':cost of 1 p tor a tini.iin ,theM . with , .the . acti.vity and strength of • aWay i", another' life. to no purposit.'- - ' 1 week: '. \ • 1 1' . • .• -AC who 41tight grapple with eetataurs in such ; . 'Well, and -sO .might you,, you risked ••- ' And ri t ow,' said he, get:flag tip and gluing a ause ;-•andbeforetcould..get near ..enough 'yours' i ' • ' - ; to the • c1er141.,. which had just waked .from a to help hint, "plucked one of the hot and furij . -4 Fiddle-faddle—one ease at a time.. ITOW - sweet sleep,'" and 'reeling its pitise,•‘ll . think r ciu .to 'the; earth, first upon his knees, .old ame„you'' • . ..;'• - . -. .. .may say tii vou roW, yiidow - Roltert.s - i-1 think, ....and thenJ:over upon his .side in such a man-'. . gib* old am Ir., , -/- .. -...; • -,,,. .. • ..I saY,' but 1. - would'nOt l have . yOu to sare---; • .- . . , - ,- - -'tier "as to deprive; the - other of all : power.'rf ;,. ~ - yc s .. Out Niai it.': - : .-. . . ' - 1 think yOur 0111(111s:safe.' *'. 1 1 -1 ' . . ; The nextl'utomoit 1 was t it: hi s ..siqe, - leaving I made no reply,. - --- '.. • . , i . The. woman taught ..his • huge hnd nittit . ,• .:_, thi.:-poOr. ichild'l.hitd spate hed up to ho taken* -- 'About five and tweicety...LsapPose;.aie her. Mouth before he Could.preveilti *andfell ...,...aie of by A stranger;ithil lilting the - mother; you?! • 1.. . . • . :;• .; - upon --her knees find ivept - and So bed. as if ..._ . "child q the froM'the midst of darger'* a r'' Well, -what* 'il. I ,ain' ?: Whatiluts that; to her heare would break;i and th . iild,..ptit .,., ... - Palliii4, - ,t . hat but - fin. thi! example Set me .by' ;do. with my saying . or not saying:4l,v Child ?' . ting out lioth its Ifrtle PatliandO, lie t patting .14 ') . P-tut), l anlon, I never should•have ha'. the - "Mitch. lam a Utilitarian, .11Sai'.• .You her. on tie. head,: zitell saying, ” Pour mftter .courage tio:. -l interfere s eder.-to *save - whatwiwi - are drown up; -your life is wortil . more to ky ; - .George tao-iwell now,, * mut.. • . 2 11 , 4mrcell to, be gone of the Itiiiiiist woneeri_l: s ovit.,,ty than—murk naikv,:jj4L-.---.' ', ter.',. - i • , 1 ,• • •- ' lead(.: v : ' . . - - -- - - - ' . - t.r ! ser,n. -- The: MUl‘itpd were aghast : - ThklnOthitr • stooped', to kiss the forehead My - hero withdrew leis hand "1 tiro? kxtrabrili , -- .. - . -_-- .. . . . . --- • .. '.‘ 'io.-.l'''o.,3icO/feiic':3,' , ." with fear l,: but as. for the kxtrabrditwrY . "' ail • Who bad I tllf,o - wa•-itinitiOlf hfiid foremost upon . what wai r(l,arded,.by eVia:Yry "there, . bateU•thans!eitain..death, ;got up, after I bad ,liberat4 ..worutin, btiOad otrthc • elOthjs 'and 'would have walk Ed ' 7 : aw4.,tas it nothing had happened, Idohe' 7 , • ,lieve,bud I not i begged to go With joe . Where 'night ' see after the ,child;itud inane it's—hurts =, for the hogs appeared .to. me to_ touch the bedv with their hoofs, an I. was quife - snrei that a Wheel struck 11..4s it • bouiidedi by, : Ate ,fire flashing from the rocky . - pavement every blow. • • :The ; vhild much .hurt, and:the. 'motherideliriitu,s,'llio4k in every. other re: Aped- A vrheel had pat4si.d:over, the little 4:reatufe's body in such'a w ay-as tk, . • !e'421,,,,e hop 4. of 4 ; 5 :recovery, thOugh I in: - stnritly .it - iityself, and determined toßatch br it .tolthe. last ;„and thelnother had.. ise4p.4-las- . ;hy • :with • buptsvp or . three lackrations,- though -it -8 , ad. upon Aniry, that she had run redly - befOri; - the horses With.a'ivievi a than us4e, there- being no- 64ifix . . topi i . $ that hehid 1y..1 1 ea nO t Uy the p• • , ; 1114 . t -. th 'sk . .;. en ► i, is Sh 6 1 .. a long.a ell. ~ every. tom clung bys,he ,brkile,. of, bet* . trarnpled ttr acitio: ..Bnkahii escaped t ipitreeov.ered ; and. the:. poor . Ohild; ; 144 ~vraS ..nts,- beginning-to apenk.'plain,- wa,s,.ra*" the . sole - c.dipet of aolie ,- itude with me; ~' .i ',Qhmither, George muss diei,Geforge'wan't to die,'_ ~ , s# tbelPoOr little - .Pgieut thing; aft 7 'litid lain .abOnt -.twentpfonr.heurisrith- - :ent ,•speitking,. -aboVe. its breath, almost with ~ . , out'imOving. 1 •-•,' .- . . •• - ' ...- 1, • - : , . 'The' J aiiir,se„.Who I sat near, him' burst, into . ~ . , • . leers ;I andir . I, even .I; though-necustotired-to every : shetoe of trial and horror, - . .was obliged to go. to the window., . Her c a me traS Chitin; hers; andAtie . child. Iliad. tken. to. ,her.frOm .the 'day. of ,itS.lairth, evo to that cla,y'as her own • - child. ~ --.. .i . ' ,•• - "-\''' '• .:, ,• ..., . ' • • ~- • , k.,namber, George amiss dit up,'• said the. dear..littlei.• .ereatitre \again, as the hour drew • nigh'- which.' 1 had..lelt it-mt ditty - . to prepare • tha.•.'mothe for. " ‘Geoige muss die, George want :to die.' ., .. --, ~- - i'.., •: • ..,,, .-._ •-• • • t -- '. For ' the . fi rst..tioa ,I - ..saw a . tear in the . eye • of that:lin perturbabl e stranger who had sar . , ed the mother's life. ; Ile turned - away from the • bed With a:shiver, and. goity - r.tO the door .spoke to the nurse, iiiva .tone- of r 'considerable, emotion,bidditighpr plaice ready for-the worst, though . to be sure. he !had still some .hope.. • • A W_ordinow of . the. tharaeter and behavi' r of 'this mail, betbreSLpicxx•cd tiirther• wit i tily• little Story, - - I . l=l-. niet iftm-abouta. Mon I before in a distweting, room.; whcre.a•questit i arose abo'nt.• ;the structure andpiirpo•se of a reit -4 the 4e.:. 1.'18.....i.,were: all . talking • ar 'together ;.-,. ; :and fbrinysel „though I p aid, eat attention : to:the subjeet,4"l wifens I was . nev er -so . bewildered - hi •my life.: in the midst • of-the uproar, a talk bony, hard,visaged inaii,• with a stoOp_inthe,Sho•ulders, and the htrgest hand T. eyee . saw,,,Wliipped out .a small. poi knife, Anil taking up the eye•of a fish. ihatlav neltr, proe,eedetr .to demonstrate with astonish. , • • ing clearness: and beauty of language.. ,While ,Oi•eupied -girt . this way, with . our whole .class giithered .I . roimitt' Min: and .listening . ,re hint -'' •' ' bed..tli • • entered.. . opeo-mout _ t...professor.without being 'ob4erved, and - coming softly before the i;ew le.ettirer, stood there, With a look•of grow-' ir delight and athazement - spreading itself toyer his features and_ngitiit ing his whole body :tsl the'. awkward, bener••before us proceeded with what -was indee d' demonstration. .•I . - i.Afte'r .1)1e . .101 got ithrough, and, I -need not stpr,. liert, . -dgeribe Abe scene tha t• lid] owed, the expl'anation • or theissue, we were all in ,. of lie 4 little one. • '-gcn-e than forty aneklif4.3.' ' llOyr so'r • ',` ' - . . ' llow -so 1 likas cost Some thousands to raise you: ' ---, ..-,, . _.- 1 lesOked up. The - man• wa.kperfeetly seri ous. Behad a .pencil htti hand, a hit of , . ~ paper! on the `table; and was ciphering away at full`- • ' • • - . , . ' Yes, sir,' coutinbed he; ' the risk was out 4'.lr all proportion itO."the'probahle advan tage , or- profit; ' and thtftfore I stopped. ) , ou - , .1 - --•- -• 1.4-• : - .. • , ,..: • God -forgive the litilitiu•hjils, thought I, if litey Are :capable of suer "things before they it f4rth 4 hand to we a fellow 'creature—a lli babe' in . ilte - path of wild lairaei. Vet my lo ill Ft,- 144.h0U1d as Soon'think.of etopping to dc, i the ease of double fellowship, as to*. game the proportion of the risk to the hope -of piofit hale.' -' ,--.. - 1. , - • 114 Understood me,, , ldati ay for lie *it; ed his endh3silegs one over, .the othez, driw a bang ,breath and qUietly I,BliigAed,:itt'-iny 'fac e , i -. , „. - - ...- '.../6 -. , 7- -.--_. ,-. ' ;Q u a ) antealike'abuyi!.-saitihe4 4 diet:bawl .-4 . sr bow tis`. ,,64 trdsitAseeh e 'iceonces to a "T WILL OF I'HE'4O! . I,F, IS. Tlg single ß hair-4-wran ~ fifty I to:, one Against, .p saying the chilil2,c. ' • -_. • . 4 Well •sir—' ' i :.: 4 -And fifty : to. on!,-,pe,..r i bap, more, sagai your.. saving, yourself; titid so 1 concha save you in spite or your Iteeth.7 . , ilere,a-, IoW- . hysterical. sobbing was he. •from the. pillow where; the mother lay, i :her head resting. by that,-of her.child4lind month:PresSed to, his elte4,• . = . L . , But nty iniperturbabfe - eompanion pros i ed t, 4 The, truth is, my dear •sir, that yoir i N never made 1 for a herO• you .are:not st -enough, nor, :Might, say,' leaning forty to peep either into:the iwidow'S eyes; or a:dressing glass,, that stood near, 1 don't ki I which; , '-nor ugly enough.,\ Pad younOt -Me: employed, in "holding ; 'op, I might , smied,the child=poor :boy,: and - tshonld ' ',But your life is'fir,More valtiable `I In i ne t . s aid ...m Ith a : flourish of my, right.l t expecting, of course fo be coatradieted. •• I. : • Trtre,. but . 1 ant . ' unfitshionably ,ptit bpi er;;. 1 tut' Pld6r tilip.i4Oly and Intnati Abijah.' , - - - .• ;:. • - : . ..-. H .'• . This: was said. : with- invineibte, L gra . -though: followed by :another ~ glanee. : MI iteautifid,widow,, • I 1 . 1 . .: . And what is, tuore,f the risk would L been little or,:nothing fOr me; Wit I have "been . a Matter of 1 i le aii4- death. I what. may be called a Strong , •man.'i : I ' A hero,- therefore,' lil:aid--1, referring : remark of a:moment 'before., " ' ' I Might- have been a: hero, perhap any: brother EZra'altd_l, we arc twins, a :is decidedly a hero.'. ' - : r,.., 1 .could not help sayitig,,` Do yOu A i ble each otberr- '. _-.: ' ‘• _ • _ ' Very.muelObotigh Ezra is the italic er of the two. By . t.ite by, -I must; giv i / .4 little anecdote 'of brOther Ezra. .One I as tke !firmed a corner in Baltimore,l I tb 1-Was. a . matt um hitn who Made- a . full 1. in ,the. highway, 71.inztiV up his : hands w -recto]. ' ainaZetnerit. ais, the ungainlY , ery he.fore.hith—.brother. Ez'ra,. by the by,, the lawdsomest man that ever was—lus. ,‘ out ;' 7 Well. by GeOerg ! . if. yon am ugliest feller 1 . evtr Oapped eye:4 : ml Which . our •Ezra,l in..,kedd 'of : knOkitt al over heels ; -d3 any,hod,;,; . but altEir suet strength,• wonli.l have ,done; merel, to '.him, - ' I guess yi)ei-vou r - ,sziw broth jab?" - .. ! • .:... . • . ' .. • L • , 1 laughed. la.zrtily at the story;.; and.yet more heartill at the. hiok of Brother 'l l 'il jai: us cousiderible eidotion, kissed t a sweep i at ine, jin the' forni!of - walked Straight Way out of the; rani . , opening his inoutl - - lie was no , soosner .off than the nu and We exan4tu.til the child': , TI to be sure, a surprising 91teratiou fo ter. • Ile breiithed freely, the; at passed oft and its eyes were eleir Sut then—, : who should say 7--4e.wh i at work in theintie?.•ertheb.%%! ; Let Me pass coFer, the following foi at the - , end of period I thougl to . Kohl leounsel .with my friend they an, about the safety and - pi.optiety ing a Widow. • You rerely tiuppose . thev.lse fol sake 1' said he. Ti be sure ; '' Said L • ,‘• What if you I nupposeaelghlor basin hy, as, .to Oat; saidlWAth somewhat :fs .64fepish lo4k I Otat IPA!, I slioshrtit , oro.3.'mffiLif —, -, f - _ 110/44e. iuteruptilig rile. it. Lv b tbeAinxt,.wfrei.o44 00,1trw': void j MONTR . - • • .1 - - . .OI3RCE, AND TIIE 'WTIN ME PEOPLE THE TRUE END' 017'00yERNMENT..!' TITURSDAY ertINE" 8 '1854. kN4 you don't,'• said. be 1 it w,cllll dbe it dead _loss to' you.' _ I - ' r pretended to he in a huff, , • • . ' C,ome, cane -.Teseph,let-iis'eut,ithemat ier short : Away withallyourprosh:nd coils, your •theokies and siimmahle case. :You !ova the widow, don't you. - l3 ' •,- ' i do.'• - - ',- , 'it• . : iDe ' - you km* avything oilier story . ?' 4 'Not a2syllahle.' ' - ' - ' . ra it her '• Of her situaticin And:character- ri _ • . • 'Nothing-4-'perhap's ':yQll doe!: :- . I do, enough to satisly e.: m.: is young, healthy, ~virtubu and beautiful, !with 'one: child,' • ' :,- - - ',- : !..- .1 -•_ ''.'. ... :Tang the 'Chili), .A.bijah,' -.-- •, i , . • - ‘,JOsel,h,- you. are wrong; that child _whtild ` rt be-ectinfort. to you.'- ' :.: '''..l • •- • .,- . ‘•:i'es r to - you; ityoii,mariV: thl,:i widow::—. What are yOu rubbing ~kcniiiiiridsifor ?"..-: . ‘llairV the -widow i lWhat inf'earth do •.1 . ' you; mew.. cried 1 . with .a .flutter- off joy; aiid a . thrill at the very i4ea, which I cam t attempt 'to dekrilie.- . :' • .; • ' • '• I- -• • - . ... ; Ij'ear :me through, ,Jeseph.- Yon have -coliie - to ask me What 4.-iVould do in your • - -.- 1 . . • . ' MSC! ''' - - • - . ' 4 I'an are right,..l have.'' . _ r •, Well, were l' vou, I would iitarry * lick:- .1 But why .dOn'l; you Marry . her Yourself r. 'I I._ For iliree reasons:'. -1 • ' 1 ‘What are they.'- ' • •'• 1- 1 ‘'ln the first place; I am not; you.' .:'• .- - . . _ ' Good, - ---the diext V - ~ • 1 '.., - -•'. ~ In' the - neNt -'slie would . wit' -have, Inc.' - . • ' ' Pho r said I; thetigh - to. tell ; the trut 1, reader I Nought as he did, notwithstandg-the Ibeautiful widow was forever' sounding Jiis .praises .t,, ,„„ whenever we were alone : to:. , gether,_ ..But Lepuld always see Ei good way ' iiito.a. Millstone ;‘ and whether ;she romped with 'her bOy before me half •sinothe'ring„ it with. :kisses. or, talked -of , her preserver, that. hero-: i-ie nian-" , --that heroic Abijah, I 'longed t0..&iy,,,.. •i but I was afraid, there vas no sT:lii . ii . nian before -such a 'woniiiii- T r c 0 lill - see through the whole.' - . I , t .. '-.• -. • . ' But . iil the third place 1' continued I. . j , -, ' Well, in the . third placej aiU not worthy •i of her.' - .. ,,,-----.--1 . 1 pito ilow - ept are have ould am day, ink it stop th uf attire S not (lied i't the At hint with said . - 'low su ?' . : .. .. . - I. .. ' ' Butyou me friend'—leis rice, I,old . .. . are. Voice quivered:here, and. I began Ito feel rath er disinal—' .yq Pi . are; ,anOtilyadYh‘e to ..y0 'k 2 ---dat _4(..ii). ' Art. ..y6u udt . already mar- - . Tied'? . . 1 ... I laugh shook My, head.] - • Very well. then I adviSo you. to lose no, Cline in' seeuringffliat. woman.. 't ou deserve . her 3 - - y oit are . 'voting and: handsOrrie, healthy and rieli.. . Tak - e her and save htir.". • - - . `Save her! what do you -mean r - 'I . .. r• 'Save her from growing old, where it is ' not sale—Hkspeak freely to you-4fai any such woman to liVe.'• 'She, is poor, :lie'is : proud, she is far away,from all that kiivr her, ' .. • ~ .I.v hy 1 '. l -.%11 .pr.....r! trt .i to 'ft . .4 *lli VA; ” NIA with her histury:' - ~. -. -'- . .i !- •' ••. • - • ' . ' No I 'am ignorant Of her hist l ory ';' 1 IcnOw. • nothilig-, . of, her beyond what y+ and I.llave gathered - from our four 'or six weeks' ae \ ouaintanet% with -her- at the bedside of her boy.' .., • . . ~ ~ : - • But you know my Wily ; laini that, 'as . a prudent nip, it will lie - ,,roy dtitv to ingnire into her history ; that is,---ikori 1144tAturldu7-, --provided 'such a -thini4-'Xtibt,d c.;Vrl enter my head us to--2 c. ' • . : A .: • -4 ',o/". ,.. -, : , : . • Fiddle de dee -Go to her and. iisk %di:4 she is good for, an , whit Cr *leis any' bet tery than . she: should 'be.' : -„. : ] .. _ . ' Sir!' - ''. ' i• ' - -. 1. j . There now ! that's the Ni;l.), : ' with•' all on 'geritimentalists: , , You talk; an4ou talk; and you talk - ,-withoui_ever.Coming to - the point 'Yo'n deceive • yourselves . . and', others ' : '':by . the most Nundabout and beautiful language in the world ; but the trionient,2mulhave it trans, -fated tbr you, - put into your Mother 'topple by a thorough-bred Utilitarian; your. blood, . is. up, and : your. sensibilities, its you call thein,• • 'are outfaged. . I have: only said , what you Meant.' : - ' '• -' :-. • '; ' I understand Yon. ' -Let uSI deal, plainly: - with each ether. . Whit wouldi you havepe. e' do ?' . - ..., \ - •1, , _ !he ap iy. 1t..1• .avoi.l I, in erous„ rfered fe of a wu4.'l tion of , lion 4,f 1 m hich . ',TI would haveyon.behave,like ' a man.—, I would have you go to the beautiful widoW 4 ' •nd offer yourself to her ; and 'if ..she . is' the., AV. • man 1 take hZr to Le; that W i ill - be - CnotigN to . ring out as ninehFof her history and-char-1 :tete as you . will have mi.).- .de. , ire to know.' Thar there—go 'and heavenspeed 1' . 042 ' • \I 1 , . I wet C - I Offeretl:-myself t ..the;.widow..;; and Was ' atly, thongli-kindly, r fused. That - ' was about Is much as I. could ' -ell stomach, and I•do.-no know thai I. *should 'ever haVe got. over it, b_ t for a ;little gratuitous intern. genec lof matt e to. make me almost thank; ful for my disap iintinent. like Widow was no Widow. The. ild was a thing with all its beauty for the, other - to b 6 ashamed of: : .1 went titraightwa . - IA? my hero.. 'Abijah Ware,' said VSutl a 1 such the fact:4' Mating the *hole.. • - il - • . -' And how "did . you lean. 14 tlil' asked Abijah: --.4: . i ~.• . '` ' - s:t: 'f- ''. • ;- Oat of her own . :triouth,'. -id L. - 1 '. And what . have you cone] ded'To do, Jo,* seph?' . - ".- • ' -, -, • • •3.,. - .- r • . . •f. To givp her up.' ' . ',.. 'I , . - • -'- ! \\\\ . ,`,YOu. are a foal, Joseph.'; `-11-ow So? you would not have e—' ' •, • 'Yes, .1. Would,' interrupting inte. :Where will you lind.such another wothan? a %. - ontan of such exalted ' virtue?' ' . -- • - Ic. ' ~ ' • -: " Virtue l' said 1. • -...- .- • - ..; - •\• ' Was that a sneer V said he, and his Motith opened andshut like those oil children :WhO are ' learning to say ,apple-plei papa, or. pup -1.!.Y. ! • . '-. 1 . - ' It - was,'. I Cried, lifting my Voice and braV ing the . look' ' with ,which the inquiry was made, as if what I felt : a tliiag,t6 .brag • - 'Then,' said Abijah,' then ypu never loyed 'her. - You.would weep Sooner than, - .sneer _at. such virtue, if yOu ever liad.',). • -. . - : 'But I did love her.' . ' ) ...- ,• - • ' 'You did I.then there is but one , other by tiothesis.for me.' • ' : ' . • ". . . ' She - refused you.7 - ' • ;.. 1 - : , 1101 hack - abashed i 4 ,..1 dropped VnY' eyes i i_coiild'uot bear-. the. - sieletnn; I overpowering reproach of his. . ~: 7 ....1' - . - - . ' Very trite,' - Said I. - - . : '.,1 ',... ''''_On; word Rote. Did yen O'er yetirself. to het; after she Told you this :: . . . '.l .- . .- ..i Why doyo.u-ask l r .;I.! .. ' I ask it for your ...sake; ~ . for y .. My ours. dear friend.. - .1.: long to have ion .ono of us .:• - Wt.!: feta Ydnwant. the courage I, It require!! pmligious - ,mohiva to. be alltiii4rim.! - i, . - ..., : 1, ..:We1t, be it po,ldid Mit oFei .myselfiaf iter:thls;,:buti difl..l)eksto,'.i..•l ' '.. - „l•Pity,yop4,, - ,.ll4w,blive yr.OS. rewarded her (=dor, ... home. , - gloriouoly.r-; yeti baits rePijd her truth ! - .!fibe,wight i tiallYl deceived you, ght . w:rth ki, etude ow, awl without, Tfl tare Waic the bet - por ,had Crystal. might be . r weeks, ht proper in4rtyr 7 , - 1 into tho - - ~', 1 .'... - _... 4;.1.,,, l'at,.. , but she forebore; she told 'yon the _truth, and you forsook her. s he 'proved herself wor thy of you tihd . yon abandoned- her aseerd inglyi i .. '. „,. His emotion ahrprised me. lie liot Up, ilia Walked . .the flOor with a tread, that shook the-Whole house. '.- -,_: • s-You do•not it erstand the' matter' "sad' I. ‘` She refused :12 . before' knew - OIL, and- I v :told me her story'aft9rwards, not ,so _much •,,.'as. ."Z reason for it, -I do belieYe;as to coni.inee :rne of what she called her good .faith respeet ' and. gratitude.' . i 't . ; ~.,„'s - I I ' Young.'man.' said Abijah Ware, you' areii -throwing . awsy ' t hat .which wgd be, f more . [-'worti:to me, and ;to you, if ' werea I..rtil- I itariaNnstead . aftt - sentintentOlit;.,than 'the' gre,arglobe itself, thOughit irere a solid cliryS . ..' °lite. Ibseech yph, _once [for alt, i pray you ,r - I implore you, to 1 recmsider this matter. :1 ‘ .poss ibk,' said I. Think of, the usat k ~ ges of the wgrld.', . ‘llV.hat.have , you to do with the.u- es- o 1 the world?. ', \,"'' As-, hat the PrejUdices a Zocietk% ' 1 ..; - kTrti . e, prejtidices - and Usages are all to - -be, weighed!.. Look toWhitt you gain o as weli, •as What Vdtl lose; by runningeoantet4tO them ] and whatever they are, and whether.fwell o r r i ' ill-founded, aet liceordin,qly. That is the pa 'of a wise man. But.enongh.; will you' think better of this'? _ .IVill-you notitry to recov, ce . .that.woman?' ~I • • 'I. dare al pt. ...We "should btlinkerable.— r 1 llereafter,-Were We throWn abroad into soei,L. ety, every little ireg.leet, emery trifle, which if her history were untainted. would be laughed at„.or pitied. or overlooked,. would be to lic-.. peace and to mine like , the bite of in.-rattle- . . . . . snake.' ' EL l'' - •, ' ; "Xertruer -- 1, - Jul still; 's - till, : ;itiy frietnlH- - '' l l - ; : •• • ." Why do you• urge toe? ; Even yourfelf„ were: •, you in tcase;; ea. .would ;not ; he:able tO tiltr4 °tithe prejudice you ; complain of." i• ."We Aian - See. • Do vuu give her up t"- .1 . 2, •" . 1 doli ,; :•:,.- ; -; ;. • , ". - YOU will not marry herr -: -.•-- i . ".IS'eto:" I - ;----- ;• ' •- •; • . .. 1: -" Then.; by II; liven, I *ill !":- :-,- • :' I-. , . " You r,.aid , with - whiit I fiteant tAir nut withering Snecr,- 1 fiOugh to tell the trulb, . .I. contd nut help thinking•o4er.praises; : - Ad -, •I it that summer ; aft l i - irnoon at : the bed Side - Of lii.r boy—the'lit -- *ret eh, he As alive now+ , ,;when she.droppetl'upon - tier kOes,' and Wept :upon his.great Ugly three-decker,Uf aluind„; - .'• : " : At least,r : Cried - he, " I will Offer; tnysOf t6.her beti - ;re I:Sli. , ep ; and - if she. refuses : nk " - lit" said - I.; .. -- .. ;--- • - - ' ..1 • "I Will. make! her - intlypeUdent tbr s life."l ;-. ... ."I imigratidaite her-I. - t• 1I er .wealth' may here;tfter make her; r„ desirable inate4." Hgrowled, • e .and I=l eutitUd. - rtin/ - ' 1 • .• I • :), S. : He :ke ; pt his word:- He x offered - hint, ' self and the great-steam engilfe of a:felloW is . now: the' htisliankl of the fair widOvi. • I often see. hlrn'lumering along -to: .407 i-it *ith'ihe beautiful. Mary 1 Roberts—;- - 1 • never .niean ito <,;.u.13.,,,,, - .11......,-. - w - .,-- - , : - .,-ht i l6 l- tii-Tatut.---,1:1ng,- ling at-his elbo*, like a— r -like a—like a rose owa patch of thistie,andr filrze---:adrill. - ' 1- -: • ; APREDICAMENT OR TR . E . WAY I FOUND 11174,W1FE, . . . . • - .17yearly a dozen yenrs ago I was on. ruyir‘ turn to the old homestead iii the' . good State of -p:miteettent, •na \lug . just complete .my studies as a atudent.of medicine. In Coritpa ny'ivlth a goodly mailer of L :pcople,l stop ped fOr', the night-lit a' country inn in the of 11., not being ,able to rksupt my journey till late the next day.. ;Having always :been an : admirer 'of the - country, ' I was' not atLall dissatisfied, with .the arrarigement,.and, i ay pleasiirii ivas'furthCr enhanced by - . finding ai the-well-laid siippertable,, two ladies of .sur paSsini loveliness, the •ytiunger of -Whom thou g ht the iiiiiit . beWitching little i ereaeurc in existence. ' •` : - .1... - - .' .. .. .- 1 - . •., 11.1 t, ladies -cro- accompanied -by, a \yowl; gentleManabout nn j- own: age, with NV 'Will could not but fecl.eicceedingly anniVed, ..' II not only crigr,,`,Ssed : all their attention; bu lucky dog as I. he was, ,seemed determine that nd.other Person should participate iiii th nmuseinent.-. .-kit pirer,of some little ,deli 'ae; / 1 by the younger of : the two la is .was met by ai icy 'sort 'of 'politeness of 1 . 1 11 'I " - 't part that' effeettially'On ec . any tr heri ai tempt at intin l iiiey. I:sooti left the table; Im I-could not arlc'e the Image of the lOvely be -ing we had just left from my Mind; Som ng- ‘iiis_pee thirlA • rne, that 'we should becOme ~. acqiiainted at some . flituro tittle, but in the interim •I felt, more thaniusuallly - ' uneasy?!. I longed tobenat only an intiam_ acmiaintance, but aa,aeeepted lover,' .and li d 1 beenpos. -sessed of t sall tic wealth of. Craiaus-. 1 ;wbuld have unhesitatingly punreli. itll in her lap ; , i. ' - In the excitement undt*Fivii ch I was labor ing, I thoughtla walk Might- d mo gook 1., t, 'on opening the dcku. for that, purpose,. found the night had set indark as, Erebits, and be- ' hig an entire stranger, tberey,asno knowing what Mischiefa I might encounter, so I. mad; -up •my mind Ito compromise_:the 'Matter by taking my candle and going to bed. - i I-retired, bat for 4 lung time I:rolled and tossed about aadly ; I now one pl4n 'by. vihich I might make the acquaintance, ' o f the ynin g 1 ladVrivo r tild suggest itself, and then another, Until ;.,tat 1 - LI .foUnd mvsolf 'in n' state of dremttv laugnor, neither fi - iirlyasleeporquite t few, mom ents near, my; bed; tintiVsiiddenly. itild i‘el4ping. awake..: -I fancied I a sort of light but it gave n' , . some one sp ~ arms about ; 'Ugh ! hOv . I say-Julia w i-ve shall Jere was hoN- to act v i At I. t I mu, late, • - ' Det take, r ii \ The lad - flid nbt wait forme to say,ittore. With a sha ' , quick "scream : she sprang from themxtrtme .."I was wondering , what the deuce it. eon d: II 'Mean, wh n a servant bro't a light, into. y- m -Qom,, pick dup what ladies', apparel she tilt] Ind' abet t the preiniso,' - and left' the 'vertu ent,:r . 'I. II can Well b lieve, genii mot, tha fay sl mber4 that night were far fro quiet.:..',`...'. .1 - In the riorning, I _knew not how, 11 was vividly,- impressed with .he idea. that my nocturnal v sitor we* 'on of the flu's) la dies 'who supped -'With tnal tht ' evening previous, ‘ ut w.hielt,l cou d not conjecture; I resolved, tO ark* tailii: l 4t t i tle . 41'4 ,faventble o kirtUnicfhr - w Tight resent 'itself, andl,4l l y - l in - yeif b . yol34,it'doulif. ' - On ULM ' my geat'it e brokrlis - ttitle the tie.xt iti ming; Iplati.d.intyaelf Oproalte t the IslioN: - 1018-tevolv ng An ' ply' inind the inoido `43f-lholgeq,i , a evel44 -Wtifti . . heard for . the 1 bustle going a no uneasiness ing into the' lit ae, 'exclaimed; 1. w . dreadful cold e. shall have to fr tvt.e..7 ) a•lnestion n ,stored Our**. !Mi=l WEB ?sl'.vi ._~. - . . • ionfiger.- . : two ,p4s-va her 114.0,',0d5, - begged meln -favor her 'with thet). • reseri;oi 'near .rne. „_ • . ‘..Cert - AtinlY' 1 'arid - tliel4e . spran into iii *mind '': that she niightlin::thn lady: in -.4nestinn,:-: I added • y_on l Aake them Sgpon. 4Shinnlt!, •:.eureka;-wht4., an. e4pl9sioii face instantly assumed the L- hue - ef . .:Criniskirf 'dahhth,„_whil.e'bertinpanthip - . seemed - na - Old and '.F•ea . gionliia• ~I. wttssat isfied ,sh,e• had kept..her,ownCuunseijiscrap_ed un . acquaintance- 7 fe11 . -deep)y,.in when I r4ched thdlhe-:•feastire: of presenting .to • the old :folks - -iii)'' . ! - Ine,Sttinable• lad • the present Mrs `; • RICAN../LIKAZONS;:-' '. - -1: ~,,. , 'Jriv Dalionie 4:a dtnsilleilUte wition i(if the national: troops consist, pfl - artned.andi.disci-:•: pliti.ed females. -Tlies-' . , : are-;kno*ti as-i'being .: royal Wonien,..stsotl;. land WatelifiillY ' . kcpt vfr6tn - any-communi*lpli'With men,. and ...60 . ii: ; ] to. have_ been. tralned, thrs:l4th: discipli4e: and 'the force xsf cotoPeration: o :the . saooMplish , ,, 1 . ment of eitterprises front vhiCh. the tnNultild (ins Warriors of a native a .thy' would','sliritik.: l A : late. ,Inglislfauthar . Dunean)' Sayst;v‘ . ll have :seen them, all well armed,: and 'general- , .1 IY fine; strong, healthy kroluen, andllonlitless 1 capable. . of enduring. : great . fatigue, 1 They ,seem to:use the'long•Danisli musket ' . .-With' as , much ease as one of our,; grenadiers ,does his 1 -firelock,"but, net' of. course With ':the . iarsaeS qnvittlineiis,.,lo they are .not trained . to any par= - . tieular, exere,iSei;i. but, pit receiving the w0rd,,.... make an attaciclike,apstek of', houndSl With • great sWlftll( - !,56. • . qfcourse - : they syoUld s lie' us e leSs . against disciplined;. troops; if 'at. ell'. approaching- to . the same -numbers - .1 ..Still' 'their tip,ptrance :is .more martial *than ,the , geaerality of the nevi and .if,'.utiderialiinge, cainpaigt4 I should prefer the letriale ' to -the Male soldiers of this centitry. -- . .. ‘' : .' • 1 The sameasithor" thus' deSc-ribveoi'field-' 1 review of these Amatzonswitieh lai-WiOtesSihl :--1 '-' I was conducted to a large space :of Ibrokeit , ground, where foitrteendaysimil been Occupted I in erecting three i istpien se pri Oily Pi :6s ofgree; i ..1. brush.,' 'These three elumpS Orpiles,.pfa skirt d of strong .- brier.. - or. thorn, i armed WO:the i Most dangerous prickle;:were pltie.eSll'M Tine, .-- occupying ationt.fatir hundred yardsAeavin.„.o I oulsit name w passn7,e -bet Ween 1 thetn;,'_*.Sufli eient, nierely - to. distinguish-1. each :_clutup ap- , poi ted, toeach. i* m ent. i v } ost....pi)e.s ~,,,,r, al) al) lq . ' F ,.e‘,!nt.y' fes . l Wide and .eight „feet . -high., I 1.7 p . • .xstiiiining.-Ilteiti...:l could not ..Persuade - 1 1 iny.sel altif any latins , ..l3 ikkilg: Witiloilf . boots or vslioe. ; ws - mid under at - t - y 4iretusis6neiss,at, 1 tempt to. sass over sc . ; dangerous • a •cAlectiop , of the 'most • eflielently:-armed plants-..l : ''haa ! ever. seen: ' .. ' , - :' .. • - -.. •.- • 1 • . - ' i 'Th Amazons wea r , dbne-str t sped. cotton stirtottt, manufactured by the itatives,„and a pair Of_troWser.S.fallintr_kist :.73e . low "thel,.knee. The cartridore-box is ,- tirded arostud Alteloin3. ' The drinns and trninpets soon attnonticed: the - approach of three Or fa i rer - tbousand Ain azins . - The r' Ap Id tAiiiey I : tildiv.•i•.; - 1 - (feliqii): made their appearancent about twei hut sc..Wd 'yards front ' 'fr or in, ont :Of, the first'plie, - Wlscre.-: they halted With shouldered arms.. :hi .a 'fos ses:cinch the word:for -aitacik . ...evits...niS'en atid a ruslovaS maleitoward tlic pile With a speed -beyond coneeptiOn,. .aid fo.'less 'than orle.thin 7 . Elie the whole bOdv had --passed ivisi-j r: this itn- , .. , ynense..pile, and' had taken the stippi _t ..'eci :town. W -Each of-the other piles aSzassed with Vie, seine rstpidity;at intervalS Of.t.syent.: . ,:v minutes.' ' When..person is killed; in battle, the skin is taken firm the 11010 and kept a4 l .a trophy - of 's-aloi-. I counted :seven hundred 'scalps pass in this manner._ : The captains :.of eaelt corps,'(female,) irt passing, again Ipresented themselves-befbre his.majtisty, and received the king's approval of their conduct,' ' These heroines !IONVVV:tr, say that,they are no . long, _cr . -trot:nen, but men.' . ' - v.- . - - . _. : -....-.., - • Portrait of Editor. ; I ins,' who atin6uiteed hint Self recent - le - , alt the temporary occupant oflthe editorti it al 'chair-:of the West- Alabamian, diSports..'l A 'himself in an unitising style, at ;the ektohise le of the l'ib- - afrit editor,' -t'vlioSc plitee.he is :y-) the - folloWitriii an. extract from': PersOnTlt DS 'sketch, which L'Alug,g . ins) fah& cieension to Lis - • give of the editor - aforesaid i ) j.. - -• - • o, lac is more - ; familiarlf; , t styled by the village boY I S,-: 14zard l prOfession it lawyer : 11i peroital..appeariinee - striking:-Lnot thit ire rail him cither,fielieor pudv—but•striking . , front the abseneeifor-: very- display at. dati - dyisin. His eomplesion_ is a. Bros between, a frOst-bitsett . pumpkin and a brindle steer; 11islineli i generally. unconscious of spite, alld his hair unaisturbed by - the condi ': in fact; he'would Make if fair .Specitnen Of the - f • - great unwashed, unkempt Denmeracy Of:Tammany Alls 'usual ; :garb is frock cOat,, well v4latilate'd at.l Abe :el boWs;* ith -as few buttor.sns mere 'found On 'Gabes coat, l when the laA . Oilei Wasi taken ' bfr; l :a pair Of pumpkin jean 'pant's, some-ten inches - too:short; shoes Swithont . Strings and socks. without feet. • I; :. • Z.'s style of speakine,..4. of thf , , grandilo quent orient pearls at tandorn strung' . order; he is 'strung .on an appeal, to. syinpathies IA the jury, based on a, , stute: ot,fici3 which his ,vivid • imagination hi 141 Way case, ready to, furniSh;and . when lds.o.s.finds :a . readY.relleffor his wound4d, feelin , TS by inns. sing 'for n. new' -trial.. 'lle is a:ready writer.; bold s . Ornate - and ebitSte ; lie clothe* his :ideas. much Inure decently' than lie -d o es, per • • .5011.. = • - - • • passOi!t- , --We that ins . I...bsenee. Oi! one oeesAon, son - e: - . olthe boys took an inventory aak . appraisethent of his Avardroh'e 1 u dock, taco c eticio"at4„" f'Oar Moats,' seven rests, mid tiairs , eopipetent judge, .94 dol. Aire a4(I :laity-fire ceo. • .. y ip sp ,,t o o o b n e f i s r hi re on ! Lt hat to say at • ' ot ,solved. Ltiough.ito - : ---t ' The' 'Future of the 11nited, , tates Vic. We,tlifilit:ter, lieie.'w,iti he course, of my elaborate article on • the "eest $ of Gr6at; Britian, :dlndes to the United. Buttes, and ex! press9s tit° opinton that the li pOtiultitiott o ... be sornei . i Iltli 1 ,- ; this 4epublie; at t h e, end of the .t.aitit) - ', will ' IL ' ar ";‘ - - --: ' '-- . • i w hen we fet lolg, ftLia -23 . ittehe.s_4iainter tot batiii-=..- L A amount tofene hundred millions consider i ailds the writer / that, ofthis,groWitig . k he P l ate.4o .le's " ' " ° ril'w e l ,l ) ,:is -, :refcitie - d 7 tb , ltation, ali t i thU infirm and imperfect in body and,..when-the'Dardaticllo-: siotot , t,t, th e and Mind and cared sar i all the: 611.dien'edn- imat.6_,erc:cieo :castles ..are u ' l l` rd- ' 4 ' 2 ‘ 7 " 47-45vaulci Y ''' atted, acid all criminals taken, in! hand t o ‘. - ii.e;' .--!-Irt•Ft. : .- t - - '• . '. -:. : ‘ ~,4 :_`..-..-;:•.--,,, -:' -.-- 1:" : t . made the best of, me shall not N‘ i under ghat- . ,-, rArm't here: - 04-•your it u, lt,flaked *RE) -' , there ;are so- many •expec;tants 0. the mallet v, Veler - of a, nhe nnt, in , ' -,;deyithtic, of Abe zit 'Mini on those , shores„ It is not ,a , .qtiarter t , 4 old iseiem iiiiderness"..:of " ''' 1 of.a century ,sinee the din), soli - nil' island% of I .' Iloee.l. I hairit gotno,lve l, Moulton, in Ihegreat, 140, xore like our iii3l.6ii lw '1 4 1' lire in • q-', Mona, whee.the Ranankt.were iitt4er, - sQutbz , 'ottthengke efieWinynent - pnieW eastern district., i There was.the Great gpirit' -liesir;iit4 ildltittgv, .iniatatin' ) to be consulted and propitiated by the - D*. , -/itiseissip -.': , -,Andle -Wail' ids of that westerns region At hil - the. invidera too thipk; with folks 'aboultAk lived eat ictrj ' and -now the. 4amirflaiit- AO the'second )nati I've seen %vi aspect of . anrs, t 41., cialapse7ofl , fifteen - Awnto.' - liii'd'l hear{ here. ta a -flimitNt r i rieq 7 —havipg good Oljnittutp i . : ** ,N.hich wii: . ' ix, Miles-ifeWreiti .iiiei 4 lWiti c do not vet- possess.' , --14,000-"arcuLand tre. - iwoodiallrO:d'•o-" -- - 941- ,!--::E« ...;.i. , 1 7 :1 - .:'( . .... - W;;;•,".. - ,... : 1:pf km . ....1,0:-,, , :.. • ~.,,t,. _ .. ij[„ , .., t. , ~.t: ....,, N • - 0 ,:. E ., 4iLd ~.,,,..„....... ~, „.....„:.......,. :...,,. .., • ... ~ .„..t. ._ ~_ .._ EINEM /.. V-14 . • ...- - 1 1 ri...:‘., , ';'..Z.-:4 r'''l''''' -i"' !".i. -`' - [...!1•'.:t7.,:.•:: ,=.--, ris 24, ~ , g7OD A i ; pendous drawbaelp-fiti . i,,1 ~..,.. -• of eta ell i Lin the heart of tli: repulhe,'Oliiri hart- liar- I %erre aesire's`'eudfileathealit4lo. 2 lCOW j. l doilbt - fitufeict: IrhtiF Olgretp bel tit* ' 4-- extirpated, 6,0411,314 - W i ietintse*mtle cot.- -\ I ' , opt. , But it *}l' te 2 4 e — ft(bAte.d., before the 4 ' close of the r _sen uily„ ,-..,.. ~. , 0044. whi'clifik4,6erioUsl 'bOatihii'- - .4i - ihheir i .,w grourd eiloughjft, -.. e9ti - X4 iiiii 6 l w_anut , a hopeful eonfideneei'Buit-eltvel. vr 'kbOtethr ; ;iced fifty years heitEe;liwAitieriegit. it now sis ity - Euxope, ai `a bariayYtilYteciAbatadd IV:: • stitution. __ _ ...,--1.,..z.-. ---Li - 4 ; l i _ . .1 ' .- . ;. ~.. A New -- rmponder,itet 'We - sutraw - 1, lo - Republic sayS 1 ---- —,...,,,,..,..:. :.,.......1 • -Wzmark liters ' eiiikolttheisSOkin* ' , 1 Our 'atitliiire(sea`," rtainly haites'itite pit:bile !--: ' , bY-tke:'ea:•i'' ,:: ' , ".s 4 il n d'iii. lllo. 'llifi i f. - iiiid: . ifiAJ'''• et, toO.` ;,r400: - . • - rai)lii - - 4 17 ,9=4 -I ,4iggsatiW:" - "1 What .a' `S.Ucca4 Iliarilikg - beenV'Tinit•two. 'years : since -Sbe: , ‘Va4 liVinie:,tivirlidii.fty t, 2 ,hei. , , self :and children. sithsistHaag:DtV_,lbreuid. -- :,.aud milk.; 2 , with : none to aid or :couuo.l, ;cor - ay4i. ,pathisc With her„ nursing her ,Ack „little one, I day aud'night;' and "ii . rdatily. - mitithig - Av - Inteii . ' I vats While it slep : :''Arid nOW.ihi,l4'werlthjr`i: ' 1 ' ' - aseh la -.w or d i • her name has be pure - > a , iho eo, ,n r 1 thonsands of -fiunilies in - ili t oth-:.hernispheret,: - . I where ehe . is. kuorn ..brher]:-W,011:-ss. - #nd-. a 41::, mired and loved' tbr, he , brilliant igenins,i her' womanly, tenderness,``" and'her 'utatniStaliable t <ln goodness - and purity or helyt.l . I spinet r'.i;g!i ' meet *this lady kr BrVadirey;" #llii it - 'ty please your re:niers to lttiar - what - 11 Ina,PP: Cr: Winnan she is like::. .-:: -. .', -J.l ,1, , .- • ~..--- Well, then sil r is , a little ab o ve„ m e 40 . . 4. height; . her figu e is perfectly sfuitnetiieat . and her bust and and the `setting'. and lift-Of her h ad;'; would ' eielte thelenvyy 'of le l eans hersel, ..She, has 'a delbato,.beluatit , = ful, ihirld ..compi t etion ; glossy,-golden _hair, an honest handsbincface., a keen. danntleis Living .. .blue eye,rand' a hand' and foot - of Most' : ju,YenilodinifenstO'ns.. ' 'Her .earriage'ts:grace. l ful ; :her step Armand ,elatitie - "hernalen -coup , j mending' and inilon - iitablb,- yet- ...,vinning; in, I slnirt, s.lic. looks, just. like '7lu - iv , iFcrn. ;;,She". !_.dresses iu _perfect ~tast e:l enerally '.7svearing f I,.black,. and sweeps elan Bri:iaday,'ivithfir 1 i grace, .(ib,airdii. nd-selflortretfulness_chnine;-, teristic of the a coniplished4adY of -, : scieietyl: I and, batu re's ge atlewoman-- 1 -4N4 ."characters;. I which are seltlo 1 united,inithe Same - per 4n,, I her real narne, by the Way; haS , never been 7,iv. Tl en to the psi , lie: •Ofthii - fact: have: ll ) 66l- Cif 1 assured; both b 'her pubfishers,, ,and. her: law 1 ,yer, - She ilinit. her • acquaintance 1.9 'a; ..sinia if I :and, selectirele, ; and to .;gain gain 1 an:intr . itic-. ft 'tiento her, iOr to obtain "tier ant(gr4li, i'SO - tte'i of the thin , is t int m. y 0 c asse among et. serious dilifeultics=l-know 1).,v,:a 'Most unsili.9 - isfactory aperi-nee::- • •f '. .n. l ' - -.1 • .' - ' - .1 - Bed-Bugs.' i -:- -, .-...' 11 ' - Speaking of bpd-bugs,a fr iend of ours, , W llOO l put up atthe KalinnazooliCais, tells,the . folii - lowing stfong- one. . - .. - ,-.. ) 1 1, u •‘ You see 1 - went to bed All red Utegl 0- - after a hull ilaNT.Oh the roa d be Ore the plank' was laid, callnilatin on a good ooze. .Wa4l -1 , , prit as the. shitrS began- to ea;c, oft; I Itt e ndqi. -, i f‘lt. sued& try' '', to pull off my shiit; an I'. ' dirroin their feet in the,sroall of mv ba ck t' . get ti good hidd. 'Wriggled kuid twi a ,. . and doubled and peel eredAall noluse-.--kept lir j fl-g.oing it like all 'sin. l3itoebY got , up an struck a light to look : a spell-.—foutid - about, a ~,peek) oft -bugs, scattered around, fin :.! more. droppire nay shirt, and runiainr chi "..- . T ay' legs' evAry frannit. :-.SWePtinp - a place on .. the fiO - or, shook •out a Vilit, iity. 'down and. ,1- i kiyered up - in it for a ini,p,-.: No use, anotiril\z „ ted• Tight. on • t ) me, like a: passel.,of.rats 'o, .a,„rriCal . tub—dug a hole in.th6l kiver-lid; Ent, . ' ~.. crawled throughs . and give me fits for try - ''..., t:' hide. 'Got up ag *c ain - ,"<nt - down stair '.,.'• '' i I find gcit.the slush bucket from the , Waigon i , ~. • ißrcuaght .4 up and. anade,-a orelp , OfAa,r-- 1? ..' it lie floor lay downort she' fledr Ont .- he insid ' ;== - -i.apds fel t 'coi tbr,table that...time -any - hoW. Lef , . - ttelight aln - dn' and wat Ifed,!em.k "ern get to; t .fte her, and have a' carnp:theethi :..--._-, 'bout it, anti ten they went ia `. in •It IR - .i, with an old I,_, ey headed he • the to k right up the,l all, out on the ceiling tilt_thly tit to the right ot', they. Mropped - lig ri . t; ,pinthip into -rn ''face. A Aiet. 1y ' thUrider'.4l-.. . Well I;eivept' n). 'up again an made a 'eir, oritat On th -ceiling t00...-„1 otigt e rt . I k I d", , zia foul that: itne, buti swan( to . nif thy ',: 1 didn't - - pulf the. straws - on. 6 -the'Ved - ii '. ' 1 ' and build bridoe'ov :r it:; \'' -' r , ~ Squig an.- ineredulouk, cm scion„ n tr., --. i our visage, ho . : clinched . the. St , ry- illus.\ ~.., It • ,I , :-. I ‘lt' s so- whether you; believ it; or not;Uitia , 4 ~ - . une.tif 'em ,icalked - ,a22:6,3$ .62 Atilts!!... II- b tigi,. are curious.eritters,;, au no mkstak tt l; !Speciallk„;.the Knlathnzoo kin :---- : drett :Nit, -.faille. ''''-: :' , 1 Description of the Ds. i r The Dardanelles` "are four, il;►` --- -L hb ,4 i , bnilt upon t... 4uropekm ap.... .. ~ N l i t I a the. Hellepotit, Opposite t et4.11 - other,akdi \ I corninandingtthat strut..:,, Th y pre:regarded ,-; "'-‘ as', the key - to ~Cortstantinepl. L The name .4 1 ''.' probably deVved from - the of , city of D_ and- I. ariUm. The utrunee to the elltrapout is de-3- r.: .: I fended . by : tt o east* Avbiela l ire - culled . t - 1 ......'; i inv.- eastlts eeause the.y.tver, built (i3iiliS .... quent to the otbertw,o4i't middle `oft ,el , ' . 1 . seventeenth Orittiy, tinder -3, ohamingd - INI. - ,--:. to afford Pr - 'teetion to- the 'Trklsh. fleets . gainst the‘... Venetittlis, T 4- distance 14.5> pl . ' one to the 15 hei- is , about tffir mile's ands.t# I' quarter., .' F. Air hours saifto Ithe Nerth.-4.1. i . 1.. the (".ihreast es\ bifilt b' .It.olnitiimed--11.; 1 .. I , rnediatelv A tr the , cOntittegtr Of Coitstimti F ple. The are not more 'thutt - ;104).. I s .- 4,,' ; aitrt. ' , . , _,„ ~ - ' '.. 1 -; ~ ',... i - ' Farther' , it, thz -,e6nper,heeoffie." narywA ' = . `'and at anliour and altalf's a'. ail. 1i I fioni.j'herco ~ castles,t - Wi promontories;; itbont'lsll -- Yitidi Iv apart; Budd rily- apivar r and..forre that sifiiit rk.ndered fa nous -by the brig* of X.ermes, t,.i-,;. :. the oigii , tiy, isit Of - lieio,' anew'' I , I the passage of . Solytniiit npo ',a, b4ie..itilki The, Turks-havo been ".extre plfnegligetit!'ne the celebAted. castles of the' ' ardattelW, ' d at 'times tli , l have , been. a oSt - Leutirel -hi; , Lrainl: ' ?Tit,. -gtnaS with wbie :they.-.aro. p , ti=t-... (led anksaiii to:bt eiy, 1 :- . 2 '4..._ Plii4 4 ' ~__ "71 - 4 ' r -0 , , 1 1 t. t' . l i'>. i d }S a, g,- Aifi re,.. - -'. ' 1--!,;,..!.. s•thmit 7 casttekr-\ 1.A440-_,.rs: f+ l