The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, May 18, 1854, Image 1

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. •
orace Snutli contr.! to _e- ow
' ted tll6)oe` - 11 1 N •
Monthly Itagashle to tnY Yearslo. • '
Funny . and free area bath keti revelriek
CheerslY, passei hin life;
Nothing knoing he of connubial
Tronldesornechildren and . chuncntus wife.
. Free from ranziety, care And Mtiety, •
Charms in variety fall to his share; - .
'Beanies busses and Venus's kisses, •-.
This, boys, this is the bachelor's
A wifelike a canister, chattering, clattering, •
Tfed•toa•dog kir his torment and dread,. '
• .01 bespattering,tutriping and battering,
Hurries and w orries Abn. is dead...
opekay6 two devils haunted with blue devils,
Young ones are new devils raising.despair
Doctors and , nUrse4-eenibining tbeir cure_es,:,
. ' Adieu to full puxses and bachelor's fait,:
. . . .
Tlirough such folly , days, once sweet holidays,
Soon, are embittered by wrangling anal; strife,
Wires tumidly days to nielaueholy days; ~
MI tie:rplealingard vexing one's lice, - : ',.: • -•
chgareti'iie riotous, maid servants 8c at •ui;
• Mammy to quiet - us growls like a bear ; •
Polly; is squalling, and Molly is bawling,
While dad is recalling his bachelor's fare.
.. ,
When they are older grown, then they are bold..
Turning your temper and spurning your 'min.'s;
Girls through_foolishnessipassion or nnalishnessc, ''
bun - ;roar mishes and rnarry a fool. • ' .
. .
'toys will anticipate, - layish and dissipate ' ,
All diat your lnisyvate hoarded with, care ;
The tell me what.jollity, fun or frivolity
Equals in •quitlity•bachelor's Etre! • .11.
- • To the Dandeliot :• - ' •
Dear common flover that grow'st blidn the Way ;
Flinging the dusty; - mad with harmless gold, , •
`First pledge - of blithesoine May,
Whit3h children pluck and .full of pride uphold,
Nigh "hearted 'buccaneers, o'vjoyed" that they
• An Eldorado in the grass hare ibund; •
Which:not this rich earth's ample round
Nay medii in wealth—l•thou -art morn denr to ine.
- Than all We twouder.sMitmer:blotims May be..
Gold such aLt thine •ne'er th;ew the SparikAt'proW • -
Through the princetal bust Of Indian Mas i
Nor wrinkled the lean 'brbir
Of age, to rob the loyer i eteart of ease; j -
is the Sprinis - largess e rwhielt she -scatters 'now.
To rich and poor alike . with lerfsh hand; •
'though tboA hearts - nerer understand, - • r
To fakir it at. God's vithle, but. Piss •
The iffered -- ealtt! with unrewarded eye. ,
Thou art my trophy and inineltaly ;- -
To look at thee unlocks, a, wanner clime; , •-• '
The eyes thou gieeSt me j
Are in the,heart, and heed not space or time;
Not in mid June the Olden cuiraied, bee
'Feels a More.summer-like, warm raii..thrOnt
In ,the white lily's breezy tint, . '• ,
His conqueed thmkl, When first, -
From the dark grim thy, yellow circles. burst
.mien think I of deep .shadows on the grass—
Of.Meadbirs wherein sun the cattle graze,
~.- I fihere;as the breezes,pass, • ' •
The gleaming rushes 'cam& thousand waysr—
slunther in a .eloudy'muas, •
'pr whiten in the. wind—of waters blue • •
".. That from the diStauce sparkle through
Some woodland glip—r-and of a sky above,
Where- - one white .cloud like • a white lamb cloth
. ..
.f. 14 . eldidhood's eailiest thoughts are linked with
fThe sight of thee cats . back - the robin's song, ,
Who frOni the dark old tree • - . .
Beside the door, sang.clearle all day long, -
- iind I, sieure in childish piety, . r 1 1 •
Listen'd as if I heard an angti sing- ,
With news from h'eareu which he did bring . ' .
• Fresh eery day to an untainted ears, • • . •
Whenblrd,rrn.i.f.'owers and T were , happy peers.
• Bow like n rodwal doth nature seem • ..., ...
When thou f • all - thy gold, tx!, coramon art'. .....
• ' Thou timeliest me to tkem . :'.- , , ..' •-,
- -More sacredly of ererylnnian heiirt, '- . - ~,c`
• Was* Sada reilecti in joy itescanty gleam' "' '
~ •' Of bearen, and could saint , wondrous 'secret -show,
bidlri, the . toreriie4ore,., :; , i -.. .•
- " Ind' with a child's undoubting r windbni A4;OIE -
On all theie living pages of Gocrti'biSok. .'. '-• ' '
. .
lIIPOMIC IN SPITE onimitszr.r.'
htoitirgi FBFYCCIi. BY )LAC
L k ,
rg - • , i
..!Dubo was of `the . richest mei:-
%annul in Paris, and father of the two prett4-
-est girls in the quarter.'. ' Ifelc.,, the blonde;
was long-lashed, langUisiting, po s s essed , of the
suPerbest blue eyes, sitsl:tiventY yea:silage.
Zoe, not so tall as, her sister was the most
. Jle 'i/ious brunette lti' the- world; as full of fun
* . k. iirteeta .yeari
.c...6o**.ak, i her V et, full al
so of weiimt4 'ami ; `goal e4e's=. _ It. Dai?org
was a widower, aria both xis. daughters. Were
,Conahk)**letailhOqidil#,4 to a
generous anal6fity 'ettar4etei, the , -14.-1, einltt
' rulg but net diagOcable Ault : titles - 6f ai tan
figure, tic , clear brOien - eyes, a ,dtirk 'l4l:kak
'moustache, 'delightful Manners, and' tWeniy.
three years. B*li 'was ire ' - Duliorg -wilily.
it Dutkut hat - been "three' or.four times
- on the verge Of inin -, the ' intniy 'Stnii,esalte
revolutiona:WfW Frap(43 had:** '-', hook
C1.441) . 146.00 threw ' . our' ''frtend - hi
to embarisiesnient.:l74 %), - as saved.-ft.otn_ de=
i n r imAntkonly bypleinterVention Of . his fr ie nd
Matiliay s . a wealthy hinter of Cayenne, and
kills .0d ultlmately , triuttipheAl ova.-:..his - die.
ficulti*atid - waa soWias_ we:have said; : me
of the Mie!' stinep„At POt; - , ,f t _. ,%"'"
, Nlienlasuirtc ;iiai4i)ukiltO.retnrn,: to
• Clyiime,.. 'Puliorg
. `o*erk*(o,:hltit 71th
Proteilatieuu et..ituto . **o 4l' tii4 ' *lli . 1 :,
er, isi'siatiStylai AIeOLP• s *isf- ' ....4 1 ,
-1414:011 0 th e.fol l o4l.og p' o o l ti kil .) )* ,
• ositioo : . .. ~ ,
uToili ititl4 T: Akia It4oiFv;' 0 . 1 1 1 ,4 4 0 1
- ~.-.,
' .Yeara'olknila jay son Edmond as eighteen s ,,.
-, IL pleasing un •
_exaggerated disparq . . ;:ifiOfy,.
If you will-give lieletes hand : ,to reyLl;6±,At
.' „frill ara* the hands itt mit: friemisliipl46s4r,.
tim itr. ill fullY
, writ er4st betweent ... I TChakfttil ilUr .: ".
Mist tam 40 tea:iiithi4ptir:,_prOpOsis•
fiO4, and I ril ~e in ' spit, to - ,4101r3i1y 1
~,, .
portoi it. jleleo - Dub , a. shaltbalo,„ ,
,httatand than'tdit; kaki 'Nfauttir!: i' '
7:2 - e i I H
1 . SO • 31 .1 4 / 1 61;i : ay . Went tgi CliAiii;;ltlk,-ere.
,', the red pepper is fondly iiiipplottor 1 )
from, *m, awl went hack`to 14 , ,s staltio;el
„limo ityllellayray bribe* about ibiiiiMobt
, rekritA 10 jll:the begitinfq (if thio oaniiiii*il
Aiitiliitik, t*enti; 'Zo# sigeillt NW ( VW
' lWN 4oo l l3 ,irePirtlie4 years or/461*
006:0114-0friiiii-of IL l`,o , igkait WA lificeu
fatlcAled by 60.1fitudiuyteasibly. iminit,e!_
. le 4044 ,it , isizaportato ii, to r eisout t ,
- We_mlo IP• lB iiii 791 4 0W44 104 - 4 4. 41004);
.'' ' ,Ode f 001* ig; ~ilte.Yoo4‘t-,',fir4..iii,ille
lawittitiirloteot tebie, 0 le#P r i, wag 104101
-` 10 . 144 . ' DOllO4, Awl 14414 40, 40 1 4041 T
pn4iedell, ifirp.o a10pd.,. - ,,fri*.rg:44-10g0loud
' yrodumd -the folloveJog OOkkgeMlimelfsh, 71el
, • .%*ept. Iler,eyethri3d up00.4104*61 ,;A4lO-,
, -drummed.vpo4 ,o o4able ,AOOO ,140004 1 i',
em- Anatole guaiWetins2manim.,#na',
looked * n age.- But IC - "Dittioitil4uhb: , ,
iftflitioils wa nd ' - *a
-am My 446.4.- •V siaillithwp4rotritir heifvY
. .- . .
. . „.
. - , -' - • •- . ' • - : - .
. _..
. .- •-. . • - .
' • .. _ ~ „
. ,
• •
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. . ~
debt:of gratit4
a'double treasure
rich in beauty, ri
fortune. - . ; But,l
an-haPPY a" Yo ezl
' u .need : .
. . . ...
said Zoe - ~.
of a l o ver i wh m
. Whc4 4- faen an 4 .1
known to u.S.': •
~ . tie is the son
'your present brill
your father is ,itidi
ofhia. hOnu. -
~ ,
.‘ You are tikl4,, lelen,
. ri g ~hi~
.` 2 tin(l l l-shout
_-be boh happy inid:Prn44 t
pa y ,
.your. ebt, of 'gratitude. ' . Pardon inue
now, andyo t.shall have no cause to reproach
me in fitturel; r : ;
.:, I - .. , ' ,; . , -
- Anatole shOok,„and the bloOd. mounted up
to his forehead, but an imploringlOok'from
lieleit . kepi iiini silent: '
i ; Well my child,' ',contiMted. The father,
Edmond may, be
_here' at an _ moment,,; for
the vessel which. bro(tight ' t ' - letter pre
tided his' only i tw enty: -fourk,ho . But-how
will, he come 1 My Old friend writes i that
,4,, , .. is very cc. e a, : - ; y take
- .e me - &may pinsibl
a fancy' to , appear ps s. te one else,..,..JoYer
Jmnd come iu 'Witt rae:tei he yhe
shall be. weletime,'!- .1 . , , - I - ~.
IL Dub4f4.g ro e to leave- the tab] when
. , . . . ..
a servant announced M. paplan. - .
' 1 do trot' kilo* .any oriel of , (hit name,'
said the Merchant, 'but ask,,ceme ill.
'The - servant .in aced a young man - ')f
twenty-tive,, whose In urnful..l..and 1 some*hat
trill )
einfiarrisso face-did pot conceal - liandsom4
features a. l .4lilstingul.-41ed address.. After
• the first ord '
nary remarks; the jtanger ex,
plained the bblect of his visit at. first with
great '-Orcumlocution and avohlance. of the
4 1 am; • id li ~ ‘ a friend of :the' lfaubriv
fan - 1i1y).,., - V : 1
- M.. 1.) . ' rg- lanced` g at, his family- ea much
as to sayi.. Ah l this is the form which his
eccentricityr-taes.' .
!EdMon4 Nlatibtay nut' sailed ' the same
'Ship from (cayenne, ,I - Must tell you that
for some. time past,' my inofort to' friend
haahated and deSpised the .wo rt ; lie per:
suaded himself that the 11 Man he rt, always
open to evil Pit,,ion, had 'o room_ for noble
or generous •,! itiments. All - affection ap
peared to .- hi m.' tritstw . :_flii , . ovitry, good'
action the result of calculation.. This melan..
Choly 'humor s n 'degenerated into a disease,
and fi nished by. isdlating , hini uf all who
loved him. My society .was e only one,
that he would: endure; but ev LI was oblig
ed to banish from nay conversation: every af-,
fectiiinate expression which .friends customa
rily make use'-of The. voyage appeared to
.rillike him worse ; he. shunned thl-wiciety,
and-even the • ooks of the other passengers,
and be has passed' whole days without . ad-
dressing a. Ni - ord G inn to .ine of tile projeet
of. amily alliance formed h y his t he
2,-ou, sir.; he told me that he could' . insure I
kitiphiess 'to Your daul d ter, :and then" he
prtztised my hand and ,lock himself into big
state-room.lii - inning he was round
dead in hi
The. stn caking; and then
now or , . .
II) .
thy up2p. t I 'ln ' but ,vai n in.
Not hr my son-irilaw'wd,
make a 4 ii,_ thought N-- Pl
'bourl3. - • . • .. • % • 1 .
Amato& cooked at caul ,otlier
as though lit - story had be*
Artie. '
• ...But Zoe
get, :Ari d
cousin w,
tbink tpa)
. deepi . icavY !
tii'43se yout
Scene b%an
4) Yen are
ate theTi
' ‘Dupt
then, it is ; ..
guest; lir: DuphM.
s' The Stranger rei
a-hi eh 14..Dalioni
the rathei nineking :,
'lint he said in - milli. ,
,'I am !err grat eful ''-fi
- burl 4;ill;nijit be itidigerei
M. D4poit -rallgAi
-.!O•trant til oo t4sthe hotel
luggage.: ; -•`'' -:' -*.'"' •
' But;•*i 'dear 'air'''
'{'But `al", dear' ili; 1
1 iiiisshalk - not ;leave my
1 lodie : iveli i to , 3f. t
I imea-he.ra'
tiide here; al 1 and you;.;
eiselyr as lb 4 ,,. ~0„ ,
~.. • 0.
1 .,.,•
.-.-T.hre ' "a - _
I ,pti_bouri.64istantry._
c 4
I 4iiiik - , m - dieff*
'iikidii: iirgAlof'.
- 1 45 1 94 f iat atkia 4 til
iteiliOdiT ` ;sit
I)te- - - ''4illir
tin are
icir in
1, and
y tub
hole and stroni t
3''PPY with_ is
'fancy *wit NC*
Meantime, : a4 the
Wpm!, 'the 'stranger
ask . s l - 0011'2;urg
ine. - 'You :
we Id ..e ' ttAr fo : re e it r l4e
Ifo, Ari
-1 'Opt' die
reitiain our
etiipha. - sis
his 'Et ;
•yout 'offer; sit ;
einiou*h to sooeitit
for' the; WAknger . ! 8
a that
to. be lisseg
otrt', 1'7°4'1611 re-'
I 'be rivithka
ere ,Edui*.lbiu-
: 21 1 0181.
isinvi.iiii- -,- • -
1A16,6i, lit
fiteitill- i,, fi r .
liia, 3
nimlafi' I lii i
'.•l , .
11ii.7....'"rg..". ',__..
' W
.. " 1i
.:: , r .11 10.
7111 . 11 .
AL.' ' .... t . IL . .- • W
IA" .
_ R •• ~ ~
,silt Ffivetli, Oaf; $6-'4°..-as:3.l will, it
Pui4ul.,Pi? 04 ~ Cleverly,,plaj, aii , loyi
4 you. I PEe ; '.kinJY - -1: toll you that your:
is Atiperlluotil;‘l - was 53rewamed, 04 I
know all abOut' it.-,' !Then ii:;!aiing lest he
should be carried into anger; M. DubOrg
hurried away: I . ,
OUplan stood .
atoll in/tfai middle of the'
room and , rubbed'hiti 2 forehead" for an idea,
which howevei did',Mt come.
I:T en
I ' . foiesiarhedLhe knows all
'about it; w t/the . deuce does he know ?
what has. he, forewarned about?' •
M. DUpla4thoUghtabout it t afl night; and
'nit haiingslec:t w'cll lie dema n ded early in tai the gardena,to Continuie his meditations.—
There Anatole
. saw Mtn and 'nude haste to
follow him. -
'ltonsienr, said he, I dislike ambiguity
and diplomacy _ ; Toiestraight Pauli.' •
sir,.l am happy to say, that hi this
I. "w ill ;
- '
therefore;-if you allow me, fraaily
explain my conduct.'. • •
But; • sir, as far`as your conduct i.:43nwrns
me, it needs no eiplanation,' . • ,
Parden. .You must.. have remarke&
.certain 'reserve on Fir part, unfiatural to our
age our position in this-house.'
'I have reinarked that yon - saidlbut little
to me.'
Yet, I am not, neith4 can I be, your elle;
my ; that my relationship ito li."Pubc•iirg
prohibits ; yet, I •mn still Tess your , frtend:
`MY dear siAY9tOilaY bP. just what Yoo
Please, for me.' -
Unfortuniitely no. I:should lie lhippy-to
tell you thattdetest you, but•grutitede' for
bids • or, I'slionld. lie happy to acquire your
friendship, only another-feeling is in the way
• t,:,While Thiplan was . Wondering whether.•AU
atble were crazy or no, Ihelatt'er saik-
.- ‘. You seen amazed. . You don't-appear to
. 111 on
imderstnnd..•*;.. 7 l*: will:- therefore.tell y0u . ...
• • sieur; I love her. 1. ~ -. •••: 4 . '1 ' .
-". You . , lovelier-1: ,LOve whom-l' •. .. •i . .
1 .'Sir; uch.a question from you.! Bat F,ye.4,.
I-do lov her, with a lovethat . began' in our
child . Her father .does - not knoW It , ;
and 'I • w his - Indebtedness, imd.ntst,
lent.-. ' great , love, then; shall
'ed. - 1. - 11 quit Finis; I-Willie - aye my land
ly. - ,But though I yield. -up one who is dear
er to me than life, I will never resign the-,sa
•cred-right .tO watch over her. --You - owe her
at least asl- much happia 'EV% . 1
would kaVe
-given her, md if you Tait In this; duty, you
shill answer to ine! ,
.: •'. . - P
Once More- will• you•allow . me,-,-' • ,
•- :'I haVe said all - . 1 have toi . say ;- a nytthing
-more would lie superfitiouei. a •Ll 1.. ' l'., .; • .
. -. ‘, But I . demand an expla,
. . .
'Because you have not.deelared..S.caoself.
My good sir, i l know all: And Anatole -
bowlM and walked abruptly off. - . - .
. ' There's another one,' said l),uplan. 'What
the deuee is it - that•they know so .well'(' So
meditating, he" walked en. At the - end of
the path he, met Aelerr; she WO'S aVlikillg
slowly; . .Iwl had :her ayes bent upon' , the
ground. She lookod very sad, - and when she
sa* piiphin,_ trembled and scenic(' about to
turn agar; =bat on second thought she return
ed his salutation and allowed him -to' join her
..her Walk towards the house,"which they
reached in unbroken silence..: Then.she turn
ed and said w4hots 4eslugl9u,ooOugh w.ith
a .trembling - voice--- ' - • ,
'I mil too frank, sir ! ' to let you faney in
me sentiments -which I do not possess; but
with the Same :sing e;ritY t =sure -You that • I
have firmly r&olved. to make all: these semi
.fices; : to do my duty, said never to give you
cause to ,repent that you. Vatted me with
'tour lioner.. - - You :need not, .tilion,: put us -to
r Proof, Mademoiselle, I declare to y ' tsi-; 4 ':.
Nay," sir', if ion - - still.persist, J gee Aso- I
apPoded inviiia• to - your..gene F =. 'Bet,.
sir, I kir** all And Helen
, rapidly
into tbelpotise. - • - - ~., - - - ,
• 'She knOws all . toor E said the Stupefied
Duplia. . i"This' is certainly the most aston
,ishing funny that. I have' ever.known. The
Ether knOws all ;. the nephorknows.all; the
aughter knows all.; and, by Jove, 1 twill
now all. triyielf; or .1 will . know the. reason
h y ;
He ' entered the; iwuse, °Om* , the Parlor '1
' L
' oori atillotind tiatshole *idly united.-r
-, caring to commit an indiveretroti, hereinain
;-11' Moment undecided, Tar...baba . caught
t of 11.!Dubourit pressini his ilau,ghter
iirhis emit; of-Zoe trying t0'.4:17 her sister's
*imp arid of Anatole' , looking; inthe',liiiit,
stage of despairi.'.'.Therofore, •he 4;ent: back'
into tie ganlen; 11: . in, rt,few r minutes he
ICI/ j9# 6l -13 Y riCie.;'.l 77 , 11 I L 11 : -.-
liforisieirr, atud - sliei `you must .have r.e
-iUUT/WtlUtirektiv*litilitealii.' ''• -."'
''.. trt tit*, Madentoiselle. e ." . %. - •'' 0 -
.t. You Saw - inYfatberinneh - orted,anli My
cousin, in despair. .. ,- . - --- _. - .
:•-•`!, th ink I'aldi MsidiiiyAsillel7,ninic :
thing like le ,' - .
itiat Zciei,bli/bbthg• 3
1 ' •
li s i fi litt . 6 ii a ny
1.? -
...4. - iatiAir
:iti ~,-;•?, V' :
„ I ke - v. .4 4 ; 7
, .- • • i' /
li Sao;
*#ll2 01 ,
ailm 7M
iir ' ' ' '!fr-,diatiii -14,-$4• , 21;4144/1 4st
.„„- ':
'. ' ' : 4:Wi'fqt},.. "riAl,-, ! Al i t , '
• • •
,-. ' . „ - ;;'..„.,.:...,,,.•0.:,„....,•,.,„.,...,..,.:..,,, ~.....;. ,••
d' • •
t is too, strong:. What Is th e use
tell yon, sir;
t „
h at
Ath ! you linOw all too ! Well, Madein
oiselle; I ill , w not quit you; follow
e • with questi ons
your . .steps; yo u ,
utitikyouplaiti this mystery; for I too am,
deterMitied to know . •
It wai,how ZOC's turn to look amazed.
Max - away; whatlare we to think
of You r •• • -
‘Maubray ! 'You think;, tlioU,leVery body _
thinks, l that.' am - Maubray
and that you are plaving ti . ixtrt
here -very , sunnsing, no doubt, to you, but
very mournful .for us. 'A letter from, your,
father forewarned us of your tilaY ; but it
seems, ; 4 me, that had the- end eome sooner,
it Would, have been in betterlaste.' • ,
''Tho 'exPaiuttion • now Marched 'rapidly
Zoe took %Plan by, the hand land hurried
him into Ilpldrawing-room. There - he' had,
to Vet,)onimenee,' :mit in order to satisfy ;11t.
Dubotirg,,Jle ' Showed him -the eertifleate of
ltfaubray's' ileatksignedfby th captain of
the "'vessel which: lutd btought them . froth
Ttie' worthy inentantl shed a
tor the loss of his frietUrs son;
afleftiii i to insane he happinessl
' •
Helen - and Ana le . felt Mor i ,
thinpropriety by a y 'tieing peril
to show. 'As - fo - D plan, his fael
as thi:lse. of the othe :grew stic•rt
• ''fileit; happiness appears to in
Monsieur,' 'mid Zoe.
- •
-':No,`-Mademoiselle 4 but fire
thing in my heart that ' I
I am not sad heeatime Helen' is h:
z 4
oil are • np longer, oblige
dehts c 7 - - _• .
. d .
mpped ter great black •
mOme-nt,, and then lifting them u
'Stay a little Dinar,', and if
like you when he knows fort be
- • M. &disco's Wife 1 •,4
tal: - c the,.rullowing front the. Boston_
"He had always Mingled P)Ciisantly it
so iety at ,Washington, but the tie which con
neetcd him most dekirly to America,,originat
t...d iu a singular instance of. 1" love at, firit
sight," . Ife was ,one daywal p king ;With a
friend 6ut towards •Greorgetopr 'Heights,
when he - pasicid, a Watling sehaoi fin. young.
ladies, and was attracted bi s'fakc girl or six
teen, who :steal Swinging her . 64 and talking
with animation to some of licri companions.,
‘ . 'Who is that be.autiful.girll ,Who is shell
eagerly..tpikedhe• but . his friend could not
knforip„, him. The" door opened and in she
went to her books- and 51At.,4.a1l uncon3cions
of the daguerreotype that •eimp:3e had made
on the heart of - the grave :Russian Minister.,
The'Ucitt - day, and the day folloWing sar . him
taking 'tliO *tne•yiali,
..%!iioCirobaided to d
very . ..slow step as fie appivached Abe build-
Ag, Akikir, looked earnestly - at ercry door and
.Ifay. dikY . Was at ,ban, and .was 'to.
be celebratedis usual, in the . shoot, by the
uskial fe'stiVitii;, and the Eatonof...a,Queeu
from. ankang .their number, and this year the
floral;r6yaltyYappened to, till on 3fiss Ifikr
ila;.WYlliams, 'the serf= girl whe . kad .so sud
derklY euthioned 'herself :id the t &di edtion. of
the toi''`;thici, , 7 ' , '
Just befoit:., .41fty day, fie principal was .
surprised to reecive - a uotefroni the Russian
Envoy. , iii, Washingto,. exFc4sing 'gre:!t in
terest, M education, and :bluing peransiiion
to b pfdsek. at at the fit.tkal of Mai dig;
Which it would giVehifii prtidula:r pleasure,
a StFari , ger - to.thdcustons Of the country,
to witriegs: ' CeriSent' of corse was ari.ions
yetut d, antil e oeca.sxt war§ as charming
'ika:yOU youth an'''d-floViefs aliays Make. it •At
the eria:Of the. teM,Mii‘lfarriet announced
`hat,4l l „ivOuld notattcrii scheol' any more.
"What' nOtiraduatii I . Oh; why' net? Are
you goirg away?' 'But he shook. her head;
laughed and, kept her ova co .11,' and in,a
*fivr,WeeltS was the Wife* th ttssian min
inter ', `She has" tarclini - r husband
briCe,dr twice te.,RtisS' -here, c was very '
intkeh'actinireil,'-and knoM as the '"Ariagtican
.n0 R e..7,, Ticr . fice ; hid' NUlaritt; of feature,.
134,Fitsipar&44Y - distigikishea for'eXciufs:
Ito -:olcfriiii;: Nething could surpass the
- chestnut bri*n,nr . her.ho,nor the lite . of th
lily and the-roseso &lir* blended in her
Aximplexion. :•.- • Perluitis hr figure —had - toe
Mitch -ria'-7,ati 1N:44 i r t fSr !4 - rfect symmetry,
but alrelMoveo With grackirid dignity. - Al- .
thiarglithere Wris'a glyattls.paritY of years
India - great tEtferenee inufkrance ind- char
tiktet;.fietWeiii. herself 41nOusband, it seems
.t, haveheePircvery hapPruldon." •,.• - ' •
- ' a• 'Taken - tit hit*Ord. :I: . ..
.T l . :w . ;„ • .
. tirell was tinnlwx of miming Jtis
i f ugi4fer.ti!-;;!. 'WeOthy,gnietnati Of qlpnees.
teishire,'wten he witild to beliew:cloylo•
ines,tie,Rirlsp i ,___that one'f Yt4 own eliaoolinfN _
lif r' !, 4:e r emY - Wilt t, 411.Ft/11101 of le , in '
pfißek , 4 ! Rniil, - ,',li t0ii,.54,0 In eoot,''',Was*
P ( ri?'4);lPg.l9S lili.adatigles 1 0 . . 1 i4y:Trio -
4 P:t5.:7 09 t7 -0 ,T.F.,.4:qta 'o-63ur ag i t i gli 16 El
.11141r4 0 kfighte?o room az
4 at oir:NlAe i,ot:cto . t. caught *-rfrite
°lk , i r i'frrii,t ss l t - be.434.hallc r :i 4 igrat
: ...•T e k l 9og ,;?- 40:: he . `' dc .O a n i f da:2—:.
''',X4i #o.tvio 3, 6l. ),liitict 6 :i9lleillYh ii43, \
with grsptin•esetiO,Ornipd,irsinting,,tO*O'ne
loftlielati- 4 niaigs - siti: Voretiea to' be': iii -
MDii.:', )' is )4 111 4 courted tat
i'PMNOVPcsvi3Oui,:tpl,l4lTot pre,vip
X#titne49.roinAbitit-her -11u1.014(
, 19 .4 4 i. r m i c:* oi&ii ! ow luwl:fitil l'
0 4, .90 1 .*:e 4 i 4, t4P.,)*i . vP l i tiiii i.! 'lt :i
4 4 4 1 1 14 kg ..tile'ficiiir 4fr. whkotai do
yo.4o_,:.*7o,iny',:friiiiiiiiNfr r.- '1 i4ii
. 1 41 1 1 4. 14 . 1.10 7 # him a s h 'ach e , Viri 'Mr.:: 'White
1 ffittlfiioe:lo444itkii tll6'.ivOii;sll.
- with"t,tgir izo#oo:4Ys pial ii'oi • I; 9 .PAR..aro,'
wn. i'Stiy st Mon" 0, t 4 liiirspi.MOnt: l
.11 ,
7 - ;' . 4iPil-40,,20den., 61 s bqsiriSs shalt 'he
( "Si 4,rMrAviil4? ,40;9:ut 9filie'Kxnkei:
.1..0 ' ,IcitfAi'.,l l t.hitelia4`
IPl,"lfr JP .' 01 'll Itiai4i!riedon
,Prir,44,o ( # l6l Vit .: *
, O. r',...... 1
' r ;41. ;,,, 'it r
:r 1:-Trf7 p: 7f. ''
.'. 1 1 1 f I ,^ I '' - ,
Fe . •
i"' i
we °IP
- =101,1,,
.it to,
.... ._
;-.. • . • rectiliiritztecof liiih githracto..
tteiw - NED M& CUT DID:DIVN'-111 - ADI.O .
..- ' ' 'i • - From . 4 TOrnitifion s Hketehes t ...z -'. r '
.. .. sin g
4M.Ong, my to: inorandoniOti . fnia
eiti ts, I. futdon n:fivldelieken nOw.,tik.. , -.
ai m eh., ant*nt •nt-tis . 'snek 4.:.pireut;al
.can • ssitily aan, r t.of-;' - 'and. as,. it -15,,. -at.
.441, tine, WO — eharaeteriStie..Oftli'& ust
i l k
ank g Whoiti it ii '
erred; lit Ma.. srie*'..• I. r
it -' . man decop . tating Itinzstit t ,... i. - .. e r tii
lain ts,* a blimdcr -01'.tru& Ilihmiiatt ,
aete '--
.iwtheyear .isooot.i4orer, i1y,. , ..,.
' near • the toivnofAihy Ceeets,..-KUitare,
t i
Soto 'of my fitriiily thew resided; was
With his- comrade- fip.the,:haids'r;ofthe•:l3a,
tot . 'Arm - 4 - 111r.s.'• riieliardSOo ‘ ; OW.-i'l
:meadows they ,:w .ke'•empliiiyed:t.o...4ol!),w 4 .l
in 016 usual lii4l. vay.having . l4seyt he I . ;
„Iy.'•% ' *.eg - eve , .hii .. ..Atpal4.o,.:.tout 1!
lotin • ing close: to the, hank of the -river;,
eFipiO'a .sainien, artly hid -, tinder'
lit•is the . pittere'e titis . fi s)ttbet i 'lyliett: lu o 1
1.4 co cc:deft he 16100! ini :ow ( 'can: •se
...tai/ there are Many milSeacTs. besidesti
inon tifthat. way i3f r thil)kitig); . ,- :9tt• the
- ent - , etision the iody 'o . ,Jite• fish, 4a - S,'
ble. : '-• .: -
I ear or tutu
'ut was - g 1 d;
of his child
l e
, happmfts
witted ;them
••= Oh Ned-Ni.
mow / erg, ' Ittiok,at
it a• pity we .Ita:vti
,be,' said
pickingii the lad it
`True foryou p
handle is longer i
dig with it, at any
' Ay, that wilt
jilt give the dada
ho .. . 1
ei 1
..The-spike ant
ilioth?ht of; hat
whidh ht g over
into the contemP
Ne can ibuglyili
an pstg. 'us Salmi
the eons iracy thl:
hig tail.
4 Nov hit -
youltirs s ; now y. —st ece s'!' .. .
ltd struck at the _salmon - with a
nag ht and main, and that was not,!trim
Put whether 'TI e• boy' was picked 4
finer T appeared tir poor Ned bcndin
neck as lie,strit;' at the &anion,. place,
vertebral in the, lost convenient pOtit
Miiiiiishing his Shoulders, and his head.
lut4lifig splash into the Barrow, to::thq
'ast4aigliment, of. ig.- comrade : who eonbl
con ire how lei °tad drop of so :sudden
But the next minute he had *tlio' eon '
Of .-, ing the lt d attended by one o
Trani ears ' which had been .mosi dext
ly Oiced cfrhy .the.same blow whiCh •
ed ,his comrade - The head and -par',
(Win the riven in contpany,,nand yto r
up, With.':extreine- horror at the mi
near ler. Pichardson's, li•y one of the
mei'. ,- -- ; . ; . - ," i •
' Who the de.:il does this head Won
'aimed the miller. .:, ...
Whoever e:)% l net,l
,it,' said the man
i s
e ears, at art; rate: '
.i ' search-now being made, Ned's he
boi V was ii",; . menvered lying half overtli
and - Dennis; in u•swoOn, -through fil&.•
19,14 of blood; )1 s found „recumbent,
s,sid4. -pannis wl %brought to ItiniSelf (
proeetir 'was:dr : C. led bi- - laiii.4k.q) reel
wh4letidi-Olitiir They
• tied
. the '-
%the jlxxly wag at slide& by a - numergars.:
hlake of Ned's : tintrymen to the Oar I
f l it
the' r habit of carryrog,.ecythes :careless!
Mu declined; ' Nail aecidents had hit
Ite me front thal t cause, and the Pries
'judiciously told his flock, rifler. the,: tie
, - dwili that Ned's . ristbrtune was: a jeet
mot for his ueg igeitee, whereby he ha
-a child a day *two 'before..~ -.. •
,•7-' : rom.that tine
ts none of the oountry . I, .`• pi
would on any ion,go-10, 11 esPc't- hei e
the; catastrophes prvned, vas they , • • i . ,
dootorStole the teed 'to uiratomire ir," whieh
fitewas confirmed hy `,..a- Mail ' witht• t' - any;
headheing frequent/Yawn by-the nom a and
chi Writ; who Were occasionally led 1 ,, pass
Abel moat of Aseole; three miles_ from Athy;
. i.n.-oie Pikaht4ilgne; and thei . lTn4 . beli Ycl OW •
aniaritioit to be2iie other' thin Ilie J g iist 'of
.poor Ned - Mithit! r, looking eVery-whe elihr
hiss head . tliat-. the doctor ,had -mad ' wire
N O1) 1 . ...-• . - .- • . ~. ;-,*... ', 1:4:,:t.: : -;7E:',..1T
. ,
. - . . .
. - t ir'itialeads m ci
.toa digression farm. • im
portant ' , The superstition of theilowe order
-of lrisk . when death occurs. in - .anyi tA , ',
manfierV-is seperlatite;. -In fact the out ;.three i
Aiinys ot death they considerlas -nat. , : are, l
dying quietly initheirowneabins, being , - aged '1
about ;the rimix tinni,:or stawing IA , ~ ..the-•
Pqato crop - is eficient. - ,_:-All these t . ,ite•
as MatteisPr course; but any. 0 :,. • . ape.
(t or
Of dissolutiOn-is contemplated.wi .'much
ho -; thougkteibe sere';' they. ii, te e,nol
.vac , strong_objection to'-.being shohatobyli a.
vcOutar army. :They:Bllv their 'lath , sAnor
:firretathere before thern,.‘ire all Ways . ~• •to
*ititscrme • aii.d, all - they iltptiet insuch-avritse
is; that-there should Ateme.serit'4.4,7lreaticon:
kr v itlivhielt they them ~seis;frequettly:ffurn
islr:'' But Arnie' Mali shiughters 411144 • - tr i
through the activitYerthd.troleatte•OfficerrAin
s i n
p ' !elation i.of dis'tillation,-;_4they nev ,- I34trth'
reconcile theriselverrto.;4ltal ..teVe:t<‘'. i_lta.:
Y-IcailnOt understand the , reasioti, . thisr#
sill - end t:ritieurr up striages ki
pirit t' . Veep,.
to laseditydef_their-liy 'et+:, 4.. ,:'... Tait.,
i tuft et say a, natUrttliy-.2,enotigh;,,tirhis
',l64dlord, .‘onitl! Om mill ,.
-I: o 3iid; .
1 . 'ol:t*e riiir hoirtor, that we ate,-not • liderid
*qv ea* 014k.*hen_et4:ivo 'am :.. :ilai*,l
F e
', Ititif 'we enipt•to ,- dritik theiri; by.' • '...r e
i , vite: tire ill . aiid-b"attered,aiid shotouid hartwd.:
twithkeit - el, of dogrrhy ::that; ex r.: 1 eri n ,
that's Wit, gy6aieirqgue.&thitli , , , **.a. lipase;
iour! hoick ? :I . - ' f l- - :C31' , .!1 - 1 . ..t ' .4;
i kirtrUth It - is to belameated that::
. .
r ut - betweeir solids aad:fltsidftelit
...' 'bettef-recOaciled:taihmeothrnow
I:the' , peartaiitrylof:bermitellow,.:.i . ege 4:.40 ,
$14 1 4 prev*TerPotial'rewit to thi L - 4, 0' 4 * . 7, , ,
I t
eyeteml!ofirtiotnatitittletrifere sind, r#,lieb,ite'l
'b • •*Osheak :which evert - has keptio4t. y l ri . ,t ,
tk . el44,7ltoleo*.ri4itix;flr*Tirli.44. - Atkt. Pc l
ffirfu44l7,sP4aeti.?,R-t*,Q=oo ikav',L,
1 1
arteak. the, qcniiments et somd:,or.hiti ;--r., l ti
M'etsi t . „ Alight&iiii ' I riiirliefere — bit'N a -Nitai l „.l
jecitr r- 1.-- -,,t,s , til' ,--, -'.; , : - :V.I.U-1 ikre. io itnk Uttir I --(
l ike you lad,
i re is some
to tell.3foti.
. to, pay: !KT
yes, for One;
orWe 4ittelicaM a Venaortte • p I
,ilps.opinion ;04 person:: Iti*cf;•- ' . ,". -14*
tirid iist notiiipo, willitte# tA i t .• iii : imilt
l i
1 d itti'cait9t aliirgliaii, - tutin '
'` ' WI 4ini tra.416; 1 01414'; VtAti• 'a .."'
,It 1
i: 1
'. l. riktil'il ' t , •
. .i.(.;• -%. , ,p' li 1',4,1. ' r iii l 1 ,
• ....,, • •••:,:•-• -.4 • --- • , . r .
.•,-, s t- - 'il 4 ,:i •,i , a ..'ci
• iii; iiolfing • . sini
lil.rTe,•:. ,i,•443-'ilaiiiiftlitilirtMe - - , '
telt any ehanigoltini.
.sr"pt*lbot ~ • - inii- s .
I tt
e a - jfis rt :, coorro, Altrirt - 4No ' ' iiit32
..% )F -7-'
~. .
✓ tile
'dear r said one'
hat" big felloT there,.
no spear'.‘:: • •
Ned, we could be
ith the scythe handle.
saaDenuis, spike o
ior mine; gi'vethefel
rate.' -
- . replied the tithe ,
piod h6li never forg
their sport was 'all
the bhule 'of 'thci
lation of either of
4(0 over the, fratil:
Ml.IB snug, fitful lin ;.
t hid been- form l &I
1 .
. .n . lart . !
u have the
v3r, ....r4-;
- 4.:'Y1 . :-- -:I2L ; - ."- ffiii.:l•-. 7 fiiiiiikl .•
i. -4 -... -• al . . ML ..i.l,lwr.r.r: • . - •••• ',.. 11.• •.. ,
4: ,' f ig i 4 lik ' .. ‘ . oWol . 44 l **.. ll e**!. : .... ...:'.
usti . .rttiattpes: iike.,. tpt.filli e b . i .i:- el
4 ener„,.. ... . :apa'agig a in• .l. ::
ii,liirttpei•aii .....: : iiiid ieiiti - iitiftibro . e&4it.l ,
Th*:...0,.t - • rie'-Weitittofiej..'36o.. , . ! . t. i Of,
the.. .gainiter:. ..ft.hai fortireas••nad nfili .
..... -* ' 1
o:ooooiof:thielaifics'CoFiriiipli;:::.. - ~ .: 'i i ii . ,.
"nll•.'.datitt;ii,i'll6le. tit s * - - 1 0 e i r uift* , gr ..
'visitor, iPat . '.oiii*ii*.:.'* . e , one'Orl4.... - hi:.
tliii*Orhl; bein't..didgi'.e' ough •fi' l irt*...: • ; i .': 0 4.* •
• :thii latiest. t ßliaNius. pp iently, i sa#ini , :0'...i
alinuraic 1
4441 041/0. 111 .41 : 4 1 ... :::., . ii:ii i iiiic! .. ?;, - # . ' ; .. ...1:,
, i .? "iii : i i: . .. -. ;', ) ir. 6-elth*rlihretkivasti4 ~-,,
• • *Ogil) ;:io„...9#3.i . olil.iiiit- Olaf ii': - 1 1•
-V ' Valk en . " ..' at*Oe; Sl c d 174tifled t ikei
th i e
.1 4 , , . "444 : - . •-• - 7
..- ..Aitli 7 irk
1 4 .
tittA . ; : AtitO_iti :. : t-dii i igi:::-C.
: . •
.. ti .F. .. titteag.te .1404 •!:•-the
is Ini 4
.• . , .
4 . .9. Sad . 1144.. the. 61:1
..4*eyetii-..:•(..a,irianglisCiln 4-• *-:
:tlbsl!k:l44lnlinfnit*itli•if.nrt) it ' •
14 - .414 oilt.: eSid., , ;11iitli : i the': . .
Oahe: eith orthe. thiniiieftia Mather 4.
1411r.t,heidletli; the Panta;tetenaStiCari ,1,
NY litl tgthei.k44):: 0 4 i. ..0.14 . 4,0!. 1 01 1 6 4,
":14!)19g4. 1 .* *#o . 9 . a.. 01 6 '' . kiat,'Wl a n d: - i 4
toinidedlik int*ii4 iniitita t a; e rdtd 6,1
ti`lle t kildeatihkfar i tilielitionsOt , la'.. il Illi . ti n
iti at' !iidtio,.:att ::o th*** -. •• ;:witiili
lAry . ;'. s een::to!piri, f t w sign . ii*A 64l .- : I
:r.a..i!,00..:.... - ~
.s;4t. 063 - .osoup#l4: : ft!..,.
..'0tt,4 44 .**7 .. .I**Pik;:iiirlii*:kiNit., ~,
ii i - ty . and her;i. the Atentiaraial". ..the.. 7 0 • 'w
t hibilt - '4 . o ' de ' iiii4 - -ritlitir i :it.• tfie. , ••.•!...,.;'
.thalillimpon. WI Alinsfqt ; sl2lAll . ... • • • . i' '.....
Okitenilen 1 ; l4l* PaTtit:;;l*eTgAi . . 4 41 .1
~.! t-. -.
:Oat. nd,, •i :li p- : . • ` r'' .:..... ~. ':, .... - -j. -.:..!,
• I The Oa • ' iis . ...iy'rciftres - sli' ~ .•-: ~13.• ti. -..
4'44 pr til .. . iiiii, and diio.tii.b ;'..2 te!
inf o
att.. '.- li.ia,!. : 4 . ~ pa y .ithe largest,; •.: silt*
.. '' ..i.
ly . is .one o th : *rang** fOttificatiens:,hi ~,
• Ytor./01 t•'h . ''..- rebuilt , 01 1 1 001; gkfl s9i9i L , l ' :
.alti:r . A:4 f 1 4teiatiO.Apy.tlie- 7 116tksl i 4
aa`httpoi6 0 i*iiiio*Flhitt:M* . ;;' •
• .)
its . .• . i via j miid'ei, kaaregli liFI:
ink.,`!kfi Spa' • 4ilin • hnnestli?: _ aiko iil '.l i . .
Ole. .is'alla sv : Ktind.W. 0 - flianYe4 4.2 . •:'. 1 4 :7' ''
: 4434 4 *e: 6 i . . ... •tiie *iiiak,hArpi. ~
eityi*d! -• isi aidliz:a- iniil4.4 - 45t '',dief' ,l .4 . ,
'treys. thel.ti; with )Vbidii iv laileilt*.k .2.., bi
g. giitteiien ',' , logasgge4 , Yi4:nOtwith, L i ilk
ilg", the" hum . • ..and : streagth4 tbeta4-.4ofr`
- tits,: the Kiitjr , n.f .: ..v l Wa. inli,. **4-. 1 0k0gei1Z.,..;
4444 0) 14 *; : i not;' b' • .:ra 01 * . Tgl it' lli
. any.
.niberti . 0 - 0 ~ ofi.. * .toming . :....i, xi'
with o..*oah: • ...-, li '.../.., ': .' 1 : . .....'f : ' ;.:".' •, :••z.
'OA . : 1782;''', ring lite4si... - .‘with• a !.• :
Eu 116 1 .- MA'. - ::LotoLitiherniarla; : lat. ;:*
l ut,
tn, rr.n.i7a4; „L . : leak it ofteisti.des*
~ t j -,
listilt:4 . oaf TT- i . • iltii - nr. ginno..9f...gint Y. • !';
I! . .rit i , 4 :0 . 10 i:!, •.*!!!..„ *gpso4sso •0.
44 1 1 / 41 , , ,:„ .44 trio_ coast. •The . Sphic
lad mi;ain i P litart with WV, .._
'end .indidoilY ; ecessa : warlike pre , ,ti
• Iliai had' id ; , he.:. .. ~-. tiand. elf); of ...:
.froppa:-..aid .1414i.i. .045 - illeßi3 l ** .'
ThO.Ptiiits 4.itOui. *•.*;!3ilit col . .pr li
City,. f 4 1 4, • `i a Ini ' .
.. , Buns: *orC• as : ---:
Oand . d:st ' •by lay' ti . in'ainpliiiiiiill , - , .1
trovi:sitnii.. .They -8 . C: thria. shlfrini *
harbor"a too ili:, to . p eieriti;lnn- ~... lit , .:'...*
the British lieet, an , thqh., ifortt* 4 ,
Oefigiacii with kreat f . . erage . o4,Yieli) :.- • •-,. '
Tiro British land .f. ties.: : ninnkikiA 14 '
- in -4; -thali . z •• . 4AVe&'Veljf co, aid;
l iii
leiliblek.bothiliihri; . , lithate l in4d.lih
.'. ape=
;eta .:defeneatif-Alta ; aneaxy:.:lia.f.W4. ii . :-
:tooti ; fe ll % intoT,the bin '
.. 4-
.al ~ ... .60
. .1 1 14 0 e4 frUin Oi. e . and iffye;*u of •
er s „
ihe :frO4s. ', i6.',ll]e e: ti .. , Of ;11iiiiiiiit; '• : • F 'cit.
-Pais inlet-44 d4rs . 'of an-chi:gad . ''• 14
.a.loas ~o :the Spattiati 8 - of arriarda:ofiet • :..
bond. kiken3'.ihntStbef , corio • ::irallAnnoilli . .3 di
e. th 01.0% . .30 3 .4iiit.etS g,pirtlT4 . .g.. i, flr- .
Ma.* !Ilir:-sOLTI.Y.;fi•- s a il - ..nikif ‘ 1 4r47 . .
iiiiina re'l . iige: l he: i '.'"a4 . 6t..iii4!!*6l , , •:t4.:
istlitiiiiiiiiiii.iiias; ,‘!......'..• 818 - 1508*.. -: : :0 - 11F
IdittiOtYtit . thii i. , 1*,:i814 . COO,. i I ii..
*Uittrdirli) -;! - , , i rklig4k!* : .:** l .,` i :l ‘. ...:
; T .* •: 1 • 44\- . 4 flf.. ; f 9 fr i k i ?i4 * . i- Rw l k u :4 ; - r: ,-- '!*e .. .
1 4
Is . 0
'elni). •, , : (up, -. tbe.:eity . I : 1. i i ,
Niillit Ara . 118 W. lat 71 1)4 1 3iiiit !. . 1 2.: i ' 4 ".:-
. 1 1- jti% 4 liiiiiii i i : .'..i . ihi Miff eiglii•da . .. In'
.th or i k .a . . liff e T De .A. itk - gi. - to that .L., -!#5.,....
a l to
illritisk 0) .01 L - . ii9e.s 6 4 . nit.o.l4SeigitF... 'O.
.oe. capital- th 're: wa s 4 :..t.e.. 1.c. , ~ .. A ter:
Y.llO'.V annexed . to ..j. ,1 ,9: 11 04ji!t ) - . " . !' 1 1 014 i>
Wirst*aril i - si i i thee • -•ihii*iiiioeit: 4 " •' : the;
iikkiedbeiii i ie'eflalthad'ilali - -4 ' , i ii
: • . tliititighiput! ; ilia ; ciiivialot: .war ,:; 1:1; had
: ; .besides - all ' 1 46 epe4.96.kukmd,...:' eigi,• :4 1 :
Nii*shipw,pr;thaliiir44l4ktosi ' Es; '' ‘ ' •, - • lir
the conquerors . :Sieee.a . d . *ie . ,. . , .tite r
, :hirtioroind two ; 6'1 , 441.41 4 0ft oi 1 ......•,
6d . bi.inoloitiojed.' , They bilia 01
lards in ah'4; a 'Orwiii; 'Merchant shipa ii, . - . gy-,.
Inbace o 4 l 4 o .Pig al'oo.ol....c.f.i4licOvini brit".
! i?'!!'• 4 .14 PROAC I O. , ,fiq9O;.I*,.:IO ..Ttx
`turn 'Or . ..pose ,, ... cilia 17011;1414 , - t ii#, i ..,...!t d,
to the. Spaniirda,
.. ....1-I._l t rW ha. ratty.
'..we ce- rn i tintilty :delit4ht sr •46;6, ,iii 4.
.:iti•*• . oliNctimii , -145 0. 1 - i -7 - 7 ,lAtlea#44:-;:!
4 0iiiiiferet.4 . 45ithe'7 f ~ 01 . 061 third,i** . , !
Flo...i . •Thiglisligli l 7 ... l4* i; ' .. :4 ,411)4., : . . Pdifg i . 'Mt:
:I f rOlke:';'!"4, 1 0(k RI K , -tx • f'• 1 •: • i'' •• • • •:} ?•' ...:'''
. ~ ~.....ft„- f4 , ,5: ; 44.t - ile t •:4 : T . ..
.. : -
• hi*
4 _ •
. idled
iy its
i qt the
,cad ;
g ne4'
/1. burti
..,,3„,..,.. ..brhigWilitaajogrA ' .Y:i
101p 1 9.004 , • lON il#9 l + l * - - :VI. %.
i ll 'Or hil i t4 l ,, , O ur cMlk 1 1 1 1 :° - firies0
_poetry., . lii `folobizi X, e cbrkfr
ii :Ql'
# 4 initti; 1 4tilifizrai r iiki
iiiiitAit; I ' . I'AMI he OPelgt4o'
Arottlen*Netio .ll , 4 l9:l44 , o l t.molt
ilPittibcP4l)l4WPß stop ' '' o
t .
Mtree, tiotii lipAft.4i 4 . ic4.
iiebOndll :, tankfithiitel4lo.
- . 211 ,• ' ihaliike l 7* -41 :-Fi
' l l:ii , 104491. '',. , , I 44 I rift4so:os liittraiiii)
iiireft -. 1 1 .14411,tex Niilinikeilfro*
1 44A 1 4- 4 4 4 / 1 .1 *** 4 0 146
Itsy , _ 4,, . 1471.,44;,. 0914ir
, . rakt --mn c-:- h4 - pin...
ttiv..#o l (lio„ iturpFeker''
iiiikiri la jeyei*thsll4.,
WI irudien*liiiisigm L,l ::.
ts f w
*9049400 * t *fir f. - . 4
'l O 4 1 4:L f)tAr l i s r - ..Fr t, „ , 0 ~? f
.!, i - i l ia triveyielo An . - or !' ~•
, 1
iilmiNtraidiiiio&Yfe l ei 'wtiih.
I .
tar .Je - eldksiiiii i - `*Ple
i #4O i
.. le l'iSitto •---
' II
cii * 7 1-- iiis '
g• il . • g, - , •
-....• ~,:s' -' ' ,": ; 1
' , - t• .. ,
• a" .11, '
is dir
. • 4 f
. 5 ' , "
....,.-,•;.1%;-: ...:.,, ,, i7-Z. , -: ,, ,,,
• • 1:•• • •-: l• ;•-,^ 4 1 2. - ..." 4,•v•; , •>: ,
; ''.:.;:. •• '''•":•;714.1. • :-• :...u.•:+•:•.:, : c;.
1 ;;;•,.F 1 7:?;:eik.,5..r,.` •
~ 4, 41 , ,„et'''.•-• : c..•
.1 1 M- - , ..•
P V !,..• . iii: , •:.•-
~,, ,'•• ' et • : I . : ,
vi,,,E,' r. • •;-,,,;-. d k..-- ,, ....-
* 6 •W •: g , ......—• .. J.::::•:.r, .*..;.; ~. ~
- la ...'.• ...,.z ,
.. ---,-
. .
4.1 ;_cr . ;':47"--• •••••?-: ;;;;•...
....,... -,•-...._ ~7- ----; , 7 ,:.. 1 ,:,......r . m.,, , ....
''' 1 •
.. • • • -•i .. '-s,- •• • * ' . l* - -' T i ---, ,,, • v- -
?0,V.,- : - r,i.R-:.:' • • 4V:rt.:•:--YPi.:llgPti t4..,. -
11.:? -6 5.73-.0i i .:;,...te
1igi:4:0Pt4i,5.:4.: 1 :430.*:1W4:::0 ..7.iii**24/404 - iit' t,
:: ~..,-----:
. -IP• • • . i,..• -44 i• . 1• , ;',r1%‘..:1:4Y;
. . •3 , . .v: ,-, z , 5,,.. , v,
lift ,
iz,,...z.....„,„...:„...w.w._,......, ~.,.........„..„,..1.e..
tar 6!•
--- W —u 's " 4. , !'. (MO. '.';'. —, '', t. -•s• r.
; 1 . 4 , ise c k4., •• ;••••7-• -, - - ,z..:.. - • ~..- 0 1 - .. -,, r;. ':. '
PPri yeas tAI ili .I•9tie iv,i--... v *: -
;licA9P4PAgoitt. t 9
oe li igot4 On ke.A,9l4 ,- ..
- , lngtikotuAyiiiintigie *or iiittWitii:lo-1 ,
-*:.4.iptgyjiali), '.I)!WY,-.4o* . A.So.44tAttet 4
: 411 " 1119111e4 ) . /. 19 K 8 1.: tint
i tl,
.4 et n t gN r4 r 4r O r tgArgtf? ' :§- 0144 4/ 10 : -, ^ ' ...711
1 1I F• TtOk i rtMli n V. .in lit-tIWe - -eVaBIVe•MPC' 1
41 * 494 A 9 M 40 E-f OIII9T - 4 ,1 A P .14/03944 1
ill a t e3 h6;o l4 "*P ll lgeft
thcbabiothito'sm wit Co - „i _
. )J f ti t lis iPS.**O ;
' ‘
'F4ent bi io of o
* lio.,wA§-501t0.01 ,- -ooltirmiltAtAiolirolt9 - - ..
mte1t , ... , --t4t. 4 4 ,, , , Y011Pg-igeiigißd - e
"try inuelv dev . o4 . it hip,c i y . ,Ninsiii: . t:.: -
ot illi4biretr wits g*
,t tiAtil - , ',-
ffid4.oo3)) I :it t a ad
. next .ig
t.;44QMprk - lietikfit_NissoNii , -- ,ruksikiliW .:
tin this 4doitsAsmipbiolo l -- I:ct
for IgaiersAle siaSCAlis 9.l#lo9ZieltC- 1 :0# OW `..,z
anti ,aosgeoi iiiriwif thittig. , If AuxiK46 4 :',
ill - FwAti!l.l lo deYotiPlis; -4,iii
1 ;ilktot#( l ...A 40,1 1 #0;!ti
spido4tc.rePC l ***C-. tl i giVarrY i '
,_ pe..4)..n0 ., ,P:1?-i•oli
sit -it-hooa*olisalltYSOAntßgt 14 **detit • _
, of , telic'W;4 4l 4°W-Xr-Aittffia '
got : .... i.
46 lloosOignetTelia:Y, o okli.. •". 4 -4 P. 9.015 111
,of sill ' t - Pooil was 9PLY kept Laliva
: 41 ,4 1 04ita. he
. ... hadhreath
- ed
-m. his la 4-1 .
i. t ,t
.hiiitodo4 .2dbiomooneeoentYOol44ly .9i - the, :: 4thosexi s • • so*
I :iiummied to :20:okts;/ I Pa - ,hoPod'*
A ..rYtwiltumr.4 w#4 , =(* * - . 7 .1 . ' -4 1 4 licrfi
thiM*l l4 Tl44 ft '- i.... 1 1 Mk ''• .' 1 , — .T:
MECOS s tslg :Iff. .''", :=the -I'.:. 9,Sit
1 0 .r0r,ifbiliAN ' ..I.T.•' - e: i.- ~ i ,
1 1 16ir rt..fiflecwq:, ‘44.414444 -, '.
91, 0 result of song , i00n 2 90 liktkr i A t--
?iris ,drone oi - ihTPiqt , -, .:, pir4lo, 47 it
theittidots had ov* heskol ; qOariF.;;" 4 l! , - - • 2
:iiefie:„ r - Was ivp:5p4444:19.',. • AO - ),.. .. •
:kind friends, who had attend
.. ...,
. f :w , i
1 1
• I. es,.ideot or4 l !ociiP sleff; l / 4 ;'..' " "..,• 1 , °lei ' 1 - 4
; 11 ItliitC ( ?. 4: 400.... - -; ,-, r _ .:-.
4 INoi - houi , or; t'i0 ,, the,1 1 44 . 3-. -• ' ; ,::'
f.iiii gsteesl ail 4.fri*titePhxo - 1 , • • :-
;gompd: t h bar tririto:llo. - ;t4R 4SuE4f . `•
, c ,
4 . l Akiumh.i . i .P kl . itoti.totdo4-Plic274*§.
:Pi:twllother ) ?" l .l 4l i li.Pisl i t4 4l l 2 . 4 ,tPt-iiik
=—; Dill 0 012 ;it'av?PY i ftEOVA i l i tt9P
~4awhoLiiii4,l o elruttgod•toltPlXol):, '
00 1 44er:ilioiasa!'et fkF id eSA , M I C7 -4
.• ~•• . ••• • ‘ , :,,1(,. ......&.
, . . , t ....„... ~,--• ,
ZIA- 1 4 . 1 1 0 6 s ' Ih4ex. *lt !i!iii5 , :.....-4 - .5 ,7
:`The' ricii*fkii.:,whieliVie::** - 0 - :44,40,e,
i‘tajeds upon us , q"elk if:_ft' ,. ,.. - 4....o44:iijunAtiL4l - : j.
lirf ,slibteOli*sp :41610:;.; - jsc',;111 - Artt*,1•.„- • t' r '-•
PP\terlitt. PP., '•' _- ? ••• ,•, tsiti.4--1 '4, - , c ::,'
- moves us s°. PA . !) e49!!Y -,r ‘ - ... 0 !,e-1 - '-wW"PS?Ir ' ••--
.topt i4',(iii.i.. •;111ereot figkliiif44*.,osfyiv
. 614uiabilit*;•f the:ling sipa,7: :: : „. A .fn ,..
:fi!lAit..ilestrOy4,,,th;o'lll - tio.44qt:,:i :11:1:Wli -!,- '
iindeilili . a .. *:,!to:iiiol.743i:' cot* .1-fifo k ; ,-.; -:-:
eei . -i4tißpOcariv' itthili tlilifilli:F*':o:4ltitio , -
'ii -- ti rii: no wii iie*WfilA‘ri i wifteqrtiiiikthl-2: '
and on'• -1, ...-e- ',....,-, - -,„ • L..__ , L.:42-t--ott.-i :
ir win, ' thePr. , W.V: 6 laft,9 - `, twtr gERIT::
of_ 4 l:pcfotonFe pr o duces, Alt * l ix ix tk!r
iiii -- -14ss R pitiii*F.: - __-!:;50,.43 - 1, - 0,,41 - sm., ,
liiry:. T e 0 i.1:4;4...,f557,it1: and tit E 7 * - :, -
t file 1 fi4o9`i,,gekt#lli.4od* : , 'lt ..
liVielii4iil. ;!1:64-t,:i1t4;,41064.: 'tzrAP.
r .ii:i,," . 4d,..' ll o: l.. kii'rit,ltlpt9,;t4f ro, ~ L.: -5,5 • t '',,' -
a in
,iii4o„lii- otows:6, :akpeo . siOMi - ;ogler-
~ip,,iii-&61 -f - A lfieuhd';' , ; - : , FP•T ?I.
* an . aeliC '0 1 ,P,OO:".0 1 ,* - friiin`-44iNa :- % V
04i : 14i: ti:lP;iid;, - ^Onf.:,:favi!Alliiel'ilti .V . :'',
an i c: - *liqu'alr.e7 . l*.yei one :• '• '; , t, ~ w
6 - ittirt,* - desirik.iian,'4 2 ,4l4o.447; ',,,y/if f .:; - ,
v i asi d i.-r- - 47 i_ -_;,„ -,.1 ,,, 75-
,- , ,
." ~ ...,,,, , ,t ~.k,;..:.: 2.. _-,,,--.,
..,,,,f , fr - . -- n.
~B ATAiik-..r4i1,1•94. loN , iNiito*". ... 0••-i-1491m . 0*--
.Teturn4ii,th6 , ship,wii,viiiittetli*Auu ,
-- :tatioxi;.i:AlleAreecilatiektitrAfroin ,
thittxfes afthPightouv: - 4444 r isiii- : 1#:,...
4fitetras of alakot :frncy ;. ii*4: - ,- - i .
4 .ithEiw,
-dat and -
iogreciAi;g l oo6olsert4o*. ~4t- -:
.4110. hoirel, - *44thfitflutt-iak.' ii..11*4014*.;
iniidettboik - 4,r-Avx , iti;lmlQ 4 . 14.4' s 1a:0409W
:aPPlei. , . , N411.4, 1 1"Oli. OgYtfthWifiliktivlitili
• the centref'4oWilll3 . 74l6.o**,l44Peti,' wArkW
0 0 ,,cey eavele.pinWanAmivrtilAtiL , ..
~..•!. - , 1 00 , :: .
A y., , tili4-I(efnei" , 4frwhio kltbeiku ...
meree. • The:oo*.iti wn.igkok* Atiolovi..,- - :-
-hid - ,ri_.c.64,lliiii - kuile-telettth_lann!3 t r ill3 - Wniii- - -L''
meg i -bUtaly4 leaf, lik siludlikami-fthOfelli
141kitlitor , e::4)1414EiPXOdpigio , A4k c , . ..-,.=, 1,,,
thriugh Ole- 0 ar4 - *LIVIA.,ti.:: ' 04 - -.-;
spll-11.407, N...`,0-4 11 :!. 0 4 7, '
41.04 , rt0r0l :trKoc ,,, p?ilitpitixtifOlt 4,,i!-'?‘
witkili§e4-44,40.;.41,4anti44:4#101 1 !.7 . i a s- .
:rep.,-, , -,?Oloo`4 imi11 . ._,10 1 14,*,. -. . I #.l' -
- .-thP , onSeifAvgPitil.ruggiStiv-. 1 %.,*A:,:- 1 . : !:' "1 1 7 -. - :
liUg.ifiliPg..FsrkliAllrYi-)6 .ga(kolilS*Fl,' i-' ; ,,, r_,..-
indulge in 24 - 1 00411 . - .: 191.4, 7 -11kTON, ,- A , '•' - -
the 41iitrtle,;k ",?.(itiltgq:ChiNttO#oia-::::
1a:. , ,.-_ :,: - . --- -,--, , ,f - 1.-- ,- .:, t - 4;!? -- '
~.--.,- . •!- 74 - •
~.-7',.. '. l A:r.l - t ; . it:
•‘.'Pluvritirin .o . '. iheliie 7 Y' : , 7 , ,, .*;-- :-
=evh'earliOnfal,*:•;ifiat4Wr,4l . ;: • ' - ' . •itilAiiiio . tri ! ;, 1
nuiteA,reetaisbd 1 .... - , 0- , 1
• ---,- - .
'': ll * -.l E94Y r. tz.,ftirfil!';'r
iiiiiiithinitins4:litii** ' ''Out; ' : ?. , f -. ..:
41 i
;torso 8i11y,, , ilia ..gail !i:, , .laiilos4*go*li.,,]-f
'ilAilaktlite*Autiko' 466 i: 1 " ---
, ..-- , -- , .-,-,- -,-..
T-041 1 iisiAs';UtiiAtt!***474,: 6 -..-_- .; ... .,...
••*4 Mia*niiii?: :al fil:,: - - -,,,::.41 . A.: ,1:: : ::
sLtfii,Vtkortliibleii***ani. - .. 7 -
liioAbi4ilfe f ilis,i
-4Ri11a1.1,.1 - i: -. 4 ,: xli : , ,,i.4.9•.;,
Ilr %Ati ‘4,
Ti Bt. r. • ,
ii f f yi tie- t aw _ t -
ri ii ...,pm.w0..1.
ITIP- a - I *, .. ai; - 1- TT•
''-gAlferkii i . l l l ' 6 ' - it*
_ 3l g - tice - o* t4
s :will figey*lt . *
= . - iffaty 1. 44',-. 16• C
:in,„ I ? )
1 .,! '1 P,)L50. 17 4M . : ,
DS 'lra ' efrWaga; i
-'-• - ' 27 ' 11:4 - Z4 2 :::/ , IV: . i
'.•:`,700/(5.4 04 / 1 4 1 / 4 t ,
i rial - 01 1 i*fitfafeaelk
0 0 7: 1 4 - 1 - 1 00 : 4 6 #e '
4.** 14 4 1 "j" 4 " . ^!' "
'ot; erY - .` pi, .
AO ' 4 4000 41 40 2 1.! .01
- •T'SP-> - 14 , -• • ' .
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• ••• , 1 '1 „: Itz• ":.Y"', 411.1 b;
, • :-. ,4 1-r t:4 :- ! ; :t...l;fis - ..e,f, ,, -4:1
••••• ~.i... :,.. 14 •—•4.-jkf.:igsf.;l2.!4'..
:t - -- 'ff,:ve- 1.- A.. - .:: - , ..., z....' ,- --;:i.: ,- .?:oz:
0-t-..-:k- * .--- **l' , ov ,, ;::*; * , IN:I:.
.. y a le.
.„ t .,:,.:,...,....,. • „......,......„,.,.,,,..3„
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„..... i .„ . ; 4-16.- - • , 4 -,.. , ..-7v..-.
r.:_. , :g,....,:::.. i: T. , ... 1. .., vi.„4-z- • :::.: J - .-,...- 4,-',.