The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, April 06, 1854, Image 1

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    iv0..v.4,:29;ip - p3:.4i
' comn.
BY Aucz
My house ts low and
But behind a.row Of trees,
teach the-golden fall
Of pie sunset in tlin- seas;
„ -
And *stone wall haneXite
With the roses of
Were less - pleasant to t
Than the fading of to-day. = ,
From a brook a heifer drinks -
Ina field of pasture ground, ,•
With, wild violets and pinks / •
- Fora border all around..
By house is small and kar,'
But the siiikrir Of the door -
Dear a cool deep shadow throvri
In the summer onmy floor.
• , ,
artalshiy nights
When the Bulbs of leaves are barn
1 can see the' window, lights '
Of the homesteads btherwhere. . '
• - .•
My home is small and
But with "pictures sue as these •
- Of the sunset and the ro •
Of illuminated bees.. •
And the she drinks •
- • From the fieldef meadow ground, e
With the violets and pinki •
For a; border.iill around.
Let me never foolish pray
-For a •iision wider spread,
-Burcontented only say •
Give me, Lord, my -daily hiertrl.
• -•
• From Ilikisetiold Words.
• ItOW. . •
. .
loud! for the day is passing,.
' While yimilie dreaming on; - •
Your brothers are cased in armor, • . •
And Korth to, the fight,are gone ; •
• Your place in the ranks awaits you.; .
Eaeh man has apac e to rgity • '
The past and the fur ne.are clothing
In the Bice of the to=day.
, .
Arise from the dretuxui of the future—
. Of gaining a hard foUght field •
Of storming the airy fiortress;
. Of makitig the giant yield; • • . •
' t •• Tour future has deeds or glory,
Of honor (God grant le: may?)
But your arm lamer be stronger.
Or needed as ikow-;40-6IY-
Arl.e the'past :detain you,
-Her sunshine and storms forget;
No chains so unworthy lb hold you
As those of a vain regret;
Sad or bright she is lifeless ever; '•
Cast, her phantom arms away,
for look back sale to learn the lesson
Of a nobler strife to-day.
Arise! for . /hallow. is patting; •
.IYse aeund that you dimly hear.
Is yolk enemy Illißithing to battle; .
Rise! rise! for the foe is here
Stay not to brighten your weapons,
;-, Or the hour Will strike at last; -
AO from dreams of a,condrig battle,
YOu wdl wan and find it past.
• •
YROm " notsznouY wolus,"-L-EDnio* BT CfIII4.ES,
"' . lty boy, my poor blind bop l'' • ,• .-
. This sorrowfuTlexclamation broke frOnilbe!
lips of, M.r,S;Owek as she lay upon- the i3ottii
which a long and wing illness bad . con
fined her. and whence she well knew ihew i ns
• .
never mare to rise, • . .; , ~.•
Her son, , the only child of her widowed=
hearth, the sole object of her cares and affoc,
.tions, knelt beside her, his face bowed upon
her pillow, for now only. in.a moment of sob
einn , communion with his mother, bad
rev-ea/NI the fatal truth . and told him , she
must soon die! Ile had watched; and hq•ed
and trembled for many weary !Months; but
cover yet had he admitted to hinuielfth
sibility Of losing her;
,her fimitag cheek and
kniketi eye could not yews' to hini the pro.
cress ofday, and so long as the loved voice
maintained its music'to his ear and cheered
him with promise of impskivement so long as
her handatill clasped he had loped she
woAld recover.
e had been blind since he was three years
old ; stricken by lightning.he had totally - lost
his sight. A dim remembrance of his Wid
owed ino face, her' smoothly braided
hat, and 'ng white dress, was one of the
few recollections entwined with the period
Wore all heiminde dm*. to- him. • •
The boy 'grew: bill, slender delicate,
with dark.pensiVe'eyeawhich - lxm3 no trace
.of the calamity that had idesttnyed their pow
.erStOf vision; grave, though not' sad.; dies.
4 nY,-cuthusiastie, and requiting.his • intrther's
.care with the deepest' veneration and\ tender
ness. la the first years of his childhood, mid
whenever his education :did not, takelbein to
London and clsearbere, they had resided near
town.on the ara.4raast in one Of the pretti
est parts of -England.
-- IndepeaUstly- of , the natural.; -kindness 1
nehicili wary - .irately fails towards
any person 'Who,* blind, there as that about
hoth the Widowrand her sou =which invariably
rendered. thein aceep.tablefguirats ; for - their
, intelhAual resourees; and powers of oonver,.
were equally diversifiNl !and invent
tnon. Mrs.:ONVen . •!hadistritlied mtitit in or :
tier to teach her sim,'and thtis,:by impreving
ler natural. abilities, become *Person of
n 9 common stamp; - her had
intellectitality, ho*-
'Nur_ 'bane always aul iservicat t,o, and fitly
Aalloir.;ed the ouiierior feminine. attti,
lAttes of love, gentlenem, and sympsthf; for .
helpthe woman wbcro•tb:rts
are not predominant over , any me ;en
dowments whatsoever I. •• -
• 'When they walked out together his Moth
tooklits*m ; be WEIS 'maid of - that, he.
liked 'to \fancy he was some sup to her, 1
'SO many pitying eYes used hetter l .,t
low the figure of the widow $* idaeol(ra
dress she constantly Were, and th e' tin, Pale
1913 un whOrn ,the leaned asifidingly, 'as if
iitriving With a sweet deception -to - 13001043 e
him that he was . indeed the iitairof.heir
ling strewth. tut gradually the mo ' ther's
formgrew bent, heri,;step ,dragged wearily.
alb, pd . the expresston of her flee
ed ' weariness. The walks' wet* at
,lut anti; au 'before lo n g . she - was- toVleeble
to leFe. "exceptAng to be =Tied to
sunazder:parlor Whereiehe 11 4 upon asofa
beside an open.windOif tioweritwining
the.oisement, and. Ate ,WA - m sunthine
fining all-iNnsso4dit joy,, , save her foreboding
k',Part and tlie,anxious son who " incessantly
idS,oftea - eatas >isit
,m6l ickaa4:4 - rmid away with 461)._80.thiese
they noted:thei*ogrewtirlm*didand
heard the blind man AskNseb• w hether
li e did not go* ikv better—nhn,
•bertha *hen they kit "beheld,hge 1
- wg all - these, no Mind'
, . 1 . . '- • ---,-1 - . i - '. i \'• - --. , •-,,,,-, ,
, .
, _
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.11R THE PEOPP C.. /S - TIA .I2 GITIMATE t 3 OVECE, V) THE - HAPPINEt3B OFTHE PEOPLE THE TR • E END tiF GOVERNALE • NT:' .. _ i ,l i . ~. `.. • ~. '. ,- -- • --.-. ' -...•- • -,-• .;_:• •-.,. •
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. ‘
1. - :, -..-::,-1. .M.Q, ~,.. _ROSE 'THURSDAY ' - AIIRIL 6' 1854.-'1 -
. i
as' (com e'. r
Mrs. Ow;
and. Ed%
and shq, i
aboutS,l -
and w •
pinion -
gat , •Plainun .
nes q'P l t ve . ated t. from io • • ,' it'd, win
listen f r hour s the i tortes w' ' ll which 1
memo r Wiairell Stored,_or which ; his 0
imagination eardil him to inv nt,- - '
As e grew 4 , there wia o :change` r
the fr ank Mut* (I - ,
.. , , • ' f thsir, i n '
- course.l 4 lfary trp •• •• e Mitt .e AO 1
.of her girlish , ts, + d plans, 'and ''s
just as she had • e o her', little griefs ' d
joys in; ehildhood `as lid hini to dui:4e "s
ihvorite passageq (poetry; or" stationed br.
self near him - sat It iane, suggesting subj
for !Unit' to pli , ich c i he extern itot at
her biddino. 4, .and bloom: i asga y
1 .,
was, the. iffe, of le ry Party, bea . ing with
il.animation and inj - ment, fro att . tion ,as
capable of rende ii her unruindfu ot . huh ,
and shit was, oft n! noire 'to sit o t several
dances m ali...ev I'll 4 to talk to d ' Edwafrd
Owen, ;who u,-orzl i be sad i4he tho ght hip - I=
self nealtvted. 1* ' 1 l•
, e •c And now she q "ii . )- visited-the invalid ;'her
bnoyant spritsnripered by sympathy or
,her increasing s i B rings; but,still diffusi
Such an trios • h 're of sunSirine - and: ho e
around her, tha born"' and desportden ,y
seemed to vans •at her presPnee. Edivar 's
sightless- eyes %v . ,. e alwaid, raisedto her tri h it .
face, as if he,,fel i the. rn .. l', influence : it rzn
parte4. °: • I- . ;;.:
.. . '. 4-
. Ills mother h• • noted this with a mo,h
er's watchfuln -: •,, hnd, ' that day, when
strong in her 1 l'y- , 4 he I 1(11 undertaken .to
break :,to him the i c:et vhi ~ ail others shrank
from commni • t i ling, he Spoke likewise of
Miry, and of the'sue wild hope she had
alway cherished 'of 0 e• day ',seeing her his
wife. t f J , .., I.
, - 1 -1 - :
,_ -
val l s
. " No; mother,
.. no, eaclaiinett. - . the blind
Man. ' "near e st, nit ther in this you are • not
true to your! • What, worifd you wish to
see her in er spring -time of' youth arid
„beauty Sacrificed to such a 'one as 1!--to see
MarY, as ;Vot' Wye , described her tome, as
my soul tells me shp is, tied down to be the
guide, and leade, and: , sUpPort of oie who
could ,nOt mak e one i step in her • deenee ;
Whose helpksesgess alon e in 'the eyes men,
would be his Means o sheltering. and rotec
timg her ! Would it() hear her pit( ,—our
bright' ary :pit: ed-L-, . a' Blind Man wife,
mother 1' ,
r- : . , -
"But F.dwardlf he lov ~ you, as lam
mi r e she do4S--r i ~ -
" Love nr4, mother I - Yes, S angels love
mortals, as a isier I Iclves 'a ther, as yo
love. Me!
.-:` ' And - to! this'benignarit -- loVe, thi .
tende 5.. - Mpathy,-.lcOnld kneel and kisi th ~
s j
gront s P treads upon ; , but beyond i thi
were yo 'to entreat her- t Marry your blind
f i
e i r
and l it try, son, and she in pity answered
yes.—w uld 1 'accept •I•n .s 4 ternis,land rii.--
et the , in s she had. Om tad to jasmine?.
Oh mo , mothe4, hay ! . not 'studied you
in vain „ o ur l•' ha's been !one 1 4, 1 g, setf.sacri.
flee to In ;. itsiSilent traehings 1 bear fruit!
Do not grieie whit' 1): for me, God -was.
veOrmercifal hi "t h gme -such a motheri
let us-trust ,
him ' •
rlthe future r ... , 1 : .
.A , 3 Roui to °,4 ,i h F r t ,s Pe 4 kiag tibr#e - .
ly forth, striving- f 4 ctlecr,..tht.: mother Sidling
spirit, When all te s ; was dar darkidarlc.!
She raised he tlf upon he n pillOw, and
.1445 ,
wound ter . weti . l4 arm about 'S neck, and lis
tetlea to the eap . •nsof i arable loye,and
firith, and" co nsolation which her ion 'fc•find
strength. - 'u tter,
.to sustain tei. soul. , tes,
in that h o 'h` r reco&ei had begun:: . in
lonelineis, in • • t ars;'. with `Ehristrau pa-.
tienee an d .1.4 - vor,Fjihaii exalted " and faith
ful spirit ' :-. she sown i ; and in (With she
reaped h, - hi:.• reward,_ ;' _ .- 4: ''-
They I • :-•• • silent for soree in6-int*md
she lay- k ekhiliste4 but- comPosed l _While
he sat lay s
Iret;holft*herhand in hls,fan
eiing she slept; and ituriouify listening to
h. - brerithing,.,
,%-liiell Seemed ' 'more ttkuul
I' . • • i 6ppres,44.' l' A. , rustling was ear&
alai • , •
e c flower* aitho wibdow, a n d'a 'bright
yo facelooped -in. r , . , i' , ,., , i
4 Husli !" -,- Edward, recognizing j tbe
- step, "Hush, - Ma she is asleep !" • 'i i . . o'
• The eolor,end tellile.s alike poised rn .
Mary's face, 35-1 i
t iti! glided iiiti the Tom.
4 .
fOh FAhrardii i w she is - riot asleeKshe
is very / very !, _ •`• • - 1 - ,
"- " Mary ! darlinlg .14 ":1" said the dying la
dy, with dill') , ty, rousing herself;-" 1 • hare
, had such apt t, &earn ;'',but I ba r e - slept
- too' loitg. lei night." Let thent. bring =-
dies; Edwar ii,l eannot see yo,ti nOw." - '
N' it. and - Suii so brightly shining !.-.-
The s ' ows the grave were stealing thst
upcm er.• - 1
;l ad
- Otber steps no sounded in the roorb.'and
many faces: gatheredmind, e cow* ; - but
;the blrndMani.hmrd nothingwas POlrli - iel'atli
of nothing. save #te. painful I;ed rei t'enrira.• ,
lion, pie tretn4lpft's haul! that u • in fits
1 .
own, the lirtilcen ienteriees.. : t: i -
" Edward, ray dearest, take , Comfort !-
have hope, God is indeei*ibifuL" . -
4 '2, - Edwaili,ll9 not'griere sO•sadly ! It
'brealoftik:y heart, i to :see , you cry. For her
sake be datn+-49r my !sake; too !" Mary
knelt ,down rde= him,and endeavored to
Soothe the voibeilesalino., -ish whiebitterrifteil
her to Witit,!. F . 1. ' . ti . , ' - , , '
`' Another i' 'ttlifrhelp no soma • broke
the - stillness .. :t plevidlid ;' *ld again' Mri
lavrefo• „,.-, eyri,*d gay Mary kneel
img by - • . a'aide; limy Were . naseela,
, tea with the' ; -'rititnieuiimtOf her thoughtlt,
''::MA A gran!3 ,4. -'.
4 110 herface. -' = " ' ' '' ' '
'' " m Aii'l, wi .„ ":. 'is itrikt4 l to' -die! IfY
ldren both. ' lE* ine 'Mary . 'liiybleilefili*
4 1 .342 4 1 e t r 1 '"Edyitit 3 4, In''' . ' ni 4 ater't
• ors° shoPft 441 , .k, , is- . 4- at an
,eWered -fiti... ' And** 'het' ' ight - -Olioni
unalloyed p • - • ‘`.7.:. : 'fioul .. WI*, said
knew "Sonrow: d •-• ii o •• i ;- • .',.. -;•,,,•-•
' ''
F.O ,ur M II& •••• :., ' Mrti;Owen'a
'44th," and b kit - '.' 40 l iiii* wo9&
mi... , F
*Ail, : the: ,--:; . t3134'; - ... • •tither,COlOttell
'Parker; " i'Llt• - ' o ' '; SiiiiiiokbiliEd'i
vare9 ,6 6 11 ' 0 7. 8 0 ' *lnilo 4 thOr)igd' i Ne :
h t .‘
lie'ei . ppei ,: i . kit4, upon •
.'rearVe, - attiAteArist,
, ottook,of.his grief had aul!si . . . "'''.' '.- '''.'''' 1 . .
Colette!' , litra:A'a"rlter. eri tu thind heart
ki.PO o pp I.J : -053 -rifOlh i: - csi - of E -
.iv . ara 'o w ' , ' 'fi*:: J x t . to ••• - ... - Irele - OW ~,: iaritso.
) in
ti!e2Y irlid..' koill6iPto,.. le Alio**.
.voting t 41n.4 4 14t1 0 40 ` ` - 14 0 Y -1 " , " h r
~. iliZ
~ .wi "
f i' ,4eviee,„
,Pv— .
.h* dfihetifthP '"'
.d- . ,1 - 11 1 _ • -
. ,
b I ght such so' lieo' ' to, s elc - ;i ~.
Parker, Si Joionslkir
. of '
e beinitieEi of *e eountK, the ' ;
;and , delight Of. all 00' ,kn ew J.,:
.6d dance& Mdt i ll her Itte
used to'n3,frkd sit,a *ii 'e
orher wiee ne:ohififii : boy pi' tw 'et e
.li 9 . .. tairi Of six yeiFfc!l , rite '
eside • hint ; prOfung **- ik 1, ,
ii how he could - -
~ h bind.. Mine of his 1 ' iiish 430
'er r l i ed him so carefull y Ai lifiry ,
much impreszvd wi hili•nielal
• _ - t.. -
4he Ofteli
ket rtes in -whit'
But kirufas all 'the fiuriilyisi."- - 4111 ` - a>>l - the .
ilithilY'WerO aa 'riothirig Ora-pared -to Mary- t
;who"' always enxiciuti to tiociorapany hi*
his _ - seethed ji.eldirs of ".her privilege
it&V it@ reader, 1111(tektiMed to be his' il
-Int . teliful companion ; When,' too sad even
t tilt: an' interest
.: in' What,: she read, he
leaned ..' IC:wearily in ."- tehaii, and felt the
:.i .• 1 influent* of pimenee„ As tithe
wore . ,hand some of . - Old pursuits resent....
ed the*• attractions for ',' .. she i
used to• la:
tom f. hour% as he play R t upon -.
-the piano,
She 'would,sit near him; th her work, tim
posing! subjects for his .: ill, - as her oldetta
tom had been ; or ego Z. d .beg him to give
her a lixeort in'exeeuthig Idiffszult passage and rendering it with' due fee 'ng and eipression.
In the same way, in their • • . . ~. -, which grad
ually were carried On with more regularity
WI intere!.4e she aPPean4 to look Wog N
- Self as . :theperson; ohligbil,
..lip !,,, ~ p - is
hi i
- judrintit"Land d 'card pli his .
out any - oonielithsuctss 0 the fittigut \ she un
derwent; or nserviCershe -was rendering. 1
-'One day, - they were Sitting in'thc libia:.
ry, after she , jbeen for sonie time purSu 7 .
ins hfr self i . posed task, and, Edward,ftiaring,
sbe would 1, fixed, had repeategily entreated
h'r td- desist, sh 4 answered gaily :
"Lit me • one, Edward L. It is' so pleas
;"to t go th ough a y
book with , you ; illl
t ci
i tike such iii .,refiCetions, and point . out all
finest p .
: : 6s, and explain - the di ffi cult
p ,rfa so elea ly, that it dues me: more good
than a dozen readings by . mysielfi I shall
grow .quite clever no ws we have be g un our
literary studies." • -. I
i" Dear Mary, say rather; ended;
know this cannot aim-a:vs go on so.
return to my ou-n !louse next weel
11e4 , 62 ,- :th4
14" blu
, . .
trespassed on your . fathers hospital
gence, and forbearance'tioo long.!'
• . " Leave us,. tdWard l'i' and . the 'On)
ened. in, her: cheeks, ...and tears Aooi
bright. eyes..- "Not -yet!" . 7.-
• "Not yet? The day • Would still come,
dearest, delay it as I might. and •• is-it manful
dins to shrink frOnt what must and - ought:lo
hey? - ..ilia *-e to-begin lifein•earnest,, and if I
alter at the•ottest, 'v. hat will: be the result.?
have arranged. every thing:. Mr. Glen, - oar
gererVntan. has a cot sin, an usher in a school,
whoArishes for retirement and. country - air.
•I have engaged hitri.te lire - with me as a-coin--
pardon and reader... Next Week he comes ;,
and then, fare*ell to Woodlands r -: . ..: - •
. . - Ni), not farewell, for brou.must come here
.very, often; and .I, must read to ynii stilloind
you must teach me still, and
,tell me in your,
own noble thoughts' and; beautiful language.
abetter and higher things than I once used .
to care for. And then t'tur. .walks-:-oh Ed
ward, ire-must continue taitee 'the sunset
from the • cliffs,•sometitnes, . together. You
first taught me - iow beantiful it was.' Fold
you of the tin upon uponthe aky. and upon the:
sea, and, upon the_boats with their -el ing.
sails and you set the, view before
me all"
its hannonyTand lavelinets,•brought it tome
tOmy heart, aiiisi.Alade tree feel: ten* col and
inSigtsible I had hem betroie% ”-- - .. -
•-' l a Ab,. Masy, :,s aid . Xdirargi ',isoirelifiti. ;
" near you, I a no. loptger blind .. .
..1 4 .he boOk 's ' hid been-.reading fell un• - •
heeded on the und•,- sbc.trenbled, her col=
or went' . • she .laid her hand'ilthidly
on' his lirni. .111: t...seribable tendernms, rever
ence and eon; asion •7a - erclmity 'Within . het
'Edward, you-Will not changein anything
towards us ; this - heat. toinPanion need not
estrange you from your oldest' and dearest
frien44--luurrnother'S'friend's ! . Let meal: .
ways . be - Your pupil,YoUrfricud„Yoitr- 7 - . .-sis.
toil . '" . - - . ' . • .-- . . . 1 - ,-. •.. :'-. - •..:•-. -•
•-"Stistainer, consoler, guide! Sister allots
ul I, oh yes, niy .sister - Best -and' sir evilit
title-say it *gall, Mari,'.say! it win !" -and
seizing her, I}an4 le'•n:s%a•it passionately,
and •held it for a•suonaeint within his .own.
Then as suddenlv_retis4uishing it, heivialtin
ued in an alterl tone, "lfy sister afid'my
friend, until another eornes,,ta claim a higher
pnrilege, and Mary .shall be' forever To to
She drew haek, and'a few inaudible Wards -
died away upon her lips ; he could not see her
appe' ali% , tearful eyes.- Mistaking the'eatrie._
of her reserve, he made-a strong effort to re=
gain cOmposure, - ' ' - - - • • - / - =
• "13,iyou remember when you were a child,
, ambitiously romantic yon used
to bc, and how yon - were determined Ito be..
come ' a - duchess at heat 1" . ..• . - ' •
" Andi, hoe; yoU used . to tease me, by say
ling, yon -- would only come to, my ftstle die
gnised as a •wandering minstrel and would
never sit at the board between ;lie and the
dukei Edward <1 'Ye, `I. remember it all very
widi„ ,filsolish dfilditm that we , Wei*, I - But. 1,
at least,.: know better now; I &nil not ambit'.
ous in that way any . longer." ,1 ;• -
"in- that w w_?- •In what :direction, dam,
do` your nspir t ons !emir- L . .' i',. • •,, ,'
-4"• '
To be lov " said Mary fervently,;.:" to
tie bred, Edw rd, with all Ili.> ttingt , and de
-yotednces of w eh a noble nature is suscepti
lole—to know that the heart On Which I lean
has no' thought:iiityeAW mo--tJ be certain
that;-: with ,till' my faults and wayWardness, I
Jan • loved formyaelf alone, not Ao—for any
little. charm of fitce which people' may ottelb
etc tolme.r. - , - - , 1 ; - ,-, 4 • - ~,
i E&ard rose abruptly, and 'walked up ; and
down - the remn, which t from his a tong tday in
the house, , had, become &mit to him.--
"Mari," he resumed, stopping; as he drew
near her, "yen do.purself injuf=tiee. The
face you set, so.little' , store by t mitat be beau:
tiful, as
,the lade; &your,. sou]; ' I here:Pic
tured you so °flea t.° . thyaelf; ?have , covet
ed the blessing of high!, were li t only for en ,i
instant s that I !night, gaze -PPia yo u
_.. ! ?he t
dim flrm 4i - Xmimother as tied beheld her
in MY; iriney,, floats before. me" when Ltlinik
of - you,-encircled with 'a -- halo ni'heay.enly .
, light which , I Emmy, to be your tittribute„ and
a radiance round 'yowl ldentreises
i sh
'such as 'gladdens 'our . hearts in a ine.' 3
;" Ali, - Edliard,lit ii bettery . *TiOt: see
me lei I tizil !--; Yon would not. e•--I mean
. yonittad • flat think tor or m ' michr :
Mi `l '.4lonld bnt see you for Moinent as
.Y9t l ::Will' Icok - 4. th e -hall ' tvi'faPcY I
should 1044-reflubligain. - ' ' . . -' -
'',' _4l'helb Athnighti ..I :had nitaffOrgot,
ten it ; j iv,* vamp*
,would o f WA itp--
on nitiiictitiii. - '=l do iintiartic - ,theselbings
nay' lcorO*l44•you 'Will.. ' be. ffAtke; EdWarch
:and ellt Oeeitig 110 - heEtteei 10 giiiiind-r-
" Xiao," 'laid -one ofiler. *Wo o <Taft
th e tim Ar y r& m . , s4. iook-likkithalnaltdifidllote.
house dowerslititeli ;Wives tiriiiiid Ittitaltir us.
Come;4l:d i irtril, , ectito tad toe , , itog.X
.1 -' - flirter- ware , 4* soonitoiiodi ~ irett4dat4a
one of •thetimiimisi vand....sowe ! . Mad t to4lo4
'optiide Ink, oak! *I% Aibst-I . . 4,oten,did
not tppotr'th tonnattdattuhe, Mimi. .-,,v : -
, 41054kritemipwritlage Nut i ,11140
aids ikolsoesioukuut .- ,- , ~ t %-giligift,
- ~
Suddenly one of the girls cried it laught g
ly, "I have giersed; I her tai . . I is.
Edward 1 - He has heard. us king a uts
t i
-this ball, and must have ixrd d ,tern n
purpose for us. Kind, gf ff kd . ard !” d
they were loud in their exp ' =::+q - Ofdelight ;
all except Mary, Who kept *Pent y_aloo£ 1
"Mar doeo' not like her Ilit ers I" said ,
Edward- inquiringly, tumin l giint e direction
where she stood. ' •' ' i ' 'L .
"No," : she replied full , "it is
ball that I do not like, n r y ur thinking
sorrl 1
about dfx.king ius out Om ' As if I I
to F r , , . 1 ,
1..00k at- the lovely if:)sslt,'" 'd the ed.
est sister, as they were seleti what
'should wear; f‘ would, not . Mary look w. 41
With a wrath pf these roses 6 her hair 11.
"Yes, yes;";eiclaimed Edward eager y,
.." and let rne'weaVe it for her ! •IYou knoW,
;Mary, it is onebf my aoicom t, ' , .o eats; y u
Wire 4riditErne•iW•litlitli f r wir
w,` fan
a little girl.s •- -Will you trust m inert, or,
the task ?" .1 . ' '
r ~ i , .
If you really wish it *i t ' dos not sr.rtt
too trilling,' ,y 4 ,5," said alarY gtly, with a
troubled expression upon her b ow usually
so serene, as she moved reluctan y away•l— r
" But it must appear. such a rime - cry to ybu
poor Edward l'-' and then, without waitiitg
1 .1
for a reply- shelhtirried to her room, and did
not show heraelf again until the Wilily as
sembled for dinner ; while Ed ard, seated
between theEiji. ters., who._ were great "do.
light in their anticipation of- t e evening's
amusements, a r dently betbok hiti:iself to his
• Early after dinner, the large
drawing-roonikat WO o odlrmds - wa
the momentcluS busins of the t
be gone thr4gli, and then a. '
miles accomplished before Mrs
her three daug • hters could
-find th
the ball. Edward was the only
the main ;
se-sted at the piano, of
fingers idly strayed, he now andl
c h or d s of deep . melancholy, or
pas.svm of plaintive. •slidnis.
" Alone,'Alone ! How the silence of th,.
room strilif upon . my heafrt,--- . 114w long, this;
evening will be, without her voice, withfiut
her footstep! I And yet this is What 141,vats 1
meiwhat is inevitably drawing "tear, Next
week I leave the r oo t under whichlahe dwells ; •
I shall not he ; her singing as she 'runs do' n
stairs in the morning; I shall not have her
constantly at rmy side, ask' me, with her
sweet childlike eanrestnesa, tench lite,
repeat poetry or to give pression to er
music. The welcome rustle tier dress, the
melody of heir laugh, will n league rare,
sounds to me! Within, =Ad Inead,l
is dark; hopelmi, solitary, - Life-stretches it
self wearily before me; blind and desolate as
I _am ! Mother, mother, well miglit yo r
sweet spirit I shrink when you oanternplated ,
this for your ruiserablelson ! How strange
those last wordst • I' thought of them todity,!
while I wade, her wreath of rose i i.f, and when;
her sisters told Me of the numbers who flour ,
around .her; Every flower its warn-)
ing and • its sting - I''' . - •,. ' ' V I
" Edward; have I'm:al:bade haste 1 . I wish-i:
ed- to keep you_eomy, for a little while
before we set out. Y u must,be so sadl—l
Your . playing told 111 you w' re sad, Ed-i
ward." .
..,• •
She 'was _standing b • h irer in all the pride '
of her youth and loveliness ~ her; white dress'
failing in a cloud-like dra pery
sunny aroundher'
graceful form, her heir -weeping her ,
shoulders, and the wreatle r -surmounting a
brow on which' innocence an truth wpm.
pressed by lAlature's kW, • 1 : . •
The souse of her bealty, of an' exq ' ite
harmony shout per *as - clearly; pereepti le
iii rn
to the blind man ;r
lie rev tlyi touched the
( l owi n g robe, and placed his. Irand upon r
Mowery wreath- • • i -
t - Will you think of me, fl• .. fi., to nig
Neu will ca rry . -with you .f i ',thing to
mind you of me. -When -bu r /Fe coo `
_wershippetl,, envied, and
.. hittr on esen
praises of your beauty, give a passingtho
to Edward who lent "his [little IrelP to
adornment. 1 •1 ' I. ' • .
for ;You
; I have
lor deep=
d in her
- ail ,.
II . . . 1
-" Eda , how ea vrtat V I .
e l,c--- .
ly ? You knisw that in sa, 1, you ."
der me iniseritble...".. ' .1' • i
, " liriserable! "With roses-b oortiing
your brow,
,aiid hope' exulting in your heirV;
when life smilessobeghtly en you,
i andgiar
da n -angels seem to hover rOund!yourpat r
He spoke in -a manner that
.was` till
to hilt; she leaned thonghtfull7 against the
piano, and, as if tineOnsekstof what she ‘
doing; disengaged the,garland•Om her . ir.
"These'pontr Bowels hiaie n 1 bloom, rind
this bright life - ermine,as[you think it, juts
-no enjoyment whcri I think or . sad ; alone,
untuippy, , retuvning to .yoqr d ~. slate h o '
Edward." ' --: . . ' -.- .i
0 Dearest," he rebelled, int% . essibly. ov
ed, "do not, grievefor me. IRe ember,
,s ,
mother le ft her blessing'the
" Was it only for you, Edwn d.?"
. - There• is a moment's sliest , E.; le ,ers
his fiu...e with hisuliands, - his lofty self-denying,
el l ti
spirit wrestles with himself: , herii.g y
• thew + l ath is laid upon his kn her ann is
paased,arotuid his, eek, her iv , , • with itsglo-;
:ry of-golden locks ii,,,bowed ii ifi his lir .
Oli Edward, take the wre, ' and wi
take . :myself kf 1 doierve at-!. 1 ell Me 't '
y o u are not angry, that you dli riot ilea •ise
mel for
. .ftiis—l havabeen seunhapk,.lhav e
iSO long wished 'to speak ;tikiou." - . . .
'Marv'l,farY forbear' ' ' You try mo be-
Yond my - strength;' beloved of y soul, llght,
•of ;Mi s'ilitless eyes,,darier to me*th EliM
„gunge Nan eapress,
i yon-inint su f dn'ailthroiv
yourselfiitray.” • " I', J
. Ile would ' disengage the • arm that isl cling : -
ing - to 'l4l - neelc; bit sjie nestles bwor' Still- -
Afaryl" he cries .4wildly,. ' aelanittioir !!
11l •d, blind !" •-1. ` '' ' •''' ; ; 1 : :
Not blind'um Me—not bl 'kw m '
I d
H rei Edward; hereP•ity ' .plitoir-ls
oitf d ;'nOthinc bat,' death Mal separate me,
from you. -I aM you* 1 friend; your
consoler; your w k..:' , 011,• tell me yon-are
:,..-,,t i i
t hid !,' His one 'nee& crass , his do.
- , ' --, • to, er-nothing . her - :'_ king
. . all Alidixt in the ir 1. , led: ~ i t l: , :.--•
,of AO lariv,•nor easrir , ,• , to.el. r „die,
'ii *- •igliich,. ; Ahre., dietlltkol 4"
1 . ."
ill I.
fi ) " blelleSCV . ' ' 1 ~, , 'l'= 1; ; ^ i'' Til II:
;la Mb - reader, .'. '2l -
- picture ; .:some- _wt. periiiat o; t 1 ,tirx,
cot, of the.deptes cif, I 1,0 ',' A*
PM . .. 1 licimiio 6 ll, l , AO ' ''' -1 ,
54. r
' . " , . the Prlmulle .Aer . tial silihrh
- i + -mi. , lore, i Alt, e bite gaiter
' I Slifill (6440 A 1 1 :00d1;4 *0.440 AT Vifip
- :0 , L 1 . -111410A4190 1 0444 , 010*IgAiNg_ ' ' .11g%
:-z bereelft!to
. 10414 1 44Y.
_9W-1.0 1 ?-01r, 'L' , RY ,
.41 • yetotoeti t-kme„f:toiteims --Awfte 104 /,'l' 2,
; r husband /as- the sot lrei .ofilkW 4er' ~:40- 1
akathviAte,iralictosookii oi
_ . . ,
cos has beettheard within 'their dwelling, not
even • her motherly love for tiktes ileAr fitees
whose sparkling eyes mould - meet and return
her: gaze, has • ever, been * known 4.0 Atleftlaiid
their father of a• thought,, or_ A &kille r or. the
lightsii. portion of her accustomed
No deaf Mary:! Tears have
she. laid her wmath'on his knee; ' roses,
so carefully ~ preserved, have long *i. heked ;
but - the truth and love which aeco
the gilt, are fresh and bright is then : render
ing ' WI; as her proud husband "
say 'alniost"
equal even while on earth, to those :Awls
among, whom in.lleaven he - shalli her---
sus her, at last, no loi)ger hl id i . I ~
~ •
.. . .
, _,, .
..,a art.iaona4 ' huh, TIMPUBLIC,
*44104' 661 iii trtas,-- - d Sc
shaii6a. Theie Tire ininuni ills and
hai its,; Man is born to trouble au t soare
the Shanghais. Huinanistrength will not al--
ways guard *hist:misfortune, nor ill the
tall proportions of a Shanghai shield 'm-al
ways froin harm. We saw.' this - ill strated
at the Poultry ShaW; the ' fowl. Con ention,
at Van Vechten Hall, yeaterdiiy, in t e Case
of, a long-necked, bandy-leded, big ied,
red-combed rooster of the Shanghai roily.
He was a tall bird, even of his . 'giant peeies, .
and nobody knew the fact better t i him
self. He was a proud bird; vain Of his
7s4ite pinmage, of the feathers on his . iilegs,
of his great . red ,comb; proud' of -hi rough
roaring voice. His edop, in which ie and .
his wife, who was quite ,as Vain. as : h loikl,'
dwelt, was. buried- ill front witk-rou d rods,
like a lion's enge, and was eovered wi h slats
at the top, betwmn which. he could ke his
laead and king neck when he desired-to s tretch
and take the - kink out of himself. CY eithe,r
ske Were other birds, in coops ;rang along,
separated from the tall Shan nhai .„ only. by a
very thin deal 'partition ,; [' while above . were
otters Still ton's line with the . top of kis cage:
e Shanghai, we said , was a. proud bird,,
and in . the fullness of his vanity he opened'
hii great heak and_ crowed with thelvoice of
a trombone,' that went :bellowing along the
itrar, and out through the roof, - apd nun;
-Whig abroad en theairlike the. growl of the
-thunder, or the roaring of ' A lion of the,des
ert just gone' with the iastluna or sick With
the mumps: " Hear that," said Shanghai to
himself and hen, who 4plied with . ' a hoarse
" Cut, cut, coda -a" of approbation. '.i. Cool:.
a doodle do : o-o" cam. in' .a clarion vbiee,
clear and musical as a bell, from an adjoin
ing mge. ". Who the deuce are you," said
Shanghai; as he stuck his head out between .
the bars of his cage, around the partitiOn,•and
eyed with- extreme contempt liis pun - liteigh
bor. - Shanghai never
.coininitted a greater
error in his life. That neighbor was an Irish
gainieock; as full of pluck and fight as . was ,
ever a son of thi "Green Isle,", wi spurs,
like a harpoon.- and When he'took 'hangnail
bi his great re d comb, and made '.i pats at,
him with his armed heels,kit,•was. . lyi the •
bark that saved hint from wounds a I death. ,
• To say that Shanghai was astonia • -we'd
do. infinite injustice lio his . (Moth,. ~ .: He
roared with 'affright 1 d: pain,. and Vrithi
bound he r opposite of , his
eached sid .
ti n
.cage, lutd Stuck - his - d through bars
,tiv,re in :a vain eirert n ocespe, IA if ure that
his ,•' 1.- , - was lit. Jup tail.: Here 48 'M
other • .take„ for his; great comb an , stretch
ad-out 1 ' k came directly
~,iii Iron -oil- the
cage Of Englishitent 1 gam •. . -, quite,
aa . courageous as his Irish neighbor, . .. id fidl
as ready rota 64t., ..], Ile -seized th- - Ahang..
ha by Ins sensitiv r e: helmet„ ! and 4. ;• q a
“shylf,.4l4.l,mith his deadly spurs. 'Shang
hai screamed with implement and-t -rror. 7 ,--
He rushed to the maul. - Of his Cage, an I thrait
.ing,his hetuibeta - ean
~, the ~s lats; juin . s and
heaved ; va re, ;st, theast if:p4itive that.
-hd now-two enemietiMstead "of ;on ' in., hiss
rear, all the. time: crylpg murder' in. is.haish
„.est And roughest, notes. Here ag,
mistake, for in his itligittef. he_
the bars of a . . Mead* Firm . chick;
laid. pluck. as well big
,Words. and tall
13c,fOre a Shanghai was :Aram''Of, firs
Ilie Me - Xietni bird seized him laythet
"sinicklithini with hii keen stirei - ,
force ';;•t - 'nitipult;-:, i , Shanghai was
extremity'; He 'il#aitit4y . bellow
affright. -' On - e1,* 644.1. ilias dv...fuetiinh,
indite litiesir uot WhelictO Wm; ' Oril All licks
was he beset With derigei laid d=-. !, - lind
'without lenewhlg . thstitherehl. *ni ; ~ `safety,
he yielded in d
utteritspifir to his fiit . ..'With
a cry like - the sereinqoirif IcsiniO • 10
10' 8 0 ,
[-tied down+ , in the 'Centre 'or tiaii .-, :• l iind
,' stretched his neck out along die -a L ;Ai if
1 spying—i"l tun a laird of-popotes -I II! test' war .
and fightingi lam )iiti: oppressed , . :Perk
' etited Shanghai, andif my de stru :it 'is de
tertnined upon, I Willildle - herain,u ,:isting
vietini . to the L of nay kind.” , To his
Surprise ,he found...himself , :una*lttiled. . He
raised•hiahead Oatli, *Om
. *etriw, turn
ed up Atli - one eye then the. odieroittered, a
low moaning souißl,•44 if he. thong*: 0.. hawk
was in sliesick;but seeing nothiug of, danger,.
Sleet got on hhileet, iunl Wok a l Survey of
,position, - and the .ex_ tent 4hiS injuries,, r
Trfue, ik. dpv Of blood or vuo trickled ;fioni
his wol g iaita comb , bit he 'Seemed cOnsoTed .
.for t hat,by the great! taCtitaiii lia:hadi - heen
inure scared than ;auk:: 1-telteepa hiilid
' tillo 'i
inside, lava ; and
_el:int ,w 1 t,tetaapt hi m
'to triaithis Condi in, #tich "of his, nOgitlions.
'He has' &de' Op-his erOrif%'2foi.ll4 pr,q
. i . e*,
sad conten t s himself hniiik ii-.kir
-yoki mdconfiientrafv4y•
Moiftl.+Shinghatk`'lthethei - ' the ' weir
feathers or noc should"reineinter-thatathili
dering voice and 'lenderoWing 14 io °quiver
leat for couraitg slid
,- if they trespass. upon
thiiiirivicy of their tielghbonr they.. will be
very 'likely to gitth4r ecel?sinti , -4.141604
./alliter:: . 7 , -!....- - - i ••• - - -.. - 4- • -
! - ilet had t t t ,o
rive offi, -e
.roselyes at
occupant of
n whicii 166
ithen:stru l ek .
'l.;rOlie•'', to
•,. ' . ,
Wertion - ',4lippe*tdio*leo
that. oc,c*pied . byfibi
,llresident And
._Late bi,theliverOg o .,*heo,tbk-tioop
Aired to-theirm,rioo.-4umutoefi, . ,l*
Jaid aißtmas*.v4ooo.o4
differentw t ;44l,4o . 4l44 . r i Sia
;the:lirki!ukit.tit9 o, ;
as 16.1000eponiplitisimito
liekehow , bef.;tcdis
•• rn itroally..kuuld ii9t-bOl •
!1*.t01ave, , ,k0101414
• 4:
l ut,
• YigV,; - •-i , ! I rc,,,, ~.... -, .-P:2.:
';'e • m - 110 5 -4 0 re '
'4 l ... AV, i ~,r :w,_.Rf.-4 , -,7,1,1A1t. , !;.•:„.`,:t..,.3-,i il:tinfv
ig4i na . tr ' , „ ..-:;•:-;• : K•'• : : . :,; .-; : 1, ,--, - ,:'-r :::':,.....
• I 'him Honitehoh! Weida; ,-_-
, Oiie Spot of Breen.
.- - i - -- - Br. n' s /aaT.cOattirit.t.'„. '- •,
4 - '
When the wlnterwindlbloweth lood, r .
'And the earth to In a
Bitter rain and blindinii snow, ... -
. piinming every ilreatn!bek!w;_
: Cheeri ly! - ebeeteit • : -.. 1 - ;
- ' T here is e 'er a'spot of tireen; . '-;', „t
Whom the Heivano ty,t,ke seen.
' When : our fast, :
. And our friend is lestAthe last !) t
, And the world cloth: , .urita pain l.
Shanier glen the frozen rain;. - ,..
~I .
- Cheerily! c.hOwilyl ' ..- }
I • There is still a spot e();reee, ‘'
! - Wbeiee th e Heavens may be eeee:i .
Lefris never 'greet
I, - While the Buie opot des lithe, r,
re J__ -•
For Wieter.brightettetil into NAY. •
:And talk* ilig.tit to day:-
", . •
-';',% i
11 . 4 cheerily,- eti ,f
y! - _. . :• .....,
Hopelia,.patientande, , • -
- Whence the Heavens Ybe seen.
I nortaildra BEY, , ,
• The - foil wing sketch of the character and
ci T
prowess of an officer in '' , ,the Tur Esh service,
whose pe , pe rso nal _valor and chive -us deeds
on the fi el of battle, rival th of ISfarat,
and remin us of the of .oirianee, = =is
given by • correspondent of he - LOndon
Daily News, dated at Kalafat ,
'lt is to be regretted 1 -
that, at he mo ment
when his services are most needled,: - Iskender
Bey, one of the hest offieers in' She;Turkish
army—who commanded: the OutpOsts—
should be confined to his-bed , by sickna at
Widdin. i In the action at Cital he was 'ri
d* g h f e u ad rie in u g ly a : chalg throiTh . , of th h e i.s s troo trm
; of w th ih e e : n yi th il e - ,
:tn li ra t e
h o i f m a , co was ssa str ek, uck iiho;
a wa sh %
t„ti v ud ane f i* rin to:
fa lately before him. I- , likender lley',s r , eon- -
i t
tinned its course:- andicaped Ovir the I:prori:
trhte bedies of the Russian and his hoOe l but
when *the act of doings° the latter 'attempt
ed to-, rise;_, and Iskender Bey Was thion vi-
olentli, and he and his steed rolled over On
the ground' , in the-mud. He had no' sooner
`regained_ his feet than he fouhd himselfirithe
grasp of a Russian Soldier- who called On him
to ask for 'quarter, to which heroplind 17 a I
blow with, his sabre, whit proatrated his as-1
gallant in the mad. ; He wash enabled. - to re-'
tire in safety by the advanceluf a bodyof the`
tashi buzaks, but found. that hts'ribs had.been.!
dislocated, and that he had sustained internal
injulty. He remained at his poet for a feW
days, but at last was compelled to give way
as he was no longer able to .mount his horse,
and came to Widdin and ,iiit, himself: 'tinder
the care of the surgeon.:, • ' -.- .
Both in appearinice and aotechdents lie is de.'
cidedly the most kemnikable roan in the Turk,
ish army. He is abOat the middle.height,
hut rather rti ular and ayrnimetrice v his
hair and beard a &coal black, hat, if poSsible,
-not near' so b as his' eyes, which flash like - 1
fire'Ondei'daik verlumging bAivra f . '.long
arid,slightly cu NI nose, a small-moat/Land ,
thin lips, high . rehead, and a - complexien
bronzed by sun and Wind;.chnibine,to make.
one Of the mos striking:`,:physiognorni i, I
have ever look
. npon.. Heis of Ta r tar on
gin,iod 'a Mum ?linen bs , lirth, and itiowner
of larir eitateslin liewarabia, but hai been
in political exil ever "since he attained the
age or_, gi4. Pomona) taste and Emily
2.aditiOns. ' 'in a soldier of fortuneOnict,l
, _ .
as might be ed, there' have ,been ~ &W,'
wars. in any pa of the - irorld'-foethe fait
twenty years in hich he ; has not : . taken a_
part.;, • , -i - ; - - . • ',• . l'
H 4 served 'with diStineth)ii in the - perils!:
war in, Spain and the Don Pedr? war in:Por
tugal,lim. both of! which he was &med. for
.his `
dashing courage as a•-etwalirleader.• Suck
was his charnebet fordeterminatien, that While`
,in Spain 4e was Wit.finted toithebonimand of
)t - legion called Leggin/N*46lre, composed
of all the nzanix+s-'slits of, itriai, , i tut
-thro— aixsand;brigands . of every eiiiipi'under
heaven,' who,'werefettind. intolerable' in. thei .
company of no4P ad« 44 Anen; '' . This ' *pot
soon 114 .)110. ,0 theloit , 0 ' * ,-- -theit,,caneera'
and atiait mi One*illa h 4..... tet- c o
them except lalaiider tfliy,.. , ,'''Conti , ,lllin,
iiii: .11e no sooner fometidniie.Vin 165 new
'Pontlinw be c -
; 1 a.\ 1 4,.. killing'
:three mat oh 'ANA °Who sizoffred - sigits - of
insulxirdinziim - Every b ody . liall it i t i P e 'l li I _ l T`
I .
'each day-to II 'of hie &ink ; hat ' Iv:Ave
findingwbat - 6 Of a'initirthey - - - ~. in deal,
'with, die .their iildiirikalt:ieti ' ,‘ , llllOvied`
- bbioin aPtima .' . '4l,l4ONipiterithjetrdor aid
dtriotioti. ."'' ' *.. ' 1 1 --" Vi - •',:!, _, ',..-
He'left;S .: , : sad Portugal with eleketi
Croiotiti it Vivi t' ,',-. &dere. ' 1 830 . , ,
, . . - .lthii
'at the.iiihoiis stegei 3 Of Herat* P.. 7 :''dig`
' ring:the' Rueackferaittifiliffieslties iiihiele , o4-i
`'Cited so mud teavit:, WOW indtlin''l,
- iOns;' '' tile a, l, ~:: i'iai. diew-bigt- it; Canten,
4fiete.he Niiii "-: ..speettitori Ofthe*Stilities
' trona hegn Ming eriik . : -, He than :entered "the
;7r inhich 'teivi ew t Aignyik , and kr . .fin present
"In most of the Katona wM,:Aliod,4llllo4: , er; and
Llikewiee sluiredlin the derigera‘eAval-4iisasterri
r tethe' tni•O'ble - Teftelit fropeoustenti* - ,:lje
'r left the French. :iiriny With the starlet' thelo
gion ofhOnori iirel in 1848 iii)nk`rnriin in
theol - InnOrinn 4nw. pf bolepeno4o„:xia4er
, liiirold-oompstal at armit,: l ,6eneral&-Rein
1 JoThe .! ti,each and mjeforturiegpf,.f4
anat. him into Turkef: 'tit- az Aciwkotothers.
IleAkigcic i ty ;obtained: trfn l y meat, atiaAgre
' aopniii:
a protainent. in ouwit:4;Pa Act . _ .
and Atonten iin the former tie,Cominand
' , ea f.' a hotly ro eTtriltisharturwhia:defeat:
ed ti \ wra4y-st*ior-foree of the - insurg , te,
Mit cappired-age numlierettheir :. , . .-4---,
'Xis sorAsewaismoitt imibttent, isit ' i • let
' a iiiiil**4e. B ostai*frim4,4l4 l. . j i ef
:iiiier ~ , veitld, ,. i The4nketnnierit '-:e
.! ~. ..1. ..
its ! ' , ~de 14 -Fatibig him to ':th i n.lrolak,l Pr
1" ... bit'Aa#7lii andlliside rprotest ,
i l d;4o , 4W II 'math* 1, mind: hn evek*
t i
44100 1 •. i , 13 iirfaste*Akt : c•litir'
e e twobid„,c+ o o 4 , , - . ,,, eltow;teigiFs
thetradis of r elkomiliof i yAiivendliaahad
the ceininand - ik - lbel' . ;Aiittoso'. 1- -- - 0 1 1 1.P.4 1 afat i
tibeneknotiitool* lecomik‘,. , _ rg,4l" -
the„son; f .P.-id:Peshe,n4ick , , . : 16 .1010 A .
twori an ' ift-exper *!!04 ,;#,A.itmmOr
i lu
torekaindry;bii itso:thesoo46 l ' .1110,cr An
***eh 44 tkii. ,ortd:the.dotOste , _
_ r. 49141-
ma u l ' I , - r J -..R ti5.1..,.....3, t-AC)-5:- .:-. - tri , -.. - ;:,
~ ' **der *or ianfkabov_a:fo, . .yea 7 : - 4t
'` f ",-- iblieinizt iiiaj'4o.atiie' ri 1 - ilr,ro . **uw
f : .. 'l . .:.'thafi L iAliiii#4l4 - Tivini* "Ng 044 a:,
:, 4e.n... , ,,wv :,...,-_-,* - , --taii • ,- ,, , ..4 . *
c- - ifiti 7 ' • - , .
eilibititt• ' 1 t Itireitinei ''and l / 2 4.0b.' ,
:o ' :' - ai1*. .... - •*id° l , l 4,'
k., . , 4 ' . 4 lgi ' V
ii i ''
: '',
Y:'' '300 61611 : 4 . 4 - 11°. .4
110 4 ,:-. fib**llo6lotaine l f bi l t r i t
l iiiNill itt.liiirtWri*ottineP6," the;o4 ,4,
tuft iie,iii•VraittsidtlielV 4ti . g. i . re
-‘\ • . 'r -‘
*olo:se to
lic t o
v fjPg.
j d.itiger,
ead, and
*tli 'the
now in
1 ,
1 lifOinlt
1 : ;IMMIti LO '
e Nl Ae .
• • ..•
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. 4 1i. .zifoNtr - i '
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5 441 , 7„.
an 1-4*-fII
3 .$
110 LE N
vieived . .#li** .eonlideObli:itrololenticio;f:: , :P.
.Whali:tha -- Maet :11a* [ ' , . a . tii-o'.6l:tar!iii*.;ti
,110 ..' irotiching, - :iti ',*tirft,
.ak*e - liiibitiirriiiiiii*Vg.
- 1 , 0- lakel:l(l,ei'i f'axid';'*efoarti.airtii,al s ii'Aili*;:'=A
Maim ita :oae . a gra*OratOrci ; ‘ , l:4; 4 o4o*!!,..-,1 . ;'..
, 34 ,
ted thOi!,tiiiiiiip...tikiicNto-,77annoWir,TAA :-
Whenever . he • • •ihr'ed , rinot.tho :-'‘;, :-... ' . ; -- ;:l;_z'f: , ..
9t. , - .or.faui,oftix*fies*iiiiiiii : ',' ~.' `°
. e tout:iii4.lti sight:or 41* - .ll#ol l * -- 41.. .', ,N.-*8
.• • * . thilinitisi Orr .',.' :Oilliiiiii*.hiiii44s.44
Th-y s:eldiiiii.iiiiiied., ! .10:* . it ~.`iiiiiiiiiiiitt: :":" -- -'• . ';-*'q
they -Aid; , had ;:tiOttid ' '_. ii . 'to:f . Vitlitf,..ll%,
a *wdisP 1 4a of till* i‘ii - -44:4:- . iiioolitgilikii', l s;
~.c. .i•. oii:.,.!inf*.-.'..tho• soldiers.
-'-'•'; ~''
'[:t4 ,;
:. ~,,
.whit tiOod , tal;,;64 nothing 'rr:•4:
:thiToaavka:! kiT 4A 01;.ki
12E—ikts oF , Au
1 ' ` A ..-- :-*Ti*:.: 11 !::'! [ ; - 17448 1 0 1 . **.hii :6 4::::;lii.!'
be* I t—raai)% l ,9,i,r#g tia04044:.i. - .4.#oiitc•L.:.W.;;J - i - e' , ":
Staiik,Walek - - ? - 113mektuifipag - .", .7 --
their habits and - tpsto4r.yuer,t, ,
_,,,,. ~ ~ .*- - .n , 7,1,N
thej*:44..itititr. hi --- .oo, 4 vpw:::fir l oB ,, 'ft:; . :q:
(0)0 . ; their: , 'ltgiliti' , ll . .o4ojag , „treeliklltath - .: , :•:;.'
th.ej.:Pol . oi 3 3) l i-th4..f.4" . ili*** o 4 iiiiiii*:::: :l o :
6 t:Th. , 'With% .':0 :ti i oioMiiiiii**64rOthi4iiiii: . 4.
with ins,tofii**l4jiitiCtiiiiii_itraiiiiiiiiii'W#..;
Ilquely,:f:ii*iiiy*tdis -, iiiii:s:iiiier::: , .iiioll;9l4ll;!'iio:':.
as : cut out tri:•' , a[ littl e.:ireeigio * . i.
leave -= a'
great 400.... '. - .`ga': - -thia-itio4o - i":400;. -.---- 'c . . , ' , '':i.
up fiv.O.:feet . ,:cittsi . - tuutlif..i;!teiV - “:400:' - ! ', ak.; : :, , , , ,..
-ftil .:: to- -. tieei - -.ll6.**,:iiiiieW-he.: , iiiillki.` !"':''..,
lit4iity.;* . mic , 4 14' tirotkl:off, , ::!--':
AYWOot - = yon'": tOc li iiiistho*ll -, i iii:;ki . Tit*Sr:
:el iri - d4g isys*:oie.i A tio , - , 00-;) A pouirioittii~,•:
arC - 4ku. ilui - -,iittivo 4 l l .l),-0",,,i0.
ii4eaee.: derived *614
-hi eveTk . iii . .,01 - iergi*Eit::: - _ ,-, „: . - 1 - : , ?:; , :: - :,:' - :
Aftor: hisi* : .iirj*:**Oiooo.ii:Otiiii jitir,'
natives hO.'.: Oub? , Nitgitt. l 4 B liii;ikijiil:o* - , ':-•:.:.'-..,
toga, • - (jo i riiOn it .S.Oll - ey i , ..-. , .. - .,..Wi) . give !,.: . I* . l:' -
, f. . „
,i1iwn"..4:04 - ,: ..' They: : . larxiji r it3riol:r..* . -'::::
the r : tiliOc.: - - 1 .0141 - *.Oojillii4idii:: -
tltOOi.f .of. - thi!;, :
..i:eote. :,. . - : fitnAli.;.i i' ! ti,it . *:. - :
sir i
figro44 , surPri -:*t'..'iliff , ;4 l eigil..o . .s.- :. •7 ..P:
reN.l-14i4 their ir*o/1,-li4iti.prOat=il44,,:-,-
.ey a* particularly good licirOmOV.iii4e*:-. , :.
,:codingiy:.:llind, .0 - be:ipg iibtOtt4 .
,- . .1,1-1*:!.
iir-.:a11 1 -.'14011a:raOdint01011 1 .. - eo4';:*.lo - iif
-, • &rthei.: , l4.ow , th 6 tkiyogout . •• :, than::: , ..
:latter; - are r:,AiW,
:- tiever:::-I* . risar . o(the arts- r ' 4 4 : 4l ,l *.i'''::
a* :l74
~••jr- eteiviiiiiiiii*Li; lie: ireiijiiiii,b44);i:oo7i:i.'',
to .. euifivitto:tha ittiottimk or - Iti:;•:Inind::!iliottaii;L;::
or to reside . Pothia.OntiVO* 4l l7, .Vs l-.; -.• '!:.
.7er?T y. 7tes oo ;-* . t . 0 ., 69 ,, Y * ; - ' 2 A 4 o .4. e: 4thw liAst'. - -1 1 0 : ::
cition•p,riiperl 3 if. ~, ,l of Ottticiipgit . - - ;Y.- ,
:' to aro: - employed : b : :. ' - e*ttleti - ir . , :e'#liii::• : ,. , ..
9ceasim*O..'elitint..9e iio.M 3 Y . tiii : :.*:# o , ..,_,:-.
1 . ,
.. 7 d,s 4a minalp 4 o u' r . lo2 . -ea pi r o lts imi .i: 7 : . ; , l. - ' . : .oTiiii -.the r 4 6 :. ? -4, : ioth pri?iv L a ri:a dtioti4 4 v- b .;iii ** 'l3:,:iiii i _ iplii .) . i . . 140 97 * **:; , :: ' :: :
fi)r ibtot •-,pollOOO. 'cor. - „Abi'...o4guiti: - .a.
about in-:;uniform i•i:l4,:thoy. ,-. . - --iiiiiii;•,*llW:
. 00.:104g: ...-iiti9l4 ttempts. have
to. attach . Oita 03t..thetii,- - 4lnttitli4stO . : . 4o:
LikO*itiosjo*:.ol-t Arkf;.qit#,lnook*Ti,sfkit
travel .a 0 1 0 . 044 1 rVAJOin.iiit S', - ,l l .*PAiti':-.
the .OPOIA , ' - tii:i; : :1 11,1 iv..040 ) 44 . 104414:O4[0:::
* i , *f i c ii -nikt. -41 0.7t , Ca' 11
,rO-t-Ab0e'i 11 430 , 44 'fi,i***: - :.-
I F-irPt. ,/9- Pg - .. - rl:PlUk l P l ** *- , - ;' ,. . *! :- -it- 4, 1# 4
,' #0 .hootitig , fgr o .*# • ; .4in kiij i lii i to. l * ,. •ikun*- -- : . : - -
i •riiibli punished *WO death - it 'aiiight - ;- - -Ttiat: '.
chapg about rttiei,:itidstittiol*fiii.'Thej . ;B44i'. , ,..,
of ;: .Offall'.:OtO4*01:0631 -..- iifit; .(:, Y..,: : ,4o,ikitiO'W.
- t4i -c!On 4 0 1. *.T5!": 41 # 4 .k:47. * ;
. 7: : , '' ~!
. 1,11 0 3 :• - r-Ole T,40.74.*; -: ::their . !**o . ' . :. aftea PI.tP,S...V•:::::
..lii4iPiihilig::****!***, .:2111(10,00.i,,t5.• - :
I..oo4•_§grforsing;lFY*oo4ii : .*:i),Mitt*lit ,- -•:.
• - •cixi.o...:o_ ..thct , i' 44r,
,eteii ,
.*lith,:io : • ; , i •iiri! : -/ t4 . * .i014(4 '7
jPg , - PaP4a4ki;' 9,a,C- 11 t,i' - 4 1. **(4 1 64 .- .::
:not, .; and ' l2 o***:*itiflifiigt,o4444l.,
fo-Mtdiit;. l 4*-#.:.fisti:OPiitO34.oo.', 0 1 •': . . -,4 . 1- - 2,
thiely i .- -booattso , ,tltejr : i . lb#...'f"; . : ` .
~:',.114e. . , ,,
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-..1,tr ,1 3 , 1k.*er AiRST-fic*OkAio . -*7***o.lPr At --
-- - ssii4siiii,,,ori,milupitliiii,;!Zhii , :.244 : '..
:..._. ~ iei4 ! , r ' . **-.0. t.h„...0_0 0 : *4*104#90-%r,- V„. - **4 , 4 - rl -1 04 - Itff.lmrepmel l 7
.4440 g)Oii. o* o4:ii
:4flOr t. A4frSi44*#l'###P!:
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s l . o, Arow i xi:::.-:.
..11P0P acSii***4 l o l o:tatia , . . •:.-.,:.
'tifi , 7•4 7 q*. ,4*--i:lt*Xi.4o,4***ootii*Olik
t_ ,
_T., - ,, t , , k;mpoolgo,w.o. oloillf.4**.*ZW:r...
49b. --- ITA' .• .„.• 4 . Ir :IrMoRM - .,- • -7 1 •74,-,,,
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#444-11 . :40943:Viir4* 1 4! . q . ****A4'
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in 4 .Ne* . • - - -4 4:;:iitiCiiiiiiteArciatiatIOW
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iiiitii '':Airtliilligiiktk. - iii4M,o*. i r 4 l6 .*
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