_ _."_- ~'-._.. -~ y _.. __ ~- - y - rN+ '-.~' n """ - ':p er .._}•r `:BroGßApmcAL.= ' ' - --CHABLEI,I.sta' '1 I. , ~- ..,,,•- • The following account, 4 1 l's- f r o m IXpruiehold Words, - of the.. eel.e 4* ( 5 is • a prett-Yeleeti'dalineation'Ait; '' ' - d .. '`' • * VII t ed..mani•*ho a*aa - m4 00 410P1 -.P°.1... in. English and---'EOraPeltti',-ioidias -.B,lakir ,-'-', .! t ZMW.tia.M., • Whet has •writteri an aceonnt or ‘ its public' life;; he must baVe been one'Of triost'powerful.deb.thateveratialYn a-- litiCiativilrodyi.:With-aiie,i 4 S , Parvr i PON - 1 40 2 04 5 7.104. if-T*J4 3 t, __,:reit7:l l 2% t • l ier Totr'' ''r- ..rtarv#;-.oit ikirevarrai-%vitga Isibl?ni.\were - mei...r: thigtieit Merit, of al - ihidicWhichirroves th!ittheir. , :adrui nitla'a 44adi:r4tiehilifaltl'Or6•`nor blindii.amt ttiptibi6l*;,itovietd: 'liff: 1 -' , g0x: i 21 4 3 netie: `i l ea& .ti _;Hous e hold': Yir : 6 Ma . 4:iii iii"aaY re.i.‘ ..orofciuncl;troi.be,yiind.thelleattgerie ;.='hislinayi'be4'l4;be•Yras llt'ia - inik -Ireirlo-shillo* either; norr'.inlieintof„Pnlit•P 41),regiciiiittid=prescienee : hetind iii 67 of till! ciijOinSreit4Os j atidYlvai ' fi* 'boy* -thaiip . .-•-',- *l J a i t a tte m -c th e ;n O s ti laallElkea-ggii-o ohiteil foi aalil-gS-usilgioOsirl ed la g r e'and a blli t t ' Y: . - li a c oo:ihdmaser Al:' ll ta l 4ato l 7 l4 teindervalitpbeitaise' something. extkikeidiosity WaSexpected-4the-diathiguiali= - of iitriterniiiiti; rind'hia peenlieriofionsithont E blatoriealitlao,eaesed•bire to Alm iv 4Yli midi' leis 'llatetiliCkhataftOSaratarYi. ! a'*itiefi - ,.:7-vecond `Lord Hollind,lhongh by` 'no nk, tisliSstitute angular - abilities - on • i*litac l 4, a isr.4 .B to'hav*had'ia 'we .c,oilroii /e il - oii- too ritla predominance 07,#ie.,mmiiiit - nature over tl!e aPhitlial. 'neileo aa';' ll ,l s l lo ' tic-. tendency; -irl" I°°k Oi'lli9 l c ` iii'ffia a& of iiine r and-tikeuty. - '' , _ ' -: i'.;..:„. ' " flit 'Steil& Sdl . &ilootlieiv alterwirda iheele*ltd . Cinuirs JiMiea'Foa" . ;' ,l l ..` inia - ' ' af:ilr 'PeciPle: wt o, ha*qat,' be; may have • indulged.himself in 4lie same Way;had life . enough,inhim - to keep himWideawake (and others too) 'forinearly twice the, time. lu -. deed; ;be . maS , ' ; ;be said,during his yOutk to - have had too much of life . more animal 'vi - talky. inlim '''and robustness of body to bear it out, 'than hc Well, knew What t0.46 - tioi.- Aikt - hts &ther is said to have. enconiiiged it - ty - neSer 'thwarting liii'villin anything. Thas the :boy . .exp"r " essing cidsireicmc day te, snisli 1. a watch: tht , fatlier,' - after - ascertaining that 'the little•gezi, einrOlidt posifively , feel such a . desire, and was not disposed to givcit up, , isaici r ‘: Well, if you must, ; I suppose, ',von must ;",'. arid ' the , watch iniashel.• ' ';v on must time; haingbeen proinised that lie • sloald see a portion of nwall pulled doini, an demolition having'taken place ivhik . . he 'As absent, 'and new portion supplied, the litter' itself was palled down, in' order • . that' the:_fatheeti:TprOmiao might be'kept, and •the' bey",not - disappointed. - 'The keeping of thOliernise was excellent, and the wall well sairifieed; but' not :So the - wateh; and itnich less the guineas with_Which hia'father is abso lutely Said to have, tempted hiin fp the &M -inetgide; Out of a 'foolish desire:tO seethe i• : oyed likelitriSelfl Vabita.'ensued . Which', '',. ~ • e 'alarininglo the Old gamester htmself, and whichimpeded the rise, injured the 4eputati TI, and .`.finally minified that su `the .part of the sori,' - which was • tracy - o , • . , t '•. Tne - am-a , . from him by ' - the inferior but, - more deeo 'ins nature of Pitt. " Fox w.'- a great lesson'to what is good '. • and wlakt is bad in firtherly indulgence..' - All that was good in him it made b etter; all that' was hadit made weirse, And it,would have;{ ' ''made' it worse., still, had not.the good luckily • , preponderated; and thus Made the best at that even of the bad. Charles Was to have lhia way as-11 child.; so he Smashed watches: :Me, *as ..to, have his way is a yoath; so'he ~, -•, :garribled and was, dissolute. He was.to have , his way as 'a 'Man ; so , be must, be in Parli ment, and get poWer, , and vote as his father did, °lithe Tory side, because his fuller had indtdged, him, tind he must indulge his Either. ` ' Builds father died ; and then the loVe•of sin-. eority which had been, taught him as - bray . - cry "and . - a predomina nce, was encouraged to - break forth by „thegallingofhispolitical tram .- :mils, and though he could not refuse his passions their;indulgence, till friends rescued • , 'him ' from, insOlveney, and thus piqUed his l'- gratitude into;aniendment,..that verreircum . stance tended to show th at he added strength - ruidiargeness of heart to his father's Softnein ; ' "forthe spoilt: child and reckless gain ft- Wally settled I down ,as a representative of a oble.r age that was .coming,' , and was the cluniri in private: of ill who admired siraplic; it)* of Inatmern \ and the perfection of good sense. , , ,'Apart from this love of truth, we do not take him in any respect, to have been profound, or to haVe seen beyend'the. next seneration. -- Whit was greatest' in Charles Fox'. was his freedoin from nonsense,"petti ... 'teas, - and pretOrs'on. \ He could by no Means _admit, that greater:was smaller, or . .the rights, - of the American and French nations inferior -.to those of their prinem He enviedno man his:good qualities ; felt under no: ncemity_ of considering his dignity with young or old ;, • thought hirinanity at large,uperior to any, Partiwaular forms of it ; and becoming its ,reprntatiVe in circles whi • would have conceded' such a privilege - to none: but a .rnan • of birth, enabled him to feel how charming it . . "The spoilt child preiailed so lontr'in the life of Fox,and to all appearance soirreme ., diably, that accoimis of him at different pe riods seem hardly reeording.the seine man. "To ggiive instances, id as few words as pos sible. We` ~have seen Ile smashing' of. a • watch. , •• When a, • , , a\, youtn,-ne 7•lii a great irer . „ ' of peerages and gibbons;: and callus return • from his first ;visit, to the continent he appear-, •red 'iii red : heeledshoes, _ar,ml a feather in his fiat—the greatest, fopperies of the day: - . • 'lbis fath4 paid a hundrcal suid forty'thous and H•e for his griming debut . .•, :" He took to die other extreme .`in dress, andt•heeimae' as slovenly a. 4 hehad been fop% 'Fish:, ' ''• - -'' - . - i ' , - "Oncoming. into othee lie showed that he . • could be'as industrious as he had been idle: 44. Whenever he was inoffiee henever touch ed ti.card ; and when his political - friends, out `of li 'sense of what was:due to Ms public ser.: :rises;< finally paid 'his 'debts, and made him - easy for life, he left of play- enfirelv . - -" He dressed decently and siniply, and tied down fors . the remainder of his life in , 'the doniestie Imband; the . reader Of books, 1 • and the doier 0. -.eo try , retirement, from 1 whieh he could 'riot bear tohe absent for a - • . • "In Holland Bailie, Fox palmed his boy- hood a - t his is He. ''' an part o yout eis not as.' • i , -iodated with it Wierwise, exiiipt.:4s a name.' $e Be and a , „ ome y,. without a ---y in and' fdel t da .' - ' e n"' . their pcicketitL ked 'thither from iford, a . -- aistakw of futi-siiinilefctr - -the- PaiOasaiive - . • suppose, Of getting .a supply.''-They resolved , . AYo. do it without Offing on the road; but the , day: Was hot; , . an aleheise became Irre „adstade;: and on arriving •attheil journey's , , ( it ' d Charles 'tilde addressed his'father; i4o -,--wae drinking his -ireffee,: - ” Yen must -send - half A - - ginuen A - Ar # 941inea, - witlimiloss of -; :I•lrrie . .to - diirilehiaraeAceper at Nettlehed, to Teleeitn, ,, ,,, , , g0,,4 rtelt 3,011,. gave me some ' years irgia --atid'whi& linii - e left-in-144n re.'• .- . for 4 . -Potr,' , of. Porte,r-' - : -' : ' ,••-• - :--- ' - , • '''-' "4. 4 ittla - fiefopilied.h4at fritx!eiet Pai* ,Olage, Of a -dropsy, he gore , several tithes with his 4rife•tes," %add HOas4;- and loolied . 2' -11 haut;'llie 41rawlda - with - al"*larktOltiesfer• .r''' _ - -h,esa.," ' -'' ' - - • k ~ --- 4 1. 0 t-- - -pmilittijautta---- =tato . . t 7.77.4 .11,4 -I,',i ' • ' 4 :1 : :--- f .—'---- .' r E s i,iiiiii..: . . : 21 •.' . r. -,-. -'--, 1 - • : a. • : - It,. ript . TAlr4,: . ~ .. . .. ~. ....? - 5,0 , ,e0 , ..vt.e.4 , t c re1,.-z,..4.14 . :,-,..• : . -..— Mbil4l ROSts.°;pt - , .--- ,t. , , : r .• ...;..-. : dA•' 1r h ItiSdlirr 3 111 4rAkkig, .. ... 1 PF4-. e. AP"' '' . • ,e•.-.- ;. , 4 , ..;;•"'14 , ...1.11 . f, , t . a ..... ~.: . • - rt WHIOTSTATE•TRIJOMoI ' • I :o 4l rAk-- - ; JAMIN I'OLLO 61.",- . ;of Noßt.l4iinliikrrind • - **" VOW * WkltigknterPq *, ` : 4'747 .GEOREfE'DARSIE, of Allegheny..' • .. . • - Judge of§u.Lfr_elite 04rt• - `r° DANIEL IL-thITSER, ,7, i s to: -the The lalcslHtl,4eenAms.,o4o Imitator on-k,LIF‘6IO- itjaines3.:•ChaPiman ito i l ia the **mt., - • ' 1\' 0: 040r. • Agentist he,otily , auf/tariiid4Ott far:thia pope' r the aloe altiiston; Net! Xnrk and Thdadelplht. - • tg'Thek c i4 l with ;Aiiciiihn rettihnnirinee of the Register has7bee,:greetefil-by:many.Of our or, Editors, has - been_"made st, nose of.". Thanks, good friend, fai rnir generous words of obeter...;. 7 -01gt*:Vire attalp'givwiTelumn q , fbreigniseii, : for-, e lsWg some- additional:fictS respecting the gieat n e conflict now coin enced -in . earnest.. It locikas if Ituasiawouldo ' •to call in'fille;ald of 'We elements I again, as • In, th e . . , c 'of, Napoleon, the Great, or , she will scarcelybe le to stand . against such s oddel. i, . Kesse" h, - 14:7 , 14, and the Other . *nrogean rein bli= 't cans Afil appear ''t ) . st:;iiesent.. tliekltro prob.abV plotting Misehiel som where; and:will makc, ' jhem selves feli'"erelhe he ii-liiirly's•dOnc." .• ' - I tgr Only ihatii is • :itri'gru'Hoble at the di s= pensations of Provide nce, we should be disposed to fina, fault with the weather appropriated to April, this Year.. • Cold, raw, windy, rainy,inowy,fiosty; muddY,- Veeting ruurthiewing, March - weather: is,stal afflicting rirt, Isithoirgh "May day" is "at hand., . "Winter: lloar \lr • . eritqin the:lail of Spline' Is hat welranncit op: Pro e ot: Alia Vess sbe -= ds thegray-beiwil ebOut his business Sian, she" will be , apt to l&se her reputa . , , ass the most Warming Of the seasons. .., Elovitmos.Tair.—An exenisioia' on. the Delaware", 4T tro TAF.l:o4rina ik 'Westernlialtre64,` .. sish the Tali rq, tik..lor4i..'llerid, will: b ier - I!: '. on satitrtlay the 290iinst.. The train wa. &laic Scranton at -84. M. Bend . , .. and si r ii:e',4..Gieat at il 3)'itOpping io nu of -: at..theiriOmet ~ketulrionge w Al leifre GTeatllen. at •'O r.:34.. Any,..erriplOyee orthe: Company report Oil ttsl4ai4ent optirits on that "(14, will ibe (Pi tolconel senton'a speed' onNebrarlca, deliCere , in gonxe - en,Titeiday last, ,eras * ntfrst . effectiv. onfps - ,reinarts bore particularly bare .uponi th o nator of the bill the Adminisfration,*nd North dot gh-facCs R' as" * ever, an adinialstrati. so infortnnate'aS that of Frank fierce! , Condemn men of all parties and all seitions, and witll'alin rp) one speaking in its favor, , except al set of unprincl pled politiciatts,nffice-bOders, or ofOce-seekers. • .. - • • "Spirit trrappingur 'said Mrs. Pariinktou's neph et, "the,begt kind .of 4pint Wirpings I kniiirof are t p ttyl;girls. I I would ot , mind being an extra wrap per , fir . one of' that sol of spirits myself; rather:, than' the poor vi#4, :should' su ff er ;" and th e young man . went - m.loconsult:the experience of his tyorthy . annt On Ms .new project of benevolenc e.: ;K !- • . . .rarnle . lloToc344 Bill . apparent,l l yiuts a tendens 'dem). to . draw- out. people, , and . sluff their disiiiai- Atina.'.,; One ii.titiOrr ha been pi eieAted to Cougmt.=,. geed ,Ityfm , anics-atul.aAiug:.itat in-lieu of a stare of the p 011ie draiu, the g',l4rntiient will give theta each tw hinadred dollars in money: . Not being 411nera,. they bid prefer money.to land, a nd hence thi; tooth* - nest. L .,_ . . -.,- ~..,, i *other P,.tioik a.s, - *it tat garernment *de, may have thi landed to tilem",.with interest. i hat f tutelianics i s cool, bn 4 'o Cidedlv:4xxder. .. _ DEktiE sus TREASCRY.7—A p lan is pro.: posed which we May nt once dispose of the sur.. plus lri, :the _ Treasury, settle: ab4 . shOw t6airieerity of on= atiachrr ent . to the ptht• ciphui of fir"Orii: tet the surplus to the Treasury, frui :time .to' as. fast as.at SA+AIAtII, IA.-ap prespii4ed to the purchase of Southgrn Slave!, who are:, then M. be riot nt liberty, and ha4e *mo 80 acr;is • of goyiiiMeut land,. located i say; in ;tielwaslut or Xan. .sas, giyan . to, them and their &I:1,ln Omtin:oe. IR' is thought that this proposition frill meet with great Savoll.itoin the people, esplxirdly among thelithation ista -and radical lit - 6114)2,=4; and'Could not reasonably be oigceted b y airy, exce r pt sun% Ira dedre to bare the imgering of the,fatids themselves: - - - arrhe Pros'erb says; `,When rognei,fall out, bon ttst +en get their duk" and it might therefhre be ex pected; now,that 2!. of Europe are it logger: heads, that the: People dbe more *lnto get their . rights We cotincrt see' ch Prospect of it, lower er.:; The.majestic heads .of the belligerent nations keep. carefully "te 'away from thernlgar • Ettnelief gunpowdei—;:an. Send thd commove herd to do their fighting; t •• manner of. those serpents that Carry their sting in their'.talla. So that, while one extremity gets ail the bardicnocks, the other will claim- all the glory. _ Row this plan will.work, time must deternilne, but it isn't the "waythat liapoleint the Omit went to the wars. • „' •We hope bar readers will not hlame ns , for giving co Legis' lativetmrs. We publish all we can find; of:anfoOntiequ, which, to be sure"; is not much. :St. ArteilaiDou if li e 4s t he fathetof "l'iitsfoi,lti answerable for ysing the en e s of C ongress , so that they e done alinost V nothing since the scheimrwas brough for Ward. The PennsylyaMa Legisl a has th:4 4 l the sale of the main 'line of- the public; i6wever, some think-the Governor will "v e to: What ` more they Will do in the few ;days . that - wlll elapW. Pievious to their adjonnnent, it is difficult to predict, e x cept - that they will psai the.,ipropria4on • bip, paying thernaelTee, ale., which may bTa .setatiown u nettiin. : - • • 274 :# and *Ol4_„tif ! ivOifi4 .4/0#41;,4:11i mess • 4iid,titis be had 1 . 4 eeind. 1!91 . 4-'1:"' 4;4' Ye cdied Oie, 004' j 11321614 ~!..r6 .3 . 1 4 1 ,a 4 .7 41 and:p0440, 4 , ,:**iter: . oires!:**axiii*linii by 1.k.4,*101ni.' kerArock 601;:a114 .2001 . -of , eirfi;!i'-.tiii4; : at: • AI.Ot! 14Y10.1iirii4eli a ; ; ;through '10444, WslBiiii ;4‘ - ilitileakh wig*. thi i:)ess:o the 'm0ve1n . iu . ,414,44014 -Ode. publishing IFpr,id.7- , z're. - -piymient,nuT4ier bee*** I ffi**lo4:._.',*o4**,:*l44,* . iecirisjinaltotio 1 ,•-**044***:.*Atiti ctworkareoeafly •„ : , `CZCiM t7NIUAfIOTTS:: _ - _ • „Pvt. • ' - ,:v _ itramiar" to 4: ' -4??4981.Zt0 16, been d i an Un - lisignmn--16;erfilni3°W.11: it aisiy ill .).i' . 2l l `l l 4= 1 11 )0: antf : )4 4 4 "KciP4i 1 "," foutirir d44i ao Otlin`fl. 3 9 4 o l o l * 4 141 1 5 9 / 1 4 1 43 ge!r*: 1 4 0411 .-*- 1 !°1 1 cI a k, . can 4re - - tion between, _these trent& The thotOkof Abdo oe: =area to" - me, weeicw - liksorriday; iks Lly3A, our heitutieet in their beet: l)4l *d* get'ett on 6.;3"°' Ltstl:="''lLe.~►,eother~wgi:~ple~ot~.wtia~ ,theYAulut*l loll l.*l:theYiliad cer ll o 4 4o! lat 1 , 414 - eitered theynotml s but when had passed tfuough, uniz 6 4 1 10 tiCii - the °le r 0;7 •! t'lk;ltt *g °ll3 f t° her E 11116 t, and ; the storm iipi* Inereased lit'' vhde contintang throughout the day arid night int o g ; proving the most severe that his oecurred so late in the ,quiog, Within the munto7,of the oldest inhabltaut:,--, The ladies, had between twe and - three milestl;-./-I * , and;u•surt7 time they iad of it. I ulr , :petted some4l then; would smidy, be sick:the neat days.but on iausing llol _ idtellizt about bea-tkPes tiu idi -milk odes of sundry herb teas, and tla visible. PrePa 'atlas for extensirepediluvls, (Mutt y's' doings, no doubt,) inspired, a hope that they aid ' all come out right a the morrowond so 4$ red ; their , eyes 'sparkled as ,brightly as ever; it burgh , was never more joyous,end the alacrity itli which they attended to household iluties; confirmed me in thd opbfioii that tbe - *erg ladiefrof this place are as ea page. 4i)hysieat elidatinee as-any to be found "die- • wild°etno a ng the 14 tioei.n.. But the atom ia 7 to'inind ame of, tugithe rieetri; Teti }► young - Indy on mi:desk `some yenis none, at the ohl icedclay hi yew. place ; especially Owl's!! lowing riateagie,i Which k a fairpain* or the wfioie : - ... I'There wasii daySarizeihne - ago, -1:- t' The - Clouds' grew blade - and-thick, - , ' - And on the groom' fell ball and snow , TiUit - became full three•feet deep. . , . -The Nople then Shut ht their Imams, ', As snug as any .rats and nictikse.% •- ' ..Concluded they'd. not 'go out doors, ' - - To 'ee thefolks nor (0-th A e orta." • ~., In a f ed days the snow began tntdissolve, and run ning ning, do . the IMF sides in scoria of brook's and stieamle' swelled the waters of our noble Creek into tst iaa the finest ting fresh that hasuccarrui for than twoscore rs. The lumbermen were all ready; and succeeded-in getting all -their lumber to the river In good conifition. &larger amount than= unit! has passed 'this place, chiefly friar Glerrerodd.. - The prin. , . cipal part of it is hemlock, with some pine mid asit.—, AS yen may not be familiar with the rmitter, I 'would remark • that our creek mita are usually eighty feet Icing, sixteen wide, and eighteen or' 'trinity inches deep... . The lunther for is rafted. Without Ave platforms, made' strong bYinirans of 'two inch loins, which -.for short are Called "grubs." • The platforms. are fintened together .in much a manner as to - ,ernible them f 0 go over dams with great facility -On each end of the_ raft is a long oar. to: guide .it by z 'Two creek infts tandem ; *knit . _ river raft-. When the heather." ii.pkarant -and the water just eight, going doin the ona raft affordi mi. a delightful-ex cursion. - The"temptation was too S u ch fix. me to re sin; .so I went dean the ! other. mo g, and left the • raft with the regret Ituttl could niit accompany it with 'tie good fellows having it in charge, to its desti nation away down the river.' The' Men will be back again •ie a . couple of rvi4ka _probably, prepared - to, liquidate nnr small claim that may.lbe.inide 'against them, for it is a cfominon response when called upon to adjust any such matters, that it shall be attended -to when they have run their lumber andgiii the re turns.. The time has been when this - was almost the only soiree of - obtaining any Money, is this - section of the country,' but the business will continue - to de crease until there is no lumber tnspare, and other re sintrees.trill be developed in ink place.. * ' - - - . - Some of the papers. have ;natal- tint the zig-zag , switch ; over the i Tunkhannock mormnfin has been: abandoned,. and 'that the trains all pass" through' the Tunnel. This is not -yet the case; but . will be soon._ There has been some - delay:hi filling Up under the trick. I. have it'froni a ;reliable source that the pow der used in Making the Tunnel cost. t,,12,090., (and that without any material accident.) iflow_much bet-. text/tat men- Should use poiverful agent In blast '' ing rocks than each other! This amount of powder judiciously expended would indeed make terrible hav oc. among the hordes of the Czar, buk . l tr - an a Znifficiency of the material to blow tl 'bringthe autocrat to terms, and still 'needful for the prosecution of internal The rumors and promects of tiarl ac are enough to. make one's heartsick, iogmastbe done, God help / the righ!,', It is Vastly' more pleasant to be a silectator or such scenes than to belong-to either one party or the other—ranch bet ter folus to feed them than fight for them, though if needs be, this' last could as - thoroughly be done . by this imiverval Yankee natiodas tutylpody: ' .: ' Quietness at length pervades . ourilittle neighbor heed, albeit there hare - of line been some domestic .fends as Mell es visions 'of feithers and tar. , Intem perance mint be on the detiine--at iu4 rate; less - of it canna under my observation thin formerly. ' There is vilely good in store for us yet. A missionary visit ,ed us hist saiinztb,.and'preached.it sermon, premising to come.again;'and a StindaySehixol is to be -organ intl. Our ,Cernroon Sdaciois are by ao means what they ought to be, and that is too generally the cpse in this State. -rennsylvimia.ou . ght to adopt as efficient a Common School system as some of herldster States who have bciught purchase money i The request of e. speculators is 'lam at tile end of My paper, but yon . shall . bear' from me et*: Meanwhile, believe me, ever; •Thine 3. 3. 8' • At a inc edfi g of din Apsheron Valley. Lodge, Xo. 10, 1. Q. of G. T. held at their Temple - Aprll 20th, 1854, the folloiring Preamble and resolutioris were adopted:_ . , Whereas, The snidel:l.of Temperance is now being agitated throughout . our land, it highly becomes us to' esicrt our warmest endes.voni to . r..h eck the " mon ster wrongr wideh is pouring lus fiery .9iquid Death" into our midst; blighting the social i and mor al proiesity ,of society. .11re ;highest tribunal of Ewen and Earth demands that we should make an . effort toe:terminate the fell destroyer.l . . I. Whereon, A crisis hai-now arrived which requires ardent am! well_ directed elforte.to impress upon the: minds of the people the expedienurand neceeitity of a Legighttive, Prohibition of the use of intoxicating Liquors as it bereeage. : It calls loudly to low friends 'of Temperance , to use an effort to establish such prohibition'-as a measurenf protection & O m the 1 innumerable "eVile reaulthig free' thetleffic ' . 1 ' Whereas, .We would invite the attention of the Temperance men . Ofilusquehanne Connty,•to the es- . tahliahment of: association .by _which the rights land privileges of commtinity . can be niaintained. ,- We, have no' personal interest in so doing, but have adeep interest in the cause.; We see gem intimately.conwt ed are Intemperance : and crime; bow directly both are' caused by the Liquor Millie; we feel that if we cannot 'rid ourselves of this soni4haitroying element, ' its powerwill eventnaliy reader oer civil andreligicnrs liberty . a =curie rather tlian a:!dewing._ With qtese 1 views we 4001(4 your attention to a luesdon par:- cas t 1 mount p, all Other* sad to cetruiend this question - in rte, oOpotto!slob'', osloot4itonskleilS i ot- - .i. . . -_ - ' Resolved, :That ..luiileg examined :-'the " . Ltia` r ipe , prtieet; and, believing it to be tirenxist 4. sdent Plied* by which to eradiCate the iiiany.“ Tip- OW ffe-eseiri".thet n o w are Oered-tolnveiee,uP °el the PehYerl2sed destroy:the peace of eemptimith we would ask You. Goatiem oll i to motoototo Fhb us hi thelth of this Pied ,&.• . ' • R esolved; That we, of, ott otßett *Mon t; l ' jest for the Pt-soOottOo of i'emOraaca s o,k i l eg id. Ists louttSstS , wuuldeststeStlisulic#thS to'aillotol 44 1 10 0 ' 11 4 to telteitePttliete action uP". i'lltithillettleet , --.'- 2 :-.:-.—,'. '-..: •-- , ,--,., . . . . tfinnmautee Meeting iLrrus Afrurows, April 24, 1854, liewhi4 That ir• maim:mid Ao fnadal of 'Teiriletairttlietbli et' be palkar aaiontros. oDirp. thei#fity, deelebre I meginnes* ti 4 Kgv id v lid‘s be ferelided I .4'd ifc,"efilleewral D. BEAIRDSLYI W . . ;York- :KPenitelltiartetsj 1441' here < not ;: —Plere - ire *CA I O s. I ;gfctliat:.s l . l 4 l 4 -, b e —Aieed coat -in ainket any kind of !M 4 itter' woohig:ifishionahreladY. • Tiio: Canal rotanioOO - eiii - d have - eiveli'dfigiai notice;tliat ' ym,'4speiio sin strr*,T ! ' -- •tx or Jobs•SenittDavis; died idenoo, ,in Worcesteri f Mass on aileTnoPo, of bilious cholietrdei --44r. - _Betitotii of Ithroorii_ public that he will neither receive letters through..the.Pot3tiftee..at S in - Cunacqucnce Of the:appal:orient ,llenton Postalbsterin that city: :` = The taial of the brithera Ward ing , a 11001 ,teneher, was annum 1 isyil le; bait u eek ~ They: are tried ,z and intone tbe'evidendelieirnitted lisped during . the trial , l • I • —2rhe,lT. S. Senate, ori pawed a bill appropriating $5, 1 Aiwa the portraits of the first five •, of the United States, painted by art, to' be placed-hi the President's The Priident is getting very Mr. Bu'chatian, hocause, -he, (Bun, doing what-the President wanted of instructing-.him-to do, in the ma , gOtiatjons with England as to the steamer Pamporo, axriv • Orleans on Taekday last, sad- the . 1 Light, arid at 4Now York, w! two and a quarter Of. g Pampero brings San Francisco. da 14th last . ' —The todfislunen are 'fitting a' the New England ilosarts later but ni Sivelithan usual. The ipmeut prig and the ,withdrawaY of the French 1 1 for the nav,y, leads to the expettatiou fitable year's work. ~ s ' A' prominent Wall street, broker haifil on Friday reftised the notes of the Pequontu Bank, 41Bridgeport., Court., Mr. Barnum, it. PreSident,•has pitblished a card, declaring it to be *nil and'proveroitS,and I ftledges his entite fortimelor twelve months tom its liabilities. . ; - ,: I ' - --Count Alexander de l Medetn has been appeinted to succeed the. deceasedn Bcxiis.: co as Ittissian Minister _ lit Ttiin. an _ lie is an ambitioUS, high-toned aristoc t, has r l i been nearly twenty years , in the , i iplo atie career, having passed through. all tsitif ior: -On. Friday , the - 26th 'Of; May , next, the -.lie a r . annular, eclipse of the sun will COlll two ,hQuirt and fifteen minutes, as 'about eleven-twelfths of the sun.. _ 'ordinary'. eclipse will be 'similar i "1 ---Gov. Seymour vetoed the .because he - thought it, ,would injur, perance cause. Tho-brewers, dist growers,_detdera..and tipplers, ho l` and so bitrned their pow and destroyed. a vest quantity of —Ws. - Bloomer, publisher or 1 Mount Vernon, Ohio, retely ini . young l. :ady into her printing'. of , printo thereupon struck, and merit.; .`The result was'„ that the pi .told to go, and the; lady, Mrs, inaincid to' print the Lily. ' --Dr. Cox, the aged and -d' ,ring ishi preacher of Brooklyn, preached is f Zvi sermon on Sunday last: , Hostetes't t I is ' bornnoft woended,' in Consequenceof seated erection of the throat Ife he pu chasen farm in,OWego,.to which her tirc The 'money - for the purchase was icontri 'ut* i . his cengregation. \ ,- 7 -We ire, giVen to iniderstanit sav tl Citiren of the, 10th of February. East I Ind paper ' Yklutt the famous Car, of Juggerueu at lluh,:bear Scrump:ire, }vas 1 tete - 11y d treyed byfire an'the night of eriday 1., and the lodeliiiri.,' or proprieto of Jiiatre :naut, have been`merged — in grie attribati 1 .the accident to 'the fury of the g :f or can of which' they era not aignizant. .i r —A . At grand dinner given lat ly in St, e. tersburg to Mille. Rachel by t officers of the Imperiel.quard, one lof th4n propoz the following toast. ' Te' our''ext ineeti in Fiance, Where we steal drink ehanpag c to the health'of our great artiste.. To iwh CI theactrim is said to have repli 4 Very wll my dear sire—...champaghe is • for pis r oners.' -.- - . . avi . ' --4 il -The Richmond Inquirer sap in this confederacy, is the - . impe l ~1 the. Well-born,. well-educated, .w toeracy. She looks' down from pedestal opon her pa nu - ign elms :Yankee vilifiers .as coldl as a marble statue." .. And sh Yankee ' school ma'ims' to jail; i ing he children their'a-b,abs, al —Two- females / escaped frOn Romei a few night's since. • In It constable Ras despatched die' the liiiy, be overtook two 6 yotini asked binr fur a ride, and - he' .thern _in hia sleigh and carried .It turned out that. they were the after, but he didn't know it. A . . . -=- perfect imitation of in - - lleati is produced =by the application of a lirepa s r 045 Om of gutta pereha to - the sa ce *f' pi woven . or *twilled eaten. lii,i, ~ if is.( .rugated in imitation of mo *; and is I ored and varldshed : so-as to inent a ll external appree of that' ki Id of leatl the elasticity perfeet, and iti coat I- tl e f h al b prie third that of morocco . - It is comi c lai ly into use in the covering of vrtiel of ~ nitimN and for carriage liningS —The trial! of Matt:. W ' f 4 WI • ...• • • *Professor Butler, at ma tt :: town Ky . attracting great into.rest in din repo *I tc.;e t;3824 is in no,sniall - degree by . eof of the Judge of the C.ottrt proh'i iting th'a j • lietttion ofihe evidenee.,. N,CNerting Louisvillepapers' Pablish* - Int lent :on subject to enable .. the public Oh* :an it l oad ling. of what is,going on. - -: : —: St. Luis: jig . erp .. gays 1 7 1 e ' Aat r i t , i t ti4icigivar . y.ork ind;.Erie Rail , ~, Inpany is about to opel)itgit, office 'sik. " .' - i4t , ',:espec ially deyatod Aci its -*Own int o '*. ; very extensive:arrangements oral'. I,4wi York. Railroad. Companies, . which t re -.o6nection Aritli.tbe gmit i . .W.90t, ire*, sr of_ ving fol. lowed: ty.those in charge: _et ' lines on which Philidelphia: depends :for. her siiiire„of trade -to land from th e prolific regiO of the South' and West . The varylreatd i igaii #!;a• 10404 S etet is.perceptible inure numagen*fit to the roads of Now YOrk, Olt Ph * lde ' l l 4 + llll!' - .p 8 regar d hafffistme: **bl a ace. ar l *iri::'g - a iit, inark. '-*-L- .. • . I vi.., --- c_ , -:: - .•, •••_ :. -* -- - . • - - . MiMEI REI ' l lPq#Yiki the rd. atig of th sPii---.,, - I '!orltlo , ' , :?o l o : . 7 ,ritit - 1 ) , Znfiff9'irithe rigar. it f - r nee t - ut;_thei) Iving" , Coo,P9PO it,...*)enjhe fkilifek/;=lThile * i' - erlitedf . _ at - twde'. ii 7 pnytion ofthe. rear*arfeY e ,..:. - * l 7 - ." :t4.1% . - 0 West 1 4i 'l* several 711 't9 1 eo• . 1 1 *; . :4.ii . 1 .: , ','V t-, - 44 , - ,:sli ft , - . *Tperle4v- ;. ' Kt h ' i -ItT5 Otilie - WANlrb.giwit '. i„ . ._ #0 Weld- i1,,t4, 1 . 144 , - ~ft- 7i ii. tmleittel - . _O. i'.':;,`, -- '4;14 , '' 'qua , ' of : - ally. 'Pl e - ,P0 6 :. - 10 ; tif* -4 1.' 1 . ','M''':',',li",;4' '1 '. - 1 ..r , ' . toe- I ; 3.l6 ' sc e lie 41 :70fiiiiiirl ' e ' ''''''' - lii4eif. ijOri . ;' *i ',Vi r .sit l 4l. 6 o -I `,Pik.lY..4;o l i ' liiiiiii4tY ,l9 A: 444 :*it the :- o. 6 aiiii i ig. ii kos itkhel l "' -; ff•WOotlel= l :l ;lows "..'';' ,r tfthe't& C - ) tif‘ - ,ilWien ' , "`at*l - Tiapr,ile:iiittOth i tf dtP IstinctiViitliiiii '''',o l ll**,:t*W'"'" ' '' V iNat i dei*lr 1.-"t* r tik‘e f ej '4iiiiib - ,•,' lei r i , , ttiMi -- A4*47'. s, , kii;"* fie- t o.' - Qi . 1 , tlii fiiiYnifil : I nili4a , ',, i& bs l ', thWlntiiingiiinbOkfiliitadis:',ou - val Ir' ll 'IAA' kiiteli -, iiiibitmekifide' : !!'.i .7. 'Ale, Mi.' : 'l. 4 : kitre.lkitilo: - 4 44, 4 , : ~ -zE ri, iiea*Aiiiii , bliettA 4 ,lll,lpo's -7 . 4 e 4 4e l , , fitiettil ii . t . . e . l - 4ilPtititC , i'ettinlate '''e apeirlirrOtitit o:rioitalligtiKl' , '" -- '..- li i - 'l 4"*: - N a . ~- .: :11 1* '41 1" niii:1 0' . 0 44ifOi`oor;; 44- YO: -4 irc* -1 7fietrithec r un , x , it-_: . hjil . tU flain'iiii,'liiid'Oeiiiielle l - 1 4ill his')ife'll9 - tie:fitstlleiir, - letMtiehis! Ii behinkhifit *his flight:` : ::,' - 1.4, , -...f-=.:' ,- .= , , i rli'i':,ll - hOli ,651h1oll'OjeFlt4Vt 6 ' 'lrg , building ' ad:lO l ' 6 4;'' - '!off th. - ! 1, 0 - itidt • ' 261.11 14 Y st:; - aiid formerly Vpiviii - ii; tile' iA_ - noun` ~ ijiitei; butthrongi'the: eieitionti of- th " fire ` istriaii,l:eif. [oleo at 'Ygr , sot edfrcrT- de ion; tie-_-11P-: p 6 i portion; liciveYer, 'O6-ivin at: 1.0 1-: 'lThe building 'No. - o.32,'iAre ling , on :the` bthei side; upper piiiti::lregpi -,-py-..110 .de Broiheri, dagnertedyrst*Pla .er , .are by , Mr.- Batehelor y hair -drttleri- .. so - took 'fire and was with diftenitY ..siv'eiv fii death - le tioll: '.- - 2- '' - -, ' 7 :' 7. 1 : - '', - • ''• Help now arrived.from' the!otherdistricts, and by the unit:ed exertions of theOernenthe flat - riles were speedily' eittingnishenOt, iiirwi ever,` before the _building in which .the fire' originitieo'7as tainoa , :intireiv" guitee: - - .:. 'the firemen continued their sear 211110the' the: ruins during Tuesday bi 'lli 04 . - thrOUo - the ,day and, nightf WT. - "&day, - .l*ith 'it view to rescue any of,thefrif 11(4.4 that rnighti t i be buried=lieneati= the ruins' ? :.lout 13 - per , ' sons-werekilled afide.2o:itio eoibiss•inklted, 1 This great loas Of life . ,is :at ritnitable. tci the ' defective iiOnstriiction - Of tli building. '..: I. ' I' ' - A . "tiOliGlL'''' - - , 'NEW' - -.- 0 -' t doV. Bigler haigiVen'iiotiee AO -'Odle Com f inittees of the two, 11640 het tO, pre t to , lain- bills chartering or reehnrtetingba. k 4 :u q• - ed "after the expiration C‘t:Six- days fro - their final paiatig.otliat4eing - Ithe . . period , f, :thin which the plies permit a re-einiSidertit...l6n Of any vote to beinade..- -Agit iSalijitisteertair,l that the Legislature ,will adjourn oh Tuesda y i Th e y inan d4Resim alumna, N tli vayrit ° f 3 -s l u a p ' pb t s i 64l 4- ,. Ge' t: 7- n el: Cold s h . ° a Pes eting 'n ' l upo l p. s In Gurowski'S intelligent,' im'k on Itu.'ssia,' the;blll..4,"which he i'Oilid he'l'e(l .. -' ui.r4 - to do. et he gives no very flattering ' , 'Mit of the fi.- if they were:placed-hi his h - nds - tenldays be nand:it resources' of the Eriye,'Whieh be- fore the final-adjournment:l)f the Lelp4fitere: come more and more ernba 'asset', since'not This is a dodging aft..ipetiObilities- that:' we, all the resources , 'Of . the"-n. ion and 'of the 'dislike to :see ; and it 16510 as if beintended soil 'are within the greedy.gi sp. of-the hiipe, ti hold the VIM in his bandedol•ing-„the' elec.- rift' Treasury. 'Direct taxitt tin is not known tioti eilnia-. to be used to in'' -' - his sue'. Itin Russia. 'The nobility el not . be directly cess. .In this kindof polic y the/GOveniorii taxed, neither can The iOil no thy, serfs: : The mistaken. llii`e* : lose .no Vote by signing latter pay only a small capit tion tax . of about :bills _ ' to charier , banks where the wants of a dollar a head, which into! , e is destined to the people require:them—nor bY re-ehaFter!. 1.., maihminthe local adininist - . iniVlt the4Sffer. ing - ohl banks that iirein gbedithisling:;\' fin d : ent provinces or 'Overtime. itS, -. as they are by holding ' them iit. , -14POW.eri' lid Will-lose mlled. 'But-millions of ti s tar, '.. remain the confidence of the friends and'Of - .the'ene .for years; and years imp.aid ~ and thittirrear- -Mies of baii4s; both'Of , W Orci -will distrust t i :we increases and extend-; d ily.l The Whole, him. A.-vascil.latintr and , otibtful - cou'ise on revenue -of - the'Empire am hh between , sue a question * carries W.l, .4 conviction of $125,000,00# and $lBO,O , o.' ,Of . ibis, . weakness and insineerity;, 'd.'liever. can gpiti niuOunt, nearly the half is . y. eldo by - the liit. 1 fer . 'eandiatite.fbr Publie4itori s (MY strength. - nor monopoly ; the custom- lonpes give about .GO V. Porter, 2 at ' the - ti th e When :radicalism Vd,OOO,OClO -front . duties in .1 exports, ,the ruled thedeniaert.ey.did net hesitatet6' take! crown dornains about 8'34, i i i,900..- Nearly a : bold 'stand against iti"an-hilwis -sustained two thirds ef the entire re 'Cline is absorbed by aninereaed,majoritY: Gov.-_,Bigier can in the maintenance of thei unenseariny.— make no political capital is it different 'course) -. The remainder of the rev' , he, after deduct: --Incr. Whig. . ;, e - ~ , .: --.-_ .. , , - 4, 1 lug Ole arreaages- of ' sev•rali,departments,- ' . ..: -- i , ,-- `''' - ' ' : '.l -but , principall y or the crow domains, hia to Al- v erYlmportani,-Latl4 Queation Settled.; maintain' the generaradrni str4ion, pay the Subsequent to theptOgeof the law - ofSep4 interest Of the public dcbt, lipport . the large ternber 28th, 1850, granting donations of the!, -Imperiall: fam il y,' and final v;.-supply the ex : public lands to Settler*. `in' Oreg.:A i - various!.. penditures of the Emperor, iii f oit his favorites, - speculators pouneed'on thedifferent town site Mid. his lavish extravagan ej. , Otherwise \ ,. tor hi that territerY, in Nyhipyl they Were all set-!. which" his private perso , .- indonie, falls by tied: They were - in all "sea the first Seitler many and many ;millions' Suffice. . Th e m_ on the •different -tracts; - .:and 'claimed, in'i, t the' donut debt is n' early es* 6,4xi0 i the Fu. „paT•mige of the lair above thentienekthelirth e ' ly interest thereon is more, h4ti Po,ooohoo, to i locate their 40 hereViirranta so as - to cop.: - a pt' little more than six pet - • it tithe whole.' ler not only the - portiOfik ef the , yatious tow*l The war of Hungary - ecintr iited. mightily to .oecupiedby•tlieniselies,lbrpt by otbdr.:. The drain; the _already deple, , - .treasircy. 'rhis Surveyor-Grenerat of Or on eide'd in favpr: 43 war, and all the military [m .'nif -stations since,' of their various-claims ,t iii•oliatingali other i t, o•utrun considerabl y the, 01 4 revenue* the persimil Who had also . settled in-the differen real official resourZ*S ix t te! , Veinrinent..-- towns Of the ferritpry,.a d_ini-rev.ed th 6 i re - .: - In extraordinary cases ; ' Government re- spectivelpts .they :oven iedi The Coroml. sorts to the banks and t e rdePosi i ts,„ :. b oner of the 'General L. d'. Ofke, however' . - •= i r ( is' ti,kqn these ecisionsl,ofthe Surf, 3 tietieraT,t, hasreversed hiadeelsion:on the. ground that ; the donation lair_did nqt au : . thorise the Selection .or the _ - Sites of settled !towns, under it I anif - thik 'Under * t6bils - - of 14.4 23, 1844, the corpiirdte-authorities Only are authorized to entert - sizett lands. in trust for all the of su' lands or Sites at:Alio (34 t.,. such etitriesin4f; ItuldPi' ' Ali arPeat was` taken fi ,n Otn this-decision ' and the seereta ry :Of the Interior has-eonfirmea it . vie Under stand. s. It is saidAhat„the, - prcißerty involVe in this decision' is worth of dplyi , , _...„,,,.,,.„. Star. 1 , - 7. :, - *OK enough , thilf * ll 'seem's` to 't om - iititi:.tilik -**l4frl lll4l, o9 l lie ll a Avilkl . %944o . _•itti ,, Vita.--,waytei 1404 - itiRIC ' . E.I - 1- ,•:f.i, .?:, 7 - %:::l4o‘i;:thittilin'etnigration Otiiii'lt4tt ,slajt topCidiro .__ll#i M itiAtrtralik has in tv46. • gfeetcda; W theft '''utr t ot e West Ints .rePtOnliedclit - '4 , :, ': ~ ' •,.' ;' • . 4Sett7F.,,t Dining the t i r',.P,,, , ,• , • ,._ * ."Ag te s •#lieniftv : ing :by . the ithi - t 9T i ic; To , t r i n-,td Wed: trP,railrowl4'lo:4heitrli dhupli that of - afty `4 s lkettrOis..ear. 3: . in liiiiiif 011:405 1, #1iC116Y4i1 . 4.- ii 3i, appitrapiliikcionitot,taible' , " iiiiii i ,tstcBl take thCit:-90ptittnr&-,:k i lti '__, ittlitt t, _ 1 , arp frion'Mnine; Witlityttil , initii ;setts•and‘Netf IftimiAltiti:e . linillitindln! locate in illinois, i ,and ft porfi 4A,rp•bovpoptii .Wit4iiiitiMitid 7 evpit t 0 ,14-, ,, 1 thiiiliiittrtri. - o r , . it c i tw s a idilr, ..3cr, 1 Lta .i , lli :-::: IS !.., i ii, 47.114 • triq • **. Ailaliitae: k &S' l ill igfil t :igl i 3 - tra tilt.:rent*lsAri4nni%66/ lahlhAie,e4o b us: -.lir t . IVizhekdpYmM'Y*:iiiellati '6.1"/Y* York, t has lin ihaiike' of fiftY.*sliW : 41 .91 116.4 Iti4ii. frOpi'ilg'!on!r c ''th4t . "cif - g • iiep: Carey (0 4 i;,iiti , f u pi ? litiiiit ticoi901;01 ' aril :down 1 i lii:tlii *ii'q - figuie:"±o .6 iii`,oiir;' , titO Ulloia , and o;cirietor4:ottik raidaikt a ..1:46,. 4 (lucky fellOWlyhblds; in - 601iiiii ii. 41k fitA Partnqs, goar . -I, an ds 71110 !It: fok el.tlity' thousand .dollhiS a - .S''''ca,tf.'':,, - A Itit:!' NiWktik -has one hundred ' fi fty - t,liOusziii :#Yoi:,Oiti? . 1' .43 Mi.: Wetherbe twO,hutidrid t itssitait, ye 1r; Pennsylvania nabark would - iditai.e.' tikit, ably with `.that of EaSrindia. ' I 1 - ' ' ' t ` l ` - , ' 1 1 - . k• t •,", 1 1, -'. af" l' l •xi t• [r ; . ir ,lri:AL: 1 t. et : , . .. , `• I ' 004)1 , eir..tho or - - ii IA la n . ti! I;. - :::,, f., rAA. 1411: at Lu: 1 be . • bet 1 -le ' ; 6is G. tu lit atis on: .The Anglo:French -. Allies on 1 = - -•,- . ' . 1 :fairs: . '..' '.., .-',,. • - :: 1 -1, ...,. -., -. The New York conrier.a dl 'nquirer ot is- yterdav says :—Au' Anteri - iliAti lAdan; who always. and*tivv,rywhere talOs an,mter-. , t: in : ..what eoncernidi y;.- s.etam altd*Wie •-• personal relation - to Lerd Oar ndnu-warrant: ed .the freedom_;: after ' readin - ' S(4nitor Cass' speech on ,the deelaration - of I aid Clarendon that 'England and-Franee We, 'in peril:4 ite.: 'Cord in bothhemispheres, ll upon,the Por i eign Set;retary, - pad call' hi. attentiOn to - it. . 'e Up to that moment Lo d. Wendlin kne* nothing upon the subjectf an. eXpressed the gmatest - surprise and astonis meat thl-esuch , a cOnstrnetion should be placed Upon 'lan guage:. he used in the. flOuse of Lord 4. - ' He disavowed moSt . , emphatical •:-.the.lneaning, „imputed ;:to him, and exPlai .di that'he ha.d - reference :ek - cluively to ~ ,th 1 joint action-of. I tiOn-oaction-of. France and England in . &An '-B.#eriei. -, z. He: Cr - e' was pained that' such a inisapP liensieri.should exist, and at once -Offered. mite an official disavowal to our Minister,'--fo eh i lipplioa; -Coon were-ma d e. ` -Mr. Buchat an hid inform ` . r ID made such, ofthe eircumstanes;soon- fte - ards made such application, and' - the written di4aimer Is now in poss e ssion ofotir State Depar i tMent. No, pains were-.taken in any quarter ti)olitit thii disavowal; , it ,was;:simply l the prompt; frank• ercplanation -4.1 f, high-Mitide4 man,. whose language had been•t4onstrued. . 1 :ter o 'II As oft e at Aim Northern h "near! ild. ay • f tre ex, n of t e • of a • !nue ahout d obstzura I befira o that of ers l a Ftquo l "MI . the tem..' 1111 hop ! the me , _z, . cr ana:thr, iqaer.l [he,,LiKy, at rodueed a efnce interi und) 111 M"The`"-True Charles Napier's expedltiptilt "•-• l*f . rgifilatt nothing else, it-will it h ..onittton I 'of,' graphical.knowledg,OOftbt ' ll- bre# , eije-' ,No doubt this is . true, 1 r e her crested pithily rettuirke— ' ' - : rant, mend -1 ' 4 P ore .whosatr,7y - ever esa mtned• a _and ea, lmlyi, map before, are_ study' goV rn er the, treen sencys . our, dour Russian :names Whi ,areas ; havi to be 00, for teach- ainquered as their' Owne . . -- li. is exeititigto e a• ..- - find that the Russians are mviinthe-Debruts the jail at Cita, and that they area Ut - to inVest; Mats col e morning a chin and Isaktch, while- i - is uncertain Whelk • theM. • On, er they have taken" Bab doge and Tultacha.- g ladies,' who The names' that NI: e had. a. the Ifelieart war zillantly tea - are, nothing to, these,ra d•,every man ought; l eu t ,td o Utica. , to begin to praetiee thlir pronunciation so ea' tirlslheNras to avoid Any- 'sudden d location of Ids jaw, There are some terrible ' ames_ in the Vieini `her. . ty of the Baltic but We 1 . 6 - iii hopes that si r; Charlo Napier will kn k \Some - of the'con-i Cain sonantii out of them befo they are put in the or bulletinS: One point ,o the -mtitter'ls that, w t. no twe. journals, - Spell 1 - -,:- terrible - taffies t h e alike, so that we are itt. , sfateof uneerttibity," , fec. after :having raste r ' di One prontinciation.-- , , rt The Western powers; UoN.er ought : te'make peace.until thse names re Ohanged.' , Lit`', be done by a Vernalion 'Cliett - - ..-`, INDIA filmed. UM tich Dion It . der with tt e p i a). of Ottoes_, the risk - a -Tel ; the _their lin& &tan) hitt, I For du to pay,to t ® :000/lobo tholkeriod $ 84 003.(X): The eiinfe riaa aro to mod A+9 settle theil grou,nl4 elar MOO. , _his:4lwpm mu* to dm Rlosamif .'.thinks if Sir . the Baltic do lee arm , our geo . - of the world. i l 7 1p . the Dentorrat i _ - . • - •`, . AlecatiOnAtE ' ilkesbarre. • ' Jarnesi Quinn,tkeit l / 4 1, !L Oie:r:i1111 ~ laNVii gins;bi..e.leavnglieltsh' V . liiiii*e onbomd. aeatal . :bOittilat4 elk *.ticie‘ititeil here t i e; 411 7,,1r *iitne'ef.the., - , : t. of the - Govern ;i:ir......- . .u . left ill:4'4'4V at half past 1 0)10;1 .iijkrifteinoon,:atia.f.ori -. ' 'agAhe jailtYaf' :he ian c.lgerittliiitiikk:i - liii i : p .ffiii..sealkilg. ..!—; lie thpn looked i ; , 'lolAlif:ilPtiairitlt . 9 1 1 .c. 014 1 eera'and eopPosiiK ''. ' ' *ft4.aPe •ttit d l feretice. tp his' . fi itel i : I o.ihiir_thgt rayelk no fnalled - an&bihve& o lo :': 1.- iaing a A. Want+ ces among • the:Peri :6 n - itolOrAkied'Ae'?" l 4 l . 4 # ll the execution.- , ••Ail. -b iiiiiiteki4 at a'sftpai. think* • of. 2 .:.Olehx. - ttat sheriff bado-hiia: ‘ *4 4 0111 and the % ' p &jug,: be. ( 4 ed-: ‘ 441 - bllell4 - : atruggleM, au; liltbaut•hav,ing matie any cOnfessioit. -, . : -. ' .. - ' ‘'' '• lon eiu Pasitairiopi,..ititi Til AN B Y - - *- -Th e IV ( ' tie#4 1 .41 4 ' , d4i* • 1" 1 0 tiiii , (i 1%1 brae" ka Etilifttitli.kK, , 1i . ..e #ciprivla 3*.tt,f, 104 in worc. ,-, *.th9 • isiiit 3 :lo:: - . . ' t; I Of pe49lll,i,fii#Aliii • , 'ltiii.:i.:,4olo9ii' tiOr] a . colonT:0\04 4 1 11 rf 4. - PrP, 3 04 411d ' • ' h' the Ye I ***7 of S. -4 41 8 70 1 /40 11 .i t t e ' i :ed . ' h.Y 41 441#04.0 40 '1:,..' , : • -AitiMieutlngsome twegt . 44l,llks: ~ ,", 1 ' . 4ll4,4clthode Isl a aliti . ..!, - ' -... ;,€...,,1;? -. :2 - 1 10:1 18 "Nere adoP tprik:x , ipi the proposition .to or ail nlik4.li:•* - ;g9g* , vJsmtbr the lititrse •c't•04 1 44 1 ; '-"all#.'.' :;' 7 ItinAitntinn* and -8/0014-11:1*Ff,,,, 1 1 . ' ' ' ''' 81/a.rei°l44+s that. NI :ma . ';.llll9#ll4,:mialaturejs about - to i: 4 'l4llll!*iltiri***O nt4*tsAid Soq yi ...*: - :' . z .- v•fi-'3 l o#l‘•".P ;. tinted confer tt !iiald;444l 4: !:Vtr :' '...1 ' s l,la'ef th is ehialle fit.:-'' ,- i1 . 1:84 .- m -, :;iniuld be, no fear 0 iliCi'.":'. ; M. i'.'‘i'Pri slav ery r :tiidel. a Iri ,giliti - Oientni'ent„ wheieiver , organized. , _ • *I tigoioco*. .100dratilv '7;:liands ibijittN‘- itlWllll of It' for their ate) mete trim W 5; 141; i~ ~tiaeo`:. 9*W* Wawa "to their-14* .4:!A• to *T'mtail• . wime(l etn- ~~'iboiit 107" .. iliiit0. Noioirowedi,, , g -,...,...:::. i....wrepors...lithite-,atokishiqlsitoiii ...lig: • :•••••r 4 ..t .- --, , ftii - - 4 . ...;;;•#:;...-- , .iit.i; .:. • ~,,,, ,-:. ..••.. .„.. ...,•rr- ,,, ,7.. , .N....4 , .• ; .,t.li . # ~,,, . •: • • 4 .i . air:.- - -.:E '.. !.1 1 14tY}r . : -) - 110*. :. N . . • i 77' . 4 1 - ..-. C: :••••,": -,..-..-. ' .1..-;.1: it, -,. ' "•-•,- ''' •"''?:-.••• -....-- ""'"' ----::,--;,..• :: • ''?, " t ' -- t 4 4 . : * , tho_, .. *M 1 . 1" : ;: .: : .Solii*Vb , %*trike , AiliEWltipli;=ii4i, ,- i. *.tro4-: . ``..',...iii: •!•'.-• • ' '' ..' ' ',i t . DltiElOt t rit ,. *.iii.iiiie:;? 004*lii4r0 1 1islit ~.. :Qopiititiit*raay44 , ; . . 0,4* -. oaor• -- r:tiii•#4...iiii - it , t"inot••.* • . unto the.exereiiiiof " , --the: . iioiii#l4.:, 'ft ! 'X'- i ii . ": • J) , Y;'!,gie;ii*trilnfliiiitalitor;Bt ibiiiis: ta p tii l o l6 : : Ode '- '-, iiiia:o4:thitig*tit 14iiii r i , :'. ', .?,&• . ,-,-;.,. Le.....4.....,a; ,.. . ,,, -- - -• , •• , •••• - -i i . -.--..-,--.• , 5•:1, 1 ,,-. irr,rzli.tf.eltrA,'-:t a: RePu. '4.-' - 'lt • • .$)- ~...j;4141•41417 4 Na11'he alloit, . ..". 1 . ‘..Tiltri:::: • 1 4 .411•Naitit..,,9itites 6 , :ei• fi4iii'' . ' :- t.iriittil::- . " '--- - Dai l !• - tqi.oFOrtr:, '' - . , ~ - : 7, -7.7;:-::::: . :.:.,, .. 674414.404 ii 45ii,114104:11174.:-•:t. i s 7i:.iii4al:wiict r i l dF " iiAl : iaViiiitVoe44::: 14 :1 1 .i4i4t11i h ... ..•4.a.#4 litif4l4 — tuoTirtlig... - , a: special._.'-:-.,9lguril colonatitiOn'aiiiV filt 1 „..„,„94:ol!alE*:''. ..„ ~ 4 tiall,-. ~ ..:ikiC , .... 1 i.titi4ifliAlALT -- ,f3.4.'- ";-. .2; - ez ."' lifroo ss iYidli ' ailbik! A ... liti. 5 '4 . 1 4- ,', i:' , Y, l i' - ? . i , .':..• 1112 6)en I *. . ii o--" f B f t *. . .''..';* - . li.A. If. f350-' - Acit'''',.; :.:' -''.. ''.. '.4. fioii*Oo;....:..clitAl4oEW , . .jfilo, •: '. ijt ist; , ...filist*tfilitit#4o4.**ll: 4, ,.llfi l i:;. .!0: - 5.6 a o*t.i4a#4lot . :?.4 ; 4lefi t l 4 ' fir 'J ;•.; lhe, - foinitii***o . ,4o74;i4,! . .. Afi'4'. ! R ... • trotioftllooliatfttifidie,iictialhiiiot --. 1 -, ,: . ,1: i th4t. all:ekt4kkiiihiali ' ''.' the 4leeiPle';.tAtt:...'ait:Cl . 4ol4 - 0 t!iio - 0140 Stale may lie . eli4t,..( . l:;l4etil . if,PongrOilstiliit citizens oftiilY:4oiosi/ite;- as Ter';. oye May*akti;tirle be ie - Called - b X .ft, ms . !jOri ty °this': ;*iniigu,enta, and "replaced Iby si t . dtber. . 4 110:fifililiii4Oraes the'd*rinea'of fret *Tad e. Ilii:811iiviOii0t0 , 0060•• • • - itall. Itotal us natioo_ - :,., : iiiiioii . e 2 :'; . lfikc.; th aelf en 'declaresthat neutrality '.iia regards " - reign ,i 'iolit.7.-ninst ceaserto he an, article. of our n a . iioriaVeyeid. The : eigliihadii.Ocatea w i tnaai" - .'''' . . • The - ninth•deelares" that free " . ' .4ightom . • . 4hOlalutfiliko4o4 . : - rigidB;ii ''whine nillii•':•: , :the teiViveolidettitiii;die:diiiitkpeilaltjl as" l l*-- i.ational" and barbitixiic',`3- The :eleventh-de.:'s ripands tbat'inilitary juri s diction shall iaboi.,..(.; 4shed in time ofpeaee.»;.. ,. -.,Thetwelt!4: iii I. 4edartis the leniperanee - la*, '=:: , t•ii, lin :: iii.:,;:•:- F droach,nent„, 5up,...,,,,,,,n ~,,,,...t.,,:,,. 'ear- . ...tow/winded Manilitta - 44: - pi.•:01 i&mis-- „•oicaokitk.- 1 of , • 1 , _ ,, 4 - '44y,§77:diiiiets: . I We kiitirelY agirOl : iiitAillie,l,,Ne4 York - ..Coailitii.s6ln.'.wlileh*e ,ciii;:*,alio , e, tl l r it' :is '.c e rtain 044;ik . ! -. PtaitY ii(liei*ilik, , ilkeil: Iwitic4it,-10o . ..itiet; the sli ghtest. sympathy ;;; #std*:ottliefgerinenl-pOpulatiii!i. --... ~, : , : , t 5 .,:... p.pine•iddjeiiliam. of - the tniltiyo.:c .- .....: -. :•; -- : . •:.. - f. *iii,-Aiiii . Offt .. inikoiot:iikoiciiiiii Atgiiiie:. anid. infinetitiaGeiTion,;,. ..i . l,. . ~ trate :in bitter Atta .... .ibtetTruiiek - ".i) .. t f if,ta_ .: Ito .*..ii.„ ;Otittig4,4 .- ..iiit - 0. - .044i5 , ..011 - ~,..,..! IThe l7 oii , •44iiiWi . . ral Y 6 :*' l 4Y- ( - : Jtheik4OOtiine f :.;the, more ; : overwlielt ing -;iii4 . . ertain4iittoe.their defeat .....• Thf.ipolitit iiiiiAiiiifieneliks . .. to ~. them. [ tura .7 - iiiiittarto.."." tiii l P_b- 9 eneQ l o#o•o l eir: .. shOek . Y* - i e 1: 3,* .:: !i rest assured tliat'inlthe end 7.4 8r ,„ , .. *..,..* ..s*ri.lt.). lieneOinter - tlid OdiiiandaiOt. , .yi!l bthrty.tfpriteiph*tlitne*er:Onk;,!r ..., eicifi*Pc: o o4ro.! 6 .l4l'9t'fikk: side 4 o l e 6 cflk 6 Aioe*lo 6 i!V 34 1 iiilsion •of feeling •iliOdtleecttill, -. iitifiti.ii! . Hlth*it.t. l o9 l loPit ". - :' I I 6 PJ . , 'Affrit: : (lis ill!' - 1 4?*it:44' t*O*oo..:: , 1 : 4 : :: - plidff , ~--..:;:', ~ ...liy:**ikise,,, ..*in ... •_ • .• ..*0 0., ogittl sys . I, : ' -- .; ce.TitligatinsilttitiOnfttiit "'" '' .. 4t l " 1 .0450. .: , ....jt; manifest it.se.lf.- in ~ rtlesticc of.eir?, . , hill . that has, the'appport:or r cTialea. r anei-'0U.06. prAineletirent.in. the popul,tim 'of the counity44 - likftin:iori , "Anteriarn.. ; -•:.f. ... 1 , ,..e.p.--.. : i .., . ,- - • - •... ~....,.., ...., - - - - THE ETHER BELL. r1 1;;4 1 z , %-„ On • the 19th inst ., . the. U. S. Se - te, - lailej 5k ,. ...hi1),- 0u . 41 - ME , 41.0, 1 404:t0r ' recompense tie , 41.iiipair.ei4i'440 6 14A - :* -it is !ezahid 11 4.104i - biki.miere . " : eintriOnly . known . by 'tir. 1'0i:0...#6*-40;-.0=C:ttiAir4,::::j g,o( . pe-. -fee :fis:***4o . o . i.liit'ildrjut ''.......: 0 ,, .- 6Pe-fb_ tio*iii44). .4: etherVkerelilii . ". - I ,'•:; -Tit •billrilaiiiO4i tlie:o**T I , ciod4 . .I*, . - .. 4 iiiiiiiiitk: :of tho''rke*iii... :04 ,4 0* t t ia ilaetils* - 4h.q,is-ole. - ivid .,- :di** : -",i1344 - 1 . - .4141yia suit in-:eq44.37:;:':1-4**ki*Alii thriiis . h4T)sePO - e-s , _P'lcsd , *--.. .'1•,.1_ . ..0f.44 doeo . ol,;turitong*hieh : •l4*... . • 1 . F .:, isolkaiiit")4biton:4:::;lla4s:; -W"ell.i.',' .p.iii*:,- , . .Gutm4a:::iorpoypr_of.'N.' . ,Y., - 1114:1T , *4 :044::;;Iliii*O.:1f4cti 9f FePOO%. . • : '_' . -1': . .4„iiii4i:.t#oo4 , dnitig . ...:lox:, !....,-! ~.. .': i s: ., ;( o4iii, -, , .:. , .00 : - tiiiAtl.ikii"..ol4 - alid! , ,:...**. ..*aid:.4-Isl'coo 000 IT to2ilie - - based - upc . fitek:thif iiSe4rtninly - :4lll: ,: iemain for-a filrif n•thii. . _ . .-.- , -.:, _- , - ,:' ~- . - -:.A5: ..,\ . -..Tli..l . l64kof‘lteprtif.elitiql:thi . PO: iitst voted .. t 9 liiiiihil3ill On-the - tab4l;-714 in .doingay..netekivisely.: . The .14 -mi. vier, exhitata:NerY..iitpo Senato rial Let,.;hOielihil.4*i.r4.4o-Pi.-il.k. the .6se- i at.la*.A(Penfoil - Aeir -- - -, •: , .'4 - . ' , 'ifibe.iliit.., 70.3403:7—in-: a . proper ' I.t.i.fc-'4041.1t0t I caP .• 'Healthy trees o every variety, being liberally distributed oven 'States from the nu series of Rc Y. Wherever there.ii any ea son room .in gre , Pear insureil. AttC`l4l\ff.U.le4kcitud virtue which «alt il ;to.tta inn cram i ltmet* l for. ehrmuellietalige i . ent of the 1 ; 0 1/ . 0 'itll f that ' Y 0 - - Years oCMei#64 eat. - „Ait them out maid:iv:o4;7V this ' iitithle.444f of their o° ll 4 41*'tliS'etlri-0174-ge4lelimn of Posit ili§-kisriting-11een•oonnioteiriith the.' From a pale atld 'flitter - er: l for it - Ipo* moiea among # 4 ` . ftis now l; ,tha he'has proVed this virtue iu Oak be revel* iu the - 4 11?!, 0 4- 110 °! 4 , ,t,-..1 wAtc@s - him .09neki_4474::5436416ia'wfdl CoNI/term eittoisitaui4:9m- April, 17,---,Thotasecr ‘., tie, and Limon, ehtirged4f.ai'' t s tl4,4ttera PM. , - °CI4 4 ifiSrlyauia,taitoofc.pther, c Air the - iimall'oV*44, mis' Saturday, .1 u*.l49*, ci' strongly for thelcll2, any Bence of three, h(1,,0 - tWittry ret rtle, ‘:(lo4 , 9ficulity; s toke;:lort3 mediate sentence , alien f defeUcleutU: had left: Tliii,i,, , kd e d o l idi isstuaV, 's - , 4 mt. aud Davis Wellk-iliU l 4‘ ' and eoratuitted to jail, hut; the ' net n et, lleen fearld: ' A Avxmluiß Scala.-.—Ap. a* 1 s(*otivt l l4 tti followin g will ,bt m l i . fri3m the 4e _k:#44., ~ , , , t ,their in 1 4,Yt.r 4 cattPl 44 " j° l 4l4oir is to 1 W I K: 11611 0, -. = , 6 7 ininnY situatlC4Atlrmork kf, Pe. .A.tlautic chaster, able yard ttlt of de .Elks . ipt #.44Y - ;0' , . riumter