The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, May 25, 1854, Image 1

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V. 0' ''U11f.;!;729::-HNV,
g Tie,,S„..-,,tfrr, •
-ci -.r.1
p,,.vrycfr•• - .1„ , ... - •
- :
Intl his '
• ay p easan ours„
-..ted!dreitnily they
'4lll itthey Boated like-the leaves
• 'Upon a Silver tide.: •
The treei ere of crimson
And the ireodalire full of bizaht,
'lnd the-Waters flow to nitiaie,
Like a tu*.to •
the verd 'otthe mc:idow land
Is creepieg to the , " • •
The steetAblue- . ll(romed iiokta •
Ate blowing : lv the rffia; • • - • •
_The Iliac hio a Toad of Want. ' • -
For every wind that' stira,
And the larch stands green and 'beantifiii '
.Amid the sombre firs: •••• •', . •••••
- -
There's perfurne upon_
3in:410 in even• tree—r. . • -
:Dews for the' moisture-Loring
sieetsfor the sucking bee- + l , -
Ake Sick mane forth for the h:Ndhlg *nsib,
The young are gatheririgikiwez - aj
...undlife is a tale of poetry,.
That is told by goiden bout*. .."
• .
IT 'xis not a true philosophy,
Mist the spirit when set,free; •
Still lingers 'abestt its. olden home,. '
In the flower and the tree, • . - :
It Is, Very Istrlttige tlmt our pulses thrill
• At, the sight of a voiceless thing,.
Arid our . hearts yearn so with. tenderness':
In the - beautiful time of" Spring.
An original.Lovo Story.
'fie struggled - to kiss her she struggled the same,.
To prevent him, so bold and , undaunted; -'
Bat, as . smitten bliglitning, he , heard her exclaim,
air?' and oft' he evaluated. , -
utAlen, he returned, with tbe laugh;
•\ Shoning dearly 64 be :was affronted, .
tad threatened-by main force to carry her off,
. •
She erie(l 3 ‘doiet,"aced directly be clouted. .
When he reeekly approached, and got iloWo at her-
Prating, loud 'az;; l bef'ore lie had raided, - •
That be Nould forgtre him. and try to be sweet, - .".
: And said, "ean'toyotir-=& deangirl re7eanted:
Then softly be whispered,, `,`Hoer eoiald yen do so?
certainly thought I wasStited. ' - r •
But = ecnue thou to'ihe parson we'll go,l
Say, lilt thou; iny..deaer_ and she .
, .
Then gently be took her te see her- nevi . hotn6--
A.ATltety Nr no meiee eriehanted- •
here ;re
Can lire,- with no longing to roatit---
.Slan't we, ply - dear l'"--mtal shey?Thartzia:-
,- 14ie,.-.0b7-.Nte,iChe§.
happetaxl (Tee' hot
..summer's day, :that
I Was standing 4:or-4 . Ni - ell,. when a. little bird .
flew down water. • There - WaS . badeed
a large trough - me:3r the, Wcl4 but
.it .Was einp.
ty. •and'..l 1 7 mieved fur-a :moment th:nk
.that the .creature must.go away. thirSti ; but
it settled . nlion the trough, - bent his littl e head .
downwards...then raid it. again, sprca.d.
winks and - soared ,away, singing : its thirSt
was appeased. 1: - walked 1A to the trough: .
: Onliftliere., in the Stonework, l saw a little hole
about the size. Ufa wTen's q„g.. The 'cater .
etiniained there had been a source of
and - refiQunent :"it had found enough. fur.. the
pi&entm4dire4 nii.roure. This is content,
. . .
. .
Again, 1 . stood by. a lovely, sweet 7 stnelling,
Bower, andthere-canie humtning':and
sucking ;'dal it khose the flower for its , field
sweets.. Butl tle,flower had no finny.
This I knew, for it ilAti no neetary. . f -;Whai;
then, fought I. will the- bee do It came
buzzing out .of -euis to take a furtherfiight,
but as it wine up iespied the stamen.s'full of
..golden farina, gad for making the wax ?
and it rolled its-little legs apirist them till
they looked life yellow hose, as'..the bee-keep
ers say. and then, thus heavilir -laden, flew
swat home.' Then. I 'said-411to i n ettfixit
seeking honey, and finding none, haat boitt•
satisfied with wax and hest stored it for thy
hause that thy labor might not, be in :vain.
Thi l ,ifl likewise, shalt-pejo me a ;lesson of
The night is far spent---the dark night ot
trouPe—that sonietinKs. tiuvatened dose
amt* us, 'hilt the day is -it harld I evenini
the night, there Were stars -1 hare looked up.
nn them and been'oomforted 3 for rig, one set
could always see another rise, and each was
Y,lamp , showing me somewhat of 'the depth
ofthe-riehes both Of themiSdoin and knowj
edge of •
Ali EODOTR OF MIL - Yir.Enaras—Another
anecdote of lir. Webster, and ; we. Idive , v
ery reason to believe. that it iltrue..
`SoOn . after Mr: .'Webster ' rem
~., , o
Marshfield, Captain Thomas a 2 .great'admitier,.
of Mr. 'Webster; both before - and aft#r he
:knew him = . personallyi had read. theigreat.
speech of HaPie atll , he Boston .801 iilie4 a pa
`per whiel he:subsi!ribed Tur, not withnut ask
ing 'Air.-AVetsfer, What paper he had beiti,r
take. Captliborna.sregamied the greatspeeeh
of.rlitytie;:as imatiwora'Ne. -He yds gloomy,
atri sick at heart 1 :41.)oui it. . Hotook to his
- twin and even went to bed: In a ; day or two .
the., mail i biiinght . along another. Beta* semi
ieeklylteatinet. •It 'contained 'a report, :of .
lir. Webster's-speech in.:ralily to-Efaype.-;--;
kwase*ied to , the clamber--oftapt ptoni
m, witli llki lumoinCeetimit of what. it -eon-
vtainoi -Ca.p . tain Thomas was saireely aroused .
' Ile,- not believing; but faithless,..
ih`e Ftaia, ak:- . Themewspaper 4as 104 and
the bearer
. tOok his leave. Soon a jos-Ad
noise was‘heard in thaehamber o f Cap. Thom
as.' The siek "man had read, the apc4ell of
Webster, was cured, and cried• out at the top.,
of Cis volt* • ' Bringme my - hoots r 1
. . ~.. 1
- ,
TuAi gid,hineslou'r
. _
'nain't got none hm-:-redcon ithe's dead
,by this time, too.'
Well how's your pal;
Was bung „last May,'
.. '"Thirnp. • What are you tioiogi'
`Just looking about. `, • - -
Zaetly .whatriu S'pOs en. we hitch
an'dloroxinnite?' • _
t&ctly—But. who'll pay the Judge ?'
Guess I'll fodder up one half of the
provender, if you think }•ou can go - the'iither
'.".IVeIA- 7 hut rye only : got a !.("uxitkirreit,
mYP. I /, 18 . if
,we can't &neat one, J uageafe can snother
frnae 9p, eal—here, take my arm—we'll
-taiy how
)lek, luive,gc,t a bold i?nr trw*
• 141 4 41 ,*lioxarea?ii will wiarlpiager tha n :
Ycg - T iftyg Swa t ) and widir
7 -
'"i' d. " ' - 'l'; t " i ttr4 , ? :l" : ,l, ttki. 4o.l4l4-4, ..h*lft—
_,...._____------ -,------= - - A.
,•__ r'',' V ~ ..:4: ',Tr. I', •., ' - r , ''''''' l ' . ''' -* .. elt i . , hrP:...ifoktt ' • . - - EL . - 1
..",..: ....k# t.
..,. ..„,-, 5 ...5., , ,. ~r ,, sil fiL ti.l - :t iP, :Wl' iitY. -*„4: /7 '1,5 - ,t Ip, _
- ,,,- 4to.
~0 . —••.-V. 1. -4 54' ;IA ,', 1- - :1 'sill q 1,- - i , . 4. - i: 1;7
_, , •
_.... ..,,,:.
..„, 1., 221_, t t-, - 4, -. r .1, ..:Zr .',.- •' ~
t:-_, ~.. ,^r„ • - ..',.. , ki ' : .. , :?a,, , , itlAt. i 4 1, -- ;yfr,
.2.?,;, - ; 1 , 1
1113.:11 ,
- •:A;
- r , 4,1 3 ' f,Vie':
-‘ - • ruPm- iliz;",lottlitipe It - - r\ - ',
'..... , ~,... '‘,l '
--My intereontioivitythein i Pi*
4 .4„
&ford ; had lice
,oeseittenh - ihi • • t • annti.4.
nter;' tul4i t tithl#,Moin!iptithi . ,:, ...hid
Sew_ ' quitetent. ~ -109 n; m.. - .• • , i l a
the ~ n vetith I:if:Sept - eh:l i -; : I•Witia ,vi : , -, 'bit*
able who very : , , . "tad' t . edup=
eti ine-a•-veriirev• ,'. -•:co • .. . ...... me-AO
be and ipPear ...eforti Johnathan Longlani at
- hisoffiee in th -village of Ptiddleford-at•one
o'clock, P. ,, M., , to.-serve as a'juryinan,:in a
ease then; 40 1 , beAried'between*Iiilisitti Fil.,
*kins,•plaintiff, !and castrity Beadle defendant,
in an ,a(ition of slander, etc,m
The eltable
retharked,.aftet reading this n } -legal
, epistle tonne,. that thad,betterbaugtoltim+,
as Squire Longbow - 'sin man who would
not ,be trifled - * o h;-mA then leitowjely•fold;
ing itnVlug poki ng'it deep :doWn in-his v* 4
pocket,` he mounted't his - .horse - tindinwried
away,. in:pursuit lof the balanee of, the panel.
Of course leould not think of being , guiltyLof
a contempi of eptirtinfterdiliving t • ,-. sow&
empty, warned of ',tile :Oneettue :- ; and; I
was therefore ;promptly on thee spot iaccOrd
ingr to ecannnuid.,' , . •,' ~" ~, . ; -',-:•.' .0. , •
~.. Squire,L4 . lSigliew• he ld his onirt ' thepuh
lie'house, in nmointilfdjoinitig the room,
bemuse, the statute prohibited ; his, !ding it
in the bar 'room; itself. - He: wee a AW.(tbill
ing man and wouldnot - violate a ' taste. 4 /
found on Thy arrivikthati the whole colintry,
for miles around, had assembled to hetir'this
interesting case. - ;Men; . w omen and children
had turned , out and made;a perfect holyday
of it.-• All: :Were attired in. their hest.-::.The
men • were_ dressed .iit every kind . Of fashion,
or father all the fashions for the last twenty
yaws, wereseatteaet.l through the crowd.
Sarni! crown, StoepJe crown; low crown, wide
Wins- and -ThirrOwlhats ; *de tail, stub: tail,
' and swallow, tail, ihigh collar and low, collar
coats; bagging and shitulken biveches; every
size and shape of shirt collet., ;were there, all
brought -, in , by the, settlers when they mi. i
grated..: The women had attempted to ape
i the .fashions of the,past; some of them had 1
I mounted a " bustle:ll about. ; the size of a bag
of bran, and were waddling along under their
I load with' great satitfaction. 1 Some of the
I:less ambitious were reduced to a mere bunch
1 , of calico. - One man, Lnoticed, carried upon
• head an oldfaShiotted - bell-crowned hat,
with a halfipeh brim ; a, shirt collar limning
up tight under his ears, tight , enough to, lift
him from ilie : round : (this mil out ht front
1 of his'fiwe to
.. peak, servin,, ,, as .4 kind of eut
, water to his 10...5e ;1 a faded
. bloe coat of the
swallow_ tail 13-4... et • a pair of . narrow 01
' . bree c hes that Inul passed- so often through the
wash-tub and , were so shrunken, that they 4.
pearel to -have been strained on over his
limbs ; this helividual, reader, was walking
about with his hat ds in his pickets, perfevt
ly sati AIM whist! tu g Yankee. Doodle: ind,l
1 other patriotic, air Most of the women had
1 somethinff frizzled around their Shp* whic h !
they c al l ed .rtetal ts, giving thel extreme
ties the appearau of thej eg,s fso many
&Mono hens. • , ,
, ' The men were anue.iug m themselves pitch
ing coppers and quoits, running horsca, and
; betting upon the - result of the trial to come
I ~,f1; as every one was , expected to form some
I ()pillion of the , merits of the ease.
, The landlord .. of the Eagle was of course
vgry busy. He bustled about,here and. there,
making.- the necessary preparations. Sever
, al pigs and chickenS had gone the way of all -
flesh, and they were baking and stewing for
the table. About once a quarter, 'Old Stub,'
4 moistened his clay,' as he called it, with a
little .‘ rye,' so to 'keep his blood a stir
ring.' _ - .Mrs. S Bulliphant wail busy too .
She wg.s!a per t t
. :whirlwind Her temper
Was made :of tartaric acid.r. Her yoitT might]
be heard above e Confusion aroand, giving I
u l pt,
directions too and a' p iereJef . her mind' 1
to another. She 'the landlady of the Ea
gle beyond .ail do and no one else. • Bet
ter die than disp el that.
-' Bulliphant l' s e : screamed at the topof
r her lungs; ` Bultiphant ! yongreatiout you r,
what in the name, of massa - sakes are you '
about?'No fire! -no weed! no water oh ! '
.llovr in all created do - you spawn wo-
min 'can- get dinner ? lEuriation alive; why
don't you speakl . Sally Ann ? I say, Sally
Anna come, right here this minute! . Go
down cellar • and get it , junk of butter, some'
milk, and i then, I say, Sally Ann ! do you
hear me ly, Ann ?go out to the bitty and '
— , :run! -run ! you wrelesslinssy to ihe stove!
the pot's boiling over 1,", . -
And/ so: the old wren's tongue ran QII hours
after hour.. - . . " ',i - ii - i - 7'
At a little past one the court Was,Tnven
ed. kboard placed upon two barrels across
the corner of the room, conatituted the desk
of Squire I.ongbow,.behind which bis honor's
.solitaiy 4iguity : was caged. Pettifoggers and
.44ctatorsaatoutside.. This 10,13 very proper,
[las - Squire I,onglicrw wi a great man, and
some mark of distinetio was due. . homit
`inn: to describe t hin le l wasa little, pot
killed persdn, with hro . nd - face, bald head,
swelled vase, and-had only -ono eye, their
attains".of tl. e, other being concealed with a
green 'slimie r Het earl; a dignity about I
bite thafwas rmillY-optn• `ye to bystanders. 1
Ile was the 4 end of the law' in Puddlefind
and 410 man could sustain' a reputation' who
presumed to appeal 'from his deeisioni. :He ~
settled-accounts. diffieulties of all sorts, and ~
, even,'establisheil land titles:; but of all tifts„
' he' prided himself upon his knowli!dge of con-
StltUtiOial ' estinn.o. The Squire • always
maintained lhard;drinking wits 'Agin the
eenstitutiim ' f
the United States, and so, he
n44_ Jodge, "ItorY,..ente.rafornied him by lei- 1
applied to hintfor aid,hisolving ,
this ' questiOn. ; , There' 1 B a? SJI CI/ th in g as
slander:, the.: Squire ii to iliY , and - so he
had al*aySidecided,
ery lien= Irhatlied '
about 'snottier, knew. he ought-not to ')'e' be'
hayed, because he teas lyin _
g; and the refore 1
Ihe° , ' gleam - aims,' as the. books itay, is ivant
iliffr'' Anis - kokieC, bad OtirSakitue ease.)
amiettaka giquire, - Loagbair'ianderedligg- I
m e n % sometiorkeikiiiecrees, and someti m es he
divided the; at bp paittes,,, -The.,
squire, 1441 W ; kbe-iletter *Omit to the;
letter of the law; - it'fweigs:: ''' - lib.
erty ;-•and SO 4udger*Ory . celled. I' Proce.
dents as they' were Allied, be loroiihhet mind,
.not - even own l- then • Otero 4 tiouldn't - be
any retire - for n'intuPto4angehisinnid.
t h 4.081
4 lf,' - Said t . • uire,:fht , inatinees Tiftaa..Pat.
Sykes to AiYifmt,_lnoeighigrd(tion Jobilltuff,
that is ne,tenlttok.ivlty t shotild Abe lrob Blur'
to filo**-t,fzir' do:lit- PA laykek ,
beiitise the - liiii'.;endiely difraent ImPl 1 8 ,
Puma , ' tattle abit tbe;samee. -- Olutempt-pf
Ceurt,'Aile . 134101**tati'deaWaks °Wag the
worst of allafreiu*-s'elioalnittargfolnuelt
=about' what '' vapd_i_iilitioo 4. 4l,* , L6iliiireg-':
bowl - ,bukliforti*, , ( Lie4%it , t'•*4llll4l --
I) &'lnvteetetl Ind-41014411`00.1kiatiii
. . . - - '' i ' -4 .
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Ail IV; ' bb'
, . ....II ,:.. ._ _ ~t. : ...),.. , Jriiivrk. ~......
OA opiteOpit.lant , ikk-streetc4 -- i.t; ..
. 4 : - !t . .;
• i i Getioilly,': . 'ale 13 iliirft - Wiiiiliire..inthilA
. 04 13 1 00 4 -104F.04~ix.vongt. - ;loC:4lo'.er
44#9*q*: I .*Adisjisi_thSteariPiSliA9l7.:ll4l4
- 40 tgrx#4gt4ilAcriki4 . 1, - Mn4**CtlietYin-
titUknow - :thorn about his 'Story than all the
witnesses in the wethit,4444Fett,7ll, he
/4 , 4 * igrrii*PlAd*PaYi. *4'
_titjS * llll '
tYI4O.APPIY.**- 11 07,4 4 R r#ol l oooo4,:the.fiWtS
t4 , 4P1aw,. 2 4:004:0 1 0 1114Y , -4!Ft Owil
--)(.....,-.,-[..-!.... .:••='•
.6 . Conri,.• Ss 1 baVO said,- was eotiven4 - .
„Ili' :§qttire Iteek..hislient, opened his docket,.
el i
and-1' t..trip. ~. .4107-4,h9avallgoi ...thefikat- -
. 7 ; , , PhOtitil"iiilkiiii 3 f :616AV . il'illil i.- : 1. , I T
'' ‘ne'r.,6l7--criO*W#od4 Pe...t4f4ooTv-f.170f
for ; riaiorii;', ,VOltir.ii „iini,Sstaya, on hantl-14 . ,
-the (4'7.0 A . 4:' . .4rT1‘.,40.. a .#l4444fik o 1
Jri...__elc, t : : -:- . •.,,- -:
~..--: .., -'v ,:. -,-, . '-:.. :-..
j7ri* . nisn..riti,*_.keliartieter ; a... pittelspee
en .nt: a lhi3,
,*esteiti. pettifogger. ;-.. [lle . was
- called;',llie Tnrti.e4;-fle eras 9f.11,04111:8
iiiitfo2.'-'6iied. .1116, - iri#C . 4::ivii'ite : Fixi). st ; ,
4 - 1iii1A4444 . , - i . Ottiiit'.:ltatidkeiebtef - arotind.ids
neck ', a lai,iSe., ~,b.,liiiiiiet. , ,, . .*ith 'hirge. . heti.
linttens, ,ntnl'.:cOrditrOyl i ~patitaiecnii 7 :in4 he
eatri44:-lii44 eye wa t ch fie* Nade'lt swung
'fenr on'fiVe'ehains:aetoiiii.l4 heintlit.' - - ..
.:,'WhO...tiiiiiiier.a.'.for .. ..tlhatiti Beadle"?' c o n-
tiiined.:the Si - intro:: -
'... .....,.'
- ;.''liiii,sn'er' s queak ed . :-tOt--.l.nytk„--4':Qui Char 'ity.:', - ...q iiiii"tiot"iiiiji:ivunse!, 'cause he's on
Irlinr-,),... .! . '.-.- , ~ -•' ! . - ,.-
--.:= 'Pk', thelnry,",in' I' 'Vont:ooo4B . mi the,
jury,!---Bile_ - -Batoi.. "II !*00.6.80: ..c.iimel , is:
- oarnntleit by, thn,fOttit,itntion-- 7 it'sa person,
al . '"right.let,:pqe . act as yir!;.. counse l ltheii2
• • Alia sli Bile Stepped out in .4e pacity
:counsel.' .. - , ". --- ".-' ' -, • t.
‘..hatity . .liliiidler, exe,Wnpi the Squire,.
(ii•at;iiiie,:Ont;.bli i ope and liiyit ~ ion his dealt,
'stain:lllp - and raise-y - 44r tighti ll'- •,•:. •
',Ci•gie4yatew,.. - . r . , - ....
.•...:,, -::' • ' ..-. -
l an
•-• 'You are `Charged . w ith . shu t Phitistic
Tilitinig, with' 'saying - _ Ad. sliC i ,.'•irsitn't no ifet,.
t..i . than, she. :ought - telieF..aill if you were
believed - when you
_said , so, . it : my duty as
:a:- peace officer,. to S.,:iy..te• you that you have
been guilty,: of a high Offense;',liiid nnay the.
`Lord have mercy. 'on your. soul. What de.
you Si 4 . r. .. -- , •..
'' • -.~
' • ' ‘. Not - guilty; Squire . !..;Onibet*,.hy ah eter ,
nal '. sight; ,Stid 'told the truth if it were,'' re
-plied Biit... - ' ' Besides,. we. plead a set-off.' . .
- - !I:say lt is : false. you. ate r cried Phil ista, at
the top of ker: imigii:. '.. ._ - r : - -: ~ •.- .
Silence!' - -roared . .l...ongbow ;..‘ ndignity
of th i s court shall be'preserved.i.. - •,...
..'. ' Easy . ..quire, ilittle _easy r-. . inbkil a -
'Voice 'in' the .e.roid; . proeeeding - ' m one of
Philistei;.,friends;' `;never -speak t
. 7a 'wonian
in a passion.' ' '.-.', .. --• : • l', • .
.-. ' 'fine : that man one dollar ' for edntenip!, of.
court, whoeier.he is!' exclaimed tlic: . °Nuire;
as --- he stood on tiptoe and tried.
. t o,eatch _the.
*offender vith . his eye: ' -„-- :: -.. . - .I ;:,
' • k'l guesiiiwant nothing but the wind, ' sai d
Htato.. - . • - '•-- - ",--
.' - ;‘: •.k, ' A
•. . .
•,.. l'. The' Squ i re took.: his . setit put lii4 - t•ip6 in
Ids mouth, and blest out along . whiff
smoke,' ' ' . ' ; '... -- : - ..... 1- - - --, .
' ' Order being restored; let the ease now
proceeo, , he exclaimed.. -
Ike opened bis / Case to the jury , Ile said
Philista Filkins vai'a maiden !tidy of about
fortY ; sonic, ,cullea. her :an old maid, 'but
that warn% , so, not •by several years - 'her
teeth werc'as.sound is,a nitt, and her'ir as
black as a, crow. She was a nurse, an bad
probably give n more lobelia, , penny yal,
catnip, and other roots and herbs, to th peo
ple of INddlefordi than all the rest of the
-- wornen - initit, of course she was a kind of per
am/44 'lacing. The Squire here informed
~the - jury that perm - auk, ry , was a legal word;
which he would 'fully etplain in hilt charge.—
That is, she 'was , obliged to'be out 4 great
deal, night•and day, and incon se quence there
of, Charity. Beadle - hid slandered her, and
completely ruined her reputation, and brOke'
up he,r' bttsin to. the -iunount of tett dol
lara i.
Bates told t court th at hi had no juris
diction in ah a - n '
of slander. - '- . '
- • Longbow ad. sed Bates not to repeat the
remark, - us "'tha was a-kind of contempt.'
Some time 'elapsed in sett li ng prelim-
I t
,ami at 1 ' the case was ready.
'We call Se ora Brown' !', roarea out Ike
at-the top o iiii lungs: - -,..
• 'No you 6n' ' replied the Squire. , "Ms
a t ,
court is .'
.I- for fifteen , minutes; a ll
who need . ,-. i . ent will &Alt at the bar
in the next rif; but don't bring it here; it
might be agine the statitte.' ' .
- And so the court adjourned for fifteen min
There was a rush ,to the bar noon; sod - old
Stub Bulliphant rolled 'around among: his
whiskey bottles like a ship in a storm; Al
most 'every 'l)erson drank some, judging from
thi-if remarks; to' wet their whistle f i others,
' to . keep their- stomach easy:, some 'to PH
king,' others 'to Beadle,' etc.
Court was at, laTt c o nvened again.
' Soniara:Brown!' roareiVike again. ' 2 "
-I '' Object,' exelaiined Bile ;-I 'zio . - witnesi ;
hain't lived,sin nion in this State.' ' ...
, Squire • Longbowslowly : dreir :his p ipe
from his mouth,. _ fixed his eyes on - the
,floor in deep thought for:several minutes.
" Hain't lived six months in the State,' re
peated hel at pist, ; , ititet no resident of course,
under our Constitutiom' - v .
- 4 And how;'in all created earth would:iyou
punish such a person for- peijiry 'I .I should
just like to know; continued . Sue, taking
- -courage from-the Sluire's perplexed state of
mink, oriur'laws don't bind resiOnts of oth:
'.But it isn't certain Mrs. Brown, will lie
because she is a nowresideut,' added the Squire
cheering up a little. ;- . - .
':Well, very ,well,' • *aid Bile, ramming
both- - hands Intl() - .-his:- . breeches pockets very
philoso . pisidly ; 'go :ahead i f you wish ,. sub. ,
pet to ,my objection.- rll. just - apw4,l;,ind
blow tkiii'Oairrt into fiddlestringa _ this (*se
won't: breathe three times in the alyndt. We.
,be., rode'. over l'.loo knows ours rriglant 1
just Aindfsr rather. thinks. .." I- '. _ ,-.-
i Go it, sa#,r cried a Take iii.theenrard,
1 stead uptcyourisiglasi •if you bust!' .-, ..
Silmcsi put that man out I ' roared Long
bow *aisk,' , .. ..•• - ..: , .--- - : :-.,, - .... .: -.
'Bat lust .talke vas mitt* down, an
stand ism. hurled at litoby Sile,whichatruck
him on 'the: Shellhiet, :sad tottered its ors
:tents Over? the &cid. '; Several:WNW Iles!
biiCki .- and forth iithe Strife taped over his
üble,. crying Salle top - of hiajunga I . . ,
4, 11, 'thef of theleopki - of the State of
. ' = none ' - F *
s-'-'-' i . , , 11 - 4iMatlaui---Longbowi; Judea of the
Tome, ..:hili-r , dieted -end inalified,.:4o ann.
rams _toted;, the etioni
444,toolvtishireeetts,tiaatihe &Ore tetbed. hat
Aci Mailmitaigeht,..< l t . tkit - . •">l7 ''-' -. l. L r''' ... ' t `t , ' .- : -,
1 -
•lIIMASDA, : , •
"ill:, • ..,-., was PO-ir . .. r , ----
,0 841 .6 411 1 . .:; .- 0
ai i ii 4 k i . i iii i i •
tine: '136 ° .. inn - an 4d 1 14 11 0 141. 0 1 .4 ' Phc
V:i: 1 1 11 .4.. I) . nnet 't • 41 ' :FM- **.vi*' l , : ulikt tO la
Pllkl4Nuf,h., ,rliflOkeAraY)tai, 13 iFiJrel -
She fi g had-. fregitieniliand he4ll,y. Olte sal
alle,didtet haqw, as s-ittle‘r,--katlYthilig, trial
iiillin' g mi.' ,'She ',Win kn e w , finlythingabis
haisitits, and 'didn't' knoir hciii to'swear.' 7
Aft , ,e.r.‘running- on , , witkiti ' preih!
itpauj: veitog'groviink. init
the Old.lady canto to'the ease . iindeentichei- 11
citemcnt., She said ." she nesler slid isee fru h I
'works all her 'NM' dayn.(:,: I lust.heean a
cluwity Beadle said Philista Filkins t t
no' better than she Might tpl! . , therora' :
such a hullatq!l . u, , apd htekinnp,anongli . ti
set on iatur mai!! ' ,-, - ... t . 1 - • • - i
.I 'W*;.iii r:". - ine r., 60 ‘ 1 4 11 * 4 she, to rti*
kw, around ' ;3 the - ,Sqnire,'.'''do You think this t*
such - a dreful- thing that'the Whole town .
got to set together by. the ears , alma it 1 . . 1 _
hiurde4a-tion,. 'what a= hinn4drnin and ft
TY,- - - - ' I i - 1
And_ then the - old hay stopped a nd , took; aga
pinch: of *puff and pushed it very hard nicd - leY
quiet into her nose, i .- , i -
„Ike requested the old 'lady not to talk so
fast and only answer such questions ask int
to ' her. . ' • 1 -' i'
._ . .1.
- 'Well, now.that's rilee,' she Coxitinued.- 1 --
' Wiirn"t I swomor wat,t yon Laud to tell, kha th'
truth, too, and, .w
the wok trot hi . I .wartet.
sworn to ansWer,yonr questions. , ' Why, luny tic
he you don% kno w rettifoggq,That there an
are folks in State's prison now, rot:lying in a Ai
court ofjustice , i
..- Squire Longbow, interfered, and state ea
that ' he must say - that, things . were. going O n
' th
.very promiscuonsly, quite agm' the Roenind - fa
.dignity of the State.' • ; ! • to
' Jest so I - think myself,” ;.added=- Mrs. fill
Brown. '.This place Is like a - town meetinga .
for all the world.' •' . . --I - ' '' ! be
'Mrs. So-no-ra Brown,' exclaimed Ike; ti sh
sing on his feet a little enraged, 'do you SI
know anything. about what' MAW Beadle , lALi
said about Philista Philkins? I Answer tInS
question.' . . , ' tc
Whew, liddle•do-de hightylighty! so
you . have really'broke 100 e , *r. Pettifg
ger, ' for now.. the lady's:temper was
Why didn't Au know thatll was old enough
to _be your grandmother ?..ri.',Wby 'My boy,'
continued she harrying on her spectacles and
taking a long look at Ike ; 1 knowed yoUr
mother when she Wade pies and cakes . do*ii
in , the durseys • and" you iwlienou *Oft
more 'than so high and she measured tlvo
feet high from, the fluor. You want melt°
answer d o you ? told. I knewed aboutlit,
and if you want anything more, I guess you'll
have to
_get' it that's all 17 land jumping up,
she left the witness stand arid dkkappearedi in
'the crowd.. . • . -
'I demand_ -an attaelunent :fio Sonora
Brown roared , out Ike., 'anabseending Wit
- 'Cara do it,': replied the Squire, its 'agin"
the Constitution to deprive anybody of, their
liberty au unreasonablelengtli oStime. ' This
witness has now been confined by process of
law rnor'n an heur. Can't do it i Be' guilty
of irewas ! Must stiek to tho s , Constitution.
Calllyour next witness.' -
Ike swore. The Squire fined him one dol
lar: He•swore again. The Sqnire fined him
another. The faster_ the Squire fined, the
faster the oaths soured out, of Ike's mouth un
al the Squire had entered ten dollars against
him. Ike swore, again, and the Squire was
about to record, the eleventh dollar, _but Ike
checked hint., ' \ .
' Hold on ! hold on ! you old reprobate!
now I've got you! now you me mine r ex
claimed he. ' You are up to the limits of the
law ! You can only . inflict ten dollars in
one ease ! Now stand and take it.' .
And such a volley of oaths; cant p1ira.46 1 4,,
human wrath, sarcasm' and fiat, sometimes t to• t
the audience, and sometimes to the client, a
never rolled out of any other's mouth since
the flood. He emumeneed with the history 0
of the Squire, when. as he said, he was a raft .f
leg lumber down on the Susquehanna, and be 11
followed him •up from. that - tittle. 'He could a
tell• the "reason I why- he came out west, but i
wouldn't? He comrapted on hit personal t
appearance and his• capacity' for the office'cif - I
Justice. He told • him 'he hadn't only One` a ,
eye any way, and he couldn't be expected to a
see a great way into a millstone, and he didn't a
believe he had as many brains as an ister.-- a
For his part be knew the law ; he had _ran- 9
sacked very part of the-statute, a l s ke aE le tton a
would oah's ark for the remnant of eel; s
be had digtxtted it !ruin Dan to ba ; I
swallo ed everything but the title page arid ` : .I
cover; d would have swallowed thatif it e
warn't ortal; he 'was a moving living law t
himsel ; and4r.lten he said law was* law, I
'twits law ; betfer 'peal anything up from pre- - r
destination than from his opinions. he would
follow thisease to thelniC l k'side of sundomm for C
his rightit.' . , g
During all this time there was complete 4
uproar. Philista's friends, ebeered:and bur- 4
raked.. The dogs in • the room set up their 1
barking ; Beadle's friends groaned and squeal
ed and bellowed and whimpered, and imitot- I
ed all.the domestic animals of the day, l
- while the §quire was trying at the top of his
lungs to antipel the , constable to commit Ike 1
for contempt. , . . 1
Ike ,closed and sat down. The Squire call
ed foi , . the constable but he was not to be
found.', One man told him that he was in the .
'next rOorn pitching poppers; another that the '
last time he saw him he was running very
fist; another that he rather guessed he'd he
back some time or other if be ever was, be.
cause, he was a sworn,officer ; another asked
the. Squire is what he would give to have him
Weimar and put himself out of the way to
avoid the impending storm, , ,
, , *long silence fig:owed this outburst ; not
a word wz.'s said and scarcely a noise heard.
Erery one was eagerly lookin/3•at the Squire
for his net rnovement. "Ike kept, his eye on
the floor apparently in deep study: At last
he nose : ri ' •
• ' Squire'' said bef ' we've been under sone.
thing of a
_press id' steam
• fur the last, half
heur ; J move UT adjourn fifteen minutes for
idrink.! .' i j • '
• 4 DODO!' answered _the Spiro • and :so the
coortadjourned for a imam(' time, ,
It wan, now nearly dirk when the court con
'Caned. The trial of the cause, Filkini vit.
1 )eodlo,rwoo resumed.
Beth, Bolls was called. Seth was a broad
lxich4 doublOated Allow, with a blazing
red face, and he chased tobacco motiputtlly.
He woi,aboot twdairdo 4 QM the bay,'lrili
ditigli care for all the Filkinee' a or Beadles in
, ‘lcoow ri iido* Ind Boodie r inqu ired
s ,‘ 'w l oPlitioaktiortY,Os. l " . • .
m 41In .
• ki
~ 1 . ^ t
_ i+w F~
, li.
I *,
' he
aeh lifter E
er- I
' Nsli; irh
1 haTe
with, n l !, - . '
ilst insur er
..1 n't d
i .
1 -11-eitv
) and
are the sq
. e ., , 1 • .
' Mer!
' Vilhew!
fraiii l otihe,
'etht it ePir
Itr ut a
, fl i r . . F , _4 1 I
.. . .
Se 's f weie paid at kit, aira ; e , c
M n put,,' if he heard,Beadhy
lyg el .l i and he , said hineverAid
n l n
ral thus e d , an d
ISeth'stestimony,-: -
M ' • Etin ce ,drimes was next called.. ! 1
tm:lsaili* for Ward, and threvr berielf
10 hair ith a kind of jerk:, ::.She to
sw . delo glaneft: at Charit3r.Beadle; _WI
old - ilainlyen ough that sheiromt tomal
iii- !of her in about fi ve minntes:-- She
, •
eixl old inrud, and. kept her ; I
H . '
,b ing, air berbodyltept hitiling,and
te 'ailed h r bonnet this : way and no'
he. ally went out of tile - frettingint
rim, isbmg , mo«. 1, and deeltireit she .ak .
ie if some y
Aidn't get her a glass of
, . .
"}When e e 4s:unix:eat ,Ili ini
ed ic'sbe kr' .w rity Seadlor .
"es ! 1 now her „to be , au orful erit
' hat s done !' ~ .• -I .
r ' hat .1 int sbe I She's lied about m
and about de Dobbin's fnlks,. and .• '
said how t Cm.' en the siniOng master . ' r -
4 ,,
Oct a !our b uSe, she seed, lights in - the si ing
roo till- t_th ..e---the'orful critter.' . 1
' ut wit. ve yOu heard her say' "bOtit
PhitiSta Fi kins!' . ' .. - :.-,
' (heverything that's bad—she don', nev-.
iir say anything good, about nobody—sli ''sal- al
lers t alking —; there aint nobody in the ttle
me t she Sint. - slaudered--she._even a used
-old Deacon Snipe's . horse ! .The orfti erit
' ut what (lid she. say-about Philist Ftl
ki I ' repeat - ed.lke, again.,' ; i • ' .; r
‘.',yOu want' me to say I sho
!I in't wit any` doubts she's called hell'
ry lug sire •.'o:rld think cm. Didn't she
i s r sh e ei:mtinued, to ing her he'll
i ds the plaintiff. I .
- frialista nodded
bid she say. She:better'
. : .
• ought wi4e:r -
.f •
I~ id lshe I -Well, she 'did ; and tha,
.wi-!Pnople-Were.' • • 1
top,• stop r ; extlainieil ':you.,
el. I guess She didn't say nil,
she..did; for: Philip tine 4. - ;
o ddn't lie for. the whole , riee..of ;3 .1
nirelonghow'thought- guniee. ,
ai she: didn't'-seem: to know
r , at . the:casa" . ...,' •.:- .. .: • , r..'..i",..,.
• . .
~said shehneW as •muchabo.ut it.,
1,..i. ;, she. warn't egoitr - tos;be ',.ithuset
• upon ;.. and no than was a• num till
os it • a, poor, Women, A
- .
..nd? .buratin
of rage.,_. she : twitched did. of her
m• went sobbing -away: ,‘ ; •••• ..*.; ...:.- •
.; hilista - cloied:, :And Bile( stated!
• '•: to the Court dri the ipart . of-.1 .
':. • se, • , ithlswas a t . f little the *tall
ie liiiiii eyei.seen• .. l i i e.A is.clienestood.on
at •• idry ; she stoo . d-np likndeSl'
to . • on 4 11::
.potatoe hill ; .'he . didn't . p.
o offer . rcel,l. any 'prod,. ; and' , that
‘• : by Way or se-riff—tongtie:again4t t .
16 • rding to' the statute - in- ' • .such ease i
in', provided,be hoped- the-eourt - iyou
me •thelaw hiniself.• . : 1.1.1ei.e §ile'er
L-..eeg account .. against ,Philista, - met
;o• '• e . threo feet amid. hildit ilivt ., O. the . .
- .
jury:) . Thiso he 'said, o•Was a . gular
s tement 4'the : slanderous ;words u •••• .by.
' .IBit:it Filkitts agtu Charity:. Beadle; - ;r."..the
r three lears,* - With -the . damage , . an • iea 4 -
$-' erything "iiid • !sits itereiied.,....aud -0( in
ti • p style \all, in *black and white, j : as . . it
ppened• . ' i . Sile - was. dbotit reading .t *s.for
m liable, instrume,nt, 'when Ike, 914 ET.... 1 . :' ~•:::
:. 1 !AA' Otnt't be done in this pre . • •.' it,'..ei
e 'lined Ike;. ',the. light= - of;:civilizaii ., •:l - has
itself aittle too thich , :for • that.. :.., This
. ,in naitit just as well ..try .- to .:,svt . low 'a
Ut •Orr;or , a cat .lail:.foreritos•' - is. -- to
g t such 'a Proixraition 4owiLits.tlitoa !. - r
Nuire:Longbew said ' he'd' .never ";
• eh a law — yet
. the - . questien : wes.,.. ~
~.••,......•._ ....i.!...,...........,
...,..,I,.aid..doinin all the law book s.
n neteenth .century .1? exclaimed - Sil
n ' yet- beard On't , !' • . •„--.; -,' ~. . . ,-, . ,
1-,. Never did 1' ; ....- - .-
.. ;:.: : • ~-.-; .
.. r Why,,': ieoptinued - Silo, !pie statu:,
a S?VOff Whereit's•of the. saline matitk.
ton; ''iThis lon see is . slander '.'
d- 1 ',_,_.' . - ..; -,•:•:,. - -..:• •
, -,,i,--; •„.-...'...-, • -..,
- 1` True; -replied the Sqtiiiie•L , ;._• ,- -.. ... , .7
1 ‘ -71.tme, did 'you iiay''•-eiclainiedik •
9 - 0 e ,4atutet.does allow i.slatider, t
.: Our: stettite--Oat I !kapoi
.. pie - 13uiew: it4-... - A. Ji Qi l 4-yuu_
'fxid - headticl.lpzi---4 Butthe. Squ
• . .. Ike:inst. 4 this . tinie•!. ,::`.....,,., : •
I ,•‘ We will decide the question firat,
The Court :Jaye in nodecisiOn , )
Squire . -.LOngbew - Waa, Lim trim
r : , . ..
.:•• ' 1 ed. thastatntes, - looked .over, ;
t, but he did-,.not,. get. seV
mally ja' Ricky thought struck Ow
• ld Mr, ; Brown- - -hr,-the..;„e.rOwd. t .:44)ii
Putition Or liviipg :Ono: .beoii.4j
static :of New,. York.. i. - K" . - 4 440
.•• • Jeehoned , tO.hin4 - •-tutr .-M hotbretit
. . ! •joining. r00tn•....: After : t*Ot -- ,4idr.
' I.e Squire o:turned . eii.a::lolE:„:.l4'
!erivetegt*, opil4u::::: -. lir .
1 ' After' au examinati*ro)
' r au'i:ufgW , 'tili'' lo .**i
hich the Co urt didn't; lek
•,. air • • -. ,
(tweed , to - getGjustuge i a
tonne half deaekt.,l)94:A4...frnu.,
. . noted..dim aoythingths
01 the ; atibjeat-E.,'_reeoJleetir'
WelVdOets;:whiktheTo4lS l
e)ead•ind•gona,„4o. , and . i'
!this '!eml4t t" we teed. F
idlel : 3**ViliFfifit.-001- Octill
1 - N - - - • .
a' •r.
.•-• •
. I 7 1' - •.•; - ; , r
i sa : a z ylidgfi r ,
she theii6t.'shi'ten'd .: ,
You - -'Bl'ktiiiwfl
Attiere'ati eau - do,
-WOrnan. -,- 6‘,
l ev4r haiiiNAJleadle 4y:
ciihraciii:r 1.4 -
'fi e yam, a imp
hen" *he had •a ` i nhidl.
biliet:' ,l. hiO::tiity - i .',...::
,' . ' i!ifizitMcd, -8101; thit
i i' loneaS4ny' fraithils"tto
:I :lie wottid - eofiiroit'hhil.
pled out , . tills(.istbo
his arms a=kimbo,: ...
a loos loplestraight . 14
exclitinied the Squi
! whew! ott-on-ott! NV
Ce of the power,- -
about a foot,, aitd squl
i f tobaCco juice, sts .. he st
t • .
•%, r W1W".. 4 3 060 4 , ' . - .1 , 00
• • 111 TN.
':,411t.1.:114.111.111,3 10 32 , 111 . 44 •'
ilin ttvzof nets .ku- - ----aii:l;sl 1V
rt , +;:i. ••,, • , -7 •':•1• -1.. " 4-trr •Tr i tr o itAlEir l•
r;.. .., . 15t i..: ,. ......•,: I. , .
egr 'e ei_ '7' , 7:fli7 r ,
v ibr. -: ~.., .•-, ii-,,..,.,-..,..,:- -,mitr..-.
. ..
Pies Is t(;,iallu '...*;.,,. .• --''*-
tili ef
ieleingebth , - keOrleg, -rli ., ' ; I :
iiirit. WWI Id bee been aie k ''' -' • •
•W•e,t a giliriir,ed ' e_ialk , faiutial *l Tilt the z ';, ' ! '.'
1 . , . • degielf r elifi r ie " - - dle'. ii ) ' sot
a 4mices - 16 ,:, it;Eist i ui hi- its; 1
4 1 aduf
! imtkiislio Oquire 'l;irowes - opliiTon; . - ;d;dAte..
I 11041, tiitilk. , ,: ford w t -Abate 44**4.:. T: - . f..,..4: 1 1i
il,:;:-.1.4 01 P 0 11 ( ' ' ."41plint-4 r e iCk -":-. - illit
~.... i.je4.% ' "::'...;.'- ..&it .
liacilitlinr . " , r - ':'l4 , VAii I :,
ota ' 'f - i
livtii-idii.P ...
kiiiiikiiiikkasiitai:lan a .. .i4Aelkilt;
. E to
I . ll*triand.494;:.*.belliliovoßT , ::: ,
f lrnAklesh‘OPtikirili . .!,;:...: - •::. .., :.
..Ilisi - Sviii ' d:tiic:.aimitiy 4r i ihic: '
. 4; 11
-- - f i c ife• I ;i: i leb... '1. 1 5: i- -, V.'. li. ...
MR* : '' " '•.':'. : : h ..
. 13 11)1 OCCOrtit ). 1 iiiiiit A Y OT : ' 404 1 03 6)
I .relgietrikei *ha l . l iVfaigr o .o l 4.4:iP,fe.
* 4 - ) T*r.* 9.l* ( OrPrilha : : 4 49 6 *;
lifla -.116; t004 41 :.44,-*lldidiii 6 nslifS :
• toes,' e
• l iVas gives •Ik Id' **del kalif ''''''a
~ .~
thogh,,Siwire4 t4att theWiiilP fr Oic
tbti longet4.andistlthttpartiet4e9 , ' ' •„. • ;.,-
Charity had be ttr:r Jet hey, tongue 1. .' ...•• , ;
my Client,- . Tid Om out lui .baktniii: . L . 'ih
ipot. .. .., ~. 41 ..) . 4.... , !., , at.- - 'iii - 2 .1 :..•. ~ .i . .:, •4, r - ~:,
- • The Squire•said 4- the cause wince ,;,,i 'on:"
Site read hiositt-off„ made up of slanderous ,
...fifty dollars.; itn . d ; gtlAe Charity he.rsplc• imoni
the.,principle.Apitth4 said, that' jt : *.as . a hook . ?
gietsupt, ondliAlliiatO"li 4 t 6 :iiiciiiiranA:
lieiltoolcs haVitikrbeetifk^itittip ;wliitti
his held and whiett4atitijnikeopy• 7 4l:44(i
nualit'out himailf-r*itgOlift , ..4.*
d;eice., all of whi*,CPrit.Y.APulfl• gffeKt,9'
right straight alopp; ' • •.,.; ••: l. ...!' ::;
- ISO Conn, adinitfid.'ehttritYitia'shOAA!•
th'erit;4ll'.'thrOgglr, 'aid •ionie : 'hftYliSlia** - :
• •, • - ~ 3000 ,
*tote ; :anif . has ' , Ohl; 011::. 10 t . .;
iipee.4l, when Silo, stopped .....r, i t.bspa . '.. lAN:
.he,told her, 4 shr„sWorollie kasp ;; VOy n....0t, !'
jitrisdiction of a insaistrdie,.'l' .:-..., -,- .4 . ....."' ...;
,; • 'Here the CVldenecclikA. llitiliit • 'o64 =
'akin, and the' ttive *se' yeti - oil* r
.. .140 ;
pp:, . . . --, :. . -.. ,i' ,- : ::) . r . :::i ...71 ,- ;:,
' The.,COurt Informed . : lkiiant Wil' ' 4 .
we t e . limitO to n half an hour 'eaplii: ."' ' , ..i . • '!1
Ik6 fitenealtie.47iiiiiiit; liii4iiiii. :: ' 'ratid
g.ttnieriratid•itiAk'an opeditik:4 'i t.: . "itlit:;
:be - etpeeted that I can repeat it:l4- _ . jniv-•:
erlived Limn), i who..eould4 , lti•ittiv 411'1
. thili. l 6 3. : l :"rtal 1 .40 juMlloti4:-..,0,44frAW:
. sense,:pot*nie N‘it,,..i,inpito . r.„ potli4,..4,ikiniAti •
laid, VOlgarity l Weidi all - P:Nd' . . t .tyi 'l4#l4i, i : i
and' belched fo b ; apt* the . -jutyi• Aid 'llotl
.upon Ike east4l thkeonit,•the...3uryc• " - '
.. - ,..t,7
the history ; e Werldougtiemddi . • ' :le
.prtieul.. ar....... -#. or . :was : fo. In
dt..ltiretl,_ . th•defe*i.t::litior kriecib.
set ofr Storni* itigile'itotihi'igiil liii*
ent didn't get
.. ljuilenelit'il'inii . i% rat;
tlin' among t liry•abonew Cif Abe.- . •:.•614 . •
wouId•MUSA Ate . 4. of: l7 q...ij.:lft; 49 -04 X
fp.t . front .
... rear; to;:the. bier i . ** , : e!art .
greet t•hang .. (' the 4 eresCid.g3i)i.,..... linsi).•
s la
all the Seietri :_rinnXiblkettd-ttei-4 ''). irili'..
khow'd law " 'tt•tis the. mills:Of•his - e' iiti c t.';*
. A'ii to the COurt's opinion-4abOut -th6.. '. tf,
! his lead wais:kh,Nktgii.otsabwo#,Jo Iblitg....
bi 4 ikvi;iie,..oidif.t.: kiiii.s-..:5iii,01,N•.,.i04.4
ni 3 / 4 , L
inent wasn't - rdlYiliife'''On .. 11 - iiote • :ar hidd ;:
.'hothildimi d ' bt but•that: threciltitk ' '6l4' .
iteti.:Would -hiinT•litart miir. - 14raine-was . ..
iorrj. ipluit ever bad anything to db W nvithehi
and kottlihnsole ben.'stirry ever since 4,' a n d
'suitor edic‘atioti* he wasn't-up.- to •the ;School
unarm; (Or she . eouldlrtSidlkttiii . jiioi had 1*....
ter'give him; a tveidicii 4P:they . !Wit* irint
the nightmare: 'Aiiii::,thni: . hii:wiii'iiin int
airy.* his - half hear' expi . red l iAtchli t : ': i 14.
ittkierbe stopped—kis Well storkttoktt . i,' ;1 1;
''Sit Site rose and commenced his "' :pent
'Airsthe defendant; .until - the ..e4urt 'swore a'
:eonsOtble and 'Ordered. the Jury to 'retire tifitli.
• hiluNie inninixiCstillgoitton - ; lin d thus:
..4, left, tht rtioni' t 'lkefiuulSile; following
't nit* diiwn.thitiew- "alift:die . elftitit; and
Vie' thing robitervid, jtssi - beforiiithe iiiitii:.
.eliiii4kiiiis &Os ~ lirgi • riin'thrbugh 'it ...tif: 7 l4' .
rime thrOughlii:ietirietyl of jtturesliiii 'exp. :: :
rtiteffortitt behalf of his "clieni. . 4 ;,,,,,.t...,
~.:......,:, of.i long , delibefation tunot ' itliellti
tora,Siiting -. which' almost. evikrittn* - 4"114 . •
`dhittitieeft butt e evidence ; it
by:; our foreman on' 0:014 iii-thii We cotild
not ggre,e; f 9 ur DA 'Ol Ininglcie fifty dollars
:according to lawl itid s. '•onerin . ...lo%.fiii
_ n o
ea*: of ,action ,-• (131.19 . 'lttid'f..W - st ood
.'muse lie was st-tittired,in wh444ilie.ll l * -
illatrjAvithioinettiodY.:' '' 4 .4 : 1.......1...11.. , 31r1.4r.
: 7 :Atid thus, elided - diviribl , bptwetiallkito.
awl •Besigw. .. : • .. :t!.. • • ' - . I. -
, c hat
' the
I Wa,
on r
Phi 4
' - very.
;k 4tiO
d she
. into
! 1 . , . 1 4 6 : 1
t ease
i ;high
• king
I little
1 ex
- .. „• . .
.. , . . .. . ..
.. , .
A' DE,ANIA-- . 46iiiiciir-ciii. :Seittri•iiiii,'os
.itrar.".trsi - dr ' WINE ` : 14 , 41) ' .4*
' COLDAii.E . ' ' Ill• .
Siterelify .: 111arer,retently.: told': iitt iiiiiedt4te
. .
~ i
.a umeerir.l i arty itt - NVlWarggtoTii .I . F.t eh: ns
thus.,: „lii3 $44. that i .ll:f 6 V. , - Oe•lc..§::lm c,546.....-
*yrriour . '6 X4*.:: Teri( ' . .‘,t:tiio -
iia.i lie - ha -
vet the liqttoilairri' itailis: : .
eelied *4O iisl'l6tters'.ill*tentlehlii . ::ini-.:
ripaS parts of the:Btatoi , '„hoth :appri). #iand,
(iil4), -. - 0 . - 1 1 3 C 0. Yrs 6 .•iik.:l4o,llCPßltes
Aitleng thT...* as - ,06..tr641 ..p4 . lics?oC-'e;lit .
(riii6oti, wh •:resided lii the centr e . of the State,'.
toTta 1
`:which einOfruiride* his action jii! . .rstri) l ' terms.;:
The eld:'t.' tleinsui.allS4isC'te v 4Sfo' tiedtlie . ,
qovertior . , , t hews :: : fteply:Artfo
,: .. ,to l iiiii.:
- .46 1 4gbik7 '.ol**-soo:Pl'ol6.4* do and
'=did'; not Jo 441)4 ' , ..i9f . ',.jesiitilo9§c4P ''itkii4
'i14;'61. - . : to"i; hi): .- s4l;:t. q t -ioko: -1 / 4 iip ., : , .. Vliitte ,
:11.61 . - 4 Gefi'Ois' 0 - tieveittfitoi;',.Ao --ordei - iisii - o - ,
hoir - .the liiluoi - ..q*fieoi'waS . thfia*.i.o;:ated:.
and after mature - tiellitlii4,_ ; he: . o4l*.j.o,:the: .
conclusion. I that, all 'tife : grOtt,a
, 4 1 0 0 4 1 j-ligiif
Noah,. ltegli ?tic:id •Siileiiit'sa itter'ithdrs l
iiiiirtiok iid§-_vailotps:.'sic '..t1id1.r...!'-.lAiti.
'‘oiritriet4e4.:it Ic.- - other4;; , .iti . **6FOilit*:
researches' lrAtialp.fiiti4 ; etie.,;144,. 4.ltNit,,
9P,PiYesl.4llSTO**atit,olle,4,(o: `
ter :mit that; he iraslaJk- - ..4.,..idter - - liii6iio
,• - .-, .., , W.•: . i . .-,-.
: '.-- . f • '..— .--."-:' 5.' , ' , ..'- ' 1 - ,:;1 • !, , r ,•••1-,.:, -- .
. , .ONS . OF rttg• Honatata:lir. Wsig,4---- 'Like:
alt.** ` piOdilqfilikt. 1 AreOtii ! , l- --ikr: 14rel ous:
*col pf -alleo42.robbay„pri, - ;b0 - 14; : kg0e,Tt
**r4k9f . OT . c4rst , „l4,oo . o79oficii 3 4,,:me*
it *4.. :rum that ttio' , o4::4o:#i*l t Ag
titidtiliotf Erii;ll,6iigithi*.tooot:,4i4li . tez
t170'44 tvk-O.ilkidyoiiitiNiiiff.4liim!gitiSiixeif,4"
"rWi t tNs .suppOs#l.o.* : 4o - ittiO* l o4i
...geati*;, thav*,loEeot,:..tisii*ps:o,tAlimiati , „
bity.firi, Stealfwaliti4b:al*Oor!,#, .OTOOkiiil*
lilibteiiiiiS 4'14. tiioeV6alr , ttablifj;f4iiiiiietok
upon:iiii4t -1,-.4llijiiichl'.!• -- z••::' ::-- 7 C.Vk.-tz:t .
.c -, -,.,: -, -; -
o** , 4 Piiteiv44ti944.liiti 4 -40IFOAki
liiiiiiii.4.l**,;2oo.olitilit'otiralo.o l :** , .
4u0) , 7111p1 , 4044it00re't* 40 #0. 1 .:
*.Ai1i..*041 11 1.7..,# 0 #. 10:00*.
. - :10 . gi.7 . -4.l4oAiliOsh,*.tWi.,*k , - .41 ---*::,4*!#'
.000114:iiiiti#,;#000:fiklc - it.P.#*7iir
*b„.Gem..*., ift74#oo9l , Mel.:,te*
iiitilkhis taita.,- ~.7.-,:::::,.-,, . :-.....1, -, - f -2,i- ......r
k.,,,,,,ki..4., .-74- - ql -- 111Y-r&.> -, • - q• + ~..:
. o f
,•,74 aid.
's :lie
It. 'Nora
1. ',ba . set
• heart
d . hams
re- *tap.
t e: - ' 11e
Ili ilcsk- .
lattit* .
iittil the.
15Pee lik
1 :imo
1 .. : hour.
I, , nd
.;-'..1,---.::--;.,•.,,',•.,:;?.:-...;:' t4-.6.,,',.....4.,-z,..,-.4-:.,-..,e,,,..,.:,-_::
ttlg.t . l.W% ,. .. o '6ttg'-"P'*'4 , :: , •= l : , i.', ,,,,, -Yf.i . r , - .74- - `'f ,- ;
-•:-.-,,-;'::, ''.1f , .. , : . "* ,
-,. ..,.-,,„..,.4.---.. ...---.......--1,,,... ---- -- ,r!. , ,. . 4,....z
T'' 7 . • ~ • -., - t ' ..-....Welfirs s o h n anyte,,Ltg.a;,:P , ..;, 1 - :i - - -, i-e- , - . 4:2:::::.- ; ;
_ ..„
.. ~_ ~.,..,....,• . Jg. ...),t2,..-..._. _ p' - --A" . -r. -- " , .f.,..:;1*, , , , ,::
- • . ,6: - .1-A.-fair-,:ittlgT . '
t *gita.-- , `,.- „::9*'**lll. - ..:,g; . 2 rr4 '.,ti..l
-. ° l Pl9tt° 1t11. 6 .103, 4 C ! . 4ft . ''.:..' '3 ' :i. ,. . .i;T . ; . 4;14
: A,' fin - ,§ tiq ti.l.. _ ._, - 0 ".-. ..._,;, ' . .t .=-,.,' , 6t r i-V- ,.--,.. - 7 .3. - 0
i f ic l / 4 - 1 - ; 1( 7 -,-- 6 ' 4',.-:-.- -- 1 i.l:, .i'-"r''7: 7. - , ,-1 , :.1,:.--14,45, ,:_.l..:i•N
I t 3vAs .ii. Hi - -r/ .-; !,-. :- .111!,*,'414.--,: :-- -;:.;:',..,7'..'
- Of - 01ii:iiiiiliiii r tai - 441r •iliti t iiikiilii4w , . , .;e ,- - , .. , -..v,..
in . its ' P 1 79.!,nk 111241 ' 4 41: 1 -.4 .. -- '?in :'' ' - i 'sgS'i,:!-;,. ' ,,.T!".';',:',1 r ,"'i
Nibeif..*e' itlifi, 44- .-; t.f‘:' , ..1., -,' --;,- -2, ...,.0:•:. , ',. ,
- -ci ii'bt lai &46ri- Os 2 ':- - g. '''-i?. : '....7. li, - 4 ';;=::,,:-..2.1t..-sf ,
"iil'AUtiiiiiicitiiimai,"ihn.. ....'t . ' . " •
....‘ . :c lam ~. , :
. 4 .,.
:- titatd4.3:ilifift4:44s. , -: ,,, .. , :g
,v - i - ifisif , ii, dtorot.t.o,,ifp4 riit-1,1.. - . -1 . -2,
4.icat. ; - - a l ai.•*6 , shcniiq tor -: , :---lipoW..~, e ittkip§ig7;' , ., ,
. 14 4 .
4141 Jtierny6 o ,foPrk*lt 4 ' 4.1f*11414: . iii.-:''...
4011,r0A0',)W.:,, fi.''' 2 'i :::;;O:s.:: 1 1."X..„ : 4- 4 : 4 01, 4. '''*
, N ls
-larileif.ioiiiiit at .r. -..../.-..L. .4:...ii`us ' teiras'e. , ta a r...:-
l'il4l4attiduk-' .Of is' - 44 1 , - *ol l liviticlbOt.'42. - = -
riatflift 4 e4 - 0 - iikr-f,::,01"*"41.;.0Wii.g';.;',: ,''','''':-:':,
t a
avaitreilliti;:', ' "AO: 1,-.'`..triittkal - if - *f i' - ..c:.,..-.. - ;,':i ,
1 64 1 c00 7 01* - oiiikittliie - qi . : 0 1: 0167
ant huln#: :.e-in . g..'o 4. OrCkti#o.i. - sid-i-i44iiit . k
r"..kik m, ilig*t4o
.4w4c141(5044,44.4.41P*4 ,K
i;ct'inf*9 _99li it 9A00 6 1# - gglOtO
. 014.7 l 'Xitirit4iiiitOiai - 011 - u4oo44ita :
. :!4)Y*OeYer . ,P,. 4 .4A11'i14 , 05 r .4 1 #1. *ioi;t4tS*7.l
,if“; ,A4 -. ili4 (114 1 .4.%7 - 2ip.r.s•l•ol**o4, i gat..
.iiliygutio:: - F-''pr - xwe . - -.- fitiv - si - aiikhlitt ttii.P:',:
wie v t - .1:,-. , H .4....5.i.,,,i . :-..A.A.. , ,-., , ,r-, * -- b .,,,, m -ari t .f_,
?::'-':rii4eiidf•,*l4::!'t** . fitkt*.o'ti*j 4 ii.*k;.
! a n'!-394'-.e.*er-PA*oloicnik -, :rtrlWt 4441
Atrllo4:g.loz,!se 4 Cotv:gOitg)*o.x.tiiilt:li,,,*'
• P„1$1( ;i4vs:o9lAti/AY9lfes'-§o4ip;W .
f'':' ... elitl. , 2 - 4a4414 . 04piiir for; fiC,*o4 4 .t_
* . ifiii - 661 - 'o4' it)iiioi .::4pord*VAtii.#l:o6l4l*::
-, lti .,:f- plike'kii , v l :-Sq.fn i W : r 4 c**S4'*-' '
:PP4u),..,..4g , g11Y-.. - .I:1:7 . ~(4-. t .., -t f. •,-...Airl;;" , i - iiiV.
... , ,..,......,k k ,-..,,,, 7 „. : ,,,....-
'' • - .. abbot;. 7 ,.,.. : ,
Aiid 4 , , , "'01y0i - )%4l.lirriteio,,,,wiee , ,;
'ciiilyriold"o era;t4r,'4o; . l - 404/Sillidi-'i4;iolaii;:. -
i l,
lifot,",)114) llyttlf.i'lq:;i:l--,: 4: •; - , , 1 . jirr:14::;2; i':.',;4::4tfti . :,*; :
.--,...:NY 47 1 141il:Cd i g.04e , -0# 1 4' , AW.,-, . ...111
•.p,r.*::tdlhe, - .1-iiattcf l pl4o4 . -oti**-.lgaro*;
f6 - re : '6iif• - •io - CA"1 iiliZoiictOlifeiitikt rifert - k)
: taliiiittUf'bfiii - tall
- ti; - 4ta faittitad laotiiesii::btie.:lll - tit*:***l,
41691 d stray *6.4e-115441041-1`440.1-i-4.ok:',
-Ae• 4i .41:414 -*Ailli; - fiiit::-,40 - 11#41..,;:ei4.1-;;:
- I;doitho. l , : tisi t o.pai.:f or io...-,°24, siptL t - ,4 9 ,..',:-..raif'Y
. )Volit is - il'lLieifaiiiiff . , Alla - .c..i.iiNfW.-igr-suils,..*:'T'
14fitiiiiiiiiiiiitiviiti 4 5:0e'**-ftleittit'OriW,..,.,.- ,
an(lzl - ula. f trioUeti,haa.laittol , 4"f_tiv r a-iiiAtr*tiii;''''
. azid* fgo ctti4Q(dtiOkai - . - 4*',011.41.4* - -
But w'e:bUye be4inft.lirutiltarlt•tof'filli4plAiii" -
-LitukAyill All, :A
- " li a7 .le .a p
: pa4 i,- i.. - ;We.k g yp i'o
? ,
7GusviliAit6Livda . dio. , of iali ifiooll- :
-,' - '-
rum niYslaii'-ufk-Vckri,to-* 2
aent - dsi - itfor,-triebdOr;Ae,,voliotet. .:
:a fter lowal . -liir ' - - r'iol ii:si4i' - ' - - -1 - ' . "
,: ;.- Ar--;..... 9 ;In..- : , this LT - I)4V-Tx. . ~..„-• ,-,-,,-, --- - .7 , '': -
T op, .c,f, an -loud
..11 - T,ithel)*l , J,(ktiwitots:
..`tii . ala . ..cifyila - iit.4146: - 1006:";: - Ire . ,:viiit , !...S . i:
‘ijieeflio*litili. 4iiiitb,if-.l . lAdaFiidi*foW...:
- tiiriil,fhthiktia-:Ablifitlikoorofii. iiigisbit4,:;,:::,,
.. ' -icAfban- , - y ... tai- . ivo' : - . :fercty,s4: ' -ii6 4 - r o i - itt..o ,.
. -
,op s:4: oc,„f l , ta g when u 1 f
Ivitir:ilo...:Pol -- .1) eTo.a;" . v
-- ii todo. it: oiholoifliaihk.iall
il' - '6i• 6- diid*,. l ";er'likiit6t,'-artiulol3*.Nari - 4;f:-
ti'iotp an tit: i`tyllia , PiOt.:‘ , t: , TliOak - ,*it - Y4**lt;f
-.Coastifutioi4t -01..noti,'PAA:•*11 7 -*) - r i pitiMr . - -
-9, - 11F,Pon041 tigi . -. l 44f9j. ; ::o4i i COMAti*, ' - i
stridif liii6 - fia:'§il'fr,4l.4' - ..fiflaft;titit-itatutaTp6t-' - : -.-!.
ir t i-li l l , ,i,Ni.4eic..Notifi - ivaria..'"giiiieli..):::4l7:s . !_ - -:;-±-:
~ -fiiiik...,, : :,-,4- •,, , , -- , - ,z - ' i r,. • r, k - - i , '''.;::`' . -::•'::?:'! , 'i - .- •: . 1"9:.: :-'
I t.: , 1'...-
___"•. .-i - ~..1: ~T., • .:f i 'iii)- 1 .";:iii: V
- 1 . ' 1 ..'?4O-liPi*T.. '.411n14,:-.4;ZVq.j,,-*r:-',-k.-_
1 - - - 1! .13altki, Aii - ''lll'a:-Odiyifiiiit:ta' .. 6Yl64,il*:..-;-ii
illtioilkd'filio*Thi!iAtiiiif:::.l 2 l6iiit:iP'.:4l , ,.::.j '
" . -eit(l' , Ai a iiirolpliqn;w4;o.4:*iSSo**o3.*.#4,:',.
.'hugelier.ii9ti.rtioo . xo_. 41004:4; tOii 3 O*44*(i..-,
1 -, - ,fcgt.o *4 O l feP: ,6l o44 l 4 , l4:**4 l ßiAiiiko.V.: : -.
L wiffilliii . 0-iii.fh4 : ;:gp4- . ..414: - - fif.:::;, ;t (jilfiiip...-.-, :.
ffW.'6,ii-pf.hv.iio'f.4 - .4iiqii?,o4;ii'litlioiikil::::.
.., 11101' , ;'#0 . 1'itAtiiiit410, 5 ,iihell4ii"'.
hin!shineiiVi*Y,tl Itiiiigifilki-,!thtiell44r.:-.;
J0i.044 ,41 #i.z.i - 410 liiiP. l *- . iok - .4v-44) • 1," :::'.i -'..',.
4)710.01 1 rt4*// 41 k.,0:440 / Yh e Ol :i : ". Lail. . ti' - ' - ;
shriek k' upt.O'r,,ii ipt; sir,,iittcsikiiiolirrObi:t:
.'iiliiiiit'i:Cialiiiiii*: ? ` - -='l ;. ':- I !:± L '' t :-.7'.,1 , i.-' , -'
fllliillileil;litiumt iii . 4l
,ijiiiiii'o4 . ii .. .) . - iiilt . .*.i . . - iii ,
,idst--.V44#*: : l'ronii.;4oe64.::s `: - P':***:,f4ii ,, -;
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