1111 -.lt ~tvr iy.a r r i'vrtitt ) 4 # ol-thie4l: rest _ {T A fittl ot wh- ti o f4lif l it4of the Va over d4Wittill7ll ll *,.,ip!Willirt 4 " fC ; that perk:Jim livered , bytghillp before://, Trt‘dprrik - Agtioalteral 'Society; tPb43 - Otrlht3it 1 0;: =Thin:: *Ma vre'tnalce•fr fey/ v.4t-:- trtfek'fkA#4.*'o4%4 l 4 - yiiti* ( o l 4 - 0 1 6 ,- ; vegetWgifyscloh;e: ll 4 ll : 6 i-fitil 409.;e,iest 44 . 3 7 , of .oat' f!geailers:—" Thoceauno.4 bilys.;. re quirealnore than'ebunli9tl gtetition, whetlier' iu theianien,or,field. horse food,; Bards bushel''to lx. wottli'ilio . niore..t*43ats, They keep Ns horaejil rule ecnditiOn, And' his health is, exedlent, , makes it_a-rule,,to,:d9priyOlig of half a Pe4c,l4, o tl_, Pe;r: , ..-4aY;ollnd pe ) ol4.4o;arrots , ;. they : etiould:: be fed withedt srasidtitr," au& a -half . of this quantity rat 1r en @.,-, :The 0/79t40114.pfcvutse lie buried. and .take ,fxgi .the pit cn .a suiligioney for the or fournays, orAt,week:: .. . Eliegroundintended for Carr*, shoidd , be lociQ -tik''4ldeeply '..as:pii`. - 3iible I);,s' the spade,: ant l'r frditea r le% iti9uir b,c,:si,tbsttika. , It shotimmitu titularly. well maniired and pill veraedithe - seed is Agy; , .sn4au, mid must e°g4 , *ssiose goll.")).:ith ',air- Soil, to:cau_se it to4Negetate.4. Plenty. of seed , must be;ttown, - of emlfeoein•revis • .if in thigarden. lfrintheS' ‘\ apart is. enough, b ut ii the' field '-'34: -- itielies. Care iiiiist be taken to , cover the.seed but slightl±, and press the,eatilt lightly - upoOt. li•Wii; , twO- - or::!iiiig:cliletteShigli,!,The:Phiat.4 - s 66llll4 A e', o* . f tt out 'sd that thq 'will staled , six or eiklit inches from each othef.: 'They i must be well cultiVai4 fi - iiii` kept clear of wecli:initil they - reaelsa . cerf*lieight;,Whin• they, 41 ; take me: of themselves. : As a.field cr, : ttlie,y: are troublesome, requiring much laWr; vift : 1- , :ivilh venture to say' 'that Whit, their_ '..l 6 atiVe is,is not properly underito&V, ForrOitimpe;inThefity of Philadelphia, Iviler'a s they :command a ready sale, andllgood priee, afitore di perhaps an equally profitable , cannot be producO'On a thrm. The Variety 11 , for, Culinary purposes, is known as the Horn Cerra,_ those `lor`-field Culture' as' the'Orange - o' 4 ln' A on Gusino, is cultivated in the sa me. . , • . wayas corl4, when the grains.are dropped a foot apart, instead. of inhills. - The Okra is, however, :Seildthueik - :difficalt:,6"A",yegetate",. es peciAilly!when- the;seeif iciinrchased, and it is not known how :old ittis. ' I have alwaltlicete . si i - e&i s f u r isylyo' . l Alva ' planted' geed of ?ilk own:ias*,i...__ - :_:_ - . ---' .1 -_ ,•, --.- ' g 4 q... , ,PL4m, , E4o;a7ii4t Iv ore • the:Mo2l7, J,411g, :and ; the ground:should be made as ridh as the best of barn-yard manure. cairtlntslit it.:.:ll6plant; havirig'short roi)ts and produci ng ' hire fruit, requires' sfritiii,ri 50i1.....-The best plants should be set out, and they should be:protected front.the sun during the heat; of the - day by conical shaped litr.v. 12 or'-'l4 inches high, made of rough board's,, .aud open at . h0.,t0p,,.',Ac5 . 4.,?, boxes earf also : be:Rsqa . as a - 40tinii ! st- n ip= it in the tWeut eati k . of Aka& At , ei., ;,This iS /one of ihd:i464 delicate.bfplants,. fand if - it should lie over taken by a couple:of coldpights, it Will lie • pot 'back Tor . afleast tvici weeks: . Proilerly .etilkiiitiPt produces abthidantly, one of the -very: b e st ::vegetables' to bi.k. - found in The gar den,, and withwb leli‘nonv. of the many sub- . • stitt'tteeiinelf as 'the:vegetable oyster, and , btbi. ers,, are not to be compared.`. 11 :),::: c>' • , :;', Tho - FRI( ,;01. .of 13LAcic , 31tricAN . B..t*li-,11 lusVe raiSed. or a number 4 Yeari- :I regard :: it r omi i liest . _ of all' beans for winter. It", a; uniiersal , dish in Mexico, and is largely- col ' :tiitaidriereias.- • It: is l'a l biriAMbliteirbeitti,' - :and likeSTloi 'soil; Ira' liettlO'siMdv the bet, - ter;' ; a Southern:hill side would perhaps suit - It- ~. Well'i It - is planted in rows aridtwo hoe-,_ nags,_ at most 'is -all That is required. , It is . -sdraeft - nnes*lecl the,Turtle Soup,jleau, froth tlie ;richne s s of the soup made from it. When • I.firat - introdneed into this country; it sold for \5,. a *,114 1 : 4 pint: l' I Would readily pay,that,for -the. see4l, - ratiier , than 'do - without it for 4 '.11.1 . - .g1e . 2, - cur. -There is a single objection to this bean:::on the part of ihe,housekeepeg. whiih, • is that itthakes the soup' as . black as \ink, as `Pell as anything boiled witht ; but this'olAy :affects: appearances; and has nothing-to do wkth , the ‘ Mit) si!,i, value: of the beati ; :we - must' • thei4fdidYe.* * it; ai 1- h**a vi,zl,4 l d, iinin . ,! ' • ,dividnal-='-not *ccording to his.',,external ,•ap...,, liearanoN but his- merit . ;.:: : .•, ; CaM'EL O Pg..a- --- I Pees'omP *at *Pci‘ , st of you -raise' your„ own Cantelopm: ,If any 4 rad should , ne'ti , - I hope- yow Will commence the ~ , _ next` seron.‘ - They are, grown with ss Min+ certainty es the eucumher, and withOitt any '..more.-Aouble. ' Tit - '4larie,terof the Oil, fias, little to dei,With it, providOithe., - Ifills*e pre-, Paied 'ProPriv : - AV; garden_ 1if 4 .1.?'? . ? and. is hut poorly adWited.tia the`Cantelepe: lover ::come this by hauling a few wheelbarro w loads 1. 'of turnpikes - dirt -froM.• the gutter's; - ; ut pure, r,'sand Wouid.be preferable. The hills are Lando labout-eig4f*t.niiinti-thergeund is.dugabo4 8 or. TO inelie4deep, 2 feet in diOneter; -_when • Oie.f -hole ,is half tilled Arith-thia dirt, and 0* otheriiiaLffilied with fine , inatrure s an&soil;all 1 "ell 'Ailed ii3ietli'er : bat.the bill is, made !iii higher -th.aitO' i i.' surrounding :soil. as *feta:kits ' the inolitnieinuch longer on A ievel .sukitee. pia or eight seedsare 'put at -equardistiuie" . in :OhollAill f -*aced to _three or foui: when the, plants aro,two or Owe inches MO, when ..I=add_ `.40 - the -hills a' to dreSsing ntlirrnpike Art,o_r saxak,to-tlie OPPthVf :Liana, removing : "the, weeds once ..or twiee, - and.until ,the ., ,vines ' .ixtefid ,l •9T A foetirotu the . .Wyi -444 Oat iiiere *ill -,beilo:,iniary from weod.;.iuld ihi , i f ..prki \ --:.4 o h e :, lAs fine,riehly--flavoredmel - foiisii ‘ s can be,igised, in:the sands-i;:if ir.g . sey, are'..br.this-' method produced in-my garden: , •eterY , ,Y-W-4 1 obtai#9Atthe twat. season.- at least 75 - ,Cantelopes from abOutilioly . l,6 feet.' It is-advisable to , e l . l24 *PlP*%b94t every Pthet;.*eert,',i • .• - '' • i, /- -, ,...i1V0 1 1i1V4° 4 • 12 a-q 'a, ,11 0 - o.9 ll4 P...ahili:eid vitleacsonthem ( expostire - you may raise•thein , iii7fif• iith!#o ., iiisPre ., .44 0 r•*,%ersifi , le thar;___.ister, o l), of pumpkins .. .-, ;; ~ 4.-. - .:_ ,f, , 'W-msitidr.oas also, upon siath Soil; equal ,' Wilma _k e4, :irt•thePlibidel_Phiamtr_.,-440 1 4.,, br: 1 producetvitiq any quantlty. . :1 4 ,0r two '.two -• haat au l*inT , :W49l94 4 4Wi , bu,t,WW43.4lo;tbe irsatiAserefishae and want Of room I reluk ' . tantly ihauddned Theireultivation. - ..1 31064 ~ yeaal.grew-22 edible melons from three hills. ~. one4.thera vr'etth„.2o pOundi .;" and there ~- • -- - - Wla6-reaSon*h_Y, oactumers - should not sue • _4>- 1 3AI!'qltfa'"Vrants l in thi s: pent "' _ Tile' t l- . is ::. no - .*kys .leq, kiliO?lt it atilVia 'the farmers : in 3 . l ,L7'o 6l lh l3 ' s rili° 4 sd USLII to suppose, ilairt/ieY were wtiv4icAl : ,49.4l?e ogicktrany 'The best. ,Ti ..illetY. - % O X -, amife44.l o s*;4 4 oi/0-4, 1 / 1 a fa; -sot Waterineddris,:.-thoi,mountain4sweeibi' .-- • , . .., ~ .... , - are't9.* 3 .l ..Pref: 43o th fiVii their ex, 0 4 11611 t ~, •.1 , 0 1 -. 1 1 3 ,4, r, -ir ."' 4 ,.. , ...,,r.",„ft: 1 V1r : 1**.f , ',. „ -• , ,„ THE 13:RINTER.t-;-.Many:•o,llCDO:Bßlrefle,-, I " . tr i a e fainwte4w.tikooisiold 414 -- ...,counkiitator.onhOni,l Irsiollvifter.bi; /king,clotid•- , i Iftr # 1411 Fts•!",4l frequentilfhatfteit i ftirr, ,i0:4103044 / 30: o.,iiyrone of Engka;''' , 'irtikarw, -Franklin, for itits wok -imowira to Ifaigaim . this:-rsxid ;,, thinitie,rptiseriAleutiderA sto -, , tate44l4ectin " cuierii"a is Pinter. , tleickrief " 4 '41 . o faitwL, Inv keep. up, *id A eleriip'stit idglier / the. ,utter otour,beautifid int; ==2 In eonversati few dtyaosiw found creif 3- ) etteltar4dik, 4404::,*i onr Per S OWN gar AM, 9P I WOS "pet acre. l 4 l:* . frop . , 1410 s, Where iterdasiitt - -.4'.siiiitl - fOrni,:e*apciri-= . tion of sea-wliter,=aind - .tretik - .oline . spiings,.=-. • AhOitt five :flandred,thonsand• . -.tirins := of . foSsil.. or t'oek's.:Alijiie iiiiiirallY:PrOdtieetl'in , grifigid;'- . Tlie j i4lifeitat:istpii***eii . **siti . ,isted..,'"'tit: .:7:.:yr.thsiii..,k 7 . in '''hesitire: ' ',Tlr' re tii,e,•i•c=4...salt., _mines of eit MP Imirtot . tY . and nepth . at t . racbitlin . l•Pitiiiii .", Silt is (i pate.lionopOy , in;Austriii ;It...is, lstitipl : pf xeellent..qualitV' pa i 3 ' from. o:,Cmitiers• - ‘p POrr4t - i.tAlv,oll4ooiet: 1 yield upWa4s . - . .bf hirty lhouSarid toncittaiwit,. . lv,!and .wc . l.o4l''p . Ace= art incciqnsttble . s..lsh. .fry, inwe t if _tiftlitrVai , t4 - Wifigilli*, thalt*ld tpniti . 66-; ; 4r18 , 4`4 aod.the lirti ele, is ifigopylod#4:i - .04 - 14:i•O. *-Calatria, COaioni4447§pOic:Al4:Aikii -.:' .:':.'Fast Wt- Ptal:Si . ; " ' : ilk Pi..)4.•:-c4S, ,04 444 10 4* - 0 ig:fiti Att.',Xey , , , .l..Woit;. r yr...lense.;-atill7 torae-4Ahiii-; artiii,Pflit'e•tinit • SOites4,.azidi ' - "Jae e l y iiie'r . ' - ' . l!4itiluiSt' . .' - '"gtgtt: iir . tiiii;,:. i ioiimi . .. i*liiht•l' qk 3l 44o**itiP44 6 l 3 ) l ,44'4ol'''" aw l , - nwlitis , ,, M9e .4 7.m00 .i.iS . l; imputed ;- '. 'itik - 641;m1;1.iiiio'i ' isliinb.:"...X•pt.nn l'orty.onelb for: ti :,l five,*ailtrnii'idilti.o444o - ii . rilieJBYise I'oi .'%#ftiO 'f#. -1 44 1 ii.15100 .. .iir '..*:'l,' - ii,t, .. 0 3 : ;11*: , .fOi`. .f 4 tioeo,7: r th9iA4n4 140 'ii - i . s. .4 - 11Pki iiAti, 140q4y.rieigise..,:,4 4 : e-Ivii;)li jth :et'a B t • 'k),..thgclit.ifOkee - ..'or voupy r ia,..fui 4 . -ilife . F 4 !biiisi'd&a - bret , -,ntii.y:* pr-Itilisf 'it fiiiii4ftil:iyjiltkii:lA - ': 1. j''',, ... !, .'- - '-t.,' • -". ~. ;,....T4t#c .P• 9-'T i r4 l .! B ctr 4 PA Al* 'i r .Vii:fin":s4l44o .."' ' :the - gimel . yrei - ixt,itripoint colearliiijon6is I _ ~ -,O ktOtt.:Arilev, o o. ., .!uitHall. ' rtf Ot 6 Ak'Oertir4ir - 'ii*:0 1: : i l it) : l4 l f Jo4 l ' :.- I l',''.. l *:•:s tr1 1 :41 . 0:' td i.ol;;:r4TtAk.:l'l4 . 444 ,4 1 ligii,:( .' i cisP4lai:L _ . ~ .t.) , 1i4t;04 14'e 3 1 7eddipgb.1041$041,1y ' L!' rihriii-st - n't'pit: 41(1.-4.tolifitlf t wiee*:ii , , -.. a :: - -11c0 3461 E 'xittistott. - . 4 han• # 'lt'lid - Y. l - ..,Ofit,,Y r "ft ( lo- r AN ce .1. .../.1Lii444 - 414 45: 11 04:41E) I the:, ii. . a:t ...f; , , C - Atuf. azilir#iip ! , 4 t?4:10-421, -.as he read the . ; tenee:ltgaio.: 3 .,; y 1.00 be eistillifieerlki ;otit,TtifitifiliCt . l • "4 - that'OYil ti4C . 6.414e ! lan - pwlyiii,vsiiii4;* Igo::: Iti4;lt - Istiplig:t4lioq-'4.,1,4.4404 . 410 - new . atue 'of illiankl4ithat-tireyre ageing t 9, htiili , :araftillhibee'.o'-(ietterg, 1 Witship-ztor. ." ilhd r kateirops ..i) j Eir&iiii.elie - , tiff . _Mil"; . . .. ' ;160't . it" 1 1 - 1-6110. tfline ; esti -the if, ;,-, .; 4. , . . 4) f- • l oreat ta r : 1 4 / 1 00"e: witt - '. - • - ' fOg finuppwler: -. *est with i . •Nti4zianai . "Ontinkiivattnki gi.-Wit •4k;tofrkiitv ~,..,1 11 :01 1 i i r tiTi': : *If ' ftt " 4 lfiC s il__:_r•W . t4T:i - ;•ii - r.0 1 4 4- -imiii l ' l '-• .* ‘' .: i - .. isr .-.4./4747,. agrif Les. Ajlpillair titerir i : ; ! ,;(. 7 .., 01 • _ • ; i.: : . ! AS . sitt 3 / 4 0'4,41-o* .- ., : .*- *do** *-...., .... ;...,, -,--€ .#ityo: - ..401ti; .04iFU'r . • .i& - iiO4.-' vl 0" • , -"*OO-j 4 14.7 02094:p44.1,::::-.. ......_,.....:1__,,,, _.-06.1.-0,147440164140404:v01iatirtAir;, iiii ii4g, tic: 4 44mo es. to prepare, for - ' ' ' ' t, iii, ' : - -v,. 1- counted the quarters7a l l 4ll 3blYfOffitivri*PtVin V 1 AiPatitoiaTown. --"-'" i - vitlgo m t; , , *tplirels.. , atr i di v - 'Athiblebeia n e lila- 91thvitievoiptioty , it ) ,In 4?,!,o o ,4ttioif i NA: 1 ' ,-, ki ll ,i, lelkanYlo4lii*:/.lllote:i'4l#i ~ ` t , ail , ;1-U:the Vti,4 ot- beririce, '...oorlnnq ickisil : fjag icastfirstAthrown.tothebreothrbyi a 16 . 1,1,1**1#10(484-41dioleit vetiofgroat: .eri_TE* l l3, 6 .:,::: t 4111 ,,. 0 ,5'010ii":,.9f . t 4., ' `tram' ) ctiqq.4 2 9Pg% , ...I.+v ' , ...: . i . .., ' • . 1•.4 • . 1 's -. ..::". In the ' ivir, - *E- 1812. -r. -the ' second route t. tr ifideti&ideii6P- - •=thi , whole Npulation •ftlfeiiige'liiielut'fiv this:in;? ',.tiala - ,* ,iov-itiro§4.4 5 . 9-_qp. c .hundy4t, .46 4-fax" ')Wciit r. and "boys—one 'Seventh of the entire poiigip "tion—Abr dielintblie:and firi*et Armed ships.: ,:llo. l ,tirerilwrivAtie-bese me t". flit _ m level Andoll j eihiO'icikiii'lthe hole history of 1 th4*.:014..-d0e5,4104 -.4 1 9Y 1 „ . 1i * . q9,11i!..t , - 4 1 11 I ca ~ l arge parp.`ofthe emw of the:oustitntonon ' her action with,the-,Guenleire.; Jav-Cyaitij l ''invilk, v'ifat*ere',6C4n the fitherrneniif that kroelytiiWit: :2 Dding:the list. War, Marble. l ‘ Leiia 114 1 ' OR. meti,-.14,- the: English-14**1 1 . 4 "; . , I _analit the'clow‘of eail .strug4lo; she; hail .at. lonte.i.-- , mdre,- Odowi - . than Ould -be found -10;0011e :416, 1 '0oonlation elW*rhere" iti.tife Pilo-01.. :: QC the '7:50; enai...d iii the war ' o r lisiil. only fifty' survive, 'but „many- of the - rn 'have:l(4t It Mows and children Who this year petitionCd flYf• - glivernrhent 'fbi l lisSistaoce: if there .. i.4;,kni, - 'tow n in- the land Iglorious:- in ; the inenlou . et thfe past, it - is Attchciad ;.ifany, body eanclaim bounties ofhtif sorpensions in move v they must be found.th "e.—.Netobury port flferald. . i ..,• . ~, ' ' ',, , ; ' lr - V7Ati! iieeilitinigt'l - rll4 has •tr:istVilte expellinent ;.- , atj3foi:t(,)rilY.; /NiSis, th4t,'"lt:'f i eW. „seeti*Ot;ti,io,_tonnaio ilioplitYlblitothe bill:with 'kuettanbtirs;- br v a . { l.O - inuio , \ , i4o out, , whieh:he *says is - the l*iter-44-,' Will-keep oil Wad . •Ilea \ s inift'striiied. litigS:iii 114:1- di%like the' Iflay ot . t&,..toinlito. : -, •i.. - -' ' lOW .041 C doo, tilt; dint rtli* eoun4: 7.41(, tiipe sto, ; rota • Dr. TOad, on •11ing„ as' Isis ;opinion 4')f Eilwnr4l PDXYher ' s . " of A . said he hdai.Oncintiiii th(4e• were three Fvfw of ro 2 ' iii ti world - ciiritg ; ;liner and Vtnifv.,! [*4oiser, ids , pif in the being a „ . Eietryg: Knapi), ; TONTROkE, with ../??IriilVoia74 . *-- , ,k . Car. 1 • ter; .Whole:alleS.l.4rocei'A a9di-Cannuisistoo chants, - court ;rult and Day- Serde.AfArtV . :lroik. • • •-- • Miller A 1 7 owier, A TT.ORNEYS .1,Xt.),, COUNSELLORS .SAT 11 vid Solicitors °glee •X 47 44" Clarke street, Oltleage,.l4, C• • f ' • 7 'Pacific Hotel; • \ • Rtr.WICII.STRET, (ticar 12,1 - Yoek. Salistiniv4,'Ctx; , l".rtiltrietocs, the vicinity of principill . ft.tgambostt Ending: Thomaslingstium.‘,: \. 1 - IEA.J.ER IN DRY tiOOD,. Gioceziea, Dlothitig, j 1 JJ s:.*kery, Robts Susque.funtstit ~ B entley, ec Pitch, t iII‘9II,NETS AT LAW;.ifositrose, Pa. ii..tipkrrucY'- • ; . • • 3 -' - IViln:Y.s.e.TuttEtts SADDLE`, if L; Trunkit, &c., /*Dpike. AIWA, AVOW "Kei P 4. . . • - -john: Groves, ;Shop - uAgler Searles 1.1 4f - ,otel, 3Ltiu*..eitmet, .3rontro+tes: 40±4,;., , IVERY4itiD EXCIIIMMI STABLE. Offici 113 .in the rear °Milieu's Store, ',Montrose, " Colitel; • . Copper, and Sheet : Iron :Witty, .T.dod4r-51-iik, hear.Gl eat Bold Dopot. _ , „ ..• L.,' _ - INTERESTED with I. L.AIeNT,. Importer of and Ihntlee in Dardw.a.re wild Cutlery, Cartia*Spritis,os, 215 Pearl treet,- .) - ark, where his Mer-: -eantile •frienchi,-itt ttii and nth& co.uutiea,- are . kindly invited; and earnestly solicited to.eaU and , , • - . L. - • ATTORNEY AT L.A.W. Supittekansia,;Pa. Office oite.dihar cat of.Lettheicis. •, • • Frazier & Case • - - - A ITORNV.Xei.A.ict-COU.N`A AT LAW. LI. Office on: Turnpike street,.one 'door Eaitt: c'of roses Store, ..ifonfroge; Pa.- "'. t. , _:, •CAL Sufamons;,... 111060 T AND' SLION' MAKER ? :! oer. A. Baithiln's . /bures% Shop,. Zit:spike g • t i ifontiose. ..; , ert Chamberlin; r..; TTORNEY 'AT LA:tir and 'Jziaticeottb'e retice oveel. - L. Post..3.Colisliim...iffintroite. • • .- . -- ` Will: H. Jessup, -. .. •,- : i t TTORN.grAT, LAW AND COMMISSIONER of ..ti.Dzillis;i t oi. the tate.,of Ne*Tork; will -attend to all bui•iniyisg entrtiAl (I to him with prciritpttioss.stod fidoliti•.:: ()Bice ow P lilic-Squac- -occupied - kylion. rjg . A.LFR IN HRHGS t •MHDICINEK • -.P Ch• a Jainta, Oila; Dye- . stuffs; On:eerie:A, Dry er Hardware, j- Stoneware, 41aFavia*. - Ckwitti. • Wiiichee Joitilr:4;;• 'Sfiver S int% Speetticiesi '" nient* . irritiso, • rglcal Inatrumen . ta, ationeei;-Hrnsttev. Ntitions, kc. • - B. iLlayonsfireo.i • "t,stiints.it • AND RETAIL" I V " Art - 13601 Gieke Cries;l3ldt,ll wait; :Lansarri, ' • • . . - ...• lARALEIi GOOD, • Grocerio=, Books and Stationery Avenue, 3(inatrose,:.Pts. •••_!, ..;•• , . , 211trAgk . 4 4 AIIUOCS, 131iT51&L.15.5 cANItSIiti(MONS . . , •;. Offieer , N9. fOsvegostiet . 7,317mtf001e, 134 : • .;LL :pat.& !i• TlC(itits nv , D g ir , Goo . l% ; G*iiies, Viockeiy,' Hardware;Lfillei, - ,Flottr,'"ett,;.corper orruin— pike,i4teet an4-I"*# ,- Availe, iirereiss• TAEAT.m.Rr ? -IN . DRY -.6cio, ris;4:4l, ihmtitio; ~ . ..'(*liery,•TiiiwittcCtiFoiotii*.Boolcit;:bte„,`;: , tioArry on the bu siness Avenue; BendifY are-ROICV' 4't tA_LEWlN'lrittir-GOOPS:T6I* dichr.fc •irk" - "tilkeitek; HlPllware;" c l4) .4cei7) ,=4:%eks,'Wirt,etek-JiwiPittilfii'SPrO;T,O ftrioi-Aqici:=PoOtofiNstilleAteittie,Wo 14 5 -84 . 8 : `,sg 031 i,* .. Iv • ♦ 443t-t'7.-1 i , z.f.af ltisa rfe;llo4,.y 4iTiztist v . ' 4 l24ortuns,or • -rt -'groveih";' VO4 ,/101.• Fam e Avows, atsayxv I'l' °44.--9C9ITTY of ;••1:. • • _ - wait 4o;m i / i lk . :4 , - - I: .. ;:;; • ..-:„..,,,; ;:. . Ra, ~ ~. • t osimpv. , , ' r e . •Viorlimwoefiwge :.,irpifire , *, . p,,-,„ - , :-.4,. .00lt i tipAwmppiwg 2 N - A444 ) 04...wigypc , .-. yo 'lll.3oloErftliTAW' , T,W15:04i-' co:i46*'.,.ott r inari. T=iiiql'it • itoortniii4 4 . .. 4. o(diiildeot '.fif et .2 gruirt : iti - 104 , w t ut w i ,.. 1 ,. 1 , thti , lbw:a it i o i s p f x - • -, , .i. 1 , - 4 , s,ltril .t.:, It -4 - 107 ir ft d pt tA P r.**, .1. rk!? Pre,.P4i 4915-.4, 1"., wi r soa, , ifw, trAtrOott4indt ; Y IP (9 /B thirS) , -• _ .'""'!' ',5Ai-v' ; . ..;=e. -it m 7 iiptitw , - -,- .-- - I.' ii. - :jute , ' - mir , li iiiikroi ; 4 71 1 1T0111* tititir icpossztap* . tttile . k ' . ..M:llVoitko:*vrii:;'lol ittiahlUNl x , elt , -... tial stos ireii*i IdlifOnifiti'Ouoo - r:t ~ , T... . - r i gdi6m s 4l l WeeWloo,..'leifiee iii icy ' !min . ' -', litikdeititi , !_iriritivr taw' aka' W, iberosolution 9 f eigois of dohum„ - ; ilkeir ,i ! ... ' . 'ibid. ` .I- ~ ~....alsg Pubfwve -,=12-- -- i . 4 Dar ,ccuristik 13: 4 , . PP' t i i ,t1 0401 / 11 1 1 (ke:''':: fulie - Widtieid , howsiont , . "nee tort:Oily oteupjed by J Rich , ad.* .Fai . ,,'1401 of the th -1"4481,13-1 3EMM Fa i o4 l l6 u .kiENlV4lll4" . BAD • A.L. WEBST4 ' l l i t - ' ') `‘..;o 4 . '' i „ 4 . 7' '',' ' .IV9ULD risPectfulliwto — I4 I IY.PeoP Pf ktuf Z .' T ed r:Vq", u P s-c01114 ) 4 11 4. , , : 1 414 fq .:1* :9tui : an establishment of the' • ve lcut n 'Mimi yew, at , the old famid if I. 7 .4l**llrebster; One di*. .xierth" or , eiti SSirenitroavDerweeelfat merit, / •Where 'tlies intesid to keep constantly/ orthapd &large Mtnertinettt of ,STOIrES,• .77Y, • COFFIN?, &VC"' SHEET IRON 11 1- ..lRAtte... tql., of ,Nrbleit' thirty , ill -MI a. 4 n ITV ifs the safftwah bet bOght t ,- in this _ ' tri;oti hi Northern Permsybranitt. , Among the . ' ritenti:6l ;Pores can be found the following, besi des others:leo nenteitkuk..iwinentinttt ~.': . ,i, , r - t , t- - - - - .1 *: K. - . X: t *.litie . 4tir-tiAti for wo - 45d: - ' Mohawk .Elerated Oren • ', 1 ;...: t A ~ itl?vest -4;eseerx-- ' . " --- - . - : ,-Kelndeffllealet.*;/..a:Plp Oa . • ifolt" • ,tip,/ , ‘ -.,: j . ; , , -..,-,,... . .....-.--,.. . f -;.- ..,,,- , I t qWirorf..“ . ... Easteirs.J'rfdi ,In`!.:inlii"Ohla,'"efic":"li I . - - Flat Top Prethhtm. •• - •.' ' - 4 , i ' Allan. .Pariiir; Office; and Ehoil3tovilt,ll2lotair Tiu . 4 piers; -foi hendit - g - puillk tmildingit; char** 'hotels,' fwinte• bdustiv,4e. : Sieve trinutings .Tin-Ware.aiid• ~ tl / Yr. ,e -- Tipe ftireiefied at whOlonde as le* 6'414 -cant be nonght at the East. --. , ---- /- ' - ,- ' 1 -.• •- -.- .-.`- , At kito 4)f-custom ivork done - 9n short notice and 'the most reasonable Omits. 'Alt kinds:ofprotince talt : .en in exchaitge'forwares.: '. - .. / L.:r r :' 'r "' •'. '.- . If' you wish to 'save -money, .bi sure and ,:t11: viii mi .befor•c!, purchasing chielliere.. r - - .. ' I 4' '' - . ' . • ' " - ' . A.: L.AVEMEFt lieff.~.• : I*, Ifontrose • September; it• :• ~ - ~:. ' 1402Y1 , _, . . . . . ~ rr WO trernendous fires hate MIA en out at, the Steals Ilf:Ifill;' where they have been . tapidlY burning tuote'than - two weeksi in spite pf all 'the: Mitts ridide, bY the 'ttown'tnwri . fire company to, itatingpfslr' or lip,'f pelle their;pregres.f. - ,Though they :plied . their n . ia, chine %lib all their, rower arto skill,. - ;the .. tC . r the effort 'made to ship' did figs thkmore aapitllY`' they A t burn;'itnit We hate not the lea,sijiloubt that *n the of all oppasition that - fires *Will -eantieue. to burn for years, beating-iron and stet:VAC. forge lindit'of edge.tools, ox shoes,-barso shoes, carriage lrotut, and. jeb.wOrk ;of every - description. • , Atid,,the••proprietor. - of these fires. wind& frig= .the-public -• that• i for: Ilia - past year, ending thirlst:crf •Februltryhe •hail donethe edge tool -work in DaWley's Shop on Male Street. 116 uow keeps a first: rate stock of all" kbul.s, and-pledgei hinutelf to WO tio- other. And for shoe corks, instead of the rotten --American steel ;and • Sweetri..ften,. he uses the [best of German Sind English' Waster and nasts steel. ;-The Getman and Eitglish Blister costs. Ifisand; cast6steel 29-'ets, pet pound,:ixid 'American Steel only : 7 cents; rytt), he eluur. , in° more I for isboeiug.i.thatt: - those who use Ayneridan Meer , and - Swited'e 'iron. toe corks.' .All wet& wilt be dono,Atith neatuestr.to order, and , wtittultdd.; .Now,wif 'you. Wish . tor save. 20 : per centicall on , - .; D. U. HICKOK. April.s: ; . - f f , • • . -- 1 : -•-• , . .• :' etv 'lroif.• City INSURAPI(CE,COIMPANTif -;• QF'FIOE : 9 • o.lfrrAt. IN GASK AXDsEGURI. 1 TEES,• 9300,000. agains4LiA'sioi:Dittatge Iv Fire. •=, ,•• " 2 , 41 • '1411MC701t53..! , , .;_: Stel.4o, 113 Broad street ; - , - -reter . (4.'.lfakcr; 1 Sprice Street;' Girard Bineker,' 118 - Broytthiay; Aitdreiwic 138 Cedar. 'street; 'Samuel thinayd, 371:West street; 'Albeit L: eoiddirt 810 O , enstich stet; Janie' A. Crosby, 113 Biotidirai Cha's: Lent; Kingsbridge, N. Y.; Latid,ocrt Chicagii; ilia I - Smith 'Robbie,' Rochester ) ; - William W. Leland New York . ; Peter R. Roach, 188 k street; .`tastes S. lrell, corner West 'and Litiithi streets ;' .robn L. Deen,llB Water' street ; B. -Van -Wait s 118 "Brondviay ;-11(imtio* N. _tomer. I Weat. and Barrow streets:;',Peter H), Foster;• -corner Ganseyoortitnhen Cromd West ;' Beubere HOPS Jr... 4 t 8 Bhtli I, :Arenne; .Srep r 'A ig !Ma Wadleig_h; ;. . Dextar 11. Biiitain,•4l4' Wit ,ter street`t," Samuel Siricialr,-Tribund Buildings ; net IL Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio. • \ Royst.CIIAMISALIN; INwioent. Crr..tnx•rs C.CLARKE: i Sixretary: .• . - • • CRAMLES. 111WW1f," . ..tgent; ;')ifoiltme, Some things tan be done' as well . • • '' ,, ,tts . others., ll ". • • rrYIE f;utiseriheehating pn*hase4 the Chair inan 1. urdefory. A. W. Oreenwootr, linrfortl, prepared.to nulnnStchirtall kinds of Chnin:nttediwed priem;:olgckal militia's, and in • a" superior. itylci - of 'Ainong the different kinds' mention - - Poithmfforkees . (improiied Style,) fig kids% . 'fflaicy ndsqr . chn . . Seats, Settees, /05 - .111 Work warranted * sntisfietion for 'hr.° years. ! - ‘": •• 4b klilerchantablePreiduce ihkcit ut exchange for, war; but NO GlitiDlTl ' 'JAS. jOIINSTO.N; ifarfoiii, April V. . ; ' 1 afax Rosy D.r.roir.\ ', :_ .- -- li'll: trtit ifeMILLAY ~f \-. . . tr.A.Vi - NTO pet . *6l the estAlisbniCit of Isaac 1., 1.1: Post A: Co.i4t the sontrose, . Depot, would re , , respeCtrellv inform his frietids dolt 'he - will keep con 411AV:on:hand, 4..tlie lowest prices," i'weltselected - lime, „...111, , tid Mister. cart be !fad thCaf, as . 'WelP as . groceries, Dl:y . 9 . 0044, ligds'aie - r citikkery:;•Boqk,; Shoes;ntll.4; Ae' ill 'exchaty t e foi Giititiltnti.hllllcinds of produie i , at the.,iteit prizes." . :14D04)tiltsits 'lllii'd Wood wanted. ''T ''. .. • , - !...--ilt--: : ,,, -. 4 4cint. F 6 . se : D AA!t7 1 - F tl x 2 085 4 --", :• - in',% - 1 1 : --.....- • . • 1 . • , ' IIII I I7V ILTR'1 1 114111:1*E. -, - •, -s•: 1001t0.PPSAI4iritt* received at t 'CoMutigision= JL "ers-,01111i6 fqi the : erection of iiCoort Ifemse iii the torough'of Montrose; usque im Cdiifitj nn= til the; first Monday of nay nea-t.:._ ' `e'r&hing make pioposition; 'stilt address profs:is:4la to the eomm4otters of saki County; on 'or , before the - timeahOre nrsiitiOfl d: `.Tite plea an slo,tit let ithi ng of said bufidingetre sees at aosarnfient,or r fic !. :1 ft 4.IIVCQCK, , • f__ A. WILLIAMS,' • " 'Attest, dARPENTER. z.? • •• CAI. A. CROSSMOS, Clerk, ; • Cornmist.ioner's Office Montrose March 28 I 8 L. ApPrentlces• rIE ' agesit; Ay; thp 19use iin!liikrf4ed.l6 - receireappliaktignir from k ;imams 110han14.6r,(0-, erSA). , PAY. wiz* ti),:J 3 oi.Ontirep, , i v isi. t ,g_P i • cidorttlipdentqcoo,tl; . 44n ivsipirept!Os._-.lt eneAr., will froni-sern i Aci. twenty years.. - , ,Tik:4; r4WICS WhOre theAPPl4t.is nOf kru?ok - ti)ffh?' . 13 0 64 10 1 4 1 W I np - theligent, isathrfaOitypeierenco4o:ll9*- PODS residing in the City, wilt JA MES 'require:Ai • • - • c .--; JARFS L.' it 'ARTILY'. - Office of the IleuseCif Itt;fisge:N.'X.Pon . teT of Arch and gerenth sts, ets, Writikafsio . ,lA tT. . ‘..4 l ;:jiMud, ..aAd i 44 9 16 IL"'1"11"9-7r i e tict,.-..'--T '--, ' 1 ' — '110411: famish at tbd Shapof Ne r o nevi . ° ib:spq. r II ell ft:era;ll4.*t, Sash J ,304 4 8 1i ' . 41 = 0::bawl Wats' lavi to oilier. Lutalwr Oa nn tri ff ert ' m • .41!*seed - nl.tn4u to rib ,m 4s Airl' lT" lt Y 6it in 'to th'l iiii . ra_tutVlS — n : Good pit e Lapaher API' Countf7A l 4,Ce taken ,_ i_ne_s' FbanPf r '. 449 ' 114. ;,,,i; 7q* 1.-eiust-Cvli"OrkPribithlk t gl - tataial rq, ,F7 -..f.61 4 1.- i--, .' .. f- , ., All* WAY, Jit;,, DPP,. 0 g 1 4 1 0: 1 u:k*E. 11 1 ;-"p volt* mnr l :lo,Pci com Afid .!typfriqr,rgl* 04 also atop and Rrot!! ! pk.the Itirpticps,— ClustAaa. Fork-will be - done.—W*tch, Ana in. all caltes .sdarnufleti. - .451. - . 1381tf i.4 1 40a.1 1 ,%?.4*.T9 '1 84 .3q. ;1" , . 1.1141 :r t A i * fA , 41 04;4 aleienato74, t t 7' 01 ;7 5 ; 4 ,, 14"070i,....MA,110r 0Ve70405.1111d, tk4arget 4 s —jr- /T -' " r "' s ' 9 : 13 4jege*, 01,0cqg,apunriuke;rAiin 4itir'•9l4o dred and twentydip) i dnam per "ti:H144", 1- - ,4" " 314. :A;AlRo4.9ar•igua,cogitruit, o . • at greatly.mlwiQ iriget4p. - 4 "goes Foy Candogue.494,4l,A4';;` ' - `ll Fr-l • • 1. 1 11; , ;11a '.! 18 m / *oB.lPi3iotsta _ A- FAME coiikirting 211abotilMesis imdtweit*Meradi $l, net &bent * 1 1 10 9 . 1 11 40 1 !4 1 01 1 100 4 ealbg.4410,Fluel , 1 ACWANtIiF ellaiaire ActliU 401141440hozobedi,n o ,Topr r:zi- i. w ~; ...M9 1 41...i 't )141741-giv44ls44l.4 lZitlVlß': ."-APPlied4 l) .3be , O.mus:OCionuiloo; 4piebougiwoi v aty Of thttiO)ftglOgilielattilkilathalleid AtiltOPMV lippOktetibiglar Aie day' , ' 4ppit V 041401:: beiiring 0011 the facts containedh few , ;plicattorterAtts'k . :',4,io'cvOttia inAxxil; : tkt WW1147 - i 44 ;ChnrertainlllrlinetlayiSee.lt, ofti IWORalec4o4.--lairaltoc*. .'f!Ti MONTROSHBSPOZ-1' • • , (`iLOViit-koh) fa Wilmot Feb 101 - J • i • • 1 0("01K‘ r. itioirAq; 411. in Dim& township ; ifitl43lllEnwe thf3reon' 12 , 4 a . , AmixfulkY doV1 , 4 0 45•0100 1 1orlPit-' 4 / 314 illetafghr "A PCO'. / f a, siz:..).ty.a nio;ilivr 1,"1i , ,1f 1.. , f0ir..,-;1i-ah' Iv. , ..1?-ziar.e.. . . ..121.a55.: .„.1,.-.. ..: . rinltn P....timl*.rt, , ... lilk.glil - T.Lig: I , . . 2. Wiltintin.*.Low,./. ,„ 1.4 . ;.-...psar ,, .... Y.. NI% dlnfm; I - .; 39:-. 14/11,...?.,1-t x .1. . , Rzra.S. Klc.nt. &CO., , . .14.2. ;---...:1. . .... May. & IStnith,; . , 'lt IS; :" . .*.hie -. ......• R.. T. Ashley, ..,.. . .... It ... .., - .•••: 1 . . .NelFon,Tiirsuly,.. -- ... .14 .... „••: , •••l . . . :William .MeMffleb; t. . :t.14 ..,--::', 1 i.. , 1 .I. e. 1404 . .. . . .. . .14 ~ ~ • . ,;., -41 j 4 ... . Elancis Quinn, :-.• :-:, .14.' , . c. - 4 ;-.!'-...• _"' Jahn it N,l.".llaLstell, .. A 4 =,•.:i Brundage .4,lVIAton, 14- '! G. Cone it co., - ...:Alk :' . ..,'. - * - • g.'ll: Virklliti . '; - •- 14 ' ~ z 1 • 1 :- . Phiiiii.i: " ' . * :. ;,14::,: • • ~;',.. illure ) " k P ll . 6 'il - OYI it likl4l • _ • r„ . • it 'W i lli:A N A' , • • .::14 ';;'.,;t -:: -,.! -ale; . ...4.: XVichli.iin, ,• . l4l ;; ..;',l E. cnnedy , • '14 . 2 , --' .i . • ' Asa 11 °wardi .". • . - .-'..., • . 11 dt • 4 1 :4ki")'' 1.'41/gliT,. _, : 13 , 'tin; .. . , W..1/ayton, . „,..11 piiti ' ' Itigei)ll Tinfl,i4;. - 4 - 14 • ' John McKinney,: .; 'IA' ; t.: l - 2. ' ThontiO,•it 'Whiting,-: ' 'l3 • - • •-'', - -L; is Lenheiin, L. - ': : 1:1" ' 'Lici:„; , ' Mi: 11.,•1 Vitil, -. " ' ' • 'l4 ' ' 'IN., • • 2 - .hones CLark; "- ' ' ' 'l4' "• '• '.- s. ' - Taylor &..Inne, •" : "14 ' ;, 1;c: 'l-1:-X. Lyi3ing •.' • ' ... 'l3" '• ' D. 41. Lyons, -'' ''' ,14 - • • - 11-11.-Lyons,• -,' : '.l‘.?,- . ". • - , - Brant &Villager, : • - • .14- • I, •• - B: F-..A.R: 11.- Eaton, 12 -• • 1 ';, ' Ciirpentei'dt:SbleY, '' 14 - •. - Johna4ton•&• Very, • •.. 43. ••• - . S.-Seyrr,tour,- • -•- . :•• -13 ' -AultMo. Aub do -Bre° do do . do • • ' do • - dO • do t Chocon Clitrord do I do ' Dirupcl, Fncudb GO);mv; I do. ~do 40 Great: tlo do do do _do do di) Harm do do Ilerric Len°. -Jolit;3liller, -I- . 14 11.-Merrikr '• • • .14: • • & sm. , - Slintfs,'FAtOn G.= IL Han ley,. • :18:. • W. , L.. A:-S. 3iulford,l2 - J.. Lyons & Son; •- ; ' - 18 . F.IL CtiontllerrF•°, - - .?13 .11. J....1V.ebb,. , .4. :13 - • • Geo'rge Yuller , 14 Luau 1...r0$ 11 • , ‘3l : . 11entley . & 11 lA6 ABC , I Tnrrolt, .1. Etlitid;-4,' 'l4.i, D: 11;74throtil: CO., . • own '1": Hollister, - :• , do' do Meqt • do 'do. do do do • do do (lop do. do do' New da. do ' . Clutrlet4'Campbelt,:' "14 ' 13 , • Seta ttle, ~- 13' J.. Moss . Bro. 1143 - 4eii k •Bro,- EM= do. Rush,l poi Champion •1L ; ;;Sootliw-ell, - 14 . = N.' Gninge.r-A Cooley, 14. . Itioes Tupper,l 31epot, Esphtlisle, . - C.;S: llennet!,. • - . .13. ; ,Liq . Wes!, . -14 • Liq . .,,12 Tliomai,lngtcnm; 44. , W.ll. i.Lt`.ll'ubbo.tull., . - Fozymotir, , ; Stitrk,. 14. ILitl A: B. Etlg9it,. 14 , Li Lake;, .111.ChielleAt4r Po - ao do Silre Sp_ ila do do dalk: Fran' i Mal illail 4i Park:- , . ':.12,' 1 14 - - '• r, . p i - ,I'," . J. 'Pm' •,* `, .14 ,• ; -- - ' D'erie,' .t• C , per,. -• ' 'l4 - - -I '.• ..IN '• - .1'; - E. - .lter man;*" ' ' ' 14 - ~ •, "-. .I' ' -,' •• ' 8.1 - .. •• 114 Lt.a.U l TOceriBB,36ei lones,,a c • .I , ianiiiioiy, - -- • 1:: : -s- - .. acou; ...ITArry lloney- .:, . :. -8 • - I , Wm. Buffunt, ' . :,.. . ~ - 8 ; Lb water, . GL N.-.llleu, :. . f.- . .,_ .8 . . ,-• hit; -.. } - ',lloOl'.Cli;unbera., --• . • B'l - • Lii Dmille, .1-oht).*like, , • ' 8 1en4,1,. John Mock, ... -: 8.. ~ Li) • ' Meien SeOti, . 8 _ , . do Fries Gra. t - . ... _ ' 3 E- 1L 314 ;\ • Daniel tre,ll.si '. '" • -• . 8 --•'•- •• ;..- _I. Ou'Re,nter, ~ , . ~..-, :, 8.. . : ' , whl:,:,sinith. •_,.. '-',' 8 ; 'i.. .7."yrhiteointi.* Niikiiiiii,l''':• 1 ' ' •' A: 'A: Re:01191; : •••• ' 6 .`B'''''' ' , osi, • •A: lietritia.n,• - • • -4 7 - i ' -: • * E.- "Thic;ciri; '-'• '• . 'it; ;,:•-,....; - \ •-'• • "Y. U: Ftirtibant,i ::: - - 1 -I.' "'"- i' , * •t N. Militant '• ':'• '•" If' ;',ti /.Ifiltbid; :Miteffell• acirelahig . ,' .' 4::,'',. -- ) lii Depot ; 'tiifyiel• I;l . !iittiii . • f . : - ' :., 1 ..;•..:. .inner, ii ~ _ _. 8 ' •_:, • ... . . ..NCmX 4 ;tick, i 7 : 8 . • . .' ~,,, •,, liaryqy gitti#l ;e 1 1 : • . ." j *. , ..... •Ge.9 . ro, : ,.kggles:ton 3 •: ; ,C,T ! -_,•_• .. .' . Jatue3 Ilci!, • - L-, r:i 8 1.-.---,-; : . ... N. 0... k D. VV. NO-ton 4., , •.' . -.• W. W:.•:lclirk . „ : :•1 i• --1- . .-8 : P,extiile, 4, Son,.. '; ' 8; . v ' ; 5u.39'4, Operative . . : : : ASSOCIAtfOri; \ . r :, 8 . . ~,1 Ellida.HArTio : ll,\: : 1* -8. ; 1.4} . ''' i I l l'OPeckriaefinii - -. .' B Y. ''( A I . :. -. -- ' ---- me.en-& - Stiitie, ' • 1 18•• : riiit,7" , d. the ?Judi e.o,iati i)fanizunt Ipas..ef i .t Cornti, *MN :a* c'serKft bt 4041 at' iCtnitt i f , 4. e• in - Moicti4e, •7 lrPtinii f6iltaid"etrailiy;' lielid-1 AT the 1 iiti - Olitty -tie&t,' , :rAlk4o'Ckx:V4; ihichAinio atutitlace any. of thMereirit4' • 1 1 bod e 04 el*s.sod_ as afore- tAlbr.,theie .o r isiy,••4lkay. itilwar And .. appettl- front ' . • ~ i 4t.if : thei,:thi._p ro p w ,......,. -±- -to •: - , ; t'.'. 1 ...-: ;-:-'-.l n 1.7.1'. I - .- -: . G.;MTvLEWIE',.. Ner. App tier. , • s r .21J3t, 285-4. '....-...,-'"..:.--...r . -) •i!- f.: e. 3.: '-. , .-;'i it• .41 t 4 .d, imock,,llfarob , I . - -IP'wilier ,t iltittStimine ~. 1 l i I tE are , aew)re-Par?4 . te'eutirirelial) ' - 4 ' o ' il O' RO..:U N',' D 'P-`nL! A • ' S; TE ' _,: ''''-i - - .11 at , ttimes and ii-"anyvilaiiiikkiiii. - . • i• ,'.' ;'' .';:e4l,ing. tf.lat• .lio ,, ,fitraw.4. at s . ;.,' ,: , , .; ty' ' M consalt•th ir owiiiiattireitutand.additi J .ue i and , proilati vitas of tho.,it , 4llrati kY..O ; •'-i ble.fati:lze4potiolreelY.tharkliwY-ha - j fo 'doie4l.irOl oafinre:iricifferaugAbeao •faii itkealliii. ' ", :. *intl'iespatillity..-- ; . • - ..; t ; :, T . d .i sb . : :. : . ii „• i : •.. ." 1 0 . ...,47, ~,• . th,.,ge;4 . .- : ', .7•7 4 4r . - - r lr 'k:i : :sts - :?i i, r l,A3s-,:Tht . kumt , oottite . ,pu kift :711.w.4p1 ,., ~; 1 13. tlietTONK*40. 1 4 1 0 Petuoveti44o:ol: VI tb:04044, - -. I . lritir4 ,l 4 l4l ;q-Brif*lrlit.o&o 4 #4l4'.' ,4 'NutkOlhafilto l 4l.oly7 i g n lt....'n! Apitvit.4 441 4 1 .0 1 4 , .. . Plegk, 14 4 3 4t0tictr1000414134 . _ :. :t it .tepit , ff tcWARI44:4IOI-Yvtl A rilwebY,Pblo,.'l4l,loll 1 . e estate il't 3 Tre ' PrlarA 4 W',I, 41 /411 W0PstPlig * ttit.ffieetur_i '! ~ + ' rerkmaluivin t l i gnisamiiii sada' V k. .. ,gvl,4*,l4..„..,Posviimeftv : .. 44 Gtr 1 klekii' A'' 7 1,4 .:410,-.. .4 , . ... w., r f —,1 . 11, }- ..... `..IR I , ,Rii, .).Rsraßit.l) . 4 iv • :se ' ~, , ..k . itetii.t - r inll74l **ettit e v ii s t o* 4:Ni t i _ .- m,R.t l . 4 solvii.,,i„rrimtr.. r vm,....-.4.- 77.7 .!. r '''' in' rt 4 14 / 01101114 ,*(e f„, .q” -'; "'• --, . 'lt* .: , giablenTill6l,'''' - ~„raibotle asuppt 4 , i i l tljettill•kr: "-.'''"•"' '' .l ' ll f;';':::0 ili.l.iiiid ''',F.J:t :Al! "if.Cie Thian*llltu**,,,,_ 16.$ -t“i 1 f tfi rrh ,joi;,..,i'into TO --tiim..,4o ' O .AYO I e II : .-;1. ',,, r tit:l lv e f., --b.h ~i, , ,.t,-.- t,-;-19p' I i er t 3 ~ - - * . 163 O. r a fi F3 l l • I'Vi#6ll/bo - :I t ,'' `-' ,. ...Viiiviiiihissit Gutt*O4 'Vitt .' iligt 5. ,- ; , !t 4, -- -- 4 - Aibwitiveg • ' ' • I.*. ~.: isumietum i,..;creti0Ni11..,0,., ~ .., 4 1 . .4. . 41 ,1 !,,,, ......, . • - •'s a e•:• •:. -.••'. '! ' iner6 ,- f--: - 1 . :,: n9,, 1,,..: ~. s_ ~,.. ~ ~,. ...8.....-,. ~. , - a0`,',... ' , 4 '":: - I T3oit .1)"? . . .A , - runrct.6llft - ,i i ett •L' t- -. ''-*--:-.‘.-::..' ... L .•,,, .. :...,!. i av i A,t,,,,,,,.., : -,,,,,„,..,, frui5t0k . ) ,........., i , f r 5„. _ 01 14 _,:rAZOTP,' -. - 1 449tuiret, .:,io f•5r;),• .. • 1 1 4-. InDi. Via, , " bOl i i i g,i,s' ,.. - ..' . .risPnekl - 1:' : ' i L .E11_,:1.,...: -- :•.- 41324. ,• : ' 4 . '' . ii inikkrin . ‘_,'. I ky,;', do pktaketic,,...:....;, , ~.. ,; , i ph i l ds,; .: ;,, , ',- , .....r.. I t .4..1:: , : r • " .::J...ati.,!...', -, 1 i r , : *.- ..f,r,r ' ' •.; tet; l4 hechciP ., ..••-' •' ,l '. , • -... . ', f. 4 .• • ,',.1 V rWrinP-ll;d4t id,it tlti v D ., -... . 7 ,..!.10010; , ': - : ! ' 'l , 2ttA Chi biliN . l I ~1 . /5) . ,,,•, ,--. c: ,, 1,', . ;";ii,',.'-:-;, , :i . i . ,:tiiiituslll dgnigs. ,. , L-.,-,_ - ,-• A d t a4 P 0 5•,,.,:. • ...-.. jl o 'etim i tnio.4 4 s .• - ' -.-' `.. II)a klt,ttshns„,_, --r... - v- . .d o ,. .u l tdr• 4:•::do • t•s• !1,.i - 1 7 ,..t . , , ..ittc. , t a . 1 -, , ,, , ...._:, , ,:,„... 4 ... , , 1:,..uka50tt0ieti16,..,..:1:4::„ :. ~ s ;ii.., - tA74tizi -s: ~ 0., . . . .• ... ..---....._...-, .- ,t. V,t)" - .-v; . littiloll.,ll. , :',:''_'• - . al •,..1w iA;I ~, , At „ t , 1-4,.,:t ij v iiii7 .: sT4toirms f s A ES ?..„." .f I k , f frgstrAtlqt%wistßaakf4 e t _ll,wign „of. , 4,1 - '--,frieti huff the'Froblie, his very WO lark; ' nairit.'at STOVES qiihirrtiew.9lr3t&RoCiii'lite 's 4ittiolcs.trliiZrB. buitceinei - stoie, gitailiai,ftw 8, 'Bend;poo:l , .. - He liwiNlitidition 4f , his formerll ' vasietb 9f. ,00 .9 1 dq&andlYaliqr, Pift,Ft's,4 l , 2 o, • Y '4,9° . 1 eri.iii, fionii 3 Of which pti=-":,-, .',;' ,: .t..; ~; : - ' ,s,i' - Si.lttaat4ic , •Ahert'ffithilleli _Ffil Cytilie'. l 7; ::i.' wolf, 1.§!5.4,:- .-. )fokeetrle,"' It :.4. jfisdeafroß; f II:;) , 7 C.)iin44.ll,W.lri- i , Rfa4kf,lfiirrise, ' :Oak:,..Egy Wilighi MVO. Pgl w ilk.*•f °rl r' 1 440fri'XIR ( 'illrOs', he gm! n r )6 eX t fRsiTP # l4 ~ : fre4,.4 4.9 4 ° - N 4 l'. 11 rtieleCtid sticf.Vs in' the toaty. , 1 . -,' . -', ' .l-- ' t ' 'T.''' ' 'OtirrionrS63ere; 401 turniiti6dyritlirOl'ke.s.'''f' -. I larmeiiticles - ini his hit -kept Onlurch ail &IS tiklullarils*, ond-Oderstkec 4 4.,Teg,„,_ lit Ms - ObAl s' . iit ,Gresit..nen,d., ~.. i ~.i.7 i l l v 4.910.;,,c0r5T ...... „ a i d .ukraidui andi great 4 . enci, :Con'. 84. ', r 1: ''; ..' ...., ~..f• .• A ~ t•,- 1 A ..,. • . -- A, , ....t r jrnialeuscie " : , ..., „. --, ,... 1 ,, t, e : My"Fiesifiton,O and albr.L 1w . 9 1 41i4ve-.53 ,, p; 1 4),P, , pcc0i • .. 1 That- - 9it rool,y to" Ski-6 YOu airlfoili6rse Peßoc !; .1 : '`• I firi;e,-1 4 40* aid CiiifCe Vrid 'Aie.t, - , -, - Edilt,'Saleiritils, SaltPetre arid. Sirie4:-'1: 1 ; - - '",'. t 1 :' f`-' Ginger sad Clovery Wears of Tartar:4Si Candias,-.) 1, - -.-. GlOves, C.assimeres,t Vestings, irelecttA .fek t ijaniliegttl, , ~,, ' 1 hATet=i!Atiiii9g.s, .249aPsesi 'Allgelit.244.!reast A ---' 1 ; : With Ribbon--and -11 4 1 0t 1 45, 'the /allies .6 .? PirelllP'' . . - 7... ,- r4ili - t41et41161: ii' trsh-li itoki)in ih,' Oerity of - Oati„ .. - ' l'!' , qhfrcliMateticiLliniVes,../kioteck•Bat-traps'ar4 ' E Corroeibs; chffet Ilills,',l l viiiitt Auttl•Wickiirg r ,-412 -:,,. itle, Coal-ht4i, anif Crackers,:witli Wafers for. Sticking ;, ..s.;- P4P,P ; ezic,e,.WriO'itg Books , 44.40 t; alai' 4nutl". -, r. Bs t perhaps, on theiMibie t , we h've said Airtig - eriotrAh. - : ; T lie ball eiiii'r he kola, so just step hi'abil See- t';' , l... ll* YoursekeNitt . 44e' €4 O IV of yorriTtiond.,.. ; , .1 4.. ~,,:. -I " .11 -: ' - -) . t, ..- ~ 1 1 1.0: .tr" .1, :' .44trce43,.rieplttsii,6*.` 9: '. , _ . ~.s_,. • 4, a is 4. iliEw,,rin- .1 .if sPitiric-viLit.. r ir EgLtlilde,l i vict4l:haying entered ,imor: t , c o mr ibe r , il .. ; lkit/ Litt-the Opreantile-bizio& - iLq, at the. (lEittitui of S. S. t•iii•er.., to be pondaeled and eairied a tui der the name:aalEstcle of A(ellitha itl'iric;•iL: , ,cC' f i i 11 )I . beg : 'lexce cliinktTo.the publiejhat`rlo / i • o et-err decriptio •it - illtie4c/itt'citi •M4onelile to ' s for 601 oriatt , kin Of produce.Y It ia - our seat. 'de l ' Titillation to. !sell chelp. or alittie'eliettvele. tharrany Otherilin`lie in $ colnitry;l: -.Ne/tirti deteiM blot to keep ' as tt good tioriment, and hopoty strict Oten "on to businela i •to haitit.ti liheril shari of.pulylie at n agik..... -./ .4...- -.-: .....' - 1- ,..,.:._-... _JAILE&IIIV • , ~.. .nt• 1 'Sfrillgvnie, M' -27 •- , p A:c14441.0* • , iiffalci Rob6i. - • - CROICETOfIust i‘nd offered low lky ' - ' ' SCOTT JOlLlfgro*E•CO: 'Wis h • - ,AkagHOlg7.oEviroohttby ivols .4Shawlsr chea p , T r oN wer Yk:ei. 1 . ;• No i'e toiliePtebTic: 1 •, ;• 1 ' • 1; 'ITAVIN q jus t returned from A - Alr , York I wist!ttitt : 1 : 11 _ c:4 11 4 the 1 4 1 thilly0f,rtIk.f 4 1 " ,iii:-4,151405, an 1 the; pOli?, in ~..• tie*,,lo.rny, .. • . .1 • . i I .„;• „, .'e, * , ,', l i- hich being bo ght with ca:lli It : ihe;l4wei iirl 4 , arid Wislinpfi ' 1 1 .- ptig,tliptiAyA(Ktlic -, ,IV.KS: I r lll i or" fin., &pp.! :ig. . tly retinced,Prip*, ,„. . 44 ( 2' i . r t - s Ciicht*l.'ti. ;3,, warranted' fns -ecdois; tb -onLr3 i een6 a turd: - 'ned,Bre,Niu Sugar, Aa i*u'l ‘ gqi.th'ii! d9Le..: 4 l34eitnnTaila, aeloiewlecigil...by - til ,:thl,, be the best, - ,N414,n inse . i.TCifoi I -.. r eit- -It* itad 014),5, 8944 10 sh , Aufralu ROJeP' O 4, tar PliCes;_ tillitiok De taines Cii.-11 triereii, - *Daraineitio;/;iiwi , S ' .4. N.:11i' oe i Velvet Le. '..,3lnnsiin De Laineß,l sldlifihi:7, i - pia, • Satin 'Bgliui . ets laud' Moleskin Hats, i3roeli , ..1 . 14W•14 „• , , D °" l " c ' L°4 :g. OftrktAinlik)e ticSellArgltt in 'n eiNf , bly,,lciwipriees : ,I,,mtt..i,Wy, wti.ttylt.oo"-. f4ntiPA tf* - -tan? Wlll *Ye . 010 ,A Rit1L,,,.... -- '', ;': - - ....' E - y, 1 - Lapa,slion;), Apf:i*; 1851.: ~,, • , ..,4- . 4)1.. O . ... .i • LACOKl3 . —oxod'idoid'llceih*.:: . sllo 0ne , .., , t ....-4.1; :11011 , t..t"-.:;.•5......' . ..-'-'' . . .. 6. . 4RI • %:•:.:•• i.:Fiiii APicl& 1 :'' .! ...;':'..;%; I: . '.:'.'. .6 . i;; ' :,....a. „- ... .. • .•''''''',L"''' ."r .. 4 ...- 1: . ..4..'ig l i„**l.-,v.v.>Ae*Vt.o4 'SW ' ' ~=.. :.' -':4 1 .14 1 c. 1 1•S .:;;;',..ia . ;;.%W : - . , '....:,:.•0, :v....Y.awia - , - 44.tiviii‘.. - - , ::!•*: , ..:-...',.4:,T0 , 1 - ....-.. , • f 7, , •„,unizer,&„6., , „intr eg. , 0-4..ifv• ..i••:•T ••!:, t „,:, • ~• 1 : F ..... :.• ~•-• • • , t•• •• 1,...:., • ~„.,.:„.,•,.1, , ,:..-•.. i • • New Line olKilltiii.t: 2 44 '' '" • Kina': ... • t : f. , . f • -‘ I; • M. °, - , .* Ar•••fr- . .. 4 • :,: 4S. ° ' r 4 o ; k ? , . '.. . leo9 - .F14 , ‘....,. - ~ ,, ,...g 3.r.v.g. Fop-. : t• ! • 4ettErvitle, Litierty;7*.e.;:r • --, i t, ornmg ,g,er,Alte 10vill'iiftheiMiitiodltigItt! ......;• _•-. - •:'!filiWs . , .0,4 j readtitii**:/64444''iit. 4 6' ? 4;10 . ;.• • iiiii444,. .I#o l iiSp.'l l o , ,'(?..l.o4iii'' - exeigiS2ol*V:ii;i : : '-' •"`. L Ini gi4i.iood ' 006;0' take 'thietrOr ciii; ; ,: )I)tit' Vgt - iind ,Oiti.*.in,,.. Vui.iiiit i esi*ltt!. 7 ''Ye; 'Otiliiiiiiiiijo. i *t46 . l;e*:.:Ypik;tiia-Me i 1 .. d:: : ! ~TrillOiti,e,bi : '....e.:i z+: '• ~ 7 ' ;I:l l j , ia;' . I c a !S .. ;,0 1 4, L • , Wtino.# "Vt . ' .!. '. 11 ks- ~ ' -' icli; .! 4'4'11'641047. •;af I i . A' - ! , ;31'2. Ail. ' .v4.'',Ler).* -'' 1 • ; 11,V.'!..‘:t ...:-.-7 , '.... A 1 ... t . .... -.:.- ; t:-. .' •1: :....... i. .,.: .• . .eiit ~ : , emlifideitrti::4l . kg* . • 4. - ptcvt. 40;tiita'sch .. 1' .13tietciiireir il i -- iptiii• lid' . . ~ i. ci'sic; Pc51931:04 . 4/e'hitOu,e.ko..!Ar.-v . Irk . if; .::..- ..;,:.1 • :.....,,:.. ...:m4RG9A.." :.- .-'' .. ~......- i. 4 ' ' • k , ;•-.. 4 ,•%.4. - .yik 7r:17 rk. .. it Ilk P. -: - , ...- z.7:_ : •;:*:: .: ..7.. ..:j 1 : J.. ~. 4 ~. ; I fc*: - t% ''• , , .. .„ . ~., ) kiviip.k,:ol • cait, 8 0 1 0 1 0 g • "'IP ..• 44: t e " l ., t rilt-FroPkigionk - .. o f e Tem . .lc mee;•7 i woyld. airthaldfmmiorn °fp* F A , • ~ . -.4., *qv 'Am4;O4ll ~ .0, 1 fAiC 11 1 24 ; 414 14,1 1 (0Fc "i'• -t: . 4 1.4 ~ ,dc*a• VcaPtic'n • , 95;•.1 , ........:. n 141. !348 4 a 0 1 __l),a4grimptl, - ~t i ~4 .. , R. ya , ,..* .. Tesotenittawv , 977,- , :eft msf iri wiec. 4541 4.eanon'Y „ consist: or s a riokft*; , N , :risk:. - ~ - - , ..1 - ,;per4plorio.:...--1--1,;:.:(1-1,, , - , F- M'FORDEUM A. , i ' ---... , ,ip:ig , Ito 4. Iberia°. .; 4.411 r filiAC: , ' 4 , . byAhe , *IItrALT,J. ,- $ , . ~. V:1 keg.or , L , ~. a irbdtiskplti .• 1 .4"lgs 1. ....,. :,, lir ":4".•4rii•SAY. 'V. - hre:...;14- ...:.. p: IL;t: 4110* td ' 4.1 ' Quisdanaditirmons beie4sidohdiecortgramilesi Ix* Pftait*Yl l ooq." .cw i r ta; 6-11 ?Mt -R , =tltr • "44 . 1934 rat ) • , YPinitiKT„;.i , - tau " I• .•1. . Alia jee , "l :7r tip • , t -~_-:. , >y4.*:l4, ae llPit t it t e gf it f li thaitjka k I :1 111 0" , ! ; •t, 4 : ve krif • V 1:..t.' - '4. • • I ' 64 , *;edi , alt ~' : r 4 , -1 45 11 ku-C-1 • ' l- o\'''.. r; 4l, ...,-, 1 - ' ,: gtbnitilpritsrarapAgt9;4lol4o4lol‘ll44 ' 1 , r TAg Ceribilti ' Ala m ,q - die, t , ':-• k j Welialferklitiregliti fa - elaktsl ,fitce..ibiltagg -1163 gnift..etimb.thks - • ikw ',ak kosbrdi , -Ade , g,x ' akvi. , . kor" vi 1 rtr i..,r, Ttiari,...4l,..akwukip-t I 4 It :Lenin...is 4zasiiiiti %la** iiii.• 1 ,libet Wil, A 14 4 41 ralllttf ileb gtillai#. ,4 ' 1 01 1•1 l' c 'rAf . '" .- ` 3 "." — 'i , ' 1 / 'il *.i llibt 14 Eitlit , Ard ttliz z. i. 7 -- , ,, 1 raillaudihnut . . wid4:epah 1 Oliresperfae. viknuichiliesta• .4. ' , Job , -4. e41131 - ititlq rt , tr frtatit ElaYino, 44 .1 0 ,r Mk, ighisee .11*. AI- eWilvtki,i Mmng..)401 0 ,1 1 1 *4l44;trastitrikin the m i lliiiti Nei/stone cooling Are(;) 1 -Rl B . .0 an i-RwAY 4 ., -AT tat Owen do., Prestianeilo - . 'aleiittier Wolk all ar• Tangeyforf, .4'9oPeltood' or cosi. MaOeffilfißrsia- lator, arlpi l Aro n Cottase t hirtm.,*,, ,, igtipl e e s , Iwo sizett; (0., and a variety OVther 'Arlo el, both - wood and coal burnet,a.l - *beep ablo o band - Otiluktono triturninp, Deg Ch , t ' Via. brella aid mioNier and Twigs z - . dit It 4 te r 0 4 done: 61. orderow short ilotiri , ,itg the letroitryttea. ° L kr- .1/7" Ptdera for titaxes,;Agd. limpl emi ,„, , are aolieitacl rro% - albite- la e d asllllllat _et - at reasonable tihot-k p=. :' ' f *. .7 402 AcoseiltuctLit,, L-T ' a 'l3. PERNISS: — .I r ' , . : ?-i.. r , f ;,., : -: F r Akimes'poirevitt:4l7 - %24.,. iiiii 4 ,,,,„ 1 „ .-.7,k..2.)' ',f - '4.0 i:.*; 1 i:". TrITIE . be wm-kr.t i_ pnts: torlvink pad A-,:ftiON,Ticiilt •Estarti iiiii:lriiiiiWiiiii.lo, . 7 kwit. *** -S4 K ti O naitis tAutiitt .- -1 1- I.4iti4titioniiil • p f 141 ,43 4 ,1.14 •• 4 -A r iP I C444- .. _,• ~ 411:who watt tehOor - the4ll.t.o tVtifp.r*lso3-exitive i t, l iiiiiiiiiii'ijgelibtiesz t ! of their ' , s,:,iii , .:1 4 4: ''6 1 177*.:, ',, 191,10 .I.tsiall*tt feififtatiiii' -'11.6! mintiiiroiA'iiiiC (.. f Ixot- , veti*ia 4 Wtullilik* ii'brehOtiifted; oi r 11.pultllitii-riOthpr, Ar44l4ofiii47.oaitiTgll4l2-,1ta544011f :fir fMil Nfr*lletA, And : Aho:* 4,:* 15741:1L, - and :C;y, ii• L E; RjlF4, Kiee_ lutd- ;i'll-, 'Oybk,riiikent:.?: ,1- ?''' , S , • - 'LL - ,::• '''...` 1 .1 4- ' ,-; .:•-_.. ', ' --;-:: : '-.: 4 . „Wall :itt_llyir tw4 td`` .*-ieft . '.jiiik Esjitk , w l it. keog , , I, se t , r443gt, - - 440ti0 ,- . ... . t ~- ; :-.!*•:iii*sitint eit4l9r,f , i - us, At. qz* sea.l) , rf . , , ohaa**unitt, Pa;' , ... i• - I , sraconveyalic,ctimn - gr A r i p • nA ~,,,,,, r e : t p,repy 4 e t ,. tritedt ehiVle •' "I - , -.F.. ' t - ' 7'-; ?....--_ --..--- - - dirit4iiitotiieg ttioWiiihikhot4 ots., ti cluir i aiteit e eccupiedbyl; , REvoItDEGKER:e reat.tkii44 octp r'4 S; i --11 Z -' ,l '-'Aurtiral -. ' 6114'' 1 . 0 8-11fetiii ft* .-" ''''': .l ` 1 ' ;; 4 1 1 ii '. f Mae' " r iiiA l lirlieW r 'agy pkte ',.. te'. -ccell ° ‘ •II ...t: - • - If .....j. " . 11ii t'.l l '' ' - Oreote4 iiiti+id*Vitte!`llo" A .• ''• liotvr'A, smioszpitEs ••••• • . rpt VlClli's l ecir-filteir-Nrith,;6-nerri• d e enure , iisi3rtnient, Omliilelen.ln..MOribe_ei etribrecing - • a 4004 varlet./ 9, 97,a,1' ;''FYW A R t li iei i - C* 41 # 4 . , :, .(ant kcntleineo -, ear ? Emcv,ilf, 7,13 1 ,.. - ;tfife le r 1 'Freija;'Sßk ta' stin sind - rienille (*.were, axle Endincled.4l3lkaii,' , .idifPitinellenbeillinieStiOr.. i Jenny una k r - hinniiiii-velai,,',, and Pld&delpl hillitiopflopos. liiitvgeo, didt Bnilt . -.. .kip, '' cat and • cowl idliiiiitti of Nissen: and Cb: :WO it , liefte; - 1 InuitOf:FiltdingS ) - . 64 l:k i ttiN s t r S R4rable3v-in ,waSvi fla..! 3 - tee,ili*, Gina niMe kJ** , 1 '& - t;'? Al§ii'pl 11-5?,49..r-51,9,4---t -ioleicithei., . -:. : ;; .4 WorkAnai illic• 4e- • t i'LWARD:` ,-' I. 3lontl'ose i • , YAIAIABLE 111.1gAt; - A, , - - *" '', . {„, " T.l 9n V its rY ILLAGE LOTS, 'eittiaiedl iii"thel , '''• Urazitet4t "; •at k•F:- Port ittfEthe- village tißuscptehantitt• • 'three -17 Rouoes..audi , lot4 in the , mostbuttiotort-x . •ofAbgi '• atoreAad AIR, ~,ii.-e: Al6t ;•, a ,khrrt.foritfiiiirtsrAS .• es . ,, r 1 \ With . A impirippro'venierit e . the . reautinae • - ei thrtberekeithate t two triiWs-fretittaid Viitage. 1• 11-- „ L . SesquehittOt-is. the :grer k t ICentreßefitertietthe . . l e pul f 1%, AZ: Rat ' ” fitnte•at the foot of fthellimeiest 1 giaci ooo th ,i O.l- 0,. otar: theigr,9 4 ll. 4 l/#90g45004 •Cen•wiete; the ''' Ile t lipit pome.r4stg• ktaa- 7` tit" hei *teat% ii tie pdtlietoutOvoli_ tbgich I c 1 6 1 4 of ox 'cire, Mae - e ShOpe,;l.l l- 01hidiAel - : 1 84: . Sukttehie 'although: triebertng hit 20110 - irlhabits It en -and h 'roue ' of'..ege .. .iedekttirte/i -110 0 i.to retie aloe . eo . te . . ,artil l , ~.,.. 4 7 ~. 11 ' I'd ' Cla'iltaiehiqg . fina ` wrs oiT, line ofth _great itiortipghfare.••. , - 1, ..-,7 -, -• i '.: ''''-' - 1.: r4 . llMlSi4,:tiiii:. ll-1- 1 1 1- -- I '.. • °Kee - 4)112..46r east, lar2 Leititehi's,' ' : Nirsque, kith/A Pepot, N;ciit,-16,; -.;:-:. -...i. I- ~ -. 4,4 : ; : -: tr - ' ... v : ''''lra)liitb!e Ir.a.nds rot; - :- ~.... . VelcsAlfr. /If °NE T P D Y, al: l nt :J* 64 .s: • .1..-!!....Land:oli.tla waters of . SPrißg' ,„ . qii. . • . . ,bEthq*aelutif_sneia:riveri . der,lkaana. . t3l.Akill • iiipisi•midtrily,3lt.tweee :the : Arififf4o.... - sue ;; :: tial i iiiif radon.' th • tiFili„pret.co ifildt . , . iiitywthAit , , : i*ii. ' eAtt***Aii. - i ''•.•...-'. '' ' , loii4tia * *4o - 011: *l' hinl24:4thiy . lie 1 ; . : 4 :. Itogiikee,A. isid:bo ' `. to: , ~ u tidi 1121 i 7 i. l artelit, 54130 litiilfe.; /PO*. e. , :,i! , ) — v !, , ir., , , ' • ' #diveisi A ~.,A,:,,,,,,,,0 • ~0t10.1110440611111- • t(CTSTVIO7:3O t i t/lA a°4 6 t 4..4t4.0 11 , -: on.:: ..Ottlfii: de Ott ' i ' l iVek t liiii*XtetiOi r :. • lie ,Ilitc, 'Pi • IsabsOrilisgetitdialitrasiot- - - , ;- .. ~, .- Vdoiltyl's.;fiC. , attastm4iforzt it the taiitints4d. ' :.i .t.big - e: , hzy.;. : •., Arad 6 1841 - I, ~v•pii : AO: T - DAINUR ..n r : r r Vi.V. , r 7 .1.=t1 V , PV`“4 . f