The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, April 13, 1854, Image 1

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    WR= l22sl " ==l
t r i ii ,W : Ooltickalter
- or the ßegister.
._,The -Orph an ' s: Reply.
- .
._ A b eaut if u l Bole g i r l uttructed the attention of a
Pasiteety; who /shed her whose child 'she, was:: •.afie
replied,: iil-ont noone's child." . - 1 I •.
' l 4iltlt Wei& nof glee they *WI lag*, -_
- r A• thoughtless, happy IttleAtaisig;! . ; ~.... J„ - „ • -
„But one Ihertliatvof saddai mien; 1- ,I. - '
'Who waked alone,. Alte,moulot lutueAtitl•i , ~ J. 7 ,
game - nine fair i summent,' hut heifiteb, ; • ;, L
Beamed with. intelftg4mce ;' thetracii .‘ r-' i
• E'en now•it bore :Of lofty thought,•:- •: ' • .t;`.
With trailer and saddened Wide, ilittiekt-. ''
i,: That iorm se ierY frill anti faii; . ',
• The pallid cheek; tke fumy ham'.
"i. ThOlown cast eye; bittmost *fall;
tfo sweetly, sadly -betottiful, `,. ,
)The light that, lay upon her brow, 1 ,
1 I wondering salteti, `Rose chdf rt. tfloul.,
Would, reader ? that:thou could* kap heard
The burstingsaduess oCkerWßrd
hie the hie seen. her tearf uleye,
As upward lifted in reply,
It beamedwithlight so strange and wfid,
She said, '‘Alt i I ant' no one's child''
Stem hearts have often bcpred, we know,.
'Because: no friend could share their woe 7
Mtuttfilhe, that gentle,'gulieless one, •
• gat ftfe's dark•storms and wiles 'alone t
_Aglimtion's gewenysdluithering lie,
Beneath the' cold, ungenial sky 9 •
• Wm no nods child,? fßae pwised along,
..*Ft tkose sail words; ihat ieolc and tone )
ill not depart, they linger . yet,
, 'They bid me never to forget ~.„
ic' Thi'd•Phalt i e wee, Mit seek to heti '
The wound their spirit:9 e'er must feel. ,
enire l'ilkigei , Y. .I': " -L. A. 41
4em in the ioith:
.`' Speed rirrifter, - .Night !—wild Northern Night,'
' • Whose feet the Aretic-Islands know
Ocher' stiffening breakers,' aharii and white, .
• . Girdthe complaining, shores of •spow.
,s era i all thy , winds to - sweep. tile wohl..
And:bow:Ha inentilak-Passes fiFj •
.° And liane'thy redand col
Against the shield, of everra tar !
For what have i to de withpirn,'
-Pr Summer's .glory , in the
• --With the blithe tying for64-Itorn; • •
.2 ,
• ,Or beckoning gleam of snowy naffs ? .
Art thou not gone, in who* blue - eye • ' ,
The fleeting Summer dawned to me 7
Gone like the echo of it sigh- • . ,
• illeride the loud resounding seas'.
Oh, brief that 'tune of soli and flow . crs, •
- • Which blest, through thee, the Northern Land!
1 pine amidst' its leafless.-boners, • .
-; • And owthe.bllck and lonely
, Tlie.forest wails the starry bloom, ) • .
• Which yet shall pare its shadowy floor, -• •
• BuirdOrn my spirits aisles of gloom, •
Thy lore g , nil blosiom nevermore.
And nevermore shall battled pirms
Their solemn triumph, sound for me,.
Xi rmornbig rgethe Mountairklines,
Nor shnsetllamh the hoary sex";
1 13ut night and winter fill the sky,
And Ind with ~frost the shivering, air,
MI every plat thai hurries
Chimes wilder IrithTY,Prn despair.
The-leiden4wilight, cold and long,
Is alowlysettling o'er the Wave
Wandering blast awales a song
nitked boughs above. thy grtve.
The frozen air and dark;
• The numb earth fles: hi ley rest ;
And all is dead'stive this one spark
• 'Of burning grief within my breast.
Life'sbirk"ened . brb shill';rtienl no more
• -To Love's rejoicing summer back;
•:. )Iy spirit'n'alks a.wintry shore, • .
. With not a star do light its track. -
4eed. swifter, lkiglatl--thy gloom and froat to Moil and riyage heri;"
lastivrtid requiem - for the lost
- , I Nur in thy unheeding ear, -
; 1 7 roill 1 4e Knickerbocker Of YirelL)
Your . kind letter, Harry, mune, duly to
!hand; and you will be surprised to learn.
th a t a &Tele* . ,question of yours_
_Fill draw:
.fortienongh to cover a sheet : • ". yVhat cans- ,
A that scar on my temple?" •
is- a professional scar, Harry ; one that
I hive carried ever since my earliest prac
tice; and although I have now arrived ata
,tolerable old pg,e, and have many ; .
.ti mate a most singular fiaa that- .
3 - ,..p i Are the first and only person that ever
inquired into its origin. I can tell you all
about it, but must dinitinames and places,
for the parties trio - A' interested in thelneident
.are yet living; and I sin under strong bonds ,
seircry. • -
In the year afterassing'through a
long examination before: A , ravejudges and
shrewd iharribters, i lokas pronounced a . pro
erly quali fi ed' person :appear Wore Juril
and courts for-others as well, as.myself, - an
at once proceeded tO a large southern city 2
where, by a modeet little , sign over the door
of a modest:ittle 'offi,m, l'announetml my read;
ius,to commenee,the practice of law: For
three.months I waited, but alas ! no busio#&s.
( me, and
. I sat in my oft.* on a dreary night,
_o'clock, lin this veryleomfort
able position : ,my money Was gone entirely;
Inv board-Lillswas to be paid in the morning,'.
id my* rent the day_ following; and itthso.:.
lutely feared ,to go to my boardipg-housei:
and Waited in - Ost , seemed the fotiorn h°P°
that someth* fr 'in the' way ,ct.f &leein,llo4.lT-..
Pear; either; diopping from the-skies, or:std
freil)y dec. Outside; no
k:tep heard ; andas.l occasionally- &ne
ed through - 14 window, the flame of the street
lightl moved
,by the wind, would seemingly
mov,e me homeward; but I
. vriguld not go.—
-f( , o(**.ep sounded entry . ; a seco nd, and- a third,' and more, but / so < light that niy
'heart-heating preventeAnte; counting them
And then a little delie6te - knock: I compel-;,
led mys, elf to 'say `` Prune in" With a calm voiye, although I expected to be instantly
a-vis . witli a young woman ; the door' pentd,
and I saw---- , an old one. I - •
had only time to move_ toward a chair
before she was in the centre of the room andd
'3o4king: el.
"I, have no ] tinae to sit: You* Than, you . ; ;
.are a laWyeil,, ire iou 'good for anything?"
* My insulted diginty,wati controlled bit - an
fort, 4d l / a nswered that I fhtttered.,nlself
that 1 porsso . itaed. some talent for my-priefes
sioi9. 'Jr shonld not have chosen it. .. .
<: -Yb,e l Orell, no can. you draw?u-p-a
r\V • • • -
Pert again I ventured to,reniark;sthat.'
depended somewhat on its nature ; :but I s
ir, her impatient riameithit she :'wanted
PO trifling.,
,Before -ftniguid'thesentenee;
s,lal" interrupted )11 . 0 with a 'fie
, ier e Xeelitibil• forthei .1—e13 , 8
rough ialb;
butliapt u will drawn, quick
oug Itt that all the d- I. '
4 1 !
. ,
.. f:! ~
-, • - .-:::ii . 'k' - t.: , 1
47 .
, •
undo- '-••+ II :.• .+- -1 , •• . + . , -‹77 --- ,. •. - 0
44: ' Qui . youi ire; it?" 1 , , „she laly.
SIM., ,t il l ' - „., "' • 1 P ',
Now I ,YoUAnci'il , . 0 f,t,8 411 04 . !Y lea t al/tt
' u g ea 4ll. : oll- - ii -
O e :tain iY4l :d.7 ,Pait : re : ':,. .., 7Y: :.
.4124,f;z1.16;3.. -:.,-.4iitestain.,eata:tfiiits
moffiy.:l;,:_cA! . l.Y . - M 4 eqi:-P1:: 1 44,1:;*ra444. 1 aw;
. asg94*.q; ,I 1 J . •44 , , t, 1 11111.7 0 1 -li t
1'40.'1 J IC Q , III I I h..9F. , . it'. ...-0 81 . 5 Vie Or:
4 00.1.!110 6 °, 4 4++ ' 93 1(1 1i4 r.I 4 M-r*, Ye
i'TC'of-natu, 3 t 11 4 : . 9';' 3 +i 1 - ' ' l uttt:'
And n. I tr-JVP riOniPr. .ehans s • : : "'
' 51 Ail
f ,
fierce,•br - /IN ..
.szni .. ' 1 ..eli, :
t t ie
Y ° l' ir l in
4/ 32
and;Y:on,. •1' ' Nelfet,,One' 4 upai4 011 aili
fi3iYour nig' )i,,lvorkilr. . she, alig,a ~:
Alid ;' ''''," . ' • ./41.) )41 /4 ( irdia ] [- `ris, I
found:mYfwl, *, • li,elgtth?llig met'? steP7 .
Ping'in . t.P., 4 01 ,E,1 efirif-the f'Prt ' ut cc" -
fortable .wurda, a One", tin tlawil. - oars for
your night's .Ik,O 'lt', ',W. - . r i 4 kg in
6 1
my ears: 41, tondip.ttr,e:s_s . fou . ow me i 4
and: without i ppdere r 7fe:•wAre 'tiledfurionsls'
al o n g the , strpeta
-, : ,
...;;IT,Ottie, then
the larg4st ho , ' :t he' city. ,Ify.visions‘of
l a
one: thousand- ;.ig t dollars kept my , tongue
..1 if•
bridred; arid I , vas ed in sfteticeluP twt flights
of stairs a-
Into -- st.t of 2 Y l onrlieonciP ising a
parlor andtw he ' I ants. •Th 9 1404, 1 110 w-,
ever, was
,Oceu i • ,:y ,.
a4ed, in whlch lay. an
old and' evid tl 1 1 ying man. A servant
was with him, u + left, upon ‘ atnotion from
the hand of . y 1 ,p nion,•whO approachedthe bed 'and - (I : 1 •
I. ‘‘ I : have. lta a o e - here, Sir ; shall he
proceed ; '
, 1” - 1 1 J
The ol , n n's yes. e
•after g,* a
e *ie for .
i g
( I ti
If :,yote .draw My
now, for I M .-' savt my
' I turne.l...t ;,
.. ',e, r,,bi e o
pim,. ink, an' + veiy,illing
the light of . +o sgl„.strrn e
ve.r candle •-i/ I s, t was
at _the the:' 4 1 1.1 - •
I will n , Ole 'you- ,ith the details, nor,
in fact, do I .em her th . 1 ; but it is enough"'
to say , af Inge amou tof property, real
61 1
.and pefion , • bonds, rn rt,gages, ete., were
lefi in the 'fords of th, will, to -ray good
and .faithfn Ouse-keeper Angeline—., as
a toke.u. of ratitude for h long, fitithfid,_ and
+ + -
meritorious serVice.- 'r _ tt e concluding
words of t e will I shall rev • forget ; they
were writtefrl y m m his o mo uh, and made
„tne shudder as I to th ' + i. ere is, some
thing fearfu dreadftil-r-y : deulish—in this
deliberately recbrdiniz, .i WheipurportS to
'be your bist; - ritten wis a curse upon your_
own offsprb . And Ifet, as I wrote it, an
involuntary esire i to tear he.paper into frag
ments, a nd, o twit . from ', the ioom, but thy
thousand 'do] \ ere lik e + so many anchors,
'so I staid a l it Iwr ' t(.): i . /
r ir,acs to ma.gliter Dona all thiViatienctiOn
she can obtain' Tioni ma httatty" curse( When ram
. . r
whip about her in h only htaite, the street; and dois
share with tier the re of . the /gutter, she y re 4
pet that shellisol>ey Innt who once loved er but!
who, doing; ellekal lief if - ' ' 1
' 1 .1 i i •
• There is sornqtinng like a chuck] in the .
direction.° ~oldAtli e line as he dying wretch
,t f ea r' I words but-as i l 100 k . ,,
veil and !the stern lace as rigid IV3 Marble,
I con , 4u( 41 Mut r zt have ben mistaken. I'
eoujd'nc , ihowever, -divt, myself of a cer
tta fe no, es
that - all was wr ng. A rich old
. Man, ac opanied by an old house-keeper,.
and dyi ig n a strange city ; her anxiety to
have th , ill so - liktrong; the curse on his
daughter d the large feeiall'"conspired to
make m '4eel that , I was being instrumental
in, the 1.. +,l plishment of some villainous c!b
joet• :.;'", I iltditateil the destruction of
,the page , ' and - ga in my fee and wants con
quered. e , l iv II wai finished, and ,I read
it' °oVer alo d, i old man iroaning, Uml the
old .woma n, oo gan occasional tt.sent ; +but '
*hen I,r the:terrible ctirse, ;a new actor _ :
oe l i
appeared' the, Kerte : a
Oh! tcnr ' it!, teatit ! Oh God! yo l u
know . not what you d? r, • . -
Theglaiutive - t.llnet. - o?,the voice tyuched
my, 110!Irt,,i ~*-I!otieven,,,,befe (1, my eyes beheld its
Owner,; 1.) tl I ;* l!er, heavens '
earth! in angel + e.Wasl Vie* ~ 3 (t.
? t
is -yet un se.
vered, ' 5 l, , that is ed
tout to - give y,Oll a d - . "ptioa. of that
the eye 4 dcingwith e‘citement yet quid
;with tears' . ; ` ; ', the ixiouth Proud as a ' Jitnotp yet.. l
ompr‘isez, • anguish. 5 But why dot I at
tempt aesqi on.? The most majestic, yet
the 'sweetest co u ntenance -I
.ever beheld at•
pealed to me,. d'n•it in . vain:; for while the
old, ,we.. as he Wa, %jumped from his
bed scr+ ea • "Kill her! kill her V" . I tore
. the in into ragments; and'we both fdll to.
the floor, 'her ead, . and I stunned by a blow
from the In* y_ emdle-stiek wielded by the.
old hag Aiige ne. +1 • 1 • Iv
' W hen My, ' "ousuess returned, I found
L ei
myself'in mytttlwn. bed at, my boarding-house,.
my host and Illstesis my' side attendants.' My i
mind was clear the moment filooked about
-me,- and l! kr, 1 had been brought home,
anti was- now c fled from the e ff ects ofi that
blow. I i resol ed to keep my .on n,
and to
,ak f ic...trt4 what; I c o uld of the subse
tinent prol of the night. trpan inqui,
ru t
ry .I foun hat I had been brotight home liv
a' young gemtlonan a - eirriage, - who hail
left funds &.)r' the imp, nt i of a ph' 'sician
and had. also i..ft a lei forme.: li opened
'the letter as sop its I; alone, and found a
fifty dollar , han -note, these icor 4 : •
4 • ;
. " You didlast ,aght - of re grati-r
'bide than (Ali . '.. ..:,. ' to to espress.—
The- properiy • I t elo ' to the infa- 1
mow hag.:• stlcli an be ours; and you
shall then rear. the same kindness
which p + ++,
+bed •' Paper, seal Your lips ,
hereafter asito thefflaat evening. i ,
!us- • ' 1
Tr• rt
nia ...OMANI), .
MY f a rt ..tiet. was ' the letter he
' 'T
neat my pllow-;
and ten4et him the
fu my
-. .eveut:a
pay my. #4- Oil,
thus the h tt!) , .;#
it jaw *ebirlan'i 4
this, -ttly
need' tiny
(witiciti4o .
pay ttod t,
tratmey.°l I
Y,;(14 ikbu)
atiee . , aid 'had
old' ttufrisibixt
and shippo for
.1, I
_ •
• - i'
:11' 4) .x - - r r.k" , , . -
.r Tr
. I .
_: • - ,
~ 51:01,1PE4gra,01. , E.T., , Z=Ta:4 7. ; . • '', 1 `' f . i '.,-., , 0 . - ,t• Y.-i- tt :44 v
: ' : , . - I.** •".
~::;,. , . f -,,. I T., ,- Lt.. -, ..:;t_ "41.1 tdi 7" r t'vi , „li!i- , ::-
.1 - - - r - '
...:: --'-' .-. : ' :.7 - 7,; - , -
~.: •i : .7'7
......., r,, , , , ,, , , ~
~; „ 1; . ;, , ..; _ , : , • 4 -i..) c-', :. .. 4 ....,, ! ,- ,,. :r,,- . „,,,r..- ; :t= pli". ..', 4 it: ; :! , ',..'".1.
.1 , .7. ..j . .Vi : , :t. ri:*_;;.
~-'. '',
'''" - 1.: .- ';.. ',..1.,
. j 1;!, -. T. ' r34...4 , :-.; (di 7-74. 5f.... , : t, 1. :1 , 4 4- •4 . ..,
.. . .
: - f ' ii
..-4 . r•-, i:.-.± . ..../' 4-il- ~. fl•-•?;:. :. ': ' r-:s!
.' .-.. .; : 'i . 4 0 : ) : . , •
11. ,1 4 2 . - .'"' . r 1.4: '', I •i:- tz..;:. , 7.4:- ,, :" .;,. ,-... ' , 4i l• ;
. 4 . - ,,-- f',;:,% 7.,' ,-:- :„. f f i . j.! . 1:t .4 - , .; Cl', .•
ft' , '-..;.:. - ...i . ::":: , 1;', t ,- 7-' .: i' - --i-
~., „ , .
.1 -.. . - ...s. 4.-
.I:t 2 t,, 0 ~..15. , , , . ' . ~.-:- .-,,., ' - ,',.'. '''.".. *-., - ,-' ...: f. -H-.:.•:' , `!..ii„,,; . !..
'.. 1 -;': 1- '• -. 1 . ' ...t , P, i...-,.),:l;• - i - 7.41,..... , i- - ,',.!..i. •-,, ' i - .--1 ~; •,-, , 1 - ,.11' . ..f---' - - --: • * -
' t ~=~r.~Y~r
;., -•-• •-•!"• • _
:O t t ni t- r rentls-tittiEd,rr ri t tivls - ?t r ict, ' ANti --4 1 1 14E :'
I- " -• OAPP M* jj - r tH:
~.-.:•• ' ,. l `j-"- -1,1 ..... ::..-„,...,::••••;-,
. •- r; • .:1', 7 ‘, - . ):. 1;t .: . • -;•:' -. '''
r . ighte r ned: up, and,:
.. *ea, he Spoke:
Iva], 40 it ; quick !
ere.l found, pai3er;
necessarfr- - ; and by
dlesi irilheavy sil
n dually eAgaged
OW Illy
. hi et
my boardbill;
me ; that my coin-
kit the letter,. It
)put my ittability.:to
Am. • r ' • and
(19r1,1 • ,no ; doubt
bill. .:414:14
with the
hi MY
4 1 00
(entit, - - but amid
col4(14:11i311 That
*nilts ;- . thate 4 he
Melt b9zeli : up
itiPp . - :: apt ;3, that the Ad w`pinitri*erii - 'cr
aion; : .4 ; ' ° t - finalli the yoPig! . ipir pild
the 'wh Ile th -I . o:id Jeff also with his' Wife:—
.• i y Vo *
,)-'hOrit ind Ns, kil,id say full
jusgm, 1 pii*,
.. , that they rev q - even Mit
ed. at di...) , mayer;, and 1-ireV:ex had ri'itpestion
to 'answer ': thcy , Iwobably. 44 it for. grant =
eel that I had - been the victim( of some hroil,
and, ayo!gellinqgylilg file by any reference
ko. it ? ,• ' •-• .;.; ' I' • ,_: • ‘• -." -
• • Thirtyyears 3 of lonlivorkrolled by, H a rry,
during, which :T, "acquired , a : flintily, frir.tute,
el and tr ti 3th illt t I ' 4 I i*,r, 'nail that'
ti e, si r - or i beird:Of itry i
_clients,with the ex-.
.cc tiori of otrii fetter,' whiell - wai received
s° e Y e ar s after the, ogeorrence:whicb t Juk)rp
re ted, arid which contained tw9-inc're fifty-
do lar bilk With the words': . - .
• 1 . ' • - - - .
I 1
W.e are very lappj : may Rod blcas you... i '
: ' Doit,42
a that
. . _
in ai 1 ., timie., - I havenever forgotten
beautiful . •
_d tu
ip glee, nor. ihe.ute ap
,eal which it ..,. • e to my heaFtT the answer
to which cost Tim
_the:deep saktl . wWl is•tlid
object of .Yourfpment - ouriosiq, and — gi, kine
thousind loll*, fee . less the ammoit received
frOm the your; folks. Neither did I, in all
that time regret, the couPel'tOolc- ' ...
-8 9n 1 tem, Yiars. ago, as you Piobil4. rq
incinher, 71 8 I t a. winter in .oavannit: - I
hoarded with panish landlord 4 whose house
eras generally ..Rno vitli AMeFican Fisitors.
But; strange t . 4 . 1# say, I passed cane week with,
him without a tingle Ame i rimin arrival ; and
I 'was mentally t resblyed one - day to leave for
Nei v Orleans,- , 1 -- a-here I could find troops of
.friends, and rifil myself _be the ennui (xiiise
•quent upon my 04Bitary pOsitiOn,- whenkheard
. .
my host calling me:
" Senor, - Senlpr, los Americanos!—Aineri..
•cans."il , •
.. , . • i
Looking froM window, I- 'AIM a fine
poi. tly gentlenifin attending to his luggage,
and answering) the demands of the, tholisand
- and one .. leecho of 'porters who each claim-.
edlohfite Brought soinething for him. Thin --
'ing I Might be of service to him, I went ut,
and With two Or three dimm dispe - the
1 villains who, knowing me for an , stager,
submitted to my orders: -Th gentleman
pituriled to thank me, - but so.. enly started
'lack, then ghnOxl at - my nple,. Mid seeing
- e. end of my ixuullestiu. -mark poering out
bedeath my sombrer., he caught me by my
, i
and exclaiming:
.... ' - •
"We have i ' •I
In to see yo . '
And th • ~
o the.
ut . I,
- ' r
b6fore, S)r !-: 7 liFok.gtati . I
_ . ,
. . .
, with Out exPlanation,li drew me
Abor-way in which stood ajmationly
11 beautiful- woman. . 1, •• • •-
,ee.,- Pora," said he, "is not this Oar
d friend r _ .: - . :- ':- 1 .•
At the word.`" Dora," I started, and there
Sore iue sure - enOugh„ - stood the rferli.of
illy. ytars previous, still relining Many of
r charms, but wilh the Mark! •of .tile, not
itlistariding, impressed upon her featnres.
You may well' believe-. our reunion i‘iis•
most 'pleasant_ ; andafter.oiti dinner-was over,
a nd NI" were out enjoying the seaileze, the -
WhOlej story . was told me.- -I 'will, uot•give
'lon the - details Of it; it . Was long,.but -the
main '!featUres of it wsre abiArt: - what Iliad
surmised.' DMa was the only child of a
wealthy father ;- her- mother • 'lied
,whet'l• .111 e
was aitilei:e child ;- old Angeline had remain
'ed ivit.h her father in the,capcieity of a hotise
keePek, and .had, Ishile Dora' was away it :
:,1e1!ovi,- megnixed, as tsgenenilly the case; corn
.Plete influence over him; . .Dom -Was woc;ed•
and Won : by a poor clerk.; the father would:
nVt• li4eti to it ; an elopement was the consti
quenee; and the old muii inlikrage'broke up
house-keep 4; and tal4ng, • old-Angeline with',
him . had :started for the South.. 7Dori,had
folloWed him With her hnshtind, aliheugh She'
;knew Ihe' 'would net:see her, - and alihongh. he i
; had
.alwass would
and : unkind to 'et,
yet she knew-.he i - kas ittibe last stagto 11 ii : .!l
sulnlition and shOleterriiined i if ptoasibl .: AO
:be -- with " ' him when he'died: '..,At theAi, - of
his death; they had been 'followinghini,4 ut
i t
a month froM place to place, keeping eon 1- 1
ed .from hiip; : and 'eluding! even.the keen yes
,of. Angeline. 'Whew-Pori,' appeared • .the•
'roorn, it Was only .beeimseithe min } . ant,''
who had been 'Wit]; dier)ilher and W ,as
1.43u4vr-ilembe*,.leff the r lroomwien len • •
had .observed', their, arrival - and had kindly
1,- - • ,
l i gcSie to her ,and. Wormed h .that her •
0(44110 live rt anhOtir ; -she Was entering the
rooni.i to make, one list effo at reconciliation
, 71. 11 en
.my. voice reading th fearful words of
lie.i. futher's curse caused' e.Outeryland, de,- -
taitietnenl.. ;ger husband, Who followed her :
pa,found 'the, old *man - dead, Dora- .m a swoon;
Vie . senseless,. and - old -Angeline in vain try
' ing-to .ppt .the many pieces of the will - toget&
e.r, raving and eursinglike , a Bellatnite. - • Ile
and the man -servant put the oldnitin'SbOdy
the bed,. took Dora- to her room, and while
Pie. , : servant kept :OardoVer Angeline he took .
me honie iu.a.carrjage: The rest iou know.
•- I have 'only AO add•-that; whenever I 'wan
der north, either . alone •or with my wife or
family,: we • alWayi stop •at:the_hotise of our
kind friends. ; They 144 e.. spent one winter'
with us at. the : South, and - we expect theta
lwain . • the !coming Seasons. • And the young.
.gentlemail . who studied uicOer my in
ftruclion, and - Who now •
practi ' law
. with
tIIV name. on. the -.sip With hiS, (is senior
•t• •
ra - riner, ;although - be does all th bmsineSs;)
Di)ra's sen;apd'frOmeertaiti co jou:3 . lo6lth
and , right; blushes on my .prettyl daughter'S
..eheek when : ho calls, I imagine:hem:ay poi,
Ably te• -- too. But . of this 11 - --s--•
cOacl? '. ' w hile 'red the ' - ito otop, whil6Joetlosi- tiL
Ii ms* • . saicl.softly:: ' -., " ' " r 1 - I . •.. 1
.1., y. Lord, here are two . ..r . meu, who
) hav , , such script' of . "I . , - • : ce that I "fair
the viiltlianit iiiielves:.; ' ‘ '-' 1 -I
cry *ell ,' - '
.41 the -Bishop: $ o callirsio'
, wo bair, 'said. ' ' - : ' - I
1 ,. -f, ox-t2o-meu lemma; here to morrow mar
,l; : ; andl t lt ea Y.Oxt- - . :- , :
t: Ii .• Merl baW 84 went Joe away.-I hi
' "," himielf wi his fallacious device, alto
',wai t
hie' way;' -=r,..t ' - ~ .. ,: ~ .. . 1
. 1 ' j.- hir ; the month*, the bailiffs . espectint th4r
debt *and"Charges,iepaired to the Bishop's; to- .
Ctrod,acett-,-::.- - - ~. -. , -
3-- W4ll jab] , the Bhth4p,l4hatare.your scrpi
4des of ixeniciailtiM I . -'•, .' - '• ' -, '- '' i i
. .
SDAY' -- M).
saut ths . taillirNew,e *Iv! ) . PK)
.._ples.• We are bigars my 19rd;.*110 YOs- .
• May arrested y our ettiudn Joy .Iries for'
Z2O Vnif.-ißrdsliii: promised jto,sittily
t°4 l Y; ands vr.!'h4q4,
god as jr 6 sr. wont
Bi skOFfieetbi r tlithle 4l-
og aid linie 1 4 14 4 1 r 4p490;
comply, pi4l the de and. the allue.,
TEE oßEATiquirarues Tram4w;
FROM ; Siabstprosi ON “ :lot+Jurs."
Blackstone divides Real ty,
grand divisions : lands; Tpnemen . and Her:
" Land is very,commehetisii4,tepn,
eluding eyerything of a permanestubitsu:
tiainature. Tenement' literalty mean* any.
'thing %lick may_ beheld,and, Oierefere4if,
a man should eitteb a fox by the tap, he'd be
a tenementL I,qng, as. he courkhohlbitn,
but if lie should get awaY,- in the les - of the
law bed piobabl i y he nothing but; ' thingbi
action ; rather liVely action, too , perhaps Es::
'peeially , if the dogs were after him, 1
' frereditanints' ~of.tWo kinds, r
poreal and ineaporeil ;1 co - Ts:Teel; are,'
visible, tangible pbjeetS in feature.
and Qr, 1*(1 , 141011e
are inieh as affect the3ens(ta:Y
horse should throwr amen.
on I 4 head and be stunnir."
the 'books. is a eorpoi
corporeal hereditam,
rents and profits ,
so, we suppm
thei prophe'
Judea' al
e. • f
t t'
• lf
-4 1 4se
.at milt'
As_ it, they
, tiiirefore, it!
z iho should light,
,that, atiordigit4
hereditament;' ' in
issue out of the land;
..4)lne tinder-this head, - an ,
wotild tishing wortis ; the
that 'issued out of the land I t o
with San), would:riot come withf
aefinition; but Tifa man should Cal
At-tail On a nail, and ' ' mate _a rent,' th .
being: antiexed to the treehol..(l, and Wai l
thg too far out, ,would prObistiltke ' in tai
male,' and` the niati Wouldbe 'tern an4edto th
Court belOw' fo
_his coat i mended, as 414
DeAil sows tares. . Under the nameg f Latl,l
is 'comprised everything uPpa the iurface - of
the earth and under it;, andivkterAntsses Ifn r
der the- tuune of, land, though wtkdon't see
how IL : heavy rain, in anY point pr ;Oleic, eouhl
be considered! as Real. Estate.; MA a practi
cal diflielq ty. would arise in conveying a square.
acre of thender-shower. by:metes - and bounds,
though, - since IBlackstone wrote; bonveyanee
ft' water is a very common oceurience.
.." Tees and growing crops belong to the
land ; and -pumpkins, being . ' attaehed . to the
Realty,' • 'go to the heir till theT•ri.t pulled
up, and then, they generally' go to, the pigS;
se, wheat and barley '..go with the. liind," and
so - does' the rye, 'unless it is made in whi..
ti - ,' and then it g' 'bet witha lit le L Nvilte, :
, of the ' standing c orn ;" thengh irt; 49,a
al i
slippose . , - thatX the 4 opyietor W tik fo
three weeks be,fore he sold lisp -it iron'
he! such ra standin se lirn' as.. that e weal
'go to the • first pp r,",tml 6d - h'e
went to'take'd little something. - 1
."A man hat a,' fee' in land, whe
. en , to ' 4 . him and his. heirs for ever;' ,
happens to hate no heirs, jt goes to
who stands,g, raciously 'ready - ,to
a nal;
amble eornet-l*, when.tiieprtipr p
do I't jinn 1.10. . • 4 , ''' t - 1
" ' Our rtratlon" says, ;that thevord 'lee'
is derived-frog the . ',saxen 'w
axon or fi ght,'
because 'all the tentinti . iistd to - be cOntinnal
ii fighting for their , landlords; and, in con
teinplation of ;law, Were supposed to be per
petually standing outside the gate, aimed and
equipped, and ready for a breeze at the'short
lest - notice; these were called - ' retainers,'
hence, our term of Retainer : so that if John
Doe retains .4. 13., counselloi-it-law, to de
fend hint at the suit of Richard Roe„ the-Said
A. B. is suppOsed to march about toWn, with
a band f music and a battle-axe; read to,
touzle, maul, and maltreatile said.fitihn Doe,
to wit, : at the county , aforeiaidand . Prolia-.
bly takes depesitioriant uniform. - ..; •,. _ -
. "'Estate for fee,
is 4 less than a ,
and may t.4, , created. by ANA f but you can- .
not create lan estate by deed Cr More an
three lives, inniess, perhaps, one of 'Cm 'Should : 1
be. a . - eat'S,l awl then, it.)vciaa 1 1 .4 14 1 4. 1 - i•
tend. to ten or ele.ven. - - • ,- . :: i ,
" ' curtil' r i'i an estate for life, by the ‘ set 1
of the law ; • though artesies are sometimes
the acts of the'girlit. ,cp iti wherg iiffan ;I
marries - a Woman, 'seLied of an estate of in
heritance ,' !and if the sma s h -Po; or ' setrea
-0 i 1
years' itch were ' hereditary the: lii , &'titani-'
ily, and one', of 'cm should "seize` her,"this
would be 'a 'seism by iithuritanee," and the
hushimd wciuld ' taket flit' life-,' Jag 6nst,he
must' - have children b orn alive, otilerivise tha.
law says tohim,' You ain't; in!' ? - . • s
" Temuct-for-life isentitl4 to emblements,'
' - ' and it- should
or. 'away going-crops ;- i a man on
plant a p i tch of peas and - potatoes; Vi and then'
I f
move oil; in the eye of the Oaw the 'peas and
potatoes are supposed to follow him; and. "
you looked sharp, you'd dii i iibdess ,
. .
climbing over- the fence after him, '
out to be dug; ' the'saine la 'true
shrubs, , ipia this was what WI
so, when - . he saw .` Birnar
- eoming to
the :4 emblem
* enough to know
going' on of landed
M no good.
Alsp takes' all the
I on .his place, bemuse they
the soil ; but the law would not
him 'to take;thein,' 'unle:4'he wanted
and if they were /nude into' tea, Spellnian
he would put in a little milk - and Sus
ar.. A tenant-for-life is-entitled. to cut wood,
`and if the, landlord should interfere and raise
a muss, he would be compelled to cut stick ;
but, though a tenant 7 for-lifel is entitled, to cut
wood, yet if his son shOuld - whittle the fence,-
'or mutilate the parlor-chaire, : or throw down
the book-case, and go to chOpping it up with'.
an axe; and the landlord - should come in,und
they' should hew a regular pitched battle I
over the fallen furniture, itiwould clearly be
' action . eese,' and the landloird ?poi&
"When a man 'owns the he perns it
11140 t4e Ay, and down to the `,o ther place
but I Can't' build-my house,lsOlas to overlumg . l
lily iieighlxg'S, arid if_he has a window built
so-'long, that the'meinorylOfa until doenift..
run I anywhere elite, j yeu can't stop that
dowl up; for it is afi ''arietetit
.theriffore, if 'You should-'SP 'end'fonk-4'n at
that iwindow, you wolibibegpilty of obstrnet-'
ins (ancient *1 ; 1)4 could` talus your
, head off evert 'With' the, Window-sill, but - 1-10"
farther, , using no: morel.S. tbaft 'Was
- eils4.y and Wan old mat itheiild Elie of Con
, sum (Awn; that' would-been elxitruetiop of
ancient `lights;' but : the ll'law,WOOld'
dere* to provide net-being an
nridertalceiSin such eireinnlanees.ln. How far
the Ancient lights extends, is'per
daps,: if doubtful 'quettion, MI ntost legal ques
. .
Dinisinane T for . :0160
eats' mgying-,.he
thiti there was /
• •
" The
catnip •
1 i •
t is gm,.
nit if he,
he liltig,.
any val
-1 pulation
c4sti - , Aral it yon-ngina 14 let:- . ii,nergiah•i!
-.hia.,irina*-t open ilika.. he ; , key-- t{
. , _
n foo , ;my length of tinke i i t . . ~• not be.,
!xi* an ;A ancientlight? - and )iiin ~ : y shut
the - :alatiterit:9a.4oT, - , - „ ank,-;,time .;- but :if he'
npentit Aphid, ran: Inlk though . , &mkt
gd,ankshalse ycnir fia‘at hinkev . . days fir .
4 -3 11,474mIsto g rairRf].thiimibOtii, il4 becomes
04, 4 r amalaat - Chi spite of,you, aid he could
,madal at , yon, nut of it, ever-ijammin ,
st,., if*. " lted to, ''ld•-v-
Diary nill which exists only ,
in the 4 eye of the .li4;)thelaNV. being gener
ally iiall-eyesl and befegied 1 ;.. though nobody
'cal see it, yd, if any person tiveisteps this
bOundary, - he is guilty of a trL.:4N ; 'and it's
no exeuise . fir himto say he cbuldn't,sei lt,,
fol.-the law, says to him, '.li's'all in my - ge.,'
anil:tliis' is a 4 trespass quare l clifustinalregy ;',-
mid ifrittman should be`chasing a
l. rabbit, and
ra bbit should . rilit over this line, every
atia .'On of the rabbit thereafter wool j be'coid;
- no one 'can take advent* ofitheir own
. 1 Ong, and, the, law would 'not permit hint - to
Ve a step farther, and: thnman i
- uld•easi
ly catch him ; s(?' if a man. wore. wig,.and
shOuld sleep , at a tavern, and init- S wig in
hi pantaloons PoAet—and a . .. thx r should
o e and steal - his wig out ot his breeches,
i t
t t would be a trespass . ' 4uare rl ' aunt fre
g;' Car *tilt he-.broke his clOse, d stole
hi hares. ' . la . • , . • . -
"So, as every Man's lot Is thus enced'in, ,
it 's'a fine old ; maxim of the' En ish la*.
thitt every man's: house is his le, says.
Magna Charts, ‘.the. King :cannel enter ; .
thi.•refore, if the Kingwent ,out to see. - his
1 ,,,
marketvirde,ner,.simply- for -tic p riiope of
walking about; and looking at the p';:e and
*pcfultry,. the market-gardener can slain - the.
front - door hi hie face, am*. .Set th dogs. CO
hiin r and the. King couldn't litt. he lateh;, for'
says Glanville, ".Where.the
...Kt 4i , i., concern
eAl, there are no latches' and underlie
o ( ljl. law, the King was absolutely Porbiddeu
t , - enter any house in the . Kingdorr, so that
iiii;'.:,..ccial intercourse ,W . p.S 4..itieniely. limited;
d hence the_Maxim, ' i 4 l :tiltur - n. t6iinti o&
' '' ;.l* — th 'K' doesn't -L '
ha • ; 4 I.
virrit reg„. or- e , mg . N C any -or
of, a time : •and,.ns eve/ Min's" .liOnse is his
elstle, he has an - undoubtedright to forti
fy it; and may plant ; efinnorilriiis door . Yard.
'd Pile'.;boipbs . in 4iis front 'parlor •i but:the
b nibs, not ' bein..;; attached . 6 the. n4 - it:*, -
.w tildtet ge with th- land; but, if ' 'they iii-ent .
, the' Ouse would ii probably g witti them;
a4d'so, d: Man
r x. - oeld hae:. an undoubted`
~ - imiete..
right tO . " nialtitarn a *gime t of - cavalty for
tl'e pioteation of hisleastle: but the th43ory
4 the English law ii; suh, that the - ling,
wlth all his power, (. I .an't •tale the east eof
his meguiest subject.: so thaf if - the King
should tti,. I 'out-`his - whole Militaiy: force,
herse„ foo and dragoons, and try to take a
Hoot's la .;' that man could' just :walk loot
in the street,: and wallop tile. Whole of _'exil. 1;
1 .., . , ,"principles;
Such are some - of those . great .
on which its found 4 :?ur i whole liysteM of l
jurisprudence; and it is'a .beantifid : fitetionl
of the lam and one tending greatly.to_ the in- 1
crease oftknowledge that. every One . issup-i
posed to know_the loWand therefore if &Chi- I
nese shmild come to' 4iti eLwitry,rh.-. Would
4 once tih i an Mile I* . yrYer'• lalig se, if any One
shonif sayof his hinior, itidge Bec4wax,'lle
fl 't know any morelaw. tia,,4la Chinanian;
it would; he ths highest 1 eopiilinient. that
"Ki t e l PP . 4:4 td his legal abilitiM"HKtgiCk
er6OCai. 1 1. . I. '.• -. , - . 1 - .
There is no greater ' nr.4k tof Y
and v4ritY than the use of sly
Illese fi?cryks of speech I
-regarded as the distinetii•e ! ,
i •, i har-room loafers,,u sportiOgl
wad_ pickpockets. ~
I Oflate, heweyr
Interlarding! the'
h 4 extended
nieretoO, of
ing in the ,
juibit of
. ctint*Rheases
sing inen-4and I- w,o
iii.4t.aiia good, Btatilt
..iity, and inii become a-ery:
ideas, arealip' 4 41,e1ir •
.bieli must , i s neer
influence 'upon , tlii
.. are detriments •ti ,
and:heavy plumage.:'
id take a lofty flight. `l'
o Show. the extent tO *hit
`Mtetimes carried; tbe!fnl
Lion Which trimspittd in e;
I,Klrt 1: '' -‘, 1,, : *-,
!:'I d 'are to geodness,r4 i.
Pustle is, making up to oq t
3 rs. tont after the:gentleman referred toy
id p• "Cid the pres:ious evening attheir house, 1
avin to a later hotir than was usual. I. - . i,
: To 'd
_better believetiWrejoinedflie yeung
t i
Idy playfully. , z• 1 '' - - !--- 1 1 .
i i ,
Iron may bet high on tbat'-. , culded. NaPole;
dn, wo !was in the act'Of lighting a - . real
% 1 na• -`.! : . 'I Ti
1 .
"Hw do you like the cut of his jib,. mo-t,
.t, y?" aumed Mrs. Stout titniing, to heti hus-},
anJ. '', .- . ' . - ":' '• 1 . ' . •
e's:" some" mum the replY. ': ' ',- . 1
i n 44 4. : N e N4 : 111 :1 :1 1 1 ei k ri k e Y.e .i: 6hll tap - t o p ielirkgei: h b ;s t b a n rl4l:4 d e , il ;;: n le n Y : t11:1 : 1 : 11 1 .8'
m tiler: •-` - . . j . l
- - iPu her through , matber,' said joseplnne
limiting. . - :, • -
`.Gol- i leino: •
irl,g evil.
-4/Jenions,, sugiges.t:edairleort, inac t .
'irciugh - his nage ; a remark,byithe „. wayt
li g yous, that it meet havo put/104 tbo
par,tios to havOgPesixt Pt,his . IPP o ifillg
tie pregent ease it seera,ed oi . he iOresi
tlu'perfeet 14eidity. 1 1 ~ ,'1 :. ;1.
1e0n,4 advise yoor tzl , t itt iyit , y 9 141,
Si . elvtnai retor*d- ,Y l ?On# -hr'
'...1 ,--.` ` ` l - .0 .... * ~„. H . — ',
/stout then p to inquire it'llar.':
wag a matt 4 peo*rty,and,lwal, : ast
by , his better 144 that be 4414, 4 1444
(tem "
.Tlakt bud!aild)tnl 4 or AN*
to trio efr4,that be'llia , more
IY.I/uP' :resoed ytith: Mr.: Gr • -',, win,. :a
7 farrner. In Me nel6tii;F ll 9o;„ Clitti*lti
't! *0 11 P 4 er:q9n0e 11 1-..-, --*
:Stout ininifested:ii 1 41freren
slibi .e‘'..l .0nP,1.,14i d` ..
OA mite , in. - 1:- • • 1
id is over `ilia way," id *the
!ir • '' , l. ' '
I' mg
an an*
lltit in
F , l t e
Rnstl .
11' i
I OF .;.Y.:,':4
.: '..GiaNTR
; ,
kOleT ,
k j "
.7.1 - ~ .f 4
iritife el._ with his. I - -:-
• -';',;;•,, ' ..•7: , , : , ; _ - •
areliaolineC- , believe,. iss - i
etch.": It.-shows ;
e: extent to
.tine of using cant,,wheak
may be.'"rried- i ,t.....; . -._ i - -=
• , : • ..• =.1........ , :•• i...,,v.1.1;•;.i.1. i
4 :71: :; ••::!:til:
AbciVet' '
pr . r, R. 1.4 r , t-; . -.466lrAiwyfti . .
.1: . ,. ...-.., . i . ~ .ti vritnis lismA i l - : t.,..LSke.
I> ty.:7 2 , itc..44l2oiisc...,*CipcyjN ; ..kof. -', the
• • • .. ".. ,- 1-:• : - ; ....:.- : q.....,:••.,.., ....., ~. ..',.V•!:.., . - --..'
. ~ . .. i ... , . 1 , 4.:, ! sli.; ! -_:::,%'' • !,' . ”0: - .1 ! i t - F •4 : :..t rf , . • ".-..?,• : ......., :: '• ! -- - K,- : . -
: : - 1 4' :**4 1 0 4 001 1 -Al'itial*- : ' ' l 'l. " .. 1 . 4'
'.. : 4- t ,....;;141 1 . 4 .144101414144:, ". k
• ' "1 . 4 . : . '' 1 '- ! 4 Out . q9untgli . '' .' `are pd
. ; , . e,. ,
..*Aiderfiik•• 101MA - C;iiii Ktq 7 Pf : th e .
• 1 + , ," Ali,. Saint • 411iiiitted e jiul'a •i-alley.
'. Pk . bifrion .4100ctiA ' '. 2 :0 1 4: - i - Nr`%gei
',.;'.' . .thkPage.?4::•"• -. :' ;•: 7 .......• ' ..nna#:
~ * : . ,sides . !by to ,
..;.;! , pgriiiAipif et ,
:.' '. , - • 7*. bilie - •o4o4sitOilitiVliff..4l•OW
, .t... ' et f4r*:- . .iPlift.oitaati Ovilir:rf . .*:
.. y..C4yitgatole strant; ; ; ; etlidese,4oes from
i'.. .settlements, overNl44istigirdziP4.
t ierkarticle has been 4,4,4*# i animal,
• .OATA I *- 11- 1 the midst ; LOO,:.of , :ithit:l '1004440 ;
I ice it all Ainerican Indii4:ole . ,ditOperatitil:,
Caeherous -01 th, v
hCxd.*i/li:t- ' *.elel*;
16 Y.
and libOralitY.9lso6##Fiitetktl44l.
.ndered onlieemorifOrMW . O . Ws*
ply of fire etredad. iiinteiitot''th'
' '44l'.
i l ethcr. igth . the manneVi.guffitti ~
ese p.
on of. ltem*ltatdepeOlile;.sei!tieliiiK.' • 0;
its: conterrephitiOn tetdittlety;.4,innteek ticlimi :! ,
iiiio.reist::l l .. •:i , .• - • ........,..:::,::: ~ ',!;'•lc - : , *- . .'! . ...t ...
. r : . pig.piti. ' ; 44iiii iiiiii..o6 . *** . iiiiiiiiik
ilt.scalpi.. , g nearly:fonk;!pijeta iniengtlf;
• dtht7 : ern : . idlW ThitAit i re4lolpOng• in •
- ihe•'
. iree'tinti, of 1 he etnAliiid:t 6 iiiKarii: . * Sig.'
itles;eight ' , ..0 ijiiirjetii.o . 4 ind.'t rkiitic7 .
t i .. o:featityidtt;. ; With ildeottllition:either4iß'
10**:*et.• [Tile '1466 'ilre•'. r f.4tfiiioik'
. ..*te;7diyidOd ittO . eigsoloiS, each; entisitt ,. ....
i •
.o:acie id toiliaitiit , iit.:*piiit&-• - . BY: -- ii '
tr:OrdinanCe each liOniels:to.' he• placed.
. et/iy_ 7 4.44 lttick,frotn: the . sidewalk, the.. hi-.
men. spaee -being -gesigt, tea for slirullhery -
.. d Amt.* : . : system or prri.::
.' dont : Oii . . 7 ol lsl iiakf';''.***o . a=T- : made
past on iithee'ilide..o, emery tiqe4oo,o,
4li e t,l i t,
t ...
I : , r 4u c at h y. ) . : ...s. . , a iTh;
. ......, :i130 . 7 , ..-
tii * ta b. o l o4, e; !!f,...sih ti *.iisti t uh y ;:hetet. .n : ; :l.oiff, in ite: t ord ,..:i l l ite; : biiirini e t r ulandit:.
; '', :siiielty'of.i*...whiel4*.laikiiii
fll*lii* 4 i -.400. , acd-.oltober;-'i I residem : .-ii-f.
ntieft:' , L• .' - -..,
~."7..f0r. thit : rSAttetinn•••• • •of,the' .
• !i ight&iti4;l, - 1! - or qie&': . J AitAiiii;"brailt.
4futdAli*Olg . I 'd :mile hilinstlr.i 11; • th.0 .. ' 14 0**4
14i.-,tehil . , . ' their kihei....iii,:eterili •ia116r..:
. . nil or the- , oft••pilduetive.init'. beatitiful .in
.1•. 6:**Orld.• .!••••• ..:' !-••• ; :. • .' • •:1i*• - • -• •• :.:: ...i. , •' .. ....:
1: The!. * -1 '...gentefalli ot4ilo' , st9ry; Are.
t i me,
~ , it. 11‘ a hes; •br ittiti-difedAikiag-oitimated '
: *th'S*.ittitton-itted ;',. ;end. belie an:. Stott : of•••
!.., eittneM .rarttlyeacTlled,••tf.- :; iudi0,...44:04r,...
Vitittlire. townS..•: - .Aftei,itlie..: ,• f :
_or. Ji IA::
l i .oi* o,l6.ab.obes f and.aird!:*. , • : - . :: : . hotilinaii
&eintselidate4-1 es: theiio :44 . :01 . piiiii_ ,-..
'-'ii.l4. l liiih a . latze prepn.ktioti-O 7. : .7: efilitili•: -
I, e•cif.tkiihi, and pntash, ,, ,looll . . s ennse. a *die*.
,•••• '.eoinhinatiotibi*Mliterial..i.aextenithre;,.
-Used :in Mexieirantt Celititi, ''. who re`: the
~, .
.4:1.1414 •istiet.nd :grhyth....tif • mbk.i.'. pig::
• , hidliEr iM:.ApPlicatiee. t *:', . O. *.:.: -..0g .. r 1 i05.64
Is alskt :known in Pi _ ...y; . 1 F.teneein.4
. eti ; the : l:time of pi Vie,: . ; I* e later. ocaniii::
- :ir c th ere are tietiesti-,b i eilfor.:•; .. ./.liiiteriali
il•iistwoied, whick.hike;444,
.. ...... I ::Oein4ipiii•
.r many years. ..11tekik:• : ain..iitkeritt7....s..pnbli-:,
.' ,- nildings which are creditt4i4-ighe I T , , 1 . ? .4 .
aoeklttle. unite° ' '.; ndknitqloiktot . : ,, t .•;; ;1.
• +:iiiiiiftitW•thOe : .•theti
.7. 5 , ,.:' -,"- . - iiiiiiti
.4nY"arelt a tece.44l tirtit ,.. ''fi! 44 -- : 1.41.0*i.
.irogiii • 40•it0 . .p . .. , ~.- ~..- . .4s .. ...jekiiT4i-fi v i
-I xo
iii,..7 - 2.•rt.
.is. to •be: used ite2. •• of *brit,
aip entil the :temple is ll%. , e l l. ....Ti t o St a teol
the.As' a 'neat and tas . ul edtfee,eontaming
Ole Lekiaaili.ei rap: • •:400iiii.14i.;:.ifie.sui
A , k .re..1:4 . tuiimkri ~ ;it :- f ; • • ••Thii,: . iutolie_Ll:4
I?rittr;' . Bl4o:llf, , ',.. Mild i -
_; . *itiiiarni.. -- ielierl
4.thotitianif .1;';. mid ' , Z :*2 t iio7l , s'• ~ '-'.`' isticft.l
- ' the: li .• :- ii Y: bf w.' . • ::.,:., .r.' ': - . ..!iffi r i nt k i - . .. i i.,
•'•.te . ~ • :The'.othitig elfit.e•itil; ; i' z ,:• - •
ro lifripial
ho 7-- Abe' Ci t y;l' '''' .. ....' .i4illielittOiiiii 7 a:
+ . i, ected, in:'whldr.. ~ .....tiothlpititrOf ilotw.,
Onliel' e s''Prilliertein' ' r inioiiiiill l o , l l .Nea: .
e . fliundaticin of" tom'. -- •:.4titiliiiiihk , imitiiis
" *be' liiiiii: tilxilN irk* .' Oil linsitel***. ;
tlificenee,t4 . .t*;l4 : ftt i i•lheittliiii:';lirrith:*
eicelitintlimatetn.• "Cent •
tr Plart42:ol - . • , '- 1 •••'':-.l' ..•.,-. 7•••••7...1:1:•'1.'5;' , . ,. .*_•i:;"-:
The 'site for. the' Orr.' : • 14OStAtetiiiii,fiiif.:*
lies -atlit'o:•icesteiit :bash' :- 0r' . . , 00- - i!V14104#4114
• mOuntithi f .in it: ottOe 1 fOrMeA by . ai'pO:jOitictik:
westward brailintriense 'spurkpi.t....the•- itfttik .
it is washedliz . 4.7trnters • •eitiliti.-::
white to theisouthard, . for twentillve miles
extends ii.*ctiyk: hlvel plain, watered by sev- -
*al 'small 'atreims.ifromithe.mounntine, which'
them the irJitMeitient orpitowitia:) - fe04,..
t i e the cOmmunity.', liPti: : thiso44:..lF4:o;p:th;
time jnetintale4 . ti•d: hiAgidai , .,•• 'Siva ..,•Or.
•Isia. : *; l 4 l; •.tliec riliatii . .bi4oM',: iDiiiiitiW Vie - .
.. arieity..and ptirity' i cif W4osphere.;'lsbjeets are;
Efeen sirith *ondertill!'distiiteptess,:. quit c -44z,'..
tint ~ a stranger .in eSilm4ting-..;,ol4tincii:
min tbese• terraces. are. Ofro.rcle . 4.#oltrjte
. 4iftt) lantrseape .view3. : ' . Far 1094`.tti th 4,000(
t 4 diStance•arii4ty:.i fi so; 4 soollietoif.:;
pig:etk:•Of Mount Nehe . ,..ifi:•oloio:io,S
iverediisith SnoNi', and yekin elehr.:.•andAiit.
`tint,Otaf t . the outlines of :: itii *itifafias • "r ides
4nd gorkes- . - e,visible•to:thenakedge..::l l A__ ti.
'•i "tags V' the betatilliff,hLiVe, st*W.
wa dr
- .. . . . ..
ing,:te . . ; a:3 for. thirty in 10;,:ittleantipl:
ankt . i:oi . the Eastern side do(tell . wiihlliti-, .
ingly, and farms. :Still:nearer arer.the.:
' •
v eiseilotiti n . ht . it:h ' e ks FA* COrieethia ... r
.. e '.Walsttef:atid
.04eirfah •Wan - 4*
61404410 rio OW.Jardai bteaksAC*
vil . aad r o cky' canon ' forhi ii ig tliek . dot
f the iatersloll4iikiitotthOtefef* ec-- C : .
i : .
.: lit i Lake: . The4rlnding. 2 oo l oN4.` • ' -' ,
be dritleetlyiraittdountitilliiktetki - ' ..-.
Wit at ; ycitti.:ltte.y.'and - • yet'. •tithciuti . ....'647 'ti :
' ;''' eirdlipant!••• ,, 'Tait 'away? to-tiieA4l. tirit
... 1 4Weitiraid'tb•Great:Sa4 streteheiti•
...4: .
- 1 , itsratimerons islande find -bity*-: , ,:;'. i , •, .
- 4044tlehls fully . deintibedin Stidish • ':'e.i
, n '40004 . is : .thai:ilie44-.) saturated i• sof. Octifi
1.• ' oftlilikii*hrtlie:iiitililing3t-: eV ,•?':": • :•". 41.,.
.4 ; :thcr*Fatei - ofi-thi . ...Peitii.'lika;• . ?;. lii) : :tiili . .
• litisl, idliiiii that
. 4 . 4' : obtliii4wilt ,. , .; :.:::.._
. - 4 ' .. .
1110,t, fte:. - Ofilie Vukariiilloe; .. , ~ , ....
.....ehrldedliC.thti: Gitiitt. , WA i'•• 1 iii..l
- i 1. : liiikela.torollllo4t;,,4*Okitit.•;:. •:,.. .-,
." "...*-00 6 i4titi*4 1 1Sti!: 40 #Pt:'S
~z. .
• ~ Oryiimittitionif lif,•• - 41 1 041141*4:41 - ; t!!0 :
.spate inf.:- thirty feet lets:.4* . cittf4: . t i. ; - 1:
r d' ..
1 .: :1 . very ,)kit . .4o l lti :40 1 0004 fi e * ,.
• 1 "..
7 . 00 r 0141Y;;054 . .a14:4114 - L:_.9iii .
'big :4i . : teitkar4 . 4 1 .4 . 4** 1 04.0r. 166 .,
tlino4o .n orth, of the • :c4ty,-,t4 - oN**il4Pf,
.*Neill49 14., - . .fi5y::**00440... 4 . 40 •to . ....01rge ! „ . ..
bi it . o4* 00,304far.a..pnatinal... ; stiyai .- .0
• apitiObje. 'llll:.*rsona. :•.,,..•.•-•:.-;._..., - • - • •,• T ...: . ‘,..•,... - i. , .'.,
.-;•,.• Op
.. .. p.:is.4..otl)iei ul
:Xlist,44 . 1,- ,- ~T, .•• .--- ...i.s.:- -.-
.... . . . . . .
1;: ..... / .. r.;14 4" 41.. ".. .A • t
,-Perot4 th
4 , t;V 7- 7: 1 • 13: 0 4..- Mi• TAPN.
• • .7P
.-A ...10-
..,t.: , .. , .., ,, , , :,-4,...., ..,. „- ., , , - , -.. 4,:401 , ..,-.4.:1
--- .MiiiiiMikeetoiliala 16 'fiefilie'ae - theictre''' '''''
- -r- - , :- - --. . zicv',:.-t
•;* , ..:*er 6, *‘ - :... : tiko,4**4:W ‘.
' .; , 51
7v it TL e ePOY; la n l: ! 4 * . i.:4 ; :::;_! • :.7' , '4. 15 **T:,.:V:ei%
; .... 0 0*. .. ..-.-- ~- r . , ,...- ' :- !lt - ta i i i ieir s,s ' - -t;
10w. -- st:o4 7 ;snaliii - 4 1 1t -,
i .2 ' ..' .;,, (.l i ynw t -"irit.:';;: -,
, jark:.ran&etireaVerittijkif,, , thiiiiii - 'F ~.''',, . :4,- , , , A;
' l l6 - tirtiiialitii*llWMit* ....3* . :, - ,', ,'":.- 37 , , , ' , ita : 'f.
- ilkiiii 'Pr ' .. .iOY - gtegt*ti = ,h*:*t**lo..,o4 l . - AWOi' ' .
.. i . lh ***:Witinv:4*** l o . 74 l 4*4 . l* , . : :; - !i;': - .
ra;wllitst , .*A l P4',*llo:LiOglifiltheAkk4P , : - . 2 ,
'.o64a:l*e44i47 . prei. . ...,=l., '',',":'',, , k Mt;
r:th4;l -1 2.19iiitei.kii**,7,40t*i**WT1F‘4:ja
t e ; : . i4fi t ii'it* , KOK:iiiioo4 - ;; 7 . V ,. ... 0-;f)
T a Tl le *° o4.. ?o /4 ti7l:. - t 4 ')Orx . f . itiii .7 .'* 4 4l - v ,,
lii .40 1 : - .. 6 4yioi s p: , :.:eigt. - :q:* . ii t - f? 4 -; t - ._.."; ". . --- 4555.. , 74
no-tidisokk*w: -7- ,, - ,,,,, : ).." :-,wAi11. ,, t, ,. . - ;:!,
; , ibie ., rifilditkaii(l46oh& . • 'iiet,,,;- ah ' ' • •' l7:i 'l
:resistance. it oppa wt nrtied: , i' . . tAsi.Oi . ' ',11e•Y. 3 51 ':"-::-.
re - a-Te 6 . 3 4#,Tivi 3 r;' , ' Bll 4' - i04 . !: .1 ' -. i
:. --''• -,- .4; , '? ; ;' , :
t9p.:.0)66: . :**--F,iiiicile :..v ~..#14:4 -: ,„;1. s .:,:t:..,: ,-
iaroy - th - .4t4iiii - ..0f ---
• ---4-•
: ; 4 1 ailo !fad - -_,; -- mrigiiii!
, reiNgi - kea ill , thir*oi
aPfkii*ll4:4‘firi4 . !'
lano&i: ice* ,thi44,
Perceiving, howev er
: Were: to - -pierce,- his - Ii
lie'reinae..!ttahe ::iidg4
hie' enorinOnsijawi ',' s'
t ' - aeh d 'the -
49n ) A
: ir,k - 412 (4Yr:;10410Y midi -,-- --eli;',- - tiiit(o4
. r- lippe Aid ihei - .hillles*rikisUWT al:i.iiiiiiiiiiiigp - 6._
a t
-, i0ti0r1 1116 94c . )11 gikintooo:4o
_l'.- , 4iiit3i:c**
4 044J0 --- g4erp.;* 4 .1 , ,0444.4.4.**1014:ipi*i4t:; - ' ,
-tt41: 4 1.4j: --l ii, , g- rka l 4 ,- :1 -7 431 - *42. 1: - A , ,, , i.:j l- i .
~_; :d 6 P 44 -W itkaiz t iirFii V ,.L . _: . 4 : - 4 .4:e.,....L, ~-„, ii:.?!Liv i tit'::'l:..f
' ,/.14 - P: ' and atn9la.:tuaimaeaviroik: < , y i ,,:gin t L 'I . : - :e.1.i.: : .
:.q*.ii - o.(o4ttrdW A ,! '10,4*: - liiii;;fillieici_Tiiii:4ol3tiii':. :
-,4.4 1 14i!g Oie*,..-1-.;;Tl4?7,'. l 4iiiiTka,l.,:i*.i*i - . 4 -
e 1440 - le 'f; 1 0„ q l . l 4 l ,i44JiiiiineefOiltrokifi' , tt
~o. e4* . ', 04'9. ot. t .fi'liH,'eiieioiiii;*:: , :', -,k '" 4 1, - ; - ,
seemed to - nerkio . .Aiiiiieji iliiii!:,u 4 ' : :4 - ;':','=', 4 ,&. : ,.„ 4 !:t. ,- .
.*hi! . o . .:oixi. reip.iiieee,*r.ei . e::: - .:4iiiift.'e*i W.'= 2
L'Aiii*, alt _ icnrlaiii4c. - ,*04 - : - . .iiii - ektilffjilct
to.k;' -- 41.404iiiiiiniiiittil':iii:IWIP --
. The figfit'll'adla;stol more
: withoet any; reatilt Aliat:f4:lll4.
: ' - fsilis -- APeOltlfi:**PV:i
' - struck #! - --i.i.ioji*ii, -- :,filliii, at
tite:*atei : With: a7litiiii Of;.i
. rid_ size. ' ' '' Ail 'ilr In
a, : .
~ 0 er-
nest. .4ifiak. 'i,i6 . rioi6.iii,..
mace .1 , 44 i ihiliiit iii&3;ef' the::
irpn entered. deep Into the
h*OilitAi . iiith -: i. - :iikii.6l.4 - e . - _.......,...,„..... ~.,
- kightiopg, -4!..-do,t4.*-44.4.4edie-iiiiiiitia*titi,
appeared: .- ,1 'The lanee7:l , tsileiled'eliettl - 111::'
'the iron' headretarfiedqii - th : 6 , -,'.4.i ' . O 'f
Water: . F0r. , .!0 e:- ; mine . . .y.we7, - ;.. - '
'' 'fft, '-' tei'''''iiiiiik.4 4
~, .
Vain:for - the ikaOtieti : (l44Priet'
- thonght:thlit , hiaTaw:4 girt he& •.eiiibt:' ,-1 '
•:t(i'rtach : t46:l46 ritid4liaOtaii: - '',.;:i';: , ' "i'
result L frifitleaOlv%,Ai 4 e'UTiliie
net; alarge:holeiil4.feiot,.-', ;: -•.:- /. :..""
our stippositida';'_Waa# '',.i';' .
teas in the s:une. irntlitib,4 , '; , ':• -
heartened 14,:tine.441 - *- .(-
thitillitif heir it . .'-'
Several . of the
war4':..the : ban.
icOry :w.o' .641 * -.. t!: . 'f" .
water, . .i - AO . ....,
.- .
him„ aeve- -
lhe Vs. '. r .-
_ -
4 44 1 1 ,0 '.11.. .
4 iii*#i:e '- • . i
, i e 4*aei ' faijl*•*o:g
,- - !. - .# ; .. 4-0 .4: - . 1 47 .. ** 0 40414if i 4
...;.1)c/On:**,ai*tii I**#.t.i . ;- - . ; . :
/44*1 4-0
i ti ._ ..itt#*.f.ii:94s - 1: -. .
( # 1 .37 -, O i : iilif ifOiltig: : : .
- :***Onifi : _;:',
. .* l- `t : :P - • : :f
~: 1 17: ".eri1 1 0.- .* **. 111iiiitfai . :44:4-:
^ ... - a •r. ~..a.-:.:k4-t0: 414fjt.g,04:i5.PiY.,.L.r..-,.6.0..:!~-
W ' 'V
1in:9440 h
liP:rofote-Ok '4
q4_ite'*ii4l*tF 4:
4 04 0 **C04 , *.4 ' *
c4 • O - AMS -)6l i - h* :'''
-- - - - ,-,-- mt e i• -, •- , 2 , : ,- u -
Russell; , 4 me'rts - ng:vgallat - -
*.' - vT4t:e3).**, 7:iit - pi e iik ~ : ' i - t;
.*itiultig:iiiiiiiittit 4 9.?':kriigiffer . l'llljs --..4.- : A
i3 Otlii 4' iibitiili ' :*iii - oligltAtiiiiiit . -Ar . 7.! W . :l; ',
' ti - lie ; tieiiiiiiiiii'YeiVl4444 "
ittntl.:: • . , ~.. -,-
61;:e-d.thp-4.i,44.*woi-fiii-i-foefiii. .'f, '...n-:::'
n ifilik.:W . liieltii... - '4iiiiiiiile f iii*O - -. - _ - 1 .
* 6l Poii9*tilit4a?..iliOVglitt*
104044iiii i iiiiiiihail-i'', '.,',", , - .":ltiiii: "'"
- *i4: 2 41.04 -- lioiiiiiil74 - ':r, :, ( '' ; !•'.,‘ !7iiiiiitiitt4l 7- .
tiKei•aliit hio*ii - ii - oia.._4itti'-',. ;:..' :'t4tit**:i , 4::9:
'li;v4: lol o l r±PrOkti**.t l ifOtWilii*iiiit4 . -,,: . - ,: - 'k; .. 2-
i' - ',-• : ::-. ''''''''''''' ::"::::'":"Z7::.
i' , '': .. , ,-, ';: - ::''' ,l ' l '
, 1 ,,;, ..k,,0 t f,v4.,,,rv,4i42-=zv.i.
,-.. A4a4i : of §.#...te_rpacimtlogjAivt_at#:!:--7.,
• . ..i304 . '4' t. "* liit':: l* : l.. -:•-• ,:t'iti****liiliza.::4:7
._ • ceieb , rsioii .: o, , iiiet!c-,:, •. - 7 ;:...ot iiiis:i;.i.,:waln - • „,,,..--,'
. I.o4 :F gi ois i k l:', tiiif3l4 4 **, - ;:jko e 4v ,
iii . o6. - tcrfiliioi: - :Atipeii,.Aiiiiri.-iiiiiiirk ---''
Ainn.o: • ' : :_ - 4 , ::; '''' ,. .. ' P: ? r - . - -.
-.- -----. ---- ~,- , )- :,:v. -7 1T.T..
... ,„,,,
.. ': . ' : . :. --, :"..filii ~ 1 ,1! - 14444174itiefi
11#4')4:0 - i - to , -ofialiAlii . 4 ,
g=i****.ri, , =,Cio.
'..pi4':: ,,. :(40; - 704 . .t00ii - ,o'.:*
'..*.it4iiiie*6l:*ittijii44iii.t .
kl* . .- I ,44ttit - .4iv, - jOiiii4l
*ii6 . 4 . ;'aibl . '..:ififiki4offifiig
-:.filiiiiit -'i•..:.WE over; h 1
Vatioi4' . *:'-*Wi . '" : --'-
.-, ,
44..aikriz.'.0 - Who - : - iiiil.„ .,
IA) aSs; '. . - ii;i4' - ?
.iliki . itilii . ..*:0-6vio
;.ti,ep .. . t r. - :,'. - TO4 - _ielr i"t4i , ,4 - Aik 4 , , ,,
0_101; ii Is. ' l4iiii..:kiot** , .t .,.. ? LV . iii! - Ai.641 . 4 - f*::)7 ,
-1 .04 1.1 .* : 144.044: ' .4 1 4P ': 5, ' ,,ift .3 Eigl*li*OTlWY. ' .#'
' O O/iii f . 4 .- t i :f!****!*#4o",ili*it.44 - ! '''l'ig .-
!a 77 ,0=4:''410: - 'tifTi'67*4l4*l_: -. :(W:
07 iteiliOid'-ioiiiinQtag , 1 ' : -
!..13v.-:wfwp,-Avoitanr -- 4c: - .itho.fio.set- - ::- ' , 31 1 01-t -
Mayflower ever 1a " -i t ,
*Os . ..'. o fifiAilikiitifi4iiir*:.',;SrA,i'aiisa;.
- .fri* - o; l ,fliiii:l;:iit_ii::**4l 7 .* -- . 1 ,14 - ,Ligivito iii 1-:
: - ' 016 ,. 5- of:* -- 44k10f. ;,11 0:.:.**.. , f7 7 P0t4L .,..., :.:4. -
Atli o:4o ll :l4 . ;.ioiiie* i -0-:44*1- '.' , t•: ,- 0 ,
d 'il e '*A:'#-: ` 0 16 .4'4..' '' 41 '..ti*ti.104* -1 ,4
` 1 .'0kx1e:',..g, 1 014 , g1 . , - oi, 1- 14,ki . . : :: . f5 ., 4 0 . 44: E :
Rod.wol-64*041::: , :utti*:40z - 4*00.1t.,:'
:::'-' - :tiaY4:: 4 ' .. *Onig-tt4'ii i , :i4li*ioiii,# , E*lliil44' - F.P,
li te)
'dons .14 : b..*4,0*.E , 7 6 11i4g::-M 'W4iiii*4loi - t=lo
.* - -.*.tui i iiot,liinekt Oltip*.W!ti*tiAio.4:lW:;::l'l
04 ~ onii• iiiitie • • ----- ii4v - iiill : :iii6C tiiiifiiiii - ' ,L i -r--,f-1
,:sdieit ;to p :, Tie .del 4 ,4*l t i t , thd , ..t040 - 00:w*: - .:
cgike#4 ;- 44 4. 44di4 -- :: ' . E .. A4 - i ' 4 . i.0 4 4.*:40 1- 471.;;: .
l fr,k iiii . ,:7l rs.- .: -A '* - : , '--;_o44tiliiiik*k*4&.;
boon Fathers T ; basil;. oz
- Aioi)iiiii:444o,:, '',liiii4litkliat
....Ji7 : o;C_
~,..,,!,:‘.- . •-,7:,
i*afd 6 :.itsi• - i4r ' 4 .* fliiiit:#ollt,. -14 r,:l!***1 1- 4) , *
lIIIRAM AtOrtilgics4k.-6iggiiMA?g-,-.,
-,-. ~f.5„.,,-:,',..-,,'--.:,,,-.s,74gklk;Ng
:: - . - ;;; - :* : - . ' , ,- -- ;4;1:F:;. - ," •: • -, •-., ;',:5.... ,--,--..--,„
IE .: ': : : :- Irar TW :'. -- - k•-..•.9 111 1,gPi,t74i,1 - .,,q.5,: ,
rO/0 10 *' . .i* .. • 1 0:: 4..-ii - ,' ;,tlY.WVOkikoow,
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