The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, June 01, 1854, Image 1

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t~.' ..~ ~' _ -
VOLUME . / - 1 - •
" 3'oet or~ehl
i ot Ilictoitia4 '
Livitteg mist: •
Iritormy Arinter 'tittle; • •
••,,• Moan wildly as yoti will; . •
Vii-,rest you .critot ttxtuble.
1, r y a heart you ttanot
Lain tp the carat, summer coin,; •
BeftWe the dim wet :
llis eves have seen,tint golden "
Of itarcests :never: sL
Deep in yottr taro fpfd,'P Barth, • •
• Your shining flOrie . Mil•way •-
'steps Aire - in the lily fields
' Of netet: etidug MaY; • •
Dmw ylint._red shadows from thd wall;
branteol4enther-glow ;-
Drift aoldraboutlai
0 Nsdiiti Dt , ceintiq - snow • •• - • ..
• ,
Across: the sparkle of file dow, •-'
Dry dust, in uldrinin&k, pour;-
Itide, new mob, in the - cloudy
He needs yOurliglit no mote. ' •
7 .
711016 S nrgnalias
When the sweet day in silenee_hathileliarted,: .
And twaight comes with deiry, downcist eyes,
The:glowinm.spiritspf theiiitghty-hearted
.dire oarsacc,utirl me rise. '
. .
irbose voices pour- an endless.measure,
Ellihustless as' the.iimuts pf glory are;
Until trembling'soul eo.3wept...with
• Throbs likea flooded star. •
Old Homer's song, in mighty-undulations, .
surging ceaseless, up the oblivious Main ;--
f hear the rivers from suer...ctAing nations .•
Go. answeiino• flown iwain •-.
stream is Changeful currents Ftrollihg,
sweeping round .through Palestine ;
And Darife's.deep and tvlenin river rolling . •
. ThrOugh:grorff - of midnight
near the irOn.Norsc.nnan's number; ringing
throughlrizilt ..Voriray'like n herald's born;
lik,lerk hear . glorious
- • -.A.ivay in Enal:l.Ad's 11)02 : u; .
In ithenish halls I War the pilgrim 'liver
Weirre his story 4!..lo: the +Walling 'strings,
TM the yoli"nl:nalieres , e,re... 4 are brimming,orer !
Like the lweet cap she brings.
.And bear fioirtS,4qotti4h.liills the midi -unquiet,
rowing in toir - euts their perpetual Inys,,
As theiinnpettions:lnountain runnels riot`
•In thy' long raliry (Drys
The world-aideSlukespeare—the imperial Spenser,
W ll6 Ae shafts of song if et top angels' , seats •
While delicate, front a silver ee.ieser, .
Float the s.weet I dreams of Keats
Nor these alone; for through the growing present.,
Weslwird Lhe starrS path of poesy •
Her gloricius phi Re' the evening ercerit,
Comes rounding up . .the skies.
I see the beauty w - hieli er imparted* ! . •
`I hear "the masters or 6ur .
The gen tle 'hearted Ail ton, - poet-artist I
And Dann wild and strong! ' -
And rte, whose soul like angel-Larps. combining '
Anthemed the solemn " Toiees of the Night !".•
see fair Zophiel's -radiant spirit :shining,- • " •
.• •-
Pale intellectual . '
And lirynnt in his own broad kingiont '
Walking- by streains;,throUgh ivoods rand summer
fields . ; .
. .
And iron-handed V'llittier when he wildry
. .
' :j' fi.n- fireliion wields! . - •
are the 11.rrils, who like our forests, tower, •
Firm in then. strength the tooOntain Art.. 6.1
1 were content, could I bufl,‘Eallo'Ter' •
Ili at the feet of these
:14ii. 40:,:$:1(iiaile$...-'''.r,.:
Fiom Household d
, He didn't ear e: much al)out •it,'S be
' they might, inarr - 4 v him, if they liked, and to
whom they liked, provided 'he NVari .
T i vetiA to make 14):11. Givebim tookalt.
a vrame "of SLellv,-and wife.- or
rife, it - was. al itost•lhe same thing - ilk:Mut.
Bv the by. ; one thin.- he ninst .Stipidate for=
—that he . shtkuld not hunt nor talk
, , ,
antsitAtmeelot Coutriley said.,
althongh it Iva§ only' twelve - o'clock, yct l liti
\ras tr.o before he came down=to
,satintrring frfkra the -drilWing room ihro'
tie open Witk4u; on Ate , lawrt, lie stretched
Illiwstif but under ;the ishadow orthe eh
II trek tu, divarcivague
,Poenin all the
kr; u modp of exi4toxide that seemed to tun
to Ate sacred . destiny of his being:
was a-spoiled chill--
041 ot. noble thoughts' , and"'
gtlnerous•irnpulses tnrnished proqichty, ,
and choked for it - ant ilfntiraulan9s to exertion
was always - i-ain• feki• want of 'wholesorne
opposition-, \Provided people leftbiim alarm.
they might, do As they-liked, hewed to nay: 1
- Lei, them not distal-1)-h his books, nor' cut
doin'the thestnut-ArceS. ou the laWn; nor 1
mitke a 'noise ; arttl hniras i perlittly - satisfied, 1
liisindifferencedroVe his Mother to deapuir:
§he tried to tempt - him to- exertion by am,
distinction. Launeelot prided
himself on his want, of ambition ; and voyied .
he would not aeeot -adakedottaif Ofraredlo
hint;:it wq•ildsuch a berei. ;Hi mother
inde,ed - dorie her best to ruiti,
mitigated j •hultilgence ;- t. and ,nowshe wrung,
her hands at liar own work.:' hut,. as
Ming rutut he done; shp,-.lethQught, ; 11 iirself
of a marriage,. Which WOluanike, 6 4,# 104 ed
would oire - 40erytbing4--indolmcv,,23rlint4Y4 -
imd selfiA - mess.
Mrs- c1A114 11 4 b.ethought herself otA-tnii."
rtaue--but:ilth whom-3"o
There were in LondottAW.O:klamleirOQug."
itte, Ella Limple, and littleArkilet Tatim,C —
These - two 'young ladieS were: great .-friends
ilaftte the- fashlea y ( p ung
They had eipteriqus- , p9afideacei.:teg_ ?PO,.
and wrote Wonderful .lot' Ell a
eing of pathetic and sentimental: tetap
meat; talked 4f :sorrow and
said there Wti4 - -ne mOre happineslc for 110:: .70i.
earth, there-being something she'eould, ne*er )
forget; though nObody know,_
Tudor, her bosom friend, imighed at all sett-
pontemp t t, for
tat she never
A lion king 4ir,.
re sirvice.and.
;en she-did not
''or Violetrtle
itiounQ an 14.
.4e. had 'neve r ihat , ctlisof
to feelthat kind
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', - ;" - a-j.. 1•,. . , - r . P 4 .1.1 , 1E. V% LL Or • ; PEOPLE -- IS - THR-LEOITIMATE Srirf"''--- :- ;:. ;: .- • -
••1 - ,- .lotirtirrhatrat , ilevirm•ri, • !'•••••..t - -..'• 1 1.1 z.f. r :... --..... , T.,V. , .'”'-, , ,,. _lx-1 C. ,_ ' .. k ~..* --,.. -Ake: ~• • -, -,- • t"•- , . .".• ••••••• ....•••-•
" - 1. - . . • T. 7 14 - ••Y‘ I" 7 r.i eMr v., irn•-wr rim ..: re el. . . . , _
0 s ,Tict.r;•. .
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{7._ '
eirc4,•ll4tiiii4.4:iii 4
4 msor":•*,4 l ;*: -it !I 6 -
likio4 1 ' Airi. • _ ' eY.
- .
posti.*.,afreett . ynt - JilAltn If"
tn.p*a , pek* - 4 1 i ,. ..1 16. , much
) Prigc:- ..0 4 . p14A..!.--.:ri)* - ‘ l !s
ha4llUg beep .0. kind . o f. ',pie
iliiiing;„lni:VN''%a,*!qtiqp *•11, - ...
.46 le i ailccdt - Otueetlint. , ..‘, Th.
;knows that - . notting-: coy a ',
pOOi, dear_ likary,.lall, alo oilin tl
ga4thidliLis. I.! . :Otel,menti tied:, it
iilieh &nil tounleated . the 'eireuM
jpsoin_frieuil.,.l:Ott . . 4 ,lol-', n, .0 0 41
'accepted .die iniipttido ; nd' _in
~.)r'eek,, ls . ..titno; sly*l33 c Upd herself ai
grove,.., with : at!.. )ter. prettiest, .
her . last new tuna 44- • ... I
""glia's:oprrespotidonoe .with Vi
,let Tudor
..over\yhOltniugly .'. dining ; -the yisit. -
Tbe - .o:l,4o:c;i : to 7 *pic gay.for le o v tut they
siiinidoepetiod.latO.a -_u Bless ri 'elatteholb .
lii4:wero rto.,.ll,ith liiist 460 hit ~. .-Ctozit
. siottolly there burst forth in . thet tho- , itio4
terrifio*lf,accuOing that Euglisl %;Ords: elzo
.Al*e... , - ,,lt.she liatl.beeo e „the hip 'd 0r41,..`
-eiety `ot eoinerii - Or . :the -I tri. - pri . tOss,of a
leryi.'she eon dno B ite used, ',:stroilg,er . =
, pree ! sions_ of gqi Nio .. lqt Was - friglitcped , t
firfiti but , "she: re : oniterral . that ii bras.. Ella's
habit, to. tridalg ; in 'all scit*lnf. -.),- ek..mierated
i l
.self:aotir.*tione, c At last mino_fiet t et , *hi
unveiled tii n - -s . t,t.ry, -- feOtiipg. ; 'the. terrible
sphynx which .
.erOuredl i men Sl:hones . to. a
'tame dog that ' oh). his eir4,l4:ei ,eream"-ki
'the usUil.eadio ' '`of,most I . Yotini'ladit.' :rn vs- 1
terlei... ~ • -,.L -, -.-: ! . 1 . ,
' I (.1 , :. $.ll
o i ,
_ .
do - not liit - 4w *hat 1 y dear Violet . will
think of her -Ella ; but, if itl is. to be the
death-blow. of Ithat- -, ..1 -, ani a tender --loie
which has suppOtted \my. sad J heart thyouih
so Many bitter; ;riails, - il must- tell her
truth, Violet; br - ken I tny .., vows - , a d
am deservina , of the fite. of Itno(Ten in t it
dreadfUlballad.. , PUor a r tleury ! Viohit,
love, I am engaged to.rit :4C.ousiti Launeekit.
'My aunt made4tte theio erSo.suppliwtingl;:,
; and - Launeelot Oaid so sii eefiy, `.l think.,- u
, will make mea!very nice wife,Miss Limple,.'
[ that I could )104"t - .m - . Besides ' Cousin
[ Latmeelot is veTy.han , e,.and that goq a
'great way. 174u.knou' l always found fa It
with Nor 'dear Ileitry s .figure ;. he .
inclined ;o Ate filo stout. ;..Launeelot's figu e
,is perfect, He: is like a picture--has Tezy
Bright, brown hair;.', a in 'thick curl, ;
not short and close like poor dear ; lfentyjs.
lie wears'therntvery ion. like the p4 . : - I trtrafs
of llapini'o. -.4.lenry s ha r, poor ilarliti - g l NV
ineliniA to be ri.41... ni, -eye,: ate larga,a .:
dark gray, wi!ht such. a ..utifull e.xpres...-si r
of melancholy - inthem. . They ale poefus n
themselves, , Vloret. ... ow - Ilnry's.,. Iyou
knoic-, were hazbl .and h. el eyes:are unple4s
lial:tthz.v are. o quick ,a dfiery . 4 ' Hike suf-fi
. a.s . Launeelet's-:- le 1 : 11341 401S, POeOC '
eves that seed to think, tuf fief as well: Its
tc.fse. Mizell eyes, on '.. see.y t on'
P ,u ,
knowqbe ditrekenee ? le is , ry quiet,-,
lies all 'day under - the 't. .s, in king out lid
the most exqui4:ite hooka!, and tending Shid
ley; I dote, .on• Shelle), and hate. Shak t is ,
peare !—that VeatiSome- landei! And uoiV,
her own dun; .1111 a is gi) . t i g to, b and priy
of her dearest Violet to me here is so4u
as, pcmible. . I ettelose- , • note from Atint
Uhutbler .;,isk.iim you • and, darling V i,f I
.., , „c, 9 .-
will never forgive ,you if you don't: conic di
rectly ; fort:10 liover in e world could evr,
separate hie Pr6m. my. o - :Violet. ,If Ypu
don't come I ilii , ill thinky uareangq with e
for my;lad colduct. to . . r Henry,;. and_ n
deedl feeLhol guilty . a9:16 - : - .1 . .4;15u. a
terrible dream of him,. . ' iiiglit; - l'iliO.ii 1
he lOoked so pale and . it roachftir, just' li -e
his fivoritejlanalet: t 0 ' ..I b,Y . :" --- I cant pt
*lite, ariiatlier -ord, for 'Aunt, *tints Melt°
go withlAT to . _ he vlllag4
est Violet , and One inin
This letteiAelighted
had_nevit:r.liked the -- nit
r I 'miry Daminex, which $
andfsentnaental, wl
offer a real futin..-".Sie
.of,wheiii'.she. --.- laS*.cei A' emilili: - - afraid4aii . d
in''a few dii';' - irf - ;d i.. - ll'idi .. kiierro%'4 , 4--
.) ' !.v '-' -, lc - 1.. • .m. , ...,,,-;
S.he Avas .- receiv4d - wit .fr: tirst '4e.nthitSia,iito,
which coming froni 0 . - z . c;alip,' 'Oita - lel 4-.
rified.ldirineelet ; „h a y. au 1 t..lintaley
,her.',74f .
with" .no *siiKtfluitY o . iadies,;, Lanni
~ y
Lautieelo,t , .hiniself,., it i : - . 4:.... cold IKiii-:,- 1 - 7 .
Yet she wasprif.tty 4 . o_ r ifi - ; '.l',,The'ilaiek - p- -
yen hair, whiehi it W _ -.I; r . 'Will,and
to, wear exoWditii oy. . - 11 - 1...1*(in mt . ' eeuty .
haudi; 'rho- greht-b 'I- ;,y' - ',4, that i - . 1: 'er rett
.o '.* for .4 - motrisa
~; ei ' lik,ht, Ifitirg'fiii4
:her- wide. red lio; , atid he. . untarrialilii - viYari:.
- ty.,.,made her aOpear like
,a wild . . bird, -a
. Jght 7 ,
inion: the".ste -"'Of that; .5ti11,,i0044/aik.
... - s . --..,'';:
The • fi rif tw dais . , "'l 1 . 114 behaied ;11614if
N . l - 124 perfect . 06pneti.. ,She;'- : eialirrOid.eird
more t - Atwo l .4l re in ' cts-o er iii..wo ',
IL -
aiiiidid not:M. -e : lii,singi -al/4:4606,411e Sia- , i
1)1s.. -',She:feiliailer.ji on y tWiee When- Laliii- ,
044 'eondeseei . 0 tO,T7 ead alOnd t4enAL4 . 7. I
;I;e4- pall: i:47 41 oii, AriiT - and - _she-tritidli#d 1
I• 4 hioh as it sh . 041erk -. , what, y`,lpqelii
diOn.was 41,1 i "'Lit;*':' l'Oar . litt,fe'' ii-Om an.. l —'''' . '
Sh4:36le* as tich:' , )64 ',.- - either, - .its:lf
iii.4.lnee, as . a t oll pd in,, tilid-:fiti6ili4
11 07)*#. 1 the )3a4:re. di t.t ::<;flb6: .k.naic ".An'
'dit*s . cir as if hii'd:', .4 her NW: 'ailnig,, - . and
,11 1
fie man .weA pg.. 4: Loaitua: 10ng . .. 46..4. 2 -
Bu! , ,this .04't4t..thir*s . ' tda,...44t.,1a5t, 10ng..,
Ylotet Tador:. It. il4sl,i ,*.i.a1ik,.:461i0 m:
4 , ti
:0 1 i . ( r :;1 1 1d', 4 " . ' L4ling . 64:*lit :1 1 44'6 : I ,is
t914;, , .ini1 -. i- ,Aoi',ll iiiCid` j a46-::'itinfli,
440,0d* i l': - 101‘414`: -. 6,40 '4l4ll'46fr
i:'(.4*Ac.l - mi.1.10. aii4 .4 - -0404 -- ..ii,, , _:s'3oiir':
•_*iiiso; : giat.,i4 ... **4l.44.4kilillitilL: :OW.
)ip'', i., 'his 'Oitithir6looo447.,' (0 1 ( -*NY ,
L a
time aSk2iligi
,46: he • 'iv:icon - 4a s,v4l. jorg , ' ,,
. ....,,170 ., ,gat'. - ( , l7Vei4S'li6,-.100. iit„'. r• ' 'r , ..
Yix,4A .0:4 - 44; ii . ',l tilt - 404: i ir:otti .ilA:,*.T.t.i-elik - -..
'.4o;z:.p : 4,00 g q-`e,y4 l t4 - 44.4 . 4;:ng.:'i0!r7.1.)*
fOrdt.fol, • ' - 44liiM.' ' '.','.' .- 1" -- ,'": - ',1.' ~ .., - c.., ••: - '..i;
~ '...‘- ., 7 N kit'. for, - Cs
,Miss tia4r;*ol,4
46i... . :! ,. 1 ,,,, ~,,...,!.,,,... ~-..1 :, ......: . ....., . , ;.:........, ~. -.... j .„...4
: :: -E444 i..A.Y 4t *5 74, ::; - 4N! .., ? - ), , ruitiii ,. ...1
~iisictiog t 4- -: ::4..lLiiirtt, -iiiq**--f.tiliF,
,I*l.Foe.or-Y.441,4 . 1:: ~,,;:, ~ , , ,, 4 i r,:;:*•: - r;..l'k-''
-,.• ; , .1-iiiirdd tV4 7 . iiiii . " 4:140, ft4,peitiiiellift:
.1- - Aid,l . ,d;,yoA , - ,p - it:ii7 - *!‘o.., - 477 - iiiiiii' q iitunieo
<mini i
i 3 joitiiit,. ,
; 'How.- 1 vrAiiiit; ' y iii .. iilliir tea* ,
• - •--1 ,, , ..-, f_ - ~,:.• ,-' -.- .14.."' i"'
I . S 9 giiiifo:l "
,-:•: _J' • - - - ' . - '
t --
)TV thaff, Mrs.
1 - l lwrAretylligk --
" .
I' lo7 ' ' 4ll c
,: rf etig;
. AZ
to i
•Aeomiid for
In that
, e, uo. forget
st4nee toiler
. shp.
,1&-s than
!. poi 4*
:esses and
Do'•oine, de r-
I t
ediateti:2, 4
, la's 'Mend. - .... e
~ tibti:-;with Co ' et
~, e lad. Thought v -
ile this socnied. ~o
i:Totd to h'er - aunt+,
'enchl‘qiiiet wife - had beete'ihoien
lidding a grace of thanks for having escaped
violet Tudor.'-' After breakfast he ; . Steolled
as usual,' into -oe.gardeni chuiniey
iiig 'abOnt... her household - `eincerna Violet
went , te:the door Wining round for 'Ella.
• Come with:me, - darling:- she . said . ;
let us gO•and- Wide Latium. - It is really, too
stupid .. .here can't endure:it much longer.
I want to see What-the lazy 'fellow really
nitde of., int.iaot engaged to him, so lam
not afraid of him; Come'
StaLwitli one spring down the whole *flight
of steps, she • dashed - upon the laivn like a
flash °flight.: Ella ended: like well
lire& lady ;- but Violet skipped and ran', and
jumped, and once .She hopped— . F.Auitit.-she
found hergelf by -Launeeles Side:ras -;he"-lay.
on the , grass, darting:in between liifirnnd-tlie
sun like, a humming-bird. •
‘CottSin_Lannee, how lazy vini are l' , .were
her, first werds. , Why don't youm
do soe
thing Jo amuse us ? You moretiotiO
of Ella tluiti-if she were a kranger, and von
are not,,cVeti ordinarily polite wine. It ig
really-dreadful What will you be when you
are a man, if you are . so idle and selfish now !
There ' no living with you in a few
years.; for I ain-snre yOu are insup
portable as you are r'• -
.14inneelotliai1 not been accustomed ti.l this
style -.of
~address ;'.niul„for : •the first ftiw mo-
. .
ments,•wits'OmPleiely . fault. • Ella looked
frightened:. She. touched Violet and.whi;iikr-
Don't hurt-•• 1114 . 7 feelings atl,if he .had
been n • baby, And Violet an' ass-iassinT
. • .• jun 1. to do: to. please-. Mi.Fs;
•dor ?' LauneelOt 'tigied; . with- an impertinent
voice ;`'.what herculean eiertion - • mustl go
through to win 6'voi in the eyes of illy. strong.
brae;. ii~anly°`cviasiai 3'
••• ; .• • •• •
Be\ a man yourself,.-ecalsin • Faience,' nit
swered Violet.' :.'Don't spOil all your time
:dawdling over Stupid poetry which I am Sure
.•yoti dont understand.. .Take exereise, good,
; strong eiercise. • Hide, shootoake in
terest: 14 'somethingf and in some one, ind
. don't flunk.youiself* goodjfor everybody's
society • brit .r your .own; you-give up your
happinesi lot- pride; lam Sure you .do : • ykst
• you - are *Treaty - uneauseious,of how- ridicu
lous yOuimako yourself'. --
You. nre Severe, 111•Ls.s.:• - -Tudor i l Lapp ee
lot; • - with_ his face_ Crimson.. . iolt;t
.M4l _SO:: . frank,. could not be angry .
with her,- . ; • •
'tell you the truth,"
. :41e 'persisted, and
you :don't. often , heir the truth.. lletter for .
yod- . -if You Aid::: You - - must not let it be a.
.i . juarret.hetween tspeak it only:for
your good•; and if you :will-only condeseend
to.bc-a little inore like othertnen I will nev
er Say i .11! word y . ou. again, hi).
Let us to
the stables, ...I want to seexOnr horses. r 'Yon
have:horses ?' • • •
• sal remark
ed at birkfitst; not ladies" horses.' ; '::
• •• I 404'1 :nitre iiurses ;men's hair
-sets' will suit me better!' said Violet, wittra
- toss ; of: tier little tin* was fharrainr . in
its assertion of equality. would undertake
-to- ride, horks, cousin. Liunee,- . that. ob, dare
not mount; am - sure you. eatimit-be goot .. f
at riding. lying - citi the grass- all your life
Lumeelot - was ,ex:ee.s.sirely piqued.-
blood Tinade - his flee'. tingle, his - briaWri"einv:
traeted; ;Mil he felt humbled and annoyed. but
roused: eaine into EUa s eyes. • She
herfriend, Old • ;
011;' Violet; how . cruel you .are P
Lainicelot mw this little bye-scene. He
was a mart wig a spoilt child in one ; and hat
ed pity on thiltene side, as .much as. interler
ence.on the oilier. o poop Ella did not ail : ,
Tauce heiwlf much ii his ekes by her cham
pionship. ' the the cofttrary, he sett morehu
railiated, by. her tears than by Violet's re
bukc. ; arid;: drawing hixriself up proudly, he
tcriViolet,:as ir he were giyin& away a.
ingdora--- - • • -
f It you please, we - *ill ride to : day.'
• Bravo I bravo ! cousin I . .aunee I'
Violet left the love.ri togmher, hoping they
would improVe thk! opportunitybut, Ella.
Was ..too ' bred. and. tatniedot was too
cold; ?they' oniy talle4tteli other 14in
Liniple and Mr. Chttmley, and ti':)wrieti.that
it was very fine weather—which m•tts th,e•gen.
Oa} 'extent of their lora-making-,.-*
- TheY•arrived' at the. stable in tlini to hear.
'o(Violet's."'eindid That
cob)s dr-fetlock wants loOing to , The Stu--
pul gro6m ! - Nylay'CTCY' saw a hedges head tied•
up like. that 'Why be.'wan't a . eribbiter,Was
fie?' and 'Wit]) d I FW*-6, pOor fellOw ! Sipa
d.); there; steady`!" Violet filauntlessly Went
-upi to the big carriage' horse's head, 'and.loos
entid, the -strain - of his halter befOre
• Lattnce-.
lot 19 . ri!w" , ...alhat she - Wasiabout: ..She was. in
her. element: She. Wandered in and. out of
the,Stalls, 'and did "not mind how 'much the
lifirses lidgctid; not even •if they - MI.OM
theruseliei•sideirays' as - -.if they '= meant, to
'ernsli'lier against „the. 'manger; I,atineelor
ihcalf,, , lif till this ..vpliaf bey9ra.l.worils i- and
be' thought - Ella 'Lim*, who stood' ; just at
the door'and . tioked frightened,lriftnitely the
superior ~ the'tiro ladies and thanked his
good star again that had'iSen oh,Ella'and - nOt
on Violet.. -_ • . - '`
. .
-Violet chose - the biggest and most spirited
horse. of a ll , • Ella kit :Cling:l6i , old grey that
"!traS a, :steady - iiS a ' - eapie4 andfl44li/Weitt in
fa: the*tiSe'toqicisi Air' their - ridei.: - When
they `t me . liatkt even'lA .elOt `v ery - Much
dlAapprOvi lig of ' l -Ainizorui Pi general-could=
trebt .. Init •.' konfess -' ' that they_iii 'tide li ' beatitifill
pair-':-Elli'stifair atidVilaul; rind Viidet 'O.
full ofillf6';filid'irktity;-
.?..ffe !gas' oldig . O'fia,
allowr that she liras be Win) ;.' byt, Of efourse,
guikltittiftil iti-Elra. ; ;With:thiti• tliiiiigh4
licdrew fliniselteerlYitito - the'iladdl; and
4 Ith(ihreer: staitied. ';',, Ella" holding - ter . piitti- - - -1
Wel' ' ,, er3i tlightly:r:if (if' ii . ....4' s ',. - '•-• 2 , • : :,,, . 1,„(
--1 The -ittiiii;ied down tlielinue•together';
tiit, ;whea . they'r. , gue kehort:ilistaue,Ybii•Ahei
idakltiolet,;' , rdised heisti,lf.itithe eauldle. gid
-702 ii 'he-- - AI 4 hund I lth- '
r ' , FM " r CtSt , It.
" tittai:dait4id-okteaffing(aloni tlie'ro4d..
I l'*iild'i*Aliniti triligiN - 13006kin'the - ,4)iittiiie r e,:-
- ' ikehitlii4l6oaf iittne. , ;o4itttositis.:fitee'.- . ,
inetiihttlaviitlisii tei*.olfirtitg his 'tie**
'o' 'it6 o l iikiiitititt.tog,i 'taut made 1 6 1- envY
, iiid fOitt ' r iinaliiiiVittidi mdre - 911 hf.t.liretiih;
'-' ;littsturivedj ; to EihNIAI - 4411 440108 , 1 y,
4 Shall• - *l4idel.thstailet*Limpliir - ::1'.
' 'lf ytie'pleast4, 7,- ,t4ered iiEllit:ltitiidlk ';'
` 1 ?- 0 4Li a P)- 4 40e 04 -Vi r f ;' . 4 tIPS . : I cST v ; ,t ''
.--,..:'- 1416 1 143 g 1 1.1 1 , WArill ) -il•li k re ** '
': 4 4,‘.:': - P 4I PL. -.V*4 44 .
1,..0,4i:%hitit, ~ : *. :1 - 7. ll PC*Sf4A.iiih#l 4 . o .
`..tiid:Vvit:f. - . ilAtibi4.4 4 ,V4i) l DgO*
4 . ''''' -44 " 1 .- -A;.%,:r 4 , -
.E;'._:T. - n : tT4sl)*' , 7,•-:
• • b'' li ' ' 'al * ' ' ".:
I - ''' •' ' -.- f
hoi•se ae —w king slow y.. •Ellav-d9zin .
grey "hanging. down; in,': - - 1 1 1 - eo d . Aoph i i .
With - the flies `set.tilng ...*l.iiktW4l4l:l4l,'!
eyelids; •'' -' ;.'..:: .- • '-..-*..-
...`...'..... r i.,
-:- 1 1)earestNiolet; i thotighi.yo4 - otilabiA - P- -
been' k illed,' - said. Ella •:‘ ivlaii nag. 'ion:
. .
rusli,nway in: that niiitifier V.,::' - ':.. .
~; • .; .
`And what-linikes. yottfiOth.ride ak: it .. ' ou
Were in a - processioti; and wereafraid Of tri ii i - -.
piing on the erowd - r, - Vinlet,....:4'_enii.s. ,
in Launeelotl•vOn are'sornething. - woride , tit.-
. lik e
4 strong ; min ~ . ..roti,sto4ide in'tkit-'' ' T 4.
.11i:,. - Are you : imide' 'of. :. jelhl that 'WO i.14 , _
break:if:Bll446i? For shame'- ' :llnreit - ..,'
.ter...., TOtur. . bay. .iitin't,.. , b - eit.. - - . iy- bbiek; . , al
1. '
though my: blaeltia blown . and =our - ina - is'..
&este': ..- -.-- '-' : . I , i '--. - --- - 4, -.- . ....: . .-1 - - . ..:''.
iolet -gat'e'. tlio bay'
.it • stiuirt . ent ..with.o . r.:
.whip, 'which" sent; it 9fritt , :#_liatid:gallop -.,'
. they: both. hini•,. .e,llitti:ing - ailing Abe
hard road," like:dragoons. 'I, But Yioletrijeat
:by a fill) length';' or, Its tdie - _:pltraSed it, ; ::i4le.
won- - 'eleN'"erly,'• telling Laniteelot, that lietad' .
a great-deal to do before he could ride aga t
her, - which made him hatcher. as much , if,
she, had 'been a Ai'renehMaii„ or a coSsa . ..k .. ;
acid love Ella more tharieyer. , And st he.
told her, ns he iift'ed her
. tenderly from. ler:
gray, .lea . ving Violet to-Spring' from-lier in ,
moth black unassisted: - •••• :.. i'. . ..-- 1\ '
. \ :All that evening he :vas's:UM*: to 'Vie' et. ;
i i i: rd d- . .p \ e . et . alial) . . - -." :; :ff .: (..7t , i . ci i ti . at . e ..: , t 0... t y lla, :, n Iti i. 'ti ,:. t . ..f ..
the - -pOor. child's heart:flatter like . 11 ea :
... 'Cousin,' .whigpered ViOletiihenextrti rn-,
. , .
ing, laying. her little : hand , 4 iin his shotil er,
'have-, you- it riflein the tonse;• 7 -or .til)ai - ofd
ph:Aids?' i - - -; - - • • -' -- -- - • ' - --- 1 l''".
Lainteelot 'WM : SO taken by surprise Ihtit
he -.barrio:lly. - c.t - itife*xxl to having guns find!
pis o tols and rifles, and all „othey. rnurde
weapwis necessary .fur the Otequipmelii . if,al
gentleman - -
We . u ill hav_ersotne:ttik,..ol6!ll' OW - 4 1 4,.1
looking happy: and fell of u t ast-lief: . - I
: -Vii:ll4 -. and'. glia.7-1:114. dragged,:stO . 71
a. , ain§t her will; for the .N. .v.sigpt of tt's!pi-
tot nearly threw:her into - . hys ..5.--went'l ~
to the shrtiliditery; and thereV . , elialleng 'd
I,attneelot - to, 1.2b00t.. with ber .rti .- ri - inakk - .- ti
tiventy paces ..,.. then; as she . 17* — NV vtiin;nt thi 1 ',
• - ,,,. ,~. - • :t 1
ly. ..Latineelt)i • *as too prowl to refuse ithis!
ehalieng: e, - - believine:!, of
. eour::4e, - that: a •Iltt le',
blaek-ey.ol - gill, ;0:0.,..c waist he; eOnlil • .Spain!
between: hii thumb rind littiefinger,-.and . lrol':
li:nids that . could ; hardly • find. glot;e4 , small
enough for t hem; &il d not sheet, So r,-ell as lto. •
tanneelot Wasnercens--tha: t intist be !eon- - I
fesi-A ;-.itnd.V.idet was exCitedi:-Latmeelot's - r;,
nervottsnes..c. helped his failure,.• but V.iole4's
e.T.eitement : helped fler* . :Stiees. •-: Her iillt - .;
bit the- mark el;•ery time straiglitlit the,;,'ee :,:.,
tre, atid • Lanneeltit'never
.14:4, once ; . whi ..11:-
Nl'4.S not,yery pleasant - in. their respective" o. :-.
dithins of lord,,and ul.tjettq• 'ff.;r stainpirl t
daseil. Worrien — es,pkioljy little: wotnen*.i .
sniall. waits—in his own magnifimit_rnind.;
. .4 lie 4.,,, ~-,t,540, ~..,..hini,„,,ime,i ,11,. 01
'awl - , was out,.of. practice:.: i4 . le - aralik c.O ,;,'•
ifor hfreakfitst, and . that. liall.Ttlide fits" liatidi*
steady—' • - • - . ' • : ' '; • '
And e!::a dess, too,eouSin I..aunee,' 'said- i
. ..,.
olet,i '
that ytnk wFre . n . e7Fer very t tood at.sli . t . 7 •
lig •..any: time .. in yOur life, wi . out coffe . i r .
a ft,
with; it... Why, yon don't even load-froi - sr-
Iv v. - loni E.on .y,o/ shoot; .if - y eti .rlOn'tl: i n :fr,
ii*lto . load-1.,: We can't read - without :11- , ,
plaint !.': .• - - - • 4 ,
. Int tlie able - '' lit;
pro manner ix)ssi she - look,
the 'pistol from her epusirt's - himd - and loaded ,
it for hint--first , drawine.the charm,
Now, try : again she 'mid speaking 0S - if
to-a (*ad • 'nothing like perse.Veranei..'''f , i - -
I..itmeefot was provoked, but stibiluedirand
dia is' his little instructress bade hita 7 4c fall,
onee more. bullet , '4"
get, and Violet's - lodged itt . the SO
l—auneelot fluini, his pistolson - the.grasstand,
it is a. very unlady-like amusement, , -
'Tudor; awl 1 ‘r. nitieli 'iv blame to :eneburi
age you In such-n()lsense. . threring his inl.n
to Ella be walked sulkil • ani • -' I
...Violet ]oiled after them for some tuite,
watching -tbemtlirough 'the trees: linj'e:
was'a peculiar expression in tier. faec--a Imi
tur.6 of -,%rhirnsieal htunor, - , of pain, oftrintiiiii.,
and of a wistful kind of loiering that is!rlia 1 s
site was, in ber.own heart, unconscious of. '
She then. turned away, ;laid With a half bidi
said: rftll to heri:elf: r; It Was a pity tt
eonsin, Lauficelot.bad 'Rich a bad temper!'
• Alter this - Launeelot bemme More i,
more . ltwerve'd to Violet, and more and trio
affectionate .to 'Ella ; although he often w
do:L.4llla himelf for thinking so ,much-of a
=--thongh to anger and dislike and go lit
of theotber. Why - should- he disturb him
abolt; Violet ? ' "-... ~.
O the ogler hand, Violet Was distress
at Launcel6t's evident dislike'for her:
{ ,w ,
bad the 'done ? She was always good-te
pered to •hitn; and ready to oblige. ‘ TO!'
sure,. she hail told_ -him;' truth..
but ;`teas not'the truth always-16 - be . told ?
. -
'Awl just. ace what -gotxl she had - done)hi
Look' bow , much more ae6e Land 10..; . ii t
he Was' than :he used-to:be. ' It Was'ill owl ig
to hyr. 'Shel.wis, taxi fur .Ella's",sake that e.
,lib 4.ler tbetter ..; -for it wonld-be vall .d.isa
gr4rble`for . .Tila when - bhe / tnapier3,- if L1:,194
1 1 1,
.4ao.gualj (lid no like to see her . * the t hooa.
- It:, was ' 4 'eallY- v IT- diSress.ini... '4O ,Y:i° l o
:tied 04 her . OA y. that night, thinichig oven,{
thq . .4iiikf_ulAre * she. 0001 n4t.,4ily,w* l
-Oa, hijeauFe la's husband. hated,ber. ,_ -. 'l'',
7 .. This Was ~af, F,-..-V.i . olet - had ; beaten cousin
;144111101Otthree, es of ebess consee4B' tivtdir.
lI , AALIcIttot laid bwif fiiriouslY littin*ed..: 4
fig,Fl*acc;:xilitil- the bo?st , 004 1 aYe* 1 1 1 *YI
.11Y-ighbs*:_hc.o4-:__•-Bhe;Was . `very,-Oalppy;abn4
/ cousitil o ituncefor, - all that ,;:_antl_ tlio;,nextfaat
. looked ; quite . ,-,pale „and cast i 414W6. , t;fi. ' O l, :
.14untelQt:,:t0601 , -14A- 01 ,* 1613 , - -M.S II I I I
~.dlanged looks,,and 'abkabeilr*lterloydPits 7. l
-ly if she were ill.' "174 which!question 1 140.
l i
ireplied hy, a,hlush,.A glad sh'ile bu . 4tlng r ouN
- like i'liOnz'and a preitty,poti 1 . .ci10,1 am p9t
114: "1-1 thank: YoU.' ` which el'ided. theft- hiffi
' elutnge 'of eivilitieatot the 'day. , ,--, - - - .1
': Llitil*. l *- - . 1 ?" 3 .410'.:'rei1. 1141 ; Ai4liiiiPiiiei-:
PlehoXY, er.Prit. kini 4 lxlififi i 9. l *-004*
aides' there yeelio ;if despiiii•;: , newas 1004
.. ec.„ -- 1014,. . ind
eciiy►moi . to. ii . 01: how -t c r ~.,
ii4jer,.. 4 he "'wa s ik.6vlnit ilk; ii liei;' , 4,l4t.i
(*old " 6 t * iillaqr4ailA".. l d lo * l : 4 'ficnY IP r *
he - 16 - 4:hr - ,-.' . 7t 1 i4.. t*rtion*if)f... 7 egis -1 '
1 14 - *#:',.410 . -', 11 41 . vi* 2 ,Irtir_*sstV
fitedititn.'= , Air s9ft:",and inusisig' .:0/
liihi4ii*e" - liedr : Vk ho' Was in . .'i, `i
igifli** 6lll oatOn:,,' i," . .
iiPlekii*er .T 'oC.UPf'• , ! :,
• iqfloriffiw , ' l ' ' ' ''' .... '4
• V
elt li kti .
o ~wifei
.Z.• .3 , 1. , 1 •
iitdfl" '• - *lmo
"a "; .. , f- (-
.4 - 4 - ",.i„i'
lii ;•.v:
4: -
/Aeel , e
#.litif*ltt i ll4 .
d i ' *I enT . PASIi .
.. 4 : 4P04 : 11,6. 11 9 4.
4 i ji.0 314 t1,444 1 413 4:
/ ' Cli f tOktiK. '::'''''' t . 4 04
0 ni ct
ia, , in ii i i io
, 1 y 41:A . ... ..
,:-.....r•-•-.i ii v , „.. . ;..,,„A-11, ..;-, -'l'4 , ili‘'4 , - ~
iiSIPT.,, , I9L
.. : t 0011:1,
_. :I . lt.
i llii ,, i44 ,,, fht k r , . t og i v i i t ....,
,: , ;.' , - ; :i;-: ; :-.:•1r . ...-:=nwii::,,1!:.., , : - ,
,~*c~w~iy+~ ti-a~a~3~
N E;
There they ar ? he exclalt,
e° l 4o l s;Purlsd4 be ro . ' i lliAWindO
Whit-a .f,oot, that Alloiee,has I
,w.hail a ilustreus. bliii4( ! and
-1 1 shaw ? what is t ta,,..m& w ,
she,ilias l',. .- t itild., e trotted 1 tl ,
titre -away: 13 t - lna:minuf 7
Wat ing, the twO gins - agaitt,,`,„,
d! 1
ol'et. ..' The siren Ili of .ltte„l i
ste , led ,mit ott_tit, lawu ,t4.-foll
Uncelot's,,lif ifas verydi '
vl l a it•Juic-i'.- bVvii• I ile 'w.ood 1
te, lad' baoine;passionateli t
Id liras looking flt:WaT.4 to th
It - , ivith' delight:l I jl - fe,,rfX li:` e .
Ivo? cousins; 41:10e - and,V ,
tlier,'-which'iittde'then l so
and her grail f•:;i1t - al i piiItli
'wed to shocit,rt4...: 7 - practi
; tine 'dayn he aton.ished.lfil
ull's eve as Of l
ten asei'4
, iat , detil; nnil; had not opet
Jiinight.. Re was tii•lre n;
, and . sinnetinis...s; even c•,11
►lt.'so, as to big ; heard,- a l ted::t
But Ahis was very rare,a
appearance, of a combsscei
talk to - children. ,Ile still
!heficliiarreled - every day
lapaft.' They hated each •
they eould 'Da' he happy ' '
I althotigli,-tO do Violet in'.
louniclot's side. ' Lett. ‘t•
Ili -neYet havf!. sahl a cross
`what could she do when
;intent 1- - :Thus / they - rode,-,:
11 - N.,at chess, and. litarre,le
+emote recotteiled, andge
IfElfa, still aril calif; look
14- lie eyes, an
d •.; en 11' 2 ' won 6
children too "ether:'-" '
tic day the thi ee- - ,lbutid 'the,
,selves WI
li 'a: bench 1 itder .a hilt. Purple -1;
1 .
Ii .betti dbi,i - n; itigreat brat •hes like
bout them. Ella `gather cl a few 0
beautiful• lc; yes and - pla d - them ii
They did t of -lOtik very well:; he;
too light.
\ an Latmeelot.skid SO.
temps. they ' ill' look het I roe you,'
r,'• he adthakpiCking a..ln •ui and r
1 .
and. laying ,it Bacchante tlishion in
4 .Itinek . britiiti.' „Ills
.han touch
4;1., 110. sl#rt l ed, and drep4d it sud
t that round fresh face 11 • been - b
~ °let 1111UShcti de.ep IY,, and felt dist r i
g ashamed- .and angry— tianhling
a - strange difficulty-of brcithing,
and rut. awa -./ :allying : s, . was go
• ; fin' her p. •101.L,-althoti h she ha
Juld=;--aiitt •Oahl:be ha iminedP
i ' e ,itavid - ' Yaii 'a lopg.tl9 - e, AToli
usill': Lituneflet'simpeittnelice•
; - the baek no one,)‘',us i to ita• seen.
1 11..annerlot bad gone int i the sh '
i o
.; I l i 1; after 'a hare that ha run
a ; and Nutletsae dd*n.on the befic
n ~or:theni, an was plea • they ha
: t?t e l il l t i :a li( n 4rt l ,: a : l l f ! po rfd. :: f p ftn .: :: :: g . .7 o .l anneel
w i E c i o la :a l hig at4 bl rr t f ;k ne to in t i l: -' s l e h a c' t.'
'olet instant-IY' rose;'lnitis;
inet, face.;•land :she - tretahr
er - ‘ I Must . - gof - and kid*. fo
ht ' g up - heriparn.sol.-•' 1 -,- .- '
1 anilsorry, 31iss Tudor;
iso , excessively, dis%tgrfeel . 11?
•iteclot, said, Moving-aside,
lokt, looked i fullilu his;ti
ent: .- . -''' '.
° l 7 5 alF-e4)- I ql - Y. ol kri-Pr 'nee -disal
o me;). NI , hy,sonsin.l ttece, - it i
; hale ' the - .1 - ',; . .- .
oil Itiow- to a R - co t t.t r ary, said - , tnied,
airi - dI . -,, i Lou detest it d (14, , ,5pi • ...: tatil
keit° pains to hide you : feeli% fii,ot 1
'ary, eauSinly . painsi I iiow lat - full
i ults,i'L'Lspeaking r as if a„di . . ,hadh - F at-,.re-,
' „ 'and the . .waters *ere shingo (.. , r, in
' iiii—qut,'Lfil I Lat,h , no: -sb bad a . .!')*6l,il
• me
,1 4"-li 4 i •e . , s . doiie :111 J : euid to - Al
siii6e you lui -e: beeii here ;.:I 1 - iye I: , fell. :
i y runner I; bitS: Tliii adopted your'
1e; and - fiAl we] - Vent. ''' x:11111;10-'1 'lt 'i
. -
.:heap te : tii. k'ry. o;' , csfe " - .'ine,'r 'ld
' Yen' 'more than 1 Xave*, .., read y fit't `*,
1 ed.' t:eatt thiltire ankth ug-rathe I 6f l ',
unitilidtinth' ' ntempt yea eei Pir * . P i... 1
iniielotbe . . rite Suddeittl afflicted 'with
ii king sensati n ; 'there - ' 4 tl 'is - a • sehse ,of
eis billic h(ad,;!and his I nbi 'At" -
! dilly' tears Inc itito:liiti•-, Yk" . Ye' l f l
hi• Was.,l he We t: ='Violet' iflinig'!lter
nd his neck, ;id took hi- ead 'be l t
.little hands,
.Bite heat h - face tMt.
e. iheamit' - tva 40: 4011'jliili r .foilePe. I;
0 'if ti few intint . i.vorda'w ichnti, - ;t
e said to a 13 ther. , • But they-', c
. t;
; - strange WO Id ittlxith.;,, Vi6l*.. I'
se gage'.hers 5 1 -for: it:WaS
.. .-•tuni!a o
beld:her. Se! bid bor:th ;bn l• .
'to Itiok up.. 'or :a lung ti es, ,
ly 'to:-lie rebitsedi whenliaid only, - 'n
tereil by suni4l*-skrelige . ' than, :.
.:- flung .herself-frOnt•hitni a 4 :eft* a
e'house, in it : sfate of ,;exeit enti
Usti ,•. - e•Ati Agolty
.01 reflec*ti '
i uueear
.I is ago.liy:'of fe,414;',0t4-I.44ueeloi.
A t bo_th felt ils , Prctb4l ' -,.4a4 I,4soutr.
a: 0• 1 1 01 1. to LI: 0 1 444; . 4 5 0 ., 11 *' fort!
d;rifaet._ rs7r,heo - ri.ea 3- - i f
w 9 - lia44N 4 4:Ys Plield_crusbi d tion4.
I I,
E ht's 'confidence ; Only to ;AV vo.111g!
10 'tlr...?: It Wiis N . -Prs.„t 3 t, 1 . 1/ IPgP i #• : : F
61 *ptiftelAtt it.o.4,7,tWik ji - f ;t:t)iiiti
'• , ad, g 11,4 ;'for ,`she - lixfotio •thidl;
4)' . s ti„thati:asitYSOPpiiPtab*lli - i.
fa c iii 9 ELl4_; : Viit,"; : miliel; - a:! 1,-
*-- eirt(4 o ' '
,` lidFciirl:rtiolli 4 t lir, -5 .11 6 0 4'k& 1 - 1 1:ilt 1 4 6
r a d iliTseliai'iltif 'Mitt'
,q 0 fewbui deUdein't lii•
t..k • iiiiiikliiiVb" tit.
t'sb: le.lo f ant. • .
t .i
Ili ~, ye.,
_dolt l
Ivo .
and I
Tud, l
By J
•hat, ey •
: Yrirml*
after .he
q ll 4 - °PI
I r e said;
'erent no! I
at En
9101ilid ',
rin tttei
def.:mid - 1
cion, a.'
late& VII
but we
Ithout li
4 Ice, it
tirord `.to
.welled a
- on Arfo
more, t
her? s
mS• p ;
le to
ti let; he
nr utiler
,tot rias,
41.14pa1z 7 ' 1
se 1 .
of icilii
i ti)h:tift)ii:4Nol:
es. - li eiti,t'ilisliih
• ..,,....• .., 1 ~,,... ~.•:,:-,-;,.
~14 4 1 ; i.t41 . 1 : tigi4 6t , . 4
AO .*li(4oo)iir:;44l
;'.the. '''PAl*iji
. .ic,t•i)i . *
1~ 1 r
• • ... .
P.•.•::.••••.: •. ... ], - 1,•,,,...;;..1,i
~, • . 44 . , - .. i*,.• .: ;:‘.;••...1:y . .:,' i... 7 -•.. . ,;:
. 1 .
~„„s.-:.,,:::,_,..„,,.,:-4,-;it,;4liii'-'iiN :
~.;-. ; '.4i1i:....';i:i.: , ?,:it'..',- - - ‘ 'X':::_',:..,,1', .. - „ .:.:1-:;..C.-...,.,,,..4-',:-;.-:':;:,':,-..:alt4-,';....i'..s.:°
'iikiiieiiiia2W - tllll; , : s iiiil - Ad4tglil' , ' ,: th: i 1: - --..- - w4 .- - -- ia*: ';' ! i !i...., 4 „...Ji.( 1 :70:irigtA r ( ,, ; ( 4
intif f iopiel*is,- - ,-Idifby . theritti444iiii-11:: •
''' 1 4 0F11P- .'9 11199 -0 401 W--': , '•::: ' — 104 .t 1 0 0 44 10101 t, -- - 4 ?WF..-F.
.. 1 -000natitina4iw111 1 ",iiiiaotiff( tt 4100;i. i ... . --,, : ---=-, PoiretAN* --- o f rigt . ..., - IKiiiii t ol44 l- f ,-- :- - "-''
iek-u'imiseaAx..servittit . ,l 7 . - ,...Thete * , ..i*t , 4 - , --, : :_iiii . ezmik v. .AgictiOilitV6t 44 - i,r , _:r.
- ~,,,_ ~ ~..,
ili i : o. 1. 4eme.4 4 th i s arglik' A 1: - $ , ,:u ( ~l- tiesiof !vild g4:11,1-.51Xe : ':1 3 :N4iii:iifficifi*t:; 1 'iU
1 .
e01: 14,
1 . 4;' ,6 1.09 . 4 tile lymigiyip,i , tgtaii,,',„ r... p :M . 4
~ r `gAvl " tr 1it5'L1 , f44,04140:,i - M , --,-3 ,, K:
'talon :PibeistiV* tiV6 f - /4 10 „4C - ,Pifilnr.l iiiid*J''l l iO&A ,ICt i iii'.':-ClTF T : ',:f:tiriOi: e . ;:: : :"; :3
O. Wait tlie'ro+Siii Who'll thiiii*a - ngeali4 , l: andr ave,....k - og c kit - ,, --, :'4*, , ... - 7 ,, ';_ ,,, -'' •lig , ;i l :i.f.,'.
Iticq .6 / 8 113 7 1 / 1 01. did - h 64116 * -4 4kailigh:t il ' ali&iiiiiifiViSliaitiv : iiiettteri" - -'fi.'.4:i:-S•;:icF'QT
Is-4,%.,0king ‘'pl dee 'until' he,.`calhe'sYYWO:4o=iti:* ... - §W1111; geO.* - ditek'S'i '-'
.bl" *. Aakiii.'ftiitriif4r4 : :: ).---. .c.
441'0111 PaleaAtthWaTc l ; to, Ondxioicojtv , ; * -- ei .- hs.yogtta a titii:. ''• - • • • '-''--
travelling dress - standinglTker,tro xt . -,,- - 1 ,ge:ew,'-ituilz-a'r - - i.- 'Ti t ti.-
'11, 1 9Y-lia?l"all`trk `l4! ,fid'ditg-efiai; 6 ""'i. alsd clanis T
Ttritis-tiiii'd , and iteiikg her Amnia" ai , '-' ,-' ' , ..4.3frtViiltM
5 1 ** e lk!i--7., r.;-.- ,_-.*;;;.-. iii4:.1.....i..1 - : ...i . ;. - t'..-' -- v% .t - IjUkfei'
~ 5 i x.:14, . gpqg.414- 4 ,!y,3 , *(1,Y.-141iltteq01§ '1 '''",471014b,
at .. 1 i . ,: 0 : . 5-90 41 ; .1 19-.t-.-VttlCtit:•..) 1 4$ 11 2 . O 1.( 1 ‘Y "' 1 . ;(ii,t,4401.
‘ -_,...;: ; -- , .
t: - : p ,.: T i 1, sAvolxi-- , ra
, life started as if an electri k , 4l6ci iiarll4 ",f-- 's., - oi on Xil i iti
A throng,h 11,tn., - '.Violet, gointr, f lte:crio . .K A t i t itit ikalit
I; . fi'('lii-i'igi' l oiee'-' Ire wOPltk:ali -4 . 1114 hin ' 1 - y - carin.B( t
clasped>bn AN back of the clinir,'4Were -' Will , - diel6l.64siii',
!Nitb- the strain • -.. ~ -_,,, - T : , .I,',' . ::: : ' S-1; -,
I , :g .-• ii4;titt#er;krtn
~.;“ Going:..l - ) whyx , ..i ~ . 7 1: .: ,' - - , - ,, , i , - .:the: ' *pudic*
-r' 4iiillilia., ' i ll ; ,44 1 d;'NTiOlt:',1., _lt NB 4 . s. i F lilted in,,th , '
le . dolikl:ra ` '' ' '-' ' ' ' -;' .-- ': 'f . ''"! ‘
~ vias,bipigh 4
: , ‘ - -1 arnj'io ry -*a lire' ( 61*I.ftini': . ' 0. iiliteli iileifiti
then.said ver. :s lowly —,eacti. 'Word :will ii rots , InelidAt-TA*
froth hitn, - a.- words pre.grqunk out *ll , . . ilia; licarinOi
tliev, ai:e In a - -S . - of intili§ o passion. , -,,): 1 . ; ;took 'his'gtn . t.
•liiii; nnitli c lOoked at him -rith stiller's :,-
.5.,ati50.....: ~.4- 03 ,,,
:pia turned- to,..V . iolet. Every oii6Te . 4 - ,tll l '‘t". '`.V,Otirlii,l'i ii tin
..tliewaii a:414-striry'they'ditt , i k - nOw` "I .1_ 7a-S-j-,-Tirdl s li
' ,E lla-went- ; to her rociiii., :1--::',i-.!-.--,4 ~ : i i 1 0 . : ~: , .-- I;ifstatti.r.4!.
; , p*.vVid et,
~W,liat- does tiff 1 - 148` 0111:111:':: 'anal= ii4si-heti
she ti51e,d,.11.C:41711 round th littie r oneNi , t.l: i .t.ttit.lls9n44,
egr_ttrM 4 Y: . 1 ~ . - ", '. ,;,. =. 1.. 4 ' 4-:r4:4 1 / 4 ct , c9 1 4141'
- t ';‘ Nothing,'atiswered Violet- with, gre i; , , to.:qoAs,_o(
411fEcultSr . :v--` 16. e. is tiothi t iorrzc' f‘ .'l - ' - '*-1, '.' - AfitipillOOS
~i Bigdr6p* to ol on ..41.1q.celot'l ...foi7oea .: 4ias not the
:.7:410.4 _ ,
L .Pughl:Ygil , not !,) wFite, ~0.."5011t!...4 * .: %Otitt l f- 4 - . ', l , I ! '
er-41a,),0ve _ ier notiet; bef?reSpy : o4, l , - e: - 31,140 1 e5 . '414
. s ii d ,-t:3 -- , • '` -, '' ''' 'IC I ' ' l3ent at/ dit
` - No,'t. Air f w(Ted- her , ilteer aqheki ,11 ' not ace un . Ell`. - arel ew an . lr. st ,,
qiiii-eviik ir;i . .4brow 'io iiiinitisti6 li: A 'tj . :iu : -,§ .. oacaii i ktfidif;l;o4 . 74 - ofir: , .:: , A.-
0, 1 1ep,z , ,. „.. t -. -,-• ..,- , :: :: -,;:, , i.:i: 1,.,1 , s The to *::frri• ll3 artiti, a!a:4 1 1.1 -1 , 111 , 4 1111 . 1 . 1 **'- ‘ 1....,5 4 -V-1 - : - .!
lAt 010 1 110 J ent a :er.,v,encentersditurtiro Y to.v -
to si ih:o)att:&t .mom'ent haa irriv s ed t"..) CJ a- ~q.i;10.1 tin' 7 lfnid-ai),*4llB,ylgti.l4#Mitiekt . -- - ,_;. - 1
14C.-the'm to catch the' irain.-:'XdieUx ' i'ft, 'e lift:4 Ur 'l) . nk \ xareli (takn'n "excepti v iiy-44 1 --- - '''.
given in nil-halte. - V ioieN reari, .begnini g.- 'farm ti (3 hi& for: - 11116 - griacd ctiOm..7, - ; - ,
to, 'ghther4but :only to gather as .yet,' - not - o these - iii /mats . ii4e4 2 Vv- tlie' - '46l4tie, itit-*'411:1 -
fluw — kePt. , hviYOlY IW-4- for-; - , 1 Qr:o: , u0: 'Jr - ilikisoTils , ,Bay t ia 44 tfter 4 FueCo# 4. 4 44' 0 3 rYCI'L.: .2 ,.
pride. ' Good ,by el,' _to Eli, , : warml.',' tt.n- Treyi!.nt4 years, hasleOztreir.tilleinit4o4,o4l - Cs'i'.
derlY7 with her heurt fined wit.hiselfr. •:. l' , - jii. 4i'cPuntreo4_ - ;n7sl l iltlY,i's.l l-, 0•4;"14V
i rolt
loud. ie:. AO 'aunt4- ; :raunt• herself ver - .:sa. ; tfiem: r, -- !..:-. :.. ,,,--. 1\ , -,. .. -- i.:rit:- . ....,,, 4 , , --- , „ ,, ,,-„'„,:. - ,.
.and irood liye' - t - O'nutieeltit. ''C l tie 'b . 'c,;. . - .1 Nvq4 r iii m t iii e i n , iii6,ia t diiisa ;a - 0 -3 r,- .',. :
'lli.-.ClnitnieV 'slie'Said hOlditig . 'ontlib ha ' .. Frotil4SioVetuhersltill;April - in - V.114A 442:, ~'..-.=
hut not in hiS face., , lie• - • eiathl.', , •,t, •,...p.vers' swaimmith-liiktry - vat \ iety*X4Wc--& - -.
s'peak. Xl° triptito bidi . her Aslign;*t.-.- - is - -;ifritilgi . 1 . 144 4,'F..-*I, - 0.,..r, n(4*-C,-*Ot-f* . ;;i,., - ;:;;' ,
lipti werik`dry- and .hisrimi; worth upt i r co C. tliP'vl may P 4l -97,95t Pe 0- 1 . 4, '”? -19 1 04 ' 4 243-:' , -. i-i i. - - :;' . - --;::'''C
All he' did was'. to expre.s in :liiiii...atu4s`st eh. 'OO6 iif :. i3OVisi;al4,' Tb e i , lie gene ‘ a ; ,v =
`Licginisifn - nuifeiing 'tiint `Vi ae t 'fi.e4r.ti CSiii; t't - A:tliv•tilloii-iitig- iii4W: Sw:it4 : o4l . lti, -, ~,L,7 , ,, k:::-
%MA I ON;.01461Oe.- herself an , Could z. Uie. Y , iiii.•.:lle and dueltfi - '.46.:9-5 -- cetie.9.i'At;tlh*,- 2 -; , :' ,':
draw.away her filiti4l.- ! 1 - .•-:--?:,';'--..--: ' l ' . ' - - ' l. - - -- i'r*s'tbeY at4 ,0 141.1ei - e ta 2ab°4-3 .3 1144 1iii...- JI-•'''''',.,': - 1
1 11k1.• hour EA Tl.*; and dutYr-Wit C2' l l YP ;othet 4941i.,,,- ; - . ; :k t ,- ; ;,T.
_,,.!, ..,,...-, - , ,..1 1 _,-,t . ,-,,... - Am - ,a . :.
violt, be fm,
.a • ll. Launcelot . atood, .3,vhere: he, L . k .; :s,Oui„crikarg,
.the (sh. - 414.-tty, tawb ~-..--,.--.,_:,,;-:
it,it hini: . she' rail diswu the hi.wit.'=*ii.'ii'. le% - 'in -6e . ' rnaiiti:.itaf . &;' '• 'lied - -1 - 6 - 85:11 - TC - --. -'-
. , , _ , . . . ,e, 4 ' K,5,4 : eAPes„., :- .„,., .„,-. ru.., ÷ •:, ; ,.. • ~,...,
trisi alnirist our -. Of sight,.‘tiTioletr:ViO t r- the - 4.:* : viiitid: . SaridwiOtlslatidg:T ll7.7- rtkels . llllo4W - SN - ';
T 111.7 'from - , -the
~fionsel • lik'iiAlikit':- .r y:' - . of eculitrwgipei , its - i - Aiyige4l . ip'-_ - 'i1ie . ...1i:fi .. .1-Pi:; 7
(lelli• : • • ': ' - -:0 ; .. -:';',‘-k
The harde ,
fr ' m
i n 'fif pain was sltitted-n o , v;
Lintietdotanid-her to Ella: , ti_ are `tal;:vti .. . 4 , at - Ast l Ol'id; With .*ttls lila - - :7 : - • ;: ' :-...‘;
211,n,tiii,alid f:o,llV,C4tiQual as;:ffie_lini,ght hP,,% 4 4 1 'tillkeifilitirt. hr - f by;,fltr!the hest . ..--:•As e)r-g.4. - .1-: -,
ii girt ulio,,J Pip many,, can peyfOr4kgreat ~ . -- -- urii, 2 tifitfr .: -- 44. - osi: pooreFP, - ;!Thelik`dikuililltiffA , : : :„
-111)ces ...iiii *tio -. utirutgOl'brPW, 40. .';'11..:- .e,, r ._ lii:eat!-- (i . .iittti - o.:s!6rAth'enfi-ilt, , ihtf;.- - ,-\ -, :
1 ;riAi - their - h&tii, and' tl.k.f,ifitliiitit:eil,r6s4 ';:. - Ithe.ToltrinNa;, , ,..tind i sejlitOi'ile,7,lll** - ,!i,;:1,1';:...." , )e
whotak 'cotrAnn- tlfeii; l itirryci" in I,,.oe..,,t,t4; l 'ett..:yy : e , Tq.e*...:,q,„djji.ktic x *,, 1,, - ;`,.'' , ---' ..;;;"-:,, - -f
I the' , 75prid, \ the .uskule \ -beheiingli.,tr - --..p,
.ii4eend i'ilielitipi4: ;;Tfie,:ifricv,..d i ,e4 l 44 3 ,,,, V....--:- :
0..6; . ,J\ il -, ,',' ---. ; --- ::.,.--L - :‘ ,.. i -,1 : ‘:.' ..;- ..,'WtqSi'cvli.4 . - k 4l 1 1 2 - 1 4 t ki4iii . P•tiollit
1 - /lony - yeltrs `after ,-, 7 4 Ale ti:gle.i.. ' ll . 1 , . , ':rilireit . P i- ilifalliit'l6k l PaY) . 6"-*4l.s4t : titiOtrittrrt .3 - I , i „ -- ,,.
ful girlhood li adli-atied ikit9 i vot,n ii- . iikhich. - ihrinorihe,!fisiiitkaiiiiiiiiVlo4'..:::'
• hood, and When tittiiice l o-,:, 1 O 4 ;:heolm ' 3 4 e -: . • ; 4'..-Pl;l 2 4:f9ll l 4g.ikOf.thliztOor4fo4(4 l loo:sr ,- :
tire gqltiliii * ',ptiiitiliali:iiiia. :ViOtet: 1 1 ' 1 ? ."4 ici. : 141,,X191,,,511,11,t isj4o . l -1147' , 41,Lii*! . pf 41 - lirl t `-':'
*i re ;= 'En al - hei githi'oiriatieeMWel 'i.W. "11 :iiiirCirtliitorid;) iti"th:dylio4f)e , Ali .' vi yir , :::::;:
.- Nam , ' in - A* loie'ufitdfiabledl;indiin; Toff' •ii to 1-4ift-Uli'l -- ...!• - :C' 7 77 ,- ,::: 4 ;: i7 t- - I r,-!" - .,:7:::-1 0 ,._!k, ,, iN
..*hoto-54,11, d. - _knomtthaay '..A . t*S...* - 4464114 ‘4, - *4514 3 0 I;iii4t*Tilt.likt4.:' '4 . . 1 0. -..',-;:.
.f6k 1....
w i !losg - - . 54n4 days .s -mills - ti.V.;s:cif,,l , tlt - ' klift.t italltlie' ti'oPt . -** taii:l) '..- '.' " - 1 44:9f':"::- - A
:AO joy , -perzaaaing.,Uorsod -1.41u;p0 - , qt :O,Pd-1 0 -)Atte - Me-IIIPWAkcIASEReW.. .1' ,Agt Yon; ~.-: -!,.:-
thatti'Coi:il4-Daini)iiir 4ie..114,1 tlit' . AV ill, : eOlti, -h6iiilfors s,t,ixanilofiel iiik.:: - Alic-_ -- ..41
`hen a p r i,_ ih e , fi t i - d,-hhvgy a lea:;‘" .-. .' 1 4 ' ",iiciwAcerviaiiti'tiiiiii=fro •
"- : St - f,Al7:ol4'i‘::'-' --:"'
',- .- - . i-- -, . --, , -,- -:- ....- ?-,. ~,. :-1 ' - 11 , iiii8F''7tfi4iiiiilt 5 i14''Stir ` 4 "atotid 7 ll?:--:
i " I . . `:1
- • - Tile 'Fairy Light Guard. -- :tramofd urgo. sit: attol'exteuent; 40ahtyalltt,4 1L . , : - -
: All the .`e in t ry - . is' an nng at "'this pi P ..,.. , , 4.m., 11 . 1..11, lied. I:WS'S- 4-#4 3 1q: 81 4. - :1 0 411 5 4 ,-*'"- I .:
- ho:ii: The'Boston Eveitmg - Gaz:attiil . llv.. lin .-4.#40 1 1'104t-Au, r 4hir .trci ti - i.44,:ackrt1,j":,,.;,,,, itj. - :;=' ,
~ -, c -
,I . Lt . I ,
.-,,, -
,-„,-,-:- I' 1-.A . 1t.„- .- ,L'i t '.' , •-- , - ;' i--: ,,, ',.q.J . -a r2 `-.:,
f i
4 1Agent! ? .thatif-dte*litildit44itistinfil ‘ th 4 1 , . ~, ,t...-, -- ,„ ~.= -.4,-s ~,-.,„...,...,kni: ...--val., 4 ' . ....-4 , 2,thiv5....1 .- , - ~..r.,- - .
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iii".*F:ire'Aiittac to -, --,.r;:" , ,
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.... ' l. lii - iWiti"tildif ' - 1 r"::' ,- 4itt l '-'
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